MBC Olympics – Finish Well

Minehead Baptist Church

Minehead Baptist Church - Sermons

MBC Olympics – Finish Well

Minehead Baptist Church - Sermons

Manhead Baptist Church sermon podcast for Sunday the 1st of September 2024.

Hello and welcome, thank you once again for joining me. My name's James and I'm the web guy here at NBC.

This week Tommy finished the NBC Olympics with Finish Well.

The reading is 2 Timothy chapter 4 verses 1 to 7.

So we'll go and join Tommy as he's introducing the service.

Welcome. It's good to see you all.

I've been away for a little bit but I'm glad to be back.

And falls away whilst I'm here so whoop-dee-doo, we'll see what happens.

I kid. It's good to be here and welcome to the final in our NBC Olympics Sunday series.

Today is the final day in the summer program and there's a sign we've been doing.

As a church, if you want to all stand up on final time,

we'll all point this way.

Apologies if you're here for the first time.

But we've been doing the Usain Bolt.

As a church, NBC has been going for gold.

We don't even need to do that again.

That was solid.

Wonderful. Great.

You can all be seated.

So we're going to do the notices.

There's quite a few notices this morning so bear with me with that.

So, for starters, this is the very crucial one, so I'm going to do it first.

The members' meeting has been moved from the 16th of September to the 23rd of September.

I'll say that again.

The Monday members' meeting has been moved from the 16th of September to the 23rd of September.

Just because of different things going on, we just figured it would be better to do it on the 23rd.

So, just so you're all aware now, for those who are members.

Another thing is some news about Richard.

He has finally moved to Footscray, which is amazing.

It's exciting.

We're all thrilled for him.

He is going to give us some information, hopefully soon, regarding a live stream link.

So, when his ordination takes place on the 21st, there will hopefully be a live stream here,

but we're still...

We're still figuring out all the information about that,

for those who don't want to travel all the way to Footscray for the ordination, that is.

Another thing is next week is going to be registration week.

So, this is for all those of you who have kids who are a part of our service.

We have to have their forms done, you know, information, all that kind of stuff,

just so we, as a church, can take care of our kids and do it safely.

So, next week, there'll be forms to fill.

So, contact details, details about the kids.

That is next Sunday.

So, be sure to be there for that, because that's when we will be registering everyone.

Another little exciting one.

Well, not a little one.

This Saturday, me and some others are going to be doing some street evangelism in the town.

We're going to be outside the Links Languages Center.

We'll be having signs, you know, would you like to have a chat?

Would you like prayer?

Would you like hot chocolate?

All that kind of stuff.

And we're just going to be making our presence on the street known.

So, that's exciting.

So, please be praying for that, actually, because it's actually important for us as a church to be, you know,

bringing the gospel to those in our community.

What time?

We'll be there 11 till 1.

11 till 1, Saturday.

Two more notices.

We're getting there.


So, Harvest Festival Sunday is happening on Sunday the 29th.

So, that's our Harvest Sunday celebration, which is part of our church rhythm.

And the following day, Monday the 30th, at 7 p.m., we'll be having a Harvest Festival meal together,

followed by an auction where we'll be raising money for a charity of our choice.

The suggested donation for the Harvest meal is £5.

And there are £60.

And the sign-up sheet is over there in the foyer.

So, yeah, 60 spaces for that.

And finally, communion meal on Thursday.

This Thursday, there's a communion meal at the church in the hall.

We're going to have communion at 11.

And then at 12 o'clock, we're going to have a meal together as brothers and sisters in Christ

and anyone else who wants to come along.

But that is, I believe.

All the notices.

There's quite a few.

We made it.

And I will pass on to Roy now.

Thank you, Tommy.

I know you didn't come to church to hear the notices, did you?

No, I know.

You came to worship, didn't you?


Let's stand and worship.


Now is the time to worship.


Now is the time to give your heart.

Good morning and welcome to the finishing race of the NBC Olympics.

And what a fabulous six weeks of learning together and growing together we have had.

I'm going to win.

I'm going to win the race.

I'm going to win.

I'm going to win the race.

Hang on.


I'm going to win.

What are you going on about?

What do you mean you're going to win?

Well, we're fighting the good fight.

We're going to finish the race.

We're going to win the race.

I'm going to win the race.

Uh, fabulous, but I think you might have slightly misunderstood my point when I said we were

fighting this morning.


We're learning about Paul again today.

Why don't we get a few of our young people up and I will show you what I mean.

We're going to race together.

We're going to race?

Can I have a few volunteers from over there in that corner?

A few racing volunteers.

Come on then, Ellie.

Oh, exciting.

Ellie, I see Ellie.

I see Edward's eyes, perhaps, as well.

Anybody else?

We've got a prize as well, I believe.

There are prizes.

Oh, there we go.

There's Jamie.

Oh, wonderful.

Very good.


So we're going to run a race, aren't we?

And we're going to...

Oh, hello.

You want to join in on the race as well?

Fantastic, Ollie.


So we're going to run.

So you are all going to be on this fabulous start line here.


All right, all right.

All in a line.

Come on.

All in a line?

All in a line.

Then this way?

You're going to run that direction.

You need to keep hold of this.

Oh, okay.

All right.

Fair enough.

And then when I say, on your marks, get set.

Race, you start.


Wait there.

Wait there, wait there, wait there.

I've got my NBC Olympics representation on my shirt.

Just so you're aware, it's official.

This is the final race.

I'm very excited.

Can you put one on all of the runners, please?

Put one on all the runners?

Oh, wow.

All right.



All right.


Oh, I've got scissors to cut the sellotape if you want it.

There we go.

I think we're good.

We're looking ready.

Ready to win the race?

I think you're ready to win the race as well, aren't you?

I'm very confused.

That's okay.

If you want that there, there we go.

And last but not least, Ollie, are you ready to win the race, Ollie?

Are you ready to win the race?

Are you sure you're ready to win the race?



All right.

There we go.

We're all ready.

We're all set.

All set for the race.

I think we're all ready.


So, we've got our volunteers.

Here's up.

You're on the start line.

You've all got your NBC badges on.

I'm going to say, on your marks, get set, race.

And you're going to race.

We're just going to race?

Just going to race.



All right.

On your marks.

Are you guys ready?

Get set.


All right.


All right.

Let's go this way.


Ellie's ahead.

That's great.


Um, uh, where is, where's, where's, where's the finish line, Millie?

Don't, don't worry.

Don't worry.


It will become clear.

So, our runners are now off.


They have all started.

They've left the finish line.

They're running the race.

And that reminds me that we've been looking at Paul over this last six weeks.

And what he said to Timothy.

I have fought the good fight.

I have finished the race.

I have kept the faith.

Is there a finish line?

It's okay.

You've got this.

Us here at NBC Olympics are all behind you.


We believe that you will finish this race.

Keep going.

You see, the race Paul talks about with Timothy isn't the same as an Olympic race.

Which reminds me, we should probably put out a finish line.

For our three NBC runners this morning.

So that they can finish their race.

Keep running.

Keep going.

You guys have got this.

Let's go.

Keep running.

Let's go.

Keep going.

Let's go.

There's the finish line.

Keep going.


And the NBC runners are coming across the line now as we go.

Thank you.

Those fighters on that floor have done a whole other surprise.


So, you will see that during that race, we didn't have a single winner.

And as you will see, Tommy has given them all a prize.

Because the point of the race wasn't that they won.

The point of the race was that they finished.

The Apostle Paul compared his life to that of an athlete running a race.

As he neared the end of his life, he wrote to his friend Timothy saying,

I have fought the good fight.

I have finished the race.

I have kept the faith.

Now, there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous

judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who have longed

for his appearing.

To stay in shape, athletes have very, very disciplined lives, exercising, eating the

right foods, practicing his or her sport, and never giving up on the goal to win.

In the same way, Paul never gave up on following Jesus and putting his faith into practice

day after day, hour by hour.

But most importantly, Jesus never gave up.

The Bible says, I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you.

Paul looked forward to receiving the crown of righteousness as his reward.

He also kept in mind that Jesus would come back to earth again when he wrote, and to

all who have longed for his appearing.

Would you guys like to receive the crown of righteousness too?

To be righteous.

To be made perfect.

To be made right.

The Bible tells us that we are made righteous by faith in God.

To have faith in God means to trust or believe in him.

The Bible says, this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all

who believe.

The Bible says, if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart,

God raised him from the dead.

You will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth

that you confess and are saved.

Everyone in our NBC Olympic race this morning finished at the same time.

However, they all won.

In the same way, some of us will finish our race before others as we move through this


We will often at times be further along than others also.

But that's when we can encourage and cheer on our friends to stay on the right track

and finish our race, just as we did within our game this morning.

And there will be times when they too cheer on us.

Let's, er, Roy is back.

Well, Paul, Paul loved Jesus, but he also loved the church.

And that should be a mark, as it was of the early Christians.

They were, they were noted for their love for each other.

And that should be our goal, too, that we should share love and be noted for our love.

All I once held dear, filled my life above.

All this world revealed.

We seek you, God, deep within our being, where truth and peace yearn to reign over

chaos and confusion.

We seek you in the midst of our daily activities and the many things to do that haunt our calendars.

We seek you among the people who come into our lives, our loved ones, our friends, our

colleagues and companions, even our enemies.

We seek you, God, as we move into the heart of prayer and hear the call to be more in

union with you.

When we feel empty, distraught, and lost, we seek you.

We seek you in the midst of our daily activities and the many things to do that haunt our calendars.

We seek you, God, deep within our being, where truth and peace yearn to reign over chaos and confusion.

We seek you in the midst of our daily activities and the many things to do that haunt our calendars.

you, God. When we have sensed your nearness and felt your beauty fill our consciousness,

thank you. Thank you for finding us. When the power of your goodness moved through our

beings and made a difference in someone else's life, thank you for finding us. When we knew

we had to change our hearts to give ourselves over to you, thank you for finding us. When

we have looked at our world so full of pain and injustice and felt a bonding with all

who know pain and sorrow, thank you for finding us. When we have known the truth of being


in your image and likeness and have believed in our own goodness. Thank you for finding us.

You are our treasure. You are worth the constant search in the fields of life for a glimpse of

your truth and a touch of your love. You are strength in times of sorrow. You are hope in

times of unhappiness, comfort in times of confusion, safe harbor in the storms of life.

You are worth whatever we need to leave behind or let go of in order to grow in wholeness.

You are our treasure. You are the home where our true self resides. You urge us

to be.

believe in this place of goodness for you are our treasure you seek us yearn for us believe in us

love us unconditionally you wait for us and welcome us home when we've been away

and you are our treasure god of all seekers keep us on the path that leads to you fill us

with courage to do what is best for the healing of our own hearts and the heart of the world

accept our gratitude for the many times when you have sought us and have invited us to recognize

you in the home of our true self amen


lord jesus we lift up to you the town of minehead

we pray for everyone in this town that they would come to know jesus christ

our prayer that our prayer is that you would heal the brokenness in the hearts of those who don't

know you we pray that people would


come to know you personally that they would experience your power in your presence

that they would be transformed by the power of the gospel

and lord would you equip your church in minehead

would you stir us up to to be the light of the world

salt of the earth lord jesus would you help us to

be a blessing to those around us

in this town and we do pray that people would come to know you powerfully

we pray for all those who are struggling with addictions of all sorts show them compassion lord

provide them with the right help bring them healing

and would you help us to meet their needs so that in meeting their needs they can be healed

we pray for all those who are lonely

who feel hopeless who feel scared and concerned

lord jesus bring your blessing bring your comfort so they would know you

and we pray again that minehead that

will be a blessing to those around us and we pray that they would come to know you

in this church and all the other churches

your church in minehead would grow

not for our sake but for your kingdom

for your glory

lord jesus would your spirit be present in this place

would your spirit be pleasant present

in this town

lord jesus there are so many who are lost

who don't know you

lord jesus there are so many who don't know you

and don't know what direction to go would you reveal yourself to them

lord we pray that through the prayers here right now

of us as a church there will be people who come to christ in this town

lord jesus there is nothing greater than knowing you and being in relationship to you

there's no greater prize than to receive you

lord jesus bring your blessing to this town

we ask

shall we close with the lord's prayer and feel free to pray in whatever version

whatever language you're most comfortable with

our father who art in heaven

hallowed be thy name

thy kingdom come

thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven

give us this day our daily bread

and give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who trespass against us

lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil

for thine is the kingdom

the power and the glory

for ever and ever


stand and sing

from saint paul's second letter to timothy

chapter 4 verses 1 to 8

in the presence of god and of christ jesus

who will judge the living and the dead

and in view of his appearing and his kingdom

i give you this charge

preach the word

be prepared in season and out of season



and encourage

with great patience

and careful instruction

for the time will come

when men will not put up with sound doctrine


to suit their own desires

they will gather around them

a great number of teachers

to say what their itching ears

want to hear

they will turn their ears

away from the truth

and turn aside to myths

but you

keep your head in all situations

endure hardship

do the work of an evangelist

discharge all the duties of your ministry

for i am already being poured out

like a drink offering

and the time has come for my departure

i have fought the good fight

i have finished the race

i have kept the faith


there is in store for me

the crown of righteousness

which the lord

the righteous judge

will award to me

on that day

and not only to me

but also to all

who have longed

for his appearing


thank you jenny

i've missed this

i haven't been up here since june

i want you to picture the scene

paul has been arrested

he's in prison somewhere

he is engaged in 20 years of ministry

he has been beaten several times

he's been left homeless

left naked

he's been hungry

he's been cold

he's been whipped

according to the bible

at the end of the day

at least 195 times

he has labored and toiled

he's been shipwrecked

on three occasions

and when he says he was shipwrecked

three occasions

that's before the occasion

where he gets shipwrecked in acts

so he's been shipwrecked

on four occasions

and now

he's facing execution

and so he writes a letter to timothy

and he says

and i remember reading this letter

for the first time

back in 2017

and i was getting emotional

because when you read it

you're reading the words of someone

who knows they're going to die

and i was getting emotional

i was getting teary-eyed

in chapter one verse four

paul says

i remember your tears

i long to see you

in verse five he says

to timothy he says

i remember your sincere faith

and now he's getting sentimental

emotionally he's thinking

and it reminds me of your grandmother lois

and the faith of your of your mother eunice

don't worry timothy he says in verse seven

i did not give

god did not give us a spirit of fear

but a spirit of power and self-control

going on into chapter two he says

when you suffer be faithful to jesus

because an athlete

is not crowned

unless they compete according to the rules

so be faithful

hold fast to the faith you've been given

and into chapter three

whilst others have fallen

to their own desires

desire to do things their own ways

paul says

but as for you timothy

and by extension

as for you dear church

you must continue adhering

to the wisdom of the church

and to the wisdom of the church

to the teaching of scripture

he says in verses 15 and 16

you from childhood were acquainted

with the sacred writings

the scriptures

and they have made you wise

for salvation to jesus christ

all scripture is breathed out by god

and profitable for teaching

for reproof for correction

for training in righteousness

that the person of god may be complete

equipped for every good work

and so we arrive at chapter four

and this is paul's

potentially paul's last ever teaching

to timothy

and you can imagine

he's thinking

what am i going to write

what do i say

what are the last words i say

encouraging my my beloved brother in christ

the leader of the church

leader of one of the churches

especially since i might not

leave this place alive

and so we come to chapter four

he says i charge you

in the presence of god

and of christ jesus

who is to judge the living of the dead

living in the dead

and by the appearing

and his kingdom

he's like this is it

i'm going all

i'm going both barrels

i'm going fully into this

i charge you by god

listen up

and so he says

preach the word

be ready in season

and out of season

you need to be ready timothy


things are going to be coming at you

from all different angles

and you need to be ready

as a follower of jesus

because things will come from the left

and from the right

there'll be curveballs thrown at you


difficulties of this life

you need to be the kind of person

who loves jesus

and is so in relationship with jesus

that you're going to be the kind of person

that whatever circumstance

you can give glory to god

and whatever circumstance

you can help others know god as well

through the gospel

and he's also concerned about all the others

in timothy's life

those who perhaps are

have sinister attitudes

so you know he needs to reprove


and encourage

some people will try and lead

the flock astray

with dangerous teachings

there will come a time

it says in verse 3

when people will not endure

sound teaching

but having itchy ears

they will accumulate for themselves

teachers that suit their own passions

for me

when i think of this

i think of the things of this world

and i think


i feel the temptation

i have the itchy ears

the desire to

find things that suit my own

frame of mind

my own desires

i have this desire to want

there's this part of me that wants to do things

and find things that suit my own

desires and my own agenda

but paul says

you must teach good teaching

and in the greek

when it says good teaching

it means like healthy teaching

it's like a medical term

you know it's like

you must have good healthy teaching

you must consume this good healthy teaching


if you have this good healthy teaching

you will display good healthy behavior

and so

there are some people who face the truth

and they'll find it too uncomfortable

paul says here that some people will leave

and they will find for themselves

things that will suit their own desires and passions

they will

turn away from the truth

and wander off into myths

and so with everything that's been said so far

paul is saying

there are people who will use scripture

for their own desires

they will use it

and come up with their own ideas

their ears are itching

though this is the truth

of who jesus is

and what he wants for my life

i'm going to find things that suit my own desires

that is the context that

timothy is dealing with

apologies for the ringing mic


i'm going to find things that suit my own desires

yeah so

this is a situation

that is really quite

urgent for paul

i would say

he is

because he loves timothy

he loves him dearly like a brother

like a son

he describes him in another letter

he loves him


and so he's thinking

i need him to be ready

i need him to be ready for what's coming

hold to scripture

hold to the teachings of god

when you do rebuke

you will rebuke at times

but you must do it with gentleness

and patience

bearing with those

who may be challenging

he goes off into verse 5

for you

must always be sober minded

now i don't think this doesn't mean we can't have a drink every so often


he's saying be

be ready in this world

this is a tough world

there is a lot of difficulty in this world

there's a lot of challenge

i i get too depressed if i spend too much time looking at the the news

i don't sometimes i feel like

sometimes i feel like i just want to switch off

and just build a hut somewhere in the middle of the woods

you know what i mean

it feels like that

but christ calls us to be in the world

christ calls us to love our neighbor whoever they are

so we can't do that unfortunately

but christ is saying

but christ is saying through paul

you need to be ready to with love

bring good teaching

and people will leave

and that's okay

because they're leaving because of their own desires

you need to be willing to preach the truth whatever that looks like

in whatever context

but do it with gentleness

and patience

and grace

and love

endure suffering

do the work

fulfill your ministry

crack on

it's a long race

and you don't know when the race is going to end

you don't know when it's going to finish

for paul it was 20 years of ministry

for some it's free

for james the first disciple

he died 10 years after the church has started

and some of us

lived to ripe old ages


but we need to be willing to continue on the race

that's what's being said here

and then we come to paul's climactic part of this passage

and the part that relates to nbc olympics one might say

paul says i am already being poured out as a drink offering

and the time of my departure from the church is now

has come

paul knows what's going to happen

he's going to be poured out

like the drink offerings in the old testament sacrifices

he's been poured out for the lord

he's giving of his life for the lord

and it will and his time has come

he has fought the good fight

another way to say it he has contested in the contest very well

he's done very good in this contest

whatever the contest is

he's done very good in this contest

he has run the race

for paul the race is finished

and he knows it

he has kept the faith

the things of the world the noises of the world

suggesting go this way go that way

he has fixed his eyes on jesus as is said in hebrews 12

he has fixed his eyes on jesus the founder and perfecter of his faith

he has run the race he has fixed his eyes on jesus he has not gone astray

and he can say with confidence i have fought the good fight

i have finished the race

my time has come

and if that was it

quite i'm not gonna lie it'd be quite depressing really

i've done all this now it's over

but paul has hope

in something beyond


he has hope in verse 8 that he will receive

the crown of righteousness

which the lord the righteous judge will award him

on the day on that day the day of his return

and not only to me but also to all who love his appearing

so there's a sense in which jesus christ

he will crown us

he will reward us with the crown of righteousness

he will reward us with a righteous crown

that's amazing

some people some olympians today will fight tooth and nail

they will sweat blood and tears

and all and they will be in this place where they are

really working hard disciplining themselves

for a medal

a medal that perishes

but christ promises those who remain faithful to him

that finish the race

you will receive a crown of righteousness

there is hope

you will be one day resurrected in glory

paul's like

whatever happens to me physically

they can't get me spiritually

whatever happens to me now

is nothing compared to the joy and the glory

that i'm going to receive in the future

paul uses this analogy of the running the race

the athlete receiving the crown of righteousness

in one corinthians 9

where he says the following

one corinthians 9 24 to 27

he says

do you not know that in a race

all the runners run

but only one receives the prize

so run the race

that you may obtain it

every athlete exercises self-control

in all things

they do it to receive the prize

they receive a perishable reef

but we an imperishable one

i do not run around aimlessly

i do not box as one beating the air

but i discipline my body

and keep it under control

lest after preaching to others

i should myself be disqualified

i find this really challenging

i'll just say it like

i need to work on my discipline

i i have a lot of experience

i have various things right

i know i ought to be doing x

and i don't

because i have my own desires

but paul talks about the christian life

like an athlete disciplining themselves

that's tough

that's challenging

just to use some

describe the discipline of an olympian

i searched online

what kind of discipline do olympians get

get into for their for their sports

olympians stick to a routine

they adhere to strict routines

even when it's inconvenient or challenging

this includes waking up early

training for hours

and maintaining a rigorous diet

olympians make the right choices

day after day

olympians do not give up

they are always ready to try again

and improve their technique

they always prioritize recovery and rest

they always set small goals

and take it slow

and they develop a routine

to overcome setbacks and disappointments

does any any sense of of overlap between that and the call of christ on our lives

i i say this in love

and i say this to myself as well

but what does discipline in the christian faith look like for you

does discipline in the christian faith look like for you


Christian discipline at all look like

a marathon or a or an athlete discipline themselves

do you make the choices to

they talk about diets of food

what does your spiritual food intake look like

what are you

intaking of the lord

to ensure that you can run the race

what does your prayer life look like

are you encountering the lord regularly

is he a part of your daily life

are you in taking the spiritual food of scripture

of scripture

if you're in taking the spiritual food of scripture

what are you doing to get over this


Are you prioritizing recovery and rest?

That's something that we don't like to do in the West.

We're very, very tempted to just continue working.

Oh, no, no, no, we'll leave it another day.

Oh, no, no, I've got too much going on.

Christ prioritized rest.

The God of the universe prioritized rest on the seventh day,

so we should too.

The thing is, these athletes,

they discipline themselves for something that's so perishable,

so short-term.

They get this reef, as they would have in those times.

They would have got a reef.

They would have been crowned with a reef.

But Paul talks about us having an imperishable one.

We'll be crowned.

And it's something that will last for eternity.

We will have each other.

We will have a new heavens and a new earth.

We will have hope.

We'll have joy.

We'll have love.

We'll have delight.

We'll have all the things that people try to substitute

with the things of this world.

We'll have the real thing, but for all eternity.

And we will have Jesus Christ himself.

And so, my encouragement to you is that it is a tough race.

I'm not going to sugarcoat the Christian walk.

I mean, you guys know, many of you will know it's a tough walk.

It's a race.

Sometimes you're running, and you don't know when it's going to end.

Sometimes you don't know when a next break's going to come along.

You don't know when the finish line is.

But Christ assures us that we will have imperishable,

golden crowns.

And he will crown us himself.

I want to be the kind of, I want my hope, my longing,

when I meet Jesus, first of all, I want to hear him say,

well done, my good and faithful servant.

In one sense, that should be at the forefront of my mind all the time.

I want Jesus to say, well done, my good and faithful servant.

And I want him to crown me with the crown of righteousness.

With that image in mind, I can fix my eyes on that, run the race.

And that's the hope.

The Christian hope is that one day God's kingdom will come,

and his will will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We get four tastes of it right now through the Holy Spirit,

but there is a real hope that we will have it in the future.

And so I encourage you.

You have to think for yourself.

I'm not going to lay out a 10-point bullet point,

list, but what does Christian discipline look like for you in your life?

In what ways are you not disciplining yourself?

In what ways are you perhaps not adhering to scripture?

Are you even reading scripture?

Do you even pray?

Because if you want to run the race well, fight the good fight,

it means having a relationship with Jesus Christ

and prioritizing that above all else.

And when you prioritize that above all else,

everything else slots into place.

That's my conviction.

But yeah, I want to be able to say I have fought the good fight.

I have run the race.

I have finished well.

And I want to hear Jesus say,

well done, my good and faithful servant,

and give me a golden crown.

That is my hope.

How about you guys?

I'm going to close.

I'm going to close with a prayer.

Lord, when my life nears its end,

may I echo the substance of Paul's words.

May I say I have fought the good fight.

I have finished the race.

I have kept the faith.

I know that there is laid for me

a crown of righteousness,

a crown for me

and for all who love Jesus.

Lord Jesus, give us the hope.

Give us the strength.

Give us the faith by the power of your Holy Spirit

to run the race well,

to fix our eyes on you,

so that we may go for gold,

that we may receive the crown of righteousness.

Bless everyone here, Lord.

Work through us all.

Stir up our hearts to run the race well.

We ask all this in your mighty, precious name.


Thank you, Tommy.

Before we come to communion,

we're just going to sing.

We're just going to sing a song.

So can I encourage you, if you can, to stand.

You've said that the Olympics stand if you're able.

Isn't it what they used to say?

Stand if you're able.

We come to this table to remember Jesus Christ.

We remember that Jesus Christ is our rock

and he is everything.

He is everything to us.

He is the Alpha and the Omega,

the beginning and the end,

nothing else compares to Jesus.

And we come to this table

to encounter the risen Lord.

Come to this table not because you may,

but because you must.

Come not because you are strong,

but because you are weak and need Jesus Christ.

Come to this table

because you love the Lord,

you love the Lord,

you love the Lord a little bit,

but would love to love the Lord a whole lot more.

Come to this table because Jesus Christ died for you

and rose again for you

and loves you.

The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11

that he received,

he received from the Lord

what I also delivered to you,

that the Lord Jesus,

on the night he was betrayed,

took bread

and when he had given thanks,

he broke it and said,

this is my body,

which is for you.

Do this in remembrance of me.

In the same way,

he also took the cup after supper,


this is the cup of the new covenant

in my name.

In my blood.

Do this as often as you drink it

in remembrance of me.

Can I invite those who are

serving communion to come up, please?

When you receive the bread,

keep holding it and we will eat together.

The body of Christ,

which is broken for you.

The body of Jesus.


this is the part I've been,


the part I've been really looking forward to.

So as a response

to the sermon,

response to anything that's been going on,

we have


golden wreaths for our response and almost as a little foretaste of that

which Jesus is going to do for us we're gonna have me we're gonna have Millie

we're gonna have Pat at the front with with our basket full of wreaths as part

of your response that you hope Jesus one day will crown you as well please I

encourage you to come up and take a wreath while while people are being

crowned we're gonna sing sing our final song which is let's give thanks to the

Lord for what he's done let's give thanks

just quickly so guys that have been out with me you have got your medals and you

have got your medals and you have got your medals and you have got your medals

and you have got your medals and you have got your medals and you have got your

have got the ones that you've made of the crowns as well looking out into church it's amazing to see

everyone with their crown on so this week why don't you be encouraged to give the one that

you've made to a friend to a neighbor or tell them about it or what it's about but also it

kind of reminded me that actually we're church family and we're together and you guys over the

six weeks here at NBC Olympics have finished the race and you've all been presented with your gold

medals this morning but before Tommy brings the blessing we're just going to pray for you guys

and for those that aren't with us that might watch online as those that teach you guys and you guys

yourselves will be returning to school towards the end of this week and start of next week so let's

just pray for our young people father god we thank you so much for the blessing that we have here at

NBC of so


many incredible young people father we thank you for those within our church family that work

within our local schools nurseries and education settings lord as all of these guys prepare for the

new school year whether that means new schools for them or just a new year group father we just want

to pour out your blessing upon them acknowledging that you love them that you have chosen them

that they are sons and daughters of you father for the inset days and the preparations at the

beginning of this week lord just be present in them schools father help our children to know

that you are with them this week next week and always amen guys please remember to take your

olympic packs home with you as well um and enjoy all the crafts and stuff you've made with lorraine

and myself

just want you to look to your left and to your right to the people beside you crowns and heads

this and i'm being serious here this is a little glimpse a little foretaste

of us being of what it will be like to be crowned with righteousness in the new heavens and the

earth so let me give you a blessing

may you all fight the good fight may you all finish the race well may you all keep the faith

may the lord lay up for you the crown of righteousness

which he will award to you on that day bless you all amen to leave a comment please go to

mindhead-baptist.org and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and i'll see you in the next video

well thank you once again for listening and i'll speak to you soon

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