Deborah Levy: swimming with words

Charlotte Mulon

EAU LIBRE : le podcast dédié aux passionné(e)s d’aventure, d’eau libre et d’eau froide : portraits par Layer&Plouf.

Deborah Levy: swimming with words

EAU LIBRE : le podcast dédié aux passionné(e)s d’aventure, d’eau libre et d’eau froide : portraits par Layer&Plouf.

Musique de générique

Theme music

Bienvenue dans notre podcast au libre, podcast dédié aux amoureux de l'eau et de l'eau froide, à tous les esprits libres qui aiment l'aventure.

Welcome to our podcast "Au Libre", a podcast dedicated to water lovers and cold water enthusiasts, to all the free spirits who love adventure.

Je suis Charlotte, fondatrice de Layer & Clou, marque d'équipements et de vêtements dédiée à l'après-swim, qui vous accompagne dans toutes vos aventures mouillées avec style.

I am Charlotte, founder of Layer & Clou, a brand of gear and clothing dedicated to after-swim, which accompanies you in all your wet adventures with style.

Avec ce podcast, je vous emmène à la rencontre de passionnés qui partageront avec vous leur expérience.

With this podcast, I take you to meet enthusiasts who will share their experiences with you.

L'expérience de l'eau, des sportifs, des médecins, des enthousiastes, des artistes.

The experience of water, athletes, doctors, enthusiasts, artists.

Vous aussi, tentez l'aventure de l'eau froide. Mouillez-vous, échappez-vous.

You too, dare the adventure of cold water. Get wet, escape.

Bonjour à tous et bienvenue dans notre podcast au libre.

Hello everyone and welcome to our podcast at liberty.

Je suis très excitée aujourd'hui, car c'est le premier pour moi.

I am very excited today because it's the first time for me.

Nous allons nous diverger dans le monde de Deborah Levy, une athlète britannique, athlète, playwright et poète,

We will diverge into the world of Deborah Levy, a British athlete, athlete, playwright, and poet.

connue pour son soulagement.

known for its relief.

Vous avez probablement entendu parler de Hot Milk, ou Swimming Home, et de Deborah's autobiographie, composée de trois livres.

You have probably heard of Hot Milk, or Swimming Home, and Deborah's autobiography, which consists of three books.

Deborah a été listée deux fois pour le Booker Prize, et elle a une voix unique qui déclenche le lecteur,

Deborah has been nominated twice for the Booker Prize, and she has a unique voice that captivates the reader.

en la faisant une figure importante dans le monde de la littérature contemporaine.

making her an important figure in the world of contemporary literature.

Comment ai-je rencontré Deborah ?

How did I meet Deborah?

Elle a commencé avec un livre que ma mère m'a apporté.

She started with a book that my mother brought me.

Ce livre s'appelle « Journales de nage » par Chantal Thomas.

This book is called "Swim Diaries" by Chantal Thomas.

Dans ce livre, Deborah laisse une message à Chantal qui dit

In this book, Deborah leaves a message to Chantal that says

« Mais ce que je veux le plus, c'est de courir. C'est la meilleure vie. »

"But what I want the most is to run. It's the best life."

Et j'ai aimé ça.

And I liked that.

Un peu plus tard, Fanny m'a envoyé un texte disant que elle et Deborah allaient venir à Marseille

A little later, Fanny sent me a text saying that she and Deborah were coming to Marseille.

et qu'on devait tous aller courir.

and that we all had to go running.

Donc, ici nous sommes aujourd'hui, à Marseille, enregistrant ce podcast,

So, here we are today, in Marseille, recording this podcast,

et en train d'aller courir très rapidement.

and is going to run very quickly.

Merci beaucoup, Deborah, d'être avec nous aujourd'hui.

Thank you very much, Deborah, for being with us today.

Et j'aimerais, si c'est bon pour vous, si vous pouviez nous donner un petit peu d'introduction.

And I would like, if it's good for you, if you could give us a little introduction.

Bonjour, Charlotte. C'est si bien de vous parler.

Hello, Charlotte. It's so nice to talk to you.


Nice to meet you.

Donc, une introduction sur vous, et un petit peu pour les lecteurs qui ne vous connaissent pas.

So, an introduction about yourself, and a little bit for readers who do not know you.

Je ne pense pas qu'il y en ait beaucoup, mais encore une fois, qu'est-ce que vous faites ?

I don't think there are many, but again, what are you doing?

Où vous vivez ?

Where do you live?

Pourquoi sommes-nous ici aujourd'hui ?

Why are we here today?

D'accord. Nous sommes ici aujourd'hui pour courir, et nous sommes ici aujourd'hui pour peut-être parler de courir dans la littérature.

Alright. We are here today to run, and we are here today to maybe talk about running in literature.

Mais j'ai d'abord appris à courir en Afrique du Sud, parce que j'ai été née là-bas.

But I first learned to run in South Africa because I was born there.

J'ai quitté ma famille quand j'avais neuf ans.

I left my family when I was nine years old.

C'était les années d'apartheid en Afrique du Sud, et ma famille a dû partir.

It was the years of apartheid in South Africa, and my family had to leave.

Mais ma mère m'a enseigné à courir, et elle venait de ce qu'on appelait à l'époque Port Elizabeth.

But my mother taught me how to run, and she came from what was called Port Elizabeth at the time.

Je sais, Port Elizabeth.

I know, Port Elizabeth.

Oui, très ventueux, mais de belles plages.

Yes, very windy, but beautiful beaches.

Et ma mère m'a enseigné à courir dans le ciel, dans l'océan Indien.

And my mother taught me to run in the sky, in the Indian Ocean.

C'est délirant.

It's crazy.

Et j'en pense souvent parce que c'était la seule partie de ma mère qui était très puissante.

And I often think about it because it was the only part of my mother that was very powerful.

Elle était une courante courante.

She was a flowing current.

Et dans sa vie, beaucoup de ses propres rêves ne pouvaient pas se réaliser.

And in his life, many of his own dreams could not come true.

Donc, sa puissance pour moi, où je la voyais vraiment comme quelqu'un de plus comme elle-même,

So, her power for me, where I really saw her more as herself,

était dans l'eau.

was in the water.

Et là, nous étions dans l'océan Indien, qui est assez chaud, mais c'est connu pour les chars.

And there, we were in the Indian Ocean, which is quite warm, but it is known for the currents.

Bien sûr.

Of course.

Vous savez, c'est étrange pour moi, quand j'avais trois ans,

You know, it's strange for me, when I was three years old,

ce n'était pas vraiment terrifiant.

it wasn't really terrifying.

C'était un peu excitant.

It was a bit exciting.

Mais évidemment, je suis dans le fond de la chaleur.

But of course, I am at the bottom of the heat.

Et je veux dire, elle m'a vraiment mis dans ses bras,

And I mean, she really put me in her arms,

et elle m'a mis dans l'eau, et elle a étendu un peu de distance de moi,

and she put me in the water, and she moved a little distance away from me,

et j'ai dû courir vers elle.

and I had to run towards her.

Et il y avait les ondes, le vent et les oiseaux,

And there were the waves, the wind, and the birds,

et les odeurs que je peux toujours me souvenir de certaines plantes.

and the scents that I can always remember from certain plants.

Donc, c'était comme ça que j'ai appris à courir.

So, that's how I learned to run.

Donc, c'est ton plus ancien souvenir de courir.

So, that's your oldest memory of running.

Oui, oui.

Yes, yes.

Trois ans. C'est très jeune d'apprendre à courir.

Three years. It's very young to learn to run.

Et puis, ta mère t'a enseigné,

And then, your mother taught you,

et tu as continué à courir tous les ans, et tous ces ans.

And you continued to run every year, and all those years.

Oui, alors, nous sommes arrivés en Britannique, à Londres, quand j'avais neuf ans.

Yes, well, we arrived in Britain, in London, when I was nine years old.

Et c'était très drôle, parce que dans ma école anglaise, à Londres,

And it was very funny because at my English school in London,

nous avions dû faire des cours de courir,

we had to take running classes,

et nous avions dû aller à ces pôles de courir victoriens,

and we had to go to those Victorian running poles,

des pôles de courir, qui étaient froid, drastiques,

poles of running, which were cold, drastic,

l'eau était un peu flottante et chlorinée,

the water was a bit floating and chlorinated,

et j'aimais mon anglais, mes nouveaux amis anglais,

and I loved my English, my new English friends,

mais ils ne pouvaient pas courir.

but they could not run.

À neuf ans.

At nine years old.



Et donc, ils n'aimaient pas mettre leurs têtes sous l'eau de ces pôles.

And so, they didn't like putting their heads underwater in those poles.

Tout le monde s'éclate, tout le monde veut sortir.

Everyone is having a blast, everyone wants to go out.

Et j'avais juste à prétendre,

And I just had to pretend,

que je ne pouvais pas courir si bien,

that I couldn't run so well,

parce que je voulais qu'ils aient l'air comme moi.

because I wanted them to look like me.

De faire partie du groupe.

To be part of the group.

Et de faire partie du groupe.

And to be part of the group.

Mais j'ai toujours pensé que si ils avaient rempli le pôle de courir avec du thé,

But I always thought that if they had filled the pole with running with tea,

parce que tout le monde boit du thé en Angleterre,

because everyone drinks tea in England,

et c'était nouveau pour moi, vous savez,

and it was new for me, you know,

alors tout le monde mettait ses têtes sous l'eau,

so everyone was putting their heads underwater,

et courait très bien.

and ran very well.

Il y a quelque chose sur la tête sous l'eau,

There is something on the head underwater,

comme ce pas, quand tu apprends à courir,

like this step, when you learn to run,

c'est comme si c'était un pôle de courir, n'est-ce pas?

It's like it's a pole to run, isn't it?

C'est ça, n'est-ce pas?

That's it, isn't it?

C'est un peu comme, vous savez,

It's a bit like, you know,

quand vos yeux sont brûlés,

when your eyes are burnt,

quand l'eau va sur ton nez,

when the water goes on your nose,

dans tes oreilles.

in your ears.

Mais ensuite, tu grandis,

But then you grow up,

tu aimes ce sentiment.

You love this feeling.

Pour moi, c'est toujours ce moment,

For me, it's always this moment,

quand je mets ma tête sous l'eau,

when I put my head underwater,

même aujourd'hui,

even today,

c'est comme un moment de plaisir.

It's like a moment of pleasure.

Et avez-vous jamais appris après,

And have you ever learned afterwards,

à améliorer votre courir?

to improve your running?

Ou c'était juste un plaisir?

Or was it just a pleasure?

Tu sais, j'ai commencé à courir.

You know, I started running.

Tu sais, je ne suis pas un courrier sportif.

You know, I'm not a sports courier.

Je ne cours pas vraiment

I don't really run.

pour l'exercice,

for the exercise,

même si je le fais un peu,

even if I do it a little bit,

parce que je suis écrivaine

because I am a writer

et que mon corps

and that my body

est éloigné de mon ordinateur.

is far from my computer.

Donc, être capable

So, to be able

d'éloigner l'eau,

to move away the water,

d'ouvrir la tête,

to open the head,

d'éloigner les pieds

to keep the feet away

et les bras,

and the arms,

c'est incroyable.

It's incredible.

Donc, peut-être que

So, maybe that

l'éloignement est vraiment vintage.

The distance is really vintage.

Je ne sais pas.

I don't know.

Je vais voir

I'm going to see.

quand on y va.

when we go there.

Mon courir n'est pas si grand.

My run is not so big.

Avez-vous jamais arrêté de courir

Have you ever stopped running?

depuis que vous étiez enfant?

since you were a child?

Il y a eu une période où

There was a time when

vous aviez continué

you had continued

pendant tous ces ans.

for all these years.

Quand j'étais étudiante,

When I was a student,

à 18 ans,

at 18 years old,

j'avais un entraînement de théâtre.

I had a theater rehearsal.

Pas pour être actrice,

Not to be an actress,

mais pour être actrice,

but to be an actress,

je suis allée au Théâtre

I went to the theater.

à la Collège d'art d'Artington.

at the Artington Art College.

C'était à Devon,

It was in Devon,

dans le paysage.

in the landscape.

Il y avait un pôle

There was a pole.

dans ce petit village,

in this small village,

mais il y avait un rivier,

but there was a river,

le rivier Dart.

the River Dart.

Et donc,

And so,

en février et en hiver,

in February and in winter,

on allait courir

we were going to run

dans le Dart.

in the Dart.

Vous avez continué à courir?

Did you keep running?

Un peu, mais dans les mois d'hiver,

A little, but in the winter months,

je n'avais pas eu le temps

I hadn't had the time.

de courir.

to run.

Mais non, je porte un costume

But no, I'm wearing a suit.

dans mon sac,

in my bag,

partout où je vais,

wherever I go,

et j'essaie de trouver un endroit

and I'm trying to find a place

où courir, d'une façon ou d'une autre.

where to run, one way or another.

Donc aujourd'hui,

So today,

vous vivez principalement à Londres

you mainly live in London

et vous vivez aussi à Paris,

and you also live in Paris,

n'est-ce pas?

isn't it?

Oui, j'y suis allée.

Yes, I went there.

Quand je viens à Paris,

When I come to Paris,

c'est normal de faire

it's normal to do

le triathlon.

the triathlon.

Mes éditeurs français

My French publishers

me tiennent très occupée,

keep me very busy,

donc souvent, j'ai des événements littéraires

So often, I have literary events.

à Paris et en France.

in Paris and in France.

Mon pôle de piscine local

My local swimming facility.

est Piscine Pontoise.

is Pontoise Pool.

Donc, quand vous allez à Paris,

So, when you go to Paris,

vous allez dans un pôle de piscine?

Are you going to a swimming pool?

Oui, oui.

Yes, yes.

J'entends des rumeurs, Charlotte,

I hear rumors, Charlotte,

que le sol sera prêt

that the sun will be ready

pour qu'on pisse, non?

So that we can pee, right?

J'entends des messages mixtes.

I hear mixed messages.

Apparemment, Nice dit

Apparently, Nice says.

qu'il n'est pas assez bon

that he is not good enough

pour les Olympiques,

for the Olympics,

mais les gens s'éclatent

but people are having a blast

au Canal de l'Ourc.

at the Ourc Canal.

Et je n'y ai pas encore sauvé.

And I haven't saved there yet.

C'est quelque chose que je veux faire aussi.

It's something I want to do too.

J'ai un ami nommé Anne

I have a friend named Anne.

qui a 70 ans.

who is 70 years old.

Elle a fait le Monte Cristo,

She made the Monte Cristo.

le grand éclat de Marseille.

the great brilliance of Marseille.

Elle était vétéran.

She was a veteran.

Il y avait une compétition

There was a competition.

le 16 juin au Canal de l'Ourc

June 16 at the Ourc Canal

et elle l'a fait aussi.

and she did it too.

Elle m'a dit qu'il était incroyable.

She told me he was amazing.

L'eau était vraiment propre.

The water was really clean.

Plus propre que le serpentin.

Cleaner than the serpent.

C'est incroyable.

This is incredible.

En Londres,

In London,

j'ai sauvé

I saved.

dans les ponds

in the ponds

à Hampstead Heath.

to Hampstead Heath.

J'ai sauvé dans les ponds

I saved in the ponds.

des femmes.


J'ai sauvé dans les ponds mixtes.

I saved in the mixed ponds.

Et les femmes plus âgées

And older women

qui sauvent tout l'année

who save all year round

ne sauvent pas tout l'année.

do not save all year round.

Les gens pensent que je suis

People think that I am

une sauveteuse d'eau froid.

a cold water lifeguard.

Je ne fais pas vraiment

I don't really do.

l'hiver très froid.

the very cold winter.

Mais les femmes plus âgées

But older women

sont incroyables.

are incredible.

Elles s'éloignent

They are moving away.

de la pente,

of the slope,

elles s'éloignent de l'aile

They are moving away from the wing.

et elles sont là.

and they are here.

Tu ne fais pas ça ?

Aren't you doing that?

Non, ce n'est pas pour moi.

No, it's not for me.

Donc, à Londres,

So, in London,

dans l'hiver,

in winter,

tu sauvais dans les ponds,

you saved in the ponds,

l'été, l'automne ?

summer, autumn?

Oui, l'été.

Yes, summer.

Elle est une sauveteuse d'eau froid.

She is a cold water lifesaver.

Elle sauvait 4°C tout l'année.

She saved 4°C all year round.

C'est bon pour elle,

It's good for her.

mais pas pour moi.

but not for me.

Donc, tu vas dans les ponds

So, you're going to the ponds.

quand il fait 14°C.

when it is 14°C.

Tu fais un tour de la pente

You make a turn of the slope.

ou tu restes ?

Where are you staying?

Ou tu dis que tu restes 15 minutes ?

Or do you say that you stay for 15 minutes?

Est-ce que tu utilises

Are you using?

une gargouille et un chapeau ?

A gargoyle and a hat?

Je ne fais pas vraiment

I'm not really doing it.

la gargouille et le chapeau.

the gargoyle and the hat.

Peut-être que,

Maybe that,

quand j'aurai de l'âge,

when I am older,

je vais faire la sauveteuse d'eau froid.

I am going to be the cold water lifeguard.

C'est quelque chose à attendre.

It is something to look forward to.

Ensuite, tu as le chapeau,

Then, you have the hat,

les chapeaux spéciaux.

the special hats.

Je vais dans l'eau

I am going in the water.

quand il fait 14°C.

when it is 14°C.

Je fais

I do.

un petit tour.

a little walk.

Tu sauvais

You were saving.

à Eran ?

to Eran?



Tous les petits gargouilles

All the little gargoyles

sont là.

are there.

Il y en a un

There is one.

qui est toujours là.

who is always there.

J'ai sauvé dans ces ponds

I saved in these ponds.

depuis que j'avais 15 ans.

since I was 15 years old.

C'est incroyable.

It's incredible.

Maintenant, tu dois payer.

Now, you have to pay.

C'était gratuit.

It was free.

C'est une chose terrible

It's a terrible thing.

de devoir payer maintenant.

to have to pay now.

C'était ouvert à tout le monde.

It was open to everyone.

Je dois confier

I must entrust.

que parfois,

that sometimes,

on s'en sortait de l'école.

We were getting out of school.

On était des truandes

We were hustlers.

de double maths.

double maths.

On allait

We were going

courir dans les ponds.

running in the ponds.

Dans les ponds mixtes

In mixed ponds.

parce qu'ils étaient

because they were

très mignons.

very cute.

On aimait

We loved.

aller boire,

to go drink,


to run,

prendre un pique-nique.

to have a picnic.

J'avais 15 ans.

I was 15 years old.

Dans les ponds féminins,

In female ponds,

il y avait

there was

une sorte d'arbre

a kind of tree

au milieu des ponds

in the middle of the ponds

que l'on pouvait

that one could

courir sur.

run on.

On pouvait

We could.


to ensure

d'être à Saint-Tropez

to be in Saint-Tropez

en hiver

in winter

parce que l'on allait

because we were going

monter sur

to get on


the tree

au milieu des ponds.

in the middle of the ponds.

As-tu jamais essayé

Have you ever tried?

de courir dans les ponds des hommes?

to run in the ponds of men?



Ma fille fait

My daughter is making.

des courses de poulets.

chicken races.

Chaque Noël,

Every Christmas,

on va dans les ponds des hommes

we go into the ponds of men

et on l'apprécie.

and we appreciate it.

C'est un bon pond.

It’s a good pond.

J'aime vraiment

I really like it.

les ponds des hommes.

the bridges of men.

C'est ouvert.

It is open.

Les ponds des femmes

The weights of women

sont plus

are more



Les ponds des hommes

The bridges of men

sont plus ouverts.

are more open.

J'ai fait

I did.

le Pondathlon.

the Pondathlon.

Je ne sais pas si vous avez

I don't know if you have.

entendu parler de ça.

heard about that.

Le Pondathlon,

The Pondathlon,

chaque septembre,

every September,

le premier dimanche

the first Sunday

de septembre,

of September,

ils font une course.

They are racing.


It was

très casual.

very casual.



les gens

the people



des courses d'athlètes.

athletic races.

Une course de 400 mètres.

A 400-meter race.

Vous êtes sportive, Charlotte.

You are sporty, Charlotte.



c'est tellement

it's so



Je l'ai fait

I did it.

il y a dix ans.

ten years ago.

Je l'ai fait

I did it.

l'année dernière.

last year.

Nous ne sommes plus

We are no longer.

à Londres.

in London.

C'est vraiment

It's really



Vous allez toujours

You are always going.

dans les ponds.

in the ponds.

Et le Lido ?

And the Lido?

Oui, j'adore le Lido.

Yes, I love the Lido.

Ils ont maintenant

They now have

une saunière

a salt worker

à l'arrière du Lido

at the back of the Lido

qui ferait

who would do


the food

plus scandique.

more scandalous.

C'est l'un de mes

It's one of my



Et vous aimez

And you like


to go

à deux


et parler.

and talk.

Ce n'est pas

This is not

vraiment mon truc

really my thing

dans un pôle.

in a pole.

Dans la mer,

In the sea,

c'est différent.

It's different.

Mais pour faire

But to do

ce que l'on appelle

what is called

le breaststroke,

the breaststroke,

et parler,

and talk,

ce n'est pas

it is not

vraiment pour moi.

really for me.

Dans la mer,

In the sea,

c'est pour

it's for


to do / to make

le breaststroke

the breaststroke

tout le temps

all the time

et être avec les gens.

and being with people.

Et peut-être faire

And perhaps do

un long

a long



dans la matinée.

in the morning.

L'Aegean est

The Aegean is

la mer qui,

the sea that,

pour moi,

for me,

ressemble à

resembles to

de l'arbre.

from the tree.

C'est la mer des dieux.

It is the sea of the gods.

C'est amoureux,

It's romantic,

mais pas trop

but not too much


of affection.



je ne vois pas de raison

I see no reason.

pour sortir de l'Aegean.

to exit the Aegean.

Avec la température

With the temperature

qui s'éclate

who is having a blast

avec l'urgence climatique,

with the climate emergency,

j'ai remarqué l'année dernière

I noticed last year.

que j'étais toujours

that I was always

dans l'Aegean

in the Aegean

et le soleil était si chaud

and the sun was so hot

que j'étais assez brûlée.

that I was quite burned.

Maintenant, j'ai à faire autrement.

Now, I have to do things differently.

Mais ce que j'aime

But what I love

sur les îles de la Grèce

on the islands of Greece

dans l'Aegean,

in the Aegean,

c'est que souvent,

it's that often,

il y a des arbres

there are trees

qui s'éclatent

who are having a blast

sur les rochers et les côtes.

on the rocks and the coasts.

Quand je sors,

When I go out,

je me réveille,

I wake up,

j'ai un peu de café,

I have some coffee.

beaucoup d'eau,

a lot of water,

et je pars sur le chemin

and I am leaving on the path

de la côte.

from the coast.

Je prends des arbres

I take trees.

du arbre. C'est mon déjeuner.

From the tree. It's my lunch.

C'est un long déjeuner.

It's a long lunch.

J'aime ça.

I like that.

C'est mon déjeuner

It's my lunch.

et tout le monde

and everyone

est dans le déjeuner,

is in the lunch,

on parle.

We talk.

Tu n'es jamais fière

You are never proud.

du déjeuner ?

for lunch?

Je ne suis pas si fière

I am not that proud.

du déjeuner.

for lunch.

Il y a eu un déjeuner

There was a lunch.



qui m'a surpris.

who surprised me.

C'était à Cornwall,

It was in Cornwall,

et j'étais professeure

and I was a teacher



à l'école de l'art de Falmouth.

at the Falmouth School of Art.

À l'université,

At the university,

j'étudiais l'écriture pour l'animation.

I was studying writing for animation.

Et juste avant,

And just before,

deux heures avant

two hours before

que j'étudiais,

that I was studying,

j'étais avec mes collègues

I was with my colleagues.

et peut-être que c'était mai,

and maybe it was May,

donc la mer

so the sea

était très fière,

was very proud,

mais on marchait

but we were walking

sur la plage

on the beach

et j'ai pensé

and I thought

qu'il fallait entrer.

that it was necessary to enter.

Donc j'ai dit à mes collègues

So I told my colleagues.

que j'allais entrer.

that I was going to enter.

Il y avait un petit restaurant

There was a small restaurant.

sur la plage,

on the beach,

les gens mangeaient

people were eating

leur déjeuner,

their lunch,

et j'ai entré.

and I entered.

C'était très froid pour moi

It was very cold for me.

et les vagues étaient fortes.

and the waves were strong.

Et j'avais

And I had



la puissance

the power

de l'océan.

from the ocean.

Et la mer était trop fière.

And the sea was too proud.

C'était la première fois

It was the first time.

dans ma vie

in my life

que j'ai mis ma main sur l'océan.

that I put my hand on the ocean.

Et je n'étais pas très loin.

And I wasn't very far.

Il y avait un garde de vie.

There was a lifeguard.

J'ai mis ma main sur l'océan

I put my hand on the ocean.

et j'ai senti

and I felt

que c'était humiliant pour moi.

that it was humiliating for me.

Mais en fait,

But in fact,

je savais

I knew.

que j'allais sortir.

that I was going to go out.

Je ne pouvais pas revenir.

I couldn't come back.

Et il est venu.

And he came.

Nous sommes revenus ensemble.

We got back together.

Il m'a aidée un peu,

He helped me a little,

mais nous avons sauvé

but we saved

les vagues ensemble.

the waves together.

Mes collègues rient encore

My colleagues are still laughing.

parce que j'allais

because I was going

enseigner une heure et demie plus tard.

teach one and a half hours later.

Et tous de retour

And all are back.

à la plage.

at the beach.

Avec le garde de vie.

With the guardian of life.

J'ai peut-être une question étrange,

I may have a strange question,

mais est-ce que tu aimes

but do you like

regarder les autres s'éloigner ?

watch others drift away?

Oui, j'aime

Yes, I like it.

leur plaisir

their pleasure

dans l'eau.

in the water.

Je ne juge pas vraiment

I don't really judge.

leur stroke ou leur style de sauvage

their stroke or their wild style

ou leur costume de sauvage,

or their savage costume,



J'aime vraiment

I really like it.

voir les gens prendre

see people take

beaucoup de plaisir

a lot of pleasure

dans l'eau.

in the water.

Les gens s'éloignent très différemment

People move away very differently.

à Paris, dans un pôle de sauvage

in Paris, in a wild hub

de Londres.

from London.

J'ai essayé de le faire.

I tried to do it.

L'étiquette ?

The label?



Pour commencer,

To begin,

je ne pouvais pas comprendre

I could not understand.

comment certaines personnes

how some people

portaient des flippers dans l'eau.

were wearing fins in the water.

Je me suis demandé pourquoi

I wondered why.

elles portaient des flippers

they were wearing flippers

et avaient des vêtements

and had clothing

dans l'eau.

in the water.

Ensuite, il y a eu

Then, there was

une façon forceuse

a forcible way

de garder les vagues.

to keep the waves.

À un moment,

At one point,

quelqu'un m'a sauvé

someone saved me

sous moi.

under me.

En Londres,

In London,

on est beaucoup trop polis.

We are way too polite.

On a un rythme

We have a rhythm.

et tout le monde

and everyone

est dans ce rythme.

is in this rhythm.

Peut-être que les gens

Maybe people

sont plus individualistes

are more individualistic

dans le pôle de Paris.

in the Paris area.

C'est un chaos.

It's a chaos.

Il y a un rythme différent,

There is a different rhythm,

c'est sûr.

It's for sure.

Je trouve qu'au Royaume-Uni,

I find that in the United Kingdom,

ils vous enseignent

they teach you

à ne pas bouger sur la ligne

do not move on the line

et à attendre

and to wait

jusqu'à la fin.

until the end.

En France,

In France,

c'est pareil.

it's the same.

Même les géré de la marche

Even the managers of the march.

ne se soucient pas.

do not care.

Je ne sais pas

I don't know.

si les autres

if the others

ne le savent,

do not know it,

mais dans Londres,

but in London,

si quelqu'un ne se sent pas

if someone does not feel

dans la voie,

in the way,

il va essayer

he will try

Peut-être que vous êtes trop lent.

Maybe you are too slow.

À Paris, on dit souvent que vous êtes lent,

In Paris, it is often said that you are slow,

en ligne moyenne, et quoi que ce soit,

on average, and whatever it is,

personne ne s'en soucie.

Nobody cares about it.

C'est ce que je trouve.

That's what I find.

Mais j'aime bien la différence.

But I like the difference.

Je suis un peu plus difficile

I am a little more difficult.

à sortir du pôle que à Paris.

to leave the pole than in Paris.

Et je trouve,

And I find,

et c'est ça qui me fait très...

and that's what makes me very...

En France, les gars n'aiment pas

In France, guys don't like.

quand vous plongez plus vite que eux.

when you dive faster than them.

Ils ne l'aiment pas, non.

They don’t love him, no.

En Londres, c'est...

In London, it's...

Personne ne s'en soucie.

Nobody cares.

Et en France, honnêtement,

And in France, honestly,

si un gars voit que vous plongez plus vite que lui,

if a guy sees that you dive faster than him,

il va essayer de le battre

He will try to beat him.

et de s'assurer qu'il est un et qu'il va être loin.

and to ensure that he is one and that he will be far away.

Il ne peut pas l'accepter.

He cannot accept it.

Mais c'est mon...

But it's my...

Peut-être que les choses changent.

Maybe things are changing.

Je ne sais pas.

I don't know.

Une autre question sur le plonger.

Another question about diving.

Qu'est-ce que vous pensez quand vous plongez ?

What do you think about when you dive?

Qu'est-ce que vous pensez et qu'est-ce que vous pensez quand vous plongez ?

What do you think and what do you feel when you dive?

Oui, alors quand je plonge,

Yes, so when I dive,

c'est un peu comme...

it's a bit like...

Je veux oublier ma tête

I want to forget my head.

parce que ma tête est tellement pleine de l'écriture.

because my head is so full of writing.

Disons que je suis en train d'écrire un novel, une fiction.

Let's say I am writing a novel, a fiction.

Et il y a cette toute architecture d'un livre dans ma tête.

And there is this entire architecture of a book in my head.

Les personnages, les situations, les problèmes humains,

The characters, the situations, the human problems,

l'esthétique de l'écriture, la langue.

the aesthetics of writing, the language.

Donc, quand je m'emmène dans l'eau,

So, when I take myself into the water,

vraiment, je veux perdre tout ça.

Really, I want to lose all of that.

Et d'une certaine manière, c'est un peu comme une méditation.

And in a way, it's a bit like meditation.

Ce n'est pas comme si je arrête de penser,

It's not like I'm stopping thinking,

mais c'est un peu comme si je la laisse aller.

but it's a bit like I'm letting her go.

Et je suis en train de plonger.

And I am diving.

Et certains pensées

And some thoughts

viennent dans mon esprit.

come to my mind.

Peut-être une mémoire ou quelque chose,

Perhaps a memory or something,

ou je pense à...

where I think of...

Il y a quelque chose que je n'ai pas pu résoudre dans le livre.

There is something I couldn't resolve in the book.

Il y a un problème dans le livre.

There is a problem in the book.

Mais je ne pense pas vraiment à ça.

But I'm not really thinking about that.

Je me dis ça à moi-même.

I tell myself that.

Mais, d'une certaine façon, l'inconscient dans l'eau

But, in a way, the unconscious in the water.

pense à ça, parce que je me dis

think about it, because I tell myself

« Ah, d'accord, donc c'est ainsi que je vais écrire ce chapitre quand je reviendrai. »

"Ah, okay, so that's how I'm going to write this chapter when I come back."

Quelque chose comme ça.

Something like that.

Mais, en plus,

But, moreover,

je ne veux vraiment pas être pleine de pensées quand je sors.

I really don't want to be full of thoughts when I go out.

Je laisse ce que ce soit qui se trouve dans ma tête.

I let whatever is in my head be.

J'essaie de conduire le chemin.

I'm trying to drive the way.

Et pour moi, je me sens un peu la même.

And for me, I feel a bit the same.

Donc, ce n'est pas la méditation, mais ça se sent,

So, it's not meditation, but it feels like it.

mais tu es toujours en train de penser.

but you are always thinking.

Tu ne penses pas...

You don't think...

Tu n'es pas supposé penser à la méditation.

You are not supposed to think about meditation.

Mais l'essentiel est venu.

But the essential has come.

Je trouve la solution et l'esprit essentiel.

I find the solution and the essential spirit.

Pour moi, quand je sors, je ne sais pas...

For me, when I go out, I don't know...

Je suis probablement plus...

I am probably more...

Dans mon esprit, quand je sors,

In my mind, when I go out,

c'est comme « Je vais faire 1K ou 2K,

it's like "I'm going to do 1K or 2K,"

et je vais faire cet espace. »

"and I am going to make this space."

Je suis un peu comme ça.

I am a bit like that.

Donc, je me concentre sur l'objectif.

So, I focus on the goal.

Mais puis, une fois que j'ai commencé,

But then, once I started,

je suis en train d'amener mon esprit.

I am in the process of bringing my mind.

Mais ensuite, l'essentiel et la solution

But then, the essential and the solution.

que j'étais en train de chercher

that I was looking for

sont venus.


C'est ce que je trouve.

That's what I find.



Et quand la respiration...

And when the breathing...

Quand tu oublies la respiration

When you forget to breathe

et que tu fais juste les étapes

and that you just do the steps

dans le pôle,

in the pole,

il y a des choses vraiment intéressantes qui se passent

There are really interesting things happening.

dans les pensées.

in thoughts.

C'est-à-dire que tu peux revenir dans le temps

That is to say, you can go back in time.

et puis aussi dans le futur.

and also in the future.

Quelque chose que tu souhaites.

Something you wish for.

Quelque chose comme ça.

Something like that.

C'est très intéressant.

It's very interesting.

J'y suis d'accord.

I agree.

Et pour toi,

And for you,

si tu ne sors pas, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?

If you don't go out, what happens?

Est-ce que tu sens que c'est une passion,

Do you feel that it's a passion?

une obligation, un devoir de s'éloigner ?

An obligation, a duty to distance oneself?



Je dois s'éloigner.

I must move away.

Je me sens vraiment mal

I feel really bad.

quand je ne sors pas.

when I don't go out.

J'ai l'impression que mon corps est fermé,

I feel like my body is closed.

que ma tête est fermée.

that my mind is closed.

J'ai l'impression que j'ai vraiment besoin

I feel like I really need.

d'être dans le milieu de l'eau.

to be in the middle of the water.

Et c'est pourquoi

And that is why

j'ai toujours,

I always have,

honnêtement, un costume de sauvetage.

Honestly, a rescue suit.

Et tu as des aventures.

And you have adventures.

Si tu prends un costume de sauvetage avec toi,

If you take a rescue suit with you,

des choses se passent.

Things are happening.

J'étais à un festival d'écriture

I was at a writing festival.

près de Norfolk,

near Norfolk,

en Bretagne.

in Brittany.

Et dans la ligne d'enregistrement

And in the registration line

où tu signes les livres,

where you sign the books,

il y avait deux femmes dans la ligne

There were two women in line.

et elles m'ont dit

and they told me

« Debra, nous voyons un lac

"Debra, we see a lake."

dans notre terrain

in our field

et c'est presque prêt.

and it's almost ready.

La prochaine fois que tu reviendras,

The next time you come back,

prends ton costume de sauvetage

put on your rescue suit

parce que tu viendras

because you will come

pour s'éloigner. »

"to get away."

Donc, tu sais,

So, you know,

tu peux toujours trouver

you can always find

quelque chose


pour s'éloigner

to move away

si tu en veux assez.

if you want enough of it.

Donc, pour toi,

So, for you,

c'est vraiment

it's really

une compulsion,

a compulsion,

une obligation

an obligation

et une passion,

and a passion,

tout ça.

all of that.

C'est comme...

It's like...

C'est comme si c'était

It's as if it were.

ce que mon corps a besoin de faire.

what my body needs to do.

Et as-tu jamais

And have you ever

pensé à vivre

thought about living

près de la mer ?

near the sea?

Tu sais,

You know,

parce que Londres et Paris,

because London and Paris,

c'est une ville pure,

it's a pure city,

une vie très urbaine,

a very urban life,

où un lac de sauvetage

where a rescue lake

est évidemment

is obviously

une alternative.

an alternative.

Mais as-tu jamais pensé

But have you ever thought

à aller à Nice ?

to go to Nice?

Parce que je sais

Because I know

que tu as passé

that you spent

du temps à Nice.

time in Nice.

Je pense souvent

I often think

à vivre près de la mer.

to live near the sea.

Je rêve de ça.

I dream of that.

Et, tu sais,

And, you know,

dans ma tête,

in my head,

j'ai déjà

I already have.



le lieu

the place

où je vais vivre

where I will live

près de la mer

near the sea

et tout ça.

and all that.

Mais, tu sais,

But, you know,

au final,

in the end,

je ne pense pas

I don’t think so.

que c'est pour moi.

What it means to me.

Je pense que

I think that

j'ai besoin

I need.

de la ville

of the city





le public,

the public,

la culture,


la diversité,


et puis,

and then,



de passer

to pass

beaucoup de temps

a lot of time

près de la mer

near the sea

et dans la mer.

and in the sea.



Cape Town

Cape Town

est une ville

is a city

qui est

who is

une belle ville.

a beautiful city.

Cape Town.

Cape Town.



mon père

my father

est mort

is dead

il y a deux ans

two years ago

et il est retourné

and he returned

en Afrique du Sud

in South Africa

en 1994.

in 1994.




I love.


to run



les pôles

the poles


of water



la baie

the bay

de Cork

of Cork

parce que,


vous savez,

you know,


the Atlantic

est très froid.

is very cold.

Les pingouins

The penguins




the Atlantic.



les pôles d'eau

the water poles



la baie

the bay

de Cork

from Cork





parce que


les deux

the two




the Atlantic

et l'océan Indien,

and the Indian Ocean,







ces pôles

these poles



et ce

and this

sens incroyable

incredible sense

de la

of the



et des

and some





quelque chose


que j'aime

that I love






I love.


to run



ces pôles.

these poles.



je pense

I think



tout le monde





to run



les pôles d'eau

water poles




the Atlantic.

Vous devez avoir

You must have

quelque chose


à attendre

to wait










will be







je regarde

I watch















les pôles.

the poles.






let's begin

parce que


nous sommes

we are

très heureux

very happy



Deborah a

Deborah has

une petite

a little




that she


would like


















to do / to make

cela ?


Je vais

I am going


to read






of one



qui a été

who has been




























It is


















The water.









il y a

there is/there are

deux ans

two years




The School


"of the"













ils ont

they have
















The School


of the






The School


of the






The School





Nouvelle Écosse,

Nova Scotia,


at the






the Institute




The School
















The School




The School




The School




The School










The School




The School



I have measured out my life swimming in various rivers and lakes

I have measured out my life swimming in various rivers and lakes.

with dragonflies and humble ducks.

avec des libellules et des canards modestes.

Of all the oceans in which I have swum,

Of all the oceans in which I have swum,

including the Atlantic and Indian oceans,

including the Atlantic and Indian Oceans,

the most inspiring for writing

the most inspiring for writing

was the Bay of Angels in Nice,

was the Bay of Angels in Nice,

the fifth biggest city in France.

the fifth largest city in France.

I have never glimpsed one single fish

I have never caught a glimpse of a single fish.

or felt it flick my feet in that stretch of water

or felt it flick my feet in that stretch of water

and often wonder why.

et se demande souvent pourquoi.

Swimming far out from shore that summer,

Swimming far out from shore that summer,

then turning around to face the town,

then turning around to face the town,

it seemed to me that the rooftops were covered in snow.

It seemed to me that the rooftops were covered in snow.

At that moment,

At that moment,

I decided to write a novel called Swimming Home,

I decided to write a novel called Swimming Home.

set in the French Riviera.

set in the French Riviera.

In Swimming Home,

In Swimming Home,

there is a story about a man

There is a story about a man.

who is a fragile young woman

who is a fragile young woman

with fierce intelligence and long red hair.

avec une intelligence féroce et de longs cheveux roux.

Her mother is a cleaner

Her mother is a cleaner.

who writes a poem.

who writes a poem.

Maybe she's happy, maybe she's not.

Maybe she's happy, maybe she's not.

You will find her collecting pebbles

You will find her collecting pebbles.

on the beach of the Bay of Angels

on the beach of the Bay of Angels

in a summer dress.

in a summer dress.

The sky is always blue

The sky is always blue.

and the rooftops of the houses

et les toits des maisons

are carpeted in the seagulls

sont recouverts de mouettes

that I first mistook for snow.

that I first mistook for snow.

I have measured out my life

I have measured out my life.

with the sea urchins

with the sea urchins

that have pierced my feet with their spines.

that have pierced my feet with their thorns.

I have now lost my fear of sea urchins.

I have now lost my fear of sea urchins.

I don't know why.

I don't know why.

There are other fears I would prefer to lose.

There are other fears I would prefer to lose.

I know they have to survive

I know they have to survive.

in the wilderness of the ocean.

in the wilderness of the ocean.

Their cousins are the sea star

Their cousins are the starfish.

and they can grow for centuries.

and they can grow for centuries.

There are sea urchins

There are sea urchins.

that are almost immortal,

that are almost immortal,

older than the mortal mothers

older than the mortal mothers

and their mortal children,

et leurs enfants mortels,

fleeing from wars

fleeing from wars

on boats that sometimes sink.

on boats that sometimes sink.

Life is only worth living

Life is only worth living.

because we hope it will get better

because we hope it will get better

and we'll all get home safely.

and we'll all get home safely.

If we were to measure out

If we were to measure out

the love of mothers for their children

the love of mothers for their children

with coffee spoons,

with coffee spoons,

there would never be enough spoons

there would never be enough spoons

for that kind of love.

for that kind of love.



Thank you so much, Deborah.

Thank you so much, Deborah.

I have a few more questions.

I have a few more questions.

Oh, okay.

Oh, d'accord.

Can I ask you one or two more questions

Can I ask you one or two more questions?

and then we go for a swim?

and then we go for a swim?

Just to know about the writer's block

Just to know about the writer's block.

and the collaboration

and the collaboration

between writing and swimming.

between writing and swimming.

Does it help?

Does it help?

Is it something that's really

Is it something that's really

joined together?

joined together?

Yes, absolutely joined together.

Yes, absolutely joined together.

You know,

You know,

I don't believe in writer's block.

I don't believe in writer's block.

I'm quite unfashionable in that sense.

I'm quite unfashionable in that sense.

I think the block

I think the block.

is when the unconscious is blocked,

is when the unconscious is blocked,

when something has closed

when something has closed

and that you can't open it

et que vous ne pouvez pas l'ouvrir

to find the language

to find the language

for something that you're exploring.

pour quelque chose que vous explorez.

So swimming is a way

So swimming is a way

of really kind of opening the body

of really kind of opening the body

and opening the mind.

and opening the mind.

And so the two work together.

And so the two work together.

I don't think,

I don't think,

I don't think I could write so easily

I don't think I could write so easily.

without swimming.

sans nager.

And for which book

And for which book?

did you swim the most?

Did you swim the most?

Sorry, it's a weird question.

Désolé, c'est une question bizarre.

No, I love the question.

No, I love the question.

Maybe for my novel Hot Milk.

Peut-être pour mon roman Hot Milk.



Because that is set

Parce que c'est établi.

in the south of Spain,

in the south of Spain,

in Almeria.

in Almeria.

And, you know,

And, you know,

I've taken my family,

I've taken my family,

my children have swum there

My children have swum there.

since they were little.

since they were little.

They were babies.

They were babies.

But when I was writing Hot Milk,

Mais quand j'écrivais Hot Milk,

I was in that ocean

I was in that ocean.

every single day.

every single day.

There were medus in the sea.

There were jellyfish in the sea.



And I got really badly stung

And I got really badly stung.

by the medus.

by the medus.



And that somehow

Et que d'une manière ou d'une autre.

stung me into the book,

stung me into the book,

into the writing of the book.

into the writing of the book.

And it's the opening of the book.

And it's the opening of the book.

It is the opening of the book.

It is the opening of the book.

Yeah, so that's,

Yeah, so that's,

so for that book,

so for that book,

I did a lot of swimming.

I did a lot of swimming.

And the book you,

And the book you,

for which you didn't swim as much?

for which you didn't swim as much?

I don't think I can answer that

Je ne pense pas pouvoir répondre à cela.

because really I try and swim every day.

Because really I try to swim every day.



I have three last questions for you.

I have three last questions for you.

Very short.

Very short.

Just three.

Juste trois.

But the very short is just

But the very short is just

my three usual questions

my three usual questions

I'm asking my guests.

I'm asking my guests.

So first one is,

So the first one is,

when was the last time

when was the last time

you went for a swim?

Did you go for a swim?

Oh, and where and how?

Oh, et où et comment ?

So my last swim

So my last swim

before I swim today,

before I swim today,

was in the south of France,

was in the south of France,

in Hyères.

in Hyères.



And I was there

And I was there.

to do some writing

to do some writing

for a play.

pour une pièce de théâtre.



For a theater in Zurich.

For a theater in Zurich.



And to swim.

Et nager.

And I was there for a few days.

And I was there for a few days.

The water was beautifully cold.

The water was beautifully cold.

And I enjoyed that swim.

And I enjoyed that swim.

You had to go,

You had to go,

it was quite shallow.

It was quite shallow.

You had to walk out

You had to walk out.

quite a long way.

assez loin.

There's no tide.

Il n'y a pas de marée.

To get, yeah,

To get, yeah,







To get, you know,

To get, you know,

in deeper.

in deeper.

When my children were young,

When my children were young,

we used to have

we used to have

handstand competitions.

handstand competitions.

Oh, wow.

Oh, wow.

Where we took it

Où nous l'avons pris.

very seriously.

very seriously.



We would all do handstands

We would all do handstands.

in the water.

in the water.

And, you know,

And, you know,

feet had to be up,

feet had to be up,

toes had to be pointed,

toes had to be pointed,

you had to be steady,

you had to be steady,

and we marked them

and we marked them

out of 10.

out of 10.



It made us laugh a lot.

It made us laugh a lot.

And I was thinking

And I was thinking

that this was very good.

that this was very good.

For the handstand competition.

For the handstand competition.

Very good for the handstands.

Very good for handstands.

That was my last,

That was my last.

my last swim.

my last swim.

And the water was cold?

And the water was cold?

The water was cold.

The water was cold.



In a refreshing way.

In a refreshing way.

I liked it a lot.

I liked it a lot.

And not so many waves,

And not so many waves,

not so many,

not so many,



No waves,

No waves,



And your next swim

And your next swim

is going to be,

is going to be,

it's going to be now.

It's going to be now.

Tell me where

Tell me where.

my next swim is.

ma prochaine nage est.

It's going to be

It's going to be

in the

in the

Salle des Nageurs.

Swimmers' Room.

And I can't wait.

Et j'ai hâte.

I'm sitting here

I'm sitting here.

with you, Charlotte.

with you, Charlotte.

I have my swimming costume

I have my swimsuit.

under my dress.

under my dress.



You're going to shoot soon.

You're going to shoot soon.

I am really excited.

I am really excited.

I think we're going to go

I think we're going to go.

and see the,

et voir le,

because last time

because last time

we went with Fanny,

we went with Fanny,

it was very cold

it was very cold

and very rough that day.

and very rough that day.

It was in November.

It was in November.

Oh, wow.

Oh, wow.

So the water was

So the water was

probably 12 or 13

probablement 12 ou 13

and there was many waves.

and there were many waves.

So we went to the,

So we went to the,

there's a museum

there's a museum

very close to the

very close to the



how do you say,

how do you say,

Undersea Museum.

Undersea Museum.

So there's eight statues.

So there are eight statues.

You can,

You can,

it's very,

it's very,

not very deep.

not very deep.

You just have to,

You just have to,

you know,

you know,

just a little bit of a plunge.

just a little bit of a plunge.

So I think we're going to go there

So I think we're going to go there.

to see it.

to see it.

To see the new one,

To see the new one,

which I haven't seen,

which I haven't seen,

is an octopus

is an octopus

that they've put a week ago,

that they put a week ago,

a new statue.

a new statue.

No way, I can't wait.

No way, I can't wait.

So we're going to do that.

So we're going to do that.



Are we ready to go?

Are we ready to go?

Thank you so much, Deborah.

Thank you so much, Deborah.

And thank you everyone

And thank you everyone.

for listening.

for listening.

Thank you, Charlotte.

Thank you, Charlotte.

Merci d'avoir écouté

Thank you for listening.

notre épisode d'Aux Libres

our episode of Aux Libres

jusqu'au bout.

to the end.

J'espère qu'il vous a plu

I hope you liked it.

et que maintenant,

and that now,

vous aussi,

you too,

vous êtes tentés

you are tempted

par l'eau froide

by cold water

et l'eau libre.

and the free water.

N'hésitez pas à suivre

Don't hesitate to follow.

Layer & Proof

Layer & Proof

sur Instagram.

on Instagram.

Des bons plans,

Good deals,

des idées,


les spécifications

the specifications

et des spots à essayer.

and spots to try.

On ne vous lâchera pas.

We won't let you go.

Si vous partagez cet épisode,

If you share this episode,

c'est juste parfait.

It's just perfect.

Si vous avez des suggestions

If you have any suggestions

ou pour nous contacter directement,

or to contact us directly,

c'est tout simple.

It's quite simple.

Envoyez un e-mail

Send an email

à contact

to contact


at sign

Layer & Proof

Layer et Preuve







Je vous dis à très vite

I will see you very soon.

et je vous embrasse.

and I kiss you.

Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada

Subtitling Society Radio-Canada

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