Dream world (꿈속 세상)

Julia 줄리아

뭐말영 (뭐라도 말해보자 영어로) / SSE (Speak Something in Korean and English)

Dream world (꿈속 세상)

뭐말영 (뭐라도 말해보자 영어로) / SSE (Speak Something in Korean and English)

꿈속 세상

World of Dreams

이 이야기는 창작동화입니다.

This story is a fictional fairy tale.

노인의 머리에 헬멧이 씌워져 있다.

An elderly person's head is covered with a helmet.

헬멧에는 드림월드라는 로고가 새겨져 있다.

The helmet has a logo engraved with "Dream World."

헬멧에 달린 고글에 수면모드라고 디스플레이가 쓰여있다.

The display on the goggles attached to the helmet says "sleep mode."

뇌파 감지 불가라고 바뀐다.

It changes to "brainwave detection not possible."

헬멧의 전원상태를 나타내는 불빛이 점점 천천히 깜빡이더니 이윽고 빛을 잃는다.

The light indicating the helmet's power status gradually flickers slowly and then eventually goes out.

그는 캡슐 안에 들어가 있다.

He is inside the capsule.

노인의 캡슐 옆에는 의사 가운을 입은 여자가 있다.

Next to the old man's capsule, there is a woman wearing a doctor’s gown.

여자 또한 헬멧을 쓰고 있다.

The woman is also wearing a helmet.

여자의 헬멧 빛은 깜빡이지 않고 계속 켜져 있다.

The woman's helmet light is on continuously without flickering.

여자의 시야 위에는 헬멧에 달린 고글이 보인다.

A pair of goggles attached to a helmet is visible above the woman's line of sight.

고글 위에는 글자들이 있었다.

There were letters above the goggles.

월조 디스플레이 온 더 고글스.

Moon Phase Display on the Goggles.

김기수, 2550년 6월.

Kim Gi-soo, June 2550.

여자가 헬멧을 향해 말했다.

The woman spoke towards the helmet.

The woman said to her helmet.

The woman said to her helmet.

여자, 드림 캡슐을 열어요.

Woman, open the dream capsule.

Woman, dream, open the capsule.

Woman, dream, open the capsule.

헬멧에서 소리가 나왔다.

A sound came from the helmet.

The helmet made a sound.

The helmet made a sound.

헬멧, 닥터의 권한으로 캡슐 개폐를 허가합니다.

Helmet, I authorize the opening of the capsule under the authority of the doctor.

Hamid. With the probe of the doctor, I'm opening and closing up the capsule.

Hamid. 나는 의사의 탐침으로 캡슐을 열고 닫고 있어.

캡슐이 열렸다. 여자가 노인의 몸 상태를 확인했다.

The capsule opened. The woman checked the old man's physical condition.

The capsule opened. The woman checked the old man's physical condition.

The capsule opened. The woman checked the old man's physical condition.

옆에 있던 남자가 여러 가지 기구들을 여자에게 건네주었다.

The man next to her handed various tools to the woman.

The man next to her handed over various instruments to the woman.

The man next to her handed over various instruments to the woman.

여자. 드림 고인의 생물학적 가족들에게 현재의 상황을 공유해 주십시오.

Woman. Please share the current situation with the biological family of the deceased.

Woman. Dream. Please share the current situation with the biological family of the deceased.

Woman. Dream. Please share the current situation with the biological family of the deceased.

헬멧. 내 드림월드에 있는 가족들에게 해당 상황을 전달하겠습니다.

Helmet. I will convey the situation to my family in my dream world.

헬멧. Yes, I will tell the family in dream world about the situation.

Helmet. Yes, I will tell the family in the dream world about the situation.

여자가 남자에게 말했다. The woman said to the man.

The woman said to the man.



환자의 시신은 본인의 유언에 따라 그의 고향이 있었던 곳의 수목장 처리할 예정입니다.

The patient's body will be treated with a tree burial in the place where he was from, according to his will.

The patient will be buried in his hometown according to his will.

The patient will be buried in his hometown according to his will.

여자가 자리에서 일어났다. 노인처럼 헬멧을 쓰고 캡슐에 누운 사람들이 방 안에 많이 있었다.

The woman got up from her seat. There were many people in the room lying in capsules with helmets on like old men.

The woman loathes from her seat. There are many people in the room lying in capsules wearing helmets like the old man.

The woman recoils from her seat. There are many people in the room lying in capsules wearing helmets like the old man.

그들의 헬멧 고개는?

Where are their helmet heads?

그의 헬멧 고개는 드림 모드라고 쓰여있다.

His helmet head says "Dream Mode."

Their helmet goggles display said dream mode.

그들의 헬멧 고글 화면에 꿈 모드라고 표시되었다.

여자. 시신 정리해주고 출구에서 만나요.

Woman. Handle the body and let's meet at the exit.

방호법도 있고요. 이분의 고향까지 가는데 2시간 정도 걸릴 겁니다.

There is also a protection law. It will take about 2 hours to get to this person's hometown.

Woman. Let's meet at the exit after organizing the body. You will a protective suit.

Woman. Let's meet at the exit after organizing the body. You will need a protective suit.

It will take about 2 hours to get his hometown.

It will take about 2 hours to get to his hometown.

남자. 그렇게나 오래요?

Man. Is it that long?

오늘 고향이...

Today, my hometown...

Man. That long? This person's hometown is...

Man. That long? This person's hometown is...

여자의 구골 위에 한국의 지도가 점선으로 표기된다.

A map of Korea is marked with a dotted line over the woman's forehead.

The map of Korea is marked with the dotted line on the woman's goggles.

The map of Korea is marked with a dotted line on the woman's goggles.

여자. 드림 230년 전 지도로 변경해주세요.

Please change to the map from 230 years ago, female.

Woman. Dream, please change the map to 230 years ago.

Woman. Dream, please change the map to 230 years ago.



해외의 수면에서 700m를 하강합니다.

Descending 700 meters from the surface of the ocean.



Down 700m from currency level.

Down 700m from currency level.

지금은 물에 잠긴 땅의 면적이 드러난다.

The area of land submerged in water is now revealed.

Now the area of submerged land easily built.

Now the area of submerged land is easily being built upon.

그 땅 위에 빨간 점이 깜빡거린다.

A red dot flickers on that ground.

A red dot flickers on the ground.

A red dot flickers on the ground.

지도에 서울이라고 쓰여있다.

It says "Seoul" on the map.

It says Seoul on the map.

It says Seoul on the map.

여자. 서울이네요.

It's a woman. It's Seoul.

Woman. It's Seoul.

Woman. It's Seoul.

남자. 거기에도 사람이 살던 시절이 있었나요?

Man. Was there ever a time when people lived there?

Man. Was there a time when people lived here too?

Man. Was there a time when people lived here too?

여자. 잠수함이 어느쯤 있었죠?

Woman. Where was the submarine?

바다 안쪽까지 들어가야 하네요.

We need to go further into the sea.

Woman. You had a submarine license, right?

여자. 너는 잠수함 면허가 있지?

We have to get inside the ocean.

We have to get inside the ocean.

남자. 네, 진짜 운전은 처음이긴 하지만 드림이 알아서 해주겠죠.

Man. Yes, it's my first time really driving, but Dream will take care of it.



It's my first time driving in real life, but Dream will take care of it.

It's my first time driving in real life, but Dream will take care of it.

드림. 잠수함과 수륙 양용 기능이 있는 차를 준비해주세요.

Dream. Please prepare a vehicle that has both submarine and amphibious capabilities.



Dream, please prepare a car with submarine and amphibious capabilities.

Dream, please prepare a car with submarine and amphibious capabilities.



네, 30분 내로 서쪽 출구에 준비해두겠습니다.

Yes, I will prepare it at the west exit within 30 minutes.



Yes, I'll have it ready at the west...

Yes, I'll have it ready at the west...

Exit in 30 minutes.

Exit in 30 minutes.

남자는 캡슐에서 노인의 시신을 꺼내 어딘가로 옮기고 있다.

The man is taking the old man's body out of the capsule and moving it somewhere.

여자는 먼저 문 밖을 나갔고, 그곳에는 방호복들이 걸려있었다.

The woman went out the door first, and there were protective suits hanging there.

The man is taking the old man's body out of the capsule and moving it somewhere.

The man is taking the old man's body out of the capsule and moving it somewhere.

The woman went out of the door first, wear protective suit.

The woman went out of the door first, wearing a protective suit.

여자가 방호복을 입는 동안, 고글 위에는 메신저 아이콘과 글자들이 날아다녔다.

While the woman was putting on her protective suit, messenger icons and letters were flying around above her goggles.

While the woman was wearing a protective suit, messenger icons and walls flew over her goggle.

While the woman was wearing a protective suit, messenger icons and walls flew past her goggles.



닥터의 권한에 따라 시신 운송 및 장례식을 서울에서 진행할 예정입니다.

The transportation of the body and the funeral will be held in Seoul according to the doctor's authority.

경호인원을 배치 부탁드립니다.

Please arrange for security personnel.



The body will be transported and the funeral will be held, authorized by the doctor.

The body will be transported and the funeral will be held, authorized by the doctor.

I'd like both of those, please.

저 두 개 모두 주세요.

경호팀, 인원은 몇 명이면 될까요?

How many people do we need for the security team?

Security team, how many people do we need?

Security team, how many people do we need?

드림, 계산 중입니다. 잠시 기다려주십시오.

Dream, we are processing your order. Please wait a moment.

계산 완료. 두 명으로 부탁드립니다.

Calculation complete. Please make it for two people.

I'm calculating, please wait.

I'm calculating, please wait.

Done. Two people, please.

완료. 두 명입니다.

하얀 방호복을 입은 여자가 문 밖으로 나오자, 초록 방호복을 입은 두 명의 군인들이 총을 들고 배낭을 메고 있었다.

As a woman in a white protective suit stepped out, two soldiers in green protective suits were standing outside with guns in hand and backpacks on.

When a woman in hawk-white protective suits came out of the door, two soldiers in green protective suits were wearing backpacks and guns.

When a woman in hawk-white protective suits came out of the door, two soldiers in green protective suits were wearing backpacks and guns.

여자, 서울까지 갈 경우에는 뭘 가져가도록 되어 있죠?

If a woman is going to Seoul, what should she take with her?

Woman, what are we supposed to take if you go to Seoul?

Woman, what are we supposed to do if you go to Seoul?

여자가 경호원들의 배낭을 가리켰다.

The woman pointed at the bodyguards' backpacks.

The woman pointed to the soldiers' backpacks.

The woman pointed to the soldiers' backpacks.

군인 1, 의사선생님도 모르십니까? 저희보다 훨씬 현실 세상에서 오래 깨어 계셨지 않습니까?

Soldier 1: Doctor, don't you know? You've been awake in the real world for much longer than us, haven't you?

Soldier 1, don't you know it, doctor? You've been awake much longer in the real world than we have, haven't you?

Soldier 1, don't you know that, doctor? You've been awake much longer in the real world than we have, haven't you?

여자, 저도 바닷속에 잠긴 거주지까지 가는 건 처음입니다.

Woman, it's my first time going to a submerged residence in the sea too.

Woman, it's also my first time going to a residential area submerged in the sea.

Woman, it's also my first time going to a residential area submerged in the sea.

군인 2, 드림이 시키는 대로 챙기긴 했는데, 보여드리면?

Soldier 2, I gathered everything as Dream instructed, but what if I show it to you?

Soldier 2, I took care of it as Dream told me to, but if I show you?

Soldier 2, I took care of it as Dream told me to, but what if I show you?

군인 2가 손짓하는데 아무 일도 일어나지 않는다.

Two soldiers are signaling, but nothing happens.

Soldier 2 back on and nothing happens.

Soldier 2 is back on and nothing happens.

군인 2, 아 잠깐 꿈속 세상이랑 착각했네요.

Soldier 2: Ah, I momentarily mistook this for the world in my dreams.

현실 세상에서는 드림 헬멧한테 일일이 말로 해줘야 되지, 참.

In the real world, you have to talk to the Dream Helmet one by one, really.

Soldier 2, oh, I was mistaken for the words in my dream for a second.

Soldier 2, oh, I was mistaken for the words in my dream for a moment.

In the real world, I have to say something to Dream Hamets.

In the real world, I have to say something to Dream Hamets.

군인이 헬멧에게 말한다.

The soldier speaks to the helmet.

The soldier 2 talks to the Hamets.

The soldier 2 talks to the Hamets.

군인 2, 드림, 배낭 속 물품을 고글의 증강 현실로 보여줘.

Soldier 2, show the items in the backpack through the goggles’ augmented reality.

Soldier 2, Dream, show the items in my bag.

Soldier 2, Dream, show the items in my bag.

Pack to augmented reality on our goggle.

Pack to augmented reality on our goggles.



3명의 사용자 헬멧 위에 증강 물품 이미지를 띄웁니다.

Displays augmented item images above the helmets of three users.



I placed an image of an augmented article on the helmets of three users.

I placed an image of an augmented article on the helmets of three users.

여자의 시야에 군인이 배낭 안에서 나온 물건들이 보인다.

In the woman's view, the items coming out of the soldier's backpack are visible.

In the woman's view, she can see the items from the suitcase.

From the woman's perspective, she can see the items in the suitcase.

Soldiers' backpack.

Soldiers' backpack.

군인 1, 와, 이거 음식 아니야?

Soldier 1: Wow, is this not food?

Soldier 1, wow, isn't this food?

Soldier 1, wow, isn't this food?

군인 2, 꿈에서만 보던 비상식량인가 봐.

Soldier 2, it seems like the emergency rations I only saw in my dreams.

이건 구명조끼 아니야?

Isn't this a life jacket?

Soldier 2, it must be emergency food that I've only seen in my dreams.

Soldier 2, it must be emergency food that I've only seen in my dreams.

Isn't this a life jacket?

Isn't this a life jacket?

군인들이 놀라서 물건을 이리저리 쳐다보자.

The soldiers looked around in surprise at the objects.

여자가 차분히 물건들을 흩어보고 말한다.

The woman calmly looks at the scattered items and speaks.

The soldier stares at things in surprise, and the woman calmly glances at them and said,

The soldier stares at things in surprise, and the woman calmly glances at them and says,

여자, 드림 혹시 모르니 산소 생성기도 챙겨야 하지 않나?

Girl, don't you think we should also take care of the oxygen generator, just in case?

Woman, dream, don't we need an oxygen generator just in case?

Woman, dream, don't we need an oxygen generator just in case?

헬멧, 산소 생성기는 준비한 차량에 탑재되어 있습니다.

The helmet and oxygen generator are loaded onto the prepared vehicle.

헬멧, oxygen generators are mounted on the vehicle prepared.

The helmet and oxygen generators are mounted on the prepared vehicle.

여자, 좋아.

I like women.

Woman, all lights.

Woman, all lights.

문이 열리고 남자가 바퀴 달린 침대를 밀면서 나온다.

The door opens and a man rolls out pushing a wheeled bed.

The door opens and the man comes out pussying, though feels bad.

The door opens and the man comes out feeling weak, though he feels bad.

그 위에 시신이 있다.

There is a corpse on top of that.

There is a body on it.

There is a body on it.

여자, 드림, 외부로 나가는 문을 열어.

Woman, open the door to the outside.

Woman, dream, open the door to the outside.

Woman, dream, open the door to the outside.

헬멧, 방호복의 산소 호흡 상태를 확인합니다.

Checking the oxygen breathing status of the helmet and protective gear.

헬멧, checking oxygen, respiratory status in protective suits.

Helmet, checking oxygen, respiratory status in protective suits.

여자의 헬멧 위에 산소량 양호라고 뜬다.

The oxygen level displays as normal on the woman's helmet.

Underwoman's helmet's good oxygen appeared.

The underwoman's helmet provided good oxygen.

헬멧, 거주지 외부로 나가는 문을 개방합니다.

Opening the door to the outside of the residence, helmet on.

헬멧, opening door to outside of the residence.

Helmet, opening door to the outside of the residence.

문이 열리자 3m 높이 담장이.

As the door opened, a 3-meter high wall appeared.

When the door opens, there is a 3m high fence.

When the door opens, there is a 3-meter high fence.

거기까지 가는 공터에 차가 주차되어 있다.

There is a car parked in the open space leading up to there.

And a car is parked in the back-end lot that goes there.

And a car is parked in the back-end lot that goes there.

담장 위엔 육각형 틀을 가진 지붕이 있고,

On top of the wall, there is a roof with a hexagonal frame, and

There is a loop with a hexagonal frame on the fence.

There is a loop with a hexagonal frame on the fence.

투명한 유리 넘어 보이는 하늘은 파랗다.

The sky visible beyond the transparent glass is blue.

And the sky seen over the transparent glass is blue.

And the sky seen through the transparent glass is blue.

새들이 날아다닌다.

The birds are flying around.

Both fly around.

Both fly around.

총을 든 군인들과 여자 의사와 남자 간호사는 차에 탔다.

The soldier with a gun, the female doctor, and the male nurse got into the car.

Soldiers with guns, a female doctor, and a male nurse got into the car.

Soldiers with guns, a female doctor, and a male nurse got into the car.

남자가 운전석에 탔지만 핸들은 잡지 않았다.

The man got into the driver's seat but did not grab the steering wheel.

The man got in the driver's seat.

The man got in the driver's seat.

The driver's seat, but didn't grab the steering wheel.

The driver's seat, but didn't take the steering wheel.

헬멧, 목적지 설정, 운전을 시작합니다.

Helmet, setting destination, starting to drive.

Helmet, destination settings, let's start driving.

Helmet, destination settings, let's start driving.

자동차는 자동으로 움직였고, 엔진 소리가 나지 않았다.

The car moved automatically, and there was no sound from the engine.

The car moved automatically and there was no engine sound.

The car moved automatically and there was no engine sound.

담장까지 도착하자 여자가 말했다.

When they reached the fence, the woman said.

When she reached the fence, the woman said,

When she reached the fence, the woman said,

여자, 드림, 문을 열어.

Woman, Dream, open the door.

Woman, dream, open the door.

Woman, dream, open the door.

드림, 설악산 거주지의 서쪽 문을 엽니다.

Dream, open the west door of the residence in Seoraksan.

Dream, opens the west door of the 설악 mountain residence.

Dream, opens the west door of the Seorak Mountain residence.

문이 열리자 그 밖에는 우거진 수풀과 5m가 넘게 자란 나무들, 그리고 작은 동물들이 있었다.

When the door opened, there were dense bushes, trees taller than 5 meters, and small animals outside.

When the door opens, there were thick bushes,

When the door opens, there are thick bushes.

trees growing more than 5m,

trees growing more than 5m,

and small animals.

and small animals.

새들은 지적이고 마치 숲의 한가운데에 있는 것과 같았다.

The birds were intelligent and seemed as if they were right in the middle of the forest.

Both are chopping and the people seem in the middle of the forest.

Both are chopping, and the people appear to be in the middle of the forest.

자동차는 포장이 거의 되지 않은 흙길을 달렸다.

The car drove along a dirt road that was barely paved.

The car ran along a dirt road that was very paved.

The car ran along a dirt road that was very well-paved.

흙길은 외길이었다.

The dirt road was a single path.

The dirt road was paved.

The dirt road was paved.

It was a one-way street.

It was a one-way street.

그 길을 가는 동안 토끼, 다람쥐뿐만 아니라

Not only rabbits and squirrels on that path

멧돼지, 여우, 늑대 같은 육식동물까지 보였다.

Wild boars, foxes, and even carnivores like wolves were seen.

Along the way, not only rabbits and squirrels,

Along the way, not only rabbits and squirrels,

but also carnivores such as wild boars, fox, and oobs were seen.

but also carnivores such as wild boars, foxes, and wolves were seen.

깊은 산속에 살만한 거의 모든 동물들이 있었다.

There were almost all animals that could live deep in the mountains.

There were a lot of animals.

There were a lot of animals.

There were almost no animals that could live deep in the mountains.

There were almost no animals that could live deep in the mountains.

동물들은 길 위를 다녔지만 차가 보이면 자연이 피하려 하고 관심을 크게 보이지 않았다.

Animals walked on the road, but when they saw a vehicle, they tried to avoid it and did not show much interest.

The animals work on the roads, but when they saw a car, they naturally tried to avoid it

The animals work on the roads, but when they saw a car, they naturally tried to avoid it.

and did not show much interest.

and did not show much interest.

차를 무서워하는 듯도 보였지만 그들끼리 경계하는 게 더 심했다.

They seemed to be afraid of the car, but their caution towards each other was even greater.

They seemed afraid of the cars, but they were more wary of each other.

그들은 차들을 두려워하는 것 같았지만 서로에게 더 경계하는 듯했다.

그 모습을 자동차 바깥에 달린 카메라들이 계속해서 찍고 있었다.

Cameras mounted on the outside of the car were continuously capturing that scene.

Cameras outside the car were coincidentally filming the scene.

Cameras outside the car were coincidentally filming the scene.

군인 1. 서쪽 구역은 처음 나와보는데 다른 구역이랑 생태는 비슷하네요.

Soldier 1: This is my first time in the western area, but the ecosystem is similar to other areas.

Soldier 1. It's my first time coming to the US.

Soldier 1: It's my first time coming to the US.

It's my first time coming to the US.

It's my first time coming to the US.

Coming out of the western section, the ecology is similar to other areas.

Coming out of the western section, the ecology is similar to other areas.

군인 2. 꼴랑 1km 왔는데 다를 리가 있겠냐?

Soldier 2: We only came 1km, so there's no way it would be different, right?

Soldier 2. It's only 1km away. How can it be different?

Soldier 2. It's only 1km away. How can it be different?

남자는 주변을 두리번거렸다.

The man looked around.

The man looked around.

The man looked around.

남자. 두 분은 많이 나와보셨구나. 전 드림월드에서만 봤는데.

Man. You two have been out a lot. I've only seen you in Dream World.

현실 세상에서 보는 건 처음이에요.

It's my first time seeing it in the real world.

Man. You two have been out a lot. I haven't only seen it in dream world, but it's my first time seeing it in the real world.

Man. You two have been out a lot. I haven't just seen it in the dream world, but it's my first time seeing it in the real world.

군인 2. 몇 년에 한 번 시신 수습하는 것 말고는 전혀 나올 기회가 없어요.

Soldiers 2. Except for the opportunity to recover bodies once every few years, there is absolutely no chance to come out.

Soldier 2. Well, I rarely have a chance to come out, except for recovering the body once.

Soldier 2. Well, I rarely have a chance to come out, except for retrieving the body once.

Every few years.

Every few years.

군인 1. 어, 호랑이다.

Soldier 1: Oh, it's a tiger.

Soldier 1. Oh, it's a tiger.

Soldier 1. Oh, it's a tiger.

군인 1이 멀리서 나무에서 지켜보는 호랑이 한 마리를 가리켰다.

Soldier 1 pointed to a tiger watching from a tree in the distance.

Soldier 1 pointed to a tiger watching from a distance.

Soldier 1 pointed to a tiger watching from a distance.

군인 2. 암컷인가 봐. 새끼들도 있네.

Soldier 2: Looks like it's a female. There are little ones too.

Soldier 2. It must be a female one.

Soldier 2. It must be a female.

They're cops, too.

그들도 경찰이야.

새끼들이 엄마를 따라 나무를 오르려 하고 있었다.

The kids were trying to climb the tree following their mother.

The cops were following their mother up the tree.

The cops were following their mother up the tree.

군인 1. 저것들이 전기 맛이 무서운 줄은 아나봐요. 차나 거주지 주변으로 접근하지 않아서 다행입니다.

Soldier 1: It seems like they know that the electric taste is scary. It's a relief that they are not approaching the car or the residence.

Soldier 1. Do you think they're afraid of the taste of electricity?

Soldier 1: Do you think they're afraid of the taste of electricity?

I'm glad they didn't approach the car or the area around our residence.

I'm glad they didn't approach the car or the area around our residence.

군인 2. 여자. 전기 방어막 탓도 있겠지만 저들도 이제 살아갈 땅이 충분히 있으니까요. 위험하게 인간의 구역으로 올 필요가 없는 거죠.

Military 2. Woman. It may be due to the electric barriers, but they now have enough land to live on. There's no need for them to come into human territory dangerously.



It may be because of our electric shields, but they have enough land to live on now. They don't have to come to the human zone dangerously.

It may be because of our electric shields, but they have enough land to live on now. They don't have to come to the human zone dangerously.

수풀 나가자 강이 보였다.

As we left the thicket, we could see the river.

As they left the forest, they saw a leaver.

As they left the forest, they saw a lever.

남자. 와, 강이에요.

A man. Wow, it's strong.

Man. Wow, it's a leaver.

Man. Wow, it's a leaver.

남자가 놀라 말했다.

The man said in surprise.

The man said in amazement.

The man said in amazement.

강의 주변에는 콘크리트 인공물이 없었고 자연 원래 그대로의 구분 모양을 유지하고 있었다.

There were no concrete artifacts around the lecture area, and the natural original shape was maintained.

There were no concrete artifacts around the leaver, and it remained naturally curved.

There were no concrete artifacts around the leaver, and it remained naturally curved.

강에는 숨 못지 않을 만큼이었다.

It was enough to take one's breath away in the river.

There were as many animals in the leavers as there were in the forest.

There were as many animals in the rivers as there were in the forest.

자동차가 다가가자 황급히 피했다.

As the car approached, I hurriedly avoided it.

They hurried away as the car approached.

그들이 차가 다가오자 서둘러 떠났다.

자동차가 물에 들어가자 배로 바뀌었다.

When the car entered the water, it turned into a boat.

The car turned into a ship when it went into the water.

The car turned into a ship when it went into the water.

자동차는 강을 지났다.

The car crossed the river.

The car turned into a ship when it went into the water.

The car turned into a ship when it went into the water.

The car passed the leaver.

The car passed the lever.

차에서 나온 기계들이 물의 수지를 체크했고 수중에 사는 동물들도 촬영하였다.

The machines that got out of the car checked the water's resin and also filmed the animals living in the water.

Machines from the car checked the water quality and filmed animals sleeping underwater.

Machines from the car checked the water quality and filmed animals sleeping underwater.

물 안에는 물고기를 비롯한 많은 동물들이 가득 있었다.

The water was full of many animals, including fish.

The water was full of fish and many other animals.

The water was full of fish and many other animals.

남자. 와, man.

Man. Wow.



남자는 눈을 떼지 못하고 밖을 구경하였다.

The man couldn't take his eyes off and was watching outside.

The man couldn't take his eyes off the outside.

The man couldn't take his eyes off the outside.

군인들은 번갈아 잠들었고

The soldiers took turns sleeping.

The soldiers took turns sleeping.

The soldiers took turns sleeping.

그렇게 강을 건너 숲을 지나 외길로 한참을 갔다.

After crossing the river and passing through the forest, I walked along a single path for quite a while.

And they crossed the leaver, passed through the forest,

And they crossed the river, passed through the forest,

and went on a single road.

and went on a single road.

멀리서 바다가 보이기 시작했다.

The sea began to come into view from afar.

The sea began to be seen in the distance.

The sea began to be seen in the distance.

남자. 바다예요.

It's a man. It's the sea.

Man, it's the sea.

Man, it's the sea.

그 소리에 군인도 눈을 떴다.

The soldier also opened his eyes at that sound.

The soldiers also walked up to his walls.

The soldiers also walked up to his walls.

군인 1. 와, 진짜 바다네. 생전 처음 봅니다.

Soldier 1: Wow, it's really the ocean. I've never seen it in my life.

Soldier 1. Wow, it's really the ocean.

Soldier 1: Wow, it's really the ocean.

I've never seen it before.

I've never seen it before.

여자. 저도 이렇게까지 멀리 온 건 오랜만인 것 같네요.

It's been a while since I've come this far too.

It's been a long time since I've come this far, too.

It's been a long time since I've come this far, too.

군인 2가 눈을 비볐다.

The soldier rubbed his eyes.

Soldier 2 lapses his eyes.

Soldier 2 closes his eyes.

군인 2. 유언이라 들어드리지만

Soldier 2. I'll listen to your last words, but...

236년 태어난 곳에 묻어달라는 건 왜인지 이해가 잘 안 되는데.

I don't quite understand why you want to be buried where you were born in 236.

Soldier 2.

Soldier 2.

I'm following it.

I'm following it.

Because it's a will, but why is he asking us to be buried as

Because it's a will, but why is he asking us to be buried like this?

while he was born 230 years ago?

그는 230년 전에 태어났나요?

I don't quite understand.

I don't quite understand.

군인 1.

Soldier 1.

그쵸, 그때도 드림월드가 있었으면 현실 수상에 나올 일이 없었을 텐데

That's right, if Dream World had existed back then, there would have been no chance of appearing in the real world.

저 같으면 어디 묻히든 무슨 상관이라고 생각해요.

I think it doesn't matter where I'm buried.

Soldier 1. That's right.

Soldier 1. That's right.

If there was dream world back then,

If there was a dream world back then,

I wouldn't have come back in the real world.

I wouldn't have come back in the real world.

I think that I don't care where I'm buried.

I think that I don't care where I'm buried.

군인 2.

Soldier 2.

선생님, 2300년에는 드림월드가 없었던가요?

Teacher, wasn't there a Dream World in the year 2300?

Soldier 2.

Soldier 2.

Doctor, was there a dream world in 2300?

Doctor, was there a dream world in 2300?

군인이 헬멧을 가리켰다.

The soldier pointed at the helmet.

The soldier pointed to the helmet.

The soldier pointed to the helmet.

여자. 아니요, 드림헬멧이 처음 나온 건

Woman. No, the Dream Helmet first came out...

530년 전 2300년에 나온 것입니다.

It was released 2300 years ago in 530.

30년도 일이니까요.

It's been 30 years.



Yes, the dream helmet was first invented 530 years ago in 2030.

Yes, the dream helmet was first invented 530 years ago in 2030.

남자. 이분도 의료계 종사자셔서 자주 깼나요?

Man. Has this person also woken up often because they work in the medical field?



Did the dead man wake up often because he's also a medical worker?

Did the dead man wake up often because he was also a medical worker?

여자. 아니요, 그땐 전 국민이 드림월드에 살기 시작했어요.

Woman. No, at that time, all citizens began living in Dream World.

Woman. 아니요, 그땐 전 국민이 드림월드에 살기 시작했어요.

Woman: No, that's when the whole country began to live in Dream World.

지금처럼 평생 꿈속에서 살진 않았고

I haven't lived in a dream like this my whole life.

현실 세상과 병행해서 살았겠죠.

You must have lived alongside the real world.

Woman. No, but it's because it was before the whole nation lived in dream world.

Woman. No, but it's because it was before the whole nation lived in a dream world.

He didn't live his whole life in his dreams.

He didn't live his whole life in his dreams.

He had to live in the real world also.

그는 실제 세계에서도 살아야 했다.

군인 1. 아무리 그래도 그렇지 꿈속 세상에 비하면 별 재미도 없는데요, 현실은?

Soldier 1: "No matter what, it's still not as fun as the world in my dreams, is it? What about reality?"

Soldier 1. However, the dream world is not as fun as it used to be.

Soldier 1. However, the dream world is not as enjoyable as it used to be.

Viewer, it's not much fun compared to the dream world.

Viewer, it’s not as much fun compared to the dream world.

군인 1이 하품했다.

Soldier 1 yawned.

The soldier 1 yawned.

The soldier yawned.

군인 2. 역시 2500년 이전에 태어난 사람들은 취향이 좀 특이하네요.

Military person 2: Indeed, people born before 2500 have quite unique tastes.

Soldier 2. As expected, people born before 2500 have unique tastes.

Soldier 2. As expected, people born before 2500 have unique tastes.

처음엔 주변을 흥미롭게 바라보던 남자도 피곤해하는 기색이다.

At first, the man looked around with interest, but now he seems tired.

The men who first look around with interest also seem tired.

The men who first look around with interest also seem tired.

해변에 도착해 차가 파도치는 바다에 들어가 한참을 갔고 지평선이 안 보이기 시작하자 다들 긴장하는 표정이었다.

When we arrived at the beach, the car drove into the crashing waves of the sea, and as we ventured further, everyone's expressions turned tense as the horizon started to disappear.

When they arrived at the beach, the car went into the sea of waves and went for a long time, and everyone looked nervous as the horizon began to be invisible.

When they arrived at the beach, the car went into the sea of waves and traveled for a long time, and everyone looked nervous as the horizon started to become invisible.

군인 1. 이거 진짜 안전한 거 맞죠? 우리도 같이 가라앉으면...

Soldier 1: Is this really safe? What if we sink together...?

Soldier 1. This is really scary.

Soldier 1: This is really scary.

We'd be safe, right? If we sing together.

We'd be safe, right? If we sing together.

군인 2. 재수없는 소리 마.

Soldier 2. Don't say such annoying things.

Soldier 2. Don't be silly.

Soldier 2. Don't be silly.

한참을 더 가자 바다 색은 진한 파란색이 됐고, 고래떼가 지나가며, 파도가 일랑였다.

Let's go a little further; the color of the sea became a deep blue, a pod of whales passed by, and the waves gently lapped.

As the car went farther, the color of the sea became dark blue, and the waves shook as a pod of whales passed by.

As the car went farther, the color of the sea became dark blue, and the waves shook as a pod of whales passed by.

군인 1. 아 멀미.

Soldier 1: Ah, I'm feeling nauseous.

Oh, I have motion sickness.

Oh, I have motion sickness.

그때 고래가 물을 내뿜으며 소리를 냈다.

At that moment, the whale spouted water and made a sound.

Then the whales spouted water and made a noise.

Then the whales spouted water and made a noise.

군인 2. 어우 깜짝이야.

Soldier 2: Oh, you scared me!

Soldier 2. Oh my gosh.

Soldier 2. Oh my gosh.

남자. 수심이 많이 깊네요.

Man. The water depth is quite deep.

Man, the depth of the water is very deep.

Man, the depth of the water is very deep.

여자. 네, 여기가 서울이에요.

Woman. Yes, this is Seoul.

Woman. Yes, this is Seoul.

여자. 네, 여기는 서울입니다.

군인 1. 여기가요?

Soldier 1: Is this it?

Soldier 1. Here?

Soldier 1. Here?

주변엔 바다 밖에 없다.

There is nothing but the sea around.

There is only the sea around.

There is only the sea around.

여자. Dream. 바다 속으로 들어갈 준비.

Woman. Dream. Ready to enter the sea.

Woman. Dream. Get ready to go into the sea.

Woman. Dream. Get ready to go into the sea.

헬멧. 잠수함 모드로 변경합니다.

Helmet. Switching to submarine mode.

헬멧. Switching to submarine mode.

Helmet. Switching to submarine mode.

차가 바다 안으로 들어갔더니, 높은 고층 빌딩들의 아래쪽 모래의 바닥에 깊게 박혀 있었다.

The car had entered into the sea and was deeply stuck in the sandy floor beneath the tall skyscrapers.

When the car went into the sea, tall skyscrapers were deeply embedded in the bottom of the sand below.

When the car went into the sea, tall skyscrapers were deeply embedded in the sand below.

빌딩들 주변에는 산이었던 곳이 둘러싸고 있었다.

The buildings were surrounded by mountains that were once there.

The buildings were surrounded by what used to be mountains.

The buildings were surrounded by what used to be mountains.

빌딩 사이로 산호들이 있었고, 수많은 물고기들이 그 사이를 오가고 있었다.

There were corals between the buildings, and countless fish were swimming back and forth among them.

There were cores between the buildings and countless fish were moving between them.

There were cores between the buildings and countless fish were moving between them.

남자. 서울이 한국 수도였다더니 진짜였네.

Man. I heard Seoul was the capital of Korea, and it's true.

Man. It was true that Seoul was the capital of Korea.

Man. It was true that Seoul was the capital of Korea.

군인 1. 와, 저도 그거 음모론인 줄 알았잖아요.

Soldier 1: Wow, I thought that was a conspiracy theory too.

금방 바닷물에 차버릴 곳에 누가 수도를 지어요?

Who is building a water supply in a place that will soon be submerged by seawater?

Wow. I thought it was a conspiracy theory.

Wow. I thought it was a conspiracy theory.

Who's going to build a capital where it's going to be dumped in the sea soon?

Who's going to build a capital where it's going to be dumped in the sea soon?

군인 2. 역사 시간에 졸았냐?

Soldier 2. Did you snooze during history class?

그땐 지구온난화 한참 전일 때잖아.

That was before global warming was a big issue.

Soldier 2. Did you doze off in history class?

Soldier 2. Did you fall asleep in history class?

It's before the height of global warming.

It's before the peak of global warming.

군인 1. 수업도 자면서 꾸며서 봤는데 따지면 다 같이 졸고 있는 게 맞잖아요.

Soldier 1: I watched the class while sleeping, but if we argue about it, it's true that we’re all dozing off together.

Soldier 1. I get classes in my dreams while sleeping, so it's true that everyone is dozing off together.

Soldier 1: I attend classes in my dreams while sleeping, so it's true that everyone is dozing off together.

군인 2. 어휴.

Soldier 2. Oh dear.

Soldier 2. Gosh.

Soldier 2. Gosh.

군인 2가 고개를 절레 흔든다.

The soldier shakes his head.

The soldier 2 shook his head.

The soldier 2 shook his head.

차는 빌딩 숲 안으로 들어갔다.

The car entered the forest of buildings.

The car went into the abandoned buildings.

The car went into the abandoned buildings.

빌딩에는 음마 아파트라고 쓰여 있었다.

The building had "Umma Apartment" written on it.

The building read, 음마 아파트.

The building read, "Umma Apartment."

헬멧. 서울시 강남구 대치동 음마 아파트 3202동 5602호에 도착했습니다.

Helmet. Arrived at 3202 Dong, 5602 Ho, Umma Apartment, Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

헬멧. We arrived at 5600-3200 to the apartment in 대치동 강남구 서울.

Helmet. We arrived at 5600-3200 to the apartment in Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul.

여자. 자, 이제 가족분들이 오실 거니 예를 갖춰주세요.

Woman. Now, since your family is coming, please be polite.

Woman. Now I'm going to invite his family, so please be polite.

Woman. Now I'm going to invite his family, so please be polite.

남자와 군인들이 양손을 공손히 했다.

The man and the soldiers respectfully put their hands together.

The men and soldiers gathered their hands politely.

The men and soldiers joined their hands politely.

여자. 드림. 가족분들을 증강현실화 해주세요.

Woman. Dream. Please augment the family members in augmented reality.

Woman. Dream. Please make the family an augmented reality.

Woman. Dream. Please make the family an augmented reality.

헬멧. 아파트 안에 증강현실화 합니다.

Helmet. It will be augmented reality inside the apartment.

헬멧. Enhancing augmented reality inside the apartments.

Helmet. Enhancing augmented reality inside the apartments.

아파트 깨진 유리창 안에 사람의 형상이 띄워져 보였다.

A figure of a person appeared to be projected inside the broken window of the apartment.

The figure of a person was seen floating in the apartments.

The figure of a person was seen floating in the apartments.

다들 방호복은 입지 않았고 실내복을 입고 있었다.

Everyone was not wearing protective clothing and was dressed in indoor clothes.

Everyone wore no protective suits but indoor clothes.

Everyone wore indoor clothes instead of protective suits.

여자. 여러분의 생물학적 아버지 장례에 참여해 주셔서 감사합니다. 연결이 잘 됐나요?

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending your biological father's funeral. Is the connection good?

Woman. Thank you for attending your Balazsaker father's funeral. Is the connection okay?

Woman. Thank you for attending your Balazsaker father's funeral. Is the connection okay?

여자는 차 안에 있었고 가족들은 물속 아파트 안에 있었지만 여자의 목소리가 그들에게 들리는 듯 그들의 대답이 여자 헬멧 안에 올렸다.

The woman was in the car, and her family was inside the underwater apartment, but it seemed that her voice was heard by them, and their responses reached the woman's helmet.

The woman was in the car and the family members were in the underwater apartments.

The woman was in the car and the family members were in the underwater apartments.

But there ends the slang in the woman's helmet as if they could hear her voice.

하지만 그들에겐 마치 그녀의 목소리를 들을 수 있는 것처럼 여성의 헬멧 속에서 속어가 끝난다.

가족들. 네.

Family. Yes.

Family members. Yes.

가족 구성원입니다. 네.

그들은 어색해하며 서로에게 인사했다.

They greeted each other awkwardly.

They greeted each other awkwardly.

They greeted each other awkwardly.

가족 1. 안녕하세요. 처음 뵙겠습니다.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

Member 1. Hello. It's a great pleasure to meet you.

Member 1. Hello. It's a great pleasure to meet you.

가족 2. 정말 저희 닮았네요.

Family 2. We really look alike.

Member 2. We really look like each other.

Member 2. We really resemble each other.

가족들이 노인의 얼굴이 보이는 것처럼 뚫어져라 봤다.

The family stared intently at the old man's face as if they were trying to penetrate it with their gaze.

The members stared as if they could see the face of the deceased.

The members stared as if they could see the face of the deceased.

가족 1. 여기 진짜 서울인가 봐요.

1. It really seems like this is Seoul.

Member 1. I guess this is really Seoul.

Member 1. I guess this is really Seoul.

가족 3. 와 진짜 물고기도 있네요. 신기하다.

Family 3. Wow, there are really fish here. That's interesting.

Member 3. Wow. There's a real fish, too. It's amazing.

Member 3. Wow. There’s a real fish too. It’s amazing.

가족들은 바다 속을 움직이며 아파트 밖을 보거나 물고기를 보며 신기하게 바빴다.

The family was busily amazed, moving through the sea as they looked out from the apartment or watched the fish.

They was busy moving through the sea, looking outside the apartment or looking at the fish.

They were busy moving through the sea, looking outside the apartment or watching the fish.

여자. 꿈속 세상 드림월드의 대통령에게 위임받은 권한에 따라 장례식을 시작합니다.

Woman. According to the authority delegated by the president of the dream world, we will begin the funeral.

Woman. The funeral begins according to the authority delegated by the president of Dreamworlds in the Dreamworld.

Woman. The funeral begins according to the authority delegated by the president of Dreamworlds in the Dreamworld.

차의 트렁크가 열리고 로봇팔이 흰 천에 쌓인 시신을 둔다.

The trunk of the car opens, and a robotic arm places a body covered in a white cloth.

The trunk of the car opens and the lower arm lifts the body piled up in the white clothes.

The trunk of the car opens and the lower arm lifts the body wrapped in white cloth.

여자. 2300년 12월 12일 태어난 고인은 230년에 여생을 마치고 자연으로 돌아가게 되었습니다.

The woman, who was born on December 12, 2300, passed away at the age of 230 and returned to nature.

Woman. Born on December 12, 2300, the deceased returned to nature after death.

Woman. Born on December 12, 2300, the deceased returned to nature after death.

여성이 2030년에 죽은 Terran에서 물�hait을 잃은 것들의 뒤로 그 깨 않는 모습이 1년에 1년 2 남았는데

The scene where a woman, in 2030, loses what she had in the Terran in the back of things that break is left with only 1 year and 2 years remaining.

The body is put into the broken window of the apartment.

The body is placed through the broken window of the apartment.

드론이 몇 개 날아 시선의 주변에 붙는다.

A few drones fly and hover around the field of vision.

Several drones fly and stick around the body.

Several drones fly and hover around the body.

그 주변에 가족들이 둘러 떠있다.

Family members are gathered around.

There are the members around it.

There are members around it.

여자. Stand by us.

Woman. Stand by us.

우리 인류 생존에 필요한 생태계가 번성하는 데 고인의 육체가 거름이 될 것입니다.

The deceased's body will become fertilizer for the thriving ecosystem necessary for the survival of humanity.

Woman, the body of the disease will return to dust, so the ecosystem necessary for our human survival will flourish.

Woman, the body of the disease will return to dust, so the ecosystem necessary for our human survival will flourish.

분위기가 엄숙하다. The atmosphere is solemn.

The atmosphere is solemn.

여자, 이상 장례식을 마칩니다.

Woman, the abnormal funeral ends.

Woman, this is the end of the funeral.

Woman, this is the end of the funeral.

시신의 주변으로 물고기들이 모여들지만 천위를 맴돌기만 한다.

Fish gather around the corpse, but they just circle above it.

군인 1. 저 드론 주위로 전기가 흘러서 물고기가 못 오는 거예요?

Soldier 1: Does the electricity flow around that drone so that the fish can't come?

Soldier 1. Is the fish unable to come because electricity flows around the drones?

Soldier 1. Is the fish unable to come because electricity is flowing around the drones?

군인 2. 당분간만. 곧 드론이 할 일을 마치면 저 양반도 물고기 밥이 되겠지.

Soldier 2. Just for a while. Once the drone finishes its job, that guy will also be fish food.

Soldier 3. Is the fish unable to come because electricity flows around the drones?

Soldier 3. Is the fish unable to come because electricity is flowing around the drones?

Soldier 2. Just for the time being?

Soldier 2. Just for now?

Soon after the drones finish their job, there'll be a fish meal too.

Soon after the drones finish their job, there will be a fish meal too.

여자가 가족들에게 말한다.

The woman tells her family.

The woman talks to his family.

The woman talks to his family.

여자, 저 드론이 설악산 거주지 안에 잠든 여러분의 몸과 이곳을 연결해주고 있습니다.

Woman, that drone is connecting your body, which is resting in Seoraksan's residence, to this place.

꿈속에 있는 여러분이 이곳에 있는 것처럼 느끼도록요.

I want you to feel as if you are here, even though you are in a dream.

Woman, that drone connects to your sleeping body.

여자, 그 드론이 당신의 잠자는 몸에 연결되어 있어요.

Somebody in the 설악 mountain residence to this place so that you in your dreams feel like you're here.

Someone in the Seorak Mountain residence has come to this place so that you can feel like you're here in your dreams.

가족들이 서로 쳐다보며 이해할 수 없다는 표정을 한다.

The family members look at each other with expressions of confusion.

The members look at each other and look confused.

The members look at each other and seem confused.

여자, 꿈속 세상과 달리 현실 세상은 통신하려면 전기와 장비가 필요합니다.

In reality, unlike the world in dreams, women need electricity and equipment to communicate.

Unlike the dream wars, the real world needs electricity and equipment to communicate.

Unlike the dream wars, the real world needs electricity and equipment to communicate.

여자가 드론에 깜빡이는 전원 불빛을 가리켰다.

The woman pointed to the blinking power light on the drone.

The woman pointed to the blinking power of the drone.

The woman pointed to the blinking light of the drone.

여자, 드론의 전원이 꺼지면 현실 세상과 연결이 끊어지고 여러분의 드림월드로 돌아가게 된다는 뜻입니다.

When the drone's power is turned off, it means that the connection to the real world will be severed, and you will return to your dream world.


Do you understand?

Woman, when the drone is turned off, it means that it will disconnect from the real world and you will return to the dream world.

Woman, when the drone is turned off, it means that it will disconnect from the real world and you will return to the dream world.

Do you understand?

Do you understand?

가족들, 네.

Family, yes.

Members, yes.

Members, yes.

여자, 저희들은 그럼 이만 거주주로 돌아가겠습니다.

Ma'am, then we will return to our residence now.

Woman, then we'll go back to our residence.

여자, 그러면 우리는 우리의 거처로 돌아갈 것입니다.

가족들, 네.

Family, yes.

Members, okay.

Members, okay.

차가 건물에서 멀어지자 가족들이 아파트 건물 벽을 통과해 밖으로 나온다.

As the car moves away from the building, the family passes through the walls of the apartment building and comes outside.

As the car moves away from the building, the members come out through the walls of the apartment building.

As the car moves away from the building, the members come out through the walls of the apartment building.

서로 눈치를 보더니 주변으로 구경을 간다.

They exchange glances and then go around to see the surroundings.

They look at each other and go around to look around.

They look at each other and walk around to see the surroundings.

차가 수면 위로 떠오른다.

The car rises above the surface of the water.

The car rises to the surface.

The car rises to the surface.

군인 1, 무서웠어요. 얼른 집에 가고 싶어요.

Soldier 1, I was scared. I want to go home quickly.

Soldier 1, I was scared. I cannot wait to go home.

Soldier 1, I was scared. I can't wait to go home.

여자, 이제 왔던 길을 다시 돌아갈 겁니다.

Woman, I will go back the way I came now.

Woman, now we are going back the way we came.

여자, 이제 우리는 오던 길로 돌아가고 있다.

남자, 어, 저기 상우예요.

That's a guy, oh, that's Sangwoo over there.

Man, oh, there's a shark.

Man, oh, there's a shark.

군인 2, 간호사 양반은 저게 재밌나.

Soldier 2, is that fun, nurse lady?

얼른 드림월드 가서 하던 퀘스트 마저 하고 싶구만.

I want to quickly go to Dream World and finish the quest I was doing.

Soldier 2, is that funny to you, Snows?

Soldier 2, is that funny to you, Snows?

I want to hurry up and do the quest I did at Dreamworld.

I want to hurry up and do the quest I did at Dreamworld.

남자, 기대만큼은 아니지만 이건 진짜 현실이잖아요.

Man, it's not as much as I expected, but this is really reality.

Man, it's not as much as I expected, but this is the real.

Man, it's not as much as I expected, but this is the real deal.

군인 2, 우리 말곤 사람들 다 잠들어서 꿈속에 사는데 이쪽이 진짜 맞아?

Soldier 2, are you sure this is real while everyone else is asleep and living in their dreams?

Soldier 2, everyone but us sleeps and leaves in dreams. Is this really right?

Soldier 2, everyone but us sleeps and leaves in dreams. Is this really right?

거주주로 돌아가는 동안 여자를 빼곤 모두 잠들어 있었다.

Everyone was asleep except for the woman during the journey back home.

All but the women will asleep on their way back to their residence.

모든 남성들은 자신의 거처로 돌아가는 길에 잠들고 있을 것이다.

돌아가는 길에 거대한 곰이 길을 막고 있었다.

A huge bear was blocking the road on the way back.

On the way back.

On the way back.

The giant bear was blocking the way.

The giant bear was blocking the way.

곰의 배가 불러 있었다.

The bear's belly was full.

The bear was full.

The bear was full.

여자는 곰과 눈을 마주치고 있었다.

The woman was making eye contact with the bear.

The woman was making eye contact with the bear.

The woman was making eye contact with the bear.

여자의 헤맷 위에 곰의 치수를 재는 센티미터 선들이 그려졌다.

Centimeter lines measuring the bear's dimensions were drawn over the woman's wandering.

On the woman's helmet, the bear was being measured.

On the woman's helmet, the bear was being measured.

Some lines were drawn around the bear.

Some lines were drawn around the bear.

곰은 차에 치이기 전에 길에서 비켰지만,

The bear stepped off the road before getting hit by the car, but

곰이 차를 계속 밟아갔다.

The bear kept pressing the gas pedal.

여자도 보고 있기에 여자도 곰을 끝까지 바라왔다.

Since the woman is watching, the woman also stared at the bear until the end.

The bear got out of the way before being hit by the car but the woman also looked at the bear until it was out of sight because the bear kept looking at the car.

The bear got out of the way before being hit by the car, but the woman also looked at the bear until it was out of sight because the bear kept looking at the car.

여자는 곰의 모습을 허공에 그리고 그 옆에 글씨를 썼다.

The woman drew a bear in the air and wrote words beside it.

The woman drew a bear in the air and wrote next to it.

The woman drew a bear in the air and wrote next to it.

위도 37.5665도, 경도 37.5665도.

Latitude 37.5665, Longitude 37.5665.

The woman drew a bear in the air and wrote next to it.

The woman drew a bear in the air and wrote next to it.

and 126.9780 degree east longitude

and 126.9780 degrees east longitude

Korean bear over 300 cm was found.

A Korean bear over 300 cm was found.

여자, 드림 저 곰 추적 관찰해줘.

Woman, please observe that bear for me.

Woman, dream keep track of the bear.

Woman, keep track of the bear in your dreams.

헬멧, 드론을 보냅니다.

Sending a helmet and a drone.

헬멧, I will send a drone.

Helmet, I will send a drone.

차에서 드론이 튀어나갔다.

A drone popped out of the car.

A drone bounced out of the car.

A drone bounced out of the car.

여자, 드림 드론의 시야를 보여줘.

Woman, show me the view from the dream drone.

Dream, show me the vision of the drone.

Dream, show me the vision of the drone.

그 곰은 드론을 계속 경계했지만 곧 익숙해졌고 동굴 속으로 들어갔다.

The bear continued to be wary of the drone but soon got used to it and went into the cave.

The bear was wary of the drone but soon got used to it and went into the cave.

The bear was wary of the drone but soon got used to it and went into the cave.

여자, 경계심을 느끼지 않을 때까지 기다렸다가 적외선 카메라로 바꿔서 안까지 관찰해줘.

Wait until the woman feels no suspicion, then switch to the infrared camera and observe inside.

Woman, wait until she is not alert.

Woman, wait until she is not on guard.

Then switch to an infrared.

그럼 적외선으로 전환하세요.

Spread a camera and absorb inside.

Spread a camera and absorb it inside.

드림, 곧 명령을 소행하겠습니다.

Dream, I will carry out the command soon.

Dream, I will do your bidding soon.

Dream, I will fulfill your wish soon.

다시 여자의 시야가 차 안으로 바뀌었다.

The woman's gaze shifted back into the car.

The woman's vision changed back into the car.

The woman's vision changed back into the car.

여자가 눈을 밤으려 하자 안내문이 나왔다.

As the woman tried to close her eyes, a notice appeared.

When the woman tried to close her eyes, notice came out.

When the woman tried to close her eyes, a notice appeared.

헬멧, 곧 수면 상태가 됩니다.

The helmet will soon enter sleep mode.

드림월드에 접속할까요?

Shall we access Dream World?

헬멧, 곧 수면 상태가 됩니다.

The helmet will soon enter sleep mode.

드림월드에 접속할까요?

Shall we access Dream World?

여자, 아니 너무 피곤해서 꿈은 꾸고 싶지 않네.

I'm a woman, but I'm too tired to dream.

Woman, no, I'm so tired that I don't want to dream.

Woman, no, I'm so tired that I don't want to dream.

헬멧, 깊은 잠 주무세요.

Helmet, sleep deeply.

헬멧, 깊은 잠을 꾸세요.

Helmet, have a deep sleep.

그들은 거주지에 도착했고 여자는 보호옥을 벗고 온몸 소독을 하고 헬멧을 다시 썼다.

They arrived at the residence, and the woman took off her protective suit, disinfected her whole body, and put her helmet back on.

They arrived at the last dance.

그들은 마지막 춤에 도착했다.

And the woman took off her protective suits, disinfected her whole body, and put on her helmet again.

And the woman took off her protective suit, disinfected her entire body, and put her helmet back on.

헬멧, 위험 세균 없음을 확인했습니다.

The helmet has been checked and confirmed to be free of dangerous bacteria.

헬멧, I've confirmed that there are no dangerous germs.

Helmet, I've confirmed that there are no dangerous germs.

남자와 여자는 연구실로 보이는 곳에 도착했다.

The man and woman arrived at a place that looked like a laboratory.

The man and the woman arrived in what appealed to be a lab.

The man and the woman arrived in what appeared to be a lab.

연구실에는 수많은 식물과 동물들이 실린더에다.

The laboratory has numerous plants and animals in cylinders.

In the lab, numerous plants and animals were placed in cylinders, which had a preservation solution in them.

In the lab, numerous plants and animals were placed in cylinders, which contained a preservation solution.

남자, 선생님 아까 봤던 것들이 진짜고 저희가 꿈에서 보는 것들이 가짜가 맞죠?

Man, what we saw earlier is real, and what we see in our dreams is fake, right?

Man, Doc, what we just saw earlier and what we saw in our dreams are fake, right?

Man, Doc, what we just saw earlier and what we saw in our dreams are fake, right?

여자, 네, 당연한 사실이죠.

Woman, yes, that's an obvious fact.



Yes, of course.

네, 물론입니다.

남자, 꿈에 비해 현실에서 집중을 잘 못하겠는데 혹시 그게 큰 문제가 될까요?

I find it hard to concentrate in reality compared to my dreams; could that be a big problem?

Man, I can't concentrate as well in real life as I can in my dream.

Man, I can't concentrate as well in real life as I can in my dreams.

Will this be a big problem?

Will this be a big problem?

여자, 기계의 문제일 수도 있으니 헬멧 점검을 받아보세요.

Woman, it could be a problem with the machine, so please have the helmet checked.

뇌신경학 연구 엔지니어들이 도움을 주실 겁니다.

Neuroscience research engineers will provide assistance.

Brain Neuroscience Research Engineers will help you.

Brain neuroscience research engineers will help you.

남자, 선생님은 처음에 현실에 나왔을 때 안 힘드셨어요?

Didn’t it feel difficult for you when you first came into reality, teacher?

Man, wasn't it hard for you when you first came out in reality?

Man, wasn't it tough for you when you first came out into reality?

여자, 힘들었죠. 생각만 하는 것들이 자동으로 눈앞에 펼쳐지지가 않으니까 일일이 헤매서 명령하는 것도 움직이는 것도 힘들고요.

It was tough, woman. Since the things I only think about don't automatically unfold before my eyes, it's hard to navigate and command each one, and moving is also difficult.

Woman, it was hard. The things I've been thinking about don't automatically unfold in front of me.

Woman, it was hard. The things I've been thinking about don't automatically unfold in front of me.

It's hard to hold the helmet one by one and it's hard to move.

It's hard to hold the helmet one by one, and it's difficult to move.

남자, 현실에 사는 것도 익숙해지겠죠?

Man, you’ll get used to living in reality, right?

Man, I'll get used to living in reality, right?

Man, I'll get used to living in reality, right?

여자, 이쪽이 현실이니까 저희 같은 이오준들은 그래야죠.

Women, this is reality, so we, like Io Jun, have to be that way.

그래야 혹시 환자가 아프면 책임질 사람이 있어야죠.

That way, there should be someone responsible in case the patient gets hurt.

Woman, yes, because this is reality. That's what medical staff like us should do.

Woman, yes, because this is reality. That's what medical staff like us should do.

That way, if the patient is sick, there is someone to take responsibility for it.

That way, if the patient is sick, there is someone to take responsibility for it.

남자, 제가 다른 사람들보다 현실 적응 능력이 부족하다고는 하더라고요.

I have been told that I lack the ability to adapt to reality compared to others.

Man, they say I'm less adaptable to reality than others.

Man, they say I'm less adaptable to reality than others.

여자, 간호사님은 태어나자마자 꿈속 세상에서 눈을 떴으니까 저랑은 다르죠.

The woman, the nurse, opened her eyes in the dream world as soon as she was born, so she is different from me.

전 다섯 살이 돼서야 꿈속 세상으로 들어갔어요.

I entered the world of dreams only when I turned five.

Woman, because you open your eyes into a dream world as soon as you were born.

Woman, because you opened your eyes to a dream world as soon as you were born.

It's different from me. I didn't enter the dream world until I was five years old.

It's different for me. I didn't enter the dream world until I was five years old.

남자, 아 그러셨군요. 상세히 말씀 주셔서 감사합니다.

Man, oh I see. Thank you for the detailed explanation.

Man, oh I see. Thank you for the details.

Man, oh I see. Thank you for the details.

여자, 검신 잘 받아요?

Are you good at handling swords, woman?

Woman, good luck with your checkup.

여자, 검진 잘 받으세요.

남자가 방을 나갔다. 여자가 의자에 앉았다.

The man left the room. The woman sat down in the chair.

The man left the room. The woman sat on the chair.

The man left the room. The woman sat on the chair.

여자, 드림 장례식 문서 올려야 하니까.

Woman, I have to upload the dream funeral documents.

내가 생각하는 문장들 다 받아 적어줘.

Write down all the sentences I think of.

Woman, dream, I have to post the funeral documents, so please write down all the sentences I have in mind.

Woman, dream, I need to send out the funeral documents, so please write down all the sentences I have in mind.

Hemet, 생각 시작해주세요.

Hemet, please start thinking.

Hemet, please start thinking.

Hemet, 제발 생각을 시작해.

여자가 골똘히 생각하는 듯 하자 여자의 눈앞에 글자들이 쓰여졌다.

As the woman seemed to be deep in thought, words appeared before her eyes.

The woman seemed to be thinking hard.

The woman appeared to be deep in thought.

The letters were unfolded in front of the woman's eyes.

The letters were unfolded in front of the woman's eyes.

여자, 드림 문서 작성 끝났으니 보내줘.

Woman, I've finished writing the dream document, so please send it.

Woman, dream, I've done writing the...

Woman, dream, I've done writing the...

Documents, so send it.

Send the documents.

Helmet, 전송합니다.

Helmet, I am sending it.

Helmet, I'm sending.

I'm sending the helmet.

문서가 하나의 메일 아이콘으로 변하면서 그녀의 시야 밖으로 사라져 문 쪽으로 나갔다.

The document transformed into a single mail icon and disappeared out of her sight, heading towards the door.

As the documents turned into a mail icon, it disappeared out of her sight and the door.

As the documents transformed into a mail icon, they vanished from her sight and from the door.

여자가 기지개를 쭉 폈다.

The woman stretched out.

The woman stretched herself.

The woman stretched herself.

그리고 사무실을 나가 찢어졌다.

And then I went out of the office and it got torn.

Then she left the office and went back to the first room for upcapsules.

Then she left the office and went back to the first room for upcapsules.

그 안에는 여전히 많은 사람들이 잠든 채 누워있었다.

Inside, many people were still lying down, fast asleep.

There were still many people lying asleep in the room.

There were still many people lying asleep in the room.

헬멧 전원 불빛들이 깜빡였다.

The lights on the helmet power flickered.

Their helmet power lights blinked.

Their helmet power lights blinked.

여자는 그 캡슐 중 하나에 들어갔다.

The woman entered one of the capsules.

The woman went into one of the capsules.

The woman went into one of the capsules.

The message appeared on the gold.

The message appeared on the gold.

고글 위에 메시지가 떴다.

A message appeared above the goggles.

The message appealed on the goggles.

The message appeared on the goggles.

헬멧, 꿈속 세계에 연결하시겠습니까?

Helmet, would you like to connect to the world of dreams?

Helmet, connecting you to the dream world.

Helmet, connecting you to the dream world.

그때 노인이 떠난 캡슐 자리에 어떤 아이와 어른들이 왔다.

At that time, some children and adults came to the capsule spot where the old man had left.

At that moment, a child and two others approached the capsule while the old man had been.

At that moment, a child and two others approached the capsule while the old man had been.

여자가 그 모습을 지켜봤다.

The woman watched that scene.

The woman watched the figures.

The woman watched the figures.

어른, 얘야 이 자리가 앞으로 내가 꿈속 세상에 접속할 자리란다.

Adult, this place will be where I connect to the world of my dreams in the future.

A third, hey, this spot is where you will enter dream world from now on.

A third, hey, this spot is where you will enter the dream world from now on.

아이, 네, child, yes.

Ah, yes, child, yes.

아이가 헬멧을 썼다.

The child wore a helmet.

The child wore a helmet.

The child wore a helmet.

어른들이 다시 자신의 자리로 돌아가서 헬멧을 썼다.

The adults returned to their places and put on their helmets.

There's one back to their seats and put on helmets.

There's one back to their seats and puts on helmets.

아이의 캡슐에 곧 빛이 들어왔다.

Light soon entered the child's capsule.

Lye soon came into the child's capsule.

Lye soon came into the child's capsule.

여자가 그 모습을 한창 보다가 다시 고글 위에 메시지를 봤다.

The woman, while looking at that scene, glanced at the message above the goggles again.

The woman looked at the child for a long time and then saw the message on the goggles again.

The woman looked at the child for a long time and then saw the message on the goggles again.

헬멧, 드림월드에 연결하시겠습니까?

Would you like to connect the helmet to Dream World?

Helmet, connecting to the dream world.

Helmet, connecting to the dream world.

여자가 손가락으로 네 버튼을 눌렀다.

The woman pressed your button with her finger.

The woman pressed.

The woman pressed.

She pressed the yes button into her finger.

She pressed the yes button with her finger.

헬멧, 눈을 감아주십시오.

Helmet, please close your eyes.

잠이 들면 자동으로 뇌파가 연동됩니다.

When you fall asleep, your brain waves automatically synchronize.

Helmet, please close your eyes when you fall asleep.

Helmet, please close your eyes when you fall asleep.

The brain waves will automatically be linked.

The brain waves will automatically be linked.

여자가 눈을 깜빡깜빡했다.

The woman blinked.

The woman blinked.

The woman blinked.

헬멧, 꿈속 세상에서 나가고 싶으시면 나가고 싶다고 마음먹은 즉시 잠에서 깨어나게 됩니다.

If you want to leave the world of dreams with a helmet, you will wake up as soon as you decide in your mind that you want to leave.

이 사실을 인지하셨습니다.

You have acknowledged this fact.

이 사실을 인지하셨으면 네 버튼을 눌러주세요.

If you acknowledge this fact, please press the yes button.

Helmet, if you want to go out of the dream world, you wake up as soon as you decided to go out.

Helmet, if you want to leave the dream world, you wake up as soon as you decide to go out.

If you are aware of this, please press the yes button.

If you are aware of this, please press the yes button.

여자가 네 버튼을 눌렀다.

The woman pressed your button.

The woman pressed the yes button.

The woman pressed the yes button.

그러자 ASMR이 나왔고 여자가 눈을 감고 곧 있어 잠들었다.

Then ASMR came on, and the woman closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

And then ASMR came out.

And then ASMR came out.

And the woman closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

And the woman closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

여자가 눈을 떴고 여자는 하얀 공간 안에 있었다.

The woman opened her eyes and found herself in a white space.

The woman opened her eyes and she was in the white space.

The woman opened her eyes and she was in the white space.

본인의 손을 확인하고 주변을 두리번 두리번 하자 헬멧 위에 인터페이스가 떴던 것처럼 안내창들이 떴다.

As I checked my hands and looked around, guidance windows appeared, just like the interface that had appeared above my helmet.

When she checked her hands and looked around,

When she checked her hands and looked around,

the information windows are peered.

The information windows are connected.

They are peered similarly to the interface on her helmet.

They are viewed in a way similar to the interface on her helmet.

안내창, 메시지가 도착했습니다.

Notification window, a message has arrived.

Information window, five messages have arrived.

Information window, five messages have arrived.

여자가 안내창에 손을 뻗자 포스트잇으로 변했다.

As the woman reached out to the guide window, it transformed into a Post-it note.

When the woman reached out to the information window, it turned into post-its.

When the woman reached out to the information window, it turned into post-its.

하나하나 넘겨보고 공중에 뿌리자, 포스트잇이 사라졌다.

One by one, I flipped through them and sprinkled them in the air, and the Post-it notes disappeared.

When she turned it over one by one and scattered them into the area,

When she turned them over one by one and scattered them into the area,

the post-its disappeared.

The post-its disappeared.

안내창, 오늘 해야 할 알람이 여섯 개 있습니다.

Notification: You have six alarms to complete today.

Information window, there are six alarms to do today.

Information window, there are six alarms to do today.

여자가 알람을 보며 무언가 눈을 굴리며 생각을 하는 듯 하자

The woman looks at the alarm and seems to be rolling her eyes in thought.

As she looked at the alarm, she lowered her eyes and seemed to think about something.

As she looked at the alarm, she lowered her eyes and seemed to think about something.

여자의 눈 앞에 커다란 달력과 하루 일정표가 나타났다.

A large calendar and daily schedule appeared in front of the woman.

A large calendar and a daily schedule.

A large calendar and a daily schedule.

appeared before the woman's eyes.

appeared before the woman's eyes.

원형 일정표 안에 해야 할 일이 빼곡히 적혀있었다.

The circular schedule was packed with tasks that needed to be done.

The circular schedule contained a lot of things to do.

The circular schedule contained a lot of things to do.

12시부터 학교 수업을 해야 한다고 쓰여있었다.

It was written that classes at school start from 12 o'clock.

It was written that school classes should start at 12 o'clock.

It was written that school classes should start at 12 o'clock.

여자가 손목을 보니 어느새 손목 시기가 여자의 손목에 있었다.

When the woman looked at her wrist, she realized that a watch was already on her wrist.

지금은 11시였다.

It was 11 o'clock.

When the woman looked at her wrist, a watch appeared reading 11 o'clock.

When the woman looked at her wrist, a watch appeared reading 11 o'clock.

여자가 빈 공간에 앉으려고 무릎을 구부리자 뒤에 공간에서 소파가 갑자기 나타났다.

As the woman bent her knees to sit in the empty space, a sofa suddenly appeared from behind.

As the woman bent her knees to sit in an empty space, a sofa suddenly appeared in the space behind her.

As the woman bent her knees to sit in an empty space, a sofa suddenly appeared in the space behind her.

여자는 소파 위에 걸터 앉았다.

The woman sat down on the sofa.

The woman sat on the sofa.

The woman sat on the sofa.

소파 하나가 공중으로 날아올랐다.

A sofa flew up into the air.

The sofa flew up into the air.

The sofa flew up into the air.

주변 공간들이 갑자기 하늘 위로 바뀌었다.

The surrounding spaces suddenly transformed into the sky.

The surrounding spaces suddenly changed over the sky.

The surrounding spaces suddenly changed above the sky.

하늘 아래에는 거주지 밖의 숲이 있었다.

There was a forest outside the dwelling under the sky.

Under the sky was the forest outside the legends.

Under the sky was the forest outside the legends.

아까 여자가 지나온 길이 있었다.

There was a path that the woman passed by earlier.

There was the load that the woman passed by earlier.

There was the load that the woman passed by earlier.

소파는 날아서 거대한 곰이 들어갔던 굴속으로 들어갔다.

The sofa flew into the cave where the giant bear had entered.

The sofa was flying into the cave where the giant bear went.

The sofa was flying into the cave where the giant bear went.

안에는 곰이 잠들어 있었다.

Inside, a bear was sleeping.

Inside was the bear asleep.

Inside was the bear asleep.

곰은 실제처럼 보였다.

The bear looked realistic.

The bear looked weird.

The bear looked weird.

여자가 눈을 깜빡이자 곰은 적의 카메라로 촬영한 것처럼 빨간색과 파란색으로 바뀌었다.

As the woman blinked, the bear changed to red and blue, as if it had been filmed by the enemy's camera.

When the woman blinked, the bear turned red and blue as if it had been filmed with an infrared camera.

When the woman blinked, the bear turned red and blue as if it had been filmed with an infrared camera.

여자의 손에 노트와 연필이 생겼다.

The woman now has a notebook and a pencil in her hand.

A note and a pencil appeared in the woman's hand.

A note and a pencil appeared in the woman's hand.

여자가 노트에 뭔가 썼다.

The woman wrote something in her notebook.

The woman wrote something in her notebook.

The woman wrote something in her notebook.

곰의 평소 수면과 겨울잠의 차이에 대한 연구.

A study on the difference between a bear's normal sleep and hibernation.

A study of the difference between normal sleep and winter sleep in bears.

A study of the difference between normal sleep and hibernation in bears.

로 시작한 글이 어느새 10줄이 넘게 되었다.

The writing that started with a few lines has now exceeded ten lines.

The article which started with these words had already become more than 10 lines.

The article that started with these words had already grown to more than 10 lines.

여자가 종이를 찢어서 손바닥에 올리자 종이가 아이콘으로 바뀌었다.

When the woman tore the paper and placed it on her palm, the paper transformed into an icon.

When the woman tore the paper and put it on her palm,

When the woman tore the paper and placed it in her palm,

the people turned into an icon.

The people turned into an icon.



드림 추적 연구 계속해줘.

Please continue the dream tracking study.



Dream, please continue your follow-up research.

Dream, please continue your follow-up research.

드림 네 알겠습니다. 박사님

I understand, Doctor.

Dream Yes, I got it, doctor.

Dream Yes, I understand, doctor.

여자 주변 공간에서 드림의 소리가 쩌렁쩌렁 울렸다.

The sound of dreams echoed loudly in the space around the woman.

There was a loud sound of dream in the space around the woman.

There was a loud sound of a dream in the space around the woman.

아이콘이 여자의 손 위에서 사라졌다.

The icon disappeared from the woman's hand.

The icon disappeared from the woman's hand.

The icon disappeared from the woman's hand.

곰은 여전히 잠들어 있었다.

The bear was still asleep.

The bear was sleep asleep.

The bear was sound asleep.

여자가 시계를 보니 12시에 거의 가까워졌었다.

When the woman looked at the clock, it was almost 12 o'clock.

The woman looked at her watch and it was almost 12 o'clock.

The woman looked at her watch and it was almost 12 o'clock.

소파가 하늘로 날아올랐고 주변 공간이 다시 하얗게 바뀌었다.

The sofa soared into the sky, and the surrounding space turned white again.

The sofa flew up into the sky and the surrounding space turned white again.

The sofa flew up into the sky and the surrounding space turned white again.

여자가 소파에서 일어나서 하얀 공간의 어딘가를 봤는데 문이 생겼다.

The woman stood up from the sofa and looked somewhere in the white space, and a door appeared.

The woman got up from the sofa and looked somewhere in white space and there was a door.

The woman got up from the sofa and looked somewhere in the white space, and there was a door.

문을 열고 들어가니 학교 정문의 여자는 서 있었다.

As I opened the door and entered, the woman at the school gate was standing there.

When the woman opened the door and entered, she was standing at the front gate of the school.

When the woman opened the door and entered, she was standing at the front gate of the school.

학교 구문 사이의 공간이 일렁이고 있었고 그 공간 너머에서 학생들이 하나둘씩 들어오고 있었다.

The space between the school walls was shimmering, and beyond that space, students were coming in one by one.

The space between the school gates was swaying.

The space between the school gates was swaying.

The students were coming in one by one from beyond the space.

The students were coming in one by one from beyond the space.

게임이나 영화에서 나오는 포털처럼 보였다.

It looked like a portal from a game or a movie.

It looks like a portal from a game or movie.

It looks like a portal from a game or movie.

여자와 학생들이 아무것도 없는 공간에서 갑자기 나타난 것처럼 보였다.

It seemed as if the woman and the students suddenly appeared in a space where there was nothing.

The woman and the students seemed to certainly appear in a space from nothing.

The woman and the students seemed to certainly appear in a space from nothing.

학생들이 왼손에 떡볶이 같은 것을 가지고 있었고 학생들 중 몇몇은 여자에게 인사를 했다.

The students had something like tteokbokki in their left hands, and some of the students greeted a girl.

The student said something like 떡볶이 in their left hand and some of the children greeted the woman.

The student said something like tteokbokki in their left hand, and some of the children greeted the woman.

학생, 선생님 안녕하세요.

Hello, student and teacher.

Student, hello teacher.

Hello teacher, student.

여자가 인사를 받아주고 함께 학교 건물에 들어갔다.

The woman greeted and entered the school building together.

The woman accepted the greeting and entered the school building together.

The woman accepted the greeting and entered the school building together.

실내화로 갈아신고 교실로 들어가자 수업 시작을 알리는 종이 울렸다.

As I changed into indoor shoes and entered the classroom, the bell signaling the start of the class rang.

When she changed into her slippers and entered the classroom, the door rang to announce the start of the class.

When she changed into her slippers and entered the classroom, the doorbell rang to announce the start of the class.

교실 안에는 아이들이 소면 정도 앉아있었고

In the classroom, there were children sitting about the size of a small noodle.

There were about 20 children sitting in the classroom.

There were about 20 children sitting in the classroom.

여자가 칠판 앞에 섰다.

The woman stood in front of the blackboard.

And the woman stood in front of the blackboard.

And the woman stood in front of the blackboard.

여자가 손을 공중에 두자 교탁 위에 지구가 나타났다.

As the woman raised her hand in the air, the Earth appeared on the lectern.

The woman put her hand in the air and the globe appeared on the school table.

The woman raised her hand, and the globe appeared on the school table.

지구의 홀로그램처럼 보이지만 실제 지구처럼 리얼한 질감이 표현되어 있었다.

It looked like a hologram of Earth, but it expressed a texture as realistic as the actual Earth.

It looked like a hologram of the Earth, but it had the same textures as the real Earth.

It looked like a hologram of the Earth, but it had the same textures as the real Earth.

여러분, 저번 시간에 이어서 지구의 역사에 대해서 알아볼 준비됐나요?

Everyone, are you ready to learn about the history of the Earth, following our last session?

Woman, are you ready to learn about the history of the Earth following the last class?

Woman, are you ready to learn about the history of the Earth following the last class?

학생들, 네.

Students, yes.

Students, yes.

Students, yes.

여자, 2020년 지구온난화, 여기서부터 다시 이야기를 해볼까요?

Woman, global warming in 2020, shall we start the conversation from here?

Woman, we can continue our talk about global warming from where we left off in 2020.

여성, 우리는 2020년에 중단했던 글로벌 웜링에 대한 이야기를 계속할 수 있습니다.

여자가 지구 주변을 한 바퀴 손짓하자, 지구 주변에 공기가 일렁이는 것 같은 효과가 생겼다.

As the woman gestured around the Earth, an effect resembling the air shimmering around the Earth was created.

The woman beckons around the Earth, the effect of air shaking around the Earth has been created.

The woman beckons around the Earth, creating the effect of air vibrating around the Earth.

여자, 이 시기엔 지구 주변 공기의 온도가 너무 많이 올랐고,

Woman, during this period, the temperature of the air around the Earth has risen too much, and

Woman, during this time, the temperature of the air around the Earth rose too much.

Woman, during this time, the temperature of the air around the Earth rose too much.

여자가 지구본을 슥슥 돌리자, 아메리카, 아시아 등의 대륙 땅덩어리 위로 바닷물이 차오르기 시작했다.

As the woman spun the globe, water began to rise over the continents of America, Asia, and others.

Sea water began to fill up.

Sea water began to fill up.

On continental land, masses such as sea water were filled up.

On continental land, masses such as seawater were filled up.

Masses such as America and Asia.

Masses such as America and Asia.

여자, 해수면이 원격적으로 상승하기 시작했다는 이야기를 했었죠.

The woman mentioned that sea levels have started to rise remotely.

Woman, I told you that the sea level studied to rise in earnest.

Woman, I told you that the sea level is studied to rise in earnest.

여자가 책상을 톡톡 두드렸다.

The woman tapped the desk.

The woman chaps on the desk.

The woman is chattering on the desk.

여자, 여러분 지구온난화의 원인이 뭐였죠?

Ladies, what was the cause of global warming?

Woman, what was the cause of global warming?

Woman, what caused global warming?

학생 1. 산업혁명이요.

Student 1: The Industrial Revolution.

Student 1. Industrial Revolution.

Student 1. Industrial Revolution.

학생 2. 화석연료요.

Student 2. Fossil fuels.

Student 2. Fossil fuel.

Student 2. Fossil fuel.

여자, 네, 산업혁명 이후에 나온 연기들이 지구에 가득 차서예요.

Yes, the smoke that emerged after the industrial revolution has filled the Earth.

Yes, it's because the Earth is full of smog from the Industrial Revolution.

Yes, it's because the Earth is full of smog from the Industrial Revolution.

여자가 손가락을 까딱하자 지구에서 검은 연기들이 나왔고 지구를 뒤덮었다.

As the woman flicked her finger, black smoke emerged from the Earth and enveloped it.

When the woman flicked her finger, black smoke came out of the earth and covered it.

When the woman flicked her finger, black smoke emerged from the ground and enveloped it.

여자, 점점 보이지 않게 된 이 연기 때문에 태양의 빛과 열이 밖으로 빠져나가지 못하게 됐어요.

Because of this smoke, the woman gradually became less visible, and the sunlight and heat were unable to escape outside.

Woman, which slowly turned invisible trapped the sun's light and prevented heat from escaping.

The woman, who slowly turned invisible, trapped the sun's light and prevented heat from escaping.

연기가 점점 투명하게 변했다.

The smoke gradually became transparent.

The smoke became increasingly transparent.

The smoke became increasingly transparent.

그런데 왜 사람들은 연료를 태우는 것이 지구에 나쁘다는 것을 알면서도 그만두지 못했을까요?

But why haven't people been able to stop burning fuel even though they know it's bad for the Earth?

Woman, but why couldn't people stop burning fuel even though they knew it was bad for the Earth?

Woman, but why couldn't people stop burning fuel even though they knew it was harmful to the Earth?

학생들은 대답하지 못했다.

The students could not answer.

The students could not answer.

The students could not answer.

여자, 힌트를 줄게요.

Woman, I'll give you a hint.

실제 지구, 세상에 살고 있던 사람들의 시대에는 무엇이 가장 중요하다고 했죠?

What was considered the most important during the era of people living on the actual Earth and in the world?

Woman, I will give you a hint.

여자여, 힌트를 줄게.

What did I say was the most important thing?

What did I say was the most important thing?

In the era of people living in the rear walls of the earth.

In the era of people living in the rear walls of the earth.

학생 하나가 대답했다.

One student answered.

One of the students answered.

One of the students answered.

학생, 돈이요.

Student, money.

Student, money.

학생, 돈.

여자, 네, 그렇죠.

Woman, yes, that's right.

이때는 모든 물건들이 만들어지려면 돈이 필요했어요.

At that time, all things needed money to be made.

Woman, yes, that's right.

Woman, yes, that's right.

At this time, everything needs money to be made.

At this time, everything requires money to be made.

여자가 공중에서 두 손으로 원을 그리자 공중에서 지폐들이 날아다녔어요.

As the woman drew a circle in the air with both hands, money bills flew around in the air.

As the woman made a circle with her hands in the air, bills flew in the air.

As the woman made a circle with her hands in the air, bills flew in the air.

여자, 돈이 있어야 항상 자연에서 무언가를 가지고 올 수 있었어요.

A woman needs money to always be able to bring something from nature.

의자를 만들기 위해서는 숲의 나무가 필요하죠.

To make a chair, you need wood from the forest.

Woman, you always had to have money to bring something from nature.

Woman, you always had to have money to bring something from nature.

You always had to have money to bring something from nature.

You always had to have money to bring something from nature.

To make a chair, you need a forest tree.

To make a chair, you need a forest tree.

학생들을 손가락으로 가리켰다.

He pointed at the students with his finger.

She pointed her fingers at the students.

She pointed her fingers at the students.

여자, 여러분이 지금 의자를 만들고 싶다고 그냥 생각하는 방법으로는 의자를 만들 수 없었다는 뜻이에요.

It means that just thinking about wanting to make a chair is not enough to actually create one.

Woman, you couldn't just think a chair into existence in this world like you can now.

여자여, 당신은 이 세상에서 지금처럼 의자를 생각해서 존재하게 만들 수 없었습니다.

You couldn't just think a chair into existence in this world like you can now.

In this world, you couldn't just think a chair into existence like you can now.

아이들이 깜짝 놀랐다.

The children were surprised.

The children's war started.

The children's war started.

학생 1, 진짜 이상해요.

Student 1, this is really strange.

학생 2, 이해가 잘 안돼요.

Student 2, I don't understand it well.

I don't get it.

I don't get it.

여자, 그땐 그게 당연한 거였답니다.

Woman, back then that was a given.

심지어 의자가 필요 없어졌을 때 그냥 없어졌으면 좋겠다고 생각해도 아무 일도 일어나지 않았어요.

Even when I thought it would be nice if the chair simply disappeared when I no longer needed it, nothing happened.

Woman, things were permanent then, even if I no longer wanted this chair, nothing happened.

Woman, things were permanent then; even if I didn't want this chair anymore, nothing happened.

I no longer wanted this chair. Nothing happened. It didn't disappear.

I no longer wanted this chair. Nothing happened. It didn't disappear.

아이들이 고개를 갸웃했다.

The children tilted their heads.

The children tilled the stair heads.

The children tilled the stair heads.



엥? 그러면 어떻게 해야 돼요?

Huh? Then what should I do?



So what did you do?

So what did you do?



땅에 묻어서 분해될 때까지 기다려야 했죠. 쓸모없어진 물건을 쓰레기라고 불렀는데 이들도 지구온난화를 일으켰어요.

We had to wait until it decomposed by being buried in the ground. We called useless items garbage, but they also contributed to global warming.



We had to bury it in the ground and wait until it broke down. We called these useless things trash. And they also caused global warming.

We had to bury it in the ground and wait until it broke down. We called these useless things trash. And they also caused global warming.

여자가 의자에 손을 대자 산산이 부서지면서 공중으로 흩어졌다.

As the woman touched the chair, it shattered into pieces and scattered into the air.

When the woman touched the chair, it broke apart and scattered into the air.

When the woman touched the chair, it broke apart and scattered into the air.

한 학생이 손을 들었다.

A student raised their hand.

A student raised his hand.

A student raised his hand.



의자를 만들지 않으면 안 돼요?

Do we have to make the chair?



Do we have to make a chair?

Do we have to make a chair?



의자뿐만 아니라 여러분이 점심시간에 먹은 음식들도 모두 돈이 있어야만 먹을 수 있었어요.

Not only the chair, but all the food you ate during lunch break could only be eaten if you had money.



Not only the chairs, but all the food you ate during lunchtime was only available with money.

Not only the chairs, but all the food you ate during lunchtime was only available for purchase.

학생 1

Student 1

아 싫어요

Oh, I don't want to.

Student 1

Student 1

I don't like it.

I don't like it.

학생 2

Student 2


It's terrible.

Student 2

Student 2

It's terrible.

그것은 끔찍하다.

아이들이 무서운 얘기를 들은 것처럼 겁에 질렀다.

The children looked terrified as if they had heard a scary story.

The children were frightened as if they had heard a scary story.

The children were frightened as if they had heard a scary story.



그러니 이 돈을 벌기 위해서 사람들은 지구온난화를 발생시키는 것을 멈출 수가 없었던 거죠.

So, in order to earn this money, people couldn't stop causing global warming.



So to make this money, people couldn't stop causing global warming.

So to make this money, people couldn't stop causing global warming.

그렇게 여자가 지구온난화를 계속 돌렸고 땅이 점점 바닷물에 더 잠겼다.

In that way, the woman continued to spin climate change, and the land gradually became more submerged in seawater.

The woman kept spinning the glove, and the ground became more and more submerged in the sea.

The woman kept spinning the glove, and the ground became more and more submerged in the sea.



세계 모든 국가들이, 수도들이 물에 잠기고 돈이 아주 많은 일부 사람들만 꿈의 거주지에 잠들고 나서야 지구온난화는 끝이 났습니다.

Global warming has ended only after all countries and capitals were submerged in water, and only a select few wealthy individuals can sleep in their dream residences.



Global warming ended only when all countries in the world saw their capital submerged,

Global warming ended only when all countries in the world saw their capital submerged.

and the people's capital was gone.

and the people's capital was gone.

And the people's capital was gone.

그리고 국민의 자본은 사라졌다.

The most money we treated to their dream resistance.

The most money we used was for their dream resistance.

여자가 지구 보내서 손을 뗐다.

The woman sent it to Earth and took her hands off.

The woman pulled out of the glove.

The woman pulled out of the glove.



우리 모두는 현재 실제로는 잠들어있고 꿈의 나라에 살고 있다고 했었죠.

We all said that we are actually asleep right now and living in the land of dreams.



I said we are all actually asleep right now and we are living in the dream world, right?

I said we are all actually asleep right now and we are living in the dream world, right?



네, 선생님

Yes, teacher.



Yes, teacher

Yes, teacher.

그리고 여자가 설악산 위치를 가리키자 거기에 점이 찍혔다.

And as the woman pointed to the location of Seoraksan, a dot was marked there.

여자가 칠판을 가리키자 칠판 프레임 너머에 설악산 숲의 모습을 보였다.

As the woman pointed to the blackboard, the view of the Seoraksan forest appeared beyond the blackboard frame.

동물과 식물들이 있었다.

There were animals and plants.

여기가 지금 여러분들의 실제 몸이 있는 위치입니다. 세계 곳곳에 있는 꿈의 거주 중에 하나이죠.

This is the actual location of your bodies right now. It's one of the dream residences located all around the world.

여자가 머리 주변에 손을 갖다 댔고 그러자 헬멧이 여자의 머리에 씌워졌다.

The woman brought her hands near her head, and then the helmet was placed on her head.

여자가 머리 주변에 손을 갖다 댔고 헬멧이 머리에 씌워졌다.

The woman placed her hands around her head, and the helmet was put on.

만약 이 꿈의 헬멧을 만들어낸 천재 과학자가 없었다면?

What if there was no genius scientist who created the helmet of this dream?

여자가 헬멧을 손가락으로 두드리자 헬멧이 없어졌다.

When the woman tapped the helmet with her finger, the helmet disappeared.

인간은 아마 멸종했을 것이라고 과학자들은 말했다.

Scientists said that humans might have gone extinct.

인간 실제로oting time

Human actual rooting time

여자가 칠판을 가리키자 수반에서 뛰놀던 동물들이 사라졌다.

When the woman pointed to the blackboard, the animals that were playing in the surrounding area disappeared.

짐을 � 아직 가진 동물은 사막 속에서 사망aj

The animal that has not yet gotten the luggage dies in the desert.

사막에 사망aj

Death in the desert.

여자, 얼마 남지 않은 동물들을 다 먹어버렸을 거고

The woman probably ate all the remaining animals.

얼마 남지 않은 숲은 모두 베어버렸을 테니까요.

The remaining forest must have all been cut down.

Woman, you would have eaten all the animals that were left

여자, 남아있는 모든 동물을 너가 먹었을 것이다.

and you would have cut down all the forests that were left.

그리고 당신은 남아있는 모든 숲을 베어버렸을 것입니다.

여자가 양파를 벌렸다.

The woman opened the onion.

The woman opened her arms.

The woman opened her arms.

여자, 하지만 여러분들은 지금 어디에 앉아있나요?

Woman, but where are you all sitting right now?

Woman, but where are you sitting now?

Woman, but where are you sitting now?

학생들, 의자예요.

Students, it's a chair.

Students, it's a chair.

Students, it's a chair.

여자, 여러분은 나무가 없더라도 의자를 만들 수 있습니다.

Women, you can make a chair even without trees.

Woman, you can make chairs even if you don't have trees.

Woman, you can make chairs even if you don't have trees.

여자가 손을 의자 높이 정도에 놓자 갑자기 의자가 나타났다.

When the woman placed her hands at the height of the chair, the chair suddenly appeared.

The woman put her hand about the height of the chair

The woman placed her hand at the height of the chair.

and suddenly the chair appeared.

그리고 갑자기 의자가 나타났다.

여자, 지구 온난화를 일으키지 않고도

A woman, without causing global warming.

실제 현실 세계와 크게 다르지 않은 환경을 만들어낸 거죠.

They created an environment that is not much different from the real world.

무엇이 그것을 가능하게 했다고 했죠?

What did you say made that possible?

Woman, we created an environment that is not very different from the real world

Woman, we created an environment that is not very different from the real world.

without causing global warming.

without causing global warming.

What did you say made it possible?

What did you say made it possible?

학생들, 꿈의 헬멧이요.

Students, it's the helmet of dreams.

Students, the dream helmets.

Students, the dream helmets.

여자, 여러분들은 지금 이 꿈의 세계에 들어와서

Women, you have now entered this dream world.

다 같이 함께 꿈을 공유할 수 있습니다.

We can all share our dreams together.

실제 우리는 현실 세계에서 캡슐 안에 누워있지만요.

In reality, we are lying in a capsule in the real world.

Woman, you can enter this dream world now and share your dreams together.

여자여, 당신은 이제 이 꿈의 세계에 들어가서 함께 꿈을 나눌 수 있습니다.

In fact, in the real world, we were lying in a capsule.

In fact, in the real world, we were lying in a capsule.

여자의 손앞에 의자가 사라지고 캡슐에 누워있는 자신의 모습이 나타난다.

The chair disappears in front of the woman's hand, and her own figure lying in the capsule appears.

In front of the woman's hand,

In front of the woman's hand,

the chair disappears

The chair disappears.

and the woman herself appears lying in the capsule.

그리고 그 여성은 캡슐에 누워 있는 모습이 나타납니다.

여자, 정확한 원리는 사람의 몸 안에 갇혀있는 영혼을 일부분 빼내는 것이죠.

The correct principle is to extract a part of the soul that is trapped inside a person's body.

영혼은 실제 보이지 않지만, 보이게 해보자면 이런 모습이겠죠.

The soul is not actually visible, but if we were to visualize it, it might look something like this.

Woman, the exact principle is to take a part of the soul trapped in a person's body.

Woman, the exact principle is to take a part of the soul trapped in a person's body.

Although the soul is not actually visible,

Although the soul is not actually visible,

if you want to show it, it'll look like this, right?

If you want to show it, it'll look like this, right?

캡슐 위에 투명한 여자의 몸이 하나 더 생겼다.

A transparent woman's body has appeared on top of the capsule.

캡슐 안에 몸이 비쳐 보인다.

My body is reflected in the capsule.

There is another transparent woman's body on the capsule.

There is another transparent woman's body on the capsule.

She can see her body in the capsule.

그녀는 캡슐 안에서 자신의 몸을 볼 수 있다.

여자, 그렇게 꺼낸 영혼이 다른 사람의 헬멧으로 보내주고

Woman, sending the soul that was drawn out like that to someone else's helmet.

그 영혼끼리 소통할 수 있는 방식인 겁니다.

It is a way for those souls to communicate with each other.

Woman, it was a way for someone to see her body.

여자, 그것은 누군가가 그녀의 몸을 볼 수 있는 방법이었다.

It was a way for souls to be sent to another person's helmet and communicate with each other.

It was a way for souls to be sent to another person's helmet and communicate with each other.

학생, 영혼이 뭔가요?

Student, what is a soul?

Student, what is the soul?

Student, what is the soul?

여자, 영혼에 대해서는 나중 수업에서 더 많이 알려줄게요.

I'll tell you more about women and the soul in a later lesson.

지금 한 가지 말할 수 있는 건 영혼은 살아있는 동안만 존재한다는 것입니다.

What I can say right now is that the soul only exists while one is alive.

Woman, I will tell you more about the soul in the later class.

Woman, I will tell you more about the soul in the later class.

One thing I can say is that the soul exists only when it's alive.

One thing I can say is that the soul exists only when it's alive.

Only during a host's lifetime.

오직 주최자의 생존 기간 동안만.

여자가 손짓하자 캡슐과 헬멧의 전원이 꺼졌다.

When the woman gestured, the power to the capsule and helmet was turned off.

여자 위에 있던 투명한 몸, 즉 영혼이 사라졌다.

The transparent body above the woman, that is, the soul, has disappeared.

The capsule and helmet were turned off when the woman back on.

The capsule and helmet were turned off when the woman came back on.

The transparent body above the woman, the soul disappeared.

The transparent body above the woman, the soul disappeared.

여자, 사람이 죽으면 헬멧이 영혼을 탐지할 수 없게 돼요.

When a woman dies, the helmet can no longer detect the soul.

몸에 든 영혼이 없으면 우리는 꿈의 세계에서 사라질 뿐만 아니라

If the soul within the body is absent, we will not only vanish from the world of dreams, but also...

현실 세계에서도 사라질 수 없을 거예요.

It won't be able to disappear in the real world either.

현실 세계에서도 몸이 부서져 사라지게 되죠.

In the real world, the body also breaks apart and disappears.

Woman, when a person dies, the soul cannot be detected on the helmet.

Woman, when a person dies, the soul cannot be detected on the helmet.

Without our souls, we disappear from the dream worlds.

Without our souls, we disappear from the dream worlds.

Not only that, but also in the real worlds, the body breaks down and disappears.

Not only that, but in the real world as well, the body breaks down and disappears.

캡슐 안에 들어있던 여자의 몸도 의자가 그랬던 것처럼 가루가 되어 사라졌다.

The woman's body inside the capsule also turned to powder and disappeared, just like the chair had.

The woman's body in the capsule disappeared into powder just as...

The woman's body in the capsule disappeared into powder just as...

...as the chair did.

...as the chair did.

여자, 여러분들이 지금 앉아있고 눈앞에 보이는 이 모든 것들은 사실 가짜입니다.

Ladies, everything you see in front of you and are currently sitting on is actually fake.

Woman, all of these things that you were sitting here and you see in front of you are actually fake.

Woman, everything that you are sitting here and seeing in front of you is actually fake.

여자가 손짓하자 학생들과 여자를 제외한 모든 것들의 모습이 사라지고 하얀 공간으로 보였다.

As the woman gestured, the appearances of everything except for the students and the woman disappeared, revealing a white space.

When the woman back on, everything but the students and the woman disappeared and looked like a white space.

When the woman turned back, everything except for the students and the woman disappeared, creating a scene that looked like a white space.

여자, 여러분들은 항상 꿈의 세상에서 살았기 때문에 이 꿈과 현실을 구분할 수 없을지도 모르지만, 현실과 꿈은 엄연히 다른 것입니다.

Women, you may not be able to distinguish between dreams and reality because you have always lived in the world of dreams, but reality and dreams are distinctly different things.

Woman, you may not be able to distinguish between this dream and reality because you have always lived in the dream worlds, but reality and dream are strictly different.

Woman, you may not be able to distinguish between this dream and reality because you have always lived in the dream worlds, but reality and dream are strictly different.

학생들이 모습이 사라진 투명한 의자에 앉아서 자기들끼리 웅성거렸다.

The students sat on the transparent chairs, which had disappeared, and murmured among themselves.

The students buzzed among themselves in transparent cheers.

The students buzzed among themselves in clear cheers.

학생일, 수업 언제 끝나?

When does class end, student?

Student 1, when does the class end?

Student 1, when does the class end?

학생이, 빨리 게임하고 싶다.

The student wants to play the game quickly.

Students 2, I wanna play games.

Students 2, I want to play games.

여자, 자 복습!

Woman, self-review!

현실에서는 물건을 만들기 위해서 무엇이 필요하죠?

What is needed to make something in reality?

Woman, now with you, what do you need to make things in real life?

Woman, what do you need to make things happen in real life?

학생들, 돈이요.

Students, money.

Students, money.

학생들, 돈.

아니, 여자, 여러분은 어디에 있죠?

No, women, where are you?

Woman, where are you?

여자, 어디에 있어?

학생들, 꿈속 세상, dream world요.

Students, it's the dream world.

Students, the world of dreams, dream world.

Students, the world of dreams, dream world.

여자, 네, 저도 같이 여러분의 꿈속에 있기 때문에 우리는 원하는 것을 생각하는 것만으로 곧바로 얻을 수 있습니다.

Woman, yes, I am also in your dream, so we can get what we want simply by thinking about it.

Woman, yes, because I'm in your dream with you.

Woman, yes, because I'm in your dream with you.

We can get it right away just by thinking about what we want.

We can get it right away just by thinking about what we want.

여자가 박수를 치자, 교실 안의 모습이 다시 원래대로 돌아왔다.

When the woman clapped her hands, the scene in the classroom returned to its original state.

When the woman clapped, the appearance in the classroom returned to its original state.

When the woman clapped, the appearance in the classroom returned to its original state.

여자, 우리는 왜 잠들게 되었죠, 여러분?

Woman, why did we fall asleep, everyone?

Woman, why do we fall asleep, everyone?

Woman, why do we all fall asleep?

학생들, 지구 온난화 때문이에요.

Students, it's because of global warming.

Students, because of global warming.

Students, because of global warming.

여자, 맞아요. 다시 지구가 정상화될 때까지 기다리는 것입니다.

Yes, that's correct. We are waiting until the Earth returns to normal.

이것만이 몇백 년 전 우리 조상들에게 남은 선택지였습니다.

This was the only option left to our ancestors hundreds of years ago.

Woman, that's right.

여자, 맞아.

Waiting for the earth to stabilize again was the only option left to our ancestors hundreds of years ago.

Waiting for the earth to stabilize again was the only option left to our ancestors hundreds of years ago.

여자가 지구본을 지금까지 돌려왔던 방향에 반대로 돌리자 해수면이 조금 낮아졌다.

As the woman turned the globe in the opposite direction from how she had been turning it until now, the sea level decreased slightly.

The syllable dropped a little when the woman turned the globe in the opposite direction of the direction she had turned.

The syllable dropped a little when the woman turned the globe in the opposite direction of the direction she had turned.

So far.


여자, 그렇게 수백 년의 시간이 흘렀고, 지금 현재 지구입니다.

Woman, that’s how hundreds of years have passed, and this is the present Earth.

우리 예상보다 더 빠른 속도로 해수경이 하강하고 있습니다.

The seawater level is dropping at a faster rate than we expected.

Woman, it's been hundreds of years since then.

Woman, it's been hundreds of years since then.

Now, the world is returning.

Now, the world is returning.

The sea level is falling faster than we expected.

The sea level is falling faster than we expected.

여자가 칠판을 손짓하자 설악산 거주지 주변 숲의 모습이 비쳐 보였다.

As the woman gestured towards the chalkboard, the image of the forest around the residence of Seoraksan appeared.

As the woman gestures to the blackboard, the sea level is falling faster than we expected.

As the woman gestures to the blackboard, the sea level is falling faster than we expected.

The forest around the 서악 mountain residence was seen.

The forest around the Seoak mountain residence was seen.

동물과 식물들이 있었다.

There were animals and plants.

There were animals and plants.

There were animals and plants.

여자, 이렇게 인간이 잠들어 있는 동안 지구엔 많은 종들이 다시 살아났고 번성해 지구를 원래 상태로 돌렸기 때문입니다.

While humans were asleep, many species resurrected and thrived on Earth, restoring it to its original state.

Woman, this is because why humans were asleep like this.

Woman, this is why humans were asleep like this.

Many other species on earth were revived and flushed.

Many other species on Earth were revived and restored.

They were turning to earth.

그들은 지구로 돌아가고 있었다.

여자가 지구본을 더 돌렸다.

The woman spun the globe more.

해수면이 빠르게 하강하여 2020년에 그랬던 것 같은 지구가 되었다.

The sea level has rapidly fallen, making the Earth like it was in 2020.

The woman spawned the global more.

The woman gave birth to the global more.

The sea level has fallen rapidly, becoming the same earth as it did in 2020.

The sea level has fallen rapidly, returning to the same state as it was in 2020.

여자, 이대로라면 멀지 않은 미래에 우리 인간들도 다시금 현실 세계에 살 수 있을지도 모르죠.

Woman, at this rate, it might not be long before we humans can live in the real world again.

Woman, at this late suit.

여자, 이렇게 늦게 정장하다니.

We humans may be able to live in the real world again in the not-too-distant future.

We humans may be able to live in the real world again in the not-too-distant future.

여자가 칠판을 가리켰다.

The woman pointed at the blackboard.

The woman pointed to the blackboard.

The woman pointed to the blackboard.

여자, 우리 조상들이 그랬던 것처럼 동물들을 현실에서 잡아 요리를 만들고 물건을 만드는 것도 가능.

Women can also catch animals in reality to make dishes and create objects, just as our ancestors did.

Woman, it's possible to catch animals in real life, cook, and make things just like our ancestors did.

Woman, it's possible to catch animals in real life, cook, and make things just like our ancestors did.



그럼 저희는 이제부터 꿈에서 깨야 하나요?

So do we have to wake up from the dream now?

Student 1.

Student 1.

Then do we have to wake up from our dreams from now on?

Then do we have to wake up from our dreams from now on?

학생이, 꿈속 세상에서 못 살아요?

Can a student not live in the world of dreams?

Student 2.

Student 2.

Can't we live in a dream world?

Can't we live in a dream world?

아이들의 불만이 터져나왔다.

The children's complaints erupted.

The children's complaints erupted.

The children's complaints burst out.

여자, 여러분이 어른이 됐을 때 현실로 돌아가게 될지 혹은 꿈의 세계에 아직도 남게 될지는 몰라요.

Woman, you may not know if you will return to reality when you become an adult or if you will still remain in the world of dreams.

Woman, when you grow up, I don't know if you are going to go back to reality or still be in the dream world.

Woman, when you grow up, I don't know if you will return to reality or remain in the dream world.

학생들이 다행이라고 웅성거렸다.

The students murmured that it was a relief.

The students murmured with relief.

The students murmured with relief.

여자, 아직 연구가 충분히 이루어지지 않았기 때문에 전세계 꿈의 나라 통솔자들은 고민만 하고 계십니다.

Women, since research has not yet been sufficiently conducted, the leaders of the dream countries around the world are only troubled.

Woman, the world's dreamland leaders are only considering this.

Woman, the world's dreamland leaders are only considering this.

Because not enough research has been done yet.

Because not enough research has been done yet.

학생들이 자기들끼리 속닥거리기 시작했다.

The students began to whisper among themselves.

The students began to whisper among themselves.

The students began to whisper among themselves.

여자, 수업은 여기까지예요. 선생님이 재밌게 잘 설명한 것 같아요?

Girl, the class is over here. Do you think the teacher explained it interestingly?

Woman, that's all for the class.

여자, 그게 수업의 전부야.

Do you think I explained it in a fun way?

Do you think I explained it in an interesting way?

학생 1.

Student 1.

아니요, 무서웠어요.

No, it was scary.

Student 1.

Student 1.

No, it was scared.

No, it was scared.

학생들이 자기들끼리 다행이라고 웅성거렸다.

The students murmured among themselves that it was a relief.

학생들이 자기들끼리 더 크게 떠들기 시작했다.

The students began to chatter more loudly among themselves.

The students began to whisper among themselves.

The students began to whisper among themselves.

학생 2.

Student 2.

꿈에서 깨어나면 어떻게 돼?

What happens when I wake up from a dream?

What happens when I wake up from a dream?

What happens when I wake up from a dream?

학생 3.

Student 3.

내가 하고 싶은 걸 다 못한대.

They say I can't do everything I want to do.

Student 3.

Student 3.

I can't do everything I want to do.

I can't do everything I want to do.

학생 4.

Student 4.

떡볶이도 못 만들어?

Can't you even make tteokbokki?

Student 4.

Student 4.

I can't even make 떡볶이?

I can't even make tteokbokki?

학생 4의 손에 언제든지...

At any time in the hands of student 4...

떡볶이가 들려있다.

There is tteokbokki.

떡볶이 appears in the hands of student 4.

Tteokbokki appears in the hands of student 4.

학생 5.

Student 5.

응, 돈이 있어야 된대.

Yeah, they say you need money.

Student 5.

Student 5.

Yes, I need money.

네, 돈이 필요해요.

학생 6.

Student 6.

근데 돈은 어떻게 만들어?

But how do you make money?

선생님, 어떻게 만들어요?

Teacher, how do you make it?

Student 6.

Student 6.

But how do I make money?

하지만 어떻게 돈을 벌 수 있나요?

Teacher, how do I make it?

Teacher, how can I make it?

여자, 한정된 자원들로 물건을 만들어야 해요.

Women have to create things with limited resources.

Woman, you have to make things with limited resources.

Woman, you have to create things with limited resources.

학생 6.

Student 6.

자원은 어떻게 얻어요?

How do you obtain resources?

Student 6.

Student 6.

How do I get these sources?

How do I get these sources?

여자, 음, 일을 해서요?

Woman, um, do you work?

Woman, well, because you work.

Woman, well, because you work.

학생 5.

Student 5.

일이 뭐예요?

What is the work?

Student 5.

Student 5.

What is work?

What is work?

여자, 나중에 자세히 수업할 거예요.

Girl, I will teach it in detail later.

Woman, I'll teach you in detail later.

Woman, I'll explain it to you in detail later.

아이들이 계속 떠들었다.

The children kept chattering.

The students kept talking.

The students kept talking.

학생 1.

Student 1.

그냥 꿈속에서 살면 안 돼?

Can't we just live in a dream?



왜 현실에서 살아야 돼?

Why do we have to live in reality?

Student 1.

Student 1.

Can't I just live in a dream?

Can't I just live in a dream?

Why do I have to live in reality?

왜 현실에서 살아야 하지?

학생 2.

Student 2.

몰라, 어른들이 그래야 된다면 그래야 되는 거 아니야?

I don't know, if adults say it has to be that way, then doesn't it have to be that way?

Student 2.

Student 2.

I don't know if they say I should.

I don't know if they say I should.

I should do it, don't I?

I should do it, shouldn't I?

학생 3.

Student 3.

난 싫어.

I don't like it.

Student 3.

Student 3.

I don't like it.

I don't like it.

학생 4.

Student 4.


Me too.

Student 4.

Student 4.

Me too.

Me too.

학생 5.

Student 5.

너네 화성 탐사 게임 알지?

Do you know the Mars exploration game?

You know the mouth exploration game, right?

You know the mouth exploration game, right?

학생 5.

Student 5.

학생 5가 손 안의 화성 모형과 우주선들을 만들었다.

Five students made a model of Mars and spacecrafts in their hands.

Student 5.

Student 5.

You know the mouth exploration game, right?

You know the mouth exploration game, right?

학생 5가 손 안의 화성 모형과 우주선들을 만들었다.

Student 5 created a model of Mars and spacecrafts in their hands.

Student 5 made a model of mouth and spacecrafts around his hand on the air.

Student 5 made a model of a mouth and spacecrafts around his hand in the air.

학생 5.

Student 5.

그거 할 때 들은 건데 우리 조상님들은 현실 화성에서 살려고

I heard that our ancestors tried to live on Mars in reality.


They said they did.

자고 있으면 화성에 못 가서 그런 거 아니야?

Isn't it because you can't go to Mars if you're sleeping?

Student 5.

학생 5.

I hold that when I did it.

I believe that when I did it.

My ancestors tried to live on Mars.

My ancestors tried to live on Mars.

Student 5.

Student 5.

I hold that when I did it.

나는 그것을 할 때 그렇게 생각한다.

My ancestors tried to live on Mars.

My ancestors tried to live on Mars.

student 3.

학생 3.

I hold that when I did it.

I believe that when I did it.

자고 있으면 화성에 못 가서 그런 거 아니야?

Aren't you unable to go to Mars because you're asleep?

학생 5가 5회 화성을 치려고 했다.

Five students tried to play the Mars game five times.

학생 6, 난 화성 탐사 게임 관심 없어. 왜 화성에 가야 돼?

Student 6, I'm not interested in the Mars exploration game. Why do we have to go to Mars?

학생 5, 학생 5의 화성이 없어졌다.

Student 5, the Mars of Student 5 has disappeared.

학생 5, 학생 5, 몰라 돈 벌어야 해서? 어른들이 그러던데 화성에는 자원이 많...

Student 5, student 5, I don't know, do I have to make money? Adults say there are a lot of resources on Mars...

학생 4, 학생 4,

Student 4, Student 4,

학생 4가 떡볶이를 다 먹었고 떡볶이 그릇이 사라졌다.

Student 4 finished all the tteokbokki, and the tteokbokki bowl disappeared.

학생 4가 사탕을 손에 쥐고 있었다.

The student was holding candy in their hand.

학생 3, 야 수업 시간에 먹으면 안 돼. 선생님 알겠지 않아?

Student 3, you can't eat during class. Don't you understand, teacher?

학생 4, 쉬는 시간 아니었어?

Student 4, wasn't it break time?

학생 6, 아니니?

You're not a student, are you?

학생 5, 야 내 말 끊지 마. 아무튼 난 진짜 화성에도 가고 싶어.

Student 5, hey, don’t interrupt me. Anyway, I really want to go to Mars.

나 맨날 우주인 되는 꿈 꾼단 말이야.

I always dream of becoming an astronaut.

학생 5, 야 수업 시간에 먹으면 안 돼. 선생님 알겠지 않아?

Student 5, you can't eat during class. Don't you understand, teacher?

anyway I really want to go to Mars.

어쨌든 나는 정말로 화성에 가고 싶어.

I always dream of living as an astronaut.

I always dream of living as an astronaut.

그때 여자가 교실 앞에 있는 시계를 가리켰다

At that time, the woman pointed to the clock in front of the classroom.

Then the woman pointed at the clock in front of the classroom

Then the woman pointed at the clock in front of the classroom.

여자, 여러분, 선생님이 수업을 일찍 마친 이유는 전학생이 있어서예요

Ladies and gentlemen, the reason the teacher finished the class early is because we have a transfer student.

자, 친구 들어와

Come on, friend, come in.

Woman, everyone, the reason I finished class early is because I have a transfer student

Woman, everyone, the reason I finished class early is because I have a transfer student.

Come on in, buddy

Come on in, buddy.

학생들이 조용해졌다

The students became quiet.

The students became quiet

The students became quiet.

교실 문이 열리고 아이가 들어왔다

The classroom door opened, and a child came in.

The classroom door opened and the child came in

The classroom door opened and the child came in.

오늘 임종환 노인의 캡슐에 아까 들어간 아이의 얼굴이었다

Today, it was the face of the child who entered the capsule of Elder Lim Jong-hwan earlier.

It was the face of the child who entered the capsule of the old man who died today

It was the face of the child who entered the capsule of the old man who died today.

여자, 이 친구는 여러분보다 헬멧에 적응이 어려워서 유치원 교육을 늦게 졸업했어요

She had a harder time adjusting to the helmet than you all, so she graduated from kindergarten later.

이 구역에 공간이 나올 때까지 기다리고 있었답니다

I was waiting until a space opened up in this area.

Woman, this friend graduated from the kindergarten section late

Woman, this friend graduated from kindergarten late.

Because he was in the kindergarten section

Because he was in the kindergarten section

Because he had a hard time adapting to a helmet and a last of us

Because he had a hard time adapting to a helmet and The Last of Us.

여자가 웃으며 긴장한 아이에게 말했다

The woman said to the nervous child with a smile.

The woman laughed and said to him nervous

The woman laughed and said to him nervously.

여자, 새로운 반 친구들에게 인사해야지

Girl, you should greet your new classmates.

Woman, say hi to your new classmates

여자, 네 새로운 학급 친구들에게 인사해.

아이, 안녕하세요, 제 이름은 김지안입니다

Hi, hello, my name is Kim Ji-an.

Child, hi, my name is 김지안

Child, hi, my name is Kim Jian.

학생들이 박수를 쳤다

The students applauded.

The students clapped and said,

The students clapped and said,

Let's see your hands

Let's see your hands.

여자, 지안군, 우리는 꿈 이야기를 하고 있었어요

Girl, Jian-gun, we were talking about dreams.

Woman, 지안, we were talking about dreams

Woman, Jian, we were talking about dreams.

지안, 꿈이요? 지금 꾸는 거요?

Jian, a dream? Are you dreaming right now?

지안, what I am having now?

Jian, what am I having now?

여자, 아니요, 어른이 돼서 이러고 싶은 거요

Woman, no, I want to do this when I become an adult.

Woman, no, having your dream come true when you grow up

Woman, no, it's about realizing your dreams as you grow up.

지안, 아, 지안, 아

Jian, ah, Jian, ah.

여자, 지안이는 꿈이 뭐예요?

Girl, what is your dream, Jiaan?

Woman, what's your dream, 지안?

Woman, what's your dream, Jian?

지안, 저는, 지안

Jian, I am, Jian.

I, 지안이 우물쭈물하더니 여자에게 대물없다

I, Jian, hesitated and then told the woman that there was nothing substantial.

지안, hesitated and asked the woman back

Jian hesitated and asked the woman back.

지안, 꼭 꿈이 있어야 되나요?

Jian, do you really need to have a dream?

드림월드에선 꿈꾸면 다 이루어지잖아요

In Dream World, when you dream, everything comes true, right?

지안, why do I need a dream to achieve?

Jian, why do I need a dream to achieve?

Everything I dream in these worlds comes true

Everything I dream in these worlds comes true.

여자가 웃었다

The woman smiled.

The woman laughed

The woman laughed.

여자, 그렇죠, 꿈속 세상에서만 살면 생각만으로 뭐든 이룰 수 있죠

A woman, that's right, if you only live in a world of dreams, you can achieve anything just by thinking about it.

Woman, yes, if you only live in the dream worlds

여자, 그래, 만약 네가 꿈의 세계에서만 산다면.

You can achieve everything by thinking

You can achieve everything by thinking.

여자가 교실 끝쪽을 가리켰다

The woman pointed to the end of the classroom.

The woman pointed toward the end of the classroom

The woman pointed toward the end of the classroom.

여자, 저기 저 자리에 앉으면 돼요

Woman, you can sit over there in that seat.

Woman, take the seat over there

여자, 저기 앉으세요.

The woman pointed toward the end of the classroom

The woman pointed toward the end of the classroom.

여자가 가리킨 곳에 의자와 책상이 새로 생겨있었다

There was a newly placed chair and desk where the woman pointed.

New chairs and desks appeared while the woman pointed

New chairs and desks appeared while the woman pointed.

여자, 오늘도 좋은 꿈 꿔요

Girl, have sweet dreams again today.

Woman, have a sweet dream today

Woman, have a sweet dream today.

학생들, 선생님도 좋은 꿈 되세요

Students, have sweet dreams, teacher.

Students, have a sweet dream, teacher

Students, have a sweet dream, teacher.

여자가 교실을 나갔다

The girl left the classroom.

The woman laughed at the classroom

The woman laughed in the classroom.

지안이 쭈뼛쭈뼛거리자 주변 학생들이 말을 걸었다

As Jian fidgeted nervously, the surrounding students started to talk to him.

As 지안 hesitated, students allowed him to talk to her

As Ji-an hesitated, the students allowed him to talk to her.

학생 5, 안녕, 너 화성 좋아해?

Student 5, hello, do you like Mars?

Student 5, hello, do you like masks?

Student 5, hello, do you like masks?

학생 4, 사탕 먹을래? 하나 줄까?

Student 4, do you want some candy? Should I give you one?

Student 4, do you want candy? You want one?

Student 4, do you want candy? Do you want one?

학생 6, 옷 만드는 거 좋아해?

Do you like making clothes, student 6?

Student 6, do you like making clothes?

Student 6, do you like making clothes?

학생 3, 운동장에서 서핑할래?

Student 3, do you want to surf in the playground?

Student 3, do you want to surf on the playground?

Student 3, do you want to surf on the playground?

지안이 우물쭈물했다.

Jian hesitated.

지안, 나는, 지안, I

Jian, I, Jian, I.

지안이 우물쭈물했다.

Jian hesitated.

지안 hesitated.

Jian hesitated.

지안, 꿈이 없어서 아직 모르겠어.

Jian, I still don't know because I don't have a dream.

지안, I don't know yet because I don't have a dream.

Jian, I don't know yet because I don't have a dream.

학생 2, 꿈, 엥?

Student 2, dream, huh?

Student 2, dream, huh?

Student 2, a dream, huh?

지안, 꿈에서 하고 싶은 거 없다고.

Jian, you said there’s nothing you want to do in your dream.

지안, there's nothing I want to do in my dream.

Jian, there's nothing I want to do in my dream.

학생 1, 그래, 하고 싶은 거 생기면 말해.

Student 1, yeah, if you have something you want to do, just let me know.

Student 1, dream, huh?

Student 1, dream, huh?

Yes, let me know if there's anything you want to do.

Yes, let me know if there's anything you want to do.

학생 3, 좋은 꿈 꿔.

Student 3, have sweet dreams.

Student 3, sweet dreams.

Student 3, 좋은 꿈 꿔요.

학생들이 지안의 자리를 떠났다.

The students left Jian's seat.

The students left 지안's seat.

The students left Jian's seat.

지안이 갑자기 하품을 했다.

Jian suddenly yawned.

지안, we aren't done yet.

Jian, we aren't done yet.

지안, 졸려.

Jian, I'm sleepy.

지안, I'm sleepy.

Jian, I'm sleepy.

지안이 엎드려서 잠을 청했고 눈앞에 수면모드라는 안내창이 떴다.

Jian lay down to sleep, and a pop-up window appeared in front of her with the message "Sleep Mode."

지안, you're sleepy.

Jian, you're sleepy.

And in front of his eyes appeared a window called sleep mode.

And in front of his eyes appeared a window called sleep mode.

현실 세계에 헬멧을 쓰고 누워있는 지안의 고글 디스플레이에도 수면모드라는 안내창이 떠있다.

In the real world, a notification for sleep mode is also displayed on Jian's goggles, which he is wearing while lying down.

지안's goggles display lying in the helmet in the rear world also showed the window called sleep mode.

Jian's goggles display lying in the helmet in the real world also showed a window called sleep mode.

지안은 캡슐 안에 있었다.

Jian was inside the capsule.

지안 was in the capsule.

Jian was in the capsule.

지안 자� 300 as my

Jian, 300 as my.

지안 כ 똥

Jian is poop.

특 pack

Special pack

시 말을

It speaks.






아시아 대륙의 beat.

The beat of the Asian continent.

아시아 대륙 comes up the way.

The Asian continent comes up that way.

지구를 보고 있는 것은 인공위성 안의 로봇이었다.

The one looking at the Earth was a robot inside a satellite.

그 인공위성 안에도 잠들어 있는 사람들이 있었고

There were people sleeping inside that satellite as well.

로봇들이 그 사람들의 주변을 돌아다니며 일을 했다.

The robots moved around the people and worked.

그 로봇 중 하나가 헬멧을 자신의 머리에 썼다.

One of the robots put a helmet on its head.

헬멧에 드림월드라고 쓰여 있었다.

"Dream World" was written on the helmet.

헬멧, 드림월드에 접속하시겠습니까? 네, 아니요.

Helmet, would you like to access Dream World? Yes, No.

로봇이 네 라는 버튼을 누른다.

The robot presses the "no" button.

그 로봇이 네 라는 버튼을 누른다.

The robot presses the button that says "no."

ASMR이 나오고 로봇의 시야가 검게 바뀐다.

ASMR plays and the robot's vision turns black.

드림월드 이야기 끝

The story of Dream World ends.


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