Deep Purple/Yes Show Review – DDOP 31

Michael Butler

The Rock and Roll Geek Show

Deep Purple/Yes Show Review – DDOP 31

The Rock and Roll Geek Show

from san francisco california this is the rock and roll geek show this is the story of my rock

and roll butler welcome to the rock and roll geek show my name is michael butler thanks a lot for

joining me i really appreciate it today is saturday august 31st 2025 and it's the last day

of 31 days of the dog days of podcasting where we attempt to do a show a day for the entire month of

august by we i mean me and a bunch of other nerdy podcasters it's been a great uh 31 days i've been

out of the out of town and out of the country most of these days and uh so it's been pretty

much been the year of the butler


travelogue today i had a nice day uh we had a trip plan to drive to take a boat around this

island we're staying at this lodge and right across the zambesi river there's a little island

it's actually a big island it's a long island i think it might be called long island as a matter

of fact and this boat take took us around and we you know stopped and looked at wildlife and stuff

we saw animals

we saw animals yeah we saw it's all some animals we saw elephants we saw hippos swimming we saw

hippos on the shore we saw hippos protecting their baby hippos we saw elephants protecting

their baby elephants we saw baboons protecting their baby baboons we saw some impala we saw

something called bushbok which is another type of deer

we saw crocodiles

spotted надillians the wife was extremely happy because she got to see these wild animals in their

natural habitat this boat offered us drinks as soon as we got on the boat and that was about

10 minutes till 12. so i started drinking before time before legal time

so i had a couple of moses and then we stopped at

an island we stopped on that island and they served us lunch had a nice little nice lunch

consisting of beef, samosas, chicken, some other stuff, I don't know, but more beers.

So I drink a few moses. Wife had a good time. She got to see animals in their natural habitat,

so that means I had a good time. And then we came back and laid by the pool and I was listening to

ACDC tunes because I forgot to mention that I was asked to play, to fill in on bass for another ACDC

cover band called Riff Raff, who is the guitar player for the ACDC band that I'm in with Zetro

and Will from, Zetro from Exodus and Will from Death Angel, Will Carroll and Steve Sousa. So

Dave is the guitar player and he said his bass player, they wanted me to fill in. And I said,

absolutely. Thank you for, thank you for thinking of me. I'm always up to play with more people. I

didn't say that to him. I said that to myself. Then he sent me the set list,

and the set list, the set list contains about 12 Brian Johnson tunes. Oh, by the way, the singer in

this, in this Riff Raff band is a guy named Dylan who plays in a band called Union Jack and the

Rippers. And he's really cool, really cool dude as well. So I know all these guys, but the set

list contains like 12 Brian Johnson era ACDC tunes. And I have to say, I've never played a

Brian Johnson ACDC song in all my life. I think maybe I'm going to play a Brian Johnson ACDC song

that I might've played Hell's Bells a couple of times when I was a kid in a cover band. But other

than that, I have not played any Brian Johnson tune. So that gig is like a week or two after I

get back from this trip. And I have no bass to practice on. So I'm listening to the tunes and

trying to listen in my head where I think the note is and where the second note. So I'm trying to

play the songs in my head. I'm thinking, well, I'm going to play the second note. I'm going to play

the second note. And I'm thinking, okay, that sounds like it could be in B. That sounds like

the same, similar to Livewire. So maybe this starts in B or this is similar to,

for those about to, no, not for the, this is similar to the song that's in A. So I'm trying

to learn these songs in my head without playing a bass. And it's very, at least they're getting

in my head, but I'm going to have to really cram when I get back to San Francisco and I'm going to

have to work really hard.

So yeah, I'm doing that. And that's what I did today. I listened to ACDC songs by the pool while

I was drinking beer. So I'm on, I'm on, I finished beer number five of the day so far. I'm right now,

I'm drinking water and that's probably why I'm losing my voice. Let me take a sip of this fine

Zambian bottled water.

Yeah, I'm just trying to slow it down a little bit because I don't want to get,

because I started drinking,

early. So I don't want to go too, too heavy through the day because I have an early day

tomorrow. We're going on a actual safari in a place called Chamba or something like that. It's

like an hour away and we go through it. You heard that? Thank you. Chobi National Park in Botswana.

So we're doing that tomorrow early. So I have to get an early night's sleep. So I'm trying to not

get wasted before I post the show. Last time I tried to post the show when I was wasted,

they put these,

they have these mosquito nets they put around the, around the bed because there's mosquitoes,

the mosquitoes eat me alive out here. Thank God for this thermosel. If you don't know what a

thermosel is, it's an electronic mosquito repellent, which I think I talked about on a previous

episode recently. One time I got, I was pretty wasted trying to post the show and I tried to

climb in the bed through this,

you know,

mosquito net, sat on the mosquito net and ripped it off the bedpost. And I think I tore the mosquito

net and I hope we don't get billed on the final incidentals bill. Yeah. So that's, that's why I'm

trying not to get too wasted today, at least before I get this show posted. All right. I have a show

review from Stephen LaPerrier. Hello, Stephen. Hello, Mr. Michael Butler. Stephen LaPerrier.

We are here, here calling in with a show review. First of all, how are you doing? I am super great.

It's good to hear that. Glad you had safe travels. Still working on South Africa. Thank you. So calling

in with a show review of Deep Purple NES, a show which I went to see with my son last night, which,

which was August 27th at the Montreal Bell Center. At first when the,

When the tickets came out, I wasn't sure I wanted to go.

But when Deep Purple's album, Equals One, came out,

that convinced me that I should go, and I did good.

The other reserve I had was I went to see Yes on the 90125 tour.

Is Steve Howell still in Yes?

I can't remember what year it was, but we went to see them.

Last-minute tickets, we were backstage.

And as one would expect backstage...

I cannot imagine Yes being great.

At the old Montreal Forum, the sound was just horrible.

Behind the stage.

And we saw the guys come on stage from the back of the stage, obviously,

and there was some kind of pushing and shoving

a little bit between Chris Squire, Alan White, and members of the crew.


So something was obviously wrong, and it showed on stage.

It wasn't a good show.

And to top this off, the sound was awful,

so we left after about 4 p.m.

to 45, 50 minutes.

So those were my reserves, but at the end of the day,

I decided to buy tickets, and I got my son to come with me,

and we did good.

I've tried to put some clips in this show review,

but for whatever reason, I'm not able to.

So I might put them on the Rock and Roll Geek Facebook page,

which you did not create, but approve, and so on.

I did put a quick show review yesterday,

but here we go.

We'll start with Yes.

It was, the sound was absolutely just perfect,

except for the bass.

The bass is an important part in Yes music,

and it was sort of drowned behind the sound of the keyboards,

and it didn't sound as it should.

Could be a little tinge in there.

So that was a bit of a bummer,

but the rest was absolutely fantastic.

They've played eight songs.

I've put them on the page.

They've played Machine Messiah,

which was absolutely fabulous as a show opener.

I've seen all good people.

The clap,

I've seen all good.

Going for the one,

Siberian Catru,

which was just absolutely magnificent.

And the encore was Roundabout and Starship Trooper.

Steve Howe was just absolutely fantastic.

He's a great performer, great guitarist.

He is a great guitarist.

His presence on stage is good,

which is a good thing because the other's presence is not that great.

Yeah, just stood there.

But the music is awesome.

I always like watching Chris Squire.

And then we went to, we got after about half an hour break,

Deep Purple came in, and wow, powerful.

The sound was great.

I mean, Ian Gillen's just, Ian Gillen, he's a legend.

He is great.

What can I say?

And he's not pretending that he's not his age.

He's just doing it right.

He's a real man.

Was he barefoot?

Ian Pace, drums like he's from the Fountain of Youth.

He's just awesome from all the show.

And Simon McBride is great, great guitarist.

But he's got all the great moves and good poses for a rock guitar player.

But I found he was not a great presence on stage, but a great player.

And Roger Glover was just awesome.

And for me, Don Airy obviously is a great keyboard player,

but there's way too much keyboard solos.

I would trade that for a little bit more guitar.

But nonetheless, the show was great.

They played Highway Star.

They opened with that.

Opened with Highway Star.

A bit on the side from the new album, Into the Fire.

Then there was a guitar solo, Uncommon Man,

Lazy, Lazy Sod.

And a great, great killer version of Lazy.

And then they played from the new album, Show Me, Portable Door.

The next song, I think it's called Ania, but I'm not sure.

And then they closed by Bleeding Obvious, Space Trucking,

Smoke on the Water, and the encore was Hush.

Notable fact, during Smoke on the Water,

Simon McBride's guitar went off.

I don't know if...

I don't know if the strings broke or something went wrong with the guitar or ramps or whatever.

But I have the audio.

I'll try to share it with you on the page.

So that was quite a bummer, but he came back real strong and it was great.

So all in all, I spent a good moment with my son.

It was fun.

We had a good time and we were real happy.

And that's it.

So that's it for the show review.

And I hope you're doing fine.

And I'm having a good time.

And I hope you should stay in South Africa, my friend.

Stay frosty, everyone.

Stay frosty.

Thank you, Stephen LaPerriere.

I was mispronouncing his name the whole time.

Stephen LaPerriere.

I'm having a great time seeing some animals.

I can now say that I pissed in the Zambezi River.


How many people can say that?

So that was one of my bucket list items that I needed to do.

I'd like to piss in as many rivers as I can.

I've pissed in the St. John's River.

I've pissed in the Trinity River.

And now I've pissed in the Mississi—

Have I pissed in the Mississippi?

I don't know if I have.

But I can now say that I have pissed in the Zambezi River.

I think my wife's making fun of me in the other room.

All right.

Speaking of Deep Purple, I'm going to play something that the Sheriff posted.

Michael Schenker has an album coming out.

I think it's all—he's redoing UFO tunes.

And maybe scoreboards.

I'm not really sure about the album.

You tell me, friends.

But this is Michael Schenker.

Roger Glover from Deep Purple.

And producer of several Nazareth albums.

Joey Tempest from Europe.

And I'm not sure who else is in the band.

This is a cover of Only You Can Rock Me.

Joey Tempest sounds pretty good, but he ain't no Phil Maugh.

But Roger Glover sounds great.

And I don't need to say anything about Schenker.

He's one of the greatest guitar players alive.

All right.

Thank you, Sheriff, for posting this on the Facebook group. is where you can find the show., where you can find all the other shows that did everything this month.

Facebook, R&R Geek.

Twitter, R&R Geek.

Instagram, rockandrollgeek, don't ask.

It's about—keep the donations coming, please.

Because without your donations, this show would die a horrible, putrid, stench-filled death.

And I may be stuck in Africa, living among the Zambanians.

All right, friends.

I'll talk to you soon.

I don't know if I'm going to do a show tomorrow or not.

We will see.

I'm going to try to continue a few more, if I can.

But from Dog Days of Podcasting, Day 31, Michael Butler, Douchebag, out.









Only you can rock me, rock me

Come on back now, do it again

Only you can rock me, rock me

Kickin' out just like a hurricane

We can't wait from day to day

Cause we've got something to say

We can't wait from day to day

Cause we've got something

Come on the street now, on every corner

Breakin' out and we're doin' what we wanna

Just like a jewel, shinin' at night

She burns so hot out under the streetlight

Only you can rock me, rock me

Come on back now, do it again

Only you can rock me, rock me

Kickin' out just like a hurricane

We are here and there's no end

We keep on comin' again

We are here and there's no end

We keep on comin' again

Only you can rock me, rock me

Kickin' out just like a hurricane

We can't wait from day to day

I got you hot on the Moon

Opened my eyes to the Night

Come on back, way home

And here I come again

Only you can rock me, rock me

Kickin' out just like a hurricane

We can't wait from day to day

Only you can rock me, rock me

guitar solo

Who's taking time out

We'll take a shine out

We're the boys

We've got nothing to lose

I've had enough now

Of school stuff now

If you will ever bend

It's just bad news

Only you can rock me, rock me

Come on back now

Do it again

Only you can rock me, rock me

Kicking out just like a hurricane

We can wait from day to day

Cause we've got something to say

We are here and there's no end

We'll keep on coming again

We can wait from day to day

Cause we've got something to say

We are here and there's no end

We'll keep on coming again

It's a rock and roll geek train wreck

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