스피킹 매트릭스 1분 영어 말하기

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스피킹 매트릭스 1분 영어 말하기

스피킹 매트릭스 1분 영어 말하기

스피킹 매트릭스 1분 영어 말하기

아웃풋 서른 번째 이야기 들어가 보겠습니다. 친구와의 대화 나와있네요.

Let's get into the thirtieth story of the output. It seems there's a conversation with a friend.

자, 넘버 원. 집에 오는 길에 킴과 저는 킴의 집 뒤에 있는 공원에 갔습니다.

So, number one. On the way home, Kim and I went to the park behind Kim's house.

네, 친구가 킴밖에 없어요.

Yes, the only friend I have is Kim.

자, on the way back home. 그죠?

Okay, on the way back home. Right?

이 on the way, 말 그대로 그 길 위에 있는 것이죠.

"I" is literally something that is on the way.

어디로 가는 길에 있는 거예요.

I am on the way to somewhere.

on the way back, 돌아가는 길 위에 있죠?

On the way back, it's on the road back, right?

home, to home을 하면 안 돼요. 그냥 home.

You can't say "to home." Just say "home."

자체가 그 뜻을 나타내 버립니다.

It reveals the meaning itself.

on the way back home. 네, 집에 돌아오는 길에.

On the way back home. Yes, on the way back home.

킴 and I went to the park. 어떤 공원에 갔어요.

Kim and I went to the park. Which park did you go to?

늘 가는 공원이니까 the park 이렇게 되는 것이죠.

Since it's the park I always go to.

킴 and I went to the park.

Kim and I went to the park.

근데 그 the park in that, 그것은 is behind her house.

But that park, it is behind her house.

그녀의 집 뒤에 있는 것이에요. 이렇게 설명이 이어집니다.

It’s behind her house. This is how the explanation continues.

네, 킴 and I went to the park that is behind her house. 이렇게 된 것이죠.

Yes, Kim and I went to the park that is behind her house. That's how it happened.

자, 다음은요.

Well, next is...

we sat on a bench. 우리는 벤치 앉아서 대화를 나눴습니다.

We sat on a bench and had a conversation.

we sat on a bench. 벤치 한 군데 위에 앉았다.

We sat on a bench.

we sat on a bench and had a talk.

We sat on a bench and had a talk.

have a talk.

have a talk.

이게 이제 일반적인 것이죠.

This is now the norm.

had a conversation. 해도 되지만.

We can have a conversation, but it's okay.

had a talk. 일반적입니다.

Had a talk. It's typical.

자, 대화를 나눴다.

Well, we had a conversation.

number three.

Number three.

저는 조금 피곤했지만 킴의 얘기를 들어줬다.

I was a bit tired, but I listened to Kim's story.

I was a bit tired.

I was a bit tired.

a bit.

a bit.

네, 약간은 I was a bit tired.

Yes, I was a bit tired.

약간 피곤했지만, but I listened to Kim.

I was a bit tired, but I listened to Kim.


I listened.

이럴 때는 listen to. 이 말을 쓰면 되는 것이죠.

In this case, you can use the phrase "listen to."

I listened to Kim.

I listened to Kim.


I listened.

number four.

Number four.

킴은 직장 상사와의 문제에 관해서 얘기했다.

Kim talked about the issues with their boss.

she talked about. 뭐에 대해서 얘기했냐면,

she talked about. What she talked about is,

talked about some issues. 어떤 문제점에 대해서.

talked about some issues. About some problems.

some issues with her boss. 그쵸?

Some issues with her boss, right?

그 issues가 with. 누구와의 issue냐면, her boss.

The issue is with her boss.

네, 상사와의 issue가 되네요.

Yes, it becomes an issue with the boss.

she talked about some issues with her boss. 네, 어떤 문제점에 대해서 얘기했다.

Yes, she talked about some issues.

네, 어떤 문제점에 대해서 얘기했다.

Yes, we talked about some issues.

number five.

Number five.

저는 킴에게 문제를 해결하는 것은 복잡하지만, 시간이 걸리진 않을 거라고 말해줬다.

I told Kim that solving the problem is complicated, but it won't take long.

I told her.

I told her.

그녀에게 말했다, 이거죠.

I told her, this is it.

told her that.

told her that.

that 이를 말했어요.

I said this.

I told her that it is complicated.

I told her that it is complicated.

일단은 먼저 결론을 냈네요.

Well, they've come to a conclusion first.

it is complicated. 복잡하다.

It is complicated.

it is complicated.

It is complicated.

자, 뭐 하는 게 그러냐면, to solve the problem.

Well, what I'm doing is to solve the problem.

그 문제를 해결하는 게 그렇다고요.

That's how to solve that problem.

자, 이게 던지고 설명하고 나와 있죠.

Well, it's thrown and explained here.

it is complicated to solve the problem.

It is complicated to solve the problem.

but, 그렇지만, it wouldn't take time.

But, it wouldn't take time.

이게 지금 이미 얘기를 했다, 공원에 갔다, 과거이기 때문에 it wouldn't 이렇게 된 거죠.

This has already been talked about, we went to the park, and because it's in the past, it wouldn't have happened like this.

it will not 이 말이 있는데, 그렇죠?

There is a saying, "It will not," right?

it wouldn't 이렇게 과거로 지금 돼 있어요.

It wouldn't be like this in the past now.

it wouldn't take time.

It wouldn't take long.

네, 그렇지만, 시간은 걸리지 않을 거라고 말했다 이거죠.

Yes, but you said it wouldn't take time.

다시 한 번.

One more time.

I told her. 그녀에게 말해줬죠.

I told her.

that 이하를 말해줬죠.

He told me about that 이하.

it is complicated 하다고요. it is complicated 하다고요.

It is complicated, I said. It is complicated, I said.

뭐 하는 게요?

What are you doing?

to solve the problem.

to solve the problem.

하는 것이 그렇다고요.

It's because that's how it is.

but, 그렇지만, it wouldn't take time.

But, it wouldn't take time.

시간이 걸리진 않을 거야 라고 말해줬다.

They told me it wouldn't take long.

number six.

Number six.

집에 왔을 때는 밤 11시 반이었다.

It was half past eleven at night when I got home.

when I got home. 그렇죠?

When I got home. Right?

집에 왔을 때.

When I came home.

when I got back home.

when I got back home.

뭐 해도 된다고 그랬죠?

You said I could do anything, right?

when I returned home.

when I returned home.

상관 없습니다.

I don't care.

it was 11.30 p.m.

It was 11:30 p.m.

p.m. 붙여줘야 되죠.

You need to attach p.m.

그래서 11.30 at night and night 하든지요.

So let's do it at 11:30 at night.

자, 11시 반이었다.

Well, it was half past eleven.

number seven.

Number seven.

잘 준비를 하고, 자정에 잠자리. 자, 11시 반이었다.

Prepare well and go to bed at midnight. It was 11:30.

자정에 잠자리 들었다.

I went to bed at midnight.

I got ready for bed.

I got ready for bed.


That's right?

get ready.

Get ready.

말 그대로, 준비된 상태로 간다. 준비를 한다.

Literally, you go in a prepared state. You prepare.

많이 씁니다.

I use it a lot.

I got ready for.

I got ready for.

뭘 위해서 준비를 했냐면, for bed.

What did you prepare for? For bed.

bed, 상징적인 거죠.

Bed, it's symbolic.

잠자리에 대한 준비, 잘 준비 이렇게 된 거죠.

Preparation for bedtime, well prepared like this.

I got ready for bed.

I got ready for bed.

I went to sleep.

I went to sleep.

자러 갔죠?

Did you go to bed?

at midnight.

at midnight.


That's right, isn't it?

자정에 자러 갔다로 말이 끝나고 있습니다.

It is ending with "I went to bed at midnight."

와, 어느덧 1분 말하기에,

Wow, it's already time for the one-minute speech.

모든 과정이 다 끝났네요.

Everything has come to an end.

여러분들한테, 인풋의 가장 기본적인 단위,

To you all, the most basic unit of input,

우리 앞에서 덩어리 덩어리 외웠던 표현들,

The expressions that we memorized in chunks in front of us,

가장 적은 분량이에요.

It's the smallest amount.

가장 적은 분량이지만, 가장 많이 쓰이게 되는 분량입니다.

It is the smallest amount, but it is the amount that is used the most.

이제 9푸에서 30개의 이야기로,

Now, from 9PU, with 30 stories,

인풋의 기본 표현을 가지고,

With the basic expression of the input,

1분 동안의 이야기를 만들어 봤는데,

I made a story that lasts one minute, but,

여기서 보시면 아시겠지만,

As you can see here,

이미 할 수 있는 말들이 상당히 많이 있습니다.

There are already quite a few things that can be said.

여기서 보시면 아시겠지만, 이미 할 수 있는 말들이 상당히 많이 있습니다.

As you can see here, there are already quite a few things that can be said.

우리말만 한번 쭉 읽어보세요.

Please read the Korean text all the way through.


Only in our language.

너무 내용이, 어느 정도 깊이까지 말을 할 수가 있는 내용입니다.

The content is such that it can be discussed to a certain depth.

그만큼 아주 자주 쓰는 말들이 지금 입에 많이 붙은 겁니다.

That's why phrases that are used very frequently have stuck to my tongue.

자, 근데 여기서 멈춰지면 안 되겠어요.

Well, we can't stop here.

이런 내용이 자꾸 반복되고 반복되고 반복되고.

This kind of content keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.

지금 여기 아웃풋은 30개로 충분히 연습을 했지만,

I have practiced sufficiently with 30 outputs here now, but...

이런 연습이 앞으로 계속 이어져야 됩니다.

This kind of practice needs to continue in the future.

쓰고 쓰고 또 써야 됩니다.

You have to write, write, and write again.

반복이 됐을 때, 완전히 내 것이 되는 것이죠.

When it becomes a repetition, it becomes completely mine.

이제 완전히 한번 이렇게 했다고 다 끝나는 작업이 아니죠.

This is not a task that is completely finished just because we've done it like this once.

자꾸 더 써야 되는 겁니다.

You need to keep writing more.

네, 이렇게 앞으로 이렇게 이렇게 가야 되겠구나 하는 것을

Yes, I guess I need to go like this, like this, and like this from now on.

머릿속에 염두에 두시고,

Keep it in mind.

이런 모든 그 작업들, 이 기본 표현을 바탕으로 해서

All of these tasks are based on this fundamental expression.

여기에다가 상황별 어휘를 계속 추가시키는 그 작업.

The task of continuously adding vocabulary based on different situations here.

네, 이런 작업이 2분 영어 말하기에서 계속 잔뜩 이루어지고 있습니다.

Yes, a lot of this work is constantly being done in 2 minutes of English speaking.

그래서 이 책은 1분, 2분, 3분이 하나의 큰 덩어리를 이루고 있는 것이에요.

So this book is made up of one big chunk consisting of 1 minute, 2 minutes, and 3 minutes.

자, 1분 영어 말하기를 이렇게 끝까지 완주하신 여러분들 모두에게 박수를 쳐드리면서

Now, let's give a round of applause to all of you who have successfully completed the one-minute English speech.

여러분들의 영어 실력이 날로 늘어가는 그런 하루하루 되실 것을

May each day be one where your English skills continue to improve.

약속드리면서 마치도록 하겠습니다.

I will conclude by making a promise.

여러분들 모두 수고하셨습니다.

Thank you all for your hard work.

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