39. 뼈를 깎는 아름다움 (Everybody wants something that they don’t have.)


앤더슨의 돌직구 회화

39. 뼈를 깎는 아름다움 (Everybody wants something that they don’t have.)

앤더슨의 돌직구 회화

안녕하세요 둘짓구의 핸더스입니다

Hello, this is Handers from Dualzone.

오늘 39강 241페이지

Today, Chapter 39, Page 241.

뼈를 깎는 아름다움

The beauty that cuts to the bone.

무슨 말인지 알죠?

Do you understand what I'm saying?

뼈를 깎는 아름다움

The beauty that cuts through bone.

뼈를 깎을 때 아름답다는 얘기인가요?

Are you saying it’s beautiful when bones are being cut?

그 정도로 뼈를 깎을 정도로..

To that extent, to the point of scraping the bones...

한국말 좀 이상한 거 같은데 제목이

The title seems a bit unusual in Korean.

뼈를 깎는 고통

The pain of cutting bones.

깎는 고통은 되지만 뼈를 깎는 아름다움?

It may be painful to shave, but is it beautiful to carve into the bone?

성형수술 얘기인가?

Are you talking about plastic surgery?

턱을 깎고

Shave the jaw.



내가 알기로는 턱을 깎는 게 아니라

As far as I know, it’s not about shaving the jaw.

턱을 자르는 걸로 알고 있는데

I know it involves cutting the jaw.

턱을 이렇게 갸름하게

Make the chin so slim like this.

모르겠어요 제가 의대를 전학 온 것도 아니고

I don't know, it's not like I transferred to medical school.

의사도 아니기 때문에 모르고

I'm not a doctor, so I don't know.

자 그래서 무슨 어떤

So what kind of...

외모에 대해서는 얘기를 하고 있는데

They're talking about appearance.

여기 나오신 그 스웨덴 분 여자분이

The Swedish woman who came here.


The model.

모델이에요 그래서

I'm a model, so...

모델 일을 하는 거에 대해서 얘기도 하고

Talking about working as a model.

첫 번째 질문이 이거잖아요 그래서

The first question is this, right? So...

How long have you done modeling?

How long have you been modeling?

얼마나 오래 했어 모델 일?

How long have you been working as a model?

How long have you

How long have you

have you 다음에 pp 뭐죠?

What's next after "have you"?

얼마나 오래됐어 할 때

How long has it been?

How long have you..

How long have you..

여기 얼마나 오래 살았어? 라고 할 때도

When asking, "How long have you lived here?"

How long have you lived here?

How long have you lived here?

여기서 얼마나 오래 살았어?

How long have you lived here?

영어 공부 얼마나 오래 하셨어요?

How long have you been studying English?

How long have you studied English?

How long have you been studying English?

How long have you pp?

How long have you been pregnant?

얼마나 오래됐어?

How long has it been?

한지 뭐 뭐 뭐 한 거

Well, you know, something like that.

한국에 있는지는 얼마나 오래됐어?

How long have you been in Korea?

이런 거 한국에 얼마나 오래 있었어?

How long has this been in Korea?

How long have you stayed here in Korea?

How long have you been staying here in Korea?

한국에 얼마나 오래 있었어?

How long have you been in Korea?

얼마나 오래 살았어?

How long have you lived?

마지막으로 해 볼게요

I'll give it one last try.

얼마나 한국에는 얼마나 오래 있었어?

How long have you been in Korea?

How long have you stayed here in Korea?

How long have you been here in Korea?

네 How long have you stayed in Korea?

Yes, how long have you stayed in Korea?

한국에 얼마나 오래 있었어?

How long have you been in Korea?

2번 Just even if you look at

Just even if you look at 번호 2.

뭐 even if 하면 이제 뭐 뭐

What, even if it happens, then what?

마 하더라도 아니면은

Even if I do it, or if I don't.

음 한다 해도 이런 말 있죠

Even if you say that, there's a saying.

뭐 보통 이렇게 많이 쓰죠?

Is it common to use this much?

뭐 even if you try to find me?

What if you try to find me anyway?

뭐 이런 거

What is this kind of thing?

네가 나 찾으려고 해도 한다 해도

Even if you try to find me, or if you do.

그래서 여기서는 이제 뭐

So what is it here now?

뭐 그냥 보기만 한다 해도

Well, even if it's just to look at it.

정말 어려워

It's really difficult.

뭐 달라

What's different?

그러니까 뭐야 한국에 그

So, what is it about Korea?

이분이 한국에 모델 일을 하면서

This person is working as a model in Korea.

한국에서의 힘든 점들

Difficulties in Korea.

뭐 이런 거에 한마디로

What do you mean by this?

뮤직비디오만 봐도

Just by watching the music video

뮤직비디오만 본다 해도

Even if I only watch the music video.

뭔가 좀 느낌이 다르다고

It feels a bit different.

좀 어렵다

It's a bit difficult.

자기가 하는 그 외국에서 하던 모델이랑은 좀

It's a bit different from the model they were doing abroad.



왜냐 뭐 이뻐 보이게 봐야 되고

Because it needs to look pretty.

자연스러움보다 우리는 좀 그거죠 보통

We're just a bit more ordinary than being natural.

이쁜 척 뭐 그런 거 많이 해야 되고

You have to do a lot of things like pretend to be pretty.

음 그쵸

Well, that's right.

아 그러면 어떤 거 할까요?

Oh, then what shall we do?

내 남자친구만 보더라도

Just looking at my boyfriend alone...

뭐 남자애들은 여자애들이랑 달라

Boys are different from girls.

just even if you look at my boyfriend

그냥 내 남자친구만 봐도.

boys are different from girls

Boys are different from girls.

자 이거 해보겠습니다

Alright, I'll give this a try.

두 번째 거

The second one.

뭐 내 남자친구만 보더라도

Well, just looking at my boyfriend...

남자애들은 여자들이랑 다르잖아

Boys are different from girls, you know.

just even if you look at my boyfriend

그냥 내 남자친구를 봐도 돼.

boys are different from girls

Boys are different from girls.

여기서 from은

Here, "from" means...

랑이라는 뜻이죠?

It means "rung," right?


랑 달라

Different from 랑.

was it difficult?

Was it difficult?

was it difficult trying to get into Korea?

Was it difficult trying to enter Korea?

그니까 한국에 들어오느라

So, coming into Korea...


Was it tough?


Was it difficult?

was it

Was it?

was it difficult?

Was it difficult?


Was it hard?


Because I was busy.

trying to

trying to

그 뒤에 동사

The verb behind it.

일자리 구하느라 힘들었었어?

Did you have a hard time looking for a job?

하면 was it difficult?

Was it difficult?

trying to get a job?

Trying to get a job?

was it difficult? trying to get a job?

Was it difficult? Trying to get a job?

일자리 구하느라 어려웠었어?

Was it difficult to find a job?

자 1번 해보겠습니다

Alright, I will try number 1.

일자리 구하느라 어려웠었어?

Was it difficult to find a job?

was it difficult? trying to get a job?

Was it difficult? Trying to get a job?



Number 4

the last one I did

the last one I did

was airs

was airs

자 이거는 이제 hair가 아니라

This is no longer hair.

hair는 머리카락이죠?

Hair is hair, right?


잘못 읽으면 큰일 나요 그래서

If you read it wrong, it'll be a big problem, so...


Um um.

the last one I did

The last one I did.



마지막으로 한 게 상숙자들이었어

The last thing I did was with the Sang-sook family.

이게 무슨 말일까요?

What does this mean?

내가 마지막으로 한 게 상숙자들이었어

The last thing I did was the Sang-sook-ja.

뭘 했다는 거예요?

What are you talking about?

그니까 그...

So, um...



활동한 거

What you did.

최근에 뭐 했어요? 하면은

What have you been up to recently?

아 제가 마지막으로 한 게

Ah, what I did last was...

했던 게 상숙자들이었어요

What I did were friends who supported me.

거기서 나왔다 이 얘기죠 한마디로

That's where this story comes from, in short.

아 상숙자들에 나왔다

Ah, it's come out among the people of Sang-suk.

the last one I did

The last one I did.

was airs

was airs

the hairs

the hairs

뭐 하면은

What should I do?


Was it hair?


제가 마지막으로 한 게 머리카락이었어요

The last thing I did was my hair.

아 발음 주의

Ah, be careful with pronunciation.

네 상숙자

Yes, Sang-sook.

H는 무금이죠 무금

H is unpaid, right? Unpaid.



내가 마지막으로 부른 게

The last thing I sang was

내가 부른 마지막 게

The last thing I sang.

Love Me Tender였어

It was Love Me Tender.

그 노래방 가서 내가 마지막으로 노래 부른 게

The last song I sang at that karaoke was



Love Me Tender였다

It was Love Me Tender.

그 Love Me Tender

That Love Me Tender

Love Me...

Love me...



아 네 그런 노래군요

Oh, that's the kind of song it is.

이게 누구죠 이게?

Who is this?

아 Love Me Tender

Ah, Love Me Tender

Love Me

Love Me

아 진짜 미치겠네

Ah, it's really driving me crazy.

Love Me Tender

Love Me Tender

엘비스 프레슬리인가?

Is it Elvis Presley?


What is it?




네 엘비스 프레슬리

Yes, Elvis Presley.

맞아요 그 사람 그 분이?

That's right, that person, that gentleman?


The last one

The last one

I sang

I sang.

생은 뭐예요?

What is life?

생의 과거

The past of life



아니 싱의 과거

No, Sing's past.





싱생송 네

New song, yes.

송은 노래고

The song is called "Song."

아 맞아요

Oh, right.

생은 노래하다

Life sings.


That's right.

그래서 만약에

So if

야 노래해

Hey, sing!

I sang

I sang.


Is it over?

Hey you sing

Hey, you sing.

I sang

I sang

너 노래해 너 노래했어

You sing, you sang.

아 네

Ah yes.



저 모두를 못 알아 듣죠

I can't understand all of them.

I sang

I sang.

I sang...

I sang...

I sang!

I sang!





쌩까는거야 지금

Are you ignoring me right now?



야 쟤 쌩까는데 자기 쌩까겠대

Hey, they're ignoring us, and they're saying they're going to ignore us too.



그럴 수 있어요

That can happen.

The last one I sang

The last one I sang.

The last one I sang was Love Me Tender

The last one I sang was Love Me Tender.

제가 마지막 부른 노래가 Love Me Tender 였어요

The last song I sang was Love Me Tender.


I will give it a try.


The last one I sang was Love Me Tender

The last song I sang was Love Me Tender.


Number 5

It works?

Does it work?

It works!

It works!

여기서는 이제 뭐 된다. 뭐가 된다. 된다. 뭐가 돼. 된다. 효과가 있다.

Here, it works now. Something works. It works. What works? It works. It has an effect.

It works. 된다. 된다. 된다. 끝. TV 나와? TV 돼? It works. 돼요. It's working. 되는데? 돼요. TV 돼.

It works. It works. It works. The end. Is the TV out? Is the TV working? It works. Yes, it works. It's working. Is it working? Yes, it works. The TV works.

It doesn't work. 안 돼요. The TV doesn't work. TV 안 돼요. TV가 일을 안 해요.

It doesn't work. The TV doesn't work. The TV doesn't function.

이 놈의 자식 왜 일을 안 해? 일을 안 하니까 안 나오지 지금.

Why isn't this kid working? He's not showing up because he's not working.

자기 할 일을. It works. 된다고. 효과가 있다고.

It works. It can be done. It is effective.

Every time I did it. 때마다. Every time. 뭐 할 때마다. 때마다.

Every time I did it. Every time. Whenever I do something. Every time.

우리는. 아니야.

We are. No.

어. 이게 좋겠다. 저는 세차할 때마다 비가 와요.

Oh. This would be great. It rains every time I wash the car.

정말 재수가 없죠.

That's really unfortunate.

어. 재수가 없다니까 정말 죄송합니다.

Yes, I'm really sorry to hear that you're having bad luck.

어. 그래. 너무 떨어질 뻔했어. 네.

Oh. Right. I almost fell. Yes.

Every time I wash my car, it rains.

Every time I wash my car, it rains.

아. 차를 닦을 때마다 비가 와. 해보겠습니다.

Ah. It rains every time I wash my car. I'll give it a try.



Every time I wash my car, it rains.

Every time I wash my car, it rains.

Every time we meet.

Every time we meet.

I pay. I pay.

I pay. I pay.

우리 만날 때마다. 우리는 만날 때마다 내가 돋네.

Every time we meet, I feel uplifted.



어. 난 영화할 때마다 떨려.

Yeah. I get nervous every time I make a movie.

어. 난 이거. 이거. 술 마실 때마다 토해. 되게 많죠?

Oh. I do this. This. I throw up every time I drink. A lot, right?

어. 먹을 때마다.

Yeah. Every time I eat.

Every time I drink makgeolli, I throw up.

Every time I drink makgeolli, I throw up.

어. 저는 막걸리 마실 때마다 이렇게 토해요.

Oh. I throw up like this every time I drink makgeolli.

어. 우리 뭐 하고 있죠? 아. 6번.

Oh. What are we doing? Ah. Number 6.

아. 네. 6번.

Ah. Yes. Number 6.

고장 난. 잘. 잘 돼요?

Is it broken? Is it going well?

잘 돼요?

Is it going well?

안 되는 거면.

If it can't be done.

안 되는 거면 어떻게 하지?

What if it doesn't work out?

뭐. 알아서 굶어 하시겠죠. 뭐.

Well. I guess you’ll just starve on your own. Well.

Some people can die.

Some people can die.

자. 여기서 can의 또 다른 어휘. 즉 can의 또 다른 뜻.

Well. Another vocabulary of can here. That is, another meaning of can.

할 수 있다도 있지만, 뭐 뭐 하기도 한다.

You can do it, but sometimes you also do something else.

뭐 뭐 하기도 해.

You do some things.

뭐 뭐 하기도 해. 어떤 사람은 죽을 수 있어.

You can do this and that. Some people can die.

뭐 그렇게 해도 되긴 되죠. 사실은.

Well, you can certainly do that. In fact.



야. 형 성형수술 하면은 되게 위험해. 어떤 사람은 죽을 수 있어.

Hey. Hyung, getting plastic surgery can be really dangerous. Some people can die from it.

네. 야. 형 성형수술 하면은 되게 위험해. 어떤 사람은 죽을 수 있어.

Yes. Hey. If you get plastic surgery, it can be very dangerous. Some people can die.



그게 무슨 말이에요?

What does that mean?

할 수 있어. 연기를 갖죠. 이런 게 아니라.

You can do it. Let's act. Not like this.

죽을 수도.

You could die.

죽기도 해.

You can die too.

죽기도 해. 뭐 어떤 사람은 죽기도 하고. 뭐 이럴 때.

Some people do die. Well, at times like this.

Some people can die. 뭐 어떤 사람은 뭐 하기도 하고.

Some people can die. Well, some people do things.

아니면 이것도 돼요. 어떤 개. 고양이들은 뭐 크기도 하고. 뭐 작기도 하고.

Or this is also fine. Some dogs. Cats can be of various sizes, too.

뭐 어떤 아파트는 비싸기도 하고. 이럴 때.

Well, some apartments are expensive. Especially at times like this.



어떤 사람은 한 번에 시험 붙기도 해. 이 시험이 되게 어렵다. 근데 어떤 사람들은 한 번에 붙기도 해. 이럴 때.

Some people pass the exam on their first try. This exam is really difficult. But some people do pass it on their first try. At these times.

Some people can pass the exam at once.

Some people can pass the exam on their first try.

자. 해보겠습니다. 어떤 사람들은 한 번에 바로 붙기도 해.

Okay. I'll give it a try. Some people can get it on the first try.

Some people can pass the exam at once.

Some people can pass the exam on their first try.

Some people can.

Some people can.

Some people can pass the exam at once.

Some people can pass the exam on their first try.

뭐 여기까지 마치도록 하고요. 이제 끝났네요. 벌써.

Well, let's wrap it up here. It's already over. Time flies.

자. 지금까지 시청해 주신 시청자. 아니요. 애청자 여러분 감사드리고요.

Thank you to all the viewers who have watched until now. No, I mean, thank you to all the loyal listeners.

40강은 그냥 혼자서 하세요.

Just do lecture 40 by yourself.

최종 점검.

Final inspection.

네. 점검은.

Yes. It's a checkup.

네. 점검은. 뭐. 본인이 할 수 있잖아요. 여기 답을 보면서.

Yes. You can check it yourself while looking at the answers here.

와. 대박. 끝났어.

Wow. Amazing. It's over.

네. 저도 힘들어요. 그래서.

Yes. I'm struggling too. That's why.

뭐 하시다가 어려운 점이 있었고 하시면은. 제 사이트 카페.

If you encounter any difficulties while doing something, please let me know. My website is a cafe.

Anderson 영어를 치시거나 다음에서 또는.

Anderson, please type in English or next.

Anderson English. 아니면 다음 카페. 영어 말문 터지기.

Anderson English. Or the next café. Breaking the ice in English.

영어 말문 터지기.

Breaking the ice with English.

네. 이걸 치시거나 Anderson 영어를 치시면 제 카페가 나와요.

Yes. If you type this or type "Anderson English," my cafe will come up.

Anderson 영어 카페. 영어 말문 터지기 카페.

Anderson English Cafe. A cafe for breaking the ice in English conversations.

여기 들어오시면 이제 수업에 대한 내용도 있고.

If you come in here, there will also be information about the class.

자. 여기서 못다한 것들이 뭐 엄청 많잖아요.

Well, there are so many things here that haven't been finished.



네. 한무득 있죠. 그러니까.

Yes. There is Hanmudeuk. So.



꼭 들어오셔서 확인하시고 언젠가 한번 직접 뵐 수 있는 기회가 됐으면 좋겠다 하는 바램이 없지 않아 있네요.

I hope you’ll come in and check it out, and I can’t help but wish for an opportunity to meet you in person someday.




It was.





자. 여기까지 그동안.

Alright. That's it for now.

자꾸 시청인이 나오네. 자꾸.

The viewer keeps coming out. Again and again.

그동안 애청해 주신 여러분들 감사드리고요.

Thank you to everyone who has been a loyal listener all this time.

자. 꼭 영어 말하기 성공하시고.

Okay. Be sure to succeed in speaking English.

마지막으로 뭐. 인사말.

Lastly, what. A greeting.

한마디 해주세요.

Please say a word.

아. 네. 아. 네. 모두. 네. 정말정말. 즐거운 시간이었습니다.

Ah. Yes. Ah. Yes. Everyone. Yes. It was truly, truly a wonderful time.

무슨 말이죠.

What do you mean?

네. 제가 즐거워서 뭐하죠.

Yes. What should I do since I'm having fun?

아 네, 여러분 모두 영어 마스터 하시고 카페에 오시길

Ah yes, I hope all of you master English and come to the cafe.

누가 즐거웠다는 얘기에요?

Who said they were happy?

네, 모르겠어요

Yes, I don't know.

저는 모두 즐거웠습니다

I enjoyed everything.

아니에요 아니에요, 짝짝짝 드디어 끝났다

No, no, it’s finally over, clap clap clap!

자, 우리 처음 한 번 들으신 분들은 두 번 정도는 더 들으셔야겠죠?

Well, for those who are hearing this for the first time, you should listen to it about two more times, right?

복습 차원에서 한 번 더 들으시고

Listen to it once more as a review.

꼭 내 거로 만드신 다음에 뵙는 날이 왔으면 좋겠습니다

I hope the day comes when we meet after you have definitely made it mine.

자, 안녕히 계세요

Well, goodbye.

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