948회 - [영국] 궁상맞은 헨리7세의 이야기를 끝으로 이번 시즌을 마칩니다

주식회사 모모콘

썬킴의 세계사 완전정복

948회 - [영국] 궁상맞은 헨리7세의 이야기를 끝으로 이번 시즌을 마칩니다

썬킴의 세계사 완전정복

스포티파이 4 팟캐스터

Spotify 4 Podcaster

바로 시작해보세요

Please start right away.

나는 그런 허접한 음식 안 먹어요

I don't eat such lousy food.

어 뭐야

Oh, what is it?

어 여기에 지금 고춧가루 들어갔어

Oh, there's chili powder in here now.

나 이 고춧가루

I this red pepper powder.


Oh my god.

나 고춧가루 들어가면 안 먹어요

I don't eat it if it has chili powder in it.

전 아메리칸 치즈가 들어간

I have American cheese in it.

햄버거밖에 안 먹어요

I only eat hamburgers.


Oh my god.



오 김치 어떻게 먹어

Oh, how do you eat kimchi?


It goes like this.

이게 이제 세월이 흘러와가지고

This has now passed with time.

교양 있는 사람을

A cultured person.

젠틀맨이라고 부르게 됐습니다

I came to be called a gentleman.

어쨌든 시작은 그랬어요

Anyway, that was how it all started.


어쨌든 이 젠틀맨

Anyway, this gentleman.

젠틀리 계급이

Gently class.



죽어버린 귀족들

The dead nobles.

빈자리에 들어와요

Come into the empty seat.

중간 계급이 됐습니다

I have become middle class.

자 어쨌든 이

Well, anyway this...

헨리 실세

Henry's real power.

그 어느 때보다 강력한 왕이 됐어요

I have become a king stronger than ever.

그 말은 뭐냐면

What that means is

존 왕 기억나시죠

Do you remember John Wong?

정말 멍청한 왕

Really dumb king.

귀족들에게 왕권 빼앗긴 존 왕

King John, who was deprived of his kingship by the nobles.

얼마나 멍청했으면

How foolish could one be?

존 1세 2세 3세 없이

Without John I, II, III.

그냥 유일하게 존 왕

Just the one and only Jon Wang.

하나인 존 왕

One and Only John Wang.

그때 귀족들한테

At that time, to the nobles


Because I surrendered.


Your Majesty.

마그나 카르타 대헌장

Magna Carta Great Charter


Do you remember?

의회가 생겨가지고

As the parliament was established

왕권을 많이 뺏어갔잖아요 의회가요

The parliament took away a lot of royal power, didn't they?

그때 빼앗겼던

What was taken away at that time

왕권 헨리 실세가

King Henry's power player

다시 복구를 시킵니다

I will restore it again.

의회에 찌그러져 있어

I'm crumpled up in the assembly.

다시 강력한 왕이 된

The king has become powerful again.

헨리 실세

Henry's real power



이런 그

Such a thing.

평가가 두 개

Two evaluations.

나뉘는 부분이 있어요

There is a divided part.

뭐가 있냐면

What is there is

엄청나게 돈에 집착을 했어요

I was extremely obsessed with money.

헨리 실세가

Henry is a powerful figure.


He's a miser.


It's salty.

긍정적인 평가하는 분들은 뭐냐면

What those who give positive evaluations mean is...

어차피 30년 동안

After all, for 30 years.

지금 폐허가 됐잖아요 나라를요

The country is in ruins now, isn't it?

복구를 하기 위해선 돈이 필요해가지고

I need money to make the repairs.

정말 구두쇠 노릇을 했다라는

I really acted like a miser.

긍정적인 평가를 하는 분도 계시고

There are those who give positive evaluations.

나쁜 평가를 하는 측은 뭐냐면

The thing about those who give bad evaluations is that...

진짜로 원래 돈에 집착을 했던 사람이다

I was really someone who was originally obsessed with money.

오죽했으면 세금으로 돈을 거뒀잖아요

How desperate must it have been to collect money through taxes?

왕의 집착을 했던 사람이다

It was someone who was obsessed with the king.

오죽했으면 세금으로 돈을 거뒀잖아요

How bad must it have been that they collected money through taxes?

왕의 집착을 했던 사람이다

They were someone who had an obsession with the king.

오죽했으면 세금으로 돈을 거뒀잖아요

"How bad must it have been that we collected money through taxes?"

왕의 집착을 했던 사람이다

He was someone who was obsessed with the king.

왕이 직접 방에 틀어 앉아가지고요

The king is sitting in the room himself.

왕이 직접 택

The king personally chose.

돈을 다 일일이 세요

I count all the money one by one.

야 이 파운드 모잘라

Hey, I'm missing this pound.

니가 횡령했지 마

Don't say that you embezzled.

왕이 그러고 앉아있어요

The king is sitting like that.

그래서 정말 돈에 원래 집착을 한

So I was really obsessed with money originally.


He was a miser.

부정적인 평가도 있습니다

There are also negative reviews.

근데 저는 개인적으로 봤을 때

But personally, when I saw it

부정적인 평가 그냥 구두쇠

A negative assessment is just a miser.

그냥 수전노에 더 가까운게 뭐냐면요

What I'm saying is, it's more like being a miser.

요크 가문의 엘리자베스

Elizabeth of the York family

적과 결혼을 했다라고 말씀드렸잖아요

I told you that I got married to an enemy.

헨리 칠세가

Henry the Seventh

결혼식을 안해요

We are not having a wedding.



결혼식 비용이 돈이 아까워가지고

The cost of the wedding feels like a waste of money.

결혼식 미뤄요

The wedding is postponed.

결혼식 한다고 했는데

I heard you said you were getting married.

그래서 반대파 싸웠던 요크 집안에서

So, from the York family which fought against each other.

항의를 합니다

I protest.

야 아니 결혼식 한다면서

Hey, weren't you supposed to have a wedding?

왜 결혼식은 안하냐고

Why aren't you having a wedding?

예식장 대여 비용이 아까워서

I feel it's a waste to spend money on renting the venue.


That's right.

항의를 하니까 그때서야 맞이 못해가지고

When I protested, only then did they reluctantly respond.

정말 저렴한

Really cheap.

저렴한 염가로 결혼을 합니다

I am getting married at a low cost.

돈이 아까워서

Because I feel it's a waste of money.

그리고 뭐 나중에 소개를 하겠지만

And as I will introduce later,

장남이 있었거든요

I had an eldest son.

헨리 칠세의 장남

Henry the Eighth's eldest son

큰아들 이름이 아서인데

My eldest son's name is Arthur.

아서라는 아서라가 아니라

It's not Arthur, but rather Arthur.

정확한 발음은 아들이죠

The correct pronunciation is "son."

그냥 아서라고 할게요

I'll just call you Arthur.

캐서린을 캐서린이라고 하는 것처럼

Just like calling Catherine "Catherine."

장남 아서가요

It's the eldest son, Arthur.

헨리 칠세의 아들이

Henry the Seventh's son



지금의 스페인의 공주였던

the princess of Spain now

캐서린이랑 결혼을 해요

I'm getting married to Catherine.


It's an international marriage.

근데 그때는요

But at that time...

공주 측에서

From the princess's side

신부 측에서 돈을 들고 와야 돼요

The bride's side needs to bring money.

지참금이라고 하는데

It's called a dowry.

지참금 들고 와요

Bring the dowry.

스페인에서요 캐서린이

Catherine is in Spain.

잉글랜드로 넘어옵니다

I'm coming over to England.

돈 들고 와요

Bring the money.

근데 장남이 죽어버려요

But the eldest son dies.

헨리 칠세의

Henry VII's

아들 장남 아서가요

It's my eldest son, Arthur.



결혼 취소해야 되거든요 이거요

I need to cancel the wedding, this.

취소해야 돼

I need to cancel.

결혼한지 며칠 지나지도 않고 죽어버려요

It's only been a few days since I got married, and I'm going to die.

취소 안 해줘요

I won't cancel it for you.

헨리 칠세가

Henry the Seventh


왜 취소 안 해줬을까

I wonder why they didn't cancel it.

얼마나 불쌍해요

How pathetic.

지금 결혼한지 며칠 만에 남편이 죽어버렸는데

It's only been a few days since I got married, and my husband has passed away.

돈 들고 왔는데

I brought money.

헨리 칠세는 받은 돈 지참금

Henry VII was the dowry money received.

다시 스페인에게 돌려주기 아까워서

It's a shame to return it to Spain again.

차일필 며느라

I'm sorry, but "차일필 며느라" seems to be a misspelling or a phrase that doesn't have a clear meaning in Korean. Could you please provide context or check the spelling?

그래도 우리 집 등기부등분에 들어왔는데

Still, it came into our house's land register.

어떻게 가려고 하냐

How are you planning to go?


Don't go.

안 보내요

I won't send it.

돈 돌려주기 싫어가지고요

I don't want to give the money back.

잡아두고 있어요 잉글랜드에요

I'm holding on to it, it's in England.

그런 다음에 뭐하냐면

So what do you do next?

엽기적인 일을 합니다

I do eccentric things.

헨리 칠세가요

Is it Henry VII?

아서의 밑에 동생이 있었거든요

Arthur had a younger sibling.


It's Henry.

그러니까 저기

So, um...

헨리 칠세 입상에서 봤을 땐 차남이죠

When I saw Henry at the seventh entry, he was the second son.

걔한테 시집보내고

Sending her off to get married.

야 며느라 이리와봐라

Hey daughter-in-law, come here.

이왕 배타고 먼 길 여기 잉글랜드까지 온 김에 말이야

Since we've already come all the way to England by boat, you know...

나 또 아들 또 있거든

I have another son.

헨리라고 걔랑 결혼해

Marry that guy named Henry.


억지로 결혼시켜요

They're forcing me to get married.

이게 뭔 일입니까

What is going on here?

그러면서 또 무슨 얘기하는 줄 알아요

Do you know what else they are talking about?

어쨌든 이건 새해 결혼이니까

Anyway, this is a wedding in the new year.

스페인한테 지금 전화 좀 넣어봐라

Give Spain a call right now.


International call

아 사돈 잘 계십니까

Oh, how is my in-law doing?

나 잉글랜드에 헨리 칠세인데

I am Henry the Seventh in England.

따님이 이번에 두 번째 결혼을 하게 됐어

Your daughter is getting married for the second time this time.

아예 제 차남이랑요

With my second son.

아예 근데요

Actually, yes.

이게 그 새로운 결혼이다 보니까

This is that new marriage, you see.

지참금을 한 번 더 몰아주셔야 될 것 같습니다

I think you should give the dowry one more time.

진짜 돈 더 달라고 해요

I really want to ask for more money.

자기 사돈에게 돈 줘요

Give money to your in-law.

여러분 같은 경우에는

In your case,

어이가 없는 거지 지금 스페인에선

It's ridiculous right now in Spain.

뭐라카노 지금 여기 잉글랜드에서

What are you talking about right now here in England?

야 돈 방금 줬잖아요

Hey, you just gave me the money.

그 돈으로 퉁 쳐요

Just round it up with that money.

아 나 돈 못 줘요

Ah, I can't give you money.


I will hang up.


Doo doo doo doo doo doo

헨리 칠세가 어떻게 했길래요

What did Henry VII do?

어떻게 했게요

How do you think I did?

며느리를 굶겨요

I'm starving the daughter-in-law.

아 진짜 굶겨요

Oh, you're really making me starve.

미안하다 며느라

I'm sorry, daughter-in-law.

우리는 스테이크 먹는데

We are eating steak.

며느리 너는 보리밥 먹어라

Daughter-in-law, you should eat barley rice.

니야 니 아버지가

Your father is...

돈을 안 주셨다

You didn't give me money.

며느리를 실제로 굶겨요

They actually starve the daughter-in-law.

돈 안 줬다고

I said I didn't give you money.

그래서 평생 아주 가난하게 삽니다

So I will live very poorly for my whole life.



자기 며느리가요

Your daughter-in-law.

진짜 아유

Really, wow.



명함도 못 내밀어요

I can't even hand out my business card.

헨리 칠세한테는요

To Henry the Seventh.

Let's go.



헨리 칠세에도 부인이 있었습니다

Henry VIII also had a wife.


It must have been.

그러니까 아들 둘을 낳았겠죠

So you must have had two sons.

부인이 죽어요

My wife is dying.

부인이 엘리자베스잖아요

Your wife is Elizabeth, right?

요크 가문에서 온

From the York family



부인이 죽자

When the wife died

신하들이 세장가 가라고 해요

The officials are telling me to go to the capital.


Great King


Hey there.

세장가 가세요

Go get married.

제가 듀오랑 선우

I have a duo and Sunwoo.

연결시켜 드릴게요

I will connect you.

결혼의 듀오

The Duo of Marriage


I said I don't want to.

죽은 자기 와이프가 그리워서

Missing his dead wife.



왜 그랬을까

I wonder why that happened.

결혼식 올릴 돈이 아까워서요

I'm reluctant to spend money on the wedding.

자 여기까지입니다 여러분들

That's all for now, everyone.

정말 아쉽지만

It's really unfortunate, but

선킴의 세계사 완전정복

Complete Conquest of World History by Sun Kim

참 4년동안 여러분과 함께

Truly, it has been 4 years together with you.

단 하루도 쉬지 않고

Not even a single day without rest.

매일매일 함께 했습니다

We were together every day.

근데 영원한 빠이빠이는 아니에요

But it's not a forever goodbye.

시즌1이 종료가 되는거고

Season 1 is coming to an end.

조금 더 정비를 해가지고

After doing a bit more maintenance.

더욱더 알찬 시즌2로

With an even more fulfilling Season 2.

여러분께 또 인사를 드리겠습니다

I would like to greet you all again.

그동안에 지난 4년 동안

During the past four years.

제가 여러분과 함께 매일 했던 내용들

The things I did with all of you every day.

한번 쭉 한번 복습을 해 보시기 바랍니다

Please review it all at once.

보니까 1차 세계된점부터

I see from the beginning of World War I.

한번 쭉 지금까지 했네요

I've done it all in one go until now.

원래는 100회에 마무리해야 됐을 방송인데

It was originally a show that was supposed to finish at 100 episodes.

여러분 성원에 900회가 넘었습니다

Thanks to everyone's support, we have surpassed 900 episodes.

마지막 아닙니다

It's not the last one.

영원한 빠이빠이가 아니고

It's not a forever goodbye.

시즌2에 다시 한번 여러분께 인사드리겠습니다

I will greet you all again in Season 2.

그때까지 여러분들 건강하십시오

Until then, please stay healthy.


Thank you.

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