






ヤンヤン 行ってみましょうということで

Let's give it a try, shall we?

深井 雑談会です

This is a casual chat.

ヤンヤン 雑談会です今週は

It's a casual chat this week with YanYan.

深井 まずいいですか軽く

Fukakii: Can I start with something simple?

ヤンヤン お願いします

Yang Yang, please.

深井 いよいよねプレステ5買いました

Fukai: I finally bought a PlayStation 5!

ヤンヤン 買おう買おうと思っていたがずっと買ってなかったやつ

The thing I had been meaning to buy but never did.

ヤンヤン でかい買い物ですね

That's a big purchase, Yangyang.

ヤンヤン 6.5万

Yangyan 65,000

樋口 6.5万高いんだよマジで

Higuchi, it's seriously 65,000 yen high.

ヤンヤン すごい

Yang Yang is amazing.

ヤンヤン やるね

Yang Yang, you're doing great!

深井 すっごいディスクが入るやつ版にしたからちょっと高い

Fukagai: It's a version that can hold a really big disk, so it's a bit expensive.

ヤンヤン 入んない版あんの

Is there a version that doesn't include Yangyan?

深井 入んない版は多分6万

The version without Fukai is probably 60,000.

ヤンヤン 6万ぐらい

About 60,000 yen.

樋口 へえ

Higuchi, wow.

ヤンヤン ダウンロードだけの

Only available for download.

深井 だけ

Only Fukai.

ヤンヤン ファイル版だとちょっとDVDが見れたりとかもするのかな

In the Yangyan file version, can you maybe watch the DVD a little?

樋口 なるほど

Higuchi: I see.

ヤンヤン を買ったんですよ

I bought a Yangyan.

ヤンヤン 正直モンハンがさ2025年に出るらしいじゃん

Yanyan: Honestly, I heard that Monster Hunter is coming out in 2025.

ヤンヤン PS5とかPCでできるやつ

Yanyan, the ones you can play on PS5 or PC.

ヤンヤン それまでには絶対買おうって思ってて

I definitely planned to buy it by then.

ヤンヤン いい機会だから買おうってさささと買っちゃったんだよ

Yangyang said it's a good opportunity, so I quickly bought it.

ヤンヤン でもちょっと油断してたんですよ正直

Yanyan: But honestly, I was a bit too lax.

ヤンヤン いつでも買えるやろと

Yanyan, you can buy it anytime, right?

ヤンヤン 電気屋さんに行って

Yang Yan, go to the electronics store.

ヤンヤン これくださいって言ったら

When I said, "I want this, please,"

ヤンヤン もうラス1ですって言われて

I was told it was the last one.

樋口 ラス1

Higuchi Last 1

ヤンヤン オープネーって買ったんだけど

I bought a Yan Yan Openay.

ヤンヤン 僕が買った次の日か翌々日ぐらいに

The day after or the day after that when I bought it.

ヤンヤン PS5基本料金値上げしますって

Yangyan said that the basic fee for PS5 will be raised.

樋口 したな

Higuchi did it.

ヤンヤン ニュースが出てさ

Yanyan, news has come out.

ヤンヤン 8万ですよ

It's 80,000, Yan Yan.

樋口 ええ

Higuchi: Yes.

ヤンヤン 8万だよ

It's 80,000, Yangyang.

樋口 ディスク入り版が

Higuchi: The version with the disc is...

ヤンヤン ええ

Yanyan, yes.

樋口 8万

Higuchi 80,000

ヤンヤン 8万のゲーム機買うか

Yanyan is thinking about buying an 80,000 yen game console.

樋口 ええ

Higuchi: Yes.

ヤンヤン 俺も震えたもんね

Yangyan, I was trembling too.

樋口 8万は

Higuchi, 80,000.

ヤンヤン それでモンハン出るまでに買おうって言ってた奴らが

Yangyan, those guys said they would buy it before Monster Hunter comes out.

ヤンヤン やばい8万になっちゃうって言って

Yangyan said it's going to be a huge 80,000.

ヤンヤン ドバドバ買い始めて

Yangyang started buying a lot.

ヤンヤン もう日本からPS5が消えたんですよ

Yanyan, the PS5 has already disappeared from Japan.

樋口 ええ

Higuchi: Yes.

ヤンヤン マジで買えないらしい今

It seems you really can’t buy it right now.

ヤンヤン 悪い転売中から買うしかない

I have no choice but to buy it from a bad reseller.

樋口 そんなになってんの今

Higuchi, is it really like that now?

ヤンヤン マジで今本当に買えないね

I can't really buy it right now, seriously.

樋口 ええ

Higuchi: Yes.

ヤンヤン 本当に滑り込みギリギリセーフで買って

I barely made it in time to buy it!

樋口 6.5万

Higuchi 65,000

ヤンヤン 6.5万だぜでも

It's 65,000 yen, but...

樋口 いやそうだよな

Higuchi: Yeah, that's right.

樋口 言うて6.5万だよ

Higuchi, it's 65,000 yen.

ヤンヤン 言うて6.5は高いけど

Yangyan says that 6.5 is high, but...

樋口 高いよね

Higuchi, it's expensive, isn't it?

ヤンヤン こっからだって無駄に1万5千取られるんだよ

From here, they're going to take an unnecessary 15,000.

ヤンヤン もうでもどっちも高いんだよな

Yangyang, both are expensive now, aren’t they?

樋口 1万5千よ

Higuchi, 15,000.

ヤンヤン じゃあまあいっかってなって

Well, let's just go with that then.

樋口 しかも払わなくてもいい1万5千って感じ

Higuchi, it feels like 15,000 that I don't even have to pay.

ヤンヤン 結構やばくない?

Isn't Yangyan pretty bad?

樋口 無駄な1万だよな

Higuchi, it's a pointless 10,000, isn't it?

樋口 1万5千くらいだろうな

Higuchi: It should be around 15,000.

樋口 1万3千とかだよな確か

Higuchi, it's around 13,000, right?

ヤンヤン 高すぎるわちょっと

Yangyang, that's a bit too high.

ヤンヤン ちょっとだって8万って10万じゃん

"Yan Yan, even a little is still 80,000, which is 100,000."

樋口 そう8万って10万だよな

Higuchi: So 80,000 is 100,000, right?

ヤンヤン そうほぼ10万

Yan Yan, it’s almost 100,000.

ヤンヤン 10万の家庭用ゲーム機買う?ってなった時にさ

When it comes to deciding whether to buy a 100,000 yen home video game console, right?

ヤンヤン ちょっとモンハンのためとはいえ買えなくない?

Isn't it okay to buy it just a little for Monster Hunter?

樋口 モンハンってそこまで買ってなるんだよな

Higuchi, Monster Hunter really is worth buying that much.

ヤンヤン そう

Yangyang, that's right.

樋口 したいよしたいけど

Higuchi, I want to do it, but...

ヤンヤン めっちゃやりたいけど

I really want to do it!

ヤンヤン 10万払ったらできますよ

If you pay 100,000 yen, you can do it, Yangyang.

ヤンヤン これもうほぼPSPで止まってるから

Yang Yang, this has basically stopped at PSP.

ヤンヤン 信じらんないよモンハンに8万払うのが

I can't believe paying 80,000 for Monster Hunter.

樋口 だからそれよ

Higuchi: That's why.

樋口 たださ自分にもし子供ができてね

Higuchi: "But you know, if I were to have a child..."

樋口 中学生ぐらいになりましたと

Higuchi has become a middle school student.

樋口 お父ちゃんPS5欲しいって言われたとこ

Higuchi said that Dad wants a PS5.

樋口 俺さ嘘でしょってなるもん

Higuchi: I can't help but think it's a lie.

ヤンヤン クリスマスクリスマスなじゃあな

Yangyang, it's Christmas, Christmas, see you!

ヤンヤン いくらかな8万!

Yangyang, how much is it? 80,000!

樋口 あとあんまだいぶ結婚できないだろうか

Higuchi: I still probably won't be able to get married for a while.

樋口 PS8ぐらいだと思うけど俺ら

I think it's around PS8, but us.

樋口 12万とかになってね

Higuchi, it's around 120,000 or so.

ヤンヤン そん時やばいよ

Yangyang, that time was crazy.

ヤンヤン 家賃のこと言ってる?

Are you talking about the rent?

樋口 サンタさんやばいよ

Higuchi, Santa is in trouble!

ヤンヤン もうゴーグルかけて

Yangyan, put on the goggles already.

ヤンヤン 剣振るとモンスター倒せるんだよみたいなゲームになってて

It’s like a game where you can defeat monsters by swinging a sword.

ヤンヤン そん時はとんでもVRみたいになっててさ

At that time, it was like something out of a crazy VR experience.

樋口 そうだね

Higuchi: That's right.

ヤンヤン 30万!

Yangyan 300,000!

樋口 全然あり得る

Higuchi: It's completely possible.

ヤンヤン うわ怖

Yanyan, wow, scary!

ヤンヤン 仮想現実みたいな

Yanyan, like virtual reality.

樋口 そう

Higuchi: "That's right."

樋口 なんだっけな

Higuchi, what was it again?

樋口 米軍のミサイルに

Higuchi to American military missiles.

樋口 PS5が乗ってるって聞いたことあるわ

I've heard that you have a PS5.

樋口 構成の過ぎてコンピューター

Higuchi, the structure has surpassed the computer.

ヤンヤン そんなこと売ってんだ

Yan Yan, is that something you sell?

樋口 そうなんだ

Higuchi: I see.

ヤンヤン 家庭でご家庭で

Yanyan, at home and in the household.

樋口 これ火薬詰めればミサイルになる

Higuchi: If you pack this with gunpowder, it will become a missile.

樋口 マジでえげつは怖く見えてきたわ

Higuchi, seriously, I’m starting to see you as really scary.

ヤンヤン すごいな8万か

Yangyang, that's amazing, 80,000!

ヤンヤン 無理無理手が出ないなさすがに

Yan Yan, no way, I can't go that far.

樋口 8はちょっと渋いね

Higuchi, 8 is a bit austere.

ヤンヤン 渋いね

Yangyan is cool, isn't it?

樋口 しかも俺そんなにやんないからさ

Higuchi, besides, I don't really do that much.

樋口 それこそモンハンぐらいやりたいの

Higuchi: I really want to play something like Monster Hunter.

ヤンヤン そうだよね

Yanyan, that's true.

ヤンヤン ちょっとなんかねスイッチ買うかぐらいだと

Yanyan, it's just that I'm thinking about maybe buying a Switch.

ヤンヤン ちょっとね他社と比べてあれだけどさ

Yangyan, it might be a bit different compared to other companies, but...

樋口 スイッチはだいたい3万とか

Higuchi: The Switch is around 30,000 yen or so.

ヤンヤン やばい

Yangyan, this is bad.

樋口 そのぐらいでしょ

Higuchi: That's about it, right?

ヤンヤン 3万もだいぶ

Yan Yan, 30,000 is quite a bit.

ヤンヤン 約3倍よそれ

That's about 3 times, Yan Yan.

樋口 でもさ実際どうなのちょっとやってみて

Higuchi: But really, how is it? Just give it a try.

ヤンヤン でもやっぱね

Yan Yan, but still...

ヤンヤン 今までプレステ4でいろんなゲームやってたんだけど

Yang Yang, I've been playing various games on the PS4 until now.

ヤンヤン 同じゲームをプレステ5でやるだけで

Yang Yang, just playing the same game on the PS5.

ヤンヤン ロードの時間がとにかく早いとか

The time on Yangyang Road is incredibly fast, or something like that.

ヤンヤン あとはそのグラフィックが綺麗だね

The graphics are beautiful, too.

ヤンヤン すごいヌルヌル動く

Yanyan moves really smoothly.

ヤンヤン 画素数が上がって

Yangyang, the pixel count has increased.

樋口 そりゃ米軍が使ってるからそりゃそうよな

That's because the U.S. military uses it, so it makes sense.

ヤンヤン そりゃそう

Yanyan, that's true.

樋口 あんま驚かねえわ

Higuchi: I'm not that surprised.

ヤンヤン だって米軍使ってんだもん

It's because they're using the U.S. military.

ヤンヤン いろんな機能がついてる

Yangyang has various features.

樋口 この前友達んち行って

Higuchi: I went to a friend's house the other day.

樋口 友達んち入った時に

When I entered my friend's house.

樋口 友達が俺をゲームして待ってたのよ

Higuchi, my friend was waiting for me to play the game.

樋口 一人でゲームして

Higuchi is playing games alone.

樋口 それ地球防衛軍やってたPS4で

Higuchi: That was on PS4 when I was playing Earth Defense Force.

樋口 テレビの音量より

Higuchi: More than the volume of the TV.

樋口 PS4のディスクが回ってる音の方がでかかった

The sound of the PS4 disc spinning was louder.

樋口 排熱の音っていうかなんか

Higuchi, it's like the sound of exhaust heat or something.

ヤンヤン なるほどね

Yanyan, I see.

樋口 シャーンってやってた

Higuchi was doing "Shaan".

ヤンヤン 確かに収録始まる前

Yangyan: Indeed, before the recording starts.

ヤンヤン 両兵ちょっとやってたけど

Yang Yang, Ryōhei did it a bit.

ヤンヤン 全然排気の音なんなかった

There was absolutely no exhaust noise at all.

ヤンヤン 静か

Yang Yang is quiet.

樋口 すごいね

Higuchi, that's amazing!

樋口 でもいい買い物したんじゃない

Higuchi: But didn't you make a good purchase?

ヤンヤン いやーそう

Yanyan: Yeah, that's right.

樋口 まあギリギリね

Higuchi: Well, just barely.

ヤンヤン 1万5千儲けたみたいのがあるから

It seems like Yangyang made a profit of 15,000.

ヤンヤン 結構嬉しい

I'm quite happy.

樋口 いやーいいね

Higuchi: Yeah, that's nice.

ヤンヤン 最近でかい買い物の話です

Recently, there's been talk about a big purchase.

樋口 さっきの友達なんだけどさ

Higuchi, about that friend of mine earlier...

樋口 先週ちょっと湯河原に旅行行ってきまして

Higuchi: I went on a trip to Yugawara last week.

樋口 あれよ

Higuchi, that's it.

樋口 なんかすごい台風が来てたじゃん

Higuchi: There was a really strong typhoon coming, wasn't there?

ヤンヤン 来てたね

Yangyang was here, right?

樋口 あれのもう神奈川バチ当たりみたいな時に

Higuchi, that felt like a real curse for Kanagawa.

樋口 行くことになっちゃったのよ

Higuchi, it seems I've ended up going.

ヤンヤン あー行けたの

Yanyan, oh, I made it!

樋口 大丈夫だった?

Higuchi, are you okay?

樋口 友達と行ったの?

Higuchi, did you go with your friends?

ヤンヤン そう友達と3人で俺含めて

Yanyan, yes, including me, there are three of us friends.

ヤンヤン 3人で車で行ったんだけど

We went by car, the three of us.

ヤンヤン 怖いじゃんやっぱあの土砂崩れとか

Yanyan, isn't that landslide scary after all?

ヤンヤン 特にあっちの方とかは

Especially over there.

樋口 行くもんじゃないよ台風の日に車乗って

Higuchi, you shouldn't be driving on a typhoon day.

ヤンヤン 日頃の行い良すぎてめっちゃ晴れてた

Yangyan, your good deeds have made it so sunny!

ヤンヤン っていうか台風そうでもなかったよ関東

Speaking of which, the typhoon wasn't that serious in the Kanto region.

樋口 まあそうでもなかった

Higuchi: Well, it wasn't really like that.

ヤンヤン まあなんとか行けて

Yan Yan, well somehow I managed to go.

ヤンヤン で行ったのよ

I went with Yangyang.

ヤンヤン まずその湯河原に人がいないのよ

First of all, there are no people in Yugawara.

ヤンヤン 台風が来るっていう

Yan Yan says a typhoon is coming.

ヤンヤン 触れ込みだったの

It was a hype.

樋口 そりゃそうよね

Higuchi: That's true, isn't it?

ヤンヤン もうちょっと怖いの俺

I'm a little more scared, Yan Yan.

ヤンヤン もう人いなさすぎて

There are hardly any people here anymore.

ヤンヤン もう車とかもあんま走ってなくて

There aren't many cars running around anymore.

ヤンヤン 街が死んでて

The town is dead.

ヤンヤン なんかSFの漫画でこんなのあったなみたいな

It feels like I've seen something like this in a sci-fi manga.

樋口 しちゃいけないことしてる?

Higuchi, are you doing something you shouldn’t?

ヤンヤン そうそうそう

Yangyang, that's right, that's right.

ヤンヤン 怖ってなって

Yanyan, I'm scared.

ヤンヤン で

With Yangyan.

ヤンヤン 湯河原なんて観光スポットそんなないの

There aren't many tourist spots in Yugawara, you know.

ヤンヤン 温泉地だから

Because it's a hot spring area.

樋口 あそうなんだ

Higuchi: Oh, is that so?

ヤンヤン でももう昼に着いちゃったから

But Yang Yang, we already arrived at noon.

ヤンヤン とりあえず車置いて

Yan Yan, for now, just leave the car.

ヤンヤン 滝見に行こうって言って滝見に行ったのよ

I said, "Let's go see the waterfall," and we went to see the waterfall.

ヤンヤン 俺

Yan Yan, me.

ヤンヤン 全く人がいない観光地に行くの初めてで

It's my first time going to a tourist spot with absolutely no people.

ヤンヤン 行って前の人もいないし後ろの人もいないと

Yangyang, there's no one in front and no one behind either.

ヤンヤン だから

That's why, Yan Yan.

ヤンヤン 滝をどんだけ見てればいいのか分かんないのよ

I don't know how long I have to keep looking at the waterfall.

樋口 見ようと思えば無限に見れるんだ

Higuchi: If you want to, you can see it infinitely.

ヤンヤン 後ろも詰まってないし

Yang Yang, there's no congestion behind either.

樋口 終わりがないから

Higuchi: Because there is no end.

ヤンヤン なんならブラブラできんのよ

If you want, you can just hang out.

ヤンヤン 固定位置にいなくていいみたいな

It seems like Yang Yang doesn't need to be in a fixed position.

ヤンヤン 結局滝30分くらい見ちゃって

In the end, I ended up watching the waterfall for about 30 minutes.

樋口 結構見たね

Higuchi, you saw quite a bit, didn't you?

ヤンヤン もういいわって

"I’ve had enough, Yangyang."

ヤンヤン 帰って美術館に行ったのよ次

Yangyan went back and went to the museum next.

ヤンヤン 人いないの

There are no people around, Yan Yan.

ヤンヤン 美術館人いないんだけど職員の人が立ってるから

There is no one in the museum, but there is a staff member standing there.

ヤンヤン ずっとこっち見られてるような気がして

I have the feeling that Yan Yan has been looking at me the whole time.

ヤンヤン ソワソワしちゃう

I'm getting anxious and restless.

樋口 怖いななんか

Higuchi, that's kind of scary.

ヤンヤン 嫌なホラー映画でありそうなのずっと

It feels like it could be a scene from a scary horror movie that I dislike.

樋口 夜6時くらいだとほぼ人いないのよ

Higuchi, by around 6 PM, there are basically no people there.

樋口 暗くなってきてみたいな

Higuchi: It's getting dark, it seems.

ヤンヤン 廃村に旅行に行ったユーチューバーみたいな

Like a YouTuber who went traveling to an abandoned village.

樋口 怖いわーつって

Higuchi said, "It's scary!"

樋口 宿戻って宿で飯食って酒飲むじゃん

Higuchi returns to the inn, eats meals, and drinks sake at the inn.

樋口 そしたらサザエさんを流したの環境音みたいな感じで

Higuchi: Then, it felt like we were playing the sound of Sazae-san as background noise.

樋口 サザエさんを流したんだけど最後次回予告が始まって

Higuchi: I played Sazae-san, but at the end, the next episode preview started.

樋口 その次回予告で俺ら笑いすぎて腹がぶっ壊れることになるんだけど

Higuchi, in that next preview, we're going to laugh so hard that our stomachs will break.

樋口 何の気なしに普通に飲んでて

Higuchi: I was just drinking normally without thinking about it.

ヤンヤン 上げるねハードル

Yang Yang, I'll raise the bar.

樋口 サザエさんに迷惑かかる

Higuchi, you're bothering Sazae-san.

ヤンヤン これもしダメだった場合

Yan Yan, what if this doesn't work out?

樋口 マチコに

To Machiko Higuchi.

樋口 すごいぞ聞いてみ

Higuchi, that's amazing! Give it a listen!

樋口 さーて来週のサザエさんはつってだいたいエピソード3個あるじゃん

Higuchi: Well, next week’s Sazae-san will have about three episodes, right?

樋口 1個目

Higuchi, the first one.

樋口 カツオ足す中島割るに

Higuchi adds Katsu, Nakajima divides.

樋口 2個目

Higuchi, second one.

ヤンヤン トムブラウン

Yangyan Tomu Buraun

樋口 ダメーのやつね

Higuchi, the one who's no good.

ヤンヤン 合体!

Yangyang combine!

樋口 トムブラウンでも割ってない

Higuchi: "I haven't broken even in Tom Brown."

ヤンヤン 確かに

Yang Yang, indeed.

樋口 4つ合体させてるから

Higuchi is combining four of them.

ヤンヤン 割るんだ

I'm going to break it.

樋口 カツオ足す中島割るに1個目

Higuchi adds Katsu, Nakajima subtracts, for the first one.

樋口 2個目

Higuchi, second one.

樋口 マスを距離を置く

Higuchi, keep your distance.

ヤンヤン 不穏

Yangyang, unrest.

樋口 マジ?動き出てきた

Higuchi: Really? Things are starting to move.

樋口 そうついに

Higuchi: So finally.

樋口 3つ目

Higuchi, the third one.

樋口 タイミングが合う人

Higuchi, a person who is in sync with timing.

樋口 えー

Higuchi, um...

樋口 俺もう爆笑してそれ

Higuchi: I'm already laughing out loud at that.

樋口 爆笑っていうか

Higuchi: It's more like dying of laughter.

樋口 ついに動く

Higuchi finally moves.

樋口 マスオが

Masuo Higuchi is

樋口 離反?離脱?

Higuchi defection? Withdrawal?

樋口 太鼓か

Higuchi, is that a drum?

樋口 カツオと中島がまず足されて割るにになって

Katsuo Higuchi and Nakajima were the first to be added and divided.

樋口 マスオちょっと距離を置いて

Higuchi, Masuo, please keep a little distance.

樋口 タイミングが合う人って

Higuchi: Someone whose timing matches with mine.

樋口 ちょっとこう哀愁漂わせる

Higuchi, just a little bit of melancholy drifting.

樋口 笑い声

Higuchi's laugh

樋口 何が起きんだよ来週

Higuchi, what's happening next week?

樋口 サザエはタイミングが合わないんだよね

Higuchi: It's just that the timing doesn't match up.

樋口 それ

Higuchi, that.

樋口 もうパンチライン食らったみたいになっちゃってそこで

Higuchi: It feels like I just got hit with a punchline there.

樋口 すごいな最近のサザエさん

Higuchi: "The recent episodes of Sazae-san are amazing."

樋口 なんかヒルトラみたいなタイトルだなみたいな

Higuchi: It feels like a title similar to Hiltler.

樋口 すごいね

Higuchi, that's amazing!

樋口 距離を置く

Higuchi Keep a distance.

樋口 ざっくりタイトル過ぎて

Higuchi, it's too vague of a title.

樋口 いくらでも想像できる

Higuchi: I can imagine it as much as I want.

樋口 へー

Higuchi, oh.

樋口 その旅行の思い出の中で

Higuchi, among the memories of that trip.

樋口 サザエさんの次回予告が一番楽しかったっていう

Higuchi said that the most fun part was the next episode preview of Sazae-san.

樋口 何もなさすぎて

Higuchi: There's too little going on.

樋口 嘘だろ

Higuchi, no way.

樋口 マジで何もしてない

Higuchi, seriously, I haven't done anything.

樋口 酒飲んで記憶なくしただけ

Higuchi just drank and lost his memory.

樋口 滝見て風呂入って

Higuchi, watching the waterfall and taking a bath.

樋口 温泉はどうだったの湯河原

How was the hot spring in Yugawara, Higuchi?

樋口 いやいいけどさ

Higuchi: No, it's fine, but...

樋口 いいんだけどさ

Higuchi: It's fine, but...

樋口 ちょっとこれ問いたいんだけど

Higuchi, I want to ask you something.

樋口 結構温泉行くじゃん俺ら

Higuchi, we go to the bath quite a bit, don't we?

樋口 サウナとか

Higuchi, sauna or something.

樋口 温泉行くとさここ源泉の湯で

Higuchi, when we go to the hot springs, we go to the source of the spring water.

樋口 こんな効能がありますみたいな

Higuchi: It has this kind of effect.

樋口 あるね

Higuchi, there is.

樋口 聞いた試しがない

Higuchi, I have never heard of it.

深井 体に実際

Deep well body actually

深井 効果を実感できた試しがない

"I have never experienced any noticeable effects."

樋口 試しなくないか

Higuchi, don’t you want to try?

深井 まあ正直ない

Fukaki: Well, to be honest, no.

樋口 でも肌すべすべみたいなギリあるよ

Higuchi: But there is still a chance of having smooth skin, right?

深井 ある

Aru Fukai

樋口 あるか

Higuchi Aruka

樋口 なんかトゥルトゥルになってんな

Higuchi: It's getting all slippery, huh?

樋口 ちょっと嬉しいやつ

Higuchi, a slightly happy guy.

深井 確か肌はな

Takahashi: I'm sure it's the skin, right?

樋口 ちょっと触れてる部分あるかもしれない

Higuchi: There might be parts that I touch on a little.

深井 使ってる部分腕とかちょっとトゥルトゥルじゃん

Fukagai, the parts I'm using like my arms are a bit soft, right?

深井 某スーパー銭湯チェーンに結構一時通っててさ

I used to go to a certain super sento chain quite frequently.

深井 週一回ぐらい

Once a week or so.

深井 そこが炭酸温泉で

That is the carbonated hot spring.

深井 血の巡りをすごく良くすると

Improving blood circulation significantly.

深井 そこの喫煙所とかにもでっかくポスターがあってさ

There are big posters in the smoking area over there too.

深井 喫煙者こそこの温泉に入った方がいいですよみたいな

"Smokers should definitely take a dip in this hot spring."

深井 本当にタバコで肺が汚れて

Fukai: "My lungs really got contaminated from smoking."

深井 血がドロドロになるみたいなのが

It feels like my blood is becoming thick and sticky.

深井 すっごい良くなるとそこに入ると

When it gets really good, you just step in there.

深井 でも結構通してたんですよ

However, I was managing to get through it fairly well.

深井 いい判定

Fukai: Good judgment.

樋口 ダメだそっか

Higuchi: I see, it's no good then.

深井 闇汚れが血に溜まってる

Fukai, the darkness of corruption is gathering in blood.

樋口 何の意味もない

Higuchi: It has no meaning at all.

深井 何の意味もない

Fukai: It has no meaning.

樋口 炭酸も

Higuchi, carbonated as well.

深井 俺らじゃ無理だ

Fukagai: It's impossible for us.

樋口 何の意味もないのよだから

Higuchi: It has no meaning at all, that's why.


Even if I go to a hot spring area...


It's not that special.


It doesn't have any effect.


I've never heard of anyone having back pain.

深井 腰痛はないかも

Fukagai may not have back pain.

樋口 内見とか書いて

Higuchi, please write about the inspection.


Really? A viewing? No way? Something like that.

深井 よく聞くよな

Deep well, you often hear about it, right?


People who are sick go to hot springs for treatment or recovery.


I wonder if it's true?


Wouldn't it be better to stay still at the hospital?

樋口 絶対そっちの方がいいじゃん

Higuchi: That's definitely better, right?

樋口 結局は本当に規則正しい

Higuchi is really quite disciplined in the end.


I guess it's an onsen to live in, huh?


The hot spring report is no good.

樋口 サウナとかもちょっと怪しいと思ってるよ

Higuchi thinks saunas are a bit suspicious too.



深井 サウナはさ

Deep well sauna, you know?

樋口 サウナってこれあんま健康で入ってねえわ

Higuchi: "I don't think sauna is really that healthy."

深井 リラックス効果だよね

Deep breath, it's a relaxing effect, right?


That day will be a fluffy, floating feeling.


It will be another day or two before it comes in.


Warm when going to bed.


For those who have poor circulation, etc.


It's just something that allows you to sleep comfortably.

樋口 サウナ健康であると

Higuchi: Sauna is good for health.


Aren't there a lot of people who believe too much? Quite a few, actually.

深井 でもサウナで

Deep well, but in the sauna.


The pores open up suddenly and sweat comes out.


It improves the condition of the skin.


Megumi said that.

樋口 めぐみが

Megumi Higuchi is

深井 めぐみが言ってた

Megumi Fukai said.

樋口 じゃあ信じよう

Higuchi: Then let's believe it.

樋口 本めっちゃ売れてるから

Higuchi, the book is selling really well.

深井 めぐみが言ってんだから

Since Megumi Fukai is saying it, then...

樋口 怪しくない?

Higuchi, isn't that suspicious?

深井 もっとイエローキャブの

Deep well more yellow cab of

樋口 めぐみが言ってる

Megumi Higuchi is saying.

樋口 巨乳のな

Higuchi, big breasts.

深井 あん時好きだったな

Fukai, I liked you back then.

樋口 レバー食いまくってたら巨乳になったらしい

Higuchi seems to have become busty after eating a lot of lever.

深井 あそうなの?

Fukui, is that so?

樋口 えーそうなの?

Higuchi: Oh, really?

樋口 へーすごいな

Higuchi, wow, that's amazing!

深井 いやだってさ

Fukai: I don't want to, you know.


I think saunas are bad for my health.

樋口 いやまあ

Higuchi: Well, I guess...

樋口 入りすぎとかないと思ってるけどね

Higuchi: I don't think I'm going too far or anything.


Making my heart race like that.

深井 そうそうそう

That's right, that's right.


Cool it down.


It seems like it's going to repeat that again.

樋口 いいわけはないよね

Higuchi: There's no excuse, right?

深井 いいわけはないとは思ってる

I don't think there are any excuses.


It's just that I'm not going because I'm healthy.


Even if I'm told it's really bad for my health, I'll still go.


"Sometimes I just want to go."

樋口 まあ好きで行ってるからね

Higuchi: Well, I go because I like it.


Not really.

深井 あとなんかサウナ入る前は

Before entering the sauna, Deep Well, something else...


"To those testicles"


When you enter with a towel cooled with ice water,


"You don't have to let the sperm die."


George said that.

樋口 ハハハハ

Higuchi: Hahahaha.

樋口 ダメよだからそのね

Higuchi, no good, that's why...


If you're going to use the sauna, you shouldn't worry too much about your testicles.

深井 みんなちょっと

Fukai, everyone a little.


It's suspicious, just like I said.


I absolutely want to protect the man.


My partner is just as I expected.


I absolutely want to be a man.

樋口 二とは追えないよ

I can't chase after Higuchi Niji.

深井 ジョージのデート動画見たけど

I saw the date video of Fukai George, but...


It's kind of cute in a virgin-like way.

樋口 あれ可愛い

Higuchi, that's cute.

深井 そうなの

That's right.

樋口 すごい口数多いよ

Higuchi, you sure talk a lot.


You talk a lot, don't you?


It seems like all the topics are like this.


Do you like sweets?


Are you hungry?


Shall we go to the café first?


"That is."

樋口 なんかさ

Higuchi, you know...


If it's that guy, they can totally go for a cute look.


You have a baby face, too.


But somehow, standing with that attitude on my own...


So, if we were to go on a date...


Properly cute direction.

深井 ずるい

Fuk井 is unfair.

樋口 俺は可愛いとかじゃねえからみたいな

Higuchi: I'm not really the cute type or anything.

深井 クソみてえなデートだなとかじゃないの

"This isn’t a crappy date or anything."

ヤンヤン 可愛いの?

Is Yan Yan cute?

樋口 男ですって顔してるやつかすげえ可愛いデートするから

Higuchi, you look like a guy who's really cute, so let's go on a date.

深井 いざなんかちょっと綺麗な女の子目の前にしてなっちゃった

Fukai, I ended up feeling a bit flustered in front of a pretty girl.


What should we do?

ヤンヤン 可愛い

Yangyang is cute.

深井 可愛いなお前

Fukai, you're so cute.


Is this what you mean?

樋口 あれテストステロン出てないよね

Higuchi, that doesn't have testosterone, right?

ヤンヤン 出すぎちゃってる

Yang Yang is too much out there.

深井 ポワポワの男になってきた

I've become a fluffy guy.

樋口 あいついいよおもろい

Higuchi, that guy is really funny.

ヤンヤン そうなんだ

Yanyan, I see.

深井 俺は結構好きです

Fukui: I like it quite a bit.

樋口 ちなみにあいつもポッドキャストやってるからな

By the way, that guy is also doing a podcast.

ヤンヤン マジで?

Yan Yan, seriously?

樋口 やってる

Higuchi is doing it.

ヤンヤン ショウバカだけか

Is Yang Yang the only idiot?

樋口 これ商売じゃないし

Higuchi: This isn't a business.

ヤンヤン 俺らのアナリティクス見て厳しいって

Yang Yang, looking at our analytics, it's tough.

ヤンヤン 1年半でこれ厳しいって

It's tough after a year and a half, Yan Yan.

ヤンヤン 30回されて厳しいって

Yangyan said it's tough after 30 times.

ヤンヤン 厳しいよな

Yang Yang, it's tough, isn't it?

樋口 誰も聞いてねえマジで

Higuchi: No one is listening, seriously.

ヤンヤン 厳しいなあ

Yang Yang, that's tough.

深井 これツイッターに載せるときハッシュタグでジョージつける

Fukai: When I post this on Twitter, I'll add the hashtag George.

ヤンヤン ジョージが聞いてくれるかもしれない

Yangyan, George might listen to you.

ヤンヤン ハットマークつけよリップ飛ばすみたいな

Let's put a hat mark on Yangyan, like blowing away lipstick.

樋口 俺ジョージよりテストステロンは多いと思うだから俺は

Higuchi: I think I have more testosterone than George, so I...

ヤンヤン そこは勝てるぞ

Yangyang, you can win there!

深井 まあよりオースなのか

Deep well, is it more Aussie, I wonder?

ヤンヤン オースそうだなお前なんか

Yan Yan, that's right, someone like you...

ヤンヤン やめとこやちょっと

Let's stop it for a bit, Yan Yan.

深井 なんか良くないこと言おうとした

Fukai was about to say something not good.

ヤンヤン 俺のザーメンの話しようとした

Yang Yang was trying to talk about my semen.

深井 よくねえわ

Fukui, that's not good.

ヤンヤン ザーメンとも言ってほしくなかったし

I didn't want you to call it "Yangyan Zamen" either.

深井 聞いてねえから別に大丈夫なんだけどさ誰も

I'm not really worried about it since I haven't heard anything, but no one else is either.

ヤンヤン 一応やめとこう

I'll just hold off for now.

深井 さっきちょっとタバコの話が出たんだけど

Fukai: We were just talking a bit about cigarettes earlier.

深井 この前スタジオに入ったんですよ音楽スタジオに

Fukai: I went into the studio the other day, the music studio.

深井 一緒になった人がさちょっとジェントルマンなおじさんだったの

The person I got together with was a bit of a gentlemanly older man.

ヤンヤン おじさん?

Uncle Yangyan?

深井 おじさま50代60代ぐらいのね

Mr. Fukai is in his 50s to 60s.

ヤンヤン ナイスミート

Yangyan Nice Meat

深井 紳士なトランペッターだったんですけど

He was a gentleman of a trumpeter.


That person said during the studio break, "I think I'll go out for a smoke."


When I asked that clerk where the smoking area was,


Right now, there isn't one here, but there's a smoking area at the FamilyMart about a 15-minute walk away.


The way I panicked when I was told to go there.


The person who was playing a really cool trumpet until just now...


Huh? Huh? 15 minutes?

大深 え?

Oomori, huh?

深井 30分?

Fukai, 30 minutes?

ヤンヤン ライアンつなぐ

Yangyan connects to Ryan.

深井 嘘でしょ

Fukaki, you're kidding, right?


Why is that?

ヤンヤン やすけー

Yanyan, take it easy!

深井 西澤?西澤?

Fukadai Nishizawa? Nishizawa?

ヤンヤン やすけー

Yanyan, it's cheap!

深井 ってなってて

It has become deep.


I was disappointed.


I thought cigarettes could drive a person insane like this.

ヤンヤン 確かにだって今収録僕の部屋でしてるけどさ

Yanyan: "That's true, we're recording in my room right now."


From here, when Yusaku-kun said he wanted to smoke a little...


Since we don't allow smoking at home, I said I'll go to the convenience store that's a 15-minute walk away.


Why are you, Yusaku?

ヤンヤン 換気扇の下で交渉するもんね

I'll negotiate under the ventilation fan.

深井 僕は吸わないからわかんないのよ

Fukagai: I don't smoke, so I don't really know.


Since the two of us are smoking, I just wanted to ask a little.

ヤンヤン しんどいよ

Yanyan, it's tough.

深井 パニックになるかどうかわかんないけど

I don't know if I'll panic or not.

ヤンヤン パニックになる

Yang Yang panics.

深井 ただめっちゃコン詰めてさ

Deep down, I'm just really pushing myself.


Let's practice really hard; this way, not that way.

ヤンヤン そうだいぶね

Yangyang, that's quite a lot.

深井 会議とかもして

Deep well, let's have a meeting and such.

ヤンヤン よし一息つけるって時にすいませんって言われたら俺もなんでー?

When I'm finally able to take a breather and someone says "Sorry," I can't help but wonder why?

ヤンヤン 死んじゃうよマジで

Yangyang, I'm really going to die!

深井 あそっかそういうことか

Fukai: Oh, I see, that's what it is.

ヤンヤン 今吸いたいって時にそれ言われたらあーってなる

Yangyan, when you say that at a time when I want to smoke, it makes me go "ah."

深井 あーそうなんだ

Fukai: Oh, I see.

ヤンヤン 15分?

Yan Yan, 15 minutes?

深井 っつって

It's deep, you know.

ヤンヤン 僕だって飛行機とか乗る時タバコの箱開けてスーって吸ってる

Yang Yang, even when I ride on planes, I open a pack of cigarettes and take a puff.

深井 マジで?

Fukagai: Seriously?

ヤンヤン 2時間ぐらい経った時とかにちょっとあーってなるときに

When it's been about two hours and you start to feel a bit tired or something.

ヤンヤン いやもうだめなんだもう本当になんか摂取しとかないと

Yan Yan: No, I can't anymore. I really need to take something in.

深井 思い出したなんか俺昔秋田にちょくちょく行ってたんだけど

Fukasaku: I just remembered that I used to go to Akita quite often.

深井 新幹線こう行く時にどっかの駅で連結車両を離すと

When the Shinkansen goes like this, if it separates the connected cars at some station...

深井 離すから5分ぐらいなんだよ5分4分ぐらいその時間が

I'll let go in about 5 minutes, around 5 or 4 minutes, that's the time.

深井 でそっからその5分4分の時に新幹線出て走ってホームの喫煙所行って走って帰ってくるもん

From Fukai, during that 5 or 4 minutes, I take the Shinkansen, run to the smoking area on the platform, and then run back.

ヤンヤン あー

Yanyan Ah~

深井 2時間新幹線の旅の夜そこが

Takaia, the night of the two-hour Shinkansen journey there.

ヤンヤン それが唯一タバコを吸えるタイミングで

Yan Yan, that's the only time I can smoke.

深井 結構喫煙者しんどいあるあるよねやべえ急がなきゃっていう

It's pretty common for smokers to feel overwhelmed, like they have to hurry up.

ヤンヤン 2時間でもだめなんだ

Even two hours isn't enough, Yan Yan.

深井 2時間はしんどいね

Two hours is tough, isn't it?

ヤンヤン 2時間しんどいね

Yan Yan, it's tough to endure for two hours, isn't it?

深井 1時間半ぐらいで来るかなそういった

I wonder if he will come in about an hour and a half.

ヤンヤン そうだよ僕も仕事してる時だいたい1時間半日本ペース

Yanyan: That's right, I usually work at a Japanese pace for about an hour and a half.

深井 あー結構だね相当なサイクルだねそれ

Fukai: Ah, that's quite a significant cycle there.

ヤンヤン まずしんど

Yangyang, it's tough first.

深井 前職今の職場じゃない時とかはなんかすっごい忙しくてもう本当にタバコ吸ってる場合じゃねえみたいな状態で

In the past at my previous job, there were times when I was incredibly busy, and it was really not the right time to be smoking a cigarette.

深井 しかも周りもすごい忙しかったからあタバコ吸いってこいつこの状況でとか思われるのもすごい嫌でさ

Moreover, everyone around me was really busy, so I really hated the thought of being seen smoking in this situation.

深井 めっちゃわかるわ

Fukai: I totally get it.

ヤンヤン ずっと胃かくってた

Yang Yan has been holding his stomach the whole time.

深井 どういうこと?

Fukai, what do you mean?

ヤンヤン 口に入れときたい

I want to put it in my mouth.

深井 あれニコチン入ってんのあれ

Is there nicotine in that?

ヤンヤン そういう次元

Yang Yang, that's the kind of dimension.

深井 当たり目をずっと口にくるチュパチュパしてると紛れるんすよ気が

When I keep sucking on my finger, it kind of distracts me.

ヤンヤン なんか入れときたいんだ

I want to put something in Yan Yan.

深井 なんかくわえてるみたいな

It looks like you're biting on something.

ヤンヤン いやきついなちょっと今考えただけで息苦しくなったもん15分っていう

Yan Yan: "No, that's tough. Just thinking about it made me feel breathless for 15 minutes."

深井 あ本当

Fukaki: Oh really?

ヤンヤン 往復?

Round trip?

深井 往復30分って聞いてなおうううってなったね

Hearing that it's a 30-minute round trip made me go "ugh."

ヤンヤン でまあ吸っても5分10分かかるから35分40分ぐらいはかかるってなった

It takes about 35 to 40 minutes because even with Yan Yan, it takes about 5 to 10 minutes to smoke.

深井 暑いしね今

It's hot right now.

ヤンヤン そうだね

That's right, Yan Yan.

深井 まあ最悪仲いい友達とかだったらごめんちょっと待っててって言うけどさ

Well, if it's a really close friend, I might say, "Sorry, just wait a moment."

深井 そのね半分仕事みたいな人をさタバコ吸ってくるんで30分待っててって言えないから

Fukai: I can't say to that person who is kind of half-hearted about their job, "Please wait for 30 minutes while I step out for a smoke."

深井 吸うって選択肢もそこで消えたのよ

The option to suck it up disappeared right there.

ヤンヤン そうだねそのジェントルもさ最近は街をきれいにしすぎてるよって言ってたもん

Yangyan, that's right. That gentleman was saying lately that he's been making the town too clean.

ヤンヤン ケッペキがすぎるって

Yan Yan, you're being too particular.

ヤンヤン 都になんか文句を言ってたもん

Yang Yang was complaining about the city.

深井 それ分かる分かるわ本当にあのしんどいのよ

Fukai: I understand that, it really is tough.

深井 俺そういえばと思って20歳以降にまあちょくちょく旅行行くけど喫煙かの宿にしか泊まったことない

Fukai: Come to think of it, I’ve traveled here and there quite a bit since I turned 20, but I've only stayed at accommodations where smoking is allowed.

ヤンヤン ああ

Yang Yang, ah.

深井 まずそこ見る

Deep well, first look there.

ヤンヤン 見る喫煙

Yanyan smoking while watching.

深井 見るっていうか

It's not so much seeing...

ヤンヤン マスト

Yang Yang Must

深井 で選ぶ

Choose at Fukai.

ヤンヤン 出張行くときとかも同じ?

Is it the same when you go on a business trip, Yan Yan?

ヤンヤン ホテル自分でとっていいよってなったんだったら絶対喫煙ルーム

If it's okay to book the hotel myself, then I definitely want a smoking room.

深井 うーん

Fukai: Hmm.

ヤンヤン 喫煙ルームないときもあるけどそん時はあーくっそーって思いながら泊まってるし

There are times when there is no smoking room, but during those times, I stay while thinking, "Ah, damn it."

深井 ああそうなんかあと複数人で出張とか行くじゃん行ってであの大体会社の人が要するに俺じゃない人がホテルとってるからまとめてみんなの部

Fukagai: Ah, I see. Also, when we go on business trips with multiple people, usually, someone from the company, not me, is booking the hotels for everyone together.

深井 みんな禁煙部屋にされるのよ

Fukai: Everyone is put in non-smoking rooms.

ヤンヤン ああ

Yanyan, ah.

深井 でここでロビーでさこうカード渡されるじゃん部屋のカード渡されたときにあすいませんちょっと僕タバコ吸ってからあの部屋行くんで先エレベーター上がってくださいって言ってみんな行った後ロビーの受付行ってあの喫煙部屋に帰ってくださいって帰ってもらうもん俺

At Fukai, when you're handed the room key in the lobby, I say, "Excuse me, I'm going to smoke a cigarette before I go to the room, so please go ahead and take the elevator up." After everyone leaves, I go to the lobby's reception and ask them to go back to the smoking room. That's what I make them do.

ヤンヤン ああ

Yang Yang, ah.

深井 なるほどね

Fukay, I see.

深井 つら

Fukai Tsurai

深井 そんな心苦しい思いをしてたんだ

Fukai: So you were feeling such a heavy heart.

ヤンヤン そうそう

Yanyan, that's right.

ヤンヤン タバコ吸うためには何でもすると思って

"I think you would do anything to smoke a cigarette."

深井 うーんそう

Fukai: Hmm, yes.

ヤンヤン なるべく人に迷惑かけないようにいかに多くタバコ吸えるか

Yangyan: How to smoke as much as possible without inconveniencing others.

深井 そのたくろうが一緒にいたそのジェントルマンぜひ湯河原に行ってほしいね

Makoto, I hope that gentleman who was with you will definitely go to Yugawara.

ヤンヤン えっ

Yanyan, huh?

深井 あ湯河原何

Deep Valley, what about Yugawara?

ヤンヤン 湯河原のだいたい50メートルに1個灰皿があるの

There is a cigarette butt container about every 50 meters in Yugawara.

深井 えー

Fukaki, uh...

ヤンヤン マジでこれマジで

Yanyan, seriously, this is for real.

深井 あ本当

Deep well, oh really.

ヤンヤン しかもなんかそのバス停にだいたい灰皿があるんだけどその灰皿にさなんか書いてあんのよ湯河原のそのタバコに対するキャッチコピーみたいな

Moreover, there’s usually an ashtray at that bus stop, and there’s something written on that ashtray, like a tagline about tobacco from Yugawara.

深井 へー

Fukui, really?

ヤンヤン なんかあれ街をきれいにとかそんなこと書いてあんじゃん

Yanyan, there’s something written about cleaning up the city, right?

深井 そうだ

That's right.

ヤンヤン ちょっとこう多分めっちゃタバコ吸うやつが湯河原の偉い人なんだけど禁煙より分煙をびっくりまくって書いてあって

Yangyan, it seems that the person who smokes a lot is an important figure in Yugawara, and they were surprisingly emphasizing smoking separation rather than a complete ban.

深井 まあまあ強い意志だ

Deep Well, that's quite a strong will.

ヤンヤン 非喫煙者からしても別にそれは全然オッケーだよ

For non-smokers like me, that's totally fine.

深井 禁煙より分煙って書いてあって

It says "smoking is separated from non-smoking" rather than a complete ban on smoking.

ヤンヤン 分煙してくれれば

If you could establish a non-smoking area, that would be great.

深井 めっちゃ灰皿あんの

Deep wells have a lot of ashtrays.

深井 灰皿ありすぎてその分煙できてないの

There are too many ashtrays, so it’s not reducing the smoke.

ヤンヤン もうなんかきれいごと言って喫煙の街にしようとしてんの

Yangyan is already trying to put on a pretty face and make it a smoking town.

ヤンヤン どこでも煙の匂いがするみたいな街なんだから

It’s a city where it seems like you can smell smoke everywhere.

深井 全然嫌だね非喫煙者

Deep well, I really dislike non-smokers.

ヤンヤン それはちょっと俺も嫌だな

Yan Yan, I don't like that very much either.

ヤンヤン まあくせえからな普通にシンプルくさいからさ

Yang Yang, well, it's just normally simple and smelly, you know?

深井 だってバス停に1個あるからだいたいだから50メートル100メートルに1個あるのよ

Because there's one at the bus stop, there’s roughly one every 50 to 100 meters.

ヤンヤン バス停にあるタイプの街ね

It's the type of town that has a bus stop.

深井 あとなんか布団屋の前とか

"Also, something like in front of a futon shop."

ヤンヤン つくようによ

"Yanyan, you seem to be coming together."

深井 飲み屋の前にあるならわかる

I understand if it's in front of a drinking establishment.

深井 布団屋の前とかにある

It is in front of the Fukai bedding shop.

ヤンヤン 匂いついちゃうじゃん

Yangyan, it's going to smell!

深井 どこにでもあんのマジで

Fukui: It's seriously everywhere.

ヤンヤン 布団つくのも嫌だしな俺も

I don't want to make the futon either.

深井 嫌だね

Fukai, I don't like it.

ヤンヤン でもその人は湯河原行ったらめちゃくちゃいい旅になるよ

Yan Yan, but that person will have an amazing trip if they go to Yugawara.

深井 ああじゃあちょっとおすすめしとくよ

Fukai: Ah, then I'll recommend it a bit.

ヤンヤン 今回宿もやっぱ喫煙できるとこだったし

Yanyan, this time the accommodation was also a place where you could smoke after all.

深井 ああ本当

Fukai: Ah, really.

深井 打ち上げで超荒れてたから

It was extremely rough at the launch.

深井 ジェントルがもうふざけるなと

Fukai said to Gentle, "Stop joking around already."

深井 東京都めみたいな

Fuka, like in Tokyo.

ヤンヤン っていうかもうジェントルメンじゃないよね

Yanyan, I mean, he's not a gentleman anymore, right?

深井 もうジェントルじゃない

Fukai: I'm no longer gentle.

ヤンヤン ヤニカスおじさんだったね

It was the nicotine uncle, wasn't it?

ヤンヤン ハットかぶってたからちょっと

I was a bit surprised because he was wearing a hat.

深井 俺も紛らわしかったんだけど

Fukai: I was a bit confused too.

ヤンヤン なるほどね

Got it, I see.

ヤンヤン 例えばあのなんだっけ

Yang yang, for example, what was it again?

ヤンヤン タクラ今ドンキーコングのTシャツ着てるけどさ

I'm wearing a Donkey Kong T-shirt right now.

ヤンヤン あれUSJに

Yanyan, that's at USJ.

ヤンヤン ドンキーコングのやつできんじゃん

I can do the Donkey Kong thing, Yan Yan!

深井 ああできるね

Fukai: Ah, I can do it.

ヤンヤン ちょっとあれバカにしたけどすごいな見たら

I made a bit of fun of it, but it's amazing when you see it.

深井 えそうなの

Fukaki, is that so?

深井 全然内容知らない

Fukagai: I don't know the content at all.

ヤンヤン マリオのとこもすごいじゃん

Yanyan, Mario's place is amazing too!

ヤンヤン やっぱUSJってすごいなって思ったわ

I thought that USJ is really amazing after all.

ヤンヤン なんかそのドンキーコングが

Yanyan, somehow that Donkey Kong is...

ヤンヤン ちゃんとゲームの世界みたいになってるから

Yangyang, it really feels like a game world.

深井 そうよ

That's right.

ヤンヤン あれはでも何なの

Yan Yan, what is that?

ヤンヤン マリオはさなんかほらリストバンド着けてさ

Yang Yang, Mario is wearing a wristband, you know?

ヤンヤン コインを集めるみたいなエリアの

It's like an area where you collect coins.

ヤンヤン なんかミッションみたいなのあるでしょ

Yanyan, you have some kind of mission, right?

ヤンヤン ドンキーコングなんかあるの?

Is there something like Yanyang Donkey Kong?

深井 でもキャストさんが樽転がしてくんじゃないの

Fukai: But isn't the cast rolling the barrels?

ヤンヤン 樽転がして投げつけてくる感じ

It feels like Yang Yang is rolling a barrel and throwing it at me.

深井 で俺だ

I'm Takai.

深井 殺されなきゃいけない

Fukai must be killed.

ヤンヤン ジャンプで止めたりとかして

Stopping with a yangyang jump, or something like that.

深井 そうでもやっぱそのゲームで出てくる

Deep Well: "Still, it comes up in that game, after all."

深井 トロッコとか

Deep well trolleys or something like that.

深井 で64のゲームで出てくるなんか

Something that appears in a 64 game in Fukai.

ヤンヤン ドンキーコングの村の長老の家があったりとかね

There is also a house of the village elder from Donkey Kong.


But USJ is really small.


Next to the Hogwarts castle, or rather the school.


There was a house of the elder Donkey Kong.


So, hey!


"Which way, and where are you right now?"


I’m getting a little panicked.

樋口 あいつの家みたいじゃん

It's just like that guy's house.


Not the bearded Shedrick.

ヤンヤン あーえっとなんだっけ

Yang Yang: Ah, um, what was it again?

ヤンヤン 大男ね

Yangyang is a big guy.

樋口 そう大男

Higuchi, such a big man.

ヤンヤン ハグリットの家

Yangyan Hagrid's House

樋口 ハグリットの家

Higuchi Hagrid's House

ヤンヤン ハグリットの家みたいな

Like Hagrid's house.


It seems like you've really moved up in the world.


Because it's gold shiny.

ヤンヤン 金ピカなんだ

It's shiny gold, Yan Yan.

樋口 金ピカなのよ

Higuchi, it's all glittering gold.


It's like there's a bit of fun to it.


But it seemed really fun to ride the trolley.

ヤンヤン 行ってみたいな

I want to try going to Yan Yan.

樋口 今試運転してるところがね

Higuchi: Right now, we're in the middle of a trial run.


It's being captured a bit with a camera and such.

ヤンヤン でそのさっきのね

Yangyan, about that earlier...


Returning to the topic of the PS5 price increase, though...


An old man who was cutting something at USJ said something like that.


Well, that...


What do you call it, morimori?


In short, a kaleidoscope.


A ticket for enjoying with half the price.


It costs about 18,000 yen.


So, FastPass and such.


And what that old man said was


It's strange.


Because, you see, Yuusaku-kun.


The annual pass costs 20,000 yen.

ヤンヤン えそうなんですか

Oh, really?

樋口 なのにもりもりにすると

If you make Nanohi Higuchi really energetic.


The one-day ticket will cost around 18,000 yen.


I bought a year pass.


"I'm not going, but just once."

ヤンヤン まあでもなんかの間違いで

Well, but it might be a mistake of some sort.


Even when I went twice.

樋口 余裕で元取れるもんね

Higuchi, you'll definitely get your money's worth.

ヤンヤン 年パスって

Yanyan, what's a yearly pass?


Is there something like a FastPass included?

樋口 いや入ってない入ってない

Higuchi: No, it's not included, not included.


So I have to buy it each time.


It's the annual pass plus, you know.

ヤンヤン じゃあ結構2,3回行かないと

Yang Yan, then I guess we have to go there about 2 or 3 times.


I have to buy it plus.

樋口 あれだよね通常のチケットだけでも

Higuchi: That's right, even just the regular tickets...


You can play, but…


If you're definitely going to play, then a little...


You should buy a FastPass or something like that.


It's probably just a vibe.

ヤンヤン 大学生の時先輩と行ったんだけど

When I was in college, I went with my senior.


I don't have enough money, so I haven't bought a fast pass.


I waited in line for the Flying Dinosaur for 3 hours.

樋口 3時間

Higuchi 3 hours

ヤンヤン 3時間

Yang Yang 3 hours

深井 3時間

Deep well 3 hours

樋口 俺正直面白ジェットコースターっていう

Higuchi: To be honest, I think it's a fun roller coaster.


It’s just an impression, but...

ヤンヤン 3時間

Yang Yang 3 hours


Harry Potter for one and a half to two hours.

樋口 えー

Higuchi, um...

樋口 だってそうするとさ

Higuchi, that would mean...


You can't visit them all in one day, right?

深井 全部は無理だね

Fukai: It's impossible to do everything.

樋口 12時間いたとしてもって話だもんな

It's a matter of whether it's been 12 hours for Higuchi, after all.

深井 上手はなんか30分くらい

Takahashi: I'm pretty good, it takes about 30 minutes.


I wonder if I don't have to wait for two hours.

ヤンヤン やっぱちょっと伝統的なやつは

Yangyan, after all, it's a bit traditional.



深井 やっぱUSJ行ったらこれっしょみたいなやつは

When you go to USJ, this is definitely a must-do, right?


Two more hours.


It's a world of three hours or something like that.


Without straightening treatment.

樋口 なるほどね

Higuchi: I see.

樋口 今もうぐちゃぐちゃだよな

Higuchi, it's already a mess now, isn't it?


Demon Slayer and Monster Hunter.

深井 そう僕行った時シンゴジラだったね

Deep Well: That's right, when I went, it was Shin Godzilla.

ヤンヤン エヴァンゲリオンとかもやってたし

I used to do things like Evangelion too.

深井 あの時

Fukai, at that time.

樋口 いやーシンゴジラは東京でやってほしいよ

Higuchi: I really want Shin Godzilla to happen in Tokyo.

ヤンヤン そうだよ

Yang Yang, that's right.

深井 いやでもシンゴジラが大阪に来て

Fukagai: "No, but Shin Godzilla came to Osaka."


There's Earth in front of that USJ, you know?


Bite that thing hard.

樋口 千葉の海からわざわざ来てくれたんだね

Higuchi, you came all the way from the Chiba coast, didn't you?

ヤンヤン 次現場どこっすか?って言ったら

Yangyang said, "Where's the next location?"

ヤンヤン 大阪?

Yangyang Osaka?


It's a bit far.

樋口 太平洋渡んないとな

Higuchi, I can't cross the Pacific Ocean.

ヤンヤン いやーUSJでもだから

Yanyan: Well, that's why even at USJ...


Disneyland is also expensive now.


What will you do if your child says they want to go to Disney?


This is really frustrating.


The tickets have surprisingly become expensive.


The merchandise is priced at a relatively normal level.


I won't buy any merchandise.


Well, if it were a child, they would buy it.


You want this spoon, don't you, Mickey?

樋口 俺だって

Higuchi: It's me too.


When I was little, my parents often took me there.


I've never bought it even once.

ヤンヤン うわー出たまたこの論争になる

Yangyang: Wow, here we go again with this debate.

深井 上手くなるよ

Deep Well, you'll get better.

ヤンヤン ディズニーでグッズ買うか

Shall I buy some merchandise at Disney?

深井 それはおのぼりさんだから買うんでしょ

Fukai, that's because it's a tourist thing to buy, right?

ヤンヤン おのぼりさんとか

"Yangyan, like a tourist."

深井 北海道から来たおのぼりさん

Deep well, a novice who came from Hokkaido.

ヤンヤン そのスタンスがダセーって言ってんのよ

I'm saying that stance is lame.


It's a commemoration since you came all this way.

深井 裕作は近所だもん

Yusaku Fukai lives nearby.

ヤンヤン そう千葉に住んでたから

Yangyan, I lived in Chiba.

深井 近所だからプレシャス感ないはあるよ

Since it's nearby, there's no sense of preciousness.

ヤンヤン なるほどね

I see.

深井 別にいつでも行けるし帰るしみたいな

Fukai: "I can go and come back anytime, so it's whatever."

ヤンヤン なるほどね

Yangyang, I see.

深井 俺も北海道行ったらさ

If I go to Hokkaido, you know...

ヤンヤン つまんな

Yanyan, that's boring.

深井 買うもん

Fukai, things to buy.

ヤンヤン 白い恋人

Yangyan Shiroi Koibito

ヤンヤン 北海道行ったら俺買うもん

If I go to Hokkaido, I'm going to buy it.

深井 お前近所なんかい

Fukai, are you from the neighborhood?

ヤンヤン 俺近所だって

Yangyang, I'm from the neighborhood.

ヤンヤン 15分で海浜マクアリーに住んでたから

I lived in Macquarie Park by the sea for 15 minutes.

深井 納得せざるを得ねえよ

Fukiyoshi: I have no choice but to agree.

深井 んだよ

It's deep, isn't it?

ヤンヤン だって小学4年生で友達打ちだけで行ってたから俺

Yanyan, it's because I only went with my friends when I was in the 4th grade of elementary school.

深井 へー

Fukiai - Oh really?

ヤンヤン 小学4か5ぐらい

YanYan is around 4th or 5th grade in elementary school.

深井 それとは別に普通に耳はシャバいから買わなきゃ

Fukai: Besides that, I normally have weak ears, so I need to buy something.

ヤンヤン おい!

Yang Yang, hey!

ヤンヤン シャバくねえだろ別に

It's not like Yang Yang is shallow or anything.

ヤンヤン 100パーで楽しみてえから買ってんだよ

I'm buying it because I want to enjoy it 100 percent.

深井 いやだからもう今さ

Fukai: No, that's why right now...

深井 子育てするの大変だろうなと思う

I think raising children must be difficult.

深井 俺の世代どんどん子供生まれてきてるからさ

Deep inside, more and more children are being born in my generation.

ヤンヤン 値上がりの世の中で

In a world where prices are rising.

深井 そうだね

That's right.

深井 ゲーム機欲しい

I want a game console.

深井 ディズニー行きたいとかもさ

I want to go to Disneyland.

深井 全部金かかるよ

Fuk井: "It all costs money."

ヤンヤン それだけじゃないからな

It's not just that, you know.

ヤンヤン この前おもちゃを見てたのね

Yan Yan was looking at toys the other day.

ヤンヤン 友達が赤ちゃん生まれたから

Yan Yan, my friend had a baby.

ヤンヤン 出産祝いみたいなのいろいろ見てたんだけど

I was looking at various kinds of gifts for a baby shower.

ヤンヤン アンパンマンの電子ドラムみたいなおもちゃあるじゃん

There's a toy that looks like Anpanman's electronic drum, right?

ヤンヤン あれ2万ぐらいするんだよ

Yangyan, that costs about 20,000 yen.

深井 高っ

Deep well, high!

ヤンヤン 17,000円とかだったけど

It was about 17,000 yen.

ヤンヤン でも佑三くんドラムとしてはめっちゃ安いぞ

Yangyan, but Yuzuki-kun, as a drummer, is really cheap!

深井 いや違うだろ

Fukagai: No, that's not it.

ヤンヤン もうあれでもいいのかな

I wonder if that will be fine now.

深井 一番安くて7万ぐらいかな大体

The cheapest one is probably around 70,000 yen.

ヤンヤン あれビギナードラムなの

Yanyan, that is a beginner drum.

深井 あれ初心者が買うやつなの

Fukai: Is that something beginners buy?

ヤンヤン お手頃だぞあれ

Yangyang, that's a good deal!

深井 あれから入るんだ

Fukai, that's when you enter.

ヤンヤン プラスチック叩いてちょっとパコパコ音鳴るとかじゃなくて

It's not just that it makes a little popping sound when hitting plastic.

深井 ちゃんと鳴るような

"Make sure it sounds properly."

ヤンヤン 電子しっかりだとてよ

Yangyang, it's definitely electronic.

ヤンヤン じゃあ

Yanyan, then.

ヤンヤン 17,000円よ

It's 17,000 yen, Yan Yan.

深井 いやするねえ

Fukaki: "No, I won't do that."

ヤンヤン するねえ

You're getting all excited, aren't you?

深井 3歳ぐらいよ

It's about 3 years old.

深井 で多分半年も使わないよ

I probably won't use it for even half a year in Fukai.

ヤンヤン しかもそれでさそれこそさ

Yang Yang, and on top of that, you know...

ヤンヤン 拓郎くんみたいにさ

Like Takuro-kun from Yangyan.

ヤンヤン お?なんか楽しいぞドラムって

Yang Yang: Oh? Drumming seems fun!

ヤンヤン 目覚めたらもういいけど

It's fine if I wake up now.

深井 まあまあそれはいいけどね

Well, that's okay.

深井 もうだってリズムもクソもなくもうパコパコ叩いてさ

Fukagai: "I’m just hitting it randomly without any rhythm or anything."

ヤンヤン そうそう

Yang Yang, that's right!

深井 キャーッって笑ってさすぐ飽きるでしょ

Fukai: "You laugh 'Kyaa' and then you get bored right away."

深井 うん

Fukai: Yeah.

ヤンヤン 買ってやるかそんなもん

I'll buy you something like that, Yan Yan.

深井 押し入れの

Deep well closet

ヤンヤン しんどいよな

Yanyan, it's tough, isn't it?

深井 俺が作るわじゃあダンボール

Fukai: I'll make the cardboard then.

ヤンヤン そうだよなそういうなんか感じだったもん俺も

Yeah, I felt something like that too.

深井 うん

Fukai: Yes.

ヤンヤン 押し入れの隅っこにな

In the corner of the closet, Yan Yan.

ヤンヤン 埃かぶって置かれることになるんだよね結局

In the end, it will just end up gathering dust.

深井 うん

Fukui: Yeah.

ヤンヤン いやそう

Yang Yang, no way.

深井 高っ

Deep well, high!

ヤンヤン 大変だね

Yan Yan, that's tough.

深井 2万か

Fukaki, 20,000?

ヤンヤン 高級おもちゃね

Yang Yang, a high-end toy.

深井 しかもドラムってのがね

Moreover, it's the drums, you know.

ヤンヤン ドラムって

What is a Yan Yan drum?

深井 電子ドラムである必要ないじゃんそのおもちゃって

That toy doesn't need to be an electronic drum.

ヤンヤン そう

Yangyan, that's right.

深井 仮面ライダーに出てくるベルトとかだったらもうそれしかないじゃん

If it's a belt that appears in Kamen Rider, then there's really nothing else it could be.

深井 俺が作ったところでもう無理じゃんそれは

It's already impossible since I made it anyway.

深井 ドラムってお前だって電子である必要ないだろお前が

Deep down, you don't really need to be electronic, do you?

ヤンヤン 確かに

Yanyan: Indeed.

ヤンヤン あのパコパコする音でいいよ

Yan Yan, that sound of banging is fine.

深井 何か物を叩いて音が鳴ったら何でもいいんだって感じだからさ

It feels like anything that makes a sound when you hit it is fine.

ヤンヤン アンパンマンにドラムのイメージねーしなー

Yanyan doesn't really have the image of playing the drums in Anpanman.

深井 俺それでうわーちょっとさすがに手出ないわこれはあげらんないわつって

Deep Well, I can't do that. I really can't give this away.

深井 スマホを閉じて本屋行って絵本を買ったんよ

I closed my smartphone, went to the bookstore, and bought a picture book.

ヤンヤン 全然いいじゃん

Yang Yan, that's totally fine!

深井 絵本もでも結構するわやっぱ

Even picture books are quite a lot, after all.

ヤンヤン 1800円とか1500円とか

Yangyang, 1800 yen or 1500 yen or so.

ヤンヤン 絵本は大きいからさ

The picture book is big, you know.

ヤンヤン 大きいしさちょっと仕掛けとかあったりするもん

Yangyan is big, and there are a few tricks involved.

深井 なるほどね凝ってるんだね

Fukai: I see, it's quite elaborate.

ヤンヤン だから5冊とか買うだけで全然もう1万いかない

So, just by buying five books, it doesn't even come close to 10,000 yen.

深井 すごいね

Fukai, that's amazing!

ヤンヤン すごいね

Yangyang, that's amazing!

深井 すげーなーつって今子供を産むの本当大変だわ

Sugai, it's really tough to have children right now.


I thought so for some reason.

ヤンヤン そりゃあ少子化なるよね

Yanyan, well of course that's going to lead to a declining birthrate.

深井 なるよね今無理だもん急に産まれちゃったらな

It's true, right? It would be impossible now if it suddenly happened.

ヤンヤン 無理だな

Yang Yang, that's impossible.

深井 さすがに無理

Fukai: That's definitely impossible.

ヤンヤン そうだね

Yang Yang, that's right.

深井 否認しろよ

Fukai, deny it!

ヤンヤン なんで俺に言うんだよ

Yan Yan, why are you telling me that?


Of course I am, you idiot.

深井 助けてやんねーからな金とか

I'm not going to help you, so don't ask for money or anything.

ヤンヤン そうだよ

Yanyan, that's right.

深井 俺一回もやったことないよ生で

Fukai: I've never done it live even once.

ヤンヤン そうなん

Yanyang, is that so?

深井 マジで一回もないんだよ

Fuk井: I seriously haven't had it even once.

深井 ほんとに

Fukui, really.

ヤンヤン ちょっと待って

Wait a minute, Yangyang.

深井 ちょっと待って

Fukai, wait a moment.



深井 どっちのスタンスか分かんない

Fukagai: I don't know which stance to take.

ヤンヤン あれちょっと

Yangyang, that’s a little...

深井 ねーよ多分

I probably don't have it.

ヤンヤン 岡田のね

It's about Yangyan Okada.

深井 岡田のね

It's from Fukai Okada.

ヤンヤン いや風俗言ったらいいじゃない

Yan Yan: Well, why not just go to a brothel?

深井 え何が

"What do you mean?"

ヤンヤン なんで

Yanyan, why?

深井 じゃあ生でやらしてくれんじゃん

Well then, you let me do it live, right?

ヤンヤン 生でやりたくて悩んでるわけじゃない

I'm not struggling with wanting to do it live.

深井 そういう話じゃなかったっけ

Wasn't that the kind of story we were talking about?

ヤンヤン ゴムで十分なのよ

Yangyan, rubber is enough.

深井 俺どうしても生でやりたいんだよねー

Fukui: I really want to do it live, you know?


I wasn't mentioning that kind of concern.

ヤンヤン 助けてやりたかった

I wanted to help Yang Yang.

深井 助けてやりたかった

I wanted to help Fukai.

ヤンヤン 俺30手前なのよ

Yangyang, I'm almost 30.


I don't feel that way anymore.


I want to do it live, or something like that.

深井 最近30手前になってさ

Recently, I've just turned 30.


It's not just about intimate moments anymore, is it?

ヤンヤン いやそうだろ

Yang Yang: "No way, right?"

深井 女の子を見る目が

Deep well, the way he looks at girls.

ヤンヤン 分かるわー

Yang Yang, I understand!

深井 エッチしたいがない

"I don't want to have sex."

ヤンヤン うーん

Yanyan, hmm.

深井 俺だってしこってた方が楽しいもん

"Fukai, it's more fun for me to be doing it too."

ヤンヤン それはちょっとないな俺

Yanyan, that's a bit much for me.

深井 性欲で見てる

Fukai is watching with desire.

ヤンヤン まだまだエッチしたいなと思うときある

There are still times when I think I want to have sex.

深井 マジで

Deep well, seriously.

深井 エッチはもうサブオプ

Deep well, sex is already a sub-option.


If it's possible, then that's fine.


On a day when I feel all worked up.

ヤンヤン 分かんない

I don't understand.


I don't know which tier of female talents you're talking about.

樋口 タレント?

Higuchi, a talent?

深井 タレント

Fukazumi Talent

ヤンヤン タレント

Yang Yang Talent


It's not about entertainers or anything like that.

深井 全然もう全然

Deep well, not at all, really not at all.


So, women.

ヤンヤン お付き合いするみたいな話

It seems like we're talking about dating, Yan Yan.

深井 えーそう

Fukai: Oh, really?

ヤンヤン あほんと

Yan Yan, oh really?

深井 えタレントともエッチしたいしたわ

I want to have sex with a talent like Fukai.

ヤンヤン タレントともエッチしたい

I want to have sex with the talent Yan Yan.

深井 彼女ともエッチしたい

I want to have sex with her too.

樋口 彼女とも、めっちゃエッチしたいじゃん おまえ

Higuchi: You want to get really intimate with her, don't you?

深井 めっちゃエッチしたいよ

Fukai, I really want to have sex.

ヤンヤン すごい 深井 ペッチしたいよ

Yang Yang, that's amazing! I want to pet you!

ヤンヤン ドラム界のタイガーウッズ

Yangyan, the Tiger Woods of the drumming world.

深井 セックス依存症

Fukai Sex Addiction

ヤンヤン そう

Yanyan, that's right.


Daisuke Matsuzaka, Tiger Woods



樋口 すご

Higuchi is amazing!

深井 いや分かるよ

Fukai: Yeah, I understand.

ヤンヤン 枯れてきたね

Yang Yang has started to wither, hasn't it?

樋口 分かる

Higuchi, I understand.

深井 男として情けない部分ではあるけど

Fukai: It's a pathetic part of being a man, but...


It's pretty withered.

樋口 落ち着いてきてる

Higuchi is becoming more composed.

深井 そんなことより楽しい話がしたいとか

Deep down, I want to talk about something fun rather than that.


I want to play together.

樋口 あくまでメイクラブよ

Higuchi: It's all about making love, after all.

深井 クボタみたいな

Like Kubota Fukai.


Mare Mare Merry-Go-Round

ヤンヤン ラララー

Yangyang Lallara

深井 あのメイクラブ

Deep井 That makeup love

ヤンヤン 分かるわ

Yanyan, I understand.

深井 めっちゃ分かる

Deep well, I completely understand.


I'm starting to be able to hold back.

ヤンヤン それは確かに

Yan Yan, that's certainly true.

深井 わかない

Fukaki Wakanai

ヤンヤン 今日はしようみたいな勝負の日あるじゃん

Yangyang, there are days when it feels like we have to compete, right?


"I'm sure if we lived together..."

深井 まあありますよ

Well, there are some.

ヤンヤン そういう日以外はもういい

I’m fine except for days like that.


It's fine without it.

深井 なるほどね

Fukai: I see.

樋口 じゃあちょっとこの話ずっとはしんどいからさ

Higuchi, well, this conversation is tough to continue for long.


Shall we talk about that story?


Next time.


The gang from Gandara.


Let's do a sperm test.

ヤンヤン 精子検査して

Yang Yang, please do a semen test.

深井 精子検査キットみたいですな

It looks like a semen analysis kit.

ヤンヤン やったほうがいいよね多分ね

It’s probably better to do it, right?

ヤンヤン やったほうがいいし

It's better to do it, Yan Yan.


Isn't it kind of interesting?

深井 ただタクロこれでね

"But Takuro, with this..."


If there wasn't even one inside, then as much as you want.


Live life raw.

ヤンヤン 理論上

Yang Yang theoretically.

ヤンヤン ゴムもう捨て去ってさ

"Yang Yang, just throw away the rubber already."

ヤンヤン もうマジで

Yangyang, seriously now.


I'm really naked now.


I’m not putting anything on.

深井 タイガーマスクの皮省くみたいな

It's like peeling the skin off a tiger mask.

ヤンヤン そうそうそう

Yan Yan, that's right, that's right!

深井 これ意外と僕の精子

Fukagai: Surprisingly, this is my sperm.


It was really intense.


Even though I said it's fine now.

ヤンヤン ごめんね

I'm sorry, Yangyan.

深井 ずっとマグロみたいな

Deep well, always like a tuna.

ヤンヤン ビチビチビチビチビチ

Yangyan bichi bichi bichi bichi bichi.

深井 ずっと清掃の中で

Fukai has been in cleaning all along.


I'm number one!


Looking for Ranch.


If that happens


Everyone ends up jerking off in Ryohei's house bathroom.

ヤンヤン 気持ち悪い

Yang Yang is disgusting.

深井 三番目やだー

"I don't want to be third!"

ヤンヤン 申し訳ねーしな

I'm really sorry, Yan Yan.

深井 申し訳なさはないけど

I don't feel any guilt, but...

ヤンヤン 掃除してくれよ

Yangyang, please clean up.

ヤンヤン 人の家でしこんのなんか申し訳ねーよ

Yanyan, I feel bad for messing around at someone else's house.

深井 それはないな

Fukagai: That's not going to happen.

ヤンヤン 高校生の時オーストラリアのホストファミリーの家でしこってるから

Yang Yang, because I was doing it at my host family's house in Australia when I was a high school student.

深井 それができる男だから

Because he is a man who can do that.

ヤンヤン 長期間ってなるとね

When it comes to a long period of time, you know.

深井 俺も大学の時友達にちいって

Fukai: I also went to Chii with my friends in college.


I'm feeling too restless right now.


Please give me 1000 yen.


You can buy whatever you like, so please just go out of the house for a bit.


I've told them that before.


A friend, huh?


Please bring the trash can closer since it's here.

ヤンヤン ちょっとトリッキーすぎるって

Yangyan, that's a bit too tricky.


It's cute.


My story about wanting to have sex.

深井 精子検査キットやってみよう

Let's try the deep well sperm test kit.

ヤンヤン やってみよう

Let's give it a try, Yan Yan.

深井 大丈夫だったら写真載せよ

If you're okay, upload a photo.

ヤンヤン そうだね

Yeah, that's right.

ヤンヤン 写真つかまうショート動画みたいな

It’s like a short video capturing Yan Yan's pictures.

深井 動画でね5秒くらいのやつね

It's about a 5-second video.

ヤンヤン 誰の精子だ

"Whose sperm is it, Yang Yang?"

深井 これはガンダムの一味のこのエピソードを聞けば

Fukai: If you listen to this episode of the Gundam crew...


I know the answer.

ヤンヤン 気になんねーよ

Yangyan, I don't care.


Everyone together.

深井 みんな死んでるんだよ

Fukai: Everyone is dead.

ヤンヤン みんな死んでるかみんな波

Yanyan, are all of you dead or just waves?

深井 波が

Fukai wave is


The most embarrassing.

ヤンヤン 波は恥ずい

Yanyan, the waves are embarrassing.

深井 波が恥ずかしいな

Fukai, the waves are embarrassing.


I want to know if you're doing well or if you're dead.

ヤンヤン じゃあちょっとねそれも

Well then, let's take a look at that too.


Hey, let me share some episodes with you.

深井 そうだねやってみましょう

Fukai: Yes, let's give it a try.

ヤンヤン じゃあそんなこんなでいいですか

Yanyan, well then, is that okay?

深井 そうですね

Fukakai: That's right.

ヤンヤン じゃあそれではまた

Yanyan, well then, see you again.

深井 さよなら

Fukaki, goodbye.

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