어처구니 이야기


희승 작가의 동화 세계

어처구니 이야기

희승 작가의 동화 세계

안녕하세요 희승입니다

Hello, this is Heeseung.

여러분 손 없는 날이라는 말 들어보셨나요?

Have you ever heard the term "a day without hands"?

아마 이사하실 때 한 번쯤 들어보셨을 것 같은데요

You might have heard it at least once when you were moving.

어르신들은 이사간다고 하면 꼭 확인하는 것이 바로 손 없는 날입니다

Elderly people always check for a "day without a hand" when they say they are moving.

저도 어렸을 때는 이사간다고 하면 부모님이 손 없는 날에 가야 한다면서

When I was young, my parents would say that we should move on a day without a hand.

달력을 살피던 모습이 떠오릅니다

I remember the sight of you looking at the calendar.

그때는 그냥 그런가보다 하고 대수롭지 않게 넘겼거든요

At that time, I just shrugged it off and didn't think much of it.

그러다 가만히 생각해보니까 손 없는 날의 손은 어떤 손을 이야기하는 것일까 궁금해졌습니다

Then I quietly thought about it and became curious about what kind of hand is being referred to on a day without hands.

저는 그 해답을 동화에서 찾았습니다

I found the answer in the fairy tale.

물론 픽션이긴 하지만요

Of course, it's fiction, but...

오늘 여러분에게 읽어드릴 동화가 바로 그 동화입니다

The fairy tale I will read to you today is precisely that fairy tale.

여러분 중에서도 저처럼 궁금해하셨던 분들이 계실 것 같은데요

I think there might be some of you who were curious like I was.

동화 어처구니 이야기에서 그 손을 확인하십니다

In the fairy tale story, you will check that hand.

물론 이야기는 이야기로 받아들이셔야겠죠

Of course, you should take the story as just a story.

하지만 이야기를 알고 계신다면 그거 하나는 장담할 수 있습니다

But if you know the story, I can guarantee just that.

나중에 아이들이 손 없는 날이 뭐야? 라고 물어봤을 때 해줄 이야기가 생긴다는 것이죠

It means that later, when the children ask, "What is a day without hands?", I will have a story to tell them.

이야기 시작에 앞서 어처구니가 무엇인지 아시면 좋을 것 같습니다

Before we start the story, it would be good to know what 'absurdity' means.

어처구니는 지붕 추녀에 있는 것들을 어처구니라고 합니다

Ochaguni refers to the things found on the eaves of a roof.

이것들의 역할도 이야기에 나오니까요

Their roles also come up in the story.

바로 책을 펼쳐보도록 하겠습니다

I will open the book right away.

이야기는 옛날 아주 먼 옛날 시끄러운 하늘나라에서 시작됩니다

The story begins a long time ago in a noisy heaven.

하늘나라는 조용한 날이 하루도 없었습니다

The heavenly kingdom has not had a single quiet day.

왜냐? 바로 어처구니들 때문이었죠

Why? Because of the nonsense.

하늘나라 임금님은 화가 머리끝까지 나서 소리쳤습니다

The king of heaven was so angry that he shouted.

어처구니 놈들을 당장 잡아오너라!

Catch those ridiculous guys right now!

결국 어처구니들은 감옥에 끌려가 갇히게 됩니다

In the end, the fools are dragged off to prison and locked up.

어처구니로 불렸던 이들은 이구룡, 저팔계, 손행자, 사화상, 대당사부였는데

Those who were called absurd were Igyuryong, Jeopal-gye, Sonhaengja, Sahwasang, and Daedangsabbu.

이들의 죄는 이와 같았습니다

Their sins were like this.

이구룡은 거짓말로 하늘나라를 혼란스럽게 만든 죄

Lee Guryong's crime of creating chaos in heaven with lies.

저팔계는 술을 먹고 하늘에 천도 복숭아 나무를 몽땅 뽑아버린 죄

Zhu Bajie committed the crime of getting drunk and uprooting all the heavenly peach trees.

손행자는 하늘나라 임금님과 똑같은 허수아비를 만들어 선녀들을 골탕 먹인 죄

The sinner made a scarecrow exactly like the king of heaven and tricked the heavenly maidens.

사화상은 하늘나라 임금님이 아끼는 연못의 물고기를 죄다 죽인 죄

The crime of killing all the fish in the pond cherished by the heavenly king.

대당사부는 사람들의 죽는 날을 똑같이 만들어 큰 말썽을 일으킨 죄

The Great Sage is guilty of causing great trouble by making the day of people's deaths the same.

잡혀온 어처구니들은 하나같이 각자의 변명을 했습니다

The captured absurdities all made their own excuses.

이구룡은 입이 두 개라 어디서 거짓말이 나오는지 알 수 없어서 억울해했고

"Iguryong has two mouths, so he felt wronged because he couldn't tell where the lies were coming from."

손행자는 허수아비에게 속은 선녀들이 바보라며 억울해했습니다

The fairies, who were deceived by the scarecrow, felt unfairly treated and said that they were fools.

저팔계는 나무가 쉽게 뽑힐 줄 몰랐다며 억울해했고

Jajangmyeon was upset, saying he didn't know the tree could be pulled out so easily.

사화상은 물고기가 정말 물이 없으면 죽는 줄 몰랐다며 억울해했죠

He was upset, saying he didn't know that fish would die if there was no water.

대당사부는 누구는 일찍 죽고 누구는 늦게 죽는 것이 불공평하다며 억울해했습니다

The great teacher felt unfair and frustrated that some people die early while others die late.

어찌됐든 어처구니들을 잡아 가두었으니 하늘나라가 조용해지나 싶었지만 아니었습니다

Anyway, I thought that the heavens would become quiet since I captured and locked up the absurdities, but that wasn't the case.

하늘 끝에는 손이라는 못된 귀신이 살고 있었는데 손은 사방팔방을 쏘다니며 사람들을 해코지했습니다

At the end of the sky, there lived a wicked spirit called Hand, who roamed around shooting at people and causing harm.

생긴 것도 험상굳게 생겨서 모두가 무서워하는 그런 귀신이었죠

It was a ghost that looked so fierce and intimidating that everyone was scared of it.

사람들은 제발 손을 혼내달라며 하늘에 빌고 빌었습니다

People prayed to the heavens, begging for their hands to be punished.

하늘나라 임금님은 몇 날 며칠을 고민하다가 좋은 생각을 떠올렸습니다

The king of heaven pondered for several days and finally came up with a good idea.

바로 어처구니들을 이용하는 것이었죠

It was to use the absurd ones right away.

임금님은 어처구니들에게 열흘 안에 손을 잡아오면 모든 죄를 용서해주겠다고 했습니다

The king said that if the oddities come to him within ten days, he would forgive all their sins.

대당사부는 어처구니들을 데리고 바로 손을 잡으러 갔습니다

The great master went straight to hold hands with the absurd ones.

하지만 어처구니들은 빠르고 힘도 세고 무서운 손에게 혼줄만 났습니다

However, the silly ones were just beaten up by the fast, strong, and scary hands.

대당사부는 손을 붙잡기 위해 하늘도서관에서 먹지도 않고 잠도 안자고 밤새 책을 읽으며 방법을 찾기 시작했습니다

The great teacher began to search for a way to hold hands all night in the Heavenly Library, reading books without eating or sleeping.

사흘 밤낮을 책만 읽던 대당사부는 결국 방법을 찾아내고 말았죠

After reading books day and night for three days, the great teacher finally found a solution.

대당사부는 모두를 불러서 각자에게 할 일을 알려주었습니다

The grand master called everyone and informed each person of their tasks.

이구룡은 입이 두 개니 다른 목소리를 낼 수 있도록 연습시켰습니다

Igoryong has two mouths, so he practiced to produce different voices.

저팔기는 힘이 좋으니 커다란 연과 청동그릇을 만들라고 했고

Jajangki is strong, so he was told to make a large kite and a bronze bowl.

사화상은 물을 다스릴 줄 아니 저팔기가 만든 청동그릇에 물을 가득 채우라고 했습니다

The private teacher knew how to control the water and instructed to fill the bronze bowl made by Jeonpalgi to the brim with water.

손행자는 재주가 좋으니 999자의 긴 밧줄을 만들라고 시켰는데

The skilled worker was instructed to make a long rope of 999 characters.

여기서는 물을 다스릴 줄 아니 저팔기가 만든 청동그릇에 물을 가득 채우라고 했습니다

Here, it was said to fill the bronze bowl made by Jeobalgi with water, as if one can control the water.

여기서 꼭 지켜야 할 것은 다른 나무가 아닌 엄나무로만 만들라는 것이었습니다

What must be strictly adhered to here is that it must only be made from the mulberry tree, not any other tree.

이구룡은 나불나불 다른 목소리 내는 연습을 했고

Iguryong practiced making different voices chattering away.

저팔기는 주물주물 방패연과 청동그릇을 만들었고

Jangpalki made a kite and a bronze bowl by molding.

사화상은 저팔기가 만든 청동그릇에 물을 가득 채웠습니다

The monk filled a bronze bowl made by Jojalgi with water.

손행자는 옆에서 까불까불 참견만 하다가 뒤늦게 엄나무를 찾으러 갔죠

The meddler just fussed around nearby and then went to find the herb later.

이후 엄나무를 발견하고 껍질을 벗겨 밧줄을 엮기 시작했습니다

After that, I discovered the elm tree and started peeling the bark to braid a rope.

일이 엮고 절이 엮다 보니 밧줄은 금색이었습니다

As work and rituals intertwined, the rope became golden.

하지만 999자가 되기에는 엄나무 껍질이 조금 모자랐죠

However, there wasn't quite enough umnamu bark to make it 999 characters.

손행자는 옆에 있던 두릅나무를 보며 생각했습니다

Son Haeng-ja thought while looking at the nearby bracken tree.

에이 귀찮아 생긴 것도 비슷한데 누가 알겠어?

Ugh, it's annoying. We look similar anyway, who would know?

결국 손행자는 옆에 있던 두릅나무 껍질로 부족한 밧줄의 길이를 엮었습니다

In the end, the hand worker wove the length of the insufficient rope using the bark of the nearby dokudami tree.

밤이 되자 손이 땅으로 내려왔습니다

When night came, the hand descended to the ground.

바위 뒤에 숨어있던 이구룡이 다른 목소리로 손이 들리게끔 이야기했습니다

The iguanodon hiding behind the rock spoke in a different voice to make its hand visible.



손보다 훨씬 더 모자랍니다

It is much more lacking than a hand.

무서운 귀신이 있다고?

Is there a scary ghost?

그래 내가 봤다니까

Yeah, I saw it.

어디에 있는데?

Where are you?

저단 너머 커다란 청동그릇 안에 있대

They say it's in a large bronze bowl beyond the low hill.

하지만 손은 대수롭지 않기 생각하고 그냥 지나갔습니다

But I thought the injury was trivial and just let it go.

이번에는 저팔개가 손을 가로막고 결투를 신청했죠

This time, Jjapalggae blocked the way and challenged to a duel.

하지만 저팔개는 금세 나가 떨어졌습니다

But Ja Palgae quickly fell out.

발러덕 누운 저팔개가 씩씩거리며 손에게 말했습니다

The lazy dog lying down said to the hand with a snort.

네가 아무리 힘이 세도 저 청동그릇 안에 있는 귀신은 못 당할걸?

No matter how strong you are, you won’t be able to handle the spirit inside that bronze bowl.

그제야 손은...

Only then did the hand...

자신보다 무섭다는 귀신이 어떤 귀신인지 궁금해졌습니다

I became curious about what kind of ghost is scarier than oneself.

손은 그 귀신을 확인하기 위해 청동그릇 근처까지 갔습니다

He went near the bronze bowl to check on the ghost.

그때 사화상이 괴상한 소리를 내며 청동그릇을 흔들었습니다

At that time, the portrait made a strange noise and shook the bronze bowl.

손은 조심스럽게 청동그릇으로 슬그머니 다가가 천천히 그 안을 들여다보았습니다

The hand cautiously approached the bronze bowl and slowly peeked inside.


Oh dear!

손은 청동그릇에 미친 자신의 모습을 보고 화들짝 놀라 온몸이 뻣뻣하게 굳어버렸습니다

Seeing her reflection in the bronze bowl, she was startled and her whole body stiffened.

그때 숨어있던 손행자가 바추고 있었습니다

At that time, the hidden Song Haeng-ja was watching.

손행자가 밧줄을 던져 손이 도망가지 못하도록 꽁꽁 묶었습니다

The handcuff thrower threw a rope and tightly bound the hand so it couldn't escape.

어처구니들에게 잡힌 손은 연에 묶여 하늘로 띄워 보내졌습니다

The hands caught by the absurdities were tied with a string and sent soaring into the sky.

하지만 얼마 되지 않아 줄은 툭 하고 끊어져 버렸죠

But it didn't take long for the line to snap.

이틈을 타 손은 멀리멀리 도망가 버렸습니다

Taking advantage of the moment, my hands ran far, far away.

대당사부는 깜짝 놀랐습니다

The grand master was surprised.

분명 엄나무 밧줄은 못된 귀신을 꼼짝 못하게 할 수 있는 밧줄이었거든요

The mulberry tree rope was definitely a rope that could immobilize evil spirits.

대당사부가 손행자에게 물었습니다

The Great Master asked the practitioner.

너 대체 어떻게 한 거야?

How did you even do that?

손행자는 기어들어가는 목소리로 두릅나무 껍질을 사용한 사실을 웅얼거리며 말했습니다

The person murmured in a creeping voice that they had used the bark of the wisteria tree.

결국 손을 놓쳐버린 어처구니들은 다시 감옥에 가기 싫어서 꽁꽁 숨어 버렸습니다

In the end, the absurd ones who lost their grip didn't want to go back to prison, so they hid away tightly.

이날 이후 손은 다시 잡힐 수도 있다는 생각에 옛날처럼 마구 날뛰지 않았습니다

After that day, I didn't run around recklessly like before, thinking that our hands might be able to hold each other again.

꽁꽁 숨어 있던 어처구니들은 끝내 임금님에게 다시 잡혀와서 벌을 받게 되었습니다

The foolish ones who had been hiding were ultimately caught by the king again and were punished.

어떤 벌을 받았냐고요?

What kind of punishment did you receive?

궁궐 추녀마루 끝에 올라가서 손으로부터

Go up to the end of the palace eaves and from your hands.

사람들을 지키는 벌이었죠

It was a punishment that protected people.

동화 어처구니 이야기 어떠셨나요?

How did you find the fairy tale of "Unbelievable Story"?

17년이 지난 동화지만 저는 다시 읽어봐도 재미있었습니다

It's a fairy tale that was released 17 years ago, but I found it interesting to read again.

이제 여러분도 손 없는 날에 대해서 누군가에게 해줄 수 있는 이야기가 하나 생기셨습니다

Now you also have a story to share with someone about the Day Without Hands.

또 하나 알게 되신 것은 어처구니 없는 일은 아니란 생각 혹은 작은 실수에서 발생하게 된다는 것이죠

What you also come to realize is that absurd things aren’t really absurd; they arise from small mistakes or misunderstandings.

귀차니즘이 많아진 요즘 한 번쯤 생각해 볼 만한 대목이 아닌가 싶습니다

I think it's a point worth considering these days when laziness has increased.

손을 놓친 것처럼

Like I've lost my grip.

우리 삶의 중요한 것을 놓치게 될 수도 있으니까요

Because we might miss out on something important in our lives.

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