




こんばんは 今日から中国語講座を始めたいと思います

Good evening. I would like to start a Chinese language course from today.

まず自己紹介ですね 私は中国の東北出身で今日本に住んでいます

First, let me introduce myself. I am from Northeast China and currently living in Japan.

なぜこのポッドキャストを始めたいかと言いますと 私は今フランス語を勉強しようとしていて

The reason I want to start this podcast is that I am currently trying to learn French.

自分で教材を探してみたら だいたい文字を読む必要があったんですよ

When I tried looking for教材 on my own, I found that I mostly needed to read text.

音声の教材もあるんですけど それがフランス語の文だけが読まれていて

There are audio materials, but only the French sentences are being read.


When I try to look at the translation, I realize I have to look at the book after all.


I felt that there are few materials that allow you to learn a language through audio alone.


I felt that there were few materials available that allow you to study Chinese with just audio.


I think that if we create study materials that are usable, someone will surely be happy.


I started this podcast.

内容としては中国語の発音の説明とか 日常生活でも使いやすい中国語の文章とか

The content includes explanations of Chinese pronunciation and useful Chinese sentences for everyday life.

他は私は今日本に住んでいるので 日本で感じたカルチャーショックだったりとか

Since I am currently living in Japan, it was a culture shock that I experienced in Japan.

そういうことを中国人の視点で 勉強できるような教材を作ればきっと誰かが喜ぶんじゃないかなって思って

I think that if we create educational materials that allow people to study those things from a Chinese perspective, someone will surely be pleased.


I want to tweet and talk about this from the perspective of the podcast.


If possible, please subscribe to the channel!

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