1. 私たちが救贖われるためには、まず私たちの罪について知らなければなりません (マルコの福音書7章8-9節, 7章20-23節)

The New Life Mission

あなたは真正に水と聖霊によって新しく生まれたのか? [新改訂版]

1. 私たちが救贖われるためには、まず私たちの罪について知らなければなりません (マルコの福音書7章8-9節, 7章20-23節)

あなたは真正に水と聖霊によって新しく生まれたのか? [新改訂版]


Have you been born anew by the holy water and the Holy Spirit?


Paul C. John


Please use it as a reference.


The biblical quotes used in this book are based on the New King James Version, and also partially quote from the American Standard Version.


Explanations of terms related to baptism, baptismal rites, scapegoat, Azazel, sacrificial lamb, and sacrificial terminology.


Such terminology explanations can be found in Chapter 9.


In order for us to be saved, we must first be aware of our sins.


Mark 7:8-9.


You are setting aside the commandments of the Lord Jehovah and holding on to human traditions.


And then, he tells them.


You abandon the commandments of Jehovah in order to uphold your traditions.


Mark 7:20-23.


Furthermore, it is said that what comes out from within a person is what defiles them.


What comes out from within, that is, from the human heart, are evil thoughts, deceit, immorality, murder, theft,


Greed, wickedness.


Deceit, chaos, evil eyes, blasphemy, arrogance, and foolishness emerge.


All these evils come out from within and defile a person.


First, I would like to define what sin is.


There are sins defined by Jehovah and sins defined by humanity.


The word sin comes from the Greek language and means to miss the mark.


It means not doing it correctly.


If you do not obey the commands of Jehovah correctly, it is a sin.


First, let's take a look at the sins defined by humanity.


What is sin?


That is disobedience to the command of Jehovah.


We measure our sins according to our conscience.


In other words, it does not go against the command of Lord Jehovah,


It is judged based on that person's background, heart, and conscience.


Each individual will make their own judgment.


Therefore, even the same act may be regarded as a crime or not depending on each person's standards.


Therefore, Jehovah the Lord has given us the 613 laws that are used as the standard for judgment.


The diagram below shows the sins of humanity.


Domestic law, civil law, human conscience, the legislation of Jehovah, morality, social norms.


Therefore, we should never base our standards on our own conscience.


Our sins of conscience do not align with what Jehovah has defined as sin.


Therefore, instead of listening to our own conscience,


Rather, the master.


However, we should set the standard of sin based on the commandments of Jehovah.


Each of us has our own unique thoughts on what sin is.


Some people see it as their own flaw, while others consider it a distorted attitude.


For example, in Korea, it is considered a duty to cover parents' graves with grass and to take good care of the grave by mowing the grass until one's own death.


However, in the case of the primitive tribes of Papua New Guinea,


They share the body of their deceased loved one among the family and show respect by eating it.


I don't know if it was cooked before eating.


It seems to be intended to prevent insect damage.


These customs indicate a significant difference in the understanding of human sin.


It is the same in both good and evil.


However, not following the commands of Lord Jehovah is


It teaches that it is a sin.


You set aside the commandments of the Lord Jehovah and hold onto human traditions.


And then, he said to them.


You are neglecting the commands of Jehovah in order to uphold your own traditions.


Mark 7:8-9


The Lord Jehovah does not care about our appearance.


The Lord Jehovah does not care about our hearts.


The Lord Jehovah is looking into the depths of our hearts.


My own standards are heavy.


It is a sin before Jehovah.


What is the heaviest crime?


That is to ignore the words of Jehovah the Lord.


I will speak about what sin is before Jehovah.


That is living not according to the will of Lord Jehovah.


That is to not believe in the words of the Lord Jehovah.


The Lord Jehovah rejects the commandments of the Lord Jehovah,


It is said that living like the Pharisees, who place importance on their traditional teachings, is a sin.


And Jesus regarded the Pharisees as hypocrites.


Which Lord Jehovah do you believe in?


Do you really fear and respect me?


You boast of my name, but do you truly hold me in great respect?


You have made me feel disgusted.


And the important sin is that people only look at appearances and ignore the words of the Lord Jehovah.


And that is a sin before the Lord Jehovah.


The most serious sin is to ignore the word of the Lord Jehovah.


Are you aware of this?


That is the most serious sin among all sins.


Our weaknesses are merely flaws and just violations.


They continue to live because of the mistakes and imperfections we commit.


They live among all the sins they have ever thought of.

って犯す過ちは根本的な罪ではなく ただの欠点です主エホバーは罪

The mistake of committing is not a fundamental sin, but just a flaw; Jehovah is sin.

と欠点を区別されます主エホバー の言葉を無視する人はたとえ何

"Those who ignore the words of Jehovah will be distinguished by their shortcomings, no matter what."

の過ちもないとしても罪人です 彼らは主エホバーの前に大罪人

Even if they have no mistakes, they are still sinners. They are great sinners before the Lord Jehovah.

ですだからこそイエス様はパリ サイ人たちを叱ったのです創世

That is why Jesus admonished the Pharisees.

記から新明記までのモセ五書には 何をすべきかまたは何をすべき

What should be done or what should be done from the record to the new record in the five books of Moses?

でないかを示す戒めがあります それらは主エホバーの言葉であり

There are admonitions that indicate what should not be done; those are the words of Jehovah the Lord.

主エホバーの戒めですそれらを 100%守ることは決してできません

It is the commandment of Jehovah, and it is never possible to keep them 100%.

が私たちはそれらを主エホバー の戒めとして認める必要があります

But we need to recognize them as commandments of Jehovah.

主エホバーは初めからそれらを 私たちに与えてくださったものであり

The Lord Jehovah has given them to us from the beginning.

私たちはそれらを主エホバーの 戒めとして認める必要があります

We need to recognize them as the commandments of Lord Jehovah.

私たちはそれらをそのまま受け 入れなければなりません

We must accept them as they are.

初めに言葉があった言葉は主エホバー と共にあった言葉は主エホバー

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the Lord Jehovah, and the Word was the Lord Jehovah.

であったヨハネの福音書1はそれから 彼はこうおっしゃいました光あれ

In the Gospel of John 1, he then said, "Let there be light."

すると光があった創世記13彼は すべてを想像なさいましたそして

And then there was light, Genesis 13, He imagined everything and then...


He established the legislation and

言葉は憎しんとなって私たちの 間に宿り言葉は主エホバーでした

The words became our enemy and dwelled between us; the words were Lord Jehovah.

ヨハネの福音書1コロン114では主 エホバーはどのようにして私たち

In the Gospel of John 1:14, how does the Lord Jehovah relate to us?

にご自身を示されるのでしょうか 主エホバーは戒めを通して私たち

Will you show yourself? Jehovah the Lord teaches us through commandments.

にご自身を示してくださいます 主エホバーはお言葉であり戒め

The Lord Jehovah will show you Himself; He is the word and commandment.

を通してご自身を表しています 主エホバーは霊です

You express yourself through it. The Lord Jehovah is Spirit.

では私たちは聖書をなんと呼ぶ でしょうか私たちはそれを主エホバー

So what shall we call the Bible? We will call it Lord Jehovah.

の言葉と呼びますここで主エホバー の戒めを脇に置いて人の伝統を

It is called "words," and here we place the commandments of Jehovah aside and hold on to human traditions.

守っていますとあります主エホバー の立法には613の条項があります

There are 613 provisions in the law of Jehovah that says you shall keep.

これをしなさいあれはしてはならない 良心を敬えなどですレビキには

"Do this, do not do that, honor your conscience, and so on, in Leviticus."

こうしなければならない男性は こうしなければならない家畜が

Men who must do this are like livestock that must do this.

溝に落ちたときはどうするかなど が書かれています主エホバーの

It is written about what to do when you fall into a ditch, among other things, Jehovah the Lord.

立法にはのような規定が613個あります しかしそれは人間の言葉ではない

There are 613 provisions like those in legislation, but they are not in human language.

ので何度も何度も考えなければ なりません私たちは主エホバー

We must think many times because we are Jehovah.

に従うべきでありたとえ主エホバー の立法をすべて守ることができ

We should follow it, even if we can keep all of Jehovah's laws.

ればそれを認めるべきです正しくない 主エホバーの言葉が一つでもある

If that is the case, we should acknowledge it; there is not even one word of Jehovah that is correct.

でしょうかパリサイ人は主エホバー の戒めを無視しました彼らは主

The Pharisees ignored the commandments of the Lord Jehovah. They were the Lord.

エホバーの戒めよりも人の伝統 を重視しました彼らの長老たち

Their elders emphasized human traditions over the commandments of Jehovah.

の言葉は主エホバーの言葉よりも 重みがありましたイエス様が大

The words had more weight than the words of Lord Jehovah. Jesus was great.

稀になったときもそうでしたイエス 様は人々が主エホバーの言葉を

It was the same when it became rare; the Lord Jesus spoke to the people about the words of Jehovah.

知らないことを最も嫌いました 主エホバーが私たちに立法613

I hated the most not knowing things; Jehovah the Lord gave us the Law of 613.

箇条を与えになったのは主エホバー が真理であり私たちの主エホバー

The one who gave us the points is our Lord Jehovah, who is the truth and our Lord Jehovah.

でいらっしゃること私たちの罪 が主エホバーの前にどのような

How our sins are before the Lord Jehovah.

ものであるかを教えてくださり 主エホバーの精査を示すためで

"To inform us whether it is something and to demonstrate the examination of Jehovah."

ございますそれゆえ私たちはみんな 主エホバーのお前では罪人でございます

Therefore, we are all sinners before you, Lord Jehovah.

主エホバーの愛のゆえに主エホバー から遣わされたイエス様を信じ

Because of the love of the Lord Jehovah, I believe in Jesus Christ who was sent by the Lord Jehovah.

信仰によって生きるべきでございます 主エホバーの言葉を脇において

We should live by faith, setting aside the words of Jehovah.

信じない人は罪人です主エホバー の言葉を守れない人も罪人です

Those who do not believe are sinners, and those who cannot keep the words of the Lord Jehovah are also sinners.

が主エホバーの言葉を無視する ことは究極の罪です彼らは最終

Ignoring the words of the Lord Jehovah is the ultimate sin; they are the final.

的に地獄に落ちる者たちです信じない ことは主エホバーの前で罪を犯す

Those who will fall into hell are those who do not believe; committing a sin before the Lord Jehovah.

者です主エホバーが私たちに律法 を与えた理由主エホバーはなぜ

It is the reason why Jehovah gave us the law; why did Jehovah...?

私たちに律法を与えになったのか 私たちに自分の罪とそれに対する

"Did You give us the law? Our own sins and what we deserve for them."

刑罰を気づかせるため主エホバー が私たちに律法を与えになった

To make us aware of punishment, Jehovah God has given us the law.

理由は何でしょうか私たちの罪 を悟り主エホバーの懐に帰るため

What is the reason? It is to realize our sins and return to the embrace of our Lord Jehovah.


It is.

主エホバーが私たちに律法を与 えた理由は私たちに律法に従って

The reason the Lord Jehovah gave us the law is so that we may follow the law.

生きることを強要するためではない です

It is not to force someone to live.

では私たちが律法から得る知識 とは何でしょうかそれは私たちは

So what knowledge do we gain from the law? It is that we...

律法を完全に守るにはあまりにも 弱く主エホバーの前では罪人である

I am too weak to fully keep the law and am a sinner before the Lord Jehovah.

ということです主エホバーの律法 の六百十三条から私たちは何を

What do we learn from the six hundred thirteen laws of Jehovah's teachings?

悟るのでしょうか私たちは自分たち の欠点主エホバーの律法に従って

Will we come to understand our shortcomings in accordance with Jehovah's laws?


I realize that I cannot live.

主エホバーの被造物である私たち が無能力な存在であることを悟

Realizing that we, as creations of Lord Jehovah, are powerless beings.

ります私たちは主エホバーの前 に罪人でありその律法によれば

We are sinners before the Lord Jehovah, and according to His law.

私たちは皆地獄に落ちるべきだ と悟ります自分の罪と無能力さ

We all come to realize that we should fall into hell for our sins and incapacity.

を悟ったとき私たちは何をすべき でしょうか私たちは完全な存在

When we realize this, what should we do? We are complete beings.

になろうとしているでしょうか いいえ私たちが死なきゃいけない

Are you trying to become one? No, we have to die.

ければならないのは自分が罪人 であることを認めイエス様を信じ

What must be done is to acknowledge that one is a sinner and believe in Jesus.

水と精霊による救いによって救 われイエス様に感謝することです

It is to give thanks to Jesus for being saved by water and the spirit.

主エホバーが私たちに律法をお 与えになった理由は私たちに私たち

The reason the Lord Jehovah gave us the law is for us to...

の罪とその罪に対する罰を悟らせ イエス様なしでは地獄から救われない

Let them understand their sins and the punishment for those sins; without Jesus, they cannot be saved from hell.

ことを知らせるためですイエス 様を救い主として信じるなら私たちは

It is to inform you that if you believe in Jesus as your Savior, we will...


You will be saved.

主エホバーは私たちを救うために 律法を与えてくださいました主

The Lord Jehovah has given us the law to save us, the Lord.

エホバーは私たちに律法を与え 私たちがどれほど完全に罪深い

Jehovah gave us the law to show us how deeply sinful we are.

かを悟らせ私たちの魂を罪から 救うためでした主エホバーは私たち

The Lord Jehovah was to enlighten us and save our souls from sin.

を救うために律法を与えイエス 様を贈られました主はご自分の

To save us, the Lord gave us the law and sent Jesus.

息子を贈りそのバプテスマを通 じて私たちの罪を負わせました

He sent his son and made him bear our sins through his baptism.


We are saved by believing in him.

私たちは希望のない罪人である ことを悟りイエス様を信じること

Realizing that we are hopeless sinners, we believe in Jesus.

によって罪から解放されなければ 主エホバーの子供となり主エホバー

If you are not released from sin, you will not become a child of Jehovah, the Lord Jehovah.

に栄光を返すことができます私たちは 主エホバーの言葉を理解する必要

We need to understand the words of Lord Jehovah in order to return glory.

がありますすべての始まりは彼 から来ています私たちも主エホバー

Everything starts from Him; we, too, are with the Lord Jehovah.

の言葉から始めて主エホバーの 言葉から始めて私たちは主エホバー

Starting with the words of Jehovah, we are the Lord Jehovah.

の言葉を通して救いの真理を理解 する必要があります私たちは主

We need to understand the truth of salvation through His words. We are the Lord.

エホバーのお言葉を通して考え 判断すべきですこれが正しい真の

One should think and judge through the words of Jehovah; this is the true righteousness.

信仰です人間の心の中には罪がある のでしょうか私たちは主エホバー

It is faith; is there sin within the human heart? We are the Lord Jehovah.

の前で何をすべきでしょうか私たち は自分の罪を認め主エホバーに

What should we do before Him? We should acknowledge our sins to Jehovah.

栄光を返せるべきです信仰は主 エホバーの言葉から始まるべき

Glory should be returned; faith should begin with the words of the Lord Jehovah.

であり私たちは主エホバーの言葉 を通して主エホバーを信じるべき

And we should believe in the Lord Jehovah through the words of the Lord Jehovah.

ですそうでなければ私たちはエラー に陥りますそれは間違った偽り

If that's the case, we will fall into an error; it is a wrong deception.

の信仰になるでしょうパリサイ人 や書記官たちはイエス様の弟子

The Pharisees and scribes will become the disciples of Jesus.

たちが洗っていない手で餅を食べている のを見たとき主エホバーのお言葉

When I saw them eating mochi with unwashed hands, the word of the Lord Jehovah.

をしてみていたなら彼らを咎める ことはできなかっただろうお言葉

If you had tried, you probably wouldn't have been able to blame them.

は外から人の中に入るものは何で あれ心ではなく腹に入って出て

What enters a person from outside is not the heart, but rather what goes in and comes out of the stomach.

いくので人を汚すことはできない と教えていますマルコの福音書

"I teach that one cannot defile a person." Gospel of Mark.

7章20から23節にあるようにさらに 言われた人の中から出てくるもの

As stated in verses 20 to 23 of chapter 7, what comes out from within a person.

それが人を汚す内側からすなわち 人の心から出てくるものはわたしの

What defiles a person is what comes out from within, that is, from the heart of a person.

悪い思い姦淫淫行殺人盗み貪欲 邪悪さ欺き淫乱邪悪な目暴徳高慢

Bad thoughts, lust, sexual misconduct, murder, theft, greed, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, evil eyes, immorality, arrogance.

愚かさが出てくるこれらすべての 悪が内側から出てきて人を汚す

All of these evils that arise from foolishness come from within and defile a person.

のだイエス様は人は生まれながら にして罪を持っているので罪人

Jesus said that people are born with sin and are therefore sinners.

であると言われましたこれが何を 意味するか理解していますか私たち

I was told that this is the case; do you understand what this means for us?

なアダムの子孫であるため罪人 として生まれますしかし私たちは

We are born as sinners because we are descendants of Adam, but we...

主エホバーのお言葉のすべてを 受け入れることも信じることもしない

I do not accept or believe in all the words of Jehovah the Lord.

ので真理を見ることができません 人の心の中には罪があるのでしょう

Therefore, you cannot see the truth. There is sin in the hearts of people.

かマルコの福音書7章21から22節 を見てみましょう内側からすなわち

Let's take a look at Mark 7:21-22, from the inside, that is...

人の心から出てくるものは悪い 思い

What comes from a person's heart is bad thoughts.

人人行殺人盗み貪欲邪悪さ欺き 淫乱邪悪な目暴徳高慢愚かさが

"People commit murder, theft, greed, evilness, deceit, lewdness, wicked eyes, depravity, pride, and foolishness."

出てくるこれらはすべて人間の 心から出てきてその人だけでなく

All of these that come out are from the human heart and not just for that person alone.

他の人も汚します詩編に記録されて います私はあなたの指で作られた

Others also defile, it is recorded in the Psalms, I am created by your fingers.

点を見あなたが定めた月と星踊り 地を見て思います人は何者なのか

"Looking at the points, you set the moon and stars dancing; I think about what it means to be human."

であなたが彼を心に留めている のですか人の子は何者なのであなた

So you are keeping him in your heart? Who is the Son of Man to you?

が彼を堅固するのですか詩編八 コロン3対4なぜシュエホバーは

Is it to strengthen him? Psalm 8, Colossians 3:4, why is Jehovah?

私たちを堅固されるのでしょうか シュエホバーは私たちを愛して

Will you strengthen us? Shuehoba loves us.

おられるので私たちを堅固される のですシュエホバーは私たちを

Shuehoba strengthens us because you are here.

想像し愛し罪人である私たちを 憐れんでくださいました

Please have mercy on us, who are sinners, imagining and loving.

シュエホバーは私たちの罪をすべて 消し去り私たちを主の民とされました

Shuhebowa has erased all our sins and made us the people of the Lord.

エホバー私たちの主よあなたの 御名は全地でなんと素晴らしい

O Lord, our Jehovah, how wonderful is Your name in all the earth!

ことでしょうあなたの栄光を天の 上に据えられた方です詩編八ワン

It is the one who has set your glory above the heavens. Psalm 8:1

ダビデ王は旧約聖書の中でシュ エホバーが罪人の救い主となる

King David in the Old Testament is the Savior of sinners.

ことを悟った時に歌いました新約 聖書ではシトパウロも同じことを

I sang when I realized this; in the New Testament, Paul the Apostle said the same thing.

言っているシュエホバーの被造 仏である私たちがシュエホバー

We, the created Buddhas of Shuehoba that you are speaking of, are Shuehoba.

の子になれるということはとても 驚くべきことですそれは私たち

To be able to become a child is truly an astonishing thing for us.

に対するシュエホバーの憐れみ によってのみなされるこれがシュ

This is done only by the compassion of Shuehoba towards.

エホバーの愛なのだシュエホバー の立法に完全に従おうとすること

It is the love of Jehovah to fully adhere to the laws of Jehovah.

はある意味シュエホバーに挑戦 することですそしてそれはまた

It is, in a sense, a challenge to Shuehoba, and it is also...

愛の無知から出てくる思いでもあります 立法を守り祈ろうと奮闘しながら

It is also a feeling that comes from the ignorance of love, struggling to keep the law and pray.

シュエホバーの愛の外で生きる のは正しくありません私たちが

It is not right for us to live outside of Shuehoba's love.

立法によって罪人であることを 自覚し水と地精霊の給食を信じる

Recognizing oneself as a sinner through legislation and believing in the nourishment provided by water and earth spirits.

ことがシュエホバーの御心なのだ 彼の言葉はマルコの福音書七章

It is the will of the Lord. His words are from the Gospel of Mark, chapter seven.

二十から二十三節に書かれています さらに言われた人の中から出てくる

"It is written from verses twenty to twenty-three, and what comes out of a person is further stated."

ものそれが人を汚す内側からすなわち 人の心から出てくるものは悪い

What defiles a person comes from within, that is, from the heart of a person; it is evil.

思い勧引因行殺人盗み貪欲邪悪 さ欺き淫乱邪悪な名冒涜高慢愚かさ

Thoughts of greed, incitement, murder, theft, and lust. Deceptive, lewd, wicked names; blasphemy, pride, and foolishness.

が出てくるこれらすべての悪が 内側から出てきて人を汚すのだ

All these evils come out from within and defile a person.

イエス様は人間から出てくるもの うちなる人を汚すのだ人を汚す

What comes out of a person, that is what defiles them; it is the inner self that contaminates a person.

罪は人間を汚すと言われました シュエホバーがくださる食べ物

It is said that sin taints humanity, the food given by the Lord Shuehoba.

は人間を汚すことはできません すべての被造物は清いが人の中

One cannot defile a human. All created beings are pure, but within humans...

から出てくるものつまりその人の 罪だけがその人を汚します私たち

What comes out from within, in other words, only that person's sins defile that person.

はみんなアダムの子孫として生まれ ましたでは私たちはどのように

"We were all born as descendants of Adam, so how do we..."

して生まれるのでしょうか私たち は十二種類の罪を持って生まれて

Do we come into this world with twelve kinds of sins?

いるのかでは私たちは罪を犯さず に生きていけるのだろうか私たち

Can we live without committing sins?

は生まれながらにして罪を持っている のだから罪を犯し続けるだろう

Since we are born with sin, we will continue to commit sins.

立法を知っているからといって 罪を犯さないようにできるだろう

Knowing the law doesn't necessarily mean one can avoid committing a crime.

か今しめに従って生きることが できるだろうかいいえ頑張れば

Can we live according to the admonition? No, but we can try hard.

頑張るほど難しくなります自分の 限界を悟り諦めなければなりません

The more you try, the harder it becomes; you must realize your limits and accept them.

そうすれば謙虚な心で私たちを 救ってくださるイエス様のバクテスマ

Then the baptism of Jesus, who will save us with a humble heart.

と血を受け入れることができます 立法の六百十三課上はすべて正しく

You can accept blood, and all of the six hundred thirteen laws in the Torah are correct.

君よしでありますしかし人は母親 の体内に宿ったときから罪人なの

You are good, but humans are sinners from the moment they are conceived in their mother's womb.

ですシューエホバーの立法は正しい が私たちは生まれながらにして

The legislation of the shoe hover is correct, but we are born with...

罪人であり自分の力では決して 義となることはできないと悟る

Realizing that as a sinner, I can never become righteous through my own power.

とき私たちはシューエホバーの 憐れみを必要とし水と血と精霊

At times, we need the mercy of the shoehover, water, blood, and spirit.

によるイエス様の給食によって 救われる必要があることにも気づきます

We also realize that we need to be saved by the lunch provided by Jesus.

自分の力では義人になれない罪 のために地獄に落ちるという自分

The self that falls into hell due to the sin of not being able to become a virtuous person by my own power.

の限界を悟るとき私たちはイエス 様の給食に頼らざるを得ません

When we realize our limitations, we have no choice but to rely on Jesus' provision.

私たちは自分一人ではシューエホバー の前で正しくもなくよくもなれない

We cannot be right or good in front of the Shue Hover on our own.


You should know this.

したがって私たちはシューエホバー の前に自分が地獄に行く運命にある

Therefore, we are destined to go to hell before Shoehober.

罪人であることを認めシューエホバー 様どうか私を罪からお救いになり

I acknowledge that I am a sinner. Lord Jehovah, please save me from my sins.

私を憐れんでくださいとシュー エホバーの憐れみを祈りながら

"Please pity me," while praying for Jehovah's mercy.

祈らなければなりませんそうすれば シューエホバーは必ず御言葉で

We must pray, and then Jehovah will surely answer with His words.

私たちと出会ってくださるでしょう このようにして私たちは救われる

You will meet with us, and in this way, we will be saved.


It is possible to do.

私たちはダビデの祈りをシュー エホバーの書き言葉としてみる

We see David's prayer as the written words of Jehovah.

傾向がありますあなたが話される 時君よしであり裁かれる時に火

There is a tendency that when you speak, it is good, and when judged, it is fire.

の打ちどころがないように詩編51 4ダビデは自分が地獄に投げ込まれる

"David, in Psalm 51:4, expresses that he has no place to strike and fears being cast into hell."

ほど邪悪な罪の塊であることを 知っていたがシューエホバーの

I knew that it was a mass of such wicked sin, but Shuehoba...

前でそれを認めましたあなたが 私を罪人と言われるなら私は罪人

"I acknowledged it in front, if you call me a sinner, then I am a sinner."


It is.

あなたが私を義とお呼びになれば 私は義ですあなたが私を救って

If you call me righteousness, then I am righteousness; you save me.

くれるなら私は救われあなたが 私を地獄に送られるなら私は地獄

If you give me your help, I will be saved; if you send me to hell, then I will be in hell.

に落ちるだろうこれが正しい信仰 です私たちはこうして救われる

This is the correct faith; we are saved in this way.

のですイエス様の給食を信じる 準備が整うことを望むなら私たち

If we hope for the preparation to believe in the lunch of Jesus.


It should be like this.

イエス様の給食を信じる準備が 整うことを望むなら私たちはこうなるべきです

If we wish to be prepared to believe in the provision of Jesus, we should be like this.


We should be like this.

私たちは自分の罪が何であるか を正確に知るべきである私たちは

We should accurately know what our sins are.

みんなアダムの子孫なので心の 中に欲望を持っていますしかし

Everyone is a descendant of Adam, so they have desires in their hearts. However,

シューエホバーは私たちに何を 語られるのでしょうか彼は私たち

What will Shoehover tell us? He is us.

に会員をしてはならないと言いました 私たちの心には圧人があります

"It is said that we must not join as members. There is oppression in our hearts."

がシューエホバーは私たちに何 を教えておられますか彼は私たち

What is Shu Eho Bar teaching us? He is...


I am saying do not kill.


We all go against our conscience in our hearts, but Jehovah the Lord tells us to respect our conscience.


We should recognize that all the words of Lord Jehovah are correct and good, and that we all carry sin in our hearts.


Is this correct? It is absolutely correct.


So what must we do before Jehovah our Lord?


We must acknowledge that we are a mass of sin and hopeless sinners.


It is not correct to think that because you did good deeds yesterday you are a righteous person, and because you committed sins today you are a sinner today.


We are rarely but truly sinners.


No matter what we do, we are sinful beings.


There is no change.


That is why we must be saved by the water and blood of Jesus.


It is not because we committed acts such as member murder and theft that we become criminals.


I am a sinner because I was born a sinner.


We were born with twelve types of sins.


We were born as sinners before the Lord Jehovah.


I was born not only from my own efforts but as a sinner.

は決して善人になることはできません 私たちは不利をすることしかでき

"Can never become good people; we can only do harm."

ません私たちは殺人や窃盗などの 罪に満ちた心を持って生まれて

We are not born with a sinful heart full of crimes such as murder and theft.

きますでは実際にこれらの罪を 犯していないからといってどうして

Just because you haven't actually committed these crimes, why is that?

偽人になれるのでしょうか私たち は自分の力だけでは決して主エホ

Can we become false humans? We can never do it solely through our own power.

バーの前に偽人になることはできません 私たちが君よしであると主張

You cannot pretend to be a fake person in front of the bar; we assert that you are good enough.

するならそれは偽善ですイエス 様はパリサイ人や初期官を偽善

If you do that, it's hypocrisy. Jesus considered the Pharisees and early officials as hypocrites.

的なパリサイ人や初期官と呼び ました人間は生まれながらにして

The people referred to as typical Pharisees and early officials were born as such.

罪人です彼らは生涯を通じて主 エホバーの前で罪を犯しますこれ

They are sinners; they commit sins before the Lord Jehovah throughout their lives.

までの人生で誰とも争ったことが なく誰も殴ったことがなく針一

I have never fought with anyone in my life, nor have I ever hit anyone.

本でも誰からも盗んだことがない と主張する人は人間は生まれながら

The person who claims they have never stolen a book from anyone is inherently human.


I am doing it.

主エホバーはこのように彼らを 見ておられますあなたは生まれ

The Lord Jehovah sees them in this way; you were born.

ながらの罪人ですたとえ何の罪 も犯さなかったとしてもあなた

You are a sinner even if you have not committed any crime.

は地獄に行くことになりますたとえ あなたが一般的に立法とほとんど

You will go to hell, even if you generally abide by the law and almost...

の戒めを守っていたとしてもあなた は依然として地獄に行く運命に

Even if you keep the admonitions, you are still destined to go to hell.

ある罪人であることに変わりは ありませんではそのような運命

There is no change in the fact that I am a sinner, so such a fate...

を前にして私たちは何をすべき なのでしょうか私たちは主エホバー

What should we do in front of it? We are Jehovah's.

の憐れみを求め罪から救われる ために主エホバーに頼らなければ

We must rely on the Lord Jehovah to seek mercy and be saved from sin.

なりません主エホバーが救って くださらなければ私たちは地獄

If Jehovah does not save us, we will be hell.

に行かざるを得ませんこれが私たち の運命なのです主エホバーの言葉

"We have no choice but to go. This is our fate; it is the word of Lord Jehovah."

を受け入れる人は私たちの運命 については私たちの運命について

Those who accept us are about our destiny regarding our destiny.

は自分が実際に罪人であることも 認めますそして彼らは自分たち

"I also admit that I am actually a criminal, and they themselves..."

が偽人であることも知っています したがって彼らは主エホバーの

I know that he is a false person. Therefore, they are the Lord Jehovah's.

言葉を認識せずに主エホバーの 言葉を脇に置くことが罪である

It is a sin to disregard the words of Lord Jehovah without recognizing them.

ことを知っています主エホバー のお言葉を受け入れる者は以前

Those who accept the words of the Lord Jehovah know this.

は罪人であったとしても偽人であります 彼らは主エホバーのお言葉によって

"Even if they are criminals, they are righteous. They are by the words of Lord Jehovah."

主エホバーの恵みを受けます彼ら は最も祝福された人々です

Those who receive the grace of the Lord Jehovah are the most blessed people.

自分の行いによって救われよう と努力する者は依然として罪人

Those who strive to be saved by their own actions remain sinners.

であるイエス様を信じてもなお 罪人であるのは誰か自分の行い

Even those who believe in Jesus are still sinners; who among them can deny their own actions?

を通して救われようと努力する 人ガラテアの手紙3章10節と11節

"Those who strive to be saved through the law" Galatians 3:10-11.


Let's take a look.

すべて呪いの下にあります立法 の書に書かれているすべてのこと

All that is written in the book of the law is under a curse.

を続けて行わない者はすべて呪 われると書かれていますからです

It is because it is written that anyone who does not continue to do so will be cursed.

しかし主エホバーの前に立法によって 義とされる人は誰もいないことは

However, no one will be justified before the Lord Jehovah by the law.

明らかですなぜならただ偽人は 信仰によって生きるとされています

It is clear because it is said that the righteous will live by faith.

からです立法の書に書かれている ことをすべて実行しない人は皆

"Everyone who does not carry out everything that is written in the book of the law..."


It is said to be cursed.

イエス様を信じながら自分の行 いによって義とされようとする

Trying to be justified by one's own deeds while believing in Jesus.

者は呪われます自分の行いによって 義とされようとしている人たちは

Those who are trying to be justified will be cursed by their own actions.

どこにいるのでしょうか彼らは 主エホバーの呪いの下にあるの

Where are they? They are under the curse of Lord Jehovah.

ですなぜ主エホバーは私たちに 立法を与えたのでしょうか主エホバー

Why did Lord Jehovah give us the law? Lord Jehovah.

は私たちが自分の罪を気づくように 立法を与えてくださいましたローマ

He has given us the Law so that we may realize our own sins. Romans.


Letter at 3:20.

私たちが完全な罪人であり地獄 に行く運命にあることを気づくため

So that we can realize that we are complete sinners and destined for hell.

です主エホバーの子イエス様の バプテスマを信じて水と聖霊によって

I believe in the baptism of the Lord Jehovah's Son, Jesus, through water and the Holy Spirit.

新しく生まれなさいそうすれば あなたは罪から救われ偽人となり

Be newly born, and you will be saved from sin and become a righteous person.

永遠の命を得て天国に行くでしょう あなたの心に信仰を持ちましょう

You will gain eternal life and go to heaven. Let us have faith in our hearts.

主エホバーの小イエス様のバプテスマ を信じて水と精霊によって新しく

Believing in the baptism of our Lord Jehovah's small Jesus, we are reborn by water and the Spirit.

生まれなさいそうすればあなたは 罪から救われ偽人となり永遠の命を

Be born, and you will be saved from sin, become righteous, and receive eternal life.

得て天国に行くでしょうあなたの 心に信仰を持ちましょう

You will go to heaven, so let's have faith in your heart.

世界で最も傲慢な罪世界で最も 傲慢な罪とは何か立法に従って

What is the most arrogant sin in the world according to the law?

生きようと努力すること主エホバー を信じることほど大切なことは

There is nothing as important as trying to live and believing in Jehovah.

ありません主エホバーの祝福を 信じることによって私たちは祝福

There is no blessing without believing in Lord Jehovah; by believing, we are blessed.

されます主エホバーはお言葉を 信じる者を救うと決められました

The Lord Jehovah has decided to save those who believe in His word.

しかし今日信者の中には主エホバー の立法に従って生きようと努力

However, today, among the believers, there are those who are striving to live according to the law of Jehovah.

する人がたくさんいますほとんど のクリスチャンはのようなもの

There are many people who do it, most Christians are like that.

です彼らが立法に従って生きよう とするのは称賛に値しますがどうして

It is commendable that they try to live according to the law, but why?

そんなことが可能なのでしょうか 私たちは主エホバーの立法に従って

Is such a thing possible? We follow the law of Jehovah, our Lord.

生きようとする努力がいかに愚か であるかを悟らなければなりません

One must realize how foolish the effort to survive is.


Please do your best.

頑張れば頑張るほど難しくなります したがって信仰は聞くことによって

The more you try, the more difficult it becomes. Therefore, faith comes from hearing.

生じ聞くことは主エホバーの言葉 によるローマの手紙十字十七分

Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17)

と彼は言いました私たちは救われる ために傲慢さを捨てなければなりません

And he said, "We must shed our arrogance in order to be saved."

救われるためには自分自身の基準 を捨てなければならない救われる

To be saved, one must abandon their own standards to be saved.

ために何をしなければならない のか

What must be done for that?

私たちは分の基準を捨てなければ なりませんどうすれば人は救われる

We must abandon the standards of minutes; how can people be saved?

のでしょうかそれは彼らが自分自身 を罪人であると認めるときにのみ

Is it only when they acknowledge themselves as sinners?

可能でございます間違った信仰 や努力をやめられずに救われて

It is possible to be saved while unable to stop the wrong beliefs and efforts.

いない人がたくさんいます主エホ バーは立法をつかむ者は呪われる

There are many people who are absent, and the Lord Jehovah curses those who grasp the law.

と言われますイエスさまを信じ 続け立法に従おうと努力すること

It is said to believe in Jesus and to continue to strive to follow the law.

で徐々に義人になれると信じられ ます主エホバーは立法をつかむ

"And I believe that gradually I can become a righteous person; the Lord Jehovah holds the law."

者を信じられると信じている人々 は彼の呪いの下にいます彼らは

Those who believe they can trust him are under his curse.

主エホバーを信じていますが救 われるためには立法に従って生き

I believe in Jehovah, but in order to be saved, I must live according to the law.

なければならないと依然として 考えています

I still believe that it must be done.

愛する皆さん私たちは生きている 間に自分の行いによって義になれる

Dear beloved, we can become righteous through our actions while we are alive.

でしょうか私たちはイエスさま の言葉を信じることによっての

"Is it through believing in the words of Jesus that we...?"

み義となりそのとき初めて私たち は救われますイエスさまの罷

When we become one with the Lord, that is when we will be saved for the first time, Lord Jesus.

テスマーイエスさまの地そして イエスさまが主エホバーである

The land of Tisma and that Jesus is Lord Jehovah.

ことを信じることによってのみ 私たちは救われるのですだから

We are saved only by believing in things, so...

こそ主エホバーは私たちが義人 になるための信仰の法を用意して

Indeed, Jehovah has prepared the law of faith for us to become righteous.

くださったのです水と精霊の救い は人々の行為の中にあるのではなく

The salvation of water and spirits given to us is not found in the actions of people.

主エホバーの言葉への信仰の中に ありますそして主エホバーはこの

I have faith in the words of the Lord Jehovah, and the Lord Jehovah is this...

信仰で私たちを救ってくれること になります私たちはイエスさま

It will be our faith that saves us; we have Jesus.

を信じてくださいましたそれが 主エホバーの計画であり主エホバー

Please believe in it; that is the plan of Lord Jehovah, and Lord Jehovah.

が完成させた方法なのですなぜ イエスさまを信じた人々は救われ

It is the method that was completed, which is why those who believe in Jesus are saved.

なかったのでしょうかそれは彼 らが水と精霊の救いの言葉を受け

"Was there none? They received the words of salvation from water and the spirit."

入れなかったからですしかし彼 らと同じように不完全である私

It's because I couldn't enter, but I am incomplete just like them.

たちも主エホバーの言葉への信仰 によって救われました二人の女

Two women were saved by their faith in the words of Jehovah.


As I pull the thin bamboo.

一人は連れて行かれもう一人は 捨て置かれるマタイの福音書二十

"One is taken and the other is left behind." (Gospel of Matthew 20)

四時四十一分捨て置かれた者は 贖われていない者ですなぜ一人

"The one left abandoned at four forty-one is the one who has not been redeemed. Why is it alone?"

は連れて行かれもう一人は捨て 置かれるのでしょうかその理由

One will be taken away, and the other will be left behind. What could be the reason for that?

は一人は主エホバーの言葉を聞いて 信じたからです立法を守るために

"It is because one believed the words of Jehovah to keep the law."

一生懸命努力したもう一人は最終 的には地獄に投げ込まれました

The other person who worked hard was ultimately thrown into hell.

彼は主エホバーのもとへ這い上が ろうとしましたが私たちが足から

He tried to crawl up to Lord Jehovah, but we pulled him back by the legs.

這い上がろうとする虫を振り払 うのと同じように主エホバーは

Just as one shakes off a bug trying to crawl up, so does Jehovah the Lord.

彼を振り払いました 人が立法を守ろうとして主エホバー

I shook him off; a person tries to keep the law, Jehovah.

のもとへ這い上がろうとするなら 必ず地獄に落とされるでしょう

If you try to crawl back to him, you will surely fall into hell.

だからこそ私たちは水と精霊を 信じる信仰によって給食されなけ

That is why we are nourished by the faith that believes in water and spirits.

ればならないのです立法行為に 属する者は完全に復活されるの

Those who belong to legislative acts must be fully resurrected.

のはすべて呪いの下にあります 立法の書に書かれているすべて

Everything is under a curse, as written in the Book of Law.

のことを続けて行わないものは すべて呪われると書かれています

It is written that anyone who continues to do so will be cursed.

からですしかしシュエホバーの 前に立法によって義とされる人

"However, it is through the law that a person is justified before Shu'ebar."

は誰もいないことは明らかです なぜならただ義人は信仰によって

It is clear that there is no one, because only the righteous live by faith.

生きるとされていますからです ガラテアの手紙3コロン10-11ローマ

It is said that one will live. Galatians 3:10-11, Romans.

の手紙1時17分シュエホバーの 言葉を信じないことはシュエホバー

The letter at 1:17, not believing in the words of Shu Hebo is Shu Hebo.

の前に罪ですさらに自分の基準 に従ってシュエホバーの言葉を

Before the crime, according to my own standards, I follow the words of Shuehoba.

脇に置くことも罪です私たち人間 はみんな生まれながらにして罪人

It is also a sin to set aside; we humans are all born sinners.

であるためシュエホバーの立法 に従って生きることはできません

Therefore, it is not possible to live according to the legislation of Shivohar.

そして私たちは生涯罪を犯し続け ます私たちは

And we will continue to commit sins for our whole lives.

ここでも少しあそこでも少しどこへ 行っても罪を犯します私たちは

We commit sins a little here and a little there, no matter where we go.

苦心が罪を犯さずにはいられない ことを悟らなければなりません

We must realize that suffering cannot help but commit sin.

人間は大きな排泄物の桶のような ものです持ち運ぼうとすると途中

Humans are like a large bucket of excrement; when you try to carry it, it spills along the way.

で中身をこぼしてしまいます私たち はそうです私たちはどこへ行って

"We spill the contents. That's us. We go wherever."

も罪をこぼし続けます想像できます か

Can you imagine continuing to spill sins?

それでもあなたは自分が聖である ふりをしますかもし自分自身を

Still, you might pretend that you are holy to yourself.

はっきりと見ることができれば 聖なるものになろうとする無駄

If you can see clearly, the effort to become something sacred is in vain.

な努力を諦めイエス様の水と地 を信じるでしょう私たちは頑固さ

We will abandon our stubbornness and believe in the water and land of Jesus.

を捨てシュエホバーの前に自分 が罪人であることを認める必要

You need to acknowledge that you are a sinner before the Shuehoba.

があります次に私たちはシュエホバー の言葉に立ち戻りシュイエスキリスト

Let us return to the words of Shue-Ho-Bar and Jesus Christ.

にして水と精霊によって私たち を救ったのかを発見しなければ

"We must discover how we were saved by water and spirit."


It won't happen.

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