Die Lichterfeier aus Taizé: Spirituelle Gesänge und Gebete


Lichterfeier aus Taize

Die Lichterfeier aus Taizé: Spirituelle Gesänge und Gebete

Lichterfeier aus Taize

Domradio Nachtgebet

Domradio Night Prayer



Herzlich Willkommen zur Lichterfeier aus Taizé.

Warm welcome to the light celebration from Taizé.

Aus dem Buch des Propheten Ezechiel.

From the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel.

So spricht der Herr. Kehrt um. Schafft euch ein neues Herz und einen neuen Geist.

Thus says the Lord. Repent. Create for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.

Warum wollt ihr sterben? Ich habe doch kein Gefallen am Tod dessen, der sterben muss.

Why do you want to die? I don't take pleasure in the death of one who must die.

Kehrt um, damit ihr am Leben bleibt.

Turn back so that you may stay alive.

Von der Bibel des Propheten Hasqiyal.

From the Bible of the Prophet Ezekiel.

So hat der Herr, der Gott, gesprochen.

Thus says the Lord God.

Verzeiht euch alle, die euch verletzt haben,

Forgive all those who have hurt you,

und schafft euch ein neues Herz und ein neues Geist.

and create for you a new heart and a new spirit.

Warum sterbt ihr?

Why are you dying?

Denn es ist kein Geheimnis, wenn jemand sterbt.

For it is no secret when someone dies.

Der Herr, der Gott, sagt, wiederkommen und leben.

The Lord, God, says, return and live.

Kantai todos os povos, louvai nosso Senhor.

Sing, all peoples, praise our Lord.

Kantai todos os povos, louvai nosso Señor.

Sing all peoples, praise our Lord.

Kantai todos os povos, louvai nosso Senhor.

Praise all nations, praise our Lord.



Und das sind Christen,

And these are Christians,



May Pope Francis' visit to Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Singapore

May Pope Francis' visit to Indonesia, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, and Singapore.

continue to be a pilgrimage, lived in dialogue, harmony and brotherhood, sowing seeds of peace.

continue to be a pilgrimage, lived in dialogue, harmony and brotherhood, sowing seeds of peace.

To you we pray.

To you we pray.

For the children who are victims of war or who suffer from violence,

For the children who are victims of war or who suffer from violence,

for those who help them to keep their trust and hope.

for those who help them to maintain their trust and hope.

Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray to the Lord.

Magnificat anima mea

My soul magnifies.

Meine Seele preist die Größe des Herrn

My soul praises the greatness of the Lord.

und mein Geist jubelt über Gott, meinen Retter.

and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior.

Denn auf die Niedrigkeit seiner Macht hat er geschaut.

For he has looked upon the lowliness of his power.

Siehe von nun und preisen mich selig alle Geschlechter.

"Behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed."

Alle die Herrschaften bei einer großen Gerechten und die erleuchteten Wesen.

All the gentlemen at a great just and the enlightened beings.

Und wahr sei deine der Königin die Geister!

And true be your spirits, O Queen!

Und wahr sei deine Geister die Geister, die du einen Herrn bist!

And true be your spirits, the spirits that you are a master of!

Siehe von nun und preisen mich selig alle Geschlechter.

Behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed.

Alle die Herrschaften bei einer großen Gerechten und die erleuchteten Wesen.

All the gentlemen at a great just one and the enlightened beings.

Und wahr sei deine Geister die Geister, die du einen Herrn bist.

And true be your spirits, the spirits, of which you are a lord.

Der Herr macht mir die Wesen aus,

The Lord reveals the beings to me,

und schützt sie mit dem Namen des Herrn.

and protects them with the name of the Lord.

Vertraue und glaube, es hilft, es heilt die göttliche Kraft!

Trust and believe, it helps, the divine power heals!



Hier der Herz und Angesicht.

Here is the heart and face.

Alleluia, Alleluia.

Alleluia, Alleluia.

Heiliger Herr, Herr Spiritus,

Holy Lord, Lord Spirit,

Amen, Amen.

Amen, Amen.

Heiliger Herr, Heiliger Herr.

Holy Lord, Holy Lord.

Sie wusste nicht, wo sie ihn hielt.

She didn't know where she kept him.

Habend das gesagt,

Having said that,

ging sie zurück

she went back

und sie sah Jesus, der sich da hielt.

And she saw Jesus standing there.

Aber sie wusste nicht, dass es Jesus war.

But she did not know that it was Jesus.

Jesus sagte zu ihr,

Jesus said to her,

Frau, warum weinst du?

Woman, why are you crying?

Wer suchst du?

Who are you looking for?

Er nahm ihn für den Bäcker,

He took him for the baker.

und sie sagte zu ihm,

and she said to him,

Herr, wenn es du bist, der ihn hielt,

Lord, if it is you who held him,

sag mir, wo du ihn hieltst,

tell me where you held him,

und ich werde ihn entfernen.

and I will remove him.

Jesus sagte zu ihr,

Jesus said to her,



Sie schlug zurück und sagte zu ihr in Hebräisch,

She retaliated and said to her in Hebrew,

Rabuni, was für Maitre bedeutet.

Rabuni means "what Maitre means."

Jesus sagte zu ihr,

Jesus said to her,

nehmt mich nicht zurück,

don't take me back,

denn ich bin noch nicht,

for I am not yet,

um zu meinem Vater zu kommen.

to get to my father.

Aber geh zu meinen Brüdern und sag ihnen,

But go to my brothers and tell them,

ich gehe zu meinem Vater und zu deinem Vater,

I go to my father and to your father,

zu meinem Gott und zu deinem Gott.

to my God and to your God.

Marie de Magdala

Mary Magdalene

hat den Disziplinen erklärt,

explained the disciplines,

dass sie den Herrn gesehen hat

that she has seen the Lord

und dass er ihr das gesagt hat.

and that he told her that.

Ich lese aus dem Gospel,

I read from the Gospel,

according to St. John.

according to St. John.

At dawn,

At dawn,

on the first day of the week,

on the first day of the week,

Mary of Magdala

Mary Magdalene

stood weeping outside the tomb.

stood weeping outside the tomb.

As she wept,

As she wept,

she bent over

She bent over.

to look into the tomb,

to look into the tomb,

and she saw two angels in white

and she saw two angels in white

sitting where the body of Jesus

sitting where the body of Jesus

had been lying,

had been lying,

one at the head

one at the head

and the other at the back.

und der andere hinten.

One at the head

One at the head

and the other at the feet.

and the other at the feet.

They said to her,

They said to her,



why are you weeping?

Why are you weeping?

She said to them,

Sie sagte zu ihnen,

They have taken away my Lord,

They have taken away my Lord,

and I do not know

und ich weiß nicht

where they have laid him.

wo sie ihn hingelegt haben.

When she had said this,

When she had said this,

she turned around

she turned around

and saw Jesus standing there.

and saw Jesus standing there.

But she did not know

But she did not know.

that it was Jesus.

that it was Jesus.



Jesus said to her,

Jesus said to her,



why are you weeping?

Why are you weeping?

Whom are you looking for?

Whom are you looking for?

Supposing him to be the gardener,

Assuming him to be the gardener,

she said to him,

sie sagte zu ihm,



if you have carried him away,

if you have taken him away,

tell me where you have laid him,

Tell me where you have laid him,

and I will take him away.

und ich werde ihn mitnehmen.

Jesus said to her,

Jesus said to her,



I will take you away.

Ich werde dich mitnehmen.

She turned and said to him in Hebrew,

Sie drehte sich um und sagte zu ihm auf Hebräisch,


Our Lord,

which means teacher.

which means teacher.

Jesus said to her,

Jesus said to her,

Do not hold on to me,

Do not hold on to me,

because I have not yet ascended to the Father.

because I have not yet ascended to the Father.

But go to my brothers and say to them,

Aber geh zu meinen Brüdern und sage ihnen,

I am ascending to my Father

I am ascending to my Father.

and your Father.

und dein Vater.

To my God,

To my God,

and your God.

und dein Gott.

Mary Magdalene went

Mary Magdalene went.

and announced to the disciples,

und kündete es den Jüngern an,

I have seen the Lord.

I have seen the Lord.

And she told them

And she told them.

that he had said these things to her.

that he had said these things to her.

O Christ,

O Christ,

the Son of the living God,

the Son of the living God,



O Christ,

O Christ,

the Son of the living God,

the Son of the living God,



You are risen from the dead,

You have risen from the dead,



Glory to the Father,

Glory to the Father,

and to the Son,

und zum Sohn,

and to the Holy Spirit,

und zum Heiligen Geist,

Glory to the Father, and to the Holy Spirit,

Glory to the Father, and to the Holy Spirit,

Lord Jesus Christ,

Lord Jesus Christ,

Christ Neighbor to the 아니고,

Christ Neighbor to the not,

Lord Jesus Christ,

Lord Jesus Christ,

Christ oats in this world,

Christ oats in this world,





Glory to the Father,

Glory to the Father,

Holy Spirit,

Holy Spirit,



zu meinem Vater und eurem Vater, zu meinem Gott und eurem Gott.

to my father and your father, to my God and your God.

Maria aus Magdala ging zu den Jüngern.

Mary from Magdala went to the disciples.

Sie verkündete ihnen, ich habe den Herrn gesehen.

She announced to them, I have seen the Lord.

Und sie erzählte, was er zu ihr gesagt hatte.

And she told what he had said to her.

Ich komme zu meinem Vater und eurem Vater, zu meinem Gott und eurem Gott.

I come to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.

Maria Magdalena ging also und erinnerte die Jünger.

Mary Magdalene went and reminded the disciples.

Ich habe den Herrn gesehen und sie verkündete, was er zu ihr gesagt hatte.

I saw the Lord, and she proclaimed what he had said to her.

Der gestandene Jesus sagte zu Maria aus Magdala,

The seasoned Jesus said to Mary Magdalene,

Geh zu meinen Brüdern und Schwestern und sag,

Go to my brothers and sisters and say,

Ich komme zu meinem Vater und eurem Vater, zu meinem Gott und eurem Gott.

I come to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.

Maria aus Magdala ging zu den Jüngern und sagte zu ihnen,

Mary from Magdala went to the disciples and said to them,

Ich habe den Herrn gesehen.

I have seen the gentleman.

Und sie verkündete, was er zu ihr gesagt hatte.

And she proclaimed what he had said to her.

Pornotieto Jesu Magdalena.

Pornographic knowledge of Jesus Magdalene.

Jesus, ressuscitado, disse a Maria Magdalena,

Jesus, resurrected, said to Mary Magdalene,

Vai terco os meus irmãos e diz-lhes,

"Go tell my brothers and say to them,"

Subo para o meu Pai, que é vosso Pai,

I am going to my Father, who is your Father,

para o meu Deus, que é vosso Deus.

for my God, who is your God.

Maria Magdalena foi e anunciou aos discípulos,

Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples,

Viu o Senhor e contou o que ele tinha dito.

The Lord saw and told what he had said.

Jubelt und freut euch, jubelt und seht.

Rejoice and be glad, rejoice and see.

Gott hat große S險-nis getan.

God has done great wonders.

Jubelt und freut euch, jubelt euch nicht.

Rejoice and be glad, do not rejoice.

Alleluja, allelu-ja!

Hallelujah, hallelu-jah!

Jubelt und freut euch.

Rejoice and be glad.

Jubelt und seht.

Rejoice and see.

Gott hat große Sgyptin.

God has great Egypt.

Jubelt und freut euch, jubelt und seht.

Rejoice and be glad, rejoice and see.

Jesus, Ruin euch, Memory, dasChat versch collectively and Concretely.

Jesus, ruin you, Memory, the chat versch collectively and concretely.

Jubelt uns freut euch, jubelt uns nicht.

Rejoice us, be glad, do not rejoice us.

Jubel uns freut euch, jubelt uns nicht.

Rejoice and be glad, do not rejoice for us.

Vertraue und glaube, es hilft, es heilt die göttliche Kraft!

Trust and believe, it helps, the divine power heals!



Vertraue und glaube, es hilft, es heilt die göttliche Kraft!

Trust and believe, it helps, it heals the divine power!



Die Lichterfeier aus Taizé, jeden Samstag neu, ab 22 Uhr im DOMRADIO.

The candlelight service from Taizé, new every Saturday, from 10 PM on DOMRADIO.

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