

増補改訂版 日本語総まとめ N2文法


増補改訂版 日本語総まとめ N2文法

第1週1日目 あの人は寂しげな目をしている

On the first day of the first week, that person has lonely-looking eyes.

彼は何か言いたげだった 私は子供の頃病気がちだった

He seemed like he wanted to say something. I was often ill as a child.

最近彼は仕事を休みがちだ 年をとると忘れっぽくなる

Recently, he has been taking time off from work frequently. As we get older, we tend to forget things more often.

このコート デザインはいいけれど生地が安っぽいね

The design of this coat is nice, but the fabric feels cheap.

残業続きで疲れ気味だ 新入社員は緊張気味の顔をしていた

I'm feeling tired from the continuous overtime, and the new employee had a nervous expression on their face.

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