Ep 81 - Revolution Review

Jon Kallis, Katy Cartee, Martin Penny, Leanne Hannah, Josh De Lioncourt

Masters Cast the He-Man and She-Ra Podcast

Ep 81 - Revolution Review

Masters Cast the He-Man and She-Ra Podcast

This is Master's Cast, the first He-Man and She-Ra podcast, episode number 81 for Sunday,

February 4th, 2024. To watch this in video format, head over to our YouTube channel at

youtube.com slash at Master's Cast. That's youtube.com slash the at symbol Master's Cast.

Welcome to our Masters of the Universe revolution review and reaction. I am Jon.

I'm Katie. I am Moxie. I'm Josh DeLioncourt.

So we all just got done watching Masters of the Universe Revolution, which is the sequel to

Masters of the Universe Revelation. And it is quite possible that when we are talking about it,

we will use the terms revelation and revolution interchangeably, because that's what I tend to do

when speaking about it, because they both begin with an R.

It is a little confusing.

I thought we could do our initial thoughts first that are spoiler-free, as usual. So just like a

little section here of spoiler-free, and then we can get into the nitty-gritty. So who would like

to start? I don't want to be the first one. Okay, I'll start. I'll start.

Yeah, take it.

All right, so spoiler-free. We're going to keep this. So I'm going to, for a minute here,

focus a little bit on the storytelling. Obviously, once again,

we'll mention that I cannot see the animation, so I don't have any comments on that. But I listen

to the show, and I care a lot about the story. So quick review. In Revelation, parts one and two.

Part one, I thought was really good and well-written. Part two, not so much. Part three,

or revolution, I think is much better written.

I still have quibbles and nitpicks with bits and pieces of the story that we will get into later,

but it is a much more cohesive storyline than we got in, especially part two of

Revelation. And it reminded me a lot, in tone, to Mike Young 2000X. So that appealed to me, as well.

It felt like

almost could have been part of that series in the tone and the way it was written

and the voice acting and kind of everything in a lot of ways.

So overall, an improvement for sure.



My ranking is similar to Josh's.

I did re-watch Revelation over the last couple of days just because it had been a while

and I wanted to refresh my memory about what came before Revolution.

And part one, I still like it a lot.

Especially the first episode is very reminiscent of the old show from the 80s.

So it's got a nice place in my heart.

Part two, still don't like it.

There's just some things that are hard to stomach.

It doesn't quite feel like Heat Man to me still.

But this new one.

And Revolution, I freaking loved it.

I watched it twice already and I want to watch it again.

It made me laugh.

It made me emotional.

It just hit a lot of good spots for me with all the characters.

The voice acting was on point.

Like, they killed it.

The animation was fantastic.

The writing was fantastic.

Yeah, there's nothing that stands out to me that I don't like about Revolution.

I think it was very enjoyable.


Yeah, similar to Josh and Katie, I think.

I watched part two and thought it was a bit of an uneven five episodes

after loving the initial five episodes.

Didn't dislike it by any means, but thought it was maybe the weaker of those two parts.

And this one I thought was definitely a step up.

A bit better.


A bit more coherent, a bit better written.

Certainly, like, the dialogue felt a lot better to me.

Animation was excellent.

If I had one nitpick, it was just a bit too short.

I mean, they packed a lot into a few episodes.

But I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I thought it was executed really well.

Very easy to watch again.

I think I watched it, like, back to back on the same day I went through and watched it again.

Very easy, movie-like watch.

So I agree with all of you, actually, for the most part.

I did not watch, rewatch Revelation on purpose.

I just kind of had my lingering feelings of that.

I liked part one.

I did not like part two.

I don't remember how many times I watched part two.

I might not have even rewatched that one fully, other than kind of scrubbing through it.

Revolution, like Martin just said, felt like a movie to me, more than five episodes.

So I really liked that.

It was a very easy binge.

I also rewatched it almost immediately after the first binge, because it was that good.

Like already mentioned, really the only thing is it suffers from being too short, I think,

for the amount of content and story development they were doing.

To kind of wrap it up, in case this is too short,

this is the last portion that we get of this kind of continuity.

It did feel a bit rushed.

That would be my main complaint, if I had to put a complaint on it.

But it felt like they course-corrected, like they heard the complaints about Revelation.

And I'm not putting validity on all of the vicious complaints.

But there were valid complaints for Revelation, regardless of Tila.

Just even...

Just even characterizations that I thought shouldn't have happened,

like Savage He-Man and things like that.

This one I thought was way more spot on, especially with the tone.

I thought all of the voice actor changes were actually upgrades.

No disrespect to Sarah Michelle Gellar.

I like her a lot as an actress.

But as I said in our reviews of Revelation,

there was just something about her voice that did not fit Tila for me.

I thought maybe more Adora, actually.

For her voice.

But Melissa Benoist, who is Supergirl on the CW show,

I thought the change to her in Tila was fantastic.

By far a vastly upgraded Queen Marlena with Gates McFadden,

which we can talk about in the spoilers.

So I thought all of those, the new voice actors, were also great with William Shatner.

Surprisingly good, I thought, because I was like, eh, William Shatner.

But no, I really enjoyed that as well.

So really my only nitpick in a general sense is that it was a little rushed

for what they were trying to do.

But otherwise, I think, you know, in online it's been getting such a positive response.

So I think, I hate the phrase that you kind of had to maybe make the mistakes

that you made in Revelation in order to get a very, very good Revolution.

I think it's safe to say.

But I think what's great is that we all kind of have a similar opinion.

So I am interested to see how we go when we delve now into kind of the nitty gritty and the spoilers.

So spoilers.

Before we get into spoilers, I want to just add a couple of quick things

kind of based on what everyone else said as well.

Just really quick.

One, we all agreed that it sounds like the writing and the story were much better this time out.


I did notice in looking through the credits for these

that all five episodes were written by the same two people,

which was not the case with Revelation.

So that might have helped with the kind of cohesive story that we got.

It was fewer cooks in the kitchen, so to speak.

And I guess that's the main thing.

I would also throw in, I'll get deeper into this with the spoilers,

but I would also throw in that I feel like in Revolution,

they did a much, much better job of drawing from existing Masters of the Universe mythos and lore

and things that have come before and incorporating that

rather than trying to create new things that don't quite fit

or change things that were already established,

which they did too much of, especially in part two of Revelation,

which was some of my issues with that one.

This one, they kind of drew from all across different media of Masters

in a much better way that all seemed to mesh a lot better

without trying to shoehorn in a lot of stuff that made the fans very angry

with Revelation.

At times.

And I think one way to sort of sum all that up

is Revelation, especially part two,

felt more like Mattel saying,

this is what we wish the 80s cartoon was,

a toy commercial.

And we're going to make sure we get as many toy things in this as possible.

Whereas this one,

felt more like the story came together more organically

and the pieces that were there from past incarnations

were much more organically incorporated into the story they were telling

rather than it feeling like a toy commercial.

Valid point.

Who were the writers, by the way?

I kept missing that at the beginning of the episodes

and I meant to go back and look and forgot.

Do you remember their names?

Kevin Smith and Tim Sheridan.

Tim Sheridan, okay.

Awesome job.

And Tim had done things like Justice League and things like that

and DC Comics.


And of course, I think we know who Kevin Smith is.


So basically the general plot, spoilers,

is you have the Horde invasion.

We get backstory on similar Horde.

We get backstory on Skeletor.

We find out he's Keldor, Randor's half-brother.

He-Man's power gets upgraded.

Teela's powers as the sorceress get upgraded.

And then we live happily ever after.

I would say that's the quick and dirty summary.

But what would you guys like to start with?


I mean, should we...

I think going through more or less chronologically

is probably best.

We don't have to linger long on every episode.

I think one thing I wanted to mention.

So the first quibble,

I have a few quibbles that I will be getting out as we go along.

My first quibble with this was

I was not super...

I had a hard time buying in, let's say,

to Randor's death at the very beginning of the series.

I feel like it would have felt more authentic

if he...

if they tried to heal him

and there was some, you know,

technobabble as we might say in Star Trek fandom

or something like that.

Some reason why he couldn't be healed.

Whether, you know, it was too advanced

or whatever the issue was

rather than just the,

eh, I'm done.

See you guys later.

Which is...

It didn't feel like Randor to me.

So that was the setup for the show

and I get why they had to let him die.

But it didn't...

That was one of the few things

in the entire revolution thing

that felt out of sync with the character to me.

What did you guys think?

Yeah, now that you say that,

I agree.

I hadn't really thought about it that way,

but that would make more sense

in your version.

This is why I didn't watch Revelation

before Revolution,

because I do feel characterizations

of the characters

changed slightly in Revolution.

Like, when I was watching it

and thinking back to Revelation,

like, remember how just, like,

I'm sorry to say it,

but, like, such an asshole

Randor was in Revelation.


Like, this was like a complete thing.

Like, you know, the king must die,

blah, blah, blah.

I like this characterization

way better than how he was portrayed,

though, in Revelation.

So I kind of liked when he stopped Tila

from trying to heal him

because he was kind of like,

hey, I'm the king.

I've served my time.

You know, it's time for Adam to grow up

and take on what he needs to do.

So I kind of liked that aspect of it,

but I don't think it necessarily fits

with how he was portrayed in Revelation.

I was a little confused

as to why he was dying,

because there's an explanation

that Granomere gives

in the second episode

or the third episode

where it is to do with the

the revelation of part one

and the events there.

And I was like,

is Randor affected by that?

He's just a guy.

Like, why would he be?

Is it because he's a descendant

of King Grayskull

and he's sort of linked

to the magical goings on

of the universe?

I don't know whether

I just misunderstood that part,

but did everyone else

think the same thing?

I don't remember Granomere

saying anything about it.

He probably did,

and I just forgot.

All I remember was them saying

he had some kind of disease

and it had been progressively

getting worse,

and he just didn't tell everybody,

which there's a whole lot of that

in Revelation and Revolution.

That's just kind of a recurring theme.

You have a secret.

You don't tell anybody.

It's like, that has not gone well

for the past two parts.

Why would it go well now?

But yeah, I don't feel

a little threatened there.

Other events.

But I kind of got the impression

that he was also affected

by the mysterious thing

that was killing Granomere.

Because when Granomere is told

that the king is dying,

his eyes sort of widen

and there's a sort of visual

of him going,

hmm, interesting sort of thing.

So I didn't know if that was

why Randor dies.

He is in some way linked

to everything else in it.

I don't know.

I might have just made

that up entirely,

but that was why I thought

he was dying.

Well, you know,

there could have been more,

like, let's say, you know,

when they're fleshing out

the story, right,

there's some things that get cut.

And there's things in this,

like, just like out of the blue

mentioning Onwok Gar.

And if you're not familiar

with the Mike Young cartoon

or if you did not read

the prequel comic book

for Revolution,

like, I feel like casual fans

that are just watching this

because they were He-Man fans

into 80s would have no idea

what they're referencing

because it's not developed at all

in the storyline

of this cartoon series.

So it could be something like that

where it was a bigger,

bigger part maybe of the plot

that kind of got cut.

I could see that

because there was a weird

dynamic with the whole

Granomere thing

when Teela was talking to him

even about, like, paying respects.

And yeah, it was all very

kind of mysterious.

I thought, though,

that they did,

as far as Granomere goes,

they did a really good job with,

like, it felt like,

it felt like Granomere, right?

Like, the way he was,

he's been portrayed in the past,

that's still that sort of

petulant child,

but also this wise old dragon

and that sort of mix,

very similar to the dragon

in the Landover books,

if anybody's ever read those.

But he,

John Delancey voiced Granomere

and, well, he did not sound

in anything particularly like

Granomere from, like,

the Filmation series or whatever,

but they got the characterization,

you know, a little,

little bit modernized,

but still,

it still felt like Granomere to me.

I liked his inclusion.

I didn't necessarily care

for the kind of, like,

shoehorning of the,

he was, like,

in control of the snake powers.

That was kind of odd,

odd to me.

I would be on board with

he knew about that

and, like, maybe how to

get them, right?

But kind of that he was

controlling them

and, like,

maybe because we know

more things about, like,

well, what about King Hiss

and other characters, you know,

that are not included in this.

That was a little confusing to me.

I loved, though, when

Teela was,

when she was in Darksmoke

and she sees the tapestry

on the wall and is like,

there's four towers,

which makes sense since

they were including Havok

as one of the powers, right?

So you had the Zor,

the snake,

and then you had Havok,

that there was actually

a fourth tower,

which I'm sure is a thing

that they would love to explore,

like the backstory on Havok,

if they were able to make

more episodes or perhaps in,

you know, in a comic book

or something.

But I thought I liked

that explanation of it.

I just didn't understand why

Granomere was, like,

directly giving

the snake power to somebody.

Like, as someone who

completely forgot

where that came from,

that was in Mike Young, right?

I mean, I think it was also

in other things,

but it was mostly in Mike Young.

Yeah, the snake men,

at least, were in Mike Young.

Yeah, it's just,

it's been a while

since I watched it,

so I don't remember much about

King Hiss or the origins

of the snake power

and Green Goddess and all that.

I know it's a thing.

I just, it's never been

one of my favorite things,

I guess, so I don't recall

much about it.

So for me, as someone

who doesn't remember every detail

of every He-Man show ever,

it was fine.

But I get that if you know

the backstory more,

that you would want something else

to happen with that.

Well, and it did kind of create

a good cohesiveness, though,

right, because we don't really

have that strong, anyway,

of a origin for Tila

in the snake form.

That was more like

mini-comic territory, right?

So I didn't mind that aspect

of it at all.

I think I just was confused

about Granomere being involved.

Yeah, well, they did pull that

together pretty well, right?

Because in the past,

we didn't really have

a solid understanding

of not just, like, Tila

in the snake armor,

but she's a hero, right?


And then we've got Snake Mountain

and the Snake Men,

who are very much

on the villainous side of things.

So kind of pulling that together,

I thought worked pretty well.

The gods that they mentioned

from the past were Zor Havoc

and was it, what was the third one?

Was that Serpos?

Or what did they say?


They said, yeah, well, it's a snake.

Oh, Ka, right?


Like her staff.

So, which I think is interesting.

I feel like this is pure speculation

on my part,

and it's kind of coincidental

because of some books

I've been rereading recently,

but I kind of feel like

there is somewhere in the team,

creative team working on this,

perhaps on Revelation as well,

but in Revolution especially,

with this whole, you know,

three gods and the Fraternia

being part of the afterlife thing

and all of these bits and pieces

that they've put together.

These are concepts very similar

to Dungeons and Dragons

and the Dragonlance novels

that were born out of Dungeons and Dragons.

Dungeons and Dragons back in that era.

I know the competing series

that for Dungeons and Dragons,

Tunnels and Trolls,

Larry Dottilio worked on.

And so that kind of filtered into

a lot of the stories he wrote

back in the day as well.

But this idea of like the three gods

and sort of the more like

quasi-religious aspects

of this particular series,

the Revolution series,

feels like they drew some inspiration

from Dungeons and Dragons

and that sort of thing.

Martin, you had something to say.

I cut you off earlier.

Oh, it kind of lined up

with what you were saying,

but I was just going to say

that it was nice to see them just,

when you look back at the three powers,

the four towers,

everything seems to have its source

in a different version

of Masters of the Universe.

Like we had Granomere was Filmation.

The Havoc was from the CGI show.

That's a big part of that show.

The Goddess and Snakeman connection

was sort of from the DC comics

a few years ago.

So everything kind of came together

to form a new cohesive form.

So I thought that was just interesting

how they combined everything together

to create that new,

this new continuity.

What did you think about

the fact that

when Teela gets the Havoc form,

that she kind of,

they took elements from New Adventures,

she was gonna be the new Critter.

Yeah, I thought that was really cool.

I thought I was going a bit mad

when I first saw it

because I was like,

I'm just seeing things.

It's me looking for new adventures

and everything again.

But you commented on it as well,

I think didn't you, Jon,

as we were reacting to the episodes.

And I think that there's definitely

the hair,

the overall,

like the skin color,

the little necklace that she's wearing,

he's wearing that would those are all definite critter elements so i i think almost certainly

that was the intention which is nice the one new adventures elements in the show

if they ever do another season please please do something else please put somebody

a plug be part of the horde or something i'd be thrilled even with it

yeah can i jump in with another quibble sure this is this this is i i tolerated it i guess

in revolution and they did it again in revolution and uh i find it really irritating which is

why do we have to keep renaming skeletor skeletor is a perfectly fine name if you need to modify it

like dragon blaster skeletor

or battle armor skeletor or any of the variations of skeletor that we have had

over the last four decades then that's fine but why do we have to keep calling him skele god

and skele tech and skele whatever stop it okay ran over that was since you brought up skeletor

though so okay follow me here i have a love hate hate is a strong word so i don't take it that far

i don't take it that far i don't take it that far i don't take it that far i don't take it that far

but with the whole way they handled keldor skeletor okay now i i understand they only had

five episodes right okay i got that um if you guys remember though so when tila takes the havoc staff

right she becomes that kind of critter havoc lady uh and her skin turns purplish blue if you will

um i

i thought the whole anwok gar thing was kind of unnecessary because if you remember in the cgi show

like keldor wasn't blue you know he would you could clearly kind of tell he was related to

the royal family and then havoc right so the evil power is kind of what turned him into skeletor

i i thought it was set up perfectly for the same thing to happen in this game but i don't think so

in this one right if you had keldor getting with hordak who gives him the havoc staff and this all

is shown right but they had to do the more adult angle i guess and i think it was probably done to

to remain edgy that he's you know the bastard son as they say in the in the episode of king miro

i didn't think any of that was necessary i i would have i would have thought he could have just been

turned evil

by being manipulated by hordak and havoc um so while i loved the performance of william shatner

it was so rushed that he shows up from anwok gar somewhere we never heard of unless you've

watched 2000x and he has this like technology or what have you um and then he's just like

immediately made king convenient um and then

it took like you know two seconds for skeletor to snap out of it and realize that he was actually

keldor like he's a real person oh no he's me like like that it was just like boom boom boom and i

again i understand they had five episodes but i think they could have used the time in the five

episodes a bit more efficiently if they had dropped this whole anwak gar thing that they didn't develop

anyway so this is a game that i can't wait to see if they make the final decision because it's so good

i i agree that it's rushed there's no no question and i mean a lot of that is like you said five

episodes i get that as far as though just the the story itself like i definitely prefer the idea of

miro and the bastard son and him being from anwar gar and all of that uh that stuff because it does

help solidify and fill in uh skeletor in this case i guess uh unknowingly or you know unconsciously

or subconsciously um but it does give him the that sort of motivation right like oh i should have been

uh king but there was this terrible thing that happened to me that um that kept it from

happening and that sort of thing

like i feel like it's a more fleshed out better more interesting story that way um but uh

but i i there was you know bits and pieces of this one of this one that were that were the

story was fine it was just that they were cramming a lot into a short span and that i

i definitely uh don't disagree with it would be great if if there is more you know if there

are more stories that are going to come out that are going to be more interesting and more interesting

and more interesting and more interesting and more interesting and more interesting and more interesting

seasons in this continuity to see them flush out some of the stuff that got glossed over

either you know in flashbacks or what have you i think this was my favorite sorry

um just to disagree with john a little bit this was my favorite treatment of keldor so

far i think in like all the shows um sure it felt a tiny bit rushed but i don't know it didn't feel

quite as rushed to me i don't think as it did to you and all of the little elements they added in

even if they didn't develop it much like our guard all of that um and it gave a bit more reason for

him to be away from the castle the royal family eternos because if he's just around i don't know

it wouldn't make as much sense to me that he was gone for so long and he's just now coming back

um i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know

that's true i i get i can see that too where like you're like well how do you get him to how did he

go away right like yeah like he's not the king and everything but like where did he go okay he went

back to his home nation um okay i can i can see that a little bit you know you know it's funny

too so like i i also agree with you john like uh shatner was fantastic in the role of kill good

one one thing that did not occur to me until i was like all done with the with revolution and

i'm just kind of mulling it over for a few days and whatever it occurred to me we have seen in

animated form keldor uh three times we've seen him in mike young

we've seen him in the cg show and now we've seen him in revolution and it occurred to me after the

cg show that you know what i think one of the reasons shatner was cast in that role is that

keldor has always kind of sounded like shatner in the animated shows if you go back and listen

to mike young it's clearly not shatner whereas this clearly is obviously he has a very distinct

voice but the the voice of uh keldor in mike young and the voice of keldor in the cg show

has that same

i don't know exactly how to describe it but that's that same um kind of tone and um

resonance i guess um that old shatner's voice has like not so much when he was in the 60s

star trek show because he sounds a lot different now um so it it really was sort of genius casting

putting him in in that role to piggyback too just because they're the same

character right the i didn't feel like mark hamill sounded like the joker in this one to me he sounded

like skeletor and maybe because i'm used to him voicing skeletor now but i just thought he did

enough nuance in revolution that i wasn't sitting there thinking oh it's just the joker voice which

is what i kind of felt often in revelation so i thought he did a better job too yeah he really

stepped it up i think sorry go ahead martin

no i was just gonna say i definitely agree with that john i think he had

i remember complaining about this when we did our part two review

um he has loads of moments where he slips into like joker-esque sort of the softer voice where

he's like oh you man like that he tones that down a lot in this one and he only does that

a couple of times but i felt like in part two it was every other line he was just doing


rather gravelly type skeletal voice uh he was much more consistent in this one with that which

i guess made sense for skeletors less uh less drunk on power um role in this in this particular

season that's true i just have to give william shatner sorry some extra claps for doing such an

amazing job

they should in the next they should definitely introduce the snake man

so that they can have keldor shout call at some point


so uh earlier i mentioned that uh i thought they did a better job of pulling from pre-existing

masters lore rather than trying to shoehorn other things in and switch things around and whatever

um a couple of uh bits of that that i wanted to mention and get everybody else's takes on as well

one thing about this show i was really glad that they did was maintaining uh

the technological slant for hordeck as opposed to like wizard hordeck that we've had in some versions

um over the years i've i've always preferred the even though i'm i'm much more a fan of the

you know fantasy magic aspects of masters i liked the um the the difference being emphasized

between skeletor and hordak skeletor was magic hordak was technology and they really played that

up i wish that they kind of wish they hadn't done the whole thing

skeleton thing but um but whatever uh but the um the fact that they they maintained that rather

than going with the sort of more wizardly uh hordak uh i appreciated they brought gwildor

into it i absolutely loved the back and forth with gwildor and orko with magic versus technology

it was so well done um and that sort of thing they

of course they brought in granomere um they and keldor we've been talking about and stuff they

um they did a good job of or like i said earlier like organically pulling in uh these various

pieces i think uh i'm i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure the the uh staff of khan didn't that

initio i know it was heavily used in i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know

i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know

i don't know i don't know i don't know i can't remember if it originated in the ladybird books

but i think it might have if not it was in the early mini comics i guess and made its way into

the labored books but they they pulled a lot of this stuff from you know live action movie and

filmation and you know story books and comics and what have you and made it feel um really made it

mesh together really well and i think that's that's what i'm trying to do i think that's what i'm

trying to do i think that's what i'm trying to do i think that's what i'm trying to do i think that's

what i'm trying to do i think that's what i'm trying to do i think that's what i'm trying to do

really really well so much better than in part two of revelation

when they were just doing weird stuff that didn't make sense and i

um really uh really appreciate how well that was done this time

good real quick um that man-at-arms talked to guildor was so spot on with the movie i feel like

it was just yeah very reminiscent i could almost hear

those voice actors from the movie in those roles they were so close and so amazing yes and he's so

cute uh i remember the trailer came out and showed guildor and me and my husband were just like oh my

god this was one of the best parts to me and how great was it that you know like everyone

everyone always talks about the fact that guildor was like oh he's just the orco substitute because

they couldn't do orco and the special effects are and then the two of them are

just Doctor Who kind of at each other's throats right at times in this and arguing about uh

things and i just i love i loved how they put all that together it was so well done uh something i

want to point out with the with the guildor scenes um and you're talking about uh not only drawing

from different aspects of the fandom right but there were a lot of like if you paid attention

there were a lot of little easter eggs for like the hardcore fans

paying attention i took a screen grab um the car that guildor drives in the live action movie is in

the background outside of his hut um as you can see there behind orko there that's great nope

so like i noticed that and then the big thing now see this is what what i like

these kind of things so we knew that they were not allowed to use

um shira right so like they were very open about that uh before revolution came out like it was

like look we were unable to secure the rights from dreamworks we can't use shira

blah blah blah however what i love about this is you know they didn't

they didn't do anything to say that adora and shira are not there right because she's very

much a part of the horde storyline and as you all saw of course they did the baby stealing scene

um from that we saw you know in the original shira cartoon and if you pay attention there's

two cribs right and the crib

that is fallen over there's a stuffed unicorn right coming out of the crib so like there's

little hints there to tell you okay hordak just stole adora uh besides the fact that they also

framed the scene kind of in the same way as they did in the filmation cartoon including hordak

exiting with adora through a window um type of thing so i thought that was particularly well done

and i

absolutely appreciated that they they put that and i mean it's like a flashback that lasts for

what 10 seconds um in there but it was just enough to a skirt around not being able to use

the the the shiro adora character um but to still include it and like you know a a casual person

might have no idea really what was going on there it might just look like they had invaded and

you know tried to attack

prince adam or something as a baby but people who are fans and know the film missionary and

cartoon et cetera would definitely i'm sure appreciated this the inclusion of that scene

yeah it really is too bad that they were not able to include that because i think too it would have

um it would have added a lot of uh like emotional depth story line-wise to randor's dad in the show

i feel like we're falling back on what the filmmaker said there was a lot moving about in the skit

i imagine probably in the book you know there was a lot of excitement in that scene um but you know

there was a lot of excitement in the skit um what they were able to accomplish i can't i'm not sure it's a lot of

yeah um but i would be honest with you i think that it would have had uh you know the uh the story line wise uh i think so much more emotional depth story line-wise to randor's dad in the skit

death scenes and um that whole part of it because like it's it does i mean not exactly ring true

right but like he's he's talking about adam as if that's all there there is in the family and um

which obviously is not the the case at this point so um it's i think that there were

opportunities unfortunately lost in that portion of the uh the story because they couldn't get the

rights very true very true mattel spend the money whatever it takes to get the all of the rights

under one roof just get it done well and to that point like i don't necessarily dislike

the newer idea they have which is you know instead of like force captain adorabra

she is dispara which was in spoiler alert the end credit scene right so like they were able to do

that which also opens the doorway right to adora but i guess they could also make dispara somebody

else um which i would not approve of uh i'm worried uh there is a sequel comic book coming out

uh miniseries and one of the covers i think it's issue four who is dispara

um so i'm i'm i'm optimistic because the comics have been able to use

adora uh and shira um in in the past uh so maybe it's just a issue of they were not able to secure

the entertainment rights for a cartoon series um but that they were able to have hopefully use her

in the comic um i'll be interested to see that the the sequel comic because uh you know i guess

it was written with the notion that you know there's no more episodes on the on the block for

this series so it may give us a juicier ending uh with more horde information and stuff

so i'll be looking forward to that i i hope this does get picked up for more more seasons more

episodes however that works it seems like it's uh it's been more successful than revelation and

um maybe uh they can use this as a springboard into giving us some more uh entertainment uh down

down the road here yeah and i'm sure the reason they didn't do this is because of rights and all

of this but it was i was bummed a little like when randor was dying that he didn't say anything

about adora he was just like my whole family is here yay i can die now and it's like but

hmm and then towards the end he was like i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't

know i've just i've talked about i'm i've been talking about something since i sent the audio

i don't know is process okay you know because marlene's like in the fight i think and the

hordak's around i'm like why isn't she screaming at him you know that would have been hilarious

um just to have something else in there but i i do understand why and i am very grateful that they

gave us what they did there could have been a throwaway line you know like when marlena

and adam were in jail yeah um i i had hoped that

away line there because you know how they always go with the whole marlena knows more than you

think she knows like she already knows he's he-man and stuff like that i thought like it would have

been even if it was something like uh referring to like and hordak has done more you know to this

family than you even realize or some something like that i think would have been an excellent

line to just throw in there because again it could mean anything but it also fits in

in what we know as fans you're buying right the episode here can can we talk for a minute about

the kind of the end uh of this series i get why i get why they did it i get why they did it i

understand what they were going for um i even uh maybe reading too much into it but i don't think

so because they did a couple of

other things uh in there as well um it's it's got star trek overtones and all uh to it and almost

almost referencing back to a 60s star trek episode but i found the whole oh we're dissolving the

monarchy happy independence day attorney of that was that was kind of cheesy over the top and

really not what i wanted

where i wanted the story um to go like i get it i get what they were going for

but it it really kind of rubbed me the wrong way too

well it kind of makes out that things were bad under king grandor

i didn't think of that were they it's like everyone seemed okay but when adam dissolves

the monarchy they're all like yeah

hey i thought oh come on he was all right what are you talking about well and like i'm always

confused at the dynamics of eternia as well because like i don't feel that king randor was

necessarily in charge of the whole planet um like especially since he if you read the prequel comic

like he they don't get along with anwa gar at all um that nation uh

and if you think to the cg show you know like they kind of made it so like the different areas

kind of had their own thing going on uh so the fact that he dissolves that monochrome monarchy

anyway like i i don't know it was it was such a bizarre speech i thought the speech that he

man gave was not good at all it's so stilted like yeah it was like this is where the story is going

so i will say what is necessary to make the story go there that's what it feels like

i mean i like that um like heeman and teela get their happy ending

and that they'll be like he chooses like i understand why they did it right because if you go back to the first episode when randor says you know basically you need to choose

are you gonna be the king or are you gonna be he-man and i think like he kind of did the best of both worlds at the end right he knew he picked the wrong king and they weren't both the same kind of people

worlds at the end right he knew he picked the wrong king by letting keldor be king i think

he sees that he's more valuable as a combination of adam and he-man so therefore he shouldn't

necessarily be the king and since he can't pick the king due to you know picking keldor and that

being bad um you know he's gonna let people be elected but like then there was that throwaway

line where like like tila already knew that andra was like running for political office i was just

like that was random what is this so random so random stop the cows yeah i i just like

like i can't like martin you live under a monarchy right like can you imagine this is like

but i don't know it's sort of i don't know like i don't look

it reminds me the feeling i i i understand all the reasons against what i'm about to say

but it kind of reminds me um a little bit of the aliens movies

i don't know if anybody of you you three have seen those but like this first alien movie it's pretty

good then aliens which is fantastic and then in alien 3 which is terrible they undo all the good

things that the heroes accomplished in aliens in the second movie and it basically makes that

everything that that they sacrificed everything that they did sort of meaningless in that second

film so a lot of aliens fans myself included just pretend like the series ends at movie number two

and nothing else happened after that and this kind of leaves me with a similar feeling it's like we've

got something somewhat remote banned um it allows us to reclaim theدا most technically

but it makes it uh there is nothing shortened from training up the myth there it's it makes

you kind of question whether you can move two buttons it works and if you're not able to move

you can move only one button and you have no option for any two buttons illustration

is important one is that there is there's a forcing feeling that now there's no there's

something that's going to onto the latter half you're going to continue playing it

gone um story-wise um it didn't have to end necessarily with adam slash he-man becoming king

um and it just i just i don't know it just does not sit well with me

i think if the speech was better it could have sold me

the speech was just really bad like yeah i don't know it was really bad

you know what if it too if it didn't um if it didn't feel so much like uh

uh i can't remember the name of the star trek episode that i'm thinking of i want to say that

it's called omega glory but i could be mixing up the titles of the 60s star trek series there is a

similar thing that happens there and it's like it's what it's like this


transparent thing where we're we're declaring the united states independence day as a thing on

this planet now and um this it that's that was the other thing right like it felt so weirdly

um trying too hard to tie our world and our in the u.s whatever into eternity i don't know

i hate

when things do that too far that's one of my one of my most disliked episodes of star

trek for the same reason it's like we don't it doesn't need to shift in that in that way right

like monarchies are for better or worse a very well-established part of fantasy fiction um or

empires alternatively you know that sort of

of hierarchy is a very well-established part of fantasy fiction and whenever it goes into

something more akin to modern democracies we end up with the star wars prequels

and it's just i i fear for that element of it in if they do if they do continue like i want another

season i want to see where else they go with these

characters and i want to see where else they go with these characters and i want to see where else they go with these

characters and i want to see where else they go with these characters and this this continuity

but that aspect of it i worry is going to go off the rails yeah i can probably see what you're saying

i want an election race in the next season where it's like andrea running against triclops or like

presidents and triclops is like from when something like crooked andrea he's putting

a fancy up posters everywhere

the only um i don't know plus i can see for them doing it this way is how would you explain

he-man and teela not living together if they keep this relationship that they've established at the

end it would i feel like it'd be weird like she'd have to be in greyskull and he'd have to be in the


i don't know like how else could they have done it to keep those together and keep her

maintaining the guarding of greyskull and well they could have done a few things they could have

moved the the royal seat to greyskull like the you know it had been the case in like days of king

greyskull or whatever they could have done something along those lines they could have

you know done something along those lines they could have done something along those lines they

could have done something along those lines they could have done something along those lines they could have done something uh where

you know due to some whatever clause or whatever decision being made or tradition or however they

want to explain it away let let adam human pass the kingship to i mean he already did that right

like to keldor but like to someone uh more trustworthy so for example man at arms right

like we could i could see that him being a perfectly suitable suitable king uh or whatever

but there's there's like endless ways they could have done it without without going the

route that they did like where what i would that would have felt more true to the property to me

right so i actually love your ideas josh well done and even grayskull at this point

do they need to keep it looking like grayskull or can they just make it look like the hall of

wisdom all the time that's true because i mean the court act changed it that would have worked

too because because like it's kind of coming full circle right if you accept the king grayskull part

of the mythos which they clearly made part of this because there's that king grayskull statue

right at one point in revolution um the uh if you do that it's sort of

comes full circle right like okay well you know destinies have been fulfilled teal has become the

sorceress he-man is now king and will rules from the original uh seat of power on eternia which is

castle grayskull like they could have totally wrapped it up that way and made it uh make made

it come full circle rather than what they did so i don't know there's there's a lot of different ways

that i personally anyway would have done it but i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know

what i would have been happier with yeah well i have something positive to talk about

um that i liked um that is surprising given anyone who knows me and that is the fact

that in revolution i was completely sold on teela i am now a teela fan it's about time

because a loved the voice actress change to be honest that performance fit her so much better

um than sarah michelle geller again no disrespect to sarah michelle geller love you and cruel

intentions uh but not so much as teela uh then what i like is you know i love a transformation

sequence teela gets a transformation sequence that does not in my opinion like take away from

the fact that adora has a transformation sequence because i've always had a problem with like

teela is not adora teela is not shira

don't do this. However, Teela's destiny is to become the sorceress. That I agree with. And I

like tri-sorceress. I believe she even referred to herself as the tri-sorceress in this scene that I

have the little screen capture of up. I love this costume. I love the concept of her doing the three

powers, you know, united as one. And that the costume incorporates the Eternian tower from

the Eternia playset. All of that was fantastic to me. And so her story arc was annoying

in Revelation to me. The way they wrote her here, I feel they wrote her better here because she also

wasn't trying to one-up He-Man, if you will. She kind of was like, not even an equal. It's,

you know, I even like that they put in those cheesy lines where he was like,

thank you.

Thank you for your help, my sorceress. And she was like, anything for my champion, right? So like

they did the whole dynamic, I feel, to shut the people up that were saying Revelation was like,

you know, the Teela show or whatever. Like you can still make Teela very powerful and put her on her

journey, but you need to keep her characterization, I feel, correct. And I thought this, whatever

pathway they changed for this one was fantastic. And like I said, I'm completely sold on this kind

of conclusion.

I'm completely sold on this kind of conclusion to the whole arc that started in Revelation. So, and

whoever designed this Teela look that I have on the screen should get a bonus check because I really

loved the design. Like when I saw that and the transformation sequence, beautifully animated.

The, I can, it makes me want, you know, in the Filmation cartoon, there was a few times when,

He-Man and She-Ra transform at the same time. And there wasn't anything different, right? But,

you know, they kind of would cut between each transformation sequence. And that, this is what

that reminded me of. So like, it makes me want even more, like what would they do if like there

was a double transformation sequence of He-Man and She-Ra? Like, I'm very excited for that.

And I'm glad they kept the kind of Sailor Moon type transformation sequence,

that they, that they did. What am I thinking? They did on the, the She-Ra, the She-Ra Princesses

of Power show.

You know, you mentioned the voice acting for Teela. I think one, one thing where you have to give

Melissa, what's her last name?


Okay. Well, I'm going to just not even try that. Anyway, she,

did a great, like, I am particularly, I find it annoying when voice acting changes in the middle

of a series or even actors in general change in the middle of a series. Sometimes I can get over

it. Sometimes I can't. Sometimes I have someone I prefer, but she, she deserves also a medal for

taking it, it over. I didn't have a strong feeling either way about being better or worse than the

Sarah Michelle Gellar, but she made it cohesive. She made it, she made it so I didn't think about it.

It still is. That's just Teela and it's fine. Whereas that's often not the case when there's a,

an actor change. So I, I give her props for that for sure.

I enjoyed also, I don't know if I'm the only one that thinks that.

I feel like she talks pretty fast, Melissa Benoist, but the way she does it,

you can understand every word, even if she is talking quickly. So I feel like they were almost

able to write more dialogue for Teela because she could fit it in, in a shorter time span.

I have no idea if that had anything to do with the writing, but it was just like, wow, they're

really compressing a lot of information into her lines, I feel like, and she delivered it really


I thought the dialogue in general in this one was better mixed in the series. There were

lines that I still struggle understanding in Revelation, even having watched some of

the episodes multiple times. Whereas this one, it was a way better audio mix,

bringing that dialogue forward and making it easier to hear.

I believe they did comment about, that was a complaint

a valid, constructive complaint that was made for Revelation. And I believe they did come out

and say, because it was, some of it was due to how the actors were recording during COVID.

Whereas this one was probably all recorded in possibly a

professional studio and maybe even the same studio.

I'm glad you mentioned the voices though. One thing I wanted to mention that I did not notice

until I rewatched.

It, the second binge was that, so there's a scene where we get like a back, a little bit

of a backstory on Hordak, where he is explaining, you know, he has minions to do his fighting for

him. And there's always a, every world has its own little champion and they used Stonedar as the

champion. And he was voiced by Cam Clark, who was the voice.

Which is awesome.


Mike Young He-Man. And I, you didn't pick up on it until the second time I binged. I was like,

wait a minute. That voice sounds familiar.

What was funny is I didn't realize it was Stonedar on the, initially, but I was like,

that sounded like Cam Clark. And I went and looked it up in, in the cult sheet app. And I was like,

yep, that's who that was. That was Cam Clark. That's awesome.

Well, and I had a fan failure moment too. Cause when I was watching, I was like, wait a minute,

is that Stonedar? Is that Rockon?

I was like, I was like, I think it's Rockon. And I ran over. Yeah. I ran over. I have, um,

I have both Stonedar and Rockon in this glass display where I have all of the

vintage She-Ra toys. Cause they were in the She-Ra cartoon and I had to, I have them in their rock

form. So I had to open them up and I was like, oh, it is Stonedar. It's not Rockon.

Stonedar was the only, uh, rock guy that I had.


I was so glad that I had Rockon because it was the only guy that I had, uh, as a kid,

uh, growing up. I didn't, I never had Rockon. I have Rockon now in a couple of different

ways, but, um, Stonedar was the only one and yeah, I, I always loved him. So I was, I'm

really glad it was Stonedar, but not Rockon.

Um, go ahead.

Real quick.


Cause yeah, the second time around, I did turn captions on even though I didn't feel

like I needed them as much, uh, in Revolution, but I still just wanted them.


just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything and there were a few things that I was just like

some were like woohoo and some were like what so does pecksniffian mean anything because Skeletor

says pecksniffian prick at one point I'm like what the hell is this word what does this mean

I had to look it up because I was like what did you say

it's like the word for a very sort of grandiose pompous character

like very big words and thinks a lot of themselves so it does make sense in that context

so what do you bring back pecksniffian

we have to say it three times in this episode to commit it to memory

well did you do a drinking game of every time they said the word acolyte because that was like

in every sentence it was a lot I was just like could we get a

I was just like could we get a

a saris at this point i've just like i've heard this work so many times

um a couple oh go ahead martin sorry no i just it did sound very cool when uh keith david said

acolytes as for that he had a very good voice so i was happy to listen to him whenever it's

very cool he did an amazing job completely agree um yes there he is in all his glory

the hordak snorts which yes great thank goodness no end this time

but i the and the snorts were done like very tactfully i thought uh like it fits like he

wasn't snorting all the time but um and for anyone who's not sure what we're referencing is

you know hordak snorts all the time in the film


cartoon and you do that well uh you know he did in the mike young cartoon as well they let him

briefly uh snort so it's just a characteristic we expect from hordak

and when he turned into the rocket but more subtly done in this but it was a nice a nice touch

yeah for sure and there's two more things before i forget them with the whole caption thing um

when granomere screams in dragon

language at the end when he's fighting the big robot thing it says in the captions like in

english you shall not pass and i was just like that was the coolest thing one oh wait before you

go the next thing because you mentioned this so i just want to um as like toy references that were

in the thing so you said what he was fought what the thing that kills granomere is this

does it look like the like a variation on the fright fighter toy from the vintage line the

toy from the vintage line that's what it looked like to me

just throwing it out there i think i because it was hard to tell like i i did see

when the monsteroids were coming up out of the out of the ground one of them was the actual toy

that was the monster out of that one because y'all mentioned it and like oh yes which one

i've got so many screenshots prepared for this absolutely i have monstroid

um yeah that's my first thought when they started showing up oh my good yeah i think

they could have used more to like actual masters universe toys in these sequences

uh that because they obviously have the rights to those those would have just been dartell ones

they didn't use the filmation monstroids um it was just this this toy um but uh i i did think

the other thing looked like a variation on the fright friders so i was just throwing it out there

because i got all excited when i saw it and then i was like oh this is like a um like a i really thought that one did look low nurses that most of these monsters looked likeincivilized monsters

got all excited when i saw it and then i was like wait is that the right fighter i don't know

maybe it was inspired by inspired by like i like that okay anyway that was my lonely dude uh

i loved the line uh that skeletor had it was another one of those uh this sounds like this

could have been right out of mike young uh thing but it made me laugh it was it was like one of the

good funny lines we would have gotten in mike young uh as opposed to some that weren't so good

uh where skeletor uh says something along the lines of if you keep breaking my toys you'll just

have to play with the old ones just it made me laugh it was it was that was a good line

good funny line one-liners and the alliteration oh so much great alliteration

i did think um when he said um if you keep breaking my new toys you'll have to play with

the old one

that at that point he was going to summon all of the evil warriors uh because we hadn't seen

them for about three episodes and i thought they were all going to come back at the end and help

him and i was a little disappointed that that didn't happen because triclops didn't even get

a line in this in this time like yeah that's at some point i didn't even think of there was a lack

of evil warriors and even only you know only a few of the or three well four if you count horde trooper

appeared from the horde line and they didn't even speak

yeah did beastman show up did i miss him or is he dead because they like throw him in the pit

in at the end of the second part and i was like oh i don't remember that

surely he's gonna come back and i'm like wait no i don't think he did come back crap

that's sad he was so sweet to evil in the second part well and it's they always pick interesting

you know how we got like weird cameos like pig boy and stuff in in revelation like at least this

time they did they did do and i have to say like i like it that they gave some highlight to like

characters that we don't really see animated like they did rio blast even though i hated this

toy as a child but i loved his little like pew pew like just stupid stupid little things like that um

as kind of like a throwaway you know throwaway character that that's just there so i i do kind

of appreciate when it's not always the same people like man-at-arms uh all the time like like the

earlier released people that were in the filmation cartoon so yeah you know i think i said it too

during revelation and it was even more true in this one is there has always been that line uh

that fine line with the portrayal of orco between childish and childlike is how i usually describe

it i uh disliked mostly the way that he was portrayed in mike young as much as i like that

show in that era he was a little bit too far on the childish side whereas filmation he was more

on the child-like side and they really in both revelation and yeah a little too far but when you

do you just weren't there for a little bit something that you would be used to really

right i mean maybe we can start with that as well but i dug into what's more interesting than the

other buildings such as mountain ish was mostly that was you know caramel rather like because oh if you

have an komendumache on the north side and yeah there's still a lot to be saw a lot of sense in that

07 that contrast to the old thing i mean but that's kind of an interesting point honestly yeah archae건 ish you know

even more so in revolution really um nailed that that character uh characterization for him on the

child-like side without veering over into the child-ish um side that that mike young tended

to do i could see that and since john is putting up this amazing screenshot now bring it back

uh orco making the rainbow so okay if you're gonna make a rainbow do it in the right order it's

it's backwards the rat should be on top not on the bottom well but could it be like that because

everything's backwards in trawler yes but the rainbows there were like upside down well that's

true and you complain and you had valid complaints about trawler and its rainbows in rev in revelation

so yeah yes it still makes me angry so angry but it's like they can't get rainbows right

in the

i don't know why

but i love that there is a rainbow even if it is wrong just for you katie

there were at least rainbowy effects like during the transformation and when sorcerers is like up

in the air doing lots of magical stuff it was very sparkly well you said you had three things what's

the third thing oh the other thing was just a small thing um when skeletor gets stabbed and he

turns back into keldor and then he's just completely defeated he like sits down or

something and then he just goes yeah and it's like in the captions it's literally m-y-a-h

it just makes me laugh

just it was well done which i don't think he ever actually said that

it's just like a meme that's that's happened over the years i think alan oppenheimer used to do some

noises that sounded a bit like that so he'd be like like just screams but i don't recall an

occasion in which he ever actually went meh like unless i might be wrong yeah i think you might be

right but it's such a meme now that we just expect it like um let's show me show you the shirt i'm

wearing oh no no that makes me happy real quick we were briefly um talking about uh the toys like

monstroid and and whatever um i just wanted to point out some other favorite moments of

revolution was when they showed the toy version of the fright zone like they didn't have to call

the fright zone

which they didn't they didn't have to specifically call it out it was just like an organic part of

the flashback when uh hordak was training keldor keldor um so i thought that was beautiful and

and really the interiors of when they would show hordak at a throne in his like wherever he was

and kind of in space it looked like it did at least give kind of like filmation vibes uh like

you know it like an updated filmation aesthetic

so i thought that was nice um and there was one other specific toy element that i wanted to point

out that was by far i was very excited about which was the use of battle armor he-man which is a

design i've always liked like when they've tried to make he-man quote-unquote less naked i remember

them saying like kids thought he was too naked or something in recent focus group things i always

thought well then could we go towards battle armor

he-man um i thought the design looked awesome in the show and i loved and i i don't know if

this was in the the visual uh description for you josh during the episode but at one point

the battle armor chest plate is damaged in the show and then it goes like and it like

spins up into not being battle damaged anymore and i just and it's just very subtle like they

didn't make a big deal out of it or anything but it's just i just think the way that the battle

was just visually very cool that it was it was it was like the toy and i thought it was um

not like a toy comer obviously it's they're not really selling the toy but like it wasn't like

a toy commercial i liked how andra as a man-at-arms because if you think about it in the

filmation cartoon man-at-arms was often inventing things and and giving it to people to use um so

the fact that she uh made that like kind of uh plate to put over top of his uh chest piece that

then formed into the battle armor i thought that was perfect uh a perfect nod and a perfect it i

want flying fist c-man to appear uh in the in the sequel so anyway those are just two two things i

wanted to point out i was very happy with them as a fan um can i point out something else real quick

this is

yeah the notes i took so when i was watching revelation i noticed this that them saying let

this be our final battle they've said it three times now the episode one of part one episode

five of part two both of those are skeletor and then hordak says it in revolution and i'm like

okay it's a great line but when's it actually going to be the final battle that y'all keep

talking about oh whatever i just like that they kind of

all of these things i'm mentioning are just kind of um bringing it full circle

real quick with that i think they originally put it in revelation

as a reference to the live action movie when it's like you know let this be our final battle right

at the end oh i forgot that's what i think in the movie but i do feel like you said when when

hordak said it i was just like why is he saying that line like i was just like the be creative

people um

be creative and before i forget before you go on katie one screenshot um did anyone else notice

that motherboard in castle grayskull looks like the castle grayskull of the live action movie

um if you look closely there's like the little skull there and it's like kind of all shaped

it's like from the i wish i would have grabbed a screenshot of castle grayskull from the live

action movie but i'm talking about like the opening opening sequence of the live action

movie when he's like you know at the center of the universe blah blah blah blah blah and it

pans in on grayskull if you look at both of them back to back you'll see that that is uh that is

absolutely inspired by that castle grayskull design so just pointing it out for anyone who didn't uh

didn't see that but this goes back to what i said at the beginning right like they did such

a great job of pulling stuff from all over the original mythos yeah i just when you were saying

that john at the center of the universe or whatever in the revelation part one and two at the beginning

they say center of the universe at the beginning of revolution they say the center of creation

and i was like is that on purpose that they're changing it and if so why or was it just

maybe due to the end of part two where tila turns into zor and with the snake fighting

yeah it was a little bit more of a like a religious

uh a religious uh thing right on this on this season like it made me think of like uh

like Catholic, right, like Father, Son, Holy Ghost type thing,

like the three trinity power, really, of Eternia.

So that could kind of mold into what you're saying

with the change of the opening title sequence.

Yeah, that's interesting, going back to what I was saying earlier

about the D&D influence and stuff like that.

In the Dragonlance books, which are sort of a spinoff

of Dungeons & Dragons, the Dungeons & Dragons original company

published way back in the day.

In that universe, there are three gods that are part of the religions

and they kind of rule over and control some of the things

that happen on Kryn, which is the planet.

The Dragonlance books are very good books.

Recommend them. Everybody should read them.

If you like Masters, it'd be really hard not to like Dragonlance.

But those three gods were Paladine, I think it's Gilean is the second one,

and Tachesis, the Queen of Darkness.

But basically, it's good god, evil god, and the neutral god.

And that's what this sort of reminded me of.

It's like we had Zor, good god, Havoc, evil god,

and Khaaz kind of can go either way.

And speaking of neutral, there were all the Zors at the end.

And I almost lost it when he was like,

today we learned a lesson and starts talking.

I was just like, and Adam was like, what?

And I'm like, he said today we learned a lesson.

Are they doing a moral thing?

Like that would have been amazing, which they didn't quite do.

But it was still interesting the way they did it.

I'm sure y'all caught a lot more of the characters as Zor that I did.

Because I was like, okay, I'm sure these are people

that we've been introduced to before, but I don't recognize them.

I thought it was a moral too, though.

I think they did that on purpose.

Yeah, totally.

I think this kind of also helped explain away a weird quirk

in the Filmation series where the sorceress turns into Zor, right?


And apparently in the Filmation series, when they would refer to Zor,

they would say he, not every time, but every once in a while.

And so the fact that she was sort of turning into the falcon,

gaining, taking that power from Zor, this other god or whatever.

And so it sort of helps explain away why they were not always,

you know, consistent with the pronouns there between the god or the sorceress.

Speaking real quick of Zor, though, did you also, did you guys notice that

when Motherboard turns into a bird, she turns into Screech?


So that was another nice nod.

And we didn't even mention Meg Foster voices Motherboard,

who was Eva Lynn in the live action movie.

And I thought she was.

She was brilliant as Motherboard.

Loved it.


I had forgotten that that was her.

And then during my rewatch, I paid attention.

It was like, oh, my God.


How did I not catch that?

She's so amazing.

I would like to mention my personal favorite character in Revolution.

Yellow Cap Crowd Man.


So at the end of the series, just in a, in a very, like,

specifically lingering shots when he's reacting to something that's going on.

And he's just like, looking from side to side.

And it was such an oddly specific design of this, like,

weird, big yellow cat guy in, like, a pink turtleneck.

And I was like, who's that guy?

Why are we focused on him?

Is he, is he important?

I will insert a screenshot.

I can't find him in my folder.

Oh, no.


But I kept looking at all the background characters after that guy.

And I spotted, like, a yellow dinosaur man.

And he's just in the background going like this.


Hey, guys.

That's amazing.

I just enjoyed the background extras.

I thought it was lovely.

I'm surprised you can write a character with the background extras.

I know Leanne was disappointed that Skratos only showed up once in the background.

I think it was at the funeral.

And then, but she was talking to us about this the other day.

And she's not here, so I get to say it.

She was like, yeah, he was at the funeral, but he didn't come to the coronation because he knew something was up.

He was smarter than that.

Yes, unfortunately, Leanne is sick and couldn't make it today.

But we are on team Stratos, not Buzz Off.

So Buzz Off got more screen time.

What's up with that?

Nobody asked for Buzz Off.

He got more of a close up than Stratos got.

Looking forward to it.



What did you guys think of?

So I really also liked Evil Lynn's characterization in this, how she's like dancing on the, I think I'm going to be good, but I haven't really decided yet.

And she had the funny, I actually thought funny, like, you know, Adam and Tila sitting in a tree, you know, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

I liked that.

I liked how she kind of redeems herself because one of my complaints, again, a revelation, right, is like,

okay, you sent her to Trala for punishment, for, you know, destroying heaven.


Like, there didn't seem to be enough weight there.

So I do think she makes it back.

But I don't necessarily like the conclusion at the end that she is now going to be like a cosmic enforcer with the Zodak people.

I don't, I don't, I don't necessarily.

I liked that they mentioned her homeland, which comes from.

You know, the Mike Young show.

So that was in that scene.

But I didn't really jive with why she was becoming a cosmic enforcer.

Yeah, I don't, I don't mind that aspect of it.

The, um, the He-Man and Tila sitting in a tree was way over the top for me.

Like, I did not enjoy that, but, um.

Wait, didn't enjoy what?

Say that again?

The, you know, the whole He-Man and Tila sitting in a tree.

Oh, I just thought it was funny.


Well, hey, it's, that was too over the top, but, um, I, you know, I prefer my masters a little bit more on the serious side most of the time, but, um, but they, and if they were going, Eva Lynn has always been one of master, like all the way back to Filmation, right.

Has always been one of master's more complicated characters.

And she's.

She's always been somewhat ambiguous at times, and it's definitely evil, but, you know, she and Tila worked together in, uh, The Witch and the Warrior and things like that.

Um, I, you know, and they were definitely playing up some of that ambiguity and this one, uh, and had, had, uh, her and Tila doing their thing with Grand Amour and all of that.


So having her end up on the, you know, Cosmic Enforcers, because Zodac is like the ultimate like neutral character in masters.


So if that is sort of the, what they're going for with Zodac's portrayal being, and the Cosmic Enforcers, I guess I should say, being maintaining the balance between good and evil.


If you were going to pull a character out of.


the Master Universe lineup of characters

that we've had over the years

and say, we're going to make an existing character

join the cosmic enforcers with Zodak and what have you,

she's probably the most logical choice.

I can't think of a better candidate.

I guess my point is we don't need a candidate at all.

Like, I just feel that she, it's too easy.

Like, she's just too, I think she should turn good.

I like that.

But I still think she has penance to do for what she did.

And that putting her in that type of position,

which is a very powerful position.

But it's maintaining the balance, right?

I actually prefer this over her being good.

I don't want her to be good.

I want her to be sometimes good,

sometimes evil, like Zodak has often been portrayed.

And you're never sure which side he's on

because the point is maintaining the balance for them, right?

I could see her in that role.

Yeah, yeah.

And they continued that with that multiverse comic

that they did too.

It was just a couple of issues where he had,

like the sorceress is proving to Zodak

in every single multiverse

that Adam is supposed to have the power

or something like that.

That was the general concept.

I don't know.

I guess I just feel maybe it was part of the rush.

Again, like the rushed storyline

that I just didn't understand

why she was becoming a cosmic enforcer.

Like why that's the point of the ending of her story.

I don't know.

Well, maybe they'll make more sense out of it

if we get another season.

Quite true.

Can you bring the screenshot up of the Zodaks again real quick?

And I think,

I think I said Zors before when I met Zodaks.

Whatever, they start with Z.

One of them has a weird beard thing.

Yeah, what's with the tentacle beard guy?

Yeah, because the other one is Strobo, right?

So I don't know.

I don't recognize that reference on the left,

on our left.


I want to make sure it wasn't just me.

Yeah, no, I think like what Wondar was in there.

I didn't see 2000XX.

I think it was XZodak though,

with the blue tattoos,

unless I blinked and he might've been there.

I'm sure I spotted him one shot.


I was going to say,

I liked that we got Jeffrey Combs

as the voice of Zodak.

I don't know if anyone's familiar

with the works of Jeffrey Combs.

There's a lot of horror films,

but also another Star Trek actor.

He's played like multiple Star Trek roles.

Whomst I have met?


that's that's my one masters of the universe cast member that i've ever met

there you go i thought that was kind of fun

what did we think of um so he-man and skeletor get new costumes at the end

now he-man's made sense to me because gwildor modifies the power sword which i loved that

plot point loved it made sense to me um he transforms into he-man and he has new armor

it's beautiful i i really liked um that design and i'm sure i have a screenshot if i can pull that

so question because i could not see it but in my in my headcanon and what i was visualizing when

gwildor upgraded the sword i was picturing the 2000x sword which would have made a lot of sense

with all the the technicality of the sword but i was picturing the 2000x sword which would have

made a lot of sense with all the technicality of the sword which would have made a lot of sense

now stuff on it i it was that not what it was no but it does have um like it does mechanically open

just it doesn't it doesn't resemble or open in the same way that the 2000x that's too

bad because that would have been a nice nod as well i think um that's interesting um

um i agree uh it was more like uh i have a screenshot up of it now it was kind of more like

um the circuitry of for lack of a better term a motherboard like in a computer was added to the

sword and then the sword opens up whereas the 2000x one as you know it kind of like had the

it could turn different parts of it turned and things like that

um this was still pretty cool looking but i agree with you it would have been a very nice nod

especially because the 2000x sword also kind of has a little bit of an element of the new

adventure sword uh if you will so like they could have actually kind of melded all those swords

together like when it opened up or something it's really funny i was thinking about this

recently too that the when 2000x was going on i remember not not hating but not loving that power

sword from that era um even though there were so much else like i the the character designs

from that era are my my by far my favorite masters designs overall uh for most of the characters

that sword though like over time like the the original 80s style power sword is always going

to be the power sword to me but i i have a soft

a soft

spot has grown for me for the the 2000x sword that wasn't there at the time when that era was

going on but i do i do have a soft spot for it now well just circling back my i guess the point i was

making was he man's upgrade made sense to me totally made sense uh with the upgraded power

sword amplifying the power of gray skull yada yada what i didn't like and again this is probably



we had five episodes but after um skeletor kills well we don't say kill because he didn't kill

when he gave a boo-boo to hordak and hordak went bye-bye um it was just like evil lynn i think says

the line she's like uh after she takes the havoc you know staff away from him or whatever and he's

like i don't need that girl uh he he just she has a line that she's like i don't need that girl

hordak and i was just like how what did he do to like have this epiphany because that was not there

was not it's just like boom skeletor gets a new look too and can do all of this stuff and it was

just like so fast that they had to a get rid of hordak um which don't get me wrong that skeletor

hordak battle was fantastic i loved that especially since hordak you know the love of the

transformed into the rocket and everything just like he did in in filmation but you know once

they got rid of him very quickly it was just like boom now skeletor knows what what to do so i just

think that was a little bit of convenience on on their part um to give skeletor a new look

since he-man had a new look i don't know i thought it would have made sense if skeletor had just

like absorbed hordak's power like after the battle i thought that's the way it was going

because i thought why does skeletor now have transparent arms like the glowing transparent arms

i didn't quite understand that although i liked the look like i look forward to that figure i was

confused as to why he suddenly looked like that like it would have made more sense to me if he'd

like he'd used the technology he'd used magic to

steal hordak's technological power and fuse that with himself now that would have been cool like

because you know he had that dark magic kind of swirling around hordak um at the end yeah like

if we would have seen like the tech tech parts of hordak kind of like become dislodged from him

which would actually it also explain why he looks so limp and lanky in that tube at the end with

when dispara when you know

when you find out he's not dead um that would have been good see boom right there all we needed was

another five to ten seconds of animation i suppose i still would rather have skeletor the wizard

than skeletor the cyborg

well but i mean he is like i did like the aspect of like the epiphany of like oh no he's actually

so you know how you said he's not dead he's not dead he's not dead he's not dead

he's not dead he's not dead he's not dead he's not dead he's not dead he's not dead he's not dead

you really liked how in this iteration they kept hordak was way more on the technology side and

and wasn't didn't like magic whereas in mike young hordak was kind of more he you know he did that

seance thing to do the the light dark hemispheres and a lot of mini comics and stuff like that

portraying them that way so i do kind of like even though i i feel that hordak is such a better

villain than skeletor but um i did i will give skeletor props because i actually think this is a

really awesome

plot point that he would figure out it's not just magic or just technology i'm going to actually

use them both to my advantage right instead of hordak having you know like shadow weaver doing

the magic stuff for him and not necessarily i kind of liked that that that skeletor was perhaps now

the ultimate evil like the ultimate threat because he was going to master both of them

um so i kind of like that i i do but i just i just wish it was fleshed out like how martin had

described it but yeah what can you do um one technological advance if i may um since we've

been positive here for a while i would like to go into a negative um i while i absolutely loved

man-at-arms this new costume uh because it reminded me of as an homage to the

uh vintage toy extendar uh the the costume looked a little bit like extendars

what i did not like is he became iron man

like to me he was like iron man like he's you know there's jets coming out of his boots and

he's flying around in the air like he's iron man like that's that i just didn't like that

aspect i think they should have used extend our powers uh perhaps not not iron man

that's just my one little


nobody else cares

yeah i mean i don't know they

the radical redesigns i this was the in revelation to uh the different versions like

really do we have to have an entirely new look for every character all the time like i know it's the

do we have to have an entirely new look for every character all the time like i know it's the solely

all I know re-designed and from my experience um two different versions um either or you may have

actually probably sold the actual original uh cast so yeah i think i it that other versions dangerous

are and they do always play more texts and lose Jenna veterans and older

yeah i think i do i kind of saw a few uh the first and then one of the most 뭔 already

by myself to try to quote what i think that much you know if you know i mean to give another

the actual the as an additionalその flower and some of the character the original the other side that uh in truth in the

figures that will inevitably get produced of these things and some of them are fine if they're

justified uh for the story but boy oh boy i i i have character redesign fatigue sometimes with uh

some of the newer stuff i do think like some some of the redesigns are just kind of them giving them

a more slightly modern look for this animation style that that part's fine right that's what

they did for 2000x almost exclusively right like that part's fine what i'm but i don't think we

need i mean how many across revelation and revolution how many different costumes does

skeletor have like or whatever outfits designs whatever like it's just it's it's just it's a lot

it's like they're they're overcompensating for the fact that there was no variation in filmation

with he-man or skeletor or tila or man-at-arms or whatever it's just i don't know i don't i just

know what would have fit was they could have like they used battle armor he-man right in this they

could have used i feel like terror clause skeletor would have fit very well at the end or even like

they could have did a homage to like what was it like discs of doom skeletor from new adventures

um i think would have also fit that look um but yeah instead they just kind of you know redid

brand new things what you gonna do they want to sell the toys though they could have made you know

terror clause toys and things like that too i think a lot of times people want to put their

own spin on things as well like they want their stamp if you want to put their own spin on things

if you will on on the property um i don't know i at least like that they incorporated a lot of

elements to make he-man's design especially um if you bring him back up i'm sure you john could

point at like every little thing and say where it came from um because like the hair reminded us of

um new adventures and then he had the breastplate design from cgi and

what am i forgetting the movie tape yes yes movie cape it was just it was beautiful

yeah like i even went further than that like you can argue that even like

uh color scheme they're paying a little bit of a tribute to she-ra also with a red cape um i i

i i squeed i saw that the ponytail i immediately thought of new adventures

i do think his facial structure and the haircut also in general

is dolph lundgren uh from the live action movie um you already mentioned the elements from the

new cgi i actually do really like that new symbol um for he-man which i did like in the cgi show as

well um so yeah i thought those were this design here has a lot of nods even though it's new

yeah the skeletor one did not in my opinion have as much

of an homage to other things so yeah missed opportunity perhaps

on the skeletal design was that he has like the epaulettes from his 200x outfits like the little

shoulder things that was the thing that i noticed and that seemed quite quite quite a redesign to me

although his face gave me sort of new adventures it does especially with the red eyes uh

too uh also makes me think of mike young and yeah it does i mean the facial structure absolutely

looks and and the skin kind of tone or skin the skulls uh color tone looks like new adventures

yeah i loved his crown i like just how they incorporate the crown it's hard to

put a crown on someone with a hood but they pulled it up i think it'd be cool

you know i just accepted it i loved the line when

andra asks keldor where why isn't he wearing his crown and he like gives some like you know

whatever answer but says that like so i just left it at home and then it's you know it's

sitting in on motherboards throne and then he-man's like oh no what a stupid person i am

and i just wanted this guy to know

i just talked um like who knows

so i just wanted to do some








you know in revelation i didn't know one of the lines was from like lord of the like lifted

directly from lord of the rings but i think the lines that they chose for this did fit better than

like when marlena randomly said as if because just because she was you know alicia silverstone like

those type of things don't fit but these ones actually fit for what is going on and i loved

that you pointed out he said what that you shall not pass but he said it in dragon language instead

of actually saying it so like little clever things like that i can appreciate more than

than just repeating the line i guess too yeah true there was also a bit of foreshadowing i

noticed this time i guess it's at the end of part two where there's all the shadow beasts

in the in the battle and there's the big shadow dragon

and it falls

to the ground almost the same as granomere um so i was just like oh i wonder if they

were already planning at that time that they were gonna do that um it was just yeah a cool little

detail isn't it it's kind of neat too that they they tapped so many star trek actors uh for this

and it's like you don't but it doesn't make it feel like it's a star trek

episode or something it's just these people like the amount of emotion that um dr crusher i'm

playing gates mcfadden did on marlena like and not a big role right not a big role queen marlena

but just the depth that her performance gave to that character i was madly impressed really good

so good so good

and like john delancey didn't sound like q this time

like a lot of things i've heard him and i mean i love him and i love him as q but like in my

little pony i feel like his character was just another version of q but granomere i feel like

he really like purposely did not go that route and i appreciated that it had a different tone

to it it's a good job well i wish they could have had even if it was just like a one-off character

character or something that said a line they really should have got since they were on a Star

Trek thing if they would have used uh Robert Duncan McNeil who was on Voyager he was also

Kevin in the live action movie and I think that would have been awesome but I was expecting him

to be honest to show like to be like a throwaway line or something like he could have been one of

the one of the characters like he could have been I don't know Rio Blast or buzz off or something

that would have been funny I also I'm not who I didn't even look to see who did whoever did the

voices for too bad I thought were also really good I loved the too bad scene I thought that was

perfect it was really good yeah yeah it was really good they reminded me of like Statler and Waldorf


oh so good it was so good little things like that we appreciate we definitely appreciate big time

I'll tell you this this doing this podcast has made me want to go re-watch Revolution immediately


I think I said earlier I did not on purpose watch uh Revelation before this right but I did

binge twice Revolution my problem with watching and I'd like to know your opinion on this Katie

um since you did watch re-watch Revelation beforehand does it does watching Revolution

improve your experience with Revelation or do you watch


and be like oh this would be so much better


hmm because like I like I said I me me history for people who don't know I don't like Tila just don't

like her okay I like Adora she is capable I just don't like I don't like Tila I love Tila and in

Revolution like who would have thought you could make me like this character but I did not like her

in as normal right in Revolution is she she's not even in condition to say I like her I love her I'm not even sure that's how she shows.

as normal right in revelation and it's just like i feel like this comparatively speaking

is just so much better and i've had no desire i hate to say it really no desire you know before

this was coming out to watch revelation again i mean i know people no offense martin don't like

the new adventures but i watch new adventures episodes from time to time um but i don't pull

up revelation and it's easier to pull up revelation than it is new adventures um so

like i i'm worried that it'll make me dislike it more because i like revolution so much so

what do you think like should i do it should i go back and re-watch it i don't think it's really

going to change your opinion because when i re-watched part two it was the same things that

bothered me and i don't think it's going to change your opinion because when i re-watched

like evelyn's parents turning into cannibals i was like oh my god i had scrubbed that from my brain

it's so dumb and oh there it is again um so things like that seeing revolution first or yeah is not

going to affect and i think it even made me appreciate a few things in revelation more than

i did the first time around so at the very beginning with orco and everybody where it's

very filmation-y it was like oh

i kind of missed that i mean there was some elements of that in revolution but not as

obvious maybe so it really made me appreciate that i think the voice actor who did cringer

did a better job in both parts of revelation compared to revolution oh i agree with that

yeah i didn't like i didn't really like him in revolution he was yeah it wasn't very strong it

was yeah it was odd performance like the lies were good just his delivery of them was like

it's like he kind of had like 10 minutes to hurry up and come in and record the couple lines that

he said that's kind of how it felt yeah yeah that's a good point are you okay good are you

guys familiar with machete star wars is that the order that you watch them in

um no exactly it was an edit this was this was probably 10 10 15 years ago

there was an edit of the star wars movies i think you could i think there was instructions for how

you could watch it yourself but basically the idea was that you you watched the original trilogy

of star wars and then they would you would intersplice in bits and pieces of the prequels

as like flashbacks and it basically eliminated everything that was

horrible about the prequels and just kept a few gems that were here and there i feel like

something similar i wish somebody would do with revelation like do a re-edit of those 10 episodes

and just cut out all of the things that don't work and you could probably get a you know

somewhere between five and seven episode uh edit of it

that is much better than uh than it in its entirety right now which might also

uh flow better into revolution right because most of the problems with

revelation at least in my opinion are in the second half and um it would be interesting to see

if uh if you know some fan project at some point could come along that uh

cuts revelation down and tries to pull out all the good stuff and um and kind of ditch some of the

stuff that didn't work it'd be interesting very similar like what they did with the machete star

wars that would be interesting i agree i think it could be done too you could totally trim it down

there was a lot of fat um for lack of a better way to say it uh in revelation well maybe i'll

try it i was interested to watch it all the way through like revelation one two then revolution

um you know obviously end with the with the dessert at the end it tastes really good so yeah

maybe like it can be just like if you recall a shira and the princesses of power there was like

a seat like you know a season in the middle there that was just like oh what are they doing now like

this was so good and it's getting a little weird and then it like picked back up and got better so

maybe it would feel like that like there was just kind of that little lull in the middle

until they get that upswing back up yeah well do we have any other uh

super pressing uh points we want to make we are approaching the two hour mark

hey don't think i've got anything else

oh we're pretty good when orko has the sword at one point he goes by the power of and then

they like stop him and then gwildor later on does the same thing but he just says i have the

and then stop and i just thought that was adorable but i kind of also want to see them both transform

because it would be hilarious

um they were oddly a great team even when they were arguing

at the end through like i think those two have got the hearts for each other

i really make you laugh

you know i'll throw one last comment in here too i think watching um

um revolution

also made me kind of miss the the old days uh of filmation where you know we've had we had

revelations revelation part one and two we had revolution does every story now i i get it to a

point i guess but does every single story have to be the end of the universe we must save the

universe we must save the universe we must save the universe we must save the universe we must

we must save the universe we must save the universe we must save the universe we must save the

planet we must you know these enormous stakes i i i would love to see you know if they did in another

season an episode or two or whatever just some sort of like side story side plot or whatever

where it's hey we're gonna go on a quest for x thing that's lost in the sands of time or whatever

like so many of the filmation episodes were where it's not super high

stakes it's just a fun adventure for our heroes and villains to face off during and uh i kind of

wish we will it didn't have to be you know the end of the world for every um for everything i

think that's a negative we get with this type of storytelling that is expected these days

like yes meaning like a continuous story arc right because like filmation you had your want

like a ton of one-off episodes

right i mean like you could basically for the most part go into any filmation episode and it's a

contained story um and i what i don't like is and i was it's interesting i was talking about this

with someone else recently i don't remember who it was um on how like that type of storytelling

like the filmation stuff right today is looked down upon right oh there was no overarching story

and flow you know it's not like a it's not like a soap opera right like where it's like this

continuous thing but there is value

to that like you just said like like a contained episode like i just love watching the dragon

invasion which is a filmation episode i've always loved of he-man it's a contained story nothing

there's you know the there's small stakes and it's resolved at the end of the episode

there is something to be said about that like not not needing it to be like you said it's like oh

my gosh there's this huge thing we have to resolve at the end now no the you know the

uh new series of star trek films the last one didn't do as well and yet it is of star trek

beyond and yet it is uh one of the ones i i enjoyed all three of the new star trek movies

but i really enjoyed that last one because it wasn't the you know we have to save the earth from

which basically the first two were to some degree or another you know whether it was con and the

into darkness or uh nero who was trying to destroy well to destroy vulcan and then went on

to destroy earth try to destroy earth it's like doesn't have to be save the world every single

time and star trek beyond was more like an episode of star trek and some high-stakes type stuff going

on and it was definitely you know bringing the characters forward and stuff but it didn't have

to be you know the the universe is in jeopardy uh again like i i after a while um it's it's just

kind of you end up repeating yourself a little bit and i would love to see some just some fun

fantasy adventures with with uh this group in this continuity uh at some point even if it's

like it doesn't have to even be short there's like a single episode contained by a series of

episodes but just like a subplot that they have to go find something or whatever that's you know

contained within a couple of episodes or whatever they could make it work within the larger storyline

if they wanted to still do that sort of storytelling um but yeah like a b plot but

like that has focus right so we need i feel like we do there there's something definitely that uh

could be explored there didn't they do some of that in the cgi show more so than here yeah I would

say I wonder if part of it is just writing for kids terrible no it's not it's not oh good I do

not like it I can't me and my nephew love it so stick my tongue out at you but yeah I wonder if

they're connecting this massive Arc that's true and this was there I saw actually some interesting

enough I saw complaints online about Revolution about some of the content in it but this was not

Market I understand it has He-Man which is traditionally a you know children's toy line

but the toys in the aisle at you know Walmart and Target say adult collector on them and this

cartoon was absolutely marketed it was not marketed towards children that's what the

cgi show was for so while I understand it might be lovely for you to watch this show with your

children as I advise to any parent and I am not a parent so who am I to advise to them but I always

advise watch it first and here's why my dad went to the movie theater and saw the Masters of the

Universe movie on Friday when it came out meaning in 1987. I was okay like I was literally

four years old when the movie came out so he went and saw it he deemed it was okay for me and then

he took me on Saturday like that's how I feel you should operate if you're you know there's

a rating on the Netflix for the cartoon and so yeah I think it has to do long story short with

it was an adult story cartoon which is why they feel they have to have that type of

beginning middle end to the story that we're driving towards

but in any case I think we all really loved Revolution so that's a positive uh it has had

positive fan reaction that I've seen online for the most part as well um so kudos uh to the

creative team uh especially our friend Ted who got to not only is the executive producer on it

but he voiced Gwildor and he did an amazing job uh and I loved uh his

really great impression yeah so spot on um and all of Revolution is available on Netflix so I

suggest subbing to Netflix and binging it multiple times during the month if you're going to cancel

it later um I'm also told I'm also told you need to give it the thumbs up on Netflix that helps

their algorithm so binge it and give it the thumbs up that's what I did on I had my dad do it on his

account like get your friends we want to see more of of it yeah make sure to check that out since we're glad so we will be back soon!

There you go.

See ya so next week I'm looking forward to the documentary shoot that I'm up and running and making sure we all have a good time!

of Masters of the Universe.

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