11화 : 폰팅하다 만난 42 (드디어 만났다!) -2



11화 : 폰팅하다 만난 42 (드디어 만났다!) -2


어 이제 끝난다

Oh, it's finally over.

통화 그동안 통화 즐거웠습니다

It was nice talking with you during this time.

아 저도요

Oh, me too.

네 푹 주무시고 내일도 좋은 하루 보내세요

Yes, sleep well and have a good day tomorrow.

아 네 혜인님 중에도 푹 주무시고 편안한 밤 되세요

Ah yes, Hye-in, I hope you sleep well and have a comfortable night.

네 다음에 기회 되면 봐요

Yes, see you next time if there's a chance.

아 네 진짜요 감사합니다

Ah, yes, really, thank you.


Please come in.



오 마지막 통화인데 이렇게 급하게 드라이하게 마무리하는 건가요

Oh, is it ending so abruptly and dryly when it's the last call?

아 서로에게 늘 호감을 표시했던 테리와 혜인

Ah, Terry and Hyein, who always showed mutual affection towards each other.

아 이거 진짜 마지막이 좀 헷갈리네요

Ah, the ending is really a bit confusing.

이 두 사람은 과연 만나게 될까요

Will these two people really meet?

테리는 혜인을 만나러 만나러

Terry is going to meet Hyein.

혜인씨 혜인씨

Hyein, Hyein.


I came out.


There isn’t any.

그런데 혜인이 안 보이네

But I can't see Hyein.

그 시각 바쁘게 길을 걷는 한 남자

A man walking busily down the street at that moment.

혜인이 향한 곳은

Where Hyun-hee is headed


Mr. Terry

혜인도 테리를 만나러 왔습니다

Haein also came to meet Terry.



아 앉아도 될까요

Oh, may I sit down?


Yes, yes.



이렇게 또 실전이니까 또 새롭네요

It's new again since this is another actual experience.

네 저도요

Yes, me too.




아 이게 네

Ah, this is yours.


아 according to police

Ah, according to police.



Nice to meet you.


In the white rack.


From birth..


Thank you.

지금 열어봐도 돼요

Can I open it now?

아 네네

Ah yes, yes.

대구까지 다녀오신 거예요

Did you go all the way to Daegu?

대구까지 다녀왔죠

I went to Daegu.


No way.

세완형 벌써 집을 가셨어??

Did Se-wan already go home?

반지를 준비하신 건가요?

Have you prepared the ring?

그래서 좀 미래를 생각하고

So I'm thinking a bit about the future.

아니 보정당..

No, the correction party...

어 여기 금은 보석인데?

Oh, here are gold and jewels?


What is it?

아 그냥 기적지

Ah, just a miracle.





좋아하실 줄 모르겠네요

I didn't think you would like it.

아 저 진짜 좋아해요

Oh, I really like it.

저 빵순이거든요

I'm a bread lover.

아 근데 너무 보석이 아니어서 지금 당황하신 거 아니에요?

Ah, but aren't you a bit flustered right now because it's not very much like jewelry?

보석보다 더 귀하죠

It's more precious than a jewel.

아 감사합니다

Oh, thank you.

잘 먹겠습니다

I will eat well.

자리를 옮겨서 커피 한잔 할까요?

Shall we move to a different spot and have a cup of coffee?



기억나는 거 있으세요?

Do you remember anything?

아 기억나는 거?

Oh, do you remember?


저 다 기억나죠

I remember all of that.

아 뭐 모르세요?

Oh, don't you know?

저 다 대답할 수 있어요?

Can I answer all of that?



제일 기억에 났던 거

The thing that stood out the most to me.

제일 기억에 났던 거?

What was the most memorable thing?


국밥 좋아하신다고?

Do you like gukbap?

그리고 일본 다녀오신 거랑

And your trip to Japan.

아 맞아요

Oh, that's right.


Leadership or initiative

그 선택하면 날 선택하겠다

If I have to choose, I will choose you.



That's right.


사포로에서 또 통화하니까

I talked again in Sapporo.


되게 색다르더라고요

It was really unique.



A little.




감성도 있고

It has emotion too.

어 맞아요

Oh, that's right.

아 근데 아까 오실 때 떨리셨어요?

Oh, but were you nervous when you came earlier?

들어올 때요?

When are you coming in?


어.. 좀 떨렸어요

Um.. I was a bit nervous.


안 떨릴 줄 알았는데

I thought I wouldn't be nervous.

좀 떨리더라고요

I was a bit nervous.



Did it show?


전 제가 더 떨려가지고 못 느꼈..

I couldn't feel it because I was more nervous.

아 진짜요?

Oh really?

사실 뒤를 돌아보기 왠지

Actually, for some reason, looking back.

갑자기 쉬운 거예요

It's suddenly easy.



그래서 약간 주춤거리다가 돌아왔던 거 같은데

So I feel like I hesitated a bit before coming back.




I'm nervous.



저기서는 좀 뭔가 떨렸는데

I felt a bit nervous over there.

이제 좀 괜찮아진 거 같아요

I think I'm feeling a bit better now.


Isn't it?




아 진짜 이렇게 보시니까 어떠세요?

Oh, how do you feel seeing it like this?

생각했던 이미지랑

The image I had in mind



Are you the same?

되게 생각했던

I thought it would be great.


with the image


비슷한 거 같아요

It seems similar.


어 근데 그림 그리셨던 건 전혀 다른 거던데

Oh, but the drawing you did is completely different.

어 제가 그 그림이랑 똑같다는

Oh, I said it's the same as that picture.

아니요 아니요 그게 아니라

No, no, that's not it.

그림은 진짜 제가

The painting is really me.

다시 한 번 사과드리고 싶은데요?

I want to apologize once again.



너무 못 그려가지고

I'm so bad at drawing.



네 진짜로

Yes, really.



Oh, no.


저는 어떠..어떤가요?

How am I... how do I seem?

저는 그 그림이랑 비슷하신 거 같아요

I think you are similar to that picture.

오 진짜요?

Oh, really?

약간 뭔가 둥글둥글

A bit round and chubby.


Oh oh

약간 막

A little bit blocked.


That's right.


되게 약간

Very slightly.

캐릭터까지 잘 그려주셔가지고

You've drawn the characters really well.

어 근데 진짜 둥글둥글하시다

Oh, but you really have a round and cute face.


아니 아니 근데 이게 좋은 뜻으로

No, no, but this is in a good way.


어 되게 선이 없..

Oh, there's really no line..

아 그 이게 뭐라고 해야 되지

Ah, what should I say about this?



그 있잖아요 그

You know, that...

그 되게 매끄럽다

That's really smooth.

아 저 별명 공이요

Oh, that nickname is Gong.





그래서 빠졌지. 원래 토마스 기차였어요.

So I fell into it. It was originally Thomas the Tank Engine.

토마스와 축구공이 만남이네요.

It's the meeting of Thomas and the soccer ball.

저도 예전에 얼굴 동그랬거든요.

I also had a round face back in the day.

어떠셨어요? 서준 씨랑도 통화하셨잖아요.

How was it? You spoke with Seojun too, right?

서준 씨도 사실 얼굴이 궁금하긴 해요.

I'm actually curious about your face too, Seojun.

근데 역시 혜인 씨를 선택하니까 잘했다.

But I knew choosing Hye-in was the right decision.

잘했다! 이래서 드네요.

Well done! This is why I give it to you.

저도 제 선택에 후회 없습니다.

I have no regrets about my choice either.

아주 잘한 것 같아요.

I think you did great.

그럼 약간 좋아하셨던 스타일이 어떻게?

So, what kind of style did you kind of like?

다 다른데 약간 굵은 상을 좋아하기도 했었고

I liked slightly thicker lines, but they are all different.

약간 좀 부드러운 상을 좋아하기도 했었고

I also used to like slightly softer textures.

네. 그냥 다 잘생겨있는 상을 좋아했어요.

Yes. I just liked the overall handsome appearance.

혹시 이상형이 그때?

Is your ideal type that time?

저는 약간 좀 단아하면서 차분한 스타일? 좋아하는 것 같아요.

I think I like a style that is somewhat elegant and calm.

고등학교 때부터 그랬어요.

It has been like that since high school.

그러면 지금 이상형이랑 같이?

So, are you with your ideal type right now?

어머 축하드려요.

Oh, congratulations!

맞아요. 이런 거 장난치는 거 좋아해요.

That's right. I like playing pranks like this.


It is an honor.

영광이네요, 지금.

It's an honor right now.


Oh my.



스튜디오에서 쓸 가면을 서로 골라주시죠.

Let's choose masks to use in the studio.

동글동글하시니까 피카츄가 좀...

You look round and chubby, so you remind me of Pikachu a bit...

아, 별로 안 그리는데.

Ah, I don't really miss it.

아, 그래요?

Ah, really?

아니야, 저 피카츄 좋아요.

No, I like that Pikachu.

어, 아니야.

Oh, no.

아니야, 아니야, 아니야.

No, no, no.

짜잔, 피카츄.

Ta-da, Pikachu.

아, 근데 잠시만요.

Ah, but just a moment.


Isn't it?

이거 약간 귀엽지 않나요?

Isn't this a bit cute?

한번 대보시겠어요?

Could you give it a try once?

왜요, 왜요?

Why, why?



이거 그렇게 별로예요? 이거 너무 귀엽네.

Is this really that bad? This is so cute.

좀 더 올려보시면...

If you raise it a bit more...





그냥 가면 안 쓰신 것 같아요.

It seems like you just went without wearing a mask.

농담이에요, 농담.

It's a joke, a joke.

이게 진짜 좋으세요?

Is this really good for you?




Well then...

아니면 커플로 이거 할까요?

Or should we do this as a couple?





아, 잠깐만!

Ah, wait a moment!



이거 똑같은 걸 제가 발견을 못했네요?

I didn't find the same thing, did I?

아, 이걸로 할게요.

Ah, I'll go with this.

하회탈로 가시죠. 하회탈 아닌 하회탈로.

Let's go with the Hahoe mask. Not the Hahoe mask, but with the Hahoe mask.

저희는 이걸로 선택했습니다.

We have chosen this.

이걸로 선택했습니다.

I chose this.


Thank you for your hard work.

아 근데 진짜 세인씨가 센스가 있는게

Oh, but seriously, you have a great sense, Saein.

세인씨가 대구에서 사셨다고 하니까

Since you said you lived in Daegu, Mr. Sain

대구까지 가서 선물을 사오신거에요.

You went all the way to Daegu to buy gifts.

아 근데 그거 진짜 찐이니까?

Oh, but is that really true?

정말 대구까지 일부러 간거에요?

Did you really go all the way to Daegu on purpose?

일부러 가셨어요?

Did you go on purpose?

마음은 대구까지 갔지만

My heart has gone all the way to Daegu, but...

이제 백화점에 있는

Now in the department store.

대구 빵집

Daegu bakery

그래도 그 마음이 어디에요?

But where is that heart?

봐봐요 서준이형 비스듬히

Look, Seojun-hyung is leaning sideways.

저희는 화이티데이 전이었어요.

We were before White Day.

그 이후에

After that

전이면 더 준비해야되는거 아니에요?

Aren't you supposed to prepare more if it's the front?

맛있는거를 사줘가지고

You bought me something delicious.

보호해주는거 봐요.

Look at how they protect you.

태일씨는 그러면 어떻게 첫인상이 어떠세요?

What is your first impression then, Taeyil?

태일씨 딱 봤을때 어?

When I first saw Taeyil, I thought, "Huh?"

내가 찾던 바로 그 사람이다

That's exactly the person I was looking for.

그런 느낌은 안나요?

Don't you get that feeling?

제가 그림을 그렇게 그리긴 했지만

I drew the picture like that, but...

가난한 이미지로 생각하고 그렸는데

I thought of and drew it with a poor image in mind.

너무 좀 설렜던가요?

Were you quite excited?

네 살짝

Yes, a little.

설렐수록 점점 얼굴이 동그래지는거 같은데

The more I get excited, the rounder my face seems to get.

점점 완벽한 원이 되가고 있어요

It's gradually becoming a perfect circle.


It's fascinating.

그럼 우리 이것도 물어봐야되지 않을까요?

Then shouldn't we ask this as well?

뭐 물어보고 싶어요?

What do you want to ask?

서준씨 서준씨는 어떻게 보셨어요?

Seo-jun, what did you think?

아까 여기서는 오글거렸다

It was cringeworthy here earlier.

약간 지금

A little bit now.


It's cute.

귀엽고 아기자기하다

It's cute and delicate.

우리 서준씨는 또 개인적으로

Our Seojun is also personally...

굉장히 많은 상처를 준 두분 아닙니까?

Aren't you two the ones who have caused a lot of pain?

어떻게 보셨어요?

How did you see it?

제 얘기를 하셔서 좀 당황했는데

I was a bit surprised that you mentioned my story.

저는 사실

Actually, I...

제꺼는 좀 보기가 너무 힘들었어요

It was quite difficult to see mine.

제 영상이다 보니까

Since it's my video.

근데 두분꺼는 되게 편안하게 잘 본거 같아요

But I think you two watched it really comfortably.

너무 귀여우셔가지고

You are so cute.

그럼요 이제 뭐 본인에게 상처를 줬지만

Of course, it has hurt you now, but...

저는 뒤끝있는 사람은 아니거든요

I'm not the kind of person who holds grudges.



보이시는거 보통에서 굉장히 좋으셨어요

What you see was very good compared to the usual.

태일씨는 어땠습니까?

How was Taeil?

우리 또 혜인씨가 나오셨는데

Haeyin is here again.

이상형과 좀 가까우셨네요

You were quite close to your ideal type.






Just a moment.


Wait a moment.

아 진짜

Oh, really!

똑같았어요 제가 생각한 이미지

It was exactly the image I had in mind.

깜짝 놀랐어요

I was pleasantly surprised.

이렇게 동그란 사람인줄 알았어요?

Did you think he was such a round person?


그래도 뭐 둘이 봤는데 잘 어울리는 느낌이 있습니다

Still, it feels like the two of them suit each other well.

사전 인터뷰에서

In the pre-interview



소희가 날까 하고 선택했던

What Sohee chose to fly away.

혜인이 얼굴이 궁금하다

I wonder what Hye-in looks like.

그리고 소희씨도

And Sohee too.

감히 나를까 혜인씨?

Do you dare to, Hye-in?

어떤 얼굴인가요?

What kind of face is it?




How are you?

일단 우리 서준씨부터 날깔만했다

First of all, Seo-jun gave me a vibe.

일단 다시한번 말씀드리지만 뒤끝있는 사람은 아니구요

First of all, let me say again that I am not someone who holds grudges.

오 네네

Oh yes yes.

노 뱉어

Don't spit.

사실 혜인씨가 전 제일 궁금했어요

Actually, I was the most curious about you, Hye-in.

오 뒤끝있네

Oh, that's a bit petty.

진짜 오래본 사람 중에서

Among the people I've known for a really long time

제일 뒤끝있네

You're the most vindictive.

근데 혜인씨가 너무 궁금했어요

But I was really curious about Hye-in.



I am

제가 받았던 전화는

The call I received was

박서준씨는 선택받지 못했습니다

Park Seo-joon was not chosen.

라는 전화만 저는 받았거든요

I only received a call saying that.


Yes, yes, yes, yes.

대체 혜인씨는 어떤 사람일까

I wonder what kind of person Hyein is.

너무 궁금했는데

I was really curious.

만나보니까 어떤가요? 별거 아닌가요?

How do you feel after meeting? Is it nothing special?

뭐 다소 그런 마음도 있어요

Well, I do have somewhat of that feeling.

서준형은 내가 아는 사람이라서

Seojun-hyung is someone I know.

뒤끝이 제일 심한 사람이야

They are the most malicious person when it comes to holding a grudge.


No grudges.

아 뒤끝없죠

Ah, no hard feelings.

태리씨를 원래 처음에

Terry was originally at the beginning.

또 이렇게 전화를 한번 해보셨잖아요

You’ve tried calling me like this again, haven’t you?

선택을 못받았지만

I wasn't chosen, but

좀 보니까 어떤가요 태리씨는

What do you think of Terry, after looking a bit?

아니 태리씨는 주도권 통화할때

No, when Terry is in charge of the call,

제발 나에게 주도권을

Please give me the initiative.

드리면 나한테 해주시는건가

If I give it to you, will you do it for me?

뭐 이런 생각도 했었는데

I had thoughts like this too.

제발 달라고 난 혜인이한테 전화하고 싶으니까

Please, I want to call Hye-in.

속뜻을 제가 몰랐었는데

I didn't know the deeper meaning.

아 진짜요 난 들렸어

Ah, really? I heard it.

우리는 유행어 만들었거든요

We created a catchphrase.

주도권 주세요

Give me the initiative.

혜인씨한테 전화하기 주세요

Please call Hye-in.

이게 있었거든요

There was this.

네 그게 들렸어

Yes, I heard that.

전 온종일 버림받았네요

I've been abandoned all day.

그런데 그리고 선택한 혜인은

However, the chosen Hye-in is...

생각보다 별게 없었다

It wasn't as great as I thought.

다소 다행이다

It's somewhat fortunate.

다소 다행이다 아 나쁘지

That's somewhat fortunate, not bad.

그럼 이 네분은 다 이제

Then all four of you are now...

통화하신거를 다 들으셨잖아요

You heard everything we discussed on the call, right?

서로 이성이랑 통화한걸

Talking with each other about reason.


How was it?

어 그러니까 너무 궁금하다

Oh, I'm really curious.

서진씨는 딱 이제 아무래도 혜인씨가

Seojin, it seems that Hyein is definitely...

본인에게 이런 상처를 주었다는게

I can't believe I caused you such hurt.


First of all

사실 이게 우리가 술 마시면서

Actually, this is what we talk about while drinking.

해야 되는 얘긴데

It's something that needs to be said.

여기는 그래 여기는 여기

This is it, this is here.

여기는 여기를 선택하지 않았고

I did not choose this place.

여기를 선택했는데 여기는 또 여기를 선택하지 않았어

I chose this place, but this place didn't choose me.



사줘서 고마워

Thank you for buying it for me.

우리 어색한 혜인씨

Our awkward Hye-in.

아 저희가 너무 혜인씨 얘기를 못들어봤어요

Oh, we haven't heard much about you, Hyein.

혜인씨 이 상황은

Hye-in, this situation is...

본인때문에 다 일어난 일입니다

This all happened because of you.

어떻게 생각하세요

What do you think?

왜 그랬어요

Why did you do that?

뭐 일단은 그

Well, for now, that...


You must have seen it.

그 저는 다 궁금했지만

Well, I was curious about all of that, but...

서진씨는 사실 잘 궁금하진 않았어요

I wasn't really curious about it, to be honest.

그치 존재가 제일 모르지

Right, existence is the hardest to understand.

너무 웃겨

So funny.

표정 봐

Look at the expression.

전화가 자기한테밖에

The phone only belongs to him/her.


Because you're not coming.

왜 나한테 오는지

Why are you coming to me?

선택권이 나밖에 없나

Am I the only one with a choice?

막 이러고 있었던거야

I was just doing this.

실제로 보니까 어떤가요

How does it actually look?

되게 되게 젠틀하시고

Very, very gentle.

그래도 훈훈하시고

Still warm-hearted.


Aftermath too.

여성분들의 선택이 그래도 이해가 가던가요

Do you still understand the women's choices?

아 나를 선택할만 했다 그래도

Ah, I guess it was worth choosing me after all.


글쎄요 근데 뭐

Well, but what?

훈훈하시지만 통화로는

You seem warm, but not by phone.

그치 그치

Right, right.

아 근데 우리 혜인씨가

Ah, but our Hye-in is...

되게 충격적이었던게

What was really shocking was

소희씨가 물어봤단 말이죠

Sohee asked, you see.

선택권이 있었다면

If there had been a choice.

누굴 택하겠어

Who will you choose?

난 그래도 태리를 선택하겠어

I would still choose Taeri.

이런 얘기를 했거든요

I was talking about this.

너무 멋있었어

It was so cool.

저는 솔직한 편이여가지고

I tend to be honest.

거기서 이렇게 둘러말하면

If you beat around the bush like this there,

그럼요 나는 이게 훨씬 멋있어

Of course, I think this is much cooler.


Of course.

거기서 이제 소희씨는 딱 충격을 먹고

At that moment, Sohee was completely taken aback.

힘들어하다가 오늘 보니까

I saw you struggling today.

까줘서 고마워요

Thank you for peeling it.

아 근데 솔직히 상처받지는 않았어요

Ah, but honestly, I wasn't hurt.



왜냐면 제가 태리였을때

Because when I was Terry

기분이 좋을거 같았거든요

I thought it would make me feel good.



공감이 좀 남자분이시지만

I can empathize a bit, even though you are a man.

공감이 좀 됐던거 같아요

I think I related to it a bit.

까이면서도 네 어쩔 수 없지

Even while I'm being annoyed, what can I do about you?

약간 이랬던거 같아요

I think it was something like this.

야 이거 재밌습니다

Hey, this is fun!

재밌는 코너를 만들었어요

I created an entertaining segment.

네 네

Yes, yes.

자 다들 눈을 감으시고

Okay, everyone, please close your eyes.

질문에 예스라면

If the answer to the question is yes.

하나 둘 셋 할 때

When I say one, two, three.

살며시 눈만 떠주시면 됩니다

You just need to gently open your eyes.

오늘 이 자리에서 나와서 얼굴을 보니

Seeing you here today and looking at your face

내 마음이 흔들린다 내 파트너 말고

My heart is shaking, not because of my partner.

저 건너편에 앉아계신

The person sitting over there.

저분이랑 다시 한번

Let's do it one more time with that person.


Talking About

해보고 싶다

I want to try.

자 다 파국이에요 지금

It's all a disaster right now.

진짜 예스면 눈만 뜨시면 됩니다

If it's a real yes, all you need to do is open your eyes.

하나 둘 셋

One two three


어떻게 냅다 뜨냐 진짜

How on earth do you catch a cold like that?

어마이갓 진짜

Oh my god, really?

아무도 눈을 뜨지 않았습니다

No one opened their eyes.

하나 더 그럼 질문이 있으니까 한번 해보도록 하겠습니다

I have one more question, so I will ask it.

네 저희가 8회차까지 들면서

Yes, we have listened to up to episode 8.


I'm curious.

나는 만약에 시간을 돌릴 수 있다면

If I could turn back time

처음부터 제작진에게

From the beginning to the production team.

이 프로그램을

This program

안하고 싶다라고 할 것 같다

I think I would say I don't want to do it.

하나 둘 셋

One two three


이번에도 역시

Once again, as expected.

모두가 눈을 꼭 감은 그대로입니다

Everyone is still with their eyes tightly closed.

자 나는

Well, I am...

눈 뜨면 안돼요

You mustn't open your eyes.

나는 이 프로그램이 공적으로 시작했지만

I know this program was launched publicly, but

지금 확실히

Definitely right now.

사적으로 흘러가곤

It flows privately.


to exist

감이 있다

I have a sense.

둘 셋

Two three

서준 두 눈을 번쩍 뜨고

Seojun's eyes widened.

소희도 눈 뜨고

Sohee also opened her eyes.



반쯤 눈을 뜹니다

I open my eyes halfway.

자 참아주세요

Please endure.

자 여러분 여러분들은 보셨습니다

Well everyone, you have seen it.

잘 잡으셨죠

You caught it well, right?

네 이제 다 눈 떠주시기 바랍니다

Yes, please open your eyes now.

내가 저 정말

I really don't want to.

다 들으면서 제일 궁금했던게 하나 있어요

I had one thing I was really curious about while listening to everyone.

좋아요 좋아요

Okay, okay.

서준이형한테 처음 체인지 통화했을 때

The first time I had a change call with Hyung Seojun.

이야 대박이었죠

Wow, that was amazing!

이제 테리씨가 전화했을 때

Now when Terry calls.

약간 하주희씨

A little Hajuhee.

약간 이렇게 했었죠

It was something like this.

근데 저는 뭐야

But what am I?

제가 이렇게 얘기했었거든요

I said it like this.

왜 그러나요

Why is that?

컨셉을 잡고 계셨다고 했잖아요

You mentioned that you were working on the concept.

무슨 컨셉을 잡고 계신거에요

What concept are you working with?

저는 친구랑 통화할 때도 그렇고

It's the same when I talk on the phone with my friend.

그냥 항상 컨셉을

Just always the concept.

그냥 느껴지는대로

Just as I feel.

그냥 발신자를 보고 느껴지는대로 바로 하거든요

I just do it right away based on how I feel when I see the sender.

어 근데 한수희씨 이름을 보자마자

Oh, but as soon as I saw Han Soo-hee's name...

약간 접촉사고 난 사람처럼 그렇게 소리를

Sounds like someone who just had a minor car accident.


Ms. Han Soo-hee






Ms. Han Soo-hee

그렇게 소리를 질렀어야 됐나요?

Did I really have to scream like that?

전 깜짝 놀랐는데

I was surprised.

약간 파리의 연인 박신양씨처럼

Like a bit of Parisian lover Park Shin-yang.

레퍼런스가 너무 올드해

The reference is too old.

너무 2000년 초반이야

It's so early 2000s.

아 진짜 박신양 선배님이 웬만하니까

Ah, seriously, it's hard to believe that Park Shin-yang senior is here.


Han Soo-hee.

네 그렇게 했는데

Yes, I did that.

이렇게 했는데 이제 어떻게 반응할까 궁금했었거든요

I was curious about how you would react since I did this.

그런데 다른 목소리가 들려서

But I heard another voice.

정말 많은 어록이 또 나왔습니다

Many quotes have come out again.

사실 뭐 몇학년 몇반

Actually, what grade and class are you in?

이런거 나왔고

This kind of thing came out.

몇호선 몇번째로

Which line and which number?

이게 지금 무슨 말인지로 하면

What does this even mean right now?

나이를 여쭤보는데

I’m asking your age.

우리 태리씨는 몇학년 몇반이요

What grade and class is our Terry in?

이런거 나왔었거든요

This kind of thing came out, you know.

그때 태리씨가 마음을 확 닫으셨거든요

At that time, Terry completely shut his heart.



진짜 진짜

Really, really.

교실 문이 닫혔다고

The classroom door is closed.

확 닫혔다고 그것도 있었잖아요

It was also said that it was definitely closed, right?

지금 연애에

In a relationship right now.

니코틴이 빠져있었다

Nicotine was missing.


No smoking

우리가 약간 흡연자들이

We are somewhat smokers.

금연을 하면

If you quit smoking

니코틴을 비롯해서

Including nicotine

해로운 성분들이 빠질 때까지 시간이 걸리잖아요

It takes time for harmful substances to be eliminated.


저는 그런 연애 니코틴이 다 빠져있는 상태에요

I'm in a relationship where all the nicotine has been drained out.



그런 말 처음 들어봐요

I've never heard that before.

연애 니코틴

Romantic nicotine

금연이죠 금연

It's about quitting smoking, quitting smoking.

연애가 지금 끊겨있는 그런 상태가

A state where the romance is currently cut off.

한 5년정도

About 5 years.

지속되고 있는 그런 상태네요

It's a situation that is continuing.




I'm quitting smoking.

이런건 자기가 만들어 내는건가요?

Is this something you create yourself?

니코틴 그 부분은

That part about nicotine.

갑자기 생각나서 얘기한거였어요

I just mentioned it because it suddenly came to my mind.

저는 이런 말이 있는줄 알았어요

I thought there was such a saying.

아니 모태솔로라고

No, I'm a lifelong single.

태리씨가 했더니

Terry did it.

거기가 계신곳이

Where you are.

천국의 계단인가요?

Is this the stairway to heaven?

거기서 자멸세를 그냥

Just let it self-destruct from there.

제가 그랬어요?

Did I say that?

기억 안나세요?

Don't you remember?

기억이 잘 안나요

I don't remember well.

전통화를 할 때 약간 이런 멘트를 많이 했거든요

When I engaged in traditional conversations, I often made remarks like this.

소희씨는 모르고 계셨죠?

Didn’t you know, Sohee?

전혀 모르고

I don't know at all.

태리씨 어떠셨어요?

How have you been, Terry?

저는 진짜 너무 충격이라서

I'm really so shocked.


사실 대화한게 대화

In fact, talking is conversation.

솔직히 내용이 다 기억이 안나서

To be honest, I don't remember all the content.

몇학년 몇반이 너무

Which grade and class is it?

거기서부터 그냥

Just from there.


I can't forget you.

실제로 들어본게 처음이에요

It's the first time I've actually heard it.

몇학년 몇반

Which grade and class?

너무 웃겨

That's so funny!

저는 또 궁금한게

I have another question.

소희씨가 굉장히

Sohee is very...


Mysterious and

저희 엄마가 들었을때

When my mom heard it.

겨울 갈등하는 그런얘기

A story about struggling with winter.

자만추 동거 성키스 후연회

Casual dating, cohabitation, 성키스 (seong kiss), and afterparty.


These kinds of stories.

통화 내용이 다 나갔거든요

The call content has all been leaked.

아직도 똑같은거죠

It's still the same, right?

저 또 쿨한 멋진

I'm also cool and awesome.

너무 좋아한다

I love it so much.

선키스 후연회 가능하다

Sun-kissed afterparty is possible.

이거 우리 태리씨와 혜인씨한테 물어보도록 하겠습니다

I will ask this to our Terry and Hyein.

선키스 후연회

Sunkiss Afterparty


I am


How about Hye-in?

선키스 후연회 마음에 있어서 키스를 한거니까 저는 가능해요

Since it was a kiss made with the heart after the sun kiss banquet, I can do it.

자 그러면은 너무 궁금한게

Okay, then I'm really curious about something.

이 통화를 못해본게 너무 아쉽습니다

I'm very sorry that I couldn't have this conversation.


Men and men, women and women.

혜인 서주 통화

Hyein Seojoo call

그리고 태리 소희 통화

And Tairi Sohui call.

이걸 내가 못해본게 너무 아쉬워요

I'm really disappointed that I couldn't do this.

나도 궁금해요

I'm curious too.

두 분 통화 들으면서

While listening to the two of you on the call,

바로 폴바 셋인데 왜 모르지?

It's just Paul Bar Set, why don't you know?

아이스크림 맞아

That's right, it's ice cream.

나도 국밥 좋아하는데

I also like gukbap.


With Hye-in too.

저랑 맞는 부분이 있을거같아요

I think there will be parts that match with me.


Don't listen.

거기까지 넘보지 마요

Don't reach that far.

그게 형의 문제야

That's your problem, hyung.

형은 잘해야지

You should do well, brother.

왜 이러는지 모르겠어요

I don't know why this is happening.

석준씨가 혹시 혜인씨한테

Is Seok-jun perhaps asking Hye-in?

물어보고 싶은거 있었습니까?

Did you have anything you wanted to ask?


I am

궁금한거는 그거였죠 사실

What I was curious about was that fact.

소희를 왜

Why Sohee?

우리 소희를

Our Sohee.

우리 소희요?

Is that you, Sohee?

제가 통화했을때 너무 매력적인 사람인데

They were a very attractive person when I spoke on the phone.

왜 이렇게 했을까

Why did I do this?


I'm curious.

소희씨도 되게 매력적이시고

Sohee, you are very charming too.

통화로 했을때는

When we talked on the phone,

되게 귀여우시고

You're really cute.


Lively and cheerful.

그러신 분이였는데

That person was like that.

저는 이제 태리씨

I am now Terry.

첫 통화였었고

It was the first call.

의리를 지키는군요

You're keeping your loyalty.

의리 때문이었나요?

Was it because of loyalty?


Because of loyalty.


That's cool.

태리씨는 또

Terry again.

우리 혜인씨

Our Hyein.

우리 소희씨한테 궁금한게 있어요?

Is there something you are curious about with our Sohee?


I am

저는 신기했어요

I was amazed.

그런 도발적인 멘트를 하시는게

Making such provocative remarks is...

저는 사실 생각도 못해서

I actually didn't even think about it.

어떻게 그런 삶을

How could such a life be?

살 수 있냐

Can you buy it?


That's impressive.


That's right.

7일날까지도 소희씨에게 궁금한건 없죠?

Is there anything you're curious about regarding Sohee until the 7th?




There is none.

여자들이 할말 없을까

Aren't there things that women want to say?


That's how it is.

그리고 그 웃음 있잖아요

And that laugh of yours, you know?

이 끝에 웃음이

Laughter at the end of this.


Sohui is

누군들한테 궁금한게 남아있나요?

Is there anyone who still has questions?


I am

모텔 솔로였다고

I said I was solo at the motel.


That's right.

그게 너무 신기했어요

That was so fascinating.


그래서 두 분 다

So both of you.

그런 삶을 살고 있냐고

Are you living that kind of life?

물어보고 계신거 같은데

It seems like you are asking.

이렇게 두 분이 닮아질 수 있어요

You two can become so alike like this.

너무 예쁘신데

You are so beautiful.

어떻게 모텔 솔로를 하실 수 있는거지?

How can you stay in a motel by yourself?



어떻게 된거 같습니까

What do you think happened?

오늘 이 방송 이후로 모텔 솔로가 어떻게

How will the motel solo be after this broadcast today?



I don't know.

여지를 좀 주네요

You're giving me some leeway.

옆에 동글동글히 램프

A round lamp beside it.

약간 애매모호한

Somewhat ambiguous.

대답을 주고 있습니다

I am providing an answer.

제가 이제 얼굴이 궁금해서

I'm curious about your face now.

결국은 마음이 맞아서 만난거잖아요

In the end, we met because our hearts matched.

짝대기가 맞아서

Because the sticks are aligned.

서로 만나고 싶다해서 만난거죠

We met because we wanted to see each other.

그래서 지금의

So now's...

상황이 궁금한거에요

I'm curious about the situation.

이게 현재 진행형인지

Is this in the present continuous tense?

잠깐만 이걸 지금 물어본다고?

You’re asking this right now?

물어봐도 돼요?

Can I ask you something?

좋습니다 그럼 네 분은

Alright, then the four of you.

양손 주먹을

Both fists

꽉 쥐고

Hold it tight.

앞으로 들어주시고

Please come in.

질문에 해당되면

If it pertains to the question

손하트를 이렇게 만들어 주시면 됩니다

You can make a finger heart like this.


We are

전화번호를 교환하고

Exchanging phone numbers.

따로 연락도 했죠

I also contacted you separately.

제작진 안 끼고

Without involving the production team.

하나 둘 셋

One, two, three.

오 여기만

Oh, just here.



소위 서준만 손하트를 만드네요

It seems that Seo-jun is making hand hearts.

아 연락 안했어요?

Oh, you haven't contacted me?

아니 잠깐만

No, wait a minute.

아니 천천히 가고 싶을 수도 있잖아

No, maybe I just want to go slowly.

그럴 수도 있네요

That could be the case.

지금 손편지를 쓰고 계신건가요?

Are you writing a handwritten letter right now?

아직 전화번호를

I still don't have the phone number.

전화번호를 아직도 교환을 안한거에요?

Haven't you exchanged phone numbers yet?

그러면 우리 이거를 조금 이렇게

Then let's do this a little bit like this.

바로 갈까요?

Shall we go right away?

두번째 두번째

Second second

우리는 현재

We are currently

진행할 의사가 있다

I am willing to proceed.

하나 둘 셋

One, two, three.

이번에도 역시 소위 서준만

Once again, it's the so-called Seo Jun-man.

오 뭐야 이게

Oh, what is this?

여러분 봐봐요 이게 다르다니까요

Everyone, look! This is different, I tell you.

이게 뭐야

What is this?

역시 순수한 척하는 사람들을 믿으면 안돼

You shouldn't trust people who pretend to be innocent.

믿으면 안돼

You shouldn't believe it.

아 근데

Ah, but...

아니 이렇게 순수하게 클래식같은 사랑을 할 것 같은 사람이

No, someone who seems like they would love so purely like a classic romance.

정말 이렇게 출연료만 받고 끝낸다고?

Are you really just going to take the appearance fee and be done with it?



이건 용납이 안돼

This is unacceptable.

아니야 이렇게 천천히 가다가 나중에 결혼하실 수도 있어요

No, you might end up getting married later if you take it slow like this.


I don't know.

일단 서준씨와

First of all, with Seojun.


Mr. Sowhee

둘 다 하트를 그려주셨는데

Both of you drew hearts.

일단 전화번호 공유한거 맞고

First of all, it's true that I shared my phone number.

현재 진행하고 싶은 의사까지

Until the doctor I want to consult is available.

있다고 대답하셨습니다

You answered that you have it.


Is that correct?


진짜 그러면

Really then.

아 진짜

Ah, seriously.

방송을 떠나서 정말 맞는거죠?

Is it really true that you're leaving the broadcast?

우와 대박이다

Wow, that's amazing!

아니 근데 궁금한게

But I'm curious about something.

두 분

Both of you.

같은 집에서 이렇게

In the same house like this.

진짜 궁금해서 그래

I'm just really curious.

아니 어떻게 이렇게 맞춰서

No, how could it fit so perfectly?

둘이 뭐야

What are you two?

둘이 같이

The two of us together.

따로 왔죠 여기는

I came separately here.

따로 왔죠

I came separately.

아 깜짝이야

Oh, that's surprising!

부모님이 보고 계신거에요

My parents are watching.

저희가 뭐 되게

What are we really...

깊은 관계가 되고 그런건

It becomes a deep relationship and such.

아직 아닌데

Not yet.

연락은 계속 하다보니까

As we keep in touch…



작가님한테는 얘기는 안했지만

I didn't tell the writer, but...

옷을 조금 비슷하게 하는게 좋지 않을까

Wouldn't it be better to make the clothes somewhat similar?

라는 말씀을

That means.

좀 드렸고

I gave you some.

그리고 저는

And I am

소위씨의 마음을 얻기 위해서

To win So-wi's heart.

고구마도 하고 있죠

I'm also doing sweet potatoes.


That's cool.

형이 결국 역전한거야

You finally turned it around, huh?

답변 없어

No answer.

아니야 아니야 미래는

No, no, the future is...

네 분이 각자 알아서 하시는걸로 하고

I'll leave it up to you four to handle it as you each see fit.

저희는 응원하고

We support.

너무 응원합니다

I cheer for you a lot.

제가 축하 불러드리도록 하겠습니다

I will sing a congratulatory song for you.


Here too.

잘될수도 있잖아요

It could turn out well, you know.

두 분이서 제가 지켜보도록 하겠습니다

I will watch over you two.


I'll cheer for you.

자 그럼 마무리 하도록 하겠습니다

Alright, then I'll wrap things up.

아 이게 사실은 이렇게 되가지고

Ah, it's actually like this.

어떻게 이어질지 모르겠지만

I don't know how it will unfold, but...

저희가 어떻게 보면 시즌2에서 티저로 나올수도 있고

In some ways, we might appear as a teaser in Season 2.


Of course.

기대가 됩니다

I am looking forward to it.

그럼 여기서 다같이 외치면서 끝내보도록 하겠습니다

Then let's all shout together and wrap it up here.

제가 폰팅하면 함께

If I do phone dating, together.

2023하고 안녕하도록 하겠습니다

I will say goodbye to 2023.

네 분의 사랑을 응원합니다

I support your love for each other.

여기서 인사 드릴께요

I will greet you here.



2023 안녕

Hello 2023

2부에서 계속 됩니다

It will continue in part 2.

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