2-22 わんだの気になるニュース、ポポの噴火の話



2-22 わんだの気になるニュース、ポポの噴火の話


こんにちは、ワンダです。皆様いかがお過ごし でしょうか。なんかちょっと最近ね

Hello, this is Wanda. How is everyone doing? Recently, it feels a bit...

立てこもり事件とかいろいろ日本でも 凶悪な事件報道されたりとかしていますが

In Japan, there have been reports of various heinous incidents, such as hostage situations.

あのちょっと私的に気になるニュースが あったのでそれを皆さんにお知らせしよう

I have some personal news that I'm curious about, so I want to share it with everyone.

かなと思います まあメキシコ関連なんですけど

I think so. Well, it's related to Mexico.

今週大使館からポポカテペトル火山の活動 活性化に伴う警戒レベルの引き上げと

This week, the embassy issued a raise in the alert level due to the increased activity of Popocatépetl Volcano.

いうことでメールが来ました ポポカテペトルって何と思われる方も

So, I received an email about it, and some of you might be wondering what Popocatépetl is.

いらっしゃると思うんですけど これは

I think you might be here, but this is...


It is a famous volcano in Mexico.

あのだいたいメキシコシティ首都から 70キロメートルぐらいに位置していて

It is located about 70 kilometers from Mexico City, the capital.

ナワトル語で煙を出す山 煙を吐く山といった意味の山で結構

A mountain that emits smoke, meaning a mountain that spews smoke in the Nahuatl language.

活火山なのでちょこちょこ噴火はしている んですよねあの煙がちょこっと出る

It's an active volcano, so it erupts from time to time, with a little smoke coming out.

ぐらいだからそんなに大きく噴火するって いうことは私がそのメキシコに

Because of that, it means that I will erupt this big in Mexico.

住んでいる間ではそこまではなかった あとこの山すごくあの

While living there, it wasn't quite like that. Also, this mountain is really...

密確認飛行物体がかなり多く 目撃される場所として ufo 研究家の

Places where a considerable number of unidentified flying objects have been sighted, according to UFO researchers.

人とかには注目されている場所だそうです はい

It seems to be a place that people are paying attention to. Yes.

でこの山あの実は メキシコ国内で考えると2番目に標高が

"In fact, considering within Mexico, this mountain is the second highest."

高い 1番目はオリサバっていう山でまあ5,760m

The highest, the first one is a mountain called Orisaba, which is about 5,760 meters.

まあ5,760メートルで えっとポポカトゥペトロは5,426

Well, 5,760 meters, and Popocatépetl is 5,426.

まあ2番目でもあのメキシコの人からすると 結構まあすごく親しみがあってポポって

Well, even as a second choice, for that person from Mexico, it's quite endearing, really.

呼んでるような本当に親しみのある山です でなんでそんなに親しみがあるのかなぁと

It's a mountain that really feels inviting, like it's calling out to you. I wonder why it feels so familiar.

思ったらあの近くにイスタシワトルって いう山があってまあその2つの山の間に

I thought there is a mountain called Istashiwatoru nearby, well, between those two mountains.

あのすごく非憐悲しい恋の話っていう あの

That story about a really pitiful and sad love, that...

伝説があるみたいでまぁそういうのもあって すごく有名だそうです

It seems there is a legend, and because of that, it's said to be very famous.

はいっていうまあ概要なんですがその山が ですねかなりその火山活動を活発化させて

Yes, that's a brief overview, but that mountain has significantly increased volcanic activity.

いて すごくあの水蒸気と灰の成分が少ない

It's amazing how there's very little steam and ash component.

ガスを加工から だいたい400メートルから600m 上腹

Gas is processed approximately 400 to 600 meters above sea level.

まであの噴出してるってそのメキシコの 防災当局はあの発表していて

The Mexican disaster prevention authorities have announced that it is still erupting.

で今週その降り積もった火山灰の影響で あの近くの学校が閉鎖されたりとか

Due to the accumulated volcanic ash this week, nearby schools have been closed.

あとえっとロイター通信によるとメキシコ 市長もう21日メキシコ市

According to Reuters, the mayor of Mexico City has already... on the 21st in Mexico City.

自体もあのまあ荒廃のリスクがあると いうことで警戒を緩めないようにって言っ

"Given that there is a risk of devastation, we must remain vigilant and not let our guard down."

たり あとはその近くの街

And then, the nearby town.

山活動が活発化しているのでまあ火山灰が 降るのでまあ屋外の活動を控えるようにあの

Volcanic activity is increasing, so volcanic ash will fall, so please refrain from outdoor activities.

住民の人にまっ声をかけていたりと実際に メキシコ市の

I was actually calling out to the residents in Mexico City.

高も発火一時的に閉鎖されて22日も火山灰 であの一部の瓶に遅れが出たということで

Due to the temporary closure of Takamiyama due to an eruption, there were delays in some shipments of bottles on the 22nd due to volcanic ash.

かなり影響が出ているようですあんなか 知り合いの人でも実際に20日に何かその5

It seems to be having quite an impact; even among acquaintances, something actually happened on the 20th.


Closed for about an hour.

ているんですけど 今の状況でダイヤがすごい大幅に乱れ

I understand, but the current situation has resulted in a significant disruption of the trains.

てて飛行機そのご自分のお家に行く 飛行機が取れないっていうことで唾液って

The plane is going to your house after that. Since you can't take the plane, it's about saliva.

知ってる人もいるみたいですね あの

It seems like there are some people who know about it. Um...

でしかも火山活動が活発化するって言う ことは揺れとかあと噴煙とかいろいろね

Moreover, the fact that volcanic activity is becoming more active means there will be tremors and various other things like ash plumes.

影響が出てると思うんですけど まあ今はそのみんなでそのポポの状況を見ながら

I think it's having an impact, but for now, let's all keep an eye on Popo's situation.

今はそのみんなでそのポポの状況を見ながら 今はそのみんなでそのポポの状況を見ながら

For now, everyone is looking at Popo's situation together.

今はそのみんなでそのポポの状況を見ながら 生活と折り合いつけながら様子見て必要であれば避難していくっていうことになるのかなと思うんですけど最近やっぱり日本もね地震多いですし

I think for now we will be watching the situation regarding the popo while finding a balance with our lives, and if necessary, we will evacuate. Recently, Japan has been experiencing quite a few earthquakes as well.

富士山もなんか噴火する可能性がだんだん 高まってきてるっていうような状況なのでそのポポの状況

There is a situation where the possibility of Mount Fuji erupting is gradually increasing, so that's the situation regarding Popo.


Considering the situation of the earthquakes in Japan, I think it's a bit worrisome news today.

あとはその日本の地震の状況を合わせて考えるとちょっと心配なニュースだなぁと思って今日あの 言うと皆さんに

Considering the situation of the earthquakes in Japan, I thought it was a bit concerning news and wanted to share it with everyone today.


I say to everyone.


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