아히안의 실전영어 제173회 - (어제 연휴였는데, 뭐 했어?: What did you do over the long weekend?)


아히안의 실전영어

아히안의 실전영어 제173회 - (어제 연휴였는데, 뭐 했어?: What did you do over the long weekend?)

아히안의 실전영어

아이안의 실전 영어

Practical English for Children

캐나다 출신 배우 아이안쌤

Actor Ian from Canada.

아쉽게도 오늘이 마지막 시간이 됐는데

Unfortunately, today is the last time.

손 한번 흔들어주세요

Please wave your hand.

아이안은 부모님이 한국 오신지가

Aian's parents have come to Korea.

좀 됐어요

It's been a while.

얼마 코로나 전에

A little before the coronavirus.

마지막으로 왔을 때가

The last time I came was

그래도 한 4년 넘었을 거예요

Still, it must be over four years.

이번에 캐나다 고향을 가요?

Are you going back to your hometown in Canada this time?

네 이번 달 말에 짧게 갔다 오려고요

Yes, I'm planning to go for a short trip at the end of this month.

부모님이 엄청 좋아하시겠어요

Your parents must be really happy.


That's right.

또 여름때가 딱 좋은 시기니까

It's also the perfect time during the summer.

캐나다는 여름 같은 경우에

In Canada, during the summer,

여기에 봄이랑 비슷해서

It feels similar to spring here.

네 고향이 몬트리오리또

Yes, your hometown is Montreal.

거기가 대학교 다녔던 거 맞아요

Is that where you went to college?

우리 고향이 좀 이름이 길고

Our hometown has a bit of a long name.

아실 건 아닌 것 같아요

I don't think you would know.

어딘데요 어딘데요

Where is it? Where is it?

호애나간다라고 하는데요

They say they're going to the bar.


What did you say?

정말 생전 처음 들어본

I've never heard of it in my life.

다시 한번

Once again


I'm going to go crazy.

진짜 어렵다

It's really hard.

오늘은 끝자리 9930님 질문인데

Today is a question from the last digits 9930.

어제 연휴였잖아요

Yesterday was a holiday, you know?

어제 연휴였는데 뭐했어?

What did you do yesterday during the holiday?

이걸 영어로 어떻게

How do you say this in English?

출근해서 써먹으려고 하신대요 이분이

They say they're going to use it when they get to work.



롱 위켄드

Long weekend

어제 연휴였는데 뭐했어는?

What did you do yesterday on your day off?

What did you do over the long weekend?

What did you do over the long weekend?

송별회는 뭐죠?

What is a farewell party?

Goodbye party

Farewell party

친한 친구 송별회에서는

At a close friend's farewell party,

I had a goodbye party for a friend

I had a goodbye party for a friend.

문장으로 만들어볼게요

I will try to make a sentence.

아이안과 저는 회사 동료 사이입니다

Aion and I are colleagues at the company.

What did you do over the long weekend?

What did you do over the long weekend?

I had a goodbye party for a friend

I had a goodbye party for a friend.

They are leaving?

Are they leaving?

They are moving to Busan next week

그들은 다음 주에 부산으로 이사 간다.

You must be so sad

You must be very sad.

Yeah it's a bummer

그래, 아쉽네.

여기서 아이안의 꿀팁

Aidan's useful tips here.

사실은 이런 대화에서

The truth is in conversations like this.

여자인지 남자인지는 알 수가 없잖아요

I can't tell whether it's a woman or a man.

그래서 이럴 때는

So in times like this,

They라는 표현을 쓰면

When using the expression "they"

그 사람이 아 송별을

That person is farewell.

약간 언급해달라는 걸로

Just mentioning it a little.

들릴 수 있고

It can be heard.

송별 모를 때는 그냥 They라고

When you don't know the farewell, just say They.

그리고 It's a bummer가 뭐예요?

And what does "It's a bummer" mean?



아쉽다는 뜻이에요

It means "I'm disappointed."

편하게 얘기할 때 잘 아는 사람이랑

When I'm talking comfortably, it's with someone I know well.

완전 실전 연약이죠

It's completely practical and weak.


Is it a pity?


That's too bad.



아니면 그냥 그대로 Bummer

Otherwise, just like that. Bummer.

뭐 이런 식으로

What is this kind of thing?



자 해석을 넣고 대화를 해볼게요

Let's add some interpretations and have a conversation.

어제 연휴였는데 뭐 했어?

What did you do yesterday during the holiday?

What did you do over the long weekend?

What did you do over the long weekend?

친한 친구 송별을 했어

I said goodbye to a close friend.

I had a goodbye party for a friend

I had a goodbye party for a friend.

친구가 어디로 가?

Where is your friend going?

They are leaving?

Are they leaving?

그 친구가 다음 주 부산으로 이사 가거든

That friend is moving to Busan next week.

They are moving to Busan next week

그들은 다음 주에 부산으로 이사합니다.

너무 아쉬웠겠다

That must have been so disappointing.

You must be so sad

You must be so sad.

정말 서운했어

I was really disappointed.

Yeah it's a bummer

응, 그건 아쉬워.


자 중요 문제 한 번씩 다 짚어볼게요

Alright, let's go through each important issue one by one.

어제 연휴였는데 뭐 했어?

What did you do during the holiday yesterday?

What did you do over the long weekend?

What did you do over the long weekend?

친한 친구 송별을 했어

I said goodbye to a close friend.

I had a goodbye party for a friend

I had a goodbye party for a friend.

정말 서운했어

I was really disappointed.

Yeah it's a bummer

응, 안타깝네.

자 마지막으로 대화 한 번 더 들어보세요

Now, please listen to the conversation one more time.

What did you do over the long weekend?

What did you do over the long weekend?

I had a goodbye party for a friend

I had a farewell party for a friend.

They are leaving?

그들이 떠나고 있나요?

Yeah they are moving to Busan next week

응, 그들이 다음 주에 부산으로 이사 간대.

Oh you must be so sad

Oh, you must be so sad.

Yeah it's a bummer

네, 그거 아쉬워요.

자 실시간 질문 샵 10351510원 김은자 배고프입니다

"Now, live questions shop 10,351,510 won Kim Eun-ja is hungry."

오늘이 마지막 시간이어서 다시 또 만나자고 소녀시대 다시 만난 세계 준비했어요

Since today is the last time, I prepared "Girls' Generation - The Best of Times" to meet again.

조혜리님 영어가 귀에 들어오기 시작했는데 마지막이라니 아쉬워요

I started to understand Jo Hye-ri's English, but it's a shame that it's the last one.

정세현님 다시 만나요 아이안쌤 그동안 너무 감사했습니다

Thank you so much for everything during this time, Mr. Jeong Se-hyun. Let's meet again, Teacher Ai-an.

정지숙씨 아이안쌤 마지막 수업이라도 더 열심히 집중해서 듣고 있습니다

Ms. Jeong Ji-sook is listening to the last class with Mr. Aian with even more focus.

노래처럼 우리 다시 만나요

Let's meet again like in a song.


Of course.

오늘 연휴 롱위켄드

Today is a long weekend holiday.


그리고 송별의

And the farewell.



그리고 정말 서운해가 있어

And I'm really feeling hurt.

저도 이건 처음 들었는데

I also heard this for the first time.

8829님 송별의 선물 준비했어?

Have you prepared a farewell gift, 8829?

다같이 편지 쓰자는 뭐라고 얘기하예요?

What do you call it when we all say let's write a letter together?

Did you get a goodbye gift?

Did you receive a farewell gift?

그리고 그때는 여자인지 모르면

And if you don't know if it's a woman at that time.

they를 쓰면 되니까

You can just use "they."

Let's write them a letter

Let's write them a letter.

아니면 her, him

Or her, him.

Let's write her a letter

Let's write her a letter.

Let's write him a letter

그에게 편지를 쓰자.

2818님 더 좋은 모습으로 만나요

See you in a better form, 2818.

이말도 알려주세요

Please tell me this as well.

I'm sure we'll meet again

I'm sure we'll meet again.

I'm sure we will meet again

I'm sure we will meet again.

유순희씨 이사간 집에서 좋은 일만 가득 생기면 좋겠어는 영어로 뭐라 그래요?

I hope only good things happen in Ms. Yoo Soon-hee's new house.

I hope only good things come your way in your new home

I hope only good things come your way in your new home.

다시 한번만요

One more time, please.

I hope only good things come your way in your new home

I hope only good things come your way in your new home.

최남희씨 나도 같이 하자 끼워줘 이 표현은 영어로 뭐라 그러나요?

"Choi Nam-hee, let me join you. What is this expression in English?"

Me too me too count me in

나도 나도 나도 끼워줘.

하하 Me too me too count me in

Haha me too me too count me in.

Count me in. 그 숫자 속에 나도 껴줘 라는 뜻이잖아요.

Count me in. It means "Include me in that number."

복습하고 싶을 때는 고릴라 팟이나 팟팡 등 팟캐스터 어플에서 아이안의 실전 영어 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.

When you want to review, you can download Ian's practical English from podcast apps like Gorilla Pod or Podpang.

그동안 영어 코너 진행하면서 어떠셨어요?

How have you been doing while hosting the English segment?

언제나 좋지요.

It's always good.

앞으로 영화나 드라마 계획은?

What are your future plans for movies or dramas?

맨날 하고 있죠. 또 준비하고 있고요.

I do it every day. I'm also preparing for it again.

지금은 일단은 캐나다 갔다 오고.

For now, I'm just going to Canada and coming back.

캐나다 친정집에 잘 다녀오시고요. 그동안 너무너무 감사했어요.

I hope you have a good trip to Canada. Thank you so much for everything during this time.

마지막으로 우리 청취자분들에게 보는 라디오 손 한번 흔들어주세요.

Lastly, please wave your hand to our listeners watching the radio.

끝나고 잠깐 김밥 파티예요.

Afterwards, it's a little gimbap party.

건강하고 TV 브라운관에서 좋은 모습 보여주십시오.

Stay healthy and show us a good image on the TV screen.

광고 듣고 오겠습니다.

I will go listen to the advertisement.

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