ing #56 Sep. 13 2024 Edit for Reading or Listening?


週刊 Pod Casting

ing #56 Sep. 13 2024 Edit for Reading or Listening?

週刊 Pod Casting

はい 週刊ポッドキャスティング 56号になります

Yes, this is issue 56 of the Weekly Podcasting.

今 エディティング最高っていうことで 編集 エディティング 特に脳内編集と外部編集

Right now, editing is at its peak, especially in terms of internal editing and external editing.

内部編集と外部編集とも言うんですが そのことともう1個は AI文字起こしというものが入ってきたことで

It's referred to as internal and external editing, and the other aspect is that the introduction of AI transcription has come into play.


A new era has begun that is different from the editing of written language up until now.

つまり語り言葉でAIが文字起こししたものを 編集する時代に入ったと

In other words, we have entered an era where we edit transcriptions generated by AI from spoken language.

これまでは書くという営みは 手書きで外部編集と脳内編集をセットでリンクさせながらやってたのが

Until now, the act of writing has involved linking hand-writing with external editing and internal editing together.

語るということで AIが文字を書いてくれるようになって その言葉を読み言葉などにも編集するという

By speaking, AI has begun to write words, and those words are being edited into spoken language and other forms.


We've entered an era like that, haven't we?


So in the end, what we have seen so far is...



エディットする脳知覚と行為ということで やってきたんですけども

I've been working on brain perception and action in terms of editing.


It's quite interesting.

語る 聞く 読む 書くときたんですね

You talked, listened, read, and wrote, didn't you?

なぜかというと ホモサピエンスはまず語り始めた そして聞き始めた

The reason is that Homo sapiens first began to tell stories and then started to listen.

聞くことで語るようになった 語ることで聞くようになったという時代がすごく何十万年

The era where listening has become a way of speaking, and speaking has become a way of listening, has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.


It has been tens of thousands of years.

5万年 6万年 7万年ぐらいあったんですね

It has been about 50,000 to 70,000 years, hasn't it?

それから今度 読む 書くっていう時代に入ったんですね

And then we entered an era of reading and writing, didn't we?

書く 読む

Write Read


Entering an era like that.

これがまだ5000年ぐらいしか経ってない ということなんですね

This means that it has only been about 5000 years since then.

それでその進化の順番で 語る 聞くの編集

So, in that order of evolution, talking about editing of listening.

そして読む 書くの文字の編集っていうのを見てきたんです

And I've been looking at the editing of the letters for reading and writing.

これはもちろんポッドキャストとか 音声配信とかっていうことも意識しながら

This is of course with an awareness of podcasts and audio distribution.

それから現代で言えば書くっていうことで言えば 書籍とか本の発行っていうことも意識しながら語ってきたんですが

Since then, in modern terms, when we talk about writing, I have been discussing it while being conscious of the publication of books and literature.

その上で最初論点出しをして 論点っていうか問題点っていうか考えるべき点を

On that basis, let's start by presenting the initial points of discussion, or rather the issues or points we should consider.

思いつくままに語って その上で今度ABCDっていうことで逆の順番ですね

Speaking freely as I think, and then this time in reverse order, it's ABCD.

書き言葉の編集 読み言葉の編集 聞き言葉の編集で

Editing of written language, editing of spoken language, editing of heard language.


Today is the final episode, and it came as editing of spoken dialogue.

これ実際にやってきて面白いのが 書き言葉自体が今言ったAI文字起こしというものが入ったことで

What's interesting about this is that the written language itself has been influenced by something called AI transcription that I just mentioned.

語り言葉で文字起こしされたものを 外部編集するというね

It's something that has been transcribed into text from spoken language to be edited externally.

で 語る時には脳内の文字を 書くことができるんですよ

When speaking, you can write the words in your mind.

脳内編集をしているという そういう書き方が変わってきたっていうね

It means that the way of writing has changed because I am doing mental editing.


This is the biggest change, isn't it?

そうすると今度は読み言葉にしていく時に AI文字起こしを前提とした読み言葉編集 外部編集ってのが入ってきて

Then, when we move to spoken language, the editing of spoken language based on AI transcription and external editing comes into play.

その時に語り言葉で脳内編集をしているというね そういうことが起きてるんですね

At that time, you're doing mental editing in spoken language, right? That's what's happening.


This is significantly different from the act of writing until now.

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