




防災DX 罹災証明書交付を被害調査システムと判定アプリで迅速に

Disaster Prevention DX: Swift issuance of disaster certificates through damage investigation systems and assessment apps.

自然災害で家屋を損壊された住民は その状況に応じた罹災証明書が交付されます

Residents whose homes have been damaged by natural disasters will be issued a disaster certificate appropriate to their situation.


You can receive support for recovery.

近頃 気象災害が激甚化・頻発化していて

Recently, meteorological disasters have become more severe and frequent.


The municipality quickly grasps the damage situation.

適切な判断で住民の安全と生活再建を支援する体制を 整備する必要に迫られていますが

There is an urgent need to establish a system that supports residents' safety and the reconstruction of their lives with appropriate judgment.


During disasters such as large-scale earthquakes in the past,


There have been cases where it takes several months to issue the disaster victim certificate.

フジフィルムシステムサービスは 自治体による罹災証明書交付の迅速化に寄与するため

Fujifilm System Service contributes to the expedited issuance of disaster certificates by local governments.


Integrated system for damage assessment related to water damage, earthquakes, and wind damage.


We will provide a house damage assessment app starting from June 1st.

同社は 罹災証明書交付に時間がかかる要因として

The company cites the factors that contribute to the time it takes to issue disaster certificates as follows:

交付までの業務が人手や紙帳表を用いた アナログプロセスで行われていることに着目

Focusing on the fact that the tasks leading up to the issuance are carried out through analog processes using manpower and paper records.

特に 家屋の被害調査計画の策定や

Especially the formulation of a damage investigation plan for buildings and


I believe that the digitization of damage assessment survey work is a challenge.


Conduct demonstrations in collaboration with multiple municipalities.

昨年8月から 重火被害認定調査を支援する無償アプリケーションを

Since August of last year, a free application supporting the heavy damage assessment survey has been developed.


Provided to multiple municipalities.

各自治体からの要望や改善の声を システム開発に反映してきました

We have reflected the requests and suggestions for improvement from each municipality in the system development.

そしてこのたび 罹災証明迅速化ソリューションのラインナップ第1弾として

And this time, as the first lineup of the disaster victim certification acceleration solution

被害調査の計画策定 進捗管理を行う蒸気システムと

Development of the damage investigation plan and progress management of the steam system.


Utilizing tablet devices


We have developed a steam app to support the damage assessment survey at disaster sites.


Compared to traditional analog operations


We anticipate that we can reduce the man-hours and duration related to the relevant tasks by over 50%.


From June 1st in Hita City, Oita Prefecture, and Takeo City, Saga Prefecture.

調査計画策定の自動化 事前準備ほぼ不要

Automation of survey planning requires almost no preparation.

現地調査 調査結果入力省力化を特徴とする

The field survey is characterized by the efficiency in entering survey results.


It has been decided to use the same solution.


The company will further strengthen its efforts to expedite the issuance of disaster certificates in the future.

自治体業務のDXを推進し 住民の早期整備を行うことが決定しています

It has been decided to promote the digital transformation of municipal services and to carry out early improvements for residents.

また 生活再建支援に貢献していく構えです

We are also prepared to contribute to the support for rebuilding livelihoods.

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