꽁트모음(권진영) - 김영철의 파워FM


꽁트모음 - 김영철의 파워FM

꽁트모음(권진영) - 김영철의 파워FM

꽁트모음 - 김영철의 파워FM

범고민 당근과 채찍 프로젝트

The Big Dilemma Carrot and Stick Project

정말 그러면 안 돼

You really shouldn't do that.

오랜만에 목공으로 돌아왔습니다

I have returned to woodworking after a long time.

목요일의 공주 대장개미죠

It's the Thursday princess, the big ant.

우리의 개그우먼 권진영씨입니다

This is our comedian, Kwon Jin-young.

목공 어서오세요

Welcome to woodworking.

안녕하세요 목공이었는데 지금은 뭐였죠?

Hello, I used to be a carpenter, but what am I now?


Is it a gold ant?

금개미인가요? 아니 금사빠도 있었고

Is it a gold ant? No, there was also a gold love-at-first-sight.


Ms. Kim Hye-ran

일개미 목공이면 어떻고 금사빠 면 어떻습니까

What if it's an ordinary ant carpenter, and what if it's a gold digger?

권진영씨면 됐죠

It would be okay if it's Kwon Jin-young.

대장금도 있었고

There was also Dae Jang Geum.

금메달 금고

Gold medal safe.


There were many.

목공이면 어떻고 대장금이고

What does it matter if it's woodworking or Dae Jang Geum?

금사빠 면 어떻습니까

How about being a quick to fall in love type?

진영씨만 나와주면 되죠

As long as Jinyoung shows up, that's all that matters.

근데 우리 0732번님이

But our number 0732님 is...

목공 혹시 미용실 차리셨나요?

Did you happen to open a hair salon?



포촌 송우리 지나는 길에 간판 보고 놀랐네요

I was surprised to see the sign on the road passing through Pochon Songuri.

진짜 권진영에요가

It's really Kwon Jin-young.

본인 건 아니시죠?

It's not yours, right?

제 건 아닙니다

It's not mine.

홍보성은 전혀 아니고요

It's not promotional at all.

그럼요 그럼요

Of course, of course.

다음에 우리 0732번님 한번

Next time, let's have 0732-nim join us.


Kwon Jin-young.

갔다 와보세요

Go and see.

다녀와 보시고

Come back after you go.

헤어 후기를 한번 올려주세요

Please post a hair review.

지금 사진을 나름 첨부해서 올려주셨어요

You have attached a photo along with your message.

우리는 봤는데

We saw it.

진영이 이름 그대로 딱 세 글자가 있네요

As his name suggests, there are exactly three characters.


That's amazing.

우리 권진영이 유명해요

Our Kwon Jin-young is famous.


So, then.

근데 아직도 목요일만 되면

But even now, every Thursday...

목공 어디갔냐고 찾는 분들이 있거든요

Some people are asking where the carpenter has gone.


That's right.

확실하게 금요일로 옮겼다는 걸 홍보하기 위해서라도

Even to promote that it has definitely been moved to Friday.

일단 목요일 한번 더 찾아왔습니다

I've come to visit again on Thursday.

청취자 여러분께 코너 설명을 해주셔야 될 것 같아요

I think you need to explain the corner to the listeners.


Is that so?

이제는 금고가

Now it's a safe.


It is an ant.

금요일날 찾아뵙도록 할게요

I'll visit you on Friday.

목요일에 찾으면

If you look for it on Thursday.

안 돼


다음 주부터는 금요일에 와야

You need to come on Fridays starting next week.



Got it.

금요일인데 오늘 목요일을 잠깐 옮기게 됐었고요

It's Friday, but I had to move Thursday to today for a moment.

혼선을 다시 한번 더 빚게 해드렸다면

If I caused confusion once again.

죄송하다는 말씀

I apologize.

사과의 말씀 한번 더 드리겠고요

I would like to express my apologies once again.

그러면 안 돼

You can't do that.

본격적으로 시작해볼까요

Shall we get started in earnest?

저희가 대신 홍구멍 내드리는 그런 코너죠

It's a corner where we make holes for you.

사연은 어디로 보낼까요?

Where should I send the story?

김영철의 파워 FM 홈페이지

Kim Young-chul's Power FM official website

안 돼 게시판 열려 있어요

No, the bulletin board is open.

방송 중에는 샵 1077

During the broadcast, it's #1077.

짧은 문자 50원 긴 문자 100원

Short message 50 won, long message 100 won.

공짜인 고릴라나 모바일 메신저로도

Even with a free gorilla or mobile messenger.

많이 많이 남겨주세요

Please leave a lot.

첫 번째 사연은 게시판으로

The first story is through the bulletin board.

이임숙 씨가 보내주셨습니다

It was sent by Lee Im-sook.

남자들은 다 그런가요?

Are all men like that?

저희 남편은

My husband is

집안에 고장난 물건이 생기면

When a broken item appears in the house,

꼭 자기가 고치겠다고 합니다

He insists on fixing it himself.

잘 고치기라도 하면 말을 안 해요

If you fix it well, I won't say anything.

얼마 전엔 욕실 세면대가 말썽이었거든요

Not long ago, the bathroom sink was having trouble.

여보 지금 어디다 전화하려는 거야?

Honey, where are you trying to call right now?

어 세면대

Oh, the sink.

물 빠지는 데가 좀 이상해가지고

The drainage is a bit strange.

사람 좀 부르려고

I'm trying to call someone.

당신 내가 누군지 몰라?

Do you not know who I am?



나 김가이버야 김가이버

I am Kim Gai-beo, Kim Gai-beo.

아우 김가이버

Oh, Kim Ga-ivy.

할아버지는 말씀하셨지

Grandfather said.

이런 거는 남자가 고쳐야 한다고

A man should fix things like this.

식은 죽 먹기니까 나한테 맡겨요

It's a piece of cake, so leave it to me.

보아라 팍팍

Look, it's tough.

아우 뭐 굳이 자기가 하겠다니까

Oh, if you insist on doing it yourself.

처음엔 그러라고 했어요

At first, I told you to do that.

근데 다음 날이 돼도 그대로인 겁니다

But even when the next day comes, it stays the same.

그러더니 급히 어디로 다녀온 남편

Then my husband hurried off to somewhere.

여보 세면대 고치다 말고 어디 갔다 왔어?

Honey, where did you go instead of finishing fixing the sink?

아무래도 부품이 문제인 것 같아서

It seems that the problem is with the parts.

철물점에 갔다 와봤어

I went to the hardware store.

정확한 이유를 몰라서 이것저것 다 샀더니

I didn't know the exact reason, so I bought everything.

부품이 너무 비싸

The parts are too expensive.

아이고 진짜

Oh my goodness.

아우 그러니까

Oh, I see.

그러지 말고 그냥 사람 부르자니까

Don't do that, just call someone.

당신 내가 누군지 몰라?

Don't you know who I am?

나 김가이버야

I am Kim Ga-iver.

김가이버야 김가이버

It's Kim Ga-iver, Kim Ga-iver!

할아버지는 말씀하셨지

Grandpa said.

남자가 칼을 뽑았으면

If the man has drawn his sword.

어떻게든 끝장을 보라구

Make sure to see it through to the end, no matter what.

그러니까 나한테 맡겨봐라구

So just leave it to me.



결국 그렇게 3일을 세면대와 씨름하는 남편은

In the end, the husband who wrestles with the sink for three days.

갑자기 바쁜 일이 생겼다며

You said you suddenly got busy.

수리하는 분을 부르자고 하더군요

They said to call someone to repair it.

시간 쓰고 부품 산다고 돈 쓰고

Spending time and money buying parts.

힘 쓰고 되지도 않는 머리 쓰고

Struggling and using my head for things that won't work.

아우 이게 뭡니까?

Oh, what is this?

이게 처음부터 맡기면 될걸

You could have just entrusted this from the beginning.

왜 그렇게 고집을 부리는지

Why are you being so stubborn?

아우 여보 못하는 건 쿨하게 포기하자

Oh honey, let's just coolly give up on the things we can't do.

쓸데없는 똥꼬집 앞으로는

Unnecessary stubbornness in the future.

안 돼


아 우리 이인숙 씨

Ah, our Lee In-sook.

저 같은 남편이랑 살면 참 도움될 텐데

It would be really helpful to live with a husband like me.

고칠 수 있으세요?

Can you fix it?

안 고치잖아요 부르잖아요 바로

You don't fix it, you just call it out right away.

그러지 그러지

Sure, sure.

왜 이렇게 3일 안 걸리게 할 거라고요

Why do you think it won't take 3 days?



뭐 이렇게 전등이나 이런 거 전고 갈 수 있을까요?

Can I change the light bulbs and things like that?

쉿 묻지도 따지지도 말라고

Shh, don't ask or question anything.


Just that much.

아 거기까지만

Oh, just up to there.

자꾸 나한테 그런 거 남성 관련된 질문하면

If you keep asking me those kinds of questions related to men...

욕구하면 안 돼

You shouldn't desire it.

근데 형광등은 진짜 형광등은 갈 줄 알죠

But you know that fluorescent lights really do need to be replaced, right?

아 그래요?

Oh, really?

근데 저는 진짜 바로 그냥 제가 부탁을 해요

But I'm really just going to ask right away.

잘하는 분들한테 바로 그냥

Just directly to those who are good at it.

잘하는데 부탁하거나 아니면 매니저한테 부탁할 때도 있고

Sometimes I ask someone who is good at it, or I ask the manager.

그 다음에 그 갑자기 변기 그거 뭐죠?

What about that suddenly changing toilet?

네 변기

Your toilet.

변기 그거

That toilet.

변기 안에 청소

Cleaning inside the toilet.

청소하는 거 말고 앉아서 물 나오는 거 갑자기

Instead of cleaning, suddenly sitting and having water come out.

아 비대 비대

Ah, it's a big problem, a big problem.

고급스러운 걸 몰라가지고

I don’t know what luxury is.



익숙지가 않아

I'm not used to it.

비대가 고장이 났어요

The vending machine is broken.

그 업체 바로 전화했어요

I just called that company.

고장이 난 것 같다고

It seems like it's broken.

언제 갈까요?

When shall we go?

뭐 내일 모레?

What about the day after tomorrow?

금요일에 오세요?

Are you coming on Friday?

포차서 그러면 끝 아닌가요?

Isn't that the end then?

왠지 전원을 다시 껐다가 켜보는 것도 좋은 방법인데

For some reason, turning the power off and then on again seems like a good method.

스스로 뭘 하려고 하지 않아요

I don't try to do anything on my own.

아이고 참 지친다

Oh, I'm really tired.

아 또 너무 저처럼 또 못하면 그렇겠지만

Ah, if I can't do it like me again, that would be tough.



Ms. Kim Hyang-hee

우리 남편은 운전할 때 내비를 절대로 안 봐요

My husband never looks at the navigation when driving.

저번 달엔 결혼식 가는데 내비 안 보고 자기만 믿으라더니

Last month, when I was going to a wedding, you told me not to look at the GPS and just trust you.

결혼식 끝나고 도착했어요

I arrived after the wedding ceremony.

아우 진짜

Oh really!

아니 이제 문명을 받아들여요

No, now we are embracing civilization.

왜 안 받아들이는 거야

Why aren't you accepting it?

기계를 가끔은 또 의지하세요

Sometimes, rely on the machine as well.

너무 내 머리를 의지하다 보면

If you rely too much on my head...

요새는 왜냐면 건물들이 간판들이 바뀐 데가 많아요

These days, many buildings have changed their signs.

바뀐 데가 많아요

There are many changes.

저기 미용실에서 돌면 되는데 미용실 없으면 어떡할 거야

You can just turn at the hair salon, but what will you do if there’s no hair salon?


So, then.

업그레이드를 그래서 내비도 하잖아요

So I'm upgrading, and that's why I'm using the navigation too.


That's right.


Number 0799.

우리 신랑은요 심심하면 차를 뜯어요

My husband takes apart cars when he gets bored.

멀쩡한 걸 뜯고는 조립도 못할 때 있어요

There are times when I can't even assemble something that's perfectly fine after taking it apart.

돈만 있으면 실컷 뜯으라고 폐차 사주고 싶어요

If I had money, I would love to buy a junk car for you to tear apart as much as you want.

아니 왜 자꾸 뜯어

Why do you keep tearing it apart?

그 남자분들 중에 자꾸 이렇게 뭐 이렇게 고치려는 사람이 있어요

There are some men who keep trying to change things like this.


Ms. Song Eun-hee

자꾸 뜯어요

I keep tearing it off.

나랑 반대라서 우리 쿵짝이 또 너무 잘 맞잖아요 또

We're quite the opposite, so we really click well together.

저번에 mp3 뜯었다가 버렸잖아요

Last time, I took apart the MP3 and threw it away, remember?


So, then.

그 비싼 거

That expensive one.

the way

the way


Long time no see.


Jang Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji Hee-nim

저희 신랑도 돈 아깝다고 벽지 혼자 붙이다

My husband also thinks it's a waste of money, so he's putting up the wallpaper by himself.

붙이다 자다가 붙이고 자다가 벽지 얼굴 위로 떨어져서 사람 불러서 다시 했네

I was sticking it on while sleeping, and it fell off the wallpaper, so I called someone to do it again.

아니 어떻게 붙였길래 벽지가 얼굴 위로 떨어져

No, how did you stick it up so that the wallpaper fell over your face?

제가 벽지 잘 붙인 사람 하나 한 명 있는데 소개해 드려요

I have someone who is good at pasting wallpaper, and I'd like to introduce them to you.


Who is it?

서장훈 씨라고

It's called Mr. Seo Jang-hoon.



사다리 없이 바로

Directly without a ladder.

천장도 붙일 수 있을 것 같아요

I think we can also attach it to the ceiling.

와 신기하다

Wow, that's amazing!

한 번 물어보려고 한다고 하다가

I was going to ask once.


3분 다 선물 챙겨드리고요

I will prepare all the gifts in just 3 minutes.

오늘 사연 보내주신 이임숙님

Today's story is sent by Lee Im-sook.

백화점 상품권 목욕용품 3종 세트

Department store gift certificate for a set of 3 bath products.

선물 드리도록 하겠습니다

I will give you a gift.

여러분 혼구멍 내두고 싶은 사람들

People who want to poke a hole in their own behinds.

짧은 사연도 좋으니까 실시간으로

Short stories are good, so let's do it in real-time.

샵 1077 짧은 문자 50원 긴 문자 100원

Shop 1077, short text 50 won, long text 100 won.

고릴라 모바일 메신저 무료니까 보내주세요

Since the Gorilla mobile messenger is free, please send it.

선물 드릴게요

I'll give you a gift.

자 우리 붐도 신곡이 나왔어요

"Now our Boom has released a new song."


It's a boom.

3467번님이 붐 팬인가봐요

It seems that number 3467 is a fan of Boom.


It's the guy next door.

노래를 신청하시는데요

You are requesting to sing a song.

옆집오빠 들으면서

Listening to the guy next door.

웃자 웃자

Let's laugh, let's laugh.

옆집오빠 듣고 왔고요

I just listened to the guy next door.

윤지연씨가 오늘

Ms. Yoon Ji-yeon today


Boom Live

라디오 웃자에 가서

Go to the radio and laugh.

철파에 안되나요

Is it not possible for the iron plate?

틀어달라고 해야겠어요

I should ask you to play it.

아 좋은데요

Oh, that's nice.

노래 나간 동안 3527번님 문자는

During the song, a message from number 3527...

포천 송우리의 저희 언니 샵이에요

This is my sister's shop in Songu-ri, Pocheon.

전 용인에 살고

I live in Yongin.

언니는 포천에 살거든요

My sister lives in Pocheon.

언니 이름이 권진영은 아닌데

My sister's name isn't Kwon Jin-young.

저도 처음에 샵에 가서 의아했어요

I was also puzzled when I first went to the shop.

권진영님 이름 덕분에

Thanks to the name Kwon Jin-young.

대박날거에요 저희 언니 실력가에요

It's going to be a huge success; my sister is really talented.


You did it.

언니 이름은 진영은 아닌데

My sister's name is not Jinyoung.


I see.

근데 어떻게 저렇게

But how is that possible?

둘을 좋아하시나

Do you like both?

그러니까 그럴수도

So that could happen.

왜 연예인

Why a celebrity?

뭐 그쵸

Well, that's right.


I understand.

3527번님 선물 챙겨드리구요

We'll prepare a gift for you, number 3527.


Yes, yes.

자 이번엔 남편분 사연이 도착했습니다

Now, the story of the husband has arrived.

김홍규씨의 사연인데요

This is the story of Mr. Kim Hong-kyu.

어떤 내용일까요

What could it be about?

며칠 전 목이 너무 칼칼하고 불편해가지고

A few days ago, my throat felt very scratchy and uncomfortable.

자다가 깼는데요

I woke up from sleeping.

물 한 잔 마시려고 냉장고 문을 살포시 열었다가

I gently opened the refrigerator door to drink a glass of water.

배가 있길래 그거 하나 깎아먹고 잤습니다

I had a belly, so I just carved one and went to sleep.

근데 아침부터 아내의 잔소리가 이어지더군요

But my wife's nagging continued from the morning.

오밤중에 배 하나 깎아먹은거 누구 당신이야?

Who was it that ate a pear in the middle of the night?



말을 해봐

Speak up.

목이 너무 아파가지고

My neck hurts a lot.

딱 보면 제사용 배라는게 안보여?

Can't you see that it's clearly a ceremonial rice cake?

제사상에 올릴건데 그걸 눈치없이 혼란있게 먹었냐 그 말이여

I meant, are you eating that in a confused way without any awareness, even though it's something to be placed on the ritual table?


Is that so?

근데 내가 너무 목이 아파가지고

But my throat hurts so much.

걱정하지마 내가 바로 가서 사올게

Don't worry, I'll go buy it right now.

당신 10년전에도 아버님 제사상에 올릴 바나나 하나 그때 먹은거

The banana you ate 10 years ago that you put on your father's memorial altar.

잊은거 아니겠지?

You haven't forgotten, right?

말을 해봐

Speak up.

그게 언제쯤 얘긴데?

When is that supposed to be?

13년전에는 내가 다이어트한다고 삶은 고구마 몰래 먹었잖여

Thirteen years ago, I secretly ate boiled sweet potatoes while on a diet.

그때 그거 딱 하나 먹었는데 넌 그걸 기억하냐?

At that time, I only ate that one thing, do you remember it?

15년전에는 당신 밥 다먹고 내 밥 한숟가락 뺏어먹은거

Fifteen years ago, you ate all your rice and stole a spoonful of mine.

설마 그것도 잊은거는 아니겠지 그것은?

Surely you haven't forgotten that too, have you?

거참 다른건 다 까먹으면서 그런건 기억력 또 좋다

You really have a good memory for that while forgetting everything else.

그리고 20년전 우리가 신혼일때는

And 20 years ago when we were newlyweds.

내가 야식이 먹고싶다고 했는데 당신이 배부르다고 했잖아

I said I wanted a late-night snack, but you said you were full.

이 손으로 직접 통닭을 시켰잖여

I ordered the chicken directly with this hand.

근데 그 닭다리 하나를 당신이 홀랑 먹어버려서

But you completely ate that drumstick.

내가 얼마나 서러운지 그때 생각하면 제가 눈물이

When I think about how deeply I was hurt back then, I feel tears coming.


Stop it!

아내들은 다 그런가요?

Are all wives like that?

밤에 배 하나 그거 끝까지 깎아먹었다고

I pecked at one pear all night long until it was all gone.

최소 10년전 얘기부터 20년도 더 된 얘기까지 들먹이면서 잔소리를 늘어놓는 아내

My wife nags me by bringing up stories from at least 10 years ago, even ones that are more than 20 years old.

그것도 먹는걸로 그러니까 너무 치사합니다

That's just being petty about food, so it's really stingy.

당신 자꾸 옛날얘기 자꾸 들추고 그러면

If you keep bringing up old stories like that,

나도 앞으로 수첩에 다 적어놓는거야

I will also write everything down in my notebook from now on.

너는 말이 안나오네

You can't speak.

그러니까 너 자꾸 그러면 안돼

So you shouldn't keep doing that.

아 이번꺼는 아주 그 버벅이

Ah, this time it's really stumbling.

잘 넘어갔지

It went well, didn't it?

아니 너무 자연스럽게

No, it's too natural.

자연스럽게 살렸어

I brought it to life naturally.

그럼 진짜 왜 그깟 배하나 깎아먹었다고

So then why on earth did you cut off that one little bowl?

그 치사하게

How petty.

이거 사실 남편입주라고 하면 사실 제사도 제사지만 일단 산사람이 먹었는데

If I say this is for my husband's initiation ceremony, it's true that it's also for the ritual, but for now, the living person ate it.


So, it's like this.

저도 어릴때 제사음식 먹어서 좀 등장 스매싱 당했는데

I also got a bit of a beating when I ate the ceremonial food when I was young.

내가 해본적이 있어서 그러는데

It's because I've experienced it before.

근데 제사음식이 더 실해

But the ritual food is more substantial.

그리고 뭐가 더 달것 같고

And what seems to be sweeter?

솔직히 남편 알면서도 먹었을수도 있었어요

To be honest, I might have eaten it knowing it was my husband’s.


So, then.


That's right.


Pretending not to know

근데 저는 시댁에 갔는데 저희 도련님께서 치킨 두마리를 시켰는데 닭다리를 4개를 먹는겨

But I went to my in-laws' house, and my brother-in-law ordered two chickens, and he ate four chicken legs.


Yes, yes.



그래서 어떻게 한겨

So what happened?

두구두구 기억에 남는겨

It definitely leaves a lasting memory.

그게 몇년전이요

How many years ago was that?

바로 6개월 전이요

Exactly six months ago.

6개월전 외우고 있으란 말이요

You said to memorize it 6 months ago.

외우고있어 6개월전

I memorized it 6 months ago.


6 months ago


Young master.

도련님 그거 기억안나요

Young master, don’t you remember that?

닭다리를 4개나

Four chicken legs.

4개나 지가

Four of them.


Four of them.


Ms. Lee Kyung-soon


아우 이거 제 얘기 같네요

Oh, this seems like it's my story.



전 남편이 비상금 숨긴거 15년째 얘기하고 있어요

I've been talking about my ex-husband hiding emergency funds for 15 years.


Excuse me.

전 남편이

My ex-husband.


전 남편이

My ex-husband.

아이고 아이고 그랬네

Oh dear, oh dear, that's how it is.

띄어쓰기 하나로 이렇게 두번 결혼한 사람을 만들었네

It's amazing how just a space can create someone who has been married twice.

당신 전 남편이

Your ex-husband.



전 남편이

My ex-husband.

이렇게 하라고

Do it like this.

아우 죄송합니다

Oh, I'm sorry.

우리 진영이는 한눈쯤 조금 있으니깐 정답은 이해바래요

Our Jinyoung has a bit of a wandering eye, so I hope you understand the answer.

예예 띄어쓰기가 띄엄띄엄이 안되네

Yes, the spacing is not quite right.


It's okay.



Mr. 7601

제 전 아내가 아니

My ex-wife is not.



아니 자꾸 윽박을 지르면 사람이 실수를 하니까요

No, if you keep yelling, people will make mistakes.

네 제 아내는 제가 유치원때 여자아이랑 뽀뽀한 사진을 보고는 싸울때마다 툭하면 저를 바람둥이로 내몰아요

Yes, my wife often accuses me of being a cheater whenever we argue, based on a photo of me kissing a girl in kindergarten.

기억 안나? 유치원때

Don't you remember? Back in kindergarten.

유치원때 어? 그 그때 그 쪼끄말 때 뽀뽀했더라

During kindergarten, huh? Back then, when we were little, we kissed.

그럴 수 있어

That can happen.

그럴 수 있어 그럴 수 있어

It can happen, it can happen.

과거는 들추지마요

Don't dig into the past.


들추면 안된 두가지가 뭐였죠?

What were the two things that shouldn't be revealed?

방구 낀 이불 속이랑 여자 과거 들추지마요

Don't dig up the past of women and the blanket with the fart.

들추지면 안돼

You shouldn't dig it up.

경순씨 7601번님 두 분도 선물 챙겨드리구요 오늘 사연 보내주신 우리 김홍규씨 네 드리겠습니다

I'll also prepare gifts for Gyeongsun and 7601. Today, we will give a gift to our listener, Kim Hong-kyu, who sent in a story.


Yes, yes.

20년전 추억을 생각하면서 치킨 교환권 그리고 이 왕만두세트권이 있습니다

Thinking of memories from 20 years ago, I have this chicken exchange voucher and this king dumpling set voucher.


이 왕만두세트까지

This king dumpling set too.



보내드리도록 하겠습니다

I will send it to you.

와우 축하드려요

Wow, congratulations!

자 그리고 지금부터는 오랜만에 돌아온 코너 속의 코너죠 안될송을 찾아라

And now, we have a corner within a corner that has returned after a long time: Find the Song that Can't Be Done!

어우 너무 떨린다

Oh, I'm so nervous.

나도 떨려

I'm nervous too.



만나볼텐데요 저는 아무 말도 안했는데 오수지 이동엽 9088 6299님 등 많은 분들이 안될송으로 하자고 추천해준 노래에요

I will meet you, but I didn't say anything. Many people, including Oh Su-ji and Lee Dong-yeob, recommended this song to be the one we should sing that doesn’t work.



What could it be?


Memorial service?

혹시 안되나요 한번 대놓고 한번 불러볼까요 네 뮤직 큐

Is it not possible? Shall we just call it out once? Yes, music cue!


Is it not possible?

왜 나는 안되나요

Why can't I do it?

그 놈은 되고 왜 나는 안되나요

Why is he able to do it, but I can't?

어우 억울하다 잘 어울려

Oh, that's unfair, but it looks good on you.

얼굴이니 아니면 그냥 아니니

Is it because of your face or just not?

그러면 나는 영원히 안되나요

So, does that mean I can't ever do it?

억울함이 그대로 묻어나잖아 한이

The resentment is clearly reflected, isn't it?

한이 그죠

That's right, it's frustrating.

이거는 뭐 저의 실제 가사를 실제 내용을 그대로 반영했죠

This reflects my actual lyrics and the real content 그대로.

그러면 라이브할때도 이 안되를 이 창법으로 해주세요

Then please use this singing style during the live performance as well.


Is it not possible?



왜 나는 안되나요

Why can't I do it?

이렇게 라이브할때 한번 해보죠

Let's try it like this when we go live.

선물은 드릴께 이 안되나요

Can I give you a gift? Is that not possible?

1622번님 김영철씨 안될송때문에 안되나요 발표한거 아닌가요

Is it because of Kim Young-chul that it can't happen with the song "An Dael Song"? Isn't it announced?

어우 그래요?

Oh, really?

이게 되려고 하다보니까 교묘하게 타이밍이 맞았어요

I was trying to make this happen, and the timing ended up aligning perfectly.

작곡하신 분이 이걸 주셨어요

The composer gave this to me.

이야 상맞아 떨어졌네요

Wow, that's perfect timing!

네 그 작곡가 분탐에 사연참여하며 선물 드리도록 하겠습니다

Yes, I will participate in the story and give a gift to that composer.

자 오늘도 너무너무 재미있었고 다음주부터는

Well, today was so much fun, and starting next week...


With golden ants.

금개미로 목요일에 나오면 안돼

You can't come out as a gold ant on Thursday.

안돼 금요일에

No, not on Friday.

그리고 금요일에 안나와도

And even if you don't come on Friday



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