Anybody can get it

Les Yayas Podcast

Les Yayas

Anybody can get it

Les Yayas

Hey guys, je m'appelle Syrah.

Hey guys, my name is Syrah.

Moi, c'est Tiffany.

I am Tiffany.

Et bienvenue dans le 98e épisode du podcast Léaïa.

And welcome to the 98th episode of the Léaïa podcast.

Voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà.

Here, here, here, here, here.

En fait, on a enregistré un épisode hier et mon micro, il n'a pas fonctionné.

In fact, we recorded an episode yesterday and my microphone didn't work.

Du coup, là, on réenregistre l'épisode.

So, we're re-recording the episode now.

Hier, je disais que j'étais fatiguée, so I'm not going to say that again.

Yesterday, I said that I was tired, so I'm not going to say that again.

Mais hier, je suis sortie avec mon frère, ma soeur et mes cousines et Carla.

But yesterday, I went out with my brother, my sister, my cousins, and Carla.

Et c'était vraiment cool.

And it was really cool.

On s'est bien amusées.

We had a lot of fun.

Et Carla, like you're saying her name like we know her.

And Carla, it's like you're saying her name as if we know her.

Yeah, she's a friend.

Yeah, she's a friend.

She's a friend of the family now.

Elle est maintenant une amie de la famille.

Yeah, I know, but...

Ouais, je sais, mais...



Ouais, mais c'est juste, there's no story.

Yeah, but it's just that there's no story.

Genre, Carla is a friend of the family.

Like, Carla is a family friend.

No, it was very fun.

No, it was very fun.

On a fait du karaoké.

We did karaoke.

C'était cool.

It was cool.

On est partis dans une terrasse.

We went to a terrace.

C'était cool.

It was cool.

Il fait très, très beau en ce moment à Montréal.

It is very, very nice right now in Montreal.


Well done.

Il fait genre 30-ish degrés.

It's about 30 degrees.



Donc, voilà, j'espère que les gens qui sont à Montréal ont passé un bon week-end

So, there you go, I hope that the people in Montreal had a good weekend.

parce qu'il fait vraiment beau.

because the weather is really nice.

Puis, toi, là?

Then, you, there?

Bah, moi, mon week-end, c'est toujours un peu busy.

Well, my weekend is always a bit busy.

Like, I tutor et puis je joue au tennis aussi.

Like, I tutor and then I play tennis too.

So, that's what I did.

So, that's what I did.

I'm not tired, mais j'aurais pu dormir encore deux heures.

I'm not tired, but I could have slept for another two hours.

And that's what I'm going to do right after this podcast.

And that's what I'm going to do right after this podcast.

So, yeah.

So, yeah.

OK, Tiffany, let's start like we usually do.

OK, Tiffany, let's start like we usually do.

Quel est le proverbe from the motherland, even though I know?

What is the proverb from the motherland, even though I know?

Non, but I'm going to take another one.

No, but I'm going to take another one.

Oh, OK.

Oh, OK.

The proverb from the motherland du 98e épisode du podcast Léaïa est

The proverb from the homeland of the 98th episode of the Léaïa podcast is

Le tam-tam est sourd à ses propres battements.

The tam-tam is deaf to its own beats.



Tu sais, tu réalises pas que you're breathing until you actually sit and, like, focus on your breathing.

You know, you don’t realize that you’re breathing until you actually sit down and, like, focus on your breathing.

Genre, ça veut dire que tu fais tellement quelque chose que you don't even realize you're doing it.

Like, it means that you do something so much that you don't even realize you're doing it.

Et c'est comme, j'ai l'impression aussi que c'est comme un poisson qui nage dans l'eau.

And it's like, I feel like it's like a fish swimming in water.

Genre, à un moment donné, il réalise pas qu'il est dans l'eau, tu vois.

Like, at one point, he doesn't realize that he's in the water, you see.

Il réalise pas l'eau.

He doesn't realize the water.

So, the way I see it is that...

So, the way I see it is that...

Il réalise pas l'eau.

He doesn't realize the water.

Bah oui, il réalise pas qu'il est dans l'eau, tu vois.

Well, yes, he doesn't realize that he's in the water, you see.

So, the way I see it is that...

So, the way I see it is that...

Sometimes you're so conditioned or you're so used to doing something that you don't even realize you're doing.

Sometimes you're so conditioned or so accustomed to doing something that you don't even realize you're doing it.

You're not even aware anymore that you're doing it.

You're not even aware anymore that you're doing it.

Yeah, yeah, I see it.

Yeah, yeah, I see it.

Moi, je me suis dit, un tam-tam, c'est un instrument de musique.

I said to myself, a drum is a musical instrument.

Donc, quand tu utilises un tam-tam, tu fais de la musique, puis les gens, ils dansent, tu vois.

So, when you use a tam-tam, you make music, and then people dance, you see.

Les gens, ils kiffent.

People love it.

Ah, la musique, elle est trop bien, le tam-tam.

Ah, the music, it’s so good, the drums.

Mais le tam-tam lui-même, il se rend même pas compte à quel point...

But the tam-tam itself doesn't even realize how much...

Il fait kiffer les gens.

He makes people enjoy themselves.

Genre, il se rend pas compte que c'est grâce à ses battements que les gens dansent, kiffent et tout.

Like, he doesn't realize that it's because of his beats that people dance, enjoy, and everything.

Donc, des fois, tu fais des trucs que les gens, ils kiffent, mais tu t'en rends pas compte.

So, sometimes you do things that people enjoy, but you don't realize it.

Like what?

Like what?



Bah, je sais pas, t'as jamais entendu les gens dire...

Well, I don't know, have you never heard people say...

Ah, mais Syrah, vraiment, toi, t'es trop...

Ah, but Syrah, really, you are too...

C'est quoi le mot?

What is the word?

Like, steady.

Like, steady.

Genre, tu vois, t'es pas quelqu'un qui va paniquer ou nanana.

Like, you see, you're not someone who panics or whatever.

Literally, nobody told me that.

Literally, nobody told me that.

Non, mais...

No, but...

Je dis pas que c'est ça, le mot.

I'm not saying that's the word.

Mais genre, quelqu'un va te dire quelque chose que t'avais même pas remarqué sur toi.

But like, someone is going to tell you something you hadn't even noticed about yourself.

Or like, it's something that they appreciate about you.

Or like, it's something that they appreciate about you.

Mais toi, t'avais même pas remarqué que...

But you didn't even notice that...

Ah ouais, moi, je fais ça.

Oh yeah, I do that.

Ou ah ouais, moi, je dis ça.

Oh yeah, me, I say that.



Je sais pas, par exemple, tu vas chez quelqu'un et...

I don't know, for example, you go to someone's house and...

Je sais pas.

I don't know.

Ou bien ta mère, je sais pas, elle peut avoir une habitude de...

Or maybe your mother, I don't know, she might have a habit of...

Oh, je sais que Syrah, quand elle vient la nuit, elle boit de l'eau.

Oh, I know that Syrah, when she comes at night, drinks water.

Donc, quand tu viens, à chaque fois avant de dormir, elle dépose un verre à côté de ton lit.

So, whenever you come, each time before going to sleep, she places a glass next to your bed.

Mais elle, elle le fait sans y penser, tu vois.

But she does it without thinking, you see.

Et c'est des petites attentions comme ça.

And it's small gestures like that.

Que toi, tu vas...

That you are going...

Elle va te dire, ah, j'aime bien ce petit truc.

She will tell you, ah, I really like this little thing.

Mais peut-être ta mère, elle y pense même pas, tu vois.

But maybe your mother doesn't even think about it, you see.

Ou les mamans, en général, quand...

Or mothers, in general, when...

Si tu dis, ah, j'aime bien les oranges.

If you say, oh, I really like oranges.

Après, les mamans, elles vont blinder le frigo d'oranges.

Afterward, the moms are going to fill the fridge with oranges.

Des petits trucs comme ça où...

Little things like that where...

Peut-être toi, tu calcules pas, mais les gens...

Maybe you don't calculate, but people do...

Ils kiffent.

They love it.

I mean, I love that you're saying this in a positive way.

I mean, I love that you're saying this in a positive way.

I didn't see it like that.

I didn't see it that way.

I saw it more like in a negative way, genre...

I saw it more in a negative way, like...

You have a pattern.

You have a pattern.

You have a negative trait that you're not even aware of.

You have a negative trait that you're not even aware of.

Toi, tu viens, tu vis ta...

You, you come, you live your...

Tu vis ta vie until you're confronted with someone.

You live your life until you're confronted with someone.

Et tu réalises que tu es comme ça.

And you realize that you are like that.

Parce que you don't even, like, hear the beating of your own tam-tam.

Because you don't even, like, hear the beating of your own drum.

Les battements.

The beats.

That's what I feel like.

C'est ce que je ressens.

Mais, yeah, I love that you don't have a rotten negative brain.

But, yeah, I love that you don't have a rotten negative brain.

Shout-out to the motherland.

Shout-out to the motherland.



Tiffany, qu'est-ce qui t'a marquée?

Tiffany, what has impacted you?

En actualité, ces deux dernières semaines.

In the news, these last two weeks.

There's actually something we didn't talk about,

There's actually something we didn't talk about,

mais est-ce que tu connais le rappeur Kobalade?

But do you know the rapper Kobalade?

Ouais, ouais.

Yeah, yeah.

Je me rappelle en 2014 et tout,

I remember in 2014 and everything.

un autre rappeur a sorti une photo

another rapper released a photo

non-flattering of him, right?

not flattering of him, right?

Dans la baignoire ou un truc comme ça.

In the bathtub or something like that.



Dans la baignoire?

In the bathtub?

C'est pas un Américain, c'est un Français.

It's not an American, it's a Frenchman.

Non, je sais, je sais.

No, I know, I know.

Ouais, quelqu'un...

Yeah, someone...

Un rappeur a leaked a photo...

A rapper leaked a photo...

Genre, debout dans une baignoire,

Like standing in a bathtub,

like, dans une pose bizarre et tout,

like, in a weird pose and all,

like, the most unflattering photo of him.

like, the most unflattering photo of him.

J'écris Kobalade baignoire.

I write Kobalade bathtub.

Fais voir, fais voir une photo de lui, juste pour voir.

Show me, show me a photo of him, just to see.

Attends, parce que là, ça me sort que des baignoires.

Wait, because right now, it's only showing me bathtubs.

Fais voir la tête du rappeur

Show me the rapper's face.

to see if I'm not confusing it with someone else.

to see if I'm not confusing it with someone else.

Oh, non.

Oh, no.

I'm confusing it with someone else.

I'm confusing it with someone else.

Non, c'est pas lui.

No, it's not him.

C'est un rappeur, il est hyper foncé,

He's a rapper, he's very dark-skinned.

genre, il a des dreads, je pense qu'il est petit,

like, he has dreadlocks, I think he's short,

il est en...

he is in...

Ah, Fabébie, je pense que c'est Fabébie.

Ah, Fabébie, I think it's Fabébie.

Ah, ouais, c'est lui.

Ah, yeah, that's him.

Attends, laisse-moi mettre une photo de Fabébie.

Wait, let me put up a photo of Fabébie.

Je pense.

I think.

That's him, that's him.

That's him, that's him.

Une photo de lui dans la baignoire.

A photo of him in the bathtub.

Non, mais regarde, photo...

No, but look, photo...

Quelqu'un a leaké, un rapport a leaké.

Someone leaked, a report leaked.

J'écris Fabébie baignoire.

I write Fabébie bathtub.

Baignoire ou bien salle de bain?

Bathtub or bathroom?

Je pense que...

I think that...

Non, il était dehors.

No, he was outside.

Ah, ouais, je vois les bâtards.

Ah, yeah, I see the bastards.

T'as vu?

Did you see?

C'était en 2014 ou 15.

It was in 2014 or 2015.

Oh, les bâtards.

Oh, the bastards.

T'as vu?

Did you see?

Ça se fait pas.

It can't be done.

Mais qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?

But what happened?

Genre, what's the story behind the picture?

Like, what's the story behind the picture?

Je pense que c'est quelqu'un, un rappeur,

I think it's someone, a rapper,

avec qui he was having a beef with,

with whom he was having a beef,

that leaked that photo.

that leaked that photo.

Mais qui a pris la photo?

But who took the photo?

Je sais pas.

I don't know.

All I know is that this happened,

All I know is that this happened,

like, quand on était à l'université,

like, when we were at university,

je m'en rappelle, on était en résidence.

I remember, we were in residence.



Et puis les gens, ils ont commencé à...

And then the people started to...

Ils ont commencé à le vaguer parce qu'il est vraiment dans une...

They started to joke about him because he is really in a...

Non, mais non, mais ça se trouve, c'est bully, c'est pas possible.

No, but no, this can't be, it's bullying, it's not possible.

C'est quoi cette pose?

What is this pose?

On lui a dit, vas-y, je te prends en photo, là, je te prends en photo, là.

They told him, go ahead, I'm taking your picture, there, I'm taking your picture, there.

Allez sur Google taper, quoi.

Go to Google and type, you know.

C'est quoi son nom?

What is his name?









Bah non, bah du coup, Kobalade, c'est un autre rappeur.

Well no, so Kobalade is another rapper.

Et la semaine dernière, il a eu un accident de voiture.

And last week, he had a car accident.

Et il y a quelqu'un qui est décédé.

And there is someone who has passed away.

Son pote est décédé.

His buddy has passed away.

Son styliste est décédé dans l'accident.

Her stylist died in the accident.

Donc là, it's happening.

So there, it's happening.

Genre ça, c'est...

Like this, it's...

It's happening.

It's happening.



Kobalade, il fumait beaucoup d'huile et tout.

Kobalade, he smoked a lot of oil and everything.

Et puis un jour, il a dit, c'est bon, moi, j'arrête, j'arrête, je suis un homme changé.

And then one day, he said, that's it, I'm stopping, I'm stopping, I am a changed man.

Je pense même qu'il a fait un peu de...

I even think that he did a little bit of...

Non, parce qu'il était trop bête, ce gars.

No, because that guy was too stupid.

Il était trop bête.

He was too stupid.

Il faisait plein de...

It was full of...

Plein de boulettes, on va dire.

Full of meatballs, let's say.

Tu vois, ça se voit, c'était un gars du ghetto,

You see, it shows, he was a guy from the ghetto.

qui avait pas eu de training médiatique.

who had not received media training.

Il disait des trucs de fous.

He was saying crazy stuff.

Il y a, je pense, la Play, genre la marque PlayStation l'avait invitée à promouvoir la Play 5, je crois.

I think Play, like the PlayStation brand, had invited her to promote the Play 5, I believe.

Et on lui a dit, c'est quoi ton jeu préféré ?

And we asked him, what's your favorite game?

Et il a dit, moi, en vrai, je joue plus à la Xbox.

And he said, me, actually, I don't play on the Xbox anymore.

On lui dit, mais monsieur, c'est sponsorisé par PlayStation, tu peux pas dire ça.

We tell him, but sir, it's sponsored by PlayStation, you can't say that.

Donc, tu vois, il était pas très fut-fut.

So, you see, he wasn't very bright.

Et après, il faisait plein de...

And afterwards, he did a lot of...

Il disait des trucs de ouf.

He was saying crazy things.

Il disait...

He said...

Bah, je sais pas, à un moment, il avait été accusé d'homophobie.

Well, I don't know, at one point he had been accused of homophobia.

Donc, plus personne ne voulait l'inviter à des festivals et tout.

So, no one wanted to invite him to festivals and everything anymore.


In short.

Après, je pense, il est sorti de...

After, I think, he went out of...

Il a pris une pause.

He took a break.

Et puis, quand il est revenu, bizarrement,

And then, when he came back, strangely,

il a fait un truc de fou.

He did something crazy.

Enfin, quand il est revenu, il était musclé.

Finally, when he returned, he was muscular.

Je sais pas, je trouvais qu'il avait un peu changé.

I don't know, I thought he had changed a bit.

Et je pense qu'il parlait moins parce que son équipe a dû lui dire, calme-toi.

And I think he talked less because his team must have told him, calm down.

Je pense qu'il parlait moins parce que son équipe a dû lui dire, calme-toi.

I think he was speaking less because his team must have told him, calm down.

Mais après, il s'est aussi rendu en compte que ce manager lui volait de l'argent.

But then, he also realized that this manager was stealing money from him.

Bref, il y avait...

In short, there was...

There was a whole thing.

There was a whole thing.

Donc, pendant un moment, là, il était plus trop là.

So, for a while, there, he wasn't really there anymore.

Et quand il est revenu, c'était un homme nouveau.

And when he returned, he was a new man.

Moi, j'ai juste entendu qu'il a dit, je fume plus de weed.

I just heard him say, I don't smoke weed anymore.

Donc, il a dit, je fume plus de weed, blablabla.

So, he said, I smoke more weed, blah blah blah.

Et maintenant, en France, à ce qu'il puisse en avoir avec une petite chanteuse qui s'appelle Weshden.

And now, in France, as far as he can have with a little singer named Weshden.

Donc, là, je vois sur les réseaux, c'est vraiment The Beyoncé and Jay-Z de France,

So, there, I see on social media, it's really the Beyoncé and Jay-Z of France.

mais vraiment niveau moins 10.

but really at a level of minus 10.

Et du coup, voilà, on les voit sortir ensemble.

And so, there you go, we see them leaving together.

Bref, et après, un jour, il y a eu l'accident de voiture.

In short, and then, one day, there was the car accident.

Donc, là, son pote est mort et tout.

So, his buddy is dead and everything.

Et tout le monde essaie de comprendre qu'est-ce qui s'est passé

And everyone is trying to understand what happened.

parce qu'apparemment, il est rentré dans un camion qui était en stationnement.

because apparently, he got into a truck that was parked.

Mais comment tu peux rentrer dans un camion en stationnement assez vite

But how can you get into a parked truck quickly?

pour que ton ami meure ?

so that your friend dies?

Parce que le camion était en stationnement.

Because the truck was parked.

Donc, en tout cas, bref.

So, anyway, in short.

Et donc, là, au fur et à mesure, au début, on apprend l'accident.

And so, there, gradually, at first, we learn about the accident.

Après, on apprend qu'il y a quelqu'un qui est décédé.

Later, we learn that someone has passed away.

Au début, on ne savait pas c'était qui la personne.

At first, we didn't know who the person was.

Est-ce que c'est Weshden ?

Is it Weshden?

Parce que Weshden aussi, elle est connue en France.

Because Weshden is also known in France.

Finalement, on apprend que c'est son styliste.

Finally, we learn that it's her stylist.

Et là, ils ont dit qu'il a été testé positif au stupéfiant.

And there, they said that he tested positive for the drug.

Donc, on imagine que c'est de la huide.

So, we imagine that it's oil.

Mais après, son avocat, il a dit, ça ne veut pas forcément dire qu'il avait fumé.

But then, his lawyer said, that doesn't necessarily mean he had smoked.

Mais si tu fumes de la huide, il peut t'en rester dans le sang.

But if you smoke hash oil, it can stay in your blood.

Donc, si tu fumes de la huide lundi et puis tu fais un accident vendredi,

So, if you smoke weed on Monday and then you have an accident on Friday,

ça se peut que tu aies de la huide dans le sang.

It could be that you have oil in your blood.

Mais ça ne veut pas forcément dire que tu avais fumé de la huide vendredi matin.

But that doesn't necessarily mean that you had smoked weed on Friday morning.

Sauf que ce n'est pas son premier accident de la route.

Except that this is not his first road accident.

Du coup, là, les gens, ils disent, bon, ce n'est pas son premier accident de la route.

So, there, people are saying, well, this is not his first road accident.

En plus, il était sous stupéfiant.

In addition, he was under the influence of substances.

Il y a quelqu'un qui est mort.

Someone has died.

Donc, prison.

So, prison.

Des choses comme ça me donnent tellement d'anxiété.

Things like that give me so much anxiety.

Parce que je conduis.

Because I drive.

Et je conduis dans le...

And I drive in the...

Dans le même chemin que d'autres personnes.

On the same path as other people.

Des personnes comme lui.

People like him.

Donc, je veux dire, je suis juste triste.

So, I mean, I'm just sad.

Je pense que...

I think that...

C'est vraiment, vraiment triste.

It's really, really sad.

C'est triste.

It's sad.

Je ne sais pas.

I don't know.

J'allais dire, je pense que les hommes, c'est des fous au volant.

I was going to say, I think that men are crazy behind the wheel.

Mais oui, moi, j'ai toujours...

But yes, I have always...

Je ne comprends pas le stéréotype des femmes qui ne savent pas conduire.

I don't understand the stereotype of women not knowing how to drive.

Parce que c'est les hommes qui ne savent pas conduire.

Because it's the men who don't know how to drive.

Ils ont tellement d'égo.

They have so much ego.

C'est incroyable.

It's incredible.

Hier, je roulais.

Yesterday, I was driving.

Il pleuvait.

It was raining.

Mais du coup, je roulais.

But as a result, I was driving.

Je roulais moins vite.

I was driving slower.

Enfin, je faisais moins que la limite.

Finally, I was doing less than the limit.

Genre, beaucoup moins.

Like, much less.

Genre, 20 kilomètres en dessous de la limite.

Like, 20 kilometers below the limit.

Mais il y a des gens, ils étaient tellement énervés.

But there are some people, they were so angry.

Je dis, mais il pleut.

I say, but it's raining.

Like, the roads are slippery.

Like, the roads are slippery.

Et ici, genre en Alberta, les gens, ils ont des énormes voitures.

And here, like in Alberta, people have huge cars.

Des big trucks qui prennent la moitié de la route.

Big trucks that take up half the road.

Et ils sont tellement...

And they are so...

On dirait la route, là, le goudron, là, c'est leur grand-mère qui a construit ça.

It looks like the road, there, the pavement, there, it's their grandmother who built that.

Donc, ils sont là et ils font des...

So, they are here and they are doing some...

Wouh, zigzag et tout.

Wow, zigzag and all.

Si tu ne vas pas vite, ils te dépassent.

If you don't go fast, they will overtake you.

Si tu oses ralentir, boum, on fait des...

If you dare to slow down, boom, we do some...

Je ne sais pas c'est quoi des queues de poissons, mais je suis sûre qu'on me l'a fait.

I don't know what fish tails are, but I'm sure I've been given them.

Mais donc, tu vois, genre, it's just...

But so, you see, like, it's just...

À chaque fois que je vois les hommes in a big truck, like, I take my distance.

Every time I see men in a big truck, like, I keep my distance.

Ma pote, elle est venue ici.

My friend, she came here.

Elle m'a dit, mais pourquoi tu t'arrêtes aussi...

She said to me, but why do you stop so...

Tu vois, normalement, quand tu arrives à un feu, il y a une ligne qui dit, bon, arrête-toi là.

You see, normally, when you come to a red light, there is a line that says, well, stop there.

Tiffany, the way.

Tiffany, the way.

I stay, like, at least 7 meters behind that line.

I stay, like, at least 7 meters behind that line.

Elle me dit, mais pourquoi tu fais ça?

She says to me, but why are you doing that?

Je dis, parce que tu ne sais jamais, il y a un fou furieux dans un camion qui a passé une mauvaise journée.

I say, because you never know, there’s a madman in a truck who has had a bad day.

Passe comme ça rapidement.

Pass by quickly like that.

Et puis, moi, je suis trop proche de lui.

And then, I am too close to him.

Boum, voilà, ma famille est en deuil.

Boom, there you go, my family is in mourning.

Donc, non.

So, no.

So, I try to stay away.

So, I try to stay away.

Un fou dans un camion.

A madman in a truck.

Mais oui.

But yes.

Non, mais tu vois, la dernière fois, j'étais au téléphone avec un pote et tout.

No, but you see, the last time I was on the phone with a buddy and all.

Et il me disait...

And he was telling me...

Il me disait...

He was telling me...

Je ne sais plus.

I don't know anymore.

Je n'ai pas très bien compris ce qu'il me disait.

I didn't quite understand what he was saying to me.

Mais en gros, il conduisait.

But basically, he was driving.

Et je crois qu'il ne voulait pas laisser les gens le doubler, un truc comme ça.

And I think he didn't want to let people overtake him, something like that.

Mais, what?

But, what?

Genre, je pense...

Like, I think...

Je ne sais plus ce qu'il me disait.

I no longer know what he was telling me.

Mais il disait, ouais, là...

But he said, yeah, there...

Il dit, c'est trop marrant, je fais un jeu avec quelqu'un.

He says, it's so funny, I'm playing a game with someone.

Mais en fait, c'est comme si le gars, il le doublait.

But in fact, it's like the guy is doubling him.

Puis après, l'autre, il vient et encore, il le double.

Then after, the other one comes and again, he overtakes him.

Mais tu sais, je dis, mais...

But you know, I say, but...

Ce n'est pas ta...

This is not your...

Comme tu as dit, ce n'est pas le goudron de ta grand-mère.

As you said, it's not your grandmother's tar.

Enfin, calme-toi.

Finally, calm down.

Enfin, s'il veut te dépasser, laisse-le te dépasser.

Finally, if he wants to surpass you, let him surpass you.

Enfin, c'est...

Finally, it is...

Et ce n'est pas grave.

And it's not a big deal.

Ce n'est pas grave.

It's not serious.

Passons à autre chose.

Let's move on to something else.

Ils ont tellement d'égo sur la rue.

They have so much ego on the street.

Oui, la rage sur la rue et tout ça.

Yes, the rage on the street and all that.

Oui, mais ce n'est pas même...

Yes, but it is not even...

Oh, la rage sur la rue.

Oh, the rage on the street.

Par exemple, tu sais, quand les gens doivent se merger dans la rue,

For example, you know, when people have to merge on the street,

les gens dans la première ligne, tu dois me laisser l'espace pour se merger.

The people in the front line, you need to leave me space to merge.

Tu sais ce que je veux dire?

Do you know what I mean?

Donc, tu vois, il y a la rue.

So, you see, there is the street.

Non, ça dépend.

No, it depends.

Oh, comment ça, ça dépend?

Oh, how come that depends?

Si tu t'insères, parce que ça dépend.

If you insert yourself, it's because it depends.

Parce que des fois, c'est de céder le passage.

Because sometimes, it's about yielding the right of way.

Donc, celui qui s'insère, c'est lui qui doit céder le passage.

So, the one who merges is the one who must yield the right of way.

Tu dois céder le passage à ceux qui sont déjà sur l'auto.

You must yield the right of way to those who are already on the road.

Non, mais OK.

No, but okay.

Donc, mais il y a le moment de...

So, but there is the moment of...

L'accélérateur de l'autoroute.

The highway accelerator.

L'accélérateur de l'autoroute?

The highway accelerator?

Mais à un moment donné, il faut que je rentre,

But at some point, I have to go home,

parce que sinon, ma ligne va disparaître.

because otherwise, my line will disappear.

Mais donc, il faut me laisser le temps.

But you need to give me time.

Je veux bien...

I'm good with that...

Non, c'est toi qui dois céder le passage.

No, it’s you who must give way.

Tiffany, je dois céder le passage, je suis d'accord.

Tiffany, I have to yield the passage, I agree.

Mais il y a trois lignes à côté.

But there are three lines next to it.

C'est la première ligne à droite.

It's the first line on the right.

C'est la ligne la plus rapide.

This is the fastest line.

Pourquoi tu ne vas pas juste aller là-dessus?

Why don't you just go over there?

Je dois encore entrer dans la rue.

I still have to enter the street.

Je ne comprends pas, en fait.

I don't understand, in fact.

Oui, je pense que...

Yes, I think that...

Non, mais c'est parce que c'est une question de qui a la priorité.

No, but it's because it's a question of who has priority.

Non, mais j'ai la...

No, but I have the...

Oui, tu as la priorité.

Yes, you have priority.

Je sais que tu as la priorité.

I know that you have the priority.

Mais un peu de courtoisie sur la route, quand même.

But a little courtesy on the road, after all.

Oui, voilà, c'est de la courtoisie.

Yes, there you go, it's a matter of courtesy.

C'est de la courtoisie.

It is courtesy.

Oui, mais je ne vais pas m'arrêter en plein milieu de fucking lane

Yes, but I'm not going to stop in the middle of the fucking lane.

juste pour que toi, tu puisses passer.

just so that you can get through.

Laisse-moi merge.

Let me merge.

I don't know, man.

I don't know, man.

Je pense que...

I think that...

Moi, je ne fais pas confiance aux hommes sur la route.

I do not trust men on the road.

De toute façon, ce n'est même pas moi.

Anyway, it's not even me.

Hey, it's not even Syrah Hitman.

Hey, it's not even Syrah Hitman.

Les assurances sont plus élevées pour les hommes.

Insurance is higher for men.

So, there's something.

So, there's something.

C'est plus élevé pour les jeunes hommes.

It is higher for young men.

Parce que, for some reason...

Because, for some reason...

Et moi, I can't see it with my brothers.

And me, I can't see it with my brothers.

Ah, ouais ?

Oh, really?

Ouais, genre...

Yeah, like...

Il est trop...

He is too...

Il est trop confiant.

He is too confident.

Je me dis, mais pourquoi tu peux être aussi confiant ?

I say to myself, but why can you be so confident?

Oui, mais c'est ça.

Yes, but that's it.

Ils sont très confiants.

They are very confident.

Plus un peu d'audace, plus de la vitesse.

More boldness, more speed.

Et du coup, c'est eux qui font le plus d'accidents.

And as a result, it's them who have the most accidents.

Mortels, en plus.

Mortal, on top of that.

Ouais, terrible et tout.

Yeah, terrible and everything.

So, I'm really sad.

So, I'm really sad.

I'm so sad.

Je suis tellement triste.

I hate that news.

I hate that news.

En plus, ils ont juste 20...

Moreover, they only have 20...

Le gars a 24 ans, l'autre, elle a 20 ans.

The guy is 24 years old, the other one is 20 years old.

Comment tu peux être la Beyoncé et le Jay-Z à 20 ans ?

How can you be the Beyoncé and Jay-Z at 20 years old?

Non, mais je ne pense pas qu'ils...

No, but I don't think they...

Non, mais c'est juste parce que c'est un rappeur

No, but it's just because he's a rapper.

et l'autre, c'est une chanteuse.

And the other one is a singer.

Moi, je pense que c'est ça.

I think that's it.

C'est trop jeune, tu sais.

It's too young, you know.

Like, 20 ans, that's pretty young.

Like, 20 years old, that's pretty young.

Bah, dans...

Well, in...

Je suis sûre que t'es trop toxique à 20 ans.

I'm sure you're too toxic at 20 years old.

Comment s'appelaient les petites, là ?

What were the little ones called, there?

Comment s'appelaient les petites filles, là ?

What were the little girls called, there?

Les petites filles qui twerkaient, là.

The little girls who were twerking, there.

Le film insupportable.

The unbearable movie.

Les mignonnes.

The cuties.

Dans les mignonnes, c'était mignonnes, cuties.

In the cuties, it was cuties.

Elles étaient datées.

They were dated.

Elles avaient quel âge ?

How old were they?

Mais ça, c'est pas la vraie vie, je crois.

But that's not real life, I think.

Eux ?


Ah oui, il y a des meufs de 9 ans qui datent.

Oh yes, there are 9-year-old girls who date.

Moi, quand j'étais au collège...

Me, when I was in middle school...

Mais tu vois, quand il y a des Wanderstein pregnancies,

But you see, when there are Wanderstein pregnancies,

tu penses que ça sort d'où, ça ?

Where do you think that comes from?

Yeah, that's crazy.

Yeah, that's crazy.

Anyways, est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose d'autre

Anyways, is there anything else?

à marquer dans l'actualité ?

to be noted in the news?

Oui, on a parlé...

Yes, we talked...

Tu sais, une chose dont on n'avait pas parlé,

You know, one thing we hadn't talked about,

maybe we don't want to talk about it,

maybe we don't want to talk about it,

mais c'était le débat de Trump et l'autre, là.

but it was the debate between Trump and the other one, there.

Mais c'est nul.

But it's rubbish.

En fait, les débats états-uniens,

In fact, the US debates,

c'est vraiment pas la même chose.

It's really not the same thing.

C'est qu'ils sont...

It's that they are...

Ils parlent juste...

They are just talking...

Ils font que se blâmer en disant

They only blame each other by saying

« Ouais, mais lui, il est trop nul.

"Yeah, but he's too useless."

Moi, quand je serai là,

Me, when I will be there,

je vais mettre les choses bien.

I will set things right.

Comment ?


Ils vont être bien, t'inquiète. »

"They will be fine, don't worry."

Mais c'est quoi ton programme ?

But what's your plan?

T'inquiète, crois-moi, crois-moi.

Don't worry, believe me, believe me.

Mais je comprends pas pourquoi

But I don't understand why.

il n'y a pas d'exposition de programme

There is no program exhibition.

ou bien les gens, ils s'en foutent, en fait.

Or people, they don't care, actually.

C'est quoi ton programme ?

What is your schedule?

Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ?

What are you going to do?

Laisse-le en premier jour.

Leave it on the first day.

Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire pour...

What are you going to do for...

Enfin, je sais pas, la santé, l'éducation.

Finally, I don't know, health, education.

Bon, peut-être pas l'immigration

Well, maybe not immigration.

parce que c'est un sujet,

because it is a subject,

peut-être qu'ils parlent même trop de l'immigration.

Maybe they talk too much about immigration.

Mais oui, voilà.

But yes, here it is.

Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire, en fait,

What are you going to do, actually?

pour la communauté ?

for the community?

Le Go-Go-Go-Go-Go Plus.

The Go-Go-Go-Go-Go Plus.

Tu vois ce que je veux dire ?

Do you see what I mean?

Il n'y a pas de...

There is no...

Il n'y a pas de programme, moi.

There is no program, me.

J'ai l'impression que c'était un débat...

I have the impression that it was a debate...

It didn't have any substance.

It didn't have any substance.

Mais après, prenez ce que je dis avec un grand sel

But after that, take what I say with a grain of salt.

parce que je vais pas regarder le débat.

because I am not going to watch the debate.

Moi non plus, j'ai regardé que des bêtes.

Me neither, I only watched animals.

Mais je pense que les Américains,

But I think that Americans,

c'est plus un concours de...

it's more of a competition of...

Des locos ?

Crazy people?

Non, pas du tout.

No, not at all.

Mais c'est genre, qui va être le plus célèbre ?

But it's like, who is going to be the most famous?

Soit de punchline, voilà.

Here's the punchline, there you go.

Qui va faire le plus de punchline ?

Who will deliver the most punchlines?

Ouais, la petite phrase.

Yeah, the little phrase.

Qui va déstabiliser l'autre un peu ?

Who is going to destabilize the other a bit?

Mais après, le programme, le social, on s'en fout.

But after that, the program, the social, we don't care.

J'ai su qu'on s'en foutait

I knew that we didn't care.

parce qu'à plusieurs reprises,

because several times,

mais un jour, pendant le débat,

but one day, during the debate,

il y a une fille, elle a demandé à Trump

There is a girl, she asked Trump.

« Ouais, mais est-ce que vous avez un plan pour ça ?

"Yeah, but do you have a plan for that?"

Est-ce que vous avez un plan ? »

"Do you have a plan?"

Et il a répondu

And he answered.

« I have concepts of a plan. »

"I have concepts of a plan."

J'ai dit « Ah ouais, waouh ! »

I said "Oh yeah, wow!"

« I have concepts of a plan. »

"I have concepts of a plan."

« Concepts of a plan. »

"Concepts of a plan."

J'ai dit « Ah ouais, waouh ! »

I said "Oh yeah, wow!"

Donc ça...

So that...

Sinon, on avait parlé, obviously,

Otherwise, we had talked, obviously,

du procès de Gisèle Pellicot.

of the trial of Gisèle Pellicot.

C'est ça ?

Is that it?

Ouais, ouais, ouais.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Do you wanna reintroduce it ?

Do you want to reintroduce it?

Moi, je pense que c'est trop pour moi.

I think it's too much for me.

Bah, en fait, c'est le procès d'une dame

Well, actually, it's the trial of a lady.

qui était mariée à un monsieur pendant 50 ans.

who was married to a gentleman for 50 years.

Après, un jour comme ça, la police l'appelle.

Later, one day like that, the police call him.

Elle lui dit

She tells him.

« Hé, mais en fait, ton mari, il a été arrêté

"Hey, actually, your husband was arrested."

parce qu'on l'a pris en train de regarder,

because we caught him watching,

de filmer sous les jupes des filles. »

"to film under the skirts of girls."

Après, ils disent « Ok, on va à la gendarmerie. »

Then they say, "Okay, we're going to the police station."

Tout ça, la dame, elle dit à son mari

All of that, the lady says to her husband.

« C'est pas bien, mais vas-y. »

"It's not good, but go ahead."

« Mais vas-y, c'est pas grave. Je te pardonne

"But go ahead, it's okay. I forgive you."

parce que, overall, t'es un bon gars, tu vois. »

"Because, overall, you're a good guy, you see."

Après, la police, elle dit

Later, the police, they say

« Non, mais on va pousser le bouchon un peu.

"No, but we're going to push the envelope a bit."

On va regarder sur son téléphone, sur son ordinateur

We are going to look on his phone, on his computer.

si on trouve d'autres trucs. »

"if we find other things."

Peut-être qu'il a filmé sous les jupes d'autres femmes.

Maybe he filmed under other women's skirts.

Donc là, il saisit son ordinateur et tout.

So there, he grabs his computer and everything.

Il commence à regarder.

He starts to look.

Puis, il voit des vidéos de sa femme

Then, he sees videos of his wife.

qui a l'air inconsciente

who seems unaware

en train de coucher.

in the process of going to bed.

Avec d'autres hommes.

With other men.

Donc, le policier, quand il voit ça, il dit

So, the policeman, when he sees that, he says

« Mais elle a l'air inconsciente. Est-ce qu'elle joue

"But she looks unconscious. Is she playing?"

ou est-ce que c'est la vérité ? »

"Or is it the truth?"

Donc, pour en avoir le cœur net, il rappelle la dame.

So, to get to the bottom of it, he calls the lady back.

Il dit « Madame, revenez à la police, à la gendarmerie. »

He says, "Madam, come back to the police, to the gendarmerie."

Elle, elle dit « Ouais, non, c'est normal.

She, she says, "Yeah, no, it's normal."

Je vais à la gendarmerie parce que mon idiot de mari

I'm going to the police station because of my idiot husband.

regarde sous les jupes des femmes. »

"Look under women's skirts."

Donc, elle, elle s'attend juste à voir une autre histoire de jupe.

So, she just expects to see another skirt story.

Et là, on lui dit « Madame, je m'excuse,

And then, we say to her, "Madam, I apologize,

mais je vais vous montrer des affaires.

But I will show you some things.

Ça va être un peu choquant,

It's going to be a bit shocking,

mais dites-moi-le, si vous étiez

but tell me, if you were

en train de jouer à faire semblant

playing pretend

d'être inconsciente, passe-le. Moi, j'étais un peu

"to be unconscious, pass it. I was a bit"

confus. » Puis là, elle regarde la vidéo

"Confused." Then she looks at the video.

et elle dit « Tabarnak

And she said, "Tabarnak."

d'hostie de colis. »

"of host parcel."

Non. Moi, j'étais...

No. I was...

Non, franchement, non. Je suis choquée. Elle est choquée.

No, honestly, no. I am shocked. She is shocked.

Et donc, elle apprend

And so, she is learning.

que depuis les dix dernières années,

that for the last ten years,

son mari la

her husband her

droguait au point

drugged to the point

qu'elle perde connaissance

that she loses consciousness

et ensuite, il invitait des hommes

and then, he invited men

à coucher avec elle pendant qu'elle était inconsciente.

to sleep with her while she was unconscious.

Donc, la police a trouvé,

So, the police found,

je pense, environ 90...

I think, about 90...

Enfin, ils ont

Finally, they have

identifié 90...

identified 90...

Non. Il y avait 90 vidéos.

No. There were 90 videos.

Environ. Ils ont

About. They have

réussi à identifier

managed to identify

genre 80 hommes

like 80 men

et finalement, il y en a 53

and finally, there are 53 of them

qu'on a pu

that we could

contacter. Puis là,

contact. Then there,

ils sont... They're in the trial.

They are... They're in the trial.

Le procès is happening.

The trial is happening.

And it is fucked up. It is fucked up.

And it is messed up. It is messed up.

Il y a

There is/There are

plein de choses crazy.

lots of crazy things.

That comes out.

That comes out.

Ces deux gens-là, Madame Gisèle et son mari,

Those two people, Mrs. Gisèle and her husband,

ils ont une fille et...

they have a daughter and...

Enfin, ils ont d'autres enfants, mais il y a une fille aussi

Finally, they have other children, but there is also a girl.

qui, elle...

who, she...

Elle a l'impression, elle aussi,

She has the impression, she too,

elle a été droguée et on ne sait pas

She was drugged and we don't know.

what happened parce qu'elle aussi, elle a des petits troubles et tout.

what happened because she also has some small issues and everything.

Parce que du coup, la Madame Gisèle,

Because as a result, Mrs. Gisèle,

au cours des

during the

dix ans where it was happening,

ten years where it was happening,

elle disait qu'elle avait des trous de mémoire.

She said that she had memory gaps.

Elle perdait un peu

She was losing a little.

le... She was not really able

She was not really able.

to make sentences et tout. Donc, elle pensait que...

to make sentences and all. So, she thought that...

Elle avait peut-être Alzheimer ou une maladie

She might have Alzheimer's or a disease.







Et donc, elle est partie chez les médecins

And so, she went to the doctors.

et tout. Et les médecins, ils ont dit, non, non, Madame,

and everything. And the doctors said, no, no, Madame,

t'es bien correcte. T'as pas de maladie,

You're doing just fine. You don't have any illness.

pas un tot. Elle dit, mais comment ça se fait que je perds

Not at all. She says, but how is it that I'm losing?

la mémoire comme ça? J'ai des blackouts et tout.

Memory like that? I have blackouts and all.

Et il dit, ben, je le sais pas, là.

And he said, well, I don't know, there.

Et des fois, elle faisait des blagues à son mari. Elle disait, mais toi,

And sometimes, she would joke with her husband. She would say, but you,

j'ai l'impression que tu me drogues.

I feel like you are drugging me.

T'es bizarre. C'est vrai, ça? Et quand elle disait ça,

You're weird. Is that true? And when she said that,

ouais, ouais, elle disait...

yeah, yeah, she was saying...

Ah, ouais? Elle disait, mais... Ouais.

Oh, really? She said, but... yeah.

Elle disait, mais j'ai l'impression...

She said, but I have the impression...

Elle disait, hé, mais je perds souvent

She said, hey, but I often lose.

la mémoire. Tu serais pas en train de me droguer, toi,

memory. You're not trying to drug me, are you?

par hasard? Ou des trucs comme ça, tu vois.

By chance? Or things like that, you know.

Et après, quand elle disait ça, son mari,

And then, when she said that, her husband,

il pleurait. Il disait,

he was crying. He was saying,

mais comment tu peux dire ça? Comment tu peux insinuer

But how can you say that? How can you insinuate?

que je te fais des trucs comme ça? C'est trop horrible.

Why do I do things like that to you? It's so terrible.

Mais non! Putain.

But no! Damn it.

Il pleurait et tout. Donc, elle, elle se disait,

He was crying and everything. So, she was telling herself,

ouais, non, c'est sûr, c'est pas ça. Parce que regarde, là, là,

yeah, no, for sure, that's not it. Because look, there, there,

comme un qui pleure, alors que j'étais juste en train de faire une joke.

like one who cries, when I was just making a joke.

Et donc...

And so...

Oh, my God! Ça veut dire que he knew

Oh, my God! That means he knew.

he was fucked up.

he was messed up.

What he was doing was fucked up.

What he was doing was messed up.

Même juste l'insinuation, like, as a blague,

Even just the insinuation, like, as a joke,

il rentre dans son...

he enters his...

He gives us his, like, Leonardo DiCaprio.

He gives us his, like, Leonardo DiCaprio.

Le mec,

The guy,

in shambles. Comment tu peux insinuer ça?

in shambles. How can you suggest that?

Je t'aime. Ça fait 70 ans

I love you. It's been 70 years.

qu'on est ensemble. Et oh!

that we are together. And oh!

He knew

He knew

what he was doing was terrible.

What he was doing was terrible.

Le procès is happening.

The trial is happening.

Et le procès is happening, obviously,

And the trial is happening, obviously,

donc les accusés, ils ont des...

So the defendants, they have...

des avocats. Et il y a un avocat

lawyers. And there is a lawyer.

qui a dit, oui, mais

who said, yes, but

il y a viol et viol. Et donc,

there is rape and rape. And therefore,

pour qu'un viol soit considéré comme un viol,

for a rape to be considered a rape,

il faut qu'il y ait l'intention de violer.

There must be the intention to violate.

Sauf que ces hommes-là ne savaient pas.

Except that those men did not know.

Enfin, sauf que ces hommes-là,

Finally, except that these men,

allegedly, pensaient que

allegedly, they thought that

la fille, elle faisait semblant. Donc, ils pensaient

the girl was pretending. So, they thought

que... Enfin, ils sont pas

that... Well, they are not

venus avec l'intention de violer.

came with the intention to rape.

Donc, tu peux pas me dire que je t'ai violée quand c'était pas mon intention.

So, you can't tell me that I raped you when it wasn't my intention.

C'était pas mon intention.

It wasn't my intention.

Putain, les avocats, c'est des fous.

Damn, lawyers are crazy.

Donc, cet avocat... Ouais, les avocats...

So, this lawyer... Yeah, lawyers...

Cet avocat... Mais en même temps,

This lawyer... But at the same time,

c'est leur travail, tu vois.

It's their job, you see.

Ouais, c'est leur travail. Mais franchement, tu dois...

Yeah, it's their job. But honestly, you have to...

C'est leur travail. Tu dois vraiment dire des trucs

It's their job. You really have to say stuff.

de fous. Mais je me demande

of fools. But I wonder

où est-ce qu'ils

where are they

mettaient ces posts ?

were posting these posts?

Genre, c'était où ?

Like, where was it?

Où est-ce qu'ils trouvent ces amours ?

Where do they find these loves?

Déjà, il y avait un forum.

There was already a forum.

Il y avait un forum où ils disaient...

There was a forum where they were saying...

Je sais pas s'ils postaient les vidéos, mais là où ils recrutaient les gens.

I don't know if they were posting the videos, but that's where they were recruiting people.

Un forum ? C'était sur un forum.

A forum? It was on a forum.

Ouais. Ah, ouais ?

Yeah. Oh, really?



Un forum où ils disaient...

A forum where they said...

J'espère que le forum,

I hope that the forum,

le propriétaire va aussi aller en prison.

The owner is also going to prison.

Bah, pourquoi ?

Well, why?

Bah, je sais pas. Il y a pas un gars, là,

Well, I don’t know. There’s not a guy there, right?

un gars récemment, là,

a guy recently, there,

qui... He owns social media.

who... He owns social media.

On l'a arrêté en France.

They arrested him in France.

Parce que social media, c'est une plateforme

Because social media is a platform.

qui alimente

who feeds

les nazis.

the Nazis.

Ah ! Ouais, ouais, ouais. Il s'est fait arrêter

Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah. He got arrested.

en France. Moi, j'allais dire,

in France. I was going to say,

je pense que j'ai entendu une histoire, c'était

I think I heard a story, it was

un appareil de date.

a date device.

Sauf que c'était un appareil de date pour les gens gays.

Except it was a dating device for gay people.

But it was mostly used

But it was mostly used.

pour leur faire des pièges et les agresser.

to set traps for them and attack them.

Et je pense

And I think

que, là, je pense

that, there, I think

que, genre, je sais pas si c'est

What, like, I don't know if it's

le créateur ou le whatever, mais

the creator or the whatever, but

quelqu'un responsable

someone responsible

a été arrêté parce qu'on l'a dit. Bah, là, là, tabarnak,

was arrested because they said so. Well, there you go, damn it,

là, à chaque fois, là, qu'on va dans ton site, là, et...

There, every time we go to your site, there, and...

Moi, je suis d'accord. Je suis d'accord.

Me, I agree. I agree.

Je suis totalement d'accord. C'est comme quand il y a eu

I completely agree. It's like when there was

un mass shooting. Bah, récemment, il y en a eu un aux

a mass shooting. Well, recently, there was one in the

États-Unis, encore. Et le papa

United States, again. And the dad.

s'est fait arrêter, bien sûr.

got arrested, of course.

Non, mais lui, c'est parce que, apparemment... Lui, c'est un...

No, but him, it's because, apparently... Him, he's a...

C'est lui qui a donné les armes.

He is the one who supplied the weapons.

Parce que son fils n'était pas assez...

Because her son was not enough...

He wasn't, like, strong enough. He was, like,

He wasn't, like, strong enough. He was, like,

a bitch.

a bitch.

Ou un sissi. C'est ça qu'il a dit,

Or a sissi. That's what he said.

son mari ? Enfin, son papa ?

her husband? Well, her dad?

Il a pas dit ça. Non, mais il lui a vraiment

He didn't say that. No, but he really did to him.

dit, je te donne les armes, parce que... Ouais, parce que

Say, I'll give you the weapons, because... Yeah, because

t'es pas assez... T'es pas un vrai

You're not enough... You're not a real one.

homme, toi. T'es là, t'es trop mou.

Man, you. You're here, you're too soft.

Et l'enfant, il avait quel âge ?

And the child, how old was he?

Je sais pas. Je pense 14 ans, un truc comme ça.

I don't know. I think 14 years, something like that.

Dieu ?


Allégèrement, je sais pas.

Lightly, I don't know.

C'est pas tabarnak.

It's not tabarnak.

Franchement, il y a quoi à dire

Honestly, what is there to say?

sur cette situation ? C'est abject,

about this situation? It's abject,

c'est horrible, c'est

it's horrible, it's

inimaginable, c'est inconcevable.

Unimaginable, it's inconceivable.

Mais en même temps, c'est ce qu'il y a.

But at the same time, that's how it is.

C'est ce qu'il y a. C'est ce qui existe.

That's what there is. That's what exists.



Voilà. Moi, j'en ai marre

There you go. I'm fed up.

des gens qui constantly

people who constantly

gaslight us en disant, ouais, mais

gaslight us by saying, yeah, but

les femmes, vous exagérez. Pas tous les hommes,

Women, you exaggerate. Not all men.

pas tous les hommes, mais assez d'hommes.

Not all men, but enough men.

Assez d'hommes. Quand on entend des trucs comme ça,

Enough men. When you hear things like that,

moi, ça me met encore plus sur

it puts me even more on edge

les gardes. Mais le problème, c'est que ça te met

the guards. But the problem is that it puts you

sur les gardes contre tout le monde, en fait. Parce que là,

on guard against everyone, in fact. Because there,

c'était son mari, tu vois. Donc,

it was her husband, you see. So,

je sais pas si tu dois...

I don't know if you should...

Je comprends te méfier de quelqu'un dans la rue

I understand being wary of someone on the street.

quand tu marches le soir

when you walk in the evening

dans les...

in the...

Ouais, quand il fait noir.

Yeah, when it's dark.

Dans les ruelles sombres. Dans les ruelles sombres.

In the dark alleys. In the dark alleys.

Mais ton mari, chez toi,

But your husband, at your place,

le père de tes enfants,

the father of your children,

tu dois aussi... En plus, il y a rien.

you must also... Furthermore, there is nothing.

Genre, like, there's nothing

Like, there's nothing.

she could have done.

she could have done.

Qu'est-ce qu'elle aurait pu faire ? Je me dis,

What could she have done? I tell myself,

genre, ça a duré dix ans parce que

like, it lasted ten years because

voilà, par hasard, ce con,

there you go, by chance, this idiot,

il était tellement à l'aise qu'il est parti filmer

He was so comfortable that he went off to film.

sur la jupe d'autres femmes.

on the skirt of other women.

Mais s'il avait passé ça, peut-être

But if he had gone through that, maybe.

qu'elle serait morte. Morte de quelque chose.

that she would be dead. Dead from something.

Overdose, tu vois.

Overdose, you see.

On sait pas. Like, there's

We don't know. Like, there's

nothing she could have done. Like,

rien qu'elle aurait pu faire. Comme,

on peut même pas dire... On peut même pas...

You can't even say... You can't even...

Not that we should, mais

Not that we should, but

la victoire blême, on est like, what were you wearing

the pale victory, we are like, what were you wearing

toi aussi ? T'aurais dû... Frère,

You too? You should have... Brother,

elle était chez elle avec son mari et le gars

She was at home with her husband and the guy.

l'a drogué tranquille. C'est-à-dire que...

he drugged him calmly. That is to say that...

Tu vois, quand sur Internet, ils disent

You see, when they say on the Internet

« Choose a man that brings you a cup of coffee. »

"Choose a man that brings you a cup of coffee."

Oh, cup of coffee ?

Oh, cup of coffee?

Mais maintenant, dans la cup of coffee, y'a quoi ?

But now, what's in the cup of coffee?

Y'a quoi dans ton cup of coffee ?

What's in your cup of coffee?

Peut-être qu'elle s'est dit « Oh, I have a man

Maybe she said to herself, "Oh, I have a man."

that brings me a cup of coffee, that brings me

that brings me a cup of coffee, that brings me

tea. Meanwhile, this fucking

tea. Meanwhile, this fucking

tea and coffee is drugged.

Tea and coffee are drugged.

Crazy. Non, mais c'est pas seulement qu'il te

Crazy. No, but it's not just that he's...

drogue, parce qu'on pourrait dire « Ok, il te drogue. »

drug, because one could say "Okay, he drugs you."

Mais il te drogue... C'est un truc

But he's drugging you... It's a thing.

de fou, déjà, de dire « Ok, il te drogue. » Mais en tout cas,

Crazy, already, to say "Okay, he's drugging you." But anyway,

on aurait pu s'arrêter là, et déjà là, ce serait

we could have stopped there, and already there, it would be

« It would have been crazy. » Déjà là, « It would have been crazy. »

"It would have been crazy." Already there, "It would have been crazy."

Mais tu te rends compte de la préméditation.

But do you realize the premeditation?

Donc, il va sur le forum,

So, he goes to the forum,

il dit « Qui est intéressé

He says, "Who is interested?"

à having sex with an unconscious

having sex with an unconscious person

woman ? » Y'a des gens qui disent « Oui,

woman? "There are people who say "Yes,

moi, moi, moi. On s'arrange sur le

me, me, me. We'll work it out on the

jour. » Donc, ouais, viens

"Day." So, yeah, come.

vendredi à 21h.

Friday at 9 PM.

Donc, toi, vendredi, tu sais déjà,

So, you, Friday, you already know,

tu vas aller chercher ta cup of coffee,

you are going to get your cup of coffee,

tu vas mettre ta drogue, tu vas attendre

You will put your drug, you will wait.

que ta femme, elle

that your wife, she

tombe KO, et après,

knocked out, and then,

tu vas dire « Oh, gars, c'est bon. »

You're going to say, "Oh man, this is good."

Tout le temps, à aucun

All the time, at none.

moment, tu dis « Non,

Wait, you say "No,"

j'avoue, c'est chaud. » Moi, je regrette

"I admit, it's tough. Me, I regret."

qu'il soit vieux, quand même. Parce que ça veut dire

let it be old, anyway. Because it means

qu'il peut pas avoir « life ».

that he can't have "life".

Bah, il peut avoir « life ». But he can.

Well, he can have "life".

Non, mais... Non, non, non, il a genre...

No, but... No, no, no, he has like...

Il a en cours 20 ans de

He has 20 years of experience.

réclusion criminelle. J'ai aucune

criminal confinement. I have none.

idée de ce que ça veut dire.

idea of what it means.

Ouais, mais je pense que c'est ça. C'est comme au Canada,

Yeah, but I think that's it. It's like in Canada,

quand on dit « life »,

when we say "life",

je crois qu'il a 25 ans,

I think he is 25 years old,

Max. What ? Je crois,

Max. What? I believe,

je suis pas sûre. Attends,

I'm not sure. Wait,

« durée maximale... »

"maximum duration..."

What ? What does that mean ?

What? What does that mean?

It doesn't even mean...

It doesn't even mean...

Ça n'a aucun sens.

It makes no sense.

How can it be life, but it's only 20 years ?

How can it be life, but it's only 20 years?

J'avais l'impression que

I had the impression that

tu pouvais pas... Oui, attends.

You couldn't... Yes, wait.

« Certains crimes, tels que haute trahison

"Some crimes, such as high treason"

et le meurtre au premier degré,

and first-degree murder,

ont une peine minimale

have a minimal sentence

d'emprisonnement à perpétuité

life imprisonment

avec une période de 25 ans

with a period of 25 years

où aucune libération conditionnelle n'est possible. »

"where no parole is possible."

Ah, OK. Donc, c'est 25 ans sans

Ah, OK. So, it's 25 years without.

libération conditionnelle. OK.

parole. OK.

Regarde, lui, d'après ce que

Look, him, based on what

j'ai entendu, il en court

I heard, he is running for it.

maximum 20 ans.

maximum 20 years.

Mais c'est pas assez. Et il est trop vieux.

But it's not enough. And he is too old.

Il a genre 70 ans. Tu vois ?

He's like 70 years old. You see?

Ah, ouais, il a 70 ?

Oh, really, is he 70?

Ah, ouais, mais s'ils avaient démarré 50 ans...

Ah, yeah, but if they had started 50 years...

Ah, c'est pas assez !

Ah, that's not enough!

Il doit passer... C'est comme si...

He must pass... It's as if...

Like, it's not

Like, it's not

hard enough.

hard enough.

It's not... Ah, j'ai envie

It's not... Ah, I want.

de lui dire...

to tell him...

Death sentence ! Mais non, mais la mort,

Death sentence! But no, but death,

c'est encore plus facile. Non, mais

it's even easier. No way, but

pas la mort, genre...

not death, like...

Like... Genre la chaise électrique.

Like... Like the electric chair.

Genre la guillotine. Non, mais de toute façon,

Like the guillotine. No, but anyway,

même s'il prend... Même si... Bah, déjà, j'espère

even if he takes... Even if... Well, already, I hope

qu'il va prendre 20 ans, parce que quand on dit « jusqu'à 20 ans »,

that it will take 20 years, because when we say "up to 20 years,"

ça peut être 7 ans, ça peut être 11 ans,

it can be 7 years, it can be 11 years,

ça peut être 13 ans, peu importe. Ça peut être un an.

It can be 13 years, no matter. It can be one year.

Ouais, ça peut être un an.

Yeah, it can be a year.

Si c'est un an, c'est vraiment... Wow.

If it's a year, it's really... Wow.

Mais j'espère qu'il va prendre

But I hope he will take.

20 ans. Et puis, en vrai, je pense

20 years. And then, really, I think

que si t'as 70 ans, tu fais 20 ans en prison,

that if you are 70 years old, you serve 20 years in prison,

je pense que tu meurs.

I think you are dying.

Mais that's not... It's not enough !

But that's not... It's not enough!

Non, mais ce que je veux dire,

No, but what I mean is,

c'est que t'auras eu perpétuité,

it's that you will have received life imprisonment,

parce que tu seras mort en prison.

because you will be dead in prison.

Ouais, mais perpétuité, et c'est juste

Yeah, but life imprisonment, and it's fair.

20 ans, I don't like it !

20 years, I don't like it!

I wish... C'est pas les malgaches

I wish... It's not the Malagasy people.

qui ont proposé de la peine de mort ?

Who proposed the death penalty?

La castration chimique ? Ouais !

Chemical castration? Yeah!



Mais t'imagines

But can you imagine?

les 52 accusés, là ?

The 52 accused, there?

Leur famille, frère ?

Their family, brother?

T'imagines ? Toi, t'es là,

Can you imagine? You, you're there,

tu vas à l'école, tu vas au travail,

you go to school, you go to work,

et tu réalises que ton père

and you realize that your father

a été arrêté.

was arrested.

Pour avoir violé une femme inconsciente.

For having raped an unconscious woman.

Mais tu sais, je pense que déjà,

But you know, I think that already,

déjà, même ces gens-là qui sont

already, even those people who are

mariés, sur les 52, je ne les connais

Married, out of the 52, I don't know them.

pas, donc je raconte de la merde.

No, so I'm talking nonsense.

Admettons, sur les 52, il y en a 25 qui sont mariés.

Let's admit, out of the 52, there are 25 who are married.

Ou en couple, ou je sais pas.

Either in a relationship, or I don't know.

Je pense que sur les 25...

I think that among the 25...

Elle va rester avec.

She is going to stay with.

Ou il y en a au moins 5 qui vont rester avec.

Where there are at least 5 who will stay with.

N'importe quoi, plus que 5 !

Anything but that, more than 5!

Moi, j'ai dit au moins, j'ai dit au moins.

I said at least, I said at least.

I'm being safe.

I'm being safe.

Knowing the heterosexuals ?

Knowing the heterosexuals?

Oui, c'est ça. Le gars, il va dire non, non, mais...

Yes, that's it. The guy, he's going to say no, no, but...

Il mente. La fille, elle faisait

He lies. The girl, she was doing.

semblant, je l'ai parlé.

seeming, I spoke to him.

Non, non, non, il n'a pas fait d'erreur.

No, no, no, he didn't make a mistake.

Il va nier le fait qu'elle était inconsciente.

He will deny the fact that she was unconscious.

Je ne savais pas, ouais.

I didn't know, yeah.

Parce que, après...

Because, after...

Parce que je pense qu'un viol, c'est pire qu'une infidélité.

Because I think that rape is worse than infidelity.

Tu vois ?

You see?

Donc, tu peux assumer l'infidélité.

So, you can accept infidelity.

Tu peux assumer l'infidélité. J'avoue, j'ai couché avec elle,

You can take on the infidelity. I admit, I slept with her.

mais je ne l'ai pas violée, frère, je ne suis pas un ouf.

But I didn't rape her, brother, I'm not crazy.

Elle faisait semblant, je te dis, je lui ai parlé

She was pretending, I'm telling you, I talked to her.

et tout. Eux deux, ils m'ont dit, ouais, c'est notre délire.

and everything. Those two, they told me, yeah, it's our thing.

Elle aime bien faire

She enjoys doing.

semblant de dormir et moi, j'aime bien la regarder.

pretending to sleep and I, I like to watch her.

Voilà. Je ne l'ai pas

Here it is. I don't have it.

violée. Elle n'était pas inconsciente, elle ment.

raped. She was not unconscious, she is lying.

Et après, sa femme, elle va dire,

And then, his wife, she will say,

OK, je reste avec toi.

OK, I'll stay with you.

Je suis désolée, je rigole,

I'm sorry, I'm just joking,

mais ce n'est pas drôle.

but it’s not funny.

Ce n'est pas drôle, mais...

It's not funny, but...



Je ne sais pas, il n'y a pas de...

I don't know, there's no...

Je ne sais pas, Tiffany, je ne sais pas.

I don't know, Tiffany, I don't know.

Je ne sais pas quoi tirer,

I don't know what to draw,

quelles leçons tirer, je ne sais pas.

What lessons to draw, I don't know.

La seule chose,

The only thing,

ce que je sais, c'est que je choisis

What I know is that I choose.

le bébé.

the baby.

OK, le premier, on reste en France, le nouveau premier ministre

OK, the first one, we're staying in France, the new prime minister.

français, Michel Barnier.

French, Michel Barnier.

Un homme de droite, choisi

A chosen man of the right.

pour former

to train

le gouvernement de Macron.

the government of Macron.

Enfin, son gouvernement, techniquement.

Finally, his government, technically.

Tu penses que c'est possible que Macron, genre,

Do you think it's possible that Macron, like,

il change la constitution et qu'il reste

he changes the constitution and stays



il fasse un troisième

he should make a third one

mandat ? Non, je ne pense pas.

Mandate? No, I don't think so.

Est-ce que tu penses qu'on est au Congo ?

Do you think we are in Congo?

Est-ce que la France, c'est le Congo ?

Is France the Congo?

Est-ce qu'on fait un glissement vers le Congo ?

Are we making a shift towards Congo?

Mais, je ne sais pas.

But, I don't know.

Moi, personnellement, j'ai l'impression que

Me, personally, I feel that

c'est un glissement, mais je ne sais pas s'il peut aller

It's a slide, but I don't know if it can go.

aussi loin. Ça veut dire vraiment,

as far. It really means,

s'il fait ça, ça veut dire... Tu vois, d'habitude,

if he does that, it means... You see, usually,

the threat of, like,

the threat of, like,

la rue,

the street,

les grèves,

the strikes,

je ne sais pas, la justice,

I don't know, justice,

les partis

the parties

d'opposition, that threat makes

of opposition, that threat makes

you think twice

you think twice

before doing stuff, mais j'ai l'impression que

before doing stuff, but I feel like

those threats are non-existent.

Those threats are non-existent.

En France. Du coup, il peut

In France. So, he can

faire ce qu'il veut. Et je ne comprends

do what he wants. And I don't understand

pas pourquoi est-ce qu'il n'y a personne

Not why is there no one.

qui arrive

who is coming

à dire, non, excusez-moi, vous n'avez

to say, no, excuse me, you don't have

pas le droit. C'est parce que, techniquement,

not allowed. It's because, technically,

il a le droit de faire ça. Mais c'est à la limite,

He has the right to do that. But it's on the edge.

tu vois. Mais tout le monde,

you see. But everyone,

j'ai l'impression qu'il a tout le monde dans son camp.

I have the impression that he has everyone on his side.

Franchement, j'ai vraiment l'impression. Parce que

Honestly, I really feel that way. Because

faire ça... Mais non, il y a plein de gens qui sont contre lui.

Do that... But no, there are plenty of people who are against him.

Non, je ne vois pas. C'est juste que, est-ce que les gens

No, I don't see. It's just that, do people...

qui sont contre lui ont assez de pouvoir ?

who against him has enough power?

Je ne sais pas. Moi, je vois juste

I don't know. Me, I just see.

le parti de gauche.

the left party.

Je vois Mélenchon parler. Je vois la

I see Mélenchon speaking. I see the

madame, là, en veste verte

Madam, there, in the green jacket.

à chaque fois. Elle doit être

every time. She must be

avec les écolos, elle.

with the environmentalists, her.

Je vois Bompard.

I see Bompard.

Mais je ne vois que eux. Et il y a une meuf

But I only see them. And there is a girl.

avec des chaussettes. Marine Le Pen, elle n'aime pas Macron.

with socks. Marine Le Pen, she does not like Macron.

Ah, t'es sûre ? Non.

Ah, are you sure? No.

Ils ont dit au valide

They told the able-bodied.

Michel Barnier. Il est contre

Michel Barnier. He is against.

les homophobes. Il est contre les

homophobes. He is against them.

homophobes. Il est homophobe.

homophobes. He is homophobic.

En tout cas, il est contre les gays. Parce qu'il a voté

In any case, he is against gays. Because he voted.

il y a 31 ans ou

31 years ago or

42 ans, contre les gays.

42 years old, against gays.

Non, mais ça,

No, but that,

ça, écoute, je ne sais pas

Well, you know, I don't know.

s'il est homophobe, mais cette loi-là,

if he is homophobic, but this law,

je trouve que, je ne sais pas si c'est une loi

I think that, I don't know if it's a law.

homophobe. Non, mais il faut que

homophobic. No, but it must be that

tu regardes, bon, les détails sont un peu compliqués,

you look, well, the details are a bit complicated,

mais à the end of the day,

but at the end of the day,

he's vote against it.

He's voting against it.

What did I do for us ?

What did I do for us?

For my community.

Pour ma communauté.

Ça ne nous a pas

It hasn't helped us.

aidé. Ça ne nous a pas aidé.

helped. It didn't help us.

C'est tout ce que j'ai besoin de savoir, en fait.

That's all I need to know, actually.

Et si t'es validé, tu sais,

And if you're validated, you know,

chose, si tu arrives à la même conclusion

thing, if you arrive at the same conclusion

que certaines personnes, tu dois

that some people, you must

t'arrêter et te dire, hmm, where did I fuck up ?

to stop and say to yourself, hmm, where did I mess up?

Where did I fuck up ?

Where did I mess up?

Je ne suis pas sûre. Si Marine Le Pen te

I'm not sure. If Marine Le Pen you...

valide, tu dois t'arrêter

valid, you must stop

quelques secondes et te dire, où est-ce que je me

a few seconds and tell you, where am I

situe sur l'échec et politique ?

situated on failure and politics?

Mais tu sais, par exemple, il y a des gens

But you know, for example, there are people

qui vont voter pour Trump,

who are going to vote for Trump,

et il y en a qui vont voter pour Trump parce qu'ils sont

and there are some who are going to vote for Trump because they are

racistes et tout, et tout ce que

racists and all, and everything that

tu veux. Mais moi, je me rappelle surtout

you want. But me, I mainly remember

la première, enfin, je vais dire la première année, mais

the first, well, I'm going to say the first year, but

à l'époque, là, la première fois

at that time, there, the first time

qu'il a été élu, pas, pas, not this election,

that he was elected, no, no, not this election,

mais la première fois, bah, je parlais avec

but the first time, well, I was talking with

des Africains qui vivaient

Africans who lived

aux États-Unis, et ils me disaient qu'eux, ils voulaient voter pour

in the United States, and they were telling me that they wanted to vote for

Trump parce que la politique

Trump because of politics.

étrangère qu'ils proposent

foreign that they offer

leur convient mieux par rapport à

suits them better in relation to

le Congo

the Congo

ou l'Afrique et tout, il était un peu plus...

or Africa and everything, he was a little more...

Ouais, mais on s'en fout.

Yeah, but we don't care.

Donc, à la fin, ça se peut que toi

So, in the end, it may be you.

et l'autre raciste, vous votiez pour

and the other racist, who did you vote for?

le même gars, mais pour différentes raisons.

the same guy, but for different reasons.

Ça se peut, Marine Le Pen,

It is possible, Marine Le Pen,

she endorses you, mais

she endorses you, but

seulement, justement, for this one

only, precisely, for this one

issue, alors que les cinq autres,

issue, while the other five,

vous n'êtes pas forcément d'accord. Il y a

you may not necessarily agree. There is

cinq issues sur lesquelles elle n'est pas d'accord avec toi,

five issues on which she disagrees with you,

mais this one, où

but this one, where

elle se dit, ouais, non, on est ensemble. Je pense que c'est

she says to herself, yeah, no, we're together. I think it's

sa politique d'immigration, non?

its immigration policy, right?

Ou quelque chose comme ça?

Or something like that?

Ou quelque chose comme ça.

Or something like that.

Écoute, moi, j'ai décidé,

Listen, I have decided,

j'ai décidé d'arrêter de me préoccuper

I decided to stop worrying.

d'un pays qui m'a colonisé, qui a

of a country that colonized me, that has

colonisé mes gens, et

colonized my people, and

qui n'en a rien à foutre de moi, en fait.

who doesn't give a damn about me, actually.

J'ai même pas le, je suis même pas française, gros, genre.

I don't even have it, I'm not even French, dude, like.



Good luck! Good luck, vraiment,

Good luck! Good luck, really,

franchement, good luck, et

frankly, good luck, and

ouais, bah, ce que j'avais dit la dernière

Yeah, well, what I said last time.

fois, c'est que, à chaque fois,

each time

il y a des gens qui s'abstiennent de voter, et on

there are people who abstain from voting, and we

essaye de les convaincre en disant

try to convince them by saying

il faut voter, il faut voter, et après ils disent,

you have to vote, you have to vote, and then they say,

non, mais de toute façon, voter, ça sert à rien, et après on leur dit,

No, but anyway, voting is useless, and then we tell them,

mais si, ça sert, et tout.

But yes, it works, and everything.

Bah là, je m'excuse, là, mais ça va vraiment

Well, I'm sorry, but I'm really okay.

être difficile, là, de convaincre les gens de

to be difficult, there, to convince people to

voter en 2000... On a dit, c'est quoi, en 2026?

Vote in 2000... We said, what is it, in 2026?

Les autres élections?

The other elections?

Euh, non, c'est dans 3 ans.

Uh, no, it's in 3 years.

Dans 3 ans?

In 3 years?

Yeah, il a encore 3 ans, n'est-ce pas? 5?

Yeah, he's still 3 years old, isn't he? 5?

Ça fait seulement 2 ans qu'il est

It's only been 2 years since he has been.

à nouveau président, d'accord?

new president, okay?

Yeah, je pense qu'il était en 2022.

Yeah, I think it was in 2022.

Mais qu'est-ce qui s'est passé? La vie a été en pause,

But what happened? Life has been on hold,

ou quoi? J'ai l'impression que ça fait

or what? I feel like it's been

10 ans. Parce que le mec, c'est un fou, en 2 ans,

10 years. Because the guy is crazy, in 2 years,

il fait n'importe quoi, on en a marre!

He's doing anything and everything, we're fed up!

Il a fait des mesures, après mesures, après mesures,

He took measurements, after measurements, after measurements.

putain, on n'en peut plus, on dirait que ça fait

damn, we can't take it anymore, it feels like it's been

20 ans qu'il est là.

He has been here for 20 years.

Réélection 2022, wesh.

Re-election 2022, what's up.

Yeah, there's still 3 more years.

Yeah, there are still 3 more years.

So, 3 more years, c'est quoi?

So, 3 more years, what is it?

2027, gros?

2027, big?

Je ne peux pas y croire.

I can't believe it.

Putain, j'en peux plus, je ne peux même pas.

Damn, I can't take it anymore, I can't even.



Je n'aime même pas son visage. Après, je me demande

I don't even like her face. After that, I wonder.

si sa femme est comme lui.

if his wife is like him.

Je dis...

I say...

Euh, par rapport à quoi?

Uh, in relation to what?

Je ne sais pas, un fou comme ça, là,

I don't know, a crazy person like that, there,

fou du pouvoir, qui n'en a rien à foutre

crazy about power, who doesn't give a damn

du peuple, qui dit les extrêmes

of the people, which speaks of extremes

alors que...


Oh, putain, je déteste quand on dit

Oh, damn, I hate it when people say

les extrêmes. Comme Bapé, il a dit,

the extremes. Like Bapé, he said,

il faut voter contre les extrêmes.

We must vote against the extremes.

Mais quels extrêmes? Il n'y a qu'un seul

But what extremes? There is only one.



C'est le Front National. On n'est pas...

It's the National Front. We're not...

Moi, je ne suis pas extrémiste.

I am not an extremist.

So, anyways.

So, anyway.

T'as vu que Brigitte Macron...

Did you see that Brigitte Macron...

Tu te rappelles qu'on avait parlé du fait qu'il y a des gens

Do you remember that we talked about the fact that there are people?

qui disent qu'en fait, c'était un homme et tout.

who say that actually, it was a man and everything.

Bah, elle a

Well, she has

porté plainte contre deux femmes qui ont dit ça

filed a complaint against two women who said that

et elle a eu gain de cause.

and she won her case.

Love it!

Aime-le !

Parce que pourquoi est-ce que vous racontez de la merde

Because why are you talking nonsense?

comme ça, là, à ne pas savoir?

Like that, there, without knowing?

C'est comme l'autre, là, j'espère que

It's like the other one, there, I hope that

J.K. Rowling, elle va...

J.K. Rowling, she is going to...

Elle ne sera jamais arrêtée parce que, voilà,

She will never be stopped because, well,

il n'a une masque, either, mais genre, par rapport à la boxeuse

He doesn't have a mask either, but like, compared to the female boxer.



J'espère qu'elle aussi aura gain de cause.

I hope she too will be successful.

Il mène...

He leads...

Oh, elle est passée dans de...

Oh, she went through...

Oh, dans Brut. C'est pas Brut ou dans...

Oh, in Brut. It's not Brut or in...



Oui, un média français, là.

Yes, a French media outlet, there.

Je ne pense pas que ça soit Brut. C'est avec Mouloud, non?

I don't think it's Brut. It's with Mouloud, right?

C'est avec Mouloud, ouais.

It's with Mouloud, yeah.



Oh, elle était tellement mignonne.

Oh, she was so cute.



Oh, est-ce que t'as vu?

Oh, did you see?

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Est-ce que tu as vu

Have you seen?

Shannon Sharp

Shannon Sharp

qui est partie en live?

Who went live?



En plus,

In addition,

vas-y, raconte d'abord.

Go ahead, tell me first.

Je ne sais pas, je ne connais pas, j'ai juste vu la vidéo.

I don't know, I don't know, I just saw the video.

Bah, Shannon Sharp,

Well, Shannon Sharp,

c'est un présentateur

He is a presenter.

dans une émission de sport, là, ESPN.

in a sports show, there, ESPN.

Je pense que c'était aussi un joueur de foot américain.

I think he was also an American football player.

Il était un type de professionnel,

He was a type of professional,



Maintenant, il est un podcasteur.

Now, he is a podcaster.

Maintenant, il est un podcasteur,

Now, he is a podcaster,

mais il travaille aussi sur ESPN

but he also works on ESPN

comme commentateur de whatever.

as a commentator on whatever.

Et, euh...

And, um...

Il n'y a pas longtemps, là, il y a quelques jours,

Not long ago, a few days ago,

il est allé sur Instagram live

he went live on Instagram

avoir du sexe

to have sex

avec une femme.

with a woman.

Donc, on ne voit rien, mais on les entend juste...

So, we see nothing, but we can just hear them...

Ouais, Michel.

Yeah, Michel.

On ne voit rien, mais on les entend juste...

You can't see anything, but you can just hear them...

On entend juste des bruits, tu vois.

We only hear noises, you see.

Et ça dure genre... Je ne sais pas combien de temps ça dure,

And it lasts like... I don't know how long it lasts,

mais on les entend juste...

but we can only hear them...

Et après...

And after...

Après, les gens, ils sont trop bêtes

Later, people, they are too stupid.

parce que...


They were commenting on the live.

They were commenting on the live.

They were commenting on the live, genre...

They were commenting on the live, like...

Oh, my God! Are they having sex?

Oh, my God! Are they having sex?

Oh, shit, they're having sex!

Oh, shit, they're having sex!

Oh, he's groaning!

Oh, he's groaning!

Oh, my God, he's moaning!

Oh, my God, he's moaning!

Like, ils étaient vraiment, genre,

Like, they were really, like,

en train de commenter de live.

commenting live.

J'ai dit mes frères...

I said my brothers...

En tout cas, bref, that was funny.

Anyway, in short, that was funny.

Après, when it happened,

After, when it happened,

shortly after, il a dit...

shortly after, he said...

Désolée, j'ai été piratée.

Sorry, I was hacked.

Mon Instagram a été piratée.

My Instagram has been hacked.

Après, tout le monde a dit...

Afterward, everyone said...



Arrête, cette expression, il la sort tout le temps.

Stop, he uses that expression all the time.

Arrête, qui va te pirater pour faire ça?

Stop, who is going to hack you to do that?

Et à ce moment-là?

And at that moment?

À ce moment-là?

At that moment?

Arrête, t'as pas été piratée.

Stop, you haven't been hacked.

Après, il a dit...

After, he said...

Ouais, désolée, c'est pas moi qui ai dit que j'étais piratée,

Yeah, sorry, it's not me who said I was hacked.

c'était mon équipe.

It was my team.

C'est mon équipe qui a dit...

It's my team that said...

Viens, on dit que t'étais piratée.

Come on, they say you were hacked.

Après, il a dit...

Later, he said...

Non, mais it was accidental.

No, but it was accidental.

I don't even know how to go on live on Instagram.

I don't even know how to go live on Instagram.

I don't know.

I don't know.

Après, il y a plein de gens qui ont dit...

Later, there are plenty of people who said...

Mais ça peut pas être accidentel.

But it can't be accidental.

Genre, tu peux pas...

Like, you can't...

But I don't know, parce que genre, si tu veux...

But I don't know, because like, if you want...

Si tu vas sur Instagram pour faire un live,

If you go on Instagram to do a live,

faut que je clique sur le plus.

I need to click on the plus.

Après, je dois...

After, I have to...

Soit je clique sur le plus, soit je clique truc.

Either I click on the plus, or I click on something.

Après, you have to scroll, right?

After, you have to scroll, right?

Je sais pas si tu vois, mais le premier truc en bas,

I don't know if you see it, but the first thing at the bottom,

là, c'est story.

There, it's story.

Après, you have to go to the right.

After, you have to go to the right.

Oh, merde.

Oh, shit.





Tu fais ça.

You do that.

Ah, mais tabarnak!

Ah, but damn it!

Tu fais ça, plus.

You do that, more.

Après, tu fais ça.

Then, you do that.

Après, tu dois...

After, you have to...

Là, il te propose un réel.

There, he offers you a reality.

Et après, il te met en direct.

And then, he puts you live.

Donc, you have to, like...

So, you have to, like...

How do you accidentally go, like, swipe, swipe, swipe?

How do you accidentally go, like, swipe, swipe, swipe?

Et après, quand t'es...

And then, when you're...

Bon, après, I don't know, mais quand t'es en direct,

Well, after, I don't know, but when you're live,

il te donne un compte à rebours, genre, pour te dire...

he gives you a countdown, like, to tell you...

Est-ce que t'es sûre?

Are you sure?

Genre, il va te faire un compte à rebours.

Like, he's going to give you a countdown.

Three, two, one.

Three, two, one.

Moi, la partie où tu dois swipe right three times

Me, the part where you have to swipe right three times.

before getting on a live...

before getting on a live...

Non, je sais pas.

No, I don't know.



I tend to believe him, parce que I...

I tend to believe him, because I...

Je sais pas.

I don't know.

Je me dis, why would you do that?

I tell myself, why would you do that?

Pourquoi tu ferais ça?

Why would you do that?

Les gens, ils ont dit, parce que les gens

People, they said, because people.

n'arrêtaient pas d'insinuer qu'il était gay.

kept insinuating that he was gay.

Nobody said that.

Personne n'a dit ça.

Who said that?

Qui a dit cela ?

Oh, bah, qu'est-ce qu'on sait?

Oh well, what do we know?



C'est vrai.

It's true.

Do you know?

Do you know?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Les gens ont dit, les gens ont dit...

People said, people said...

He got tired of you guys calling him gay,

He got tired of you guys calling him gay.

so he showed you live.

so he showed you live.

C'est bizarre, quand même.

It's strange, though.

I don't know.

I don't know.

En plus, ça se voyait, non?

Besides, it was obvious, wasn't it?

La vidéo, il y avait des mouvements,

The video had movements,

après, le téléphone est tombé et tout.

After that, the phone fell and everything.

Je sais pas.

I don't know.

Peut-être avec tout ce qu'il y avait,

Maybe with everything that was there,

toute l'action qui se passait.

all the action that was happening.

Je pense que c'est possible.

I think it is possible.

Moi, je le crois.

I believe it.

Surtout qu'il a perdu son travail.

Especially since he lost his job.



Ouais, il a perdu son travail.

Yeah, he lost his job.

Après, les gens, ils ont dit...

Afterwards, people said...

Parce qu'à un moment, il est parti sur une radio,

Because at one point, he went on the radio,

un podcast, I don't know.

a podcast, I don't know.

Après, il a dit...

Later, he said...

Les gens, ils ont dit, ouais, mais comment...

People, they said, yeah, but how...

How did it happen, baba?

How did it happen, baba?

Après, il a dit, I don't know,

Later, he said, I don't know,

but when it happened, we were...

but when it happened, we were...

Like, we had been, like, 25 minutes in.

Like, we had been, like, 25 minutes in.

Après, les gens, ils ont dit,

Afterwards, people said,

mais ça fait 25 minutes,

but it's been 25 minutes,

vous êtes en train de coucher ensemble.

you are in bed together.

Like, pourquoi au bout de 25...

Like, why after 25...

Like, what?

Like, what?

Comment ça, au bout de 25...

What do you mean by 25...

Tu vois ce que...

Do you see what...

Enfin, je sais pas.

Well, I don't know.

Les gens, ils ont dit,

People, they said,

comment ça, c'est maintenant que ça commence?

What do you mean, is it starting now?

Comment ça, c'est au bout de 25 minutes

What do you mean, it's after 25 minutes?

que le téléphone...

that the phone...

What's happening?

What's happening?

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Je sais pas.

I don't know.

C'est juste...

It's just...

Non, mais attends, Syrah,

No, but wait, Syrah,

parce que ça veut dire...

because it means...

Let's make a lot of assumptions.

Let's make a lot of assumptions.

We don't know, OK?

We don't know, okay?

Donc là, ton téléphone, it's locked, right?

So your phone is locked, right?

Because you're having sex.

Parce que tu as des relations sexuelles.

So the phone is locked.

So the phone is locked.

He's a known personality, whatever.

C'est une personnalité connue, quoi qu'il en soit.

Donc, il a probablement soit un code

So, he probably has either a code.

ou, like, facial recognition or whatever.

or, like, facial recognition or whatever.

You can't just unlock the phone.

You can't just unlock the phone.

Donc, même si...

So, even if...

If the phone is on the bed,

If the phone is on the bed,

et puis, for some reason,

and then, for some reason,

il y a un certain mouvement qui fait que

there is a certain movement that makes it so that

I swipe up,

I swipe up,

how do I unlock the phone?

How do I unlock the phone?

Maybe he doesn't know.

Peut-être qu'il ne sait pas.



Mais c'est ça.

But that's it.

Tu penses qu'une star comme lui

Do you think a star like him

n'a pas de password or whatever?

Doesn't it have a password or something?



Donc là, maintenant,

So now,

après, à swipe up,

after, to swipe up,

et c'est directement sur Instagram?

Is it directly on Instagram?

The last app that you opened?

The last app that you opened?

It could be.

It could be.

Why not?

Why not?

Maybe he's using Instagram a lot.

Maybe he's using Instagram a lot.

Mais après, imagine,

But then, imagine,

on est dans un vrai procès.

We are in a real trial.

You're arguing that he did it on purpose.

You're arguing that he did it on purpose.

Maintenant, genre,

Now, like,

you have to justify the motive.

You have to justify the reason.

Why would anybody do that?

Pourquoi quelqu'un ferait-il cela ?

Bah, vous avez dit que j'étais gay,

Well, you said I was gay,

donc je...

so I...

Non, mais ça, tu vois,

No, but you see,

je suis désolée.

I am sorry.

Moi, Shannon Sharp,

Me, Shannon Sharp,



je le connais un peu

I know him a little.

dans le sens où il fait des...

in the sense that it does some...

Il fait un podcast

He is making a podcast.

où il y a des célébrités.

where there are celebrities.

Cette année, il en a eu,

This year, he had some.

genre, il a eu peut-être

I mean, he may have had.

deux, trois buzz

two, three buzz

autour de son podcast.

around his podcast.

Je pense que le pourcentage

I think that the percentage

de gens qui disent

of people who say

« This motherfucker is gay »

"This motherfucker is gay."

is pretty, pretty low.

is pretty, pretty low.

It's so low.

It's so low.

Mais après, ça peut juste être

But after, it can just be

un coup de publicité.

a publicity stunt.

Les stars, elles font des trucs

Stars, they do stuff.

que le commandement

that the command

ne fait pas.

do not do.

Un coup de publicité for what?

A publicity stunt for what?

Pour justement, encore plus.

For precisely, even more.

Ce podcast is super big already.

This podcast is already super big.

Bah, there's no such thing

Well, there's no such thing.

as big enough.

assez grand.

I want it to be bigger.

I want it to be bigger.

Donc, tu perds ton travail

So, you are losing your job.


to ESPN.

Non, mais j'avais pas prévu

No, but I didn't plan for it.

de perdre mon travail.

of losing my job.

C'est pour ça que je dis

That's why I say

« J'ai pas fait exprès. »

"I didn't do it on purpose."

J'ai dit « J'ai pas fait exprès. »

I said, "I didn't mean to."

Pourquoi vous me virez

Why are you firing me?

« J'ai pas fait exprès. »

"I didn't do it on purpose."

Ok, I don't buy.

Okay, I won't buy.

Si j'étais dans le jury,

If I were on the jury,

c'est ça, ta proposition,

that's it, your proposal,

c'est ça.

That’s it.

This is your case?

Is this your case?

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

There's no way.

Il n'y a pas moyen.

Après, peut-être

Maybe later.

que je suis un peu naïve

that I am a little naive

et tout.

and everything.

J'ai tendance à...

I tend to...

Shannon Sharp drops

Shannon Sharp drops

new Michelle merch

new Michelle merchandise

inspired by viral IG live.

inspired by viral IG live.

Ok, I mean,

Okay, I mean,

he's trying to capitalize

he's trying to capitalize

off of it

off of it

parce que he doesn't

because he doesn't

have a job anymore.

not have a job anymore.

I mean, he only has

I mean, he only has

his podcast.

his podcast.

So, his revenue

So, his revenue

is significantly less.

is significantly less.

Mais I don't believe

But I don't believe

for a second

for a second

that he did that

that he did that

on purpose.

on purpose.

Drake, il a leak

Drake, he leaked.

sa vidéo,

his video,

his dick pic.

his dick pic.

That, I believe.

That, I believe.

And not just

And not just

because I'm a Drake hater.

parce que je suis un détracteur de Drake.

Mais this one,

But this one,

I don't think so.

I don't think so.

Je pense qu'il est...

I think he is...

Shannon Sharp

Shannon Sharp

is not sharp enough.

is not sharp enough.

Est-ce que t'as écouté

Did you listen?

ses podcasts?

his podcasts?

Si c'est pas moi

If it's not me

qui l'ai dit,

who said it,

c'est Jesse Wu.

It's Jesse Wu.

Mais t'as écouté

But you listened.

but this motherfucker

but this motherfucker

is not really

n'est pas vraiment



it's not like that.

It's not like that.

I don't think

Je ne pense pas.

you can pull that off

You can pull that off.

comme ça, là, genre...

like that, there, kind of...

En plus, scramble

In addition, scramble

en disant

by saying

ouais, je me suis fait hacker

Yeah, I got hacked.

et après, ton équipe

and after, your team

dit non.

say no.

Tu reviens, tu dis

You're coming back, you say.

merde, non, en fait,

shit, no, actually,

je suis désolée,

I am sorry,

je suis partie en live

I went live.

sans faire exprès.


Non, I don't know.

No, I don't know.

Si c'est ce que t'as fait,

If that's what you did,



si t'as réussi

if you succeeded

à pull that off,

to pull that off,



Last news on my list,

Last news on my list,

Kendrick dropped.

Kendrick fell.

Did you listen to it?

Did you listen to it?

Non, mais justement,

No, but precisely,

c'est marrant

it's funny

parce que les gens,

because people,

ils disaient que Kendrick

they said that Kendrick

est venu sauver Shannon

came to save Shannon

parce que,


justement, ça,

exactly, that,

les gens se sont focus

people have focused

sur autre chose.

on something else.



J'ai écouté la musique

I listened to the music.

et people said,

and people said,

oh, he's dissing Drake.

Oh, he's insulting Drake.

J'ai réécouté,

I listened again.

j'ai dit,

I said,

je vois pas de diss

I don't see any diss.

ou bien j'entends pas de diss,

or I don't hear any diss,

peut-être que je comprends

maybe I understand

pas le rap, tu vois,

not rap, you see,

parce que I'm new to this.

because I'm new to this.

J'ai écouté

I listened.

et it's more like a,

and it's more like a,

it's like a commentary

it's like a commentary

on rap,

we rap,

genre la situation

like the situation

de l'industrie du rap

of the rap industry

ou de rap

or rap

as a,

as a,

genre as an art form,

genre as an art form,

tu vois,

you see,

genre que ça a été co-op

like it was co-op

par des,

by some,

par des gens pas très bien

by people who are not very nice

qui n'ont pas de soul,

who have no soul,

qui sont,

who are,

ça a été hyper capitalized,

it was super capitalized,

tu vois,

you see,

donc ça a perdu de son essence.

so it has lost its essence.

C'est ce que j'ai,

That's what I have,

en tout cas,

in any case,

en écoutant,

while listening,

c'est ce que

that's what

je me suis dit qu'ils disaient,

I told myself that they said,

mais comme je me fais pas confiance,

but since I don't trust myself,

je suis allée voir des gens

I went to see some people.

qui connaissent le rap

who know rap

et tout,

and everything,

et ils ont dit,

and they said,

ouais, ouais, ouais,

yeah, yeah, yeah,

c'est ça,

that's it,

il a dit,

he said,

en gros,


the party's over for like

the party's over for like

people that exploit rap,

people who exploit rap,

we have to go back

we have to go back

to the,

to the,

the root,

the root,

the reason why rap

the reason why rap

was created,

was created,


that is to say,

talk about struggle,

talk about struggle,

dénoncer les gens,

to denounce people,

dénoncer la situation,

denounce the situation,

soulever la population,

raise the population,

tu vois,

you see,

trying to free them,

trying to free them,

free the slaves.

free the slaves.

Je me demande

I wonder.

if there's something

if there's something

that I care about

that I care about

that much.

that much.





il aime trop le rap

He loves rap too much.

et puis il se rend compte

and then he realizes

que le rap change,

that rap changes,

puis I guess it makes him

then I guess it makes him

feel some type of way.

feel some type of way.

Donc là,

So there,

je viens,

I am coming,

je dénonce le fait

I denounce the fact



ah, ah, ah, ah,

ah, ah, ah, ah,





I wonder.

I wonder.

Mais lui,

But him,

this is,

this is,

c'est un artiste.

He is an artist.

He's an artiste.

He's an artist.

Non, mais c'est ça,

No, but that's it,

les mêmes,

the same ones,

non, mais genre,

no, but like,

what is my,

what is my,

lui, c'est un artiste

He is an artist.

et c'est son art,

and it is his art,

mais what is my equivalent?

but what is my equivalent?

Not the soul searching,

Not the soul searching,



mais lui,

but him,

tu vois,

you see,



le truc avec Drake,

the thing with Drake,

la raison pour laquelle

the reason why

il a,

he has,

il a gagné,

he won,

pas entre guillemets gagné,

not in quotation marks won,

il a complètement gagné,

he completely won,

c'est parce que,

it's because,

avec Drake ou Kendrick?

with Drake or Kendrick?

The beef,

The beef,

the beef started

the beef started

parce que je pense que

because I think that





he cares about rap so much

he cares about rap so much

qu'il a vu Drake

that he saw Drake

et il était,

and he was,

he harbored some,

he harbored some,



not resentment,

not resentment,

mais genre,

but like,

some anger towards Pete

une certaine colère envers Pete

parce que Drake,

because Drake,


it is,

représente quelque chose,

represents something,

c'est un symptôme

it's a symptom

de quelque chose

of something

et the beef

and the beef

was always,

was always,



j'ai toujours senti

I have always felt.

que the beef,

what the beef,

the way Kendrick

the way Kendrick

went so hard on him

went so hard on him

et après,

and then,

tous les,

all the,

tous les commentaires,

all comments,

tout le,


tout le background

the whole background

que j'ai entendu de lui,

what I heard about him,

je me suis dit,

I told myself,

this beef is bigger

this beef is bigger

than Drake.

than Drake.

C'est pas juste Drake.

That's not fair, Drake.

Ah, c'est pas,

Ah, it's not,

it's not about Drake,

it's not about Drake,

it's about what Drake represents.

It's about what Drake represents.



That's what he was

C'est ce qu'il était.

really beefing against.

really beefing against.





il est là.

He is here.

Mais pourquoi,

But why,



let it go,

let it go,



Mais pourquoi?

But why?

C'est son nom, frère.

That's his name, brother.

Il vient de,

He just came from,



je comprends,

I understand,

mais je comprends.

but I understand.



je comprends,

I understand,

parce que tu vois,

because you see,



je dansais la kizomba,

I was dancing the kizomba,

tu vois,

you see,

et la kizomba,

and the kizomba,

je suis pas angolaise,

I am not Angolan.

you know,

you know,

mais je trouve

but I find

qu'il y avait des was,

that there were some was,

la kizomba de base,

the basic kizomba,

la kizomba traditionnelle,

traditional kizomba,

ta ta ta,

ta ta ta,

c'était cute et tout.

It was cute and everything.

Et puis après,

And then after,

c'est arrivé en Amérique du Nord,

it happened in North America,

en Occident de manière générale

in the West generally

et ça a été très sexualisé,

and it has been very sexualized,

je trouve.

I find.

Ah ouais?

Oh yeah?

Donc là,

So there,

tu passes juste ton temps

You're just wasting your time.

à te frotter,

to rub against you,

frotter, frotter.

rub, rub.

Et puis là,

And then there,



il y a encore d'autres

there are still others

nouveaux trucs.

new tricks.



il y a ghetto keys,

there are ghetto keys,



et c'est trop nul.

and it's too lame.

Tu vois,

You see,



c'était des chansons mignonnes

they were cute songs

et là,

and there,



tu peux écouter

you can listen

une chanson de Booba

a song by Booba

et c'est juste que tu vas mettre

and it's just that you're going to put

un beat de keys derrière

a beat of keys in the background

et c'est

and it's

je la défonce patati,

I smash it, blah blah.

je la défonce cette pute.

I’m going to take down that bitch.

I'm like,

I'm like,

qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?

What is happening here?



t'es là,

are you there,

t'essaies d'être gracieuse et tout,

you're trying to be graceful and all,

mais le gars,

but the guy,

il te traite de pute

he's calling you a whore

dans sa chanson,

in his song,

ça n'a aucun sens.

That makes no sense.

Et moi,

And me,

je déteste ça.

I hate that.

I hate it,

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

Et c'est en partie

And it is partly

la raison pour laquelle

the reason why

j'ai arrêté de danser,

I stopped dancing.

mais tu vois,

but you see,

c'est parce que moi,

it's because I,

I let it go.

I let it go.

Mais est-ce qu'on peut accepter

But can we accept?

que maintenant,

that now,

il y a ce qu'on appelle

there is what is called

urban keys

urban keys

et après,

and then,

il y a keys traditionnels.

there are traditional keys.

Tu vois ce que je veux dire?

Do you see what I mean?



il y a keys traditionnels.

there are traditional keys.

Donc peut-être,

So maybe,

il y a rap traditionnel

there is traditional rap

et puis il y a rap de Drake.

And then there is Drake's rap.



est-ce qu'on peut se dire

can we tell each other

que we are in two different lanes?

that we are in two different lanes?



c'est parce que...

it's because...



ce que tu fais,

what you do,

je ne fais pas ça

I don't do that.

et ce que je fais,

and what I do,

tu ne fais pas ça.

You don't do that.



mais c'est parce que

but it's because

le rap de Drake,

Drake's rap,

c'est celui qui est le plus populaire.

He is the most popular one.

C'est celui que les gens écoutent,

It's the one that people listen to,

c'est celui qu'on donne l'argent.

It's the one we give money to.



les executives

the executives

sont à tous les rappeurs.

are to all the rappers.



be more like Drake,

be more like Drake,

be more...

be more...

Parce qu'ils sont cons aussi.

Because they are stupid too.

All they want is money.

Tout ce qu'ils veulent, c'est de l'argent.



du coup,


in like 15,

in like 15,

20 years,

20 years,

you've diluted the whole shit.

You've diluted the whole thing.

You've diluted the whole shit.

You've diluted the whole thing.



je pense que

I think that

le vrai problème,

the real problem,

c'est all they want is money.

All they want is money.

C'est always the money the problem.

It's always the money the problem.

Le vrai problème,

The real problem,

c'est the consumers.

it’s the consumers.

Mais the consumers,

But the consumers,

à cause de l'argent.

because of money.



the structural system,

the structural system,

like l'industrie du...

like the industry of...

L'industrie du rap aussi,

The rap industry as well,

c'est tenu par des Blancs.

It is held by whites.

C'est tenu par des Blancs.

It is held by whites.

Des hommes Blancs.

White men.

The white man

The white man

is leading rap.

is leading rap.

Streaming platform,

Streaming platform,

genre tout ce qui pousse et tout.

like everything that grows and all.

Tout ça,

All of that,

j'ai l'impression

I have the impression.

que c'est plus structurel.

that it is more structural.

Les rappeurs,

The rappers,

encore une fois,

once again,

ils s'attaquent aux rappeurs,

they target the rappers,

mais vraiment,

but really,



le vrai problème,

the real problem,

c'est l'industrie du rap

It's the rap industry.

et les consommateurs de rap.

and rap consumers.

We are the problem.

We are the problem.

You're a fast learner.

You're a fast learner.

Who would have thought

Who would have thought?

last year

last year

que t'aurais dit ça?

Why would you have said that?

Le problème dans l'industrie du rap,

The problem in the rap industry,

c'est les consommateurs du rap.

It's the rap consumers.

J'ai appris ça depuis là.

I learned that from there.

The beef started in there.

The conflict started in there.

You're a very fast learner.

You're a very fast learner.

Tu sais,

You know,

je vais te donner un exemple

I will give you an example.



Je vais te donner un exemple

I am going to give you an example.

parfait, Tiffany.

Perfect, Tiffany.

Tu vois,

You see,

il y a tennis

There is tennis.

and now there's pickleball.

et maintenant il y a le pickleball.



Je déteste ce sport.

I hate this sport.

Je hais pickleball.

I hate pickleball.

Je te jure.

I swear to you.

Et en plus,

And on top of that,

c'est tellement populaire.

It's so popular.



ce qui se passe,

what is happening,

c'est que les terrains de tennis

it's that the tennis courts

sont transformés en pickleball.

are transformed into pickleball.



je vais jouer

I am going to play.

au tennis avec ma pote.

playing tennis with my friend.

On arrive,

We're coming.

les trois terrains

the three fields

sont pris

are taken

par les joueurs de pickleball.

by pickleball players.



J'hate ça.

I hate that.

Et j'ai vu

And I saw

une vidéo de Djokovic

a video of Djokovic

qui parlait du fait que

who was talking about the fact that

non, mais le tennis

no, but tennis

est en danger.

is in danger.

En fait,

In fact,

il faut qu'on se batte.

We need to fight.

Les tennis lovers,

The tennis lovers,

vous devez créer

you must create

un front contre le pickleball

a front against pickleball

parce que c'est en train

because it's in progress

de prendre

to take

tous les terrains.

all the fields.

Donc, je comprends.

So, I understand.

Si j'étais passionné

If I were passionate

de tennis,

of tennis,

je n'aime pas

I don't like.

le tennis,


je ne sais pas

I don't know.

si c'est ma passion,

if it's my passion,

mais si Djokovic

but if Djokovic

aujourd'hui sort

today comes out

un D-Strike

a D-Strike

contre tous

against all

les meilleurs

the best

joueurs de pickleball,

pickleball players,

je ne serais pas

I would not be.

en colère.


Je suis comme,

I am like,



lutte pour ton sport.

struggle for your sport.

Parce que le truc,

Because the thing is,

c'est que le pickleball

It's the pickleball.

c'est plus accessible

it's more accessible



Du coup,


nos terrains

our land

sont de plus en plus

are increasingly



en pickleball terrain

on a pickleball court

et maintenant,

and now,

les joueurs de tennis

the tennis players

doivent aller

must go

de plus en plus loin

further and further away

pour avoir

to have

des terrains

land, grounds



tu vois.

You see.

Donc, non,

So, no,



lutte pour ton art,

fight for your art,

lutte pour ton passion

fight for your passion

et voilà.

And there you go.

C'est mon droit.

It is my right.

Non, mais je comprends.

No, but I understand.

Mais alors moi,

But then me,

ce que,


c'est que,

it's that,

dans mon monde

in my world

de bison-ours,

of bison-bear,



on ferait de la place

we would make room

pour des pickleball

for pickleball

et on laisserait

and we would let

de la place


pour le tennis.

for tennis.

Le problème,

The problem,

c'est quand il y en a

it's when there are some

un qui élimine l'autre.

one that eliminates the other.

C'est ça le problème.

That's the problem.

Ce n'est pas ton existence

It is not your existence.

le problème.

the problem.

Le problème,

The problem,

c'est ton existence

it's your existence

nuit à la mienne

night to mine

ou genre,

or like,

met la mienne en danger.

puts mine in danger.

C'est ça le problème.

That's the problem.

Si on pouvait cohabiter,

If we could coexist,

on cohabiterait.

we would live together.

Mais est-ce que tu penses

But do you think

que le rap de Drake

that Drake's rap

met en danger


le rap de Kendrick?

Kendrick's rap?



Mais le rap de Drake

But Drake's rap

a déjà pris le dessus.

has already taken over.

A déjà pris le dessus.

Has already taken over.

Non, mais il a pris le dessus

No, but he took over.

et éliminé.

and eliminated.

Après, Kendrick,

After, Kendrick,

Kendrick, dans son genre,

Kendrick, in his genre,

he's the most popular.

he's the most popular.

Genre, il y a des rappeurs

Like, there are rappers.

Il y a aussi J. Cole.

There is also J. Cole.

Oui, J. Cole, J. Cole, J. Cole.

Yes, J. Cole, J. Cole, J. Cole.

Il y a aussi No Name.

There is also No Name.

Il y a d'autres gens aussi

There are other people too.

qu'on ne connaît même pas,

that we don’t even know,

qu'on ne connaît même pas

that we don't even know

parce qu'ils sont noyés

because they are drowned

dans le mamba rap

in the mamba rap

ou dans le rap facile.

or in easy rap.

Mais tu ne penses pas aussi

But you don't think so either?

que c'est parce que

that it's because

we don't like that?

We don't like that?

Tu ne penses pas que les gens

Don't you think that people

qui sont des vrais fans

who are true fans

de rap comme Kendrick

of rap like Kendrick

connaissent les No Name

know the No Name

et le rap?

And the rap?

Oui, ils connaissent.

Yes, they know.

Par exemple, FD Signifier,

For example, FD Meaning,

c'est quelqu'un

it's someone

qui adore le rap

who loves rap

et il connaît,

and he knows,

he knows a lot.

He knows a lot.

Mais le problème,

But the problem is,

c'est que des gens lambda

they are just average people

comme moi, là,

like me, there,

on ne connaît pas,

we do not know,

we don't know them.

we don't know them.

Mais c'est ça,

But that's it,

mais I'm like,

But I'm like,

do you like it though?

Do you like it though?

Non, mais moi,

No, but me,

I don't really care about rap.

I don't really care about rap.

Surtout les rap.

Especially rap.

Mais moi, je me dis,

But I say to myself,

if you liked it,

if you liked it,

you would have known.

you would have known.

Non, mais après,

No, but after,

tu chercherais ça.

you would look for that.

Non, mais après,

No, but afterwards,

il y a le fait

there is the fact

que tu n'es pas axé.

that you are not focused.

Donc, you don't even know

So, you don't even know.

if you like it or not.

whether you like it or not.

You don't even know.

You don't even know.

Parce que you,

Because you,

that's not what's pushed

that's not what's being promoted

in your fucking Spotify,

in your fucking Spotify,

Apple, whatever the fuck.

Apple, whatever the fuck.

That's not what's pushed.

That's not what's being promoted.

Et moi, j'ai remarqué,

And I noticed,

par contre, ça, j'aime pas,

on the other hand, I don't like that,

j'aime pas, j'aime pas.

I don't like it, I don't like it.

J'ai remarqué, sauf,

I noticed, except,

Beyoncé doesn't do that

Beyoncé ne fait pas ça.

because she's my queen

Parce qu'elle est ma reine.

and savior,

and savior,

mais j'ai remarqué

but I noticed

que les chansons

that the songs

sont de plus en plus courtes.

are getting shorter and shorter.

Pourquoi maintenant,

Why now,

les chansons, c'est deux minutes ?

Are the songs two minutes long?

Je déteste.

I hate.

Pourquoi c'est deux minutes ?

Why is it two minutes?

Qui fait des chansons

Who makes songs

de deux minutes ?

two minutes?

Pourquoi ?


Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe, là ?

But what is happening there?

Mais non, mais arrêtez.

But no, but stop it.

Donnez-nous un vrai body of work.

Give us a true body of work.

Je déteste les chansons.

I hate songs.

Surtout les chansons

Especially the songs.

qui sont bien

who are good

mais qui durent que deux minutes.

but only last for two minutes.

Du coup, if you want it to last,

So, if you want it to last,

you have to re-listen to it

you have to listen to it again

pour avoir l'impression

to have the feeling

d'avoir entendu

having heard

une chanson de quatre minutes.

a four-minute song.

Horrible, horrible, horrible.

Horrible, horrible, horrible.

Je déteste.

I hate.

Je déteste toutes les chansons.

I hate all songs.

Maintenant, c'est deux minutes,

Now, it's two minutes,

deux minutes, deux minutes,

two minutes, two minutes,

deux minutes.

two minutes.

Pourquoi on fait

Why do we do it?

des chansons de deux minutes ?

two-minute songs?

Pourquoi ?


Qui a dit qu'on était...

Who said we were...

Qui a dit qu'on ne pouvait plus

Who said that we could no longer?

écouter des chansons de...

listening to songs by...

Qui a dit qu'on n'avait pas le temps ?

Who said we didn't have time?

Eh, Diam, Diam, c'est ma go.

Eh, Diam, Diam, she's my girl.

Ça fait longtemps, bien sûr.

It's been a long time, of course.

Mais des chansons de six, sept,

But songs of six, seven,

dix minutes.

ten minutes.

Donne-moi une chanson,

Give me a song,

s'il te plaît.


That's all I had on my list.

That's all I had on my list.

Ouais, bah écoute,

Yeah, well, listen,



les chansons de deux minutes,

two-minute songs,

je suis d'accord.

I agree.



On arrête ça tout de suite.

We stop that right now.

On n'a pas dit

We didn't say.

qu'il allait faire aussi

that he was going to do it too

le Super Bowl.

the Super Bowl.

Ah oui, il va faire

Ah yes, it will do.

le Super Bowl.

the Super Bowl.



good for him.

good for him.

I'm not mad at it.

I'm not upset about it.

Ouais, moi non plus.

Yeah, me neither.

Moi, j'aime bien

Me, I like it.

Dana Lacoste.

Dana Lacoste.

Dana Lacoste, tu vois.

Dana Lacoste, you see.

Donc, yeah.

So, yeah.

Overall, je pense

Overall, I think

que j'aime bien Kendrick.

that I really like Kendrick.

Like, I like him

Like, I like him.

as an artist.

as an artist.

Est-ce que je connaissais

Did I know?

ses chansons avant ?

his songs before?

Mais je connaissais

But I knew.

son album avant

his previous album

parce que tous les gens

because all the people

que j'écoutais

that I was listening to

adorent Kendrick Lamar.

love Kendrick Lamar.

Je connaissais son album

I knew his album.

après, je ne connaissais pas.

After, I didn't know.

Je connaissais

I knew.

Be Humble.

Be Humble.

C'était un...

It was a...

Be Humble.

Be humble.

C'est d'un.

It's one of them.

Moi, je ne connais que

Me, I only know

les commercials.

the commercials.

Oui, une chanson que j'aime bien,

Yes, a song that I really like,

c'est avec lui et Dre.

It's with him and Dre.

The Recipe.

The Recipe.

Avec Dre ?

With Dre?

Avec Dre, pas Dr. Dre.

With Dre, not Dr. Dre.

Pas Drake.

Not Drake.

Ah, Dr. Dre.

Ah, Dr. Dre.

Every morning when I wake up.

Every morning when I wake up.

Money on my mind,

Money on my mind,

no time to pick it up.

no time to pick it up.

C'est ça.

That's it.

All right.

All right.

Revenons à la question

Let's return to the question.

de l'épisode précédent.

from the previous episode.

Camping à Diaguilly

Camping in Diaguilly

La question, c'était

The question was

Où vous voyez-vous

Where do you see yourself?

dans cinq ans ?

in five years?



c'était unanime.

It was unanimous.

Which, it's good, it's good.

Which, it's good, it's good.

2,7% ont dit

2.7% said

à la même place.

in the same place.

10,8% ont dit

10.8% said

aucune idée.

no idea.

86,5% ont dit

86.5% said

living bigger and better.

living larger and better.

Yes !

Yes !

I love it.

I love it.

I love the optimism.

I love the optimism.

Moi, je souhaite

I wish.

à 100% des répondants

100% of respondents

to be living bigger and better.

to be living larger and better.

Même ceux qui ont dit

Even those who said

they will be at the same place.

They will be at the same place.

The same spot.

The same spot.

Or, c'était quoi same spot ?

So, what was the same spot?

I don't know.

I don't know.



Et non.

And no.

For 100% of the respondents,

For 100% of the respondents,

I'm wishing you guys

Je vous souhaite à tous.

bigger and better.

bigger and better.



Dans les commentaires,

In the comments,

on a reçu quelques commentaires.

We received some feedback.

Well, someone said

Well, someone said

cet épisode,

this episode,

c'était vraiment n'importe quoi.

It was really nonsense.

J'ai tellement ri.

I laughed so much.

Le j'ai trop envie de faire caca.

I really need to poop.

Entre deux phrases random.

Between two random sentences.

J'en peux plus.

I can't take it anymore.

Dans ma tête,

In my head,

vous êtes trop mes copines.

You are too my friends.



Ah, putain.

Ah, damn.

En plus, t'as dit ça,

In addition, you said that,

je vais le laisser.

I will let him/her.

Ouais, je vais le laisser.

Yeah, I'm going to let it go.

Quelqu'un d'autre dit

Someone else says.

Hello les yéyens,

Hello the yéyens,

moi aussi, je peux commenter.

Me too, I can comment.

Yeah !


J'adore trop votre podcast.

I love your podcast so much.

Il me permet parfois

He sometimes allows me.

de réfléchir sur les points

to reflect on the points

comme l'amitié et l'amour.

like friendship and love.

C'est cool d'avoir plusieurs avis.

It's great to have multiple opinions.

J'aime trop vos énergies.

I love your energies so much.

Je suis ouverte,

I am open,

mais pas à tout quand même.

but not to everything still.





Elle, she's catching up.

She's catching up.

She's catching up.

Elle est en train de rattraper.



Quelqu'un dit

Someone says

Macron a bien choisi

Macron made a good choice.

un gars de droite

a right-wing guy

comme premier ministre.

as Prime Minister.

J'ai dit,

I said,

je vais me tuer,

I'm going to kill myself,

mais je vais me tuer.

But I am going to kill myself.

Je vais pas me tuer pour Macron.

I'm not going to kill myself for Macron.

T'es un fuck, Macron.

You're a fuck, Macron.



Dernière question concernant

Last question concerning.

la discussion sur

the discussion on

les relations romantiques.

romantic relationships.

Je vous conseille,

I advise you,

si vous ne l'avez pas lu,

if you haven't read it,

le livre

the book

Les sentiments du prince Charles

The feelings of Prince Charles.

de Lovestromskist.

of Lovestromskist.

C'est un...

It's a...

Les sentiments du prince Charles ?

The feelings of Prince Charles?

Mais est-ce que c'est vraiment

But is it really

le prince Charles ou...

Prince Charles or...

Ah non,

Oh no,

les sentiments du prince Charles.

the feelings of Prince Charles.

C'est un essai féministe

It is a feminist essay.

sous forme de bande dessinée

in the form of a comic strip

avec humour et pédagogie.

with humor and pedagogy.



Thank you.

Thank you.

J'ai en vacances bientôt

I have vacation soon.

et j'ai envie

and I want

de me mettre au soleil

to put me in the sun

et lire un livre.

and read a book.

Et Tiffany,

And Tiffany,

est-ce que tu peux me recommander

Can you recommend me?

un livre aussi ?

a book too?

Genre un livre bien comme

Like a good book.

les sept machins du prince.

the seven things of the prince.

Ça, c'est très difficile.

That is very difficult.

J'en ai pas encore trouvé.

I haven't found any yet.

J'en recherche.

I'm looking for it.

Les livres, en fait,

The books, in fact,

j'ai l'impression,

I have the impression,

c'est comme trouver

it's like finding

un bon livre,

a good book,

c'est comme trouver

it's like finding

une bonne série.

a good series.

C'est vraiment...

It's really...

C'est difficile.

It's difficult.

Faut que tu lises

You need to read it.

des reviews


et des reviews

and reviews

et des reviews.

and reviews.

Mais même les reviews,

But even the reviews,

franchement, je sais pas

Honestly, I don't know.

parce que les gens,

because people,

je les connais pas.

I don't know them.

Je sais pas ce qu'ils aiment.

I don't know what they like.

Non, mais en général,

No, but generally,

ils t'expliquent.

they explain to you.

Moi, je vais voir

I, I will see

sur Reddit, en général.

on Reddit, in general.

Ok, je te dis,

Okay, I'm telling you,

le livre que je t'avais offert,

the book that I had given you,

les reviews,

the reviews,

ils étaient 5 étoiles.

They were 5 stars.

Ah ouais ?

Oh really?

Il était trop nul, ce livre.

This book was too bad.

Lequel livre ?

Which book?

Kilomètre zéro,

Kilometer zero,

au Népal.

in Nepal.

C'était le pire livre

It was the worst book.

de ma vie.

of my life.

C'était trop nul,

It was so lame,

ce livre.

this book.

Mais c'est parce qu'on avait

But it's because we had

déjà regardé,

already watched,

lu, écartolé.

read, torn apart.

Moi, j'avais l'impression

I felt like

que c'était une version

that it was a version

édulcorée d'écartolé.

sweetened with astonishment.

C'était trop nul.

It was so lame.

Même moi,

Even me,

en fait, on dirait,

in fact, it seems,

tu vois,

you see,

quand un bébé apprend

when a baby learns

à marcher,

to walk,

tu lui dis,

you tell him/her,

viens, viens, viens,

come, come, come,

et il vient pas.

and he doesn't come.

Mais tu vois que

But you see that

on peut aller quelque part,

we can go somewhere,

mais ça marche pas, là.

but it's not working, there.

Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?

What is happening?

Ah !


On y est presque.

We're almost there.

Ah !


Mais toi, tu l'as fini ?

But you, have you finished it?

Non, jamais de la vie.

No, never in my life.

En fait,

In fact,

je me suis vraiment dit,

I really told myself,

ah, c'est un bébé

ah, it's a baby

qui apprend à marcher,

who is learning to walk,

donc vas-y, patience.

So go ahead, patience.



Mais au bout d'un moment,

But after a while,

tu te rends compte

Do you realize?

que non, on stagne.

No, we're stagnating.

En fait, là,

In fact, there,

on est au max.

We're at the max.

C'est ça, le thème.

That's it, the theme.

Ouais, this is the peak.

Yeah, this is the peak.

Et j'ai dit,

And I said,

ouais, non,

yeah, no,

quand j'ai vu

when I saw

qu'on était arrivés au peak,

that we had arrived at the peak,

j'ai dit, allez, allez, allez.

I said, go, go, go.

Moi aussi, j'ai arrêté.

Me too, I stopped.

Je me lisais à chaque page

I read myself on every page.

parce que moi,

because me,

c'est toi qui me l'as recommandé,

it's you who recommended it to me.

tu vois.

You see.

Donc, je disais, attends,

So, I was saying, wait,

there's something in here

There's something in here.

that she wants me to read.

that she wants me to read.

Je lisais, je lisais,

I was reading, I was reading,

j'ai dit, mais wesh,

I said, but what's up,

c'est où ?

Where is it?

Je suis à la moitié.

I am halfway.

J'ai arrêté.

I stopped.

Hé, je suis désolée,

Hey, I'm sorry,

mais j'ai lu

but I read

la quatrième de couverture

the back cover

des Sentiments du Prince Charles

The Feelings of Prince Charles

et ça dit,

and it says,

bande dessinée militante

militant comic strip

qui alterne fiction

which alternates fiction

et analyse documentée

and documented analysis

et met à mal

and undermines

les idées reçues

preconceived ideas

sur la relation amoureuse

on romantic relationships

en soulignant

by emphasizing

que cette dernière

that the latter

n'est qu'une cage

is but a cage

fabriquée par les hommes

made by men

pour maintenir les femmes

to support women

dans un état de dépendance

in a state of dependence

et de soumission.

and submission.

Tu vas jamais lire ce livre.

You're never going to read this book.

I know she's never gonna read it.

I know she's never going to read it.

Mais moi, I'm interested.

But me, I'm interested.

J'aime bien les bandes dessinées.

I really like comics.

Vas-y, next.

Go ahead, next.

All right,

All right,

not asking for a friend.

not asking for a friend.

Oh, c'est tout,

Oh, that's it.

on n'avait pas plus de commentaires,

we had no further comments,

mais laissez les commentaires,

but leave the comments,

j'aime bien les commentaires.

I like the comments.

Moi aussi.

Me too.

Moi aussi,

Me too,

j'aime bien les commentaires,

I like the comments.

mais we only had a few.

but we only had a few.



not asking for a friend,

not asking for a friend,

c'est hier

it's yesterday

quand on a enregistré

when we recorded

et que...

and that...

On a enregistré quand même

We still recorded it.

une heure et vingt minutes,

one hour and twenty minutes,



quand on a réalisé

when we realized

qu'en fait...

what actually...

Non, une heure,

No, one hour,

juste une heure.

just one hour.

T'es sûre?

Are you sure?

Ouais, ouais, ouais.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Une heure huit.

One hour eight.

Ah ouais?

Oh really?

Une heure et vingt minutes.

One hour and twenty minutes.



Je racontais le fait

I was recounting the fact.

que j'ai rencontré un ami

that I met a friend

and we talked,

and we talked,

we talked,

we talked,

mais mon pote,

but my buddy,

en fait,

in fact,

mon pote,

my buddy,

il a vécu énormément de choses.

He has experienced a lot of things.

Like, he's been through a lot.

Like, he's been through a lot.

C'est comme s'il avait vécu

It's as if he had lived.

trois vies en une vie,

three lives in one life,

tu vois,

you see,

and he's relatively young,

and he's relatively young,

he's my age.

He's my age.



il me parlait

he was talking to me

de sa compagne

of his partner

et comment,

and how,

en fait,

in fact,

sa compagne

his companion

est plus jeune que lui,

is younger than him,

mais la meuf

but the girl

codeuse dans une entreprise,

coder in a company,

ses parents

his parents

viennent lui acheter

come to buy from him

une maison,

a house,

ses parents

his parents

viennent lui acheter

come to buy from him/her

une voiture.

a car.

Elle est très aisée,

She is very well-off.

tu vois.

you see.

On a...

We have...

On discutait du fait

We were discussing the fact

qu'on avait le sentiment

that we had the feeling

qu'on a le même âge,

that we are the same age,

elle est plus jeune que nous,

she is younger than us,

mais elle a commencé

but she started

la vie avec...

life with...

Si c'était une course

If it was a race

de 100 mètres,

of 100 meters,

elle a commencé la vie

she started life

avec, je dirais,

with, I would say,

10 mètres d'avance,

10 meters ahead,

tu vois.

you see.

Pendant qu'on parlait,

While we were talking,

pendant qu'on discutait,

while we were discussing,

je lui ai dit sincèrement

I told him sincerely.

et ça, tout ça,

and that, all that,

je lui disais,

I was telling him/her,

je disais,

I was saying,

en fait,

in fact,

quand je t'entends

when I hear you

et j'entends l'histoire

and I hear the story

de ta compagne

of your partner

que je ne connais pas,

that I do not know,

donc c'est vraiment...

so it's really...

It's a bleep in her story,

C'est un bip dans son histoire,

like she's a complex human,

like she's a complex human,

I understand that

I understand that

and recognize that,

et reconnaissez que,

mais quand j'entends

but when I hear

her background,

her background,

je dois t'avouer

I have to confess to you.

qu'il y a comme

that there is like

une amertume en moi.

a bitterness within me.

C'est-à-dire que nous,

That is to say, we,

tout ce qu'on a,

everything we have,

on a dû vraiment

we really had to

aller le chercher

go get him/her

in the fucking mud,

in the fucking mud,

à la force de notre...

by the strength of our...

de nos dents,

of our teeth,

de nos coudes,

of our elbows,

de nos biceps,

of our biceps,

on a dû vraiment

we really had to

trimmer to have

trimmer to have

what we have

what we have

to be in this stage

to be in this stage

in life that we are

in the life that we are

right now.

tout de suite.

Et il y a certaines personnes,

And there are certain people,

like, it seems so effortless

like, it seems so effortless

and so given to them,

and so given to them,

tu vois.

you see.

Et what infuriates me,

And what infuriates me,

c'est pas la personne,

it's not the person,

parce que la personne,

because the person,



c'est pas la personne,

it's not the person,

elle n'a rien à voir avec ça.

She has nothing to do with that.

She was just born, right?

She was just born, right?

C'est les circonstances

It's the circumstances.

et le fait que,

and the fact that,

when you,

when you,

c'est comme le poisson, là,

it's like the fish, there,

c'est comme ton tam-tam, là,

it's like your tom-tom there,

tu n'entends pas

you don't hear

les battements

the beats

de ton tam-tam.

of your tom-tom.

You're in the water,

You're in the water,

you don't even realize it.

you don't even realize it.

Cette personne-là,

That person there,

elle est d'autres personnes,

she is other people,

c'est pas juste elle.

It's not fair to her.

Mais quand,

But when,

when you were born

quand es-tu né

and grew up in privilege,

and grew up in privilege,

you don't even see privilege.

you don't even see privilege.

So you don't,

So you don't,

you can't even relate

you can't even relate

to stories like us.

to stories like ours.

Moi, mon pote est

Me, my buddy is



many other people.

many other people.

Et quand je racontais ça,

And when I told that,

Tiffany, elle a dit,

Tiffany, she said,

ouais, mais je ne comprends pas

yeah, but I don't understand

pourquoi les gens,

Why people,

ils pensent que la vie est juste.

They think that life is fair.

La vie n'a jamais été juste.

Life has never been fair.

Qui a dit que la vie était juste?

Who said that life was fair?

Du coup,


the asking for a friend is,

the asking for a friend is,

est-ce que la vie

Is life

est censée être juste?

is supposed to be fair?



Pourquoi pas?

Why not?

Vous avez quatre heures.

You have four hours.

Moi, je pense que

I think that

there's no way.

there's no way.

En fait,

In fact,

qu'est-ce que ça veut dire,

what does that mean,

la vie qui est juste?

the life that is fair?

Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?

What does that mean?

Mais ça veut dire quoi,

But what does that mean,

la vie est injuste aussi?

Is life unfair too?

Genre, on peut te poser

Like, can we ask you?

la même question.

the same question.

Ça veut dire que,

That means that,

ça va passer,

It will pass.

ça ne va pas être pareil.

It's not going to be the same.

Genre, toi,

Like, you,

ça ne va pas être pareil,

it's not going to be the same,

mais ce n'est pas obligé

but it's not necessary

que ce soit unfair.

that it is unfair.

Ça veut dire quoi, unfair?

What does unfair mean?

Ça veut dire quoi?

What does that mean?

Si on prend,

If we take,


let's say,

elle s'appelle Jessica.

Her name is Jessica.

Jessica et moi.

Jessica and me.

Le fait que Jessica,

The fact that Jessica,

là, la meuf,

there, the girl,

elle a pu coder

she was able to code

à l'âge de sept ans.

at the age of seven.



elle fait 152 000.

She makes 152,000.

Elle a une maison

She has a house.

payée par ses parents.

paid by her parents.

Elle a une voiture

She has a car.

payée par ses parents.

paid for by her parents.

Elle a un partenaire solide

She has a strong partner.

depuis plusieurs années.

for several years.

She's living

Elle vit.

in a house.

in a house.

She's living

Elle est en vie.

a great life.

a great life.

Moi, j'étais à l'université.

I was at university.

J'ai dû,

I had to,

je travaille quatre jobs

I work four jobs.

en même temps pour payer.

at the same time to pay.

Je suis arrivée à Beaumont.

I have arrived in Beaumont.

On m'a renvoyée.

I was dismissed.

Donc, j'ai dû tout recommencer.

So, I had to start all over again.

Et Jessica,

And Jessica,

elle a,

she has,

elle et moi,

she and I,

on a le même âge,

we are the same age,

mais on n'est pas

but we are not

au même stade de la vie.

at the same stage of life.

Je me suis fait larguer.

I got dumped.

Tu vois ce que je veux dire?

Do you see what I mean?

Genre, après,

Like, afterwards,

I'm not saying I'm ungrateful.

I'm not saying I'm ungrateful.

Like, I've been through a lot.

Like, I've been through a lot.

Mais pourquoi

But why?

some people go through a lot?

Some people go through a lot?

Others seem to have it

Others seem to have it.

so easy and good.

so easy and good.

I'm giving to them.

I'm giving to them.

Mais alors ça,

But then that,

c'est pas juste,

it's not fair,

c'est genre égal.

It's kind of equal.

On n'a pas la même vie.

We don't have the same life.

C'est pas une question de justesse.

It's not a question of accuracy.

Non, on n'a pas

No, we don't have any.

les mêmes occasions.

the same occasions.

On n'a pas les mêmes opportunités.

We don't have the same opportunities.

Ouais, mais si tu te fais larguer,

Yeah, but if you get dumped,

tu te fais larguer, frère.

You're getting dumped, brother.

C'est pas de ma faute.

It's not my fault.

Ouais, bon,

Yeah, well,

j'ai donné cet exemple-là.

I gave that example.

On s'en fout.

We don't care.

Mais les mêmes opportunités

But the same opportunities


to move forward,

de pouvoir se créer

to be able to create oneself

une vie décente.

a decent life.

Mais on peut pas

But we can't.

parce que toi,

because you,

t'es née en Mauritanie.

You were born in Mauritania.

Moi, je suis née

I was born.

à Singapour,

in Singapore,

dans la capitale

in the capital

de la technologie.

of technology.

Donc, j'ai eu un ordinateur

So, I got a computer.

à trois ans.

at three years old.

Toi, tu faisais

You were doing.

du camping à Jagili.

Camping in Jagili.

Donc, on peut pas.

So, we can't.

On peut pas avoir

We can't have.

les mêmes opportunités

the same opportunities

parce qu'on n'était pas

because we weren't

dans le même pays.

in the same country.

On n'a pas été élevés

We were not raised.

par les mêmes parents.

by the same parents.

On n'a pas la même culture.

We don't have the same culture.

On n'a même pas

We don't even have.

la même religion.

the same religion.

On n'a pas les mêmes croyances.

We do not have the same beliefs.

Donc, tout ça,

So, all of that,

tout ça, ça joue.

All of that plays a role.

Chaque petit truc,

Every little thing,

every single little thing,

every single little thing,

c'est comme si,

it's as if,

à chaque fois,

every time,

c'est quelque chose

It's something.

qui te pousse dans une vie.

who drives you in a life.

C'est comme si

It's as if.

everything that happens

everything that happens

in your life,

in your life,

ça va te pousser

It's going to push you.

dans une certaine direction.

in a certain direction.

C'est un petit...

It's a little...

Là, je te pousse un peu.

There, I'm pushing you a little.

Donc, toi, t'es née

So, you were born.

en Mohitanie.

in Mohitania.

Déjà, ça veut dire

Already, it means

que t'es née à droite.

that you were born on the right.

Tu vois ?

Do you see?

Moi, peut-être,

Me, maybe,

je suis née en France,

I was born in France,

je suis née à gauche.

I was born on the left.

Toi, t'es née à droite.

You were born on the right.

Après, t'es partie vivre

After, you left to live

au Congo.

in Congo.

Ça t'a poussé

It made you push.

un peu sur la gauche.

a little to the left.

Après, t'es partie vivre

After, you went to live

au Rwanda.

in Rwanda.

Ça t'a poussé

It pushed you.

sur la droite.

on the right.

Après, en Ouganda,

Afterwards, in Uganda,



Après, Belgique, droite.

After, Belgium, right.

Et du coup,

And so,

c'est ça qui forme ton chemin.

That's what shapes your path.

Moi, je suis juste née en France.

I was just born in France.

Je suis née à Lyon.

I was born in Lyon.



Après, je suis partie vivre

After that, I went to live.

en région parisienne.

in the Paris region.

Ça m'a poussé un peu.

It pushed me a little.

Mais tout ça pour dire

But all that to say

qu'on a reçu

that we received

des poussades

small shoots

that made us

that made us

take different ways,

take different paths,

that made us

that made us

have different lives.

have different lives.

Et même si, genre,

And even if, like,

même si toi et moi,

even if you and I,

on était toutes les deux

we were both

nées en France,

born in France,

grandies en France,

grown up in France,

on avait été élevées

we had been raised

par les mêmes parents,

by the same parents,

etc., etc.,

etc., etc.,

we could have still

we could still have

taken different ways

taken different ways

different ways

different ways

parce que, après,

because, after,

on est des êtres humains

we are human beings



Donc, mon frère,

So, my brother,

mon frère, ma sœur,

my brother, my sister,

we're different.

We're different.

Après, idéalement,

After, ideally,

tu vois,

you see,

genre, si je dis n'importe quoi,

like, if I say anything,

mais si mon grand frère,

but if my big brother,

ma mère,

my mother,

a pu lui payer

could pay him/her

une université

a university

à 10 000 euros l'année,

at 10,000 euros a year,

pour qu'on ait

so that we have

les mêmes opportunités,

the same opportunities,

il faudrait qu'elle me paye

She should pay me.

aussi la même université

also the same university

à 10 000 euros l'année.

at 10,000 euros a year.

Elle paye à Aaron,

She pays Aaron.

Elisabeth, les jumeaux,

Elisabeth, the twins,

la même université

the same university

à 10 000 euros l'année.

at 10,000 euros per year.

Mais ça se trouve

But it can be found.

que ma mère,

that my mother,

quand elle a payé

when she paid

l'université à 10 000 euros

the university at 10,000 euros

l'année pour mon frère,

the year for my brother,

bah, à cette époque-là,

well, at that time,

elle travaillait

she was working

comme codeuse

as a coder

pour Amazon.

for Amazon.

Sauf qu'après,

Except that afterwards,

il y a eu un renvoi massif.

There was a massive dismissal.

Du coup, maintenant,

So now,

elle ne travaille plus là-bas.

She no longer works there.

Du coup, maintenant,

So, now,

she can't afford it anymore.

She can't afford it anymore.

Et ça, that's another push.

And that, that's another push.

So, life is happening

So, life is happening.

literally every day.

literally every day.

Donc, après,

So, afterwards,

toi et moi,

you and me,

on se rencontre

Let's meet.

en ce dimanche 15 septembre

on this Sunday, September 15

et on se dit,

and we say to ourselves,

mais on n'a tellement

but we don't have so much

pas la même vie.

not the same life.

Je pense que ton analyse

I think your analysis

manque énormément de...

lacks a lot of...

Genre, ce que tu dis

Like, what you’re saying.

est vrai,

it's true,

mais there is a huge component

but there is a huge component

that you're missing

that you're missing

is that structural unfairness.

Is that structural unfairness?

On top of that,

On top of that,

genre, tu peux avoir

like, you can have

life and fairness.

vie et équité.

It's not on top of that.

It's not on top of that.

It's like,

It's like,

it's literally like,

it's literally like,

that's what pushes you

that's what drives you

in those directions.

in those directions.

C'est the structural institutions

It is the structural institutions.

that are in place

that are in place

for you to be pushed

for you to be pushed

a certain way.

a certain way.

Bah, par exemple,

Well, for example,

le fait que tu sois

the fact that you are

dans Mauritanie

in Mauritania

et le fait que je sois

and the fact that I am

dans France,

in France,

that's structural aussi?

Is that structural too?

Bah oui, 100%.

Well yes, 100%.

Parce qu'en soi...

Because in itself...

ça veut dire que c'est la vie.

That means it's life.

Ça veut dire que c'est la vie

That means that's life.

qui est structure.

which is structure.

Non, c'est pas la vie.

No, that's not life.

Le problème,

The problem,

c'est que

it's that

the way la vie

the way life

is set up

is set up

is not fair.

is not fair.

Et c'est pas parce que

And it's not because

c'est naturellement unfair

it's naturally unfair

in the sense that

in the sense that

un lion mange une gazelle

A lion is eating a gazelle.

pour se nourrir,

to feed oneself,

donc la gazelle,

so the gazelle,

elle meurt

she dies

pour feed le lion.

to feed the lion.

C'est pas naturel,

It's not natural,

this unfairness.

this unfairness.

C'est structurel.

It's structural.

Ça a été construit.

It has been built.

Le fait que je sois

The fact that I am

née en Mauritanie

born in Mauritania

et le fait que tu sois

and the fact that you are

née en France,

born in France,

c'est déjà à la base,

it's already at the core,

tu as une avance

you have an advantage

sur la vie.

on life.

Juste en étant née,

Just by being born,

tu n'as rien fait.

You have done nothing.

Tu n'as rien fait

You did nothing.

et tu es déjà

and you are already

en avance sur la vie.

ahead of life.

Donc le fait que

So the fact that

on se parle comme ça,

we talk to each other like that,

on se dit peut-être

we might be saying to ourselves

que Syrah et Tiffany

that Syrah and Tiffany

c'est des pères,

they are fathers,

elles ont à peu près

they are about

le même âge,

the same age,

elles ont fait les études

they have completed their studies

dans le même endroit,

in the same place,

mais moi,

but me,

l'effort que j'ai dû mettre

the effort I had to put in

pour arriver au niveau

to reach the level

auquel on est actuellement,

to which we are currently,

c'est-à-dire avec toi,

that is to say with you,

l'effort que j'ai dû mettre

the effort I had to put in

est peut-être

is perhaps

20 fois plus que le tien.

20 times more than yours.

Moi, ce qui me fucked up,

What messes me up is...

et quand je dis amertume,

and when I say bitterness,

arrêtez de me venir...

stop coming to me...

Parce que les gens

Because people

comprennent toujours mal.

always misunderstand.

Quand je dis c'est une amertume,

When I say it's a bitterness,

c'était surprenant

it was surprising

Je veux dire,

I mean,

c'est pas un somme

it's not a sum

que tu gardes là,

that you keep there,

tu rentres chez toi

You are going home.

et tu dis...

and you say...

Non, j'ai pas le somme

No, I'm not tired.

constamment, je regarde,

constantly, I watch,

je dis merde.

I say shit.

En fait,

In fact,

tu peux tout donner

you can give it all

et c'est toujours pas assez,

and it's still not enough,

tu vois.

you see.

Mais c'est pas que

But it's not just that.

c'est toujours pas assez

it's still not enough

parce que


Mais c'est juste que

But it's just that

pour l'effort que j'ai fourni,

for the effort I have put in,

je me dis mais c'est impossible,

I tell myself, but it's impossible.

je peux pas,

I can't.

il me faut une autre vie,

I need another life,

pour arriver à ce niveau-là,

to reach that level,

tu vois.

you see.

Du coup, j'ai perdu mon poids.

So, I lost my weight.

J'ai perdu totalement mon poids.

I've completely lost my weight.

Tu disais, c'est structurel,

You were saying, it's structural,

c'est pas naturel.

It's not natural.

C'est structurel,

It's structural,

c'est pas naturel.

It's not natural.

Oui, j'ai aussi parlé du fait que

Yes, I also talked about the fact that

you think that...

you think that...

You see us,

You see us,

you think, oh,

you think, oh,

like they are pairs.

like they are pairs.

Ils ont dû, entre guillemets,

They had to, so to speak,

fournir le même niveau d'espoir,

provide the same level of hope,

which is absolutely untrue.

which is absolutely untrue.

J'ai dû fournir

I had to provide.

beaucoup, beaucoup,

a lot, a lot,

beaucoup plus d'efforts.

much more effort.

Mes parents ont dû fournir

My parents had to provide.

beaucoup, beaucoup plus d'efforts.

a lot, a lot more effort.

Ils ont dû dealer

They had to deal.

avec plein d'autres choses.

with plenty of other things.

Merde, I had a point

Damn, I had a point.

and I completely forgot it.

et j'ai complètement oublié.

Parce que I get, like,

Because I get, like,

I get sidetracked

I get sidetracked.

by a lot of things.

by many things.

Oui, mais the whole point

Yes, but the whole point

that I'm making

que je fais

is that life is maybe

Is that life is maybe

in the nature,

in nature,

it's not fair,

it's not fair,

mais on sait même pas ça

but we don't even know that

parce que the society

because the society

dans laquelle on vit actuellement,

in which we are currently living,

it's manufactured.

It's manufactured.

This unfairness

This unfairness

is manufactured.

is manufactured.

Mais moi, je pense que même

But me, I think that even

life is not...

la vie n'est pas...

Pas que it's fair,

Not that it's fair,

je pense,

I think,

it may be,

it may be,

maybe it is fair,

maybe it is fair,

maybe it's not.

peut-être que ce n'est pas le cas.

Genre, je pense pas

I don't think so.

que it is supposed to be.

what it is supposed to be.

Maybe it is,

Maybe it is,

maybe it's not,

maybe it's not,

mais on peut pas dire

but we can't say

it's supposed to be fair.

it's supposed to be fair.

Parce que, par exemple,

Because, for example,

si les gens qui étaient en Afrique,

if the people who were in Africa,

bah, ils allaient avoir

well, they were going to have

plus de mélanine

more melanin

pour se protéger du soleil.

to protect oneself from the sun.

Après, quand t'es parti en Occident,

After, when you went to the West,

tu perds ta mélanine,

you are losing your melanin,

nan, nan, nan.

no, no, no.

Maybe the fairness,

Maybe the fairness,

et c'est toi qui t'adaptes

and it's you who adapts

à ton environnement

to your environment

et tout, et tout.

and everything, and everything.

Mais bon, après,

But still, after,

si tu vas prendre

if you are going to take

une personne noire

a black person

et une personne blanche

and a white person

et tu les mets à côté,

and you place them next to each other,

là, là,

there, there,

donc comme nous,

so like us,

on est en France,

we are in France,

ils vont avoir plus de cancers

They will have more cancers.

de la peau,

of the skin,

ils vont avoir plus de trucs.

They are going to have more stuff.

Et là, maintenant, on se dit,

And now, we say to ourselves,

ouais, mais this is so unfair

yeah, but this is so unfair

parce que vous, les Noirs,

because you, Black people,

nan, nan.

no, no.

Ouais, mais à guesse

Yeah, but at least

que c'est venu,

that it has come,

c'est venu d'un moment

It came from a moment.

où c'est venu d'une nécessité

where it came from a necessity

ou je sais pas quoi,

or I don't know what,

je sais pas quoi.

I don't know what.

C'est comme il y a

It's like there is

plein de maladies

full of diseases

où je crois,

where I believe,

la drépanocytose,

sickle cell disease,

à la base,

at the base,

c'est parce qu'il y avait

it's because there was

de la malaria

of malaria

et tout, et tout.

and everything, and everything.

Et après, ça a eu,

And then, it happened,

ça a fait un,

it made one,

une, c'est quoi le mot ?

One, what is the word?

Une mutation.

A mutation.

Adaptation, on va dire.

Adaptation, let's say.

Ouais, une mutation, exactement.

Yeah, a transfer, exactly.

C'est une mutation.

It's a mutation.

En fait, c'est, c'est,

In fact, it is, it is,

tu t'adaptes à ton environnement,

you adapt to your environment,

donc c'est une mutation

So it's a mutation.

pour dire, ah bon,

to say, oh really,

la malaria nous tue,

malaria kills us,

donc on va créer

so we are going to create

ce nouveau truc

this new thing

pour ne, pour être moins

to not, to be less

sensible à la malaria,

sensitive to malaria,

mais la contrepartie,

but the counterpart,

c'est la drépanocytose.

It is sickle cell disease.

Donc, il y a des, il y a des,

So, there are some, there are some,

il y a des trucs qui se forment

There are things forming.

and this is not fair

and this is not fair

parce que si tu regardes

because if you look

la drépanocytose dans les,

sickle cell disease in the,

à l'hôpital,

at the hospital,

quand il y a des problèmes

when there are problems

de l'anémie falciforme ici,

from sickle cell anemia here,

la drépanocytose,

sickle cell disease,

bah, c'est souvent des,

well, it's often some,

des noirs d'Afrique subsaharienne

black people from sub-Saharan Africa

ou bien d'Amérique latine,

or from Latin America,

mais c'est parce que

but it's because

c'est une adaptation

it's an adaptation

à ton environnement.

to your environment.

Donc, si on prend juste la nature,

So, if we just take nature,

on n'est pas tous pareils,

we're not all the same,

même au niveau de la nature,

even at the level of nature,

on n'est pas tous pareils.

We are not all the same.

Non, mais you're conflicting

No, but you're conflicting.

pareil et fair.

same and fair.

I never said we are pareil.

I never said we are the same.

I never said that.

I never said that.

Alors, c'est quoi fair?

So, what is fair?

C'est quoi fair?

What is fair?

Non, moi, je pense que la nature...

No, I think that nature...

Ça veut dire que it is fair?

Does that mean that it is fair?

Moi, je pense qu'à la base,

I think that at the base,

la nature is fair.

Nature is fair.

La nature, ça veut dire

Nature means

anybody can get it.

Anybody can get it.

Anybody can get it.

Tout le monde peut l'obtenir.

Like, genre, it's fair.

Like, I mean, it's fair.

Ouais, anybody can get it.

Yeah, anybody can get it.

Anybody can get it.

Tout le monde peut l'avoir.

Tu peux te faire manger.

You can get eaten.

La gazelle meurt aujourd'hui

The gazelle dies today.

par un lion.

by a lion.

Le lion se fait défoncer

The lion is getting beaten up.

par je ne sais pas quoi.

by I don't know what.

What the fuck?

What the fuck?

Moi, je pense que la nature,

I think that nature,

anybody can get it.

n'importe qui peut l'obtenir.

Ça veut dire que

That means that

tu es dans ton environnement,

you are in your environment,

tu t'adaptes.

you adapt.

Tu as la drépanocytose,

You have sickle cell disease.

oui, mais les gens

yes, but people

qui sont en haut, là,

who are at the top, there,

en haut,

at the top,

genre les autochtones,

like the indigenous people,

la grippe les tue aussi

the flu kills them too

parce que leur système immunitaire,

because their immune system,

genre, ils n'ont pas réussi

like, they didn't succeed

à s'adapter

to adapt

ou ils se sont adaptés

or they adapted

d'une autre façon.

in another way.

Genre, ton environnement

Like, your environment.

te forme naturellement.

naturally shapes you.

Anybody can get it.

N'importe qui peut l'obtenir.

You can die from this.

You can die from this.

You can die from that.

You can die from that.

You can thrive from this.

You can thrive from this.

You can thrive from that.

You can thrive from that.

Moi, je pense que la nature a dit

I think that nature has said.

anybody can get it.

Anybody can get it.

Anybody can evolve.

N'importe qui peut évoluer.

Moi, je pense naturellement

I naturally think.

que it's fair out there.

That it's fair out there.

It's fair.

It's fair.

Mais get it, ça veut dire,

But get it, that means,

get it, it, c'est quoi?

get it, it, what is it?

Like, tout.

Like, everything.

Genre, good things,

Like, good things,

bad things,

mauvaises choses,

anybody can get it.

Anyone can get it.

Like, tu peux, tu peux,

Like, you can, you can,

tu peux mourir.

you can die.

Tu peux, je ne sais pas moi,

You can, I don't know, me,

tu peux stumble upon something.

You can stumble upon something.

Monter sur un arbre.

Climb a tree.



Trouver un superbe fruit.

Find a superb fruit.

Trouver, découvrir le feu.

Find, discover fire.

Le poisson.

The fish.



Anybody can get

N'importe qui peut obtenir

whatever the fuck nature gets.

quoi que la nature ait, peu importe.

Like, il n'y a pas de discrimination.

Like, there is no discrimination.

Moi, je pense que c'est ça, nature.

Me, I think that's it, nature.

And which is fair.

And which is fair.

Je ne dis pas que fair is...

I'm not saying that fair is...

Moi, je ne veux pas être codeuse, frère.

I don't want to be a coder, brother.

Je ne veux pas être codeuse.

I do not want to be a coder.

Moi, ce que je suis en train de dire,

What I am saying is,

c'est qu'avant, dans les années 60,

it's that before, in the 60s,

je dis n'importe quoi,

I'm talking nonsense,

mais c'est vrai.

but it's true.

Mais je dis n'importe quoi

But I'm talking nonsense.

au niveau des stats.

in terms of stats.

Dans les années 66...

In the 66 years...

Je dis de la merde,

I'm talking nonsense,

mais c'est vrai.

but it's true.

Mais c'est vrai.

But it's true.

Mais c'est juste que

But it's just that

I have the numbers wrong.

I have the wrong numbers.

Dans les années 60,

In the 1960s,

si tu étais pauvre,

if you were poor,

tu avais 57 % de chances

you had a 57% chance

de rester pauvre.

to remain poor.

En 2024, si tu es pauvre,

In 2024, if you are poor,

tu as 89 % de chances

you have an 89% chance

de rester pauvre.

to remain poor.

Ça veut dire que ça,

That means that,

c'est structurel.

It's structural.

Tu as mis en place un système,

You have set up a system,

une société dans laquelle

a society in which

les pauvres restent pauvres

the poor remain poor

et les riches restent riches.

and the rich remain rich.

Et les quelques personnes

And the few people

qui arrivent à sortir de là,

who manage to get out of there,

qui arrivent en tout cas

who arrive in any case

à surclasser leur classe de base,

to upgrade their basic class,

ils doivent le faire

they must do it

avec vraiment leur sueur,

with truly their sweat,

leur sang,

their blood,

pour arriver à un niveau décent

to reach a decent level

et de pouvoir

and power

sur la surface,

on the surface,

tu penses que

you think that

Tiffany et moi,

Tiffany and I,

on était comme des pairs,

we were like peers,

des équipes,


et on avait les mêmes chances.

and we had the same chances.

Et je te dis,

And I tell you,

ce n'est pas vrai.

It's not true.

Ce n'est absolument pas vrai.

This is absolutely not true.

Juste pour être au niveau

Just to be on the same level.

de Tiffany aujourd'hui,

from Tiffany today,

mes parents,

my parents,

la génération avant moi,

the generation before me,

ma génération,

my generation,

on a dû trimer de fou

we must have had to work really hard

pour arriver là.

to get there.

Et après, je regarde Jessica,

And then, I look at Jessica,

je dis, mais wesh,

I say, but what the heck,

mais Jessica,

but Jessica,

c'est un truc de fou.

It's a crazy thing.

Comment est-ce que

How is it that

pour les efforts que tu as fait...

for the efforts you have made...

Après, je ne connais pas sa vie.

After, I don't know his life.

Je suis sûre qu'elle a dû

I am sure she must have.

mettre des efforts.

make efforts.

Je suis sûre,

I am sure,

la génération précédente

the previous generation

a dû mettre des efforts.

had to make efforts.

Mais je regarde sa vie

But I look at her life.

et je me dis,

and I tell myself,

mais mince, en fait.

but thin, in fact.

Zut de flûte.

Darn it.

L'amertume que j'ai,

The bitterness that I have,

ce n'est pas par rapport à Jessica,

it's not about Jessica,

c'est par rapport à la situation.

It's regarding the situation.

I would like us

I would like us

to have a conversation

to have a conversation

about how you can move forward

about how you can move forward

to not let this amertume

not to let this bitterness

take over.

take over.

Après, moi,

After, me,

it's not taking over

it's not taking over

because I don't care.

Parce que je m'en fiche.

Mais I do care.

But I do care.

Mais I don't live in that state.

But I don't live in that state.

Mais what if,

But what if,

I'm sure there are other people

I'm sure there are other people.

that live in that state.

that live in that state.

How do you move past that?

How do you move past that?

Mais alors, moi,

But then, me,

je pense que non seulement

I think that not only

ça, là,

that, there,

this unfairness,

this unfairness,

j'ai l'impression,

I have the feeling,



ce n'est pas le bon mot,

that's not the right word,

mais en tout cas,

but in any case,

j'ai l'impression

I have the impression.

this unfairness,

this unfairness,

elle a été...

she has been...

C'est dans le jeu

It's in the game.

qu'on a créé.

that we created.

Le jeu s'appelle

The game is called





le jeu ne peut pas être

the game cannot be



Le jeu n'a pas été créé

The game has not been created.

pour être fair.

to be fair.



the fairness

the fairness

was not part of a...

was not part of a...

On s'en fout.

We don't care.

Ce n'était pas notre but.

It was not our intention.

Ça n'a jamais été le but.

That was never the goal.



Tu vois ?

Do you see?

Donc, c'est comme si je te dis,

So, it's like I'm telling you,

moi, je vais créer un jeu

I am going to create a game.

où, à la fin,

where, in the end,

on doit tous mourir

We all have to die.

et on est là dans le jeu,

and we are here in the game,

on essaye de vivre.

We try to live.

Mais je te dis,

But I'm telling you,

ben non, c'est pas ça.

Well no, that's not it.

On doit tous mourir.

We all have to die.

Le but du jeu,

The goal of the game,

c'est que tout le monde meurt.

It's that everyone dies.

Donc, on va tous mourir.

So, we are all going to die.

Donc là, moi,

So there, I,

je pense que the unfairness

I think that the unfairness

et je pense aussi

and I think so too

que le jeu,

that the game,

c'est le capitalisme

it's capitalism

parce que le capitalisme,

because capitalism,

il faut se faire plus d'argent

We need to make more money.



Et pour se faire plus d'argent,

And to make more money,

il faut qu'il y en ait un

There must be one.

qui s'en fasse moins.

who cares less.

Donc, pour que moi,

So, for me,

j'ai le plus d'opportunités,

I have the most opportunities,

il faut que je t'en prenne.

I need to take it from you.



Et that's the role.

And that's the role.

C'est ça, le jeu.

That's it, the game.

Le jeu, c'est prendre

The game is to take.

le plus d'opportunités aux autres

the most opportunities to others

ou prendre le plus d'argent

where to make the most money

ou avoir le plus.

where to have the most.

Mais c'est juste

But it's just.

que les ressources sont limitées.

that resources are limited.

Genre, tout est limité.

Like, everything is limited.

Everything is limited.

Everything is limited.

Donc, moi, je pense

So, I think

qu'en vrai, genre...

What, in reality, like...

Je sais pas, moi,

I don't know, me.

à l'an zéro,

in the year zero,

je sais pas,

I don't know,

quand la vie commençait,

when life began,

sur la planète Terre,

on planet Earth,

je pense que la planète Terre

I think that planet Earth

peut suffire aux êtres humains.

may be sufficient for human beings.

Genre, on peut...

Like, we can...

Il y a assez d'eau,

There is enough water,

il y a assez d'arbres,

there are enough trees,

il y a assez de bananes,

there are enough bananas,

il y a assez de tout

there is enough of everything

pour que tous les êtres humains

so that all human beings

puissent avoir une vie décente.

may have a decent life.

Genre, on va pas être

Like, we're not going to be

des Elon Musk

of Elon Musk

parce que je pense

because I think

que c'est pas ça

that's not it

le but de la vie.

the purpose of life.

Mais normalement,

But normally,

on devrait pas mourir de faim.

We shouldn't be dying of hunger.

Sur Terre, normalement,

On Earth, normally,

on devrait pas mourir de faim.

One shouldn't die of hunger.

Mais c'est juste que...

But it's just that...

Bah, on est venus,

Well, we came,

on a divisé les trucs,

we divided the things,

on a dit non,

we said no,

on va pas faire du...

we're not going to do...

What's the name ?

What's the name?

Libre commerce ?

Free trade?

Libre circulation des biens ?

Free movement of goods?

Je sais pas.

I don't know.

Libre échange, ouais.

Free trade, yeah.

On va pas faire ça.

We're not going to do that.

Peut-être, il y a un pays là-bas

Maybe, there is a country out there.

où ils ont tout le café

where they have all the coffee

et nous, on a tout le lait.

And we have all the milk.

Au lieu de juste d'être gentil

Instead of just being nice.

et de se dire,

and to tell oneself,

bah, je vous donne 50 litres de lait

Well, I will give you 50 liters of milk.

et vous me donnez 50 litres de café,

and you give me 50 liters of coffee,

bah non.

Well, no.

Nous, on a pris tout le lait

We took all the milk.

et en plus,

and on top of that,

on est venus voler votre café

We came to steal your coffee.

et en plus, maintenant,

and furthermore, now,

si vous voulez avoir le café,

if you want to have the coffee,

on augmente les prix

We are increasing the prices.

donc vous, vous avez pas d'argent.

So you, you don't have any money.

C'est ça, le jeu.

That's it, the game.

Le jeu, c'est ça.

That's the game.

Donc, j'ai l'impression

So, I feel.

qu'à chaque fois

that every time

we have this conversation,

we have this conversation,

I come to the same conclusion.

I come to the same conclusion.

The white man is the white man's fault.

The white man is the white man's fault.

Ça, c'est your conclusion

That is your conclusion.

mais moi, ce que je dis,

but what I say is,

c'est if you can't beat them,

it's if you can't beat them,

join them.

join them.

What does that look like?

What does that look like?

Bah, en fait, je pense que

Well, actually, I think that

toi, tu dois te définir,

you have to define yourself,

tu dois te demander

you must be wondering

c'est quoi ma vie.

What is my life?

Moi, j'ai pas l'ambition

I don't have ambition.

d'être un Elon Musk,

to be an Elon Musk,

d'être un Jeff Bezos et tout.

to be a Jeff Bezos and all.

I just wanna be cool, tu vois.

I just wanna be cool, you know.

Mais même ça, être cool,

But even that, being cool,

ça veut dire que je dois travailler,

That means I have to work,

tu vois.

you see.

Et là, on est là dans le travail,

And there, we are in the work,

on fait des jeux de cons.

We are playing stupid games.

Tu vois ce que je veux dire?

Do you see what I mean?

Genre moi, mon travail,

Like me, my work,

il est trop pété.

He is too high.

T'es là, tu...

You're there, you...

Tu dois faire du politiquement correct.

You must be politically correct.

Hi, if I'm not mistaken,

Salut, si je ne me trompe pas,



Bah, c'est ça.

Well, that's it.

Tu dois jouer le jeu, en fait.

You have to play the game, in fact.

Tu dois le jouer.

You have to play it.

If you want the money

If you want the money

at the end of the day,

at the end of the day,

tu dois le jouer le jeu.

You have to play the game.

Tu dois jouer le jeu.

You have to play the game.

Peut-être la fille qui est codeuse,

Maybe the girl who is a coder,

il y a des trucs aussi

There are things too.

qu'elle aime pas.

that she doesn't like.

Mais peut-être qu'elle,

But maybe she,

elle a moins à...

she has less to...

En fait, les jeux,

In fact, the games,

les règles du jeu...

the rules of the game...

En fait, on joue le même jeu

In fact, we are playing the same game.

avec des règles différentes.

with different rules.

Mais tu dois juste

But you just have to

accepter tes règles.

accept your rules.

Ou bien tu...

Or you...

T'essaies de changer de classe.

You're trying to change classes.

T'es un hors-la-loi.

You're an outlaw.



Ah, ouais.

Oh, yeah.

Bah, changer de classe, oui,

Well, changing classes, yes,

tu peux essayer de changer de classe.

You can try to change classes.

Tu peux le faire

You can do it.

soit en devenant un criminel

either by becoming a criminal

comme Pablo Escobar,

like Pablo Escobar,

soit en travaillant somehow.

either by working somehow.

Soit tu te dis,

Either you tell yourself,

bah, en fait, non, franchement,

well, actually, no, frankly,

dans ma classe, je suis bien là.

In my class, I am happy to be here.

Moi, j'aime pas trop...

Me, I don't really like it...

En sachant que,

Knowing that,

en sachant que,

knowing that,

si moi, je décide

if I decide

de changer de classe,

to change classes,

bah, encore une fois,

well, once again,

si Syrah et moi,

if Syrah and I,

on décide de changer de classe,

we decide to change classes,

je peux pas juste

I can't just.

copier sur Syrah

copy from Syrah

et Syrah peut pas juste

and Syrah can't just

copier sur moi

copy me

parce que, again,

because, again,

on est tous dans le même jeu

We're all in the same game.

mais avec des règles différentes.

but with different rules.

Donc, peut-être que

So, maybe that

ce que Syrah va faire,

what Syrah is going to do,

ça va marcher pour elle.

It's going to work for her.

Ce que moi, je vais faire,

What I am going to do,

ça va marcher pour moi.

It's going to work for me.

Mais si Syrah,

But yes Syrah,

elle fait ce que moi, j'ai fait,

she does what I did,

ça va pas marcher pour elle

It's not going to work for her.

et vice-versa.

and vice versa.

Donc, c'est pour ça,

So that's why,

dans l'épisode

in the episode

qu'on avait donné

that had been given

quand on avait enregistré hier,

when we recorded yesterday,

le proverbe, c'était

the proverb was

le fleuve...

the river...

C'était quoi ?

What was that?

Le fleuve fait des détours

The river takes twists and turns.

ou je sais pas quoi, là ?

or I don't know what, there?

Mais c'était pour dire

But it was to say

que tu peux pas juste

that you can’t just

prendre le chemin de quelqu'un.

to take someone’s path.

Le fleuve fait des détours

The river makes twists and turns.

parce que personne

because no one

ne lui montre le chemin.

Don't show him the way.

En vrai, personne

In reality, no one.

peut te montrer le chemin

can show you the way

parce qu'on n'est même pas

because we are not even

le même fleuve,

the same river,

on n'a même pas

we don't even have

la même terre,

the same land,

on n'a pas accès

we do not have access

au même vent

to the same wind

qui va guider notre eau.

who will guide our water.

Notre eau même,

Our water itself,

c'est même pas...

it's not even...

Il y en a qui ont

There are those who have

des eaux plus salées,

saltier waters,

il y en a des eaux

There are some waters.

qui sont moins salées,

which are less salty,

il y en a des eaux

There are some waters.

avec des algues,

with seaweed,

donc les algues,

so the seaweed,

ça ralentit le débit.

It slows down the flow.

Tu vois, genre,

You see, like,

je peux pas te dire

I can't tell you.

fais comme ça

do it like that

parce que c'est ce qui a marché

because it is what worked

sur moi.

about me.

Et c'est dans tout,

And it is in everything,

même, tu vois,

even, you see,

genre, des fois,

like, sometimes,

tu vas regarder des...

you are going to watch some...

Comment ça s'appelle ?

What is it called?

Des fitness influencers

Fitness influencers

on Instagram

on Instagram

et tu vas voir leur corps

and you will see their body

et tu vas dire

and you will say

oh, je veux le même corps

Oh, I want the same body.

et ils vont te dire

and they will tell you

bah moi,

well me,

ce qui marche pour moi,

what works for me,

c'est de cut carbs.

It's about cutting carbs.

I don't eat carbs.

I don't eat carbs.

Et toi, tu vas essayer

And you, are you going to try?

de cut carbs

to cut carbs

and you're gonna almost die.

and you're gonna almost die.

Tu peux pas, tu vois.

You can't, you see.

Donc toi, peut-être

So you, maybe.

ce qui va marcher pour toi,

what is going to work for you,

c'est de faire

it is to do

le régime poisson-poisson,

the fish-fish diet,

je sais pas.

I don't know.

Et après, tu vas me dire

And then, you're going to tell me.

ah Tiffany, moi,

ah Tiffany, me,

j'ai fait le régime poisson-poisson

I followed the fish-fish diet.

sauf qu'en faisant

except that by doing

le régime poisson-poisson,

the fish-fish regime,

je vais découvrir

I am going to discover.

que j'ai une insuffisance

that I have an insufficiency



donc je peux pas faire...

so I can't do...

Tu vois ce que je veux dire,

You see what I mean,

genre, ce qui...

like, what...

Est-ce que c'est

Is it?

la responsabilité


des gens qui...

people who...

Bah non, mais...

Well no, but...



Les gens qui sont...

People who are...

Qui ont commencé la vie

Who started life

avec 10 mètres d'avance.

with a 10-meter lead.

Est-ce que c'est

Is it?

leur responsabilité ?

their responsibility?

De faire quoi ?

To do what?

De mettre...

To put...

De make life fair ?

To make life fair?

De ralentir dans la course.

To slow down in the race.



Pour laisser

To leave

les autres arriver.

the others arrive.

Si tu veux.

If you want.

Si tu veux pas.

If you don't want to.

Pourquoi ?


Si tu veux, tu peux.

If you want, you can.

Parce que


qui va t'attendre ?

Who will wait for you?

Qu'est-ce qui va t'arriver

What's going to happen to you?

si tu le fais pas ?

if you don't do it?

Mais non seulement

But not only

qu'est-ce qui va t'arriver,

what is going to happen to you,

mais en plus,

but on top of that,

c'est à ton détriment un peu.

it's a bit to your detriment.

C'est à ton détriment,

It is to your detriment,



parce que les ressources

because the resources

sont limitées.

are limited.

Ouais, c'est pour ça

Yeah, that's why.

que le slogan

what the slogan

« If you can't beat them,

"If you can't beat them,"

join them »

join them

is, to me,

is, to me,

extremely dangerous.

extremely dangerous.

Parce que ce que tu dis,

Because what you say,



« Since you've been exploited,

"Since you've been exploited,"

just exploit other people. »

"just exploit other people."

Non, mais ou bien

No, but or well.

sinon, tu joues pas au jeu.

Otherwise, you don't play the game.

Mais donc,

But so,

ne pas jouer au jeu,

do not play the game,

c'est renoncer à vouloir

it's giving up wanting

être Jeff Bezos

to be Jeff Bezos

et patati patata.

and blah blah blah.

Non, mais personne

No, but nobody.

veut être Jeff Bezos.

wants to be Jeff Bezos.

Non, mais même,

No, but still,

par exemple,

for example,

toi, tu dis

you, you say

tu veux cotiser

do you want to contribute

pour ta retraite.

for your retirement.

Genre, c'est renoncer

Like, it's giving up.

à quelque chose, en fait.

to something, in fact.

Ne pas joindre.

Do not attach.

C'est comme si moi,

It's as if I,



j'en ai marre de mon travail.

I'm fed up with my job.

Tu peux décider

You can decide.

d'arrêter de travailler,

to stop working,

mais je décide

but I decide

d'arrêter de travailler

to stop working

et je renonce

and I renounce

à tous les avantages

to all the advantages

qui viennent avec le fait

that come with the fact

que je travaille.

that I work.

Non, mais c'est pas vrai.

No, but it's not true.

C'est pas des avantages

It's not advantages.

qui viennent avec ton travail.

that come with your work.

Tiffany, c'est une vie.

Tiffany, it's a life.

Si tu arrêtes ton travail

If you stop your work



c'est que t'acceptes

it's that you accept

de mourir.

to die.

Ça veut dire quoi ?

What does that mean?

Tu seras pas à la rue ?

You won't be out on the street?

Tu seras à la rue ?

Will you be on the street?

Tu vas pas manger ?

Aren't you going to eat?

Tu vas être dans le froid ?

Are you going to be in the cold?

Donc, renoncer à mon travail,

So, giving up my job,

c'est renoncer à vivre ?

Is it giving up on life?

Non, mais je veux pas dire

No, but I don't want to say.


to renounce.

Je veux renoncer

I want to give up.

à ce travail.

to this work.

Pas renoncer à travailler,

Not giving up on working,

mais renoncer à ce travail.

but to give up this job.

Je peux dire,

I can say,

en vrai, moi,

actually, me,

j'aime les animaux.

I love animals.

Je peux aller travailler

I can go to work.

dans une ferme.

on a farm.

Si je travaille

If I work

dans une ferme,

in a farm,

I can eat.

I can eat.

Est-ce que je vais pouvoir

Am I going to be able to?

aller en France chaque année ?

go to France every year?

Est-ce que je vais pouvoir

Am I going to be able to?

aller à l'île Maurice ?

going to Mauritius?

Est-ce que je vais pouvoir

Am I going to be able to?

acheter des écouteurs

buy headphones

à 500 dollars ?

At 500 dollars?



Mais je suis pas obligée,

But I don't have to,

t'es pas obligée

you don't have to

d'avoir un travail

having a job

à 150 000 l'année.

at 150,000 a year.

Si tu veux,

If you want,

tu prends ton petit travail

You take your little job.

à 30 000 l'année.

at 30,000 a year.

Ça va pas,

It's not okay.

ça sera,

it will be,

les côtes là,

the ribs there,

ça sera pas fun,

it won't be fun,

pas un tot,

not at all,

mais tu pourras manger,

but you will be able to eat,

tu pourras nanani,

you will be able to nanani,

tu pourras nanana.

you will be able to nanana.



si toi, ce que tu veux,

if you, what you want,

c'est faire comme les gens

It's doing like people do.

sur Instagram,

on Instagram,

aller dans des yachts,

go on yachts,

des hôtels 5 étoiles,

five-star hotels,

des nains ni un nain,

dwarfs nor a dwarf,

if you want,

if you want,

tu, tu, tu,

you, you, you,

il faut que,

it is necessary that,

you have to give up somewhere.

You have to give in somewhere.

You have to give up somewhere.

You have to give up somewhere.

Je pense pas que tu puisses

I don't think you can.

gagner 150 000 l'année

earn 150,000 a year

en travaillant sur une ferme.

working on a farm.

Moi, j'ai,

I have,

I wish,

I wish,

I wish we could.

I wish we could.

Mais je pense que,

But I think that,

vu qu'on est dans le capitalisme

since we are in capitalism

et ce qu'on met de l'avant,

and what we put forward,

c'est plus l'argent,

it's no longer about the money,

on peut pas.

we can't.

Parce que moi,

Because me,

je pense,

I think,

c'est comme,

it's like,

c'est comme aux Etats-Unis,

it's like in the United States,

je trouve que ça,

I find that this,

je pense en vrai

I think for real.

que tous les êtres humains

that all human beings





t'as le droit de vivre,

you have the right to live,

t'as le droit à l'accès à la santé,

you have the right to access healthcare,

t'as le droit de te faire soigner.

You have the right to receive treatment.



si t'es malade,

if you're sick,

c'est pas de ma faute,

it's not my fault,

je suis malade.

I am sick.

Ben oui,

Well yes,

c'est la nature,

it's nature,

anybody can get it.

Anyone can get it.

Oui, c'est ça,

Yes, that's it,


heal me,

mais en Amérique.

but in America.

En France,

In France,

j'ai l'impression,

I have the impression,

c'est un peu plus,

it's a little more,

à Choux,

to Choux,

tu peux voir ton,

you can see yours,



on avait notre docteur là,

we had our doctor there,

la porte bleue là,

the blue door there,

tu la vois là l'après-midi,

you see her there in the afternoon,

tu vois.

You see.

Mais même ici au Canada,

But even here in Canada,

tu dois attendre 8 heures

you have to wait 8 hours

aux urgences

to the emergency room

et aux Etats-Unis,

and in the United States,

si t'as rien,

if you have nothing,

si t'as pas d'assurance

if you don't have insurance

ou whatever the fuck,

or whatever the fuck,



tu peux payer 300 dollars

You can pay 300 dollars.

juste pour aller voir le médecin,

just to go see the doctor,

tu vois.

you see.



je trouve que ça,

I find that this,

c'est un,

it's a,


it is,







c'est trop loin,

it's too far,

tu vois.

you see.

Je pense que la santé,

I think that health,

ça devrait être,

it should be,

même si t'as un cancer rare

even if you have a rare cancer

et que tes médicaments

and that your medications

coûtent 150 000 dollars,

cost 150,000 dollars,

je suis désolée,

I am sorry,

on doit te les donner.

They must be given to you.

T'as le droit à la vie,

You have the right to life,

tu vois.

you see.

Mais aux Etats-Unis,

But in the United States,

c'est pas comme ça.

It's not like that.



je trouve que ça,

I find that this,

c'est un truc de fou.

It's something crazy.

Par contre,

On the other hand,



je suis partie me faire vacciner

I went to get vaccinated.

parce que je vais aller en Afrique,

because I am going to Africa,

la fièvre jaune,

yellow fever,

et ils m'ont dit,

and they told me,

c'est 310 dollars

it's 310 dollars

et l'assurance,

and the insurance,

elle couvre pas

she doesn't cover

parce que c'est des voyages.

because it's travels.


It is,

t'es pas obligée de le faire,

you don't have to do it,

en fait.

in fact.





je suis d'accord,

I agree,

on paye nos vaccins,

we pay for our vaccines,

310 dollars,

310 dollars,

parce que c'est un vaccin,

because it's a vaccine,

c'est pas un truc

It's not a thing.

qui te maintient en vie,

who keeps you alive,

c'est pas un truc,

it's not a thing,



c'est du bonus.

It's a bonus.

Mais quand t'es dans le bonus,

But when you're in the bonus,

en fait,

in fact,



ce que je me dis,

what I tell myself,

c'est qu'il y a une base

It's that there is a basis.

qui doit être non négociable

which must be non-negotiable

et tous les êtres humains

and all human beings

doivent y avoir accès

must have access to it

et après,

and after,

le plus,

the most,

c'est chacun sa merde.

It's each their own mess.

Tu vois,

You see,

le truc de

the thing of

can't beat them,

can't beat them,

join them,

join them,

j'ai l'impression

I have the impression.

que c'est ce qui se passe

what is happening

un petit peu en France.

a little bit in France.

C'est-à-dire que la France

That is to say that France

a regardé,


a fait un constat

made an observation

qu'elle n'est pas assez

that she is not enough

en avance

in advance

par rapport à d'autres pays,

in comparison to other countries,

notamment les États-Unis

notably the United States

et whatever,

and whatever,


quoi qu'il en soit.



qu'est-ce qu'ils font?

What are they doing?

C'est qu'ils commencent à,

It's that they are starting to,

vu qu'on peut pas beat them,

since we can't beat them,

we're gonna join them.

We're going to join them.



on fait un glissement

We are making a shift.

vers la politique

towards politics



et moins sociale

and less social

qu'on faisait avant.

that we used to do before.

Il faut qu'on fasse

We have to do.

des coupures budgétaires,

budget cuts,

il faut qu'on ait de l'argent,

we need to have money,

qu'on investisse dans nos entreprises,

that we invest in our businesses,

il faut que nos entreprises

it is necessary that our businesses

soient compétitives

be competitive

et innovantes

and innovative

pour pouvoir rivaliser

to be able to compete

avec les plus grandes

with the greatest

de ce monde.

of this world.

Can't beat them,

Can't beat them,

join them.

join them.

Parce que si,

Because yes,

parce que ce que nous,

because what we,

on priorise,

we prioritize,

c'est genre l'argent.

It's kind of like money.

Mais tu sais,

But you know,

je me dis,

I tell myself,

des fois,


il y a des entreprises,

there are companies,

je sais pas si c'est vrai,

I don't know if it's true,

mais des fois,

but sometimes,

il y a des entreprises

there are companies

qui vont dire,

who will say,



on va prioriser

we will prioritize

le bien-être


de nos employés.

of our employees.

Donc peut-être qu'on sera pas,

So maybe we won't be.

on n'aura pas la plus...

We won't have the most...

Il n'y a aucune entreprise

There is no company.

qui fait ça.

who does that.

Ouais, je sais, je sais.

Yeah, I know, I know.

Mais admettons,

But let’s admit,

on sera pas l'entreprise

we will not be the company

la plus,

the most,

on n'aura pas

we won't have

le plus de profits,

the most profits,

on n'aura pas

we won't have

la croissance


la plus exponentielle,

the most exponential,

mais nos employés

but our employees

pourront ne pas travailler

will not be able to work

le vendredi après-midi.

Friday afternoon.

Mais en fait,

But in fact,

je pense,

I think,

parce que tu vois,

because you see,

moi, dans mon entreprise,

me, in my company,

nos avantages sociaux sont,

our social benefits are,

they're great.

They’re great.

Genre, moi,

Like, me,

je vais me faire masser

I am going to get a massage.

et c'est remboursé à 100%,

and it is reimbursed at 100%,

tout est remboursé à 100%.

Everything is refunded at 100%.

Mais ça, c'est quelqu'un

But that, that's someone.

qui paye,

who pays,

c'est l'entreprise qui paye.

It's the company that pays.

C'est toi qui paye.

It's you who pays.

Non, mais moi,

No, but me,

je paye une partie,

I pay part of it,

mais eux,

but them,

ils payent une autre partie aussi.

They pay another part as well.

Vous contribuez.

You contribute.



ils pourraient décider

they could decide

de ne pas payer

not to pay

parce que c'est quoi

because what is it

la différence entre

the difference between

l'entreprise qui rembourse

the company that reimburses

seulement à 50%,

only at 50%,

par exemple,

for example,

ou à 60%

or at 60%

ou à 70%.

or at 70%.

Ça veut dire

That means

qu'ils décident

that they decide

de contribuer moins.

to contribute less.







Mais qu'est-ce qui se passe ?

But what is happening?

Pourquoi j'oublie

Why do I forget?

tous mes mots ?

all my words?

Ils sacrifient

They sacrifice.

un peu moins

a little less

de leur profit.

of their profit.

Parce que cet argent-là

Because that money

que mon employeur paye,

that my employer pays,

ça doit sortir de quelque part.

It must come from somewhere.

Ou par exemple,

Or for example,

ils contribuent à mes REER.

They contribute to my RRSPs.

Ça, c'est pour dire

That is to say

« Hé, regarde. »

"Hey, look."

Ouais, à ma retraite.

Yeah, in my retirement.

Ça veut dire peut-être

That means maybe.

qu'ils auraient...

that they would have...

Je dis n'importe quoi,

I'm talking nonsense,

mais admettons

but let's admit

que tu as 100 personnes

that you have 100 people

et pour chaque personne,

and for each person,

tu contribues,

you contribute,

je ne sais pas moi,

I don't know about me,

100 dollars l'année.

100 dollars a year.

Bref, on s'en fout.

In short, we don't care.

Donc, à la fin de l'année,

So, at the end of the year,

tu as cotisé 100 000 dollars

you have contributed 100,000 dollars

dans les REER de quelqu'un,

in someone's RRSPs,

de plusieurs personnes.

of several people.

Tu aurais pu dire

You could have said.

« Au lieu de cotiser

"Instead of contributing"

dans vos REER

in your RRSPs

et d'aider vos retraites

and to help your pensions

et plat, ta-ti-pa-ta-ta,

and flat, ta-ti-pa-ta-ta,

je vais juste prendre

I'm just going to take.

un autre employé,

another employee,

le payer 100 000

pay him 100,000

et il sera particulièrement efficace

and it will be particularly effective

et ça va augmenter

and it will increase

mon profit, etc. »

my profit, etc."

Tu aurais pu.

You could have.

Mais tu as choisi de

But you chose to

« Non, tu sais quoi,

"No, you know what,"

je vais cotiser dans les REER

I will contribute to the RRSP.

des gens. »

people. »

Déjà, ils n'ont pas choisi,

Already, they did not choose,



Il y a des règles

There are rules.

qui ont été mises en place

that have been put in place

par des syndicats

by unions

qui les forcent

who force them

à donner un certain niveau.

to give a certain level.

Non, pas à 100 %.

No, not 100%.

Un certain niveau.

A certain level.

Oui, mais eux,

Yes, but them,

ils font plus.

They do more.

Ils font plus

They do more.

que ce qui est nécessaire.

what is necessary.

Non, ce n'est pas vrai.

No, that's not true.

Je ne pense vraiment pas

I really don't think so.

que ton entreprise

that your company

axée sur le profit


a décidé de rembourser

decided to reimburse

100 % tes trucs

100% your stuff

juste parce qu'ils ont

just because they have

ton bien-être en tête.

your well-being in mind.

C'est parce qu'il y a...

It's because there is...

Alors, pourquoi ?

So, why?

Je suis sûre que...

I am sure that...

Après, je ne connais pas

After that, I don't know.

les trucs des syndicats

the tricks of the unions

parce que moi aussi,

because me too,

moi aussi,

me too,

c'est remboursé à 100 %.

It is reimbursed at 100%.

Mais à chaque fois

But every time

qu'ils peuvent diminuer

that they can decrease

un tout petit peu,

a tiny bit,

ils diminuent un tout petit peu.

They decrease just a little bit.

Par exemple,

For example,

la contribution de tes REER

the contribution of your RRSP

c'est 8 %.

It's 8%.

Et puis après,

And then after,

ils enlèvent de ta retraite

they take away from your retirement

parce que je suis sûre

because I am sure

que les gens ne savent pas

that people do not know

c'est quoi REER.

What is an RRSP?

On s'en fout.

We don't care.

Et l'année prochaine,

And next year,

ils disent...

they say...

En fait,

In fact,



c'est 7,75 %.

It's 7.75%.

Tu vois ?

Do you see?

Genre, si là où

Like, if where

ils peuvent gratter,

they can scratch,

ils gratteront.

they will scratch.

Mais il y a une certaine limite

But there is a certain limit.

où tu ne peux plus,

where you can no longer,

tu ne peux plus.

you can no longer.

Parce que les syndicats,

Because the unions,

c'est forcé par la loi.

It is required by law.

Ce que je veux dire,

What I want to say,

c'est que ton entreprise,

it's that your company,



elle ne te donne pas ça

She doesn't give you that.

parce qu'elle a en tête

because she has in mind

par bonté de cœur.

out of kindness.

Non, je suis sûre

No, I am sure.

que ce n'est pas par bonté de cœur

that it is not out of kindness

mais je suis sûre

but I am sure

qu'il y a au moins

that there are at least

un dollar qui sort de leur poche.

a dollar that comes out of their pocket.

Je suis sûre.

I am sure.

Non, bien sûr,

No, of course,

il y a un dollar

There is one dollar.

qui sort de leur poche

who comes out of their pocket

mais c'est un dollar

but it's one dollar

auquel qu'ils auraient pu

to which they could have



si vraiment,

if really,

ils voulaient juste du cash

they just wanted cash

parce que si tu prends

because if you take

une autre entreprise...

another company...

Regarde tes entreprises.

Look at your businesses.

Dès qu'ils ont le moyen

As soon as they have the means.

de faire des massifs renvois,

to make large references,

ils font des massifs renvois.

They make substantial referrals.

Ils s'en foutent

They don't care.

de ton bien-être.

of your well-being.

Est-ce que tu as

Do you have?

un autre travail

another job

que tu fais au bar ?

What are you doing at the bar?

Moi, je m'en fous.

I don't care.

Non, that's what I'm saying.

No, that's what I'm saying.

Mais si tu prends

But if you take

une entreprise

a company

exactement la même

exactly the same

parce que par exemple,

because for example,

au Québec,

in Quebec,

il faut que tu aies

you must have

un certain nombre d'employés

a certain number of employees

pour être obligé à ouvrir.

to be obliged to open.



Donc, les REER,

So, the RRSPs,

c'est un compte

it's an account

pour la retraite.

for retirement.

Ça s'appelle

It's called

Régime Enregistré

Registered Plan

d'Épargne Retraite.

Retirement Savings.

Et normalement, Tiffany,

And normally, Tiffany,

elle peut cotiser

she can contribute

dans ses REER

in his RRSPs

mais l'employeur aussi

but the employer too

peut cotiser.

can contribute.

Donc, en général,

So, in general,

ce qui se passe

what is happening

dans les entreprises,

in companies,

c'est soit j'ouvre

it's either I open

un REER volontaire.

a voluntary RRSP.

Là, je ne sais plus

There, I don't know anymore.

ce que ça s'appelle.

what it's called.

Ça veut juste dire

It just means

« Eh, les gars,

"Hey, guys,"

il y a un compte ici

There is an account here.

avec l'entreprise.

with the company.

Vous pouvez cotiser. »

"You can contribute."

Donc, vous cotisez seul.

So, you are contributing alone.

Je pense qu'au Québec,

I think that in Quebec,

c'est obligé

it's mandatory

quand tu as genre

when you have like

50 employés minimum,

Minimum 50 employees,

tu es obligé

you are obliged

d'ouvrir un REER

to open an RRSP

pour tes employés.

for your employees.

Juste de l'ouvrir.

Just open it.

Ça s'appelle

It's called

les REER volontaires.

voluntary RRSPs.

Donc, ça veut dire

So, that means

que c'est moi

that it is me

qui dois volontairement

who must voluntarily

mettre mon argent

put my money

dans les REER.

in the RRSPs.

Mais après,

But afterwards,

l'employé peut aussi cotiser.

The employee can also contribute.

Donc, l'employé peut dire

So, the employee can say

« On a ouvert un REER

"We opened an RRSP."

mais en plus,

but on top of that,

si toi, tu mets 10 dollars,

if you put in 10 dollars,

moi aussi,

me too,

je te donne 10 dollars. »

"I'll give you 10 dollars."

Donc, l'employé peut cotiser.

So, the employee can contribute.

Moi, ce que je dis,

What I say is,

c'est qu'au Québec,

it's that in Quebec,

on va dire,

let's say,

je pense,

I think,

le minimum, c'est 50.

the minimum is 50.

Dès que tu as 50 employés,

As soon as you have 50 employees,

tu dois ouvrir

you must open

un REER volontaire

a voluntary RRSP

sans cotisation de l'employeur.

without employer contribution.



si tu prends une entreprise

if you take a company

de 55 employés au Québec,

of 55 employees in Quebec,

donc deux entreprises

so two companies

de 55 employés,

of 55 employees,

les deux sont obligées

both are mandatory

d'ouvrir des REER volontaires.

to open voluntary RRSPs.

Celle qui va faire

The one who is going to do.

une cotisation d'employé

an employee contribution

à 4 %,

at 4%

je pense qu'elle

I think she

renonce à plus

give up on more

en termes d'argent

in terms of money

que celle qui va juste faire

that one who is just going to do

le REER volontaire

the voluntary RRSP

et qui n'aura pas de cotisation.

and who will not have a contribution.

Après, peut-être,

After, maybe,

sur les 5 % qu'elle va donner,

of the 5% she is going to give,

elle va aller chercher des primes,

she is going to fetch bonuses,

elle va aller chercher des trucs,

She's going to go get some things.

et finalement,

and finally,

elle, de sa poche,

she, from her pocket,

elle va sortir 1 %,

she is going to release 1%,



Mais c'est toujours 1 %

But it's still 1%.

auquel elle aura renoncé

to which she will have renounced

que l'autre entreprise

than the other company

n'aura pas renoncé.

will not have given up.

Et c'est un pari

And it's a bet.

que tu dois prendre

that you must take

parce que les entreprises,

because companies,

ils font ça, pourquoi ?

They do that, why?

Pour fidéliser les employés.

To retain employees.

Tu ne veux pas que les employés

You don't want the employees.

sortent tous les matins.

go out every morning.

Oui, ils font ça pour le bien-être

Yes, they do that for well-being.

de toi.

about you.

Ils font ça parce qu'ils sont

They do this because they are.

dans un marché

in a market

qui est compétitif,

who is competitive,

donc ils doivent s'adapter.

So they have to adapt.

Ce n'est pas pour toi

It's not for you.

qu'ils font ça.

that they do that.

Et aussi,

And also,

pourquoi sommes-nous ici ?

Why are we here?

Comment sommes-nous arrivés ici ?

How did we get here?

Je ne sais plus.

I don't know anymore.

Wow !


Moi, je pense que

I think that

dans le capitalisme,

in capitalism,

there's no fairness

il n'y a pas d'équité

parce que ce n'est pas le but.

because that is not the goal.

Le capitalisme, son but,

Capitalism, its purpose,

c'est de faire de l'argent.

It's about making money.

Tout est pensé

Everything is planned.

de façon à ce que l'argent prime.

so that money takes precedence.

C'est ça qu'on va prioriser.

That's what we will prioritize.

OK, mais maintenant,

OK, but now,

ma question...

my question...

Ton histoire de fairness, là,

Your story about fairness, there,

on s'en fout.

We don't care.

Oui, vas-y.

Yes, go ahead.

L'histoire de fairness,

The story of fairness,

on s'en fout.

We don't care.

Mais maintenant,

But now,

on a fait ce constat.

We made this observation.

Je vois Jessica,

I see Jessica,

je me vois.

I see myself.

How do you not

How do you not

let Jessica

let Jessica



guide your life ?

guide your life?

Tu dois prier.

You must pray.

Non, ben, écoute,

Well, listen,

I don't know.

I don't know.

Je ne sais pas.

I don't know.

Peut-être que...

Maybe that...

Déjà, il ne faut pas

First of all, one must not

se comparer aux gens.

to compare oneself to others.

Il ne faut pas

It is not necessary.

se comparer aux gens

to compare oneself to others

parce qu'en fait,

because in fact,

ça va être une comparaison

It’s going to be a comparison.

à l'infini.

to infinity.



ses parents lui ont acheté

his parents bought him

une maison.

a house.

Moi, mes parents,

Me, my parents,

ils n'ont pas de truc.

They don't have a thing.

Ses parents,

His parents,

ils sont venus de ce pays.

They came from that country.

Moi, mon pays,

Me, my country,

il a été colonisé

he was colonized

par tel pays.

through such a country.

C'est une comparaison

It's a comparison.

à l'infini.

to infinity.

À l'infini

To infinity

de l'infini,

of infinity,

tu vas remonter

you will rise again

jusqu'en 1805

until 1805

et après,

and then,

what's the point ?

What's the point?

What's the point ?

What's the point?



t'es arrivé en 1805,

you arrived in 1805,

t'as trouvé le point

you found the point

de déchirure

of tearing

and now what ?

And now what?



Moi, je peux donner

Me, I can give.


the example

comment moi,

like me,

je ne laisse pas

I do not let.



guider ma vie.

guide my life.

Ce que j'ai fait,

What I did,


it is

je pratique

I practice.



daily gratitude

daily gratitude



Je pense que ça,

I think that,

ça aide énormément.

It helps a lot.

C'est ça la prière ?

Is that what prayer is?

Ah oui, c'est ça la prière.

Ah yes, that's what prayer is.

Ça peut être une forme

It can be a form.

de prière en tout cas.

of prayer in any case.

Et pour moi,

And for me,



parce que j'ai déjà

because I already have

entendu des gens dire

heard people say

ouais, mais il ne faut pas

Yeah, but you shouldn't.

te victimiser et tout.

to victimize yourself and all.

Non, mais si tu travailles,

No, but if you work,

tu peux y arriver.

You can do it.

Moi, personnellement,

Me, personally,

je pense que voir

I think that seeing

qu'il y a des Jessica

that there are Jessicas

et il y a des Syrah

And there are Syrah.

et je ne dis pas,

and I'm not saying,

je ne me mets pas

I am not putting myself.

en position de pauvre.

in a position of poverty.

Je dis juste que

I'm just saying that



pour l'effort

for the effort

qu'elle a dû fournir

that she had to provide

est là où elle est

is where she is

et l'effort

and the effort

que j'ai dû fournir

that I had to provide

est là où je suis,

is where I am,

c'est disproportionnel.

It's disproportionate.

Donc, il y a des Jessica

So, there are some Jessicas.

et il y a des Syrah

and there are Syrahs

et je pense que

and I think that

faire ce constat-là,

to make that observation,

ça ne veut pas dire

that doesn't mean

ce que je suis enclin à faire,

what I am inclined to do,

c'est essayer de réduire

it is trying to reduce

cette dysfonctionnalité,

this dysfunctionality,

cette disparité-là

that disparity

entre des Jessica

among Jessicas

et des Syrah.

and Syrah.

Donc, ce que je fais,

So, what I do,

c'est que

it's that

je me mobilise

I am getting involved.

et je vote.

and I vote.

C'est ce que je fais.

That's what I do.

C'est comme ça

That's how it is.

que ça m'aide.

that it helps me.

I have a gratitude journal.

I have a gratitude journal.


I eliminate

les opportunités


de comparaison

of comparison

parce qu'on est

because we are

des êtres humains.

human beings.

Dire arrêter de se comparer,

Stop comparing yourself.

c'est comme dire à quelqu'un

it's like telling someone

qui pleure,

who cries,

arrête de pleurer.

stop crying.

Je pense que ça ne sert à rien.

I think it’s useless.

Mais tu peux limiter

But you can limit.

les opportunités

the opportunities

de comparaison.

of comparison.



une fois que tu as fait

once you have done

le constat

the report

et que tu vois

and that you see

que les choses

that things

sont structurellement unfair,

are structurally unfair,



ce que j'ai décidé de faire,

what I have decided to do,

c'est de me mobiliser

It's about mobilizing myself.

et de voter.

and to vote.

Mais après,

But afterwards,

je pense qu'on est tous

I think we are all

la Jessica de quelqu'un.

someone's Jessica.

C'est vrai.

That's true.

Je pense qu'on est tous

I think we are all

la Jessica de quelqu'un

someone's Jessica

et je ne sais pas

and I don’t know

si c'est une bonne idée

if it's a good idea

de juste limiter

to just limit

les opportunités

the opportunities

de comparaison.

of comparison.

En fait,

In fact,

je ne pense même pas

I don't even think so.

que tu puisses

that you may

parce que les opportunités

because the opportunities

vont venir à toi.

will come to you.

It's life.

C'est la vie.

Genre tes collègues,

Like your colleagues,

ça peut être...

it can be...

Tes collègues,

Your colleagues,

vous pouvez vous dire

you can tell yourself

là, toi et moi,

there, you and I,

on travaille dans

we work in

le même bureau,

the same office,

on est là,

we're here,

on est assis,

we are sitting,

mais nos chemins de vie

but our life paths

sont tellement différents.

are so different.



tu rencontres quelqu'un,

you meet someone,

vous êtes tous les deux

you are both

des joueurs de tennis

tennis players

au même niveau,

at the same level,

mais again,

but again,

le chemin était différent.

the path was different.

Les gens dans l'avion,

The people in the airplane,

on est tous dans

we're all in

le même avion,

the same plane,

mais les opportunités

but the opportunities

de comparaison,

of comparison,

je pense que

I think that

t'en vois

you see it

every single day.

every single day.

À chaque fois

Every time

que tu parles

that you speak

à quelqu'un d'autre.

to someone else.

Pas vraiment.

Not really.

Moi, je pense

Me, I think

à chaque fois

every time

que tu parles à quelqu'un d'autre,

that you are talking to someone else,

mais toi et moi,

but you and me,

c'est une opportunité

it's an opportunity

de comparaison.

for comparison.

Juste toi et moi.

Just you and me.

Toi et Nancy,

You and Nancy,

c'est une opportunité

it's an opportunity

de comparaison.

of comparison.


Tout le monde,

c'est une opportunité

It's an opportunity.

de comparaison.

of comparison.

Everybody that's similar

Tout le monde qui est similaire.

to you to a certain extent.

to you to a certain extent.

Donc, ça peut être

So, it can be.

une femme de 30 ans,

a 30-year-old woman,

ça peut être

it can be

une opportunité

an opportunity

de comparaison.

for comparison.

Une femme qui travaille

A woman who works

pour le gouvernement,

for the government,

ça peut être

it can be

une opportunité de comparaison.

an opportunity for comparison.

Une femme qui a acheté...

A woman who bought...

Whenever somebody does

Chaque fois que quelqu'un le fait.

something that you did

quelque chose que tu as fait

or something

or something

that you want to do

that you want to do



Ça peut être

It can be.

une opportunité de comparaison.

a comparative opportunity.

Non, mais si c'est

No, but if it is

une opportunité de comparaison,

an opportunity for comparison,



que c'est, Jessica, c'est la

What is it, Jessica, it's the

première fois in a long time that I'm like,

first time in a long time that I'm like,

wow, life is unfair, huh?

Wow, la vie est injuste, hein ?

Peut-être c'est, it's the

Maybe it's, it's the

difference, parce que là, t'as dit, en plus, elle est plus jeune,

difference, because there, you said, besides, she is younger,

elle est plus, genre,

she is more, like,

maybe there's something else qui t'a,

maybe there's something else that got you,

mais tu sais, je me disais, quand tu parlais avec

but you know, I was thinking, when you were talking with

tes potes et que tu disais, tu te rappelles

your friends and you said, do you remember

quand t'avais pas le

when you didn't have the

passeport canadien,

Canadian passport,

ça te saoulait, les histoires de visa, ça te saoulait,

It annoyed you, the visa stories, it annoyed you.

tu disais, ouais, mais toi, Tiffany, est-ce que tu te rends compte que tu dois juste

You were saying, yeah, but you, Tiffany, do you realize that you just have to

faire ça, moi, je dois faire ça, ça, ça, ça, ça, ça, ça te saoulait

Doing that, I have to do that, that, that, that, that, that, that annoyed you.

aussi, peut-être pas au même niveau

also, maybe not at the same level

que l'histoire avec Jessica. Ah, c'est vrai, c'est vrai.

The story with Jessica. Ah, that's right, that's right.

C'est très vrai. Tu vois, c'était... Je me rappelle

That's very true. You see, it was... I remember.

quand je devais aller à Portimao, là,

when I had to go to Portimao, there,

j'ai dit, mais wesh,

I said, but come on,

vous pensez, on est là, on rigole,

you think, we're here, we're having a laugh,

on boit, on fait des vidéos, mais vous

We drink, we make videos, but what about you?

savez pas ce que j'ai dû faire pour être au même

You don't know what I had to do to be at the same level.

niveau que vous. On était dans le même

level as you. We were in the same

hôtel, toi et moi, on était vraiment dans le même

hotel, you and I, we were really in the same

hôtel. On était dans le même hôtel, toi, t'as juste

hotel. We were in the same hotel, you just

pris l'avion un dimanche matin,

took the plane on a Sunday morning,

t'es arrivé, moi, ça fait deux mois

You arrived; me, it's been two months.

que je prépare mon voyage, et ça m'a

that I prepare my trip, and it has me

coûté vingt fois plus que toi.

cost twenty times more than you.

C'est vrai, c'est vrai.

It's true, it's true.

C'est vrai.

It's true.

Mais c'est des moments comme ça, genre, je vis pas

But it's moments like that, you know, I don't really live.

là-dedans, tu vois, genre, je fais ma vie.

In there, you see, like, I live my life.

Mais c'est quand il y a des

But it's when there are some

événements comme ça, tu dis, why?

Events like that, you say, why?

Pourquoi moi? Mais pourquoi c'est moi?

Why me? But why is it me?

Ouais, mais après, je pense que c'est bien

Yeah, but I think it's good afterwards.

que t'aies ton journal de

that you have your diary of

your gratefulness journal,

your gratitude journal,

parce que je pense que les trucs négatifs,

because I think that negative things,

on s'en souvient beaucoup plus que les trucs

We remember it much more than the stuff.

positifs. Non, t'es sûre de ça? Je suis pas

positive. No, are you sure about that? I'm not

sûre de ça, par contre. Parce que regarde,

sure of that, on the other hand. Because look,

regarde comment toi, ça t'a saoulé, ça, mais

look at how it tired you out, that, but

tu sais, il y a plein de gens qui ont même pas

You know, there are plenty of people who don't even have.

eu l'opportunité de venir étudier au Canada.

I had the opportunity to come study in Canada.

Ou qui ont même pas eu l'opportunité

Or who didn't even have the opportunity.

de faire... C'est même pas un

to do... It's not even a

concept. Donald Trump, il a dit,

concept. Donald Trump, he said,

I have concept of a plan. Les gens, ils ont même pas

I have a concept of a plan. People, they don't even have that.

des concept of a trip. Genre, tu vois,

concept of a trip. Like, you see,

toi, t'as pu

you were able

quand même, tu vois. Il y a des gens, c'était même pas ça.

Still, you see. There are people, it wasn't even that.

Donc, I guess, il y a

So, I guess, there is

every day we can be grateful.

Every day we can be grateful.

Every day we can be grateful, mais il y a un jour

Every day we can be grateful, but there is a day.

où on aura l'impression que le ciel

where we will feel that the sky

nous est tombé dessus. Alors que peut-être

fell upon us. So maybe

en termes de...

in terms of...

de grave... Non, pas en termes de grave,

serious... No, not in terms of serious,

mais on pourrait intentionnellement

but we could intentionally

regarder ça avec la même

look at that with the same

intensité qu'on regarde les

intensity we look at the

actions positives qui nous sont arrivées. Genre, you could be

positive actions that have happened to us. Like, you could be

as grateful as you're sad.

aussi reconnaissant que tu es triste.

Or as sad as you're grateful.

Either as sad as you're grateful.

Après, je me dis peut-être qu'il y a des choses qui se

Afterwards, I think maybe there are things that are

passent là. Il y a des choses que Jessica

pass by there. There are things that Jessica

et d'autres gens au-dessus de Jessica qui ont axé

and other people above Jessica who have focused

qu'on n'a même pas de concept

that we don't even have a concept

of that. Parce qu'il y a des gens en bas aussi qui

of that. Because there are people downstairs too who

nous, ce qu'on vit, ils ont même pas le concept

What we are experiencing, they don't even have the concept of it.

de ça aussi.

of that too.

On est tous la Jessica

We are all here, Jessica.

de quelqu'un.

of someone.

Donc en fait, la chose qui devrait

So actually, the thing that should

te causer le plus de frustration,

cause you the most frustration,

c'est le nombre de gens en bas de toi

it's the number of people below you

et pas le nombre de Jessica.

and not Jessica's number.

Parce que Jessica, il y en a trois. Mais les gens

Because Jessica, there are three. But people

en bas de toi, il y en a 77 milliards.

Below you, there are 77 billion.

Ouais, mais le fait de se mobiliser

Yeah, but the fact of getting mobilized

et de voter, ça permet des gens qui sont en bas

And voting allows for people who are at the bottom.

de moi de pouvoir avoir

of me to be able to have

accès aux mêmes opportunités.

access to the same opportunities.

I agree, mais ce que je dis, c'est que

I agree, but what I'm saying is that

the driver here, ça devrait

The driver here, it should.

être, si on parle juste d'un

to be, if we are just talking about one

point de vue numérique, en termes

digital point of view, in terms

de nombre,

of number,

the driver, l'injustice, la plus

the driver, the injustice, the most

grande injustice, c'est pas

great injustice, it’s not

tant le fait que Jessica, elle ait accès

so much so that Jessica has access

à ça. Parce qu'il y a cinq Jessica

To that. Because there are five Jessicas.

dans le monde, mais

in the world, but

il y a sept milliards

there are seven billion



Donc la plus

So the most

grosse injustice, c'est les sept milliards,

big injustice, it's the seven billion,

c'est pas les cinq Jessica. Donc

It's not the five Jessicas. So

si on veut être, je sais pas,

if we want to be, I don't know,

the driver should

the driver should

be les gens qui sont en bas

There are people down below.

versus, mais comment ça, elle,

versus, but how is that, she,

elle a ça ? Ouais, je suis d'accord, mais le problème,

Does she have that? Yeah, I agree, but the problem is,

pour que les sept milliards derrière,

for the seven billion behind,

disons, les cinq milliards derrière,

let's say, the five billion behind,

puissent avancer, il faut que

may advance, it is necessary that

Jessica ait moins. Il faut que les cinq

Jessica has less. The five must...

Jessica aient moins, tu vois.

Jessica had less, you see.

Ou que les cinq milliards aient plus.

Either the five billion have more.

Oui, mais pour que les cinq milliards aient plus,

Yes, but for the five billion to have more,

il faut que Jessica ait moins. Mais qu'on

Jessica needs to have less. But that we...

aille prendre. C'est pas Jessica

I'm going to take it. It's not Jessica.

qui va dire, ok, je vous donne.

Who will say, okay, I'll give you.

Non, il faut que nous, on aille prendre.

No, we need to go take.

Donc autant aller mobiliser la foule là-bas.

So might as well go rally the crowd over there.

Ouais, mais... Jessica, s'il te plaît, mais c'est

Yeah, but... Jessica, please, it's just

ta responsabilité de make the world fair, parce que

it is your responsibility to make the world fair, because

le capitalisme a fait des règles. Jessica, il faut la laisser.

Capitalism has made rules. Jessica, we must let her go.

Ouais, ouais, non, 100%. Jessica,

Yeah, yeah, no, 100%. Jessica,

elle va jamais, elle va jamais, elle va jamais donner.

She is never going to, she is never going to, she is never going to give.

Mais le truc, c'est que,

But the thing is that,

le problème, c'est que c'est Jessica qui a le pouvoir.

The problem is that it's Jessica who has the power.

Ouais, mais, écoute, c'est toujours ce qu'on dit.

Yeah, but, listen, it's always what we say.

Jessica, c'est Macron. C'est pour ça qu'il y avait des coups d'État

Jessica, it's Macron. That's why there were coups.

et ont coupé la gorge des...

and slit the throats of the...

C'est pour ça qu'on leur coupait la gorge.

That's why we slit their throats.

C'est pour ça. C'est ça, le problème.

That's why. That's the problem.

Mais en termes de

But in terms of

nombre, s'il y en a

number, if any

qui sont prêts à mourir, I think this is

who are ready to die, I think this is

what it takes.

what it takes.

This is what it takes.

C'est ce qu'il faut.

It takes des gens.

It takes people.

We need cash.

We need cash.

We need, on a besoin de

We need

martyres. Le problème, c'est que

martyrs. The problem is that

dans les 5 milliards qui sont en bas, là,

in the 5 billion that are down there,

il y a des gens qui disent, moi, incha'Allah, je vais être Jessica.

There are people who say, me, insha'Allah, I will be Jessica.

Parce que eux, ils sont, eux, ils sont, tu vois,

Because they are, they are, you see,

dans l'intervalle, ils sont

in the meantime, they are

dans la tranche la plus haute.

in the highest range.

Mais ils savent pas que, tu sais, genre,

But they don't know that, you know, like,

si t'es entre 0 et 1, et après, toi,

if you're between 0 and 1, and after, you,

tu vois, t'es entre 0, admettons,

You see, you're between 0, let's say,

t'es entre 0 et 10, et Jessica,

you're between 0 and 10, and Jessica,

elle est entre... T'as l'impression que

She is between... You have the feeling that

Jessica, elle est entre 20 et 30. Mais en fait,

Jessica, she is between 20 and 30. But actually,

quand t'es dans l'intervalle de 0 entre 0 et 10,

when you are in the interval of 0 between 0 and 10,

tu peux passer de 0 à 1.

You can go from 0 to 1.

De 1 à 2. De 2 à 3. Mais après,

From 1 to 2. From 2 to 3. But after,

pour passer dans l'intervalle de Jessica,

to pass into Jessica's interval,

ça commence à ralentir. Donc, tu dois avancer de

it's starting to slow down. So, you need to move forward by

0,01. 0,01.

0.01. 0.01.

Donc là, t'es là, t'es à 10.

So right now, you're there, you're at 10.

Après, tu passes à 10,01.

Then, you move on to 10.01.

Après, tu restes là, tu passes à 10,02.

Then, you stay there, you move to 10.02.

Mais t'as l'impression que t'avances

But do you feel like you're making progress?

parce que tu passes de 0,1 à 0,2.

because you go from 0.1 to 0.2.

Et dans ta vie, là, c'est très rare

And in your life, there, it's very rare.

que tu vas passer de 10 à 20.

that you will go from 10 to 20.

En sachant que Jessica, son intervalle,

Knowing that Jessica, her interval,

c'est 20-30. Mais c'est comme dans tout.

It's 20-30. But it's like with everything.

C'est comme dans le sport. Par exemple, au tennis,

It's like in sports. For example, in tennis,

ici, the different levels,

here, the different levels,

c'est 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

It's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Si tu es à niveau 1,

If you are at level 1,

ça veut dire que t'es nulle. C'est toi.

It means that you're useless. It's you.

T'es à 1. Pour passer de 1 à 2, c'est plus facile

You're at 1. To go from 1 to 2, it's easier.

que pour passer de 3 à 4.

that to go from 3 to 4.

Mais je pense que les gens,

But I think that people,

le tennis, peut-être que t'arrives à

tennis, maybe you manage to

grasp how hard it is.

understand how difficult it is.

Mais je pense que

But I think that

au niveau de la vie, on... C'est encore plus difficile.

At the level of life, we... It's even more difficult.

Ouais, on n'arrive pas... On se dit, ouais, c'est plus

Yeah, we can't... We say to ourselves, yeah, it's more.

difficile, mais on n'arrive même pas

difficult, but we can't even manage

à, genre... On ne peut pas quantifier à quel point

to, like... We can't quantify how much

c'est plus difficile. On ne peut pas expliquer.

It's more difficult. We cannot explain.

Conceptualiser, ouais.

Conceptualize, yeah.

Ouais. Bon, écoute,

Yeah. Well, listen,

ça fait longtemps qu'on parle.

It's been a long time since we've talked.

C'est bon, maintenant. Ça suffit.

It's good now. That's enough.

Est-ce que tu as

Do you have

un sharing is caring?

A sharing is caring?

Oui, j'en ai. Et en plus,

Yes, I have some. And on top of that,

j'ai demandé aux yaya si les yaya avaient

I asked the yaya if the yaya had.

des sharing is caring. Donc,

sharing is caring. So,

I'm gonna take a sharing is caring

I'm going to take a sharing is caring.

from the yaya, and I'm gonna share mine.

From the yaya, and I'm going to share mine.

Oh, there's another

Oh, il y en a un autre.

recommendation de livre

book recommendation

par Yassalme.

by Yassalme.

Le livre,

The book,

il s'appelle

his name is

In Every Mirror She's Black,

In Every Mirror She's Black,

a novel by Lola Akinmade

a novel by Lola Akinmade

Akerstrom. Donc,

Akerstrom. So,

Sharing is Caring. Thank you, Yassal

Sharing is Caring. Thank you, Yassal

Salme. Mais elle a dit,

Salme. But she said,

elle a dit c'est sur quoi?

She said, "It's based on what?"

Non, non, j'ai juste demandé, est-ce que vous avez

No, no, I just asked, do you have

Sharing is Caring? Elle a dit

Sharing is Caring? She said.

In Every Mirror She's Black, a novel by Lola Akinmade

In Every Mirror She's Black, a novel by Lola Akinmade



OK. OK, My Sharing is Caring,

OK. OK, My Sharing is Caring,

c'est pour mes gens de Montréal.

It's for my people from Montreal.

Tu vois,

You see,

des fois, là, comme j'ai...

Sometimes, there, like I have...

ma famille venait et tout,

my family was coming and everything,

je voulais avoir des petits amuse-gueule,

I wanted to have some snacks.

amuse-bouche, nanana, mais

amuse-bouche, nanana, but

African way, right?

African way, right?

Donc, j'ai vu sur Instagram,

So, I saw on Instagram,

la page s'appelle

the page is called

Sweet Sene Box.

Sweet Sene Box.

De toute façon, on va mettre sur Instagram.

Anyway, we're going to post it on Instagram.

Et elle fait des

And she makes some

box de... genre, ça peut être brunch,

box of... like, it could be brunch,

ça peut être whatever.

It can be whatever.

Et il y a des pastels, il y a des

And there are pastels, there are

samoussas, il y a des brochettes de

samosas, there are skewers of

makimba, il y a des pancakes

Makimba, there are pancakes.

à base de...

based on...

banane plantain. J'adore,

plantain banana. I love it.

c'est délicieux. Smoothies à base

It's delicious. Smoothies made with

de jus d'hibiscus,

hibiscus juice,

comme une sorte de bissap,

like a kind of bissap,

jus d'orange, enfin, jus de gingembre,

orange juice, finally, ginger juice,

du dégué. Est-ce qu'on mange du dégué

some dégué. Do we eat dégué?

en Mauritanie?

in Mauritania?

Dégué, c'est chakri, je crois.

Dégué, it's chakri, I believe.

Bah, ça, des beignets,

Well, that's doughnuts,

beignets à la banane, beignets au sur.

banana doughnuts, sugar doughnuts.

En tout cas, il y a plein de trucs, elle fait plein de trucs.

In any case, there are plenty of things, she does plenty of things.

Elle est hyper réactive sur

She is highly reactive about



Et elle habite pas très loin de chez moi.

And she doesn't live very far from my place.

It's amazing. Donc, c'est ça, that's my sharing,

It's amazing. So, that's it, that's my sharing.

my scaring. Bon, je sais que c'est la fin de

my scaring. Well, I know it’s the end of

l'été, mais des fois, genre, hier,

summer, but sometimes, like, yesterday,

l'autre jour, je suis sortie avec une pote, j'avais pris

The other day, I went out with a friend, I had taken

des petits beignets, banane et sucré,

small doughnuts, banana and sweet,

c'était délicieux. Si vous voulez faire un petit pique-nique,

it was delicious. If you want to have a little picnic,

un petit voilà, quoi, et vous voulez

a little bit like that, you know, and you want

avoir une belle boîte, belle présentation

to have a nice box, nice presentation

des pastels, tout est délicieux. Il y a des pastels

pastries, everything is delicious. There are pastries.

au thon,

with tuna,

au bœuf, au poulet, des samoussas

beef, chicken, samosas

au bœuf, des samoussas, en tout cas, there's a lot

beef, samosas, in any case, there's a lot

and it's amazing and she's super

and it's amazing and she's super

nice. Sweet Cinebox

Nice. Sweet Cinebox.

on Instagram,

on Instagram,

Sweet Cinebox.

Sweet Cinebox.

How do you smell?

How do you smell?

S-E-N-E. En fait, c'est Sweet

S-E-N-E. In fact, it's Sweet.

tiré du bas, là. S-E-N-E

pulled from the bottom, there. S-E-N-E

tiré du bas,

pulled from the bottom,

box, B-O-X. Voilà.

box, B-O-X. There you go.

Et it's delicious.

And it's delicious.



that's my sharing, scaring.

that's my sharing, scaring.

I love it, I love it. Wow, ça a l'air vraiment génial.

I love it, I love it. Wow, it looks really great.

Too bad she doesn't

Tant pis qu'elle ne le fasse pas.



à Edmonton.

to Edmonton.

Ouais, maintenant, quand je reçois des gens chez moi,

Yeah, now when I have people over at my place,

si on me prévient un temps,

if I'm warned in advance,

je lui écris, est-ce que tu peux me préparer

I am writing to him, can you prepare me?

une box?

a box?

Elle livre aussi, mais moi, elle habite pas très loin de chez moi, donc

She also delivers, but she doesn't live very far from my house, so...

j'y vais.

I'm going there.

I think it's a wrap. It is a wrap.

I think it's a wrap. It is a wrap.

Si vous avez aimé cet épisode, n'hésitez pas à le partager

If you liked this episode, feel free to share it.

with your people. Et vous pouvez vous joindre

with your people. And you can join us

à la conversation on Instagram, Facebook

in the conversation on Instagram, Facebook

or Twitter.

or Twitter.

Laissez-nous savoir si vous pensez que

Let us know if you think that.

life is supposed to be

la vie est censée être

fair. Et

fair. And

yeah, envoyez-nous aussi vos sharing et scaring parce que

yeah, send us your sharing and scaring too because

most of the time, we're dry,

most of the time, we're dry,

but yeah. Alright,

but yeah. Alright,

we'll see you in the next one. Bye, love!

We'll see you in the next one. Bye, love!

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