令和5年 12 月 9 日スポーツ報知(26 面) 部勝つ!from仙台大「中国人留学生から見習うべき事が多くある」



令和5年 12 月 9 日スポーツ報知(26 面) 部勝つ!from仙台大「中国人留学生から見習うべき事が多くある」


令和5年12月9日スポーツ放置26面 部活

December 9, 2023, Sports Page 26, Club Activities

from 仙台大中国人留学生から見習うべきことが多くある 中国からの留学生

There are many things to learn from Chinese international students at Sendai University.

幻想さんはスポーツ情報マスメディア学科で情報戦略について学んでいる 中国中東部

Genso is studying information strategy in the Sports Information Mass Media Department in central eastern China.

高雅の中華流域にある河南省出身で上海体育大から今年4月に来日 受講科目が私と結構重なっていてしばしば会話する

I am from Henan Province in the elegant Chinese region and came to Japan in April this year from Shanghai University of Sport. The courses I am taking overlap quite a bit with yours, so we often have conversations.

お国柄に始まり食べ物生活習慣 お互いの趣味のこともおしゃべりする

Starting with our national characteristics, we chat about food, lifestyle habits, and each other's hobbies.

さて今回のテーマは部活動 玄さんは大学で女子サッカー部に所属していたらしい

Well, this time the theme is club activities. It seems that Mr. Gen was a member of the women's soccer club at university.


There are about 13 members.

学校全体で一つのチームを組むのではなく学科ごとに組むという つまり同じ競技で複数チームがあるということ

Instead of forming one team for the entire school, we will organize teams by department, meaning there will be multiple teams for the same competition.

これなら学内で練習試合はできるし 〇〇学科に負けるなと競争意識が芽生える利点もある

With this, we can have practice matches on campus, and there's also the benefit of fostering a competitive spirit to not lose to the XX department.

中国の人気スポーツは球技ならバスケ バレーサッカーだとかでもサッカーをやるのは大半が男子

In China, the popular sports among ball games are basketball and volleyball, but most of those who play soccer are boys.


The popularity among girls is low.


I don't really understand if people in China are enthusiastic about sports in the first place.

玄さんに尋ねると地域によって事情は異なり 上海のスポーツ熱は盛んだそうだ

When I asked Mr. Gen, he said that the situation varies by region, and that the sports enthusiasm in Shanghai is vibrant.

彼女が通った開封校は市内で学業レベルが最も高いからだろうか 月曜から土曜まで1弦40分の授業を1日14コマ

Perhaps it's because the Kaifukou she attended has the highest academic level in the city, with 14 classes of 40 minutes each from Monday to Saturday.

さらに日曜も昼間でありそのうち体育はわずか2コマ その反動もあってか彼女はスポーツを求めて上海の大学に進んだ

Furthermore, since Sunday is also during the day and there are only two physical education classes, perhaps as a reaction to that, she pursued sports and went to a university in Shanghai.

玄さんは今仙台大でもっとスポーツの魅力や奥深さを極めたいと思っているようだ 海外の大学院に進学するのが夢

Mr. Gen seems to want to further explore the魅力 and depth of sports at Sendai University now. His dream is to pursue graduate studies abroad.


Sports help relieve the stress from work and study.

スポーツという視点からも考えてみたいと見据える 見習うべき人が隣にいる幸せ

I want to consider it from the perspective of sports; it's a happiness to have someone to look up to right beside me.

これが学びだと実感する スポーツ情報マスメディア学科2年渡辺ゆな

"I feel that this is learning. Second-year student Yuna Watanabe, Department of Sports Information and Mass Media."

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