#1 大学バスケの変化とこれから/ゲスト:松島 良豪HC(国士舘大学))



#1 大学バスケの変化とこれから/ゲスト:松島 良豪HC(国士舘大学))


ヤンヤン これはヤバい大学に来たぞ っていうことがあって

Yan Yan, I had this feeling that I came to a crazy university.

ヤンヤン 本当に最初来た瞬間に

Yanyan, really from the moment I first arrived.

ヤンヤン やめてやろうと思ってました

I was thinking of stopping Yan Yan.

ヤンヤン で オールしながら

While partying with Yang Yan

ヤンヤン 練習時点で言ったら

If we're talking about the practice stage, Yangyang said...

ヤンヤン めちゃくちゃ僕シュート入っちゃって

Yangyan, I ended up making a ton of shots!

ヤンヤン 僕実際その時の給料

Yan Yan, actually my salary at that time...

ヤンヤン 53歳だったシーズンが

Yan Yan was 53 years old in that season.

ヤンヤン 10ヶ月で100万円しかもらってなくて

Yanyan has only received 1 million yen in 10 months.

ヤンヤン トラッシュトークスされたりしましたよ

I was subjected to trash talk by Yang Yang.

樋口 踊れよみたいな ヤンヤン お前そんなことしてっから入んねえんだよ

Higuchi, dance or something, Yangyang. It's because you do stuff like that that you don't get in.

ヤンヤン 肩にはめるのか

Are you going to put it on your shoulder?

ヤンヤン 肩にはめないでモンスターを出すの方がいいのか

Is it better to release the monster without putting it on my shoulder?

ヤンヤン それは本当に永遠の大学バスケのテーマだなって感じ

Yang Yang, I really feel that it's the eternal theme of college basketball.

樋口 こんにちは

Higuchi, hello.

樋口 拓則大学を卒業し

Higuchi Takuji graduated from university.

樋口 現在富士通のヘッドコーチをしております

Higuchi is currently the head coach of Fujitsu.

樋口 大垣と申します 本日はよろしくお願いします

My name is Hiroshi Ogaki. Thank you for having me today.

樋口 この番組は大学バスケにまつわるゲストを招いて

Higuchi: This program invites guests related to college basketball.

樋口 これまで明かされていなかった大学バスケの話や

Higuchi, stories about college basketball that have not been revealed until now.

樋口 卒業後に経験されてきたことをディープにお届けする

Higuchi will deliver a deep insight into the experiences gained after graduation.

樋口 ポッドキャスト番組です

This is a podcast program by Higuchi.

樋口 今回は国筑館大学バスケットボール部ヘッドコーチの松島さんと

This time, we have Mr. Matsushima, the head coach of the Kokutsukukan University basketball team.

樋口 大学バスケの変化と大学バスケのこれからをテーマにお話していきます

Higuchi will talk about the changes in college basketball and the future of college basketball.

樋口 松島さんよろしくお願いします

Higuchi, nice to meet you, Matsushima-san.

樋口 よろしくお願いします

Higuchi, I look forward to working with you.

樋口 松島さんお久しぶりです

Higuchi, it's been a while, Matsushima-san.

樋口 お久しぶりです

Higuchi, long time no see.

樋口 あの本当に年がですね

Higuchi: Well, the age really is...

樋口 あの1個 僕92年早生まれなんですけど

Higuchi: That one, I was born early in '92.

樋口 多分同期みたいな感じで

Higuchi: Maybe like a fellow colleague.

樋口 よく大学時代から仲良くさせてもらってた

Higuchi, we've been good friends since our university days.

樋口 はい 記憶があります

Higuchi: Yes, I have a memory of that.

樋口 そうだよくあの練習試合とか

Higuchi: Yeah, those practice matches are great.

樋口 まあ試合もさせていただいたりとか

Higuchi: Well, we've also had the opportunity to have some matches.

樋口 懐かしいですね

Higuchi, it's nostalgic, isn't it?

樋口 本当に今日会うのを楽しみにして来たんで

Higuchi: I've really been looking forward to meeting today.

樋口 もうこれが初回ということでやっぱり大垣MCの

Higuchi: Since this is the first episode, I guess it's really Ogaki as the MC.

樋口 やっぱ手腕に僕は期待したいなと思って

Higuchi, I really want to have high hopes for your abilities.

樋口 そうですね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 だからそれあれからで言うと

Higuchi: So, in terms of that, since then...

樋口 ちょうどもう我々が32歳とか33歳になるんで

Higuchi: We are just about to turn 32 or 33 years old.

樋口 10年以上

Higuchi for over 10 years.

樋口 10年以上前ですね

Higuchi, it's been over 10 years, hasn't it?

樋口 ということで

So, Higuchi.

樋口 あの拓大の熱い体育館で夏

Higuchi, that hot gymnasium of Takudai in the summer.

樋口 ありましたね

Higuchi, there it is.

樋口 やって

Higuchi, do it.

樋口 はい負けちゃいましたけど

Higuchi: Yes, I lost.

樋口 いやいやいやいや

Higuchi: No, no, no, no.

樋口 懐かしいです

Higuchi, it's nostalgic.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 今日はぜひ松島さんのこれまでの

Higuchi: Today, I would definitely like to hear about Matsushima's journey so far.

樋口 まずは松島さんご自身のバスケ人生を深掘りさせていただくのと

Higuchi: First, I would like to delve into Matsushima-san's basketball life.

樋口 今現在国筑館大学のヘッドコーチに

Higuchi is currently the head coach of Kunitsukakan University.

樋口 今シーズンから

Higuchi, starting from this season.

樋口 そうですね4月

Higuchi: That's right, April.

樋口 ヘッドコーチに就任されたということで

I understand that you have been appointed as head coach.

樋口 そのあたりの話もぜひお聞きできればと思いますので

Higuchi, I would love to hear about that part as well.

樋口 よろしくお願いします

Higuchi, thank you for your assistance.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 では最初に松島さんのバスケ人生を

Higuchi: Well then, let's start with Matsushima's basketball life.

樋口 ちょっとさかのぼらせていただきたいなと

Higuchi: I’d like to go back a little.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 いうふうに思っているんですが

Higuchi, I think like this.

樋口 あの松島さんご自身は

Higuchi: What about Matsushima-san himself?

樋口 沖縄県出身ということで

Higuchi is from Okinawa Prefecture.

樋口 あの

Higuchi, um...

樋口 高校が?

Higuchi High School?

樋口 おろく高校

Higuchi Oroku High School

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 でえっと

Higuchi, well...

樋口 おろく高校時代はどんな

Higuchi, what was high school like for you?

樋口 そんなに強くないですか

Higuchi, are you not that strong?

樋口 僕の一個上が

Higuchi, I'm one year older than you.

樋口 そのあの前の加代先生っていう

Higuchi, that previous teacher Kayo...

樋口 方と角田先生って有名な方が

Mr. Higuchi and Mr. Kakuta are well-known individuals.

樋口 学校のその転勤で

Higuchi, about the transfer to that school.

樋口 おろく高校に集まることになって

Higuchi, we've decided to gather at Oroku High School.

樋口 僕の一個上から集まるようになって

Higuchi, it started gathering from one year above me.

樋口 僕もおろく高校に行ったっていう経緯ですね

Higuchi: That's the background of how I ended up going to Oroku High School too.

樋口 なるほどなるほど

Higuchi: I see, I see.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 その時は全国とかは

Higuchi: At that time, was it nationwide or something?

樋口 出てないですね

Higuchi hasn't come out yet.

樋口 あ もう3年間一度もですか

Higuchi: Oh, not even once in the past three years?

樋口 あ そうですね

Higuchi: Ah, that's right.

樋口 僕がやってる時には

Higuchi: When I'm doing it

樋口 2年生のウィンターカップと

Higuchi, the winter cup of the second year.

樋口 3年生のインターハイトウィンターは

Higuchi's third-year Inter-High Winter is...

樋口 出させていただくことができました

Higuchi, I was able to present.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 へえ

Higuchi, oh really?

樋口 でそこから

Higuchi, from there.

樋口 国士館大学に進学されるということだったんですけど

I heard that you will be advancing to Kokusikan University.

樋口 あのそこの経緯とか

Higuchi, about the circumstances over there...

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 どういった理由とか

Higuchi, for what reason?

樋口 あの実は国士館大学に行くつもりなくて

Higuchi: Actually, I never intended to go to Kokushikan University.

樋口 へえ

Higuchi, oh really?

樋口 最初僕もバスケットが強い大学に

Higuchi: At first, I also wanted to go to a university with a strong basketball program.

樋口 はいはい

Higuchi: Yes, yes.

樋口 まあ行きたいなと思ってたんで

Higuchi: Well, I was thinking that I wanted to go.

樋口 それを調べた時に

Higuchi: When I looked into that

樋口 やはり僕らの時代は東海

Higuchi: After all, our era is Tokai.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 青学が強いってなって

Higuchi said that Aoyama Gakuin is strong.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 まあその2つはもう世間も分からなかったんで

Higuchi: Well, those two were things that the public didn't understand either.

樋口 うんうん

Higuchi: Yeah, yeah.

樋口 まあお願いしたところもう枠が決まってるっていう話で

Higuchi: Well, when I asked, they said that the slots have already been decided.

樋口 でその後にうちの監督が

Higuchi, and then our director afterward...

樋口 あの慶應義塾大学

Higuchi, that Keio University.

樋口 はいはいはい

Higuchi: Yes, yes, yes.

樋口 その時多分佐々木さんっていう方がヘッドコーチ

At that time, the head coach was probably someone named Sasaki.

樋口 見てたんですけど

Higuchi, I was watching.

樋口 まあその時に多分二宮さんとか

Higuchi: Well, at that time, probably Ninomiya-san and others.

樋口 酒井さんとかものすごい強い塾があって

There is an incredibly strong tutoring school like Higuchi and Sakai.

樋口 強い塾ですね

Higuchi, that's a strong cram school.

樋口 そのトランジションのバスケがすごい

Higuchi, that transition basketball is amazing.

樋口 沖縄っぽいバスケでいいなと思って

I think Okinawa-style basketball is really nice.

樋口 それに魅力を感じて慶應義塾に受験することを決めたんですけど

Higuchi said that they were attracted to it and decided to take the entrance exam for Keio University.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 その慶應義塾って沖縄って

Higuchi, that Keio University, is it in Okinawa?

樋口 大学受験にやっぱ島国じゃないですか

Higuchi: Isn't it true that university entrance exams are like an island nation?

樋口 うんうん

Higuchi: Uh-huh.

樋口 まず慶應義塾のことは僕知らなくて

Higuchi: First of all, I don't know much about Keio University.

樋口 あの受けたら受かるんだろうなっていう

Higuchi: I thought that if I took it, I would pass.

樋口 なんと思ったら

Higuchi, what were you thinking?

樋口 なんかまずスポーツ推薦では入れないっていう

Higuchi: It seems that I can't get in through sports recommendations.

樋口 まず?

Higuchi, first?

樋口 まず

Higuchi, first...

樋口 そうっすね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 もうそのランクが高くて

Higuchi, that rank is already very high.

樋口 で栄養入試で入ってバスケのことを書こうとしたんですけど

I entered through the nutrition entrance exam and was planning to write about basketball, but...

樋口 あの高校の先生に

Higuchi, that high school teacher.

樋口 いやお前ごときの経歴で栄養入試で書くなって言われて

Higuchi: Hey, I was told not to write about my background in the nutrition entrance exam with someone like you.

樋口 じゃあ他に誰バスケ部書いてたんですかって

Higuchi asked, "So, who else wrote for the basketball club?"

樋口 竹内康介が日本の未来のために栄養入試で書いたくらいしか受かってないぞって言われて

"I was told that the only reason I passed was because Takuchi Kosuke wrote about it in the nutrition entrance exam for the future of Japan."

樋口 それは無理だわ

Higuchi: That's impossible.

樋口 確かに

Higuchi: Indeed.

樋口 それは無理だわと思って

Higuchi: I thought that was impossible.

樋口 まあただ栄養入試で

Higuchi: Well, it's just the nutrition entrance exam.

樋口 まあとりあえず受けてみようっていう形で受けたんですけど

Higuchi: Well, I went ahead and took it just for the sake of doing it.

樋口 まあやっぱりその学力の差がすごいありまして

Higuchi: Well, I think there's a significant difference in academic ability.

樋口 まあそこでまあ2回受験したんですけど

Higuchi: Well, I took the exam twice there.

樋口 まあ2回とも落ちちゃって

Higuchi: Well, I lost both times.

樋口 これすごいすごい話ですね

Higuchi: This is an amazing story!

樋口 でしかもその栄養入試で最後のペン書きしなくちゃいけないんですけど

Higuchi, and I have to write with a pen for the last part of the nutrition entrance exam.

樋口 その大事なペン書きでもう残りのあのーなんすかね

Higuchi, with that important pen writing, what about the rest of that, um...

樋口 残りのその補助…なんていうんですか保険っていうんですか

Higuchi: The remaining support... what do you call it? Is it called insurance?

樋口 その紙もない中に一発勝負だろこれって俺思っちゃって

Higuchi: I can't help but think that this is a one-shot deal without even that paper.

樋口 そこを間違えるっていう

Higuchi, that’s where you’re making a mistake.

樋口 で監督にめちゃくちゃキレられるっていうのもあって

There’s also the fact that Higuchi got really angry with the director.

樋口 まあすごい思い出深いなってありますし

Higuchi: Well, I have some really memorable experiences.

樋口 そこ2回落ちた後にもう行く大学正直なかったんですよね

Higuchi: To be honest, after I failed there twice, I didn't have any other university to go to.

樋口 そこで国立館大学がまだ枠が余ってる

Higuchi, the National Kan University still has slots available.

樋口 っていうことであのー誘っていただいて入るっていう形で

Since it’s about Higuchi, I was invited to join in that way.

樋口 じゃあほんと結構ギリギリだったってことですか

Higuchi, so it was really quite a close call, huh?

樋口 ギリギリですねあの受験したのは2月ですね

Higuchi, it was really close; the exam was in February, right?

樋口 2月?

Higuchi February?

樋口 2月に受験してでギリギリで受かって3月に発表があったっていう形だったんで

Higuchi said that he barely passed the exam in February, and there was an announcement in March.

樋口 なるほど

Higuchi, I see.

樋口 まあ僕としてはまあ実際行きたくない大学ではありました

Higuchi: Well, to be honest, it was a university I didn't really want to attend.

樋口 なるほど

Higuchi: I see.

樋口 あの

Higuchi, um...

樋口 この話初出しっすよね

Higuchi: This is the first time I'm sharing this story, right?

樋口 初出しっすねこれ行きたくない大学でボコに言ってるんですよ

Higuchi, this is the first time I'm showing this; I'm saying it at a university I don't want to go to.

樋口 すごい書いてありますけど

Higuchi, it’s written amazingly.

樋口 なるほどなるほど

Higuchi: I see, I see.

樋口 でそこからまあ入学をされて

Higuchi, and from there you enrolled.

樋口 当時の1年生まあ入学した時に率直にこう国筑館大学ってまあいろんなイメージあると思うんですけど

Higuchi: At that time, as a first-year student, I think there are various impressions when you enter Kunitsukikan University.

樋口 あの実際入られて思った国筑館大学感じた国筑館大学ってどんな感じだったんですかね

Higuchi: So, what did you think about Kunitsukikan University after actually attending it? What was it like?

樋口 もう逆に言ってもらっていいすか

Higuchi, can you say that the other way around instead?

樋口 行く?

Higuchi, are you going?

樋口 そうか

Higuchi: I see.

樋口 実際僕なんか合宿の前日にあの新入生と集まるんですよ

Higuchi: Actually, I gather with the new students the day before the training camp.

樋口 はいはいはい

Higuchi: Yes, yes, yes.

樋口 でその時に国筑館大学の多摩キャンパスに練習行くってなった時に

At that time, when it was decided that we would go to practice at Tamagawa Campus of Kunitachikan University...

樋口 まあどこもどっかも分かんない中そのドアを開けた瞬間に

Higuchi: Well, in a situation where you don't really know anywhere, the moment you opened that door...

樋口 すぐ先輩たちなんかバカにされて

Higuchi, they're just making fun of the seniors ahead.

樋口 あいつなんだよみたいな

Higuchi, like, who the hell is that?

樋口 僕なんか田舎者だったんで眉毛も剃ってなくて

Higuchi: Since I was a country boy, I didn't even shave my eyebrows.

樋口 あいつの眉毛やばくねとかもうそれ聞こえるんすよ

Higuchi, don't you think that guy's eyebrows are crazy? I can already hear that.

樋口 はいもうやばい大学来たと思って

Higuchi: Yes, I thought I came to a crazy university.

樋口 でそれでなんかまあいじめじゃないですけどすごいいじられて

Higuchi: Well, it's not bullying, but I've been really teased a lot.

樋口 でやってる時にもまあすごいあのフットワーク含め

When doing it with Higuchi, it was really impressive, including the footwork.

樋口 超ダラダラしてて

Higuchi is being super lazy.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 ただその今の僕のえーと入るえーと2年前っていうのはインカレ順序してるんですよ

Higuchi: Well, the me from two years ago is participating in intercollegiate competitions.

樋口 そうっすよねちょうど

Higuchi: That's right, isn't it?

樋口 これも聞いてたんでまあ僕もある程度強いのかなと思ってみたら

Higuchi: I heard this too, so I thought maybe I was somewhat strong as well when I looked into it.

樋口 いやこれはやばい大学に来たぞっていうことがあって

Higuchi: No, this is it, I came to a crazy university.

樋口 まあ本当に最初来た瞬間にあやめてやろうと思ってました

Higuchi: Well, I really thought I would take her down the moment I first arrived.

樋口 ならその時は国筑館大学は当時は2部とかですか

At that time, was Kunitsukikan University in the second division?

樋口 そうっすね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 あの準優勝した時は2部から上がったというかあのインカレ勝ち上がって

Higuchi: When we were the runner-up, we had moved up from the second division, or rather, we advanced in the intercollegiate championships.

樋口 うん

Higuchi: Yeah.

樋口 準優勝とかですもんね

Higuchi was the runner-up, right?

樋口 あの時の決勝自体が慶應も2部で

Higuchi: At that time, even Keio was in the second division for the finals.

樋口 そうっすよね2部同士の

Higuchi: That's right, between the two divisions.

樋口 で2部のチームがインカレベスト8に3つ入ってたんですよ

Higuchi's team had three entries in the best eight of the intercollegiate competition.

樋口 あの時明治も入ってて

Higuchi: At that time, Meiji was also involved.

樋口 ああ確かに

Higuchi: Ah, that's true.

樋口 で筑波大学もあったんでものすごくレベルの高い2部だったなっていう風に思いますし

I think it was a very high-level Division 2, especially since there was also Tsukuba University involved.

樋口 まあただ本当入ってきた時にはこれでどうやって準優勝したんだろうっていうのは本当に思ってました

Higuchi: Well, I really thought when I first came in, how on earth did I come in second place with this?

樋口 率直に感じた

Higuchi felt honestly.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 うーんそっからまあ当時は国筑館大学はAチームBチームみたいなそういった分け方ですか

Higuchi: Hmm, back then, was there a division like A team and B team at Kokushikan University?

樋口 ありましたね

Higuchi, it was there, wasn't it?

樋口 もともとあの入学した時はどっちのチームだったんですか

Higuchi: Which team were you originally on when you enrolled?

樋口 あの推薦入試で受けた子たちは最初合宿でふるいにかけられるっていう形で

Higuchi: Those who applied through the recommendation entrance exam are initially filtered out during the training camp.

樋口 その合宿に全員とりあえず12名ぐらいいってその中でAかBか分けるっていう形になりましたね

Higuchi: So, for that training camp, around 12 people went, and it resulted in dividing them into A or B.

樋口 なるほどそっからAチームに

Higuchi: I see, so from there to the A team.

樋口 そうですね嬉しいことに入れていただいて

Higuchi: Yes, fortunately, I'm glad to be included.

樋口 じゃあ1年生からAチームで

Higuchi, then from first year in the A team.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 一応練習はされてたということ

Higuchi, so you were practicing after all.

樋口 はいそうですね

Higuchi: Yes, that's right.

樋口 試合に絡んだって何年生ぐらいからなんだ

Higuchi, from what year or grade did you start getting involved in matches?

樋口 ああでもありがたいことに1年生の頃から絡まさせてた

Higuchi: Ah, but I'm grateful that I've been involved with them since my first year.

樋口 ああそうなんですね

Higuchi: Oh, I see.

樋口 あの僕の1年生の頃の新人選関東の

Higuchi: Back when I was a first-year student, in the rookie selection for the Kanto region...

樋口 はいはいはい

Higuchi: Yes, yes, yes.

樋口 実は国史館で初めて3位になって

Higuchi, actually ranked third for the first time at the National History Institute.

樋口 へえ

Higuchi: Oh, really?

樋口 実は準決勝で拓大に負けたんですよ

Higuchi: Actually, I lost to Takushoku University in the semifinals.

樋口 へえ

Higuchi, oh really?

樋口 それこそ藤井悠磨

Higuchi, that's precisely Yuma Fujii.

樋口 ああ

Higuchi: Ah.

樋口 で鈴木さん達也さん

Higuchi with Suzuki-san and Tatsuya-san.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 で長谷川友のこの3人にやられて

Higuchi, along with Harisawa and Tomo, got taken down by these three.

樋口 でそこであの北陸の方もいたじゃないですかめっちゃうざい

Higuchi, there were also people from the Hokuriku region, right? They were really annoying.

樋口 佐々木さんですね

It's Mr. Sasaki Higuchi, right?

樋口 もうめっちゃいやらしいジャンプシュート一生入るんですよ

Higuchi, that jump shot is just incredibly sleazy, it goes in every time!

樋口 はいはいはい

Higuchi: Yes, yes, yes.

樋口 そのジャンプシュート天才じゃないぐらい

Higuchi, that jump shot is almost genius-level.

樋口 めっちゃ入るんですよね

Higuchi, it really goes in a lot, you know.

樋口 もうそこにボコされていやもう終わったわみたいな

Higuchi: "I feel like I've already been beaten down there, like it's all over."

樋口 でもその前ベスト8入る前も日大に勝った石川海斗さんだったりとか

Higuchi: But before that, there was Kaito Ishikawa, who won against Nihon University before reaching the top 8.

樋口 ああそうですねはいはい

Higuchi: Ah, I see, yes yes.

樋口 それこそ濱田さんとか素晴らしい選手もいて

Higuchi: There are wonderful players like Hamada-san as well.

樋口 すぐ6月ぐらいに結果が出てその瞬間はなんかあ

Higuchi, the results will come out around June, and in that moment, it's kind of...

樋口 関東でもやっていけるんじゃないかって自信もつきましたね

Higuchi: I've gained confidence that I can make it in Kanto as well.

樋口 はいはいはい

Higuchi: Yes, yes, yes.

樋口 でその後にはちょっと

Higuchi, and then a little after that.

樋口 まあすごいまた4年生になってからまたメンバーなかったですけど

Higuchi: Well, that's amazing. There haven't been any members since I became a fourth-year student.

樋口 うんうん

Higuchi: Yeah, yeah.

樋口 あのたまたまあの先生にディフェンス要員で入れてもらうことができて

Higuchi: I just happened to be put in as a defensive player by that teacher.

樋口 それでスタメンに抜擢されて急に

Higuchi, that's when you were suddenly chosen as a starter.

樋口 あなるほどなるほど

Higuchi: I see, I see.

樋口 とりあえず前からディフェンスついてたらたまたまスティールを何回かできちゃって

Higuchi: For now, I happened to be able to make a few steals since I've been on defense from the front.

樋口 お前いいねみたいになって

Higuchi, you look nice.

樋口 それでちょっと裏話があってうちの合宿って昔乾燥機がなくて

Higuchi: So there's a bit of a backstory—our training camp used to not have a dryer.

樋口 絶対ドライヤーで乾かさなくちゃいけない

Higuchi, you absolutely have to use the hair dryer to dry it.

樋口 で先輩がまあ当時ですよ今はないですけど先輩が2着しか持ってきてない人がいて

At that time, there was a senior at Higuchi who only brought two outfits.

樋口 いや何しに来た?

Higuchi: "Hey, what did you come here for?"

樋口 でそれ乾いてないと

Higuchi, if it's not dry.

樋口 昔で罰とかあったんですけどそれで僕ら結局オールして寝れなくて

Higuchi: In the past, there were punishments and because of that, we ended up staying up all night and couldn't sleep.

樋口 でオールしながら練習時点で言ったらめちゃくちゃ僕シュート入っちゃって

While practicing with Higuchi, I ended up making a ton of shots in.

樋口 そっから初めて大学のオールってことを覚えましたね

Higuchi: That's when I first learned about university rowing.

樋口 そこで?

Higuchi, over there?

樋口 そこで

Higuchi, there.

樋口 夜遊びを

Higuchi, nightlife.

樋口 夜遊びじゃないですけど朝まで起きてそれでバスケするって初めて覚えました

Higuchi: It's not like I'm out partying at night, but it's the first time I've stayed awake until morning and then played basketball.

樋口 ああなるほど

Higuchi: Ah, I see.

樋口 でそこからトントン拍子で認めていただいて1年の頃はずっとスタートで

Higuchi, and from there, things went smoothly, and during the first year, I was always at the starting point.

樋口 じゃあ1年生のリーグ戦ぐらいからスタートってことですか

Higuchi: So does that mean we start from the freshman league?

樋口 そうですね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes

樋口 そっからずっと使っていただいて本当に感謝してますね

Higuchi: I really appreciate that you've been using it since then.

樋口 ああそうですねすごいですね

Higuchi: Ah, I see, that's amazing.

樋口 大学生で1年生から出る人って結構

Higuchi: It's quite common for first-year college students to drop out.

樋口 いやいないですよね

Higuchi: No, there isn't, right?

樋口 すごいですよね

Higuchi is amazing, isn't she?

樋口 やっぱ今も僕も出させていただいたんですけど

Higuchi: I ended up participating again even now.

樋口 すごい高校生上がりを使うって技術からじゃないですか

Higuchi, isn't it a technique that comes from being an amazing high school graduate?

樋口 やっぱそこをめちゃくちゃ今も悩みながら

Higuchi: I'm still struggling with that a lot.

樋口 確かに体も違うかったりしますし

Higuchi: "It's true that our bodies can be different."

樋口 ただこいつの将来を考えると嫌でも出そうかなっていうの

Higuchi: I'm thinking that if I consider this guy's future, I might have to bring it up whether I want to or not.

樋口 その葛藤は今もありますね

Higuchi: That conflict still exists even now.

樋口 なるほど

Higuchi: I see.

樋口 承知しました

Higuchi, understood.

樋口 そっから1年生からスタメンで活躍されて

Higuchi, you have been performing as a starter since your first year.

樋口 4年生の時にはキャプテンされてたかなというふうに思うんですけど

I think Higuchi was the captain in his fourth year.

樋口 このチームを通し4年間を通して

Higuchi: Throughout these four years with this team.

樋口 キャプテンに実際就任されて

Captain Higuchi has actually assumed office.

樋口 今までやった国筑館大学からちょっといろんな改善とか

Higuchi: From the experience we've had at Kuni-Tsukikan University, there are various improvements and changes.

樋口 いろんな工夫をされてきたのかなと思うんですけど

Higuchi: I think you must have come up with various ideas and innovations.

樋口 それはありますね

Higuchi: That is true.

樋口 一番まず初めに行ったのは個人の改革っていうことで

Higuchi: The first thing I did was personal reform.

樋口 僕が

Higuchi, I...

樋口 すごい先輩たちに申し訳ないですけど

Higuchi, I'm sorry to the amazing seniors.

樋口 あんまり先輩たちの言ってる発言と行動が合ってなくて

Higuchi: The things that the seniors say and their actions don't quite match up.

樋口 それにすごいまずキャプテンとしてみんなから認めてもらえるっていうことで

Higuchi: "Furthermore, being recognized by everyone as a great captain is really something."

樋口 僕自身の課題で90分前には必ず体育館にいるっていう

Higuchi: My personal challenge is to always be in the gym 90 minutes beforehand.

樋口 で誰よりかも遅く帰るっていうのをしていて

Higuchi is doing the thing of coming home later than anyone else.

樋口 それが個人での改革ですね

Higuchi: That's the reform on an individual level.

樋口 それでその間に実習練とかして行動を見せることで

Higuchi: "So during that time, by doing practice drills and showing actions..."

樋口 そのチームを変えていこうっていうのが一つと

Higuchi: One is to change that team.

樋口 僕らって独自のルールがあって

Higuchi: We have our own unique rules.

樋口 練習終わった後にリバウンドがあったんですよ1年生

Higuchi, there was a rebound after practice with the first-year students.

深井 先輩のシューティングの

Senpai Fukai's shooting

樋口 それって先輩がOKって言うまでやめちゃダメだったんですよ

Higuchi: You weren't supposed to stop until senpai said it was okay.

樋口 ただそれ僕らの時にすごいちょっとつらい思いもしたんで

Higuchi: It was really tough for us at that time as well.

樋口 そこでそれも30分に限定して

Higuchi, let's limit that to 30 minutes as well.

樋口 そうやった時めちゃくちゃ反感変えました周りから

Higuchi: At that time, I received a lot of resentment from those around me.

樋口 なんで俺らはこういうことやられてきたのに

Higuchi: Why have we been subjected to this kind of treatment?

樋口 だから何ですかね先輩にやられて嫌だったことは全部排除しました

Higuchi: So, what does that mean? I've eliminated everything I disliked that was done to me by my senpai.

樋口 ああ

Higuchi: Ah.

樋口 それが一番大きな変えたことで

Higuchi: That's the biggest change.

樋口 大きな変えたことだったかなと

Higuchi: I wonder if it was a significant change.

樋口 それは改革ですね

Higuchi: That's reform, isn't it?

樋口 今の子たちはもちろんそういう経験をされてないのは

Higuchi: Of course, the kids these days haven't had those kinds of experiences.

樋口 そうですね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 松島さんのおかげ

Thanks to Matsushima-san Higuchi.

樋口 いやいや僕のおかげか分かんないですけど

Higuchi: Well, I don't know if it's thanks to me or not, but...

樋口 その後がちょっとまたどうなったか分かんないですけど

Higuchi: I don't really know what happened afterwards.

樋口 僕の時は絶対なくて

Higuchi: It definitely wasn't there during my time.

樋口 で僕の時にはあんまり罰走みたいなこともなくして

During my time with Higuchi, we didn't really have punishment runs or anything like that.

樋口 なるべく対話しながらっていうことでやって

Higuchi, let's try to do it while having a conversation as much as possible.

樋口 喋って解決しようかなっていうのをやってました

Higuchi was thinking of solving it by talking.

樋口 なるほどなるほど

Higuchi: I see, I see.

樋口 まあなんですけども周りからは

Higuchi: Well, that's the thing, but from those around me...

樋口 いやなんで俺らはあんな何十本も走らせたのに

Higuchi: Why did we have to run so many dozens of them?

樋口 走らせないと分かんない人みたいな

It seems like a person who won't understand unless they are made to run.

樋口 言われたっすけど

Higuchi, you said it.

樋口 まあそれだとしても何かチーム良くするってか

Higuchi: Well, even so, what can we do to improve the team?

樋口 最初変えると結構やっぱ文句言われるじゃないですか

Higuchi: At first, when you change things, you do get a lot of complaints, right?

樋口 まあそれはもう自分でブレないようにっていうので

Higuchi: Well, that's to make sure I don't waver myself.

樋口 すごい我慢してましたね

Higuchi, you really endured a lot.

樋口 でもう一個プラスが

Higuchi: "But there's one more plus."

樋口 やっぱ応援だったら告知感やばいじゃないですか

Higuchi: If it's support, the sense of notification is really intense, isn't it?

樋口 すごいなんか昔だとヤジを

Higuchi: It's amazing, back in the day there were hecklers.

松田 素晴らしい

Matsuda, wonderful.

樋口 素晴らしくはないっすね

Higuchi, it's not wonderful.

松田 素晴らしいヤジ

Matsuda, wonderful jeer.

樋口 だったんでそれで僕らがそのトーナメントの時に

It was Higuchi, so during that tournament, we...

樋口 そのヤジがひどすぎて

Higuchi, that heckling is too much.

樋口 そのヤジを応援してる最中に全員帰らされたんです応援組

Higuchi, while we were cheering for that jeer, everyone from the cheering group was sent home.

松田 ああ

Matsuda, ah.

樋口 でその時に帰らされた組はもう退部だって言って

Higuchi said that the group that was sent home at that time has already disbanded.

松田 あ

Matsuda A

樋口 その退部する人数80名ぐらいですよ

Higuchi, the number of people leaving the club is about 80.

松田 80名

Matsuda 80 people

樋口 いややばいじゃないですかそれこそ

Higuchi: No, isn't that really bad?

樋口 ベンチに入ってるのは15名しかいないんで

There are only 15 people on the bench.

樋口 でもその後にまあみんなで集まって

Higuchi: But after that, well, everyone got together.

樋口 なんかそうみんなで一緒に集まって話した時に

Higuchi: It feels like when everyone gathers together and talks.

樋口 結局いやもう小倉監督を辞めさせようっていう

Higuchi: In the end, I just want to get Coach Ogura fired.

樋口 みんな言ってるやつもいたんすよ

Higuchi, some people were saying that too.

松田 はい

Matsuda: Yes.

樋口 今回の意味わかんないって

Higuchi, I don't understand the meaning this time.

樋口 だとしても俺らがあんなこと言わなかったらよくないからっていうので

Higuchi, even so, it's not good if we don't say things like that.

樋口 すごい喧嘩してまあすごいその

Higuchi, they had an amazing fight, and it was really something.

樋口 まあ誰かちょっと言えないですけどまあそいつには

Higuchi: Well, I can't really say who, but as for that guy...

樋口 結局あの僕タケって呼ばれたんですけど

Higuchi: In the end, I was called "Take" by them.

樋口 タケは自分のことが大事なんでしょみたいな

Higuchi Take seems to think that he is important, right?

樋口 結局僕がベンチに入ってたんでなんとでも言えるじゃないですか

Higuchi: In the end, since I was on the bench, you can say whatever you want, right?

樋口 でそれだって言われても超ブチゲレようと思ったんですけど

Even when Higuchi said that, I thought I would be extremely pissed off, but...

樋口 そんなことはないっていうので

Higuchi said that is not the case.

樋口 僕のこの意見に対して3,4人ぐらい本当わかってくれる人たちがいて

Higuchi: There are about three or four people who really understand my opinion.

樋口 まあ後々その3,4人ぐらいが一緒にやっぱ試合に出るメンバーになってたので

Higuchi: Well, later on, around 3 or 4 of them became members who played in the matches together.

樋口 まあそういったことで結局監督にみんなで謝りに行ったんすよ

Higuchi: Well, in the end, we all went to apologize to the director.

樋口 80名全員連れて行ったときにそしたら監督がわかったと

When Higuchi took all 80 people with him, the director understood then.

樋口 もう今回で最後になってたよ頭下げに行って

Higuchi, this was supposed to be the last time I would go to bow my head.

樋口 でそれでみんなまた戻ってきてっていう形ぐらいから

Higuchi, and then everyone came back in that kind of way.

樋口 すごいチームも変わったかなっていうふうには思います

Higuchi: I think the amazing team has changed.

松田 おおー

Matsuda Oh!

松田 すごい話ですねそれ

Matsuda, that's an amazing story!

樋口 いやもうそれは

Higuchi: No, that's already...

樋口 もう反感はものすごいありましたね

Higuchi: There was a tremendous amount of resentment.

樋口 ありましたし

Higuchi, it was there.

樋口 でなんかこの後にまた続くんすけど

Higuchi, there's going to be more after this, you know.

樋口 4年生って結構飲むのがみんな多くて

In their fourth year, it seems that everyone drinks quite a bit.

樋口 夏休み前に僕がすごい厳しくて

Higuchi, I was really strict before summer vacation.

樋口 なんかフットワーク適当にやつらもやめるような練習

Higuchi: It's a practice that might make those guys who just do things half-heartedly stop.

樋口 もうすごいなんかこんなんじゃ勝てないって言って

Higuchi: "Wow, it's just incredible. There's no way we can win like this."

樋口 で厳しくしたところをそのBチームの子に

When I was strict with that B team child.

樋口 こんなん酷使感じゃないよって言われてすごい文句言われて

Higuchi said, "This doesn't feel like overwork at all," and received a lot of complaints.

樋口 お前のやってることは厳しくして誰も楽しそうじゃないっていうのをすごい言われた中で

Higuchi, what you're doing is intense, and nobody seems to be having fun, which has been pointed out a lot.

樋口 まあ分かったと

Higuchi: Well, I understand.

樋口 じゃあ同期生の意見を聞いて

Higuchi, then let's hear the opinions of our classmates.

樋口 もう何も文句言わなかったんですよ

Higuchi stopped complaining about anything.

樋口 そしたらさっき言ったフットワークも適当になっちゃって

Higuchi, then the footwork I mentioned earlier will also become haphazard.

樋口 やっぱりそのチームとしてのこの規律とか

Higuchi: After all, this discipline as a team...

樋口 その緊張感もない中もあったんで

Higuchi, there were times when that tension wasn't present either.

樋口 でやっぱ俺Aチームの子たちに

Higuchi: So I guess I really want to be with the A team kids.

樋口 やっぱ俺厳しくしかないわって言ったら

Higuchi said, "I guess I can only be strict."

樋口 Aチームの子の全員4年生が

All the children in Team A are fourth graders.

樋口 いや俺らはもう他家についていくから

Higuchi: No, we're going to go with another family now.

樋口 もう本当に自由にやってみたいな

Higuchi: I really want to try doing it freely.

樋口 俺らがフォローしてあげるからっていうのも

Higuchi: It's because we will follow you.

樋口 行ってくれたおかげで

Thanks to you, Higuchi, for going.

樋口 ものすごく自分のやってる方向性が

Higuchi, I feel really strongly about the direction I'm taking.

樋口 見えてきたのかなっていうのは思いました

Higuchi: I thought that it seemed to be coming into view.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 仲間というか当時の同級生の

Higuchi, a classmate from back then.

樋口 理解もしっかり得られた中で

Higuchi gained a solid understanding.

樋口 過ごせた4年生のシーズンと

The four-year season that Higuchi was able to spend.

樋口 そうですね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 まあそれでリーグ戦に入っていって

Higuchi: Well, then let's get into the league matches.

樋口 最初1巡目は2部で4敗はしたんですけど

Higuchi: In the first round, I had 4 losses in the second division.

樋口 まあ2巡目全部勝つことができて

Higuchi: Well, I was able to win all of my matches in the second round.

樋口 まあ入れ替え戦と

Higuchi, well, the promotion-relegation match.

樋口 委員会の切符を掴んで

Higuchi, grab the committee's ticket.

樋口 出場することができたので

Higuchi: I was able to participate.

樋口 まあそこは本当に仲間に恵まれたなっていうふうに思いますね

Higuchi: Well, I really feel that I've been blessed with great companions there.

樋口 そうですよね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 当時入れ替え戦の時で言うと

Higuchi: At that time during the promotion-relegation playoff...

樋口 早稲田大学ですよね

Higuchi, it's Waseda University, isn't it?

樋口 早稲田大学に川上くんっていう

Higuchi, there is a guy named Kawakami at Waseda University.

樋口 僕らの同級のスーパースターがいて

Higuchi: We have a superstar in our class.

樋口 キャリー・ウェイですね

It's Carrie Way, isn't it, Higuchi?

樋口 キャリー

Higuchi Carry

樋口 めちゃくちゃ懐かしい

Higuchi, this is really nostalgic.

樋口 久々に聞いた

Higuchi, it's been a while since I heard from you.

樋口 キャリー・ウェイですね

It's Carrie Way Higuchi.

樋口 これ多分分かる人

Higuchi: I think there's probably someone who understands this.

樋口 分かる人あんまりいない

Higuchi: Not many people understand.

樋口 同年代ぐらいにはいないです

Higuchi: There’s no one of my age group around.

樋口 キャリーって呼ばれたんですよ

I was called "Carry" by Higuchi.

樋口 僕らちょっと飲み会も一緒にしてて

Higuchi: We've been hanging out a bit at drinking parties together.

樋口 キャリー キャリー

Higuchi Carry Carry

樋口 誰?って言ったら

Higuchi? What do you mean by that?

樋口 川上って言って

Say "Higuchi Kawakami."

樋口 いろんなあだ名があって

Higuchi has various nicknames.

樋口 すごいでもいい選手でしたよね

Higuchi was an amazing player, wasn't he?

樋口 すごい素晴らしい方で

Higuchi is an amazing and wonderful person.

樋口 素晴らしい選手

Higuchi, a wonderful player.

樋口 だからその時に僕らがたまたま勝つことができて

Higuchi: So at that time, we happened to be able to win.

樋口 一部に上がったので

Higuchi, it has been raised in some areas.

樋口 まあそこは本当に

Higuchi: Well, that part is really...

樋口 まあ今いる千葉ジェッツの原とか

Higuchi: Well, like Hara from the Chiba Jets who is here now...

樋口 あとB3にも高橋とか

Higuchi: Also, there's Takahashi in B3.

樋口 警視庁にいる新田カムイとか

It’s about Kamui Nitta from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police.

樋口 いろんな選手の協力があったおかげで

Thanks to the cooperation of various players.

樋口 上がることができたんで

Higuchi: I was able to get up.

樋口 よかったですね

Higuchi, that's great!

樋口 なるほど

Higuchi: I see.

樋口 そういった意味では

Higuchi: In that sense,

樋口 大学4年間通した中で

Higuchi: Throughout my four years at university...

樋口 一番印象深い出来事って

Higuchi, what is the most memorable event for you?

樋口 やっぱりこう

Higuchi, as expected, this...

樋口 2部から1部に昇格したことなのか

Is it about Higuchi being promoted from Division 2 to Division 1?

樋口 最後のインカレなのか

Higuchi, is this the last intercollegiate competition?

樋口 それともまた別に

Higuchi, or is it something else?

樋口 例えば練習の時に何かとか

Higuchi: For example, during practice or something like that.

樋口 そういったことがあったりしますか

Higuchi: Has that kind of thing ever happened?

樋口 あのこれちょっと

Higuchi: Um, about this...

樋口 流せるか分かんないですけど

Higuchi: I don't know if I can let it flow.

樋口 編集でちょっとどうかしてみて

Higuchi, let’s try doing something a little different with the editing.

樋口 大丈夫ですよ

Higuchi: It's okay.

樋口 僕インカレの最後の時に

Higuchi: At the end of the intercollegiate competition, I...

樋口 パフォーマンス悪かったんですよ

Higuchi's performance was bad.

樋口 はいはいはい

Higuchi: Yes, yes, yes.

樋口 そしたら監督に目の前に向かって

Higuchi: Then I directed it right in front of me.

樋口 お前やっぱ使えねえなって

Higuchi: I knew you were no good after all.

樋口 すいません4年の最後っすよ

Higuchi, I'm sorry, it's the last of the four years.

樋口 そんなモチベーションの下げ方あります?

Higuchi: Is there really a way to decrease motivation like that?

樋口 近代戦で

Higuchi modern warfare

樋口 いやもうミスしても

Higuchi: Well, even if I make a mistake...

樋口 いやお前楽しくやれって言うじゃないですか

Higuchi: Well, you say to have fun, don't you?

樋口 最後の最後で

Higuchi: At the very last moment.

樋口 お前やっぱ使えないって

Higuchi, you really are useless, aren’t you?

樋口 おおこの4年間使えないと思って

Higuchi: Oh, I thought I wouldn't be able to use this for the past four years.

樋口 下級生に言うやつですね

Higuchi, that's what you say to underclassmen.

樋口 そうっすよね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 来年を見越して

Higuchi is looking ahead to next year.

樋口 そうっすよね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 で言われて

Said by Higuchi.

樋口 あれこれ俺ちょっとないわって思って

Higuchi: I feel like I really don’t have any of that.

樋口 まあ一番のバスケの思い出としては

Higuchi: Well, my most memorable moment in basketball is...

樋口 なんすかね

Higuchi, what is it?

樋口 やっぱ入れ替え戦で一部に上がれたことっていうのは

Higuchi: After all, being able to rise to the top division through the relegation playoffs is...

樋口 はいはいはい

Higuchi: Yes, yes, yes.

樋口 まあたまたま

Higuchi, well, by chance.

樋口 あのサイドスローから

Higuchi: From that side throw...

樋口 残り3秒くらいしかなくて

Higuchi: There's only about 3 seconds left.

樋口 ハーフあたりから僕が片手で投げたシュートが

From halfway, the shot I threw with one hand...

樋口 入っちゃって

Higuchi, come in.

樋口 へえ

Higuchi, I see.

樋口 だから一気に逆転したっていうのもあるんで

Higuchi: That's also because we made a sudden turnaround.

樋口 なんかそれも含めて

Higuchi: I feel like that includes everything too.

樋口 すごい感慨深いなっていうのと

Higuchi: It's quite deeply moving.

樋口 この最後の第3戦だけ

Higuchi, just this last third match.

樋口 僕大学で20点とか無かったんすよ

Higuchi: I never got scores like 20 points in college.

樋口 この第3戦だけ21点取れて

Higuchi scored 21 points in this third game alone.

樋口 勝つことができたんで

Higuchi: I was able to win.

樋口 まあ自分で言うなんすけど

Higuchi: Well, I’ll say this myself, but...

樋口 ちょっと持ってるなと思っちゃって

Higuchi, I thought you were a bit of a handful.

樋口 持ってますねそれは

Higuchi, you have that, don’t you?

樋口 持ってるなと思っちゃって

I thought, "You've got it."

樋口 まあそれが一番まあ

Higuchi: Well, that's probably the best.

樋口 心には残ってますね

Higuchi: It's still in my heart.

樋口 ああなるほどなるほど

Higuchi: Ah, I see, I see.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 今からちょっとパフォーマンス良くなかったっす

Higuchi: My performance just now wasn't very good.

樋口 では最後はまあちょっとこう悔しい形で

Higuchi: Well, let's end on a somewhat regrettable note.

樋口 うん

Higuchi: Yeah.

樋口 終わると

Higuchi, when it's over.

樋口 終わってあの明治に負けちゃったんす

Higuchi, we ended up losing to that Meiji era.

樋口 ああでも当時強かったじゃん

Higuchi: Oh, but you were strong back then, right?

樋口 強かったっすもんね

Higuchi, you were strong, weren't you?

樋口 準優勝ぐらいだったので

It was about the runner-up position for Higuchi.

樋口 安藤誠也とか

Higuchi, Seiya Ando, and so on.

樋口 作家とか西川とか

Higuchi, like the writer or Nishikawa.

樋口 中東とかもすごい面ついて

Higuchi, the Middle East also has a great face.

樋口 確かに強かったですね

Higuchi was certainly strong.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 なるほどなるほど

Higuchi: I see, I see.

樋口 あの今ざっくりこうコックスカン大学の

Higuchi: So, right now, roughly speaking about Coxkan University...

樋口 でのお話をいろいろお話

Various stories about Higuchi.

樋口 大学といえば松島さんと

Speaking of university, it's Matsushima-san.

樋口 あともう一人こう原柊太選手

Higuchi, and another player is Ko Hara Shuta.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 千葉ジェットで活躍されてますけど

Higuchi is active with the Chiba Jets.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 原柊太選手は

Higuchi Haruto is a player.

樋口 松島さんの2コスターに当たりますよね

You're going to be paired with Matsushima-san for the two co-stars, right?

樋口 はいそうっすね

Higuchi: Yes, that's right.

樋口 どんな選手でしたか

Higuchi, what kind of player were you?

樋口 いやものすごい努力家で素直でしたね

Higuchi: Yes, they were an extraordinary hard worker and very honest.

樋口 ああ

Higuchi, ah.

樋口 あのすごい知識もない中で

Higuchi: "Without that amazing knowledge."

樋口 習志野高校っていうところから来て

I come from a place called Higuchi Narashino High School.

樋口 すごい自主練も一番印象に残ってましたし

Higuchi, your impressive self-practice left the biggest impression on me.

樋口 うん

Higuchi: Yeah.

樋口 あとなんすかね

Higuchi: What else is there?

樋口 人の話を聞ける選手だったかなっていう風に思います

I think he was a player who could listen to others.

樋口 うん

Higuchi: Yeah.

樋口 そこが彼の一番良かったところじゃないすか

Higuchi, isn't that the best part about him?

樋口 へえ

Higuchi, huh?

樋口 これはいい話ですね

Higuchi: This is a nice story, isn't it?

樋口 そうっすね

Higuchi: Yeah, that's right.

樋口 あの

Higuchi, um...

樋口 なんすかやっぱ大学に来てプライドってあるじゃないすか

Higuchi: "Isn't there a sense of pride in coming to university?"

樋口 そうですね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 そこをちゃんとプライドもなく

Higuchi, without any pride there.

樋口 しっかりその僕の言うこととか合わせとかも

Higuchi, make sure to align with what I'm saying and keep it together.

樋口 うん

Higuchi: Yeah.

樋口 もう僕のアシストっていうのは

Higuchi: Well, my assist is...

樋口 ほとんど原のおかげだったかなっていうぐらい

I think it was mostly thanks to Hara.

樋口 もう大学の頃僕も

Higuchi: I also did during my university days.

樋口 あのありがたいことにアシストを取らせてもらったんすけど

Higuchi: Fortunately, I was able to take the assist.

樋口 やっぱアシストって

Higuchi: After all, an assist is...

樋口 誰か決めてくれないとダメなんで

Higuchi: If someone doesn't decide, it won't work.

樋口 もうそれを動いてくれた彼には今も感謝してますね

Higuchi: I'm still grateful to him for taking action on that.

樋口 うん

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 なるほどなるほど

Higuchi: I see, I see.

樋口 いやでもほんと努力家でしょ

Higuchi: "No, but really, you're a hard worker, right?"

樋口 もうずっと一人残ってシューティングしてましたし

Higuchi has been shooting alone for a long time now.

樋口 ああそうなんすね

Higuchi: Oh, is that so?

樋口 もともとシュート上手いじゃないすか

Higuchi, you're originally good at shooting, aren't you?

樋口 上手でしたね

Higuchi, you did well.

樋口 何も関わらずもっと打ってたんで

Higuchi: I was hitting more regardless of anything.

樋口 へえ

Higuchi: Oh really?

樋口 やっぱあの時にやっぱプロ行く選手たちっていうのが

Higuchi: After all, the players who go pro at that time...

樋口 全員やっぱ努力してましたね

Higuchi: Everyone really put in the effort, didn't they?

樋口 ああなるほどなるほど

Higuchi: Ah, I see, I see.

樋口 一番練習してました

Higuchi practiced the most.

樋口 ああ確かにあの今ももちろん

Higuchi: Ah, that's true, even now of course.

樋口 シュート上手だなと思うんすけど

Higuchi, I think your shooting skills are really good.

樋口 大学の時もっと入ってましたよね

Higuchi, you used to be more involved during university, didn't you?

樋口 やばかったっすよね

Higuchi, that was really intense, wasn't it?

樋口 意味わかんないフェイダーウェイの3とか売ってて

Higuchi is selling some ridiculous fadeaway threes.

樋口 誰もチェックできないんで

Higuchi: No one can check it.

樋口 チェックできないような

Higuchi, it's something that can't be checked.

樋口 でそれで実は原はちょっと話は変わるんすけど

Higuchi, so actually, Haru, the topic changes a bit, but...

樋口 その大垣の恩師の池内さんに

Higuchi, to your mentor Ikuei-san from Ogaki

樋口 日本代表のユニバーシアで見出してもらって

Higuchi, I was discovered at the Universiade representing Japan.

樋口 彼はほんと一気にまた覚醒しましたね

Higuchi: He really awakened all at once again, didn't he?

樋口 うーん確かに

Higuchi: Hmm, that's certainly true.

樋口 もうほんとリーグを代表する選手ですもんね

Higuchi, you truly are a player who represents the league.

樋口 そうっすよね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 まあ日本代にも入って

Higuchi: Well, let's take part in the Japanese era.

樋口 それこそ大垣くんの時の3ポイントじゃないすか

Higuchi: Isn't that just like the three-pointer from when Ogaki-kun was there?

樋口 多分そうだと思います

Higuchi: I think that's probably the case.

樋口 取ってると思いますはい

I think it’s being taken by Higuchi, yes.

樋口 それぐらい素晴らしい選手

Higuchi is an incredible player.

樋口 素晴らしいなるほどなるほど

Higuchi: Wonderful, I see, I see.

樋口 そういったまあそういった選手とも巡り

Higuchi: Well, I've had encounters with such players.

樋口 そうっすね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 会いながら4年間を過ごしているということなんですけど

Higuchi, it seems that you have spent four years while being together.

樋口 まあこの後まあ国際大学で経験された後に

Higuchi: Well, after you have experienced it at the International University...

樋口 大学生の中で言うとやっぱりこう就職

Higuchi: Among university students, it's definitely about finding a job.

樋口 当時で言うとまああのBリーグではなかったので

Higuchi: Back then, well, there wasn't a B League.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 Bリーグの前身のNBL

Higuchi: The predecessor of the B League, the NBL.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 時代だったのでまあ就職をするのか

It was the Higuchi era, so I guess I should find a job.

樋口 まあプロに行くのか

Higuchi: So you're going pro, huh?

樋口 そうですよねはい

Higuchi: That's right, yes.

樋口 まああの結構二極化してたかなというふうに思ってて

Higuchi: Well, I think there was quite a polarization.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 その中でまああの結果的にこうNBLの方に

Higuchi: In the end, it resulted in moving towards the NBL.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 行かれると決断されてたと思うんですけど

I think you had decided to go, right?

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 その時の大学4年生の時思ってた心境と

Higuchi: The feelings I had at that time when I was a fourth-year university student.

樋口 まあ実際こう決断された決め手みたいな

Higuchi: Well, what was the decisive factor in making this decision?

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes

樋口 そういったところを

Higuchi, in that regard.

樋口 これ実は僕大学3年生の時に就職の内定もらってたんですよ

Higuchi: Actually, I received a job offer when I was in my third year of university.

樋口 そこはNBDLっていう大塚商会

Higuchi: That's Otsuka Shokai, known as NBDL.

樋口 はいはい

Higuchi: Yes, yes.

樋口 っていうところもらってて

I got a place called Higuchi.

樋口 そこを受かってたんですけど

Higuchi, I passed that.

樋口 やっぱりその一番上に挑戦したいっていうので

Higuchi: After all, I want to challenge myself to reach the top.

樋口 内定式のその日に断りの電話入れて

On the day of the job offer ceremony, I made a phone call to decline.

樋口 へえ

Higuchi: Oh, I see.

樋口 もう蹴っちゃって

Higuchi, just kick it already.

樋口 でそっからリーグ戦に関してはもう無職っていうかまあ内定も

Higuchi: So, regarding the league matches from that point, it's like I'm unemployed, or well, I don't have a job offer.

樋口 なるほど

Higuchi: I see.

樋口 何もらえなかででリーグ戦で結果を残してたまたまその兵庫ストークス

Higuchi: I didn't receive anything, but I happened to leave results in the league and that was the Hyogo Storks.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 っていうところに国士課のOBの方がディレクターかなんかGMOしてて

There’s a former member of the Nationalist Division working as a director or something at a place called Higuchi, possibly related to GMO.

樋口 その方の紹介で入れてもらうことにでトライアウトになりました

Higuchi: I was introduced by that person and got to participate in the tryouts.

樋口 なるほどなるほど

Higuchi: I see, I see.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 それをトライアウトっていう形なんだ

Higuchi, that's what you call a tryout.

樋口 はいトライアウトです

Higuchi: Yes, it's a tryout.

樋口 一応トライアウト受けて

Higuchi, just give the tryout a shot.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 掴み取ったと

Higuchi, I have taken hold of it.

樋口 はいそうですね

Higuchi: Yes, that's right.

樋口 へえ

Higuchi, oh really.

樋口 その時はもうその内定をまず蹴った時はやっぱりこう高いレベルでやりたいみたいな

Higuchi: At that time, when I first rejected that job offer, I really wanted to do something at a higher level.

樋口 いやーありましたね

Higuchi: Wow, that happened, didn't it?

樋口 そこも一心だったって感じですかね

Higuchi: I guess that was also a matter of dedication.

樋口 なんか自分の中で結局内定をもらってる自分っていうのが中途半端だなって思っちゃったんです

Higuchi: I ended up feeling that receiving a job offer feels rather half-hearted for me.

樋口 あーなるほど

Higuchi: Ah, I see.

樋口 ちょっとモヤモヤ感が

Higuchi: I'm feeling a bit unsure.

樋口 はいモヤモヤ感があってこのまま挑戦しないでいいのかっていうのを自分とちょっと戦って

Higuchi: Yes, there's a feeling of uncertainty, and I'm kind of battling with myself about whether it's alright not to challenge myself like this.

樋口 あーなるほどなるほど

Higuchi: Ah, I see, I see.

樋口 確かにそうですよね4年生のシーズンってこう内定を既に持ってる選手もいれば決まってない選手もいたりとか

Higuchi: That's certainly true, isn't it? In the fourth-year season, there are players who already have job offers and others who haven't secured anything yet.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 まあプロに決まってる選手いろんな選手いますけど

Higuchi: Well, there are various players who are definitely professionals.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 確かにこうモヤモヤ感は

Higuchi: Indeed, this feeling of uncertainty...

樋口 そうですねあってやっぱそれがなくなったおかげで急にパフォーマンスも上がって

Higuchi: Yes, and thanks to that suddenly my performance has improved.

樋口 あー

Higuchi, ah—

樋口 良くなったんであの時にそういう内定を蹴って本当大塚翔海さんには申し訳ないことしたと思うんですけど

Higuchi, I really think I did something quite regretful to Mr. Otsuka Shoma by turning down the offer at that time since I have gotten better.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 自分のキャリアとしてはあの時の決断が大きかったんじゃないかなっていう風に思ってます

Higuchi: I believe that decision was significant for my career at that time.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 なるほどなるほどそこからまあNBL兵庫ストークスの方にあの入団されて

Higuchi: I see, I see. From there, you joined the NBL Hyogo Stokes.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 1年目に関しては53試合に出場されたというまあ1年目から結構バリバリあの出場されてたかなという風に思ってるんですけど

In the first year, you played in 53 games, so I feel like you were quite active right from the start.

樋口 まああの

Higuchi, well...

樋口 この1年目のシーズンでどんな感じですか

Higuchi, how does this first year of the season feel for you?

樋口 あのすごいその時最初は外国人ヘッドコーチでまあすごい僕のこと気に入ってくれてて

Higuchi: At that time, the amazing thing was that the first head coach was a foreigner, and he really liked me.

樋口 うん

Higuchi: Yeah.

樋口 やっぱディフェンスができるガードみたいな感じで相手のエースを突くような

Higuchi: I guess it's like a guard who can play defense and focuses on taking on the opponent's ace.

樋口 あそう日本人のあれですけど

Higuchi, that's something Japanese people do.

樋口 形ですごい期待されてて

Higuchi is highly anticipated with their form.

樋口 ずっとスタートでそれも

Higuchi, it's been the start all along.

樋口 あスタートで

Higuchi, let's start!

樋口 使ってもらってて途中でヘッドコーチが交代しちゃって

Higuchi, I was using it, but the head coach changed halfway through.

樋口 まあその時にちょっとまあプレータイム減ったりしたんですけど

Higuchi: Well, during that time, my playing time decreased a bit.

樋口 まあ兵庫時代は本当苦労したなって苦労したって自分で話しちゃいけないですけど

Higuchi: Well, I really had a hard time during my time in Hyogo. I shouldn't talk about my struggles myself, though.

樋口 実はその時ってまだNBLが全然発展してない時で実業団のリーグだったじゃないですか

Higuchi: Actually, at that time, the NBL hadn't developed at all yet; it was still a corporate league, wasn't it?

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes.

樋口 例えばトヨタ三菱日立だったりっていうのはそれがやっぱメインのあれで

Higuchi: For example, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, those are the main ones.

樋口 僕たち僕実際その時の給料その53世で出たシーズンが10ヶ月契約だったんですよ

Higuchi: Actually, our salary at that time was for a 10-month contract in the 53rd season.

樋口 10ヶ月で100万円しかもらってなくて

Higuchi has only received 1 million yen in 10 months.

樋口 のー

Higuchi no-

樋口 まず2ヶ月分足りないじゃないですか

Higuchi: First of all, we're short by two months, aren't we?

樋口 そうですね

Higuchi: That's right.

樋口 でそれでそのスポンサーの紹介で家賃を済むところ6万3000円ぐらい

Higuchi, so with that sponsor's introduction, the rent is about 63,000 yen.

樋口 それ払ってくれって言われておー待ってあと3万7000円

Higuchi: They told me to pay that, and I'm like, "Oh wait, I still need 37,000 yen."

樋口 あれおかしいなって

Higuchi: That's strange, isn't it?

樋口 で奨学金も返してたんでまあ本当お金がなくなって

I was also paying back my scholarship at Higuchi, so I really ran out of money.

樋口 その当時は今でもまあ本当戻りたくないですけど1日500円使ったら月生活できないっていう

Higuchi: Back then, I really don't want to go back to that, but if you spent 500 yen a day, you couldn't live for a month.

樋口 あーなるほど

Higuchi: Ah, I see.

樋口 じゃああのなんていうかまあ大学生の

Higuchi: Well, how should I put it, like a college student...

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes

樋口 なんていうか

Higuchi, how should I put it...

樋口 もうもやししか食わないみたいなよりももっとやばかったです

Higuchi said it was even worse than just eating bean sprouts.

樋口 へー

Higuchi, huh?

樋口 全然やばかったです

Higuchi, it was totally crazy.

樋口 ちょっと待ってそんな話までしてくれるんですか

Higuchi: Wait a minute, are you really going to share something like that?

樋口 何でもしますよはい

Higuchi: I'll do anything, yes.

樋口 何でもします

Higuchi: I'll do anything.

樋口 そんな話まで

Higuchi, even that kind of story.

樋口 すごい

Higuchi is amazing.

樋口 でも本当じゃあ結構当時あれですよね多分2ヶ月足りないっていうのはなんかオフシーズンとかで契約が切れるんでっていうので

Higuchi: But it's true that back then, it was probably about 2 months short because contracts would expire during the offseason or something like that.

樋口 切れるんでっていうのもあって

Higuchi said it's because it cuts.

樋口 なるほどなるほど

Higuchi: I see, I see.

樋口 まあやっぱりお金もらえなかったんですけどその時に拾ってくれた社長さんだったりGMの方にはすごい感謝してますし

Higuchi: Well, I didn't get paid, but I'm really grateful to the president and the GM who helped me at that time.

樋口 あの時に支えてくれた先輩たちっていうのはものすごく優しくしてくれたんで本当に今でも仲良くさせてもらってますね

The seniors who supported me back then were incredibly kind, so we’re still good friends even now.

樋口 なるほど

Higuchi: I see.

樋口 そこからまあ兵庫オーストラクツの方でまあ1年目で53試合出場されてそこからまあ次に移籍するというような形になったかなというふうに思うんですが

Higuchi: From there, I think he played 53 matches in his first year with Hyogo Osttrucks, and then it resulted in a transfer to the next team.

樋口 まあここのイメージがすごく強いかなと松島さんといえばみたいになってますけど

Higuchi: Well, the image of this place is really strong, and it feels like when you think of Matsushima-san, that's what comes to mind.

樋口 はい

Higuchi: Yes

樋口 当時NBDLのレバンガ北海道に移籍されるきっかけみたいなところってどんな

Higuchi: What was the reason behind your transfer to Levanga Hokkaido in the NBDL at that time?

松田 そうですねあの時に実は僕北海道の試合だけどずっと調子が良くて兵庫戦で

Matsuda: Well, at that time, I was actually in good form since the match in Hokkaido, but during the game against Hyogo...

松田 それでそのあのGMが気に入ってくれてあのでかくて動けるガードはいいんじゃないっていう子でその人が今も僕が一番仲良いレバンガで清長GMっていう方で

Matsuda: So, that GM liked it, saying that a big and agile guard is good, and that person is still my closest friend, GM Kiyonaga from Levanga.

松田 はいはいはい

Matsuda: Yes, yes, yes.

松田 その人がGMになって最初に取った選手が僕らしいんですよ

Matsuda said that the first player he picked after becoming GM was apparently me.

樋口 ああ

Higuchi: Ah.

松田 だから本当になんかなぜ取ったんですかとか人が良さそうだってなってるんで

Matsuda: So really, why did you take it? People seem to think you're nice.

松田 もうそもそもわざわざって言ってでそれできっかけでその時実はあの兵庫ストックス辞めた時はどこも決まってなかったんですよね

Matsuda: Well, the thing is, when I said "just because," at that time when I actually left Hyogo Stoks, I didn't have any place lined up.

樋口 あっもう決まる前にもう対談するっていうのを決めてってことですね

Higuchi: Oh, so you decided to hold a discussion before it was even finalized, right?

松田 決めてでちょっとなんか4年生原なんかとかカンなんかとかっていう今のBリーグのプレーヤーはまだ大学4年生の時に

Matsuda decided that, during their fourth year of college, the current B League players had something like Haru or Kan.

松田 そういつらに大学戻って練習してる時に一緒に飲み行こうぜって言ってでみんなでもう寝て起きた時の

Matsuda: "When those guys were back at university practicing, I suggested we go out for drinks together, and by the time everyone woke up after sleeping, it was already too late."

松田 はい

Matsuda: Yes.

樋口 その2日の時に電話かかってきてレバンガ北海道の清永ですけどあございます終わりましたはいって言って

Higuchi: On that day, I received a call from Kiyonaga of Levanga Hokkaido, and I said, "Yes, it's over."

樋口 おお待て待て待てって言って酔いが冷めて一気にこれどうなってるかわかるって言って

Higuchi, wait wait wait, I’m sobering up all of a sudden and I need to understand what’s going on here.

樋口 レバンガ北海道が来たんだけどもうすぐ契約書も来てお金も提出されてもうそれこそ兵庫のもう3倍ぐらい

Higuchi, Levanga Hokkaido has come, and soon the contract will arrive, and the money will be submitted, which is about three times what it is in Hyogo.

松田 ああ

Matsuda Ahh

樋口 もう来てあれこれ俺来てるかのすぐ即決でもう連絡してもう明日じゃあ北海道飛びますっていうことで

Higuchi: I'm already here and I've been contacted about various things, and I've made a quick decision, so I'll be flying to Hokkaido tomorrow.

松田 本当にもうトントン拍子で

Matsuda: "It's really just smooth sailing now."

樋口 はい決まっていたおかげでレバンガ北海道に入団することができた形ですね

Higuchi: Yes, thanks to the decision, I was able to join Levanga Hokkaido.

松田 なるほどあのこの後まあレバンガ時代のお話にもこう入っていきたいなというふうに思うんですけどまああの率直にこう松島さん沖縄出身じゃないですか

Matsuda: I see, well after this, I would like to talk about the time during the Levanga era, but to be frank, Mr. Matsushima, you're from Okinawa, right?

松田 はい

Matsuda: Yes.

松田 北海道に行くってまあ東京破産だといえど結構なハードル高いなと思うんですけど

Matsuda, I think going to Hokkaido, even if you say Tokyo is bankrupt, is quite a high hurdle.

樋口 いやもうみんなそれ言われるんですけど僕あの北海道の寒さあんまり知らなくて

Higuchi: Well, everyone says that, but I don't really know much about the cold in Hokkaido.

松田 その世間知らずでで6月ぐらいに行ったんですよそしたら家だけちょっと決めてて先に行きでそこであの布団もなしで泊まったらなんか夜が13度ぐらいしかなくてもう本当に登山の最後の回りながら起こすってあるじゃないですか端っこでこの体育座りしながら一日をしのぐっていうぐらいその時に初めて北海道の

Matsuda: So, I went around June, being completely inexperienced. I had only decided on the house a bit earlier, and when I went there, I stayed overnight without any bedding. It was only about 13 degrees at night, and I really felt like I was at the end of a mountain climb, sitting curled up at the edge, just trying to get through the day. That was my first experience of Hokkaido.

樋口 北海道やべえって

Higuchi says Hokkaido is amazing.

松田 やばいって申し上げましたはいその時初めてですねそれこそあの大焼くんの言う通りその自分のその考えがなんかやっぱ世間知らずなんだなって

Matsuda: I said it was bad, and yes, that was the first time. Just like Great Yaku-kun said, I realized that my way of thinking is indeed quite naïve.

松田 沖縄にとってやっぱ多いじゃないですか

Matsuda: After all, it's a lot for Okinawa, isn't it?

樋口 そうっすね

Higuchi: That’s right.

松田 やっぱ北海道に行ってこんな寒い日あったんだっていうの初めて知ってそれが一番衝撃でしたね

Matsuda: I was really surprised to learn for the first time that there were such cold days in Hokkaido.

樋口 じゃあまずまずは一回北海道地肌でしっかり味わって

Higuchi, then let's start by fully savoring it in Hokkaido first.

松田 味わいましたね

Matsuda, you experienced it, didn’t you?

樋口 でそこからまああの2年目のシーズンがレバンガで始まるということで2年目に関しても46試合出場されているということでここのプレータイムとかどういった役割で2年目に関してはまあ移籍された当初になりますけど

Higuchi, so from there, the second season is starting with Levanga, and regarding the second year, you participated in 46 games. How about your playing time and what role you had during your second year, especially since it was right after you transferred?

松田 あのポイントガードが2人しかいなくて田島選手と僕しかいなかったので

Matsuda: There were only two point guards, and it was just Tajima and me.

松田 まあそこに関してあの僕が骨折しちゃったんですよね肘を骨折しちゃってそれで遅れてこの試合数になってるんですけど怪我を復帰してからはまあ10分弱ぐらいは毎回プレータイムあってっていう形でしたね

Matsuda: Well, regarding that, I ended up fracturing my elbow, which is why I'm a bit behind, resulting in this number of matches. But since returning from my injury, I've been getting about 10 minutes of playing time each time.

松田 あーなるほど

Matsuda: Ah, I see.

樋口 まあその時にもやっぱ田島選手がメインなんでコントロールしてなんか失点を減らすだったりっていうそのディフェンシブなセカンドユニットみたいな形で出されることが多かったです

Higuchi: Well, during that time, since Tajima was the main player, he often came out as a sort of defensive second unit to control and reduce the number of points conceded.

松田 あーなるほどこのシーズンまああのプロ2年目といえどまあ移籍した

Matsuda: Ah, I see. In this season, even though it's my second year as a pro, I've transferred.

松田 こともあって結構大変なのかなと思うので生活も含めていかがでしたか

Given that it's 松田, I wonder if it was quite tough, so how was your life overall?

田島 すごい大変でした

Tajima, it was really tough.

松田 ですよね多分

It's probably Matsuda, right?

田島 もうそれこそなぜかというと僕が入ってくる前にこのチームって出来上がってたんですよ

Tajima: The reason is that this team was already formed before I joined.

松田 はい

Matsuda Yes

田島 このヘッドコーチのもとで3年間くらいやっててポイントガードが分かんない人が入ってくるとすごいやっぱ出来なくなるじゃないですか

Tajima: It's really tough when someone who doesn't understand the point guard role comes in after doing this under this head coach for about three years.

田島 でコールも分からないどこでどういう風にヘッドコーチの意図を読まなくても分からないっていう中ですごい苦労しました

I struggled a lot in a situation where I didn't understand the calls at Tajima, and I didn't know where or how to interpret the head coach's intentions.

田島 だから僕のチームほとんど負けてましたでお前のせいってめっちゃ言われてました

Tajima: That's why my team lost most of the time, and I kept getting blamed for it.

松田 練習の時にってことですね

Matsuda, you mean during practice, right?

田島 へえ

Tajima: Oh really?

松田 そこからいろいろこううよ曲であったのかなというふうに思うんですけど

Matsuda: I think there were various twists and turns from there.

田島 本当につらかったですねそこはなんか自分がやろうとしてることとチームでやろうとしてることがあってないのとやっぱプロって勝たさなくちゃいけないじゃないですか

Tajima: It was really tough, wasn't it? It felt like what I was trying to do didn’t align with what the team was trying to do, and in the end, as a professional, you have to win, right?

田島 僕が出てると流れが悪いっていうのはもう肌で感じてて

Tajima: I can already feel that my presence is ruining the flow.

田島 それは一番2年目で本当に悔しかったです

Tajima: That was the most frustrating thing in my second year.

松田 なるほどそれ2年目のシーズンのどっかでこう切り替わったとか良くなったとかも実感できないまま2年目で

Matsuda: I see, so during the second season, it switched or improved somewhere, but I couldn't really feel it during the second year.

田島 2年目は終わったような感じですか

Does it feel like your second year at Tajima is coming to an end?

松田 いやそれがその10月ぐらいから始まって3月4月5月はものすごく良くなりましたね

Matsuda: "No, it actually started around October, and it really improved a lot in March, April, and May."

田島 なるほど

Tajima: I see.

松田 やっぱすごい理解するようになってこういう時にこういうのでその時にやっぱ一番オススメの方がオリモさんっていうレジェンドの方であの人がすごい細かくゲームの組み立て方とか

Matsuda: "As expected, I've really started to understand, and in times like this, the person I recommend the most is Orimo, a legendary figure. That person is really detailed in the way they construct the game."

松田 ああ

Matsuda, ah.

松田 なんでここはこういうセットをコールしたのか説明しろって言われて何も考えてませんだからダメなんだって言われてヘッドコーチがもう2人いる状態

Matsuda, I was told to explain why we called this kind of set here, but I haven't thought about it at all, so I was told that's why it's no good, and now we have two head coaches in this situation.

田島 ああなるほどなるほど

Tajima: Ah, I see, I see.

松田 でもう言われてじゃあここで一番得点の効率がいいやつ

Matsuda: "Well, I've been told already, so what's the most efficient scoring option here?"

松田 でどうやったら

Matsuda, how can I do it?

松田 相手が困るかっていうのをガード一番考えなくちゃいけないっていうのでその2年目のその後半に対してのそのなんすかねステップアップにつながったかなって思いますね

Matsuda: I think in the second half of my second year, I really had to prioritize considering what would put my opponent in a difficult position, and I believe that led to my step-up in skills.

田島 なるほどじゃあ本当にじゃあヘッドコーチ2人と2人ぐらいの間隔で1年間を過ごされてということで

Tajima: I see, so you spent a year with two head coaches, approximately two at a time.

松田 過ごしましたね

Matsuda, we had a good time, didn't we?

田島 なるほどそこからまあ3年目って結構大きな転機転機というかあのリーグがNBLからBリーグに変わりましたということで

Tajima: I see, so after that, the third year was quite a significant turning point, or rather, the league changed from NBL to B.League.

田島 あのもうすごく世間的に見てもBリーグのこう地面が

Tajima: "Well, when you look at it from a societal perspective, the B League is really gaining ground."

松田 はいはい

Matsuda: Yes, yes.

田島 年齢度がどんどん上がってくる時だったのかなと思うんですけどこの3年目のシーズンっていかがですかまあ3年目以降も含めてで結構なんですけど

I guess it was a time when Tajima's age was steadily increasing, but how is this third season going? Feel free to include thoughts about after the third season as well.

松田 今でも覚えてるのがこの3年目始まる始まってたんですけどそのシーズンが始まる前にボランティア活動とか募金活動とかいろんなことしててそのあのBリーグのその振り分けがあったんです

Matsuda: I still remember that before the start of this third year, we were doing various activities like volunteering and fundraising, and then there was the division for the B League.

松田 まずレバンが北海道が1部に入るかわかんなかったんです

Matsuda: I wasn't sure if Levain would be in the first division in Hokkaido.

田島 ああなるほど

Tajima: Ah, I see.

松田 でも第一審査落ちちゃったんですよで最後の審査の時に僕ら折茂さん桜井さん野口さんっていうまあ重鎮の方ずっといる古株の方と僕何か知らんすけどその人一人入っちゃってて俺一緒に来ちゃったっていう時にまあその一部に入った時のこの折茂さんの涙とかやっぱこの苦労とかでそのBリーグ開幕のレバンがのホームゲームの5000人以上入った試合とかは何か知ってますか?

Matsuda: "But we didn't make it past the first screening, and during the final screening, there were veteran figures like Orimo, Sakurai, and Noguchi. For some reason, one of those people ended up with us, and when I came in together with him, I saw Orimo's tears and the struggles he had endured. Do you know about the B League's opening game, where over 5,000 people attended a Levanga home game?"

松田 何ですかね歴史が変わる瞬間その時歴史が動いたみたいなあすいません聞いたことあるですね

Matsuda: What is it, the moment when history changes? Like, "At that moment, history moved." Ah, I'm sorry, I think I've heard of that.

田中 震える感じですよね

Tanaka, it feels like I'm trembling, doesn't it?

松田 もう本当に鳥肌立ちましたえってかこのバスケ人生の中で一番良かったかなと思いますね幸せだなって感じました

Matsuda: I really got goosebumps. I think this was the best moment of my basketball life, and I felt so happy.

田中 なるほどでそのシーズンもBリーグのシーズンもまあその翌年のシーズンも60試合ずつ出られているということなんですけどこの時はもうあの完全に役割をチームの中で

Tanaka: I see, so during that season and the B League season, as well as the following season, I was able to play in 60 games each. At that time, I had completely established my role within the team.

松田 そうっすね

Matsuda: That's right.

田中 得てしっかりそれをこなすと

Tanaka, if you manage to handle that properly.

松田 はい

Matsuda: Yes.

田中 いうような

Tanaka said.

松田 まあセカンドガードだったんですけどまあどちらかというとあんまりシュートが上手じゃないかったので自分が生きるためにやって考えたらちょっとオーソドックスなディフェンスとコントロールをして周りを生かすっていうポイントガードを目指しててそれが自分の中でやっぱり3年目4年目に行くにつれてすごい自分の中でプレースタイル確立できたなっていうのもあってヘッドコーチも使いやすかったのかなって思います

I was originally a second guard, but since I wasn't particularly good at shooting, I thought about how to make myself useful. I aimed to be a point guard who focuses on more orthodox defense and controlling the game to support my teammates. As I moved into my third and fourth years, I really feel that I was able to establish my playing style, and I think that's why the head coach found me easy to use.

田中 なるほどそんな中でこうまあプレーももちろんそうですけどこうレバンが北海道の中で松島劇場と言われる

Tanaka: I see, amidst that, of course, there are the plays, and within Hokkaido, Revan is referred to as the Matsushima Theater.

松田 いやそうなんすよね

Matsuda: Yeah, that's true.

田中 大ブームを

Tanaka, a big boom!

松田 大ブームなんすかそれ大垣さん

Matsuda, what is that big boom about, Ogaki-san?

田中 なんかアワードとかでも踊られて

Tanaka, you were dancing at some award event or something.

松田 いやそうなんすよね本当に僕あれ適当にやってたんですよ最初なんか俺だけしか出てきてないじゃない回ぐらいで終わってたんですけどまあそれがじゃあ暇だから何回やろうから始まって

Matsuda: Yeah, that's right. I really was just doing it casually at first. I thought it would end around the time when only I was showing up, but then it started because I was bored and thought, "How many times should I do this?"

松田 だから実はファンの方が劇団松島っていうのを作っていただいてハッシュタグでそれから公式でも扱いになってまあちょっとバブリーダンスかなってちょっと流行ってたんで

Matsuda: So actually, the fans have created a group called "Matsushima Theater," and after that, it became something officially recognized with a hashtag. Well, it was a bit like the bubly dance trend that was going around.

松田 はい

Matsuda: Yes

田中 バブリーダンス踊ったらその時のツイッターってあんまり再生回数なかったんですけど20万回ぐらい

When Tanaka did the Bubly Dance, the number of views on Twitter at that time wasn't very high, around 200,000 views or so.

松田 20万回

Matsuda 200,000 times

田中 はい行ってで僕SNSやってないんで分かんないんですよお前人気だぞって言ってで試合会場行ってもバブリーの人ってお待てお待てお待てあの一応バスケ選手だなっていう

Tanaka: "Yes, I'm going. I don't use social media, so I don't really know, but you're popular. Even when I go to the match venue, people of the bubble era say, 'Wait, wait, wait, he's technically a basketball player.'"

田中 それもあって結構その実はなんかこの塾があって高3の子とか中3の子がその時間帯的にレバンガの試合が見れないと

Tanaka: Because of that, it's actually quite difficult for high school third-year students and middle school third-year students to watch the Levanga games during that time.

松田 うーん

Matsuda: Hmm.

田中 予備校に通っててその時に

Tanaka was attending a prep school at that time.

田中 僕の松島劇場だけ見て帰るっていう子もいたらしいんですよ

I heard that there were kids who just came to see my Matsushima show and then went home.

松田 へー

Matsuda, huh?

田中 それが受験の励みになったって言われてもうやめるにやめれなくて

Tanaka said that it became motivation for the exam, so I couldn't just quit.

松田 確かに

Matsuda: Indeed.

田中 誰かが見てるんだってやろうっていうことで

Tanaka, they say someone is watching, so let's do it.

松田 あれはハーフタイムですか試合前ですか

Matsuda, is that during halftime or before the match?

田中 試合前なんですね

Tanaka, it's before the match, isn't it?

松田 試合前なんすね

Matsuda, it's before the match, right?

田中 試合前のミーティング終わった後に勝手に着替えてで色々やってもう何回もあのヘッドコーチに怒られました

Tanaka, after the meeting before the match, changed clothes without permission and did various things, and I've been scolded by that head coach many times.

松田 あやっぱそうっすね

Matsuda: Ah, I guess that's right.

田中 めっちゃ怒られましたよもう他のBリーグのチームからもうふざけてんのかってもう

Tanaka, I was really scolded. Other B League teams are already saying if we're joking or what.

松田 へー

Matsuda, wow.

田中 あーもう舐められて

Tanaka: Ah, I'm being underestimated again.

田中 で試合中にあのなんすかトラッシュトークされたりしましたよ

During the match with Tanaka, I was trash-talked, you know.

松田 踊れよみたいな

Matsuda, dance like this.

田中 お前そんなことしてっから入んねえんだよ

Tanaka, that's why you can't get in.

松田 あー

Matsuda Ah—

田中 でも踊れないっしょって言って俺も

Tanaka said, "But you can't dance either, right?" and I agreed.

松田 そうっすよね

Matsuda: That's right, isn't it?

松田 なかなか踊れる人いないですもんね

Matsuda, there aren't many people who can dance well, are there?

田中 じゃあ今度全員の前で踊れるんすかって始まったらもうめっちゃ始まるそうだったんではいすいませんって

Tanaka, so when it started with "Are you going to dance in front of everyone next time?", it seemed like it was really going to start, so I apologize.

田中 僕もなんか謎にプライドあったんで

Tanaka: I also had some kind of mysterious pride.

松田 なるほどなるほど

Matsuda: I see, I see.

松田 でまぁそっからまぁそのシーズンも踏まえてですけど

Matsuda: Well, based on that season too, you know...

松田 その翌シーズンですかね

Matsuda: I suppose it's the following season.

松田 12月27日千葉ジェット戦でBリーグ最多アシスト

Matsuda records the most assists in the B League during the Chiba Jets game on December 27.

松田 当時の最多18アシストですかね

Matsuda, was it the most assists at that time with 18?

松田 これ18アシストってすごいですよね

Matsuda: Those 18 assists are amazing, aren't they?

田中 いや僕その覚えてないんすよ試合

Tanaka: No, I don't remember that match.

田中 もう負けたことにすごいとらわれちゃって

Tanaka: I'm really getting caught up in the fact that I lost.

松田 なるほどなるほど

Matsuda: I see, I see.

田中 あんまりいい思いじゃないっすねそれが初めて千葉ジェットに勝てそうだったんすよ

Tanaka: That doesn't feel very good, does it? It was the first time we might have been able to beat Chiba Jets.

田中 僕らBリーグになってから千葉ジェットに勝ったことがなくて

Tanaka: Since we became a part of the B League, we haven't been able to win against the Chiba Jets.

田中 でその18自分が30何分初めて

Tanaka, this is the first time I've spent over 30 minutes on my own.

田中 あのポイントガードの人が

Tanaka, that point guard person...

田中 怪我しちゃって

Tanaka got injured.

田中 自分がメインで初めて任された試合で

Tanaka: In the first match I was entrusted with as the main,

田中 そのスタッツを出すことができて

Tanaka, being able to achieve those stats.

田中 だけどこのスタッツ出しても勝たしきれないよ

It's Tanaka, but even with these stats, we can't win.

田中 俺ってしょぼいなっていう

Tanaka: I think I'm useless.

田中 すごい悩みながらも

Tanaka, while being really troubled,

田中 なんすかねすごいどうやってやったのって聞かれるんですけど

Tanaka: I get asked, "What is it? How did you do that?"

田中 あんまり覚えてないっす

Tanaka: I don't really remember much.

松田 じゃあ本当に記録は残ったものの自分としては

Matsuda: Well, even though the record has really been left, for me...

松田 悔しいですね

Matsuda, it's frustrating, isn't it?

田中 あんまり悔しい思いがなるほど

Tanaka, I can't believe how frustrating this is.

田中 結果的にBリーグの中で言うと

Tanaka: As a result, when it comes to the B League...

田中 キャリア500アシスト

Tanaka Career 500 Assists

松田 はい

Matsuda: Yes.

田中 違うかこれは

Tanaka, is this different?

田中 でもつーさん500アシストをその年に達成されたっていう

Tanaka said that Tsu-san achieved 500 assists that year.

松田 そうっすねやっぱ結構早めに行くことができましたね

Matsuda: "Yeah, I guess we were able to go quite early."

田中 500アシスト

Tanaka 500 assists

松田 それはやっぱ自分の商品価値だと思ってたんで

Matsuda: I think that's really my own product value.

松田 アシストしないと

Matsuda, you need to assist.

松田 まあいろんなところに欲しがってもらえないし

Matsuda: Well, I can't seem to get people to want me in various places.

松田 でもこの18アシストした時に

Matsuda: "But when I made these 18 assists..."

松田 その後にアルバレック戦があったんですよ

Matsuda: After that, there was the Albarek match.

松田 その時の試合の方が正直自分としてはよかったです

Matsuda: To be honest, I think I played better in that match.

松田 その時も実は12と16かましてるんですよ

Matsuda: At that time, I actually had 12 and 16.

田中 すごいっすね

Tanaka, that's amazing!

松田 でなんでこの3日だけで言うと

Matsuda, what do you mean by just these three days?

松田 平均12ぐらいは

Matsuda, about 12 on average.

田中 すごいっすね

Tanaka, that's amazing!

松田 13ぐらいやっててその時の自分のパフォーマンスっていうのが

Matsuda has been doing it for about 13 years, and at that time, his performance was...

松田 一番よかったですし

Matsuda was the best.

松田 すごい自分のゲームの組み方

Matsuda, amazing how you set up your game.

松田 組み立て方っていうのが

Matsuda, the way to assemble it is...

松田 初めてなんすかね納得いくような

Matsuda, is this your first time, I wonder? It doesn't seem convincing.

田中 ああ

Tanaka, ah.

田中 これまでこういろいろ鬼本さんとかにアドバイスいただいた

Tanaka: Up until now, I've received various advice from people like Onibon-san.

田中 ところも踏まえてやっとこう形になったっていうのが実感できる

Considering everything, I can really feel that it has finally taken shape.

松田 で千葉にも負けてアルバレックの1戦も負けたんですけど

Matsuda also lost to Chiba and lost the match against Albarek.

松田 最後の大晦日の試合で勝つことができて

Matsuda, I was able to win in the last New Year's Eve match.

松田 自分のこのやってきたバスケットが初めて勝つこと

Matsuda: This is the first time that the basketball I've been playing has won.

松田 たった一勝ですけど僕にとっては本当大きな一勝だったんで

Matsuda: It may have only been one win, but for me, it was truly a significant victory.

松田 すごい良くなったなっていうのは個人的にも思いましたね

Matsuda, I personally thought you improved a lot.

田中 なるほどなるほど

Tanaka: I see, I see.

田中 でそのシーズンも踏まえて翌年のシーズンもプレーされてますけど

Tanaka has also played in the following season taking that season into account.

田中 その翌年の2019年のシーズンをもって元気引退されたということで

Tanaka, I heard that Genki retired after the 2019 season the following year.

田中 ここの引退を決断した経緯とかって

Tanaka, what was the background behind your decision to retire?

松田 まあやっぱ一番は申し訳ないですけど大学がやっぱ弱くなってきたのが一番ですね

Matsuda: Well, I’m really sorry, but the biggest issue is that the university has become weaker.

田中 でそれで監督今の前の小倉監督がお前に跡我慢やってほしいっていうのを直接

Tanaka, the director, now wants you to directly take over from the previous director, Ogura, as he has requested.

松田 当時にそのタイミングで

Matsuda: At that timing back then.

田中 大学4年の頃から言われてました

Tanaka has been told that since his fourth year of university.

田中 もうお前は大学の教務助手残って俺の元でやれっていう

Tanaka, you're saying that you should stay on as my teaching assistant at the university.

松田 なるほど

Matsuda: I see.

田中 言われたんですけどもう断ってて

Tanaka said something, but I've already declined.

松田 まずはプロの方に

Matsuda: First, to the professionals.

田中 その時に言われたのがなんでお前がプロを続けられてるのか分からないって

Tanaka, what was said at that time was that they don't understand why you can continue as a professional.

田中 お待て待て教え子だろって

Tanaka, wait, wait, you’re my student, right?

田中 そういうジョークも挟みながらものすごい良い方だったんですけど

Tanaka was an incredibly nice person, often making jokes like that.

田中 本当に

Tanaka, really?

田中 僕も一回練習見に行った時にこれやっぱダメだなと思って

Tanaka: When I went to watch practice once, I really thought this is not going to work.

田中 もう全然僕らが入ってきた1年目みたいな雰囲気だったんですよ

Tanaka: It felt just like when we first joined in our first year.

松田 あーなるほど松島さんがいろいろ工夫をされて強くなったところから

Matsuda: Ah, I see. It's from the various innovations that Matsushima-san has made to become stronger.

松田 どんどんどんどんちょっと

Matsuda, little by little.

田中 なんすかねそれでちょっと下まではその大学の時には一部に残ったりとか

Tanaka: What is that? Well, during university, I stayed in a part of it for a while.

田中 腹の時に落ちちゃったんですけど強かったんですけどそっからなかなかやっぱインカリにも出ることがなくなって

Tanaka, I fell during my stomach issues, but I was strong; however, after that, I hardly ever got to participate in the inclinations.

田中 まあそれを変えるためにはその経験を知ってる僕が戻るしかないかなっていう風に

Tanaka: Well, I think the only way to change that is for someone like me, who knows that experience, to come back.

松田 はいはい

Matsuda: Yes, yes.

田中 思ってて決断しました

Tanaka thought about it and made a decision.

松田 なるほど当時この引退決断した時って何歳ですか

Matsuda, I see. How old were you when you made the decision to retire at that time?

田中 27とかじゃないですか

Isn't it around 27 for Tanaka?

松田 27歳

Matsuda, 27 years old.

田中 7か6かで

Tanaka, are you on 7 or 6?

松田 これ

Matsuda, this.

田中 結構まあバリバリ体も動く

Tanaka: I'm quite active and can move my body well.

田中 まあもちろんこれから30くらいまではどんどんどんどん体もしっかり動いてっていうタイミングかなと思うんですけど

Tanaka: Well, of course, I think from now until around 30, my body will keep moving actively and that's the timing for it.

松田 だから本当に頭と体がポイント化として合ってきた

Matsuda: So my mind and body have really come together as a point.

松田 はいはい

Matsuda: Yes, yes.

田中 年齢だったんですけどそれだとしても母校のために頑張りたいなっていうのは

I was in my thirties, but even so, I want to do my best for my alma mater.

松田 なるほど

Matsuda: I see.

田中 あったんで

I met Tanaka.

田中 やっぱなんすかねまあ自分のその実はその契約も残ってたんですよ

Tanaka: Well, I guess it was that after all, I still had that contract remaining.

田中 2年契約で来てたところをもう1年蹴って結構な額だったんですけど

Tanaka had a two-year contract but opted to reject another year, which was quite a substantial amount.

田中 へえ

Tanaka, wow.

田中 それだとしても戻ってきて実際戻ってきたら非常勤しかなかったので

Tanaka: Even so, when I returned, there were only part-time positions available.

田中 まあ一気にもう一桁台の月

Tanaka: "Well, it's already the next digit in the month."

松田 へえ

Matsuda: Oh, I see.

田中 なったんですけどまあそれだとしても本当にこの大学を強くすることが僕にとっての人生の使命なのかなっていうのは

I’m Tanaka, and I wonder if strengthening this university really is my life’s mission, even if that’s the case.

田中 ちょっとまあ勝手にいいですけど思っててまあ強くしたいなっていう風から

Tanaka: Well, I think I want to make it stronger, but I'll just do it as I please.

田中 また戻るっていう風になりましたね

Tanaka, it seems like you're coming back again.

松田 あなるほどなるほど

Matsuda: I see, I see.

松田 まあそこでこう決断されて

Matsuda: Well, that's where the decision was made.

松田 1年目というかプロ引退された初年度は大学院に通いながら

In Matsuda's first year, or rather, in the year he retired from professional sports, he attended graduate school while doing so.

田中 そうっすね

Tanaka: Yeah, that's right.

松田 これは大学院であのどういうことをされてたんですか

Matsuda: What kind of things were you doing in graduate school?

田中 そうっすねこのボールゲームを学んでいたんですけど

Tanaka: Yeah, I was learning this ball game.

田中 まあ実際まだちょっと卒業はしてなくて

Tanaka: "Well, I haven't actually graduated yet."

田中 まあそれでいろいろ学んでなんすかね感覚だけじゃなくて理論的に説明できるようにってものすごく学ばせてもらいましたね

Tanaka: Well, through that, I learned a lot, not just intuitively but also in a way that I can explain it theoretically. I really benefited from that.

田中 それこそ今早稲田にいる倉石さんに

Tanaka: That’s exactly what Kuraiishi-san, who is currently at Waseda, would say.

田中 すごいお世話になって卒業しなかったんですけどあの2年間ってものすごく感謝してますね

Tanaka, I really appreciate all the help you gave me; even though I didn't graduate, I am extremely grateful for those two years.

田中 それで僕もなんか感覚だけじゃなくてこういう風になるからこういう風にっていうその過程を説明できるようになったかなっていう風に思います

Tanaka: So I think I've been able to explain the process of why things turn out this way, not just based on my intuition.

松田 その初年度から一応コーチとしてスタッフとして国筑館大学に戻られてたってことですか

Matsuda, so you returned to Kunitsukikan University as a coach and staff member from that very first year, right?

田中 そうっすねアシスタントコーチしながら

Tanaka: Yeah, while being an assistant coach.

松田 アシスタントコーチで

Matsuda, assistant coach.

田中 はいそうっすねやってた形になります

Tanaka: Yes, that's right. It would be in the form of doing it.

松田 これあの卒業されて

Matsuda, this is after you graduated.

田中 はい

Tanaka: Yes.

松田 27歳の時に

When Matsuda was 27 years old

田中 7歳8歳ぐらいの時だと思うので

I think it was when Tanaka was around 7 or 8 years old.

田中 5年ぐらい経ってからかなという風に思うんですけど

Tanaka: I think it will be about five years from now.

田中 5年ぶりに大学バスケに復帰というか戻られた時に

Tanaka, when you returned to college basketball after five years.

田中 率直にもちろん国筑館大学を見てそういう決断をしたっていう経緯はあるかなと思うんですけど

Tanaka: I think there is certainly a background to the decision, of course, considering the situation at Kunitsukikan University.

田中 大学バスケ全体を見た時に率直にどう思われましたか

What are your honest thoughts when you look at university basketball as a whole?

松田 これ多分ほんとカンカン買うかもしれないですけど面白くないです

Matsuda: This is probably going to be really frustrating, but it's not interesting.

松田 僕らの時っていうのがこれ昔話で言うとよくないですけど

Matsuda: It's not good to say this, but back in our time, it's like an old story.

松田 すごいモンスターが多かったんですよ

Matsuda: There were a lot of amazing monsters.

松田 先週の宇都直樹1人で50点取っちゃいます全部レイアップ

Matsuda: Last week, Naoki Uto scored 50 points all by himself, all layups.

松田 で藤井優真もうアシスト覚えちゃいましたとか

Matsuda: "Fujii Yuuma has already learned how to assist, huh?"

松田 もう田中大輝止められませんとか

Matsuda: "I can't stop Daisuke Tanaka anymore."

松田 もうすごいそういうなんかなんすかね

Matsuda: It’s amazing, what do you call that?

松田 今って戦術とか戦略がすごい流行ってる時代だと思うんですよ

Matsuda: I think we are in an era where tactics and strategies are really popular right now.

松田 なんすけどじゃあこの松島義滝を大学で見た時に

Matsuda, when I saw this Matsushima Yoshitaki at the university,

松田 なんて言えるのかなっていうのが一番戻ってきて思いました

Matsuda: I think the most important thing that came back to me is what I can say.

松田 例えばその大学生のすごい川村君とかその時いたんですけど

Matsuda: For example, there was a remarkable person like Kawamura-kun who was a university student at that time.

松田 なんか今みたいじゃないんですよ

Matsuda: It's not like it is now.

松田 うまくボールを回してゲームをコントロール

Matsuda skillfully moves the ball to control the game.

松田 型にはまってるっていうのが一番ですね

Matsuda, being in a mold is the best, isn't it?

松田 なんで今も僕もコーチやってすごい悩んでるんですけど

Matsuda: "I’m still doing coaching now, and I’m really struggling with it."

松田 型にはめるのか型にはめないでモンスターを出すの方がいいのか

Is it better to fit the monster into a mold or to let it out without fitting it into a mold?

松田 それは本当に永遠の大学バスケのテーマだなっていう感じ

Matsuda: That really feels like the eternal theme of college basketball.

松田 それは戻ってきて今でも思ってます

Matsuda: I still think about that even now that it's come back.

松田 確かにちょっとそこは見極めが難しいところかなと

Matsuda: Indeed, that can be a somewhat difficult aspect to discern.

松田 例えば東海大学とかはしっかりシールを守ってとか

Matsuda: For example, Tokai University adheres to the seal properly.

松田 でやったり一方でこう

Matsuda did it this way on one hand, and on the other...

松田 神奈川大学とかで大阪部選手みたいな

Matsuda, like a player from the Osaka team at Kanagawa University or something.

松田 そういう選手が生まれたりとかって

Matsuda: Are players like that being born?

松田 結構チームの特性とかその時の状況によっても

Matsuda: It really depends on the characteristics of the team and the situation at that time.

松田 色々変わってくるのかなと

Matsuda: I wonder if things will change in various ways.

松田 なんすよなんかそれで今思ったのは

Matsuda: "I was just thinking about something related to that."

松田 僕拓殖大学と大好きだったんですよ

Matsuda: I really loved Tokai University.

松田 もう意味わかんないタイミングでシュート打ってたじゃないですか

Matsuda, you were taking shots at a timing that didn't make any sense, right?

松田 もう1対4でも打ってたじゃないですか

Matsuda: "You were still hitting even when it was 1 against 4, weren't you?"

松田 それってチームの色で良かったと思うんですけど

Matsuda: I think it's good that it's the team's color.

松田 今チームの色って何なんと思っていろんな大学

Matsuda: I’ve been wondering what color our team is now, so I’ve been looking at various universities.

松田 Bリーグのおかげでディフェンス力っていうのは圧倒的に上がってますレベルは

Thanks to the B League, my defensive skills have overwhelmingly improved.

松田 だとしてもそのオフェンスとかそう言って誰か1人に対しての商品価値っていうのが

Even if it's Matsuda, the value of a product in relation to that offense or someone in particular...

松田 あんまりちょっと昔に比べると面白くないのかなってちょっと僕が言うのもおかしいですけど

Matsuda: I feel like it's a bit less interesting compared to a little while ago, but it's a bit strange for me to say that.

松田 それちょっと感じてますね

Matsuda: I can feel that a little.

松田 僕も本当にちょっと人に変えてやるの良くないですけど

Matsuda: I know it's not good to make changes to people, but...

松田 お前は行っていいよって言う人います

Matsuda, there are people who say you can go.

松田 それこそ大阪部選手だったり選手の能力に応じて

Matsuda: Depending on the player's abilities, it could be the Osaka division players.

松田 あっいいよ行っていいよ

Matsuda: "Ah, it's fine. You can go."

松田 ただ他の選手はってなるとそこのバランス取るの難しいじゃないですか

Matsuda: It's difficult to maintain that balance when it comes to other players, isn't it?

松田 はい

Matsuda: Yes.

松田 僕が帰ってきて一番はなんか丸く収まっちゃってなって思ったんで

Matsuda: I thought the first thing when I came back was that everything seemed to have settled down.

松田 今結構それを意識しながら教えてますね

Matsuda: Right now, I'm quite conscious of that while I'm teaching.

松田 あーなるほどなるほど

Matsuda: Ah, I see, I see.

松田 これ大学生との関わり方とか今もちろんヘッドコーチになられているので

Matsuda: Now that you are of course the head coach, how do you engage with college students?

松田 ちょっと違った立ち位置なのかなと思うんですけど

Matsuda: I think it's perhaps a slightly different position.

松田 帰ってきた時アシスタントコーチの時の時って

Matsuda, when I came back, it was during the time I was an assistant coach.

松田 学生の方と結構近しいところでコミュニケーションとかバンバン取られてた感じですか?

Did you feel that you were communicating quite closely with the students?

松田 すごいやっぱ4年生と一緒にご飯行くようにしていて

Matsuda: Wow, I'm really making an effort to go out for meals with the fourth-year students.

松田 僕の考えをしっかり伝えるようにはしてましたね

Matsuda: I was making sure to communicate my thoughts clearly.

松田 そこでやっぱ勝つためにはこうしなくちゃいけないっていう

Matsuda: So, in order to win, we really have to do this.

松田 なんで最初の僕が練習来た時コロナ禍で6人ぐらいしか練習来れなかったんですけど

Matsuda: Why is it that when I first came to practice during the COVID pandemic, only about six people were able to attend?

松田 その時に僕が一番今でも感謝してるのが井上春樹っていうこと

Matsuda: What I am most grateful for even now is Haruki Inoue.

松田 吉沢あいつ龍なんだっけな吉沢っていうこの2人が本当に僕の言うことを一番体現してくれて

Matsuda, Yoshizawa, that guy is a dragon, right? These two really embody what I'm trying to say the most.

松田 文句も言わずにただこの2人が

Matsuda, without complaining, just these two.

松田 全員が帰ってくる前に僕と1ヶ月ワークアウトとかいろんな話

Matsuda, before everyone comes back, let's do a one-month workout and talk about various things.

松田 ものすごいうまくなったんですよ

Matsuda has become incredibly skilled.

松田 でその吉沢っていう選手は3年間ベンチでも入ってなかったんですけど

Matsuda, that player Yoshizawa hasn't even been on the bench for three years.

松田 4年になってスタメン出てて

Matsuda is starting for the fourth year.

松田 それでなんか僕についてきたら絶対大丈夫っていう信頼を得ることができて

Matsuda: "So by following me, you can definitely gain the trust that everything will be okay."

松田 この2人とはこの前久しぶりに飲みに行きました

Matsuda: I went out for drinks with these two for the first time in a while.

松田 この前またちょっと飲んでて楽しくなって2人に文句言われて

Matsuda: The other day, we were drinking again and having a good time, and those two complained about it.

松田 あと2年来るの遅いって言われて

Matsuda said it was too late to come here for another two years.

松田 マジでよ

Matsuda, seriously.

松田 そうっすよね

Matsuda: That's right.

松田 そういうのも言われて

Matsuda: I've been told things like that too.

松田 ただお前らのおかげで今の俺があるから本当にお前らには感謝してるって伝えてますね

Matsuda: I just want to express my gratitude to you all because I am who I am today thanks to you.

松田 今もちらっとお話ありましたけど大学の練習って今どういった形で組まれてるんですか

Matsuda: We briefly talked about it earlier, but how is the university training currently structured?

松田 そうっすね

Matsuda: Yeah, that's right.

松田 昔で言うと基本チーム練習だけで自分たちでみたいなとかだったと思うんですけど

Matsuda: In the past, I think it was more about basic team practice and doing things on our own.

松田 今とかってワークアウトとか

Matsuda, are you currently working out or anything like that?

松田 やりますね

Matsuda, you’re doing well.

松田 結構学生の子たち好きだったりするじゃないですか

Matsuda, you kind of like the students, don't you?

松田 そうっすね

Matsuda: That's right.

松田 それはヘッドコーチになってからはあんましなくなりました

Matsuda: Since becoming head coach, I haven't done that much anymore.

松田 へー

Matsuda, huh?

松田 ちょっと今今日来てもらってるんですけど

Matsuda, I know it's a bit sudden, but could you come today?

松田 ちょっと学生コーチの方にものすごく言って

Matsuda: "I really want to say something to the student coach."

松田 もう彼にはめちゃくちゃ注文多いっすね

Matsuda: He has a lot of requests, doesn't he?

松田 あーなるほどなるほど

Matsuda: Ah, I see, I see.

松田 もう他の選手ができてなかったら僕彼にめちゃくちゃ怒ります

Matsuda: If the other players can't do it, I'll be really mad at him.

松田 あーなるほど

Matsuda: Ah, I see.

松田 えなんでこれできてないのみたいな

Matsuda: "Why can't you do this?"

松田 それってやっぱ組織として大事かなと

Matsuda: I think that's important for the organization, after all.

松田 アシスタントの時には監督がやっぱ思ってることを僕がワークアウトとかでできるようにさせるってのがあったんですけど

When I was an assistant, there were times when the director wanted me to make what he was thinking possible through workouts and such.

松田 今はほとんどしないっす

Matsuda: I hardly do it anymore.

松田 うーん

Matsuda: Hmm.

松田 それはなんかこれからのちょっと話ずれるんですけど

Matsuda: Well, this might digress a bit from what we were talking about next.

松田 作りでも動かすっていうのも大事なのかなって思ってて

I think it's important to move even when creating something like Matsuda.

松田 でも今の子たちワークアウト好きですよ

Matsuda: But kids these days like working out.

松田 そうっすよね

Matsuda: That's right.

松田 大好きっす

I really love Matsuda.

松田 じゃあチームの練習としてはワークアウトみたいなところもしっかり入れつつ

Matsuda: Well then, for the team's practice, we'll make sure to incorporate aspects like workouts as well.

松田 あーそうですね

Matsuda: Ah, I see.

松田 チーム練習バスケットの練習は別でやってるって感じですね

Matsuda: It feels like the team practice for basketball is being done separately.

松田 やりますね今の時期だと言うともうトレーニングと

Matsuda: You're doing well, considering it's this time of year, it's already training and...

松田 それでなんかそれこそ今トランジションの分解練習のすごいやってますね

Matsuda: So, I've really been focusing on practicing the breakdown of transitions right now.

松田 あーなるほどなるほど

Matsuda: Ah, I see, I see.

松田 今で言うとちょうど収録してるのが7月の頭ですけど

Matsuda: Well, as of now, the recording is happening at the beginning of July.

松田 1週目なんで

It's the first week for Matsuda.

松田 今はまあ新人インカリとか出るチームがあったりとか出ないチームがあったりする中で

Matsuda: Right now, there are teams that compete in the rookie tournament and teams that don’t.

松田 今はこの次のリーグ戦に向けて準備してるって感じですね

Matsuda: Right now, it feels like we're preparing for the next league match.

松田 今はそのトランジションの部分うちは強めにしたいなってのがあるんで

Matsuda: Right now, I want to strengthen that transition part.

松田 それを分解練習してただ今日も練習だったんですけどまあやばかったっすね

Matsuda: I was practicing breaking it down, and today was also a practice session, but it was pretty intense.

松田 1勝3面で終わっちゃいました今日練習

Matsuda finished today's practice with 1 win and 3 losses.

松田 それは本数終わらないとかじゃないんですよ

Matsuda: It's not about not finishing the number of works.

松田 結局そのそれに対して僕の意図と選手たちの理解が一致してないのと

Matsuda: In the end, my intentions and the players' understanding are not aligned with that.

松田 それでやっぱターンオーバーがものすごい

Matsuda: So, the turnover is just incredible.

松田 多かったっていうのもあってただただ終わらないからやるとかじゃなくて

Matsuda: It's not just because there were a lot of them; it's not like I'm doing this just because it doesn't end.

松田 そのどうやったらトランジションで点数を取れるかっていうのを今はメインでやってます

Matsuda: Right now, I'm mainly focusing on how to score points during transitions.

松田 なんでこれからだいぶ今週から実は練習試合も入ってきてて

Matsuda: "So, starting this week, we actually have practice matches coming up."

松田 来週からもっと入れて今度セット入れてっていう

Matsuda said, "Starting next week, I'll put more in, and this time I'll include the set."

松田 1ヶ月前からオフェンスのセットもっと詳しくやって最後はディフェンスで締めようっていうのが結構僕のスタイルなんで

Matsuda: "My style is to go into more detail with the offensive set for about a month and then finish off with defense."

松田 最後2週間くらいはディフェンスメインでやってリーグに入ろうかなっていうのを今の時点で考えてます

Matsuda: I'm currently thinking about focusing mainly on defense for the last two weeks before entering the league.

松田 ああ

Matsuda Ah.

松田 ではここからちょっと今大学バスケのところ今ヘッドコーチになられてるところをちょっと深くいろいろお聞きできればなと思ってるんですけど

Matsuda: Well, from here, I would like to ask you a bit more about your role as the head coach of college basketball.

松田 今ヘッドコーチになって特にこう意識していることとかってどういったことありますか

Matsuda, as the head coach now, are there particular things you are especially conscious of?

松田 あのやっぱ組織づくりが一番大変だなと思いますね

Matsuda: I really think that building an organization is the most difficult part.

松田 それはスタッフくじんの組織づくりなのかチーム全体のいろんな役割を踏まえてなのか

Matsuda: Is that for the organization-building of the staff or taking into account the various roles of the entire team?

松田 先ほど言ったみたいにチームの色っていうのをものすごく僕自身大事にしてて

Matsuda: As I mentioned earlier, I really value the team's identity.

松田 国立医大学って応援はやっぱすごいじゃないですか

The support for Matsuda National Medical University is really amazing, isn't it?

松田 僕は今チームに掲げてる一番のバスケ以外のポイントでいうと日本一応援されるチームになろうっていう

Matsuda: Right now, the main point I’m focusing on for the team, aside from basketball, is to become the most supported team in Japan.

松田 まあそれはなぜかというと今まで育ててきた人たちとかいろんな方に感謝を持ちながら

Matsuda: Well, that's because I have gratitude towards the people I've raised and various others along the way.

松田 僕らが一生懸命することによってその人たちにやっぱ元気を与えたいっていうのが今の大学の目標でやってて

Matsuda: Our current goal at the university is to really do our best so that we can give those people energy.


So what I really want is for you to come watch our match, and then you'll be able to work hard starting tomorrow.


That's wonderful!


In short, it's interesting to come and watch a Kokushikan match with something blue.


So the players are really hustling and that's great.


I think that the incredible efforts of those university students ignite something in adults and various spectators.


I was moved.


After all, that is what I'm seeking the most right now.


Of course, the result I’m aiming for is to be number one in Japan.


As of now, my thought is to support the team that is most supported in Japan.


I'm still figuring out what I need to do to become that.


I understand that you often have various discussions with the players and staff about that.


Currently, Matsushima is the head coach, and regarding his predecessor, Ogura.


For now, I am in the position of the overall supervisor.


I still receive good advice during halftime or during matches.


I am truly moved.


I appreciate it.


I believe that generation changes and differences in values regarding basketball can definitely influence me.


This is how it is after all.


I think it's really important to have someone who can guide and point out things for you.


I really do it while being scolded almost every week.


But I really appreciate it.


After all, there are things that are difficult to say when you are in a leadership position, right?


I really do it in my own way like that.


It's frustrating, isn't it?


I think to myself that I'm just a kid too.


But while changing into a conflict of, "What you're saying is correct,"


Treasure that amazing opinion.


I'm thinking about using it in the next practice.


I truly believe that you are a reliable partner, as we say today.


I see.


This is exactly what a college student is.


I think it's a period that can be described as the transition from childhood to adulthood.


I wonder if first-year university students are completely different from fourth-year university students.


What kind of temperature and approach do you keep in mind around that area?


That's right, basically I have to scold the fourth graders.


I will stop getting angry.


Isn't it really terrible?


I want to make sure to highlight the face of a fourth grader after all.


Even if these kids make mistakes, I often have to hold back and endure it.


"It's just too terrible, and I get really angry at the captain's kid."


The reason is basically that my instructions haven't been followed.


Why isn't it communicated between the players?


I’m conveying that too, including the student coaches.


Why isn't it me in college basketball?


If you say it's student sports, they get really angry about it.


However, regarding first-year and second-year students...


If you do something, I will really say a lot about it.


If you give proper feedback,


In a different form for the fourth graders.


I will say it gently.


After getting angry, I'll go eat afterwards.


I'm sorry.


Please follow properly.


In that way, various good relationships.


I wonder if I can maintain it.


This is my first year as a head coach.


I still don't know if this method is correct.


That will be in my future career as a college coach.


I think I have to build it up.


I see.


Well, for now...


I heard that you received various advice from your predecessor, Mr. Ogura.


For example, coaches from different universities.


In the Kanto region, there are many renowned places that are said to be famous.


What is your relationship with those people like?


I am really grateful for this even now.


Mr. Nishio from Daito Bunka.


Please allow me to become a member of Kanto Gakuin's training team.


So, with the top people of the university, truly.


After all, a few times that year.


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.


At that time, it was about the current situation of college basketball.


It's true that we need to have strength, especially when it comes to Nishio-san, right?


It was about various defenses.


So, from Amino-san, I learned how to scout.


The other day, I heard from Mr. Yoshida in Tsukuba.


How are you keeping the defense?


Well, from Riku-san...


If you work hard, Matchan, you'll be fine. However...


Riku said that Matchan is good.


Riku hasn't done anything yet.


If you could incorporate such a plan, it would be great.


Macchan is fine.


The other day I lost to the truth too.


When I said it, Machan was close too, wasn't it?


It's your turn.


I have truly received so much support from various people.


Yoshida-san really always seems to be doing something.


Aren't you playing golf?


I was often told that too.


Like, really something like that.


Since the directors from when I was a university student are still around.


Those people are extremely...


You’re being well taken care of.


In terms of the year.


There aren't many people of the same generation as Matsushima.


They're not here, are they?


That's exactly Kume-gawa from Edogawa University.


Yes, yes, yes.


I guess it's just Ito-kun from Saitama Institute of Technology.


It's Ito's同期 (colleagues/classmates).


We're同期 (friends who have started at the same time, often used in the context of work or school).


Kokushikan University


There are almost none.


Among them,


Really to the seniors.


I think about how there are various things to learn.


I actually want to hear more.


That’s a bit something.


I also have a part of myself that is putting the brakes on, thinking that it might be a bad idea.


Where can I go with this?


Are you kind of looking at LINE right now?


If it were true, I would practice at Tokai University for about a week.


I want to say "please."


After all, that team is the best in Japan.


I would like to practice together at a university or similar place.


You really need to understand that yourself.


To become number one in Japan, after all.


I think there is a reason why we are the best in Japan, and that is because of our practice.


"I really want to go there now, after all."


There's a part of me that's a little scared.


It's not that a strange pride is getting in the way or anything like that.


Various things.


I wonder if it's a bother.


I see.


I'm thinking.


Is that for a meal or something?


When interacting with coaches from other universities like this...


In the end, it's still a conversation about basketball.


It can only be talk.


I knew it would be like that.


By that time, I won't be asking ridiculous questions anymore.


Use that time.


How is the team doing?


If it's just going to practice...


It's more like revealing one's hand.


Isn't it really difficult?


That feels incredibly like myself.


I wonder if it's something I should be doing.


I see.


I'm currently troubled.


Surely, there at that place, a little like this...


How far can we go?


Whether or not it can be retracted.


It's just my thought, pero.


We want to make college basketball exciting for everyone.


Everyone practices how to play basketball at the university together.


Let's share various things with each other.


Even a little about how to practice university basketball or something.


I hope the level of college basketball improves.


I'm thinking a little.


Just now, I'm continuing this story a bit.


What I really wanted to ask.


If I could ask you something now...


That's quite a long setup, isn't it?


Various things in the current introduction.


That's crazy!


There have been various things that happened, but...


I've come quite a way.


Thank you.


This is really what I wanted to talk about.


Right now, there are various relationships with different coaches.


You were saying, but...


I wonder how college basketball will progress from here.


In recent times.


Dropping out halfway through.


There are players who go pro in that way.


I think that probably more and more players will start going pro right after high school from now on.


People connected to the coaches of the nearby universities.


How you are perceived.


What you think Matsushima-san should be like.


What direction should college basketball take to continue to exist?


I want to explore this area a bit more deeply, like this.


I would like to talk about various things.


Right now, personally for me,


I think that working incredibly hard now will lead to the future of college basketball.


The reason is that...


Since the U22 system has been established in youth programs...


The U18 team is there.


It would be better to fall under the control of the youth team.


I honestly feel that the path to becoming a professional is getting closer.


What sets us apart from the youth in that regard is...


While belonging to a university or school.


In the context of club activities called "pro."


I think we need to find value in things.


So, I'll get to the conclusion first.


The biggest difference I've felt between professionals and amateurs is


I think it's a matter of whether or not one might receive money for their actions.


Even for university students, there is little movement of money where there is no money.


"Let's convey the idea of becoming a person who can act for the sake of others."


Well, then it doesn't really matter if you don't work hard on your practice there, right?


"I'm not getting paid, so what's the point of coming to university?"


What I want you to feel even more is entering university.


The friends and connections I gained during the four years at this university...


Honestly, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can gain anything from the youth.


Since the schools are different, I think I'll buy this at half price.


Spending the same time together, preparing and cleaning up like that.


Sharing this joy and sorrow together amid various rules is...


I definitely think there are still some people who are dating their college friends in life.


So, what is it about this camaraderie in amateur sports that comes at the very end of becoming an adult?


I think this reluctance to change is something that university sports should address.


As Ogaki-kun said earlier, it's about giving this kind of emotional impact.


For Japanese people, those tears from the high school students are really something special.


The essence of our hard work is conveyed to the audience, so we can understand that, right?


What kind of university sports are we talking about?


I think the team is also working hard, but within college sports...


Being able to convey emotions that resonate with those who are watching is...


I think there's nothing else but college basketball.


I think it's perfectly fine to go pro right after high school.


That's already a personal matter.


I think there are many unique experiences that can only be enjoyed here at the university.


What I want you to learn through this college basketball includes various things.


I am the best at that.


The emotions that are born from nothing.


I think it's something that university students need to pursue the most.


That's right.


I find it quite difficult to teach that.


Well, that's true.


I can convey it in words, but...


There's something about actual behavior, isn't there?


Of course, it's more about that successful experience.


It also takes time to have various experiences.


But to put it simply


I think it's best to go to college rather than going to youth teams because you can join a better team.


I think that's the best way.


I want to make Kokushikan University a place where we can create meaningful connections.


Why does my university produce the most professional athletes?


Is my university producing the best companies?


I think that professionals and working adults will inevitably become polarized.


In that sense, everyone thinks that if they go to Kokushikan University, their future will be bright.


I personally think that we need to make our university a place where I can envision my future.


College basketball really has a higher level, doesn't it?


I think we really need to work on organization and relationship building among the college basketball coaches and teachers.


I see, now it's truly better to come to a strong university; you'll definitely be able to join a great team, and that's the essence of it.


I have to keep expanding on those experiences that cannot be gained in various youth settings.


Of course, most of the players have become professionals after going through college, so now...


That's right.


It seems that the trend is now changing, so I feel a sense of urgency that if I don't work hard in these coming years, I might be in trouble too.


Why do I have to come to that university and explain to everyone what you’re like when I go to the scout?


I see, it's like a roadmap for your career plan.


By communicating the career plan to everyone and telling them how it is in their first year and how it is in their second year, it really emphasizes the connections between people.


I knew it, in that way at university, more other...


I think there are many places where the teachers are considering becoming more approachable and connected with the public.


I see. Since there was a bit of talk about recruitment just now, I’m wondering if the shape of recruitment might change in the future. Most of the players coming up from high school basketball right now are...


For example, I wonder if it’s possible for kids who are playing in the U18 youth team to move up.


Well, we already have about two more players, and I want some good players from the youth team to join us next year as well.


There's no distinct separation there.


If you really think it fits our team's concept, then...


Anyone can now.


By the way, what kind of relationship allows you to get involved there?


Things like reaching out from your side.


That's right, there's also the matter of actually handing over a business card to the teacher when reaching out.


There are also places where I'm getting involved through the connection with Director Okura.


After all, more than that.


I feel like it's a competition between the athlete and me now.


That's what I prioritize the most.


Well, I'm thinking about focusing on speaking.


I see.


So I'm going to the prefectural tournament and such.


There's something about the points you notice at that time.


It's not you, Riku-san.


Sometimes when that guy goes up, he runs at the very front, so I think I should take it.


Ah, I see.


I was cleaning up the balls until the end.


I was tidying up or organizing.


You often hear things about behavior on the bench, right?


So no matter how good I am,


We do not allow those who have inappropriate behavior on the bench.


Ah, I see. For the high school students watching this.


I will never take it again.


That's already the place.


Well, after all, it's a profession where you can also see professionals.


We must cherish the way we behave there.


That's right.


I think it would be nice if everyone were professionals.


Well, I think it's because this is Japan.


As a Japanese person, I think I need to show off the wonderful aspects of our culture.


Well, that's high school students for you.


Well, I know it's presumptuous of me to say this, but...


Well, high school students, you should watch out for that too.


There are definitely many university professors watching.


Ah, well, that's true.




Well, right now...


Since entering school, etc.


Well, university.


It's like how things should fundamentally be.


You mentioned it, but...


Well, this is...


There have been various things happening recently.


While playing like this at university.


It's more like a retirement halfway through.


Taking a moment to pause and reflect.


There are players who go pro, right?


Recently, for example, Tokai University.


I was thinking that you might have arrived.


Well, I think that it's possible for any university to have that in the future.


For example


Student of Kunizukikan University.


Among the teams I am currently watching.


Well, when such players come out.


What kind of response will you give?


I'll say go right away.


What I'm saying now is different.


I will tell you to go.


That is


It's the career he wants to pursue.


It's my ego, you see.


After all, it's been four years.


It's not like I'm trying to suppress you, but...


If he chose that path.


I say to do your best.


"Instead, these past two years..."


I want to cherish it.


If we can acquire a player like that.


Make sure to properly consider that career plan as well.


I think I will convey it.


It's okay to quit.


But my people...


Come to my place and through my basketball.


There is a possibility of definitely making it as a professional.


It's because I think there is.


I think I need to have some confidence too.


I have conveyed that.


He always says that it's fine for him to quit anytime.


That's already...


I am that student or athlete's...


I can't interfere with that life.


If it's in a good direction, then...


I won't hold you back.


That is clearly.


When someone says "don't," I will definitely stop.


That's about levels and so on.


Various positions, too.


I think there are some details, to be precise.


At times like that, make sure to stop properly.


I really can do this.


When you can, make sure to give a good push from behind.


I will push for you.


I see.


This is something Matsushima-san himself as well.


Since you have experienced the world of professionals.


To some extent, I have a sense of the level and such.


I wonder if I would understand it.


For example, what about the coaches at other universities?


I think it might be a bit difficult.


In the future, players like that will emerge.


Professional university coaches as well.


After all, I have to achieve solid results here.


You were just talking about something like ego, weren't you?


That's the part where...


I want to support this child's future and give them a push.


I was wondering if it's quite difficult.


How do we view this in the context of college basketball?


Maybe that is it.


Maybe it's not just me.


In the future, university professors will...


I think it's something we need to think about going forward.


That's probably about the challenges ahead.


I just thought that I want to pursue college basketball.


In the end, it is regulated by the proper federation at the university.


I have to be here by now.


For example, until the second year.


Once you can do that properly,


I think it's going to become a really great organization.


Well, around there...


I want to further excel in the college basketball scene.


I just remembered what Ogaki-kun said to me.


I think in that regard, probably for myself as well.


We need to clarify certain points.


Speaking of the development of college basketball,


I think it's still not enough.


Around there.


Really, everyone is properly unified with various teachers.


I think a little bit about college basketball.


Well, it’s true that really...


Maybe we need to establish such rules.


I don’t think there is anything at the moment.


Well, there might be some kind of problem that occurs.


It is also a fact that it's happening.


I think it's better to clear that up a bit.


Various universities' B League teams.


I think it might be good for the B Premier going forward.


Everyone around there.


I hope we can unify.


I wonder if it will instead lead to the development of basketball in Japan.


I think that.


By the way, that's all.


I really wonder if this will actually become a reality.


This is more about being a coach at the university level rather than...


From the perspective of Matsushima-san, who has professional experience,


Is there a possibility of drafts or something like that?


No, that's better.


Oh, is that better for you?


I think everyone really desires that.


I see.


Various B League teams as well.


I see.


After all, in the end...


There are also connections.


Good players end up in good teams, after all.


That's right.


You could say that teams with strong corporate power are now...


After all, that player's evaluation is quite high, isn't it?


Well, I guess that's something that needs to happen at some point.


I guess it's time to change.


The main point is that this superstar has joined the implantation team.


How the team can improve.


I also want to check out things like the NBA.


Ah, that's right.


I can't really take responsibility for how well that will work out.


Just a little curious to see it.


Hope and


There is hope.


I see, I see.


Right now, there are also special designations, aren't there?


I think things like that are really good.


The relationship between universities and professional teams.


I think it’s really great that it includes交流 as well.


What does that mean about university?


There are also times when I might ask for something from this side.


I might ask from the university or something.


I've received messages from professionals mentioning this player by name.




It seems that for almost all of them, it's from this side for those in the 3rd grade and below.


It's quicker to just say it.


Well, when it comes to fourth-year students, they might come over from that side.


I think it goes both ways.


I see, it depends on the case.


Yes, it’s case by case.


When you're a junior, you have to say it from this side.


They definitely won't take it.


Isn't it a nuisance?


To carry that player on your back means...


That's right, isn't it?


If that's the case, then it doesn't matter if it's in youth.


I think it would be good to include kids who come every day.


I think it's kind of a case-by-case situation around there.


I see.


Well, I mean, the players...


That self of mine.


University athletes gain experience in such places.


Coming back might actually be a really good scheme.


That's right.


So there are quite a few players who change significantly with experience.


I would like you to continue a little bit around there too.


I want to keep going with it.


I see.


I just briefly mentioned the special designation topic.


Not limited to special designation.


Mr. Matsushima himself has experience as a professional.


To go pro, you need skills like this.


Even if we call this a skill, it's truly a skill related to basketball.


Is it that such skills are necessary for humanity?


I think there are various skills, but...


What skills do you think are the most important?


Well, not the best.


Well, it could be anything like if we make a ranking or something.


It's difficult, isn't it?


Well, I'd appreciate it if you could probably give me about three.


One thing is, to say something rude, it's still a professional world, so it's all about talent.


If you don't have some kind of sense, you can't shoot well or pass well.


The drive is amazing, the defense is amazing, and there's a lot of height.


That's it then.


Without some talent in a certain skill.


I think you need to stand out for that.


I see.


Rather than being able to do various things in a balanced way,


It's really impressive how skilled this shot is and how fast it is.


The part that stands out.


Players with what is often referred to as "weapons" are captivating.


I think that's true even when looking at the current Japan national team.


That's right.


There's hardly anyone else who can do anything like Hieijima-san.


It's already Rui Hachimura.


Aren't they at that level already?


Rather than that, like player Keisei Tominaga, shoot.


Just like player Kawamura, a three-pointer.


Scoring ability like Togashi.


Something that is truly my own.


There’s a total value, right?


I don't need all 7 out of 10.


Just 10 for something is fine.


I think that's the most important thing.


If you keep polishing that weapon incessantly


If it tastes good, I have no complaints.


Well, that's certainly true.


The players actually do that.


Truly, my own weapon.


I understand that.


Can it be polished continuously?


I think that's difficult.


So, are you going to polish here?


I'm playing defense and passing.


Practicing passing, it's like hitting the ring by myself in a strange way.


I'm playing a game.


They are enhancing that precision.


You have to think for yourself and do it that way.


Well, the second one is...


They're not a player who can think and do things on their own.


It's no good.


What is being asked of me right now?


What am I actually good at?


Like that kind of place.


Players who cannot think and play for themselves


It will end.




My outstanding talent and


Thinking for oneself.


In the end, isn't it really about humanity?


Basketball is definitely a team sport.


I can't be with this team after all.


That kind of child is honestly...




I think I might get hurt.


In that way, basketball...


Team rules and such.


Team sports.


Players who cannot match that among them are


I wonder if it's tough.


I'm also asking the GM of the B League right now.


What's their personality like?


There are many people like that.


After all, that's also true for all university students.


It was the behavior of the bench.


I'm looking at various places.


I think it would be better to feel it.


I see.


That's certainly true.


No, this is really precious.


I think there were three.


The second one.


It's like the power to think.


I’d like to ask you about that a little bit.


How do you raise this?


I listen to what people say.


I see.


I want to go back to university the most.


I think there are quite a few areas where I haven't done well.


Listening to others and putting it into action.


"Until that point, listening to others means..."


Say it.


It's not just about listening, but also about what you've heard.


Can take action firmly.


It becomes a matter of thinking until you understand.

So, then.


Regarding a child who only does what they are told by me,


The director said it's user-friendly.


But they say it's not interesting to watch.


That's the difference after all.


I definitely convey that to the players.


I see.


Listen carefully to that.


Players who can and cannot execute that.


There's quite a difference.


I think that's probably the best part.


Certainly, thinking while playing basketball.


Even from the current development age group.


Creating various curriculums and such.


I think JBA will get attacked or something like that.


After all, more and more.




I just watched a video right now.


Like being able to mimic or something.


There are such places.


Think and play for yourself quite well.


It's like when the other person does this, so you move like that, you know?


That's quite something.


I wonder if it's being lost.


I think.


Such places are like that.


Players who will probably become university students in the future.


I wonder if they will keep coming out one after another.


In such cases


What aspects did you put effort into?


Regarding the players who are not able to perform now.


Is there something you want to help me be able to do?


One is to reflect thoroughly on the video.


In situations like this, it's important to communicate.


The other one is about situational judgment.


I will do a lot of practices that will increase.


Yes, yes.


For example, practicing outnumbering.


If it were in our time, it would be normal.


But it's because of where the defense is positioned.


Now, jump shot.


There are things like layups and positioning while running, right?


Such judgment in situations tends to increase.


It was skill practice.


That way of taking perspective should be done independently.


I see.


Well, there is a lot to learn.


I see.


"Well, that was truly a worthwhile story."


No, no, come on.


I was able to hear it.


Thank you.


Ms. Matsushima's own goals and


Well, international universities too.


That's exactly a league match.


September October


I think it's around the fourth week of August.


I think it will begin.


At the end of the target point.


Taking into account the enthusiasm.


I would appreciate it if you could share your thoughts.


As an individual


How many players can we send to Fujitsu?


I definitely want to do my best.


Please come.


In terms of league matches,


Well, I've really become a director.


In the first year.


Honestly, I'm feeling a mix of期待 and anxiety.


That is to say


It's within me, though.


"I believe in the current fourth-year students after all."


I want to keep doing my best.


That result is...


Now, we have won the second division as Kokushikan University.


Promoted to a higher division through the promotion-relegation playoff.


There's something called the intercollegiate competition.


What is it, I wonder?


For fourth graders.


The fourth graders are really...


What is it, I wonder?


Firmly in three years.


So that we can harness our own strength.


Environment and


And then building the team.


I would like to continue doing this from now on.


Thank you.


I received powerful words.




Well, finally...


You mentioned your enthusiasm earlier.


Lastly, I am really sorry about this.


To the viewers who watched today.




Matsushima's fans as well.


You're not here, right?


I think of it that way.


I don't really know whether it's basketball or something else.


Yes, then everyone.


Including this podcast for a long time


Thank you for really listening.


Thank you very much.


This time, it's CS Park.


Truly for the world of college basketball


It has become an essential program.


Really, from the players as well.


Going out to the CS park.


It truly serves as a goal.


I think it's a wonderful program.


As for me...


What I conveyed


Whether it's good or bad is...


Honestly, I don't understand.


This is my personal opinion.


Just like this.


After all, having a mindset is important.


To contribute even a little to the college basketball world.


I want to make things better.


The top priority is college basketball.


Something that connects to the Japanese national basketball team.


It's about creating the environment.


I am currently thinking as an individual.


Why college basketball?


Connecting to the national team.


Like that.


I would like to aim for that.


The tools of this CS Park in that way.


A little bit.


For the future basketball players.


I hope it will be so.


I will continue to watch this CS Park from now on.


The benefits of college basketball.


And through this podcast


Learning different coaches' perspectives.


To the kids I'm looking at now.


I believe that there is definitely a future.


Please come to the college basketball game!


I want to do my best together with you.


Thank you for your time and attention today, even though it was a long one.


Thank you very much.


Okay then.


That concludes my presentation.


Finally, to the viewers.


This time on each social media platform


We are receiving more and more comments.


This is still just the first round.


I would like to make it better.


Please feel free to share your candid opinions.


I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment.


I will do my best to be called again.


Thank you, Matsushima-san.


Well, the first MC was in Ogaki.


Look forward to next time!


I would appreciate it if you could.



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