400 - Die Letzte Episode / The Last Episode

Markus Voelter, Nora Ludewig

omega tau science & engineering podcast

400 - Die Letzte Episode / The Last Episode

omega tau science & engineering podcast

Omega Tau – Wissenschaft und Technik im Kopfhörer

Omega Tau – Science and Technology in Headphones

Die englische Version beginnt mit 17 Minuten und 35 Sekunden.

The English version starts at 17 minutes and 35 seconds.

Ja genau, woran liegt das? Also im Grunde, ich habe einfach keine Lust mehr, woher das kommt.

Yes exactly, what is the reason for that? Basically, I just don't feel like it anymore, I don't know where it comes from.

Es gibt ein paar Gründe dafür.

There are a few reasons for that.

Zum einen, das hast du ja auch schon mal erwähnt, wird es immer schwerer, gute Gäste zu finden,

On the one hand, as you mentioned before, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find good guests,

weil es gibt einfach inzwischen viele, viele Podcasts, die ähnlich sind dahingehend,

because there are simply a lot, a lot of podcasts now that are similar in that regard,

dass sie an eine kleine Zielgruppe sich wenden und oder halt irgendwie ein Spezialthema betrachten.

that they are targeting a small audience and/or looking at a specific topic in some way.

Ja, also ich...

Yes, well I...

Ich sehe das immer ganz gut bei den Fliegerei-Podcasts.

I always see that quite well in the aviation podcasts.

Als wir angefangen haben, gab es eigentlich nirgends, aus meiner Sicht zumindest,

When we started, there wasn't actually anywhere, from my perspective at least,

gute, technisch solide Informationen deutschsprachig zur Fliegerei.

Good, technically sound information in German about aviation.

Inzwischen gibt es jede Menge deutsch- und englischsprachige Podcasts dazu.

In the meantime, there are plenty of German and English-language podcasts on the topic.

Naja, und so ist es bei vielen Themen.

Well, and that's how it is with many topics.

Also es wird schwieriger, gute Gäste zu finden.

So it's getting harder to find good guests.

Viele der Themen, die mich persönlich interessieren, haben sich auch...

Many of the topics that personally interest me have also...

Also die haben wir...

So we have that…

Die haben wir gemacht und damit ist der Drive irgendwie weg.

We did that, and somehow the drive is gone.

Es gibt auch kein Wachstum.

There is no growth either.

Die Hörerzahlen sind seit Jahren konstant bei durchschnittlich 20.000 pro Episode.

The listener numbers have been consistently around 20,000 per episode for years.

Das ist nicht schlecht, aber so die Idee, Omega Tau dann irgendwann hauptberuflich oder so ähnlich zu machen

That's not bad, but the idea of eventually making Omega Tau a full-time job or something similar.

und das auszubauen, das wird einfach nicht funktionieren.

And expanding that just won't work.

Ja, das war ja ein Thema, mit dem du immer mal wieder zumindest dich theoretisch beschäftigt hast.

Yes, that was a topic that you have at least theoretically dealt with from time to time.

Genau, und damit das überhaupt plausibel ist,

Exactly, and in order for that to be plausible at all,

müssten die Hörerzahlen Faktor 10 hoch und das wird nicht passieren.

The listener numbers would have to increase by a factor of 10, and that won't happen.

Ein weiterer Punkt ist, dass ich es vor ein paar Jahren mit dem Fotografieren angefangen habe.

Another point is that I started photographing a few years ago.

Das macht mir derzeit mehr Spaß als die Podcasterei.

That is currently more fun for me than podcasting.

Das hat natürlich dann auch Zeit und so weiter weggenommen.

That of course took time and so on away as well.

Naja, und dann kommt auch dazu, dass die Vor- und Nachbereitung der Podcasts,

Well, there's also the fact that the preparation and follow-up of the podcasts,

wenn man da mal einen Gast gefunden hat, einfach auch viel Arbeit ist

once you have found a guest, it's also a lot of work.

und da fällt mir in letzter Zeit auch einfach...

And I've been thinking lately...

Ach, die Energie.

Ah, the energy.

Ich meine, dass es das letzte Jahr eingeschlafen ist,

I think it fell asleep last year.

das lag, wie wir ja in der Zwischenepisode da mal gesagt haben,

that was, as we mentioned in the interim episode,

schon an den Sachen, die ich da gesagt habe.

Already about the things I said there.

Wir hatten ein Buchprojekt, ein kleineres.

We had a book project, a smaller one.

Ich bin umgezogen, hatte dann jetzt im Sommer, vergangenen Sommer, im 23 noch ein gebrochenes Bein.

I moved, and last summer, in 2023, I had a broken leg.

Das war auch nicht unbedingt hilfreich.

That wasn't necessarily helpful either.

Also das waren so die, wenn man so will, Ausreden.

So those were, if you will, excuses.

Aber die Hauptgründe sind schon die, die ich oben genannt habe.

But the main reasons are already the ones I mentioned above.



Und wenn es halt keinen Spaß mehr macht, wenn man keinen Drive mehr empfindet,

And when it just isn’t fun anymore, when you no longer feel any drive,

dann sollte man es sein lassen, bevor es schlecht wird.

Then one should leave it be before it gets worse.

Ja, das sehe ich ganz genauso.

Yes, I see it the same way.

Und es ist ein Hobby und ein Hobby sollte Spaß machen.

And it is a hobby, and a hobby should be enjoyable.

Wenn es mal vorübergehend keinen Spaß macht, ist okay.

If it’s temporarily not fun, that’s okay.

Aber wenn das nicht mehr der Fall ist bei dir, dann ist es Zeit für was Neues, würde ich sagen.

But if that is no longer the case for you, then I would say it's time for something new.

Ja, und ich meine, wir haben ja im Prinzip jetzt ein Jahr lang, wenn man so will,

Yes, and I mean, we have basically had a year now, if you will,

habe ich ja quasi gewartet, ob ich wieder Bock habe.

I was basically waiting to see if I still felt like it.

Wir hatten ja, also ich habe ja vor einem Jahr de facto aufgehört, aber es nicht so gesagt,

I had, well, I basically stopped about a year ago, but I didn't say it like that.

weil dann die Chance besteht, dass vielleicht nochmal die Motivation kommt.

because then there is a chance that maybe the motivation will come again.

Sie kam aber nicht und deshalb ist jetzt Ende.

But she didn't come, and that's why it's over now.

Ja, genau.

Yes, exactly.

Und eigentlich habe ich dem gar nicht so viel hinzuzufügen.

And actually, I don't have much to add to that.

So wie du mich quasi mit Reiden motiviert hast in Omega Tau,

Just as you motivated me with Reiden in Omega Tau,

also es war ja am Anfang deine Idee und dein Vorschlag und du warst da von Anfang an sehr stark der Treiber.

Well, it was your idea and proposal from the beginning, and you were very strongly the driver from the start.

So hören wir jetzt auch gemeinsam wieder auf.

So now we will stop together again.

Ich hatte kurz überlegt, ob ich das alleine weitermachen möchte,

I briefly contemplated whether I wanted to continue doing this alone,

aber bin dann ziemlich schnell draufgekommen, dass das unrealistisch ist.

but then I quickly realized that it is unrealistic.

Einfach aufgrund der Zeit, die ich bisher in Omega Tau gesteckt habe.

Simply because of the time I have invested in Omega Tau so far.

Ich weiß nicht, ob ich so viel mehr erübrigen könnte,

I don't know if I could spare so much more,

um wirklich eine signifikante Anzahl von Episoden zu machen.

to really make a significant number of episodes.

Und ich glaube, dann ist es auch schöner, wenn wir jetzt einfach,

And I believe it would be nicer if we just now,

wenn wir jetzt einfach, wenn wir jetzt einfach, wenn wir jetzt einfach,

if we simply, if we simply, if we simply,

gemeinsam wieder aufhören.

stop together again.

Und was du schon gesagt hattest, dass es schwieriger ist, Gäste zu finden

And what you already mentioned, that it's more difficult to find guests.

und dass wir einige Episoden, von denen die uns interessiert haben

and that we have some episodes that interested us

oder viele davon gemacht haben, das sehe ich ganz genauso.

or many of them have done, I see it the same way.

Ich meine, im Prinzip ist ja alles, zumindest für dich, seit dem F-16-Flug sowieso Kür.

I mean, basically everything is just extra, at least for you, since the F-16 flight anyway.

Ja, naja, also ich meine, wo du das gerade ansprichst,

Yes, well, I mean, now that you mention it,

ich meine, es ist schon wichtig, dass wir das jetzt nicht,

I mean, it is important that we don't do that now.

irgendwie nur mit Molltönen enden lassen.

somehow just end it with minor tones.

Also für mich war ja bei Omega Tau immer das wichtigste Ziel,

So for me, the most important goal at Omega Tau has always been,

selber coole Dinge zu erleben.

experiencing cool things oneself.

Und du hast schon erwähnt, die F-16 hat geklappt.

And you already mentioned, the F-16 has worked out.

Auch der 380-Flug, Besuch beim LBTO, Sophia, Enterprise und so weiter.

Also the 380 flight, visit to the LBTO, Sophia, Enterprise, and so on.

Das war schon cool und das möchte ich auch nicht missen.

That was really cool, and I wouldn't want to miss that either.

Aber wie gesagt, ich meine, die Dinge werden nicht nochmal funktionieren.

But as I said, I mean, things will not work out again.

Und aus der Richtung wird nicht mehr so viel kommen.

And not much will come from that direction anymore.

Naja, ich meine, es gibt noch Dinge, die wir noch nicht wissen.

Well, I mean, there are still things that we don't know yet.

Es gibt noch tausend andere interessante Dinge und Orte, die man besuchen kann.

There are still a thousand other interesting things and places to visit.

Aber ich finde, wenn man mal andersrum guckt,

But I think that if you look at it from the other side,

wir haben vor 15 Jahren, knapp 16 Jahren damit angefangen.

We started about 15 years ago, nearly 16 years ago.

Und ich hätte mir am Anfang nie träumen lassen,

And I would have never dreamed at the beginning,

dass solche Dinge überhaupt klappen können.

that such things can even work.

Also dass du irgendwas mehr oder weniger aus dem Nichts hochziehst

So that you pull something up more or less out of nothing.

und dann irgendwie eine Woche auf einem anderen Kontinent verbringst

and then somehow spend a week on another continent

oder auf einem Schiff oder sonst wo.

or on a ship or somewhere else.

Und dieses Hobby hat dich da hingebracht.

And this hobby has brought you there.

Ja klar, aber ich meine, wenn du zum Beispiel jetzt mal in der YouTube-Welt rumguckst,

Yes, of course, but I mean, if you take a look around in the YouTube world right now,

gibt es ja ganz viele, wo das so läuft.

There are indeed many where it works like that.

Ich meine, und daran sieht man eben auch,

I mean, and you can see that as well,

wo gerade so das Interesse der potenziellen Gäste auch hinläuft.

where the interest of potential guests is currently directed.

Also es gibt alle möglichen Leute, die zum Beispiel bei allen möglichen Luftwaffen

So there are all kinds of people who, for example, with all kinds of air forces

in allen möglichen Flugzeugen mitfliegen auf YouTube.

fly along in all possible airplanes on YouTube.

Ja, aber machen die das dann einfach nur hobbymäßig quasi,

Yes, but do they just do it as a hobby, basically?

so wie wir?

Just like us?

Naja, wie auch immer.

Well, whatever.

Die haben halt dann ein, zwei, drei Millionen Zuschauer.

They just have one, two, three million viewers.

Weil natürlich haben die das auch nicht aus dem Nie,

Because of course they didn't get it out of nowhere,

also das haben die auch aufgebaut, logischerweise.

So they have set that up as well, logically.

Aber da brauchen wir mit unseren 20.000 einfach nicht mehr,

But we simply don't need more than our 20,000.

das ist einfach sinnlos.

that is simply pointless.

Ja, muss man einfach sagen.

Yes, you just have to say that.

Da ist, und ja, das auf YouTube zu machen mit Video

There is, and yes, to do that on YouTube with a video.

ist halt auch nochmal eine ganz andere Aufwandsgrößenordnung.

It's just a completely different level of effort.

Das kommt auch nicht in Frage.

That is out of the question as well.

Und wir sind zu alt dafür.

And we are too old for that.

Und zu uncool.

And too uncool.



Das war bei Podcasts gerade noch irgendwie vielleicht tolerabel,

That was still somehow maybe tolerable with podcasts,

aber bei YouTube funktioniert es noch gar nicht.

But it doesn't work at all on YouTube yet.

Wobei, auch das stimmt ja eigentlich nicht.

However, that's not actually true either.

Da gibt es auch Leute, die sind nicht cool im klassischen Sinne.

There are also people who are not cool in the classic sense.

Aber ist egal.

But it doesn't matter.

Die Debatte stellt sich nicht.

The debate is not taking place.

Aber der Punkt ist einfach, die Konkurrenz ist einfach viel, viel größer.

But the point is simply that the competition is just much, much bigger.

Und das merkt man einfach.

And you can really tell.

Ja, also da muss ich sagen, das war ja immer so ein bisschen so ein Thema für dich.

Yes, I have to say, that has always been somewhat of a topic for you.

Für mich war das ja nie so entscheidend,

For me, that was never so crucial.

ob wir jetzt 20 oder 20.000 oder 20 Millionen Zuhörer haben.

whether we now have 20 or 20,000 or 20 million listeners.

Doch, natürlich.

Yes, of course.

Weil je mehr Zuhörer, desto mehr Türen gehen auf.

Because the more listeners there are, the more doors open.

Darum ging es ja.

That's what it was all about.

Nur darum.

Only because of that.

Das stimmt.

That's true.

Deswegen sind die Zuschauer wichtig.

That's why the audience is important.

Sonst nicht.

Otherwise not.

Sonst gebe ich dir recht.

Otherwise, I would agree with you.

Aber da macht es halt den entscheidenden Unterschied.

But that really makes the decisive difference.

Ja, das stimmt.

Yes, that is true.

Ja, und eben, also ich finde es trotzdem krass,

Yes, and still, I think it's amazing anyway.

was in der Zeit alles geklappt hat.

what worked out during that time.

Also auch wenn man das halt nochmal so Revue passieren lässt,

So even when you reflect on it again,

das ist schon eine ganze Menge.

That's already a whole lot.

Aber für mich war auch unsere Nordsee-Tour spannend.

But our North Sea tour was exciting for me too.

Da hatten wir ja mehrere Stationen,

We had several stations there,

waren zum Beispiel auch im Klimahaus in Bremerhaven.

For example, we were also at the Climate House in Bremerhaven.

Aber insbesondere die Containerschifffahrt,

But especially container shipping,

das war halt schon echt cool, fand ich,

that was really cool, I thought,

wie wir da von dem Lotsenboot auf das Containerschiff umgestiegen sind

how we transferred from the pilot boat to the container ship

und dann irgendwann mitten im Hamburger Hafen wieder rauskam.

and then at some point resurfaced in the middle of the Hamburg harbor.



Genauso die Geschichte mit dem Gotthard-Basistunnel.

Just like the story with the Gotthard Base Tunnel.

Ich habe leider bis jetzt es nicht geschafft,

Unfortunately, I haven't managed to do it until now.

mit dem Zug da durchzukommen.

to get through there by train.



Und jetzt ist er erst mal gesperrt bis nächstes Jahr oder so.

And now he is banned until next year or so.

Das habe ich gar nicht mehr mitgekriegt.

I didn't realize that at all.

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

Da war irgendwie ein Brand oder irgendwas.

There was somehow a fire or something.

Da müssen sie jetzt reparieren.

They have to repair that now.



Und dann hatte ich ja vor,

And then I intended to,

das war auch schon wieder viele Jahre her,

that was many years ago as well,

diese Österreich-Tour, die ich alleine gemacht habe,

this Austria tour that I did alone,

das war auch sehr schön.

that was also very nice.

Das war wirklich eine gelungene Kombination von Urlaub

That was really a successful combination of vacation.

und aber halt Interviews auch aufnehmen und Hörertreffen und so.

"And of course also record interviews and listener meet-ups and so on."



Ja, das war cool.

Yes, that was cool.



Und ich denke, das ist auch so,

And I think that's the case too,

dass das,

that the,

was außer diesen tollen Erlebnissen

what besides these great experiences

halt auch besonders hängen bleibt,

stays particularly memorable,

das ist einfach,

that is easy,

was man für interessante Menschen kennengelernt hat.

what interesting people one has met.

Also natürlich unsere Gäste,

Well, of course our guests,

die dann zum Teil auch,

which then to some extent also,

hat man vielleicht noch ein bisschen,

is there perhaps a little more,

keine Ahnung,

no idea,

ist noch mit denen Mittagessen gegangen oder so

Has he/she gone to lunch with them or something?

und hat dann auch noch so ein bisschen

and then has a little bit of that too

über deren Werdegang oder Privatleben oder so erfahren.

about their career or private life or something like that.

Aber auch zum Beispiel bei unseren Hörertreffen

But also, for example, at our listener meetings.

haben wir echt coole Leute kennengelernt

we really met some cool people

und das ist auch so,

and that is also the case,

das ist auch so,

that is also the case,

auch so einfach über Feedback per E-Mail oder so.

It's also that easy to give feedback via email or something like that.

Also das fand ich echt oft sehr inspirierend

So I found that really often very inspiring.

und irgendwie, ja, einfach schön.

and somehow, yes, just beautiful.

Ja, na ja, klar.

Yes, well, of course.



Ja, habe nichts hinzuzufügen.

Yes, I have nothing to add.

Ist so.

It is so.

Was gibt es sonst noch zu sagen?

What else is there to say?

Apropos Hörer,

Speaking of listeners,

mir fällt gerade ein, ganz am Anfang,

I just remembered, right at the beginning,

ich weiß nicht, welche Episode das ist,

I don't know which episode that is,

da hast du doch mal gesagt irgendwie,

you did say something like that,

ich weiß nicht, ob die Episode so lang war,

I don't know if the episode was that long,

also wahrscheinlich,

so probably,

gemessen an späteren Längen nicht mehr,

measured by later lengths no longer,

aber da hast du irgendwie gesagt so,

but you kind of said it like this,

ja, wer uns bis am Ende der Episode,

Yes, whoever stays with us until the end of the episode,

wer uns bis hierher zugehört hat,

whoever has listened to us up to this point,

der kann sich melden und kriegt ein Bier

Anyone can get in touch and receive a beer.

und dann hat sich ja tatsächlich einer gemeldet

and then someone actually got in touch

und ist zu uns nach Hause gekommen

and has come to our home

und hat ein Bier mit uns getrunken.

and had a beer with us.



Das sind irgendwie so Sachen,

Those are somehow things that,

die in Erinnerung bleiben.

the ones that remain in memory.





Und ich habe auch so für mich jetzt noch mal

And I have also once again for myself now.

in der Rückschau gemerkt,

realized in hindsight,

also ich denke,

well, I think,

Markus, du hast ja

Markus, you have indeed

Omega Tau

Omega Tau

deutlich mehr geprägt als ich,

clearly more influenced than I am,

aber ich habe es eben auch geprägt

but I have also shaped it myself

und vor allem hat Omega Tau

and above all Omega Tau has

auch mich geprägt.

has also shaped me.

Also das ist schon,

So that’s already,

ich glaube, ich bin daran schon auch gewachsen

I believe I have grown from that as well.

und habe einige Dinge gelernt.

and learned a few things.

Ja, also ich glaube,

Yes, well I think,

ich bin schon ein Stück weit

I am already a bit further.

im kleinen Rahmen ein anderer Mensch

a different person on a small scale

irgendwie auch dadurch,

somehow also through that,

dass wir das gemacht haben

that we did that

und dafür bin ich auch dankbar,

and for that I am also grateful,

dass wir das gemacht haben.

that we did that.

Ja, na ja, klar.

Yes, well, of course.

Ich meine, wir haben da schon auch viel

I mean, we do have a lot there too.

Zeit und Gedanken und so weiter reingesteckt

Put in time and thoughts and so on.

und das, wie du sagst, das prägt.

And that, as you say, shapes us.

Ja, auf jeden Fall.

Yes, definitely.

Und was auch noch cool war,

And what was also cool was,

fällt mir gerade so ein OTC da in Frankfurt.

I'm just thinking of an OTC there in Frankfurt.



Also das war auch super cool,

So that was really cool,

wo wir gerade von schönen Sachen reden.

Speaking of nice things.

Ja, das fand ich auch richtig schön.

Yes, I thought that was really nice too.

Ja, genau.

Yes, exactly.

Ja, eine Sache ist zum Glück nie passiert,

Yes, one thing fortunately never happened,

bevor ich ja immer Angst hatte

before I always used to be afraid

und zwar,


dass ich ein Gespräch führe

that I am having a conversation

und hinterher merke,

and afterwards realize,

ich habe vergessen,

I forgot,

den Aufnahmeknopf zu drücken

to press the recording button

und ich muss zu dem Gast gehen und sagen,

and I have to go to the guest and say,

ich habe nicht aufgenommen,

I did not record.

können wir es nochmal machen?

Can we do it again?

Ich habe einmal…

I once…

Dieser Kelch ist an mir vorbeigegangen.

This chalice has passed me by.

Ich habe einmal,

I once,

also bei eurer Getauschung

So, regarding your exchange.

ist es, glaube ich, auch nie passiert,

I believe it has never happened either.

aber ich habe für Fliegers mal was aufgenommen

But I recorded something for the flyers.

und da war hinterher nichts auf dem Rekorder.

And there was nothing on the recorder afterwards.

Ich weiß nicht,

I don't know,

ob ich den Knopf nicht gedrückt habe

if I didn't press the button

oder gelegentlich sind die Dinge auch mal,

or occasionally things are also like this,

haben die auch mal einen Fehler,

do they also make a mistake sometimes,

ich weiß es nicht,

I don't know it,

aber jedenfalls war hinterher

but in any case, it was afterwards

eine Dreiviertelstunde nichts.

a three-quarter hour of nothing.

Ja, nicht so gut.

Yes, not so good.



Also aktuell ist das hier

So this is current here.

unsere erste Aufnahme,

our first recording,

vielleicht passiert es ja jetzt

maybe it's happening now

noch einem von uns.

another one of us.

Ach so, bei mir läuft es.

Oh, for me, it's going well.

Bei mir auch,

Me too,

soweit ich das sehe.

As far as I can see.



Also wenn das jetzt tatsächlich

So if this is actually

nicht aufgenommen wird,

not included,

dann gibt es auch keine letzte Episode,

then there is also no last episode,

die machen wir nicht zweimal.

We won't do that twice.

Ist das hier jetzt halt die vorletzte.

Is this now just the penultimate one?

Ja, wie du schon gesagt hast,

Yes, as you already said,

es gibt auch einige Dinge,

there are also some things,

die ich jetzt nicht unbedingt vermissen werde.

that I won't necessarily miss now.

Das viele Schneiden

The many cuts

ist jetzt nie ein Hobby von mir geworden.

has never become a hobby of mine.

Oder was heißt das viele Schneiden?

Or what does cutting a lot mean?

Das lange Schneiden ist einfach halt,

The long cutting is just how it is,

dauert sehr viel länger

takes much longer

als die Aufnahme an sich.

as the recording itself.



Da sind ja die Tools inzwischen

The tools are available now.

auch deutlich besser geworden,

also clearly improved,

aber trotzdem muss man einfach

but still one simply has to

noch Zeit reinstecken.

still put in time.

Das fällt jetzt weg.

That is now discontinued.

Ja, und du wendest dich jetzt

Yes, and you are turning now.

der Fotografie zu

of photography to

oder hast ja eigentlich schon.

or you already have, actually.

War ja schon lang.

It was a long time ago.

Genau, ist halt derzeit,

Exactly, it is just currently,

also neben dem Fliegen,

also besides flying,

das, was mir gerade Spaß macht.

that which I currently enjoy.



Ob es die Rolle spielt,

Whether it makes a difference,

die Omega Thaumeyer gespielt hat,

the Omega Thaumeyer played,

weiß ich nicht.

I don't know.

Ist auch egal,

It doesn't matter either.

muss man jetzt nicht wissen.

You don't need to know that now.

Ja, ja, ja.

Yes, yes, yes.

Und wo kann man deine Fotos angucken?

And where can I see your photos?

Auch auf felder.de,

Also on felder.de,

ist entsprechend verlinkt.

is appropriately linked.

Okay, auf deiner Website.

Okay, on your website.

Ja, okay.

Yes, okay.

Ja, ja, mal gucken.

Yes, yes, we'll see.

Wenn diese,

If these,

dieses Kapitel jetzt abgeschlossen ist,

this chapter is now complete,

vielleicht kommt ja dann bei mir

maybe it will come to me then

auch irgendwas Neues,

also something new,

wozu ich Lust habe.

what I feel like.

Ich bin noch in der Orientierungsphase,

I am still in the orientation phase.

würde ich sagen.

I would say.

Gut, jetzt haben wir das ja nicht

Well, now we don’t have that.

alleine alles.

everything alone.

so hingekriegt.

got it sorted.

Es gibt ziemlich viele Leute,

There are quite a few people,

bei denen wir uns bedanken möchten.

to whom we would like to express our thanks.



Also zum einen natürlich die Gäste,

So on one hand, of course, the guests,

weil ohne Gäste kein Gespräch.

because without guests there is no conversation.

Spätestens ab der dritten Episode,

At the latest from the third episode,

wenn wir miteinander reden,

when we talk to each other,

wäre es langweilig geworden.

it would have become boring.

Der eine, eine Frau,

The one, a woman,

ein Interview haben wir gemeinsam gemacht.

We did an interview together.

Also ich mit dir.

So I with you.

Ja, genau.

Yes, exactly.

Das ist wirklich ab der dritten.

That really starts from the third.

Genau, also insbesondere am Anfang,

Exactly, especially at the beginning,

als wir halt wirklich noch

when we really were still

komplett klein und völlig unbedeutend waren.

completely small and utterly insignificant.

Gegen Ende waren wir ja schon

By the end, we were already...

innerhalb der deutschen

within the Germans


Science podcast scene

irgendwie eine,

somehow one,

also eine,

so one,

vielleicht nicht große Größe,

maybe not large size,

aber eine Größe.

but a size.

Also da hatten wir so ein bisschen einen Namen.

So we had somewhat of a name there.

Ich meine, es ist ein paar Mal passiert,

I mean, it has happened a few times,

dass wir Gäste angesprochen haben

that we addressed guests

und die Antwort, ja klar,

and the answer, yes of course,

oh mein Gott, hau kenn ich.

Oh my God, I know him.



Das ist nicht oft,

That is not often,

aber es ist ein paar Mal passiert.

but it has happened a couple of times.

Am Anfang natürlich nicht

At the beginning, of course not.

und insofern insbesondere

and in this regard particularly

den frühen Gästen gebührt Dank.

The early guests deserve thanks.



Ja und dann natürlich den ganzen Hörern,

Yes, and of course to all the listeners,



Habe ich ja vorhin schon gesagt,

I already said that earlier,

ohne Hörer keine Reichweite

without listeners, no reach

und ohne Reichweite keine Gäste.

And without reach, no guests.

Ohne Gäste kein Podcast

No guests, no podcast.

und ohne Podcast keine Hörer.

And without a podcast, no listeners.

Insofern ist es auch

In this regard, it is also

so ein

such a

im Kreis rum Ding.

Going around in circles.

Ja und das eben, wie gesagt,

Yes, and that just like I said,

es gab viele nette Interaktionen

There were many nice interactions.



über jedes Feedback

about any feedback

haben wir uns eigentlich gefreut.

We were actually looking forward to it.

Wir haben tatsächlich

We actually have

selten Negatives bekommen

rarely receive negatives

und insofern haben wir uns wirklich

and in this respect, we really have

über das Allermeiste gefreut.

was very happy about most of it.



Und dein Schwäbisch ist auch

And your Swabian is also

irgendwann akzeptiert worden.

accepted at some point.



Genau, dann die

Exactly, then the

die Shownoter,

the show notes,



die Episoden gehört haben

have heard the episodes

und die Shownotes

and the show notes

zusammengesammelt haben,

have gathered together,

haben wir ja schon öfters

we have already done that several times

in Episoden auch gesagt,

also mentioned in episodes,

ohne das Shownoter-Team

without the Shownoter team

hätte es einfach keine Shownotes gegeben,

there simply shouldn't have been any show notes,



die Arbeit hätten wir nicht

We wouldn't have the work.

auch noch gemacht.

also done.

Das ist einfach

That is easy.



Gut, am Anfang haben wir es ja selber gemacht.

Well, at the beginning we did it ourselves.

Ich weiß nicht, wie lang

I don't know how long.

das dann,

that then,

also so die Zeiträume

so the time periods

habe ich nicht mehr so ganz im Überblick.

I don't really have a clear overview of it anymore.

Nee, aber,

No, but,

aber dann,

but then,

während dann die Shownoter

while then the show notes

nicht eingesprungen,

not participated,

hätten wir damit Shownotes aufgehört.

We should have stopped doing show notes.

So wollte ich sagen.

That's what I wanted to say.

Ja, richtig.

Yes, that's right.



Genau, und dann

Exactly, and then

haben wir ja auch immer wieder

we always have that again

Spenden bekommen,

Receive donations,

regelmäßige oder

regular or



die uns wirklich auch einiges

that really gives us quite a bit

ermöglicht haben


an Reisen,

to travel,

an Equipment,

an equipment,

an Schaffung.

to creation.

Das war auch ein wichtiger Teil.

That was also an important part.



Also in diesem Sinne,

So in this sense,

danke an euch alle,

thank you all,

das hat Spaß gemacht.

That was fun.

Ja, und

Yes, and

ihr wisst ja,

you know,

die Webseite bleibt natürlich online.

The website will, of course, remain online.

Also wir löschen natürlich die Episoden nicht,

So we obviously don’t delete the episodes,

nur der Vollständigkeit halber.

just for the sake of completeness.



da sind wir auch weiterhin erreichbar,

we are still reachable there,

auch wenn ich nicht so genau wüsste,

even if I didn't know exactly,





399 Episoden sind es geworden.

It has become 399 episodes.

Das ist die 400.

This is the 400.

Gut, und Markus,

Okay, and Markus,

ich möchte mich natürlich ganz herzlich

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks, of course.

auch bei dir bedanken.

also thank you as well.

Ohne dich wäre das ja nie gestartet

Without you, this would have never started.


at all.

Und wir sehen uns

And we'll see each other.

in der nächsten Folge.

in the next episode.

Ja, und wir sehen uns

Yes, and we'll see each other.

in der nächsten Folge.

in the next episode.

Und wir sehen uns

And we'll see each other.

in der nächsten Folge.

in the next episode.

Und ich finde auch,

And I also think that,

die Dinge,

the things,

die wir da eben gemeinsam

the one we just did together

unternommen haben,

have undertaken,

das sind großartige Erinnerungen.

These are wonderful memories.

Und wir haben ja auch

And we also have.

jetzt unabhängig von dem,

now independent of that,

was dann online gegangen ist,

what then went online,

haben wir einfach auch viel

we simply also have a lot

über die Themen gesprochen

talked about the topics

und diskutiert.

and discusses.

Und das hat immer Spaß gemacht.

And that has always been fun.

Insofern natürlich ein ganz großes

In that respect, of course, a very big one.

Dankeschön an dich.

Thank you to you.



Ich glaube,

I believe,

allein hätte ich es damals

I would have done it alone back then.

wahrscheinlich auch nicht angefangen.

probably hasn't even started.

Weil es war ja auch was

Because it was something too.

mit dem Ziel,

with the aim of,

was gemeinsam zu machen ist.

what is to be done together.





Das war's.

That's it.

Macht's gut.

Take care.

Wir sagen nicht

We do not say

bis zum nächsten Mal,

until next time,


but rather

gehabt euch wohl.




Hi, Markus.

Hi, Markus.

Hi, Nora.

Hi, Nora.

Long time no hear.

Long time no hear.

Indeed, yes.

Indeed, yes.

Also for the listeners,

So, for the listeners,

long time no hear.

Long time no hear.



this won't change, right?

this won't change, right?



this is the

this is the

last episode of

last episode of

Omega Tau.

Omega Tau.

We have decided

We have decided.

to stop.

to stop.



And this episode

And this episode

is a brief

is a brief

explanation why

explanation why

and goodbye.

and goodbye.

I guess.

Ich nehme an.

This is very brief.

Das ist sehr kurz.





No, no, I'm not.

No, no, I'm not.



The episode is a goodbye.

The episode is a farewell.

I didn't mean to say

I didn't mean to say

goodbye at this point.

goodbye at this point.

Okay, okay.

Okay, okay.

So, actually,

So, actually,

you have done like,

you have done like,

I don't know,

I don't know,

99% of all the English speakers.

99% of all the English speakers.

So, I think

So, I think.

it's on you

es liegt an dir

to comment

to comment

a little bit more

a little bit more

than I.

than I.

But actually, yes,

Aber eigentlich, ja,

we have decided together

we have decided together

to not continue

to not continue

Omega Tau,

Omega Tau,

neither in English

neither in English

nor in German.

nor in German.

And there is a couple of reasons

And there are a couple of reasons.

and I think you can tell

and I think you can tell

a little bit about that.

a little bit about that.

So, the main reason is,

So, the main reason is,

just to be honest,

just to be honest,

I don't feel the energy.

I don't feel the energy.

I'm not very motivated

Ich bin nicht sehr motiviert.

to continue.

to continue.

This has,

This has,



was visible

was visible

through the last year.

durch das letzte Jahr.

I had a few excuses.

I had a few excuses.

I was writing a book

Ich schrieb ein Buch.

for work.

for work.

I was moving house.

I was moving house.

I had broken my leg

I had broken my leg.

in the summer of 23.

in the summer of 23.

All these things didn't help.

All these things didn't help.



to be honest,

to be honest,

these are,

these are,

as I said, excuses.

As I said, excuses.

It's really that I

Es ist wirklich so, dass ich.

don't feel the motivation

don't feel the motivation

to continue.

to continue.

There's a couple of reasons

Es gibt ein paar Gründe.

why I think that is the case.

Warum ich denke, dass das der Fall ist.

One is that it becomes

One is that it becomes

harder and harder

harder and harder

to find good guests

to find good guests

because the competition

wegen der Konkurrenz

throughout the podcasts

throughout the podcasts

and especially YouTube

und besonders YouTube

is much bigger

is much bigger

than when we started

than when we started

this whole thing.

dies ganze Ding.



And so,

And so,

with our 20,000 listeners

with our 20,000 listeners

on average,

on average,

we just can't compete

we just can't compete

with the hundreds of thousands

with the hundreds of thousands

and millions on YouTube.

und Millionen auf YouTube.

And also,

And also,

since this is the English part

Since this is the English part.

of the story here,

of the story here,

when we started Omega Tau,

when we started Omega Tau,

it's probably the case

It's probably the case.

that there weren't

that there weren't

any English-language

any English-language

long-form science interview shows.

long-form science interview shows.

In Germany,

In Germany,

there were a few,

there were a few,

like Chaos Radio Express,

like Chaos Radio Express,

but I'm pretty sure

aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher

there was nothing in English.

Es gab nichts auf Englisch.

Now, of course,

Now, of course,

there's lots and lots

There's lots and lots.

and lots of them.

und viele davon.

And so,

And so,

it's just much harder.

It's just much harder.

And also,

And also,

the topics have bloomed out, right?

The topics have blossomed, right?

When we started,

When we started,

we were,

we were,

dare I say so,

dare I say so,

the best English-language shows

the best English-language shows

and the best English-language podcasts

and the best English-language podcasts

on aviation topics.

on aviation topics.

I mean,

I mean,

people may disagree, right?

People may disagree, right?

But we had,

Aber wir hatten,

I would say,

I would say,

at least if you look at it from a,

at least if you look at it from a,

if you're interested

if you're interested

in deep technical stuff,

in deep technical stuff,

then we were probably

then we were probably

the most thorough.

the most thorough.

This has changed as well.

This has changed as well.

If you look at

If you look at

fighter pilot podcasts

fighter pilot podcasts

and dozens of others,

und Dutzende andere,

there's just lots of competition,

there's just lots of competition,

many done by pilots

many done by pilots

who are arguably

who are arguably

better suited

better suited

to do these things

to do these things

than I am.

than I am.

So, anyway.

So, anyway.

So, the competition.

So, the competition.

Yeah, but you know,

Yeah, but you know,



I think

Ich denke

the longer

the longer

you were doing

you were doing



on aviation topics,

on aviation topics,

the easier

the easier

kind of

sort of

it got for you

It got for you.

to find new guests.

to find new guests.

And this really shows

And this really shows.

that your guests

that your guests

were appreciating

we're appreciating

the way you were

the way you were

doing those interviews.

doing those interviews.

No question.

No question.

But this is no longer the case

But this is no longer the case.

because there's

weil es da ist

lots of alternatives.

lots of alternatives.



So, the whole story

So, the whole story

of competition

of competition

is one

is one

reason for,

reason for,

it's hard to find guests,

it's hard to find guests,

which of course

welches natürlich

isn't very motivating.

isn't very motivating.

The second topic

The second topic

or second issue

or second issue

or second motivation

or second motivation

problem is that

the problem is that

lots of the topics

lots of the topics

that I'm personally

that I'm personally

interested in,

interessiert an,

we have covered, right?

We've covered it, right?

So, which means

So, which means

that I would have to do

that I would have to do

more episodes

more episodes

on things that only

on things that only

marginally interest me,

marginally interest me,

which of course

which of course

is hard for me

is hard for me

to get myself motivated

to motivate myself

to put the work in, right?

to put the work in, right?

You were always joking

Du hast immer gewitzelt.

that you would stop,

that you would stop,

oh my God,

oh mein Gott,

how once you have

wie einmal du hast

flew in the F-16,

flog im F-16,

so I think this is,

so I think this is,

I don't know,

I don't know,

five or six

fünf oder sechs

or seven years ago.

or seven years ago.



Okay, four years,

Okay, four years,

five years.

five years.

So, you have done

So, you have done.

quite some more episodes

quite a few more episodes

after that.


The other thing is

The other thing is

related maybe

maybe related

to the first point

to the first point

is that there is no growth

is that there is no growth

in listenership, right?

in listenership, right?

We have on average,

We have on average,

as I said, 20,000,

as I said, 20,000,

which is okay,

which is okay,

but again,

but again,

not something

not something

that can compete

that can compete

with alternative

with alternative

or other media

or other media

and also,

and also,

it's not enough

Es ist nicht genug.



as I sometimes

as I sometimes

was pondering,

was pondering,

to do Omega Tau

to do Omega Tau




Isn't it?

And kind of

And kind of

make a living

earn a living



We need at least

We need at least

10 times more

10 mal mehr



and there's no way

und es gibt keinen Weg

that happens.

that happens.

So, this is also

So, this is also

not an option.

not an option.

Another topic

Another topic

or motivational issue

or motivational issue

is that a few years ago,

is that a few years ago,

I started with photography,

I started with photography,

which is a lot of fun,

which is a lot of fun,

and so this also

und so dies auch

takes some time

takes some time

and energy.

and energy.

And finally,

And finally,

there is also

there is also

the thing that

the thing that

there's a lot of work

there's a lot of work

that goes into Omega Tau,

that goes into Omega Tau,



finding guests,

finding guests,

preparing the conversations

preparing the conversations

and editing the website,

and editing the website,

all this stuff.

all this stuff.

And as I'm getting older,

And as I'm getting older,

I guess,

Ich schätze,

sometimes I just

manchmal mache ich einfach

don't have the energy

don't have the energy

to do that.

to do that.

And so,

And so,

all of these things together

all of these things together



led me to the decision

led me to the decision

to do Omega Tau.

to do Omega Tau.

And, you know,

And, you know,

it's a hobby

es ist ein Hobby

and if it isn't fun,

and if it isn't fun,

you should stop

you should stop

because it's gonna get worse.

Because it's going to get worse.

And, you know,

And, you know,

let's stop while it's good.

Let's stop while it's good.

Yeah, actually,

Yeah, actually,

I don't have many things to add.

I don't have many things to add.



we started this podcast together

we started this podcast together

and it was Markus' idea

and it was Markus' idea

and I think he was really

and I think he was really

the person

the person

driving this forward

driving this forward

and, you know,

und, du weißt,

motivating and so on.

motivating and so on.

And so,

And so,

for me,

for me,

it was very quickly clear

it was very quickly clear

that I would not continue

that I would not continue

Omega Tau without Markus.

Omega Tau ohne Markus.



we decided,

we decided,

we have started

we have started

this podcast together.

this podcast together.

We will end it together.

We will end it together.

And so,

And so,

after 399 episodes.

after 399 episodes.



Let's count this one.

Lass uns das hier zählen.

It's a round number.

It's a round number.

Yeah, okay.

Yeah, okay.

So, yeah,

So, yeah,

this is the 400th

this is the 400th

and the last episode.

and the last episode.

of Omega Tau.

of Omega Tau.





But let's not be too pessimistic, right?

But let's not be too pessimistic, right?

At least from my perspective.

At least from my perspective.

This was a lot of fun.

This was a lot of fun.

I was able to do a lot of the things

I was able to do a lot of the things.

I wanted to do.

I wanted to do.

The F-16 flight, of course,

The F-16 flight, of course,

was the biggest hit.

was the biggest hit.

But also the flight with the A380,

But also the flight with the A380,

the visit,

the visit

large binocular telescope,

large binocular telescope

the week at Sofia Enterprise,

the week at Sofia Enterprise,

all this stuff

all this stuff

were great adventures.

were great adventures.

And so,

And so,

for me,

for me,

this was,

this was,



while it lasted.

während es dauerte.

And so,

And so,



let's end with a,

let's end with a,

with a positive note.

with a positive note.



Same for me.

Same for me.

The greatest

The greatest



or experiences

or experiences

that I

that I

got from Omega Tau

got from Omega Tau

all resulted

all resulted

in German episodes.

in German episodes.



I think I will not list them here.

I think I will not list them here.

But also,

Aber auch,

I had a lot of fun,

I had a lot of fun.

met a lot of interesting people,

met a lot of interesting people,

of course,

of course,

the interview partners,

the interview partners,

but also listeners.

but also listeners.



that was always very exciting

that was always very exciting

and I got to learn

und ich habe gelernt

really new things.

really new things.



I have a lot of good memories

I have a lot of good memories.

of the Omega Tau time.

of the Omega Tau time.









and I think we should,

and I think we should,

or we want to say thank you

or we want to say thank you

to a couple of people.

to a couple of people.



First of all,

First of all,

the guests, right?

the guests, right?

Without the guests,

Without the guests,

without the guests,

without the guests,

there is no podcast.

There is no podcast.

And obviously,

And obviously,



especially those

besonders die

who were willing

who were willing

to give us a chance

to give us a chance

in the beginning

in the beginning

when we were even smaller

when we were even smaller

than we were at the end.

than we were at the end.







thank you to everybody

thank you to everybody

who was a guest

who was a guest

on Omega Tau.

on Omega Tau.

And also,

And also,

without listeners,

without listeners,

there is not really a podcast.

There is not really a podcast.



No listeners,

No listeners,

no audience,

no audience,

no reach,

no reach,

which means no access,

which means no access,

no guests,

no guests,

which means no podcast.

was bedeutet, kein Podcast.



we have this circular thing.

We have this circular thing.

It's all a big circle.

Es ist alles ein großer Kreis.





Thanks to everybody

Thanks to everybody.

who has listened

who has listened

to this little thing here.

to this little thing here.

And then,

And then,

after a couple of years,

after a couple of years,

we established

we established

this shownoter team.

this shownoter team.



The people who create

The people who create

the show notes,

the show notes,

six or seven or eight,

six or seven or eight,

maybe nine people.

maybe nine people.



I want to thank them as well.

Ich möchte ihnen ebenfalls danken.



we did it ourselves,

we did it ourselves,



but then we just

aber dann einfach wir

didn't want to do it anymore

didn't want to do it anymore

because it's

weil es ist

a lot of additional work

a lot of additional work

in addition to editing.

in addition to editing.

And so,

And so,

the shownoters

the shownoters

jumped in.

sprang ein.



if they hadn't,

if they hadn't,

we would have stopped show notes.

We would have stopped the show notes.



they jumped in.

They jumped in.



And finally,

And finally,



everybody who gave us money,

everybody who gave us money,



who donated to us,

who donated to us,

helped us buy equipment,

helped us buy equipment,

run the servers,

run the servers,

pay Auphonic,

pay Auphonic,

and also pay for trips.

and also pay for trips.

I mean,

I mean,

some of the trips,

einige der Reisen,

some of the trips were

some of the trips were

not cheap

not cheap

because of,

because of,

I mean,

I mean,

you know,

you know,

flying to the US and stuff.

Flying to the US and stuff.



thank you very much

thank you very much

who helped us

who helped us

in that respect.

in that respect.



and thank you,

and thank you,



As I already said,

As I already said,

you have

you have

brought up this idea

brought up this idea

of creating Omega Tau

of creating Omega Tau

and you have always

and you have always

been the big motivator

been the big motivator

and you

und du

had new ideas.

had new ideas.



it was a lot of fun for me.

It was a lot of fun for me.

I learned really a lot

I learned a lot.

from you.

von dir.



thank you very much

thank you very much

for this

for this

wonderful experience.

wunderbare Erfahrung.





thank you for being a part of it.

Thank you for being a part of it.

I mean,

I mean,



I wouldn't have started it alone,

I wouldn't have started it alone,



It was from the beginning.

It was from the beginning.

It was something we wanted to do

It was something we wanted to do.







and obviously,

und offensichtlich,

you were an important contributor

you were an important contributor

over the years.

over the years.



thank you to you as well.

Thank you to you as well.



what will happen

what will happen

to the episodes,

to the episodes,



We'll delete everything.

We'll delete everything.

No, no.

No, no.



the website will,

the website will,

will remain online.

will remain online.

I was thinking about

Ich dachte an



deleting the WordPress thing

deleting the WordPress thing

and replacing it

und es ersetzen

with a static feed.

mit einem statischen Feed.

Just because

Just because

it is

it is

much less maintenance.

much less maintenance.

You know,

You know,

WordPress active web stuff

WordPress active web stuff

needs to be maintained

needs to be maintained

and shit.

und Scheiße.

And that's one of the

And that's one of the

annoying stuff

annoying stuff

that we,

that we,

things we had to do

things we had to do

over the years.

over the years.



I'm not looking forward

Ich freue mich nicht darauf.

to do that.

to do that.



maybe I'm going to replace it

Maybe I'm going to replace it.

with static feeds.

mit statischen Feeds.



we'll see.

We'll see.



of course,

of course,

the episodes

the episodes

will remain.

will remain.

They will remain online.

They will remain online.



that's the most important thing.

Das ist das Wichtigste.

I think that the episodes

I think that the episodes

are still available.

are still available.



of course.

of course.





I think that's it,

I think that's it.



That's it.

Das ist es.





take care.

Take care.

Listen to other stuff.

Listen to other things.

There's lots of other stuff

Es gibt noch viele andere Sachen.

out there.

da draußen.





take care.

Take care.





Hallo, Markus hier.

Hello, Markus here.

Omega Tau ist ein unabhängiger

Omega Tau is an independent

und nicht kommerzieller Podcast,

and non-commercial podcast,

produziert von Nora Ludewig

produced by Nora Ludewig

und Markus Völker.

and Markus Völker.

Ihr findet uns im Netz

You can find us online.

unter omegatau.info.

under omegatau.info.

Von dort sind dann die Episoden,

From there, the episodes are then,

das Buch und die Fotos verlinkt.

the book and the photos linked.

Omega Tau wird finanziert

Omega Tau is being funded.

von Spenden unserer Hörer.

from donations from our listeners.

Wir würden uns freuen,

We would be pleased,

wenn du auch zugehören würdest.

if you would also belong.

Auf Facebook,

On Facebook,

Twitter und Instagram

Twitter and Instagram

sind wir unter

are we under

omega-tau-podcast zu finden.

to find omega-tau-podcast.

Wir freuen uns über euer Feedback,

We look forward to your feedback,

entweder als Kommentar,

either as a comment,

auf der Episodenseite,

on the episode page,

per E-Mail,

by email,

an feedback

to feedback

at omegatau-podcast.net

at omegatau-podcast.net

oder über die sozialen Medien.

or through social media.

Omega Tau ist lizenziert

Omega Tau is licensed.

unter der Creative Commons

under the Creative Commons


Name mention

nicht kommerziell


4.0 International Lizenz.

4.0 International License.

Ihr dürft die Episoden

You may have the episodes.

also weiterleiten,

so forward,

aber nicht kommerziell nutzen.

but not use commercially.

Zitate sind natürlich in Ordnung,

Quotes are of course fine,

gebt dann aber bitte

but then please give

als Quelle

as a source

omega-tau-podcast an.

omega-tau-podcast on.

Details zur Lizenz

Details about the license

finden sich unter

can be found under



In diesem Sinne,

In this sense,

bis bald.

See you soon.

Omega Tau.

Omega Tau.

Continue listening and achieve fluency faster with podcasts and the latest language learning research.