The Morning Mix Weekender: Hot Sauce, Taylor + Travis, and Max Greenfield

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The Morning Mix

The Morning Mix Weekender: Hot Sauce, Taylor + Travis, and Max Greenfield

The Morning Mix

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Hey, it's Chris from The Morning Mix,

and welcome to The Weekender.

Happy Saturday.

Hopefully you're enjoying some coffee right now

and relaxing a little bit,

or if you're out running errands,

we're happy to be here with you on a Saturday morning.

This morning, we learned about a little hot sauce,

and who likes it hot?

Because some like it hot, and some absolutely don't,

and I am the latter, and so here we are.

Also, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey,

do they or don't they have a relationship contract,

and do other celebrities?

We get into that, and if you like celebrities,

well, guess what?

We have an exclusive interview with Max Greenfield,

who you know from New Girl.

Well, Max has a brand new kids' book out

called Goodnight Thoughts,

and we're really excited to chat with him about it.

You know him as Schmidt,

and he was in town during the week

doing a live reading of his new kids' book,

Goodnight Thoughts,

so we're pumped to chat with him.

That and much more.

Please enjoy The Morning Mix Weekender.

The Morning Mix Weekender

Okay, this morning here on The Morning Mix,

welcome to Saturday.

Here you are enjoying your weekend.

You're having a cup of coffee.

You might be tasting garlic from dinner last night.

So we shared with you during The Morning Mix this week

that if you do have garlic flavor

stuck in your mouth from eating garlic,

what you need to do is eat an apple,

rinse with lemon juice,

eat some parsley, find some spinach,

some green tea, or just straight up mint,

like chew on the mint leaves,

and that'll help, I guess,

defeat the stench of garlic on your breath.

So we learned that.

We also learned that toothpaste makes,

uh, juice taste horrible

because of the sodium lauryl sulfate

that's in the toothpaste.

There were other facts about foods

that we didn't get to

that I wanted to blow your guys' minds with this morning.



Oh, it's the weekend.


It's the weekend.

It's a freaking weekend.

Blow my mind.


Onions, man.

When you're cutting onions,

generally you're,

you start to cry, right?

And that's when a lot of people make the joke now

if something makes them tear.

Oh, I'm chopping onions.

Who's chopping onions in here?

The strong smell of onions

has absolutely,

absolutely nothing.

Not a single ounce of anything to do

with why you're crying.

It's not the smell.

No, but when you cut into an onion,

you release a strong sulfur compound

that wafts towards your eyes,

giving you that blurry,

burny feeling.

When the gas reacts with the moisture in your eyes,

it burns,

creating the onion tears.

Do you have glasses?

Do you have the onion glasses?

The onion goggles?

Yeah, I love them.

They have foam,

because it's so bad.

And you wear them when you,

how many onions are you cutting?

It doesn't matter.

I'm just really sensitive to it.

So like it got to the point

where it was something

I got in my Christmas stocking

and I made fun of them

and I love them,

but they are,

they're super,

and they have like this foam thing.

So it like,



It's like a goggle.



But it gets you to protect your eyes

because it is,


it's bad.

So be careful when you're chopping onions

or go to Nikki's house.

Did you know that honey lasts forever?

I kind of.

Archaeologists have found

completely edible pots of honey

dating back thousands of years

in Egyptian tombs,

but why?

It's chemical makeup

of hydrogen peroxide,

acidity levels,

and the lack of water

creates a perfect storm

for a long lasting treat.

I believe it lasts forever

as long as it's airtight

because if it's not airtight,

it gets hard.

It gets crystallized.

And not crystallized

because that happened to my hot honey.

I can't get it out of the jar now.

But it might not be as natural,


the honey.

That's true.

There's other things in there,


that are changing the consistency of it.

I've read several times

that if you get local honey

in the fall,

it helps with your allergies

because bees pollinated that honey

from the plants and flowers

in your area.

And so I just bought honey

at the farmer's market

that they claim

was harvested in Chicago,

not far from where we live.

And it was way more expensive

than the honey at the grocery store.

But my allergies

the last few years have flared up,

so I'm going to try it this year.

I have it in there.

I'm going to wait until

fall really settles in.

That's my plan.

I think it makes sense.

Yeah, right?

Like scientifically speaking,

okay, it makes sense.

Maybe I just paid too much for honey.

We're going to find out.

And finally,

did you know that

spicy foods make you happy?

I don't eat a lot of spicy foods,

so I don't know.

I'm generally happy, though.

But you like hot honey.

I do like hot honey.

It's sweet and hot.

Yeah, that's what...

There's a limit for me for spice

where I'm like, I'm out.

Like medium sauce

is generally where I sort of tap out.

Yeah, if it hurts,

like what's the point?

What's the point?

I agree.

Why do it?

Spicy peppers make you smile.

When we eat...


You good?

I know.

I was thinking of the hot spicy pepper.

Too many of you got a spicy pepper

in the throat.

It's the weekend.

When we eat spicy foods

like jalapenos

or other...

Capsaicin-filled peppers?

Can I say that one?


Our bodies release endorphins

to minimize the burning sensation.

So basically,

your body's like,

oh, we're sorry, we're sorry.

Be happy.

You'll ignore it if you're happy.

Go be happy.

Yeah, when you smile,

you're releasing endorphins,

so it really doesn't matter

if you're happy or not.

Especially if your mouth is on fire.

Do you like spicy food, Whip?


Again, medium is about as much

as I would like to go.

Yeah, I don't know.

I mean, some people really like it.

Does that mean this happens more for them

than it does for others?

Some hate it.

It's not going to make them happy.

I don't care what that thing says.

Try smiling right now, Whip.

He looks happy.

And he didn't have any...

What about the spicy food?

Well, the spicy food

is just making you smile inevitably

because you're like,

hot, hot, hot.

Well, no, they're saying

that your body releases endorphins

to cover the burning.

So, like, your body is saying,

oh, my God,

we're going to distract you

by making you happy.

So here's endorphins.

Oh, I missed that.

And that'll...

And then separately,

when you smile,

you release endorphins.

It's just a separate thought.

But this is saying

when you're eating spicy food,

your body, just chemistry goes,

here's some endorphins.

Maybe this will help ignore

the fact that your mouth is on fire.

I watch Hot Ones a lot.

Mostly, like,

I'll pick a celebrity I want to see

go through the Hot Ones challenge.

Hot Ones is a show on YouTube

where you eat 10 hot wings

and they get progressively hotter.

And I watch the show

and I'm like,

I think I'd be out on, like,

wing two.

I think on wing two,

I'd be like,

good, this was fun, dude.

I'm out.

I don't think I'd be able to do it.

How far could you go?

I think seven.

All the way to...

Yeah, because eight is da bomb,

which everybody says

is like drinking gasoline.


How do you feel?

Yeah, I'd be low on that.

Yeah, pretty low on the totem?

I would just go the whole way

because, like,

I can tolerate some pain.

You know?

Yeah, everyone that's done it says,

not everyone,

a handful of celebrities have said

that the day after

is as hellish as the day of.


Because their tummy troubles

and everything.

And a couple areas, I bet.


Well, that's one time

for a work thing

because, you know,

radio stations,

they like to do things to you.

So one time,

I did an appearance

at a wing place

a long time ago.

Oh, wow.

It was some kind of...

I don't remember.

I don't think

it was the hottest wings

because I don't think

I could have actually

physically done that.

But whatever it was,

it wasn't, like,

the mildest either.

So it was some challenge

of having to eat

a million of them or whatever.

And, of course, I did it.

And it wasn't that bad in the...

But the next morning,

like, I had to, like,

beg off of my job

on the air for a while

and just go

and it was not good at all.

I wondered about that.

Yeah, it'd be terrifying.

That was...


My backside wasn't smiling

that day.

I'll tell you one darn thing.

No endorphins

could have helped that.


We did a thing here once.

Kaz, who we know

who works here,

Kaz had gotten that hot chip

and we had a PA at the time

who was, like,

Mr. Boisterous

and he was like,

I could do it.

I'll eat the hot chip.

And we all said,

okay, cool,

but if you're going to do it...

And this was early days.

This was, like,

10, 12 years ago.

We were like,

let's film it.

We'll put it on our Facebook page.

So we filmed Kaz being like,

I bought this hot chip

and this kid said

he's going to eat it,

so here we go.

And he bit it

and he was like,

oh, Mr. Oh, I'm all good.

And he bit it

and it was like,

yeah, oh, God.

And instantly,

I mean, he was down.

He was crying.

He said his ears were ringing.

He couldn't hear anything.

It was bad news.

And all of us were just like,

oh, my God,

did he sign a waiver?

Like, what do we do?

Delete that video.

What do we do?

And then he, like,

laid down in our old green room

on the couch

and we were giving him...

We had found milk.

Like, we went downstairs

to, like, CVS

and got him milk.

And he ended up...

He took a nap

and went home.

And our boss at the time,

Stephanie, was like,

he has work to do.

Like, where did he go?

And then he only stuck around

a couple more months

after that.

Yeah, watch out.

You got to be careful.

Let him go.

Make him happy right now.

Don't let him tell anybody

that we forced him to do it.

So don't put hot sauce

on your eggs this morning.

That's what we've learned.

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Earlier this week,

Whip shared a story

in the news

that a, quote,

contract had been leaked

between Taylor Swift

and Travis Kelsey,

a Hollywood

and worldwide

it couple of the moment.

Really of the last year.

Now we're coming up

on their one year anniversary,


We're coming up on it

because it was when the Bears

played the Chiefs

in like October,

maybe, right?

Yeah, that's true.

So we're sneaking up on it,

but a contract,

quote unquote,

was leaked.

That was all about

how long the relationship

will last.

And then on September 28th,

they will break up

and they will share

some statement

about why they had to break up

and we all smelled it

and called it BS right away.

And now Travis's lawyers

are blasting

the breakup plan.

A spokesman

from Full Scope


or PR,

or whatever,

has denied categorically

the alleged plan

telling TMZ

the document is,


entirely false and fabricated.

It was not created,


or authorized

by this agency.

And the spokesman said,

we have engaged

our legal team

to initiate proceedings

against the individuals

or entities responsible

for the unlawful

and injury,






Is that what it is?


Forgery of these documents.

So there you go.

They're taking it

very seriously.

What this reminded me of,

and I wonder if anyone


do you guys remember

the talk of

Nicole Kidman,

Tom Cruise,

that that was

a contracted relationship?


And do we think

that these contracted

relationships exist

in Hollywood?


You know what I'm saying?


I, I,

I bet you are.


there are some

convenient ones.


That they,

you know,

they like each other.

They're kind of roommates.

Maybe that works out,

but it benefits

both of their careers

to have this.

I don't think this

is one of them though.

I don't either.

I think Taylor and Travis,

it's a real thing.

I think.


I, I couldn't tell you

who it,

who is fake

and who isn't.


I, I don't know

how it couldn't exist

based on all the money

there is to be made

and attention

and fame.

That's your currency

when you are people

in that position.


And so this gets you


This gets you fame.

If you have to do

a little bit of

pretending on your

personal life

in order to make

probably tens of millions

of dollars,

potentially whatever it is,

I think people

would do that.



I agree with

all of you.

A wedding's already

a contract.

A marriage is already

a contract.

So I think that

there's like

this, this and this

needs to happen.

Like I do think that

celebrities come to it

even more contractually

about what they're

expecting from their


But I don't,

I do think there's


but to go as far as


I think it's not

necessarily like

a document.

It's almost like,

you know,

the Chicago way.

It's like a,

like a handshake


I wonder about that.

I think like in a normal

everyday person marriage,


Like your point,

it's very valid.

You do,

you literally do sign

a thing,

but only the two of

you are involved.

And in these things,

sometimes it's like a

PR team is involved

or your manager.

Like I've seen,

you've seen it in

movies that are



it'd be like,


it'd be really good

for the career if you

could link up with

such and so.

And I think when it's

the biggest time I ever

have the red flag is

when a new movie is

coming out with two

celebrities who are all

of a sudden dating when

the movie comes out,

which may be true or


but it also is heavily

publicized to be like,


go see the movie,

go see the movie.

They're dating now.

And then often months


they're no longer


And it's like,



we got bamboozled,

you know?


back in the day.


for example,


I mean,


I can't think of an


but I know it used to


Like if somebody was


let's say,



They couldn't admit

they were gay.

The studios or

whoever would

literally set them up

with an opposite sex

person and say,

this is your wife now

or whatever.

And that's literally

what happened.

You don't need to do

that anymore,

but I'm sure there's

a modern day version

of that.

There's got to be,


It's all smoke and


It must be right.

But I don't think

this Taylor Travis

thing is that

even if it started

as an idea.

I really do think

that they're in love.



that's like the

Hallmark version of it.

Like maybe it started

as like,

you know,


you guys are going

to pretend

and then all

game or two.


you know,

we'll get the

we'll get the people

buzz in.

I think that once

they do get married,

if they do,

then to me,

that would put an

end to any idea

that this is because

I don't think they

would need to go

to that length.


But right.

If they don't end

up getting married

and they said

it does end up


you could be like,


they certainly

both benefited.

I mean,

she didn't have

much further to go

in terms of fame,

but got sort of

the football eyes

of the world on her.

And he his fame

has increased

tenfold easily

without a doubt.

And the NFL's

and the NFL's

and all this

whole new market.

It's good for big

business, right?

Everybody definitely



There's no getting



and it's weird

that we all,

especially in this


you know,

we were there

in the beginning

when they talked

about the bracelet.

So it's like,


that's right.

The friendship


That's right.

You know what I mean?

When he wanted

to get a friendship

bracelet with his

phone number on it

and she wasn't

at that time

and they were

very clear,

like Taylor

and all the shows

was not talking

to anyone before

the show.


Let him back there.

But somehow he gets

this bracelet

and now here we are.

And with a lot

of this stuff

in pop culture,

I always have to

remind myself like

this is our job.

So we see a lot

more of it.

We talk a lot

more of it.

Or is everybody

really talking

about this?

But with Taylor

and Travis,

like even my mom

is talking about it

like with patients

at the dental practice

that they have.

You know what I'm


Like this is beyond.

My grandma in Serbia

asked me about them.

She's like,

who is this new

couple in America?


Why didn't you

date him?

You're like,


I don't live in

Kansas City.

They're royalty,


They really are.

I feel like that's

probably the last big,

like, I don't know,

Harry and Meghan,

maybe Brad Pitt

and Jennifer Aniston,

like the last big,

big, big Hollywood,


Ben Affleck and J-Lo,

I feel like was big

recently, but also

like it was the second

time, so it wasn't as,

you know what I'm


And everybody right

away was like,

this isn't, you know.

There's something

unique about this.


I can't explain why,

but there was something

that was different

about this one.


It's the jock and

the actress at their


It really is high



It is Marilyn Manson.

Oh my God,

it's Marilyn Monroe

and Joe DiMaggio.

I mean, it really


Yeah, it is pretty


Well, we wait with

bated breath to see

if they actually get

married, but the

contract ain't real.

Hi, Chris.

How are you?

It's Max.

Hey, Max.

It's really nice to

chat with you.

I've been a big fan

for quite a while,

so this is kind of

pretty cool to hear

your voice on the

other end of a phone


This is great.

Oh my God, please.

Am I on the radio

right now or no?

We're off air right

now, so you can say

whatever you want.

We're recording, and

then that way, as

we talk about a

children's book, if you

drop an F-bomb, I can

cut it out, you know.

Got it, got it.

I think we don't have

to worry about that,

but just in case, it's

nice to know.

So it's funny now,

you know, thinking

about the fact that

you've written now a

handful of children's

books, I was thinking

about this today because

I was a big fan of

New Girl, still am,

not that it's gone

because it's still

around, but watching

that show, my wife and

I used to watch it

when we were dating,

and then we ended up

getting married, and

now we've had kids.

And so in a weird way,

it's like, and I feel

like we're not too far

off in age anyway, but

it's as if like I went

through adult life with

the show and then with

you, and now you're at

this point in your life

with kids that I'm also

at, and now you've

written a handful of

children's books.

It's kind of cool.

It's like, in a weird

way, it's like we grew

up together.

Does that make sense?

Yeah, totally.

I've never actually,

you know, it's

interesting, as the

show ages, like we're

sort of experiencing

it the same way.

So it's cool to hear

it like that.

Yeah, it's been

really fun.

And now I have a

five-year-old and an

almost three-year-old.

Our son will be three

next week.

How old are your kids?

I have a 14-year-old

and a nine-year-old.

Okay, and I've seen

you on social doing

some stuff with the

kids, especially during

the pandemic.

Is that when you

really started to realize

like how much was

going on with them and

then trying to figure

out ways to communicate

with them differently?

Yeah, I mean, we were

just trying to get

through the pandemic.

I like the curriculum

that was sent home.

And, you know, the

two of us, we were

put in a room with a

fourth-grade curriculum,

and it was bad news

bears for both of us.

You're like, I...

And so we started

posting stuff on

Instagram, and people

got like really excited

about it.

And then I had

somebody reach out to

me, and they were

like, hey, we think

this might be a book.

I said, a real book?

And they said, God,


And they were like,

what about a picture


And I go, wow,

that's interesting.

And they were like,

and then the next thing

you know, like four

books later.

Yeah, that's right.

So you've got, I don't

want to read this book.

This book is not a present,

and I don't want to read

this book aloud.

And now you've got a

book about not being

able to fall asleep at


Good Night Thoughts.

Yeah, yeah.

This one, the newest

one, Good Night

Thoughts, is different.

It's the first three

are pretty, you know,

like feel like a series.

And then this fourth

one, Good Night

Thoughts, is much more

of a, it's a traditional

bedtime book.

Okay, so your kids

are a little older now,

14 and nine.

Obviously, Good Night

Thoughts, it feels like

it's maybe more for like

the three to seven

year old crowd.

Is that kind of your

target demo, as they

would say in a meeting?

Yeah, totally.

I mean, I think the

book oddly works for

most adults, too.

I think my hope is

that an adult is

reading the book to

their child in bed and

they both are having

the same experience

because the things

that it just all

doesn't deal with fear

and sort of how to

put those fears to bed

before you go to sleep.

And so I think it

works on one level

for the children, but

on another level, you

know, as an adult,

there's plenty to be

scared of in the world.

And it's nice to be

able to take those

thoughts and put them

to bed before we go

to sleep.


Okay, so with your

kids now, I don't

know how much reading

you're doing to them

at night, but I'm

reading every night.

And tell me if you've

had the experience.

You've got like the

whole shelf of books

and they're always

picking out their


And there are certain

ones where you're like,

I just don't want to

read that one again.

That book sucks.

I don't want to read it.

You know what I mean?

And then you gravitate

to it.

You're like, no,

let's do this one.

I feel like Good

Night Thoughts might

become that book

because it's also

helping me while

it's helping them.

Yeah, totally.

You know, I'm hoping

for that exact reaction

to it because not

only that, I just

think it does bring

the tone of the book

really just sort of

puts a nice button

on the day and it

takes everything down.

And I think it's a

really calming book

and hopefully, you

know, is effective in

all the ways that

we've talked about.

Now, I don't know if

you as a parent have

found yourself sucked

into like parenting

TikTok or parenting


I mean, you're

actually kind of a

part of it in a

positive way with

the videos and stuff

you put out.

But with all the

did all of that

stuff come in the

mix as well?

Were you thinking

about that, like

about social media

even as a parent?

And then, of course,

with kids and how

impactful it is on


And then just

obviously all of the

ways that information

is just piling on

everybody every day.

Was that all on your

mind as you were

putting this book



Not at all.

I'm so bad at

social media.

It takes me like an

hour to post


But isn't that


As an actor, though,

hasn't that become

unfortunately a part

of your job now?

Are there

like, hey, man,

we need you to do

a video to promote

the new thing?

Is that a part of

it now?

Hey, man, if you

have a new thing to

promote, there's

nothing annoying

about it.

That's true.

I feel real

grateful to have

a job.

Put me on

whatever social

media you want.

As uncomfortable

and weird as it


And then, you

know, and I think

we try to keep our

kids as far away

from it as we


The videos I do

with my daughter

are usually ones

where she's like,

can we put

please do a


And so we'll do

one together.

But it's in lieu

of her having her

own account.

Yeah, but that's

smart, too.

And that's a fun

way for you guys

to connect where

now you're all a

part of it, which

I love.

Did you test out

your books on your

own kids as you

were working through


Have you read

Good Night

Thoughts to your

own kids?

Oh, yeah, for


My son went

through a lot of

early drafts of

the book.

He's like,

nothing has


And I go, but

don't you see

where the comma


Did you understand

the pause?


Yeah, so he's

heard it a lot.

And now we go

back to it.

He needed a


But we go back

to it now.

And my daughter,

she loves it, but

she's also 14, so

I've got to be real

careful when we

come in there with


But she says

she's supportive.

That's hilarious.

You can't fake it,


You know, the

kids, they'll tell

you the God's

honest truth, which

I guess is sobering

from time to time.


Now, have you

shared it?

Do you ever send

them to any of

your friends?

Former co-stars

that you've worked

with over the years

that have kids?

Are you like, hey,

check this book out.

I wrote it.

Or do you not

want them a part

of that world with


Is it more of like a

thing that's like,

you know what, if

they find it, that's


Or are you sending

gift packs to

people with your


Oh, no.


Now that it's

out, I'll send

it to anybody I

know with kids.

That's amazing.

I'm really proud

of it.

So you're like,

I mean, you want

people to have it.

Like, I think

I'm so proud of

the books.

I really feel like

they all have


And, you know,

with the reading

books specifically,

you know, I've

heard from so many

teachers and so many

parents and the

best thing I hear

is always, oh, I

know exactly who

needs this book.

I know the exact

kids this book's

perfect for.

And then with

Good Night

Thoughts, I think

it really is.

I think Good

Night Thoughts is

much more universal.

And so I'm

excited to give

it to anybody.

That's amazing,


Good for you.

You should be

proud of it.

It's so cool that

you've been able to

create these

kind of books that

are not, like you

said at the

beginning, not only

helpful to the kids

but to the parents.

Are you working on

other ones?

I mean, I know

we're out here

promoting, you're

like, I just got

this one out, calm


But do you have

other ideas

percolating all the



It's a fun spot

to work in.

So, I mean, I

have some ideas,

but right now I'm

very focused on

this one.

Have you been

able to spend,

sorry, I know you

got to run, but

have you been able

to spend much time

in Chicago over

your career or is

this just a place

you've had to kind

of come in and

out of?

No, always in and


Never spent time


Oh, man, you

got to do a movie


I know as an

actor, you got to

produce something and

just land it here.

It's such a great

city to film in.

They don't listen

to me.

They make the

books that I

suggest, not the


Yeah, exactly.

All right.

Well, set your

next book in

Chicago and then

that way you'll

have to come and

it'll work out


All right, man.

Thank you for your


We appreciate it and

good luck with the



Thank you so much.

All right, man.

Be well.

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