About Me

The Spesho Ohana

The Spesho Ohana

About Me

The Spesho Ohana

한국어 자막은 자막을 사용하여 자막을 사용하였습니다.

Korean subtitles were used using subtitles.

자막을 사용하여 자막을 사용하였습니다.

I used subtitles to use subtitles.

안녕하세요. 오나입니다.

Hello. This is Ona.

오늘은 여러분의 지저분한 하루를 살려주기 위해 왔습니다.

Today, I have come to save your messy day.

여러분이 궁금해 하실 수도 있습니다.

You may be curious.

이 여자는 누구인가요?

Who is this woman?

이 여자의 팟캐스트 사진이 아시아인으로 보이네요.

This woman's podcast photo looks like she's Asian.

하지만 그녀는 영어로 이름을 받았습니다.

But she received her name in English.

네, 저는 아시아인입니다.

Yes, I am Asian.

한국어로는 혈압을 받습니다.

In Korean, it receives blood pressure.

엄마는 말합니다.

Mom says.

엄마는 그녀가 나를 한국에서

Mom is in Korea with me.

under the bridge under the bridge in korea

비 아래, 한국의 비 아래.

pick me up under the bridge in korea

Pick me up under the bridge in Korea.

well, that's what all korean parents tell you.

Well, that's what all Korean parents say to you.

especially when you're naughty.

특히 너가 장난칠 때.

i remember my mom always yelling at me

I remember my mom always yelling at me.

when i'm being naughty.

when I'm being naughty.

she would say something like

그녀는 다음과 같은 말을 할 것이다.

i should never pick you up under that bridge

I should never pick you up under that bridge.

you're disobeying me and all

You're disobeying me and everything.


it may be traumatizing for some of you guys

It may be traumatizing for some of you.

but being korean

하지만 한국인이라는 것.

i was like

I was like.

okay mom i get it

Okay mom, I get it.

i look nothing like my mom

I look nothing like my mom.

i'm all dad

I'm all dad.

so even till this day

so even to this day

my mom says she adopted me from that bridge in korea

My mom says she adopted me from that bridge in Korea.

and i guess some people are like

그리고 어떤 사람들은 그런 것 같아.

is it okay to say that

Is it okay to say that?

and i'm like

그리고 나는 이렇게 말할 수 있어.

yeah she says that

응, 그녀가 그렇게 말해.

she's been saying that for 40 plus years now

She's been saying that for over 40 years now.

anyway back to my story

어쨌든 내 이야기로 돌아가자.

my mom and i immigrated to the u.s of a

My mom and I immigrated to the U.S.A.

in 1987

in 1987

i say my mom and i because

I say my mom and I because

my dad's life was cut short to lymphoma

My dad's life was cut short due to lymphoma.

i know now lymphoma is very treatable

I know now that lymphoma is very treatable.

and often curable

그리고 자주 치료 가능한

but i guess back in the early 80s in korea

하지만 내가 생각하기에 80년대 초반의 한국에서는

if you've got any type of cancer

if you've got any type of cancer

it basically means you're on death row

It basically means you're on death row.

but compared to now

하지만 지금에 비해

korea is like the leading pioneers

Korea is like the leading pioneers.

of modern medicine and technology

의 현대 의학과 기술

and i'm very proud of my motherland

And I'm very proud of my motherland.



so from korea we moved to hawaii

So from Korea, we moved to Hawaii.

and 30 plus years later

and 30 plus years later

i am still unable to

나는 아직도 할 수 없다.

leave this damn rock

Leave this damn rock.

i'm just kidding

I’m just kidding.

i love hawaii who wouldn't

I love Hawaii, who wouldn't?

so i'm a naturalized citizen

So I'm a naturalized citizen.

so when you are naturalized

so when you are naturalized

they give you the option

그들은 당신에게 선택권을 줍니다.

if you want to change your name

If you want to change your name.

and instead of keeping my korean name

그리고 내 한국 이름을 유지하는 대신

um i just

Um, I just...

decided to go with a more

decided to go with a more



or non asian name

or non-Asian name

so why did i go with the name erin

So why did I choose the name Erin?

one of my aunts married

One of my aunts got married.

a non korean

a non-Korean

and he is irish

그는 아일랜드 사람입니다.

and i thought it would be fitting

그리고 나는 그것이 적합할 것이라고 생각했다.

to ask him

그에게 물어보다

well first of all

Well, first of all.

the reason why i'm here

the reason why I'm here

is because


my aunt married

내 이모가 결혼했다.

my uncle

내 삼촌

who was born in the usa

누가 미국에서 태어났나요?

but with irish

하지만 아일랜드어로.



or blood or whatever you call it

or blood or whatever you call it

so she invited

그래서 그녀가 초대했어요.

all her siblings

모든 그녀의 형제자매들

her parents and all

그녀의 부모님과 모든 사람.

so we got the chance of

so we got the chance of

do you wanna live in korea

Do you want to live in Korea?

or do you wanna immigrate to the us

Or do you want to immigrate to the US?

so we decided we were gonna move to us

So we decided we were going to move to the U.S.

after my dad passed away

after my dad passed away

so i thought it was fitting

So I thought it was fitting.

to ask him because

그에게 물어보세요 왜냐하면

thanks to him

그 덕분에

we ended up here

우리는 결국 여기까지 왔다.



anyway yeah

어쨌든 그래

so he gave me the name erin

So he gave me the name Erin.

oh and funny story

Oh, and a funny story.

so in korea when you're born

So in Korea, when you're born

you have to

you have to

go to this city hall

Go to this city hall.

like a city hall

like a city hall

every town has their own little center

Every town has its own little center.

but anyway

하지만 어쨌든

you go there to report

You go there to report.

a birth of a child with a name

the birth of a child with a name

usually the head of the household

일반적으로 가정의 가장

goes to report it

가서 보고합니다.

and i think

그리고 나는 생각해.

it's like a

it's like a

you know

you know

if you go to that city hall center

If you go to that city hall center

to report a birth of a child

to report a birth of a child

with a name

with a name

usually the head of the household

보통 가정의 가장

goes to report it

보고하러 간다.

and i think

그리고 나는 생각한다.

they have to go to

그들은 가야 한다.

like a city hall center

like a city hall center

to report a birth of a child

to report a birth of a child

and at the time

그 당시

when i was born

when I was born

my grandpa was the head of the family

My grandpa was the head of the family.

because he was like

because he was like

the eldest of the family

the eldest of the family

so my dad

So my dad

was the first son of the family

그 가족의 첫째 아들이었습니다.

so my grandparents

so my grandparents

obviously expected a grandson

obviously expected a grandson

typical korean family tradition

전형적인 한국 가족 전통

or typical asian family tradition

or typical Asian family tradition



you're a son

You're a son.

you need a son

You need a son.



my grandparents

my grandparents

obviously expected a grandson

Obviously expected a grandson.



my grandfather

my grandfather

was the eldest

was the eldest

so he

so he

would be the one

would be the one

giving the names

giving the names

of all the boys that are born

of all the boys that are born

so he kind of planned this

그래서 그는 이걸 어느 정도 계획했어.

whole name out

전부 이름 공개

the first grandson would be this name

the first grandson would be this name

and the second would be this name

그리고 두 번째는 이 이름입니다.

and it all

그리고 모든 것

kind of like rhymes

kind of like rhymes

like how we have like

Like how we have like

oh you have jordan

Oh, you have Jordan.





all starts with j's

All starts with J's

i mean something like that

I mean something like that.

but there's a rule to it

하지만 그에 대한 규칙이 있다.

like your family needs to have a son

Like your family needs to have a son.

that starts with

that starts with

jun or ends with jun

jun or ends with jun

or something like that

or something like that

but anyway back again

하지만 어쨌든 다시 돌아왔습니다.

i'm like going off so

I'm like going off so.

my grandfather


had this name planned out

이 이름은 미리 계획해 놓았어요.

for me but

For me but.

it was all bad news when i

it was all bad news when I

popped out hello

popped out hello

it's me your first grand

It's me, your first grandchild.



oh my god

Oh my god.

my grandparents were furious

내 조부모님은 매우 화가 나셨다.

it wasn't even my mom's fault but

it wasn't even my mom's fault but

i don't know they were upset at my mom

I don't know why they were upset with my mom.

they would not talk to my mom

그들은 내 엄마와 이야기하지 않으려고 했다.

or accept me into the family

또는 나를 가족으로 받아들여 주세요.

for like two years

거의 2년 동안



i didn't have a name for

I didn't have a name for.

literally two years

literally two years

yeah and

응, 그리고

when my aunty

when my aunty

the one who married the american guy

the one who married the American guy

or irish guy

or Irish guy

whatever you call it

무엇이라고 부르든지

my aunty

내 이모

came to visit us from

came to visit us from

i think she was living either

I think she was living either.

in the us or in germany

In the US or in Germany.

at the time

at the time

so her being americanized and all

So her being Americanized and all.

she was like hey

She was like, "Hey."

my little niece what's your name and my

My little niece, what's your name?

mom's like

Mom's like

she don't got a name yet

She doesn't have a name yet.

and she was like

그리고 그녀는 이렇게 말했다.

what this is totally

what this is totally



yeah so she was like this ain't happening

Yeah, so she was like, "This isn't happening."

i'm going out and i'm gonna find

I'm going out and I'm going to find.

her name so she went

Her name, so she went.

out and went to this place that sells

out and went to this place that sells

names yes

names yes

you heard me correctly

You heard me correctly.

in korea there are these

In Korea, there are these.

shops or

shops or

like these people that

like these people that

you go to that's

You go to that.

sells names and they don't just

sells names and they don't just

pick out a name from a book and say like

Pick a name from a book and say "like."

oh okay this one no they don't

Oh okay, this one? No, they don't.

do that so they look at like what

Do that so they look at you like what?

time of day you were born what day

What time of day were you born? What day was it?

and you know what year

그리고 당신은 어떤 해인지 알고 있습니다.

and your

그리고 당신의

all your astrological

모든 당신의 점성술

and feng shui whatever stuff

그리고 풍수지리 그 모든 것들

so yeah my aunt

So yeah, my aunt.

bought me my

bought me my

korean name for

Korean name for





yes you heard me correctly she paid

Yes, you heard me correctly; she paid.

five bucks for my name

다섯 달러로 내 이름

thirty years ago in korea

Thirty years ago in Korea.

five bucks

five bucks

five dollars is probably like

Five dollars is probably like

how you would treat a fifty

how you would treat a fifty



bill like i mean

Bill, like I mean.

for fifty bucks in hawaii

For fifty bucks in Hawaii.

you can't really get much

You can't really get much.

maybe like

maybe like

uh lunch for

Uh, lunch for

two people kind of like

two people kind of like

you know nice sit down place

Do you know a nice place to sit down?

but anyway fifty bucks isn't cheap

하지만 어쨌든 50달러는 싸지 않다.

but so yeah she paid

하지만 그래요, 그녀가 결제했어요.

five bucks

five bucks

yeah my aunt spent some

Yeah, my aunt spent some.

dole on my name

"Call me by my name."

so my

so my

aunt took that paper

Aunt took that paper.

with my name on it and slapped

내 이름이 적혀 있고 붙어 있다.

it on my dad's face

그것은 아빠의 얼굴에 있어요.

and my dad gave

그리고 아빠가 줬어.

it to my grandparents

그것을 내 조부모에게.

and i guess from there

그리고 그로부터 추측하자면

he finally reported

그는 결국 보고했다.

you know he went to that city hall

You know he went to that city hall.

to report my birth after

to report my birth afterwards

two years

two years

and the rest is history so

and the rest is history so

at this point you might be thinking

At this point, you might be thinking.

that i probably had

that I probably had

a bad relationship with my dad's side

a bad relationship with my dad's side

of the family which is not

of the family that is not

true i am very

True, I am very.

close i am still

Close, I am still.

um connecting with them

Um, connecting with them.

thank god for internet

Thank God for the internet.

like i can call them i can facetime

Like I can call them, I can FaceTime.

them and i

그들과 나

loved both my grandparents

I loved both my grandparents.

um i say loved

Um, I said loved.

past tense because they're all

Past tense because they were all

in heaven now but um

In heaven now, but um.

i moved to the us in the 80s

I moved to the U.S. in the 80s.

but i

하지만 나는

visit my family

내 가족을 방문하다

every year and

매년 그리고

they love having me over

They love having me over.

so yeah well you know

So yeah, well you know.

yes asian

Yes, Asian.

cultures are weird but

cultures are weird but

we don't think it's weird it's just

We don’t think it’s weird; it’s just

part of a culture

part of a culture

it makes a good um story

It makes for a good um story.



why am i podcasting

Why am I podcasting?

during my college years

대학 시절 동안

i somehow got offered a job

어떻게든 일자리를 제안받았다.

at a korea

at a korea

i'm sorry i can't even say korean

I'm sorry, I can't even speak Korean.

i somehow got offered a job

I somehow got offered a job.

at a korean radio station

At a Korean radio station.

it was um just a

It was um just a

quick voice over for radio

Quick voice over for radio.

commercials and i

광고와 나

loved it well they had to do a mic

Loved it! Well, they had to use a mic.

test to see that your voice

test to see that your voice

is well liked

is well liked

and well absorbed

그리고 잘 흡수된다

by the mic because your

by the mic because your

voice necessarily doesn't sound

Voice does not necessarily sound.

like how you think it

당신이 생각하는 방식처럼.

sounds and


how you think

how you think

it sounds i don't know

그것은 내가 모르는 것처럼 들린다.

everyone thinks okay

Everyone thinks it's okay.

i have a good voice and they

I have a good voice and they

listen to their recording and they're like what

Listen to their recording and they're like, "What?"

is that

그것은 그렇다.

yeah it's really different but

네, 정말 다르지만

i don't know i thought

I don't know, I thought.

it was weird at first but i kind of liked it

It was weird at first, but I kind of liked it.

it was really fun so

It was really fun so.

doing those gigs here

여기서 그런 공연들을 하고 있어요.

and there for radio

그리고 라디오를 위해서.

you know i went over to

You know, I went over to

bit of djing and then

a bit of DJing and then

voiceovers for korean media

Voiceovers for Korean media

tvs and more for the radio

TVs와 라디오를 위한 더 많은 것들



i did podcasting

I did podcasting.

way back when when there was like

a long time ago when there were like

no netflix no

No Netflix, no.

on demand

on demand

you know everything was

You know everything was.

like pre-recorded and

like pre-recorded and

nothing was live no

Nothing was live, no.

facetime so

FaceTime, so.

it went pretty well my podcasting

It went pretty well, my podcasting.

went pretty well but

It went pretty well, but...

i stopped because i got married

I stopped because I got married.

and i had a mini me

그리고 나는 미니 나가 있었어.

so yeah my life was

So yeah, my life was.

really hectic and crazy

정말 바쁘고 미친 듯해.

but thanks to the covid

but thanks to the COVID

i have a lot of time now

I have a lot of time now.

i'm really hoping that this

I'm really hoping that this

covid thing is over so i can like

The COVID situation is over, so I can like.

go out and see my friends

Go out and see my friends.

and all but in the meantime

그리고 그 사이에 모든 것이.

i'm back

나는 돌아왔어.

and hopefully i can continue to do this

그리고 hopefully 나는 이것을 계속할 수 있기를 바란다.

as long as i can

나는 할 수 있는 한

not here to make money

Not here to make money.

i'm not here to make money

I'm not here to make money.

i'm making sure letting you guys

I’m making sure to let you guys know.

know but i'm just doing something

알겠지만, 그냥 뭘 하고 있어.

to keep me sane

to keep me sane

and hoping

그리고 희망하며

to make someone smile

to make someone smile

let me know if there's something you'd like to

Let me know if there's something you'd like to do.

talk about i don't know

Talk about I don't know.

what platform or app that you're using to

what platform or app are you using to

listen but i believe i'm

Listen, but I believe I'm.

able to get alerts if you leave a

able to get alerts if you leave a

comment on certain apps but

댓글을 특정 앱에 하지만

not all of them so please

Not all of them, so please.

don't think that i'm ignoring you if you

Don't think that I'm ignoring you if you do.

like leave a comment and i'm like

Like leave a comment and I'm like

if there's no reply

if there's no reply

you can always drop me an email which

You can always drop me an email.

is the more solid way

더 확실한 방법입니다.

my email is

내 이메일은



at gmail.com

at gmail.com



how was my first podcast

How was my first podcast?

a little messy and a little crazy

a little messy and a little crazy

yeah i know that

그래, 나는 그걸 알고 있어.

i still got a lot of fixing up to do

I still have a lot of fixing up to do.

hope i wasn't too annoying

I hope I wasn't too annoying.

hope you come back to listen to my other episodes

I hope you come back to listen to my other episodes.

mahalo and aloha

Thank you and hello.

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