100 Whatever,Wherever,Whenever,However(2)/ 'The pain passes, but the beauty remains.'


믿고 듣는 이근철의 영어회화, Try again 트라이어게인!

100 Whatever,Wherever,Whenever,However(2)/ 'The pain passes, but the beauty remains.'

믿고 듣는 이근철의 영어회화, Try again 트라이어게인!

이근철과 함께하는 Try Again

Try Again with Lee Geun-cheol

Try Again English Conversation

Try Again English Conversation

Hello everyone, welcome back to Try Again English Conversation

Hello everyone, welcome back to Try Again English Conversation.

저는 이근철이고요

I am Lee Geun-cheol.

저는 백민경, 낯달립니다

I am Baek Min-kyung, nice to meet you.

Welcome, welcome, welcome back to the last episode

Welcome, welcome, welcome back to the last episode.

생각해보니까 지난 시간이 아니고

Thinking about it, it's not the past time.


Today is

지난 시간은 라스트 유닛이었고요

Last time was the last unit.


That's right.

라스트 패턴이었고요

It was the last pattern.

오늘은 진짜 이 팟캐스트의 마지막 날입니다

Today is really the last day of this podcast.

리얼 라스트

Real Last

리얼 라스트 에피소드

Real Last Episode


That's right.

So sad

So sad.





정말 슬프신 거 맞죠?

You're really sad, right?

Always makes me cry

항상 나를 울게 만들어.

즐거워 보이시네요

You look happy.



이게 포인트가 뭐냐면

The point is what?

슬프지만 거기에

It's sad, but there.

이 비장함 속에 사실 약간의 웃음이 있어주면

If there is a slight smile amidst this solemnity,

더 비장해지거든요

It becomes more serious.


That's right.

사실 슬퍼요

I'm actually sad.

이러면 사실 연기 같잖아요

This honestly feels like acting.


So, then.

사실 슬픕니다

Honestly, I'm sad.

이것도 연기 같잖아요

This also seems like acting, doesn’t it?

방금 지신 같았어요?

Did you just feel like you were possessed?

지신 같았어요 사실 진심이었어요

It felt like my true self; I was sincere.

그래서 오늘은요

So today,

사실 레옹 자체는요

The truth is, Léon itself is...

지난 시간에 한 거 다 나왔어요

Everything we did last time came out.


Do you remember?

언제든지 어디든지 누구든지 하는 거

Doing it anytime, anywhere, with anyone.

한번 제가 여쭤볼게요

Let me ask you this.



언제든지 그건 안 했는데

I never did that at any time.

아니 붙일 수 있어요

No, I can stick it.


I'll give it a try.











그 다음에

After that






아무리 뭐뭐하든지

No matter what you do




It's okay.


That's it.

빠트린 거 보이나요?

Do you see anything I'm missing?


There isn't, right?


그 다음에

After that

whyever는 안 된다고 그랬고요

They said that whyever is not allowed.

고를 때

When choosing

어느 쪽이든이라고 할 땐

When you say "either way,"

whichever도 가능해요

Either one is fine.



whatever랑 똑같아요

It's just the same as whatever.


무슨 상관이야

근데 whatever는

But whatever is...

만약에 한 10개 20개 쫙 많잖아요

If there are about 10 or 20, that's quite a lot.



그 중에 아무거나 고를 때는

When choosing any of those,



그리고 두 개만 남았는데

And there are only two left.

그 중에 고를 때는

When choosing among them,



뭐 두 개 중에 어느 건 가네

Which one of the two is it?



I don't care

I don't care.

이런 식으로 쓰네요

It is written like this.


That's right.

그래서 whichever

So whichever.

you pick

네가 골라.

네가 뭘 고르고 가네

You choose what you want.

둘 중에

Between the two.



yeah that's fine with me

네, 그것은 저에게 괜찮습니다.


Is that okay?


어렵지 않습니다

It's not difficult.

자 오늘은요

So today...

패런 3번하고 4번

Pairs 3 and 4.

마무리할 텐데요

I'll be wrapping it up.

이 책이 맨 마지막 부분이에요

This book is at the very end.

유닛 50번째고요

It's the 50th unit.

여름이 갖고 계신 책이

The book you have for summer is


Page 315

옆으로 지금 눈길

A sideways glance right now.

개처럼 죽고 계신

Dying like a dog.


It's a dog.

개가 아니고

Not a dog.


개처럼 죽고 계신

Dying like a dog.

우리 백민경씨

Our Baek Min-gyeong.


Let's go.

내가 그 사람한테

To that person of mine

언제 도움을 요청하건 간에

Whenever you ask for help.

그는 항상

He always

안 된다고 해요

They say it's not possible.

그럼 언제든

Then anytime.



뭐였지 문장이?

What was the sentence?

내가 도움을 요청하다

I ask for help.

whenever I

whenever I





그 다음에



그 사람

뭘 달라고

What do you want?




도움 주세요


That's right.

ask him for help

그에게 도움을 요청하세요.

그렇죠 다시 한번 붙여볼까요

That's right, shall we try sticking it again?

다시 한번

Once again



I ask him

I ask him.

for help

도움 요청

he always says

그는 항상 말합니다.



너무 쉬워요

It's too easy.

근데 이미 앞에 whenever가 있기 때문에

But since there is already a "whenever" in front.

always는 쓸 필요가 없는 거죠

There's no need to use "always."



다시 한번 시작

Start again.

whenever I ask him for help

whenever I ask him for help

he says no

그는 아니라고 말합니다.

오 완벽 잘했어요

Oh, perfect, you did great!

근데 이렇게 하나만 외우시면

But if you just memorize this one thing...

사실 머릿속에 잘 안 남아요

Actually, it doesn't stick in my mind well.

한번 보세요

Take a look.

내가 그 사람한테 항상 돈을 요청할 때마다

Every time I always ask that person for money.

돈을 달라고 할 때마다

Every time I ask for money

그는 안 된다고 한다

He says it won't work.

똑같은 거에 뭐만 바꾸면 되는 거예요

You just need to change one thing and it will be the same.

ask him for

ask him for



그냥 그렇게 쓰면 되죠

You can just write it like that.



whenever I ask him for money

whenever I ask him for money

he says no

그는 아니라고 말합니다.

더 쉽게 느껴지죠

It feels easier.

이게 인간의 두뇌의 방식이에요

This is the way of the human brain.

human brains work that way

인간의 뇌는 그렇게 작동합니다.

하나만 달랑 갖고 계속 외우면 불안해지는데

If I only have one and keep memorizing it, I start to feel anxious.

거기에 대치되는 걸 두세 가지를 하면

If you do two or three things that are in contrast to that,

훨씬 더 머릿속에 오래 남아요

It stays in my mind much longer.

이게 언어학에서도 나오는 심리요법입니다

This is a psychological therapy that is also discussed in linguistics.

더 빨라진 것 같아요

It seems to have gotten faster.


That's right.

하나 더 해볼까요

Shall we try one more?

내가 항상 시간을 좀 빼달라고 얘기하는데

I always say to spare some time for me.

항상 no라고 얘기해요

I always say no.

whenever I ask him for time

whenever I ask him for time

he says no

그는 아니라고 말합니다.


That's right.

내가 항상 그 여자한테

I always to that girl.

사랑을 더 달라고 하는데

Asking for more love.

아니라고 얘기해요

They say it's not true.

whenever I ask her for love

whenever I ask her for love

she says no

그녀는 아니라고 말해요.


That's right.

이해하시겠죠 이제

You understand now, right?

그러니까 결국 한 세 문장 네 문장 만들어 보면

So in the end, if you try to make three or four sentences,

이게 너무 쉽게 느껴진다는 거잖아요

It feels too easy, doesn't it?

그렇게 연습하시면 돼요

You can practice that way.

그 다음에 뭐 예를 들면

Then what, for example?

여기 있는 거 말고

Not this one here.

여기는 문장을 다 외웠다고 해서

Here, just because I've memorized all the sentences...

인생이 행복해질까요

Will life become happy?


No, that's not right.

그러니까 한 문장을 하더라도

So even if it's just one sentence,

내가 이걸 통해서

Through this, I...

나 행복하다

I am happy.

이거 하나 했는데 왜 이렇게 행복하지

I did this one thing, but why am I so happy?

그러면 인생 행복한 거라니까요

Then that's what makes life happy.


That's right.

제가 처음 시작했을 때

When I first started.

이 말을 들었을 때는

When I heard this,

그게 그렇게 와닿지 않았는데

That didn't resonate with me that much.

반복하고 흘려보내는 문장도 있고

There are sentences that are repeated and let go.

그러다 보니까 남는 문장도 있고 하니까

So there are sentences left over as well.


That's right.

그제서야 아 그 말이 이 말씀이셨구나

"Only then did I realize, ah, this was what you meant."

이렇게 되는 것 같아요

It seems to be going this way.



인생을 깨달으셨네

You've realized the essence of life.


Eolssu (a sound of joy or excitement, often used in traditional Korean performing arts)

그러니까 복습을 하기 위해서는

So in order to review...

마지막 에피소드지만

It's the last episode, but...


책을 구매해 주시면 좋고요

It would be great if you could purchase the book.



Thank you.

마지막까지도 열심히 밀어주시고

Thank you for pushing us hard until the very end.


Of course.

복습은 해야 되니까요

I need to review.

자 우리는 언제 만나던 간에

Well, whenever we meet

항상 싸운다

Always fighting.

영어로 뭐라고 할까요

What should I say in English?

언제 만나던지 간에

No matter when we meet

whenever we meet

whenever we meet


That's right.

whenever we meet

whenever we meet

we fight

우리는 싸운다.


That's right.

we fight

우리는 싸운다.

되게 쉽죠 생각보다

It's easier than I thought.

우리는 언제 만나던 간에

No matter when we meet

우리는 점심을 먹어요

We eat lunch.

아니면 밥을 먹는다

Otherwise, I'll eat.

whenever we meet

whenever we meet

we eat

We eat.


That's right.


It's simple, right?

우리는 언제 만나던 간에

No matter when we meet

점심이든 저녁을 먹는다

I eat lunch or dinner.

whenever we meet

whenever we meet

we have

우리가 있다.

lunch or dinner

lunch or dinner


That's right.

we have either lunch or dinner

우리는 점심이나 저녁을 먹습니다.

either a or b

either a or b

네 그렇게 쓰면 되잖아요

Yes, you can just write it that way.

물론 either가 없어도 구어체에서는 그냥 보통 써요

Of course, even without "either," it's just commonly used in spoken language.

그런데 정확하게 배웠다라는 티를 내시면

However, if you show signs of having learned it accurately...

either lunch or dinner

점심 또는 저녁

or dinner

or dinner


That's right.


Is it difficult?



그리고 제가 디너에

And I will have dinner.

어를 붙이지 않았다는 사실에

the fact that it was not attached

혼자 자축하고 있었어요

I was celebrating alone.


It's amazing!

그래서 만나다는 뜻의 meet 말고

So, aside from the meaning of "meet,"

함께하다 또 뭐 있어요

What else is there to be together?

get 쓰는 거

Using "get"

get together

get together


That's right.

whenever we get together

whenever we get together


That's right.





we argue

우리는 논쟁한다.

a r g u e



You understand, right?


여러분 책에는요

In your books.

우리는 만나기만 하면

Whenever we meet

꼭 맨 마지막에는 싸우게 되더라

In the end, we always end up fighting.

그래서 뭐뭐하게 되다

So it becomes that...

뭐뭐에 이른다 해서

It means "to reach" or "to arrive at" regarding something.

end up


e n d

e n d

띄고 u p

"Space out u p"

그래서 우리는 만나기만 하면 꼭 싸우게 되는

So every time we meet, we end up fighting.

종국의 상황을 만난다

Meet the situation of the end.

그게 end up이에요

That's the end up.

end up


we end up arguing

결국 우리는 싸우게 돼.


Is that good?

아 그렇게 끝난다

Ah, so it ends like that.

약간 이런 느낌이구나

It's kind of this feeling, huh?


That's right.

이것도 연습해보면 되게 쉬워요

This will be really easy if you practice it.


More than I thought.

우리는 만날 때마다

Every time we meet

get together 써서요

Please use "get together."


꼭 같이 한번 해볼까요?

Shall we definitely try it together once?

whenever we get together

whenever we get together

우리 항상 청국장을 먹게 되더라

We always end up eating cheonggukjang.

we eat

We eat.



we 앞에 뭘 써야 돼?

What should we put in front of "we"?


It ended.

아 그렇지

Oh, right.

we end up

우리는 결국 끝나게 된다.



eating 청국장

eating fermented soybean stew


It's done.

우리는 언제 만나게 될 때마다

Whenever we meet

항상 영화를 보게 되더라

I always end up watching movies.

whenever we get together

whenever we get together

we end up

우리는 결국 끝난다.

watching movies

영화 보기


That's right.

여러 편 보는 거고요

I'm watching several episodes.


That's right, isn't it?

선생님 다 가능하잖아요

Teacher, anything is possible, right?

우리는 언제 할 때마다

Whenever we do it.

꼭 요리를 하게 되더라 같이

I always end up cooking together.

whenever we get together

whenever we get together

we end up

우리는 결국 ~한다.

cooking together

cooking together


It's done/It's okay.


Is it difficult?

아니요 완전

No, totally.

툭 떨어져요

It just drops.

그래서 책이 중요한 게 아니죠

So it's not that the book is important.

저는 순서가 이제

I am now in order.

여러분 책에 나온 걸

What is in your book.

다 알아둬야 되니까

I need to know everything.

근데 포인트는

But the point is

whatever you practice

무엇이든 연습하세요.

keep having fun

계속 재미있게 놀아.

then you'll be able to come up with

then you'll be able to come up with

more than 1,000 different examples

1,000개 이상의 다양한 예시

그러면 1,000개 이상이 나온다니까요

Then it comes out to more than 1,000.

되게 쉽잖아요

It's really easy.

그래서 그런 마음가짐으로 들으시고

So please listen with that mindset.

그런 마음가짐으로 따라하셔야 되지

You should follow with that mindset.

예를 적어가지고

By giving an example.

숙제를 해서

Did the homework.

내가 이걸 잘하면

If I do this well



그 때에

At that time.

그때부턴 영어를 잘하니까

Since then, I've become good at English.

또 기분 좋아질 거야

You'll feel good again.

아니 왜 그럼

No, why then?

중간은 다 고통이에요?

Is the middle just all suffering?


That's right.

아니 그러니까

No, I mean...

지금 즐겁고

I'm happy right now.

지금 행복해야

You have to be happy now.

나중에도 즐거운 거예요

It's enjoyable later too.


That's right.

무슨 조건이 갖춰지고

What conditions are met?

난 다음부터

I'll do it from next time.


To become happy or

기분이 좋거나

Feeling good or

딴 사람이 나를 바라보는 눈이

The way someone else looks at me.


It will change, won't it?

그냥 본인의

Just your own.

전체 인생의

whole life

중요한 부분을

The important part.

자꾸만 다

Everything keeps happening.

쓸데없는 걸로

With something unnecessary.

만드는 거죠

It's about creating.

왜 그러세요?

What's wrong?

그렇잖아요 그렇죠?

That's right, isn't it?


남은 무의식하지 마세요

Don't be unconscious about the remaining.


혼나는 학생이

The student who is getting scolded.

아니 표정이

No, the expression is...





응 알았다

Okay, I got it.

그 말이 맞죠

That's right.

자 됐고요

Alright then.

그 다음에

After that

내가 그녀 방에

In her room.

들어갈 때마다

Every time I go in.

항상 전화 통화

Always phone call


I was in the middle.





I'm in

I'm in.

her room

her room


That's right.

그럼 들어가다가

Then, while going in...


What is it?

get in

get in

get in 좋습니다

Get in, that's good.

I get in her room

I enter her room.

get into her room

get into her room

두 두 잡고요

Hold on tightly.

get into her room

Get into her room.



전화 받고 있는

Receiving a call.


It was in the middle.

she answer

She answers.



answer는 항상

The answer is always

이렇게 받고

Receiving it like this.

또 받고

Also receive.

그러면 전화 통화 중이다가

Then, I'm on a phone call.


What is it?



call은 전화를

The call is a phone call.

하는 거고요

It's something I'm doing.


그러면 전화 통화 중이라는

Then, are you saying that you are on a phone call?

전화기에 대고

Talking on the phone

얘기하는 거잖아요

You're talking, right?


그럼 뭐예요?

So what is it?



그 다음에 어디다 대고?

"Where are you going to?"

on the phone

전화 중


That's right.

talking on the phone

talking on the phone


That's right.

그러면 talk도 빼버려봐요

Then let's just leave out the talk.

on the phone

전화 중

she's on the phone


whenever I go

whenever I go

into her room

그녀의 방으로

whenever I go

whenever I go

into her room

그녀의 방으로

she's on the phone

She's on the phone.

내가 그녀를 볼 때마다

Every time I see her.

whenever I go into her room

whenever I go into her room

she's on the phone

그녀는 전화 중입니다.

whenever I go into her room

whenever I go into her room

whenever I saw her

whenever I saw her

see her

See her.

she's on the phone

그녀는 전화 중이에요.

내가 그녀를 볼 때마다

Whenever I see her.

그냥 항상 밥을 먹던데

They just always eat rice.

whenever I see her

whenever I see her






That's right.

먹고 있는 장면

The scene of eating.

일부분을 보는 게

Seeing a part of it.

더 좋죠

It's better.

she's eating

She's eating.


That's right.

she's eating

She is eating.



진행 중인 걸 보는 거니까

Because it's seeing something that is in progress.


That's right.

돼야 안 돼요

Is it necessary or not?


Isn't it easy?

whenever I see her

whenever I see her

she's eating

She's eating.

내가 옛날에 볼 때마다

Whenever I used to see it in the past,

꼭 먹고

Make sure to eat.




I was sitting.

whenever I saw her

whenever I saw her

she was eating

She was eating.


It's done or It's fine now.

그렇게만 하면

If you just do that.

또 의미가

Another meaning.



It changes, doesn't it?

그래서 이렇게

So like this

책에 있는 것이

What is in the book.

굉장히 좋은 예문들을

Very good examples.

다 골라놨지만

I have chosen everything, but...



내가 입에 붙이지 않으면

If I don't stick it in my mouth


It was useless.

이걸 숙제처럼

Like it's homework.

생각하지 마시고요

Don't think about it.


You know, right?

또 하나의 팁을 드리자면

Here's another tip for you.

요거를 들으시고

After hearing this.

복습도 이렇게 하시고

You can review like this too.

그 뒷장에 보면은

If you look on the back page,

그 다이얼로그처럼 있어요

It's like that dialogue.

맹크 돼 있어요

It's a mess.

그러면은 그게

Then that is...

한국말이랑 영어랑

Korean and English.

이렇게 섞여서 나와있더라고요

It came out all mixed up like this.

요거를 또 영작을 해보시면

Try writing this in English.

느낌이 또 달라요

The feeling is different again.

아요 멋져요

It's awesome!

이걸 조금 빨리

A little faster than this.

말씀을 드렸어야 되는데

I should have told you.

아니 아니요

No, no.

어차피 다 이미

It's all already anyway.

하고 계신 분도 계실 거고요

There may be some people who are doing it.


That's right.

자 하나 더 해볼까요?

Shall we try one more?

whenever를 뒤에다 붙이셔도 돼요

You can attach "whenever" at the end.

내가 이걸 볼 때마다

Every time I see this

나는 너 생각을 해

I think of you.

whenever I see this

whenever I see this

그 다음에


내가 너 생각을 할 때

When I think of you

할 때가 뭐죠?

What time is it?

I will think of you

I will think of you.

그럼 그걸 앞에 붙여 보세요

Then try attaching it at the front.

내가 네 생각을 할게

I will think of you.

I'll think of you

I'll think of you.

이걸 볼 때마다

Every time I see this

whenever I see this

whenever I see this

되게 간단하잖아요

It's really simple.


It's simple, right?


I'll think of you

I'll think of you.

whenever I see this

whenever I see this

I'll think of you

I'll think of you.

whenever I see this

whenever I see this

그 다음에 끝나야 돼요

It must end after that.

더 길게 얘기하면

If I talk a bit longer

저작권 문제가 오고

There are copyright issues arising.

아 그래요?

Oh really?


It's a joke.

자 이게 아마 제가 알기에는

Well, from what I know, this is probably...

30초 미만인 건 괜찮을 거예요

Anything under 30 seconds should be fine.

전 이게 노래가 있는지도 모르겠는데

I don't even know if there's a song for this.

아 그래요?

Oh, really?

저도 몰랐고요

I didn't know either.

쌤이 또 지어 부르시는 거

The teacher is calling out again.

이거 노래 유명한 노래예요

This song is a famous song.


Is that so?

Phantom of the Opera

Phantom of the Opera

어 아는데?

Oh, you know?

어 아는데 넌 뭘 부른 거니?

Oh, I know, but what are you singing?

이런 표정인데 지금

It has this expression right now.


That's strange?

이상한데 이 인간 뭐 부른 거지?

That's strange, what did this person call?



이거 노래

This is a song.

Think of me

Think of me.

Think of me darling

Think of me, darling.

When you say goodbye

When you say goodbye

Remember me

Remember me

이 노래잖아요

It's this song, right?


Do you know?

알 것 같아요

I think I understand.

이제 키를 좀 올려드리니까 기억나시죠?

Now that I've raised the key a bit, do you remember?

네 그러니까요

Yes, that's right.

이제 이 인간이 제대로 불렀다

Now this person sang properly.

이거 기억나시겠죠?

Do you remember this?


Thank you.


자 됐고요

Okay, got it.

그 다음에

After that

네 번째 거 한번 가볼게요

I'll give the fourth one a try.

이제 마지막 거는

Now, the last one is

여러분이 한번 해보셔도 되고요

You can try it once, too.

아무리 뭐뭐 하려고 노력해도

No matter how hard I try to do something...

내가 그녀를 생각

I think of her.

그녀에 대한 생각을 떨칠 수가 없어

I can't shake off my thoughts about her.

아무리 노력해도

No matter how hard I try.



열심히가 뭐예요?

What does it mean to work hard?






That's right.

However hard

그러나 열심히

내가 노력하다

I will try.

I try

I try.

I try 됐잖아요

I tried, didn't I?

한번 붙여보세요 시작

Give it a try, start.

However hard

However hard

I try

I try.

그렇죠 나는 멈출 수가 없어요

That's right, I can't stop.

I can't stop

I can't stop.

그 다음에 그녀에 대한 생각을 멈출 수가 없어요

Then I can't stop thinking about her.



그렇죠 I can't stop thinking 그녀에 대해서 생각하는 거니까

That's right, I can't stop thinking because I'm thinking about her.

Over her

Over her

Over her도 좋고요

"Over her is also good."

Over her는 그녀가 거기 있구나 이런 생각을 하는 거고

"Over her" means to think that she is there.

얘가 지금 뭘 할까?

What is she doing right now?

뭘 할까?

What should we do?

이런저런 생각을 할 때는

When I think about various things.

About을 생각하는 거고

I'm thinking about "About."

그렇구나 조금 다르구나

I see, it's a little different.

I'm thinking of you 해도 되고요

"It's okay to think of you."

I'm thinking about you

I'm thinking about you.


About is

네가 이것도 하고 저것도 하겠지

You'll be doing this and that too, right?

그런 뉘앙스가 조금 더

That nuance is a little more.

그런 뉘앙스예요

It's that kind of nuance.

뭔지 알겠죠?

You know what it is, right?



그래서 바로 붙여볼까요?

So shall we just stick it on right away?

아무리 노력해도 나는 잊을 수가 없어

No matter how hard I try, I can't forget.

However hard I try

However hard I try

I can't stop thinking about her

I can't stop thinking about her.


That's right.

남자로 해야 더 어울리겠네

It would suit you better as a man.

Thinking about him

그를 생각하며

자 한번 해볼까 시작

Shall we give it a try? Let's start.

However hard I try

그러나 내가 아무리 노력해도

I can't stop thinking about him

I can't stop thinking about him.


That's right.

아니 아무리 노력해도

No, no matter how hard I try.

이 책 읽던 책을

the book I was reading

정말 멈출 수가 없네

I really can't stop.

I can't stop reading the book

I can't stop reading the book.


That's right.



However hard I try

아무리 노력해도

I can't stop reading the book

I can't stop reading the book.


That's right.

얼마나 간단해요

How simple is it?

그 다음에 stop 안 써도 되고요

After that, you don't have to use stop.

I can

I can

예를 들어서

For example,

나는 이 책을 놓을 수가 없다

I can't put this book down.


to put


What is it?

P로 시작하나요?

Does it start with P?


That's right.


Is that right?

뭐예요 그러면?

What is it then?



그 다음에










That's right.

put book down

Put the book down.

이거 무슨 랩 해야 될

What kind of rap should I do for this?

yo man

Yo man

put book down

Put the book down.

이거 해야 될 것 같은 느낌

I have a feeling I should do this.

나 몰라

I don't know.

put it down

Put it down.

put the book down

Put the book down.

해도 되고요

You can do it.




In English,

어떤 책이 너무나

What a book it is!

아주 재밌고 그럴 때는요

It's really funny, and at times like that.

보통 이런 표현을 많이 써요

People often use such expressions.

I can't put this book down

I can't put this book down.


That's right.

I can't put it down

I can't put it down.

내려놓을 수가 없네 책을

I can't put down the book.

계속 들고 다니는 거죠

You carry it around continuously.

옛날에 제가 소설 한참 읽었을 때

A long time ago, when I was deeply into reading novels.


외국 소설

Foreign novel

한국 소설도 너무 재밌는데

Korean novels are really fun too.

예를 들면

For example

소설을 되게

Really a novel.



thriller물을 잘 쓰는 사람들이

People who are good at writing thrillers.

시드니 쇼는가가

Sydney show is going on.

쉴든이라고 옛날에 있어요

There used to be something called Schilden a long time ago.


트림을 쓴 사람이에요

It's someone who has used a trim.

시드니 쉴든

Sydney Sheilden

존 그리쉼

John Grisham




딘 군트라고 있어요

There is a guy named Dean Gunt.

이 사람 책도 진짜 많이 읽었는데

This person has really read a lot of books.

딘 R 군트라고 있는

There is a Dean R. Gunt.


It's fun.



추리하는 게 되게 재밌잖아요

It's really fun to deduce.


I see.


그래서 이게

So this is it.

약간 뭐라고 하냐면

It's like, how should I say this...

거기에 이제

Now over there

재미있는 부분도 등장하고

Interesting parts also appear.

그래서 영화화 된 것도

So it was also made into a movie.

되게 많고요

There are a lot.


그다음에 이제

Then now

그냥 뭐

Just, well...

로맨틱한 소설도

romantic novels too

재밌긴 하지만

It's fun, but...


그거는 이제 거의 범인에서 나오니까

That's almost coming out of the suspect now.



그래서 이건 이렇게 하겠네

So I'll do it like this.

이렇게 나오니까

Since it came out like this

그래서 대부분은 이제

So most of them now

스릴러물이 재밌고

Thriller movies are fun and

저는 대신에

Instead, I...


Who is it?

미즈리 쓴 작가

The author of "Misery."

세계에서 제일 유명한

The most famous in the world.

공포 소설 쓰는 사람

A person who writes horror novels.



아, 아니 아니요

Ah, no, no.



발음이 왜 안 되냐 이거

Why isn't the pronunciation working?



네, 아가사

Yes, Agatha.

아가사 크리스티

Agatha Christie

맞아요, 아가사 크리스티

That's right, Agatha Christie.

아가사 크리스티는

Agatha Christie is

예전, 되게 오래된

A long time ago.

그런 분이세요

That's the kind of person they are.

그러니까 우리가 알고 있는

So what we know is

셜록홈즈를 쓴 코난도일 있죠?

Do you know Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote Sherlock Holmes?

그분과 어깨를 견줄 만한 사람이

Someone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with that person.

아가사 크리스티라는 사람이고

Agatha Christie is a person.

그 사람의, 그 여자분의

That person's, that woman's

추리물도 재밌고요

Mystery stories are fun too.

다 재밌는데

Everything is fun.

그 이후에

After that

80년대, 90년대

1980s, 1990s

이때 소설들

At this time, the novels.

시드니 쉘든

Sidney Sheldon

그 다음에

After that

아까 말씀드렸던

As I mentioned earlier.

딘 알쿤츠

Dean Koontz

이 사람도

This person too.

되게 잘 써요

You write really well.

소설 묘사 같은 걸

Like a description from a novel.

되게 잘하고

You're doing really well.

그 다음에


뭐, 다니엘 스틸

Well, Danielle Steel.

이라는 사람 것도 있고

There are people like that.

그래서 그런 소설들

So those kinds of novels.

되게 많이 읽었었는데

I used to read a lot.

무슨 얘기 할래?

What do you want to talk about?

되게 나에게 나왔죠?

It came to me quite a bit, didn't it?


Is that so?



아, 거기에 보면

Ah, if you look there

책이 너무 재있어서

The book is so interesting.

책을 놓을 수 없었다

I couldn't put the book down.

I can't put it down

I can't put it down.

그래서 한번 소설 읽어보세요

So give a novel a try.



그 공포 소설 많이 썼던

The one who wrote a lot of horror novels.

아, 스티븐 킹

Ah, Stephen King.

스티븐 킹

Stephen King

네, 스티븐 킹이라고

Yes, it's Stephen King.

미저리 부터 시작해서

Starting from misery

웬만한 영화

A decent movie.



그 다음에 또

Next, also...


What is it?



샤이닝 뭔지 알죠?

You know what shining is, right?

영화 아니에요?

Isn't it a movie?

영화 나왔던

The movie that was released.

진짜 무섭더라

It was really scary.

그 원전이 다

That nuclear power plant is all.


It's over there.


Is that so?

스티븐 킹이에요

It's Stephen King.

사람의 심리를

The psychology of a person

너무나 잘 아는 사람이죠

It's someone I know very well.

그런데 저는 개인적으로

But personally, I...

스티븐 킹의 소설을

Stephen King's novels

그렇게 많이 좋아하지는 않아요

I don't like it that much.


Is that so?


그러니까 상상력으로 충분히

So, enough with imagination.

멋지다, 재밌다

Awesome, fun.



굳이 왜

Why bother?

이런 이상한 소설을 읽고

After reading such a strange novel

내가 기분 나빠야 돼?

Do I have to feel bad?

아니, 재밌는 소설 읽기도

No, reading an interesting novel too.

바빠 죽겠는데

I'm extremely busy.



필력이나 이런 건

As for writing ability or something like that,

정말 대단한 것 같아요

I think it's really great.


Imagination too.

제가 이제

I am now

몇 가지 책을 읽었었는데

I read a few books.


By the way

그렇게 막

Just like that.

아, 재밌다

Ah, this is fun.

그래서 계속 읽고 싶다

So I want to keep reading.

이런 생각이 안 들어요

I don't have that kind of thought.

한 번 읽으면

If you read it once

네, whatever

Yes, whatever.

이런 거고

This is what it is.





혹은 다른 소설

Or another novel.

아, 제가 제일

Ah, I'm the best.

가명 있게 읽었던 소설 중에

Among the novels I read under a pseudonym...

하나는 뭐냐면

One is what?


Who is it?


리플레이라고 하는 소설이 있어요

There is a novel called "Ripple."



리플레이라고 하는 소설인데

It's a novel called Ripple.

이거는 1988년에

This is from 1988.

환상문학상을 받았던 소설이에요

It's a novel that won the Fantasy Literature Award.

전 세계에

Around the world



이때에 같이 출품을 했던

At that time, we entered the competition together.

같이 나왔던

Came out together

미저리를 제치고

Overcoming misery.

스티븐 킹의 미저리를 제치고

"Surpassing Stephen King's Misery"


At the Fantasy Literature Awards

이 작품이

This work

상을 탔다

I won an award.

지금 작가 이름을 생각하느냐고

Are you thinking of the author's name right now?



아, 켄 그린무드

Ah, Ken Green Mood.

켄 그린무드

Ken Green Mood



켄 그린무드의 소설을

Ken Grimwood's novel.

우연히 이걸 읽게 됐는데

I happened to read this.

그 소설을 읽고

After reading that novel

너무 재밌어서

It's so much fun.

저는 한 2, 3년에

I think for about 2 or 3 years.

한 번은 이 소설을 읽어요

I read this novel once.

이 사람이 작품이

This person's work.

작품이 몇 개 없어요

There aren't many works.



두 개인가 세 개밖에 없어요

There are only two or three.

엄청 집약해서 쓰시나 봐요

It seems you write very concisely.

되게 잘 써요

You write very well.

소설 되게 잘 쓰고

You're really good at writing novels.

그 다음에


아이디어도 되게 좋고

The idea is really great too.

인생의 어떤 포인트도

At any point in life

너무 잘 잡은 것 같고

I think you caught it really well.

시간여행하는 내용의 소설이에요

It's a novel about time travel.



꼭 한 번 읽어보시기 바랍니다

Please make sure to read it at least once.



However hard I try

그러나 내가 아무리 노력해도


That's right.

I can't stop thinking about you

I can't stop thinking about you.

I can't stop thinking about this book

I can't stop thinking about this book.


It’s done.


Is that okay?

아무리 열심히 노력해도요

No matter how hard I try.

그러니까 내가 아무리 열심히 공부를 해도

So, no matter how hard I study,

항상 그게 내 기억을 벗어나요

It always escapes my memory.

이런 거 있잖아요

You know, like this.

However hard I study

그러나 내가 아무리 열심히 공부해도



나는 닦아먹는다 뭐예요 영어로

What does "나는 닦아먹는다" mean in English?

I forgot

I forgot.

I forget

I forget.

모든 걸



모든 것

그렇게 쓰셔도 돼요

You can use it like that.

However hard I study

그러나 내가 아무리 공부해도

I forget everything

I forget everything.


That's good.



It slips my mind

It slips my mind.

SLIP가 미끄러지는 거잖아요

SLIP is slipping, right?

슬리퍼 그래서

Slippers, so

Slippery 할 때

When it's slippery.

그래서 그

So that

Slips my mind 하면

If I say "slips my mind," it means that I forgot something.

내 마음을 비껴간다 해서

It says that it passes by my heart.

기억이 안 난다는 뜻이에요

It means that I don't remember.

It slips my mind

It slips my mind.


That's good.

이렇게 해서 여러분 책 다 마무리가

This is how you all finish your book.




It's done.

No way

No way

Yes way

Yes way



The final page of this book

The final page of this book.

of our book

우리 책의

Try Again 영어회화 1권입니다

This is Try Again English Conversation Book 1.

패턴 50

Pattern 50

중학교 영어로 다시 시작하는 영어회화 1권

English Conversation Volume 1: Restarting English in Middle School

함께해 주셨던 여러분

Everyone who was with us.

감사 많이 드리고요

Thank you very much.


Thank you.

Unit 50

Unit 50









Pattern 3

Pattern 3

그는 내가 도움을 청할 때마다

Whenever I ask him for help


Reject it.

Whenever I ask him for help, he says no.

Whenever I ask him for help, he says no.

우리는 만날 때마다

Whenever we meet

논쟁을 벌이게 된다.

A debate will ensue.

Whenever we get together, we end up arguing.

Whenever we get together, we end up arguing.

내가 그녀 방에 갈 때마다

Every time I go to her room

전화기를 붙잡고 있더라고.

I was holding onto the phone.

Whenever I go into her room, she's on the phone.

Whenever I go into her room, she's on the phone.

이걸 볼 때마다 널 생각할게.

I'll think of you every time I see this.

I'll think of you whenever I see this.

I'll think of you whenever I see this.

개인적인 질문만 하면 넌 항상 뭔가 꾸며대더라.

Whenever you ask personal questions, you always seem to make up something.

You always make up something whenever I ask a personal question.

You always come up with something whenever I ask a personal question.

Pattern 4

Pattern 4

You always make up something whenever I ask a personal question.

You always come up with something whenever I ask a personal question.

아무리 열심히 노력해도

No matter how hard I try

You always make up something whenever I ask a personal question.

You always make up something whenever I ask you a personal question.

아무리 노력해도 그녀에 대한 생각을 떨칠 수가 없어.

No matter how hard I try, I can't shake off my thoughts about her.

However hard I try, I can't stop thinking about her.

However hard I try, I can't stop thinking about her.

아무리 열심히 공부해도 늘 까먹는단 말이야.

No matter how hard I study, I always forget.

However hard I study, it always slips my mind.

그러나 내가 아무리 공부해도 항상 잊어버린다.

네가 아무리 원해도 그건 불가능해.

No matter how much you want it, that's impossible.

However much you want it, it's out of the question.

아무리 원해도, 그건 불가능해.

아무리 오래 걸려도 절대 포기 안 할 거야.

No matter how long it takes, I will never give up.

However long it takes, it's out of the question.

아무리 오래 걸려도, 그것은 논외입니다.

Q&A time

Q&A time

지난 시간에 살짝 말씀드렸던 Q&A 시간은 특별히 마지막 시간이니까

The Q&A session I briefly mentioned last time is special because it's the final one.

그때 말씀드렸던 누구였었더라? 화가

Who was it that I mentioned back then? The painter.

아, 르누아르?

Ah, Renoir?

르누아르의 특이한 점은요

The unique thing about Renoir is...

뭐냐면 대부분의 화가들이 되게 멋지고 아주 아름다운 이런 삶을 보낸 것 같지 않아요?

What I'm saying is, don't you think that most artists seem to have led very cool and beautiful lives?

물론 고호도 있고, 모딜리아니처럼 아주 힘든 삶을 살았던 사람들이 ether

Of course there are those like Van Gogh, and people who lived a very difficult life like Modigliani.

르누아� Ginger Voilà

Renoir Ginger Voilà

구매할 gives us —

"us to purchase"

응 head

Yeah, head.



그림은 행복감을 줘야 된다가

The painting should give a sense of happiness.

이 사람의 원래 마인드예요.

This is this person's original mindset.

제가 제일 좋아하는

My favorite.

미술가가 르누아르랑

The artist is with Renoir.

바로 클로드 모네.

It's Claude Monet.

두 사람의 생각이 비슷하고 실제로 서로 교류를 했었어요.

The two people had similar thoughts and actually interacted with each other.

와 근데

Wow, but...

그 말이 되게

Make it happen.

와닿네요. 왜냐면 르누아르 그림

It resonates with me. Because of Renoir's painting.

보면서 항상 어떻게 이렇게

I always wonder how this is possible when I see it.

따뜻하냐 행복감을 준다

It feels warm and gives a sense of happiness.

이 생각을 했었는데

I had this thought.

근데 이분이

But this person...

나이 들어서 50대

In your 50s as you get older.


From the age of 52.

관절념을 앓기 시작했는데

I have started suffering from arthritis.


At the age of 58, you know...

붓을 들 수가 없어서 붓을 손에다가

I couldn't hold the brush, so I put it in my hand.

붕대를 감고 앉아서

Sitting with a bandage wrapped around.

그렸어요. 휠체어에 앉아서

I drew it while sitting in a wheelchair.



옆에 후배 화가

A junior artist next to me.

앙리 마티스가 물어봤어요.

Henri Matisse asked.

아니 이렇게

No, like this.

아픈데 왜 그림을 그립니까

Why are you drawing when you're in pain?

이렇게 관절념이 심한데

With such severe arthritis,

그랬더니 이 사람이 뭐라는지 아세요?

Do you know what this person said?

뭐라고 했어요?

What did you say?

The pain passes

The pain passes.





The pain passes

The pain passes.

art remains

예술은 남아있다


You understand, right?


일종의 예술은 남고

A kind of art remains.

고통은 사라지는 법

Pain has a way of disappearing.

이런 느낌으로

In this kind of feeling.


That is.

원래 불어로 뭐였더라?

What was it originally in French?


There is.

La doule pas

The phrase you provided is not in Korean. It appears to be in French. Please provide a Korean text for translation.

그 다음에

Next, then.

Le arc

The arc

한번 제가 찾아볼게요 나중에

I'll look it up later.

다 끝났구나 이번이

It's all over now, this time.

마지막 시간이구나

It's the last time.

영어로도 충분합니다

It's enough in English as well.


Is that so?


Of course.

그 사람이 했던 말이 기억이 났습니다

I remembered what that person said.

제가 여기다가 선화소스에

I'm going to put the Sunhwa sauce here.


I am trying to do it for you.

La doule passe

The double pass.

La beauté reste

The beauty remains.


This is it.

아름다움은 남는 법이라는 거죠

Beauty tends to remain.

고통은 사라지지만

The pain disappears, but

아름다움은 남는 법

Beauty remains.

The pain passes but the beauty remains

The pain passes but the beauty remains.



이겁니다 아시겠죠?

This is it, you understand?


That's right.

그래서 결국에는 이렇게

So in the end, like this.

우리가 멋진 그림

We have a fantastic picture.

따스한 그림

Warm painting

마음을 정말 기쁘게 해주는

It truly brings joy to the heart.

그림의 주인공

The main character of the picture.



사실 알고 보니까

In fact, upon closer inspection, it turns out that...

관절념으로 한 17년인가를 고생했었어요

I suffered from arthritis for about 17 years.

엄청 꽤 긴 시간을

Quite a long time.


Of course.


Think about it.

온몸에 이게 관절념이

This is arthritis all over my body.

나중에 어떻게 되냐면

What happens later is

지금의 통풍처럼

Like the current gout.

이렇게 툭툭

Like this, tapping.

굵어져 나와요

It's getting thicker.

그래서 이렇게 돼요

So this is how it turned out.

나중엔 그리기조차 힘든 거예요

In the end, even drawing becomes difficult.

그런데 그런 것들은

However, things like that...

관절념 학회지를 보면

If you look at the journal of arthritis.

이 사람이 실제 이걸 알았다는

This person actually knew this.

그 증거들이 다 나와요

All the evidence will come out.

그 당시에 약도 없었을 거 아니에요

There wouldn't have been any medicine at that time, right?



그러니까 이게 대단한 거예요

So this is amazing.

그런데 반대로 얘기하면

On the contrary, if I say...

그만큼 집중을 함으로써

By concentrating that much

관절념의 고통도 있지 않았을까

Wasn't there also pain from arthritis?


That's right.

행복했을 것 같아요

I think they would have been happy.




That's right.

그래서 행복감이라는 게

So, what happiness is

제일 중요하더라

It was the most important.

이 말씀을 꼭 드리고 싶습니다

I really want to say this.

자 이렇게 해서

So, like this,

전체 에피소드 다 끝났는데

All the episodes are over.


How is it?

너무 감사드려요 쌤

Thank you so much, teacher.

막 첫 시간에 제가

Right at the beginning of the class, I...

그때 면접 보면서

While I was having the interview at that time.

면접 보면서

During the interview.

제가 할 수 있을까요?

Can I do it?

막 이런 말을 드렸던 게

I mentioned this kind of thing.

기억이 나는데

I remember.

정말 정리가 너무 많이 되고

It's really getting organized a lot.

연습도 많이 돼서

I've practiced a lot.

정말 행복한 시간들이었던 것 같아요

I think it was really a happy time.

제가 더 감사드립니다

I am more grateful.

우리 또 좋은 학생

We are also good students.

나탈리가 선발이 돼서

Natalie got selected.

그때 20분 중에 정말

Really, during those 20 minutes.

2분 뽑기 잘했어요

You did a great job with the 2-minute drawing!


Thank you.

어쨌든 여러분과 함께

Anyway, with all of you.

대표 학생으로서

As a representative student

쭉 해오신 우리 나탈리에게

To our Natalie, who has been doing this continuously.

본인한테 박수치는 거야 지금?

Are you clapping for yourself right now?

근처 선생님한테

To the nearby teacher.


Me too.



이걸 자화자찬이라고 하죠

This is what you call self-praise.

저희는 모든 영광을 누구한테

We give all the glory to whom.

우리 청취자분들한테

To our listeners.

진짜 지금까지 너무 같이 와주셔서

Thank you so much for being here with me until now.


Thank you.

여러분 마음 많이 후기에 남겨주시고요

Please leave a lot of feedback in your hearts.

그다음에 다음번에

Then next time.

또 뵐 수 있는 기회 기대해 주시기 바랍니다

I hope you look forward to the opportunity to meet again.

여러분 고맙습니다

Thank you, everyone.


Thank you.

항상 건강 챙기시고요

Always take care of your health.

맛있는 거

Delicious food

이게 비싼 게 맛있는 게 아니라

Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's tasty.

비싼 게 좋은 게 아니고요

Expensive is not always good.

자연 상태로 있는 그대로의 음식을

Food in its natural state as it is.

천천히 드시는 게 제일 좋은 음식인 거예요

The best food is the one you eat slowly.



발효된 음식

Fermented food

잘 드시고 건강 챙기세요 여러분

Eat well and take care of your health, everyone.

다음번에 또 뵐게요

I'll see you next time.

오케이 땡스 아 롯

Okay, thanks a lot.




Thank you for your hard work.



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