요히트 [수: 2013/05/01]


요조의 히든트랙 풀버전

요히트 [수: 2013/05/01]

요조의 히든트랙 풀버전

19.1MHz KBS 쿨 FM입니다.

This is KBS Cool FM at 19.1MHz.

자, 오늘 반찬은 새롭게 바뀐 주부구단.

Today’s side dishes have changed with the new Housewife Group.

어? 주부구단이 어떻게 바뀌었지?

Huh? How has the housewife league changed?

더 맛있게, 더 새롭게, 그래서 더 깐깐하게.

More deliciously, more innovatively, and therefore more carefully.

우리 고기 100% 농협 모구촌이 3시를 알려드립니다.

Our meat 100% Nonghyup Moguchon informs you that it is 3 o'clock.



히든 트랙

Hidden track

이사가기 전날 밤, 기분 참 묘하죠?

The night before moving, it's a strange feeling, isn't it?

짐 다 정리해놓은 방 안에 누워서 천장 바라보며

Lying in a room where I've packed everything away, looking up at the ceiling.

이곳에서 보낸 시간들을 생각하다 보면

When I think about the time spent here

그 시간들이 벌써 아득한 시간들처럼 느껴지기도 하고요.

Those times sometimes feel like they are already distant memories.

그러다 졸음에 스르르 두 눈 감겨질 때면

When I begin to feel sleepy and my eyes slowly close.

두꺼운 책을 덮는 기분이 들기도 합니다.

It sometimes feels like closing a thick book.

추억이라는 이름의 책.

A book named Memory.

앞으로도 우리 삶이라는 책장엔 이런 책들이 계속 쌓여가겠죠?

In the future, these kinds of books will continue to pile up on the bookshelf of our lives, right?

한 권 한 권, 소중한 이야기들은 그렇게 쌓여가는 걸 거예요.

One by one, precious stories are piling up like that.


Thank you.

우리 삶은 모두 다 있어도

Even though we all have different lives.

우리의 삶은 모두 우리가 커서

Our lives are all about growing up.

우리가 커서

When we grow up

우리의 삶은 아직도 특별해

Our lives are still special.

witnessing special life

witnessing special life

Изles cars

It seems there is a misunderstanding. The text "Изles cars" does not appear to be in Korean. If you provide a correct Korean phrase or sentence, I will be happy to translate it for you.

차 차차 altogether

Car, car, car altogether.

우리서어� Blessed City

Blessed City

다음 영상에서 만나요.

See you in the next video.

그 누구도 곁에 없나봐요

It seems like no one is by my side.

슬픔같이 고요할 사람

A person who is quiet like sadness.

아픔같이 나눌 사람

Someone to share the pain with.

어떤 말도 믿어줄 사람

Someone who will believe any words.

무엇 때문에 그리 힘든가요

What is making it so difficult for you?

연색이 안 좋아 보여요

Your complexion doesn't look good.

어깨가 쳐져 있잖아요

Your shoulders are slumped.

그 누구도 곁에 없나봐요

It seems that no one is by my side.

진심으로 위로할 사람

A person who will sincerely comfort you.

아픔같이 나눌 사람

Someone to share the pain with.

변함없이 곁에 있을 사람

A person who will be by my side unchanged.

따뜻하게 안아줄 사람

A person who will embrace warmly.

그대에게 필요한 사람

The person you need.

그런 사람을 하고 싶어

I want to be that kind of person.

그대 모든 슬픔을

All your sadness

행복과 바꿀 수 있는

Can be exchanged for happiness.

그런 사람이 되고 싶어

I want to become that kind of person.

그 모든 슬픔을 행복과 바꿀 수 있는 그런 사람이 되고 싶어

I want to be someone who can turn all that sadness into happiness.

너만 하나 그대에게 필요한 사람 그런 사람이 되고 싶어

I want to be the only person you need.

그대의 모든 슬픔을 행복과 바꿀 수 있는 그런 사람이 되고 싶어

I want to be the kind of person who can turn all your sadness into happiness.

그대에게 필요한 사람 그런 사랑을 하고 싶어

I want to love you in a way that you need.

그대의 모든 슬픔을 행복과 바꿀 수 있는 그런 사람이 되고 싶어

I want to be the kind of person who can turn all of your sadness into happiness.


To you

내게 필요한 사람 그런 사람이 되고 싶어

I want to be the person that I need.

그대 모든 슬픔을 행복과 바꿀 수 있는

You can turn all your sorrow into happiness.

그런 사람이 되고 싶어

I want to be that kind of person.

김그림의 너밖엔 없더라

There's nobody but you, Kim Geu-rim.

에너의 물고기의 그런 사람 듣고 오셨어요

Did you hear about that kind of person who can catch energy fish?

자 오늘도 어김없이 공연 소식 알려드려야죠

Well, it's time to inform you about the performance news as always.

먼저 5월 3일 금요일 밤 9시

First, Friday, May 3rd at 9 PM.

홍대 제비다방에서 트램폴린의 공연이 있습니다

There will be a trampoline performance at Hongdae Jebidabang.

힙합 공연 소식도 있네요

There's news about a hip-hop performance.

컴백 앤 팩 쇼

Comeback and Pack Show


볼륨 텐

Volume ten

긱스, 자이언티, 프라이머리, MIB, 디유닛

Geeks, Zion.T, Primary, MIB, D.U. Unit

아홉번, 아홉번, 아홉번, 아홉번

Nine times, nine times, nine times, nine times.

함께 한다고 합니다

It says we will be together.

금요일 저녁 6시 반 홍대 롤링홀에서 열린다고 하네요

It is said to be held at Hongdae Rolling Hall at 6:30 PM on Friday.

그리고 5월 5일 일요일 어린이날

And Children's Day on Sunday, May 5th.

에? 어린이날 일요일이야?

Huh? Is Children's Day on a Sunday?

아 진짜 짜증난다

Oh, I'm really annoyed.

월요일이어야지 그래야 쩍쩍쩍 쉬지 그쵸?

It should be Monday, so it can rest, right?

아이 안타깝네

That's too bad for the child.

저녁 6시 반에

At 6:30 in the evening.

홍대 살롱 바다비에서

At Hongdae Salon Badabi.

5월은 푸르구나 라는 공연이 있대요

There's a performance called "May is Green."

오마쥬, 파블로프, 판타스틱 드럭스토어, 홀로그램 필름이 함께 한다고 합니다

It is said that homage, Pavlov, Fantastic Drugstore, and hologram film come together.

렉스스믹스의 Take My Breath Away 띄워드릴게요

I'll play "Take My Breath Away" by Lexmix.

렉스스믹스의 Take My Breath Away

Rex's Mix of Take My Breath Away

한글자막 by 한효정

Korean subtitles by Han Hyo-jung

자꾸 웃음이 나와

I keep smiling.

달콤한 초콜릿 멜로디

Sweet chocolate melody

내 머릴 만지네

You're touching my hair.

나를 향한 너의 투명했던 눈빛

Your transparent gaze towards me.

휘바람을 불렀지

I called the wind.

눈을 감고 너를 보고 있는 날

The day I close my eyes and see you.

따뜻하게 감싸주네

It warmly wraps around.

운명은 이렇게

This is how fate is.

갑자기 나를 찾아왔지

You suddenly came to find me.

설레임 깊은 잠을 깨워

Awakening the deep sleep of excitement.

구름 위를 걸어가는 기분

The feeling of walking on clouds.

바다 위를 걷는 자유로움

The freedom of walking on the sea.

I'ma say you love is like a toxic

I'm going to say your love is like a toxin.

천천히 스며들었어 완전히 사로잡았지

It slowly seeped in, completely captivated me.

I need a glasses 가까이 보고 싶은 맘

I need glasses because I want to see clearly.

멀쩡 누워봤대 I've been taking classes

I've been taking classes.

널 사로잡기 위한 Lessons

Lessons to Capture You

I got my Cribs and my Cons

I got my Cribs and my Cons.

Doesn't mean nothing

Doesn't mean anything.

But nothing is everything

하지만 아무것도 모든 것이 아니다.

So relaxed, so we ground classes

So relaxed, so we have ground classes.

What it is, yo, we stretch like elastics

What it is, yo, we stretch like elastics.

너를 향해 내가 꿈꿔왔던 구름

The clouds I have dreamed of for you.

차츰 내게 다가와

Slowly coming closer to me

눈을 감고 너를 보고 있는 날

The day I close my eyes and see you.

따뜻하게 감싸주네

It wraps me warmly.

운명은 이렇게

This is how fate is.

갑자기 나를 찾아왔지

You suddenly came to find me.

설레임 깊은 잠을 깨워

Awakens a deep sleep of excitement.

구름 위를 걸어가는 기분

The feeling of walking on clouds.

바다 위를 걷는 자유

The freedom to walk on the sea.

시간이 흐른 뒤에

After some time has passed

지금처럼만 내 곁에 있어줘

Just stay by my side like you are now.

함께 걸어 나를 기다린

Waiting for me as we walk together.

끝없는 하늘 감출 수 없는

Endless sky, cannot be hidden.

이 커다란, 이 커다란 행복

This big, this big happiness.

운명은 이렇게

This is how fate is.

갑자기 나를 찾아왔지

You suddenly came to find me.

설레임 깊은 잠을 깨워

Awakening a deep slumber of excitement.

구름 위를 걸어가는 기분

The feeling of walking on clouds.

바다 위를 걷는 자유

The freedom to walk on the sea.

사랑은 이렇게

Love is like this.

한글자막 by 한효정

Korean subtitles by Han Hyo-jung

There's a certain sound always follows me around

There's a certain sound that always follows me around.

When you're close to me you will hear it

When you're close to me, you will hear it.

It's the sound that lovers hear when they discover

It's the sound that lovers hear when they discover.

There could be no other for their love

There could be no other for their love.

It's my happy heart to hear

It's my happy heart to hear.

Singing loud and singing clear

Singing loud and singing clear

And it's all because you're near me my love

And it's all because you're near me, my love.

Take my hand

Take my hand

Let me love you now and then

Let me love you now and then.

In your arms I want to stay

In your arms, I want to stay.

Oh my love

Oh my love

Feeling more and more

Feeling more and more

Like I've never felt before

Like I've never felt before

Oh my love

Oh my love

You have changed my life

You have changed my life.

So completely

So completely

Music fills my soul now

Music fills my soul now.

I've lost all control now

나는 지금 모든 통제력을 잃었다.

I'm not half I'm whole now

I'm not half, I'm whole now.

With your love

당신의 사랑으로

It's my happy heart

It's my happy heart.

It's my happy heart to hear

It's my happy heart to hear.

Singing loud and singing clear

Singing loud and singing clear

And it's all because you're near me my love

And it's all because you're near me, my love.

Take my happy heart away

Take my happy heart away.

Let me love you now and then

Let me love you now and then.

In your arms I want to stay

In your arms I want to stay.

Oh my love

Oh my love

Take my happiness and it's all I ever Fucking need

Take my happiness and it's all I ever fucking need.

Singing loud and singing clear

Singing loud and singing clear

And it's all because you're near me my love

And it's all because you're near me, my love.

Take my happy heart away

Take my happy heart away.

Lalalal . . .

Lalalal . . .

I said 30s ago

I said 30 seconds ago.



. please

Sure! Please provide the text you would like me to translate.

. . .

. . .

Call me

Call me

. . .

. . .

My new. . .

My new...

. . .

. . .

. .

. .

. . .

. . .

I love you

I love you.

랄랄라 랄랄라

La la la la la la.

귀여워 귀여워 웃을 때 귀여워

You're cute, you're cute, you're cute when you smile.

너무 귀여운 나만의 연인 그대

My adorable lover, you.

멋있어 멋있어 너무 멋있어서

It's so cool, so cool, it's just too cool!

가슴이 콩닥콩닥 띵고 어떡해

My heart is pounding, what should I do?

두려워 두려워 너의 그 두 눈이

I'm scared, I'm scared of your two eyes.

빠져버릴 것 같아 어쩔 수 없네요

I feel like I'm going to fall for you, it can't be helped.

섹시해 섹시해 너의 그 속옷과

You're so sexy, so sexy, with those underwear of yours.

키스해 주고 싶은 마음이 많고

I have a strong desire to kiss you.

두말이 기다려 두말이 기다려

Wait for the second word, wait for the second word.

두말이 사진을 두말이 비밀거리

Two-mali's photo, two-mali's secret place.

두말이 속소리 두말이 와인차

Two phrases, a whisper, two phrases, wine and tea.

두말이 커피와 두말이 추운일이

Two words: coffee and a cold day.

이런저런 시시콜콜 반짝반짝

Various little things sparkling.

기다려줘 이를 잘해본다

Wait for me, I will do well.

서당서방 익숙해지고

Becoming accustomed to the schoolhouse.

눈을 마주해 기다려

Wait as we meet eyes.

그녀가 해

She does it.

예 기억해 너의 흥얼거려

Yes, I remember your humming.

우리를 축하했던 너란 소리가

The sound of you congratulating us.

우릴 고조하실까

Will you elevate us?

긴장돼 긴장돼 너의 그 모습들

I'm nervous, I'm nervous about your appearance.

그 흘린 그 뒷빛 부품에 안겨

Embraced by the backlit part that spilled out.

샤방이 샤방이 너의 그 목소리

Shabang, shabang, your voice.

컬러링을 담고 싶은 이 마음을

This heart that wants to contain coloring.

두말이 기다려 두말이 비밀거리 두말이 와인차

Two Words Wait, Two Words Secret, Two Words Wine Car

두말이 기다려 두말이 와인차

Wait for the two words, the two words wine car.

두말이 기다려 두그� degree

Please wait for a moment.

krie Deputy

Krie Deputy

돌아다 고개

Turn around, head.

그러나 너도

But you too


That's right.

다음 영상에서 만나요.

See you in the next video.

다음 주에 만나요.

See you next week.

살아가지고 술을 한 잔 할 것인데 내가 울면 내가 사고 안 울면 작가님이 사시는 것으로 그렇게 내기를 했는데요.

I'll be living and having a drink, and I made a bet that if I cry, I'll pay; if I don't cry, the writer will pay.

사실 저도 라디오를 이렇게 오래 들어서 마지막 방송을 저도 몇 번 들었는데

Actually, I've listened to the radio for such a long time that I've heard the last broadcast a few times as well.

안 울어야지 좋은 것 같아요.

I think it's good not to cry.

그래서 오늘 좀 위약적인 마음으로

So today, I'm feeling a bit ambivalent.

아 개운해. 그만두니까 너무 개운해요.

Ah, that feels refreshing. I feel so relieved now that I've stopped.

속이 다 후련하네.

I feel completely relieved.

아무튼 너무 감사합니다. 윤철씨.

Anyway, thank you very much. Yooncheol.

015B의 이젠 안녕. 헤어질 때 정말 많이 들었던 노래인데

Goodbye to 015B. It's a song I used to hear a lot when parting.

또 추억이 있어요.

There is another memory.

추억의 노래를 신청해 주셨어요. 듣고 오겠습니다.

You've requested a song from the past. I'll go listen to it.

추억의 노래

Song of memories

함께했던 시간은 이제 추억으로 남기고

The time we spent together is now just a memory.

서로 가야 할 길 찾아서 떠나야 해요

We have to find the path we each need to take and set off.

안녕은 영원한 헤어짐은 아니겠지요

Goodbye is not an eternal parting, is it?

다시 만나기 위한 약속일 거야

It must be a promise to meet again.

함께했던 시간은

The time we spent together.

이제 추억으로 남기고

Now, let's leave it as a memory.

서로 가야 할 길 찾아서 떠나야 해요

We have to leave to find the path we need to take.

015B의 이젠 안녕. 듣고 오셨습니다.

Goodbye now, 015B. You have listened.



오늘 같은 날 술 한잔하고 싶었는데

I wanted to have a drink on a day like today.

마땅히 생각나는 사람이 없어서

I can't think of anyone in particular.

그냥 투벅투벅 집에 가고 있습니다.

I'm just walking home.

오늘 이 방송 이 음악에 취해보렵니다 하셨어요.

"Today, I will get lost in this music."

어, 마땅히 생각나는 사람 없을 때 혼자 마시는 것도 나쁘지 않은데

Well, it's not bad to drink alone when there’s no one in particular that comes to mind.

편의점에 들러서 맥주 한 두어 캔 사가지고

Stop by the convenience store and pick up a can or two of beer.

그냥 뭐 집에 있는 마른 반찬 같은 것에다가

Just something like the dry side dishes I have at home.

조촐하게 드시고

Have a small meal.

살짝 취한 채 잠드는 것도 저는 참 좋아하거든요.

I really enjoy falling asleep slightly drunk.

김종욱 씨가 홈페이지로 신청해 주셨어요.

Mr. Kim Jong-wook applied through the website.

모카의 하우스.

Moka's house.

하우 원더풀 라이프 우드 비.

How wonderful life would be.


I prepared it.

이어서 가토 바비에리의 유로파라는 곡까지 같이 듣고 오겠습니다.

Next, we will listen to the piece "Europa" by Gato Barbieri together.

가토 바비에리의 유로파라는 곡까지 같이 듣고 오겠습니다.

I will listen to the song "Europa" by Gato Barbieri together with you.

가토 바비에리의 유로파라는 곡까지 듣고 오겠습니다.

I will go listen to the song "Europa" by Gato Barbieri.

한글자막 by 한효정

Korean subtitles by Han Hyo-jung

7637님 엔시그레이의 앵시어스 듣고 싶어요. 너무너무 추천하고 싶은 노래라서요 하셨네요.

User 7637 said they want to listen to "Anxious" by NCT Dream. They mentioned that it's a song they really want to recommend.

그리고 6975님 U2의 With or Without You 듣고 싶습니다 하셨어요.

And 6975 said they want to listen to U2's With or Without You.

제가 베이스로 유일하게 연주할 수 있는 곡이 이 곡인데요.

This is the only song I can play on the bass.

그리고 8694님 존메이어의 Back to You 틀어주세요. 이 밤이 많은 사람들의 가슴에 기억되길 바랍니다 하셨어요.

And 8694 said, "Please play John Mayer's Back to You. I hope this night is remembered in the hearts of many people."

세 분의 신청곡 듣고 오겠습니다.

I will go listen to the three requested songs.

한글자막 by 한효정

Korean subtitles by Han Hyo-jung

I'm nothing special, in fact, I'm a bit of a bore

저는 특별한 사람이 아닙니다. 사실, 저는 좀 지루한 편이에요.

If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before

If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before.

But I have a talent, a wonderful thing

하지만 나는 재능이 있어, 멋진 것이.

Cause everyone listens when I start to sing

Because everyone listens when I start to sing.

I'm so grateful and proud

나는 너무 감사하고 자랑스럽다.

All I want is to sing it out loud

모든 내가 원하는 것은 그것을 큰 소리로 부르는 것입니다.

So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing

So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing.

Thanks for all the joy they're bringing

모든 기쁨을 가져다 주셔서 감사합니다.

Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty

Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty.

What would life be without a song for this?

What would life be without a song for this?

What are we?

What are we?

So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me

So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me.

Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk

Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk.

She says I began to sing long before I could talk

She says I began to sing long before I could talk.

And I've often wondered how did it all start

And I've often wondered how it all began.

Who found out that nothing can capture her heart like a melody can

Who found out that nothing can capture her heart like a melody can?

Well, whoever it was, I'm a fan

Well, whoever it was, I'm a fan.

So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing

So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing.

Thanks for all the joy they're bringing

그들이 가져다 주는 모든 기쁨에 감사해요.

So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing

So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing.

Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty

누가 그것 없이 살 수 있을까요? 저는 진심으로 묻습니다.

So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing

So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing.

한글자막 by 한효정

Korean subtitles by Han Hyo-jung

다음 시간에 만나요.

See you next time.

다음 영상에서 만나요.

See you in the next video.

진짜 인사드릴게요. 여러분, 저도요. 안녕.

I’ll really say hello. Everyone, me too. Goodbye.



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