애슬릿캠프? 게임즈 트레이닝?Part2

Carlos Albaladejo

The Sweat Project

애슬릿캠프? 게임즈 트레이닝?Part2

The Sweat Project

웰컴 투 러스 웹 프로젝트

Welcome to the Rust Web Project

우리 공동 락커

Our shared locker

한 번은 봤는데 신발이 없었어요

I saw it once, but there were no shoes.


Where is it?

어, in your locker

Um, in your locker

미리 가져갈 줄 알고 미리 빼놓은 걸

I thought you would take it in advance, so I set it aside.

어, is that what it was?

Oh, is that what it was?

밑에 없었어요

It wasn't at the bottom.

밑에 들어가 있는 거 안 보였어요?

Didn't you see what was underneath?

어, maybe, maybe that was it

Oh, maybe, maybe that was it.

그냥 공동 락커인 걸로

Let's just call it a shared locker.

주제는 정하지 않았는데 방금 생각났어요

I haven't decided on a topic, but I just thought of one.

약간 그냥 희소식 같은 거

Just some kind of good news.


From AM.

What's 희소식?

What is good news?

기쁜 소식

Good news.

아까 수업에서도 들었는데

I heard it in class earlier too.

AM에서 게임즈 선수들 후원해준다고

They said they will sponsor the gamers at AM.

선주문 후 제작해서 마블께 들어갔네요

It was made after the pre-order and has gone to Marvel.

근데 이거는

But this is...

I thought, maybe we didn't talk about it before

I thought, maybe we didn't talk about it before.

but they reached out to us

하지만 그들이 우리에게 연락을 해왔습니다.

maybe about a month ago

Maybe about a month ago.

이거 콜라보 할 건데

I'm going to collaborate on this.

이거 관심 있냐고

Are you interested in this?

전 몰랐어요

I didn't know.


I am



오늘 처음이었어요?

Was it your first time today?

오늘 처음 들었는데

I heard it for the first time today.

이틀 전에

Two days ago.

그 대경님이 물어봤었어요

That great leader asked.

저희한테 뭐

What do you want from us?

혹시 뭐 선수 후원해주는 티셔츠

Is there a t-shirt that sponsors a player?


The belt.

후원해준다고 하는데 맞냐

Are you saying that you will sponsor me?



나는 들은 게 없으니까

I haven't heard anything.



근데 벨트를 사고 싶대

But he/she wants to buy a belt.

그건 사셔도 된다고

You can buy that.

그래서 벨트 하나 사시고

So, buy a belt.

근데 자기 들었을 때

But when you heard it

이거 분명히 후원이었는데

This was definitely a sponsorship.



벨트는 좋으니까 사시라고

The belt is good, so you should buy it.

그냥 제가 먹을게요

I'll just eat it.

근데 내가 꿀꺽한다고

But I'm swallowing it.

후원하는 건 내가 꿀꺽한다고요

Are you saying that I will swallow it all up?

아 그런데

Oh, but...

we bought that with the

We bought that with the.


That is.

there's like pretty much no loss

There’s pretty much no loss.



because we bought that with the

because we bought that with the



hosting cost

호스팅 비용

칼러스 코치님이 받은 돈으로

With the money that Coach Carlos received.

그거를 사서

Buy that.



호스팅을 또 하면

If you host again,

그 돈을 이제 충당을 해서

Now, I will cover that money.

이제 잘 가질 거고

Now I will have it well.

저희가 아무래도

It seems that we, after all.

그 크로스핏게임즈

The CrossFit Games.

개인으로 가는 게 아니라

It's not going as an individual.

4명이 가고

Four people are going.

저희 이제 회원님들도 가시고

Now our members are also leaving.

저희 가족도 가는데

My family is going too.

우선 팀이 4명이다 보니까

First of all, there are four people on the team.

우선 비행기 값도 만만치가 않아요

First of all, the cost of the airplane ticket is not cheap.

인당 거의

Almost per person.

거의 300 왕복

Almost 300 round trips.

4명에서 천만 원 넘게 되지

It will exceed ten million won among four people.

비행기 값만

Only the cost of the airplane.

1200 정도 들어요

It costs about 1200.

그리고 아무래도 이제

And anyway, now...

게임즈 주변에

Around the games.

이제 에어비앤비 칼러스 코치님이

Now, the Airbnb Callous Coach.

좀 찾아봤는데

I looked it up a bit.

너무 비싼 거예요

It's so expensive.

네 인원이 많이 가니까

Since you're bringing a lot of people.

저희가 이제 큰 집에 있어야 되잖아요

We have to be in a big house now.

나눠서 해도 사실 되게 비싼 거고

Even if we split it, it's actually very expensive.

그래서 차라리 에어비앤비를 해서

So I'd rather do Airbnb instead.



숙소를 같이

Let's share accommodations.

같이 사용을 하자 해서

Let's use it together.

이제 찾아봤는데

I just looked it up now.

숙소 비용도 사실 만만치 않고

The accommodation costs are actually quite significant as well.

여러모로 경비가 되게 많이 들어요

It costs a lot of expenses in many ways.

그래서 선수들한테

So to the players

사실 되게 부담이 많이 갈 만한 거

In fact, it can be quite burdensome.

물론 게임즈를 가는 거는 너무 좋지만

Of course, going to the games is really great, but...

이거를 다 개인이 부담을 해야 되기 때문에

Because individuals have to bear all of this.

어떻게 하면은

How can I do it?

좀 선수들을 좀 서포트할 수 있을까

Can I support the players a bit?

라고 이제 얘기를 하다가

And so while we were talking...

그 이제

That now

뭐 이런 용품 같은 거에서

What is this kind of product?

나는 수익들을

I am the profits.

이렇게 선수들한테

To the players like this

저희가 이제 호원을 하고

We will now do our best to assist.

이런 얘기는 예전에 있었고

This kind of talk happened in the past.

그러면서 이제 나온 얘기가

Then the story that came out was

애슬리 캠프

Ashley Camp

애슬리 캠프도 이제 저희가

Ashely Camp is now with us.

항상 칼러스 코치님한테

Always to Coach Carlos.

좀 해달라고 했었는데

I had asked you to do it a little.



자기를 위해서는 안 하지만

It's not something to do for oneself.

팀월들을 위해서

For the team members.

좀 호원을 받고

I need a little help.

그 다음에


그 참여하시는 분들과 같이 운동도 하고

Working out with the participants.

좋은 정보도 나누는

Sharing good information.

그런 애슬리 캠프도

That kind of Ashley Camp too.

지금 준비 중이세요

Are you getting ready now?

7월에 두 개 예정이 있습니다

There are two planned in July.

그 외에

Aside from that

2개 예정이시죠?

You're planning for two, right?

15일은 크로스핏 업다운에서 하고

On the 15th, we will do it at CrossFit UpDown.

22일은 부산에서

The 22nd is in Busan.

온, 오프, 짐에서

On, off, at the gym.



우리가 하는 게

What we do



그냥 돈 달라고 하는 것보다

Rather than just asking for money

좋은 정보를 주고

Thank you for providing good information.

그냥 후원을 해달라고 하는 것보다

Rather than just asking for support

그냥 후원해달라고 하는 것보다

Rather than just asking for support,


We are.

we trade

우리는 거래합니다.

our experience

우리의 경험

for 후원금

for sponsorship funds



I think you know between the four of us

I think you know among the four of us.

we've competed

우리는 경쟁해 왔습니다.

in 크로스핏 for

in CrossFit for

11, 12 years now

11, 12년이 이제 됐습니다.

so we have a lot of experience

So we have a lot of experience.

I've worked with coaches and I've learned

I've worked with coaches and I've learned.

a lot and they've

a lot and they've

you know

You know.

experienced a lot of stuff too

experienced a lot of things too

so I feel like

so I feel like

이런 거를 통해

Through things like this

이제 아틀리트 캠프

Now the Athlete Camp.


Even if it's just for a day.

A little.

좋은 정보를

Good information

share 할 수 있고

can be shared

궁금한 점도 되게 많을 거고

There must be a lot of things you're curious about.

and I feel like

그리고 그런 기분이 들어.

이런 자리에서

In a situation like this.

이런 거를 하게 되면

If you do something like this...

I think it'll be really good

I think it will be really good.

저는 진짜 좋을 것 같아요

I think it would be really great.


First of all

경력으로 보면은

Considering the experience


With teacher Mijeong

이제 칼로스쌤 같은 경우에는

Now, in the case of Teacher Carlos...




10 years

10년에서 10년에

From 10 years to 10 years.

아마 좀 넘었을 수도 있어요

It might have gone a little over.

그 크로스핏 게임즈

The CrossFit Games.

리저널이었을 때부터

Since it was regional.

이제 리저널을 갔었던 사람들이잖아요

Now, they are people who went to the regional event.

호주 뭐 한국에 있었을 때부터

Australia has been around since I was in Korea.

이제 리저널을 갔던 사람들이고

Now they are people who went to the regional.

그다음에 이제 거기 여울 선수는

Next, the athlete at the rapids is...

그거보다 조금 뒤에 시작을 했었을 거고

It probably started a little later than that.

한 1, 2년인가 뒤에 이제

About a year or two later now.

시합에서 얼굴을 보기 시작했고

I started seeing your face during the match.


Each person's

경력만 따지면 거의

If we only consider experience, almost.

3, 40년인 거예요

It's been 30 or 40 years.

그걸 다 합치면은

If you combine all of that,


Oh no.

정보를 사실

Information is a fact.

특히 이제 시합을 준비한다던지

Especially now that we are preparing for the competition.

아니면 내가 좀 선수로 하고 싶다

Otherwise, I want to take the lead a bit.

하는 선수들한테

To the players who are playing.

솔직히 한국에서는

To be honest, in Korea...

그런 정보가 이렇게 많지는 않잖아요

There isn't that much information like this.

네 이런 자리를 마련을 해서

Yes, to have arranged such a gathering.

이런 정보도 주고

Providing such information too.





More than I thought.

그 식단?

That diet?


Such as diet


Such as programming.



Mental or something like that.

이런 거에 대해서

Regarding things like this.

모르시는 분들이 많기 때문에

Because there are many people who do not know.

이런 정보를 같이 하면서

While sharing this kind of information

같이 운동도 하고

Let's exercise together.

살도 좀 부대끼고

Also feel a bit cramped.


This way...

팀원들한테도 사실

To the team members, actually.

되게 좋을 것 같아요

I think it would be really nice.

좋은 에너지를 받으니까

I'm receiving good energy.

그 다음에 참가하시는 분들도

Then, the participants who will join next...

좋은 정보랑 같이 운동할 수 있으니까

I can exercise along with good information.

좋지 않을까 싶어요

I think it might be good.

There's a lot of things that I wish I would have known

There's a lot of things that I wish I would have known.

when I first started CrossFit

When I first started CrossFit

Like in

Like in

so many things that I've learned over the

so many things that I've learned over the

you know, past 12 years now

You know, it's been 12 years now.

내가 이런 거를 알고 시작했었으면

If I had known about this before starting.

I wonder where I would have been

I wonder where I would have been.

or how different my

or how different my



I guess I don't want to say career

I guess I don't want to say career.

but I guess like

but I guess like

how different my career would have been

How different my career would have been.

but at the same time

하지만 동시에

I wouldn't trade any of it

나는 그 어떤 것도 바꾸지 않을 거야.

because it's like

because it's like

all a learning experience

모두 배움의 경험입니다.

you know

You know.

and they

그리고 그들

you know the reason why

you know the reason why

we have coaches

우리는 코치가 있습니다.

or we have mentors

or we have mentors

is because

그 이유는

they've already done it themselves

그들은 이미 스스로 그것을 해냈다.

and it

and it

when you

when you

get advice from somebody

get advice from somebody

who's already been there

who's already been there

and has already done it

그리고 이미 그것을 해냈다.

it can create like a

It can create like a

a shortcut

a shortcut

you know, you don't have to

You know, you don't have to.

go through all the hardships

overcome all the hardships

you know, you don't necessarily have to

You know, you don't necessarily have to.

if you don't have to

필요하지 않다면

I mean

I mean

did I say that right?

Did I say that right?

Yeah, he did

네, 그는 그랬습니다.

You know what I'm saying?

You know what I mean?

그러니까 지름길

So, the shortcut.

약간 그거를 좀 간략하게

Could you simplify that a bit?

한국말로 좀 설명을 해드리면

Let me explain it a little in Korean.


In English.

돌아가지 않고

Without turning back.

짧은 길로 갈 수 있다고

You can take a shortcut.

네, 지름길을 만들어주는 거죠

Yes, it creates a shortcut.



이제 이미 경력이 있고

Now, I already have experience and.

뭐 시합에 있어서라든지

In terms of matches or anything like that

시합의 노하우라든지

know-how of the match

뭐 그 선수 생활에 있어서라든지

In terms of their athlete career, or something like that.

선수 생활의

Athlete life

선수 생활의 노하우

Know-how of athletic life

이런 거를 좀 전수를 해줄 수가 있으니까

I can pass down things like this.

칼로스 같이

Like Carlos

칼로스 코치 같은 경우는

In the case of Coach Carlos,

처음에는 사실 코치 없이 이렇게 혼자 하다가

At first, I was actually doing this alone without a coach.

이제 중간에 코치가 생겼었고

Now there was a coach in the middle.

그래서 코치 한 두 번 정도

So, a coach maybe one or two times.


It has changed.

Yeah, I got my first coach when I came to Korea

Yeah, I got my first coach when I came to Korea.

That was with Matt Springer

그것은 맷 스프링어와 함께한 것이었습니다.

저희 오백스, 그쵸

Our OBAK, right?

Yeah, and it was because it was like the first time

Yeah, and it was because it was like the first time.

I was starting to work out by myself

I was starting to work out by myself.

체육관도 it was three different gyms

The gym was three different gyms.

캠프 캐럴 부대 안에서 체육관 하고

Inside Camp Carroll, there is a gym.

and then S4 체육관에서 하고

And then at the S4 gym.

and then on the weekends I used to come to Marvel and train

그리고 그 주말에는 마블에 와서 훈련하곤 했어요.

somewhere around the area

어딘가 주변에서

그래서 이런 거를 좀 도움받기 위해

So to get some help with this.

I reached out to all these different coaches

I reached out to all these different coaches.

and Matt Springer from OPEX

and Matt Springer from OPEX

was the first one who responded

첫 번째로 응답한 사람이었다.

and then 이게 제가 코치를 바꾼 이유도 계속 아셔야 될 것 같고

And then I think you should also know the reason why I changed my coach.

이게 제가 코치를 바꾼 이유도 계속 아셔야 될 것 같고

I think you should also understand the reason why I changed coaches.

계속 아셔야 될 것 같고

I think you need to keep knowing.

그래서 경기를 뛰는데

So I play the game.

Matt은 미국에 있고

Matt is in the United States.

제가 경기를 뛸 때마다 못 오니까

I can't come every time I play a game.

I was like, I need a coach that can be there with me locally

나는 나와 함께 지역에서 함께할 수 있는 코치가 필요하다고 생각했어.

So I started working with Ed

그래서 나는 Ed와 함께 일하기 시작했어.

and then 시작하자마자

And then, as soon as we start.

I'm going to the US to compete in the semifinals

I'm going to the US to compete in the semifinals.

규정이 바뀌면서

As the regulations changed,

So Ed never went to, you know, he couldn't go because of COVID and all these restrictions

So Ed never went to, you know, he couldn't go because of COVID and all these restrictions.

그래서 되게 안 되는 게 되게 많았었는데

So there were a lot of things that didn't work out.

You know, this is not important

You know, this is not important.

just something that I want to share

그냥 제가 공유하고 싶은 무언가입니다.

아 근데 그거는 사실 타이밍도 되게

Ah, but the timing is really important for that.

아 내가 이제 그래도 집중해서 해야 되겠다 해서

Ah, I guess I should focus and do it now.

코치를 아시아로 했는데

I made the coach Asian.

어 갑자기 미국에 가서 시합을 하네

Oh, I'm suddenly going to the U.S. to compete.

어 갑자기 코로나가 터졌네

Oh, suddenly COVID-19 has broken out.

약간 이제 너 혼자 해봐 라는 사인이 아니었을까

Wasn't it a sign for you to try doing it on your own a little bit now?

Yeah, I think because, you know, like 대회를 뛸 때

Yeah, I think because, you know, like when competing in a competition.

I, of all the comp, you know, I've done six regionals or seven regionals

I, of all the competitions, you know, I've done six regionals or seven regionals.

Yeah, like Europe, 미국, 한국

Yeah, like Europe, the United States, Korea.

And I always thought, like 하나 망하면

And I always thought, if one goes wrong

I always thought it was over

I always thought it was over.

And I didn't really understand the point system until, you know, 2018

그리고 2018년까지는 점수 시스템을 정말 이해하지 못했어요.

the last one when a guy was in the same position as I was

the last one when a guy was in the same position as I was

And from that last workout, he went all the way up to fifth place in

And from that last workout, he went all the way up to fifth place in.

and qualified for the CrossFit Games

and qualified for the CrossFit Games.

Actually, I think I was ahead

Actually, I think I was ahead.

You were ahead of him

You were ahead of him.

Yeah, in the overall ranking

네, 전체 순위에서.

And the last event, he won the event

And the last event, he won the event.

And he qualified for the CrossFit Games

And he qualified for the CrossFit Games.

But I always thought, like 하나 망하면

But I always thought, like if one thing fails...

I thought the weekend was over

I thought the weekend was over.

저는 솔직히 아직 포인트 시스템이 아직도 사실 이해가 안 가요

To be honest, I still don't really understand the point system.

되게 어려운 거 같아요

I think it's really difficult.

So yeah, it's, so Semi까지는 it's done by rankings

So yeah, it's done by rankings up to the Semi.

So whoever has the least amount of points gets the higher ranking

So whoever has the least amount of points gets the higher ranking.

그런데 세미 파이널 아니면 regional에서는

But in the semi-finals or regionals...

they do a point system where for every first place you get 100 points

They use a point system where you get 100 points for every first place.

And then depending on, you know, if the field is 30 athletes

And then depending on, you know, if the field has 30 athletes.

I think it goes 5점씩 떨어지고

I think it drops by 5 points.

And then 어느 지점에서 it drops 4점씩 떨어지고

And then at a certain point, it drops by 4 points.

아, 다 달라요?

Oh, they're all different?

10, 절반 아니에요?

10, isn't it half?

절반 밑으로는 점수가 팍 낮아지고

The score drops sharply below half.

팍은 아니에요, 한 번 떨어지고

It's not a lot, just once you fall.

그 포인트 수는 계속 똑같아요

The point total remains the same.

So I think 30명이 있을 때는

So I think when there are 30 people...

Maybe it's 4 points, 4점씩 이제

Maybe it's 4 points, now 4 points each.

So first place, 1등은 100점, 2등은 96, 92 이렇게 떨어지고

So for first place, the score is 100, second place is 96, and third place is 92, and so on.

한 15등까지는 그렇게 하고

Let's do that up to about 15th place.

And then 그 이후로는 2점씩 이제 떨어져요

And then after that, it drops by 2 points from now on.




그 와드를 벗어나고

Leaving that ward.


Even if it fails

좀 할 수 있는 기회가 있네요

There seems to be an opportunity to do something.

Yeah, you don't fall back too far

Yeah, you don't fall back too far.

So 100점, 1등 하는 게 포인트 수가 엄청 많으니까

So getting 100 points and coming in first place gives a lot of points.

되게 도움이 많이 돼요

It is really helpful.

And I didn't realize until 2018

And I didn't realize until 2018.

And you know, this is kind of like my fault

And you know, this is kind of like my fault.

Because I didn't like

Because I didn't like it.

take the time to study, study the rules

Take the time to study, study the rules.

그런데 이런 걸

By the way, things like this...

but like this is my fault, I didn't like it

하지만 이렇게 된 것은 내 잘못이다, 나는 그것을 좋아하지 않았다.

Because I didn't like it

Because I didn't like it.

But I didn't want to lose it

하지만 나는 그것을 잃고 싶지 않았다.

But that's a great thing, right?

하지만 그건 정말 좋은 일이죠?

So I didn't want to lose it

So I didn't want to lose it.

알았으면 I wonder if it would have been different.

If I had known, I wonder if it would have been different.

그런 생각은 들겠어요.

You might think that way.

이런 노하우도 사실

This know-how is actually true.

애플리 캠프를 하면

If you do an Apple Camp

이런 것도 사실 질문할 수 있는 거잖아요.

Isn't it true that you can ask questions like this?

우리는 그냥

We are just

저 같은 경우는 가서 응원하고

In my case, I go and cheer.

무조건 등수 높으면

If you have a high rank without conditions,

와! 이건데

Wow! This is it!

또 어떤 회원님들은 점수를 이미

Some members have already scored.

계산을 하셔가지고 오셔가지고

Please do the calculations and come over.

오늘 이 등수 안에 들어야 되고

I have to be in this ranking today.

어느 팀이 어디에 떨어져야 되고

Which team should land where?

그거를 얘기를 하시더라고요.

They were talking about that.

공부하시는 분들이 계셔가지고

There are people who are studying.

이런 시합에 대한 노하우

Know-how about such matches.

이런 것도

Even this.

점수를 좀 받고 하면

If I can get some points.

되게 좋을 것 같아요.

I think it would be really nice.

Yeah. So we're gonna start

네. 그래서 시작할 거예요.



You read my mind. 공지 아직 안 됐죠?

You read my mind. The announcement hasn't been made yet, right?

Yeah. Not yet. The first week of July

Yeah. Not yet. The first week of July.


Link Zone

is going to help us

is going to help us

홍보하는 거 도와주고

Help with the promotion.

레지스트레이션은 다 그 쪽으로

The registration is all over there.

통해 하고

Through and do.

and then we'll send out all the information through that also.

그리고 나서 그 정보를 모두 통해 전달할 것입니다.

7월 첫째 주에

In the first week of July.


In the link zone.

링크존 통해서

Through the link zone

이제 애슬리 캠 공지가 될 거고요.

Now, the Ashley Camp announcement will be made.

거기에서 이제 등록을 하시고

Now you can register there.

첫 번째 애슬리 캠프는

The first Ashley camp is

7월 15일 크로스피드 업다운에서

On July 15th at Crossfeed Updown.

오산에서 이제

Now in Osan.

진행이 될 거고

It will proceed.

그 다음에 두 번째 애슬리 캠프는

The next thing is the second Ashley Camp.

그 다음 주 부산에

The next week in Busan.



거기에서 진행을 할 예정입니다.

We plan to proceed from there.

그러면 그

Then that

애슬리 캠프는 혼자 하는 거예요?

Is Ashley Camp doing it alone?

아니면 팀원들이랑 같이 하는 거예요?

Or are you doing it with your team members?



다 같이 있을 건데

Everyone will be together.


First of all

I didn't want to

I didn't want to.

stress anybody out

stress anyone out

with like

with like

lecture 이런 거

Something like a lecture.



이런 거 느낌보다는

Rather than this kind of feeling

I want to

I want to.

그냥 같이 운동하면서

Just exercising together.

쉬는 시간 동안

During break time

이제 이런 질문들

Now these kinds of questions

아니면 like we can talk about

Or we can talk about.

like what we talked about the other day

like what we talked about the other day

strength balance

strength balance

그리고 크로스피스를 위한

And for the crosspiece.

적당한 strength

Appropriate strength


With Hyo-sun

how to approach

how to approach





workout strategies

운동 전략

and stuff like that

그리고 그런 것들.

and then

그리고 나서


With the team members

저희 이제 같이

Let's be together now.

훈련을 하고

Training and

and then

그리고 나서

if there's anything

if there's anything

that they want to talk about

that they want to talk about



they'll be there to jump in

그들이 거기에서 뛰어들 준비가 되어 있을 것이다.

and I bet

그리고 내가 내기할게

그 질문들도

Those questions too.

되게 그쪽으로 많이 갈 거예요

I will definitely go in that direction a lot.

because everyone's a little bit different

because everyone's a little bit different

you know

you know

미정쌤한테 궁금한 점이 있을 거고

You probably have some questions for Teacher Mi-jeong.

with you know

with you know

her pregnancy

her pregnancy

and how she recovered so quickly

그리고 그녀가 어떻게 그렇게 빨리 회복했는지

what did she do

What did she do?

and then with your

그리고 그 다음에 당신의

you know

you know

I'm sure there's going to be a lot of questions

I’m sure there are going to be a lot of questions.

for all three of them

셋 모두를 위해

미정쌤 too

Teacher Mijung too

그래서 약간

So a bit

A little.

아틀리 캠프이긴 하지만

It's an Atelier Camp, but...

뭐 강의도 해주기는 하지만

Well, they do give lectures too, but...

좀 제가 생각했을 때는

When I thought about it a bit,

거기에서 많이 얻어가려면

If you want to gain a lot from there

그 선수들이 하는 얘기만 듣는 게 아니라

It's not just about listening to what those players say.

질문들도 많이 듣는 게 아니라

It's not that I'm hearing a lot of questions.

질문들도 좀 많이 하시고

Please ask a lot of questions.


A little.



좀 편안하게 대화도 많이 하고

Let's have a more relaxed conversation.

해야 좀

You should do it.

뭐를 내가 배워간다는 느낌보다는

Rather than feeling like I'm learning something,

서로 이렇게 대화를 통해서 소통도 하고

Through this dialogue, we can communicate with each other.

그렇게 해서 하시는 게

That’s how you do it.

더 도움이 되지 않을까라는 생각을 해요

I think it might be more helpful.

I think 강의보다는

I think rather than a lecture.

it'll be more of a conversation

It'll be more of a conversation.

on a specific topic

on a specific topic

just some open dialogue

그냥 약간의 열린 대화

conversation type

conversation type


The lecture is

I feel like I'm going to be sleeping

I feel like I'm going to sleep.

자면 뒤에서 계속

Keep going from the back when you sleep.

뒤에서 팀원들이 이렇게 알아서 해주시지 않을까요?

Won't the team members handle this on their own from behind?

졸면 만 원이라고

If you fall asleep, it's 10,000 won.

그래서 이렇게 진행을 할 거고

So we will proceed like this.

그 이제

That now



Mayhem에서는 콜라보를 해서

In Mayhem, we collaborate to...

티셔츠를 판매를 해서

Selling T-shirts.


It's a limited edition.

판매를 해서

By selling

Mayhem Athlete

Mayhem Athlete

Mayhem Program을 따르는

Following the Mayhem Program

CrossFit Games에 가는 선수들을 위해

For the athletes going to the CrossFit Games.

후원을 해주는 의미로

In the sense of providing support.

그렇게 진행을 하고

Let's proceed that way.

저희 마블에서도

Even at Marvel,

얘기한 것처럼

As I mentioned.

벨트라든지 이런 거를

Such as belts and things like that.

구입을 해주시면

If you make a purchase

저희도 팀원한테

We also to the team member.

후원을 하고




희소식이라고 하면

If we talk about good news,

저희 이제

We're now

Sweat Project 티셔츠

Sweat Project T-shirt


We also

주문을 하면

When you place an order

제작을 해서

Made it.


We also.

배송을 할 예정입니다

I am scheduled to make a delivery.


It's tie-dye, right?

Oh yeah

Oh yeah



타이다의 컬러가 아주 예뻐요

The color of the tie-dye is very pretty.

빨리 나오면

If you come out quickly.

만도 때도 입고 가면

If you wear it during the Mando period.

좋을 것 같은데

It seems like it would be good.

빨리 나왔어요

I came out quickly.


Did you come out?

마블 티는 있어요

I have a Marvel T-shirt.

He's talking about Sweat Project?

그가 스웻 프로젝트에 대해 이야기하고 있나요?



Is there one for Hyunjoo?

Is there one for Hyunjoo?

Oh, I take it?

Oh, do I take it?

내가 가져갔어요

I took it.

아니, 아니

No, no.

샘플 말고

Not a sample.

거기서 입을 수 있는 분들

Those who can wear it there.

거기서 굿즈로 하면

If you do it with merchandise there.

게임즈 전이잖아요

It's before the games, right?


That's right.

네, 어차피 배송해도

Yes, it's going to be delivered anyway.

게임즈 전으로 받으실 순 있어요

You can receive it before the games.

언제 나와요? 셔츠는?

When will you come out? What about the shirt?

지금 우선

First of all,

Mayhem이 29일까지 주문을 받고 있어요

Mayhem is accepting orders until the 29th.

아니요, 저희 거

No, ours.



주문을 받고 있어가지고

I am taking orders.

저희 Mayhem 끝나자마자

As soon as our Mayhem ends

저희 거 이제 공지를 할 거예요

We are going to make an announcement now.

우선 마블 타이다에는 나왔고요

First of all, it appeared in Marvel's "Tida."

이거 또한 선수분들 후원에 들어갈 거라서

This will also go towards supporting the players.

그거는 저희가

That's what we have.

Mayhem 딱 끝나고 나면

As soon as Mayhem ends

저희 거 공지해 드리겠습니다

We will inform you of our announcement.

그럼 처음이잖아요

Then it's the first time, right?

이제 게임즈 트레이닝이

Now the games training is

거의 이때쯤 되면은

By this time, almost...

밖에 나가서 자전거를 타거나

Go outside and ride a bicycle or

이제 뭐 조금 노는 식이죠

Now it’s like playing a bit.

수업에 참여하거나

Participate in class or

한 3, 4년 연속은 그렇게 봐왔는데

I've been looking at it like that for about 3 or 4 years in a row.

이제 게임즈 트레이닝을 한다고 하니까

Now that they're saying they're doing game training...

오늘 더 덥고 습하고

Today is hotter and more humid.

쨍쨍한 날씨에 트랙을 가더라고요

It's a sunny day, and I'm going to the track.

좀 놀랐어요

I was a bit surprised.

원래 여기서 뛸 줄 알았는데

I thought I could play here originally.

뛴다고 하면

If you say you're running

어땠어요? 게임즈 트레이닝

How was it? Games training.

요즘 선수들 각자 팀원들이랑

These days, each player with their teammates.

같은 프로그램 하죠 Mayhem

Let's do the same program, Mayhem.

그럼 게임즈 트레이닝은 어때요?

How about game training?

하기 전에 좀 마음가짐이라든지

Before doing it, something like a mindset or attitude.

팀원들이랑 운동할 때 느낌이라든지

The feeling when exercising with teammates.

오히려 게임즈 훈련하는 게 더 재밌어요

Actually, training for games is more fun.

because 세미까지는

because up to Semi

you know we know we're gonna be inside

You know, we know we’re going to be inside.

체육관 and it's gonna be like CrossFit

Gym and it's gonna be like CrossFit.

barbell stuff

barbell stuff

you know 턱걸이,

You know pull-ups,

봉 사용하는 이런 게 되게 많은데

There are a lot of things like this that use a bag.

청통, 크로스핏

Cheong Tong, CrossFit

yeah with the games we're getting outside

네, 우리가 외부에서 받는 게임들과 함께요.

첫 번째 주는 we went paddle boarding

The first week we went paddle boarding.

3시간 동안 거의

Almost for three hours.

paddle boarding 하러 가고

Going paddle boarding.

and then 저번 주말은

and then last weekend was

we did 철인 3점 경기

We did a triathlon.

하기 전에도 그 금요일은

Even before it happened, that Friday was...

저희 2시간 동안 수영 강습 받으면서 수영하고

We swam while taking a swimming lesson for 2 hours.

제가 생각하기에는 이런 게 되게 재밌는 훈련이라고 생각해요

I think this is a really interesting training.

yeah it's hot today

Yeah, it's hot today.

but you know I don't go to the track that often

하지만 너도 알다시피 나는 그 트랙에 그렇게 자주 가지 않아.

많이 안 가고

Not going much.

그래서 더워도 되게 재밌어요

So even though it's hot, it's really fun.

I took my shirt off

I took my shirt off.

you know there was no one there

You know there was no one there.

I was gonna say 주변에 아줌마다 없었어요

I was going to say there were no ladies around.

그 시간대 트레기엔 아무도 없거든요

There is no one at the trash can during that time.

there was actually two ladies

There were actually two ladies.

oh is it?

Oh, is it?

but that was it

하지만 그게 전부였다.

아저씨 담배 피는 아저씨 몇 명 있었고

There were a few uncles who smoked cigarettes.

I think because 점심시간이라서

I think it's because it's lunchtime.

낮에는 무슨 학생들?

What students are there during the day?

선수 학생들이 pt 받는 거 말고는 제가 못 봤거든요

I haven't seen anything other than the student athletes receiving PT.

저는 그 시간대 자주 갔었는데

I used to go there often during that time.

요즘은 더워서 낮에는 못 가고

These days it's so hot that I can't go during the day.

I love like training outside

I love training outside.

getting outside

getting outside

그래서 오늘 트레이닝은 혼자서 뭐 하셨어요?

So what did you do for training today by yourself?

today was mostly like track work stuff

오늘은 주로 트랙 작업 같은이었어요.

so the first one was like 옆으로

So the first one was like sideways.

10야드 뛰고 바로 돌아서 10야드 스프린트

Run 10 yards and then immediately turn around and sprint 10 yards.

both sides like 4개씩 하고

Do four on each side.

and then it was 200m medleys

그리고 나서 200m 혼계영 경기가 있었습니다.

so 100m or 100야드

So 100m or 100 yards.

I'll just say 100m

나는 그냥 100m라고 말할게.

100m를 뛰고 그 대신 매 20m마다

Run 100 meters and instead, every 20 meters.


At a 45-degree angle.

turn하고 turn하고 turn

turn and turn and turn

like you're zigzagging

마치 지그재그로 가고 있는 것 같아.

like you know at the games that have the pylons

Like you know in the games that have the pylons.

아 그 약간 이렇게

Oh, like this a little bit.

그거 도는 것처럼

Like it's spinning.

매 20야드마다

Every 20 yards.

we turn left right left right

우리는 좌로 왼쪽, 우로 오른쪽으로 방향을 바꿉니다.

left right

왼쪽 오른쪽

and then 100야드 채우고 나서

and then after filling 100 yards

거기서 10개 unbroken pistols 씩

Ten unbroken pistols over there.

10개씩 채우고 돌아와서

Fill it up with 10 and come back.

돌아올 때 100m sprint

100m sprint when returning

이거 zigzag 없이 그냥 한 번에 쭉 오는 거

This comes straight through without any zigzag.

프로그램은 혼자 한 거예요?

Did you do the program by yourself?

아니면은 프로그램은 뭐 mayhem 거 따로

Otherwise, what about a separate program called mayhem?

no that was mayhem

아니, 그건 아수라장이었다.

oh that's mayhem

Oh, that's chaos.

yeah that was mayhem track work today

Yeah, it was chaotic with the track work today.

so it was two rounds of that

그래서 그것이 두 라운드였어요.

and then 하고 나서

and then after that

400m run

400m run

four rounds 400m run

Four rounds of 400m run.

and one minute lsit hold

And one minute list hold.



그리고 와서

And come.

it was 10 sets of ring push-ups

It was 10 sets of ring push-ups.

ring rows

링 로우

and then 이따 there's

and then later there's

burpee get overs

burpee get overs

하고 2단 뛰기 crossovers

And 2-step jumping crossovers.

and then 수영

and then swimming

운동 양이 진짜 많아요

There's really a lot of exercise.

mayhem 선수들이 항상 상위권에 있었던 이유를

The reason why Mayhem players have always been at the top.

이걸 프로그램을 보고 알았어요

I learned this by watching the program.

거의 그냥 게임즈 수준으로 매일 운동을 하니까

I exercise almost every day at a level close to gaming.

와 이거 게임즈 가서 드림들겠는데라는 느낌이었어요

Wow, I felt like I could win a dream playing this game.

게임즈 트랙을 보면

If you look at the games track

근데 i don't think 볼륨 보다는

But I don't think it's about the volume.

i think they have figured out the programming

I think they have figured out the programming.

for a competitive crossfit

for a competitive CrossFit

you know we talked about it last time too

You know we talked about it last time too.

저도 최근에 mayhem 같이

I recently had mayhem too.

이제 팀원들이랑 하면서 느꼈던 게

What I've felt while working with the team members now is

i should have always done

I should have always done.

the conditioning workout first

The conditioning workout first.

매트콘을 먼저 항상

Always do the matcon first.

하고 나서

After doing it

근력 훈련 아니면 역도 훈련을 했으면

I wish I had done strength training or weightlifting.

저는 그게 더 필요했던 것 같아요

I think I needed that more.

but i always focused on weightlifting

하지만 나는 항상 웨이트 트레이닝에 집중했다.

i always spent like you know

I always spent, like, you know.

90분에서 2시간 동안

For 90 minutes to 2 hours.

스트렝스 훈련하고

Doing strength training.

and then 매트콘 하잖아요

And then we do Matcon, right?

근데 그게 바뀌니까

But that changes.

그 자극이 너무 달라요

That stimulation is so different.

가끔 매트콘 하고 나서

Sometimes after doing matcon.

i'm fresh and i'm spending you know

I'm fresh and I'm spending, you know.

that's the first thing i do

그게 내가 제일 먼저 하는 일이야.

the intensity is like very high

The intensity is extremely high.

in the conditioning workout

in the conditioning workout

끝나자마자 역도 하는 게 되게 어려워요

It's really difficult to do weightlifting right after finishing.

되게 오래 걸리고

It takes a really long time.



the 강도 제일 높은 거는

The one with the highest intensity.

was in the conditioning workouts

was in the conditioning workouts

not the weightlifting workouts

Not the weightlifting workouts.

and i feel like for me

그리고 나에게는 그런 기분이 들어.

that's what i needed

그게 내가 필요했던 거야.

because i've always done strength 먼저

Because I've always done strength first.

and then conditioning

그런 다음 컨디셔닝

그리고 요즘 와드에 대한

And these days, regarding the ward...

저희가 피드백도 이제 자주 받고

We are now receiving feedback more frequently.

컴플레인도 받잖아요

They receive complaints too.

이거 바꾼 이후로는

Since I changed this

없었어요 한 명 빼고

There was no one except for one person.

법티가 많다 이거 말고는

There are many legal issues besides this.

저도 솔직히

To be honest, me too.

요즘에는 없이 다 재밌게 하는 것 같아요

These days, it seems like everyone is having fun without anything.

즐겁게 좀 운동을 하시는 것 같고

It seems like you're enjoying exercising a bit.

근데 그 얘기는 맞는 것 같아요

But I think that story is true.


We are

무슨 팟캐스트지

What podcast is it?

이 얘기를 했었던 게 기억이 나는 게

I remember that I talked about this.

이 볼륨의 문제가 아니라

It's not a problem of this volume.



뭔가를 했을 때 강도의 문제인 것 같다

It seems to be a matter of intensity when doing something.


Programming is

한 프로그램에 그대로 따라가되

Follow the program exactly.

저희가 그때 얘기를 했었던 게

What we talked about back then was...

운동 background

Exercise background

운동 경력이 없는 한국 선수들

Korean athletes with no sports experience.

어렸을 때 갑자기 20대 돼서

I suddenly became in my twenties when I was young.

크로스핏이 너무 좋아서

I love CrossFit so much.

선수 생활을 하고 싶은데

I want to pursue an athletic career.



인벡티드 아니면 메헴 이런

Invected or mayhem, something like that.

해외 유명한 프로그램을

A famous program overseas.

그 볼륨을 무조건 채우려고만

Just trying to fill that volume no matter what.

하다 보니까

As I did it / While doing it

사실 다른 이유들이 있지만

In fact, there are other reasons, but...

부상이라던지 이런 걸 되게 많이 봤잖아요

We have seen a lot about injuries and such.

우리가 그때 얘기했었을 때는

When we talked about it back then

이거는 운동을 잘하는 거는

This is about being good at exercising.

볼륨의 문제가 아니라

It's not a matter of volume.

그 운동에 주어진

Given to that exercise.

와드라던지 역도라던지 이런 거에

Things like wards or weightlifting.

그 강도

That robbing act.

강도가 자극을 제대로 수행을 하고 있느냐

Is the intensity being performed properly?

약간 그 얘기를 했던 게

I talked about that a little bit.


Do you remember?

그리고 게임즈 선수들 보면

And when you look at the game players,

지금 인스타에 올라오는 선수들

Players currently being posted on Instagram.

한 5년 이상

About 5 years or more.

같은 선수들을 보면

When I see the same players

항상 비시즌 때는 다른 운동을 해요

I always do other sports during the off-season.

산악자전거, 철인 3종 경기

Mountain biking, triathlon

50킬로 달리기 하는

Running 50 kilometers

선수들도 봤고

I saw the players too.

그리고 그

And that

조니 코스키인가

Is it Johnny Koski?

그 사람은 정말

That person is really.

하루 종일 운동만 하더라고요

I just exercise all day long.

비시즌 때도

Even during the off-season.

마운틴 바이킹

Mountain Biking

긴 마라톤

Long marathon

수영 이런 걸 다 돌아가면서

Swimming, everything like this takes turns.

직업이 뭔가 궁금할 정도

I'm curious about what your job is.

수입이 어디서 나지?

Where does the income come from?



게임즈를 위한 운동을 하는 느낌을

The feeling of exercising for games.

많이 받았어요

I received a lot.

그 선수들도 좋은 지원 시스템이 있어요

Those players also have a good support system.

요나 코스키

Yona Koski

그 원래 수영 선수

The original swimmer.

아, 맞나요?

Ah, is that right?

네, 수영 선수인 것 같아요

Yes, I think you are a swimmer.

그래서 수영을 엄청 잘해요

So I swim really well.

근데 그 선수는

But that player...

크로스핏을 하고 있어요

I am doing CrossFit.

19살짜리 때

When I was 19 years old.

제가 유럽에서

I am in Europe.

리지널 갔었을 때

When I went to Reginald.

요나 코스키 나왔는데

Yona Koski has come out.


The story is

크로스핏 게임을 가기 위해

To go to the CrossFit Games.

가장 젊은 학생이었어요

I was the youngest student.


Was it in 2014?


Year 2013

그때 수영와드 1등 했잖아요

At that time, Suyeong won first place, right?

처음 나왔는데

It's my first time coming out.

아, 그거는 모르고

Ah, I didn't know that.

제가 처음으로 갔을 때

When I first went.

사실 2013년에 갔을 때

Actually, when I went in 2013

2014년에 갔을 때

When I went in 2014.

근데 머리 항상 모자 뒤로

But your hair is always behind the hat.



되게 잘했어요

You did very well.

저는 최근에

I recently

게임즈 영상을 보는데

I'm watching game videos.

게임즈에 처음 나왔는데

It’s my first time appearing in games.

제일 어리고 수영와드

The youngest and swimming ward.

해변에서 했는데 1등

I did it at the beach and came in first place.

하고 2등이 조시브릿지

And second place is Josie Bridge.

그래서 그

So that guy

MC 해주는 사람들이

People who act as MCs

제일 어린데 루키 1등 한 거

The youngest won first place in the rookie category.

대단한 거라고 하면서

Saying it's amazing.

나와서 하는데 수영을

I'm doing swimming out here.

선수를 했으니까 그렇게 잘하는구나

That's why you're doing so well, since you were an athlete.

수영 선수였어요

I was a swimmer.

그리고 미코 세일로를 코치했었어요

And I coached Miko Sailor.

미코 세일로가

Miko Sailor.

크로스핏 게임즈 챔피언이었어요

I was the CrossFit Games champion.

그 사람이었어요?

Was it that person?

오펙스 오너

OPEX owner

그 사람 뒤에

Behind that person

그 다음 년

The next year.

미코 세일로였어요

It was Miko's sale.


I'm sorry.

다음 년

Next year

아니 다음 년 했는데 죄송해요

No, I did it next year, I'm sorry.

정신이 맑지가 않아서

I'm not feeling clear-headed.

미코 세일로

Mico Sailor

그리고 I remember

And I remember.



미코 세일로는 되게

Miko is really great.

얼굴이 he's very stoic 아무리 힘들어도

His face is very stoic, no matter how difficult it is.

힘든 모습 안 보여주고

Not showing a tough appearance.



와드를 끝냈을 때 절대로 눕지 않고

When you finish the ward, never lie down.

이런 마인드셋이 있어요

There is this mindset.


Real man

but I think it's a Finnish thing

하지만 나는 이것이 핀란드의 특징이라고 생각해.

핀란드에서 이런 시수라는 개념이 있는데

In Finland, there is a concept called "sisu."



미코 세일로 was the one who was coaching

Miko Sailor was the one who was coaching.



in the beginning

in the beginning



말이 되게

Make it sensible.

it's like all over the place right now

It's like everything is chaotic right now.

근데 포인트는 같아요

But the point is the same.

약간 게임즈에 겨냥한 그런 얘기니까

It's a story that is somewhat aimed at games.

그럼 팀원들이랑은

So, what about the team members?


What is it?

아니 원래 지금 게임즈 트레이닝

No, it’s originally game training right now.

얘기하고 있었잖아요

We were talking, remember?

그럼 팀원들은 평일에는

Then, the team members during weekdays...

각자 그냥 하는 거예요?

Are we all just doing our own thing?

we all follow mayhem right now

우리는 모두 지금 혼란을 따르고 있습니다.

만날 때는

When we meet

we try to

we try to

just get out

그냥 나가.



그런데 게임즈에서도

But in games as well


even in mayhem

게임즈 위주로 프로그래밍이

Programming focused on games.

따로 나와요

It comes out separately.

there's weekly swimming

There’s weekly swimming.

there's weekly like

There's a weekly schedule.

이런 뛰는 것도 있고

There are things like this that jump.

그래서 거기서

So there.

있으면 똑같이 하고

If you have it, do the same.



if we get the opportunity to get in the water

if we get the opportunity to get in the water

somewhere we try to do that

어딘가에서 우리는 그것을 하려고 노력합니다.

그러면 이제

Then now

어쨌든 다른 공간에서 하잖아요

Anyway, we do it in a different space.

하고 나서 서로 와드에 대해서

Afterward, about each other’s wards.

대화도 나누고 그러나요?

Do you also have conversations?

어떤 점으로요?

In what way?

이제 와드 끝나고 나서

Now, after the ward is over.

이 와드 했냐

Did you place this ward?

몇 분 나왔냐

How many minutes did you come out?

i haven't been very good about

I haven't been very good about.

putting my scores up

올리기 나의 점수

my results on sugar wad

내 설탕단위에서의 결과

but they put their results

하지만 그들은 결과를 발표했다.

on there so we see it

거기서 우리는 그것을 봅니다.

mayhem이 그

mayhem is that

mayhem 얘기 나왔으니까

Since we're talking about mayhem...

mayhem이 또

mayhem again

되게 좋은 게

It's really good.


To the team

민산 선수가 원래

Min-san was originally a player.

mayhem을 팔로우 하면서

Following mayhem.

프로그램을 했었는데

I had a program.

mayhem 쪽에서 1년치 선수들이

One year's worth of players from Mayhem.

다 할 수 있게 프로그램을

A program that can do everything.

제공을 해줬다고 해요

They said they provided it.

이런 것들을 되게 잘 하니까

You're really good at things like this.

선수들이 프로그램도 물론 좋지만

The athletes certainly appreciate the program, but...

이런 것도 되게 잘 하니까

You're really good at doing things like this too.

선수들이 되게 많이

A lot of players.

프로그램을 따라 하는 거 같아요

It feels like I'm following the program.

이번에 아시아 세미에서도

This time at the Asia seminar too

남자 1등이 아마

The first place for men is probably...

mayhem 선수일걸요?

It must be the player Mayhem, right?

1등인가 2등이 보니까

It looks like I'm either in first or second place.


Second place?

i always see his results

I always see his results.

그 몰테자

That Maltese.

항상 sugar wad 보면

Whenever I see sugar wad

he's always at the top

그는 항상 정상을 지키고 있어요.

그 선수도 mayhem athlete이더라고요

That athlete is also a Mayhem athlete.

i don't know if semenov

I don't know if Semenov.

i think semenov is also

I think Semenov is also.

1등 한

First place.

러시아 친구

Russian friend

이름이 독특해서

The name is unique.

근데 생각보다

But it's more than I thought.

선수들 이름 보이잖아요

You can see the players' names, right?

반팔티도 보고

I'm looking at short-sleeve tees too.

어디서 봤는데 하고 보면

If you think about where you've seen it.

아시아에서 1등

Number one in Asia.



mayhem 프로그램 따라가는데

I am following the mayhem program.

games 가는 선수들이 생각보다 되게 많더라고요

There are surprisingly a lot of players going to the games.

제일 많아요

There are the most.

그리고 이때쯤 되면

And by this time,

영상 일주일에 한 번씩 올라오거든요

Videos are uploaded once a week.


from mayhem

games 선수들이 너무 많이 트레이닝을 하러 오니까

The players come to train too much for the games.

공간도 나눠서

Sharing the space as well.


The players too.

예를 들어 roman

For example, Roman.

roman은 mayhem에 넘어온 이유가

The reason Roman came over to Mayhem is

원래 brute strength에서

Originally in brute strength

코치를 봤는데

I saw the coach.

혼자 운동하는 게 너무 심심해서

I'm too bored working out alone.

mayhem에 가서 쿼터도 제거하다가

Go to mayhem and remove the quarter.

mayhem 갔대요

They said there was mayhem.

친구가 없다고

I have no friends.

그래서 가서 브라질 사람들

So go and see the Brazilians.

미국 사람들


시합에서 봤었던 사람들이랑

With the people I saw at the match.

같이 운동하는데

Let's exercise together.

나눠서 한대요

I'll do it in parts.

각자 선수의 성향별로 나눠서

Divided by each player's tendencies.

자기네들끼리 맞춰서 하는

They adjust it among themselves.

그룹들이 되게 많대요

There are a lot of groups.

그래서 mayhem 얘기

So, talking about mayhem.

또 나와들었는데

I heard again.

미국 가면 mayhem 방문할 예정이죠

I plan to visit Mayhem when I go to the United States.


With the team members.

we fly 24일

We fly on the 24th.

일주일 동안

For a week



for the first couple of days

for the first couple of days

we'll probably

우리는 아마도

explore around madison

Explore around Madison.

한 수요일

A Wednesday

목요일 쯤에

Around Thursday.

cookville tennessee

Cookville, Tennessee

그래서 거기서

So there.

2-3일 동안 운동하고

Exercise for 2-3 days.


I will try to do it.


It's close.

madison에서 tennessee는

Tennessee from Madison

운전으로 하면 15시간

It takes 15 hours by driving.

미국은 15시간

The United States is 15 hours.


It's gum.

it's gum dog

It's gum, dog.

we might drive

우리는 운전할지도 몰라요.



그냥 비행기 탈 것 같아요

I think I'm just going to take a plane.

그게 나을 것 같아요

I think that would be better.

국내에서는 비행기 값이 엄청 싸요

The airplane tickets are really cheap in the country.

운전 오면 그 거리는

When you drive, that distance is...

you could probably fly for

you could probably fly for

less than $50

less than $50

50불 이하로

Under 50 dollars.

그럼 우리도 LA에서

Then us too in LA.

madison 가는 거

Going to Madison.

가서 하는 게 나을까요?

Should I go and do it?


That is.

that is too far

그것은 너무 멀다.

so south west is like the

So southwest is like the

cheapest one for that

The cheapest one for that.

on the east coast

on the east coast

i remember when i was in florida

나는 플로리다에 있었던 때가 기억난다.

on the east coast they had a

On the east coast they had a

flight line

flight line

or airline i'm sorry

Or airline, I'm sorry.

airline called legion air

Airline called Legion Air

and 거기서 i flew from tampa to

and from there I flew from Tampa to

virginia for 20 bucks

Virginia for 20 bucks.

to go see mike's graduation

to go see Mike's graduation

내가 기억하는 버지니아는

What I remember about Virginia is

칼러스 코치님과 겨울에

With Coach Callus in the winter.

스키 타러 가려고

I'm going to go skiing.

새해 겸 스키 타러 가려고

I'm planning to go skiing for the New Year.

템파에서 버지니아까지

From Tampa to Virginia.

운전하고 갔거든요

I drove there.

west virginia

West Virginia

더 멀어요

It's further away.

둘이서만 운전을 했거든요

We drove just the two of us.

친구들 다닥다닥 붙어가지고

Friends huddled together.

승용차에 다섯 명이

Five people in a passenger car.

저는 그거

I am that.

funny thing is

the funny thing is

그 차가

That car

저희 차가 아니었어요

It wasn't our car.

저희 친구 차였는데

Our friend got dumped.

그 친구를 못 믿어서

Because I can't trust that friend.

저희가 운전을 했어요

We drove.

그래서 진짜

So really

저희 운전 진짜 많이 했어요 그때

We drove a lot during that time.

it was chung's car

그 차는 청의 차였다.

oh it was chung's car

Oh, it was Chung's car.

and nobody wanted to drive that

그리고 아무도 그것을 운전하고 싶어하지 않았습니다.

far with chung

"far with chung"

이렇게 하면 그냥 안간다고

If you do it this way, I just won't go.

그래서 자기 차인데도

So even though it's his own car.

자기 운전을 못하고

Can't drive myself.

저희 둘이서

Just the two of us.


While returning.

거의 반씩 이렇게 운전했던 것 같아요

I think I drove like this for almost half the time.

그것도 안한게 아니고

It's not that I haven't done that either.

못한거에요 하고싶은데

I want to do it, but I can't.

운전하면 안간다고

You said you wouldn't go if you drive.

하면서 하니까

While doing it, I realized.

무슨 느낌이었을까

I wonder what it felt like.

자기 차 운전 못하면

If you can't drive your own car

그런데 그런걸 되게 많이

But I do that a lot.


I was hurt.

그 친구는

That friend is

A little.

he's the definition

그는 정의의 실체이다.

of murphy's law

of Murphy's Law

머피의 법칙 알아요?

Do you know Murphy's Law?


I've heard of it.

something that will go wrong

무언가 잘못될 것이다

will go wrong

will go wrong

그 친구는

That friend

말을 하면 안되는 친구

A friend you shouldn't talk about.

아니요 그냥 행동을

No, just act.

테이블이 이렇게 있어요

There is a table like this.

되게 멀쩡한 테이블이죠

It's a perfectly fine table.

그런데 그 친구의 손이 닿으면 갑자기 부러져

But suddenly it breaks when that friend's hand touches it.

이런 느낌

This feeling.

everything he touches breaks

그가 만지는 모든 것이 부서진다.

그 차도

That car too.

그 차도 저희 갔다오고

The car also went there.

새차는 아니에요

It's not a new car.


It was a used car.

it was a mazda6

It was a Mazda6.


6 months

차 사고 6개월 후에 차가 부러졌어요

The car broke down six months after the accident.

저도 약간 친구들한테 그런 느낌이 있어가지고

I also feel a bit like that towards my friends.

현진쌤도 딱 그 느낌인데

Hyun-jin teacher has that exact feeling too.

그분은 그냥

He is just


10 times

현진보다 10배

10 times more than Hyunjin.

그래서 그냥 하지 말라고

So just don't do it.

얘기를 해야돼요

I need to talk.

정수기를 쓰는데도

Even though I use a water purifier

정수기 잘못해서

I messed up the water purifier.

물 콸콸 넘치는

Water gushing out.

근데 그거를 멈출 줄 모르는

But they don't know how to stop it.

약간 그런

A little bit like that.

사고도 있었어요 집에서

There was an accident at home.

어떻게 보면 진짜 무서운 사람이네

In a way, you're really a scary person.

무서운 사람이에요

It's a scary person.

he passed away

그는 세상을 떠났다.

칼로스 코치님

Coach Carlos

친구 무리가 있어요

I have a group of friends.

고등학교 때부터 친하던 무리였는데

We were a close group since high school.

내 친구는 젊은 나이에

My friend is at a young age.

지병이 있어가지고

Because I have a chronic illness.



하늘나라로 먼저 갔는데

I went to the heavenly kingdom first.

그 친구랑 있었던

I was with that friend.

시간은 항상 기억이

Time is always a memory.

정말 많이 남아요

There is really a lot left.

지금 옆에 왔네 안녕하세요

Hello, you've come over now.

뭐든지 항상 기억에 남는 친구

A friend who always leaves a lasting impression.

제가 제일 고생을 많이 했어요

I had the toughest time.

그 친구랑 같이 있었으면서

I was with that friend.

데리고 다니면서

Taking along.

칼로스 코치님은 그냥

Coach Carlos is just

운명인 것 같아요

It seems like fate.

그런 사람들을 주위에 많이 두고 있는 것 같아요

I seems like I have a lot of such people around me.





저희 군대 ROTC 같이 하잖아요

We do ROTC together in our military.

차를 사고

Buying a car.

부러지면서 저는 오토바이를 타고

While breaking, I rode the motorcycle.

미스티는 제 차를

Misty has my car.

운전하는 시기가 있었어요

There was a time when I drove.

그래서 저는 오토바이를 타는데

So I ride a motorcycle.

이제 그 친구도

Now that friend too


With me

he moved out

그는 이사갔다.

집을 같이

Together at home.

근데 차가 부러지면서

But as the car was breaking.

이제 못 가는 거예요 학교로

I can't go to school now.

아빠한테 무서워서 말은 못하고

I can't say it because I'm scared of dad.

그래서 저 오토바이 뒤에

So behind that motorcycle


Every day

그것도 크로스로켓

That's a cross rocket too.

그래서 R1

So R1

스포츠 바이

Sport buy

그래서 되게 앞 이렇게 있잖아요

So, it's really right in front like this.

약간 혼자 타야 되는 그런

It’s something you have to ride a bit alone.

it was always dick to booty

It was always dick to booty.

아 이거 제가 한국말로

Ah, I can do this in Korean.

저거 해야 되네요

I have to do that.

그분의 소중한 부위가

His precious part

그리고 저희 아침에 PT 하잖아요

And we have PT in the morning.

so I would go 저희 집을

So I would go to my house.

6시에 떠나고

Leave at 6 o'clock.

저희는 PT복을 입으면 더우니까

It's hot when we wear our PT uniforms.

항상 짧은 shorts 입어요

I always wear short shorts.

and 그 당시에 it was really short

And at that time it was really short.

오토바이 타면

If you ride a motorcycle

내꺼도 여기 올라와 있고

My stuff is also up here.

그 친구꺼도 여기까지 올라와요

That friend's also comes up to here.

많이 올라가네요

It's going up a lot.

그러면 이제 돌아와요 샤워하고 먹으러

Then I'll be back now to shower and eat.

그런데 그 시간이 고등학생들

But that time is for high school students.

이제 학교 갈 시간인데

It's time to go to school now.

걔네들은 버스 타면서 가잖아요

They take the bus to go.

저희 올 때마다 막 like

Every time we come, it's just like...

whistle 하고 이렇게 하고

Whistle and do it like this.

and we have army shirt on

and we have army shirts on

그런거는 몰랐어요

I didn't know that.

so many stories

so many stories

우리 나중에 팟캐스트 그 친구만 해도

We can do a podcast with that friend later.

한 두시간 얘기할 수 있을 것 같아요

I think we can talk for an hour or two.

거의 특집 이렇게 해서

Almost a special feature like this.

그치 그치

That's right, that's right.

좀 무섭네

It's a bit scary.

행복한 기억이 되게 많아요

There are many happy memories.

그 친구 있으면 약간

If that friend is around, it's a bit...

진짜 이런 한숨이 나오는데

I really feel like sighing like this.

미워할 수 없는


되게 너무 착한 친구

Really, such a nice friend.

그냥 마음도 너무 착하고

They have a really kind heart.


그냥 이런 일이 많이

Just a lot of things like this.

당하니까 답답한거 빼고는

Aside from feeling frustrated because it happened.

he is such a

He is such a...

just a gentle heart 되게 착했어요

Just a gentle heart, you were really kind.

저한테 구박을 되게 많이 받아요

I get scolded a lot.



제가 한국계 미국인이거든요

I am a Korean-American.

사진 옛날에 본 것 같아요

I feel like I've seen this photo before.

나보다 나이 많게 생겨가지고

You look older than me.

누나 누나 밥 먹었어?

Sister, have you eaten?

막 이렇게 얘기하고

Just talking like this.

한국말도 못하고 영어도 못해요

I can't speak Korean and I can't speak English.


I couldn't do it.


It's friendly.

맞아요 친근해요

That's right, it's friendly.

어쨌든 다시 돌아가서

Anyway, going back again.

베헴 비즈트해서 거기에서 운동도

Let's exercise there after a brief visit.

어차피 미국 가는 김에 사실 이제

Since I'm going to the U.S. anyway, actually now...

한국권이 어차피 비싸니까

Because Korean rights are expensive anyway.

갔을 때 경험할 수 있는 것들을 많이 경험하는게

Experiencing a lot of things that you can when you go.

좋은 것 같아요

I think it's good.

칼로스 팀은 24일날에 출국을 하고

The Carlos team will depart on the 24th.


We are

28일에 회원님 몇 분이랑

On the 28th, with how many members?

이렇게 갈거고

"I'm going to go like this."

그리고 보니까

And then I realized.

그 40p의 켈리

That 40p Kelly.

켈리하고 브라인은 30일날 또 간다고 하더라고요

Kelly and Brian said they are going again on the 30th.

그 얘기했는데

I talked about that.


They said they gave (it).

그 원호 코치님이 줬대요 티켓을

They said Coach Won-ho gave the ticket.

자기 못 간다고

I can't go.

아 게임즈 티켓을

Ah, the game ticket.

그래서 뭐지

So what is it?

브라이언도 간다고 자기 한 매년 갔다던데요

Brian said he goes there every year.

한 6년 연속으로 갔다더라고요

I've heard that they went for about six consecutive years.

아마 거의 갔을 거예요

They probably went almost.

그래서 같이 가는 걸로 알고 있어요

So I understand that we are going together.

같이 가서 이제 시간 되면은 같이 밥도 먹고

Let's go together, and when the time comes, we can have a meal together.

그러자 이제 얘기를 했었거든요

So then we talked about it.

어쨌든 두 분이 되게 서포트를 되게 많이 해줘서

Anyway, both of you have really supported me a lot.

팀 마블을

Team Marvel

아 그래요? 그 시합 때

Oh really? During that match.

저희 응원하는데 와서 마이크도 되게 사실

We're really cheering for you, and it would be great if you could come with a microphone.

많이 대주고 응원도 같이 해주고

Giving a lot and also supporting together.

그러니까 그게 되게

So that means it's really...


I'm grateful.

다들 고생 많이 하셨을 거예요

Everyone must have worked hard.

세팅하는 것부터 말하는 것부터

From setting up to speaking.

어쨌든 많은 사람들이

Anyway, many people...

왔다갔다 하니까

Going back and forth.

게임즈는 사실 더 기대가 돼요

I'm actually looking forward to the games even more.

아 게임즈 가는 건

Ah, going to the games.

비행기표 때문에 솔직히

Honestly, because of the plane ticket.

좀 덜 부러웠거든요 이제

I felt a bit less envious now.

약간 너무 그게 있으니까

It's a bit too much of that.

아 메이엔 간다고 하니까

Oh, you said you're going to Maine.

다시 가고 싶네

I want to go again.

가서 진짜 한 3일

Go and really stay for about 3 days.

그 되게 애슬릿 캠프도

That athletic camp too.

거기서 제일 많이 하거든요

That's where they do the most.

특정 리치 프로이닝이 되는 시즌에는

During the season when a specific rich pro-ing occurs

그것만 해요 매주

I do that every week.

한 달 동안

For a month


Every week

그래서 나중에 그것도 한 번 가보고 싶어요

So I want to try going there once later.



그때는 메이엠 애슬릿이 다 와요

At that time, the Mayhem Athlete will come.

걔네들도 이걸 쓸 거 아니에요

They will use this too, right?

비자도 대준다고 들었거든요

I heard that they also provide visas.

그러면은 어떤 이벤트를 할 때는

Then, when we have an event...

너네 와서 같이 해 이러면은 와서

Come here and join us, if you say so.

같이 JTC도 40개 해야지

Let's do 40 JTCs together.

그렇게 한다고 하더라고요

I heard that they do it like that.


Next year.

내년을 기약하며

With the promise of next year.


이렇게 해서 얘기한다는 얘기인 줄 알았어요

I thought you were saying this way.

아 아니요

Ah no.

마이크를 붙였어요

I attached the microphone.

그럼 파트 2

Then part 2.

저번 주 파트 1이고 오늘은 파트 2

Last week was part 1, and today is part 2.

약간 그런 느낌이네요

It feels a bit like that.

여기까지 하고 파트 3는

Let's stop here and move on to Part 3.

팀원들이 오나요?

Are the team members coming?

7월 가기 전에

Before July comes.


On the 15th.


그럼 그 전이나 후로

Then either before or after that.

은표한테 얘기해서

I'll talk to Eun-pyo.

잡고 같이 할까요?

Shall we hold on and do it together?

한 명씩 아니면 다같이?

One by one or together?

그 얘기한 게 한 명씩도

Not even one person mentioned that story.

스케줄을 잡고 다같이도 한 번

Let's schedule a time for all of us to get together.

하는 게 좋을 것 같은 게

I think it would be better to do it.

각자의 얘기를 또 하고

Let’s talk about each other’s stories again.

팀으로서 또 얘기도 한 번 하고

Let's have a conversation as a team again.

그거는 시간 맞추면 될 것 같아요

I think that can be adjusted to fit the time.

오케이 그러면 오늘은

Okay, then today is...


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