DAY 29 생각에 대한 이유 물어보기 What makes you think ~? (왜 ~라고 생각해?)


정나래와 함께 하는 1일 1패턴 영어회화 [도전-4단어 패턴]

DAY 29 생각에 대한 이유 물어보기 What makes you think ~? (왜 ~라고 생각해?)

정나래와 함께 하는 1일 1패턴 영어회화 [도전-4단어 패턴]

안녕하세요. 여러분께 영어 패턴 하루에 하나씩 소개해드리고 있는 나래쌤입니다.

Hello. I am Teacher Narae, introducing one English pattern to you each day.

오늘은 Day 29, 29일차. 이제 정말로 얼마 안 남았네요.

Today is Day 29, the 29th day. There's really not much time left now.

29일차 패턴부터 보겠습니다.

Let's look at the pattern from day 29.

오늘의 패턴은 What makes you think? 왜 뭐뭐라고 생각해? 거든요.

Today's pattern is "What makes you think? Why do you think that?"

오늘의 문장은 What makes you think this is a problem? 왜 이게 문제라고 생각해? 바로 이거였습니다.

Today's sentence is "What makes you think this is a problem?" This was exactly it.

자 그러면 이제 오늘의 패턴 What makes you think부터 먼저 볼게요.

Alright, then let's first take a look at today's pattern, "What makes you think."

우선 make라는 단어의 쓰임부터 아셔야 되는데요. make는 만들다라는 뜻이잖아요.

First, you need to understand the usage of the word "make." Make means to create or to produce.

make 다음에 사람, 동사원형 이런 형태로 굉장히 많이 써요.

"After 'make,' it's used a lot in the form of person and base verb."

뜻은 어떤 사람, 그 사람에게 뭐뭐하게 만들다라는 뜻이거든요.

The meaning is a person, and it means to make that person do something.

make 사람 동사원형. 이 표현으로 그대로 대입을 해보시면

Make someone do something. If you apply this expression directly,

What makes you think? 그러면 어떤 의미일까요?

What makes you think? Then what does it mean?

무엇이 너를 생각하게 만드니? 지적하면 이렇게 되겠죠.

What makes you think? If I point it out, it would be like this.

그래서 결국에는 왜 그렇게 생각하니? 라는 의미가 되겠습니다.

So in the end, it means "Why do you think that way?"

그래서 What makes you think? 이거 가지고 한번 연습을 할 거예요.

So what makes you think? I'm going to practice with this.

What makes you think? 이 think 뒤에는 여러가지 형태가 붙을 수 있지만

What makes you think? There can be various forms that come after this "think," but...

오늘은 think 다음에 that, 접속사 that 생략하고

Today, after think, omit the conjunction that.

그 다음에 바로 주어동사 문장 붙이는 꼴로 연습을 해보도록 하겠습니다.

Next, we will practice by immediately attaching subject-verb sentences.

그래서 이제 오늘의 문장을 다시 한번 볼게요.

So now, let's take a look at today's sentence again.

오늘의 문장은 What makes you think this is a problem? 이거였죠.

Today's sentence was "What makes you think this is a problem?"

This is a problem. 이것은 문제이다. 이게 뒤에 붙은 거잖아요.

This is a problem. This is attached at the back, right?

이것이 문제이다라고 너는 무엇이 너를 그렇게 생각하게 만드니?

What makes you think that this is a problem?

지적한 거였죠.

I was pointing it out.

그래서 왜 너는 이것이 문제라고 생각하니?

So why do you think this is a problem?

바로 이거였어요.

This is it.

What makes you think? 그 다음에 바로 문장 붙여주시면 돼요.

What makes you think? Then you can just attach the sentence right after.

This is a problem. 이제 붙여서 한번 해볼까요?

This is a problem. Shall we try connecting it now?

What makes you think this is a problem? 문장 끝은 어떻게 해요?

What makes you think this is a problem? How do you end a sentence?

의문문이라고 올리시는 게 아니라 의문서로 시작할 때는 항상 끝을 살짝 내려주세요.

When starting with an interrogative statement, please always lower the tone slightly at the end.

그래서 What makes you think this is a problem? 한번 더 해볼까요?

So what makes you think this is a problem? Shall we try it once more?

What makes you think this is a problem?

What makes you think this is a problem?

자 그럼 이제 응용연습 좀 해볼게요.

Now, let's do some application exercises.

이번에는 왜 내가 거기에 있었다고 생각해? 이거 한번 만들어 볼게요.

Why do you think I was there this time? I'll try making this.

내가 거기에 있었다. 이 말을 What makes you think this is a problem?

I was there. This statement makes me wonder, what makes you think this is a problem?

What makes you think? 오늘의 패턴에 붙여주시면 되거든요.

What makes you think? You can just attach it to today's pattern.

내가 거기에 있었다잖아요. 거기는 There이죠.

I told you I was there. That place is There.

나는 거기에 있었다면 I was there. 이거 붙여주시면 돼요.

If you attach this, it's fine.

너무 간단하죠? 그러면 What makes you think I was there? 같이 해볼까요?

Isn't it too simple? Then how about trying something like "What makes you think I was there?"

What makes you think I was there? 한 번만 해볼까요?

What makes you think I was there? Shall we try it just once?

What makes you think I was there? 바로 Think 뒤에 문장 붙여주세요.

What makes you think I was there? Just attach the sentence right after "Think."

자 이번에 또 다른 문장 볼게요.

Now let's take a look at another sentence.

이번에는 왜 네가 그걸 할 수 있다고 생각해? 이거 해보겠습니다.

This time, why do you think you can do that? I will try this.

너는 그것을 할 수 있다. 이 말을 이제 What makes you think?

You can do it. Now say, "What makes you think?"

뒤에 붙여주시면 돼요. 너는 그것을 할 수 있다.

You can just add it at the back. You can do it.

You can do it. 또는 That. 둘 다 상관없는데 You can do that.로 해볼게요.

You can do it. Or that. Both are fine, but I'll try using "You can do that."

간단하죠? 그러면 What makes you think you can do that?

It's simple, right? Then what makes you think you can do that?

한 번 더 해볼까요?

Shall we try again?

What makes you think you can do that?

What makes you think you can do that?

그러면 또 다른 문장 보겠습니다.

Then let's see another sentence.

왜 그녀가 그렇게 말할 거라고 생각해? 이거 한번 해볼게요.

Why do you think she would say that? I'll give this a try.

이거 약간 까다로울 수 있는데 그녀가 그렇게 말할 거다.

This could be a bit tricky, but she's going to say that.

이 말을 뒤에 붙이면 돼요.

You can just add this at the end.

근데 영어를 그대로 직역을 해서 힌트를 드리면

But if I give you a hint by translating it directly into English,

그녀는 그것을 말하겠다. 이거거든요.

She will say it. It's this.

여기서 뭐뭐 하겠다. 이거는 조동사 Word를 써주시면 돼요.

I will do this and that here. You can use the auxiliary verb "will."

물론 조동사 Word는 Will의 과거형으로 여러분이 알고 계시긴 한데

Of course, you know that the modal verb "would" is the past form of "will."

또 독립적으로 뭐뭐 하겠다라는 약간 가정의 그런 의미를 내포하고 있기도 하거든요.

It also contains a somewhat hypothetical meaning of wanting to do something independently.

그래서 뭐뭐 하겠다라는 의미로 Word를 쓸게요.

So I'll use the word "Word" to mean that I will do something.

그러면 그녀는 그것을 말하겠다. 이거 할 거예요.

Then she will say it. I will do this.

She would 말하다. Say. 그것 That. She would say that. 이 말을 뒤에 붙여주시면 됩니다.

She would say that.

오늘의 패턴이 What makes you think you can do that?

Today's pattern is "What makes you think you can do that?"

What makes you think. 바로 뒤에 문장 붙이면 되죠?

What makes you think? You can just attach the sentence right after.

She would say that. 같이 한번 해볼까요?

She would say that. Shall we give it a try together?

What makes you think she would say that?

What makes you think she would say that?

한 번 더 해볼까요? What makes you think she would say that?

Shall we try it one more time? What makes you think she would say that?

발음 Would가 아니라 What. What. 그 소리 따로 내지 마세요.

It's not "Would" but "What". What. Please don't make that sound separately.

She would say that. 이렇게 붙여주시면 되겠습니다.

You can attach it like this.

또 이번에는요. 다른 문장 볼게요.

Now this time, let's look at a different sentence.

왜 넌 절대로 성공하지 못할 거라고 생각하니? 이 말 한번 해보겠습니다.

Why do you think you will never succeed? Let me say this once.

성공하다 라는 표현. 오늘은 아주 유명한 표현 Make it 이라는 표현으로 만들어 볼게요.

The expression "to succeed." Today, let's create it using the very famous expression "Make it."

이 Make it 이라는 게 성공하다. 해내다. 이뤄내다. 이런 뜻이거든요.

The phrase "Make it" means to succeed, to accomplish, or to achieve something.

그래서 바로 이 Make it 을 이용해서 봅시다.

So let's use this Make it right away.

그래서 What makes you think. 그 다음에 너는 절대로 성공하지 못할 것이다. 이 말이 뒤에 붙이면 돼요.

So what makes you think that? After that, you will absolutely not succeed. You can put this at the end.

너는 ~~ 할 것이다. You 할 것이다. Will. 절대로. Never. You'll never.

You will ~~. You will. Will. Absolutely. Never. You'll never.

그 다음에 이제 성공하다. 오늘 뭐 쓴다고요? Make it. 붙이시면 돼요.

Then succeed. What are you writing today? Make it. You can attach it.

그래서 You'll never make it. 발음하실 때 You will. 이렇게 너무 Will을 강조하시면 반드시 ~~ 할 거야.

So, when you pronounce "You'll never make it," if you emphasize "will" too much as "You will," it definitely means ~~.

이런 의미가 강조됩니다.

This meaning is emphasized.

그러니까 You will은 그냥 줄여서 You'll 이렇게 발음해 주세요.

So just pronounce "You will" as "You'll."

그래서 You'll never make it. 이렇게 붙일게요.

So I'll attach it like this: You'll never make it.

자 그럼 이제 오늘 패턴을 붙여 볼까요?

Well then, shall we try attaching the pattern today?

What makes you think you'll never make it.

What makes you think you'll never succeed?

한번 더 해볼까요?

Shall we try it one more time?

What makes you think you'll never make it.

What makes you think you'll never succeed?

자 이렇게 해서 오늘은 Day 29 패턴 What makes you think 보셨습니다.

So today we looked at Day 29 pattern "What makes you think".

여러분이 지금 연습하고 있는 패턴 정말 회화에서 많이 쓰는 것들이니까 꼭 연습 많이 해보세요.

The patterns you are practicing now are really commonly used in conversation, so make sure to practice a lot.

저는 여기서 인사드릴게요. 나레쌤이었습니다.

I will say goodbye here. It was Teacher Na-re.

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