
Live From The Basement

LIVE From The Basement


LIVE From The Basement

Vermont State elevates every day, I concentrate on society's state, but the lockdown situation frustrates every day.

Live from the basement.

Hello motherfuckers.

Alright man, I'm going to talk some hip hop for a second, man.

I'm about to be on some concert shit, looking forward to it.

Cole on Monday.

It's on Monday?

Yes sir, yes sir.

Going to see Cole.

First time seeing J. Cole perform, period, so I'm excited.

Who's going to be there, outside of him?

I do not, I didn't even check the fucking bottom list.

So you're going to Little Caesars?

Is that where it's at?

Unfortunately, yes.

Oh, unfortunately?

LCA fucking sucks balls.



Have you ever been?


Oh, you?

You go up high, next to the fucking scoreboard?

Fuck, it's close.

Where you feel like you're looking right at it?

Yeah, I hate it.

It's so-

I hate the arena, dog.

I miss the palace.

The palace was such a fucking amazing venue.

There was not a bad seat in that bitch.


We went to see Watch the Throne.

We was up, up high.


To see everything, beautifully.

You couldn't-

Because it was flatter.

We were so high that you could see the top of the cube that them niggas floated down on.

But it didn't matter, you still had great seats.

It didn't matter.

And Little Caesars Arena is very vertical.

LCA, bro, I'd be getting like fucking-


I'd be like, oh, shit, I'm about to tumble.

We did that for a-

Fuck that shit, man.

We went there for a hockey game one time.

We were watching.

I know.

I hate it.

Waiting, waiting, pausing, ding, ding, ding, ding.

No, we already knew that.

Okay, there we go.

That's what I'm talking about.

So we went there for a hockey game.

I remember looking.

You could look straight across the scoreboard.

It was like 10 feet away from our face.


But then you look down.

It's like, I could-

I got better fucking view on TV.

Yo, I hate it.

I went there for the NCAA tournament.

I hated it.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

Fucking suck.

Isn't that where the infamous Uber story came from?


Oh, okay.

Yeah, from that shit.

No, no, no, no, no.

That was in Chicago.

Oh, that was Chicago.

That's right.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, that's true.


We'll just glance over there.

But I'm just saying, man.

I don't like your implication.


We're going to LCA, man.

But I'm hyped to see J. Cole.

Because I think, like, right now, he's one of the illest niggas doing it.

Like, to me, he got the crown.

I'm waiting for Kendrick to do something and, like, make me feel otherwise.

Have y'all heard Kendrick on his cousin's shit?

No, I haven't heard that shit.

Baby Keem?

Oh, that's his cousin?

That's his cousin.

I fucking hate Baby Keem.

I haven't heard it, but I know it.

I fucking hate Baby Keem.

How do you hate Baby Keem?

Oh, man.

Can we spin off a whole other episode and evaluate?

That Baby Keem album that dropped a few weeks ago?

I'm not in love with the album.

I'm talking about the songs.

Like, that K-Dot song.


I don't know what fucking song.

You know, you see it.

It's called, what's it called?


That's K-Dot's imprint.


Remember we talked about why would you leave?


He left TV.

He's doing it.

He's doing what I said he's going to do, man.

He's tired of making top dog money.

I need to make my own money.


So, salute to that.

So, I'm looking forward to seeing Cole.

Oh, shit.

I'll report.

I'll report back and let y'all know how it is.

And then, I tried to text y'all niggas, man.

Y'all don't want to go to the Nas show.

I'm taking nephew.

Tickets are still available in November.

Of course they are.

Fuck you.


I'm just kidding.

I'm just fucking kidding.

Yo, it's not a hit.

That hit.

That was good.

That was a very nice hit.

No, but it's Nas.


Shout out to Perry Smith.

One of the dopest interviews we ever did.

Why did I not respond to that?

Oh, I don't know.

Or we had a conversation.

Either one of y'all.

Did I ignore it?

Y'all left me, like, ghosted.

That's cool.

I was dealing with some shit at the time.

I recall now.

So, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

Meet me, too.

I don't remember.

I know.

Honestly, I don't remember.

It's Nas, Wale, EPMD.

To me, that's a loaded set.

Except the Fox, too, which I love.


So, yeah, man.

I'm all in.

And I'm looking forward to that shit, man.

Oh, it's in November.

Some hip-hop.

Some good shit.

We got...

We're in the...

I mean, is it...

At some point, do you reach a point, though, where, like...

I've never seen Nas perform, so that's...

I'm crossing off bucket lists.


This is what I'm doing.

So, it's like...

I know you saw Nas once at the...

I forget what the event was.

I think you got free tickets.

Yeah, I can't remember what it was.

You invited...

Something happened.

I couldn't go, but...

Vitamin water thing or something.

Yeah, yeah.

It was the...

It doesn't matter.

It was a...

He had a symphony playing for him or some shit.

Some shit.

It was something like that.


All I'm saying is that, at some point, like, I don't even know if I'd go see Jay-Z.

I'd go to see Kendrick.


Shut the fuck up.

I swear to God.

Shut the fuck up.

He's fucking 50, bro.

He'd say shit like that, bro.

It'd be killing me.

You're not gonna go see Jay-Z.

He's at the fucking sports complex down the street for a concert in the...

Oh, if it was, like, a small venue, absolutely.

No, in the fucking gym where they got eight basketball courts.

That's not small.

That was not a small venue.

Oh, that shit.



That was a fucking college campus.

I'm not gonna...

Yeah, you're the boozy in his life.

Would you pay money to go to, like, Little Caesars Arena to go see Jay-Z?

Of course.

I wouldn't go see that shit.

I don't know why.

Why not?

Because you're fucking...

You could see it better on a YouTube video.


So, you're a movie snob.

No, it's not a movie snob.

You want to see a Jay-Z concert?

It's about, like, I'm gonna pay $110...

Hold on.

Time out.

Okay, go ahead.

You lost me already.

All right.

You watch concerts on YouTube?

I watch people on...

I'll watch people's fucking cell phone videos versus paying $150 or $300 for a fucking ticket.


We found it.

No, no, no, Major.

Major, we found it.

Fuck you.

We found the audience for those people who record the entire fucking...

This fucking guy.

...concert on their phone and then go post it on the YouTube.

You know what, my daughter...

It's for him.

I didn't even know.

We were just talking.

I did not know.

I was talking to my daughter yesterday.

My 13-year-old...

Why you got that in there?

It's the ambiance, though, bro.

I was talking to my 13-year-old daughter.

She was like...

It's the event.

It's the vibe.

I get that.

But with these arenas...

My daughter wants to go see fucking Billie Eilish.

And she wants to go watch her.

Both of them?


He's stupid.

She wants to pay $300.

She wants to go watch her.

She wants me to pay $300 for her to go.

That's stupid.

And this is in the nose...

Don't think Jay-Z was going to charge that shit?

But nah, ZPMD and Wally's, $83.

That's still fucking crazy.

You know what?


They don't even get but 10% of that fucking ticket price.

$83 is crazy.

It's crazy.

For a fucking three-hour show, yeah.

For an indoor show.

At the Fox.


$83 is crazy.


Are you kidding me?

Nah, that's fucking crazy.

You're going to be one of the arguably best hip-hop lyricists of all time.



Fuck that.

I'd fucking go just pay that.

I'd pay that to see Dave Chappelle overseeing fucking Nas.

I've paid that much to pay Dave.

And that's cool.


I'm saying I would pay the same amount to go see the guy I don't see.

Well, fuck your entire argument.

What are you talking about?

I'd pay that for Kendrick.

It's not about...

Hold on.

Not Nas, dude.

It's not about...

Nas is old.

It's fucking boring.

He's going to pace back and forth.

He ain't doing shit.

The show's going to be...

I'd be sleepy.

Would you pay $20 to go see Nas?


Would you pay $20 to go see Jay-Z and or Nas?

Fuck yeah.

Spotify people, please slaughter this man.

Oh, we're going to put this on Spotify and put a poll up?


So $63 is the...

That's the tipping point.

It's either $20 or...

You act like you, bro, nigga.

Is that the question?


I'm a cheap motherfucker.

But let's...

Is that the question?

Where's your limit?

At what point do you say, nah, I'm not going to see that show?

Is it about convenience or dollars?

I would not pay $1,000 to go to a Jay-Z concert.

Where's the limit?

Is it $500?

I would pay $500 if I'm sitting front row and got backstage access.

I'd pay $500.

Okay, we're talking average middle row, fucking average pedestrian seating.

I'm in the lower mezzanine for Nas, which is a great seat at Fox.

Lower mezzanine for $83.

Jesus Christ.

Do you want to be the one...

Okay, that's different.

Maybe you're just...

Where's the limit?

Maybe you're just spoiled.


Who's never been to a Jay-Z concert?

No, I'm spoiled because of the shit we used to do.

We'd be fucking five rows back from these motherfuckers.

Put yourself in the seats of a real average John Q citizen.

We're not.

We've been blessed to the...

We are now.

Now we are.

For real.

Maybe your days of getting that shit is...

It's over.

Yes, it's true.

Maybe you're spoiled.

Take the average person who's never seen Jay-Z.

Do you think that they should...

Who is of age and has $100...

I'm not speaking for them.

I'm asking you a different question.

Jesus Christ.

I'm saying, would you ever recommend that a person not go see Jay-Z if they can afford it?

If they could just like, hey, look, it's not $1,000 a ticket.

It's $200 a ticket.

And you have to drive an hour and a half to get to Jay-Z.

I'm going to say some shit that's going to piss this guy off really bad.

I already know.

Shrap hands.


I would say, if it's Kanye, yeah.

If it's Jay-Z, don't.

Yo, grab one of them little baby hands and throw it in his face.


I'm not touching it.

You take this.

No, no, no, no.

No, we're not doing that.

We're not doing that.

Because I think Kanye's a far better showman than Jay-Z is, in my opinion.

I would agree with that statement.


Jay-Z is not...

Busta Busta.

Who fucking cares?

Oh, Busta Rhymes is another one.

I'd pay more for Busta Rhymes than I would Jay-Z.

Busta Busta's a show.


He's a whole show.

That's all I'm saying.

But you stole the argument.

You changed it from, who would I pay more...

I'd rather pay it for this person than that person.

Would you pay $100 to go and see a Jay-Z concert an hour and a half away?




You're a liar.

You should test me one day.

You're looking for a reaction.

Am I?


Test me one day.

$100 to see a Jay-Z?

I won't pay $80 to see Nas.

How are they going to test you?


How will we test it?

That's true.

It's untestable.

You can fucking have a clandestine, set up a clandestine meeting at the board and be

like, we're going to trick this fucker.

Man, fuck all this.

All I'm saying is, man, I'm about to go watch some hip hop within three weeks of each other,

so I'm fucking happy, man.

I'm seeing the new age Nas to meet which J. Cole is, because J. Cole doesn't get his

just due.

Drake, I will say you could probably...

Maybe not make that comparison.

Drake to J. Cole.

J, because I can't even put them on the same pedestal, because J. writes this shit, Drake


So, from a popularity standpoint, Drake is to J what Nas is to Cole, and I'm going to

see my goat of this generation, and then I'm going to see my goat of all time.

So, yeah, I'm a fucking geek, dog.

I'm crossing some shit off.

Nas is your favorite of all time?

All time.

No shit.

I didn't know that.

What do you mean?

I've said it on this show repeatedly.


Fuck yes.

I didn't know that shit.

Love him to death.


Did I stutter?

I hate this guy.

You hate who?

This guy.

Yeah, I've said this, right?

I've been unabashed.

Nas is fucking nuts.

I've been unabashed.

Does that sound asshole-ish?

I mean, I'm not trying to be disrespectful.

No, you're not being disrespectful.

He waited until the end of the show to get into his fuck all that shit bag.

Oh, fuck you, man.

He's staying in there.


Fuck you, hip-hoppers.


I feel like those baby hands are getting in your dick hood.

He's like, fuck your hip-hop.

Rock and roll, bitch.

Like, I'm like, yo, what happened?

If you would have started the show off like that, I can understand.

But you waited until the very end to get in your fuck what you're talking about.

He took a monster dump on my favorite artist.

I was like, what did anyone know what he did?

You kind of did.

Fuck Nas.

I wasn't trying to be like.

I didn't say that.

He jumped off and take a massive shit on.

He jumped off the balcony from the nosebleeds that we had in the palace.


He's got out of here.

He's gone.

There's no coming back.

If you jumped off and wait, wait, wait, wait.

There's no coming back.

I thought this was going to be a happy topic.

Guess not.

That's Nas, man.



Holy shit.

I'm going to be happy.

Wait, but tell me about Billie Eilish.

Fuck you, man.

Are you going to that?


Are you going to that?


I ain't got front row tickets.

Didn't you tell me about a concert the last show?

What was the last concert you took one of your kids to?

I didn't take any of my kids ever to a concert.

What was the.

You never taking your kids to a concert?


Quit playing.

I swear to God.

For real?

You better take her to Billie Eilish.

I took them to fucking.

I took.

There happened to be a concert where we went, but I did not explicitly say we're going to

go to this concert.

Who was that?

A Jay-Z concert?

Fuck you, man.

It was a bleak.

It was bleak.

Hey, kids.

Disney went to go see.

Let me tell you a story.

He said, man.

Dad, daddy, dad, dad, dad, dad.

What does that mean?

Dad, dad, dad, dad.

Oh, boy.

He was like, yeah.

Feel what in the air?

That's a good question.

Oh, man.

That's a whole other topic.

What show would you take your kid to?

Disney Princesses.

I'm just playing.

She'd be like, fuck out of here.

Right now, bro, if I could take my third kid.

He is.

He's become a huge J. Cole fan.

That's my second oldest would fucking kill to go to that show.

I'm going wifey, which is cool.


She loves J. Cole.

I didn't even believe him.

He said, which is cool.

No, no, no.

I don't believe you.

I got to take.

Because that's what our wives do.

They remember the hooks, and that's all they know.



It's different.

He's part of it.

I ain't trying to name drop and shit.

But yeah.

So for her, yeah.


It's good.

I do.

I got to take my son, though.


If I don't, then that's going to irk me.


That's his man right now.

I'm trying to get him to widen his horizons.

And I was like, everything Cole did ain't sweet.


I'm just like, I get it.

He could pick worse heroes.

You tell him it's the warm up and one other album.


It's better than that.

But yes, we did have that conversation.


He'd be listening to fucking Forest Hills.

And I'm like, not his best work.


He's got better.


But yeah.

He's just listening to all of them.

That's how you really appreciate the jokes.

Live from the basement.

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