Pattern048 '기절하는 줄 알았어요.' : I thought~

Simon W. Kim

혼영클럽 : 혼자서 하루 15분 영어회화

Pattern048 '기절하는 줄 알았어요.' : I thought~

혼영클럽 : 혼자서 하루 15분 영어회화

안녕하세요. 반갑습니다.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

자, 오늘은 Pattern 48, 기절하는 줄 알았어요 라는 제목을 가지고

Alright, today we have the title "Pattern 48, I Thought I Was Going to Faint."

I thought, I thought 배워보도록 하겠습니다.

I thought, I thought I would try to learn.

Let's break it down.

Let's break it down.

I think you're mean. I think you're mean 하면

If you say "I think you're mean."

네가 나쁘다고 생각해. 현재 네가 나쁘다고 생각하는 거고요.

I think you're bad. Right now, you think you're bad.

Think의 과거형인 thought를 사용하면

If you use the past tense of think, which is thought,

I thought you were mean. I thought you were mean 하면

I thought you were mean. If you say "I thought you were mean,"

자, 시제는 과거죠.

Well, the tense is past.

네가 나쁘다고 생각했어.

I thought you were bad.

근데, 그렇지가 않네.

But that's not the case.

그렇지가 않은 모습을 보고

Seeing a different side of you.

네가 과거에 나쁘다고 생각했어. 라는 걸 이제 비로소 얘기하는 상황.

It's a situation where I'm finally saying that I thought you were bad in the past.

그러니까 아닌 사실을 먼저 확인한 후에 발언해야 된다는

So you should confirm the facts first before making a statement.

그런 뉘앙스가 있죠.

There's that nuance.

자, 최민수의 대사가 있어요.

Well, there is a line from Choi Min-soo.

I thought you were my girl.

I thought you were my girl.

네가 내 여자라 생각했어. 뭐 이런 거죠.

I thought you were my girl. Something like that.

네가 내 여자라 생각했어.

I thought you were my girlfriend.

그런데 그게 아니었다는 걸 이 사람은 비로소 확인한 거지.

But this person has finally confirmed that it wasn't the case.

네가 내 여자가 아니라는 사실을 비로소 확인할 때

When I finally confirm that you are not my girl.

이제 이 발언을 할 수가 있는 거죠.

Now I can make this statement.

그래서 스크립트에 보시면

So, if you look at the script...

I figured, I failed, I guessed

나는 생각했어, 나는 실패했어, 나는 추측했어.

와 다른 점이 바로 이 사실을 확인한 후에 발언해야 된다는 것이죠.

Wow, the difference is that statements should be made after confirming this fact.

네, 스크립트와 함께 보시면 이해가 더 쉽죠.

Yes, it's easier to understand if you look at it with the script.

스크립트는 검색창에 영화 아저씨 또는 혼연클럽을 입력하시면 확인하실 수 있습니다.

You can check the script by entering "Movie Uncle" or "Honyeon Club" in the search bar.

자, 그러니까 그런 줄 알았는데 아니었어.

Well, I thought it was like that, but it wasn't.

네가 내 여자라 생각했는데.

I thought you were my girl.

이렇게 여지를 남기겠습니다.

I will leave some room for this.

네가 나쁘다고 생각했었는데.

I thought you were bad.


Like this.

네가 내 여자라 생각했었는데.

I thought you were my girl.

이런 식으로.

Like this.

자, 그럼 예문 하나 더 보실게요.

Well, then let's take a look at one more example.

I thought you were married.

I thought you were married.

네가 결혼했다고 생각했는데.

I thought you were married.

실제는 안 했네.

Actually, I didn't do it.

결혼 안 했다는 사실을 확인한 상태에서 이제 이 발언을 할 수가 있는 것이죠.

Now, being confirmed that I am not married, I can make this statement.

네가 결혼했다고 생각했는데.

I thought you were married.

실제 보니까 안 했어.

I actually saw it and didn't do it.

I thought you were married.

I thought you were married.


You understand, right?

I thought you were married.

I thought you were married.

이러한 이해를 바탕으로 연습주를 통해서 표현을 익혀보는 시간을 가져보겠습니다.

Based on this understanding, we will take some time to practice and learn the expressions through exercises.

Let's get started.

Let's get started.

자, 첫 번째 문제.

Alright, the first question.

너 이게 필요한 줄 알았는데.

I thought you needed this.

너 이거 필요한 줄 알았는데.

I thought you needed this.

I thought you needed this.

I thought you needed this.

그러니까, need의 과거형.

So, the past tense of need.

needed인데 need가 되죠.

It should be "need" instead of "needed."

So, I thought you needed this.

그래서, 이게 필요할 것 같아서 생각했어.

I thought you needed this.

I thought you needed this.

너 이거 필요한 줄 알았는데.

I thought you needed this.

그러니까, 과거형.

So, the past tense.

뒤에 나오는 문장은 과거형이 돼야 되겠죠?

The following sentence should be in the past tense, right?

네가 그거 좋아하는 줄 알았는데.

I thought you liked that.

재빨리 풀어보겠습니다.

I will quickly solve it.

I thought.

I thought.

I thought you liked it.

I thought you liked it.

너 좋아하는 줄 알았는데.

I thought you liked me.

아니라는 얘기죠.

It means "That’s not true."

I thought you liked it.

I thought you liked it.

You liked it.

You liked it.

I thought you liked it.

I thought you liked it.


Past tense.

I thought you liked it.

I thought you liked it.

하시면 되죠.

That's fine to do.

I thought you liked it.

I thought you liked it.

자, 네가 그거 아는 줄 알았는데.

Well, I thought you knew that.

그러면 어떻게 할까요?

So what should we do?

I thought you knew it.

I thought you knew that.

너 그거 아는 줄 알았는데.

I thought you knew that.

모른다는 얘기죠.

It means that I don't know.

어, 뱀인 줄 알았어.

Oh, I thought it was a snake.

뱀인 줄 알았어.

I thought it was a snake.

한번 풀어보겠습니다.

I'll give it a try.

I thought it was.

I thought it was.

뱀은 snake.

A snake is a snake.

I thought it was snake.

I thought it was a snake.

I thought it was a snake.

I thought it was a snake.

엄마인 줄 알았어요.

I thought you were my mom.

깜짝 놀랐네.

I was surprised.

나 진짜 잘못하고 있었는데.

I was really doing it all wrong.

엄마인 줄 알았어요.

I thought it was my mom.

I thought it was mom.

I thought it was mom.

도둑인 줄 알았어요.

I thought you were a thief.

깜짝 놀랐어.

I was surprised.

I thought it was thief.

I thought it was a thief.



It was a thief.

It was a thief.

I thought it was a thief.

I thought it was a thief.

I thought it was a snake.

I thought it was a snake.

도둑인 줄 알았어요.

I thought you were a thief.

I thought it was a thief.

I thought it was a thief.

I thought it was mom.

I thought it was mom.

엄마인 줄 알았는데.

I thought it was a mom.

도둑인 줄 알았는데.

I thought it was a thief.

뱀인 줄 알았는데.

I thought it was a snake.

이런 표현이죠.

It's such an expression.

그래서 I thought it was 까지만 합니다.

So I thought it would just be up to that.

I thought it was 하면

I thought it was "if."

아, 그건 줄 알았는데.

Ah, I thought that was the case.

알고 보니 아니네.

It turns out it's not the case.

이런 뜻이죠.

This is what it means.

이런 표현 되게 많이 쓰죠.

We use this expression quite a lot.

그런 줄 알았어요.

I thought so.

I thought it was 뭔지.

I thought it was something.

I thought it was.

I thought it was.

다음 문제 풀어보도록 하겠습니다.

I will solve the next problem.

내가 그럴 줄 알았어.

I knew you would do that.

딱 그만큼 생각했다는 표현입니다.

It expresses that I've thought about it just that much.

이거는 관용적인 표현인데

This is an idiomatic expression.

배워보도록 하겠습니다.

I will try to learn.

I thought.

I thought.

I thought as much.

I figured as much.

as는 뭐면 만큼이잖아요.

"as" means something like "만큼" (mankkeum) right?

much는 양을 나타내죠.

Much indicates quantity.

딱 그만큼 이런 뜻이죠.

That means exactly that much.

I thought as much 하면

I thought so.

딱 그만큼 생각했어.

I thought exactly that much.

내가 생각한 딱 그대로네.

It's exactly what I thought.

그런 뜻이죠.

That’s what it means.

I thought as much.

I thought so.

딱 그만큼 생각했는데 딱 그대로네.

I thought just that much, and it’s exactly the same.

저보다 나이가 어린 줄 알았어요.

I thought you were younger than me.

저보다 나이가 어리신 줄 알았어요.

I thought you were younger than me.

자, 풀어보겠습니다.

Well, I will solve it.

I thought.

I thought.

자, 나보다 나이가 어린 거야.

Well, you are younger than me.

You were younger than me.

You were younger than me.

또는 younger than I.

Or younger than me.

Younger than me.

Younger than me.

이렇게 하시면 되죠.

You can do it this way.

I thought you were younger than me.

I thought you were younger than me.

나이가 많은 건 older than me 하시면 되죠.

If you're older, you can just say "older than me."

Older than me.

Older than me.

Younger than me.

Younger than me.

I thought you were older than me.

I thought you were older than me.

둘 중에 한 가지.

One of the two.

I thought you were younger than me.

I thought you were younger than me.

I thought you were older than me.

I thought you were older than me.

나이 많은 거는 older죠.

Being older is older, right?



4살짜리가 3살보다 older합니다.

A 4-year-old is older than a 3-year-old.


You know, right?

늙은 게 아닙니다.

I am not old.

더 나이가 많은 게 older한 거예요.

Being older means you're older.

I thought you were older than me.

I thought you were older than me.

I thought you were younger than me.

I thought you were younger than me.

우리나라는 나이를 중시하는데

In our country, age is considered important.

첫 만남에 이제 대충 서열이 정해지잖아요.

The hierarchy is roughly established from the first meeting, right?

그래서 나이가 저보다 많은 사람인 거 같은데

So it seems that you are older than me.

공손하게 대했다가 알고 보니까

I treated them politely, but it turns out...

나이가 저보다 어린 분들 있고

There are people who are younger than me.

대충 다 저보다 누나 같습니다.

It seems like everyone is older than me.

그래서 막 얘기를 하다 보면

So when I start talking,

사과를 먹는데 풍치가 있고

Eating an apple has its own charm.

이런 얘기를 하는 거예요.

This is what I'm talking about.

나이를 먹어 보면 안다고

You will understand when you grow old.

그랬더니 결국에 나중에 비교해 보니까

Later, when I compared it,

제가 나이가 많았어요.

I was old.

나이가 많다.

I am old.

니가 술 끊었는 줄 알았어.

I thought you quit drinking.

I thought you quit drinking.

I thought you had quit drinking.

You quit drinking.

You quit drinking.

quit은 과거형이 quit이에요.

The past form of quit is quit.

그래서 그냥 하면 됩니다.

So you can just do it.

I thought you quit drinking.

I thought you had quit drinking.

담배 끊는 거는 I thought you quit smoking.

I thought you quit smoking.

I thought you quit drinking.

I thought you stopped drinking.

I thought you quit smoking.

I thought you quit smoking.

I thought you quit drinking.

I thought you had quit drinking.

I thought you quit smoking.

I thought you stopped smoking.

뒤에 부분만 바꿔주시면 되겠죠.

You just need to change the back part.

마약은 뭐 crack 뭐 이런 거

Drugs, like crack or something.

quit 하는 게 여러 가지가 있죠.

There are various ways to quit.

뭐 밀가루 flour 뭐 이런 것도 있고요.

Well, there’s also things like flour.

그걸 안 물어볼 줄 알았어요.

I didn't think you would ask that.

I thought.

I thought.

I thought you'd never ask.

I thought you'd never ask.

안 물어볼 줄 알았는데

I thought you wouldn't ask.

이제 물어보네요.

Now they are asking.

너무 반가운 거죠.

I'm so glad to see you.

그걸 안 물어볼 줄 알았는데

I didn't think you'd ask that.

물어봐서 너무 다행이다 이거죠.

I'm so glad I asked about this.

좋은 질문이라는 얘기죠.

That's a good question.

내가 준비한 뭔가가 있을 수가 있어요.

There might be something I have prepared.

근데 그걸 안 물어봤을 때

But when I didn't ask that.

얼마나 서운하겠습니까.

How sad must it be?

아주 좋은 질문입니다.

That's a very good question.

이런 뜻이죠.

This means.

I thought you'd never ask.

I thought you'd never ask.

You would never ask.

You would never ask.

줄여서 You'd never ask.

You'd never ask.

I thought you'd never ask.

I thought you'd never ask.

네가 화난 줄 알았는데.

I thought you were angry.

화가 안 났어요 알고 봤더니.

I wasn't angry; it turns out.

그래서 과거형 화난 줄 알았는데.

So I thought you were angry in the past tense.


I will ask you.

I thought you were angry.

I thought you were angry.

I thought you were mad.

I thought you were angry.

I thought you were upset.

I thought you were upset.

뭐 셋 중에 한 가지 angry, mad, upset.

What, one of the three: angry, mad, upset.

셋 다 화난 거예요.

They are all angry.

You're angry about something.

당신은 뭔가에 화가 나 있습니다.

Mad at something.

Mad at something.

You're upset at something.

You're upset about something.

셋 중에 한 가지 사용하시면 되겠습니다.

You can use one of the three options.

I thought you were angry about something.

I thought you were upset about something.

But you're not.

하지만 당신은 아닙니다.

근데 아니었어.

But it wasn't.

But you're not.

하지만 너는 그렇지 않아.

하시면 되는 것이죠.

You can just do it.

처음엔 그게 쉬울 거라 생각했는데.

At first, I thought it would be easy.

그게 아니었단 얘기죠.

That's not what I meant.

처음엔 그게 쉬울 거라 생각했는데.

At first, I thought it would be easy.




At first.

At first.

At first.

그게 쉬울 거라 생각했어.

I thought it would be easy.


I thought about it.

I thought.

I thought.

It would be.

It would be.

그 다음에.


It would be.

It would be.



그 다음에.


형용사가 나와주면 되는 거예요.

All you need is for an adjective to come out.



뭐뭐 할 거라 생각했는데.

I thought you would do something.

라는 표현되겠어요.

It would be expressed as.

쉽을 거라 생각했는데.

I thought it would be easy.

At first.

At first.

I thought it would be easy.

I thought it would be easy.

At first.

At first.

I thought it would be easy.

I thought it would be easy.

Word는 apostrophe로 바꿀 수가 있죠.

You can change "Word" to an apostrophe.

I thought it would be easy.

I thought it would be easy.

At first.

At first.

I thought it would be easy.

I thought it would be easy.

It would be.

It would be.

가 됩니다.

It becomes.

It would be.

그럴 것 같아요.

I thought it would be easy.

I thought it would be easy.

처음엔 그게 어려울 거라 생각했는데.

At first, I thought it would be difficult.

I thought it would be difficult.

I thought it would be difficult.

Difficult Difficult

Difficult Difficult

자 어려운 건 Difficult죠 Difficult

Well, difficult is difficult.

At first I thought it would be Difficult

At first I thought it would be difficult.

At first I thought it would be easy Difficult

At first I thought it would be easy, but it was difficult.

Today's assignment

Today's assignment

오늘의 숙제는 기절하는 줄 알았는데

I thought I was going to pass out from today's homework.

기절하는 줄 알았는데

I thought I was going to faint.

여기서 이제 새로운 표현을 마지막으로 달아 보겠습니다

I will now add a new expression as a final point here.

들어보시면서 연습하시면 상당히 좋을 것 같습니다

I think it would be quite good if you practice while listening.

기절하는 줄 알았는데

I thought I was going to faint.

뭐뭐 하는 줄 알았어

I thought you were doing something.

뭐뭐 할 것 같았어

I thought I would do something.

Gonna를 사용하는 거죠

You're going to use Gonna.

I was gonna

I was gonna

I thought I was gonna

I thought I was going to.

를 사용하시면 되겠습니다

You can use it.

I thought I was gonna

I thought I was going to

그 다음에 동사

Then the verb.

I thought I was gonna 동사

I thought I was going to verb.

기절하는 건 영어로 뭘까요? 기절하는 거

What is "to faint" in English? Fainting.

정신이 희미해지면서 이렇게 확 뒤로 넘어가죠

As my mind fades, I just fall back like this.



Feint라는 동사 사용해 주시면 되겠습니다

Please use the verb "feint."


I thought I was going to

I thought I was going to

그 다음에 동사

Then the verb.

I thought I was gonna

I thought I was going to



그런데 Feint을 사용해 준다

However, it will use Feint.

뭐 다 그려주셨죠

Well, you drew everything, right?

특히 마지막에 배운 표현

Especially the expressions learned at the end.

I thought I was gonna 동사는

I thought I was going to verb.

뭐 토할 것 같았어

I felt like throwing up.

Throw up


업착 이런 거

Something like that.

뭐 위험에 빠진 줄 알았어

I thought you were in danger.

I thought I was going to get into trouble

I thought I was going to get in trouble.

I thought I was going to vomit

I thought I was going to vomit.

Get into trouble

Get into trouble

위험에 빠지는 거죠

It's getting into danger.

그러니까 여러 가지 이제 이런 동사들을 써서

So now we can use various verbs like this.

연습을 해 볼 수가 있겠죠

You can practice.

그럼 다음 주에 더 새로운 표현을 가지고

Then I'll have more new expressions next week.

만나 뵙도록 하겠습니다

I look forward to meeting you.

자 깊어가는 가을 밤이죠

It's a deepening autumn night.

자 그럼 다음 주에 뵙겠습니다

Well then, see you next week.

See you next time

See you next time.

Good bye


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