[차승은의 팝스 잉글리시] 9회


차승은의 팝스 잉글리시

[차승은의 팝스 잉글리시] 9회

차승은의 팝스 잉글리시

차승은의 Pops English

Cha Seung-eun's Pops English

우리는 어떤가요? 주변 사람들에게, 나보다 어린 사람들에게 어떤 말을 하고 있는지, 혹시 내가 상처를 주는 그런 말을 하진 않았는지 생각해 볼 필요도 있겠죠.

What about us? We might need to reflect on what we are saying to those around us, especially to those younger than us, and consider if we are saying anything that could hurt them.

특히 민감한 청소년들에겐 더 많이 칭찬하고 따뜻한 격려로 감싸주고 교육을 해야 하는데요.

Especially for sensitive adolescents, we need to praise them more and surround them with warm encouragement and education.

영어 격언에 이런 말이 있더라고요.

There is a saying in English that goes like this.

Praise the young and they will blossom.

Praise the young and they will flourish.

젊은이들을 칭찬하면 그들은 활짝 피어날 것이다 라는 뜻입니다.

It means that if you praise the young people, they will bloom brightly.

Praise the young and they will blossom.

Praise the young and they will flourish.

말 한마디로 다른 사람의 인생이 바뀔 수도 있다는 사실, 우리가 꼭 기억해야 할 것 같습니다.

I think we should remember that with just one word, a person's life can change.

진심이 담긴 칭찬으로 주변 사람들에게 용기를 심으면 여러분들 마음도 얼마나 따뜻해지겠어요?

If you instill courage in those around you with heartfelt compliments, how much warmer will your own heart become?

오늘 첫 곡은요.

Today's first song is.

첫 곡입니다.

This is the first song.

브리니스 피어스의 Do Something

Briney Spears' Do Something

네, 노래 듣고 오셨습니다.

Yes, I just listened to the song.

오늘 첫 곡이었죠.

That was the first song today.

브리니스 피어스의 Do Something

Briney Spears' Do Something

정말 오랜만에 들어보는데요.

It's been a long time since I've heard that.


I am.

, 개인적으로 브리니스 피어스의 대단한 팬입니다.

Personally, I am a huge fan of Britney Spears.

한때 브리니 팬이라고 하면 약간 좀 저속하게 보는 사람들도 있었어요.

There were times when being a Britney fan was viewed a bit negatively by some people.

그런데 그만한 외모에, 탤런트에, 가창력에, 게다가 두 아이의 엄마인데

But with such looks, talent, and vocal ability, and on top of that, being a mother of two...

지금 보면, 사실 지금 보면 어느 때보다도 제일 아름다운 것 같습니다.

Looking at it now, it seems more beautiful than ever before.

한 90대 후반이었나요?

Was it in the late 90s?

브리니가 인기가 너무 많다 보니까

Brini is so popular that...

또 뭐 패러디도 나오고 놀리는 사람도 많고, 또 한편으로는 안티팬들이 많이 생겨서 스트레스에 못 이겨서 브리니스 피어스가 삭발을 한 적이 한 번 있었거든요.

There are also many parodies and people who tease, and on the other hand, a lot of anti-fans have emerged, which caused Britney Spears to break down under the stress and shave her head once.

머리를 완전히 밀었죠.

I completely shaved my head.

여자로서 머리를 민다는 건 정말 대단한 결심이 아닐 수 없습니다, 여러분.

Shaving your head as a woman is truly an incredible decision, everyone.

뭐 그만큼 스트레스를 많아서, 또는 뭐 살짝 미쳐서 그랬을 수도 있는데

Well, maybe it's because I was under a lot of stress, or maybe I was just a bit crazy.

그때 제가 느낀 게 안티팬도 팬이거든요.

What I felt then is that anti-fans are also fans.

그만큼 관심이 있다는 뜻이죠.

It means there's that much interest.

누군가 이제 나를 질투하거나 뒤에서 또 나쁜 얘기를 한다면 그 역시 그만큼 관심이 있기 때문입니다.

If someone is now jealous of me or talks bad about me behind my back, it is also because they care that much.

자, 오늘 첫 곡이었습니다.

Well, that was the first song for today.

브리니스 피어스의 Do Something이었고요.

It was "Do Something" by Britney Spears.

한국에 지금 눈이 많이 왔다는 뉴스를 제가 계속 접하고 있는데, 지난주부터요.

I've been continuously hearing news that it has snowed a lot in Korea, since last week.

여러분들 어떻게 지내고 계신가요?

How have you all been doing?

눈 하면 또 빙판길 때문에 차 사고로 많이 이어질 수 있죠.

When it snows, it can also lead to many car accidents due to icy roads.

그리고 노인들 같은 경우에는 저체온증으로 많이 고생을 하신다고 하는데

And in the case of the elderly, it is said that they suffer a lot from hypothermia.

제가 뭐 꾸준히 말씀을 드리지만 저는 하와이에서 방송을 해드리고 있습니다.

I consistently mention that I am broadcasting from Hawaii.

하와이라고 다 좋은 건 물론 아닙니다, 여러분.

Not everything about Hawaii is good, of course, everyone.

여기서 이제 고립된 생활 막 그런 거 하고 있는데

I'm living in isolation here now, like that sort of thing.

어쨌든 저 부모님이 한국에 계시다 보니까 늘 걱정이 돼요.

Anyway, since my parents are in Korea, I always worry about them.

자다가도 벌떡벌떡 일어나고 합니다.

Even if I'm asleep, I suddenly get up.

눈 때문에 또 미끄러져서 허리라도 다치시면 어떡하나.

What if you slip again because of the snow and hurt your back?

아니면 눈이 많이 와서, 눈이 일단은 많이 오면 불편하잖아요.

Otherwise, if it snows a lot, it's inconvenient when it snows heavily.

제가 10대에는 미시간에서 지냈기 때문에 눈이 허리만큼 쌓인 적이 한두 번이 아니었습니다.

Since I spent my teenage years in Michigan, there were more than a few times when the snow piled up to my waist.

미시간, 위스컨슨, 뉴욕 이런 데는 눈이 정말 어마어마하게 오거든요.

In places like Michigan, Wisconsin, and New York, it really snows a tremendous amount.

제가 있던 미시간에서는 12개월 중에, 12달 중에 6개월이 눈이 오는 곳이기 때문에

In Michigan where I was, it snows for 6 months out of the 12 months in a year.

한 5, 6개월 정도 눈이 계속 오는 곳이기 때문에 눈 하면 아주 지긋지긋하죠.

Since it snows continuously for about 5 or 6 months, snow is really irritating.

어렸을 땐 보통 동심의 세계에서는 눈이 오면 와, 눈이다 하고 눈 쌓이면 눈사람도 만들고 하는데

When I was young, usually in the world of innocence, when it snowed, we would say, "Wow, it's snowing!" and when the snow piled up, we would make snowmen.

저는 눈만 오면 아, 눈이 아니라 그게 쓰레기로 보였었어요.

Whenever it snowed, I thought, "Oh, that's not snow, it looks like trash."

눈이라면 눈을 치워야 되니까.

If it's snow, we have to clear it away.

아무튼 눈 많이 왔다고 하던데

Anyway, I heard it snowed a lot.

여러분들 항상 건강 챙기시고요.

Take care of your health, everyone.

운전하시는 분들 특히 항상 조심하세요.

Drivers, especially be careful at all times.

눈이 쌓이고, 그게 얼고, 또 그 위에 쌓이고 하다 보면 차 사고로 많이 이어질 수 있으니까.

When snow accumulates, freezes, and then more snow piles on top, it can often lead to many traffic accidents.

자, 오늘 우리가 배워볼 넘버원 곡은요.

Well, the number one song we'll be learning today is...

다니엘 파우터의 Bad Day 입니다.

It's "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter.

다니엘 파우터, 여러분들 이름 들어보셨는지 궁금한데

I'm curious if you've heard of Daniel Powter.

Bad Day는 여러분들 들어보시면 아실 수도 있어요.

You may have heard of "Bad Day."

Bad Day, 한마디로 안 좋은 날이라는 거죠.

Bad Day, in other words, it's a not good day.

살면서 우리가 좋은 날만 있을 수는 없잖아요.

In life, we can't have only good days, can we?

성적이 떨어질 때도 있고 오를 때도 있고 사업이 잘 될 때도 있고 망할 때도 있고

Sometimes grades go down, sometimes they go up, sometimes the business does well, and sometimes it fails.

연인과 늘 장밋빛 연애를 할 수만은 없잖아요.

You can't always have a rosy relationship with your partner.

싸울 때도 있고 헤어질 때도 있고 그러다 잘되면 결혼하는데

There are times when we fight, times when we break up, but if things go well, we end up getting married.

결혼했어도 지지고 먹고 살다가 서로의 소중함을 알고 서로 또 사랑하고

Even after getting married, we go through the ups and downs of life, realize each other's importance, and continue to love one another.

자, Bad Day.

Well, Bad Day.

이 곡은요. 가사의 의미를 알고 들으면 감동이 더 커지는 곡입니다.

This song becomes even more moving when you understand the meaning of the lyrics.

그리고 예전에 Superstar K에서 배경음악으로 나온 곡이기도 해요.

And it’s a song that was also used as background music in Superstar K.

참가자가 이렇게 떨어졌을 때 Bad Day 이 곡이 나왔었거든요.

When the participants fell out like this, that's when the song "Bad Day" came out.

일단 어떤 곡인지 한번 들어볼게요.

First, let me listen to what kind of song it is.

Where is the moment we needed the most

Where is the moment we needed the most?

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost.

네, Daniel Pauter의 Bad Day 듣고 오셨습니다.

Yes, you just listened to "Bad Day" by Daniel Pauter.

오늘 우리가 첫 번째로 배워볼 곡인데요.

Today, we will be learning the first song.

참 재밌는 표현이 많은 곡입니다.

It’s a song with a lot of fascinating expressions.

제가 아까도 말씀드렸다시피 예전에 Superstar K, 아주 예전에요.

As I mentioned earlier, it was a long time ago during Superstar K, a very long time ago.

아주 예전에 배경음악으로 나왔었다고 제가 말씀을 드렸잖아요.

I told you that it was used as background music a long time ago.

참가자가 오디션에서 탈락했을 때 배경음악으로 살짝 나오곤 했습니다.

It would sometimes play softly in the background when a participant was eliminated from the audition.

말 그대로 Bad Day. 운이 안 따르는 날이죠.

A bad day, literally. It's a day when luck is not on your side.

그래서 좀 어떻게 보면 위로가 되는 곡이기도 해요.

So in a way, it's a song that provides some comfort.

오늘 이 곡을 한번 짚어보도록 하겠습니다.

Today, let's take a look at this piece.

자, 첫 번째 소절.

Okay, the first verse.

Where is the moment when we need it the most

Where is the moment when we need it the most?

이렇게 시작을 하는데

This is how it starts.

Where is the moment when we need it the most

Where is the moment when we need it the most?

Where is the moment

Where is the moment?

그 순간은 어디에 있지?

Where is that moment?

When we need it the most

When we need it the most

우리가 꼭 가장 필요로 하는 순간에

At the moment we need it most.

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost.

자, You kick up the leaves

Alright, You kick up the leaves.

Kick up the leaves 하면 뭐예요?

What does "kick up the leaves" mean?

낙엽을 발로 걷어 차다라는 건데

It's about kicking the fallen leaves with your foot.

보통 한국 드라마에서 보면 기분이 상당히 안 좋거나 그럴 때

In typical Korean dramas, when someone feels quite bad or something like that...

길바닥에 캔 깡통 같은 거 떨어져 있으면 그거 발로 확 차버리잖아요.

When there's a can like that on the sidewalk, you just kick it away with your foot, right?

그런 장면 여러분들 보셨죠?

You've all seen scenes like that, right?

여기서 이 가사에서도 You kick up the leaves.

In this lyric, you kick up the leaves.

그냥 대굴대굴 굴러다니는 낙엽을 발로 걷어 차고

I just kick the fallen leaves rolling around with my foot.

And the magic is lost. 마법도 사라졌다.

And the magic is lost.

그러니까 한마디로 환상도 없고. 그렇죠?

So in a nutshell, there's no illusion, right?

They tell you your blue skies fade to gray.

그들은 당신에게 파란 하늘이 회색으로 바뀐다고 말합니다.

They tell me your blue skies faded to gray.

They tell me your blue skies faded to gray.

이렇게 하면 푸른 하늘이 회색으로 변했다고 사람들이 얘기를 하네요.

People say that the blue sky has turned gray like this.

They tell me your passion's gone away.

그들은 내게 당신의 열정이 사라졌다고 말합니다.

사람들이 나의 열정이 식었다고 얘기를 해요.

People say that my passion has cooled down.

여기서도 이제 재밌는 거 하나 나왔죠?

Something interesting has come out here too, right?

Passion's gone away.

The passion has disappeared.

They tell me your passion's gone away.

그들은 나에게 네 열정이 사라졌다고 말해.

Gone away.

Gone away.

사라졌다. 이런 겁니다.

It disappeared. That's what it means.

Go away. 어디로 가버렸다.

Go away. Where did you go?

Passion's gone away.

Passion's gone away.

그러면 열정이 식었다. 라는 거죠.

Then the passion has cooled down.

그리고 And I don't need no carrying on.

And I don't need no carrying on.

더 이상 나아갈 필요를 못 느끼고 있다.

I no longer feel the need to move forward.

이렇게 나옵니다.

It comes out like this.

Carry on. 그러면 나아가다.

Carry on. Then move on.

또 짊어지다 라는 뜻이 있거든요.

It also means to bear or to carry.

Carry on. 나아가다. 또는 짊어지다.

Carry on. To move forward. Or to bear.

여러분들도 한번 따라해보세요. Carry on.

You all try it as well. Carry on.

Carry on. 나아가다. 짊어지다.

Carry on. Move on. Bear.


To bear.

이렇게 해서 첫 번째 소절 제가 설명을 드렸습니다.

Thus, I have explained the first verse.

두 번째 소절로 한번 이어서 가볼게요.

I'll go ahead and continue with the second verse.

You stand in a line just to hit in a low.

You stand in a line just to hit it low.

제가 노래를 들고 온 이유가 바로 두 번째 소절에 있는데요.

The reason I brought the song is right in the second verse.

You stand in the line just to hit in a low.

You stand in line just to get hit low.

New low가 나왔죠.

A new low has been reached.

Hit a new low.

Hit a new low.

우리가 꼭 알아야 할 idiom입니다.

It is an idiom that we must know.

어떤 새로운 시점에 서있다는 거긴 한데요.

It's about standing at a new perspective.

Hit a new low.

Hit a new low.

이거 한번 보고 갈게요.

I'll take a look at this.

Low는 뭐예요? L-O-W.

What is Low? L-O-W.



밑이라는 거죠.

It means "the bottom."

High, low. High, low가 있잖아요.

High, low. There is high and low.

Low는 밑이에요.

Low is the bottom.

그리고 New는 새롭다.

And New is new.

그리고 Hit.

And hit.

이거는 치다라는 뜻이잖아요.

This means "to hit."

그래서 Hit a new low라고 하면 바닥을 쳤다라는 뜻입니다.

So when you say "Hit a new low," it means you have hit rock bottom.

즉, 최악이라는 거죠.

In other words, it's the worst.

또 다른 말로는 진짜 암울하다 이런 뜻이 될 수 있겠습니다.

In other words, it could mean that it's really bleak.

그래서 You stand in a line just to hit a new low.

So you stand in a line just to hit a new low.

우울해지기 위해서 줄에 서있구나라고 직역을 할 수 있지만,

I could translate it directly as "You're standing in line to become depressed," but,

우리가 이 노래의 흐름을 따라서 제가 번역을 해드릴게요.

I will translate for you according to the flow of this song.

You stand in a line just to hit a new low.

You stand in a line just to hit a new low.

그냥 새로운 시점에 서있다라는 겁니다.

It just means that I am standing in a new perspective.

우리가 왜 새로운 데 가거나,

Why do we go to new places,

어떤 새로운 것에 도전을 할 때 두려움도 있고,

When challenging oneself with something new, there is also fear,

어떻게 보면 진짜 바닥을 칠 수도 있는 거잖아요.

In a way, it could really hit rock bottom.

그 부분을 꼭 기억해 두셨으면 좋겠네요.

I hope you remember that part well.

You're faking a smile with the coffee you go.

You're faking a smile with the coffee you hold.

커피를 들고 fake smile.

Holding coffee with a fake smile.

You're faking a smile. 거짓 웃음을 짓는다.

You're faking a smile.

You tell me your life been a way offline.

You tell me your life has been a bit offline.

거기까지만 노래를 해야겠네요.

I guess I should only sing up to there.

You tell me your life been way offline.

You tell me your life has been way offline.

Offline은 뭘까요?

What is offline?

Off는 뭐 끄다라는 뜻도 되지만,

"Off" can mean to turn something off, but...

사람에게 적용을 했을 때 좀 이상하다라는 말도 있어요.

Some say it feels a bit strange when applied to people.



예를 들어서, 쟤 좀 이상해. 쟤 좀 또라이 같아. 라고 할 때,

For example, when you say, "That person seems a bit strange. That person seems a bit crazy."

He seemed a little off. 라고 하시면 될 것 같습니다.

You can say, "He seemed a little off."

He seemed a little off.

그는 좀 이상해 보였다.

이상하다라는 거지,

That's strange, right?

Off라고 해서 무조건 그냥 졸려 보인다.

Just because it's off, it looks like I'm just sleepy.

애가 가만히 있는 것 같다. 이런 뜻이 아니라,

It seems like the child is just sitting still. I don't mean it like this,

He seemed a little off. 라고 하면 좀 이상한 것 같다라는 뜻이에요.

Saying "He seemed a little off" means it sounds a bit strange.

어쨌든 이 곡에서는,

Anyway, in this song,

You tell me your life been way offline.

You tell me your life has been way offline.

인생이 순탄치 않다라는 거죠.

Life is not smooth.

Way offline.

Way offline.



You're falling to pieces every time.

너는 매번 조각조각 무너지고 있어.

매 순간마다 산산조각이 나 있죠.

Every moment, I'm shattered into pieces.

Falling to pieces.

Falling to pieces.



우리가 그냥 잘못 들으면, Peace는 뭐예요?

If we just misunderstood, what is Peace?

평화라는 뜻이지만, 스펠링이 다릅니다.

It means peace, but the spelling is different.

Peace. P-I-E-C-E. Peace.

Peace. P-I-E-C-E. Peace.

조각조각이라는 거예요. 다 아실 것 같습니다.

It's called a piece. I think you all know that.

Falling to pieces. 라고 하면, 산산조각이 나있다.

When you say "Falling to pieces," it means being shattered into fragments.

And I don't need no carrying on.

And I don't need any more fuss.



뭐 아까도, I don't need carrying on. 나왔었죠?

Well, as I said earlier, I don't need it to continue.

자, 세 번째 소절.

Well, the third verse.

여기서부터 잘 아실 것 같아요.

I think you will know well from here.

Cuz you had a bad day. You're taking one down.

Because you had a bad day. You're taking one down.

You sing a sad song. Just turn it around.

You sing a sad song. Just turn it around.

이 부분을 볼게요.

I'll take a look at this part.

Cuz you had a bad day. 네가 나쁜 날을 가졌다고 해서,

Because you had a bad day.

You're taking one down. 다른 사람까지 우울하게 만들고 있다.

You're bringing one down. You're making other people feel gloomy too.

You're taking one down.

You're taking one down.

여기서 one은 뭐예요? 하나라는 뜻이 아니죠.

What does "one" mean here? It doesn't mean "one," does it?

You're taking one down.

You're taking one down.

다른 사람을 뜻합니다.

It means another person.

그래서, You're taking one down.

So, you're taking one down.

다른 사람들까지 밑으로 끌어내리고 있다. 라고 해서,

"It's dragging down even other people."

다른 사람들까지 우울하게 만들고 있잖아.

You’re making other people depressed too.

You sing a sad song just to turn it around.

You sing a sad song just to change the mood.

단지 분위기를 바꾸려고. 슬픈 노래를 부르고 있다.

I'm just trying to change the mood. I'm singing a sad song.

You say you don't know.

You say you don't know.

You tell me don't lie.

You tell me not to lie.

잘 모르겠다고 하지만, 거짓말이 아니라고는 하지만.

I say I don't really know, but it's not a lie.

You work at a smile and you go for a ride.

You work with a smile and go for a ride.

여기서도 좀 웃긴 표현이 나왔는데,

There was also a bit of a funny expression that came up here.

You work at a smile.

You work with a smile.

work at ~~라고 하면, 노력을 한다는 뜻이에요.

When you say "work at ~~," it means to make an effort.

그래서, You work at a smile. 하면,

So, when you say "You work at a smile."

일부러 웃음을 지으면서,

Forcing a smile,

And you go for a ride. 차를 타러 간다.

And you go for a ride.

여기까지 설명을 드리면, 대충 아실 것 같습니다.

If I explain up to this point, I think you'll have a rough idea.

여기까지 설명을 드리고요. 노래를 한 번 다시 띄워 드릴 테니까,

I've explained up to this point. I'll play the song again for you.

얼만큼 잘 들리시나 한 번 보세요.

Let’s see how well you can hear.

그리고 노래 중에 이런 표현도 나와요.

And there is also this expression in the song.

The camera don't lie.

The camera doesn't lie.

The camera don't lie. 라는 구절이 나오긴 하는데요.

The phrase "The camera doesn't lie" comes up.

Camera don't lie.

Cameras don't lie.

사진은 거짓말을 하지 않는다.

Pictures don't lie.

Camera don't lie. 사진은 거짓말을 하지 않는다.

Camera don't lie. Pictures don't lie.

라고 직역이 되지만,

It can be directly translated as,

이디엄 뜻을 보면요.

If you look at the meaning of the idiom.

얼굴 속에 다 드러난다. 라는 거거든요.

It shows all in the face.

표정에 묻어난다. 라는 뜻도 있어요.

It also means that it shows in one's expression.

그 부분까지 기억을 해 두시면 좋을 것 같네요.

I think it would be good to remember that part.

짚어 드릴 게 조금 있는데요.

I have a few things to point out.

첫 번째 소절에서 Carry on. 나아가다. 짊어지다.

In the first verse: Carry on. Move forward. Bear it.

이런 뜻이 있었죠.

It had this meaning.

그리고 Hit a new low. 요거.

And hit a new low. This.

Hit a new low. 두 번째 소절에서.

Hit a new low. In the second verse.

Hit a new low. 면,

Hit a new low. If,

바닥을 치다. 최악의 경우를 뜻합니다.

Hit bottom. It means the worst-case scenario.

그거 알아두시고요.

Please keep that in mind.

그리고 Life been way offline.

And life has been way offline.

인생이 순탄치 않다. 라는 뜻이죠.

It means that life is not smooth.

Falling to pieces. 산산조각이 나다.

Falling to pieces.

You're taking one down. 이 부분도 있었죠.

You're taking one down. This part was also there.

Take one down. 하면,

Take one down, and...

다른 사람들도 우울하게 만든다.

It makes other people feel depressed too.

여기서 one은 number one. 그게 아니라,

Here, "one" means number one. Not that, but...

다른 일을 뜻합니다. 다른 사람. 네.

It means another job. Another person. Yes.

그리고 아까 말씀드린 Camera don't lie. 네.

And as mentioned earlier, cameras don't lie. Yes.

그건 얼굴에 다 드러난다. 표정에서 드러난다. 라는 뜻.

It shows all on the face. It is revealed in the expression.

기억해 두시면 이 노래 더 잘 들리실 것 같습니다.

If you remember this, I think you'll be able to hear the song better.

여러분들 오늘 하루 어떻게 보내실지.

How will you all spend your day today?

항상 마음먹기 달린 것 같아요.

It always seems like it's all about the mindset.

좋고 나쁜 게 인생에서 있을까요?

Is there good and bad in life?

그냥 생각하기 나름이겠죠.

I guess it just depends on how you think about it.

대니얼 파우트의 Bad day 띄워 드리고요.

We're going to play "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter.

그리고 복습용으로

And for review purposes.

Sugar Ray Every Morning 한번 다시 들어볼게요.

I'll listen to Sugar Ray's "Every Morning" once again.

우리 지난번에 공부해봤던 노래인데

It's the song we studied last time.

얼만큼 잘 기억이 나시나 한번 확인해 보시죠.

Let's see how well you remember.

두 곡 이어서 나갑니다.

Here are two songs back to back.

대니얼 파우트의 Bad day. 그리고 Sugar Ray Every Morning.

Daniel Powter's "Bad Day." And Sugar Ray's "Every Morning."

네. 여러분들께서는 지식라디오 차승은의 팝챙글리쉬와 함께하고 계십니다.

Yes. You are listening to Pop Changlish with Cha Seung-eun on Knowledge Radio.

두 곡 이어서 띄워 드렸어요.

I played the two songs back-to-back for you.

대니얼 파우트의 Bad day. 오늘 첫 번째로 배워본 곡이고요.

Daniel Powter's "Bad Day." This is the first song I learned today.

이어서 우리가 복습용으로 같이 들어봤습니다.

Next, we listened together for review purposes.

Sugar Ray의 Every Morning.

Sugar Ray's Every Morning.

지난주에 배워봤던 곡이기 때문에

Because it was a song we practiced last week.

여러분들 조금 익숙하실지 모르겠는데.

You may be a little familiar with it.

자, 두 곡 이어서 듣고 오셨고요.

Well, you've just listened to two songs in a row.

우리 지식라디오 청취자 여러분들은

Dear listeners of our Knowledge Radio,

지식라디오 청취자 여러분의

Knowledge Radio listeners'

지식라디오 청취자 여러분들 다 건강하신지 궁금합니다.

I wonder if all the listeners of Knowledge Radio are healthy.

제가 아까도 말씀드렸다시피

As I mentioned earlier,

한국에서 뿐만 아니라

Not only in Korea.

일본, 대만 할 것 없이 눈이 정말 많이 와서

Whether it's Japan or Taiwan, it's really snowing a lot.

좀 힘드셨을 것 같아요.

I think it must have been a bit tough for you.

조금 사그라들었죠.

It's calmed down a bit.

그래도 빙판길 항상 주의를 하시고

Still, please be careful on icy roads.

건강 주의하시기 바랍니다.

Please take care of your health.

건강 챙기시고요. 그게 최고죠.

Take care of your health. That's the best.



미시간에서 살 때

When living in Michigan

저는 운전을 좀 일찍 시작했어요.

I started driving a little early.

만 16살 때부터 했는데요.

I started when I was just 16 years old.

미시간 같은 경우에는 한국처럼 버스나

In the case of Michigan, like Korea, buses or

지하철 같은 게 그 당시에는 없었기 때문에

Because there were no subways at that time.

빨리 운전을 할 수밖에 없었습니다.

I had no choice but to drive fast.

근데 한 번은 빙판길에

But once, on an ice rink...

이 시간은 눈이 진짜 많이 오잖아요.

At this time, it's really snowing a lot.

빙판길에 운전을 하다가

While driving on an icy road

급 브레이크를 밟았는데

I slammed on the brakes.

차가 360도로 회전을 해서

The car spins 360 degrees.

제자리로 돌아온 적이 있었거든요.

I have returned to my original place before.

그때 진짜 구사 일생을 했었죠.

At that time, I really had a near-death experience.

아직도 생각하면 아찔한데

It's still dizzying to think about it.

한 번 그런 경험을 하고 나니까

Once I've had that experience,

눈이 무섭습니다. 저는.

I am afraid of the eyes.

지금은 이제 더운 나라에 와서 살고 있지만

I am now living in a hot country.

더운 나라에서도 또 문제들이 있어요.

There are also problems in hot countries.

제가 지난번에 말씀드렸다시피

As I mentioned last time,

도마뱀 이런 것도 있고

There are also things like lizards.

벌레들 이런 것도 있고

There are also bugs like this.

I am afraid of a lizard.

I am afraid of a lizard.

이거 example sentence로

This is an example sentence.

여러분들이 기억하시나 모르겠네요.

I wonder if you all remember.

어디나 이제 뭐 어려움은 따르기 돼 있죠.

There are always difficulties wherever you go.

지식 라디오 차승은의 Pops English

Knowledge Radio, Cha Seung-eun's Pops English


This time.

Lately를 한 번 배워볼까 합니다.

I've been thinking of learning Lately.

같이 불러볼까 해요.

I want to try singing together.

혹시 성시경 씨 버전 괜찮은가요?

Is Sung Si-kyung's version okay?

원래는 Steady Wonder 곡인데

Originally a Steady Wonder song, but...

성시경 버전으로 한 번 공부해보도록 하겠습니다.

I will try studying it in the version of Sung Si-kyung.

버터기 흐르는 그 성시기 형 목소리

The voice of the city when the butter flows.

완전 여심을 녹였죠.

It completely melted women's hearts.

한 번 들어볼까요?

Shall we give it a listen?

저는 이제 그

I am now that.

객관적으로도 스티비 형 버전보다는

Objectively, it's better than Stevie's version.

성시기 형께 조금은 더 잘 들리는 것 같아요.

I think I can hear you a little better, Hyung Seong-ji.

아니면 한국 사람이 부른 팝송이기 때문에

Or it’s a pop song sung by a Korean person.

한 번 들어보도록 하겠습니다.

I will give it a listen.

성시기 형의 Lately

Seong Sigi's Lately

네 성시경 씨의 Lately 함께 듣고 오셨습니다.

Yes, you have listened to Sung Si-kyung's "Lately" together.

오늘 두 번째로 우리가 배워볼 곡

Today, the second song we will learn.

이 시간은요.

This time.

제가 좀 특별하게 노래를 틀면서 같이 해볼까 해요.

I think I'm going to play a song in a special way and do it together.

제가 부르는 것보다는

Rather than what I’m calling.

같이 들으면서 의미를 짚어보는 게 더 낫지 않을까 싶네요.

I think it would be better to listen together and explore the meaning.

첫 번째 소절

First verse

Lately I have had this strange feeling

Lately I have had this strange feeling.

일단은 노래 띄워드리고 제가 설명을 드릴게요.

First, I'll play the song and then I'll explain.

첫 번째 소절 이렇게 시작하죠.

The first verse starts like this.

제가 유튜브를 손에 쥐고

I have YouTube in my hands.

한 손에는 유튜브를 손에 쥐고 틀어드리는 건데요.

One hand is holding YouTube and playing it for you.


I'll listen.

여러분들도 같이 따라 불러보세요.

Everyone, try singing along too.

이게 익숙한 곡이죠.

This is a familiar song.

Lately I have had this strange feeling

Lately I have had this strange feeling.

With no vivid reason near to find

With no vivid reason nearby to find.

Let the thought of losing you remain

Let the thought of losing you remain.

Round my mind

Round my mind

거기서 한번 끊어볼게요.

I'll try to cut it off there.

일단은 최근에 이상한 감정을 갖게 됐다.

For now, I've been feeling strange emotions recently.

Lately I have had this strangest feeling

Lately I have had this strangest feeling.

Lately 하면 무슨 뜻일까요?

What does "lately" mean?

Lately 하면 늦었다 라는 뜻이 전혀 아니죠.

"Lately" does not mean "it's too late" at all.

아주 최근이라는 뜻입니다.

It means very recently.

Recently 라는 표현도 되죠.

The expression "recently" can also be used.

요즘 들어서

These days.

I've had this strangest feeling

I've had this strangest feeling.

strange 하면 이상하다 라는 뜻인데

"strange means unusual."



최상급이 됩니다.

It will become the highest grade.

strangest feeling

strangest feeling

아주 최고로 이상한 기분이 들었다.

I felt an extremely strange feeling.

최근에 그죠?

Recently, right?

With no vivid reason here to find

여기서 찾을 생생한 이유가 없다.

Vivid 하면 뭘까요?

What does vivid mean?

좀 어려운 단어예요.

It's a somewhat difficult word.



뚜렷한 것을 말하죠.

I'm talking about something clear.

예를 들어서 Vivid color.

For example, vivid color.

Vivid color 이라고 하면 빨강, 파랑, 노랑과 같은 아주 뚜렷한 원색을 뜻합니다.

When we say vivid color, we mean very distinct primary colors like red, blue, and yellow.

그래서 Vivid reason 면 뚜렷한 이유라는 의미가 되겠죠.

So "Vivid reason" would mean a distinct reason.

뚜렷한 이유를 알 수는 없지만 이상한 느낌을 받았어요.

I couldn't figure out a clear reason, but I had a strange feeling.

Yet the thought of losing you

그러나 당신을 잃는 생각만으로도

You've been

당신은 그동안 해왔습니다.

Yet the thought of losing you

하지만 너를 잃는다는 생각은

You've been hanging right in my mind

너는 내 마음에 계속 남아 있어.

이 부분에서 Yet

Yet in this part.

요거 보고 갈게요.

I'll take a look at this.



부정문에서는 아직 뭐 뭐 하지 않았다.

In the negative form, it has not done anything yet.


As of now

이런 뜻이 되잖아요.

This means something like this.

그래서 Still 과도 같은 뜻으로 쓰이는데

So it is used with a similar meaning to "still."

이 가사에서는 여기서 유의할 점은

In this lyrics, the point to note here is

부정문에서 아직 하지 않았다 라고 쓰이지만

It is written as "I haven't done it yet" in the negative form, but...

의문문에서는 이미, 벌써 라는 뜻이 되죠.

In interrogative sentences, it means "already."

제가 그래머를 설명할 때는 조금 헷갈립니다.

I get a little confused when I explain grammar.

Yet the thought of losing you

Yet the thought of losing you

You've been hanging right in my mind.

You've been on my mind all along.

당신을 잃을 것 같다는 생각을 아직도 떨칠 수가 없다.

I still can't shake the feeling that I might lose you.

라는 의미가 되겠습니다.

It means that.

자, 그 다음 소절 한번 들어볼게요.

Alright, let me listen to the next verse.

But I ask for you becoming better soon

하지만 나는 너가 곧 더 나아지기를 바란다.

You don't know

You don't know.

You'll never know

너는 절대 알 수 없을 거야.

거기서다 끊어볼게요.

I'll try to cut it off from there.

Frequently you're wearing perfume.

You often wear perfume.

여러분들도 이 노래 많이 들어보시는 분들은 대충 아실 것 같아요.

I think those of you who have listened to this song a lot might roughly know it.

일단은 여자가 다른 사람을 만나고 있는 걸 남성이 느끼는 그런 게 아닐까 싶습니다.

I think it might be that the man feels that the woman is seeing someone else.

뭐 한마디로 아주 쉽게 말해서 여자가 지금 바람이 났는데 남자가 눈치를 챈 거예요.

In a nutshell, a woman is currently cheating, and the man has caught on.


You understand, right?

이 소절에서 나옵니다.

It appears in this line.

Far more frequently, far more 하면 훨씬 더, 그죠?

Much more frequently, right?

Far more, 훨씬 더 frequently, 더 자주 you're wearing perfume.

Far more, much more frequently, you’re wearing perfume.

요즘 예전보다 향수를 더 많이 쓰네요.

I’ve been using perfume more often lately than before.

향수를 더 뿌리고 다닌다, 여자가.

The woman sprinkles more perfume.



With you say no special place to go.

With you, there's no special place to go.

마땅히 갈 곳도 없는데 향수를 뿌리고 있는 겁니다.

I have nowhere to go, yet I'm putting on perfume.

But with you say no special place to go.

But with you, there's no special place to go.

When I ask, will you come back soon?

When I ask, will you come back soon?

You don't know.

You don't know.

Never know.

Never know.

그래서 남자가 이제 불안한 거예요.

So the man is now anxious.

아니 뭐 갈 데도 없는데 향수를 왜 이렇게 뿌리는 거야.

Why are you spraying perfume like this when you have nowhere to go?



그래서 스티비 원더, 그러니까 원래는 불렀던 사람이 스티비 원더니까

So, Stevie Wonder, I mean, the person who originally sang it is Stevie Wonder.

스티비 원더가 불안한 겁니다.

Stevie Wonder is anxious.

어딜 가려고 저러나.

Where do you think you're going like that?

But when I ask, will you come back soon?

But when I ask, will you come back soon?

금방 들어올 거야?

Are you coming in soon?

금방 다시 집에 올 거야?

Are you coming home soon?

라고 하면 이제 여자친구나 뭐 아내가

If you say that, now it's either a girlfriend or a wife.

이렇게 얘기를 하죠.

Let's talk like this.

You don't know.

You don't know.

Never know.

Never know.

절대로 알 수가 없다.

It can never be known.



이렇게 풀이가 되겠네요.

This is how the explanation works out.

그다음 소절 한번 같이 다시 들어볼게요.

Let's listen to the next verse together again.

I'm a man of many wishes

나는 많은 소원을 가진 남자입니다.

I hold my premonition that says

I hold my premonition that says

I really feel

I really feel

My eyes won't let me hide

내 눈은 나에게 숨기게 하지 않아.

Cause they always

왜냐하면 그들은 항상

start to cry

시작하다 울다

Cause this time

Cause this time









이 소절에서 이렇게 나옵니다.

It comes out like this in this verse.

Well, I'm a man of many wishes

Well, I'm a man of many wishes.

Hope my premonitions misses

Hope my premonitions miss.

어려운 단어가 좀 나왔어요.

Some difficult words came up.

Well, I'm a man of many wishes

Well, I'm a man of many wishes.

나는 바라는 게 많은 남자야.

I am a man who has many desires.

소원이 많은 남자야.

He is a man with many wishes.

Hope my premonition misses

Hope my premonition is wrong.

자, premonition

Alright, premonition



어려운 단어가 하나 나왔어요.

A difficult word has come up.



같이 따라해보세요.

Try following along together.


You all too.



예감이라는 거거든요.

It's called a premonition.

그래서 prediction

So prediction.

이거랑 좀 비슷하죠.

It's somewhat similar to this.









Hope my premonition misses

Hope my premonition is wrong.

라고 하면

If you say so

내 예감이 틀리기를 바란다

I hope my intuition is wrong.

라는 뜻입니다.

It means.

그래서 아까도 말씀드렸다시피

So, as I mentioned earlier.

여자친구나 아내

Girlfriend or wife

특히 아내가

Especially the wife

향수 뿌리고 어디에

Where should I spray the perfume?

그냥 나가

Just go out.



내 예감이 틀리길 바라는 거예요.

I hope my intuition is wrong.


내가 사랑하는 사람이 빨리

The person I love quickly.

다시 그냥 돌아왔으면 좋겠다.

I wish things would just go back to how they were.

불안한 예감을 떨쳐버릴 수가 없다는

I can't shake off my uneasy feeling.

그런 소절이었습니다.

It was such a line.



꼭 기억해두시고요.

Please make sure to remember this.


But then

Cause they always start to cry

Because they always start to cry.

눈에서 눈물이 주르륵 나는 건 어쩔 수가 없다.

It's inevitable that tears are streaming from my eyes.

그 부분이 나왔습니다.

That part has come out.

다음 소절로 한번 이어가볼게요.

Let me continue with the next verse.

I have no reason

I have no reason.

with your heart

With your heart

Just the other night

Just the other night

while you were sleeping

While you were sleeping

여기서 재밌는 표현 하나 나와요.

Here comes an interesting expression.

I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name

I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name.

But when I ask you all the thoughts

But when I ask you all the thoughts

that you've had

that you've had

I ask you all the thoughts that you've had

I ask you all the thoughts that you've had.

You just say

You just say.

That I'm missing

That I'm missing.

Like a man

Like a man

I made a mistake

I made a mistake.

거기서부터 후렴구 반복되죠?

From there, the chorus repeats, right?

여기서 한번 끊어볼게요.

I'll cut it off here.

노래가 정말 좋아.

The song is really good.

여기서 한번 끊어보겠습니다.

I will take a break here.

오늘 성시경 씨의

Today, Mr. Sung Si-kyung's



같이 말하고

Talk together.

마지막으로 설명을 드릴 텐데요.

Lastly, I will give you an explanation.



I've been staring in the mirror

I've been staring in the mirror.



거울 속을

Inside the mirror


I took a look inside.

Very slowly picking me apart

매우 천천히 나를 해체하고 있어.

여기서 조금

A little bit here.

희한한 표현이 나오죠.

A strange expression comes out.

Picking me apart 하면

If you're picking me apart.

나를 조각조각 내면서

While carving me into pieces


In a nutshell

찬찬히 내 자신을

Gently to myself

들여다보기 시작했다

I started to look inside.

라는 뜻입니다.

It means.

Slowly picking me apart

차근차근 나를 쪼개고 있어

Picking me apart

Picking me apart

여기서 재밌는 표현이 나왔죠.

An interesting expression has come up here.

Picking me on a part

Picking me on a part

Picking me apart

Picking me apart



찬찬히 들여다보다

Look closely.

라는 뜻인데

It means that.

만약에 어떤 사람이

If someone

He is picking on me

그가 나를 괴롭히고 있어.

She is picking on me

그녀가 나를 괴롭히고 있어.

라고 하면

If you say


To me

태클을 걸다

To tackle.

이런 뜻이 될 수 있어요.

This can mean something like this.

이 노래 가사에서는

In the lyrics of this song,

Pick me apart

Pick me apart

나를 찬찬히

Take your time with me.


to peer into

그렇죠. 거울을 보면서

That's right. Looking in the mirror.

나한테 무슨 이유가 있을까

Is there any reason for me?

나한테 무슨 problem이 있을까

What kind of problem could I have?

그래서 그녀가 나를 떠나갔을까

So did she leave me?

이렇게 풀이가 될 것 같습니다.

I think this will be the solution.

그 다음에

After that

Trying to tell myself

Trying to tell myself

I have no reason

I have no reason.

with your heart

With your heart

당신의 마음을

Your heart.

잡지 못한 것에 대해서

About what was not caught.

A little.

이유를 생각하고 있는 거겠죠.

You're probably thinking about the reason.

Just the other night

Just the other night

while you were sleeping

While you were sleeping

당신이 옆에서 자고 있을 때

When you are sleeping next to me.

어느 날

One day

I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name

I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name.

그저 제가 아까 말씀드렸다시피

As I mentioned earlier.

향수 뿌리고

Spray perfume.

뭐 갈 데가 별로 없는데

There's not really much place to go.

그냥 일단 나가요.

I'm just going out for now.



이 스티브

This is Steve.

스티비 원더가 의심을 하기 시작하잖아요.

Stevie Wonder starts to have doubts.


나에게서 마음이 떠나간 것일까

Has my heart left me?

이 소절에서 나오죠.

It comes out in this verse.

I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name

I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name.

vaguely는 뭐예요?

What does vaguely mean?

희미하다라는 뜻입니다.

It means to be faint.






It's an adjective.







이런 뜻입니다.

This means this.

vaguely heard you someone's name

I vaguely heard someone's name.

정말 슬프죠.

It's really sad.

heard you whisper someone's name

I heard you whisper someone's name.

누군가의 이름을 부르는 걸 들었어요.

I heard someone calling a name.


waking up from sleep



but when I ask

하지만 내가 물었을 때

when I ask you

Okay, I'm ready to translate when you ask.

of thought of your keeping

of thought of your keeping



but when I ask you

하지만 내가 너에게 물어보면

of the thoughts you're keeping

of the thoughts you're keeping

무슨 생각을 하고 있냐

What are you thinking about?

라고 물었더니

I asked.

you just say nothing's changed

You just say nothing's changed.

변한 건 없는데

Nothing has changed.

나는 당신 뿐인데

I only have you.

이렇게 여자친구가 얘기를 하는 거죠.

This is how a girlfriend talks.

or 아내가

or my wife



저 같으면은 깨워서

If it were me, I would wake them up.

너 누구 이름 부르는 거니?

Who are you calling by name?

당신 누구 이름 부르는 거야?

Who are you calling by name?

그게 누구야?

Who is that?

뭐 호동채 거 같은데

It seems like Hodoongchae.

Stevie Wonder는 조용히 묻습니다.

Stevie Wonder quietly asks.

when I ask

Understood! Please go ahead with your request.

of the thoughts you're keeping

of the thoughts you're keeping

마음속에 무슨 생각을 간직하고 있냐

What thoughts are you holding in your heart?

이렇게 묻죠.

This is how I ask.

설명은 여기까지

That's all for the explanation.

드릴 수 있겠습니다.

I can give it to you.

자, 성시경씨의

Well, it's Sung Si-kyung's.

lately 다시 한번 띄워드릴게요.

I'll bring it up once more lately.

여러분들 이번에

Everyone, this time...

가사 다시 한번 잘 짚어보시고요.

Please take another good look at the lyrics.

원래 이 곡

Originally this song



Stevie Wonder가 부른 거잖아요.

It's sung by Stevie Wonder.

Stevie Wonder의 Isn't She Lovely

Stevie Wonder's Isn't She Lovely


I will give you a break.

네, 여러분들께서는

Yes, you all are

지식라디오 차승은의 Pops English와

Knowledge Radio with Cha Seung-eun's Pops English and

함께하고 계십니다.

You are together.

네, 오늘 1월 28일 목요일

Yes, today is Thursday, January 28th.

11시에 함께 만나는

Meeting together at 11 o'clock.

차승은의 Pops English

Chae Seung-eun's Pops English

오늘도 재밌게 들어주셨으면 좋겠고요.

I hope you enjoy it again today.

이제 마무리할 때가 된 것 같은데요.

I think it's time to wrap things up.


Life is

긴 경주와 같다고 하죠.

They say it's like a long race.

지금 혹시 여러분들

Are you all there right now?

다른 사람들과 경쟁 중이신가요?

Are you competing with others?

혹시 지금 1등으로 달리고 계신가요?

Are you currently in first place?

아니면 2인자?

Or a second-in-command?

아니면 마지막으로?

Or finally?

그러니까 쉽게 말해서

So, to put it simply,

꼴찌를 달리고 계신가요?

Are you coming in last place?

그래도 기뻐하거나

Still happy or

슬퍼할 것만은 아닌 것 같습니다.

It doesn't seem like it's something to be sad about.

지금 1등이라고 해서

Just because I'm in first place right now.

평생 1등이 될 수는 없는 것이고

You can't be number one for your whole life.

지금 꼴찌라고 해서

Just because I'm in last place right now.

평생 꼴찌란 법은 없죠.

There’s no rule that says you’ll always be last.


Today is

꼴찌들을 위한 영어

English for the Underperformers

명언을 좀 알려드릴까 합니다.

I would like to share some quotes with you.

자, 이런 얘기가 있죠.

Well, there is such a story.

나의 슬픔을 보고 즐거워 마라.

Do not delight in seeing my sorrow.

나의 슬픔은 곧 끝나가지만

My sorrow is about to end soon, but

너의 슬픔은 이제 시작이다.

Your sorrow has just begun.

라는 명언이 있습니다.

There is a saying that goes.


In English.

Do not rejoice at my grief.

Do not rejoice at my grief.

For when mine is old,

For when mine is old,

yours will be new.

Yours will be new.

라는 얘기가 있죠.

There's a saying that goes.

Do not rejoice at my grief.

Do not rejoice at my grief.

For when mine is old,

For when mine is old,

나의 슬픔이 끝나갈 때

When my sadness comes to an end

yours will be new.

yours will be new.

너의 슬픔이 이제 시작이다.

Your sorrow is just beginning.

이런 얘기가 있어요.

There is a story like this.

저도 한때

I also at one time

막 경쟁하고

Competing fiercely.

다른 사람을 시기하거나

envying others

질투하고 할 때

When being jealous.

사람들이 안 되는 걸 봤을 때

When people see that it cannot be done.



조금 안심이 될 때도 있거든요.

Sometimes it feels a bit reassuring.




That’s it.



나의 기쁨은 아닙니다.

It is not my joy.



다른 사람이 잘 됐을 때

When someone else is doing well

친구가 잘 됐을 때

When a friend succeeds.


Praise me.


Encourage me.

함께 행복해하는 것이

Being happy together.

진정한 마음이 아닐까.

Could it be a true heart?

저는 그런 생각을 하거든요.

I think that way.

Do not rejoice at my grief.

Do not rejoice at my grief.

For when mine is old,

For when mine is old,

yours will be new.

yours will be new.

인생은 길지만

Life is long, but

마음껏 웃을 수 있는 순간은

Moments when you can laugh to your heart's content.

그렇게 길지가 않은 것 같아요.

I don't think it's that long.

우리 항상 기억해야겠죠?

We should always remember, right?

마지막 곡으로

As the last song.

이글스의 Desperado 준비했습니다.

I prepared Eagles' Desperado.


As the final song.


I prepared it.

저는 다음 주 이 시간에

I will be here at this time next week.


I will come to find you.

Have a nice day!

Have a nice day!



Why don't you

왜 하지 않나요



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