영어회화 무작정 따라하기 92

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영어회화 무작정 따라하기 92

영어회화 무작정 따라하기

92. I used to. 이건 과거의 경험을 말할 때 쓰는 패턴. 다 알고 계시죠? 뭐 다 배웠으니까. 그런데 배웠다고 막 쓸 수 있는 건 아니라서 제가 다시 한번 강조를 드립니다.

92. I used to. This is a pattern used to talk about past experiences. You all know that, right? Well, you've all learned it. However, just because you learned it doesn’t mean you can use it freely, so I want to emphasize that once again.

I used to. 한때 뭐뭐 했었다. 이게 또 규칙적인 습관이라고 얘기해요. 그래서 I used to go out with her. 한때 그녀와 함께 데이트 열심히 했었지. 뭐 일주일에 세 번 만났나? 규칙적으로? I used to go out with her. go out with는요. 누구와 함께 나가다잖아요. 이거 데이트하는 거예요. 그래서 go out with를 한 단어로 바꾸세요라고 하면 데이트입니다.

I used to. At one point, I used to do something. This is also referred to as a regular habit. So I used to go out with her. At one point, I was dating her seriously. Did we meet three times a week? Regularly? I used to go out with her. "Go out with" means to go out with someone. This is dating. So if you were to change "go out with" to one word, it would be dating.

I used to date her. 좋아요. I used to go out with her. 따라서 하십시오.

I used to date her. That's nice. I used to go out with her. Please follow this.

She used to go out with her. 과거 한때 그녀와 규칙적으로 데이트를 했었다. 꼭 규칙적이라는 말 빼도 상관없죠? 그녀와 데이트했었어.

She used to date her regularly. It doesn't matter if we skip the word "regularly," right? I dated her.

그 다음 we, he, she. 좋아요. 이런 주어가 나와서 used to. 우리가, 그가, 그녀가 한때 뭐뭐 했었다.

Then we, he, she. Good. Subjects like this appear, used to. We, he, she used to do something.

We used to go to school together. 우리가 한때 학교를 같이 다녔는데. 과거를 회상하며. 과거의 추억에 잠기며.

We used to go to school together, reminiscing about the past, immersed in memories of old times.

참 친했는데.

We were really close.

요즘에는 왜 이렇게 우리 사이가 이렇게 됐을까? 한 사람이 너무 유명해졌어요. 탤런트가 됐어요? 영어 배우가 됐어요? 가수가 됐어요? 예전에 참 친했는데 한 사람이 그렇게 유명해지면 이게 만남이 잘 안 되죠. 워낙 바쁘니까.

Why has our relationship come to this lately? One person has become so famous. Did they become a talent? An English actor? A singer? We used to be so close, but when one person becomes that famous, it's hard to meet up. They're just too busy.

We used to go to school together. 학교 같이 다녔었어? 따라서 하세요.

We used to go to school together. Did we go to school together? Please follow along.

We used to go to school together. go to school together는요. 다시 말하면 동창이라는 얘기예요. 그렇죠? 크게 따라하십시오.

We used to go to school together. "Go to school together" means we are classmates. Right? Please repeat after me.

You used to go to school together.

You used to go to school together.

이번에는 used 말고요. would를 한번 써보자고요. would는 뭐예요? 아하. 이거는 과거의 습관은 맞는데요. 경험이 맞는데요. 어떤? 습관과 경험? 그렇죠. 불규칙적이에요.

This time, let's not use "used." Let's try using "would" instead. What is "would"? Ah, that's right. It does refer to past habits and experiences. What about it? Habits and experiences? That's correct. It's irregular.

I would hang around with them. 내가 그들과 어울려 다니곤 했었지. 뭐 가끔 한 번씩. 뭐 상황되면 어쩔 때 뭐 그럴 때가 있었어. 라고 말할 때 would를 쓰는 거예요. used는 규칙적인 습관.

I would hang around with them. I used to hang out with them sometimes. Well, occasionally, when the situation allowed, there were times like that. This is when you use "would." "Used" refers to a regular habit.

늘 일어났던 그런 과거의 규칙적인 경험. would는 불규칙적인 경험 또는 습관이었다는 겁니다.

Such past regular experiences that always happened. Would indicate irregular experiences or habits.

I would hang around with them. 따라서 하십시오. I would hang around with them. 다시 한 번요. I would hang around with them. 그렇습니다.

I would hang around with them. Therefore, please do so. I would hang around with them. One more time. I would hang around with them. That's right.

I would ask him to help me. 내가 가끔 그에게 도와달라고 부탁하곤 했었는데 말이야.

I would occasionally ask him to help me.

She would cry while drinking. 아이쿠. She would cry while drinking.

She would cry while drinking. Oh dear. She would cry while drinking.

그녀는 술 마시다가 가끔 울곤 했었어. 뭐 늘 그런 건 아닌데 뭐 가끔 그렇더라고. would를 쓸 때는 그런 느낌이 있다는 것을 기억합니다.

She used to cry sometimes while drinking. It wasn't always like that, but it happened occasionally. I remember that using "would" conveys that feeling.

과거에 있었던 습관, 경험. 규칙적이다, 불규칙적이다. 를 말하면서 I used to, we used to, I would. 이런 패턴 익혔습니다.

Habits and experiences that used to happen in the past. Regular or irregular. While saying "I used to," "we used to," "I would." I learned these patterns.

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