050 조동사 활용 오류 (Walking don't need special equipment?)


서울디지털대학교 팟캐스트 고보애 교수의 쉬운 영어, 고치면서 쑥쑥!

050 조동사 활용 오류 (Walking don't need special equipment?)

서울디지털대학교 팟캐스트 고보애 교수의 쉬운 영어, 고치면서 쑥쑥!

안녕하세요 여러분. 고보의 쉬운 영어 고치면서 쑥쑥입니다.

Hello everyone. I'm Learning English with Gobo, improving while having fun.

오늘 또 여러분과 함께 할 문장은요. 한국 성인 학생들이 말할 때 정말 자주 틀리는 문장 중 하나입니다.

Today, the sentence we will be discussing together is one that Korean adult learners often get wrong when they speak.

오늘은 어떤 종류의 오류를 만나게 될까요?

What kind of errors will we encounter today?

첫 번째 문장입니다. 제가 읽어 볼게요.

This is the first sentence. Let me read it.

자, 어떤 뜻일까요?

Well, what does it mean?

도보는, 걷는 것은 어떤 특별한 장치, 특별한 장치가 필요하지 않습니다. 이런 의미인데요.

Walking does not require any special equipment or devices. That's the meaning.

여러분, 오류가 어디에 있는지 한번 코렉션 해 보시겠어요?

Everyone, could you try to correct where the error is?

이 문장은 힌트를 드리면 조동사 활용입니다.

This sentence gives a hint about the use of auxiliary verbs.

이 문장의 오류입니다.

This is an error in the sentence.

이전에 저희가 한번 다룬 오류인데요.

This is an error we have dealt with before.

주어가 walking, w-a-l-k-i-n-g, walking, 그렇죠? 도보, 걷는 것.

The subject is walking, w-a-l-k-i-n-g, walking, right? On foot, walking.

이런 walking으로 단수이기 때문에 여기에 일치하는 조동사는 don't가 아니라 뭐가 와야 될까요?

Since it is a singular subject in this walking, what auxiliary verb should come instead of don't?

그렇죠, doesn't. 그렇죠? 단수 형태이기 때문에 doesn't가 와야 합니다.

That's right, doesn't. Right? Since it's in singular form, it should be doesn't.

동사도 need보다는 required.

The verb should be "required" rather than "need."

이런 표현이 더, 여기서는 문맥상 더 자연스럽습니다.

This expression is more natural in this context.

그래서 고쳐보면요.

So if you try to fix it.

working doesn't require any special equipment.

Working doesn't require any special equipment.

이렇게 되죠. 그렇죠?

This is how it is. Right?

혹은 뭐 you를 주어로 해서 you don't need any special equipment for working.

Or you could say, you don't need any special equipment for working.

이렇게 주어를 you로 바꿔주셔도 좋습니다.

You can change the subject to "you" like this.

you don't need any special equipment for working.

You don't need any special equipment for working.

이것도 자연스럽죠.

This is also natural.

자, 원어민 교수님은 뭐라고 하셨을까요?

So, what did the native-speaking professor say?

그렇죠, subject-verb agreement. 이렇게 또 얘기를 하시네요. 그렇죠?

That's right, subject-verb agreement. You’re talking about it again like this. Right?

주어, 동사의 일치, 수일치죠.

Subject-verb agreement and number agreement.

working can be replaced with it as the subject, so the verb should be doesn't. 그렇죠?

Working can be replaced with it as the subject, so the verb should be doesn't. Right?

working이 단수이기 때문에, 그렇죠?

Since "working" is singular, right?

verb는 doesn't가 와야 한다라고 주어의, 주어, 동사의 일치 부분을 지적하셨네요.

You pointed out the part about subject-verb agreement that states "doesn't" should come with the verb.

자, 이제 조동사를 바꿔서 저와 다섯 번만 연습해 보도록 하겠습니다.

Now, let's change the modal verb and practice five times with me.


It's simple, right?

working doesn't require any special equipment.

Working doesn't require any special equipment.

one more time.

one more time.

working doesn't require any special equipment.

Working doesn't require any special equipment.

one more time.

one more time.

working doesn't require any special equipment.

Working doesn't require any special equipment.

오케이, 잘 아시겠죠?

Okay, you understand well, right?


That's right, isn't it?

그래서 우리가 도보가,

So our walking is,

전혀 어떤 장치도 필요하지 않으니까 굉장히 도보를 권장하는 그런 문장이네요. 그렇죠?

There's no need for any devices at all, so it's a sentence that strongly encourages walking, right?

오케이, 두 번째 오류 문장으로 넘어가 볼까요?

Okay, shall we move on to the second error sentence?

잘 들어보세요.

Listen carefully.

I didn't have donated blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

아, 뭔가 어색하죠? 그렇죠?

Ah, it's a bit awkward, isn't it?

조동사 didn't 다음에 사실은 동사 원형이 와야 되는데,

After the auxiliary verb "didn't," the base form of the verb should come.

현재 완료형의 동사원형이,

The base form of the verb in the present perfect tense,

동사 형태가 왔네요.

The verb form has arrived.

자, 여러분 donate blood.

Come on, everyone, donate blood.



donate blood라는 표현은 뭘까요?

What does the expression "donate blood" mean?

헌혈을 하다. 그렇죠?

To donate blood. Right?

이런 표현인데요.

It's this kind of expression.

이 표현은 좋았는데,

This expression was good, but

전체적으로 해석을 하면,

Overall, if we interpret it,

나는 아직 헌혈을 하지 않았어요.

I haven't donated blood yet.

이런 의미예요. 그렇죠?

This is what it means. Right?



I didn't have donated blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

이렇게 좀 이상한 문장 형태로 왔네요.

It came in a somewhat strange sentence form.

자, 고쳐보죠.

Well, let's fix it.

그냥 simply,

Just simply,

I didn't donate blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

didn't 다음에 동사 원형이 와주면 되겠죠?

After "didn't," the base form of the verb will come, right?

I didn't donate blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

이렇게 하시면 되겠습니다. 그렇죠?

You can do it like this. Right?

혹은, 현재 완료형으로 바꿔주시고 싶으시면,

Or, if you would like to change it to the present perfect tense,

I haven't donated blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

이렇게 하셔야 합니다.

You must do it this way.


You understand, right?

원어민 교수님은 뭐라고 하셨을까요?

What did the native professor say?

Use either didn't or haven't, but not both.

Use either didn't or haven't, but not both.

어쨌든, didn't나, haven't, but not both.

Anyway, either didn’t or haven’t, but not both.

haven't, 이런 이 두 가지 그거를 혼용하지 말라는 거죠. 그렇죠?

Don't mix these two things, right?

didn't와 have, pp 형태 두 가지를 함께 사용하지 말라고 지적하시네요.

They point out not to use didn't and have + past participle form together.

자, 저와 익숙하게 될 때까지 다섯 번만 이거 주목하시면서 함께 연습해 보도록 하겠습니다.

Alright, let's practice this together by focusing on it just five times until you get familiar with it.

I didn't donate blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

나는 아직 헌혈하지 않았어요.

I haven't donated blood yet.

I didn't donate blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

혹은, I haven't donated blood yet.

Or, I haven't donated blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.


You understand, right?

자, 오늘 조동사 활용 오류에 관한 문장을 고쳐서,

Now, let's correct the sentence regarding the misuse of auxiliary verbs today.

Working doesn't require any special equipment.

Working doesn't require any special equipment.

이 문장과,

This sentence and,

I didn't donate blood yet.

I didn't donate blood yet.

이렇게 두 문장 연습해 보았습니다.

I practiced these two sentences like this.

자, 그럼 다음 시간에 만나요.

Well then, see you next time.

Bye, everyone.

안녕, 여러분.

I didn't donate blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

I haven't donated blood yet.

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