





こんにちはがさんです今回は私のうつ病の初期症状についてお話ししていきたいとおもいます 私は重度のうつ病となり退職しましたが現在は仕事復帰し

Hello, I'm Gassan. This time, I would like to talk about the early symptoms of my depression. I developed severe depression and left my job, but I have since returned to work.

医学療法士という医療系国家資格を武器に年間300人以上のうつ病患者のリハビリを 行っております

Utilizing my national qualification as a medical therapist, I conduct rehabilitation for over 300 patients with depression each year.

今回はそんな私のうつ病の初期症状についてお話ししていきたいとおもいます うつ病の症状って精神症状と身体症状があるんですが

This time, I would like to talk about the early symptoms of my depression. Depression has both psychological and physical symptoms.

私の場合は身体症状が最初でした 私の場合は頭痛肩こりめまい

In my case, physical symptoms came first. I experienced headaches, shoulder stiffness, and dizziness.

早朝覚醒食欲不振この身体症状が主に出現しました うつ病といえば心が病むという病気というイメージを多くの方は抱いていると思うん

Early morning awakening and loss of appetite have mainly appeared as physical symptoms. I think many people have the image of depression as a disease that affects the mind.

ですが実は身体症状が最初に出る人って案外多いんですね 私の場合も仕事で過度なストレスを受けてから身体症状が出てきました

However, it turns out that there are quite a few people who first experience physical symptoms. In my case, physical symptoms appeared after I experienced excessive stress at work.

今でも覚えているんですが最初頭痛がしてきてさらに酷くなると吐き気やめまいが起こり 仕事をしていられない状態になりよくトイレに逃げ込んでました

I still remember that at first, I had a headache, and as it got worse, I experienced nausea and dizziness, making it impossible for me to work, so I often ran to the restroom.

他にも食欲不振で体重が10キロ以上落ちてしまいましたし 早朝覚醒といって熟睡できずに朝早くに目が覚めてしまうことが多々ありました

I have also lost more than 10 kilograms due to a loss of appetite, and I often experience early morning awakening, where I wake up early without being able to sleep soundly.

これは全部同時に症状が出現するわけではなくて段階的に症状が現れることが多いんですね 私の場合は先ほども言った通り頭痛が最初に来たんですが

The symptoms don't all appear at the same time; they often show up progressively. In my case, as I mentioned earlier, the headache was the first symptom to appear.

人によっては肩こりが来たりお腹が痛くなったりと人それぞれだと思います 私の場合こういった感じで身体症状が最初に出現しました

I think it varies from person to person, with some experiencing shoulder pain or stomachaches. In my case, physical symptoms appeared like this at first.

この身体症状が出現していることって明らかに異常だと普通だったらわかるんですが 当時の私はこの予期せぬ事態を俺が全然仕事できないから体調が悪くなるんだ

It's clear that having these physical symptoms is unusual, but at that time, I thought that this unexpected situation was because I couldn't work at all, so my condition was deteriorating.

という感じで間違った解釈をしてしまったんですね これはよく認知の歪みと呼ばれるものなんですね

I misunderstood it like that, didn't I? This is often referred to as cognitive distortion.


I wonder if there are people who have experienced this.

私自身医療従事者なのでうつ病のことは他の人よりも勉強してきたつもりでした しかし勉強してきた私でもこの段階ではうつ病だとは全然気づけなかったんですね

As a healthcare professional myself, I thought I had studied depression more than others. However, even with my studies, I completely failed to realize at this stage that it was depression.


I felt really unwell and thought it was strange, but I was unable to do anything and was just feeling anxious.

そして身体症状の後に精神症状が4つ出現しました 理由のない焦り興味や喜びの喪失

Then, four mental symptoms appeared after the physical symptoms: unexplained anxiety, loss of interest, and loss of joy.

会話の内容がまったく入ってこない意欲の低下 この4つですね

A decline in motivation where the content of the conversation doesn't register at all—these four points.

皆さんにも一つや二つ大好きなこと大好きだったことがあると思います 今まで楽しめていたことが楽しめなくなる

I believe everyone has one or two things they love or loved. There are things that we used to enjoy, but can't enjoy anymore.

これもうつ病の初期症状の一つでとても辛い症状だと思います 私も自分の大好きな趣味である筋トレも楽しめなくなるくらい

I think this is one of the early symptoms of depression and it's a very painful symptom. I can't even enjoy weight training, which is my favorite hobby.

興味や喜びという感情は失いました 私は物事が楽しめなくなるという精神症状が出てきたあたりから

I have lost the feelings of interest and joy; it started around the time I began to experience symptoms of not being able to enjoy things.

精神科を受診しました まあまさか俺がうつ病になるなんてみたいな感じで半信半疑で受診したところ

I went to see a psychiatrist. I went with a sense of disbelief, thinking there's no way I could be depressed.

重度のうつ病との診断を受けました 私自身うつ病の知識を持っていたことと身近な人にうつ病を経験した人がいたことも

I was diagnosed with severe depression. I had some knowledge about depression myself, and I also knew someone close to me who had experienced it.

比較的早い発見につながったことだと思います 私の場合はだいたいうつの症状が現れてから3ヶ月ぐらい経ってから初めて精神科を

I think it led to a relatively early discovery. In my case, it was about three months after the symptoms of depression appeared that I first visited a psychiatrist.

受診しました 多分この段階で不安になってしまうことが多いと思います

I went for a checkup. I think it's common to feel anxious at this stage.

この段階で普通の内科とかに行ったら特に異常ありませんねと言われていたかもしれません 受診したと薬をもらってカウンセリングを受けて多少はうつ病の進行がゆっくりになった気もしていました

At this stage, if I had gone to a regular internal medicine clinic, I might have been told that there were no particular abnormalities. After visiting the doctor, receiving medication, and undergoing counseling, I felt that the progression of my depression had slowed down a bit.


But gradually, my depression progressed, and one day it felt like suddenly the battery of my smartphone died; I was unable to move from my futon.


It felt as if I was being tied down to the futon.


Since then, the level of discomfort from the physical and mental symptoms I had experienced has greatly increased, and I have reached a state where I cannot go to work at all.

よくわかんないけど焦りを感じてしまったり 上司の言葉やテレビで話を聞いても全く頭に入ってこない状態だったんですね

I don't really understand, but I started to feel anxious, and even when I listened to my boss's words or heard talks on TV, nothing was sinking in at all.

もうさすがにここまで来るとまずいなと思い仕事も辞めて治療に専念しました ここまで私のうつ病の初期症状についてお話ししてきましたが

I thought it was really bad to have come this far, so I quit my job and focused on treatment. I have talked about the early symptoms of my depression up to this point, but...


"Anyone who fits this symptom..."

うつ病だとは必ずしも限りません でも気になる方は精神科に行って受診した方がいいと思います

It doesn't necessarily mean that it's depression, but if you're concerned, I think it's better to visit a psychiatrist and get assessed.

精神科に受診するのには勇気がいると思いますが楽になるのでぜひ今悩んでいる人は 特に行ってほしいと思います

I think it takes courage to seek treatment at a psychiatric clinic, but it can help you feel better, so I especially hope those who are struggling now will go.


When one becomes depressed, the ability to objectively judge things dulls, so I think there are many people who are unaware that they are depressed.


In fact, research indicates that 3 out of 5 people do not realize they have depression, so if you are concerned, please consider seeing a doctor.

今回はあくまで私が経験した症状をお話ししたので 他にもこんな症状がありますよという方はコメントに書いてもらえると嬉しいです

This time, I only talked about the symptoms I experienced, so I would appreciate it if others with similar symptoms could write about them in the comments.

最後まで聞いていただきありがとうございました 今回の内容が少しでも良かったならフォローよろしくお願いします

Thank you for listening until the end. If you found this content even a little bit good, please follow me.

他の音声も聞いていただけると幸いです ではまた会いましょう

I would be grateful if you could listen to the other audio as well. Well then, see you again.

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