Ep 106 그리스 바다에서 At Greek seaside (Sorry for the background noise)


Korean Dad Podcast

Ep 106 그리스 바다에서 At Greek seaside (Sorry for the background noise)

Korean Dad Podcast



네, 저희들은 지금 Aegean Sea에서 같이 걷고 있습니다.

Yes, we are walking together in the Aegean Sea right now.

지금은 저녁 8시 반이고 제이콥하고 가족들하고 아이스크림 먹으러 나왔다가 지금 들어가고 있어요.

It's currently 8:30 PM, and I just came back in after going out for ice cream with Jacob and my family.

아이스크림을 먹으러 왔는데, 이제 다시 돌아가고 있어요.

I came to eat ice cream, but now I'm going back.

제이콥 아이스크림 메뉴.

Jacob Ice Cream Menu.


Do you remember?



어떤 아이스크림인지 기억나요?

Do you remember what kind of ice cream it was?

그리스어로 써있어요.

It's written in Greek.



나텔라는 간단했어요.

So that was simple.

너무 쉽게 써있는데.

It's written too simply.

망고, 레몬소베, 그리스어로 써있어요.

It says mango, lemon sorbet, in Greek.

엄마는 파란색으로 써있어요.

Mom is written in blue.







deeperör 졸음 disk 잠 i

Deeperör drowsiness disk sleep I





어떤 게 지금까지

What has been so far?

먹은 거? 벌써 우리가

What we ate? Already we...


It's the sixth day.

어떤 게 제일 맛있었어?

Which one was the most delicious?



링그리니가 좋았어요

I liked the linguine.




First day?


Is it the second day?


On the second day.

아빠도 그거 맛있었던 것 같아요

I think Dad also found that delicious.



오징어를 튀겨준 거

Fried squid.

squid fried

fried squid

squid or fried anchovy

squid or fried anchovy

anchovy 가

anchovy is

한국말로 멸치

Dried anchovy in Korean.

I call it one

I call it one.

맞아요 맞아요

That's right, that's right.

그렇게 둘째날에 꼭

On the second day, for sure.

셋째날은 우리가 아테나에 갔고

On the third day, we went to Athena.

and we recorded

그리고 우리는 녹음했습니다.

one episode there

거기 한 편의 에피소드

that was same day

That was the same day.

second day

second day

we recorded

우리는 녹음했다

and then

그리고 나서



그 다음날은 우리 어디 갔지?

Where did we go the next day?

코린스라는 곳, 고린도라는 곳을 갔어요.

I went to a place called Corinth.


How was it?

이제는 작은 도시인데, 고린도는 오랜 고린도를 가지고 있어요.

Now it's a small city, but Corinth has a long history.

아름다운 산, 교회, 그리고 바이블에 보이는 많은 곳이 있어요.

There are many beautiful mountains, churches, and places mentioned in the Bible.


Wasn't it fun?

어땠어? 고린도는?

How was it? How was Corinth?

굉장히 재미있었어요.

It was very fun.



플라스틱 백.

Plastic bag.



제이콥은 원래 그리스 신화, 신화 신화 알고 있었어?

Did Jacob originally know about Greek mythology and mythology?

I used to.

I used to.

아빠는 잘 몰라서,

Dad doesn't know well,

God of Zeus, like Nike,

God of Zeus, like Nike,



I like Aphrodite.

I like Aphrodite.

I don't know any of those people, or gods, or demigods, whatever.

I don't know any of those people, or gods, or demigods, whatever.

So, those temples didn't mean much to me, but maybe it did for you?

So, those temples didn't mean much to me, but maybe they did for you?

Well, I mean, it was just like Temple of Zeus, Temple of something like that.

Well, I mean, it was just like the Temple of Zeus, the Temple of something like that.

Apollo, and all of that.

Apollo, 그리고 그런 것들.

Yeah, so that was great. The food was great.

네, 그래서 정말 좋았어요. 음식이 훌륭했어요.

We went to a canal.

우리는 운하에 갔습니다.

Canal is like 운하,

Canal is like a waterway.

where the ships, they made like special, instead of tunnel, like special seaway for the ships to pass.

They created a special seaway for the ships to pass instead of a tunnel.

So, we went to Corinth Canal, 고린도 운하도 같고요.

So, we went to the Corinth Canal, it's similar to the Corinth Canal too.

너무 좋았어요.

It was so good.

So, would you recommend this place to anybody who lives in Europe, or anybody who are thinking of traveling?

So, would you recommend this place to anyone living in Europe or anyone thinking about traveling?

Yeah, I think so.

응, 나도 그렇게 생각해.

Good for family?

Is it good for families?

Yeah, it's very good for family, I think.

Yeah, it's very good for families, I think.



Great for family, very friendly.

Great for family, very friendly.

The food, they are cheaper than, yeah, other European cities.

The food is cheaper than, yeah, in other European cities.

People are friendly.

People are friendly.

사람들 친절했던 것 같아.

I think people were kind.





그리고 우리 어제는 뭐 했지?

So what did we do yesterday?

I can't remember.

I can't remember.

So, every day we did a lot of activities.

So, every day we did a lot of activities.

어제는 저희가 마라톤에 갔어요.

Yesterday, we went to the marathon.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Oh, yeah, yeah.



So, we went to see the statue of the, like, victory of marathon, and also the starting point of the marathon.

So, we went to see the statue of the victory of Marathon, and also the starting point of the marathon.

The poor guy who ran the, what, 26 miles, and then died.

The poor guy who ran, what, 26 miles, and then died.

Or delivered the message of the...

Or delivered the message of the...

The soldier.

The soldier.

Yeah, the soldier.

Yeah, the soldier.

그래서 아빠는 뛰는 거 좋아하니까 되게 마라톤 가는 것도 되게 좋았고.

So, since dad loves running, he really liked going to marathons.

마라톤에서 예쁜 바다에서 수영도 했어요.

I also swam in the beautiful sea during the marathon.



Rocky, like, rocky beach.

Rocky, like, rocky beach.

Private area.

Private area.

I caught a fish with my feet, so...

I caught a fish with my feet, so...

With your feet?


I kicked it, and it died by accident.

I kicked it, and it died by accident.

You kicked the fish.

You kicked the fish.

That's kind of new method of...

That's kind of a new method of...

Fishing method?

Fishing method?

I tried to save it, but it was too late.

I tried to save it, but it was too late.

좋은 것도 있네.

There are good things too.

Do you think vets can resuscitate fish?

Do you think vets can resuscitate fish?

I think they're...

I think they're...

잠깐만, fish에 하트가 있어?

Wait a minute, does the fish have a heart?

Yeah, they have hearts.

Yeah, they have hearts.

They have airways?

그들은 기도가 있나요?



잠깐만, 어떻게...

Wait a minute, how...



I don't know.

I don't know.

There's a hole.

There's a hole.



I don't...

I don't...

Fish, vets...

Fish, vets...

I don't...

I don't...

Yeah, let's move on.

네, 넘어갑시다.



And then we had a tiger sushi.

And then we had tiger sushi.



We went to a sushi place and had a nice dinner.

We went to a sushi place and had a nice dinner.

So, overall, we are coming to the end of our trip to Greece.

So, overall, we are coming to the end of our trip to Greece.

Today, we did another special thing, windsurfing.

Today, we did another special thing, windsurfing.

제이코, 어땠어?

How was Jayco?

It was good.

It was good.

It wasn't hard, but I got it.

It wasn't hard, but I understood.

It was good.

It was good.

아빠는 바람이 너무 힘들어.

Dad, the wind is too strong.

바람도 너무 세고.

The wind is really strong.

The wind was too strong.

The wind was too strong.

So, I couldn't really get up.

So, I couldn't really get up.

So, I basically, for one hour, I probably...

So, I basically, for one hour, I probably...

Yeah, I probably, I don't know, climbed up the board 20 times.

Yeah, I probably, I don't know, climbed up the board 20 times.

That means I fell overboard 20 times.

That means I fell overboard 20 times.

So, for me, it wasn't enjoyable.

So, for me, it wasn't enjoyable.



What about you?

What about you?

I didn't enjoy it.

I didn't enjoy it.

So, for me, it wasn't enjoyable.

그래서 나한테는 즐겁지 않았어.



What about you?

What about you?

I mean, I was able to do it, so.

I mean, I was able to do it, so.

Did you have, like, good run?

Did you have a good run?

Like, straight on?


Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

I could have gone further, but you can't go that far out.

I could have gone further, but you can't go that far out.



So, another new experience.

So, another new experience.

So, 일주일 동안, for a week 되게 좋은 쉬는 시간, resting place,

So, for a week, a really good resting place.

resting time.

휴식 시간.

보내고 있어요. 그리고 내일 밤에 영국으로 돌아갑니다.

I'm sending it. And I'm returning to the UK tomorrow night.

그래서 저희는 밤에 돌아갑니다.

So we are going back at night.


In the morning.

아침에, 일요일 아침에.

In the morning, on Sunday morning.

근데 엄마한테 너무 고마워요.

But I'm really grateful to my mom.

엄마가 오렌지하고...

Mom has oranges and...

엄마가 추천드렸어요.

My mom recommended it.

아빠는 바쁠 줄 알았어.

I thought Dad would be busy.

제가 바쁠 줄 알았거든요.

I thought I would be busy.

그래서 여름에 일요일 아이디어에 합류하기로 결심했어요.

So I decided to join the Sunday idea this summer.

근데 엄마가 알았죠.

But mom found out.

이 시간에 우리 모두 좀 쉬고 싶어요.

At this time, we all want to take a little break.

그래서 엄마가 좋은 결정, 좋은 투자였죠.

So Mom made a good decision, a good investment.

네, 그런 것 같아요.

Yes, I think so.

그래서 엄마한테 감사합니다 많이 해.

So I say thank you a lot to my mom.



그러면 그리스에서 여기까지 저희는 녹음하고

Then from Greece to here, we are recording.

영국에 돌아가서

Going back to the UK

계속 녹음하고

Keep recording.


I will record it.

제코 영국에 가도 우리 제코 방학 아직도 많이 남았는데.

Even if you go to the UK, we still have a lot of vacation left.

3주 후에.

In three weeks.

쉬면서 엄마 도와주고 할 거 하고.

I'll help my mom while taking a break and doing my things.



네, 그럼 여러분들도 즐거운 하루 보내세요.

Yes, then I hope you all have a wonderful day.



안녕히 계세요.


안녕히 가세요.


한글자막 by 한효주

Korean subtitles by Han Hyo-joo

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