낙심하지 마세요 (DO NOT GROW WEARY)



낙심하지 마세요 (DO NOT GROW WEARY)



Thank you.

I love you guys, we love you guys, and it's so good to worship with you.

I love you guys, we love you guys, and it's so good to worship with you.

Worship is not a production, it's people, and I love this worship.

Worship is not a production, it's people, and I love this worship.

오늘 여기 오신 우리 아가페 alumni들, 졸업생들, welcome, thank you for being here.

Welcome, dear Agape alumni and graduates who have come here today. Thank you for being here.

Me and my wife, we really appreciate it, 고맙고, 저랑 상호님이랑 여러분한테

My wife and I really appreciate it, thank you, and both Mr. Sang-ho and I to all of you.

항상 꼭 하고 싶은 말들은 다름은 아니에요.

What I always want to say is nothing different.

여러분 그립고 사랑해요.

I miss you all and love you.

We don't get to say it for many reasons.

We don't get to say it for many reasons.

But we love you.

하지만 우리는 당신을 사랑합니다.

That's our hearts, and you know it if you think about it.

그것이 우리의 마음이며, 생각해보면 당신도 알 것입니다.

반가운 얼굴도 보는 게 얼마나 감사한지 모르겠어요.

I can't express how grateful I am to see familiar faces.


Thank you.

오늘 이 나를 어떻게 대하는 게 좋을까에 대해서 제가 먼저 나누고 싶어요.

Today, I want to share my thoughts on how you should treat me.

Because I'm a teacher, I gotta teach you one thing about how you should approach a day like this.

Because I'm a teacher, I need to teach you one thing about how to approach a day like this.

And I'm gonna borrow this from a person called Brunei Brown, and it's this that

And I'm gonna borrow this from a person called Brunei Brown, and it's this that

You show up, and you're seen.

You show up, and you're seen.

Don't shy away from anything.

Don't shy away from anything.

Show up.

Show up.

That's who you are, how you feel, wherever you are.

그게 너의 정체성이자, 네가 느끼는 방법이며, 네가 있는 곳이다.

제가 오늘 입은 양복을 4주 전에 입었는데 마스카라와 BB크림이 너무 많이, 파운데이션도 너무 많이 묻어가지고 빨았어요.

I wore the suit I put on today 4 weeks ago, and it got too much mascara and BB cream on it, as well as too much foundation, so I washed it.

그리고 빨고 처음으로 금요일에 다려서 입었는데, 또 파운데이션과...

And I washed it and wore it for the first time on Friday, and also with foundation...

뒤에도 막 묻었어요. 그래서 그냥 입었어요.

It got stained in the back too. So I just wore it.

And that's, I think that's part of being, showing up.

And that's, I think that's part of being, showing up.

And it's incomplete, and I don't even know how to respond.

그리고 그것은 불완전하고, 나는 어떻게 대답해야 할지도 모르겠다.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what to say.

And you probably don't either, but it's okay.

And you probably don't either, but it's okay.

We show up as we are.

We show up as we are.

How you feel.

How you feel.

Don't shy away from it.

Don't shy away from it.

제가 왜 이렇게 얘기하냐면, not because we need to cry or do anything.

The reason I'm saying this is not because we need to cry or do anything.

근데 그렇게, 오늘 그렇게 해야지.

But like that, I should do it today.

You can move on healthier.

You can move on healthier.

So you don't regret, you don't look back.

So you don't regret, you don't look back.

No, you spend this day, and you show up with everything.

No, you spend this day, and you come with everything.

You've got who you are.

You've got who you are.

We just love on each other.

We just love each other.

And just be present with each other fully.

And just be fully present with each other.

And then you can move on.

And then you can move on.

No regrets.

No regrets.

And that's all.

And that's all.

We need to do all that.

우리는 모든 것을 해야 합니다.

I want you guys to do that.

I want you all to do that.

We, me and life, we want you to do it.

우리는, 나와 인생이, 우리가 당신에게 그것을 하기를 원합니다.

So show up and be seen.

So show up and be seen.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

오늘 아침에도 채연이가 마스카라에 파운데이션 묻혔어요.

This morning, Chaeyeon got mascara on her foundation again.

I love it.

I love it.

It's good.

It's good.

It's good stuff.

It's good stuff.

오늘은 특별하게 다른 성경 구절이나 다른 거 할 게 아니라

Today, instead of sharing a different Bible verse or anything else special,

We're just gonna go and proceed as we have.

We're just gonna go and proceed as we have.

있던 대로 그대로 할 거예요.

I will do it as it was.

We've been going through 2 Thessalonians.

우리는 데살로니가후서를 읽고 있습니다.

Thessalonians 후서를 보고 있었는데

I was looking at the letters to the Thessalonians.

오늘 마지막 한 패시지 남았어요.

Today, there is one last passage left.

So I'm just gonna go through that and speak the word of God from there.

So I'm just going to go through that and speak the word of God from there.

구절은 한 구절 보겠습니다.

Let's take a look at a verse.

2 Thessalonians 3.13 3장 13절 보도록 하겠습니다.

Let's take a look at 2 Thessalonians 3:13.

짧기 때문에 우리 한국말로 한 번, 영어로 한 번 읽으면 좋겠습니다.

Since it’s short, it would be nice to read it once in Korean and once in English.

함께 읽겠습니다. 시작.

Let's read together. Start.



너희는 선을 행하다가 낙심하지 말라.

Do not be discouraged in doing good.

As for you brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.

As for you brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.

Can we pray?

Can we pray?

Father, I pray and bless this place.

Father, I pray and bless this place.

And as we sung, come bless this land as we seek you and worship you.

And as we sung, come bless this land as we seek you and worship you.

솔로몬이 기도했던 것처럼 하나님 들으시옵소서.

As Solomon prayed, may God listen.

이 땅에서 하나님께 찾을 때

When seeking God in this land

우리가 죄로 하나님을 떠났을 때 하나님을 찾으면 들어주시고

When we have left God because of sin, if we seek Him, He will listen.

우리가 전쟁에 나갈 때도 우리가 찾으면 하나님 들어주시옵소서.

When we go to war, if we seek You, O God, please listen to us.

하나님께서 들어주시는 것만 해도 특권인데

Even just having God listen to you is a privilege.

그 은혜가 있는 곳이 되게 하여 주시옵소서.

May it become a place filled with that grace.

하나님 이 시간 말씀을 핍니다.

God, I am seeking Your word at this time.

사람의 말의 능력이 아니라 성령이 나타나시는 능력으로

Not by the ability of human speech, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

우리에게 말씀하시는 시간되길 원합니다.

I hope it's a time when you speak to us.


Thank you.

이렇게 예배하게 하시니 감사합니다.

Thank you for allowing us to worship like this.

모든 말씀 살아계신 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 기도합니다.

I pray all these things in the name of our living Lord Jesus Christ.

사도 바울은 데살로니가 교회에 편지를 만부리하면서 이 말을 합니다.

The Apostle Paul, while writing a letter to the Thessalonian church, says this.

Paul이 대살로니와 교회에 편지를 만부리하면서 이 말을 합니다.

Paul writes this as he addresses the Thessalonian church in his letter.

Brothers, do not grow weary.

Brothers, do not grow weary.

형제들아 너희는 선을 행하다가 낙심하지 말라.

Brothers, do not become weary in doing good.

한번 따라 하시겠습니다.

I will follow along once.

낙심하지 말라.

Don't be discouraged.

That's just one message.

그건 그냥 하나의 메시지일 뿐이야.

낙심하지 말라.

Do not be discouraged.

Because as you do good, you will grow weary.

Because as you do good, you will grow weary.

선을 행하다 보면 낙심하게 될 수밖에 없기 때문에

Because when you do good, you inevitably end up feeling discouraged.

여기 낙심하다는 뜻은 겁내다, 시들다, 약해지다 입니다.

Here, "낙심하다" means to be discouraged, to wither, or to weaken.

모세는 하나님께서 그를 데려가실 때까지

Moses until God takes him away.

그의 눈과 그의 기력이 쇠하지도 않고 흐려지지도 않았다고 합니다.

It is said that his eyes and his strength did not weaken or dim.

여러분 평생에 그런 축복이 있기를 기도합니다.

I pray that you will have such blessings in your lifetime.

인생은 변합니다.

Life changes.

그러나 하나님이 붙잡으시면

But when God holds on to you

끝까지 눈이 밝고 분별력이 있고 보는 게 확실하고

Clear-sighted and discerning until the end, and seeing things clearly.

명철이 있고 탁월함이 있고 그리고 기력도 쇠하지 않습니다.

He has wisdom, excellence, and his vitality does not wane.

그 은혜가 저와 여러분의 있기를 축복합니다.

May that grace be upon you and me.

타이가라는 region이 있습니다.

There is a region called Taiga.

러시아와 그리고 캐나다가 만나는 곳의 아주 넓은 biome입니다.

It is a very vast biome where Russia and Canada meet.

biome이란 것은 생태계죠.

A biome is an ecosystem.

이 전 세계 가운데 29%의 수풀, biome을 여기가 차지하고 있습니다.

In this world, 29% of the vegetation, or biome, is occupied here.

So this is one of the biggest biomes.

So this is one of the biggest biomes.

one of the biggest biomes in the world.

세계에서 가장 큰 생물군계 중 하나.

29% of wooded area is located in this land called taiga.

29% of the wooded area is located in this land called taiga.

People who live there make living by being a trapper.

People who live there make a living as trappers.

여기서 덫 사냥꾼으로 일을 합니다.

I work here as a trapper.

그래서 마을에 있으면서는 돈을 벌일도 음식을 먹을 수 있는 방법도 많이 없습니다.

So while being in the village, there aren’t many ways to earn money or get food.

그래서 그들이 하는 것은 남자들이 짐을 싸서 겨울 동안은 여행을 떠납니다.

So what they do is the men pack their bags and leave for a trip during the winter.

전기도 없고, 힐링도 없고, 흐르는 물도 없는,

No electricity, no healing, and no running water.

아무도 없는 곳.

A place where no one is.

그동안은, 그 몇 개월 동안은, 그 겨울 시즌 동안은 아무도 보지 못하고 혼자서 시간을 보냅니다.

During that time, for those few months, during that winter season, no one sees me and I spend time alone.

So these trappers who are mostly men, they'll leave their family,

So these trappers, who are mostly men, will leave their families.

and they'll spend the whole winter season by themselves.

그리고 그들은 겨울철 내내 혼자 보낼 것이다.

No technology, nothing of this world, just by themselves.

No technology, nothing from this world, just by themselves.

They gotta build the houses, they gotta feed themselves, they gotta hunt,

They have to build the houses, they have to feed themselves, they have to hunt.

they gotta build fire for heat, they gotta melt the snow for water,

They have to build a fire for heat, and they have to melt the snow for water.

whatever they gotta do to survive.

무엇이든 생존을 위해 해야 할 일을.

우리 한국에 있는 우리 사모님들 있잖아요.

We have our ladies here in Korea.

Not like your 사모님, 사모님.

Not like your wife, wife.

우리 사모님 말고, 이상한 사모님 말고.

Not our lady, not the strange lady.

한국에 있는 사모님들 있잖아요.

There are the ladies in Korea, you know.

이렇게 멋있게 하고 다니는 사모님들.

Such stylish ladies walking around like this.

밍크코트 입는다고 하잖아요.

They say you're wearing a mink coat.

그 밍크코트, 그 환상의 밍크코트.

That mink coat, that magnificent mink coat.

그 비싸가는 밍크코트.

That expensive mink coat.

이런 지역에서 나온 거예요.

It comes from this type of area.

That's what they hunt for, right?

그게 그들이 추구하는 거죠, 그렇죠?

Because they're expensive.

Because they're expensive.

And that's how they make a living.

And that's how they make a living.

One of the things the trappers get sick of and grow weary of,

One of the things the trappers get sick of and grow weary of,

it's not the cold.

그건 추위가 아니다.

It's not the lack of food.

It's not the lack of food.

It's not the danger.

It's not the danger.

그들을 피곤하게 하고 그들을 낙심하게 하는 것은 그게 아니에요.

It's not about tiring them out and discouraging them.

It's the loneliness, 외로움인데.

It's the loneliness.

And the problem is you just never know when the winter is gonna be over.

And the problem is you just never know when the winter is going to be over.

이 지역에서는 어떤 때는 겨울이 6개월일 때가 있대요.

In this area, there are times when winter lasts for 6 months.

어떤 때는 겨울이 9개월일 때가 있대요.

Sometimes winter lasts for nine months.

어떤 때는 심지어 겨울이 11개월일 때가 있대요.

Sometimes, it is said that winter can last for 11 months.

Eleven months out of the year, it could be winter for them.

For eleven months out of the year, it could be winter for them.

So they just don't know,

그래서 그들은 그냥 모르는 거야,

When am I gonna see my family?

When am I going to see my family?

When am I gonna go back home?

When am I going to go back home?

알 수가 없는 거예요.

I can't know.

그런데 그들의 컨디션은 최악입니다.

However, their condition is the worst.

영하 20도에서 추울 때는 영하 50도까지 내려갑니다.

When it feels cold at minus 20 degrees, it can drop down to minus 50 degrees.

It goes as low as minus 58 degrees.

It goes as low as minus 58 degrees.

사랑하는 여러분, 우리의 삶이 많은 때에

Dear beloved, our lives at many times

그 사냥꾼의 모습과 비슷한 것 같습니다.

It seems similar to the appearance of that hunter.

I think our lives are like that in a lot of ways, those trappers.

I think our lives are like that in many ways, those trappers.

The problem is this, right?

The problem is this, right?

Because you wanna do good.

Because you want to do good.

우리 다 잘하고 싶은 마음도 있어요.

We all have the desire to do well.

And you have set out to do good.

And you have set out to do good.

To serve good and do good in life.

To serve good and do good in life.

And you wanna do good in your life.

And you want to do well in your life.

I know and God knows too.

I know and God knows too.

But what is the problem?

하지만 문제는 무엇인가요?

You just never know when the winter is over.

You just never know when winter is over.

이게 변할 것 같은데, 바뀔 것 같은데.

I think this will change.

그 사람이 환경이 바뀔 것 같은데, 좀 나아질 것 같은데.

I think that person’s environment is going to change, and it seems like things will improve a bit.

그런데 계속 그 겨울이 길어지는 거예요.

But that winter keeps getting longer.

The winter gets longer.

The winter gets longer.

The winter gets longer and longer and longer.

The winter gets longer and longer and longer.

And you're lonely and you're lonely and you're lonely.

And you're lonely and you're lonely and you're lonely.

I'm speaking to some of the teachers in this room.

I'm speaking to some of the teachers in this room.

You're getting lonely and lonely and lonely and lonely.

You're becoming more and more lonely.

Sweet Jesus, when is the winter over, right?

Sweet Jesus, when is the winter over, right?

You just never know, right?

You just never know, right?

And that's what makes you...

And that's what makes you...

Hallelujah, praise the Lord.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord.

God is with you.

God is with you.

May God be with you.

May God be with you.

Praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord.

You just never know.

You just never know.

But don't say things like that.

하지만 그런 말은 하지 마세요.

그러다가 독신 행사 받으면 안 돼요.

You shouldn't receive a single event then.

So don't say things like that.

So don't say things like that.

You go weird, you go weird.

You go strange, you go strange.

Because you just never know, right?

Because you just never know, right?

우리의 삶이 그런 것 같아요.

It seems like that's what our lives are like.

그래서 낙심하는 게 문제예요.

So the problem is getting discouraged.

그래서 여러분, 이게 너무 중요해요.

So everyone, this is very important.

You have good heart.

You have a good heart.

You start with good heart.

You start with a good heart.

And you mean to carry this out till the end.

And you intend to carry this out until the end.

이거 끝까지 하고 싶어, 하나님 앞에.

I want to do this until the end, before God.

그런데 문제는 낙심하게 되는 거예요.

The issue is that it makes me feel discouraged.

하나님, 도대체 이거 언제 변하는 거예요?

God, when on earth is this going to change?

언제 제 기도 응답해 주실 거예요?

When will you answer my prayers?

언제 우리 가정에 찾아오실 거예요?

When will you come to our home?

언제 제 삶에 찾아오실 거예요?

When will you come into my life?

언제 영어는 잘하게 되는 거예요, 하나님?

When will I become good at English, God?

언제 공부가 쉬워지는 거예요?

When does studying become easier?

언제 우리 집에 재정 상태가 돈이 좀...

When will our family's financial situation be better...?

신분이 좀 언제 좀...

When will the identity be a bit...

제 문제, 친구 문제, 제 내면의 문제,

My problems, friends' problems, my inner problems,

도대체 언제 이 죄의 문제,

When on earth will this issue of sin be addressed,

도대체 언제 조금 나아지는 거예요, 하나님?

When will things get a little better, God?

I've been fighting this fight and I'm tired.

I've been fighting this fight and I'm tired.

That's when you go weary.

그때 당신은 지치게 됩니다.

Because you just never know when it's over, right?

Because you just never know when it's over, right?

That's why Paul is saying,

That's why Paul is saying,

Do not go weary.

Do not get tired.

Here's a principle.

여기 하나의 원칙이 있습니다.

If you're taking notes, you should write this down.

If you're taking notes, you should write this down.

옳은 일을 하여도 옳게 걷고 있어도 낙심이 찾아온다는 것입니다.

Even when doing the right thing and walking the right path, discouragement can still come.

Even if you are done,

Even if you are done,

doing good,

doing good,

even when you're walking the right path,

even when you're walking the right path,

you can.

You can.

You can and you will go weary.

You can and you will become tired.

Just because you become tired, you become weary,

Just because you become tired, you become weary,

does not mean you're doing anything wrong.

does not mean you're doing anything wrong.

That's us, right?

That’s us, right?

뭘 하다가 조금 피곤해져요.

I get a little tired doing something.

뭘 하다가 좀 안 되는 것 같아요.

It seems like something isn't going well with what I'm doing.

이제 뭘 잘못하고 있나?

What am I doing wrong now?

방향을 바꿔요.

Change the direction.



Maybe you're going in the right path.

Maybe you're on the right path.

Maybe you just need to be more patient.

Maybe you just need to be more patient.

Maybe you just need to wait on the Lord.

Maybe you just need to wait on the Lord.

하나님을 기다려야 되는지 모르는 것 같아요.

I feel like I don't know if I need to wait for God.

대산론의 교회를 우리가 계속해서 이야기했죠.

We have continued to talk about the church of Daesanron.

지금 한 12주 정도 나눴는데

It's been about 12 weeks now.

대산론의 교회를 우리 다시 한번 상고해볼게요.

Let's take another look at the church of Daesan.


I'll try to remember.

대산론의 교회는 칭찬받는 교회 있어요.

The Daesanron Church has a commendable church.

옆에 사람하고 인사하시겠습니다.

You will greet the person next to you.


Good job.

반대편 보시면서 칭찬해.

Compliment while looking at the other side.

무엇을 칭찬하는지는 몰라요.

I don't know what to compliment.

근데 일단 칭찬하죠.

But let's start with a compliment.

근데 여러분 교회 나온 것만 해도 칭찬받으셔도 돼요.

But everyone, just coming to church is something to be praised for.

대산론의 교회를 보면서 그랬어요.

I thought that when I saw the church of Daesanron.

바울은 편지를 쓰면서 많은 교회를 혼냈어요.

Paul scolded many churches while writing letters.

바울이 편지를 쓰시면서 많은 교회를 혼냈어요.

Paul scolded many churches while writing his letters.

너희 인내와 믿음을ule 만fall out you

Your patience and faith will not fall out on you.

너희 인내와 믿음을ule 만 하나님의 여러 교회에서

Your patience and faith in all the churches of God.

우리가 진히 자랑하노라 칭찬한다.

We truly boast and praise.

우리가 진히도 자랑한다.

We truly take pride.

너희 자랑하노라 칭찬한다.

I commend you for your pride.

난 너희들을 말했을 거에요.

I would have told you.

그리고 저는 너희들에게 이 교회에 이건 말할거에요.

And I will tell you about this church.



나 정말 자랑해.

I'm really proud.

너무 자랑해.

I'm so proud.

많은 이유 때문에.

For many reasons.

너무 너무 자랑해.

I’m so, so proud.

난 너무나 자랑해.

I am so proud.

내가 예전에

I used to...

더 자랑한 건

What I'm more proud of is

대산론교회는 아주 잘하고 있었어요

Daesanron Church was doing very well.

그런데 문제가 뭐냐면

But the problem is

환란이 오는 거예요

Disaster is coming.

편지 쓴 이유요

The reason for writing the letter.

그러므로 너희가 견디고 있는

Therefore, you are enduring.

모든 박해와 환란 중에서

In all persecution and tribulation

너 너무 잘하고 있어

You're doing so well.

너 칭찬해

I praise you.

박심하지 마

Don't be too serious.



바울이 그렇게 말한 거야

Paul said that.

나도 뛰고 있어

I am running too.

포기하고 싶을 때가 있었어

There were times when I wanted to give up.

내가 견디고 있었어

I was enduring.


You all

내가 어떤 모습을 보여주는지 알아

Do you know what kind of image I am showing?

너희들이 좋은 일을 하고 있을 때

When you are doing good things.

너희들은 견디고 있을 때

When you are enduring.

잘못하고 있어서가 아니야

It's not because you're doing something wrong.

그건 삶의 사실이야

That's a fact of life.

주님 오실 때까지

Until the Lord comes.

이 땅에서는 그냥 그런 거예요

It's just that way in this land.

너희들이 좋은 일을 하고 있을 때

When you are doing good things

너희들은 견디고 있을 때

When you are enduring

바울이 말하는 게

What Paul is saying

너희는 견디지 마

Don't endure.

내 마음은 너희들과 똑같아

My heart is just like yours.

일어나도 길게 안아줘

Even when I wake up, hold me tightly.

너희들이 하는 좋은 일은

The good things you are doing are

계속해서 일어나지

It keeps happening.

그래야 예수가 돌아올 거야

That's how Jesus will return.

네가 주님을

You have the Lord.

얼굴 앞에서 볼 때까지

Until I see it in front of my face.

그리고 너희를 사랑하는 거예요

And I love you.

그리고 그는 그를 사랑하죠

And he loves him.

그러면 네가 말해

Then you tell me.

나의 믿음의 성도

My faithful saint.

나의 믿음의 성도 잘 하고 있었어

My faithful saint was doing well.

착하고 충성하게 생각해서 잘하였거든

I thought it was good and loyal, so I did well.

그리고 그는 진정한 안식에 들어갈 때까지

And he will not enter true rest until then.

진정한 안식에 들어갈 때까지

Until entering true rest.

그는 계속 그의 안식을 일으켜

He continues to raise his rest.

박심하지 말라고 말씀하시는 거죠

You're saying not to be too serious, right?

2000년도 GLS에서 빌 하이베스 목사님이 지금 전세계 교육 가운데 멘토가 되신 목사님이 이런 말을 했어요.

In the year 2000, Pastor Bill Hybels, who has become a mentor in education around the world, said this.

리더들에게 꼭 필요한 것 중에 하나는 제일 중요한 것은 바로 이 마음이다. 포기하지 않는 마음이다.

One of the essential things for leaders, and the most important, is this mindset: a heart that does not give up.

리더십이 필요한 중요한 것은 당신이 vision을 가지고 있다면 그냥 안 give up 해야 합니다.

What is important when leadership is needed is that if you have a vision, you must not just give up.

그리고 그는 이 일러스트레이션을 사용했습니다. 이 예를 들었어요.

And he used this illustration. He gave this example.

The little engine that could. The little engine that could.

The little engine that could. The little engine that could.

You guys probably haven't seen it. I saw a clip of it.

You guys probably haven't seen it. I saw a clip of it.

여러분 토마스 세대죠. 기차 하면. 기차는 토마스 외에는 모르죠.

Everyone, it's the Thomas generation. When you think of trains, you only think of Thomas.

토마스의 조상이에요.

He is an ancestor of Thomas.

그 스토리가, the story of this little cartoon is this, right?

The story of this little cartoon is this, right?

So there's this big carts of toys.

그래서 큰 장난감 수레가 있어요.

그리고 이 산 반대편에는, and the other side of the mountain, there are a bunch of kids who need toys.

And on the other side of this mountain, there are a bunch of kids who need toys.

희망과 소망과 장난감이 필요한 아이들이 있어요.

There are children who need hope, wishes, and toys.

And there are a lot of engines, right? 거기서 이렇게 이 친구, 기차 엔진이 여러 명이 서 있는데,

And there are a lot of engines, right? There are several train engines standing there like this, this friend.

그 중에서 가장 작은 엔진, the smallest engine would say, you know what? I'll go when no one says they can go.

Among them, the smallest engine would say, you know what? I'll go when no one says they can go.

이 산은, this mountain, no one can climb that, no one can climb that, no one can do that.

This mountain, no one can climb that, no one can climb that, no one can do that.

And this little engine said, you know what? I'll do it. And everyone laughed at that little engine.

And this little engine said, you know what? I'll do it. And everyone laughed at that little engine.

You can't. We can't. You can't.

You can't. We can't. You can't.

He said, you know what? I will. I think I can. I think I can. 그러면서 이렇게 올라가는 거예요, 점점.

He said, you know what? I will. I think I can. I think I can. And then it goes up like this, little by little.

올라가면서 올라가면서 느껴지는 거예요.

You feel it as you go up.

Oh, this is tough. This hill is tough. This is steep. I don't know if I can make it. 안될 것 같고 안될 것 같고.

Oh, this is tough. This hill is tough. This is steep. I don't know if I can make it. It seems like I can't do it, and it seems like I can't do it.

And then he would keep saying, I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

And then he would keep saying, I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

He keeps repeating it. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

그는 계속 반복하고 있어. 나는 할 수 있다고 생각해. 나는 할 수 있다고 생각해. 나는 할 수 있다고 생각해.

그리고 넘어가요. And then he says, I thought I could. I thought I could. I thought I could.

And then let's move on. And then he says, I thought I could. I thought I could. I thought I could.

It's a little cartoon, but I loved it. I said, that's so good.

It's a little cartoon, but I loved it. I said, that's so good.

That's what leadership and Christian life requires. I think I can.

그것이 리더십과 그리스도인의 삶이 요구하는 것입니다. 저는 할 수 있다고 생각합니다.

Because I have Jesus in my life. Christ who strengthened me is my God.

Because I have Jesus in my life. Christ who strengthened me is my God.

I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

Everything that God has put in my life and in my plate, I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

신이 내 삶과 내 접시에 놓은 모든 것을, 나는 할 수 있다고 생각해. 나는 할 수 있다고 생각해. 나는 할 수 있다고 생각해.

Even though when it gets steep, I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

Even when it gets steep, I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

Because Christ in you is stronger than the afflictions and the persecutions and the oppositions from the devil.

Because Christ in you is stronger than the afflictions, persecutions, and oppositions from the devil.

Because Christ in you is stronger.

Because Christ in you is stronger.

I think I can. I think I can.

I think I can. I think I can.

작년에 나온 책 중에서 Right Brothers라는 책이 있었습니다.

There was a book called "Right Brothers" that came out last year.

David McCullough가 아주 유명한 이 Right Brothers의 스토리를 다시 한번 역사 가운데 썼는데

David McCullough has once again chronicled the story of the Wright Brothers, which is very famous, in the context of history.

This is what he says in the book. It's not because they had money or education.

This is what he says in the book. It's not because they had money or education.

Both of these brothers didn't have a lot of money or college degree.

Both of these brothers didn't have a lot of money or a college degree.

But one thing they had was this heart to not give up.

But one thing they had was this heart to not give up.

이들이 나는 걸 이해 못하니까 처음 했던 것은 새를 연구했다고.

They didn't understand why I was walking, so I initially said I was studying birds.

Birds, right? And the birds and the shape and the ratio of the wings to the body and the weight and everything.

Birds, right? And the birds and the shape and the ratio of the wings to the body and the weight and everything.

And they designed the first plane according to the design. 하나님 만드신 디자인대로 처음 만든 거죠.

And they designed the first plane according to the design made by God.

And they realized, you know what, where we are right now doesn't have a lot of wind.

그리고 그들은 깨달았다, "지금 우리가 있는 곳에는 바람이 별로 없다."

그 뒤에 살고 있었던 오하이오에서는 바람이 많이 불지 않았어요.

In Ohio, where I was living afterwards, it didn't blow much wind.

The wind wasn't steady. So they took it to east coast. 다 이사한 거예요. 거기까지 간 거예요.

The wind wasn't steady. So they took it to the east coast. They've moved everything. They've gone there.

Where the wind was steady. 바람이 없어? 바람 있는 대로 가는 거예요. 뛰어넘는 거예요.

Where the wind was steady. Is there no wind? We go where there is wind. We leap over it.

보니까 날아야 되는데.

It looks like I need to fly.

근데 엔진이 너무 무거운 거예요. 그때는 캐스타이 론, 주철로 만들었는데 주철 엔진이 너무 무거운 거죠.

But the engine is too heavy. Back then, it was made of cast iron, and the cast iron engine is really heavy.

They said no one has made engines out of aluminum. 알루미늄으로 엔진을 만든 사람이 없는 거예요.

They said no one has made engines out of aluminum.

They said we will. 엔진도 못 뛰어넘어? 자기들이 만들어서 뛰어넘는 거예요.

They said we will. Can't we even surpass the engine? It's something they made and are surpassing.

1903, December 17, 12월 17일 날. 그들은 처음으로 비행을 했죠.

On December 17, 1903, they flew for the first time.

And the book wants to summarize and say this. Because they wouldn't give up, because they wouldn't give up.

And the book wants to summarize and say this: Because they wouldn't give up, because they wouldn't give up.

There are people smarter in the world.

There are people smarter in the world.

What they had was their grit, their heart to never give up.

What they had was their grit, their heart to never give up.

I think God wants to say the same thing to you.

I think God wants to say the same thing to you.

That you guys should not give up. That we shouldn't give up.

That you guys should not give up. That we shouldn't give up.

이번 주에 제가 만난 여러분이 있으면 I repeatedly said the same thing to a lot of people.

This week, if there are those I met, I repeatedly said the same thing to a lot of people.

똑같은 말 했어요. Hey, last mentorship with you. This is what I would say.

I said the same thing. Hey, this is what I would say in my last mentorship with you.

What's your vision? What's your vision? What's your vision?

What's your vision? What's your vision? What's your vision?

Keep dreaming that vision. Hold on to that vision. 비전 붙잡고 있어도 비전이 뭐야.

Keep dreaming that vision. Hold on to that vision. Even if you're holding on to the vision, what is the vision?

And I would say the same thing to everyone of you.

그리고 저는 여러분 각자에게 똑같은 말을 하겠습니다.

특히 졸업생들. What's your vision right now?

Especially the graduates. What's your vision right now?

Because when you were here, I don't know where you went, I don't know how you've been, but I talked to you about vision a lot, right?

Because when you were here, I don't know where you went, I don't know how you've been, but I talked to you about vision a lot, right?

Now, what is your vision now? Have you just given up?

지금, 당신의 비전은 무엇인가요? 그냥 포기해버린 건가요?

현실이 너무 힘들어서 지금 포기했어요? Because you grew weary.

Is reality too hard for you, so you gave up now? Because you grew weary.

Do not grow weary. Do not grow weary.

Do not grow weary. Do not grow weary.

여러분 어렸을 때 다 꿈이 있었죠. 여러분 어렸을 때 다 꿈이 있었죠.

When you were young, everyone had dreams, right?

여러분 어렸을 때 다 꿈이 있었죠.

Everyone had dreams when they were young.

너 뭐 될래, 크면? 너 꿈이 뭐야?

What do you want to be when you grow up? What's your dream?

저요? 대통령이요.

Me? The president.

인생에 별로 두려운 게 없어요. 대통령 하겠대요.

I’m not really afraid of much in life. They say they want to become president.

그냥 제일 큰 꿈을 가질 수 있었어요. Over time.

I was able to have the biggest dream. Over time.

현실에 부딪히고 성적표를 받기 시작하면서.

As I faced reality and started receiving my report card.

너 꿈이 뭐니?

What is your dream?

아, 뭐, 그냥 먹고 살게. 입에 풀칠하면 되지, 무슨 꿈이.

Ah, well, I'll just get by. As long as I can put food on the table, what kind of dreams do I have?

그냥 돈 많은 백수가 되면, 뭐 이런 꿈 나오고 애들이.

If you just become a rich unemployed person, then what kind of dreams would come up and the kids.

그런 말들은 막 마음이 막 미워져요.

Such words really make my heart feel hatred.

하나님, 이 안의 가능성과 이 안의 가능성이 너무 많은 하나님.

God, the possibilities within this are so many, God.

제가 왜 저런 말 할까요?

Why would I say something like that?

And I know that pierces Father's heart.

And I know that it pierces Father's heart.

Just as it is piercing our hearts so much more so right.

Just as it is piercing our hearts, it is so much more so, right?

너무 아픈 거예요.

It's too painful.

They gave up. 현실에 부딪히든지.

They gave up. They faced reality.

여러분, 하나님 앞에 비전을 가진 사람은 당연히 포기하고 싶어요.

Everyone, it is natural for a person with a vision before God to want to give up.

And you will have that.

And you will have that.

But do not give up on your vision.

하지만 당신의 비전을 포기하지 마세요.

I'm gonna ask you again, what is your vision?

I'm gonna ask you again, what is your vision?

Have you figured that out, what breaks your heart?

Have you figured that out, what breaks your heart?

그것도 똑같아요.

It's the same as that.

어, 찾아보고 목사님 그때 설교 한 번 할 때, 1년에 한 번씩.

Oh, I'll look it up, Pastor. That's when you preach once a year.

한 번씩은 하시잖아요.

You do it at least once, right?

아, 그때는 생각해 봤는데, 생각하다 보니까 잘 모르겠어요.

Oh, I thought about it back then, but as I think about it, I'm not really sure.

So I kinda gave up.

그래서 나는 좀 포기했어.

뭐 알아서 되겠죠, 인생이.

I guess life will work itself out.

찾는데 원래 오래 걸려요.

It usually takes a long time to find it.

말했잖아요, 비전을.

I told you about the vision.

Just keep going.

그냥 계속 가세요.

Keep searching.

계속 검색하세요.

Don't give up.

Don't give up.

Do not grow weary.

Do not grow weary.

말씀 마무리 하기 전에, 여러분에게 몇 가지 제가 적어본 것을 나누려고 합니다.

Before I wrap up my remarks, I would like to share a few things I've written down with you all.

Good things that I think God is doing in your life.

좋은 것들이 하나님께서 당신의 삶에서 하고 계신다고 생각합니다.

That I think you should never give up on.

That I think you should never give up on.

여러분 삶에 하나님이 시작하시려고 하시는 일들에 대해서,

About the things that God is trying to start in your lives,

I want to read you a few things that I wrote down that I think you should not give up.

I want to read to you a few things that I wrote down that I think you should not give up.

포기하지 말아야 될 게 뭔지.

What we shouldn't give up on.

Number one, just your lives.

Number one, just your lives.

May my sons, my daughters listen to me.

May my sons and daughters listen to me.

Do not give up on your life.

Don't give up on your life.

I know some of you are tempted to end your life.

I know some of you are tempted to end your life.

And we talked about this.

And we talked about this.

And you're just struggling.

그리고 당신은 그저 힘들어하고 있습니다.

And I know that struggle is bigger than anyone can talk about.

And I know that struggle is bigger than anyone can express.

Or can share with you.

Or I can share it with you.

And I know that.

그리고 나는 그것을 안다.

But don't give up.

하지만 포기하지 마세요.

Do not end your life.

Do not end your life.

Let's start there.

Let's start there.

It will go on, 여러분.

It will go on, everyone.

Do not grow weary.

Do not grow weary.

Do not give up.

Do not give up.

Don't give up on your life.

Don't give up on your life.

Number two.

Number two.

Healthy family.

Healthy family.

I know you and I, we dreamed about healthy families.

I know you and I, we dreamed about healthy families.

And what God is going to do in your life.

그리고 하나님이 당신의 삶에서 무엇을 하실 것인지.

And I said, therefore, you should live in a healthy family.

And I said, therefore, you should live in a healthy family.

Or you should live a pure life right now.

Or you should live a pure life right now.

Do not give up on the dream.

Do not give up on the dream.

Because you and I, we talked about this, felt what it feels like to live in an unhealthy and broken family.

Because you and I talked about this, we felt what it feels like to live in an unhealthy and broken family.

And you've been through that and our hearts were broken with you.

And you've been through that, and our hearts were broken with you.

And you know you have that heart and vision and dream that God has put in your heart.

And you know you have that heart and vision and dream that God has placed in your heart.

여러분 마음의 그 비전과 꿈이 있어.

Everyone has that vision and dream in their heart.

건강한 가정이에요.

It's a healthy family.

Yes, please do that.

네, 그렇게 해주세요.

Because that is God's dream.

Because that is God's dream.

건강한 가정.

Healthy family.

가정은 하나님의 꿈이에요

The family is God's dream.

Don't ever give up

절대 포기하지 마세요.

Number three

Number three

You're praying for the salvation of your family

당신은 가족의 구원을 위해 기도하고 있습니다.

가족의 구원을 위해서 기도하는 데

Praying for the salvation of the family.

That will grow weary

그것은 지치게 될 것이다.

You will grow weary

당신은 지치게 될 것입니다.



Don't give up

Don't give up.

Don't give up on your father

Don't give up on your father.

아빠 포기하지 마요

Dad, don't give up.

엄마 포기하지 마요

Mom, don't give up.

예송아 아빠 포기하지 마요

Don't give up, Yeseong's dad.

저희가 나누는데요

We are sharing.

금요일날 간증 나누는데

I will share my testimony on Friday.

예송이랑 친구가

Yesong and her friend.

이 친구가 최근에 와서

This friend came recently.

예수님 진짜 만났어요

I really met Jesus.

어떻게 전도돼서

How did you come to believe?

올해에 왔는데

I came this year.

예수님 너무 많아

There are too many Jesus.

오늘도 키보드다

Today is also a keyboard.

이 친구가 졌거든요

This friend lost.

나누는 거예요

It's sharing.

이번에 우리가

This time, we...

네버유프 콘서트를 준비하면서

While preparing for the Never Youth concert

정말 자기의 모든 걸 쏟아가지고

"Really pouring everything out."

잃어버린 영혼을 향해서

Towards the lost soul.

막 전도하고 싶었대요

They said they really wanted to evangelize.

그래서 그걸 열심히

So I'm working hard on that.

자기가 마음을 다 쏟아서 하고

Put their heart and soul into it.

사람들도 다 열심히 하는데

Everyone is working hard, too.

다 열심히 하기 너무 좋았대요

They said they really enjoyed doing everything diligently.

근데 그렇게 하다가

But while doing that,



아빠하고 연락이 되고

I got in touch with Dad.

아빠 생일이라는 걸 깨달은 거예요

I realized it was Dad's birthday.

그래서 그런 마음에

So with that feeling

딱 낙심이 찾아왔대요

It seems that disappointment has come.

내가 여기서 이렇게

I am here like this.

열심히 하고

Do your best.

있으면 뭐해

What's the point of having it?

우리 아빠 삶에

In my dad's life

우리 아빠 구원

Our dad salvation.

우리 아빠 일도

My dad's work too.

내가 지금 뭐하고 있는 거지

What am I doing right now?

낙심이 찾아온 거야

Discouragement has come.

하나님이 이렇게 말씀하셨대요

God said this.

아빠도 내가 찾아갈 거야

Dad, I'm going to come find you too.

너를 찾아간 것처럼

As if I came looking for you.

아빠도 너 아빠도

Dad, you too, Dad.

내가 찾아갈 거야

I will come to find you.

포기하지 마

Don't give up.

예송이도 아빠 포기하지 마세요

Ye-song, don't give up on dad.


Like Yesong.

여러분 부모님을 위해서

For your parents, everyone.

기도하고 있는


다음 세대를 포기하지 마세요

Don't give up on the next generation.

우리 부모님들

Our parents.

다음 세대에

To the next generation

성령 충만과

Filled with the Holy Spirit and

하나님을 사랑하는

Loving God

삶을 살게 기도하시면

If you pray to live your life.



포기하지 마세요

Don't give up.

가족을 포기하지 마세요

Don't give up on your family.

가족의 구원은

The salvation of the family is

포기하는 거 아니에요

I'm not giving up.

그건 부르시며

Singing that.

It's a calling

그것은 소명입니다.

You did not choose it

You did not choose it.

God gave it to you

God gave it to you.

and placed it in your life

and placed it in your life

Do not give up

Do not give up.

Do not grow weary

Do not grow weary.

가족 구원은 포기하는 거 아니에요

Saving family doesn't mean giving up.

Number four

Number four

I think I already messed up

I think I already made a mistake.

on the numbering

On the numbering.

If I did

If I did

Don't worry about it

Don't worry about it.

I'll just throw out random numbers

나는 그냥 랜덤 숫자를 던질 거야.

Number four I think

나는 숫자 네라고 생각해.



If you just like

If you just like

praying for people

기도하는 사람들

if that's who you are

그게 너라면

man do not grow weary

Man does not grow weary.

왜냐하면 기도가 그런 거죠

Because that's what prayer is.

기도하시는 분들 아시죠

You know the people who pray, right?

기도하면 바로

If you pray, immediately.

내가 딱 기도하면

When I pray exactly like that.





이 사람이 변화되게 해주세요

Please make this person change.

그 다음에 할렐루야

Then, hallelujah.

제가 회개합니다

I repent.

죽게로 가까이

Closer to death.

나오면 너무 좋아요

I’m so happy when it comes out.

그럼 다음 날도 기도하고 싶어요

Then I want to pray again the next day.

하나님 돈이 없습니다

God, I have no money.


Please fill it up.

다음 날 딱

The next day, exactly.

은행 딱 슬라이드 해서 열었더니

I slid it open and opened the bank.

만불 띵 돌아왔어요

I came back with a lot of money.



죽게로 가까이

Closer to death.

그러면 좋죠

That would be great.

근데 기도는 그렇게

But prayer is like that.

You know that's not how God works

You know that's not how God works.

because he wants your faith

because he wants your faith

You know that's not how God works

You know that's not how God works.

Not just his hands

Not just his hands

He wants their relationship

그는 그들의 관계를 원한다.


Like that.

It's not

그거 아냐

It's not how God works

그게 하나님이 일하는 방식이 아닙니다.

But you've been praying for people

하지만 당신은 사람들을 위해 기도해왔습니다.

and you just want to give up

그리고 당신은 그냥 포기하고 싶어 합니다.

이렇게 기도하고

Pray like this.

이 사람의 구원을 위해서

For the salvation of this person

이걸 위해 기도하는데

I'm praying for this.

Don't give up

Don't give up

Please keep praying

제발 기도해 주세요.

제가 자랑해야 되는 게 있어요

I have something to brag about.

우리 선생님들하고

With our teachers.

올해 회개인들을 시작하면서

Starting this year with repentance.

하나를 부탁드렸어요

I asked for one thing.

One keystone habit

One keystone habit

매일 아침에

Every morning

9시 반에 와서

Come at 9:30.



90% 이상의 선생님들이 와가지고

More than 90% of the teachers came.

여기 와서 기도해 주세요

Please come here and pray.

They did it

그들은 그것을 해냈다.

Over the course of the whole year

Over the course of the whole year

그리고 그 기도가

And that prayer

얼마나 뜨거운지 몰라요

I don't know how hot it is.

여기 와서 기도해 주세요

Please come here and pray.

거기 나가서

Go out there.

복도에 딱 들어가도

Just entering the hallway

아 기도하는구나

Oh, you're praying.

복도에 나가도

Even if I go out into the hallway

Because they're praying their hearts out

왜냐하면 그들은 마음을 다해 기도하고 있기 때문입니다.

I love that

I love that.

Please keep praying

제발 계속 기도해 주세요.

Because God moves

Because God moves

우리 애들 중에서 그런 말 하나 됐어요

One of our kids said something like that.


우리 선생님들이 정말 그렇게 기도하는데

Our teachers really pray that way.

그게 느껴져요 그 기도가

I can feel it, that prayer.

나중에 알고 보니까 느껴졌대요

I found out later that they felt it.

So if your prayer

So if your prayer

기도로 사역으로 여러분 맡기신 분

The one who entrusted you to prayer and ministry.

포기하지 마세요

Don't give up.

지금 기도하는 거 잘 안 되는 거 있으세요?

Is there anything you find difficult while praying right now?

하나님이 듣고 계세요

God is listening.

하나님 듣고 계세요

God, are you listening?

그냥 아직 때가 안 온 것 뿐이에요

It's just that the time hasn't come yet.

응답을 받을 때까지 하는 거야 기도는

Prayer is something you do until you receive a response.

Yes, no, or maybe, or later

Yes, no, or maybe, or later.



하나님 maybe 안 하신다

God maybe doesn't do it.

Later, I'm sorry

Later, I’m sorry.

Jesus, I'm sorry

죄송합니다, 예수님.

I preach wrong

I preach incorrectly.

You don't say maybe

You don't say maybe.

I say maybe

나는 아마도 그렇다고 말해.

Yes, no, or later

Yes, no, or later

하나님은 항상 응답하세요

God always responds.

응답 받을 때까지

Until I receive a response.

기도는 받을 때까지 하는 거예요 기도는

You keep praying until you receive the answer.

응답 안 하셨으면

I hope you didn't respond.

기도가 완성이 안 된 거예요

The prayer is not complete.

응답 됐다는 확신이 오든가

Whether you get a sense of assurance that your response has been received or not.

아니면 응답이 되든가

Otherwise, respond or not.

그때까지 기도하시기 바랍니다

Please pray until then.

So the next one

So the next one

Number 154

Number 154

Worship, 예배


오늘 우리 예배에 대해서 얘기하면

If we talk about our worship today,

저 리더팀 칭찬하고 싶어요

I want to praise the leader team.

왜냐하면 사실 지난주 리더팀 들어가서

Because, in fact, I joined the leader team last week.

칭찬하고 싶었는데

I wanted to give you a compliment.

그런 기회가 제가 안 됐어요

I didn't get that opportunity.

리더팀한테 제가 키스톤 앱이 하나 나눴어요

I shared a Keystone app with the leader team.

Hey, one thing that I

Hey, one thing that I

We want to make this worship so alive

We want to make this worship so alive.

Let's dream about it

Let's dream about it.

Let's dream about worship

Let's dream about worship.

That teenagers come and go like

That teenagers come and go like the wind.

Whoa, what's going on?

Whoa, what's going on?

God is moving

God is moving.

And they're worshipers, right?

And they're worshipers, right?

They're some weird worshipers

그들은 이상한 숭배자들이다.

And we talk about this worship

And we talk about this worship.

Jason all the time

Jason 항상

But I have to, right?

But I have to, right?

마지막에 해야 돼

I have to do it at the end.

But there's this guy called Jason

하지만 제이슨이라는 친구가 있어요.

He's just kneeling

그는 그냥 무릎을 꿇고 있다.

He's like

그는 마치 ~처럼.

I don't know what that guy's doing

I don't know what that guy's doing.

너무 이상해, right?

It's so weird, right?

It's all good

It's all good.

I want you guys to do that

I want you guys to do that.

How do we do that?

How do we do that?

그냥 과하게 뭘 하라는 게 아니에요

I'm not saying you should do something excessively.

I want you guys to be early to worship every week

I want you guys to arrive early for worship every week.

너가 리더야?

Are you the leader?

아가필 리더야?

Are you the leader of the Agape?

매일 다 전부 다 일찍 와요, 예배는

Everyone comes early every day for worship.

And they did

And they did.

They've achieved it

그들은 그것을 이뤘다.

They achieved it

그들은 그것을 이루었다.

거의 100%로 다 일찍 왔어

Almost 100% arrived early.

It's amazing

그것은 놀랍다.

여러분 박수 한번 쳐주시겠어요?

Could you please give a round of applause?

우리 신 리더들 특히

Our new leaders, especially.

Don't give up

Don't give up.

Do not go weary

Do not grow weary.

이제 인기가 끝나니까

Now that the popularity is over,

No, your in기 just started

No, your in-gi just started.

It's the rest of your life

It's the rest of your life.

You become a worshipper

You become a worshipper.

Wherever you go

Wherever you go

Whatever you do

무슨 일을 해도

What position God puts you

What position does God place you in?

You bring fire to that worship

You bring fire to that worship.

You go early to pray

You go early to pray.

And you're a worshipper

그리고 당신은 경배자입니다.

You're a lead worshipper

You're a lead worshipper.

You don't have to be on stage

You don't have to be on stage.

You could be a lead worshipper where you are

You could be a lead worshipper where you are.

And that's who you are right now

And that's who you are right now.

So keep being that for the rest of your life

그러니 남은 일생 동안 그렇게 지내세요.

Do not go weary

Do not get tired.

Be a worshipper

Be a worshipper.

우리 고학년들

Our upperclassmen

I love you guys

I love you guys.

You guys set such a beautiful tone

You guys set such a beautiful tone.

우리 고학년들이 저학년을 사랑하고 멘토하기 때문에

Because our upper-grade students love and mentor the lower-grade students.

이곳이 진짜 아름답고

This place is really beautiful.

우리 7학년들도 정말 집처럼 느끼는 곳이 되가요

Our 7th graders are really starting to feel like this place is home.

우리 7학년들 당연히 그렇지만

Of course, us 7th graders.

얼마나 어색해요, 이상해요

How awkward, how strange.

왜냐하면 우리가 항상 얘기하지만

Because as we always say

나이대가 한 7살 저 정도 차이 나면

If there's a difference of about 7 years in age.

우리 TV 때하고 제이슨 때하고 보면

When we look at the time with our TV and the time with Jason,

삼촌 나이가 돼

Uncle, it's time to get older.

It's so much

It's so much.

It's not like

It's not like

Not because 제이슨이 늙어 보인다는 게 아니라

Not because Jason looks old, but...

오늘 타이어 하고 와서 더 그런지 모르겠지만

I don't know if it's because I just got my tires done today, but...

그냥 팀이나 나이대가 더 그런 거예요

It's just that the team or the age group is more like that.

그리고 어떤 때는 우리 한옥권이기 때문에

And sometimes it's because of our Hanok rights.

더 고등학교와 아가페를 너무 사랑해서

I love Deokoh High School and Agape so much.

고등학교를 더 오래 다닌 친구들이 있거든요

There are friends who attended high school longer.

They're like

그들은 마치

아가페 6년 부족해

Agape is lacking for six years.

7년은, 아 7년도 부족해

Seven years, ah, even seven years is not enough.

8년은 가야지, 아가페

We have to go for eight years, Agape.

그런 친구도 있어요

There are friends like that too.

Hey, shout out to M.I.C.

Hey, shout out to M.I.C.

Good God is good

Good God is good.

Shout out to M.I.C.

Shout out to M.I.C.

그 나이 차이가 20대와 10대 초반이잖아요

The age difference is between someone in their 20s and someone in their early teens.

근데 정말 이게 그냥 나이 차이로 남는 게 아니라

But really, this isn't just about the age difference.

사랑으로 그 갭을 채우니까

Filling that gap with love.

풍성해지고 자유로움이 있는 거예요

It becomes abundant and there is freedom.

우리 저학년들

Our lower grade students

I love that

I love that.

You turn around something that could be negative

You turn something that could be negative into a positive.

You make it so positive

너무 긍정적으로 만드네요.

That it's loving and the community is filled with love

That it's loving and the community is filled with love.

And you grow, 고학년들

And you grow, upperclassmen.

Whenever you love, you grow, right?

Whenever you love, you grow, right?

And you did that

그리고 너 그걸 했어.

I love that

I love that.

Keep doing that

계속 그렇게 해.

Wherever God puts you

Wherever God places you

여러분, 다음 세대에서 얘기했죠

Everyone, I talked about the next generation.

Define next generation

Define next generation

What is next generation?

What is the next generation?

Next generation이 부서예요? 아니에요

Is Next Generation a department? No.

다음 세대는 나의 삶의

The next generation is my life.

나의 삶의 이전 페이지에 있는 사람이면 다음 세대예요

If someone is on the previous page of my life, they are the next generation.

예를 들어서 여러분이 고등학생이면

For example, if you are a high school student,

중학생은 여러분한테 다음 세대예요

Middle school students are the next generation to you.

중학생이면 프로미스 랜드는 다음 세대예요

If you are a middle school student, Promis Land is the next generation.

우리 7학년들도 멘토할 수 있어요

Our 7th graders can also be mentors.

프로미스 랜드 앉혀놓고

Sitting down in Promise Land.

Hey, in 4th grade, this is how it's gonna go

Hey, in 4th grade, this is how it's gonna go.

In 5th grade, this is how it's gonna go

In 5th grade, this is how it's going to go.

In 5th grade, let me tell you what's up

In 5th grade, let me tell you what's up.

6th grade, oh, puberty is gonna hit

6th grade, oh, puberty is coming.

Oh, Jesus

Oh, Jesus

You are gonna need Jesus when that comes

당신은 그것이 올 때 예수님이 필요할 것입니다.

Oh, you will fight with your parents

Oh, you will argue with your parents.

Oh, Jesus is gonna be needed

Oh, Jesus is going to be needed.

So let me pray for you

그래서 내가 너를 위해 기도할게.

You can mentor

You can mentor.

And that keeps going down and down and down

And that keeps going down and down and down.

That's beautiful

그거 아름다워요.

That's church, that's family

그것이 교회고, 그것이 가족이다.



Keep doing that

계속 그렇게 해.

Do not grow weary

Do not grow weary.

여러분, 하나님께서 이제 더 나이

Everyone, God is now older.

나이가 들고

As I get older

더 다음 세대, 다음 세대

The next generation, the next generation.

같은 다음에

After the same.

타성에 젖어가지고

Getting complacent.

익숙함에 젖어가지고

Drenched in familiarity.

그러지 마시고

Don't do that.

Keep serving

계속 봉사하세요

Do not give up

Do not give up.

If you're a leader

If you're a leader



It's gonna take its toll

그것이 대가를 치르게 할 것이다.

You know who you are

너는 너가 누구인지 알고 있다.

Because God has gifted you

Because God has gifted you.

And there's an inkling

And there's a hint.

I wanna lead, I wanna lead

I wanna lead, I wanna lead.

I wanna lead

I wanna lead

If there's no leader

If there's no leader

You're like, I gotta step up

You're like, I have to step up.

이거 누가 왜 아무것도 안 해

Who is doing nothing and why?

아무것도 안 해

I won't do anything.

그런 생각

That kind of thought.

That's you

그건 너야.

God has given you the gift of leadership

God has given you the gift of leadership.

우리 자매들

Our sisters

That's you too

그것도 너야.

I don't know why we sometimes think

I don't know why we sometimes think.

우리 여자들은 리더십

Our women have leadership.

You should be leaders just as much

You should be leaders just as much.

You've seen 사모님 lead

You've seen the lady lead.

I follow when she leads

나는 그녀가 이끌 때 따라간다.

Because she's right

Because she's right.

And she's better

그리고 그녀가 더 낫다.

We're all better in different perspectives

우리는 모두 다른 관점에서 더 나은 존재입니다.

Great leaders

Great leaders

이 학생 맨날 얘기하는 거야

This student talks all the time.


Now that I think about it.

So great leaders are great followers

So great leaders are great followers.



So follow and lead

So follow and lead.

Follow and lead

따르고 이끌다

If you're a leader

If you're a leader

Please lead

Please lead.

This generation is just seeking for leadership

이 세대는 단지 리더십을 찾고 있다.

They want leadership

그들은 리더십을 원한다.

So you need to lead

그래서 당신은 이끌어야 합니다.

Number 2085

Number 2085

전도 계속해 주세요

Please continue with the evangelism.

Do not go weary

Do not grow weary.

이번 우리 리뉴얼 하는데

This time we are renewing.

진짜 좋으라고 있었어

It was really good.

I love that guy

I love that guy.

Daniel, he and you guys are funny kids

Daniel, he and you guys are funny kids.

영상부터 이상했어

The video was strange from the beginning.

진짜 좋아

I really like it.

I love them so much

I love them so much.

마음으로 정말 사랑하는데

I truly love you with all my heart.

조에 데려온 그 많은 아이들이

The many kids that were brought to Joe.

거의 20명 찍을 때 있었어요

There was a time when we almost photographed 20 people.

교회 한 번도 안 나오면

If you don't come to church even once

교회 다 안 믿는 애들

Kids who don't believe in church.

여러분 상상해보세요

Everyone, imagine it.

That's amazing

그거 대단하다.

That's almost crazy

그건 거의 미친 것 같아.

That's a miracle

그건 기적이야.

10대 아이가

A teenager

자기 10대 친구들 안 믿는 애들만

Only the kids who don't believe their teenage friends.

거의 20명을 교회로

Almost 20 people to the church.

한 분기 14주내에 데려온 거예요 전도를

I've brought the evangelism within 14 weeks of a quarter.

평생 10년 동안 10명 전도 못하는 사람도 많거든요

There are many people who can't convert even 10 people in 10 years throughout their lifetime.

It's amazing

It's amazing.

You guys been doing it

You guys have been doing it.

한 조를 예를 들지만

For example, a group.

You guys been doing it

You guys have been doing it.

pouring your heart

pouring your heart

Please do not go weary

Please do not get tired.

Keep doing that

계속 그렇게 해.

전도 계속 하시면 좋겠어요

I hope you continue to do evangelism.

Building community

Building community



리뉴어에서 간증을 하면서

While giving a testimony at the renewal.

이 자리를 간증하는데

To testify in this place.

이런 간증이 나왔었어요

There was such a testimony.

I'm a Buddhist

저는 불교도입니다.

I love that

I love that.

He had the freedom to be able to come

그는 올 수 있는 자유가 있었다.

and he knew this was a church

그리고 그는 이것이 교회라는 것을 알았다.

Say I'm a Buddhist

Say I'm a Buddhist.

I love that

I love that.

You know we accept you

You know we accept you.

We know we love you just as you are

We know we love you just as you are.

We want Christ in your life

우리는 당신의 삶에 그리스도가 필요하다고 원합니다.

We want gospel in your life

우리는 당신의 삶에 복음이 있기를 원합니다.

But we're not gonna force you to change

하지만 우리는 당신에게 변화를 강요하지 않을 것입니다.

We can't anyway right

우린 어차피 안 될 거야, 맞지?

Thank you for being who you are

Thank you for being who you are.

I felt what I was lacking in my life

I felt what I was lacking in my life.

It's community

It's community.

It's a loving community

It's a loving community.

And I love how much you guys love

And I love how much you guys love.

My only regret is that

My only regret is that

I didn't come here earlier

I didn't come here earlier.

As a Buddhist

As a Buddhist

That's a good thing to say

That's a good thing to say.



하나님께 영광의 박수 주십시오

Please give a round of applause to God.

That's a good thing

그건 좋은 일이다.

And over and over and over and over

그리고 계속해서 계속해서 계속해서 계속해서

People kept sharing this community

People kept sharing this community.

It's amazing this community

이 커뮤니티는 놀랍습니다.

It's amazing amazing amazing amazing

It's amazing amazing amazing amazing.

And give glory to God

And give glory to God.

That's so good

그거 정말 좋아요.

You guys have become an amazing community

You guys have become an amazing community.

A loving community

A loving community

That anyone can see and spot

That anyone can see and recognize.

Oh man there's something special

Oh man, there's something special.

There's love

사랑이 있다.

Do not go weary

Do not grow weary.

Keep building and dreaming for that amazing community

계속해서 그 멋진 커뮤니티를 위해 발전하고 꿈꾸세요.

약자를 사랑하는 분들

Those who love the weak.

고아와 과부를 사랑하는 분들

Those who love orphans and widows.

You did compassion with us

You showed us compassion.

나중에 입양에 대한 마음이 있으신 분들

Those who are later open to the idea of adoption.

고아원으로 선교를 가기 원하시는 분들

Those who wish to go on a mission to an orphanage.

성기기 원하시는 분들

Those who want a sexual organ.

Do not give up

Don't give up.

Do not go weary

Do not get tired.

더 많이 남을 수도 있지만

It may be left over more.

Lastly I'll do one more

Lastly, I'll do one more.

One more

하나 더

That's this

그것이 이것입니다.

Some of you

Some of you

우리 졸업생들도 그렇고

Our graduates are the same.

You went to missions with us

You went on missions with us.

선교 같이 갔었어요

I went on a mission trip.

We saw you shine

We saw you shine.

You had no fear

You had no fear.

You had no doubt

You had no doubt.

You proclaimed the gospel with boldness

You proclaimed the gospel with boldness.

That I as a pastor got like intimidated

That I, as a pastor, felt intimidated.

제가 저렇게 설교하면

If I preach like that

난 어떻게 설교해야 되지

How should I preach?

You came to me and said

You came to me and said.

목사님 복음 한 번 더 전하고 싶어요

Pastor, I want to share the gospel one more time.

선교 떠나기 전에 또 한 번

One more time before leaving for the mission.

Every chance you got

모든 기회가 생길 때마다

You ran around with that little cube thing

You ran around with that little cube thing.

Even to dangerous guys

Even to dangerous guys



It was dark

It was dark.

And there were a bunch of guys

And there were a bunch of guys.

They could have done harm

그들은 해를 끼칠 수도 있었을 것이다.

But she didn't care

하지만 그녀는 신경 쓰지 않았다.


Zaman Day

She walked up

그녀가 걸어갔다.

Do you know Jesus?

Do you know Jesus?

I'm going to Spanish you

I'm going to translate you into Spanish.

No fear

No fear

You shined like stars out there

You shined like stars out there.

You are beautiful out there

You are beautiful out there.

Keep doing that

계속 그렇게 해.

You should go to church

You should go to church.

You should go back

You should go back.

You know who you are

You know who you are.

And you grew weary

그리고 너는 지치게 되었다.

You know who you are

너 자신이 누구인지 알고 있잖아.

You went

너는 갔어

It was beautiful

It was beautiful.

You know you shined

You know you shone.

You know there was something beautiful in that

You know there was something beautiful in that.

But you said you came back

하지만 당신은 돌아왔다고 말했어요.

And Satan got hold of you

And Satan got hold of you.

And you grew weary

And you grew weary.


I'm feeling disappointed.

And you didn't go back

And you didn't go back.

Keep going back

계속 돌아가세요.

And who knows

And who knows

You might go there for a long time if God calls you

You might be there for a long time if God calls you.

Let me close with one verse

Let me conclude with one verse.

갈라디아서 6장 9절 말씀이에요

It is the verse from Galatians 6:9.

오늘 읽은 본문과 아주 비슷한 말씀인데

It's a very similar message to the passage I read today.

이렇게 말씀하세요

Please say it like this.

우리가 선을 행하되 낙심하지 말지니

Let us not become weary in doing good.

포기하지 아니하면 때가 이름에 거두리라

If you do not give up, you will reap in due time.

And let us not grow weary of doing good

And let us not grow weary of doing good.

For in due season

For in due season

We will reap

We will reap.

If we do not give up

If we do not give up

God wants to bear amazing fruit

God wants to bear amazing fruit.

And great fruits in your life

And may you have great fruits in your life.

You know what the problem is

You know what the problem is.

That you and I give up too easily

That you and I give up too easily.

그때가 아직 안 와요

That time hasn't come yet.

그때가 너무 늦어요

It's too late then.

You feel like this is too slow right

You feel like this is too slow, right?

We feel like it's slow

우리는 느리다고 느낀다.

근데 하나님께서는 슬로우가 아니에요 하나님께는

But God is not slow. God is not with Him.

하나님은 하루가 천 년 같고 천 년이 하루 같으세요

God is like a day that is a thousand years and a thousand years that is like a day.

He's just being patient right

그는 그냥 인내하고 있는 거야, 맞지?

But you and I grow weary

하지만 너와 나는 지치고 있어.

우리가 너무 낙심하는 거예요

We are feeling too discouraged.

And God is saying you know what

And God is saying you know what.

Just don't give up

Just don't give up.

Till I show up in your life

네 인생에 내가 나타날 때까지

Till I do amazing things in your life

내가 당신의 삶에서 놀라운 일을 할 때까지

Because I feel and I know God

Because I feel and I know God.

Because God has placed in my heart

Because God has placed in my heart

That through you guys in this generation

그 세대의 여러분을 통해서

He plans to do something that's amazing

그는 놀라운 일을 할 계획이다.

That's never been done before

그건 이전에 한 적이 없어요.

That's amazing

그건 놀랍다.

Believe it


Hold on to it

Hold on to it.

Hold on to the vision

Hold on to the vision.

Don't give up

Don't give up.

I know it's gonna get tough

I know it's going to get tough.

It will get tough

It will get tough.

Even if you're doing good

Even if you're doing well.

Even if you're walking the right path

Even if you're walking the right path

It will get tough

It will get tough.

But it's okay

하지만 괜찮아.

It's not because you're doing anything wrong

It's not because you're doing anything wrong.

It is because you're doing right things

It is because you are doing the right things.

That you grow tired

That you grow tired.

Can you all close your eyes now

Can you all close your eyes now?

눈 감으시겠어요

Will you close your eyes?

So for next ten or so minutes

So for the next ten minutes or so.

We're gonna just enter God's presence

We're just going to enter God's presence.

And just worship Jesus

그리고 단지 예수님을 경배하세요.

예수님께 영광 돌리고 찬양하는 시간을 가지고

Let's have a time to glorify and praise Jesus.

Can we all prepare our hearts and our minds

Can we all prepare our hearts and our minds?

To enter God's presence

하나님의 임재에 들어가다

하나님 죄로 들어가기 위해서

To enter through sin to God.

And what are a few things in your life

And what are a few things in your life?

That you might say

That you might say

I just wanna give up

I just wanna give up.

I'm just so tired of this

이게 너무 지겨워요.

하나님 기도 응답 안 하실 거 같고 안 될 거 같고

It seems like God won't answer my prayers and that it won't work out.

Maybe God's saying

Maybe God is saying

You know what

You know what

Do not go weary

Do not get tired.

Oh yeah

Oh yeah

Going is gonna get tough

Going is going to get tough.

Your life is gonna get steep

당신의 인생은 힘들어질 거예요.

That heel is gonna get tough

그 발꿈치가 강해질 거야.

But I know I can

하지만 나는 할 수 있다는 걸 알아.

I think I can

I think I can.

Can I move on

Can I move on?

If that's you

If that's you

Can we just start praying

Can we just start praying?

같이 기도하시겠어요

Would you like to pray together?

Say God

Say God

Help me to not to give up

Help me not to give up.

By your grace

By your grace

Not my will

내 뜻이 아니다.

But by your grace

하지만 당신의 은혜로

On me to not give up

It's up to me not to give up.

Help us as a generation to not give up

우리 세대가 포기하지 않도록 도와주세요.

포기하지 않는 세대가 되게 해주셔서

Thank you for letting us be a generation that doesn't give up.

함께 기도하며 나가겠습니다

I will go out and pray together.

Let's pray


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