[마지막회] 안녕은 영원한 헤어짐은 아니겠지요


김미려, 심진화의 연애 말고 결혼

[마지막회] 안녕은 영원한 헤어짐은 아니겠지요

김미려, 심진화의 연애 말고 결혼

결혼에 얽힌 섹시한 반숙이 반돌이 완숙이 완돌이 돌돌이 돌숙이를 위한 방송 심진화

A broadcast for the sexy half-cooked, half-finished, fully-cooked, and rolled-up characters related to marriage: Shim Jin-hwa.

김미래 본격 19금 토크쇼

Kim Mi-rae's Full-fledged 19+ Talk Show

연애 말고 결혼

Not dating but marriage.

안녕하세요 연애 말고 결혼 217회

Hello, Episode 217 of "Not Dating, But Marriage."

1,2부 없고요 마지막 녹음입니다

There are no parts 1 and 2; this is the final recording.

안녕하세요 마지막 녹음 심진화고요

Hello, this is the last recording of Shim Jin-hwa.


This is Kim Mi-rae.

아 예 한 소식을 들은 지는 열흘에서 한 십 몇일?

Oh yes, it's been about ten to twelve days since I heard the news.

한 십 몇일 되는 것 같아요 그쵸?

It seems like it's been about ten days, right?

그쵸 그쵸

That's right, that's right.

그래서 좀 그래도 제가 그 생각을 했어요

So I still thought about it a bit.

이 소식을 듣고 지난주 녹음을 했잖아요

I recorded last week after hearing this news.

그러고 나서 이제 약간 소용돌이처럼 이렇게 기분이 업다운이 너무 심하더라고요

After that, I felt like I was in a bit of a whirlwind, and my mood swings were really severe.

갑자기 화가 났다가

Suddenly got angry and then


That's right.

갑자기 또 슬펐다가 또 받아들였다가 이런 걸 반복을 좀 했어요

I suddenly felt sad again, then accepted it, and I kept repeating this.

사실 담담한 척을 좀 하고 가야겠다는 생각을 했는데

In fact, I thought I should pretend to be calm a bit.

여기 오기 전에

Before coming here

지난주 녹음하고 여기 오기까지 너무 소용돌이치더라고요

It was very chaotic from the time we recorded last week until I got here.

그래서 막 화가 또 몹시 났다가

So I got really angry for a moment.

그래가지고 우리 카톡방에 우리 피디님이랑

So in our KakaoTalk chat room with our producer...

승지를 또 좀 많이 냈다가

I ended up giving quite a bit more to the 승지 (first mention could refer to something special, like a blessing or good fortune).

승지를 내니까는 국자피디가 못 참고

When I released the victory, the production director couldn't hold back.

아니 청취율이 안 나오는데 댓글도 안 달리고 어쩌라는 거예요 이렇게 남겼잖아요

No, the ratings aren't coming out and there are no comments either. What am I supposed to do with this?

그래서 다시 꼬리를 내리고

So, I tucked my tail in again.


That's right.

이쪽에 내가

Here I am.


That would be so.

왜 꼬리만 하세요?

Why only the tail?

19년 차인데 그래 이런 것쯤은 내가 받아들여야 되는데 뭐 하는 건가

It's my 19th year, and I should be able to accept something like this, but what is going on?


I am.

42살 먹고 이 감정조차 내가 조절하지 못하면

If at 42 years old I can't even control this emotion...

내가 진짜 쿨한 것 같아

I think I'm really cool.

이별해 이별해 정말 쿨해

Break up, break up, really cool.

너는 나는 후타로 왔고 너는 듣자마자 생난리 쳤잖아

You said you were Futaro, and as soon as you heard that, you went crazy.

생난리 친 이유는 그거였지

The reason for the uproar was that.

없어진 다의 그게 아니라

It's not that it has disappeared.

왜 나는 계속

Why do I keep


That's strange.

이걸 느꼈어?

Did you feel this?

그런데 이걸 계속 질질 끈 이것 때문에 그냥 차라리 헤어질 거면 빨리 헤어지는 게 나은데

However, if we're just going to drag this on, it would be better to break up quickly if that's what we’re going to do.

질질 끄는 게 나는 너무 싫은 거야

I really hate dragging things out.

나는 항상 얘기하잖아 사랑과 이별했을 때

I always say that when it comes to love and separation.

그냥 재수없어 삐영어

It's just unlucky, damn it.

질질 끄는 거 나 정말 싫단 말이야

I really hate dragging things out.

사람의 감정이 너처럼 모두가 칼 같냐고 왜 그걸 배려하지 못하니

Why can't you consider that a person's feelings are not all sharp like yours?

국자씨도 얼마나 말하기 곤란했겠어

It must have been quite difficult for you to speak, too, Mr. Ladle.

딱 얘기하고 그 감정 정리는 뒤에 하면 되는 거예요

Just say it and you can sort out those feelings later.

각자 헤어져서

We each go our separate ways.

그래서 어떤 좀 많은

So quite a few.

진짜 웃겼었는데 갑자기 그치 뜬금없이 아니 가만있어

It was really funny, but suddenly, wait, hold on a second.

너무 화가 난다 하면서

"I am so angry."

아니 그러다가 또 갑자기 너무 슬픈 거예요

No, then suddenly it becomes really sad.

또 슬프다가 또 갑자기 또 그래

Sometimes I'm sad, and then suddenly, just like that.

그냥 다 흘러가는 점 중에 하나야 또

It's just one of the points that flows by.



이 19년을 이 바닥에 있으면서 내가 얼마나

In these 19 years of being in this field, I have realized how much...

이런 일을 많이 당했는데 또 이랬다가

I've experienced this kind of thing a lot, but now this again.

그래도 이거는 또

Still, this is...

지금 4년 5개월을 넘게 하고 있고

I have been doing it for over 4 years and 5 months now.

지금 어쨌든 우리 타이틀 롤을 걸고 지금 하는 거고

Anyway, we are currently doing this for our title roll.

얼마나 애정이 깊었는데 또 이랬다가

How deep was the affection that you ended up like this again?

많은 수많은 일주일을 겪고

After going through many countless weeks.

지금 좀 캄다운 된 상태에서 했습니다

I did it in a somewhat calmed down state now.

좀 전에 한 번 차올랐는데 대단해요 눌렀어요

It just rose once a while ago, it's amazing, I pressed it.

나 많이 컸어

I have grown a lot.

너무 유쾌하게

So cheerfully.


또 우리 저기 위에 팀장님이랑

Also, our team leader over there.

남피디님이 오셔가지고

Director Nam has come.

우리 코너를 없앤 사람이 왔죠

The person who got rid of our corner has come.

오셔가지고 이제 성패 감사패랑 꽃다발을 들고

Come and hold the plaque of appreciation and the bouquet of flowers.

나 진짜 너무 웃겼어요 사실

I was really so funny, actually.

너무 재밌네요 끝까지

It's so much fun until the end.

자 그래서 오늘은 좀 이 소식을 듣고 놀란 분들이

So, today, there are some people who were surprised to hear this news.

댓글 너무 많이 주셔가지고

You gave so many comments.

댓글을 좀 뒤로 밀고

Push the comments back a bit.

코너를 먼저 한 다음에

After turning the corner.

참 의미가 없죠 지금 코너가

It doesn't really have any meaning right now, does it?

왜 의미가 없어요

Why is it meaningless?

마지막으로 소개가 되는

Finally, it is introduced.

그게 있어야 되잖아요

You need to have that, right?

다음 주에 이 사연에 대한 댓글 후기

Comments and reviews about this story will be posted next week.

이런 게 없으니까

Because there is nothing like this.

그게 특별하게 우리의 후기로 마무리가 되는 거죠

That's how it uniquely concludes with our review.



Let's give it a try.


Wait a moment.

우리 쑥돌이님들

Our Sookdori friends

쑥 풀고 가실게요

I will loosen it up for you.



네 익명으로 보내주신 사연입니다

This is a message you sent anonymously.

안녕하세요 언니들

Hello, sisters.

저는 결혼 4년차 완숙이에요

I have been married for 4 years and I'm quite experienced.

남편과는 대학 동기로 만나

I met my husband in college.

졸업하기 직전에 연인 사이로 발전해

They developed a romantic relationship just before graduation.


A period of 10 years.

긴 시간 동안 연애를 했어요

We dated for a long time.



남편에게는 제가 처음으로

To my husband, I am the first.

진지하게 연애를 시작한 사람이랍니다

I am someone who has seriously started a relationship.

남편에게는 제가 처음으로 진지하게 연애를 시작한 사람이랍니다

He is the first person with whom I seriously started dating.

제 이전 연인이라고 해봐야

Even if you say my previous lover...

청소년 시절에 만났던

met during my teenage years

한두 명 정도가 닿을 정도로

To the extent that one or two people can reach.

순수한 사람이에요

He/She is a pure person.

누가 그래 청소년 때 연애한 게 순수하다고

Who says that dating during adolescence is pure?


It's a joke.


I am

이전에 몇 번의 제 나름

A few times before, in my own way.

진지한 연애 경험이 있어요

I have serious dating experience.

그 중 한 남자가

One of the men

종종 꿈에 나옵니다

It often comes to me in dreams.

다행이지 뭐

That's a relief.

밖에서 만난 게 어디야

Where did we meet outside?


At least.

이 남자는 20살 때 만나

I met this man when I was 20 years old.

1년 정도 연애를 했는데

We've been dating for about a year.

그 기간의 반 정도를

About half of that period

바람을 피웠을 정도로

To the extent that I had an affair.

제겐 좋지 않은 사람이었어요

He/She was not a good person for me.

게다가 이 남자가 군대에 갔다 온 후

Moreover, after this man returned from the military.

제게 다시 연락을 해

Contact me again.

지금의 남편과 연애하던 중

While dating my current husband

이 사람과 살짝 만남을 갖기도 했습니다

I had a small meeting with this person.


I know.

저 나쁜 사람인 거

I am a bad person.

그때가 남편과 연애한 지

That was when I had been dating my husband for

1년 정도 되었을 쯤인데

It's been about a year.

죄책감에 둘 모두에게 이별을 고했었죠

Out of guilt, I broke up with both of them.

지금의 남편이

My current husband

제 이별 선거로 인해

Due to my breakup election.

차갑게 돌아섰고

I turned away coldly.

그 순간 망치로 맞은 것처럼

Like being hit with a hammer at that moment.

정신이 들더라고요

I came to my senses.

아 이 사람 놓치면

Ah, if I let this person go...

평생 후회하겠구나 하고요

You will regret it for the rest of your life.

그 길로 깨끗이 정리하고

Clean it up thoroughly along that path.

지금의 남편과 결혼까지 오게 되었습니다

I have come to marry my current husband.

저를 괴롭히는 것은

What torments me is

꿈에 종종 옛날 그 남자가 나와요

Sometimes, the old man appears in my dreams.

그것도 항상

Always that too.

저와 몰래 바람피는 상대로

With someone who is secretly having an affair with me.

종종 진한 스킨십도

Sometimes intense physical contact too.

동반한 채로요

Accompanied by.


Oh my!

되게 마지막 사연이

It's really the last story.

정말 취저네요

It's really my type.

꿈은 그냥 꿈이고

A dream is just a dream.

지금은 어떠한 연결고리도 없지만

There is currently no connection at all, but

특히 스트레스 받는 일이 있으면

Especially when there's something stressful.

꿈에 나타나 괴롭힙니다

It appears in my dreams and torments me.



왜 자꾸 제가 그 사람 꿈을 꾸는 걸까요

Why do I keep dreaming about that person?

저의 죄책감인 건가요

Is it my guilt?

어떻게 하면 과거의 후회스러운 인연을

How can I fix the regrettable relationship from the past?

제 인생에서 정리할 수 있을까요

Can I sort out my life?

제 남편은 지금도 여전히

My husband is still

사랑스럽고 다정하고

Loving and gentle

섬세한 사람입니다

He/She is a delicate person.

꿈에서 깨어 남편을 볼 때마다

Every time I wake from a dream and see my husband

마음이 너무 불편해요

I feel very uncomfortable.


Please help me.

여기서 정답이 나왔잖아요

The answer came out here.

정말 너무 취저 사연인데요

It's such a perfect story for me.

제 남편은 사랑스럽고 다정하고

My husband is loving and kind.

섬세한 사람

A delicate person.

섹시한 사람은 아닌 거예요

I'm not a sexy person.

그러니까 뭐냐면

So what I'm saying is

솔직히 우리 남편도

To be honest, our husband also...


This is how it is.

사랑스럽고 다정하고

Lovely and sweet.

섬세까지는 모르겠고

I don't know if it's delicate.


To be considerate.



말하는 것도 그렇고

It's like that when I speak too.

뭔가를 이렇게

Like this, something.

어떤 행동을 취할 때

When taking action

되게 자상해요

You're very caring.

그래서 내가

So I...

이거를 표현할 정도로

To the extent of expressing this.

참 우리 남편 자상하다

My husband is really caring.

마지막이라서 갑자기 칭찬하는 거예요

I'm suddenly complimenting you because it's the last time.



근데 섹시함이 없어요

But there's no sexiness.

그치 미련은 365일 좋아하니까

Right, the lingering feelings are good all 365 days.

내가 그

I am that.



그 있잖아요

You know what?

여자들이 은근 바라는 그런 섹시함

The kind of sexiness that women subtly desire.

그런 게 없어요

There is nothing like that.

근데 남편감으로는 최고지

But he's the best as a husband.

근데 나는 이렇게 생각해

But I think like this.

섹시함이 있고 없고

Whether there is sexiness or not.

때문이 아니라

Not because of that.

이 꿈을 꾸는 거는

Dreaming this dream is

그냥 나는 즐겼으면 좋겠어

I just want to enjoy it.

이걸 왜 죄책감을 가져

Why feel guilty about this?


It's a dream, isn't it?

그 얘기를 하려고 한 거야

I was going to talk about that.

예전에 잠깐

A while ago.

이 만남을 가졌던

This meeting occurred.

이 남자는 약간 그게 있는 것 같아

This man seems to have a bit of that.

괜히 바람

Unnecessary wind.

잠깐 만났겠어

We must have met for a moment.


지금 남편에게

To my husband right now

뭔가를 잘했군요

You did something well.

지금 남편에게 없는

Not with my husband right now.

그런 부분이 있기 때문에

Because there are such aspects.

그게 충족이 된 거지

That has been fulfilled.

갑자기 좀 속상한 게

I'm suddenly feeling a bit upset.

저희 오늘 지금 모아가 와 있어요 여러분

We have Moaga here with us today, everyone.

그래서 오늘 아침에 이제

So this morning now

미려가 모아를 데리고 온다고 했을 때

When Miryo said she would bring Moa.

어 그럴 수 있겠지 했는데

Oh, I thought that could be possible.

지금 갑자기 속상하네요

I'm suddenly upset right now.

말에 제한이 많군요

There are many limitations to words.


Of course.

마지막에 내 하고 싶은 말도 못합니까

Can't I even say what I want to say at the end?


This is

이게 정말 선수가 되는 길이에요

This is really the way to become a player.

아 그래요

Oh, really?




우리가 말하지 않아도

Even if we don't say it.

우리 안에 그 생략된 말들을

The words that are omitted within us.

다 들으셔야 돼요 여러분

Everyone, you all need to listen.

그래야 신동엽 선배님처럼

So that you can be like senior Shin Dong-yeop.

그렇게 되는 거예요

That's how it works.

멘트를 그렇게 돌려서 돌려서

Spinning the comment around like that.

이렇게 칠 줄 알아야 되는 거거든요

You need to know how to play like this.

돌려서 돌려서 알아들으세요 여러분

Please understand by turning it around, everyone.


그 웃음 뭐예요

What is that laugh?

아니 저도 많이 꿈을 꿔요

No, I dream a lot too.

365일 꿈에 나왔다 했죠

I said I appeared in your dreams 365 days a year.

아니요 아니요

No, no.

누가 나왔다 했죠

Who said they came out?





그래서 저기 즐깁니까

So, are you enjoying it there?

근데 확실히 찬여 때

But it's definitely when Chan was there.

그런 꿈을 꾸면은 확실히 즐겼거든요

When I had such dreams, I definitely enjoyed them.

근데 딱 결혼하고 애 낳고 나니까

But as soon as I got married and had a baby...

꿈에서도 내가

Even in my dreams.

안 돼요


약간 이게 된다

It's somewhat working.

그래서 뭔가 많이 안타깝죠

So it's really disappointing.

나는 어떤 경험이 있냐면

I have some experiences where

신혼 때

During the newlywed period.

그 혼자 살다가 결혼을 했잖아요

He lived alone and then got married, right?

그래서 내가 자다가

So I was sleeping...

잘 깨잖아 내가

I wake up easily.

근데 자다가 깨가지고

But then I woke up from sleep.

옆에 남자가 있는 게 적응이 안 될 때가 많았어

There were many times when I couldn't get used to having a man next to me.

그러니까 신혼 때

So during the honeymoon phase

그래서 나 진짜 화들짝 놀라가지고

So I was really startled.

얼굴 확인하고 이거를 너무 많이 했었다

I checked my face and did this too much.

나 신혼 때

When I was newlywed.

나는 진짜 그렇게 뭐 나쁜 짓도 많이 안 했는데

I really haven't done anything that bad.

너무 놀란 거야 내가

I'm so surprised.

그래서 그리고 어느 날은 한 번은 나도

So, one day I also

그 어떤 그 고 전 사람이죠

It's that person from before.

그 전 사람한테는

To the person before that.

그런 꿈을 이제 가은 꿈이다

That dream is now a dream of mine.

그렇게 꾸고 이제 뭔가 나도

I've gotten ready like that, and now I want to do something too.

그런 게 나왔겠죠 서로가

That must have happened between us.

근데 그게 생생할 때가 있잖아 왜

But sometimes it feels so vivid, right?


That's right.

놀라울 정도로


아주 만족스러울 때가

There are times when I am very satisfied.

나는 그가 어느 어떤다면

I wonder what he would say.

끝까지 만족을 뭘 한 건 모르겠는데

I don't know what I was satisfied with until the end.

만족에 뭔가 직전이라서 깬 거야

I broke the moment because I was just about to be satisfied.

그래서 너무 그 옆에 그 있어서

So I am right beside it.

그때 이제 또 착각을 한 번 할 뻔한 적이 있어요

At that time, I almost made a misunderstanding again.

그게 금방 깼을 때 잘 헷갈리더라

I get really confused when I wake up suddenly.



난 그렇더라고 너무 몰입해서 그런가

I think it's because I get too immersed in it.

이게 꿈인지 생시인지 잘 모를 때가 가끔 있어 깨자마자는

Sometimes I don't know if it's a dream or reality when I wake up.

집중 잘하는 스타일이네

You're the type who concentrates well.

나 엄청 집중하지

I'm really focused.

특히 막 드라마나 이런 거 볼 때

Especially when watching dramas or things like that.

드라마 얘기하지마

Don't talk about the drama.


Got it.

그래서 나는 우리 저기 완숙이 님 즐겨요

So I really enjoy our Juhak.

뭐 어때

What does it matter?


It's a dream, isn't it?

나중에 혹시

Maybe later.

지금 뭐 아이가 아직 없는 것 같긴 한데

It seems like there aren't any children right now.

나중에 혹시나 계획이 있으셔서

Just in case you have plans later.

아이 낳고 저거 저거 하다 보면

If you have a baby and then do that and that...

꿈꿀 시간도 없어요

I don't even have time to dream.

그냥 눈 감았는데 아침이야

I just closed my eyes, and it's morning.


Oh my gosh!

아직 피로가 덜 풀렸는데 아침이야

I'm still not fully refreshed, but it's morning.

그럴 때 많습니다

That happens a lot.

지금 마음껏 즐기시고

Enjoy to your heart's content right now.

미안해하지 마세요

Don't apologize.

그리고 누구나 이런 꿈은 꾸는데

And everyone has dreams like this.

상대가 그나마 전남친인 게 낫지

It's better that the person is at least an ex-boyfriend.

모르는 사람은 아니잖아요

It's not like you don't know the person.

그러니까 뭐 어제 잠깐 지나가다 본

So, what I saw while passing by yesterday.

옆집 아저씨라던가

Like the neighbor uncle.

얼굴을 기억해요

I remember your face.

얼마나 기분이 안 좋겠어

How bad must you feel?

차라리 전남친이랑은 이미 경험이 있기 때문에

Rather, since I already have experience with my ex-boyfriend...

나는 괜찮을 것 같은데

I think I'll be okay.


Isn't it?

이제 감정적으로 그게 되니까

Now it becomes possible emotionally.

내가 혹시 아직도 마음이 남아있나 말이야

I'm wondering if I still have feelings left.

그러니까 내 친구 중에 누군가 이런 말을 하더라고

So one of my friends said something like this.

정말 이제 남친과 있을 때 바람피는 것보다

Honestly, it's better to cheat when I'm with my boyfriend rather than...

전남친을 잠깐 만나는 게

Meeting my ex-boyfriend for a bit.

자기 전화가 안 나고

My phone isn't working.

자기 되게 양심의 가책이 덜 느껴진다면서

You say you feel less guilty about it.

그래서 어차피 똑같이 나쁜 사람인데

So they're both bad people anyway.

그냥 그게 양심의 가책이 덜 느껴진다

It's just that it feels less like a pang of conscience.

새로운 사람보다는

Rather than a new person

이미 그 사람하고는 경험이 있기 때문에

Because I already have experience with that person.

그게 똑같다는 거지

That means they are the same.

그런 얘기 하더라고

They say things like that.

아니 도둑놈이

No, you thief!

털었던 집 또 터는 게 더 마음이 편하다

It's more comforting to hit the same house again.

이거랑 뭐가 달라

What's different about this?


It's different.

이미 경험이 있으니까 뭐

Since I already have experience, it's whatever.

뭐야 이상해요

What is it? It's strange.


Is that so?


똥원리예요 똥원리

It's the principle of poop, the principle of poop.

아무튼 꿈은 상관없으니까

Anyway, the dream doesn't matter.



이분 귀엽네

This person is cute.

많이 우리 꿈 꿉시다

Let's dream a lot together.

꿈 꾸는 거 괜찮은 것 같아요

I think dreaming is a good thing.

얼마 전에 다 나왔다 그랬잖아요

I heard that they all came out not long ago.

이재용, 정용진 서로서로 그렇게

Lee Jae-Yong and Jung Yong-Jin, each doing that to each other.

너무 심하다 너

You're being too much.

네? 뭐요?

What? What is it?



내가 상상해서 꾸는 게 아니잖아요

I'm not just imagining and dreaming it.

모르지 또

I don't know, again.

지금 그날 약간 허경영님 만나고 나서

After meeting Mr. Huh Kyung-young that day.

그 전이에요

It's before that.

국회의원들 좀 만나고 다니더니

It seems you've been meeting with some members of the National Assembly.

좀 이상해졌네

It's gotten a bit strange.

이게 제정신이냐고

Is this for real?

자고 있는데 제정신이겠습니까?

Are you in your right mind while sleeping?

정신이 없죠

I'm out of it.

우리 귀요미 4년차 완숙이님

Our adorable 4-year veteran, Wansook!

꿈은 괜찮아요

Dreams are okay.


Of course.

It's okay

It's okay.

드림스 컴 트루가 되면 안 되죠

Dreams shouldn't come true.


Oh my!



우리 익명의 완숙이님

Our anonymous mature friend.

저희 의견은 꿈은 꿈이다

Our opinion is that a dream is a dream.

즐겼으면 좋겠다

I hope you enjoy it.

실제로 그렇지 못하니까

Because it's not actually possible.

괜찮을 것 같아요

I think it will be okay.

네 즐기죠

Yes, let's enjoy it.

저희 메일로 성함 핸드폰 번호 주소 남겨주

Please leave your name, mobile number, and address via our email.

빨리 남겨주셔야 돼요

You need to leave it quickly.

이제 끝났기 때문에

Now that it's over

그러니까 빨리빨리 주소 보내주시고

So please send the address quickly.

그러면 저희가 천연비누나 세제 선물로 보내드릴게요

Then we will send you natural soap or detergent as a gift.


Sounds good.

빨리빨리 저기 다음 코너 들어가볼게요

I'll quickly go into the next corner over there.

다음 코너 뭐죠?

What's the next corner?

내가 만드는

What I make


Ranking Show

오늘 주제는요

Today's topic is

여행지 추천입니다

Here is a travel destination recommendation.

그래요 우리 깔끔하게 끝내놓고

Okay, let's finish this off neatly.

훌훌 털고 여행이나 갑시다

Let's shake it off and go on a trip.



자 후보들부터 만나볼게요

Let's meet the candidates first.

자 오랜만이에요

It's been a while.

저는 여행을 할 수 있다면

If I could travel

우리나라 한국을 꼭 가고 싶네요

I really want to visit Korea.

지금 일본에 계셔가지고

You're currently in Japan.

해외 여기저기에서 오랫동안 살아봤는데

I've lived in various places abroad for a long time.

한국만큼 살기 좋은 곳은 또 못 본 것 같아요

I don't think I've seen a place as good to live in as Korea.

백신 맞으면은

If you get vaccinated

빠진 분들 2주 격리 면제해주잖아요

Those who missed it will be exempt from quarantine for 2 weeks.

저는 이름을 바꿨더니

I changed my name, so...

가족 증명이 안 돼서 당장 한국을 못 가네요

I can't go to Korea right now because I can't prove my family relationship.

이사할 때까지 기다려야겠습니다요

I guess I have to wait until the move.

이번에 한국 가면 우리나라 구석구석 여행 쫙 해볼 거예요

This time when I go to Korea, I'm going to explore every corner of the country.

캠핑카 하나 구입해야겠어요

I need to buy a camper van.

전국에 계신 우리 연말, 겨울 가족분들이

To our families across the country during this year-end and winter season,

어디로 가야 할지 알려주시는 곳으로

To the place that tells me where to go.

고고 하고 싶어요

I want to go-go.

아이 세상에

Oh my goodness!

이게 근데 백신을 외국에서 맞으면

But if you get the vaccine abroad,

들어올 때 2주 격리해야 되거든요

You have to be quarantined for 2 weeks when you enter.

음 그래요?

Oh really?


제 친구가 얼마 전에

My friend a little while ago

미국에서 백신을 맞아가지고

I got vaccinated in the United States.

신나가지고 한국을 돌았어요

I was so excited that I traveled around Korea.

딸 둘을 데리고

With two daughters.

2주 격리를

2-week quarantine.


Mr. Aengpol



마씨 니가 가라 하와이 오르마

Go to Hawaii, Marcy.

제가 하와이에서 어학연수 할 때

When I was studying abroad in Hawaii

부모님이 오셨어요

My parents have come.

바다도 가깝고 물도 맑고

The sea is close and the water is clear.

음식도 다양하고

The food is also diverse.

다 근처에 있어 편리하고

It's all nearby, so it's convenient.

자연환경이 끝내주죠

The natural environment is amazing.

부모님이 여행 많이 다녔는데

My parents traveled a lot.

딸이 구경시켜준 하와이가 정말 좋으셨대요

She said she really enjoyed the Hawaii that my daughter showed her.

저희 아빠는 해변에서 책 읽는 외국인을 보고

My dad saw a foreigner reading a book on the beach and

그 모습이 너무 좋아보여서

I really like that look.

해변에 책 들고 가셨다가

You went to the beach with a book.

펼치지도 않으셨답니다

They didn't even unfold it.



아 하와이 좋죠

Ah, Hawaii is nice.

아 하와이는 좋습니다

Ah, Hawaii is nice.

나는 되게 쫄본가봐

I guess I'm quite a coward.



하와이가 너무 좋대잖아

They say Hawaii is really nice.

화산 때문에 무서워서 못가겠어

I'm scared because of the volcano, so I can't go.


Just in case.


Oh my oh my.

근데 이제 하와이에 처음 가면

But when you go to Hawaii for the first time...

이제 다 이제 와이키키를 사랑하잖아요

Now everyone loves Waikiki.

그 와이키키 말고

Not that Waikiki.

숨어있는 해변들이

Hidden beaches

진짜 아름다운 곳이 많은데

There are many truly beautiful places.

아 너무 저기

Ah, so over there...

빨리 이게 코로나 풀려서

I hope this COVID situation ends soon.

하와이 가고 싶네요

I want to go to Hawaii.

거기 뭐야 거제 몽돌 해수욕장?

What's that over there, Geoje Mongdol Beach?

너무 아름답죠

It's so beautiful.

거기도 엄청 깨끗하고 좋더라

It was very clean and nice there too.


That's right.

그리고 그 몽돌 지나가지고

And then, passing by those pebbles...

외도 내도

Infidelity, whether inside or outside.

다 가면은 이제 좋아요

All the masks are now good.

거제도가 되게 예쁩니다

Geoje Island is very beautiful.

바람의 언덕도 좋고

The hill of the wind is nice too.


Our country

진짜 예쁜데 많지

There are really a lot of pretty ones.

산면이 바다잖아

It's surrounded by the sea on all sides.

진짜 그 남해 쪽이

Really, that area around Namhae...

잘 해놓고 깨끗한 것 같아

It looks like I've done well and it's clean.


Even now

동해도 예쁘지만 남해도 진짜 예쁜 것 같아

The East Sea is pretty, but I think the South Sea is really beautiful too.

남해는 이제 약간

Namhae is now a bit...

동해는 너무 깊어지는데

The East Sea is getting too deep.

남해는 얕으면서 시작하잖아

The South Sea starts off shallow, you know.

근데 또 서해 쪽은

But the West Sea area...

이제 그

Now that

뻘 이런 거

What is this nonsense?

진흙 이런 거 때문에

Because of things like mud.

조금 물이 이제 좀

The water is a bit... now a bit.

깨끗해 보이지가 않고

It doesn't look clean.

그러니까 남해 쪽은 진짜

So, the Namhae area is really...

너무 좋은 것 같아

I think it's really good.

서해도 좋은데

The West Sea is nice too.

다 좋은데 뭐 매력이 다 다른 거죠

Everything is good, but each has its own charm.

근데 이제 동해가 되게 유명했는데

But now, East Sea has become very famous.

남해가 이제 점점점점

The South Sea is now gradually...

한 몇 년 전부터 이제

It's been a few years now.

부상하고 있죠

It's on the rise.

좋은 것 같아요 우리나라 너무 좋아요

I think it's great. I really love our country.

우리나라가 제일 좋은 것 같아 난 진짜로

I really think our country is the best.


That's right.

그리고 또

And also

바다도 아름답지만

The sea is beautiful, but

또 우리나라 산이 또 얼마나 멋있니

Our country's mountains are so beautiful too.

산도 멋있고

The mountain is beautiful.

제일 기가 막힌 건

The most astonishing thing is

저는 단연 먹거리라고 생각합니다

I definitely think it's food.

아 최고죠

Ah, that's the best!

우리나라 나는 진짜 나는

In our country, I really, I am.

우리나라 먹거리가 가장 좋은 것 같아

I think our country's food is the best.

그래서 그 미국 온 친구랑 만나가지고

So I met up with that friend who came to America.

오랜만에 이렇게 해포를 부렀는데

It's been a while since I've called out like this.

제가 이제 다이어트도 하고 있지만

I'm on a diet now, but...

그래서 요즘에 조금 위가 작아져서

So lately my stomach has shrunk a bit.

보쌈에 쟁반국수에 닭발을 시켰는데

I ordered bossam, cold noodles, and chicken feet.


This guy/this child.

그 넷이서 먹었거든요

They ate together, the four of them.



, 배달을 몇 번을 더 시킨지 몰라요

I can't remember how many times I've ordered delivery.

이 한국 음식을 환장을 하는 거야

I am crazy about this Korean food.

종류도 다양하잖아

There are various kinds, right?


That's right.

한국 음식

Korean food

얘가 이러는 거야

This is what he's doing.

자기 꿈이 그날 좀 더웠어요

It was a bit hot that day in my dream.

그 곱창을 그 밖에 앉아서

Sitting outside with that gopchang.

지글지글 구워 먹고 싶다는 거야

I want to grill it and eat it sizzling.

내가 좋은데 더워

I like it, but it's hot.

너 니가 없을 때 지금 한국 난리 났으니까

It's chaotic in Korea right now because you're not here.

한번 먹어보라고 내가

Try eating it just once, I tell you.

그래서 시켜서 먹었는데 너무 놀라더라고

So I ordered it and was really surprised.

지금 이 더운데 나가가지고

It's so hot right now, going outside.

그거를 지글지글 구워서

Sizzle that and grill it.

그 줄 서가지고 가구

That line goes to furniture.

딸 둘도 데리고 왔잖아요

You also brought your two daughters.

애들 데리고 아우 아니다

No, not with the kids.

시켜 먹어야 된다

You have to order food.

쫙 시켜줬더니 얘가 감동을 하더라고요

When I made it all neat, he was really touched.

정말 우리나라 먹거리는 만만세예요

Indeed, the food in our country is amazing!

내일 저기 대구 갑니다

I'm going to Daegu tomorrow.

드디어 막창 먹나요?

Are we finally eating makchang?



Are you happy?

찐 웃음

Genuine laughter

그래서 마지막에 제가

So at the end, I...

그 설빙에서

At that Sulbing.

메론 딸기빙수랑

melon strawberry bingsu and

인절미 빙수랑

Injeolmi bingsu and

인절미 그 저기 뭐니

Injeolmi, what do you call it?

빵? 토스트?

Bread? Toast?


I had it done.

미국에서만 산 애들이

Kids who have only lived in the U.S.

기절을 하더라고

I fainted.

너무 좋아가지고

I like it so much.

어떻게 디저트까지 완벽하게

How do you make dessert perfect?

근데 저도 설빙에선 처음 시켜봤는데

But this is the first time I've ordered at Sulbing.


It was attractive.

이게 딱 그 배달 올 때

This is exactly when the delivery arrives.

녹지 않게끔

So that it doesn't melt.

완전 그대로

Completely the same.


Our country is

진짜 대단해

That's really amazing.

뭔가 이런 배달부터 해가지고

Starting with something like this delivery...



안 되는 게 없는 나라인 것 같아

It seems like there is nothing that can't be done in this country.

정말 최고인 것 같아

I really think it's the best.

뭐든 가능하게 만들어버리는 나라 같아

It feels like a country where anything becomes possible.

한국인들 대단합니다

Koreans are amazing.

그래서 도착하는

So, I'm arriving.

방금 말했지만

As I just said

퀄리티가 진짜 제대로더라고요

The quality is really incredible.

자 다음


불타는 부록만두님

Burning Burok Mandu

올해 엄마 간병 때 갔던 고창이요

It's Gochang, where I went to care for my mom this year.

세상 세상에

Oh my goodness!

눈길 닿는 곳 전부 그냥

Everywhere my gaze lands, just.

다 그냥 노랗게 물들

Everything just turns yellow.


It was a field of canola flowers.

아니 고창이

No, Gochang.

관광도시도 아닌데

It's not even a tourist city.

눈이며 밭이며

Eyes and fields.

웬 유채꽃만 이리 심어놨나

Why are only canola flowers planted like this?

진짜 완전 장간이다

It's really awesome.


This happened.

주민분 왈

A resident said.

그게 보려고 심은 게 아니라

That's not what I planted it to see.

생산 목적으로 심으신 거래요

You planted it for production purposes, right?

유채꽃으로 당최 뭘 했는데

What on earth did you do with the canola flowers?

맨날 지지고 볶고 튀길 때 쓰던

Used for frying, stir-frying, and deep-frying every day.

카놀라유가 유채꽃인지

Is canola oil made from rapeseed flowers?

그때 처음 알고 충격 먹었잖아요

I was shocked when I learned about it back then.

아 유채가 카놀라유야?

Oh, is canola oil rapeseed oil?

요즘 정모아씨가 게임을 하고 계시는데

These days, Jung Mo-a is playing games.

아 나 빵 터져서

Oh, I burst out laughing.

저렇게 열정적으로 한다고?

Are they doing it that passionately?

인상을 빡 쓰더니 엄지손가락으로

After making a serious expression, he used his thumb.

손이 안 보였어요

I couldn't see my hand.

게임 잘해요

I play games well.

갑자기 유채꽃 얘기하다가

Suddenly talking about rapeseed flowers.

모아 손놀림 때문에 정신을 잃을 뻔했네요

I almost lost my mind because of Moa's hand movements.

아 진짜 빵 터졌다 진짜

Oh, I really burst out laughing!

진짜 웃겼던 것 같아

I think it was really funny.

아 진짜 웃겨서

Ah, it's really funny!

아무튼 우리 불타는 부록만두님

Anyway, our burning appendix dumpling!

고창이 그렇단 말이죠

That's what I'm saying about Gochang.

오케이 접수

Okay, got it.

한번 놀러 가봐야겠다

I should go visit sometime.

내년에는 고창으로 한번 고고 해보겠습니다

Next year, I'll try to go to Gochang.


Violeta Mi.

시댁이 포항인데요

My in-laws are in Pohang.

매년 여름휴가 포항으로 가요

I go to Pohang for summer vacation every year.

참 멋진 곳이고 아름다운 곳이에요

It's a really great and beautiful place.

진아원효씨도 홍보대사이신

Jin Ah-won-hyo is also an ambassador.

아주아주 경치 좋은 곳입니다

It is a very, very beautiful place.


By the way

단 한 번만이라도

Just once.

여행지로만 가보고 싶습니다

I just want to visit as a travel destination.

그냥 그렇다구양

It’s just like that, you know?

아 포항 좋죠

Oh, Pohang is nice.

저는 이 마음을 알 것 같아요

I think I understand this feeling.

사람들이 부산을 되게 좋아하잖아요

People really like Busan.

저도 부산이 시댁입니다

Busan is my in-laws' place too.

여기까지만 얘기할게요

I'll only say this much.



예 부산 좋죠

Yes, Busan is nice.

너무 좋아요

I really like it.

포항은 제가 진짜 자주 가고

Pohang is a place I really go to often.

얼때부터도 자주 갔던 곳인데

It's a place I've been going to often for a long time.

청송이랑도 멀지 않고 이러니까

It's not far from Cheongsong, so that's why.

포항 중심에서 좀 떨어진 곳 있죠

There's a place a bit away from the center of Pohang, right?

고런데가 진짜 요즘에 예술이에요

That place is really artistic these days.

고런데를 이제 요즘에

These days, in that kind of place...

풀빌라를 많이 짓고

Building a lot of pool villas.

예쁜 카페들을 되게 잘 지어놨더라고요

They have really built some beautiful cafes.

와 진짜 뭐

Wow, seriously, what?

동남아 부럽지 않아요

I'm not envious of Southeast Asia.

진짜 잘해놨어

You did a really great job.

코로나 이전부터도 그랬겠지만

It probably was like that even before Corona.

이제 급격하게

Now rapidly.

엄청 기가 막히게

Incredibly amazing.

그리고 포항은 약간 메리트가 있는 게

And Pohang has a slight advantage.

그런 바닷가 쪽을 발전이 거의 안 됐었다가

The coastal area had hardly developed.

한 5년 6년 전부터

About 5 or 6 years ago.

쫙 발전돼가지고

It's been fully developed.

그 정말 그 바닷가 앞에

That really is in front of the beach.

진짜 잘 지어놓은 펜션들이 많아요

There are many really well-built pensions.

그러니까 포항은

So, Pohang is...

KTX 타고 한 1시간 40분 가면

It takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes by KTX.


When I arrived

굉장히 괜찮죠

It's very nice, right?

괜찮아 놀기 좋아

It's okay, I like to play.

그리고 또 포항에 또 조개구이랑

And also, clam grilling in Pohang.

회랑 이런 게

Things like this in the hallway.

또 잘 돼있고

It's also well done.


Starting with gwamegi.

개도 잘 되어있고

The dog is well taken care of.

또 엄청 맛있어요

It's also really delicious.

대게 이런 거

Usually something like this.

그리고 이제 죽도시장 이런 데 가면은

And now, if you go to places like Jukdo Market...

그 자리에서 바로 딱 해가지고

Right there, just do it on the spot.

알죠 식당 가서 딱 먹는 거

I know, it's just eating at a restaurant.

그것도 초장값 6천원인가 4천원인데

Isn't that the initial price of 6,000 won or 4,000 won?

그거 딱 한 명씩 딱 내고

Just let one person out at a time.

상차림이 아니고

It's not a table setting.

그러니까 상차림

So the table setting.

초장값이라 그래 시골에는

They say it's because of the initial price in the countryside.

초장값 한 명

One person for the starting price.

그러면 안 되죠 정확한 정보를 주셔야죠

You shouldn't do that; you need to provide accurate information.

초장과 함께 모든 게 다 나온다 이 말이지

Everything comes out with the dipping sauce, that’s what I’m saying.



그리고 정정할 것은 저는 아닙니다

And I will not correct it.

저는 청소몽보돼서

I became a cleaning monster.

김원효 씨는 부산이 고향인데

Mr. Kim Won-hyo is from Busan.

포항 홍보대사를 지금 한 4, 5년째 하고 있어요

I have been a promotional ambassador for Pohang for about 4 to 5 years now.

진짜 너무

Really too much.

참 열정이 많아요

You have a lot of passion.

김원효 씨가

Mr. Kim Won-hyo

소름이 나나님

I'm getting chills, Na-na.


It's the Maldives.

제가 작년에 몰디브 예약해두고

I booked a reservation for the Maldives last year.

짐 다 싸고

All packed up.

일주일 전에 코로나로 한국인 입국 금지령 떨어져서 못 갔어요

A week ago, a ban on the entry of Koreans due to COVID was issued, so I couldn't go.

그래서 코로나 풀리면 무조건 갈 거예요

So as soon as the COVID situation eases, I will definitely go.

다들 몰디브에서 흘러갑시다

Let's all flow away to the Maldives.




, 네


죽기 전에 가봐야 할 곳

Places to visit before you die.

세계에서 아름다운 곳

Beautiful places in the world

텐 안에 드는 곳이죠

It's a place inside the tent.

저도 사실 이제

Actually, I too now...

올해 결혼 10주년 때문에

Because this year is my 10th wedding anniversary.

몰디브 여행을 계획했다가

I planned a trip to the Maldives, but...

다 말아먹었죠

I've messed everything up.

몰디브는 신혼여행 때

The Maldives was during our honeymoon.

큰 맘 먹지 않으면

If you don't make a big effort

멀기도 엄청 멀고

It's really far away.

가기도 쉽지 않고

It's not easy to go either.

그리고 왜 신혼여행 때 가야 되냐면

And the reason we need to go during our honeymoon is...

몰디브는 가면 할 게 없습니다

There’s nothing to do in the Maldives.

그래서 신혼여행 때가 되면

So when it comes time for the honeymoon...

그래서 신혼여행 때 가면 할 게 없습니다

So there’s nothing to do if we go there for our honeymoon.

신혼여행 때 가야 되는 그런 명언이 있죠

There is a saying that you should go during your honeymoon, right?


I see.

그래서 결혼해서 10주년으로 가서

So after getting married, we went to our 10th anniversary.

부부들이 되게

Couples are very

아무 의미 없이

Without any meaning

심심하게 돌아온다는 썰이 있어요

There are rumors that it will return boringly.

꼭 신혼으로 가라는

Make sure to go as newlyweds.

할 일이 없답니다

I have nothing to do.

또 어떤 부부는 10주년으로 가서

Some couples also go for their 10th anniversary.

난리 나서 또 돌아오는

It comes back again in chaos.

부부도 있고

There are also couples.

아무것도 없기 때문에

Because there is nothing.

그런 깊은 뜻이 있는 곳입니다

It is a place with such deep meaning.


I see.

불타는 브로만두님

Burning Bromandu님



저희 메일로 성함 핸드폰 번호 주소 남겨주시면

If you leave your name, phone number, and address in our email,

또 천연 세제나

Also natural detergent or




I will send it to you.


Thank you.


Oh my gosh!

드디어 댓글 순서가 됐어요

Finally, it's my turn to comment.

마지막 순서죠

It's the last order.


The long-awaited






우리 많은 숙돌이님들이

Many of our beloved Sookdori fans

마지막해라는 소식을 듣고

Hearing the news of the last call.

댓글 많이 남겨주셨습니다

Thank you for leaving many comments.

전에 많이 남겨주지 그랬어요

You should have left more before.

자, 읽어보도록 하겠습니다

Alright, let me read it.



마지막이라니 잘못 들은 줄 알고

I thought I misunderstood when you said it was the last.

다시 앞으로 돌려서 볼륨 크게 하고 들었네요

I rewound it and turned up the volume to listen.

말도 안 돼

That's nonsense.

진아 언니의 웃음소리

Jina's laughter.

미리 언니의 시원한 조언들이 너무나 좋아서

I really like your refreshing advice, Unnie.

인스타 팔로우도 하고

Also follow on Instagram.

댓글도 남기고

Leave a comment too.


It was fun.

마음이 왜 이렇게 안 좋을까요

Why do I feel so down?

미련이 말대로 방송이 없어지니

As sorrowful as it is, the broadcast is disappearing as it was said.

언니들이 없어지는 게 아니니까

It's not that the older sisters are disappearing.

인스타 보며 언니들 많이 응원할게요

I'll be cheering for you all while looking at Instagram!

화요일 금요일 회사에서 들으며 너무나 힐링이었어요

Listening at the company on Tuesday and Friday was truly healing.

감사해요 언니들

Thank you, sisters.

사랑해요 언니들

I love you, sisters.

건강하세요 언니들

Stay healthy, sisters.

호웅이 이이님

Houwng Yi-yi.

언니들 운전하면서 듣다가 종방 소식에 너무 놀랐어요

Sisters, I was really shocked to hear about the end of the show while driving.

숙돌이들이 댓글 안 써서 종방하는 건가 싶은 생각에

I wondered if the reason for the show ending was that the fans weren't leaving comments.



평소 댓글 안 남기던 저를 원망해봅니다

I blame myself for not usually leaving comments.

예전에 엄마 같은 엄마가 될까봐 걱정된다고 사연 썼었는데

I used to worry about whether I would become a mom like my mom, and I wrote a story about it.

그 뒤로 결심하고 올해부터 임신 준비 중이었거든요

Since then, I made up my mind and have been preparing for pregnancy starting this year.

임신되면 사연 쓰려고 생각하고 있었는데

I was thinking of writing a story when I got pregnant.

너무너무 아쉬워요

I'm so upset.

나중에 다른 채널로라도 언니들의 이야기 꼭 듣고 싶어요

I really want to hear your stories through another channel later on.

이별은 영원한 헤어짐은 아니겠지만 그래도 슬프네요

A breakup may not be a permanent separation, but it's still sad.

그동안 재미있는 이야기 진심어린 위로와 조언들 들으며

Listening to interesting stories and heartfelt comfort and advice all this time.

제가 더 위로받았었어요

I felt more comforted.

언니들 사랑해요

I love you, sisters.


I love you.


Violeta Mi님

안 돼요 가지 마세요

No, don't go.

죽어도 못 보내

I can't let you go even if I die.

내가 어떻게 널 보내

How can I let you go?

아기가 너무 어려서 못 갔던 공방

The workshop I couldn't go to because the baby was 너무 어려서.

이제는 여유 생겨 꼭 가보리라

Now that I have some spare time, I will definitely go.

다음 공방까지 벼르고 벼르면서 이제까지 존버했는데

I've been waiting patiently, holding on until the next workshop.

그동안 제 삶에 큰 위로와 힘이 되어주셔서 감사했습니다

Thank you for being a great comfort and strength in my life all this time.


Hang in there.

저는 이제 어디로 가야 할지 마음이 너무 허하네요

I feel very lost about where I should go now.

미려진아씨 언제 어느 곳에서 어떤 일을 하시던 늘 응원하겠습니다

I will always support you, wherever and whatever you do, Miss MiRyeoJin.

신영씨 라디오 막방때도 그리 울던 우리 맘 여린 진아씨

When Shin-young was crying so much at the last radio broadcast, our tender-hearted Jin-ah.

또 너무 많이 우시는 건 아닐지 걱정이네요

I'm also worried that you might be crying too much.

고맙고 사랑합니다

Thank you and I love you.

울지 않아요 여러분

I'm not crying, everyone.

많이 성장했습니다 여러분들 덕분에

I have grown a lot thanks to all of you.


Thank you.

처음엔 사랑이란게 님

At first, love is like you.

매주 연말 겨울 업뎃대기만 기다려서 듣고 있는데

I've been waiting every week for the year-end winter update just to listen to it.

요새는 일주일 두 번 업뎃도 너무 감질나서

These days, even updating twice a week feels too little.

옛날 에피소드도 찾아가며 듣고 있는데

I am listening to the old episodes while looking for them.

이렇게 갑작스럽게 없어지다니 말도 안 돼요

It's unbelievable that they just disappeared so suddenly.

너무 심한 거 아닌가요

Isn't that too much?

애청자들이 있는데

There are loyal listeners.

언니들 할머니 될 때까지 연말 겨울 끝까지 듣고 싶단 말이에요

I want to listen to it until the end of winter every year until you become grandmothers.

라디오 팟캐스트 통틀어 에피소드 처음부터 끝까지 다 들은 건

I've listened to all episodes from beginning to end in the entire radio podcast.

이 영상이 너무 좋습니다

I really like this video.

연말 겨울이 처음이에요

It's my first winter at the end of the year.

연말 겨울 계속해 주세요

Please continue until the end of the year and winter.

저기 sbs 라디오국 이쪽으로 남겨야 되나요 홈페이지 뭐 이런 데

Do I need to leave it this way for the SBS radio station, like on their homepage or something?

전화를 해 다들 한 통씩 전화 때려서

Call everyone and have each of them make a call.

다들 폭파시킵시다

Let's all blow it up.

쌍욕을 해

Swear a lot.

아 진짜 모아 없으면 내가 욕을 살리겠는데

Ah, seriously, if there's no Moa, I'm going to get upset.

여러분들이 전화해서 살려요

You all call and save me.

저도 좀 욕을 하고 싶은데 저희 딸이

I also want to curse a bit, but my daughter...

너무 저기 말 같게 앉아있죠

You're sitting too much like over there.

엄지손가락은 안 보입니다 계속

The thumb is not visible, continue.


그날은 오는가

Is that day coming?


I have arrived.

이제 뭘 들어야 하나요

What should I listen to now?


So annoying.



들을 게 없으시다 이제 큰일 났다

There's nothing to listen to now; this is a big problem.

아니야 남자랑 헤어져도 또 더 나은 남자가 오듯이

No, even if you break up with a guy, another better guy will come along.

뭐 이렇게 또 지나가면 또 좋은 팟캐스트 듣겠지

Well, if this passes again, I guess I'll listen to a good podcast.


That would be the case.

우리 안중에도 없겠지 뭐

It probably doesn't even cross our minds, right?


I guess so.

불타는 부록만두님

Burning Appendix Dumpling님

헐 이게 무슨

Whoa, what is this?

이게 뭔 날벼락이에요

What a sudden calamity this is!

저 정주행 끝나고 이제서야 댓글 참여하고 그러는데

I just finished binge-watching and I'm finally participating in the comments now.

이게 뭔 소리예요

What does this mean?

정말 어떡하라고

What am I really supposed to do?

저 이제 뭐 들어요

What should I listen to now?

내년 4월에 결혼 예식장 잡았다고요

I heard you have booked a wedding venue for April next year.

지금 상견례도 해야 되고

We also need to have a meeting with the families now.

스드매며 온수며

The phrase seems to be incomplete or unclear in context. However, it could potentially be a combination of words. "스드매다" might suggest something related to "spinning" or "to spin", and "온수" means "hot water". Without more context, a precise translation isn't possible, but it could refer to "spinning hot water" or similar. Could you please provide additional context or clarify?

지금 상담할 게 얼마나 많은데

There are so many things to discuss right now.

저 어떡하라고요

What am I supposed to do?

아 진짜 개빡치고

Ah, I'm really pissed off.


I'm so annoyed.

비보라디오로 가세요

Go to the B-Bora radio.

공방도 못 갔는데

I couldn't even go to the workshop.

금요일날 웬 빙렷이냐고요

Why is it so cold on Friday?

되게 솔직하게 써주셨네

You wrote it very frankly.

비보에서 우릴 받아줄까

Will they accept us at Vivo?

안 갑니다

I am not going.


받아주면 가야지

If you accept me, then I'll go.

안 갑니다 왜 가요

I'm not going. Why are you going?



비보라디오가 뭐야 근데

What is Bivoradio?



이게 SBS처럼 파키스탄은 회사를 차렸다고요

It is said that Pakistan started a company like SBS.

아 회사를 차리셨어

Oh, you've started a company!

세상의 흐름을 좀 짚고 사세요

Please be aware of the flow of the world and live accordingly.

몰라 나 살기도 바빠 죽겠어

I don't know, I'm just too busy living.

가야죠 그러면 회사를 차려주셨으면

Let's go, then I hope you'll start a company for us.

거기에 어떻게

How to get there?

그래 SBS를 폭파시키지 말고

Sure, don't blow up SBS.

우리 긍정적으로 이쪽으로 가셔가지고

Let's positively head this way.

저기 연애 말고 결혼이라는

That's about marriage, not dating.

아까운 지금 컨텐츠가

The content is precious right now.

사라질 위기에 있다

It is on the verge of disappearing.

그래 SBS를 폭파시키지 말고

Sure, don't blow up SBS.

그걸 살려달라 이런 식으로

"Please save that in this way."

그럼 그쪽에서 이렇게 쓸 거예요

Then I'll use it like this over there.

그냥 송은이 김숙수꺼 들으세요

Just listen to Song Eun-i and Kim Sook's.

비보에서 갈아타신 분들이

Those who switched from Vivo

정말 많았는데

There were really a lot.

마음이 아픕니다

My heart hurts.

그날의 온기님

The warmth of that day.


Is it the last one?

연말 결혼 지루한 집안일을 할 때

When doing boring housework at the end of the year while preparing for a wedding.

언제나 저와 함께해준 즐거운 친구였고

You have always been a delightful friend who has been with me.

힘든 코로나 시국에

In the tough times of the COVID-19 situation

두 분의 텐션 넘치는 찐케미 덕분에

Thanks to the two of you and your high-energy chemistry.

우울함도 잊을 수 있었던

I was able to forget the sadness.

제 마음의 보약같은 마음을 잊을 수 있었던

I was able to forget the heart that was like a tonic for my heart.


It was existence.

몇 년 동안 정이 깊이 들어서

Because I've grown deeply attached over the years.

휴유증이 꽤 오래 갈 듯합니다

It seems that the aftereffects will last quite a while.

두 분께서 읽어주시던 제 사연과

The story that you both were reading.

좋은 말씀들 잊지 못해요

I can't forget the kind words.

평소에 댓글이 없을 땐

When there are usually no comments

엄청 혼내시던 두 분이

The two who were scolding me fiercely.

어쩐지 이번 주엔 댓글 없다고

No wonder there have been no comments this week.

혼도 안 내시고

Not even giving a warning.

목소리에 힘이 없으셔서

Your voice seems weak.

왜 그러시지 했는데

I was wondering why you were like that.

연말결 종방 소식으로

End-of-year results news.

마음이 안 좋으셨을

You must have felt bad.

두 분을 생각하니

Thinking of both of you.

제 마음이 더 아팠어요

My heart hurt more.

지난시 말씀대로

As you said last time.

연말결 플러스로 돌아오시면 좋겠어요

I hope you come back with a year-end bonus.

어디든 화려시스터즈를 따라가렵니다

I want to follow the Glamorous Sisters anywhere.

끝은 언제나 참 슬퍼요

The end is always so sad.

하지만 더욱더 화려한 시작이

But an even more splendid beginning

화려시스터즈에게 기다리고 있다고 생각해요

I think the Glamorous Sisters are waiting.

그동안 진심으로 감사했습니다

Thank you sincerely for everything during this time.

연말결 언제나 사랑합니다

I always love year-end.

우리가 지난주 녹음할 때

When we were recording last week

진짜 너무 힘이 안 나더라고

I really just don't have any energy.


That's right.






일부 녹음할 때

While recording some.

심지어 얘기를 하면 안 되니까

You shouldn't even talk about it.

그게 너무 힘들었어요

That was very difficult.


That's right.

우리가 너무 애착이 강했나 봐

It seems like we were too attached.

그런가 봐요

I guess that's the case.

쿨하게 돌아설 수 있어야 되는데

You should be able to turn around coolly.

영원할 줄 알았어요

I thought it would last forever.

연말결 바라기님

End-of-year wish 渴望 (希望).

이게 무슨 일이에요

What is going on?

제가 잘못했어요

I was wrong.

댓글 열심히 쓸게요

I'll write comments diligently.

연말결 없이 못 살아요

I can't live without year-end resolutions.

마지막 회라는 얘기 듣자마자

As soon as I heard it was the last episode...


washing dishes

못 살아요

I can't live.

항상 제게 무슨 일이 생길 때

Whenever something happens to me.

먼저 생각나는 게 언니들이었어요

The first thing that comes to mind is my older sisters.

친정에 일이 생겼을 때도

When something happens at my parents' house

남편이 미워 죽을 때도

Even when I hate my husband to death

친구관계에 일이 생길 때도

When something happens in a friendship

언니들이라면 어떻게 얘기해줄까

How would my older sisters tell me?

이런 생각을 하면서도

Even while having such thoughts

사연을 보내지 못했어요

I couldn't send my story.

제가 잘못했어요

I was wrong.

언젠가는 꼭 보내야지 했었는데

I always thought I should send it someday.

연말결이 끝나버리다뇨

How can the year-end event come to an end?

코로나 때문에 애들 원해도 못 보내고

Because of COVID, I can't send the kids even if I want to.

독방 육아할 때도 연말결이 있어서

Even when doing solo parenting, there's still a year-end atmosphere.

버틸 수 있었어요

I was able to endure.

한쪽 귀에 블루투스 이어폰 꽂고

Plugging a Bluetooth earphone into one ear.

웃고 울며 집안일을 했었죠

I laughed and cried while doing household chores.

언니라고 아이들 보고

Calling the kids "sister."

연말결 없는 인생은 생각해본 적 없는데

I've never thought about a life without an end-of-the-year reflection.

정말 아쉬워요

I'm really disappointed.

이제까지 언니들이 있어서

I've had my sisters up until now.

제 삶이 좀 더 나아질 수 있었어요

My life could have been a bit better.

정말 감사합니다

Thank you very much.

지나온 이 말씀처럼

Like the words that have passed.

연말결 플러스로 돌아올 때까지

Until the year-end results come back.

목 빠지게 기다리고 있을게요

I will be waiting with bated breath.

언니들 수고 많으셨어요

Sisters, you all worked hard.

언니들 방송 나오는 거 보면서

Watching my sisters on the broadcast.

항상 응원할게요

I will always support you.







사실은 오늘 원래 1, 2부로 녹음이 정해져 있었는데

The truth is that today it was originally scheduled to be recorded in two parts.

도저히 1부를 아무렇지 않게 하고

I can't possibly proceed with Part 1 nonchalantly.

또 2부를 하면서 이런 얘기를 하기가

It's hard to talk about this while doing Part 2.

조금 이제 프로페셔널하지 못할 수도 있겠지만

It might be a bit unprofessional now, but...


I can't do it.

그래서 죄송해요

I'm sorry.

여러분이 두 번 들을 수 있는 기회를

An opportunity for you to listen twice.

한 번으로 제가 날렸습니다

I shot it once.

저는 이제 가장 걱정되는 부분이

The part that worries me the most now is

이제 지금 역주행하고 계시는 분들

Now, those who are currently experiencing a reverse surge.

아니 정주행

No, binge-watching.

처음부터 정주행하고 계시는 분들

Those who are starting from the beginning and watching all the way through.

아직도 재작년에 있고

Still in the year before last.

작년에 계신 분들이

Those who were there last year




정주행 끝냈을 때

When you finish a binge-watch.

받을 충격을 생각하니까

Thinking about the shock I will receive.

이러려고 내가 정주행을 했나

Did I binge-watch just for this?

역주행을 했을 텐데

It must have gone viral.


If that were the case.

그분들한테 어떻게 알려드릴 길이 없으니까

Since there's no way to let them know.


너무 안타깝습니다

It's such a shame.

4년 5개월

4 years and 5 months

한 10일

About 10 days.

오래했다 진짜 근데 진짜

It's been a long time, really, but really.


Thank you.

우리 숙돌이님들 아니었으면 솔직히

If it weren't for our Sookdori fans, to be honest,


That's right.

이 4년 넘게 이끌어오지도 못했을 거예요

I probably haven't been able to lead for over four years.


That's right.

그리고 사실은

And the truth is

지금 이제 두 가지 마음이 공존하는데

Right now, two kinds of feelings coexist.

SBS가 굉장히 원망스럽지만

I feel very resentful towards SBS, but...

또 생각해보면

Thinking about it again

지난 4년 5개월 동안

For the past 4 years and 5 months.

없애지 않고

Without removing it.

유지를 하고

Maintain it.

유지를 택했던 적이 몇 번 있지 않았을까

Haven't there been a few times when I chose to maintain it?

또 이렇게 좋은 쪽으로 생각하면서

Thinking in a good way like this again.

다들 뭐

What is everyone?

기분 좋게 끝내는 게 맞는 것 같아요

I think it's right to end on a good note.


That's right.

그래서 되게 뭐

So, like, what?

저렇게 감사패도 주시고

They even presented me with a plaque of appreciation like that.


That's right.

어쩌면 우리가 진짜 뻔뻔한 걸 수도 있어

Maybe we really are just shameless.



어떻게 없앴습쇼

How did you get rid of it?

막 이렇게 약간

Just like this a bit.

아니 뭐 저 피디님들도

No, well, those producers too...

너무 익숙할 거예요

You'll be very familiar with it.

우리같은 사람이 한둘이겠어요

There must be only a few people like us.

또 우리가 뭐 진짜 화낸 것도

Also, we didn't really get angry at all.

가서 엎은 것도 아니고요

I didn't go and knock it over.

오늘 하면 엎어?

Are we going to do it today or not?

숙돌이님들 처음에 이제 뵙고

Nice to meet you all for the first time.

나는 그런 게 전혀 익숙하지가 않은

I'm not used to that at all.


It was the situation.

그런 뭔가 이렇게

Something like that.

우리를 응원해주고

Cheer for us

난 그런 적이 별로 없어가지고

I don't really have that kind of experience.

되게 막 어색어색했던

It was really awkward.

그 초반이 생각나

I remember that beginning.

그러다가 이제 두 번째 공방할 때

Then, when it was time for the second workshop...

그 초반이 생각나고

I remember that early part.

좀 더 많이 들어오시고

Please come in a bit more.

세 번째 그 공방했을 때

The third time when I had that workshop.

진짜 너무 재밌었는데

It was really fun.


It was fun.

아 진짜

Ah, really.

근데 세월 진짜 빠르다

But time really flies.

이거를 4년 5개월 했다는 게

The fact that I've been doing this for 4 years and 5 months.

너무 참 신기하네

It's really amazing.

시작할 때

At the start


To this extent.

갈 거라고 생각도 못했어

I never thought I would go.



그랬을 수 있다

That could have been the case.

나도 그랬던 것 같아

I think I was like that too.

너무 이게

This is too much.


Too much

몸에 뿌리가 내려버리니까

Because it has taken root in the body.

그걸 송두리째 뽑아가네

They're taking it all away.

아 진짜

Oh, really?


I am

그때가 생각나

I remember that time.

제일 처음 만났을 때

When we first met.

제일 처음 만났을 때 미팅

The meeting when we first met.

웃겼던 것 같아

I think it was funny.

그 미팅도 웃겼고

That meeting was funny too.


"About the size of a large penis."

김도영 피디가

PD Kim Do-young

우리보다 많이 어리다고?

Are you saying they are much younger than us?

그때 놀랐어요

I was surprised at that time.

그러고 보니까

Come to think of it.

김도영 피디도

Producer Kim Do-young also






After getting married

애 낳고

Give birth to a baby.

맞아 좀

That's right, a bit.

아 우리 국자

Ah, our ladle.

국자를 시집을 못 보냈네

I couldn't send the ladle to the wedding.

아 나 진짜

Ah, I'm really...

아 정말

Oh really?


That's too bad.

보냈었어야 했는데

I should have sent it.

그동안 즐거웠습니다

It has been enjoyable.



너무 함께 해주셔서 고맙고

Thank you so much for being with me.

저도 진짜

Me too, really.

여러분들 덕분에 많이 성숙하고 발전된 것 같아요

I feel like I have matured and developed a lot thanks to all of you.

특히 팟캐스트를 하면서

Especially while doing a podcast.

이 어떤

What is this?

말이 많이 늘어서

I've become more talkative.

토크가 많이 늘어서

The talk has increased a lot.

이런 버라이티나 이런데 나가서도

Even when going out to these kinds of variety shows and such,

더 자신감 있게 잘 할 수 있었던 것 같고

I think I was able to do it more confidently.

뭔가 진짜 미려 말처럼

Something truly beautiful, like a horse.

뿌리가 된 것 같아

I feel like I've become the root.



이제 연말 겨울이 버텨주고 있으니까

Now that the end of the year winter is holding on.


밖에 나가서도

Even when going outside

좀 자신감 있게 잘 했던 것 같습니다

I think I did well with a bit of confidence.


너무 감사드리고

Thank you so much.

저희도 많이 아쉽습니다

We are also very disappointed.

어쩔 수 없으니까

It can't be helped, so...

이해해 주시고

Please understand.


너무 행복했어요

I was so happy.

오늘 이 시간까지 남겨주신 댓글

Comments you have left by today.

다 읽어 드려야죠

I have to read it all for you.

그렇지 않습니까

Isn't it?

오늘 아침에도 많이 달아주셨어요

You gave me a lot of attention this morning as well.



이렇게 끝낼 순 없습니다

We can't end it like this.


Mr. Engpel

언니들 연말 겨울 들으면서

Listening to you sisters at the end of the year during winter.

다른 팟캐랑 다르다고 느꼈던 건

What I felt was different from other podcasts was

언니들이 정말

Sisters really.



어 눈물 날라

Oh, I'm about to cry.

쿨하지 못하네

You're not cool.

이거 읽으려고 그러니까 눈물 날라

I'm going to cry while trying to read this.

언니들이 정말 진심으로

Sisters are really sincere.

사연자를 걱정해주고

Worrying about the person in the story.

격려해주고 응원해주고

Encourage and support.

초원해줬다는 거였어요

It means that it provided me with a pasture.

그렇기에 특별히 더 가깝게 느껴졌어요

That's why I felt particularly closer.

그 진심의 결과가 이렇게 되어

The result of that sincerity has turned out like this.

너무 슬프지만

It's very sad, but...

시작이 있으면 끝도 있듯

Just as there is a beginning, there is also an end.

언니들 연말 겨울 들으면서

Listening to the end of the year winter, sisters.

그리고 끝은 다른 시작이라 믿고

And I believe that the end is another beginning.

언니들 응원하면서

Cheering for my sisters.

미래의 연말 겨울을 기다리고 있을게요

I will be waiting for the upcoming winter at the end of the year.

우리 다 슬프지만

We are all sad, but

언니들 슬퍼 말고

Don't be sad, girls.


While smiling



좋은 기회는 언제든 다시 올 거라 믿어요

I believe good opportunities will come again anytime.


Juju Taetae님

연말 겨울 고맙습니다

Thank you for the end of the year and winter.

늘 함께여서 행복했어요

I was happy to always be together.

삶의 일부분이 되어버렸는데

It has become a part of my life.

이제 어찌할지 모르겠지만

I don't know what to do now, but...

늘 응원하겠습니다

I will always support you.


Thank you.


Thank you.

오늘의 오늘님

Today's Today.

흔적은 남기지 않았지만

Though no traces were left

업데이트만 기다리며

Just waiting for the update.

매일 즐겁게 듣고 있었는데

I was happily listening every day.

그래서 없어지는 거예요

That's why it disappears.

다시 만날 날을 기다릴게요

I'll be waiting for the day we meet again.




Mr./Ms. F5

거짓말일 것만 같은

It seems like a lie.

막방 소식

Final episode news

다음 회차에서 거짓말이라고

In the next round, it's a lie.

얘기해주시길 기다리고 있어요

I'm waiting for you to tell me.

그동안 삶에 치여

Being overwhelmed by life in the meantime.

긴긴 이야기 보내지도 못하고 있었어도

Even though I couldn't send you a long story.

늘 언제든 내 이야기를

Always feel free to tell me your story.

들어줄 언니들이 있어

There are older sisters who will listen.


I felt supported.

늘 감사했고

I was always thankful.


You did well.

작년 말 올해 초

Late last year, early this year.

결혼 3년 만에

After 3 years of marriage

이혼 위기를 겪고

Going through a divorce crisis.

별거도 해보았어요

I've done some things.

그래도 진아 언니가

Still, Jina unnie...

친구 중에 상담받고

I received counseling from a friend.

잘 사는 친구 있다 하셔서

You said you have a friend who is living well.

정신과도 가보고

I also went to a psychiatrist.

지역 상담센터도 다녀보았습니다

I also visited the local counseling center.

덕분에 지금은

Thanks to you, now...

까보와 남편과

With Kkabo and my husband.

행복하게 잘 지내고 있고요

I am living happily and well.

연애, 결혼, 임신, 출산, 육아

Dating, marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, parenting.

별거, 재결합

Separation, reconciliation.

그리고 아빠 장례까지

And until Dad's funeral.

모두 함께해줘서 고마웠어요

Thank you all for being together.

아직도 할 이야기가 너무 많지만

I still have so much to talk about, but...

너무 아쉽지만

It's very unfortunate, but

그래도 언니들 늘 응원할게요

Still, I will always support you, sisters.

그리고 늘 내일처럼 공감해주시고

And always empathize as if it were tomorrow.

고민해주시던 연말결 식구들도

Even the family members who have been contemplating year-end resolutions.


Thank you.



이제는 마지막 공방이 되어버린

Now it has become the last workshop.

2년 전

Two years ago.

뱃속에서 함께 공방을 듣던 까부는

Kabu, who was listening to the workshop together in the belly,

이제 25개월이 되어

Now I am 25 months old.

너무너무 예쁘게 자라고 있어요

It's growing up so beautifully.

어느 날 같이 목욕하는데

One day while taking a bath together

제왕절개한 흉터를 보고는

Looking at the scar from the cesarean section

뭐냐 물어서

What is it? Asking.

여기로 까부가 나와서

The buck came out here.

엄마 덕분에 잘 나왔어요

Thanks to mom, I turned out well.

해서 감동받았답니다

So I was touched.

아이는 사랑이에요 정말

Children are love, truly.

나와보기 전까지

Until I meet you.

저도 몰랐던 행복이라

A happiness I didn't know about either.

전해드리고 싶네요

I want to convey this to you.

이제 삶의 계도를 찾아가는데

Now, I am on my way to find the rhythm of life.

언니들이 없을 생각이라니

How could you think of not having older sisters?

다음주부터 업데이트 안되는 팟빵을 보면

If I see Podbang not updating from next week

얼마나 허턷할지

How much it will be?

상상조차 안되네요

I can't even imagine it.

시즌3 기다리고 있을게요

I'll be waiting for Season 3.

모아 시집가고

Gather and get married.


Sister Miryo

며느리 보는거 같다

It feels like I'm seeing a daughter-in-law.

같이 꽁냥꽁냥 이야기할 날

The day we can cuddle and chat together.


I'll wait.

자 진아의 스피커님

Now, Jin-ah's speaker.


언니들 막방이라뇨

What do you mean it's the girls' final broadcast?

거짓말이라고 해주세요

Please say it's a lie.

댓글 많이 안남겨서 죄송해요

I'm sorry for not leaving many comments.

sbs 말고 다른 곳에서

Not at SBS, but somewhere else.

다른 이름이라도 해주세요

Please call me by a different name.

오늘 막방 소식 들었는데

I heard the news about the final episode today.

남편이랑도 싸워서 너무 우울하네요

I'm feeling really down because I had a fight with my husband.

시아버지가 아이 생각 없냐고 물으셔서

My father-in-law asked if there are no thoughts of having a child.

스트레스 받아서 남편한테

I'm stressed, so I'm taking it out on my husband.

우리 결혼한지 얼마나 됐다고 그런걸로 스트레스 주시냐

How long have we been married for you to stress me out over something like that?

오빠 선에서 커트 좀 해라

Oppa, please trim it at the line.

했다가 싸우고 혼자 안방에서

After fighting, I stayed alone in my room.

숨죽여 울고 있었어요

I was crying silently.

이제 이런일 있어도 정말 말할 곳이 없어지네요

Now there really is nowhere to talk about things like this anymore.

정말 슬퍼요

I'm really sad.

제 연애의 시작과 결혼까지

The beginning of my romance and marriage.

같이 4년 넘게 의지 많이 했던 언니들인데

We've relied on each other a lot for over four years, sisters.

이렇게 허무하게 사라지다뇨

How can it just disappear so futilely?

언니들 그동안 정말 감사했어요

Thank you so much, sisters, for everything during this time.

부디 이 인사가

Please accept this greeting.

마지막 인사가 아니길 바랄게요

I hope this is not the last goodbye.


I love you.

쬐롱님 소름

Chae-rong, you gave me chills.

이 회차는 듣지 말걸 이라고 생각이 들 정도로

I think I shouldn't have listened to this episode.

마지막이라는 소리 듣자마자

As soon as I heard it was the last.

저도 기운이 빠지고

I also feel drained.

힘이 없네요

I have no strength.


This doesn't have a direct translation as it seems to express a sound or emotion. It might be interpreted as a sound of hesitation or annoyance.

언니들 가지마요

Don't go, sisters.

연말결 들으면서

Listening to year-end results.

내적 친근감 엄청 쌓여서

I've built up a lot of internal familiarity.

진짜 내 친언니들 같았는데

They really felt like my real sisters.

반성하고 재미있는 사연 많이 쓸게요

I will reflect on it and write many interesting stories.

연말결 플러스로 꼭 돌아와주세요

Please come back with the year-end results for sure.


Mr./Ms. Be Positive

언니들 너무 아쉬워요

I'm really sad, girls.

청청병력 같네요

It looks like a blue-green illness.

호주에서 언니들 방송 들으면서

Listening to my sisters' broadcasts in Australia.

힘도 많이 내고 했는데

I put in a lot of effort and tried.

결혼할 때 사연도 쓰고 하고 싶었단 말이에요

I wanted to write a story when I get married.




You were tricked, right?

연말결 3로 저희가 돌아왔습니다

We have returned with Year-End Results 3.

라고 말씀하시길 기다리고 있을게요

I will be waiting for you to say that.



결혼 2년차부터 5년차까지

From the 2nd year of marriage to the 5th year.

항상 함께했던 연말결

The year-end gathering we always had together.

제 처음이자 마지막 팟캐스트

My first and last podcast.


Year-end settlement

공방 한 번도 못 가고

I haven't been able to go to the workshop even once.

이렇게 끝나버리다니

I can't believe it ends like this.

사는 게 바빠서 댓글도 못 달고

I'm too busy with life to even leave a comment.

사연도 자주 못 보냈는데

I haven't been able to send stories often.

이렇게 끝나버리는 게 어디 있어요

How can it end like this?

진짜 언니들

Real sisters.

70살 80살까지 할 줄 알았는데

I thought I would be able to do it until I was 70 or 80 years old.

너무 아쉬워요

I'm really disappointed.


That's too much.

방송국 놈들 진짜 너무하네요

The broadcasting guys are really too much.

언니들 그동안 너무 감사하고 고생하셨어요

Thank you so much for all your hard work during this time, sisters.

그래도 항상 방송 나오면 응원하고 사랑할게요

Still, I will always support and love you when you appear on broadcasts.

그동안 너무 감사해요

Thank you so much for everything during this time.

전체 댓글이 245개입니다

There are a total of 245 comments.

못 읽네요

I can't read it.

이걸 다 읽어드리고 싶은데

I want to read all of this to you.

꽃에 물들다 물들이다님

To be dyed with flowers.

이게 무슨 일이에요

What is going on?

이제 정주행하고 있는데

I'm currently watching it from the beginning.



왠지 화요일 방송에

Somehow, on Tuesday's broadcast...

진아 언니 텐션이 낮아서

Jina unnie's energy is low.

무슨 일이에요

What’s going on?

무슨 일 있었나 했는데

I was wondering what happened.

이렇게 마무리가 된다고요

So this is how it ends.

공개방송도 가고 싶었는데

I wanted to go to the public broadcast too.


It's true.



헐 잘 듣고 있었는데

Oh, I was listening well.

누나들 고생 많으셨어요

You sisters have worked hard.

TV에서 누나들 볼 때마다

Every time I see my older sisters on TV,

항상 응원하겠습니다

I will always support you.


Samcheok Flower Girl

말도 안 돼요

That's nonsense.

저는 뜨문뜨문 듣다가

I listen intermittently.

이제서 정주행 시작하고 있단 말이에요

I'm just now starting to binge-watch it.


It fits up to that point.


Eunkun Couple님

일하면서 연말결 듣는 게

Listening to year-end results while working.

유일한 낙이었는데

It was my only joy.

너무 슬픕니다

I'm very sad.

다른 작품으로 꼭 만나요 언니들

I'll definitely meet you again in another work, sisters.

사랑해요 고마워요

I love you, thank you.

배부른 빼빼로님

Full Pepero-nim

말도 안 돼요

That's ridiculous.

SBS 미친 거 아니에요

Isn't SBS crazy?

저 반복 듣기도 하고 있는데

I'm listening to it repeatedly.

방송 30분도 짧다고 느껴지는 판에

Even 30 minutes of broadcasting feels short.


It will disappear.

이 무슨 개똥같은 소리인가요

What kind of nonsense is this?

전 1회당 10번씩 듣는단 말이에요

I listen to it 10 times per episode.

SBS 각성하라

SBS Awaken!

너무 감정이 실렸네요

It's too emotional.

네 지금 실은 것 같아요

Yes, I think I'm actually fishing right now.



제가 착각했어요

I was mistaken.

2161님 거

2161's thing

그간 눈팅하다가

I've been browsing for a while.

마지막 소리 듣고 회원 가입해서 댓글 씁니다

I joined and am leaving a comment after hearing the last sound.


Is this the last one?

말도 안 돼요

That's ridiculous.

예전에 지나언니가 할머니 돼서도

Even back then, Jina unnie said she would become a grandmother.

이거 하고 있으면 재밌을 것 같다고 했을 때

I thought it would be fun to do this.

진짜 그럴 거라 생각하고 행복해했는데

I really thought that would happen and was happy about it.

이건 무슨 소리인가요

What does this sound like?

다른 데서라도 돌아올 연말결 플러스 해줘요

Please add the year-end bonus to be returned from somewhere else as well.

늘 아침에 일어나 연말결로 시작해서

Always waking up in the morning and starting with year-end results.

연말결로 끝나는데

It ends with an end-of-year resolution.

이제 뭘 듣죠

What should I listen to now?

꼭 돌아온다고 약속해줘요

Please promise me that you will definitely come back.

사랑은 돌아오는 거야

Love comes back.

병풍같은 삶님도 남겨주셨어요

You left a life like a folding screen.


What did you say?

그럼 어떻게 하죠

Then what should we do?

어떻게 오븐채킹방이라도 알려줘요

How about letting me know even just the oven checking room?

나는 뭘로 스트레스 푸나 했더니

I wondered what helps me relieve stress.

우리 친절하게 우리

We kindly ours.

엘키 나오미님께서

Ms. Elki Naomi


You left it behind.

자 그리고 엥뽈님

And then, Mr. Engpol.

안 돼요


저 정말 이제야 다 들어간다 싶어서

I really feel like I'm finally getting it now.

사연 보내려고 했는데

I was going to send a story.

너무 슬퍼요

I'm so sad.

정주행 중에 인스타에 피드 올라온 거 보고

I saw a post on Instagram while binge-watching.

설마 설마 하면서 다 뛰어넘고

I can't believe it, but I'm jumping over everything.

금요일 회차 들었어요

I attended the Friday session.

이번 주 댓글도 없었다고 해서

There were no comments again this week.

그냥 정주행 끝내지 못했어도

I just couldn't finish binge-watching.

댓글 남길 걸 정말 후회 중이에요

I'm really regretting leaving a comment.

지나언니 미려언니

Sister Jina, Sister Mira.

제발 남겨주세요

Please leave me alone.

제발 다른 곳에서

Please, somewhere else.

어파리오 시스터즈 해주세요

Please do the Opari-o Sisters.

언니들 댓글 없었다고 내리막길 아니에요

Just because there are no comments from the sisters doesn't mean it's all downhill.

숨어있다가 이제 나타나서 너무 미안해요

I'm really sorry for hiding and then suddenly appearing.



헐 대충격

Oh my gosh, what a shock!

저 결혼하고 애 낳을 때까지 함께할 줄 알았는데

I thought we would be together until I get married and have kids.

아니 드라마 마이니 얘기가

No, it's about the drama My Name.

진언니한테 듣는 마지막 드라마 스토리라고요

It's the last drama story that I'm hearing from Jin Unnie.

우리 모아 이온수와

Our Moa ion water and

총재비님의 생생한 이야기는 또 어디서 듣죠

Where else can I hear the vivid stories of Chairman Bi?


House Husband


몇 년 동안 함께하던 방송을 떠나보내는 건

Leaving behind a show that I've been a part of for several years


When is it?

언제나 너무 슬프네요

I'm always so sad.

국자 피디님

Director Guja

두 분이랑 정규 라디오 프로 가시면 안 되나요

Can't you two go on a regular radio show?

끝나는 건 거짓말이라고 해줘

Please tell me that the end is a lie.

미국 옷장님

American wardrobe.

이러시는 게 어딨어요

How can you do this?

백회 천회 같이 하기로 해놓고선

You said we would do it a hundred times and a thousand times together.

너무 힘들어서 정말 눈물이

It's so hard that I'm really in tears.

두 분 너무 수고하셨어요

You both worked very hard.



그래도 계속하면 안 되나요

Can't we keep going?

아 너무 부끄러워

Ah, I'm so embarrassed.

이제 다 읽은 것 같아요

I think I've read it all now.

심지어 제가 읽다가

Even while I was reading,

저는 끝까지

I will see it through to the end.


우리 숙돌이님들한테 또

To our Sokdori fans again.

뭐라 그래야 되지

What should I say?

막 그동안 우리가

Just during that time we...

왜 이렇게 댓글 안 남겨요

Why aren't you leaving comments like this?


I did it.

근데 이제

But now

오늘 이 댓글을 읽어드리다가

Today, while reading this comment...

갑자기 또 감동한 거야 혼자

I'm suddenly moved again, all by myself.

우리 이제 마지막 방송이라고

This is our last broadcast now.



마지막 인사 댓글을

A final farewell comment.

245개나 남겨주신 줄 알고

I thought you left 245 behind.

네 지금 댓글이 245개나 있습니다

Yes, there are 245 comments right now.

이걸 다 어떻게 읽죠 했는데

"How am I supposed to read all of this?"

우리가 이때까지 했던

What we have done so far.

우리 숙돌이님들이 남겨주신 댓글은

The comments left by our Suk-dori members are

245개 남겼던 댓글이

The 245 comments I left.

245개인 거예요

It's 245.

지금 217회에서 마무리하는데

I'm wrapping up at episode 217 now.

245개가 다 읽은 거예요

I have read all 245.

끝까지 착각했습니다

I was mistaken until the end.

너무 웃기다

That's so funny!

마지막 댓글 보내주신

Thank you for your last comment.

모든 분들 너무 감사하고요

Thank you all so much.

앵뽈님은 두 번 남겨주셨어요

Mr. Aengpoll has left two messages.

그리고 지금 신규

And now new

콩리님이 거짓말

Kong-ri is lying.



거짓말 아니야

It's not a lie.


It's true.


I'm late.

수고했어 미려야

Good job, Miryo.


You did a great job.

니 덕분에 여기까지 올 수 있었어

I was able to come this far thanks to you.



우리 든든한 우리 신블리 덕분에

Thanks to our reliable Shinblee.

뭔가 참 그럴 때마다 너무 좋았어

It was really nice every time that happened.

제가 이제 체력이 너무 저질이다 보니까

My physical strength is really poor now.

그날그날 컨디션에 따라서

Depending on the condition of the day.

정말 어느 순간 당 떨어지고

At some point, I really ran out of energy.

말이 없어질 때가 많았거든요

There were many times when I ran out of things to say.

멍하고 나는 믿고

I'm dazed and I believe.

이렇게 그냥 멍하니 바라볼 수 있었어

I was able to just stare blankly like this.

우리 신블리가 워낙에

Our Shinbling is just so...

다다다다 해주니까

Because you do it a lot.

너무 든든했어요

I felt very supported.

저도 너무 좋았습니다

I also really enjoyed it.

그리고 뒤에 이렇게 와가지고

And then came over like this from behind.

고생한 우리 국자씨

Our hardworking Spoon Girl.

고생했어요 우리 국자PD도

You did a great job too, our Kookja PD.

우리도 저기 이걸 하나

We're also going to take one of these over there.

비석을 만들었어야 되는데

I should have made a tombstone.

비석이 뭡니까

What is a tombstone?

뭐 걸로 보낸다는 거예요 뭐예요

What are you saying you'll send it with? What is it?

비석이 뭡니까 뭐 걸로 보낸다는 거예요 뭐예요

What is a tombstone? What do you mean by sending it? What is it?

너무 수고했어요 국자PD

You worked really hard, Producer Gukja.



좋은 일 있으면 얘기하고

If something good happens, let me know.



그리고 이제

And now

보쌈 시킨 교육

Educational experience with bossam ordered.




You did a great job.

다들 함께해준

Thank you all for being together.

스쳐 지나갔던 우리 많은

The many of us who passed by.

게스트들도 고맙고

Thanks to the guests as well.


Ms. Lee Kyung-boon too.

우리 최초의 코너였잖아요

It was our first corner, wasn't it?

초반에는 우리 숙돌이님들도 오셨었잖아요

In the beginning, our Sookdol fans also came, right?


That's right.

민준이 엄마가

Min-jun's mom

민준이 업고도 했었잖아요

You carried Minjun, right?

민준이도 왔었고

Min-jun also came.

그래 민준이 아빠랑 왔었는데

Yes, Min-jun came with his dad.

지금 삐져가지고 지금

I'm sulking right now.

지금 이제 또

Now again

이제 나중에

Later now.

엄마 결이 없어졌다고요

Mom, you said there's no texture?

그리고 우리 빵 만들던 소녀도

And the girl who was making bread.

기억나네요 소녀

I remember, girl.

이제 소녀 아니겠다

I'm no longer a girl.


That's right.




Thank you.


That's right.

우리 나오미님도 나오셔가지고

Our Naomi also came out.



얘기도 해주셨고

You also shared stories.

우리 나오미님도 너무 감사하고요

I am very grateful to our Naomi as well.

우리 나오미님이

Our Naomi님.

그 첫 번째 그 용산에서 공방할 때

The first time when I worked in Yongsan.

애를 많이 써주셨어요

You put in a lot of effort.

풍선이랑 다 가지고 와가지고

Bring all the balloons with you.


Cake and


That's right.

아유 추억이 많네 아주

Oh, there are so many memories.


It's done.

나는 한 방울 흘리지 않고 끝낼 거야

I will finish it without shedding a single drop.

뭐야 쟤

What's up with that person?

자 협찬 소개해드립니다

Let me introduce the sponsorship.

천연비누 제조업체 퓨어베이스에서

From the natural soap manufacturer Pure Base.

천연 성분으로 만든 비누나 세제 보내드리고요

I'll send you soap or detergent made from natural ingredients.

인트라 슈티커스 전문샵 소울스파 서울대점에서

At the Intra Stickers specialty shop Soul Spa, Seoul National University branch.

인트라 슈티커스 이용권 드리고요

I'll give you an Intra Stiquus ticket.

유니크 편집샵 온나오리온스에서

At the unique editing shop, Onna Orion.

미국 오리지널 프로필러 모자 정품 드리고요

I'm giving away an authentic American Original Propeller Hat.

마스크팩 500장에 들어가는 히알루론 상냥을

Hyaluronic kindness contained in 500 mask packs.

스틱 한 개 스파더엘에서 만든 히알 블래싱 스틱 드리고요

I'm giving you a hyal blash stick made by Spader El.

건강과 뷰티의 모든 것을 책임지고 있는

Responsible for everything related to health and beauty.

이미나의 블래싱에서 블래싱미를

From Im Mina's blessing to Blessing Me.


I give you.

자 저희 팟캐스트는요

Well, our podcast is...

SBS 라디오 앱 고릴라 고릴라 팟에서 만나실 수 있고요

You can find it on the SBS Radio app, Gorilla, Gorilla Pod.

네이버 오디오 클립 팟빵 팟캐스트 파티에서 청취하실 수 있습니다

You can listen on Naver Audio Clip, Podbbang, and Podcast Party.

여러분 진심으로 감사했습니다 사랑합니다

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I love you.

자 지금까지 심진아 김미려

So far, it has been Shim Jin-ah and Kim Mi-ryeo.

파리어 시비스터즈의 연애 말고 결혼을 사랑해주셔서

Thank you for loving marriage instead of romance in Paris.

진심으로 감사합니다

Thank you sincerely.

The end.

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