

Housing Tribune Podcast


Housing Tribune Podcast

住生活産業の明日を読む専門誌ハウジングトリビューン 689号2024年17号の目次をご紹介します

Here is the table of contents for Housing Tribune Issue 689, 2024, Volume 17, a specialized magazine that reads the future of the housing industry.

ht ズアイズ 街づくりが人工像日本一の起爆剤に

HT ZUAIZU: Urban development as the catalyst for Japan's largest artificial figures.

ai と建築の融合が導く美しい街並みの再生 特集

The fusion of AI and architecture leads to the regeneration of beautiful cityscapes - Feature


There's no time to waste on the shortage of skilled workers; we must urgently create an environment where people who want to work can do so easily.

インタビュー 経営再建を経て社長に就任

Interview: Appointed as President after Business Rehabilitation

ベスブランドの強みを生かす第二創業期へ rc コア鈴木康春代表取締役社長

"Moving into a second founding period that leverages the strengths of the Bess brand - President Yasuharu Suzuki, RC Core."

対談 イタリアのアグリツーリズムに学ぶ都市と農村の交流人口拡大

Dialogue: Learning from Italian Agritourism to Expand the Interaction Between Urban and Rural Populations

地域の活性化を目指す インタビュー

Interview Aimed at Revitalizing the Community

経済活性化策 食環境ジャーナリストかなまる広見市食農文化コミュニケーション岡崎稽古し

Economic revitalization measures: Food environment journalist Kanamaru Hiromi City food and agriculture cultural communication Okazaki practice.

トレンドを抑え新たなニーズを生み出す最新のサイディング提案 キッズデザイン賞が発表住宅や建材からも優秀作品に選定

The latest siding proposal that captures trends and creates new needs has been announced, and outstanding works have been selected from residential and building materials for the Kids Design Award.

クローズアップ パナソニックホームズ地域密着の両家作りを推進

Close-up: Panasonic Homes promotes community-focused housing for both families.


Specialist City City

5社2024共同キャンペーンチーキが作る復興活性化の未来図大災害の教訓から スマカチ通信

"2024 Joint Campaign by 5 Companies: A Vision for Revitalization and Recovery Shaped by Chiki - Lessons from Major Disasters, Smakachi Communications"

ur 街と暮らしのミュージアム見学会 連載

UR City and Lifestyle Museum Tour Series

国産材を生かす木育で自然を感じる心を育む 臨済ライター赤堀くすおし

Cultivating a heart that feels nature through wood education by utilizing domestic timber. Rinzai writer Kusuoshi Akahori.




Yamato House Industry's condominium project plan.

転換量的拡大から収益資金効率重視へ 積水ハウス積水ハウスイノベーション&コミュニケーション住まいと暮らしにまつわる社会課題解決へ

From quantity expansion to a focus on the efficiency of revenue funds, Sekisui House aims to solve social issues related to housing and living through innovation and communication.

住友林業森林由来の j クレジットの円滑取引を支援するサービス 初め建設長期有料住宅認定制度対応の分譲住宅を8月から全国供給一般社団法人日本木造住宅産業協会

A service to support smooth transactions of J credits derived from Sumitomo Forestry's forests, starting with the supply of residential properties certified under the long-term paid housing system from August nationwide, by the Japan Wooden Residential Industry Association.

23年度も九十郷戸建て住宅は初の8万壊れ 一般社団法人日本2 by 4建築協会昭和女子大学女子学生が2 by 4で茶室

In the 2023 fiscal year, the number of single-family homes in the 90 districts has broken 80,000 for the first time. The Japan 2 by 4 Architectural Association and Showa Women's University female students have created a tea room using the 2 by 4 method.

対案作り 一般社団法人有料ストック住宅推進協議会

Proposal for Countermeasures - General Incorporated Association for Promoting Paid Stock Housing

23年度住むストック契約数は過去最高の2090件 一般社団法人東京都建築士事務所協会建築士事務所同士のマッチングサービス

In the fiscal year 2023, the number of housing stock contracts reached a record high of 2,090. A matching service for architectural firms by the Tokyo Architects Association.

一般財団法人日本建築センター省エネ適反事業が順調に拡大 日本リビング保証とメディアシークが経営統合

The Japan Architecture Center's energy conservation suitable response project is successfully expanding, and Japan Living Guarantee and Mediaseek are merging their management.

チャネルリングデータ 国土交通省適正な後期設定等による働き方改革の推進に関する調査

Channeling Data: Survey on Promoting Work Style Reform through Proper Late Setting by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.


Fiscal Year 2023

ハウジングトリビューンは各週金曜日発売 操縦者オンラインショップのほか

Housing Tribune is released every Friday, in addition to the Operator Online Shop.

富士山マガジン g サーチミッケにてお読みいただけます またハウジングトリビューンオンラインプレミアム会員の方は最新2冊分電子版が

You can read it in the Fuji Mountain Magazine g Search Micke. Also, online premium members of Housing Tribune can access the electronic version of the latest two issues.


You can read it in your browser.

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