En_68 <電話・トラブル>迷子・アナウンス 英語 68


ホテル・旅館で使う 英中韓 3 か国語 きほん接客フレーズ (英語音声)

En_68 <電話・トラブル>迷子・アナウンス 英語 68

ホテル・旅館で使う 英中韓 3 か国語 きほん接客フレーズ (英語音声)

1. What's the name and age of your companion?

1. あなたの仲間の名前と年齢は何ですか?

2. Is it a boy or a girl?

Is it a boy or a girl?

3. Could you describe him?

3. 彼を説明してもらえますか?

4. Are you lost? Who are you here with?

4. Are you lost? Who are you here with?

5. Where are you from?

5. Where are you from?

6. I'll have him paged throughout the building.

6. 私が彼をビル全体に呼び出させます。

7. Attention, please!

7. Attention, please!

8. Paging a Mr. Smith from the U.S.

8. Paging a Mr. Smith from the U.S.

9. The person accompanying 5-year-old Mary.

9. The person accompanying 5-year-old Mary.

10. Please come to the information desk on the first floor.

10. Please come to the information desk on the first floor.

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