#129毒されてたことに気が付かなかった from Radiotalk



#129毒されてたことに気が付かなかった from Radiotalk



Hello, this is Hashibami. I look forward to your continued support this year as well.


Today, I'm recording from the bath.


You might be concerned about echoes and outside noises, but please forgive me.


I feel a bit uncertain to be discussing something like this right at the beginning of the New Year, but…


Well, I think many people might feel the same way given the time of year, so I'll just chat casually.


I recently noticed something. My mother is a little strange. She's strange.


I've recently noticed that I've stopped going home and have been avoiding it.


First, I would like to share a few episodes that I find a bit strange.


I moved out of my parents' house and started living alone at 25.


Well, it looks like I'm going to move to Tokyo.


So, I went to the city office to handle procedures for preparing for the move, and...


I think there are various things like insurance and so on, but...


While doing that, I was taken to the government office by car since the local area is car-dependent.


I was accompanied by my mother.


It feels like I suddenly have to go register my family register.


But it’s just a matter of moving the resident registration, so it’s fine to just go to the window that handles resident registrations.


It seems like I suddenly have to do something about my family registration.


In a serious tone, I asked, "So, what do you want to do about your family register?"


If you're going to leave your parents' house, you need to remove yourself from the family register.


"Who are you thinking of removing from the family registry?"


Well, upon closer inspection, I realized I've never heard of anyone saying that people who leave the house should be removed from the family registry.


Huh, wait a minute. I don't think you can remove it from the family register.


Well, of course, there are various reasons being given for wanting to be removed from the family register.


But in the end, the family register...


Since I got married, I went through the process of being removed from the family register and taking my father's place.


I think there were follow-ups from various places about that impression.


I first encountered the pressure to be removed from the family register.


I was thinking that it was a bit crazy, but maybe I just remembered it wrong.


But it seems like it's okay not to remove it from the family register, so they ended the conversation with a dissatisfied expression.


Well, I safely moved to the city and completed the procedures like transferring my residency registration and such.


In Tokyo, you can find unique items that can only be bought in Tokyo.


Send it to me on LINE, either as a URL or an image, usually a screenshot.


"Please buy this and go do that."


So, go buy this, and go to that.

もらってきてみたいな ちょっとお使いをよく頼まれるようになり

I've started to be asked to run errands more often, like going to pick things up.

まして最初は私も東京館とこうというか 遊びに行くがてらそれをついでに

Moreover, at first, I went to Tokyo just to hang out, and while I was there, I also did that.

やってあげてもいいかなと思ってたんです けどあの結構高額なものを頼むようになっ

I was thinking it might be okay to do it for you, but you've started asking for quite expensive things.

てきてっていうか結構初手から高額なもの を頼んできていてまあそのお金って私の

It's like, they started off by asking for something quite expensive, and well, that money is mine.

財布から出るんですねで a 一応北海道が地元なので

"I'll take it out of my wallet, but just so you know, Hokkaido is my hometown."

郵送だったり宅配だったりでお送りする 形になるんですけどもその宅配の送料も

It will be sent by mail or delivery, but the shipping cost for that delivery will also be...

私持ちなんですねで届いたよありがとう 次はこれを買ってきて

I received it, thank you. Next, please buy this for me.

いつまで続くのだよなまあさすがに 一人暮らしで東京とはいえ

How long will this continue? Well, I guess it's to be expected living alone in Tokyo.

お給料をいただいてますとはいえ やはりあの物価も高いですし自分でやり

Even though I'm receiving a salary, the cost of living is indeed high, so I have to manage on my own.

たいことも見つけるとのお金はちょっとね 余裕がない日々っていうのが発生するん

Finding things I want to do has become a bit difficult because there are days when I don't have the financial freedom.


That's right.


Despite everything, I request this of you.

くださるのでちょっとさすがに忙しいから とかそこは遠いから無理からちょっと

"Because it's a bit busy and that's a bit far, it's just not possible."

忘れたごめんみたいなお断りをし続けると すごく不機嫌になられるんですね

If you keep making excuses like "Sorry, I forgot," it really makes them quite upset.

不機嫌になられるのでまぁ定期的に連絡を 差し上げましたりとか次に帰った時にここ

I have been in a bad mood, so I have been in touch regularly and will do so when I return next time.

行きたいなぁみたいなちょっとおねだりし てみるみたいなことをしているうちには

While I'm doing things like asking a little bit in a way that makes me want to go...

コロナが始まりまして 今後のお金を稼げることができるようになるんですね

Since the start of COVID-19, it seems that we will be able to earn money in the future.

なかなか会いに行ったり来たりということが できないご時世になりまして私的にはあんまり

It's become a time when it's not very easy to go back and forth to meet, so personally, I'm not doing too well.

帰らなくていいっていうのは嬉しいことだっ たんですけど

I'm glad that I didn't have to go back, but...

まあそうこうしているうちに私がの パートナーシップを

Well, as I was doing this, my partnership...

パートナーと結ぶことになりまして パートナーシップ宣誓制度っていうものを

We are going to enter into a partnership, which is called the partnership oath system.

自分の住んでいる自治体で使ったんですね それに関してはすごく

You used it in the municipality where you live, right? That's really impressive.

祝ってくれて喜んでくれてでその後に パートナーを連れてご挨拶に行ったり

"Thank you for celebrating and being happy for me, and afterwards I went to greet you with my partner."

行った時とかも まああの体はよく迎え入れてはくれたん

"When I went there, well, that body welcomed me quite well."

ですけど 結構不機嫌は不機嫌でもう

However, I'm already quite unhappy.

なんだろう8つあたりみたいなことも言わ れつつまあ離れて暮らしてるからもういい

I wonder if it's something like being told I'm around eight years old, but since we live apart, it's fine now.

だろうと思ってはいはいと言いなして帰っ てきたんですよそれが春先のお話ですね

I thought so, so I just nodded and came back. That was a story from early spring.

そして 先日パートナーとフォトウェディングの

And the other day, I had a photo wedding with my partner.

お写真を撮りまして すごくありがたいことに友人何名かを

I took a photo and, with great gratitude, some friends of mine.

撮りましてすごくありがたいことに友人何名かを 撮りましてすごくありがたいことに友人何名かを

I am very grateful to have taken photos of some friends.

もう一緒に写真に写ってくれていいお写真 がたくさん取れたんですね

We were able to take so many great photos together, didn't we?

なのでまあ育てていただいた親にもこの 場には呼べませんでしたけど

So, well, I couldn't invite the parents who raised me to this occasion either.

お裾分けということで報告も兼ねていい 写真撮れましたよと速報のお写真を

As a sharing update, I took a nice photo that I wanted to report on quickly.

ラインで家族のラインでお送りしたんです そしたらお父さんから

I sent it to the family group on Line, and then I got a message from dad.

いいねっていう感じのスタンプが送られて きて我が家って結構

A stamp that gives off a "good job" feeling has been sent, and it's quite typical for our home.

口数少ないというかスタンプで交流する タイプの家で全然いいんですけど反応して

I don't mind a home where communication is sparse, maybe just through stickers, but please react.

くれたんですって弟も反応してくれて 母親だけガン無視なんですねあれ

I heard that my younger brother reacted, but my mother is completely ignoring it, isn't she?

まあお母さん 今仕事してるから見れないのかな

Well, Mom, I guess you can't watch it because you're working right now.

既読もつかないし思ってしばらくしてから また見返したら既読はついてるんですね

I didn't read it, but after thinking for a while and looking back at it, I see that it has been read.

数字が増えている 一向にその写真に対してのコメントはなく

The numbers are increasing, but there are still no comments on that photo.

あるんですよ 直後ぐらいに

It exists, right around that time.

別の話で 私と弟と母親が入っている

In a different story, my younger brother and I, along with our mother, are involved.

3人のグループがあるんですけどそのライン グループには

There is a group of three people, but in that line group...

あちらのご用事のメッセージがポンと飛ん できて

A message about the matter over there popped up suddenly.

あれ 無視してんねえと思って

I thought you were ignoring that.

それがすごく私は面白くて母親が 拗ねてるぞみたいな

That's really interesting to me, like my mother is sulking or something.


This is being hated.


I thought that.


But that was so much fun and so interesting.


Ah, so this was the kind of relationship it was.


Remembering various things


I realized for the first time that I was poisoned.


Overall, it turned out to be interesting.


It's a recent event, but...


I just received a package from my parents' house.


I was wondering what it was.


Broken cup noodles.


A candy I'm not sure about.


Well, it's fine; I'll eat it.


At the bottom, there is my childhood album.


I want to take the album somewhere.


When I made the request.


Because this is something precious to me.


I remembered being rejected and told it was no good.


Oh, your precious thing.


You let it go, didn't you?


You sent it to my daughter, didn't you?


Is this insulation?


It has become now.


I've never done it before.


Recording in the bath.


I ended up having to do it.


People around me are quite...


Your parents are strange.


You were telling me, but...


I totally didn't notice at all.


I just became convinced.


My mother is a bit of a mystery.


How should we proceed with our relationship moving forward?


If anyone has a good idea,


Please let me know.


So, I look forward to your continued support this year as well.


Thank you very much.


Well then.

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