Korean Society and Drama

Arirang Radio

Now and Then

Korean Society and Drama

Now and Then

welcome to our number two on a monday with hashtag daily k's host peter bim

Welcome to our number two on a Monday with hashtag daily K's host Peter Bim.

tired of just scratching the surface of korea want to get deep in the weeds for the last time today

Tired of just scratching the surface of Korea, want to get deep into the details for the last time today.

me and pete will unpack everything about korea through its history its people

Pete와 저는 한국의 역사와 그 사람들을 통해 한국에 관한 모든 것을 unpack할 것입니다.

its culture and its media on now and then with david tizard

Its culture and its media on now and then with David Tizard.

that is right for the final time ever i never want to say ever or never but in this iteration

That is right, for the final time ever, I never want to say "ever" or "never," but in this iteration.

with david tizard in the studio this is it and we've got so many messages to read out david first

With David Tizard in the studio, this is it, and we've got so many messages to read out. David, first.



how are you doing you're looking very smart today absolutely i'm i always say this but i'm

How are you doing? You're looking very smart today. Absolutely, I always say this, but I'm...

happy i'm healthy life is good man i i yeah great i hope that you can say that for many years to come

Happy, I'm healthy, life is good, man. I, I, yeah, great. I hope that you can say that for many years to come.

because that's truly what's important isn't it being healthy and happy and those two things i

Because that's truly what's important, isn't it? Being healthy and happy, and those two things I...

think go hand in hand as well you're looking fabulous it's hard to say on a monday sometimes

Think and go hand in hand as well. You're looking fabulous; it's hard to say that on a Monday sometimes.

but no i i i feel it you know i mean i feel like uh life is good that's brilliant yeah how

But no, I, I, I feel it. You know, I mean, I feel like, uh, life is good. That's brilliant, yeah. How?

you doing i i would say

What you doing? I would say.



my form is not bad i think that's come from footy as well hasn't that like talking about a player's

My form is not bad; I think it comes from football too, right? It's like talking about a player's...

form because i always used to think how do you say a player's form is good in football right in korean

"플레이어의 컨디션이 좋다" is how you say a player's form is good in football in Korean.

and they'd also always talk about like condition you know like your condition is good physical as

And they'd also always talk about things like your condition, you know, like your physical condition is good.

well though yeah yeah no it might be form as well it links a bit to that but now they're just using

Well, though yeah, yeah, no, it might be form as well. It links a bit to that, but now they're just using.

that word form in korean i like that i like that kind of um english term let me ask you a very quick

I like that word form in Korean, I like that kind of English term. Let me ask you a very quick question.

이게 정말 개인적인 문제입니다. 한국어로는 어떻게 말해요?

This is really a personal issue. How do you say it in Korean?



제가 말하려고 했죠.

I was going to say that.



어떻게 말해요?

How do you say it?



오늘 앞으로도ciu세�uish gestellt 말씀드리겠습니다.

I will tell you that it will be discussed in the future.

다시 한번 Об collide!

Once again, Об collide!


Of course.

얼마 안 moles undo.

Not long moles undo.

다시맛 참회하고.

I repent of my taste again.

deep knowledge as well

깊은 지식 또한

Aaron has got in board with a long one

Aaron은 긴 것에 탑승했습니다.

saying dear Mr. Tizard

Dear Mr. Tizard

I hope this letter finds you well

I hope this letter finds you well.

hey David I could do the formal and stuffy

Hey David, I can do the formal and stuffy.

but somehow I think you prefer the informal right

하지만 어째서인지 당신은 비공식적인 것을 선호하는 것 같아요, 그렇죠?

I didn't get to know you nearly as well

I didn't get to know you nearly as well.

as I would have liked but I did enjoy learning more

나는 원하는 대로 하진 못했지만, 더 많이 배우는 것은 즐거웠다.

about the history of career every Monday

About the history of career every Monday.

as well as the banter

as well as the banter

your students are lucky to have a professor as cool as you are

Your students are lucky to have a professor as cool as you.

I hope we're at least keeping you

I hope we're at least keeping you.

for the roughly 15 minutes on GMS

for the roughly 15 minutes on GMS

at least no matter what

At least no matter what.

your future holds I hope it brings you and yours

Your future holds hope; I wish it brings you and yours.

great fortune and happiness

great fortune and happiness

that's wonderful thank you Aaron

그것은 멋져요, 고마워요 아론.

yes love the banter

네, 그 대화가 좋아요.

especially bantering

특히 농담하는 것

with people like

with people like

Pete here and Lena I will still be on

피트가 여기 있고 레나도 여전히 있을 거야.

Lena's show yes

Lena의 쇼, 맞아요.

you can see him for 15 minutes

You can see him for 15 minutes.

are you going to extend that to a Monday as well?

Are you going to extend that to a Monday as well?

not for the time being?

Not for the time being?

I might just take Monday off

I might just take Monday off.

because I'm busy

because I'm busy

and I also need to keep reading

그리고 나는 계속 읽어야 해.

I need to keep up with my work

I need to keep up with my work.

I have a duty

I have a duty.

to be informed and knowledgeable

to be informed and knowledgeable

and you know

그리고 너는 아는 척 해.

things like this

things like this

they don't read themselves

그들은 스스로 읽지 않는다.

and this is what I have to do all the time

그리고 이게 내가 항상 해야 하는 일이야.

that's crazy you've always got a book in hand

That's crazy, you always have a book in hand.

haven't you?

Haven't you?

today's final topic

Today's final topic

a really intriguing one

매우 흥미로운 하나

what are we going to be talking about today David?

What are we going to be talking about today, David?

we're going to be talking about this kind of

We're going to be talking about this kind of thing.

theory that I've been creating

theory that I've been creating

in my academic world

in my academic world

because outside of broadcasting

because outside of broadcasting

and popular media

그리고 대중 매체

I work as an academic

I work as an academic.

this is one of my latest works

이것은 저의 최근 작업 중 하나입니다.

it's called K-Invisible

It's called K-Invisible.

I came up with the title before the theory actually

I came up with the title before the theory actually.

I came up with K-Invisible

I came up with K-Invisible.

I was like that's nice

I was like, "That's nice."



what can I do with K-Invisible

What can I do with K-Invisible?

and what this looks at

그리고 이것이 무엇을 살펴보는지.

what we're going to look at today

What we're going to look at today.

is the difference between Korean history

What is the difference in Korean history?

and Korean dramas

그리고 한국 드라마들

so how history and dramas are interacting

So how are history and dramas interacting?

with each other

서로 함께

I won't bore you too much with theory

I won't bore you too much with theory.

but let's just start with this little bit of theory

하지만 이 작은 이론부터 시작해봅시다.

because there's something here that I find fascinating

because there's something here that I find fascinating

we'll show you the first picture

We'll show you the first picture.

now if you look at this

Now if you look at this

perspective matters

관점이 중요하다

you see that one?

Do you see that one?

imagine that object

Imagine that object.

that yellow star is Korea

That yellow star is Korea.

and viewpoint A is somebody from Western Europe

그리고 관점 A는 서유럽 출신입니다.

and viewpoint B is someone from Southeast Asia

and viewpoint B is someone from Southeast Asia

they both come from their various home countries

그들은 각자의 고국에서 온 것이다.

and things like this

그리고 이런 것들

and they both look at Korea

그리고 그들은 둘 다 한국을 바라본다.

but they come up with completely different perspectives

하지만 그들은 완전히 다른 관점을 제시합니다.

somebody might think

somebody might think

yeah Korea is amazing

Yeah, Korea is amazing.

it's highly developed

그것은 고도로 발전된 것입니다.

it's really technologically advanced

It's really technologically advanced.

it's safe

It's safe.

and the other person might look at Korea and go

"그리고 다른 사람은 한국을 보고 이렇게 생각할 수 있다."

wow this place is pretty backwards

Wow, this place is pretty backwards.

in terms of its gender or its mental health

in terms of its gender or its mental health

and so they're both looking at Korea

그리고 그들은 둘 다 한국을 보고 있다.

but because of their vantage points

하지만 그들의 관점 때문에

they end up seeing a different Korea

그들은 다른 한국을 보게 된다.

one is red and one is blue

하나는 빨간색이고 하나는 파란색입니다.

that diagram is brilliant in showing that right

That diagram is brilliant in showing that, right?

you've both got the same object

You've both got the same object.

but different backgrounds

하지만 다른 배경들

which makes it completely different

which makes it completely different

how you're like digesting that information

How are you digesting that information?

and I just want to show you one more thing

그리고 나는 당신에게 한 가지 더 보여주고 싶습니다.

you see that?

Do you see that?

the painting on the right

the painting on the right



that's over 500 years old

그것은 500년이 넘었다.

that's 1533

그것은 1533입니다.

look at the quality of that

Look at the quality of that.

but what you can probably just make out

하지만 당신이 아마 알 수 있는 것은

is that the front?

Is that the front?

there's something there isn't there?

There's something there, isn't there?

I went to the National Gallery

나는 국립 미술관에 갔다.

and this was the only thing that stood out in my mind

그리고 이것이 내 마음에 남아있는 유일한 것이었습니다.

because they made us look at it from the left hand side

because they made us look at it from the left side.

and that's where you can see that it's a skull

그리고 그곳에서 당신은 그것이 해골이라는 것을 볼 수 있습니다.


Isn't it?

that's right

That's right.

it blew my mind

It blew my mind.

all the other paintings were boring

모든 다른 그림들은 지루했다.

I'm sorry

I'm sorry.

but that was amazing

하지만 그건 놀라웠어요.

500 years ago somebody put like a map

500 years ago, someone created something like a map.

magic eye trick

마술 안경 속임수

there's a skull there in the front

거기 앞에 해골이 있어요.

but the point is

하지만 요점은

if you look at it normally

if you look at it normally

you can't see it

You can't see it.

to see the skull you have to not look at it

To see the skull, you have to not look at it.

or you have to look at it from a certain perspective

or you have to look at it from a certain perspective.

and then it becomes clear to you

그리고 나서 당신에게 분명해집니다.

so it's really important as we go through this

So it's really important as we go through this.

perspective matters

Perspective matters.

okay so the difference between Korean history and the dramas

Okay, so the difference between Korean history and the dramas.

a lot of our listeners love a good saguk

Many of our listeners love a good historical drama.

a historical drama

a historical drama

or just a regular drama that has some history in it

혹은 역사적인 요소가 포함된 일반 드라마.

and I don't know how many of you tell us

And I don't know how many of you are telling us.

how many of you really hope that it's all accurate

How many of you really hope that it's all accurate?

how many of you don't give a monkey's

How many of you don't care at all?

you know about that as well

You know about that as well.

it might be interesting

그것은 흥미로울 수 있다.

do you remember that Joseon Exorcist one

Do you remember that Joseon Exorcist one?

with Darcy Parket and that that got cancelled

with Darcy Parket and that got cancelled

after just like one episode

후 단 한 편만 보고 나서

because it wasn't accurate

because it wasn't accurate

even though it was a fantasy drama about exorcists

even though it was a fantasy drama about exorcists

this is really interesting

이것은 정말 흥미롭습니다.

now let's give you two fantasies about Korea

Now let's give you two fantasies about Korea.

let's go with fantasies

Let's go with fantasies.

here's two words for you

여기 당신을 위한 두 마디가 있습니다.

one is

one is

and the next one is

그리고 다음은

so these two fantasies you get about Korea

So these two fantasies you have about Korea.

one is

one is

it's this place of suffering

이 고통의 장소입니다.

it's this place of mental health

It's this place of mental health.

psychological trauma

psychological trauma

everybody's depressed

Everybody's depressed.

nobody's sleeping

Nobody's sleeping.

everyone's unhappy

모두가 불행해.

nobody's dating

Nobody's dating.

there's no love

there's no love

you can see that narrative quite often in the mainstream media

You can see that narrative quite often in the mainstream media.

especially international media

특히 국제 미디어

yeah and I think more Koreans are more aware

Yeah, and I think more Koreans are more aware.

of this

of this

the younger generation as well

the younger generation as well

like to be honest

솔직히 좋아해요.

we don't talk about it as much on Arirang

We don't talk about it as much on Arirang.

you know as maybe the other side of things

You know, perhaps from the other side of things.

where you can see for the next part

어디서 다음 부분을 볼 수 있나요?

like idols and all their colourful hair

like idols and all their colorful hair

but we do mention it from time to time

하지만 우리는 가끔 그것에 대해 언급하곤 합니다.

and I think sometimes our listeners get confused

그리고 가끔 우리 청취자들이 혼란스러워하는 것 같아요.

they're like what I thought Korea was you know wonderful and lovely

They're like what I thought Korea was, you know, wonderful and lovely.

but obviously in anyone's country

하지만 분명히 누구의 나라에서도

there are good and bad things

There are good and bad things.

and there are a lot of people who really struggle with life here

그리고 여기에는 정말 삶을 힘들어하는 사람들이 많습니다.

and we do talk about the suicide rates and stuff like that

그리고 우리는 자살률과 그런 것들에 대해 이야기합니다.

that's all part of that hell Joseon right

That's all part of that hellish Joseon, right?

it is

그것은 그렇다.

it is part of it

그것은 그 일부분입니다.

but what I'm trying to make here is that

하지만 제가 여기서 만들고자 하는 것은

there are these two fantasies

There are these two fantasies.

and one is that Korea is this sort of negative dystopia

And one is that Korea is this sort of negative dystopia.

with all these problems

이 모든 문제들로 인해

and on the other side you have this narrative

그리고 반대편에는 이 서사가 있다.

where Korea is this

Where in Korea is this?

you know you walk down the street

You know you walk down the street.

and there's

그리고 그곳에는

there's all these handsome idols everywhere

There are handsome idols everywhere.

and beauty and skin care

and beauty and skin care

and everything's beautiful

그리고 모든 게 아름다워요.

those two narratives are absolutely right there

그 두 이야기들은 절대적으로 그 자리에 있다.

yeah the 국뽕 heaven

Yeah, the 국뽕 (national pride) heaven.

the 국뽕 like YouTubers

the 국뽕-like YouTubers

there are 국뽕 foreigners as well

There are 국뽕 foreigners as well.

there are people who are just

There are people who are just.

said to be singing only the praises right

Said to be singing only the praises, right?

they do the 국뽕 coin

They make the national pride coin.

that's what it's called in Korean

그게 한국어로 그렇게 불린다.

it's when you just say nice things about Korea

그것은 당신이 한국에 대해 좋은 것들만 말할 때입니다.

and you get all of that

그리고 너는 그 모든 것을 얻는다.

look at this next thing about the dramas

Look at this next thing about the dramas.

this is from a quite popular influencer

This is from a quite popular influencer.

don't believe everything you say in K-dramas

Don't believe everything you hear in K-dramas.

all the terrible things in them are actually true

All the terrible things in them are actually true.

but most of the good stuff in them is made up

하지만 그 안의 좋은 것들은 대부분 허구로 만들어져 있다.



oh that's so depressing

Oh, that's so depressing.

and it's

and it's

I don't know what to say about that

I don't know what to say about that.

I'm definitely going to say

I'm definitely going to say.

yeah a lot of the terrible things in them are true

Yeah, a lot of the terrible things in them are true.

like the one I remember is Sky Castle

The one I remember is Sky Castle.

and the competition for education

그리고 교육을 위한 경쟁

and that

그리고 그것

surely all the good things can't just be made

Surely all the good things can't just be made.

surely some of those are true in some people's lives

확실히 그 중 일부는 어떤 사람들의 삶에서 진실일 수 있습니다.

but that's the point

하지만 그게 요점이에요.

so let's do this RM thing

So let's do this RM thing.

RM was interviewed by a Spanish newspaper

RM는 스페인 신문과 인터뷰를 했다.

and they said

그리고 그들은 말했다.

you know Korean people are all depressed and unhappy

Korean people are all depressed and unhappy.

you guys need to calm down don't you

You guys need to calm down, don't you?

and RM from BTS

and RM from BTS

he looked at them and he said

그는 그들을 보고 말했다.

no you guys just don't get it

No, you guys just don't get it.

you were going around the world colonizing people

You were going around the world colonizing people.

and so we had this bad start

and so we had this bad start

we had to start much later

우리는 훨씬 나중에 시작해야 했다.

and now we're working hard to catch up

그리고 이제 우리는 따라잡기 위해 열심히 일하고 있습니다.

we're catching up with the rest of the world

We're catching up with the rest of the world.

and we're doing this

그리고 우리는 이것을 하고 있습니다.

and you tell us we're doing something wrong

그리고 당신은 우리에게 우리가 뭔가 잘못하고 있다고 말하죠.

and he's saying wherever there's light

그는 빛이 있는 곳이라면 어디든지 있다고 말하고 있습니다.

there's going to be a shadow

There’s going to be a shadow.

you need to accept that we're moving fast

You need to accept that we're moving fast.

don't try to hold us back

Don't try to hold us back.

Welcome to Arirang Radio

Welcome to Arirang Radio

If you are in Jeju

If you are in Jeju

88.7 in Jeju City

88.7 in Jeju City

88.1 in Seogwipo City

88.1 in Seogwipo City

101.9 in the Daejeong area

101.9 in the Daejeong area

Arirang Radio

Arirang Radio

And we're back for part two of our final edition of Now and Then

And we're back for part two of our final edition of Now and Then.

with David Tizard in the studio

David Tizard와 함께 스튜디오에서

so many of you on board today

So many of you on board today.

I think the preview of David leaving last week

I think the preview of David leaving was last week.

has done a trick

has played a trick.

because we don't usually get this many messages

Because we don't usually receive this many messages.

Blazing Saddles saying

Blazing Saddles saying

I don't think there's much difference

I don't think there's much difference.

in human behaviour amongst countries

in human behavior among countries

However, there's a huge perception difference

그러나 인식의 차이가 큽니다.

from far away countries

from far away countries

to the likes of maybe South Korea

to the likes of maybe South Korea

let alone North Korea and China

말할 것도 없이 북한과 중국은.

That's an interesting comparison as well out in this region

그 지역에서는 흥미로운 비교이기도 하네요.

Absolutely it is

확실히 그렇습니다.

I'm going to speak to somebody about life in North Korea

I'm going to speak to somebody about life in North Korea.

once I leave here

한번 내가 여기 떠나면

Raul says it's all about perspectives

Raul says it's all about perspectives.

and extremes are never good

And extremes are never good.

You're right on board Raul

You're right on board, Raul.

You're getting it

You're getting it.

Aaron is saying that a politician

Aaron은 정치인이 있다고 말하고 있습니다.

over there in the city of Jeju

over there in the city of Jeju

is saying that we need to go back to the good old days

It is saying that we need to go back to the good old days.

the good old days of segregation and racism

The good old days of segregation and racism

I don't know when the good old days were

I don't know when the good old days were.

and Sherry says

And Sherry says.

we sometimes use extremes to summarise a group of people

우리는 때때로 극단적인 예를 들어 한 무리의 사람들을 요약합니다.

That's exactly right

That's exactly right.

and that's why something called the contact hypothesis

그리고 그게 바로 접촉 가설이라고 불리는 것입니다.

is really important

is really important

which means the more you interact with a group of people

which means the more you interact with a group of people

whether they're religious groups, minority groups

whether they're religious groups or minority groups

the more you develop positive engagement with them

the more you develop positive engagement with them

It's about interaction

It's about interaction.

You just in the end realise

You just realize in the end.

they're just people just like me

그들은 나와 똑같은 사람들일 뿐이다.

with most groups out there

with most groups out there

There might be some rare exceptions

There might be some rare exceptions.

but I believe that as well

하지만 저도 그렇게 믿습니다.

Raul you also often come from this point of view

Raul, you often come from this point of view as well.

Your kind of image of Korea is all about the tech

당신이 생각하는 한국의 이미지는 모두 기술에 관한 것입니다.

saying it's on point

saying it's accurate

Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Jeju, great cities

Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Jeju, great cities.

but maybe the society is too competitive

하지만 어쩌면 사회가 너무 경쟁적일 수도 있습니다.

and mental health is an issue

그리고 정신 건강은 문제입니다.

That's why I don't think I could ever live there

그렇기 때문에 나는 그곳에서 살 수 없을 것 같아.

in my opinion

in my opinion

It's not for everyone for sure

확실히 모두에게 맞지는 않다.

I'll try to address that as we get through this

그것은 우리가 이 과정을 진행하면서 해결해 보겠습니다.

because I think there's something to be said about

because I think there's something to be said about

what it is actually like to live here

What it is actually like to live here.

because here's some living proof

이곳에 살아있는 증거가 있습니다.

you know like

You know like

if you looked outside this window

if you looked outside this window

and saw the production teams and things like that

그리고 제작팀과 그런 것들을 보았다.

you know people are just normal people

You know, people are just regular people.

Yeah absolutely

네, 절대적으로요.

So we're gonna move on to

So we're gonna move on to

Oh The Glory

Oh The Glory

The Glory

The Glory

I didn't watch this

I didn't watch this.

I made it clear bullying

I made it clear that it was bullying.

I just can't

I just can't.

but so many people got so many different things from this drama

But so many people took away so many different things from this drama.

A lot of people watch The Glory

A lot of people watch The Glory.

and what I want to make this point about The Glory is

And what I want to make this point about The Glory is

that The Glory represented both fantasies of Korea

That The Glory represented both fantasies of Korea.

It showed you this Heljo-san

It showed you this, Heljo.

these characters that were engaged in drugs

these characters that were involved in drugs

and psychological abuse and physical abuse

그리고 심리적 학대와 신체적 학대

and they were engaged in promiscuous carnal activities

그리고 그들은 문란한 육체적 활동에 참여하고 있었다.

That's a weird way of saying they had sex

그들이 섹스했다는 이상한 표현이다.

And on the other side you had this kind of

And on the other side, you had this kind of

Gukbong where they were beautiful

Gukbong where they were beautiful.

they were pure

그들은 순수했다.

they had no ill intentions

그들은 악의가 없었다.

they would sort of live together

그들은 일종의 함께 살게 될 것이다.

but not have any physical interactions

하지만 신체적 상호작용은 하지 않습니다.

other than maybe touching hands

other than maybe holding hands

and so you had this very dark

그리고 너는 매우 어두운 것을 가졌어.

and this very pure image of Korea

and this very pure image of Korea

coming together in The Glory

Coming together in The Glory

and of course it was the heaven version that won

And of course, it was the heaven version that won.

Of course it must be

Of course it must be.

Yeah and you know that message earlier

Yeah, and you know that message earlier.

that maybe all the bad is true

그 모든 나쁜 것이 사실일지도 모른다.

and all the good is not true

그리고 모든 좋은 것은 사실이 아니다.

Yeah I think the truth is somewhere in the middle isn't it?

네, 진실은 어디에선가 중간 쯤에 있는 것 같아요, 그렇죠?



Well let's get there because otherwise I worry that we might not get through these points

Well, let's get there because otherwise I worry that we might not get through these points.

If we go to the next slide

If we go to the next slide.

We talked about the good old days

We talked about the good old days.

Just a minute this person

Just a minute, this person.

It was Aaron I believe

나는 아론이라고 믿어요.

saying going back to the good old days

saying going back to the good old days

Now in the 1990s when Hallyu was just coming out

Now in the 1990s when Hallyu was just emerging.

Korea had a lot more racial discrimination back in the 1990s

Korea had a lot more racial discrimination back in the 1990s.

because people didn't travel abroad

because people didn't travel abroad

They didn't have interaction with foreign people as much

They didn't have as much interaction with foreign people.

There were hardly any here

There were hardly any here.

Hardly any people

Hardly any people

Gender discrimination was far more prevalent in the 1990s

Gender discrimination was far more prevalent in the 1990s.

You know if you were a woman getting on a subway or a bus or in the office

You know, if you were a woman getting on a subway, a bus, or in the office.

Gender discrimination was pretty harsh

Gender discrimination was pretty harsh.



So the abuse of power in hierarchical relationships was pretty strong

So the abuse of power in hierarchical relationships was pretty strong.

Yeah we still talk about that today but it was way worse back then

Yeah, we still talk about that today, but it was much worse back then.

What I'm trying to get is in the 1990s the reality was closer to

What I'm trying to get at is that in the 1990s, the reality was closer to

It wasn't hell let's be clear

It wasn't hell, let's be clear.

But it was pretty dark

하지만 꽤 어두웠다

But at the same time the dramas during that period were all of these

But at the same time, the dramas during that period were all of these.

Guess the drama Pete look at the picture

Guess the drama Pete by looking at the picture.

What drama is that?

What drama is that?

Oh that's got Jeju in it

Oh, that's got Jeju in it.

Isn't that the one?

Isn't that it?

Winter Sonata

Winter Sonata

Yeah I think she goes blind in that and maybe dies

네, 그녀는 그걸 하다가 눈이 멀고 아마 죽는 것 같아요.

Something like that

그런 것처럼

A lot of the dramas would end on that sad note

A lot of the dramas would end on that sad note.

But there'd be really like almost a fantasy couple throughout it right?

하지만 그동안 정말 거의 판타지 같은 커플이 있을 거야, 맞지?

It's Winter Sonata yes

It's Winter Sonata, yes.

And so the dramas during this time were Cinderella dramas

And so the dramas during this time were Cinderella dramas.

They were beautiful

그들은 아름다웠다.

They projected this kind of escapism from the horrors of the world

그들은 세상의 공포에서 벗어나려는 이런 종류의 도피주의를 내비쳤다.

So the point here is you get is as the reality was pretty bad

So the point here is that you understand how bad the reality was.

The dramas projected the opposite

The dramas projected the opposite.

So you had this mismatch between these two things right?

So you had this mismatch between these two things, right?

Maybe like as an escape for people?

아마 사람들을 위한 탈출구 같은 거 아닐까?

Absolutely it was an escapism and it was this idea of fantasy

Absolutely, it was an escapism and it was this idea of fantasy.

It was this release from life

It was this release from life.

But what it is was that the dramas didn't represent reality

하지만 그것이 사실은 드라마들이 현실을 반영하지 않았다는 것이다.

Were they claiming to I wonder?

Were they claiming to? I wonder.

That's hard to

그것은 힘들다.

It's hard to point but now let's go forward

It's hard to pinpoint, but now let's move forward.

And if we look at dramas today

And if we look at dramas today

Squid Game

Squid Game



We Are All Dead

We Are All Dead

The Glory

The Glory

Sweet Home

Sweet Home

Pretty Dark

Pretty Dark



A lot of these dramas so if we show the people the next slide right?

A lot of these dramas, so if we show the people the next slide, right?

Lots of pictures to hide my face today it's wonderful

Lots of pictures to hide my face today; it's wonderful.

If we show the listeners the next slide

If we show the listeners the next slide

As the dramas are getting much darker aren't they?

The dramas are getting much darker, aren't they?

We never had dramas like this in the 90s

We never had dramas like this in the 90s.

Now the reality it's not heaven let's be clear

현재 현실은 천국이 아님을 분명히 하자.

Of course

Of course

But gender discrimination is getting much better

하지만 성 차별은 많이 나아지고 있다.

Women have much better positions in society

Women have much better positions in society.

Of course

Of course

The LGBT community it's not brilliant for them

The LGBT community is not doing well for them.

Making progress

진행 중입니다.

But it's getting better they're making progress

하지만 상황이 나아지고 있어요, 그들은 진전을 이루고 있습니다.

Society is less violent isn't it?

Society is less violent, isn't it?

In general here

Generally here.



So what you're getting is as society is getting better

So what you're getting is as society is getting better.

The dramas themselves are getting darker

The dramas themselves are getting darker.

Wow I wonder what the link is there

와, 그곳에 어떤 연관이 있는지 궁금하다.

Is it that you know people feel more comfortable to do

Is it that you know people feel more comfortable doing?

More in this society that's more kind of safe and free and open

More in this society that's safer, freer, and more open.

Or is it people maybe always you know we say we want what we don't have

Or is it that people maybe always, you know, we say we want what we don't have?

Are we craving that side of things?

Are we craving that aspect?

That's a really good question Pete

그건 정말 좋은 질문이야, 피트.

So the philosopher Jacques Lacan wasn't a philosopher he was a psychoanalyst

So the philosopher Jacques Lacan wasn't a philosopher; he was a psychoanalyst.

The French psychoanalysis Jacques Lacan says that we access reality through fantasy

The French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan says that we access reality through fantasy.

That to get to reality you have to go through fantasy

That to get to reality you have to go through fantasy.

So for example if you want to understand real reality

So for example, if you want to understand real reality.

Or human emotions about revenge and love

Or human emotions regarding revenge and love.

You have to go through Hamlet to understand it

You have to go through Hamlet to understand it.

You have to go through Romeo and Juliet

You have to go through Romeo and Juliet.

You have to go through BTS right?

You have to go through BTS, right?

You have to go through these unreal depictions

You have to go through these unreal depictions.

Through these fantasies to get to the reality

이 환상들을 통해 현실에 도달하다

Wow so they're not useless you know

Wow, so they're not useless, you know.

One of my friends he's always going on at us for watching movies or dramas

One of my friends is always nagging us for watching movies or dramas.

He's like they're not real what's the point?

그는 그들이 실제가 아닌 것처럼, 무슨 의미가 있냐고 해요?

You know he only watches documentaries

You know he only watches documentaries.

Like he's a really kind of straight as an arrow

Like he's really straight as an arrow.

Kind of guy

Kind of guy

And he doesn't understand why people watch those kind of things

And he doesn't understand why people watch those kinds of things.

But there is like you say there is something that you get

하지만 당신이 말하는 것처럼 당신이 얻는 무언가가 있습니다.

That is very real from something that is definitely fake right?

That is very real compared to something that is definitely fake, right?

Well next time I hope you tell him Jacques Lacan said

Well next time I hope you tell him Jacques Lacan said.

You access reality through fantasy

You access reality through fantasy.

You have to go through fantasy to get to reality

You have to go through fantasy to get to reality.

Nevertheless what we're noticing here in South Korea is

Nevertheless, what we're noticing here in South Korea is

As the society is getting better

As society improves.

The dramas are getting darker

The dramas are getting darker.

And for people outside the country

And for people outside the country.

For people that don't experience this kind of day to day Korean life

For people who don't experience this kind of day-to-day Korean life.

They're going to look at it and go

그들은 그것을 보고 이렇게 말할 것이다.

Oh wow man Korea is messed up

Oh wow man, Korea is messed up.

But what you need to understand is

하지만 당신이 이해해야 할 것은

Those dramas don't actually point to a messed up society

Those dramas don't actually point to a messed up society.

They point to actually an improving society

그들은 실제로 개선되고 있는 사회를 가리킵니다.

I wonder how like common how much common knowledge that is

I wonder how common that knowledge is.

For other places and people right?

맞아요, 다른 장소와 사람들을 위해서죠?

We know this thanks to you and the theories there that you presented

우리는 당신 덕분에 이것을 알게 되었고, 당신이 제시한 이론들 덕분입니다.

But yeah just your regular jokes right?

하지만 네, 그냥 너의 평범한 농담이겠지?

They're not going to think that deeply right?

They're not going to think that deeply, right?

They're going to be thinking

그들은 생각할 것이다.

Oh no what's going on there?

Oh no, what’s happening there?

They might be worried

그들은 걱정할 수도 있다.

People will look at the glory and they'll say

People will look at the glory and they'll say.

Oh my god this is a really serious issue

Oh my god, this is a really serious issue.

My kids go to school in Korea

My kids go to school in Korea.

Your kids go to school

당신의 아이들은 학교에 갑니다.

And I spend all my time in universities

그리고 나는 대학에서 모든 시간을 보낸다.

And I don't see all of this belief

그리고 나는 이 모든 믿음을 보지 못하겠다.

I'm not downplaying it

I'm not belittling it.

I'm not saying it doesn't go on

I'm not saying it doesn't happen.

But what I'm trying to suggest is that

하지만 제가 제안하고자 하는 것은

Contrary to how many people might think

Contrary to how many people might think

These very dark dramas point to

These very dark dramas point to


A good society rather than a bad society

A good society rather than a bad society.



Have we got time to make one more point before a song?

Do we have time to make one more point before the song?

Of course

Of course

And I'll try to make it with this next slide

그리고 다음 슬라이드로 이것을 만들어 보겠습니다.

Look at this

Look at this.



Do you get critical dramas in North Korea?

Do you get critical dramas in North Korea?

I'm assuming not

나는 그렇지 않을 것이라고 가정하고 있어.

I haven't seen many but I'm assuming zero

I haven't seen many, but I'm assuming it's zero.

No you don't

아니, 너 안 그래.

North Korea has dramas

North Korea has dramas.

It has media

It has media.

It has content

It has content.

But most of it is

But most of it is

I don't want to say propaganda

I don't want to say propaganda.

Because all countries have propaganda

Because all countries have propaganda.

But it's idealized you know

하지만 그것은 이상화된 거야, 알잖아.

It's more than cookbong

It's more than a cooking show.

It's more than

It's more than

All the heaven is trying to glorify the state

모든 하늘이 국가를 찬양하려고 하고 있다.

And all of these things

그리고 이 모든 것들

So what I want people to understand from this is

So what I want people to understand from this is

When you see dark content

When you see dark content

It often points to a bright society

It often points to a bright society.



And that's very counterintuitive

그것은 매우 직관에 반하는 것이다.



But in dark societies

But in dark societies

You only see good content

You only see good content.

That really hits home you know

That really resonates, you know.

In those dictatorial regimes

In those dictatorial regimes

It's going to be very hard

It’s going to be very hard.

That makes sense

그럴듯 하네요.

I think a lot of us have learned enough history

I think a lot of us have learned enough history.

That we can understand that

그것을 이해할 수 있다는 것.

We're not going to see anything critical or super dark

우리는 어떤 중요한 것이나 매우 어두운 것을 보지 않을 것입니다.

Interesting stuff

재미있는 것들

So after the break

So after the break

Let's find out what the reality is

Let's find out what the reality is.

So we've got these fantasies

So we've got these fantasies.

We'll do the reality

We'll make it a reality.

What is the truth?

What is the truth?

We're back for part three of our final Now and Then

We're back for part three of our final Now and Then.

With David looking at K-Invisible

David가 K-Invisible을 보고 있다.

And getting to the meat and bones I suppose

And getting to the heart of the matter, I suppose.

A few more messages though

A few more messages though.

Tiggerish saying

Tiggerish saying

Perhaps the dramas that project heaven

Perhaps the dramas that depict heaven.

Are desire

Are desire

And the ones that depict hell are a warning

그리고 지옥을 묘사한 것들은 경고입니다.

That's an interesting way to think about them

그들을 그렇게 생각하는 것은 흥미로운 방법이다.



They could be projecting advice that we need to follow

그들은 우리가 따라야 할 조언을 제시할 수 있습니다.

Leon saying

Leon saying

We always need to have balance

우리는 항상 균형을 유지해야 합니다.

Not just focusing on one side

Not just focusing on one side.

Balance these days Leon

These days, balance it, Leon.

Is a very difficult thing to find

It is a very difficult thing to find.

Good luck with it

행운을 빕니다.

Hopefully you get some here from Mr Bint

Hopefully you receive some here from Mr. Bint.

Siska's saying

Siska's saying

Oh I didn't know about the gender discrimination these days

Oh, I didn't know about the gender discrimination these days.

Just in the past in Korea

Just in the past in Korea

I think it's the same everywhere

I think it's the same everywhere.

Maybe things have improved

Maybe things have improved.

But I don't know if anywhere is perfect

하지만 어디가 완벽한지는 모르겠어요.

Oh nowhere is perfect

Oh, nowhere is perfect.

And nowhere will be perfect

And nowhere will be perfect.

But as we've discussed on this show

그러나 우리가 이 쇼에서 논의했던 것처럼

120 years ago Korean women were confined to

120 years ago, Korean women were confined to

Anbangs and Sarangbangs

Anbangs and Sarangbangs

They were covered head to toe

그들은 머리부터 발끝까지 덮여 있었다.

They've made pretty good progress considering

그들은 고려해볼 때 꽤 좋은 진행 상황을 보이고 있다.

Look at it these days

Look at it these days.

We have new jeans

우리는 새로운 청바지가 있습니다.

The Seraphim

The Seraphim



Girl groups crushing it

Girl groups dominating the scene.



Shown a completely different side

Shown a completely different side

Raoul saying it's the same where he is

Raoul said it's the same where he is.

You know

You know

It does seem pretty bad

It does seem pretty bad.

But life is full of goodness and cheerfulness

But life is full of goodness and cheerfulness.

And things like that

And things like that

Leon getting it by saying

Leon gets it by saying

This is an interesting correlation

This is an interesting correlation.

We access reality through fantasy

우리는 판타지를 통해 현실에 접근한다.

Well done Leon

잘했어 레온

Keep telling that to Pete

계속해서 피트에게 그렇게 말해.

So he can tell his friends

그래서 그는 그의 친구들에게 말할 수 있다.

I won't forget

I won't forget.

Yeah I need to tell my friend that

응, 그걸 친구한테 알려줘야 해.

I'll sound really smart

I'll sound really smart.

I'll WhatsApp him after the show

I'll WhatsApp him after the show.

And so towards the meat and bones of things David

And so towards the meat and bones of things, David.

Towards the meat and bones of things

Towards the meat and bones of things

Well let's just give a couple of more

그럼 몇 개 더 주자.



I hope I can get through this in time

I hope I can get through this in time.

You remember the drama the DP

Do you remember the drama DP?

I love this drama

I love this drama.



And so that came out in 2021

And so that came out in 2021.

And it showed some of the horrors of the military service

And it showed some of the horrors of the military service.

That people go through

That people go through

It's very good

It's very good.

But it only came out once the military had improved

But it only came out once the military had improved.

Its conditions for the people

Its conditions for the people

Yeah I guess it didn't feel so close to the bone maybe then

네, 아마 그게 그렇게 마음에 와 닿지는 않았던 것 같아요.

Well what it needed is

Well, what it needed is

If it was still that kind of hell reality

If it was still that kind of hellish reality.

They wouldn't have been able to show it

그들은 그것을 보여줄 수 없었을 것이다.

So DP came out once the recruits were able to use smartphones

So DP came out once the recruits were able to use smartphones.

Once their minimum wage had increased

Once their minimum wage had increased

Once they had more time off at weekends

그들은 주말에 더 많은 시간을 쉴 수 있었다.

The point was when DP came out

The point was when DP came out.

It did reflect some elements of truth in Korean society

It did reflect some elements of truth in Korean society.

But some elements of truth from the past

하지만 과거의 진실의 일부 요소들

And so it's only once society's improved

And so it's only once society's improved.

That it can look at the darker sides

That it can look at the darker sides.

And so people might look at the DP and go

And so people might look at the DP and go

Oh wow it's like that

Oh wow, is that how it is?

The more correct view would have been

The more correct view would have been.

It was like that

It was like that.

Or some parts are like that

Or some parts are like that.

Yeah you're right with pop culture

네, 당신은 대중문화에 대해 맞습니다.

I was doing a review for the film The Queen

I was doing a review for the film The Queen.

Which was about Princess Diana's death and the Queen's reaction

Which was about Princess Diana's death and the Queen's reaction.

But it came out like 10 years after that happened

하지만 그것이 일어난 후 10년 정도 지나서 나왔다.

Once Britain had got through all the controversy

Once Britain had gotten through all the controversy

Maybe surrounding that

Maybe surrounding that.

When you're ready to accept that I suppose

When you're ready to accept that, I suppose.

Yeah absolutely

응, 완전히 그렇지.

So we have to wonder

So we have to wonder.

Why do these negative portrayals of Korea

Why do these negative portrayals of Korea?

Why are they so popular

Why are they so popular?

Because if you look at The Guardian

Because if you look at The Guardian

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal

The New York Times

The New York Times

They'll have these very dark and negative depictions of Korea

They'll have these very dark and negative depictions of Korea.

There is this idea of orientalist comfort

There is this idea of orientalist comfort.

That negative depictions of Korea

That negative depictions of Korea

Make the West feel better about itself

Make the West feel better about itself.

Yes they might have good education

Yes, they might have a good education.

They might have really cheap healthcare

그들은 정말 저렴한 의료 서비스를 가질 수도 있다.

Their streets might be relatively clean and safe

그들의 거리들은 상대적으로 깨끗하고 안전할 수 있습니다.

And very few drugs

그리고 아주 적은 약물들

But it's because they're all unhappy

하지만 그들이 모두 불행해서 그래.

Or it's because they're all sad

Or it's because they're all sad.

There's got to be a big but

하지만 큰 단점이 있어야 해.

There's got to be a but

그렇지만 무언가 있어야 해.

And so we don't look at Korea as an example

And so we don't see Korea as an example.

Or look at Korea as something to follow

Or look at Korea as a model to follow.

Or see Korea as better than the West

Or see Korea as better than the West.

There's always that kind of

There's always that kind of

We've got to focus on the dark side

우리는 어두운 면에 집중해야 해.

So we don't let them run away with things

So we don't let them take off with things.

That's such an interesting theory

그것은 정말 흥미로운 이론이다.

And it makes a bit of sense

And it makes a bit of sense.

Like you always try and comfort yourself

Like you always try to comfort yourself.

When someone else is doing better

When someone else is doing better

Like there's got to be something bad in that guy's life

Like there has to be something bad in that guy's life.

No absolutely

No, absolutely not.

And so we look for that

And so we look for that.

And there's another aspect of this

And there's another aspect of this.

Which is called the capital of anxiety

Which is called the capital of anxiety.

Now if you want to write something

Now, if you want to write something.

Or post something up on social media

Or post something on social media.

If you do something negative

If you do something negative

Oh my god look at this

Oh my god, look at this.

This is unbelievable

This is unbelievable.

What has just happened

What has just happened?

That will get all the interaction and clicks

그게 모든 상호작용과 클릭을 유도할 것입니다.

People are moved on social media

People are touched on social media.

By these terrible stories of death

By these terrible stories of death

And suicide

그리고 자살

And all of this

And all of this

And that will generate so much attention

그리고 그것은 많은 관심을 불러일으킬 것입니다.

And traction

And traction

And advertising

And advertising

And sponsorship

그리고 후원

In the online world

In the online world

And so I did come up with this

And so I did come up with this.

That sad Koreans

That sad Koreans.

Dead Koreans

Dead Koreans

And single Koreans

And single Koreans

There's nothing more valuable than this

There’s nothing more valuable than this.

In the mainstream media

In the mainstream media

Whether it's in dramas

Whether it's in dramas

Or you know reality

Or you know the truth.

Yeah we know that

네, 우리는 그걸 알고 있습니다.

You know the bad news

You know the bad news.

Creates a lot of headlines

Generates a lot of headlines.

But I never linked that with Korea so much

하지만 나는 그걸 한국과 그렇게 연결해 본 적은 없어.

But yeah the suicides and things like that

하지만 그렇습니다, 자살과 그와 같은 것들.

They get a lot of traction

그들은 많은 주목을 받는다.

And responses from people as well

"And responses from people as well."



So we'll ask the PD to go to photo number 14

그러니까 PD에게 사진 번호 14로 가달라고 요청하겠습니다.



And so if the

And so if the

Korea is not heaven

Korea is not heaven.

And Korea is not hell

And Korea is not hell.

Then what is the truth about Korea

Then what is the truth about Korea?

Well one of the things I came up with was this

Well, one of the things I came up with was this.

Malm spacing

Malm spacing

We might have spoken about it before

We might have talked about it before.

Malm spacing is

Malm spacing is

In Korea

In Korea

I created that term by the way

By the way, I created that term.

So when you go to a cafe

So when you go to a cafe

And you just leave your laptop on the table

그리고 당신은 그냥 노트북을 테이블 위에 두고 가요.



And your books

그리고 너의 책들

And your phone

그리고 너의 전화.

Thousands of dollars

Thousands of dollars

And then you just walk out and go to the toilet

And then you just walk out and go to the bathroom.



You might come back like 30 minutes later

You might come back in about 30 minutes.

Yeah but you can do that in Korea

그래도 한국에서 그렇게 할 수 있어.

Nobody's going to take it

아무도 그걸 가져가지 않을 거야.

That is a beautiful thing about Korea

That is a beautiful thing about Korea.

But it never really kind of gets mentioned

하지만 그것은 사실상 언급되지 않곤 한다.

Or it never really gets known

Or it never really gets known.

And so I think it might be

And so I think it might be.

Maybe I didn't give the PD the correct photo here

Maybe I didn't give the PD the right photo here.

But what I want to make the point is here

But what I want to emphasize here is

Is that the best thing about Korea

Is that the best thing about Korea?

Or the reality of Korea is actually invisible

Or the reality of Korea is actually invisible.

The real truth about Korea is when

The real truth about Korea is when

In Seoul

In Seoul



Every morning

매일 아침

Like 8 million people

Like 8 million people

In greater Seoul area

In the greater Seoul area

Take the subway

Take the subway.

Go to work

Go to work.

They go to their offices

그들은 사무실로 간다.

Even when it's raining

Even when it's raining

They go home

그들은 집에 간다.

And nothing happens

그리고 아무 일도 일어나지 않는다.

This is the most important point

This is the most important point.

The miracle is the mundane life

The miracle is the mundane life.

When nothing happens

When nothing happens

And in Seoul for the most part

And in Seoul for the most part.

And South Korea

그리고 한국

Nothing happens

아무것도 일어나지 않는다

No big like murders or shootings

No major incidents like murders or shootings.

Or anything like that

Or anything like that



The subways work

The subways operate.

The healthcare works

The healthcare works.

The infrastructure works

인프라 건설 작업

The people are

The people are

You don't get your stuff stolen

You don't have your things stolen.

You don't get abused or assaulted on the streets

You don't get abused or assaulted on the streets.

Everybody goes to work

모두가 일을 가요.

And they get back

그리고 그들은 돌아온다.

And women can walk the streets pretty late at night

And women can walk the streets pretty late at night.

Nothing happens

아무 일도 일어나지 않는다.

People go out for a drink

People go out for a drink.

There aren't too many fights or anything like that

There aren't too many fights or anything like that.

That's the reality

그게 현실이다.

But that never goes on the dramas

하지만 그것은 드라마에는 절대 나오지 않아요.



Because it's not heaven or it's not hell

Because it's not heaven or it's not hell.



I guess

I guess.

I'm not going to watch a drama

I'm not going to watch a drama.

If nothing happens

If nothing happens

Why am I going to watch that?

왜 내가 그걸 보러 가야 해?

Famously Samuel Beckett did Waiting for Godot

Famously, Samuel Beckett wrote Waiting for Godot.

Nothing happens

아무 일도 일어나지 않는다.

They're just waiting for Godot

그들은 단지 고도를 기다리고 있다.

Godot never comes

Godot는 결코 오지 않는다.

It's a very existentialist play

It's a very existentialist play.

But do you see the point I'm making here about K-Invisible

But do you see the point I'm making here about K-Invisible?

Is that we experience this

Is that we experience this.

And the people around us

And the people around us

We all experience this Korean life

We all experience this Korean life.

But it's very different from the dramas

But it's very different from the dramas.

And it's invisible

그리고 그것은 보이지 않는다.

And there are not words to describe it yet

And there are not yet words to describe it.

I had to come up with mound spacing and all this

나는 공의 간격과 모든 것을 생각해내야 했다.

Because we don't recognize the beauty of it

Because we don't recognize its beauty.

The beauty which is South Korea

The beauty that is South Korea.

When nothing happens

When nothing happens

And that's the beauty

And that's the beauty.

Yeah and I guess lots of Koreans take it for granted

Yeah and I guess lots of Koreans take it for granted.

Because they've always lived in that kind of environment

Because they've always lived in that kind of environment.

I also having lived here for a long time

I have also lived here for a long time.

I start to take it for granted

나는 그것을 당연하게 여기기 시작한다.

Then I go back home to the UK

그럼 나는 영국으로 돌아간다.

And I feel threatened

And I feel threatened.

Or I see a mugging

Or I see a robbery.

Or some little bus stop is broken

Or some little bus stop is broken.

The glass

The glass

You pull your kids a little bit closer to you

You pull your kids a little bit closer to you.


And you're like that's why I live in Korea

And you're like, that's why I live in Korea.

And you know that is a huge part of life

And you know that is a huge part of life.

Feeling you know safe

Feeling you know safe

And like you said predictable right

그리고 네가 말한 대로 예측 가능하다고.

But if you don't have that

하지만 만약 그게 없다면

It's maybe hard to thrive

It's maybe hard to thrive.

Maybe that is what has caused the miracle of Korea

Maybe that is what has caused the miracle of Korea.

You know that base

You know that base.

The miracle of Korea is the mundane boring thing

The miracle of Korea is the mundane boring thing.

When nothing happens

When nothing happens

There will never be a drama about it

There will never be a drama about it.

And so you know

And so you know

You need to feel it

You need to feel it.

You need to see it

You need to see it.

And that's K-Invisible

And that's K-Invisible.

There is the reality of Korea

There is the reality of Korea.

Yeah Hartley is saying

Yeah, Hartley is saying.

Yeah the leaving of phones

Yeah, the departure of phones.

Was the most mind blowing experience

It was the most mind-blowing experience.

Of coming to Asia recently

최근 아시아에 오다

More than maybe seeing Gyeongbokgung Palace

More than perhaps seeing Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Or anything like that

Or anything like that



So many messages for you David

So many messages for you, David.

Leon says

Leon says

I wonder

I wonder.

Are there any translated books

Are there any translated books?

You could recommend

You could recommend.

On an insight of Korean culture and history

On an insight of Korean culture and history

You're still working on your book David

You're still working on your book, David.

I'm sure that will be amazing

I'm sure that will be amazing.

Thank you very much

Thank you very much.

A couple of really good books on Korea

A couple of really good books on Korea

One is Theodore Junyu

One is Theodore Junyu.

It's called

It's called

The Korea's Birth of a Divided Nation

The Birth of a Divided Nation in Korea

Theodore Junyu

Theodore Junyu

That's recent

그건 최근이에요.

That's very good

That’s very good.

There's another book called

There's another book called

The New Koreans

The New Koreans

That's by Michael Breen

그것은 마이클 브린에 의해 쓰여졌습니다.

I highly recommend those two

I highly recommend those two.

To give you a really beautiful overview of Korea

To give you a really beautiful overview of Korea

And what's happening

그리고 무슨 일이 일어나고 있니?

They're both incredibly well written

둘 다 믿을 수 없을 정도로 잘 쓰여졌어요.

They're not boring

그들은 지루하지 않다.

They tell beautiful stories

그들은 아름다운 이야기를 들려준다.

And of course

그리고 물론

If you ever need recommendations for those

If you ever need recommendations for those.

I'm sure you can find me

I'm sure you can find me.

You can email me

You can email me.

And I'll happily share lots of resources with you

그리고 나는 기꺼이 많은 자원을 당신과 공유할 것입니다.

You can keep in touch with David on social media

You can keep in touch with David on social media.

Just search out David Tisard

Just search out David Tisard.

We've got so many farewell messages

우리는 많은 작별 메시지를 받았어요.

From Jennifer Wood

From Jennifer Wood

Stacey Wiley

Stacey Wiley

Marilyn Wells

Marilyn Wells



Many many more

많은 많은 더

David, we don't have time to do them

David, 우리는 그것들을 할 시간이 없어.

Because David, I wanted to give you an opportunity

Because David, I wanted to give you an opportunity.

To say goodbye to our listeners

To say goodbye to our listeners.

You're still on Arirang Radio

You're still on Arirang Radio.

As you all know

As you all know

On Good Morning Seoul

On Good Morning Seoul

Fifteen minutes a day

Fifteen minutes a day.

But it's been unbelievable

하지만 믿기지 않았어요.

Having you on here, David

Having you here, David.

We've talked about topics

We've talked about topics.

That we would have never broached

그것은 우리가 결코 언급하지 않았을 것이다.

And maybe never can broach again

And maybe never can broach again.

With as much accuracy

With as much accuracy

So I want to thank you

그래서 감사하다고 전하고 싶어요.

From the bottom of my heart

From the bottom of my heart

And a farewell message for our listeners

And a farewell message for our listeners.

I would

I would

I think this show is amazing

I think this show is amazing.

Because not only of Pete here

왜냐하면 여기 피트만 때문이 아니기 때문입니다.

Who does such a fantastic job

Who does such a fantastic job?

Of just being strong

단지 강해지는 것에 대해

But also

그러나 또한

I think

I think

Of just being so up all the time

Just being so up all the time.

But the team behind these windows

But the team behind these windows

That you might not be able to see

That you might not be able to see.

And you might not see them much

And you might not see them often.



Not only do they work so hard

Not only do they work so hard

They're so kind

그들은 정말 친절해요.

They're so friendly and generous

그들은 정말 친절하고 관대해요.

It's nice to come here

It's nice to come here.

And then finally

And then finally

Like this community that you have

Like this community that you have.

You have all of these people

당신은 이 모든 사람들을 가지고 있습니다.

That talk to each other

서로 이야기하다

And share positivity

And share positivity.

In different parts of the world

In different parts of the world

Different time zones

Different time zones

It's an absolutely fabulous thing

It's an absolutely fabulous thing.

That's going on here

그게 여기서 일어나고 있어.

It's been wonderful for me

It's been wonderful for me.

To be a part of it

To be a part of it

Thank you for opening up

Thank you for opening up.

여러분의 손, 마음, 마음을 제게 열어주시기 바랍니다.

Please open your hands, hearts, and minds to me.

여러분은 서로 함께 놀라운 일을 하고 있기를 바랍니다.

I hope you all are doing amazing things together.

그리고 앞으로도 가장 좋은 일을 하고 싶습니다.

And I want to continue doing the best work in the future.


Thank you.

저는 당신을 응원할 것입니다.

I will support you.

감사합니다, 데이비드.

Thank you, David.

우리는 당신에게 가장 좋은 일을 하고 싶습니다.

We want to do the best for you.

여러분의 일을 정말 감사합니다.

Thank you very much for your work.

좋은 하루, 좋은 여름, 좋은 삶을 즐기시기 바랍니다, 데이비드.

I hope you enjoy a good day, a good summer, and a good life, David.

나는 죽을 것입니다.

I will die.

물론 아닙니다.

Of course not.

우리는 그의 모습을 볼 것입니다.

We will see his appearance.

나는 그의 모습을 볼 것입니다.

I will see his appearance.

안녕히 계세요.


당신은 매주 10시 KST에서 David Tizard과의 Monday segment을 들을 수 있습니다.

You can listen to the Monday segment with David Tizard every week at 10 AM KST.

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