568. Why Was The Town Eatonville So Important?

Connor Boyack

The Way the World Works: A Tuttle Twins Podcast for Families

568. Why Was The Town Eatonville So Important?

The Way the World Works: A Tuttle Twins Podcast for Families

Welcome to The Way the World Works, where the trusted team behind the Tuttle Twins books

tackles current events, hot topics, and fun ideas to help your family find clarity in

a world full of confusion.

Hi, Katie.

Hey, Brittany.

So today I want to talk about a really fun story that I found that just really, it was

just such a feel-good thing and such an important thing about why property rights are so important

that I thought it would make a good story to share on here. And it's about a town called

Eatonville in Florida and why this tiny town in Florida is so important. So what is Eatonville?

Well, let's do a little background on that first. So there is this era after the Civil War that we

call the Reconstruction Era. And think of that as like they were trying to reconstruct the very

broken South after war-torn and just destroyed because a lot of their infrastructure was

burned down.

So here they are trying to rebuild.

And the government made it a lot worse, right?

Because they came in and tried to enforce all these laws now.

And again, 14th Amendment was great.

It declared what we already know, that every person, no matter their skin color, no matter

what, has the inherent right to be free.

That doesn't matter if you live in America or not.

You might not have a country that recognizes that right.

But every single one of us is born equal and is born free with the right to life, liberty,

and property.

But that wasn't always the case.

so the civil war ends but then there's a lot of chaos because the southern people

to change the world you have to change hearts and minds and the problem is the hearts and

minds in the south weren't changed yet and then the government federal government came in and

said all right now you have to you know get along with everybody and what happened there is the south

found ways to get around these equal protection laws to create terrible laws called jim crow

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