Sinigang - We Here (zoom edition)

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The Sini-Gang

Sinigang - We Here (zoom edition)

The Sini-Gang

It's the Sitting Egg with El Boogie.

And Sterno Supernova.

What's going on there, Sterno?

Nothing much. How are you doing, Boogie?

I don't know if I did that right.

If we didn't do it, we are the Sitting Gang.

I'm pretty sure we didn't.

It's been that long.

You didn't even do we are the Sitting Gang.

So I'm like, okay.

I'm going with it.

What do I normally say?

We are the Sitting Gang.

This is El Boogie.

And Sterno Supernova.

And we are the Sitting Gang.

You do that, right? I don't do the we are.

That's you.

I don't think I do that.

So what's going on?

I don't know, man.

I've just been doing what I've been doing.

It's been a while since we've done this.

I guess, you know,

I hope people realize we're still here.

I feel bad that we had a big, long hiatus,

I guess, big, long break in the recording schedule.

Yeah, we're back.

We're back.



In fact, as we were recording this,

it's a,

we're doing this on the day of Daylight Savings.


As in the day we turn the clocks forward,

which is a thing I love.

I love it.

I love Daylight Savings.

Wait, why?

Because of the lights?


I like fall back.

I like fall back because of the extra hour of sleep.

I mean, right now it's already evening for us

as we record this.

And the sun is shining high in the sky still.


That's what I like.

I don't like the sun going down at 5 p.m.

That's what I don't like.

I like the sun up at 5 p.m. still,

which is where we're at now.


Recording this after 5 p.m., obviously.

Well, you know this, but the sun is shining.

There's still things to do.

People are out.

So, you know, that's what I like.


I like sunlight.

Hence the term Daylight Savings.

I get it.

But I thought you were more of a proponent

of just getting rid of the whole thing.

I'm a proponent of getting rid of falling back.

So we spring forward and never fall back.


I want to spring forward and never fall back.

That's what I'm a proponent of.

I'm a proponent of keeping it one hour ahead.

This is going to be a dumb question,

but which one is the artificial one?

Springing forward or falling back?

Springing forward.

We're at now.

It's artificial.


That's the one that Ben Franklin thought was a good idea

so we can all have extra light, like you're saying.

The genius Ben Franklin.

He was 100% right.

He was 100% with that.

Keep the sunlight late.

Keep it late.


I never fall back.

Yeah, yeah.

Never fall back.

Do it once and then stop.


All right.

Because that whole fallback thing sucks

when all of a sudden it gets dark at 4 p.m.

That sucks.

I hate that.

Yeah, yeah, that's true.

They don't do this around the world, do they?

I mean...


I don't think so.

I think other people don't.

I think, well, considering it's a Ben Franklin invention,

I would think it's basically an American,

like a Thanksgiving thing,

basically American only, but I don't know.

It does throw me off

when trying to think of time zones in other countries.


Because right now I know the Philippines,

from Virginia Beach, from the East Coast,

the Philippines is exactly 12 hours...



With daylight savings.

Yesterday was 13 hours ahead.

Is it now 12 hours ahead?


If we spring forward, then we're...

I'm pretty sure it's...

I'm pretty sure now it's 12 hours and before it was 13.

I think it was 12 hours before and now it's...

Now it's 11?


I don't know.

I have this thing on my phone called World Clock.


You don't want to just debate it and try to figure it out

without looking at the clock?

No, no, no.

It says it's 12 hours right now in Manila.

12 hours ahead.


So before it was 13.


I did not know that.

I was wrong for the last six months then.

Have you been talking to a lot of people?

Have you been talking to a lot of people in the Philippines

and just messing up their schedule?


Not really.

I mean, yeah, I do.

I do have contacts in the Philippines, yes,

that I have talked to.

And in my mind, they were one hour behind.

If that makes any sense.


As long as I know where people are at in California,

you West Coasters, you guys are still three hours behind.

Three hours still.

Although I think there's like a couple of weird places

that don't observe daylight savings.

Like something in Arizona or something?

I don't know.

Yeah, there's always some people that don't want to follow

whatever else is doing.

So 2022, what do you want to talk about

now that this year has sort of started?

So this is, are we in March Madness time now

or is it still got a while ago?

Oh, I mean, I know it's in March.

I just don't really know what the exact date

when all of us start going down.

I know it's your favorite.

Well, yes, March Madness,

as we're talking about college basketball,

not everybody thinks of college basketball

when I say March Madness,

but that's what we're talking about,

which is my favorite, my favorite,

my favorite sporting events throughout the year.

Bigger than the Super Bowl for me,

bigger than the curling championships.

The college basketball tournaments,

March Madness.

So yeah, as we were talking,

as we were recording this,

they are actually doing the selection

of the brackets right now.

So yes, that's happening right now

as we are speaking.

So yes, I'm excited.

I'm excited.

In fact, in fact,

I'm going to give you my winner,

my winner for the whole thing

before they even pick the bracket.

Wow, that's pretty brave.

You just go ahead

and just you're spitting it out now, huh?

Yeah, I'm picking Kansas, Kansas Jayhawks.

They are going to win it all.

I think it's Kansas.

He sounded so certain.

I was buying it,

buying it because of the confident way

you delivered that.

So I'm like, oh, he's got it.

He did his research

and he already picked it.

Yeah, Kansas Jayhawks.

I am going to pick them to win it all.

They're not my favorite team.

I'm not even, I'm not a huge Kansas fan.


I'm a big ACC fan,

but not Kansas.

But I will tell you why I picked them.

I am picking them not because of basketball.


Yeah, I'm not picking them because of basketball.

I'm picking them because their best player

is a guy named Remy Martin.

Remy Martin used to play at Arizona State

a year or two ago.

and then he transferred over to kansas remy martin is part filipino and remy martin is their best

player so i am picking kansas to win it all so remy martin will get all the the the glory and

and the awards and go off to be a great pick for the nba and we'll have another filipino in the

nba remy martin what year are you like a sophomore freshman senior he's a senior but uh with with uh

the covid rules it's so convoluted right now um like like the way it is if you're a senior you

could have like another year because you know they say you're cheated out of a year because

you didn't play as many games it's it's different so i don't know he's a senior for for sure he's a

senior um we know he's a senior he just i don't know how many more years of eligibility he has

and that's that's a weird thing to say but

because of because of the covid rules i don't know where people stand anymore

so yeah he's a one to keep an eye on i can tell you that but yeah i am solely basing my

my money my picks on the ncaa basketball tournament on one filipino kid who

who i am hoping will win the championship for me

and i've done this before i will pick the nba remy martin and remy martin will win the championship for me

and i will pick teams on my bracket based on filipinos on a team if you have a filipino on

the team you'll at least win one game it's my mentality okay wow i mean hopefully uva uva has

kia cart they're starting point guard okay again like i said we're recording this before they

actually pick the brackets um yeah so you're making like total blind uh predictions without

even knowing yeah people are blind completely blind predictions here but like i said

do your research find your filipinos and they and then mark them down down as a win okay

so how many times how many like different i mean i know you do the bracket but how many

different like services or i don't know what you call it platforms i mean like either an e

you're doing like a espn like a moment where you will win a million dollars i mean

how many of those do you do at one time i do every single one i can find

but you do the same bracket no matter what

i know that's how i change i i i

i change it up all the time but i normally do only have one main bracket that i trust

but every now and then on one of these other sites i'll do something different

you know something where i i will go i will go with my heart instead of my head kind of thing

but yeah i'll do i'll do like the big money ones the espn the cbs i'll probably have my

real bracket but then every now and then on like like i don't know one of these other

lower level brackets

contests i'll do something funky that um i want i want like i'll go with my heart basically

which which is not a way to bet ever has it ever paid off we ended up picking a bracket

buster somewhere or has it never paid off no

believe me i know i know i know about college basketball to be able to predict what could be

an upset i mean of course there are times that they're they're having upsets that just don't

make sense

of course but right but yeah i think i know enough that to to predict some upset and i mean i i've

won like office pools and other some other bracket uh contests you know just because just because i

know my stuff but you know every every year there there are games that just make no sense of why

certain teams win and certain teams lose so yeah yeah i mean if everything was predetermined when

i played the game you know what's going to happen just based on record just

you have to play the games find out what happens so yeah that's my little tip to everybody is uh

find your filipino players and uh bet on bet on brown yes that's on them and like i said

kansas has one player remy martin really good player and i i am expecting them to win it all

based on him alone i mean okay this isn't are any of them like pure filipino are they like

all mixed filipino well yeah remy martin is mixed um

yeah kihei clark is mixed uh i'm just wondering like about the height like you already use i'm

like like you know filipino height is not necessarily what you think of as you know

professional basketball height yeah like i said kihei clark from uva he's already won a national

championship a couple years ago um he's pretty short he's uh like he's like five eight i guess

yeah he's under six feet i was gonna say i was gonna say i was gonna say i was gonna say i was gonna say

i might be taller than him that'd be crazy you probably are so yeah so like i said i believe he

is mixed but you know he's he's got the filipino uh height gene yeah so that is where my life will

be for the next month i guess yeah let's let's take something because yeah go ahead yeah speaking

of genes have you done any of those uh like 23 and me or uh ancestry like dna testing things

i'm just wondering if you did it nope i've never done it yeah i did one i'm still waiting on the

results just to see what what it would say i mean unfortunately i didn't realize the rest of my

family did i did 23 and me well the rest of my family did ancestry so i'm like the odd man out

so my stuff doesn't get um correlated to their stuff to their results and you know i was kind

of i didn't know that we were all picking different ones i thought you know i didn't

know everyone else was doing it so i'm just curious you know well i mean does it

well does it only one person have to do it like well i'm like you know like if you have

multiple people from your the same family doing the same service i believe you can do stuff where

it's it kind of like your information correlates to the other people that are in your family

that's my understanding because like my brother did it and his daughter did it

yeah that's what i'm saying if your brother if your brother does it do you have to do it

it's basically that you have no yeah absolutely you would have the exact same thing the only

the same genetic makeup that you're in identical twins so like you know that's why your your

siblings don't look exactly like you because you have different your parents gave you different

parts of their genetic makeup so you don't have the same amount of stuff that otherwise we all

look the same like all the siblings yeah i get that but you're trying to find the ancestry stuff

right no no i mean like wait i don't know they just because like i think my brother has a certain

ratio like chinese to filipino i mean indigenous filipino to

um korean and like i'm you know we just we're just kind of having a fun thing we're kind of

seeing what our makeups were our genetic makeups were and how they differ from each other and then

like kind of coordinating with my mom my mom did it so i'm like and i didn't so i already spent the

money for 23 and me i'm not gonna just go back and buy an ancestry one because that's how i am but

um i mean it's just i just wondered i mean i don't know do you would if you did that would

you worry about people having your genetic your dna for any other purpose

or you don't really care you don't think i don't really care i'm not into the whole uh um

uh they're gonna have my dna yeah on file somewhere and i could get cloned or whatever

no i don't i don't i don't buy it on that i wasn't thinking they're gonna clone me

i mean i'm into sci-fi but i'm not even that into sci-fi that never crossed my mind they were gonna

clone me no i mean like i don't know did they have it's just more information like bio

i don't know i don't know it's not really biometrics but you know more information about

you i i don't care i don't care i mean i don't i i do have you know i i one time at my gym

um they they put in these hand scanners instead of you know having to like type your your your

member number or whatever and now you just have hands you stick your hand on the thing and it

opens it lets you in um and people were all up in arms about that because it has your fingerprints

so people are like you know people are like yo i don't want my fingerprints you know i don't want

you to have my fingerprints and all this you know but like it's a gym well i mean you know

i can kind of understand it though somehow somehow people got the the information from

your fingerprints because like you know if you have someone's fingerprints you can lock it you

can unlock their phone or whatever you can you can i don't know you could do stuff i don't know

that one you could break into some bank vault and with

the fingerprints i wasn't gonna go like mission impossible crap exactly

i was trying to keep it within the realm of yeah possible you know

i mean it's biometrics is a funny thing because you know like one of our friends

um she said that like she did her phone based on her her face you know facial recognition stuff

forth yeah yeah her son picked up her phone and was able to unlock it because

her son looks so much like her that it doesn't work like that it doesn't work like that

it doesn't work like that because i know because i actually studied this stuff what do you mean

it doesn't work on like if someone looks close enough otherwise twins it would work on twins

all the time and it doesn't work like that it it's it picks it picks hundreds and hundreds of

points on your face hundreds and hundreds of points and and and you're not and like certain

companies don't even tell you which points because it's sort of uh uh well i don't know i don't say

it's an industry secret of how they're doing it

doing it but but yeah it's like you have to have an exactly identical face to do it and it doesn't

always work like that like it works if i'm wearing glasses it works if i'm like yeah because because

it does the points that not part that you're it it knows the glasses aren't part of your face

place to say that i can be wearing a hat i can be wearing a fake mustache i'm gonna say i'm

currently sporting a beard and i don't always have a beard and it works it worked either way

because because the points that it's it's collecting the hundreds of hundreds of points

it you know it says hey there's a beard on your face but let's look at your cheeks let's look at

the dimple on your nose and all that stuff you know that's what it looks at that was the information

she shared and i i kind of bought it if it was because i don't think the phone facial recognition

is the same as sophisticated what you're talking about i figured it just measures eye distance and

nose distance and all the other thing nope it's way more than that even the phone one yeah i was

thinking especially the phone ones especially the phone ones the phone ones are way way way

yes oh i always thought they were kind of i figured they'd be kind of lesser because of their

oh mother's hardware yeah it's it's it's just as good as the fingerprints on the phones i mean

i'm assuming you know but the fingerprints ones are pretty complicated but no the face ones are

even more complicated okay okay well i mean that's maybe she was joking but if she if that

what if it did work whatever work with her son something's wrong with her phone okay maybe

dirty lens on her camera no not even that it said something wrong maybe maybe maybe it was already

unlocked maybe it unlocked when it was when she was passing it from her you know from her to her

to her kid definitely possible yeah okay believe me i i i know a lot about this stuff because i've

researched it i've studied it i've i've uh i've tried to trick it with with some people really yes

yes i have so i don't want to go into explanations of all that too but

yes i've tried to unlock people's phones with people's other people's faces stuff like that

yes i've done research on how to break break how to break into a phone with facial recognition

yes that's where i that's what i've been doing yes

yeah everybody's gonna have to have a like a hobby or something i guess i didn't know

yeah like like because you know like hey if you're trying to hack into a phone uh

you can't just well now you can't you can't just type in a code anymore or try to find a password

now you have to like trick the facial recognition so i've been trying to learn how to trick the

facial recognition okay or for educational purposes only of course of course yeah

yeah we're on the cutting edge of technology and we'd like to know where to

you're actually at yes i don't do anything illegally for the purposes of doing illegally

i'm doing it to prevent illegal stuff from happening to anyone else

sure i buy that completely that's a perfectly good explanation

and you get it too i mean these hacker you know they have hacker conferences and

hacker hacker competitions and a lot of that is is is sort of you know legit stuff and companies

run it so you know companies will say hey hack my hack my company so you could learn what yeah

what to fix i forgot what you call it when you have people probing for weaknesses in your security

it's a little word for it i forgot yeah it's like a white hat white hat something or other right

something about white hats i don't know like a white hat hanger hacker or something i know red


the company yeah i have a friend who works for them but yeah i know red hats and i know uh yeah

all right um so yeah yeah yeah yeah i've never done a 23andme i've never done an ancestry thing

i've i've just uh let's see i just know i'm filipino and that's good enough for me

what does that mean what is how filipino are you what does filipino mean

exactly that's why i don't need to do any more okay

sure when your brother did it did you find anything crazy like uh with his results

or are you expecting anything anything crazy with your results are you expecting

i didn't expect him to have korean in them and well i mean i expected the chinese i don't know

why i didn't expect korean i mean i guess asian is asian in the whole area the asians you know

would intermix but we need to do something about it i don't know why i didn't expect korean i mean i

said korean i'm like really i mean i expect for when you're japanese when you're um filipino i

expected to be chinese possibly japanese possibly spanish possibly caucasian possibly you know

african-american or african heritage considering the people that are you know there i didn't expect

korean for some reason i mean it makes sense my grandma always was touting how our spanish

her side of the family was but then again my dad

i don't know he never really talked about his ancestry that much

other than the filipino and that's all i need okay

speaking of family we watched the movie recently

right you watched the movie right yeah what's it called again the fabulous filipino brothers

right i'm sorry yeah that's what the name i don't yeah i know but i blanked on the name

the best brothers

written and directed by dante basco starring uh uh the basco brothers the family basically yeah

yeah his sister and her and her parents were there too yeah uh basically anybody

knew what the last name basco almost um we're in it so uh we're not gonna give any spoilers

to this movie but i would like to know your thoughts of the movie without spoiling anything

i actually am not really sure and i wanted we had a different story for this for our

last movie goodbye

actually enjoyed it i wasn't you know a lot of times when we watch stuff that's filipino and

filipino only you got to really skew your your expectations because you don't want to you know

because it's like number one i'm still in the mobile a lot of times just having the representation

means a lot so you don't want to be like nitpicking at something like you would normally do

and then i but i also this time i actually enjoyed i actually laughed out loud a couple parts and

there were some parts where i thought was you know clever i mean i didn't it wasn't 100 my

favorite movie there were some parts i was like um not crazy about or i didn't agree with the way

they did stuff but i enjoyed it i mean i i was happy that i saw it and i think i liked it also

yeah i liked it a lot so basically the movie's about uh the the these four brothers and the

lives that they're living now as you know adults

um right right um and and it shows you know what so it shows different parts of their lives like

so so so like i said it's about it takes each brother and that shows where they are in their

lives so one part of it is comedy part of it is drama part of it is like you know self-discovery

that kind of stuff so there's different there's a lot of different parts to the movie so

i liked it as a whole a lot now and i do relate to it a lot there's a lot of it i related to

which you know and and especially a lot of the filipino stuff i relate to about about the family

and and situations and and relationships and all that so yeah i relate to a lot of the filipino

aspects of the things which is something we don't see in a lot of movies at all like like like

how a relationship

it's seen through filipino eyes kind of thing yeah yeah without spoiling anything i can't

much about it but but yeah like i said there's comedy through it there's a lot to it so so there

are parts you can really like and there's some parts you can really hate to the movie because

like i said it's in it's in the movies in sections and certain sections aren't for everybody

yeah yeah i would say that so each brother is very different yeah yeah yeah so i i do know that

like certain stories rub people the wrong way and they don't like they just didn't like some of it

some of it so if if that resonated with them they probably didn't like the movie as a whole

whereas some of some of the stuff that bothered them didn't really bother me

so uh yeah like i said i i found things i could relate to and i i

held on to those things and i liked it i'll just say even in the last year filipinos

on the screen have been coming up a lot lately let me just say that i think i think i'm i think

we're getting past the point of uh just seeing a filipino on the screen makes me happy to the

point where uh now i'm wanting filipino stories and filipino um i don't know anything not just

casting a filipino anymore so well yeah i mean it's a progression because i mean back when we

were younger having the ewok say some filipino tagalog was like amazing or having like i don't

know there's a like a little discussion about even mentioning filipino in like a like a sitcom

like fraser even though that was kind of controversial i believe just having to mention

was like a big deal but now i mean we need to get past that point and like actually you have

good stories told one thing about the fabulous filipino brothers and i think i mentioned it to

you i'm pretty sure i did it's like there's a lot of dialogue where it seems like you know it's

it's like explaining the filipino culture versus just showing it

you know it feels like i don't know there's still a bit of like this is how we are and like you

wouldn't it didn't seem natural like it was kind of injecting some some filipino exposition that

exposition that i don't know didn't work for me but you know i understood why i was there maybe

because i am filipino and i already know these things but i think we need to get to the point

where we don't have to do that kind of stuff or i'm not sure i haven't seen yellow rose so hopefully

i'm guessing from how much you liked it they didn't do that kind of stuff too much at all

at all they don't do it at any yeah but you know what i'm saying what about them i mean that's one

of a slight knock on you know the fabulous filipino brothers but i mean it's something

that it's something they sort of have to do because it's not a movie just for filipinos

right it's a movie for everybody about filipinos yeah i mean there were you know getting back to

the good points there were some really good pieces of acting in there in that in that um

movie that i was actually surprised at i was like whoa

it's pretty cool i mean like i said i was still in kind of in the mode where i give them more of a

pass on like quality of in all aspects of the movie just because it's all filipino but i was

like wow that's pretty good you know i liked it i mean i really did like it i mean when we came out

of the theater there were some of our friends some of our friends also filipinos that definitely did

not like the movie but i mean i just you could just talk it up to having people having different

expectations different type tastes

you know like i said it's related it's relating to certain parts of the movie and there's parts

of the movies that people could not relate to or or they just didn't like so yeah i i could see that

too like you said it's not it's not a perfect movie it's not it's not a movie not everything

comes together right you know there there are some little things i notice you know just as if i'm

trying to critique the movie as a movie there are a lot of like little things i could i could take

on and stuff yeah but yeah but the story-wise it's just very cool and i think it's it's very cool

story wise um like i said it if you can relate to it it's really good if you can't then you're

probably not gonna like it um i agree and like and also it is uneven whereas there's comedy one

minute it's serious another minute and you know if you don't like that then you're not gonna like

either like if you like the comedy parts and then it turns serious you might not you know you might

not like uh the change in direction all of a sudden or or if something's serious and it turns

funny the next scene you know you might not like that either but you have to understand that's what

the movie is doing it it's it's like going from one person to another person and it's different

story but it's it's almost a different genre every time you switch to another brother to tell

their story so yeah that's how i look at it i look at it as more as like four short short stories

rather than one long movie and i think that's i think that's a good way of looking

going into the movie is right is more or more of uh four short stories yeah yeah that's probably

the best way to approach it i mean like i like we were saying there's parts i didn't particularly

like but overall it was a good watch in my opinion if you were going to do a movie about

your life serno what kind of what kind of what kind of movie would it be would it be a a funny

rom-com would it be a sci-fi uh action-packed thriller would it be a romantic how can my life

be sci-fi it's what's in your head it's what's in your head for all we know you you you did 23 and

me and and they got your dna and you got

recloned as someone else and that's who you are now is you are the recloned sterno from

the original sterno that got murdered you know 20 years ago from you know right from doing magic

tricks or something i don't know yeah the mass producing sterno the sterno army in production

right now kind of like the no moose from uh my hero academia but um i mean i i would think it

would have to be kind of more india's for indie where it has to flip back and forth kind of like

almost it would have to be like a mix a very quick mixture between serious boring

there's a lot of boringness in my life i gotta admit that so there'd have to be like flashes of

like humor flashes of drama i think i just you know like a lot of people i would just be a

a wide thing um i don't know if i would do one of the things where you start narrating your life and

you know i was born just blah blah blah this is how i feel you know i don't know if i would do that


i don't know of course it's a move it's also a movie so you can you can expound on certain things

you know yeah of course or you know exaggerate slightly i mean sure i think i'd have an

interesting soundtrack because i have a really eclectic taste in music so

i mean i have you know i listen to opera sometimes and i listen to

you know old 60s country so it'd be i would have different it'd probably be a lot of different

genres of music in there and that'd be kind of cool

you'd have uh you'd have uh pavarotti on your soundtrack yeah and loretta lynn

it was actually playing in my in the kitchen not too long ago so yeah maybe i mean that would be

like the parts with my parents where i'm interacting with my parents it would be like

70s country because that's what they were into that or they're into so it'd be some of that

music and like you know different i mean back when it was getting to the part back when i was in

college there'd be a lot of 90s hip-hop and you know that'd be cool and then growing up maybe

something like 80s i mean it would be with the music of the time but also like some some weird

stuff some alternative stuff that'd be cool i would actually enjoy putting together a soundtrack

of my life now that i think about it i mean basically if you look at my like the playlist

of my like songs on like apple amazon music it's weird i mean you would think wow he's all over the

place and it's true okay how about you i get it

what kind of movie would I have?


I would have one of those complicated movies

where there's like four stories going on at once.

And at the end of the movie,

like you realize all four stories tied in somehow.

Yeah, that's me.

I'm trying to think of what movie does that.

There's a lot of movies that do that.

You know.

I'm like, you just stole their idea, man.

What are you doing?

That's plagiarism.

Yeah, I'm trying to think of what other movies.

I'm like really calm.

I mean, not like Pulp Fiction,

but I guess Pulp Fiction is a good one.

Do they all talk?

Yeah, Go.

It's like that.

I don't know why.

It's funny.

I only watch that movie like a couple of times,

but I keep, it comes up every so often, the movie Go.

I don't even know the last time I watched it.

You bring it up every so often.

I know.

I'm saying it comes in my head.

It's like a complicated mixture movie.

But there's other ones that just don't come to me

where stuff happens.

And then interweaves.

Yeah, you're watching all these stories

and they don't seem like they would connect.

And all of a sudden they connect at the end.



I think Pulp Fiction is probably the best one.


I'm more of a Pulp Fiction kind of guy

without all the murders.

Hopefully that's not the story you're like.

Because it's stuff I don't know.

I don't know, man.

I don't know everything you've done.

I don't pretend to know.

What's the one movie?

Crazy, not crazy, Rich Asians.

Rich Asians?


Not crazy, Rich Asians.

Crazy, stupid love.


That's me.

That one had like two storylines

that ended up connecting.

Or like a couple of storylines

that ended up connecting, if you remember.

It connects like in the middle of the movie.

But yeah.


Yeah, that's my life there.

Crazy, stupid love.

So the rom-com

with a bunch of stories going on

and all intertwined.

Your life with a rom-com?


I really, I'm genuinely surprised you say that.

That's how you think of your life?

It's between that and, well, my life is pretty funny.

It's either really sad.

I gotta admit that.

I do have to admit that's true.

It can be really sad too.

It depends on your point of view.


I've been there for a lot of the funny parts.

So I have to admit, yeah, it's definitely funny.


It's one of those things like, you know,

at the end of my life, I'll turn back and say,

hey, I lived a funny life.

So, yeah.

That kind of thing.



I'll throw an action scene or two in there, you know,

of me saving, you know,

a city from a flood or something.

I don't know.

What would your soundtrack be like?

It would be straight up 90s hip-hop.


Straight up 90s hip-hop?



Only 90s hip-hop.


But it has to be from,

from 91 to 95.

Hip-hop from 91 to 95 only.

I thought you would make the point

to have the roots as part of your hip-hop.

I mean, your soundtrack.

Well, during that time.

Well, 95.

I thought there were more 2000s.

Well, if I stretch to 97.


Let's say, let's say the 97.

It includes another one of the album.

It includes their album.


But yeah.


The roots are my favorite band,

but I was shaped by early golden age of hip-hop.

Name one song that would definitely be in your,

your soundtrack.

I'm just curious.

Electric relaxation by Todd Colquist.


Fabulous Filipino brothers.

They are,

they are supposed to be coming out with another movie.

Not, not, not a sequel or anything,

but like another,

another movie with the brothers.

I don't know why I was thinking,

are they like the five deadly Venoms gang that,

you know,

the same form,

I guess it's more like,

what do you call it?

Best in show.

And this is final tap.

You know,

we have Christopher,

Christopher guests.





I mean,


they're a family obviously.

So it makes sense.


I think we need more of that in these days of time.

I mean,


even if you look at like in the 2000s,

like we had all these movies with the same people in it.

What are their names?

We used to watch all the movies.

What are the movies?

Ryan Felipe.





Like the cool,



Is it cool?


That's what it's called.

Or the one with Sarah Michelle Gellar.


Sarah Michelle Gellar.

And then Freddie Prince,

all of their movies.

Freddie Prince was like,

and then the movies.

And then,

you know,

I didn't.

Oh my God.


She's all that.



that whole.

Down to you.



That's the one.


that's with Freddie Prince Jr.

And what's her name?


The girl from 10 things I hate about you.

I just blanked on her name.

The actress,

the blonde Julia styles.


Oh yeah.

I remember we,

we saw that in the movie theater.


I know.

We thought I honestly didn't want to see that when we were hanging out

with some,

some female friends of ours who wanted to watch it.

So we watched it because they're all into Freddie Prince Jr.

That's why that was stuck in my head.

Cause like,

I didn't really want to watch this movie.

I could love live my whole life without knowing what happened.

That movie.

And that's in parts of it have burned into my brain,

which is like kind of annoying.

I barely remember that movie at all.

I remember.


It's like,

it's like they got together.

She slept with a guy that reminded people of,


Oh yeah.

The guy from the door.

It got serious.

It wasn't even funny.

It got serious.

They were young.

They got into a car accident coming home from,



It is one guy that was an actor who's like a struggling actor.

Then halfway through,

he became like a serious actor.

It was just like Henry Winkler and Henry Winkler was like going,

wanting to start a show with his son about food.

And the thing I remember is because like they were,

they were in a sushi place and Henry Winkler smelled the sushi and

just threw it up in the air and it went on someone else's table.

Cause it was bad.

He was like,

I remember way too much about this freaking movie.

It's how my mind works.

Like certain things I'll just latch onto.

I can't let go of it.

Of all the movies during the timeframe we're talking about,

it had to be down to earth or down to you down to earth.

Down to you.

And then it had like,

and they had like a very white song is their,

their love theme.

It was.


It was just,


But my point is all the actors were all in all the same movies,

even in the,


I mean,

there's other movies like that.


I went to the show brothers.

You went to.


Adam Sandler's,

you know,

all the happy,

happy Madison.

It's all the same people in all those.

I have actually thinking,


you know,

when they were talking,


we saw the movie when they,

when the,

the actors were there and he did a question and answer session


And they were talking about how bad,

how tight the budget was.

I was wondering,


I would love to see them try to do a superhero movie with a

good budget.

I mean,

a Filipino based superhero movie with a,

with a,

a decent budget.

If they kept the,

you know,

passable or at least decent special effects,

you know,

I think that'd be cool.

You know,

I think you could,

you could teach a lot about the culture by,

by putting Filipino in that genre and how they would have

to think and how they would have to react and what their

motivations would be,

you know,

all that stuff without having to be super expositiony or


I don't know,



there's a little bit with a vengeance out right now,

I haven't,

which is a superhero movie.

I haven't seen it yet.

I just,


you will have a chance to see it in two months.

It's coming to Virginia beach.


I mean,

I helped support it.

I mean,

I'm one like,

like you.


We're in the credits.


If you,

if you don't know about it,

lupia with a vengeance is a movie about a,

it's a sequel to a movie about a superhero,

not a superhero,

but a hero who throws lumpia.

There's not really much more to it.

The original was a low,

really low budget movie from the nineties.


It's it's,

it's obviously very cheesy and it's,


it's purposely cheesy.

So the heads,


the plot is a guy who saves people by throwing lumpia at




but it is a superhero movie and it's comic book style.

It's very common book style.

In fact,

they have a comic book that,


that ties in with the,

with the,

the movie.

If you want to get the comic book,


just search lupia with a vengeance.

And there's a few comic books that are tied to it.


there's a bunch of variants of those.

I know you got,

I have several,

I have several.



Done by the kid heroes production crew.



I always want to give them props anytime I can.

That's cool.

I was gonna say,

cause I was thinking if they did something on the same,

not the same level of a special effects,

but the same tonal quality of an MCU movie,

like the generalized MCU,

not like the out,

not like the outliers,

you know,

like in the same idea,

like Shang-Chi,

but not maybe it was a little more humor.

I think that'd be kind of cool with it.

You know,

not that level of special effects,


I was going to say Shang-Chi,

Shang-Chi is up there in special effects,


Yeah, I know what I'm saying.

I'm not expecting us to get a,

our community,

our fellow,

our people to get a movie with that kind of money behind it,

but enough to be passable.

But you know,


the tonal quality where there's like,

it's sort of serious,

but there's also a lot of humor injected into it.

Not where it's like,

you know,


that'd be cool.

I mean,

like I said,

I haven't seen Olympia with a vengeance.

So if they already did that,

I'm sorry that I,

they've already done it,

but I just think it'd be neat to do something along that



like my thing would be like having a Filipino,

how would you be if you're trying to be a superhero,

but you're a Filipino,

but you're not trying to give up your secret identity.

Like you want to be how,

you know,

you know what I'm saying?

Like you,

you want to be like,

you can show your face,


but do you want to,

you know,

how would,

would people know about it?

Cause of all the cheese meats,

would you,

would your family give it,

would you tell your family,

would it go out to everybody?

You know,

it'd just be an interesting perspective on the whole genre.

There are some people who have made comic books,

sort of,

you know,

Filipino based comic books on sort of some of this stuff.

There there's a,

a Bayani,


you should look that one up.

There's a guy from New York.

He's making this,


which if you don't know,

Bayani means hero.

And yeah,

he's basically a guy who's going around saving people as a,

you know,

a masked hero,

sort of like a Batman,

Filipino Batman.

Do you remember what,

which company is that from?

It's a,

it's an indie guy,


Mark Teodor,



I can't remember the name.

It's not part of Epic Ordinance.

No, no, no, no.


he put it out himself.


And then there's,

there's also,

is it Canal?

I can't remember the name of the other one.

I believe you have it,

but I know you don't remember it either.


I'm just saying what you're talking about.

It's sort of something that,

that if you're going to make a movie,

you know,


that's a good starting point.

If you're looking for reference of a Filipino superhero,

there's like,

there are a couple of comic books out there that,

that sort of had this already.


so yeah,

there's enough media out there.

If you want to find stuff,

I'm making the movie though,

is going to be a lot of,

you're going to need someone with money,

someone with power and then all that.

Someone like a,

I don't know,

Dean Devlin.


He could do it.


He can have connections.


I think he's maybe working on a new version of Stargate.

Last I heard it's possible.

I don't know.

Is he?

That was a possibility.

I'm not sure if it's still like that thing comes and goes,

depending on what,

you know,

who you talk to and when you talk to them,

they've been trying to get that together for a while.

Cause I'm talking about Stargate.

I'm not just talking about the movie.

I'm talking about the SG one and Stargate Atlantis.

He's the one who did the original Stargate,



I'm not sure if he's trying to do something like a total

reboot or whatever.

Cause there was,

I've seen different interviews with him and it's in different

points where I don't know where they stand with it.


But I know that there's interest in bringing it back.

Cause there's already a fandom in place,

but that's just,

we'll see what happens with that.

He was also the guy that did Leverage,




He did Leverage.

He did Independence Day and he also did Almost Paradise,

which I know you didn't watch,

but basically the guy from Leverage going to the Philippines.

Oh, right.

The one you told me about.


The guy from Leverage,


he goes to the Philippines and he basically plays a detective

solving all these crimes in the Philippines and everything's,

you know,

it's all,

it's all Filipino cast except for the one guy.


He played Elliot in Leverage and he was also in Angel from

Buffy and,

you know,

Buffy and the vampire player and Angel.

So yeah.


But basically the plot,

the plot of the show,

Almost Paradise done by Dean Devlin.

So you have this guy,

he's a former USDA agent,

like something goes bad and he ends up retiring.

So to retire,

he goes to the Philippines.

And when he's in the Philippines,

like all these things keep popping up that happened when he was a DEA agent,

you know?

So like,

like people trying to get them or,

but basically,

and then he ends up solving like,

you know,


like he lives in a hotel.

He hooks,

well not hooked up,

but the,

the girl that runs the hotel,

she's really hot.


you know,


they do all these,

you know,

adventures together and stuff.

But yeah.


and like I said,

it is all Filipino cast and even,

even people running the production is Filipino,

like the cameraman,

the camera crew,

all that,

all Filipino and done by Dean Devlin.

So that,

that was his little homage to the Philippines.

And I think they're doing a season two.

I think he got picked up for a second season.


so yeah.

All right.

You want to do a Tagalog word of the day?


This is a part of our podcast where we educate our listeners

on the Filipino language.

You need a boogie or I are actually the speakers of Filipino

or Tagalog.

So if you get some aspect of the word or phrasing,


like it's pronunciation or general usage,

please keep in mind that what we are giving you is just a

piece of the culture where you're not what you would call a

knowledge-based or educational type podcast.

So if we get it wrong,

feel free to just let us know,

but please keep it respectful and kind because generally that's

a good,

a good policy in all things.

You have a word boogie.



Halika na.


Halika na dito.

Not to be confused with Halika.



Two totally different phrases.


If you get,


If you're saying the wrong word.


One word.


Halika is something different.


Halika na.

Halika na dito.

That's the only way I can say it.



for those of you who don't know,

Halika na means come here.



come here.


Come here now.

Come here.

Get over here.

Do you remember watching that?

Someone say that in like a,

an old ninja movie.



Halika na.


Halika na.

Or get over here.


No, I'm not,

get over,

I'm not talking about Scorpion.

I'm talking about like a ninja movie back in the Shokasugi days.

You know?


No, I don't remember that.

There was a one word,

there was a one word,

one movie.

It was a ninja movie.

I don't remember which one.

This white guy comes into a village full of Filipinos.

And he's like,

Halika na.

He was like,

he was saying it,

but it just sounded wrong.

And I think he sounded more like,

he sounded more like,

kiss me more than come here.

You know?



Halika is a kiss.

So like,

you know,



I always think of that too.



like I said,

some things stick in my brain for,

for no reason.

And they pop up what it just.

What movie was that?

The American Ninja?

It was a ninja movie or something.

Like it was either,

it might've been Shokasugi movie,

like Enter the Ninja or,

I don't know.


one of the,

one of the ninja movies.

And it was in the,

I guess it was in the Philippines.


All right.

Someone might know what I'm talking about.

Who knows?

Not me.




Let's make Halika our.

Word of the day.



I don't think we've mentioned this to anybody yet,

but we're on Zoom.

Oh yeah.

We should've said that in the very,

very beginning.


I'm going to apologize.

We're recording on Zoom.


I'm going to apologize.


that's from,

that's on me because,

my schedule has been all out of whack lately.

And it's,

I don't know when it's going to get back to normal.



I don't know when it's going to get back to normal.


we can't do in-person podcast sessions anymore.


for now.


we'll see how this goes.

If it's really bad,

I don't know.

We'll see how,

we'll have to work from there.

See what happens.


I guess I should've said that.

We should've said that at the beginning.

I know.

I kind of,

I was like,

I was going to get to it.

I just never got to it.

And it's like,

I meant to mention it right off the bat,

but I didn't want to be like,


we're on,

I don't know.

I don't want to,

I don't know what else you want to talk about.

I think I'm good.

All right.

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until next time,

this is Terno Supernova.

And this is El Poge,

The Elemental One,

saying thanks for listening,

and see you again now.

See you again now.

Bye guys.





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