Playing in the World of Ideas - A Chat with Benjamin Wittes

Eve Gaumond

Entre la Cité et la Tour

Playing in the World of Ideas - A Chat with Benjamin Wittes

Entre la Cité et la Tour

Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada

Subtitling by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Oui, donc je dis toujours que si une relation de mentoratrice n'est pas une exploitation mutuelle, quelque chose est mauvais. Et je pense qu'il faut toujours être très clair sur ce que les deux parties obtiennent de ça.

Yes, so I always say that if a mentorship relationship is not a mutual exploitation, something is wrong. And I think it's always important to be very clear about what both parties are getting out of it.

Et je pense qu'il faut toujours être très clair sur ce que les deux parties obtiennent de ça.

And I think it is important to always be very clear about what both parties are getting out of it.

qui permet une sorte de multiplication de force qui est, je pense, que beaucoup de gens ne s'en fassent pas. Ils la laissent comme une question inanswered.

which allows for a sort of multiplication of strength that I think many people do not pay attention to. They leave it as an unanswered question.

Intéressant. Une dernière chose avant de conclure. J'ai posé la question récemment pour votre nouveau projet, votre nouveau newsletter sur Substack.

Interesting. One last thing before we conclude. I asked the question recently about your new project, your new newsletter on Substack.

Votre excellente nouvelle newsletter. Je vous ai demandé comment ne pas devenir ennuyé après avoir passé longtemps dans le monde des idées.

Your excellent new newsletter. I asked you how not to become bored after spending a long time in the world of ideas.

Et j'aimerais lier cette question à la discussion que nous avons juste eue sur le mentorat.

And I would like to link this question to the discussion we just had about mentoring.

Quand je me rends ennuyé, c'est parce que je me sens comme si j'avais un impact beaucoup plus grand en apprenant à un ensemble de enfants de l'école de l'école de l'éducation

When I feel bored, it's because I feel like I have a much greater impact by teaching a group of school children.

que par écrire des choses que personne ne s'en fasse. J'ai l'impression que vous avez trouvé la solution à ce problème avec le mentorat.

by writing things that no one cares about. I feel like you've found the solution to this problem with mentoring.

Vous pouvez jouer avec les idées dont vous êtes intéressé, mais vous avez aussi l'impression d'avoir un impact. Est-ce la façon dont vous le voyez ?

You can play with the ideas that interest you, but you also feel like you have an impact. Is that how you see it?

Donc, je n'ai quasiment jamais été ennuyé par le monde des idées.

So, I have almost never been bored by the world of ideas.

Je me rends ennuyé par...

I find myself annoyed by...

les parties du monde des idées, parce que vous les travaillez pendant un temps, vous pensez que vous avez des pensées intéressantes,

the parts of the world of ideas, because you work on them for a while, you think you have interesting thoughts,

et puis vous réussissez à convaincre personne de n'importe quoi, ou quand vous le faites, ça n'a pas l'air de m'intéresser.

And then you manage to convince no one of anything, or when you do, it doesn't seem to interest me.



Mais je ne me rends pas ennuyé par le monde des idées plus grand.

But I do not find myself bored by the greater world of ideas.

Je me rends ennuyé par ces conversations spécifiques et convaincu que ces conversations n'ont pas de fruit.

I find myself annoyed by these specific conversations and convinced that these discussions bear no fruit.

Donc, j'essaie de passer à des conversations qui ont du fruit, ou qui ont plus de fruit.

So, I'm trying to move on to conversations that are fruitful, or that have more fruit.

Et c'est certainement vrai que le mentorat est une partie de la réponse à cela.

And it is certainly true that mentoring is part of the answer to this.

Vous savez, que vous...

You know that you...

What does it mean, neither in your head nor in your soul, if you have wasn't a mentor?

What does it mean, neither in your head nor in your soul, if you haven't had a mentor?

C'est expliqué par la loi psychologique ou par la loi education based on.,

It is explained by the psychological law or by the law based on education.

et bien...


Franchement, d'ailleurs, encore plus things continue à re黨re,

Honestly, besides, even more things continue to happen.

mais dans une manière lourde mais moderne – c'est une affaire qui n'a pas vécu,

but in a heavy yet modern way – it’s a matter that has not survived,

c'est-à-dire que le leader que nous concernons, c'est le Para-F Canada qui se déroule,

that is to say, the leader we are concerned with is Para-F Canada which takes place,

il déroule souvent...

he often unfolds...

Et donc...

And so...

Et c'est probablement le Groupe Social.

And it is probably the Social Group.

questions year after year after year even that would get boring you have to

Questions year after year after year even that would get boring you have to.

think about like ok what are the areas where I'm in a position actually to make

Think about, okay, what are the areas where I'm actually in a position to make.

a useful contribution what is an area where my thought might matter and you

a useful contribution what is an area where my thought might matter and you

know that's a separate question from from mentoring people so the solution

Know that’s a separate question from mentoring people, so the solution.

to jadedness is not mentoring it is finding some interesting content some

To jadedness is not mentoring, it is finding some interesting content.

interesting ideas in writing about it for lawfare do I get this right is that

Interesting ideas in writing about it for lawfare, do I get this right?

it no joking aside thank you very very much Ben it was a super insightful

No joking aside, thank you very very much Ben, it was super insightful.

conversation thank you so much for agreeing to come here today well it was

Thank you so much for agreeing to come here today. Well, it was...

a great pleasure and thank you for having me

It is a great pleasure and thank you for having me.

vous venez d'écouter un livre de la théorie des idées et de l'humanité

You have just listened to a book on the theory of ideas and humanity.

un épisode d'entre la cité et la tour à la prochaine

An episode between the city and the tower until next time.

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