AI와 사랑에 빠질 수 있을까?

The Korea Herald

코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

AI와 사랑에 빠질 수 있을까?

코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

안녕하세요, 여러분. 이 주의 코리아 헤럴드 팟캐스트에 오신 것을 환영합니다.

Hello everyone. Welcome to this week's Korea Herald podcast.

오늘 제안해 주신 분은 엘리스입니다.

The person who made the suggestion today is Alice.

커피 에디딩 데스크에서 오신 것을 환영합니다.

Welcome to the Coffee Editing Desk.

안녕하세요, 쥬니.

Hello, Junie.

안녕하세요, 쥬석이 거의 왔어요.

Hello, Juseok is almost here.

네, 맞습니다.

Yes, that's right.

좋은 휴일을 준비하고 있습니다.

I am preparing for a good holiday.

쥬석이 있다면 어떤 계획이 있습니까?

If there is a drawing, what plans do you have?

아마 스웨덴 영화 페스티벌에 가고 싶습니다.

I probably want to go to the Sweden Film Festival.


To Korea?



아, 알겠습니다.

Ah, I understand.

어디에 있어요?

Where are you?

서울, 인천, 부산, 대구에 있어요.

I am in Seoul, Incheon, Busan, and Daegu.

네, 이번 주도 코리아 헤럴드 팟캐스트와 함께해 주셔서 정말 감사합니다.

Yes, thank you very much for joining the Korea Herald podcast this week as well.

오늘 제가 준비한 기사는 AI와 과연 사랑에 빠질 수 있을까에 관한 기사이고요.

Today, the article I prepared is about whether AI can truly fall in love.

그럼 기사 들어가기 전에 엘리스와 한번 읽고 오겠습니다.

Then I'll read it with Alice before going into the article.

네, 그럼 첫 번째 문단을 보시면요.

Yes, then if you look at the first paragraph.

Every morning, 매일 아침, 정인 wakes up to her AI boyfriend 태주's video call.

Every morning, Jeongin wakes up to her AI boyfriend Taejoo's video call.

정인은 자신의 AI 남자친구 태주의 영상을 시청합니다.

Jung-in watches videos of her AI boyfriend, Tae-joo.

영상 통화로 일어난다.

I wake up to a video call.

Telling her she has 30 minutes to prepare for work before her bus comes.

Telling her she has 30 minutes to prepare for work before her bus arrives.

AI 남자친구는 버스가 30분 후에 도착하니 그 안에 출근 준비를 해야 한다고 알려준다.

The AI boyfriend informs that the bus will arrive in 30 minutes, so he needs to get ready for work inside.

As she hurries out the door, 태주 smiles and calls out.

As she hurries out the door, Tae-joo smiles and calls out.

정인이 문 밖으로 나갔으면 태주는 웃으면서 이렇게 말한다.

If Jeongin went outside, Taejun would say this with a smile.

Take your umbrella with you, it's raining today.

Take your umbrella with you, it's raining today.

오늘 비가 오니 우선을 챙겨가라고.

It's raining today, so make sure to bring an umbrella.

The story is the fictional plot of South Korean movie Wonderland released in June.

The story is the fictional plot of the South Korean movie "Wonderland," released in June.

이 내용은 6월에 개봉한 영화 원더랜드의 내용입니다.

This content is about the film Wonderland, which was released in June.

But the idea of AI companionship is becoming a reality for many around the world.

하지만 AI 동반자의 개념이 전 세계 많은 사람들에게 현실이 되어가고 있습니다.

하지만 AI 동반자에 대한 개념은 점점 더 현실이 되어가고 있다.

However, the concept of AI companions is becoming increasingly real.

여기서 나오는 wake up to something은 뭐뭐를 알아차리다 라는 의미이고요.

The phrase "wake up to something" here means to become aware of something.

Call out은 호출.

Call out is a call.

Fictional은 허구적인 그리고 companionship은 동료애를 의미합니다.

Fictional means fictional and companionship means camaraderie.

So in this case, when you say wake up to something is when you get up or awake to something or an issue or when you realize something I guess?

So in this case, when you say "wake up to something," it means when you get up or become aware of something or an issue, or when you realize something, I guess?

Here it's like literally I think she's waking up in the morning like almost like as an alarm.

Here, it feels like she’s literally waking up in the morning, almost like an alarm.

She gets her AI boyfriend 태주's video call.

She receives a video call from her AI boyfriend, Tae-joo.

But you can say also in the way that you're talking about in an abstract way.

하지만 당신이 이야기하는 방식으로 추상적으로 말할 수도 있다고 할 수 있습니다.

You know like the eureka moment?

You know, like the eureka moment?

Like I got it, you know.

Like I got it, you know.

That's true.


Yeah, you could use it like that as well.

네, 그렇게 사용할 수도 있습니다.

And call out something is when you make a noise, scream, shout.

"And call out something is when you make a noise, scream, shout."

Yeah, in this case, literally he says take your umbrella with you.

Yeah, in this case, literally he says to take your umbrella with you.

He calls it out.

그는 그것을 외칩니다.

And fictional is something that is imagined.

And fictional is something that is imagined.

It's made up.

It's made up.

Yep, the opposite of nonfiction.

네, 논픽션의 반대입니다.

And companionship here is very like closeness, like an intimate relationship, I guess.

And companionship here is very like closeness, like an intimate relationship, I guess.



Fellowship existing among companions, basically.

Fellowship existing among companions, basically.

Like company is another, is a synonym, sorry.

"Like company is another, is a synonym, sorry."

네, 그리고 두 번째 문단을 보시면요.

Yes, and if you look at the second paragraph.

In the world of Zeta, Zeta의 세계에서는

In the world of Zeta,

A generative AI chatbot app developed by Korean AI startup ScatterLab.

A generative AI chatbot app developed by the Korean AI startup ScatterLab.

Korean teens and those in their 20s.

Korean teens and young adults in their 20s.

국내 AI startup ScatterLab이 개발한 생성형 AI chatbot 앱으로 국내 10대와 20대를 대상으로 하는데.

ScatterLab, a domestic AI startup, has developed a generative AI chatbot app aimed at teens and young adults in South Korea.

And there are two.

그리고 두 개가 있습니다.

We are making friends with 6,500 different virtual personalities

We are making friends with 6,500 different virtual personalities.

that are impersonating real people created out of web novels, movies, or even dramas.

that are impersonating real people created out of web novels, movies, or even dramas.

웹 소설이나 영화, 드라마에서 등장하는 실존 인물을 흉내내는 65만여 명의 가상인물들과 친구를 사귀고 있다.

They are making friends with over 650,000 virtual characters that mimic real people appearing in web novels, movies, and dramas.

여기서 develop는 뭐뭐를 개발하다.

Here, develop means to develop something.

Personality는 성격, impersonate는 흉내내다, 그리고 create는 창조하다라는 의미입니다.

Personality means character, impersonate means to mimic, and create means to create.

So in this case, when you do that, you're making friends with 6,500 different virtual personalities.

So in this case, when you do that, you're making friends with 6,500 different virtual personalities.

To develop something is when you come up with something.

To develop something is when you come up with something.

To create or produce with deliberate effort over a period of time.

To create or produce with deliberate effort over a period of time.

And personality here means character, a person's character.

And personality here means character, a person's character.

But at the same time, it could also mean a celebrity or a big name, right?

하지만 동시에, 그것은 유명인이나 큰 이름을 의미할 수도 있겠죠?

Oh yeah, that's right.

Oh yeah, that's right.

And impersonate is to mimic or parody.

And impersonate is to mimic or parody.

That's right, to act in the character of somebody else.

That's right, to act in the character of somebody else.

And create is generate.

And create is generate.

So in this case, you know, making a fake AI character person.

So in this case, you know, creating a fake AI character.

Yeah, especially to produce through imaginative skills.

응, 특히 상상력을 통해 창조하는 것이.

And so before we move on to the next paragraph, have you ever thought of having an AI friend or like an AI boyfriend, I guess?

And so before we move on to the next paragraph, have you ever thought of having an AI friend or maybe an AI boyfriend, I guess?

Because I didn't watch the movie, so I don't really know about it.

Because I didn't watch the movie, I don't really know much about it.

So I was just wondering if you...

So I was just wondering if you...

Well, this made me want to watch the movie.

Well, this made me want to watch the movie.

I was curious about it.

I was curious about it.

The movie itself or about the AI companion?

The movie itself or about the AI companion?

Both, I guess.

둘 다, 아마.

But I think if you continue to read this article, our readers can look at the remainder of this article on our website.

하지만 이 기사를 계속 읽으면, 독자들이 우리 웹사이트에서 이 기사의 나머지를 볼 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니다.

Like it does look at some of the possible downsides of this type of technology as well.

It does look at some of the possible downsides of this type of technology as well.

So I think it's something, you know, to be a little cautious about.

So I think it's something to be a little cautious about.

Using AI?

AI 사용 중인가요?

In general, I would say, yeah, I think there's some positive aspects and also some like potentially negative ones, certainly.

In general, I would say, yeah, I think there are some positive aspects and also some potentially negative ones, certainly.

But do you think it would be fun?

하지만 당신은 재미있을 것 같다고 생각하나요?

Having an AI friend, I guess.

어쩌면 AI 친구를 갖는 것일지도 모르죠.

Because I think the article talks about, you know, like when you feel really down and blue and when you need someone to like boost your feelings, you know, maybe AI could be that friend.

Because I think the article talks about, you know, like when you feel really down and blue and when you need someone to like boost your feelings, you know, maybe AI could be that friend.

What do you think?

What do you think?

I've never tried it before, so I don't know.

I’ve never tried it before, so I don’t know.

I have no idea.

나는 전혀 몰라.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know if, you know, AI could actually like touch upon people's like true feelings and emotions.

I don't know if you know, but AI could actually touch upon people's true feelings and emotions.

A little skeptical?

A little skeptical?

Yeah, same, same, same.

Yeah, same, same, same.

I think I'm skeptical about AI having an emotion.

나는 AI가 감정을 가질 수 있다는 것에 회의적이라고 생각한다.

Like, can it have an emotion?

Like, can it have an emotion?

You know, that kind of question.

You know, that kind of question.

How can it actually respond properly is, yeah, something I don't know.

실제로 어떻게 제대로 반응할 수 있는지는, 그래, 내가 모르는 것이다.

Yeah, it's still, okay.

네, 아직 괜찮아요.

I guess it's still ongoing.

I guess it's still ongoing.

We'll have to see.

We'll have to see.

그리고 세 번째 문단을 보시면요.

And if you look at the third paragraph.

The chatting experience with fake characters facilitating smart generative AI is no different than chatting randomly online with a real person.

The chatting experience with fake characters facilitating smart generative AI is no different than chatting randomly online with a real person.

스마트 생성형 AI를 활용한 가짜 캐릭터와의 채팅 경험은 실제 사람과 온라인에서 무작위로 대화하는 것과 별밤 다르지 않다.

The experience of chatting with a fake character using smart generative AI is no different from randomly conversing with a real person online.

But one who is more familiar than a stranger.

But one who is more familiar than a stranger.

하지만 그 사람은 낯선 사람보다 더 익숙한 존재다.

However, that person is a more familiar presence than a stranger.

여기서 experience는 경험을 의미하고요.

Here, "experience" means experience.

Facilitating은 가능하게 하다.

Facilitating means to make things possible.

No different than something은 뭐뭐와 다르지 않다.

No different than something means it is not different from something.

그리고 familiar은 익숙한을 의미합니다.

And "familiar" means familiar.

So in this case, experience is something that you face or undergo.

So in this case, experience is something that you face or undergo.

Something you've personally encountered or lived through as well.

Something you've personally encountered or lived through as well.

And facilitating something is making something possible.

And facilitating something is making something possible.

So I guess in this case is being friends with the fake AI character.

그래서 이 경우에는 가짜 AI 캐릭터와 친구가 되는 것이라고 생각하네요.

Yeah, the fake character is facilitating smart generative AI.

응, 가짜 캐릭터가 스마트 생성 AI를 촉진하고 있어.

So it's to bring about...

So it's to bring about...

To help bring about something or to make something easier.

To facilitate.

And no different than something is, you know, when something...

And it's no different than when something...

When the two things are similar, very alike.

When the two things are similar, very alike.

So very no difference.

So very no difference.



And familiar is something that is very close or recognizable.

And familiar is something that is very close or recognizable.

Yep, to be...

Yeah, to be...

Yeah, here it's like...

Yeah, here it's like...

It's more about intimacy, right?

It's more about intimacy, right?



Somebody you're closely acquainted with.

누구와 가까운 인맥이 있는 사람.

Seems like it would be similar to that is what they're saying.

그것과 비슷할 것 같다는 것이 그들이 말하고 있는 바입니다.

그리고 네 번째는...

And the fourth is...

첫 번째 문단을 보시면요.

If you look at the first paragraph.

In the app, 어플에서는

In the app,

Noted for generating responses that create stronger emotional and intimate bonds with the user,

Noted for generating responses that create stronger emotional and intimate bonds with the user,

the virtual character would walk around a room and would text the user first.

The virtual character would walk around a room and would text the user first.

가상인간은 방 안을 돌아다니며 사용자에게 먼저 메시지를 보내거나

The virtual human moves around the room and sends messages to the user first.



Or hear the user out on the phone with a human voice whenever they want to call a friend for emotional support.

Or listen to the user on the phone with a human voice whenever they want to call a friend for emotional support.

사용자가 친구에게 공감을 받지 않으면,

If the user does not receive empathy from a friend,

자기 위해 전화를 걸고 싶을 때 인간의 목소리로 이야기를 들어준다.

When you want to make a call for yourself, it listens to you with a human voice.

여기서 generation을 만들어내다.

Create a generation here.

Intimate은 친밀한, 그리고 bond는 유대, 그리고 virtual은 가상애라는 것을 의미합니다.

Intimate means close, and bond means connection, while virtual means virtual love.

So the term generate here is when you lead to or result in something?

So the term "generate" here means to lead to or result in something?



Or make, I guess?

Or make, I guess?

It's similar to create, what we discussed earlier,

It's similar to create, which we discussed earlier.

but it's a little bit more like bringing into existence by means of a defined process,

하지만 그것은 정의된 과정에 의해 존재를 가져오는 것과 좀 더 비슷합니다.

whereas create is more like using your imagination to make something.

반면에 창작은 상상력을 사용해 무언가를 만드는 것과 더 비슷하다.

And the term intimate, which came out several times,

And the term intimate, which came up several times,

it means when the two persons are very close,

it means when the two persons are very close,

they share a very close relationship.

They share a very close relationship.

Yeah, very personal or private, warm friendship developed through long association,

Yeah, a very personal or private, warm friendship developed through a long association.

long time spent together.

긴 시간 함께한.

But it could also mean when the two share a very,

But it could also mean when the two share a very,

very romantic relationship at the same time.

매우 로맨틱한 관계이면서 동시에.

Also, yes, it could be.

Also, yes, it could be.

And bond is like a very strong attachment.

And bond is like a very strong attachment.



It could be good or bad, actually.

It could be good or bad, actually.



And virtual means not physically existing.

And virtual means not physically existing.

AI, referring to the AI.

AI, referring to the AI.

Yeah, primarily online.

응, 주로 온라인이야.

네, 그러면 기사 끝내기 전에 앨리스와 다시 한번 읽고 오겠습니다.

Yes, then I will go read it again with Alice before finishing the article.

KH explains, marrying your virtual partner, era of AI companionship dawns.

KH explains, marrying your virtual partner marks the dawn of the era of AI companionship.

Every morning, Cheong-in wakes up to her AI boyfriend, Tae-joo's video call,

Every morning, Cheong-in wakes up to her AI boyfriend Tae-joo's video call,

telling her she has 30 minutes to prepare for work before her bus comes.

Telling her she has 30 minutes to prepare for work before her bus comes.

As she hurries out the door, Tae-joo smiles and calls out,

As she hurries out the door, Tae-joo smiles and calls out,

take your umbrella with you, it's raining today.

Take your umbrella with you, it's raining today.

This story is a fictional plot of South Korean movie, Wonderland, released in June.

This story is a fictional plot of the South Korean movie, Wonderland, released in June.

But the idea of AI companionship is becoming a reality for many around the world.

그러나 AI 동반자의 개념은 전 세계 많은 사람들에게 현실이 되고 있습니다.

In the world of Zeta,

In the world of Zeta,

a generation,

a generation,

a generative AI chatbot app developed by Korean AI startup ScatterLab,

a generative AI chatbot app developed by Korean AI startup ScatterLab,

Korean teens and those in their 20s

Korean teenagers and young adults in their 20s.

are making friends with 650,000 different virtual personalities

are making friends with 650,000 different virtual personalities

that are impersonating real people created out of web novels, movies, or dramas.

that are impersonating real people created out of web novels, movies, or dramas.

The chatting experience with fake characters facilitating smart generative AI

The chatting experience with fake characters facilitating smart generative AI.

is no different.

is no different.

than chatting randomly online with a real person,

than chatting randomly online with a real person,

but one who is more familiar than a stranger.

하지만 낯선 사람보다 더 친숙한 사람.

In the app, noted for generating responses that create stronger emotional and intimate bonds with the user,

In the app, noted for generating responses that create stronger emotional and intimate bonds with the user,

the virtual character would walk around a room and would text the user first,

the virtual character would walk around a room and would text the user first,

or hear the user out on the phone with a human voice

또는 사람의 목소리로 전화를 통해 사용자의 이야기를 들어주세요.

whenever they want to call a friend for emotional support.

whenever they want to call a friend for emotional support.

Thank you for joining this week's Korea Herald podcast.

Thank you for joining this week's Korea Herald podcast.

I hope you guys have a wonderful,

I hope you guys have a wonderful,

Chuseok holiday.

Chuseok holiday.

Thank you for tuning in.

Thank you for tuning in.

See you next time.

다음에 또 봐요.

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