Park Hyun-joo/Romancing on Jeju (박현주/서칭 포 허니맨: 양봉남을 찾아서)

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Park Hyun-joo/Romancing on Jeju (박현주/서칭 포 허니맨: 양봉남을 찾아서)

Check It Out

다음 시간에 뵙겠습니다.

I will see you next time.



I didn't get the memo for middle names. So is the middle name done with a space after the first name?

I didn't receive the memo about middle names. So is the middle name written with a space after the first name?

Yeah, so I've been doing that anyway. That's how it's for most of my interactions, especially for the government.

네, 어쨌든 그렇게 하고 있었어요. 대부분의 제 상호작용이 그런 방식이에요, 특히 정부와의 상호작용은요.

So I put capital letters, Matthews, space, Paul, space, Richard.

So I put capital letters, Matthews, space, Paul, space, Richard.

Yeah, so I'm going to call you Matthews from now on, if that's okay.

네, 그럼 앞으로는 당신을 매튜스라고 부를게요, 괜찮나요?

That used to be my nickname in school.

That used to be my nickname in school.

When in Korea.

When in Korea.

Matthews! Oi, Matthews!

Matthews! Hey, Matthews!

What would be the disparaging nickname that sounds or rhymes with Matthews? Did you have one?

What would be a disparaging nickname that sounds like or rhymes with Matthews? Did you have one?

No, there wasn't one.

No, there wasn't one.

With Bint, there were so many.

With Bint, there were so many.

I know.

I know.

I think Bint in and of itself, in British English, was enough.

I think "bint" in and of itself, in British English, was enough.

Tell us about the author, Park Hyun-joo or Hyun-joo Park. It sounds very familiar to me.

Tell us about the author, Park Hyun-joo or Hyun-joo Park. It sounds very familiar to me.

Well, because there's lots of Park's and there's lots of Hyun-joo's in Korea.

Well, because there are many Parks and many Hyun-joos in Korea.

That's true.

그건 사실이다.

Yeah, it's the first time featuring her, but very glad we can.

네, 그녀가 처음 출연하는 건데, 이렇게 함께 할 수 있어서 정말 기쁩니다.

She's not just a novelist. She's also an essayist. She's a translator. She's a critic.

그녀는 단순한 소설가가 아니다. 그녀는 또한 수필가다. 그녀는 번역가이다. 그녀는 비평가이다.

She's got many stories.

She has many stories.

She's got many strings to her bow.

She has many skills or talents.

She studied English language and literature at Korea University.

She studied English language and literature at Korea University.

One of the big three.

One of the big three.

Yeah, then went on to study in the US. She studied linguistics there for a postgraduate degree.

Yeah, then she went on to study in the US. She studied linguistics there for a postgraduate degree.



And then she began working as a translator, English to Korean.

And then she began working as a translator, from English to Korean.

Oh, wonderful. Okay.

Oh, wonderful. Okay.

That translation led to her own writing, so writing essays and then writing stories.

그 번역은 그녀의 글쓰기로 이어졌고, 그래서 에세이를 쓰고 이야기를 쓰게 되었다.

And this is her second novel. It's the first one to be translated into English.

And this is her second novel. It's the first one to be translated into English.

And what's interesting is the Korean title is very different to the English title.

And what's interesting is the Korean title is very different from the English title.



English title is Romancing on Jeju. The Korean title is Searching for Honeyman.

English title is Romancing on Jeju. The Korean title is Searching for Honeyman.

Ah, which links us to the bees a little bit more firmly, I suppose.

Ah, which connects us to the bees a little bit more firmly, I suppose.

But also links us to a documentary.

하지만 우리를 다큐멘터리와 연결시켜 줍니다.



Have you ever heard of Searching for Sugarman?

Have you ever heard of Searching for Sugarman?

Yeah, for some reason I have.

Yeah, for some reason I have.

Yeah, this was a big hit here in Korea.

Yeah, this was a big hit here in Korea.

It was an indie documentary about a filmmaker who wanted to find this long-lost singer.

It was an indie documentary about a filmmaker who wanted to find this long-lost singer.

Who used to be famous and then he sort of seemingly disappeared or did he.

누구였는지 유명했는데, 그리고 그가 사라진 것처럼 보였던 사람, 아니면 그런 건가?

And so they went searching for Sugarman.

And so they went searching for Sugarman.

And so here, the project that the three women are on and the Korean title of the book is Searching for Honeyman.

And so here, the project that the three women are on and the Korean title of the book is Searching for Honeyman.

I see. I think that led to like a few spin-off shows where they were rediscovering artists who were once famous.

I see. I think that led to a few spin-off shows where they were rediscovering artists who were once famous.



Thanks to that documentary.

그 다큐멘터리 덕분에.

It was a big deal. I think even Sugarman came to Korea.

It was a big deal. I think even Sugarman came to Korea.

I do believe so, yeah.

저도 그렇게 믿습니다, 네.

And, you know, we were talking about this.

And, you know, we were talking about this.

During the song break, the song titles often don't match up in English and Korean, literally at least.

During the song break, the song titles often don't match up literally in English and Korean.

Yeah, like what was the song you just played before?

Yeah, what was the song you just played before?


One step.

Yeah, which is like one step.

응, 그건 마치 한 단계 같아.

Yeah, but it's day by day the English.

Yeah, but it's English day by day.

Sometimes they're going for a different feel in the English.

가끔 그들은 영어에서 다른 느낌을 추구하기도 한다.

It normally has a similar spirit to it.

It normally has a similar spirit to it.



Even though the name may be completely different.

Even though the name may be completely different.

Yeah, I guess 한걸음, one step, day by day.

Yeah, I guess one step, day by day.

Step by step.

Step by step.

There you go. We got there in the end.

There you go. We got there in the end.

Translate to Paige Morris.

Translate to Paige Morris.

Yes, it's our second time featuring her.

Yes, it's our second time featuring her.

The first time.

The first time.

It was, I think, a few months ago where she was featured as Paige Anya Morris.

I think it was a few months ago when she was featured as Paige Anya Morris.

We featured one of those chapbooks, a brilliant translated short story.

우리는 그 챕북 중 하나, 훌륭한 번역 단편소설을 소개했습니다.

So very glad to have another of her translations.

So very glad to have another of her translations.

She's from the U.S., from Jersey City in New Jersey.

She is from the U.S., specifically Jersey City in New Jersey.

She studied at Brown University, did her MFA in creative writing at Rutgers University.

She studied at Brown University and obtained her MFA in creative writing from Rutgers University.

And she's won quite a few awards for her translations.

And she's won quite a few awards for her translations.

She's translated books for younger readers.

그녀는 어린 독자를 위한 책을 번역해 왔다.

She's translated books for adult readers.

그녀는 성인 독자를 위한 책을 번역했습니다.

And she's done a brilliant job with this book.

And she's done a brilliant job with this book.

I think if you're the kind of person who likes a little bit of romance, a little bit of mystery,

I think if you're the kind of person who likes a little bit of romance, a little bit of mystery,

this book is really up your street.

이 책은 정말 당신에게 딱 맞아요.

I can't remember the last time we did like a happy romantic thing.

I can't remember the last time we did something happy and romantic.

The thing that springs to mind that we did recently was that weird guy who I think ended up being a murderer.

The thing that springs to mind that we did recently was that weird guy who I think ended up being a murderer.

We've done other things.

We've done other things.

I try and find books like this.

I try to find books like this.

And in a couple of weeks' time, we've got...

And in a couple of weeks' time, we've got...

We've got another healing book coming up.

We've got another healing book coming up.

Because they are...

Because they are...

It's a big trend now to have these healing stories that may or may not have romance.

It's a big trend now to have these healing stories that may or may not have romance.

Like we had the Daligut Dream Department Store.

Like we had the Daligut Dream Department Store.

That was fun.

That was fun.

Just less about romance, but more about hope and dreaming and life.

그냥 로맨스보다는 희망과 꿈, 삶에 대한 이야기가 더 많아요.



So I do try and find a mix of books.

그래서 저는 다양한 책들을 찾으려고 노력합니다.

But please understand, dear listeners, I love you dearly.

하지만 제발 이해해 주세요, 사랑하는 청취자 여러분, 저는 여러분을 매우 사랑합니다.

But I'm trying to bring you a variety.

그러나 나는 당신에게 다양성을 제공하려고 하고 있어요.



We do appreciate your love.

We do appreciate your love.

And next week's going to be sad.

And next week is going to be sad.







First reading.

First reading.

So is this a short story?

So, is this a short story?

No, it's a novel.

No, it's a novel.

A full-on novel.

A full-on novel.

Yeah, it's published by one of the big online sellers, which means if you subscribe to them, it's actually free to read.

Yeah, it's published by one of the big online sellers, which means if you subscribe to them, it's actually free to read.

Oh, amazing.

Oh, amazing.

I paid for my digital copy, but yeah.

나는 내 디지털 복사본에 대해 요금을 지불했지만, 그렇단 말이지.

So it's a full novel.

그래서 전체 소설입니다.

It's actually, I think it's like 300 pages.

It's actually, I think it's about 300 pages.

It's a pretty big one, but it's a very, very good one.

It's a pretty big one, but it's a very, very good one.

And we're going to start at the very beginning, which sets things out, sort of a relationship, especially between two of the characters.

And we're going to start at the very beginning, which sets things out, sort of a relationship, especially between two of the characters.

Here we go.

Here we go.

The Searching for Honeyman Project was born out of a conversation with Do-ro-mi.

The Searching for Honeyman Project was born out of a conversation with Do-ro-mi.

It may seem cliche to say now, but no one could have predicted then just how dramatically that conversation would change their lives.

It may seem cliche to say now, but no one could have predicted then just how dramatically that conversation would change their lives.

That day was a special one for Park Ha-dam.

That day was a special one for Park Ha-dam.

Not only because of the fact that he was a man of his word, but also because of the fact that he was a man of his word.

Not only because he was a man of his word, but also because he was a man of his word.

Not only because of what it would ultimately come to mean, but because it also happened to be her 36th birthday.

Not only because of what it would ultimately come to mean, but because it also happened to be her 36th birthday.

It was the day she distinctly felt she had crossed over that decade's halfway mark and into her late 30s.

It was the day she distinctly felt she had crossed over that decade's halfway mark and into her late 30s.

There was another reason that day was so special too, but Ha-dam didn't have time to dwell on it.

There was another reason that day was so special too, but Ha-dam didn't have time to dwell on it.

Right then, she was sitting, alone and anxious, at a table for four in a popular restaurant with a line that went out the door and around the corner.

Right then, she was sitting, alone and anxious, at a table for four in a popular restaurant with a line that went out the door and around the corner.

Ha-dam's waiter had already come around to her table.

Ha-dam's waiter had already come to her table.

Three times, and filled her glass with water.

세 번, 그리고 그녀의 잔에 물을 채웠다.

But if he was judging her for taking up the table, he didn't show it.

하지만 그가 그녀가 테이블을 차지한 것에 대해 판단하고 있었다면, 그는 그것을 드러내지 않았다.

For that, Ha-dam was grateful.

For that, Ha-dam was grateful.

Her seat faced the door at such an angle that the people waiting in line could see how long the other chairs at her table remained empty.

Her seat was positioned in such a way that it faced the door, allowing those waiting in line to see how long the other chairs at her table stayed unoccupied.

To avoid their pointed stares, Ha-dam studied the menu so hard she practically memorized it.

To avoid their pointed stares, Ha-dam studied the menu so hard that she practically memorized it.

She had just decided on a salad when a familiar face appeared in the doorway.

그녀는 샐러드를 결정한 순간, 익숙한 얼굴이 문에 나타났다.

Romi, over here!

Romi, 이쪽이야!

Romi made her way to the table.

Romi는 테이블로 갔다.

Her long, fanned-out skirt fluttering and grazing other customers in the restaurant as she moved around them.

Her long, flared skirt fluttered and brushed against other customers in the restaurant as she moved around them.

Sorry I'm late, she said, and on your birthday too, I'm such a mess, sorry, really.

Sorry I'm late, she said, and on your birthday too, I'm such a mess, sorry, really.

Sure enough, the look of apology on Romi's face was as pure as 24 karat gold.

Sure enough, the look of apology on Romi's face was as pure as 24 karat gold.

Ha-dam knew Romi had a tendency to be late, so she had come to expect as much.

Ha-dam knew Romi had a tendency to be late, so she had come to expect as much.

But the past half hour had done a number on her nerves.

하지만 지난 반 시간은 그녀의 신경을 상당히 건드렸다.

Rather than irritation or resentment,

Rather than irritation or resentment,

Ha-dam felt more relieved than anything to see Romi come through that door.

Ha-dam felt more relieved than anything to see Romi come through that door.

Searching for Honeyman is the literal translation of the Korean title.

Searching for Honeyman is the literal translation of the Korean title.

And also the name of the project.

And also the name of the project.

That is mentioned literally at the beginning.

That is mentioned literally at the beginning.

At the very start of the book. This is what Ha-dam sets up.

At the very start of the book, this is what Ha-dam sets up.

The Searching for Honeyman project.

The Searching for Honeyman project.

Is this when that conversation takes place at this birthday bash?

Is this when that conversation takes place at this birthday bash?

Yeah, this is when it all starts.

Yeah, this is when it all starts.



So we've got these three friends. One of them has not arrived. She's also late because she's in a business meeting.

So we've got these three friends. One of them has not arrived. She's also late because she's in a business meeting.

Oh dear.

Oh dear.

So we have Ha-dam, who's the filmmaker, documentary maker.

So we have Ha-dam, who is the filmmaker and documentary maker.

We have Romi, who's an illustrator.

We have Romi, who is an illustrator.

그녀는 온라인에 아주 유명합니다. 그리고 우리는 차경을 가지고 있습니다. 그는 비즈니스 여인입니다. 그리고 그들은 매우 다릅니다. 하지만 그들은 매우 가까운 것입니다. 그들은 가장 두껍습니다. 그리고 그들은 모두 중반에서 늦은 30년대에 있습니다.

She is very famous online. And we have Chakyung. She is a businesswoman. And they are very different. But they are very close. They are the thickest. And they are all in their mid to late 30s.

그래서 그들은 사랑에 대해 고민하고 있습니다.

So they are contemplating love.

그들은 로맨스에 대해 고민하고 있습니다.

They are contemplating romance.

그들은 정신을 잃고 있습니다.

They are losing their minds.

그들은 마마미아를 같이 볼 수 있습니다.

They can watch Mamma Mia together.

그들은 프랑스 식당에서 하덤의 생일 저녁을 마치고 있습니다.

They are finishing up Harden's birthday dinner at a French restaurant.

그들은 그들의 나이, 특히 하덤의 나이를 느끼고 있습니다.

They are feeling their age, especially Hardum's age.

그녀는 이제 36살이 되었습니다.

She is now 36 years old.

그들은 관계자와 친구와의 관계를 이야기합니다.

They talk about the relationship between officials and friends.

그리고 그는 로미에게 단점을 제시합니다.

And he points out the shortcomings to Romi.

그는 그녀에게 말합니다.

He tells her.

그녀는 그들을 차경에서 만났을 때 그녀에게 말합니다.

When she met them in the car, she tells her.

아, 차경에서 만났다고 합니다.

Oh, I heard you met at the car park.

그녀는 이 장소에서 공연을 하고 있습니다.

She is performing at this venue.

그녀는 로맨스에게 반응을 주었습니다.

She responded to romance.

그녀는 그를 포기하고 있습니다.

She is giving up on him.

그들은 그들을 로맨스에 따라 따라합니다.

They follow them according to the romance.

그들은 도넛과 커피를 마치고 있습니다.

They are having donuts and coffee.

그들은 대화에 참가했습니다.

They participated in the conversation.

그녀는 비즈니스 여인이었습니다.

She was a businesswoman.

그들은 그들을 정말 잘 잡았습니다.

They really caught them well.

그는 마치고 그는 또 다른 날 돌아왔습니다.

He finished and came back another day.

하지만 그들은 더 나아졌습니다.

But they have improved.

그녀는 그녀의 머리에 조금 더 예쁜 예상을 입었고

She wore a slightly prettier hat on her head.

그녀는 그녀의 머리를 그려줬습니다.

She drew her hair.

그녀는 그녀에게 뷔티크 초콜릿의 박스를 받았다.

She received a box of boutique chocolates.

그는 그의 편의점에서, 하지만 그는 아주 멋진 쇼핑몰인 체주시티에서.

He is at his convenience store, but he is at the very nice shopping mall, Cheju City.

그들은 또 다른 커피 대회를 했다.

They held another coffee competition.

그들은 숫자를 결정하지 않았다.

They did not determine the number.

그녀는 그를 소셜 미디어 넷플릭스에 팔로우하고 있었다고 생각했다.

She thought she was following him on social media and Netflix.

그래서 그녀는 그를 거기에 메시지를 했다.

So she sent him a message there.

하지만 그녀는 그렇게 하지 않았다.

But she did not do that.

그리고 그것은 그것이었다?

And was that it?

네. 그녀는 그를 다시 만났다.

Yes. She met him again.

그렇군요. 그녀는 그를 다시 만났다.

I see. She met him again.

네. 그녀는 그를 다시 만났다.

Yes. She met him again.

하지만 그것이 몇 시였다고 생각해봅니까?

But what do you think time it was?

그것이 몇 시 horasée까지 기록되었습니다.

It was recorded until a few hours.

그래서 그녀는 그를 tierra에 두지 않았다는 생각에村 조 말을 últimos choices 찍었습니다.

So she thought that she didn't leave him on the tierra and chose the village's last words.

그리고 그녀는 자신의 이� danke 데이터로 한 번 더 지목한NING을 통으로 만났다.

And she met the whole thing again with her own data that she pointed out once more.

하지만 그녀가 originally 들어가기 어렵국 지난 일 먹어 본 적이 없습니다.

However, she has never had a hard time originally entering the past.

그녀는 그를 정갑에 놓치지 않았습니다.

She didn't miss him at the ceremony.

그들은 사람을 외� işi고 그를 정말 좋아한다.

They noticed a person and really like him.



오늘도 그것이 다음 날의 에러 재終 membue 이기지 않습니다

Today, it will not win against the error of the next day again.


Please provide the text you would like translated from Korean to English.

1968 일� Singapore �otes 이� Cohenney讓 negoti Turns

1968 Singapore Notes by Cohenney Negotiation Turns

처럼eses는 그런데 그는 떡볶언 있는데 이를 certification 주문했습니다

"Like that, he ordered certification for tteokbokki."


Please provide the text you would like me to translate.

그래서 우리는 왜 찾을 수 없을까?

So why can't we find it?

그리고 아담은 우리는 왜 동영상을 만들지?

And Adam asked, "Why are we making a video?"

와, 이건...

Wow, this is...

마이버스가 그들에게 큰 일을 하고 있는 것에 대처하고 있는 것.

My verse is dealing with the big task they have.

하지만 재미있어 보이네요.

But it looks fun.

재미있어 보이네요.

It looks interesting.

이것은 좋은 일일 수 있는 것 같아요.

I think this could be a good thing.

이것은 실생활에서의 도전입니다.

This is a challenge in real life.

우리는 이것을 할 것이다.

We will do this.

우리는 동영상을 만들 것이다.

We will make a video.

그래서 그것이 되었습니다.

So that became it.



그래서 이 이야기가 일어날 때,

So when this story takes place,

우리가 단계에 따라서

According to our stages

이 여성들과 다른 사람들의 삶 속에서

In the lives of these women and others.

무엇이 일어난 것에 대한 반응을 얻을 수 있습니다.

You can get a reaction to what has happened.


I understand.

예를 들어, 9년 전에

For example, nine years ago

아담은 불에 숨졌습니다.

Adam died in the fire.

그리고 그녀의 남자친구가 그 때,

And her boyfriend at that time,

정은, 그녀가 카메라와 촬영을 받으러 돌아가서 그를 살렸습니다.

Jung-eun saved him by going back to take pictures with the camera.

그리고 그녀는 그를 멈췄습니다.

And she stopped him.



그리고 그들은 분리했죠.

And they separated.



그녀는 지금 제주에 살고 있습니다.

She currently lives in Jeju.

그녀는 사업을 하고 있습니다.

She is running a business.


Oh oh.

그의 목소리가 흔들립니다.

His voice trembles.

네, 하지만 그들은 좋은 단어들입니다.

Yes, but they are good words.

그들은 많이 말하지 않습니다.

They don't talk much.

하지만 그녀는 그를 부끄럽게 부끄럽게 부릅니다.

But she calls him shyly and bashfully.

그녀는 그를 연락합니다.

She contacts him.

그녀는 그를 부끄럽게 부끄럽게 부끄럽게 부릅니다.

She calls him shyly and embarrassingly.

정말로 내가 할 수 있는 것 중 가장 많은 것은

What I can really do the most is



그는 그를 이 사람이 될 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니다.

He thinks that he could become this person.



네, 그들은 원래 제주에 살고 있었던 어린 남자들입니다.

Yes, they are young men who originally lived in Jeju.


I understand.

그래서 이 모든 기억이 아담을 위해 돌아옵니다.

So all these memories come back for Adam.

그래서 로미와 아담은 먼저 가고 있습니다.

So Romi and Adam are going ahead first.

차경은 하와이에서 일하고 있습니다.

Cha Kyung is working in Hawaii.

그녀는 사업을 하고 있습니다.

She is running a business.

그리고 그녀의 boss는 그녀의 골프클럽을 가져옵니다.

And her boss takes her golf clubs.



그녀는 제주에 갈 것입니다.

She will go to Jeju.

그리고 그녀는 제주에 갈 것입니다.

And she will go to Jeju.

그녀는 제주의 심리점이 너무 높습니다.

Her psychological score in Jeju is too high.

그래서 그녀에게 제주를 도와줍니다.

So she helps Jeju.


I understand.

그들은 비행기에서 만나고 있습니다.

They are meeting on the airplane.

그녀는 배경에 가고 있습니다.

She is going into the background.

배경에 가고 있습니다.

I am going to the background.

그녀는 굉장히 좋은 모양의 사람입니다.

She is a very attractive person.

한국인 사람입니다.

I am Korean.

네, 그녀는 괜찮습니다.

Yes, she is okay.

그녀는 그녀의 골프클럽을 가지고 있습니다.

She has her golf clubs.

그녀는 비행기에서 앉아있습니다.

She is sitting on the airplane.

그녀는 그녀의 모습을 좋아합니다.

She likes her appearance.

아, 다른 심리점이 있군요.

Ah, there's another psychological point.

그녀는 연애하고 있습니다.

She is in a relationship.



그녀는 그녀의 어머니가 비행기에서 욕을 하고 있습니다.

She is cursing on the plane with her mother.

아, 아.

Ah, ah.

그녀의 어머니가 그녀를 강조하고 있습니다.

Her mother is emphasizing her.

그녀는 그녀의 새로운 집의 품질에 대해 말합니다.

She talks about the quality of her new house.

그녀는 그녀의 집을 찾지 못했습니다.

She could not find her house.

그녀는 결혼을 안 했다.

She is not married.

그녀의 어머니는 그녀에게

Her mother told her.

그녀가 그녀에게 사야 할 것이라고 말합니다.

She says it's something she should buy.

그리고 그녀는 그녀의 집을 보관할 것이라고 말합니다.

And she says she will keep her house.

그녀는 그녀가 필요하지 않습니다.

She doesn't need her.

그녀는 하와이에서 여행을 가고 있습니다.

She is traveling in Hawaii.

그녀는 스트레스를 받습니다. 그녀는 고통을 가지고 있습니다.

She is stressed. She is in pain.

그녀는 매우 고통스럽습니다.

She is in a lot of pain.

그녀는 모든 사람들을 부끄럽게 만듭니다.

She makes everyone feel ashamed.

그녀는 가장 좋은 상태가 아닙니다.

She is not in the best condition.

아니요. 그녀는 인천에 가고 있습니다.

No. She is going to Incheon.

그녀는 김포에 이동해야 합니다.

She needs to move to Gimpo.

김포에 이동해야 합니다.

I need to move to Gimpo.

그녀는 그녀에게 멀쩡한 상황을 보여줍니다.

She shows her a decent situation.

그는 같은 방향으로 마시고 있습니다.

He is drinking in the same direction.

그녀는 골프클럽이 심해서 조금씩 물건을 들고 있습니다.

She is struggling with her golf clubs, so she is gradually carrying items.

그들은 모두 차주에 오후에 도착합니다.

They all arrive in the afternoon of the next week.

하지만 그는 잠재력이 너무 가까워져서

But he has become too close to his potential.

그의 물건은 통보를 받지 못했기 때문에

His belongings were not notified.

그의 물건은 다음 여행을 마치고 있습니다.

His belongings are finishing up the next trip.

그녀는 기다리고 있습니다.

She is waiting.

그녀는 그와 함께 있습니다.

She is with him.

그녀는 기다리지 않습니다.

She does not wait.

그녀는 기차에 앉아 누워 있습니다.

She is lying down on the train.

그녀는 익숙하게 일어나고 있습니다.

She is getting up comfortably.

그녀는 그녀에게

She is to her.

she doesn't know, a towel, a blanket on her

She doesn't know, a towel, a blanket on her.

she's trying to snub him

그녀는 그를 무시하려고 하고 있다.

he's saying it's clean it's clean

He's saying it's clean, it's clean.

and she just falls asleep again

그리고 그녀는 다시 잠에 들어버린다.

and that's where we get our second reading

그리고 거기서 우리는 두 번째 독서를 얻습니다.

so it's not just one romantic story

So it's not just one romantic story.



no spoilers

No spoilers

let's check it out

Let's check it out.

at some point 자경 must have fallen asleep again how long had she been out someone was calling her name 윤자경 she woke up startled the beach towel slipped to the ground eyes opened she could see the owner of that voice kneeling before her he was looking up at her with concern

At some point, Jaekyung must have fallen asleep again. How long had she been out? Someone was calling her name. Yoon Jaekyung. She woke up startled, the beach towel slipping to the ground. As her eyes opened, she could see the owner of that voice kneeling before her, looking up at her with concern.

your luggage came out i was rude again and got it for you he stood and pointed to the bags on his cart i had to check your name to make sure it was yours but i didn't look at anything aside from that don't worry that's the end of my rudeness for today

Your luggage came out. I was rude again and got it for you. He stood and pointed to the bags on his cart. I had to check your name to make sure it was yours, but I didn't look at anything aside from that. Don't worry, that's the end of my rudeness for today.

with that he loaded the suitcase next to her onto the cart too 자경 pressed a hand against a column she stood on the shaky legs but then i may as well extend the favor out to your car

With that, he loaded the suitcase next to her onto the cart too. Jaekyung pressed a hand against a column; she stood on shaky legs. But then I may as well extend the favor out to your car.

it was already after midnight

It was already after midnight.

as they left the airport the island air cloaked 자경 like a blanket that wasn't completely dry the guy loaded her bags into the trunk of a cab that sat waiting outside and opened the back door for her only then did she muster up the words to address him thank you for everything today even though i was kind of rude ever since we were on the plane you were rude yes the smile never once left his face 자경 felt like she alone had suffered the long flight

As they left the airport, the island air cloaked Jakyung like a blanket that wasn't completely dry. The guy loaded her bags into the trunk of a cab that sat waiting outside and opened the back door for her. Only then did she muster up the words to address him. "Thank you for everything today, even though I was kind of rude." "Ever since we were on the plane, you were rude." Yes, the smile never once left his face. Jakyung felt like she alone had suffered the long flight.

this guy was like that peach towel that still held the warmth of the honolulu sun but there are times i can empathize with a person however rude they may be

This guy was like that peach towel that still held the warmth of the Honolulu sun, but there are times I can empathize with a person, no matter how rude they may be.

a sense of anticipation seeped into the space between each word 자경 could feel it coursing through her as he chose what he was going to say next but when he spoke again his comment was so simple even friendly as long as it's someone who can smile brighter than anything when she's not exhausted

A sense of anticipation seeped into the space between each word, and Ja-gyeong could feel it coursing through her as he chose what he was going to say next. But when he spoke again, his comment was so simple, even friendly, as long as it's someone who can smile brighter than anything when she's not exhausted.

he bowed his head still smiling she bowed hers too not really understanding when the cab pulled off she looked back one more time he was still standing there in the taxi pickup spot with his huge bag and the luggage tag that had been attached to it

He bowed his head, still smiling; she bowed hers too, not really understanding. When the cab pulled off, she looked back one more time. He was still standing there in the taxi pickup spot with his huge bag and the luggage tag that had been attached to it.

한수은 she wasn't exactly sure how to read his name it had so many vowels vowels were soft but they glided by on the sound of the wind never landing anywhere

Hansoo-eun she wasn't exactly sure how to read his name it had so many vowels vowels were soft but they glided by on the sound of the wind never landing anywhere.

whose name was like that she knew it now but it would soon glide away it wouldn't stick or last 자경 modified her earlier thought the odds of a trip that had gotten off to such a rough start ending well were slim but there were times when such a trip could still be meaningful this man she'd met in passing had made her trip like a graduation album full of bad pictures the memory was precious enough not to throw away but she didn't tear take it out and open it again either

Whose name was like that she knew it now but it would soon glide away it wouldn't stick or last. Jagyeong modified her earlier thought; the odds of a trip that had gotten off to such a rough start ending well were slim, but there were times when such a trip could still be meaningful. This man she'd met in passing had made her trip like a graduation album full of bad pictures. The memory was precious enough not to throw away, but she didn't take it out and open it again either.

한수은 she was a little bit over negative about the way she's interpreting the situation this seems like a nice chap that she's met

Hansoo-eun was a little bit overly negative about how she’s interpreting the situation; this seems like a nice guy that she has met.

한수은 she's conflicted she's exhausted you know think about have you ever flown from hawaii to cheju

Hansoo Eun, she's conflicted, she's exhausted. You know, think about it—have you ever flown from Hawaii to Jeju?

한수은 no i haven't

Hansoo Eun, no I haven't.

한수은 that's a long journey

That's a long journey.

한수은 i'd like to

Han Soo-eun, I'd like to.

한수은 two flights connection between inchon and kimpo

Han Soo-eun, two flights connecting Incheon and Gimpo.



you're gonna be you're gonna be dealing with time difference and everything

You're going to be dealing with time difference and everything.

한수은 and she's had a headache on the plane she's got a mother-in-law to deal with or a future mother-in-law she's not really getting on that well with her fiance

Hansoo Eun has had a headache on the plane, she's got a mother-in-law to deal with or a future mother-in-law, and she's not really getting on that well with her fiancé.


Hansoo Eun

so it's all it's all a bit of a confusion for 자경

So it's all a bit of a confusion for Jagyeong.


Han Soo-eun

and this is what makes this book so exciting because we have these three friends and three different possible romances

And this is what makes this book so exciting because we have these three friends and three different possible romances.


Han Soo-eun

will they won't they we don't know

그들이 할지 말지 우리는 모른다.


Han Su-eun

meanwhile 하람 and 로미

Meanwhile, Haram and Romi.


Han Soo-eun

are still scouting beekeepers

are still scouting beekeepers


Han Soo-eun

no luck so far there's been a few mishaps along the way

No luck so far; there have been a few mishaps along the way.


Han Soo-eun

and then we also get hints of someone else

그리고 나서 우리는 또한 다른 누군가에 대한 힌트를 받습니다.


Han Soo-eun

another person a man

another person a man


Han Soo-eun

a memory of a man who seems to know 로미

A memory of a man who seems to know Romi.


Han Soo-eun

but not in a nice way

하지만 좋은 방법은 아니다.


Han Soo-eun

and we're not sure who he is what he is is he a stalker is he a creep is he something worse

And we're not sure who he is; what is he? Is he a stalker? Is he a creep? Is he something worse?


Han Soo-eun

he said this was happy

He said this was happy.


Han Soo-eun

but it's clear he's had his eye on her

하지만 그가 그녀에게 눈독을 들이고 있었다는 것은 분명하다.


Han Soo-eun

when she was in cheju a few years ago and now he's got his eye on her again

When she was in Jeju a few years ago, and now he's got his eye on her again.


Han Soo-eun

look at all these twins

Look at all these twins.


Han Soo-eun

twists of fate

twists of fate


Han Soo-eun

oh it's great

오, 정말 좋다!


Han Soo-eun

so the three end up at this lovely guest house that's attached to a bee farm

So the three end up at this lovely guest house that's attached to a bee farm.


Han Soo-eun

which is not where their mystery beekeeper is

그들의 신비한 양봉가가 있는 곳이 아닙니다.


Han Su-eun

but it's a nice place very welcoming

하지만 아주 좋은 곳이고 매우 환영받는 곳입니다.


Han Soo-eun

and that becomes their center of operations

그리고 그것이 그들의 작전 본부가 된다.


Han Soo-eun

there's more mishaps

There are more mishaps.


Han Soo-eun

하람 gets rushed to hospital after an incident with a wasp

Haram gets rushed to the hospital after an incident with a wasp.


Han Soo-eun

she doesn't get stung it's actually a pine cone that falls on her neck

She doesn't get stung; it's actually a pine cone that falls on her neck.


Han Soo-eun

while a wasp is chasing her and the needles stick in her neck

while a wasp is chasing her and the needles are sticking in her neck


Han Soo-eun

and she faints because she thinks she's been stung by a big wasp

And she faints because she thinks she's been stung by a big wasp.


Han Soo-eun

oh wow

Oh wow.


Han Soo-eun

they're doing all right

그들은 잘 지내고 있어요.


Han Soo-eun




Han Soo-eun

and then we get another memory another man

그리고 나서 우리는 또 다른 기억, 또 다른 남자를 얻게 된다.


Han Soo-eun

and this one is a memory of a car crash on 최주 three years earlier

and this one is a memory of a car crash on Choi Joo three years earlier


Han Soo-eun




Han Soo-eun

a man and his wife his wife is driving

A man and his wife, his wife is driving.


Hansoo Eun



Han Soo-eun

and there's a car it's night this car is tailing them it seems and pushing against them

And there's a car; it's night. This car is tailing them and seems to be pushing against them.


Han Soo-eun

and then they doesn't take over and when they speed up he speeds up when they slow down he slows down

And then they don't take over, and when they speed up, he speeds up; when they slow down, he slows down.


Han Soo-eun

and then he draws up alongside them and rams them off the road

그리고 나서 그는 그들 곁으로 다가가서 그들을 도로에서 밀어냅니다.


Han Su-eun

that's an action film

그건 액션 영화야.


Han Soo-eun

there's a crash there's bleeding there's an explosion

There's a crash, there's bleeding, there's an explosion.


Han Soo-eun

oh no

Oh no.


Han Soo-eun

but before we get too high and come on danger

하지만 우리가 너무 고조되고 위험에 빠지기 전에


Han Soo-eun



Han Soo-eun

there's more romance

there's more romance


Han Su-eun




Hansoo Eun

romance is coming peter

Romance is coming, Peter.


Han Soo-eun

all right

All right


Han Soo-eun




Han Soo-eun

she's fed up with her fiance he's just not really helping with the whole future mother-in-law situation

그녀는 약혼자에게 지쳤다. 그는 장모님과의 상황에 전혀 도움을 주지 못하고 있다.


Han Soo-eun

oh dear

Oh dear.


Han Soo-eun

you know he's she's expecting a little moral support and she's like just let her do what she wants to do it's fine

You know she's expecting a little moral support, and she's like, just let her do what she wants to do; it's fine.


Hansoo Eun

okay sounds like me

Okay, sounds like me.


Han Soo-eun

oh dear

Oh dear.



and she takes an early morning walk on a rainy cheju beach

And she takes an early morning walk on a rainy Jeju beach.


Han Soo-eun

and who does she see surfing

And who does she see surfing?


Han Soo-eun

uh oh

Uh oh


Han Soo-eun

it's airplane guy

그것은 비행기 남자입니다.


Han Soo-eun




Han Soo-eun

turns out he's a very experienced if not professional surfer

Turns out he's a very experienced if not professional surfer.


Han Soo-eun

oh that's quite attractive

Oh, that's quite attractive.


Han Soo-eun

yeah and there's also a rather arrogant newbie

Yeah, and there's also a rather arrogant newbie.


Han Soo-eun

who's he can tell he's new just by the outfit he's wearing and the board he's got

Who's he? You can tell he's new just by the outfit he's wearing and the board he's got.


Han Soo-eun




Han Soo-eun

who gets into trouble almost dies almost drowns

who gets into trouble almost dies almost drowns


Han Soo-eun

oh my goodness

Oh my goodness.


Han Soo-eun

airplane man he's not just a surfer he's also a hero goes and rescues him

Airplane man, he's not just a surfer; he's also a hero who goes and rescues him.



all right i'm falling in love now

All right, I'm falling in love now.





Han Soo-eun

so we get to the point now there's one more beekeeper to investigate

So we get to the point; now there's one more beekeeper to investigate.


Han Soo-eun

and he lives supposedly in this trendy shared accommodation building where people come for a few months you know hang out writers artists

And he supposedly lives in this trendy shared accommodation building where people come to hang out for a few months, you know, writers and artists.


Han Soo-eun

that kind of thing

that kind of thing


Han Su-eun

wouldn't he just

wouldn't he just


Han Soo-eun

are all the units filled at the moment not all of them we usually have a lot of folks from

Are all the units filled at the moment? Not all of them; we usually have a lot of folks from...

봄이 지나고 여름이 지나고, 여름이 지나고, 그래서 가끔은 공간이 없죠.

Spring passes, summer passes, and summer passes again, so sometimes there is no space.

요즘은 오랫동안 6개월 정도 남는 사람들이 많이 오는 것 같아요.

These days, it seems like many people are coming in with about six months left.

그래서 우리가 할 수 있는 공간을 조절해야 할 것 같아요.

So I think we need to adjust the space we can use.

하람은 그녀가 이야기할 것에 대해서 조심스럽게 이야기했습니다.

Haram spoke cautiously about what she would talk about.

아, 우리 영화는 또한 비행기에서 촬영할 것이라고 말했죠.

Ah, we also said that our movie will be filmed on a plane.

아영은 쉽게 말했습니다.

Ayoung said it easily.

물론이죠. 김만섭 씨의 이야기에 대해서는 제가 다 들었습니다.

Of course. I've heard all about Kim Man-seob's story.

이곳에 비키퍼가 있어요.

There is a lifeguard here.

만나뵙는 게 좋겠네요.

I think it would be nice to meet you.

비키퍼가 하는 일에 매우 흥미로운 것 같아요.

I think the work of a goalkeeper is very interesting.

비키퍼가 우리 사회에서 오랫동안 여기 살고 있어요.

The goalkeeper has been living here in our society for a long time.

사실 비키퍼가 밖에 있어요.

Actually, the goalkeeper is outside.

그래서 곧 만나뵙게 될 거예요.

So we will meet soon.




In the meantime...

로미는 그 방을 끝으로 걸어갔어요.

Romi walked to the end of the room.

그리고 그 방을 앞뒤에 서고 있었어요.

And I was standing in front of and behind that room.

모든 종류의 팥빛 그린 잎이

All kinds of red bean-colored green leaves.

이 공간을 둘러싸고 있었어요.

It was surrounding this space.

다크 그린 잎은 색 조립을 빠져나왔어요.

The dark green leaves have escaped from the color assembly.

공간 중에는

Among the spaces

바닷 내가다에서

At the sea.

너무 길다란 벤치 차가기 때문에

Because the bench is too long.

그 사이에 밖에 저만 있는 사람이 있었어요.

In the meantime, there was someone outside who was only with me.

그분은 머릿속은 짧은 머릿속이었어요.

He had a short mind.

그는 평범한 옷을 입고 있었어요.

He was wearing ordinary clothes.

그는 그 자리에 앉은吃판에

He sat down on the chair at that spot.

영어 책을 읽고 있었어요.

I was reading an English book.

로미의 방을 열어볼 때

When opening Romi's room.

아영은 하람의 입에 어묵을 한거에요.

A-young put fish cake in Ha-ram's mouth.

하람이 붙은 옷은...

The clothes attached to Haram are...

하람은 카메라에bt지 않고

Haram is not facing the camera.

롬이가 뭔가를 말할 것 같았던 롬이는 테이블에 서고 있었다.

Rom seemed like he was about to say something, standing on the table.

바람이 불어오고 날씨가 깨끗해졌다.

The wind has picked up and the weather has cleared.

루프탑은 하얀색과 같은 하얀색이었다.

The rooftop was a color like white.

그 하얀색은 그 사람의 눈에 even reflected in the man's eyes.

That white color is even reflected in the man's eyes.

롬이는 그 사람의 눈에 서고 있었다.

Rom was standing in that person's eyes.

당신을 찾았다.

I found you.

아담, 그는 아이온에 깊이 듣고 있었다.

Adam was deeply listening to the ion.

시선이 심각해졌다.

The gaze became serious.

롬이는 아담을 높게 불렀다.

Rom called Adam loudly.

우리는 그 사람을 찾았다.

We found that person.

아담은 그들을 기다렸다.

Adam waited for them.

롬이와 그 사람의 옷을 입은 남자는 바람에 그가 이를 떨어다니는 하얀색으로 날아다니는 하얀색을 만졌다.

The man wearing Romi's clothes touched the white that was flying in the wind, which he had dropped.

조용히, 하지만 그는 듣고 있는 귀가 들리며 좀 더 강하게 듣는다.

Quietly, but he can hear the ears that are listening and listens a little more intently.

아이온은 말했다.

Aion said.

3년 전, 그는 사고에서 기억을 잃었다.

Three years ago, he lost his memory in an accident.

아담의 눈은 넓어졌다.

Adam's eyes widened.

그는 아이온을 돌아다녔다.

He wandered around Aion.


What is it?

아이온은 그의 비핸드의 미사일을 보게 되었다.

Aion saw the missile of his behind.

아이온은 그의 시선을 말했다.

Aion spoke with his gaze.

네, 그는 아무것도 기억 못하는 것은 없다.

Yes, he remembers everything.

그는 그의 차에 대해 말했다.

He talked about his car.

그는 그 날 어머니가 죽었고, 그는 그의 기억을 깨닫았다.

That day, his mother died, and he realized his memories.

이 책은 대단한 책입니다.

This book is an amazing book.

이건 대단한 바다 책입니다.

This is an amazing book about the sea.

이건 체조에 가기 전에 책을 읽는 것 같은 책입니다.

This is a book that feels like reading before going to gymnastics.

그리고 당신은 바다에 앉아있습니다.

And you are sitting by the sea.

이건 당신의 옆에 있는 책입니다.

This is the book next to you.

그래서 이 책에는 조금의 드라마가 있습니다.

So this book has a bit of drama.

항상 드라마가 있습니다.

There is always drama.

사랑스러운 로맨스.

Lovely romance.

마마미아 생각해보세요.

Think about Mamma Mia.

모든 게 웃음이 아니죠.

Not everything is laughter.

또한 눈물이 있습니다.

There are also tears.

마마미아 3에서 누군가의 아내가 죽었을 때 기억이 안 나요.

I don't remember when someone's wife died in Mamma Mia 3.

마마미아 3에서요.

In Mamma Mia 3.

당신은 at least,

At least, you.

왜냐하면 당신은 우리를 많이 말하고 싶지 않습니다.

Because you don't want to talk about us much.

무엇이 일어날지,

What will happen,


We are

그 때 로맨스와 만났을 때 기억이 안 나요.

I don't remember when I met romance at that time.

오, 피터.

Oh, Peter.

오, 피터, 피터, 피터.

Oh, Peter, Peter, Peter.

내 달콤한 어린아이.

My sweet little child.

어떻게 저는 책을 스포일러 할 수 있겠습니까?

How can I spoil a book?

그 책이 이미 출시되었습니다.

That book has already been released.

당신은 그것을 사야 합니다.

You should buy it.

당신은 그것을 구입해야 합니다.

You should buy it.

당신은 그것을 읽어야 합니다.

You should read it.

우리의 이야기는 얼마나 길어요?

How long is our story?

약 1 3분 정도요.

About 1 to 3 minutes.



더 많은 것이 올 것입니다.

More will come.

그리고 3명의 여성.

And three women.

3개의 가능한 관계.

Three possible relationships.

오, 와우.

Oh, wow.

성공할 것이냐, 실패할 것이냐,

Will it succeed or fail?

찾을 것이냐,

Will you search for it?

사랑을 찾을 것이냐,

Are you going to find love?

기가 막히게 나타날 것이냐.

Will it appear incredibly?

이 깜짝 놀라운 사람은 자신을 발견할 것일까요?

Will this amazing person discover themselves?

역시 그는 자동차 사고에 다가가야 합니다.

He should indeed approach the car accident.

오, 그는.

Oh, he is.

오, 나는 이것을 받습니다.

Oh, I receive this.



그래서 이것은 아주 좋은 책입니다.

So this is a very good book.

나는 말하자면, 우리는 매우 심한 문학에 대해 대해서 하는 것입니다.

I mean to say that we are dealing with very severe literature.

당신은 이 국가의 국가의 대체로 지정된 2 10에서 원인이라고 할 때,

When you are referred to as the cause of this nation's state in the 210,

이는 한 시험의 앞길입니다.

This is the path ahead of a test.

이는 잘 그런데, 많은 열정이 필요합니다.

This is good, but it requires a lot of passion.

인간의 에너지가 기억하는 모든 역사의 과학과 이름을 잊을 수 있는

The science and names of all history that human energy can remember can be forgotten.

많은 에너지의 기술이 필요합니다.

Technologies that require a lot of energy are needed.

물론, 이것은 가장 중요한 것입니다.

Of course, this is the most important thing.

매우 강렬한 글쓰기,

Very intense writing,

예를 들어, 인터내셔널 북어 프라이즈에 참여한 메이터210,

For example, Meiter210, which participated in the International Bukhwa Prize,

이 작품의 장점은 훌륭합니다.

The strengths of this work are excellent.

하지만 이 작품은 많은 에너지,

However, this work has a lot of energy,

정신 에너지가 필요합니다.

I need mental energy.


Of course.

이 작품은,

This work is,

홀리우드 블록버스터처럼,

Like a Hollywood blockbuster,

K 드라마처럼,

Like a K-drama,

당신을 데리고 가고 싶을 때,

When I want to take you with me,

당신이 이 여자들 중 하나가 되고 싶을 때,

When you want to become one of these women,

이 여자들 중 하나가 되고 싶을 때,

When you want to become one of these women,

그 여자들의 미소,

The smiles of those women,

긴장, 위험, 로맨스,

Tension, danger, romance.

그리고 다른 것들의 모든 것들을 갖고 싶을 때,

And when you want to have everything of all the other things,

이 작품은 좋은 휴일을 읽는 것 같네요.

This work feels like reading a good holiday.

네, 그리고 저는 이렇게 생각하는 것은,

Yes, and I think that...

한국 사회가 정말 대표적입니다.

Korean society is truly representative.

왜냐하면 우리는,

Because we,

30대 중 mid-late 30대 중 한 3명의 여자가 있습니다.

There are three women in their mid to late 30s.

그리고 그것은 한국에서 더 많은 상황을 볼 수 있습니다.

And you can see more situations of it in Korea.


Do you remember?

한 몇 년 전에,

A few years ago,


On TV,

다양한 프로그램을 보던,

While watching various programs,



이 새로운 단어는 올드메스, 골드메스입니다.

This new word is old mess, gold mess.

성공했을 때, 아직도 젊은 사람이었군요.

You were still a young person when you succeeded.

예지원은 그들이 사용한 훌륭한 예를 생각합니다.

Yejiwon thinks of a great example they used.

그녀는 모든 쇼들에 참여했습니다.

She participated in all the shows.

그녀는 오래된 친구입니다.

She is an old friend.

아주 좋은 작가입니다.

He is a very good writer.

골드메스의 개념은,

The concept of Goldmess is,

조금 젊은 여성, 30살 정도의 여성,

A slightly younger woman, around 30 years old.

많은 돈을 가지고, 좋은 직업을 가지고,

Having a lot of money and a good job,

하지만 아직도 젊은 사람입니다.

But I am still a young person.

더 많은 여성들이 젊은 사람을 찾고 있습니다.

More women are looking for younger people.

여성도 그렇습니다.

Women are the same.

그리고 많은 년 동안,

And for many years,

많은 여성에게 선택이 있었습니다.

Many women had a choice.

직업이나 가족입니다.

It's my job or my family.

그것은 그들이 해야 하는 선택이 아닙니다.

It is not a choice they have to make.

하지만 많은 여성은 그렇게 해야 합니다.

But many women have to do that.

그래서 그들은 20살을 직업에 적용합니다.

So they apply 20 years to their profession.

그리고 직업을 가족과 관계자,

And the job involves family and related parties,

그리고 가끔은 친구에 따라 선택합니다.

And sometimes I choose according to my friends.


That's right.



그리고 30살이 되었을 때,

And when I turned 30,

지금 내가 뭘 해야 하는지,

What should I do now?

어떤 일을 하고 있는지,

What kind of work are you doing?


That's right.

그것은 그것이 있었나요?

Did it exist?


That's right.

그리고 저는 여성들이 직업에 적용하는 삶과 같은 일을 하는 것과 똑같습니다.

And I do the same thing as women applying to jobs in their lives.

그들은 직업에 적용하지 않고,

They don't apply it to their profession,

아무것도 하지 않습니다.

I don't do anything.

그리고 30살이 되었을 때,

And when I turned 30,


Just a moment.

제가 혼자 있을 것인가?

Will I be alone?

무슨 의미가 있습니까?

What does it mean?



그래서 이것은,

So this is,


I am,

우리는 이것에 대해 조금 어리다고 생각합니다.

We think this is a bit childish.

우리는 조금 어리다고 생각합니다.

We think we are a little young.



셰프 라이언의 경우.

In the case of Chef Ryan.



그녀는 여성입니다.

She is a woman.

그녀는 골드 미스터입니다.

She is Gold Mister.


That's right.



정말 훌륭합니다.

That's really wonderful.

그리고 저는 이 책을 맡고 있는 세 명의 여성들이 정말 멋지게 생각합니다.

And I think the three women in charge of this book are really great.

모든 것의 중심에 있는 것입니다.

It is at the center of everything.

세 명의 여성들, 세 명의 강력한 여성들,

Three women, three powerful women,

세 명의 여성들이 실수를 하고,

Three women make a mistake,



잘 가게 할 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다.

I am trying to make it go well.



하루가 끝이면,

When the day ends,

친구들에게 가장 중요한 것입니다.

It is the most important thing to friends.

그들에게 정말 재미있는 결정의 방법이라고 들어요.

I hear it's a really fun way to make decisions for them.



이 책은 그렇게 생각합니다.

This book thinks so.




That is,

가끔 필요한 책입니다. 특히 추석에 가족을 만나러 가는게 좋습니다.

It is a book that is sometimes needed. It is especially good to take when visiting family during Chuseok.

이 책은 비행기, 트레이너, 버스 여행에 좋은 책입니다.

This book is great for airplane, train, and bus travels.


It’s perfect.

온라인 리뷰?

Online reviews?

가볍고 부드러운 로맨스에 조금의 끝이 있습니다.

There is a slight end to the light and soft romance.

여러분이 사랑하는 책입니다.

It is a book that you love.

다음 주의 책은?

What is the book for next week?

다음 주에는... 미안해요.

Next week... I'm sorry.

추석에 좋은 책을 만나러 가는 책입니다.

This is a book for meeting good books during Chuseok.

카운팅 스타즈입니다.

It's Counting Stars.

계영묵의 책입니다.

This is a book by Gyeong Yeong-muk.

유진, 라슨, 할럭의 책입니다.

It is a book by Yujin, Larson, and Hallock.

온라인 리뷰가 가능합니다.

Online reviews are available.

카운팅 스타즈, 계영묵의 책입니다.

It's a book by Counting Stars, Gye Yeong-muk.

읽어보시면 좋겠습니다.

I hope you will read it.


Thank you.

오늘 재미있고 로맨틱한 책을 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

Thank you for reading an interesting and romantic book today.


Thank you.

LTI 커리어의 도움이 되셨습니다.

The LTI career has helped you.

박현주님의 좋은 이야기, 페이저 모리스의 훌륭한 번역에 감사합니다.

Thank you for the wonderful story from Park Hyun-joo and the excellent translation by Pager Maurice.

다음 주에 또 다른 책을 읽어보겠습니다.

I will try reading another book next week.

여러분, 추석에 좋은 책을 만나러 가는 책입니다.

Everyone, this is a book to meet good books during Chuseok.

아리덩 라디오의 데일리 K에서,

On Daily K of Aridong Radio,

10시 KST에서, 매주 월요일 10시 KST에서 시청해주세요.

Please watch every Monday at 10 AM KST.

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