마주보기엔 아직 부끄러워서



마주보기엔 아직 부끄러워서


코프볼을 아시나요?

Do you know about korfball?


You don't know?


It's okay.

코빼기는 코프볼을 빼고 이야기합니다

The tip of the nose talks about something other than the nose.

코빼기 외전

Kobbaegi Side Story

지금부터 시작하겠습니다

I will start now.


저는 진엘을 맡은 이승빈이라고 하구요

I am Lee Seung-bin, who is in charge of Jin El.

저는 코프볼의 편집자였던

I was the editor of Korfball.

쇼치 편집자 양철훈입니다

I am Yang Cheol-hoon, the editor of Shochi.


Nice to meet you.

지금 저희가 어디에 나와있죠?

Where are we right now?

지금 저희 뚝섬 한강공원에 와있습니다

We are now at Ttukseom Hangang Park.

자기소개를 좀 해주세요

Please introduce yourself.


Mr. Cheol-hoon is

직업을 말하면 되는건가요?

Can I just mention my job?

직업도 말해주셔도 좋고

You can also tell me your job.

자기를 한번 소개를 해주시겠어요?

Could you please introduce yourself?

보통 이렇게 나오면

Usually, when it comes out like this,

세가지 키워드로 자기를 설명하거든요

I describe myself with three keywords.

지금 준비가 전혀 안되어있는 상태니까

I'm not at all prepared right now.

그건 어려우니까요

That's difficult because of that.

그냥 대충 소개하겠습니다

I'll just give a rough introduction.

그렇게 해주세요

Please do it that way.

저는 이 제작자 이승빈씨의

I am this creator Lee Seung-bin's


First of all

대학교 동기면서

University classmate.

초등학교 교사

Elementary school teacher


I am Yang Cheol-hoon.

코빼기는 몇번 들어보셨나요?

How many times have you heard of a "nosebleed"?

저는 그게 좀 궁금하네요

I'm a bit curious about that.

당연하죠 제가 편집자인데요

Of course, I'm the editor.

근데 막 풀로 듣진 않잖아요

But you don't really listen to it fully, right?

풀로 듣진 않지만

I don't listen to it fully, but...

재밌는 부분을 제가 많이 찾아다니죠

I often look for the interesting parts.

어느 가장 최근에

Most recently

기억에 남는 편이 있나요?

Is there a memorable episode?

기억에 남는 편이요?

Is it memorable?

그런건 없나요?

Is there nothing like that?

제가 편집했던 것만 기억납니다

I only remember what I edited.



최근에 편집한게 엄청 옛날이잖아요

The last thing you edited was a long time ago.

최근에 편집한게

Recently edited.

지구가 멸망한다면

If the Earth were to be destroyed.

와 진짜 옛날이네요

Wow, it's really been a long time.

거의 한 4달 전 이야기인데

It's a story from almost four months ago.


Is that so?

네 그렇군요

Yes, that's right.


I'm sorry.

사실 코빼기를 애청한다고 볼 수는 없겠네요

Actually, I wouldn't say that I am a devoted fan of "Kobbaek."

근데 코빼기 망했잖아요

But the little nose is ruined, right?

아닌가요 아직?

Isn't it yet?

아직 안망했어요

It hasn't gone bankrupt yet.

최근에 올라온거 100뷰 넘었습니다

The recently uploaded content has exceeded 100 views.

지금에 올렸어요?

Did you post it now?

그것도 모르세요?

Don't you know that too?

다시 소개를 해주세요

Please introduce yourself again.

코프볼의 편집자였던

the editor of Korfball


A long time ago.

오래전을 적어주세요

Please write a long time ago.

하지만 이제 다시 불러주신다면

But if you call me again now

언제든지 편집할 의향이 있습니다

I am always willing to edit.

저는 계속 코프볼 유튜브를

I will continue with the korfball YouTube.

이어나가고 싶은데

I want to continue.

저번에 그래서

Last time, so...

그런 부분을 이야기를 같이 나눴는데

We talked about those aspects together.

철원씨가 깜짝 놀라면서

Mr. Cheorwon was taken by surprise.

그거 이제 끝난거 아니었어

Wasn't that supposed to be over now?

이렇게 말씀하셨잖아요

You said it like this, right?

저는 수익 분배만 잘 해주신다면

As long as you handle the profit distribution well.

그걸 민금한 이야기를 해버리시네요

You just made a very sensitive remark.

몇 대 몇

What is the score?


9 to 1

9대1은 좀 심하죠

A 9 to 1 ratio is a bit extreme, isn't it?



편집에 드는 시간과 비용을

The time and cost involved in editing.

그 정도 하시잖아요 9대1 정도

You can do that, about 9 to 1.

그걸 잘 맞춰주면 더 열심히 하겠죠

If you match that well, I will work harder.


Is that so?


That's right.

그러면 오케이

Then, okay.


18 to 2


18 to 2?

좀 이로 늦으셨습니다

You are a little late.

깜빡 속을 뻔했네요

I almost got fooled.

늘어난 줄 알고 방금

I just thought it had grown.

6대4는 가야죠

It has to be 60:40.

개인적인 생각입니다

This is my personal opinion.

조금 외람되지만

I apologize for the intrusion, but...

양아치다 이렇게 표현하고 싶네요

I want to express it like this: it's a scoundrel.

청취자들의 이건 의견을 한 번 나중에 들어볼게요

I'll listen to the listeners' opinions on this later.

청취자들이 의견을 안 내긴 해서

The listeners didn't express their opinions.

댓글이 안 달려요

I can't leave a comment.

아 그렇군요 많이 달아주세요

Oh, I see. Please add a lot.


If you hear this

몇 대 몇 정도가 괜찮은지

What score would be acceptable?

한번 댓글로 남겨주시기 바랍니다

Please leave a comment once.

저희가 지금 이런 거 찍고 있는데

We are currently filming something like this.

아무도 관심 안 가주셔서 너무 감사해요

Thank you so much for not paying any attention to me.

이런 거 좀 어그로 끌릴 수도 있는데

This kind of thing might attract some attention.

그래도 유튜버인데 아무도 못 알아보네요

Still, they are a YouTuber, but no one recognizes them.

또 놀리시네요

You're teasing me again.

구독자 몇 명이시죠?

How many subscribers do you have?


68 people


68 people?

진짜 놀리신 거네요?

Are you really teasing me?

한지 얼마나 되시죠?

How much is the hanji (Korean paper)?


What is it?

근데 제가 중간에 SKCTV를 좀 키우다가

But I turned up SKCTV a bit in the middle.

그걸 좀 갈아탔잖아요

I switched that a bit.


That's right.

그렇기 때문에 합치면은 그래도 200은 넘네요

That's why if you combine them, it still exceeds 200.



근데 중복을 제외하면 다시 내려가죠

But if we exclude duplicates, it goes down again.


I see.

아 그렇네요 200이 안 되네요

Oh, that's right, it's not 200.

아 근데 이 자리를 빌어서

Ah, but taking this opportunity...

철훈 씨 아버지께서

Mr. Cheol-hoon's father

지금은 그렇게까지 활동 안 해주시지만

You're not active to that extent right now, but...

SKCTV로 저희가 활동을 잠깐 할 당시에

At the time when we briefly worked with SKCTV,

굉장히 많은 성원을 보내주셨어요

You have sent an incredible amount of support.

사실 철훈 씨 가족 전체가

In fact, the whole Chul-hoon family...

제 유튜브의 청자였다

I was a listener of my YouTube.

제 아버님뿐만 아니라

Not only my father.



큰삼촌 작은삼촌

Great uncle, little uncle.

고모 승모까지

Aunt, even until the chest.

댓글을 달아주셨죠

You left a comment.

사실 철훈 씨가 나오는 게 없거든요

Actually, there's nothing that 철훈 is in.

철훈 씨는 그냥 편집을 했을 뿐인데

Mr. Cheol-hoon just edited it.

너무 다 좋아해 주셔가지고

I appreciate that you like everything so much.

저는 이 자리를 빌어서 감사하다는 말씀 전하고 싶습니다

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.


Thank you.

정말 재밌게 봐주셔서

Thank you for watching it so enjoyably.

감사할 따름입니다

I can only be grateful.

그래서 철훈 씨가 이제 더 이상

So Cheol-hoon is no longer

좀 편집자가가

A bit of an editor.

뒤로 나서는 게 아니라

It's not about stepping back.

뒤에 머무는 게 아니라

It's not about staying behind.

플레이어로서 좀 전면에

As a player, a bit more in the foreground.

나를 대지 않았나

Did you not treat me?

저는 그렇게 생각합니다

I think so.

어떻게 생각하세요?

What do you think?

수익 분배만 잘해주신다면

As long as you distribute the profits well.

앵무새처럼 그 말만 반복하십니다

You keep repeating those words like a parrot.

그러면 저 못하는 게 뭐가 있습니다

Then what is it that I can't do?

그 말은 아니라

That's not what I meant.

코프볼을 이제 시작할 때도 됐다

It's time to start playing korfball now.



코프볼 자체를 시작할 때도 됐다

It's time to start Korfball itself.

이런 생각이 좀 드는데 어떠세요?

What do you think about this idea?

제가 사실은

Actually, I...

이 코프볼에 전혀 관심이 없었거든요

I had no interest in this korfball at all.

그런데 이 편집자로 일하면서

However, while working as an editor...

이 코프볼이라는 스포츠를 접했는데

I came across this sport called korfball.

매력이 있는 것 같아요

I think it's charming.

매력이 있는 스포츠예요

It's an attractive sport.



그래서 제 말은

So what I mean is

나오실 생각 있냐 이 말이죠

Are you thinking of coming out?

매력 있는 스포츠예요

It's an attractive sport.

그러니까 나오실 생각 없고요?

So you're not planning to come out?

아 나갈 생각 있습니다

Oh, I'm thinking of going out.

매력만 느끼는

Only feeling attraction.

아니요 매력이 있으니까

No, because you have charm.

한 번쯤은 해보고 싶다는 생각도

I also think it would be nice to try it at least once.

요즘에 들고 있습니다

I am holding it these days.

계속 앞에 뭐를 계속 붙이시네요

You keep adding something in front.

매력 있다


한 번쯤 이렇게 붙이시네요

You attach it like this once in a while.

뭐라고 말해야 합니까 그러면

What should I say then?

아 열심히 해보고 싶다

Ah, I want to try hard.

이렇게 말씀하셔도 되는데

You can say it like this too.

열심히 해보고 싶습니다

I want to try hard.

아 그래요?

Oh really?

엎드려 절박기

Desperate position lying face down.


Me too.

뒤에서 편집하는 것보다

Rather than editing from behind

제가 나오면 재밌죠

It would be fun if I come out.

저도 재밌죠

I also think it’s fun.

그래서 저는

So I...

천연씨가 좀

"Natural seeds are a bit..."


Every day.

나온다 해놓고

You said you would come out.

아 근데 이번 달 너무 바빠서 다음 달

Ah, but I'm too busy this month, so next month.

이 어느새 지금 9월이 됐어요

It has suddenly become September now.

근데 그게 정말이에요

But is that really true?

제가 아직 학교에서 말단 아닙니까

Aren't I still at the bottom in school?

그렇긴 하죠

That's true.

그러니까 일이 저한테 계속 와요

So work keeps coming to me.

어쩔 수 없습니다

It can't be helped.


It is true.

그렇긴 한데

That's true, but...

그래도 뭔가 처음에

Still, something at the beginning...

저희가 저기 교대 앞에 있는

We are in front of the subway station.


At Seobyeongjang.

같이 도원 결의를 하지 않았습니까?

Did we not make a vow together?

한 2주 만에 시작했고

I started about two weeks ago.

1주가 됐는데

It's been a week.

아 그렇지 않습니다

Ah, that's not it.

2주는 아닙니다

It's not two weeks.


Is that so?

2달은 갔죠

It's been two months.


Is that so?


That's right.

근데 암튼


그렇게 됐고요

That's how it happened.

그래도 지금까지 저는

Still, until now I have

안 떨어져 나가고

Don't fall off.

남아있는 게 어딘가를 생각합니다

I think of somewhere that remains.

그 이유는 이 코프볼이라는 스포츠가

The reason is that this sport called korfball

정말 매력이 있기 때문입니다

It's because there is really charm.

그냥 저랑 친해서 그런 거 아닌가요?

Isn't it just because we're close?



저희 학교에서도 이제

Now at our school too

반 대왕전으로

Half King Tournament

코프볼 경기를 하거든요

We're having a korfball match.

맞아요 네 들었어요

That's right, I heard it.

그런 거 보면서 이제

Now that I see things like that,

학교 선생님들도 이 코프볼 채널을 많이 찾아보신다면?

What if the school teachers also look up this korfball channel a lot?

이 코프볼에 대해서 관심을 갖기 시작했습니다

I have started to take an interest in this korfball.

그리고 저 진짜 가서 도와드릴 수 있어요

And I can really go and help.

한번 초대해 주세요 학교에

Please invite me to the school once.

그러면 와서 한번 코치해 주신다면

If you could come and coach us once, that would be great.

촬영 이런 거 안 해도 되고

You don't have to do things like filming.

너무 감사하죠

I'm very grateful.

코치 도와드릴 수 있습니다

I can help the coach.

근데 아이들이 하는 거 보면 정말 재밌어요

But watching the kids do it is really fun.

애들도 재밌게 참여하고

The kids are participating happily.

저는 근데 약간 호랑이 느낌인데

I feel a bit like a tiger, though.

호랑이 코치 느낌으로 가도 되나요?

Can I go with a tiger coach vibe?

도망갑니다 안 됩니다

I’m running away. You can’t.

초등학생에 대해 재미를 붙여야 되기 때문에

Because they need to find enjoyment in elementary school students.

근데 코프볼이 정말 매력 있는 게 뭐냐면

But what is really attractive about korfball is...

운동신경 있는 남자애들은 농구 잘하잖아요

Boys with athletic skills are good at basketball, right?

근데 여자애들은 농구를 많이 어려워한단 말이에요

But girls often find basketball very difficult.

근데 이제 코프볼은 접촉이 없다 보니까

But now, since korfball has no contact...

조금 더 폭넓게 여자애들이 즐길 수 있는 스포츠인 것 같아요

I think it's a sport that girls can enjoy a bit more broadly.


It's fun.

그래서 말씀드린 순간 비둘기가 지금 공습하려고 하는

"So at the moment I mentioned, the pigeon is about to attack."

네 잘 쫓겨냈고요

Yes, I drove him out well.

철원 씨 요즘에 근황 뭐 없어요?

How have you been doing these days, Cheol-won?

요즘에 무슨

What have you been up to lately?

요즘에 뭘 뭐 하고 계시죠?

What have you been up to lately?


These days

최근에 가장 큰 이슈는

The biggest issue recently is


여자친구 생일이었습니다

It was my girlfriend's birthday.

여자친구가 있으시군요

You have a girlfriend.

여자친구가 있습니다

I have a girlfriend.

아무튼 여자친구 생일 때 뭐 하셨죠?

Anyway, what did you do for your girlfriend's birthday?

그래서 고민이 많았어요

So I had a lot of worries.

옛날에는 선물을 줄 때

In the past, when giving gifts

조금 개성적인 선물을 주는 걸 좋아했어요

I liked giving slightly unique gifts.


As a surprise

예를 들면 뭐가 있었죠?

For example, what was there?

예를 들어서 초콜릿을 주는데 만들어서 준다거나

For example, they give chocolate but made it themselves.

케이크를 만들 때 직접 이름이 들어가게 만든다거나

When making a cake, I incorporate the name directly.

이렇게 많이 했잖아요 옛날에

We used to do this a lot in the past.

완전 호들갑이다 이렇게 표현해도 될까요?

Is it okay to express it like this? It's totally over the top.


It's a fuss.

지금은 선물에 대한 약간 생각이 바뀐 게

My thoughts on gifts have slightly changed now.

실용적인 선물을 주는 게 좋다는 생각을 많이 합니다 요즘에

I've been thinking a lot lately that it's better to give practical gifts.

아 그래요?

Oh, really?

네 왜냐하면 쓸 때마다 생각나잖아요

Yes, because I remember it every time I use it.

제가 개인적으로 그런 걸 많이 느꼈으니까

I have personally felt that a lot.

그런 걸 좀 주면 좋지 않을까 해서 이번에 준 선물이 있습니다

I thought it might be nice to give something like that, so I have a gift for you this time.


What is it?

한번 맞춰보십시오

Try to guess.


The hint is

그 여자분들은

Those women are

머리 감고 나서 말리는데 시간이 오래 걸리잖아요

It takes a long time to dry my hair after washing it.

애플워치 안 사줬어요?

Did you not buy the Apple Watch?

애플워치 안 사줬습니다

I didn't buy the Apple Watch.




더 실용적인 걸 많이 쓰네요?

You use more practical things, right?

머리 헤드라이기

Hair dryer


Correct answer.


That's it, right?

그 헤어드라이기 중에 비싼 거

That expensive hair dryer.

이름이 뭐죠?

What is your name?

광고 아닙니다

This is not an advertisement.



네 다이슨 드라이기를 사줬습니다

Yes, I bought you a Dyson hairdryer.

요즘 또 최근에 축구가 너무 재밌고

These days, football has been really fun again.

EPL이 개막했으니까 축구 이야기를 조금 하는 게 좋을 것 같습니다

Since the EPL has started, I think it would be good to talk a little about soccer.

그렇습니다 할 말이 많습니다

Yes, I have a lot to say.

저 금황렬 한 게 더 그 전에 이야기해도 될까요?

Can I talk about my golden yellow thing before that?


Yes, yes.

제가 어제 야구장에 갔습니다

I went to the baseball stadium yesterday.

아 맞아요

Ah, that's right.

제가 빠더너스 문상훈 씨의 광팬이거든요

I am a huge fan of Paderus Moon Sang-hoon.


그래서 집에 문상훈 씨 굿즈만 해도 지금 한 3개 정도 있어요

So at home, I currently have about three pieces of Moon Sang-hoon merchandise.


그 뭐가 있냐면

What is there is…

어 모자 있고요

Oh, there's a hat.

그 다음에 티셔츠 있고요

Next, there is a T-shirt.

그 다음에 하나가 뭐였지?

What was the next one?

아 후드티

Ah, a hoodie.

후드티 하나 있습니다

I have one hoodie.


3개나 있는데

There are three of them.

진짜 좋아하시네요

You really like it, don't you?


언제부터 좋아하시나요?

Since when have you liked it?

구독자 몇 명 때부터 좋아하셨습니까?

At what number of subscribers did you start to like it?

제가 한 100명 안 될 때

When I was around 100 people.





그 유병재 씨랑 같이 나온 게 있어요

There is something that came out with Mr. Yoo Byung-jae.

아 그 엄청 옛날에 삼행시 대결할 때

Ah, back when we had a poem contest a long time ago.

웃음 참으면서

Holding back laughter


참행시 대결할 때 그거 아세요?

Do you know about the chamhaengsi competition?

그때부터 있었습니까?

Has it been there since then?

그 스윙스 삼행시 그 유명한 거 아세요?

Do you know the famous acrostic poem about Swings?

스윙스 아닙니다

It's not Swings.

윙스 아닙니다 한 다음에 문상훈입니다

It’s not Wings, it’s Moon Sang-hoon after that.

이렇게 하는 거 있거든요

There's a way to do it like this.

시적 허용으로

poetic license

기억은 합니다

I remember.


Do you remember?

네 그래서 그때부터 너무 이분이 좋은 거예요

Yes, so from that time on, I really liked this person.

그래서 이분은 그때부터

So this person has been from that time onwards.

그때는 진짜 초창기긴 한데요

It was really the early days back then.

진짜 초창기

Really in the early days.

그때 뭐가 있었냐면

At that time, there was something.

문상훈 대스타 만들기 프로젝트라고 해서

It's called the Mun Sang-hoon Superstar Project.


Moon Dae-man

근데 대를 뇌로 발음하면 안 되거든요

But you can't pronounce "대" as "brain."

그런 프로젝트가 있었어요

There was a project like that.


아 그때는?

Oh, what about at that time?



From that time on

그때부터 전 좋아했습니다

Since then, I've liked you.

찐팬이시네 인정합니다

You're a true fan, I acknowledge that.

아무튼 근데 그랬던 사람이

Anyway, but someone who was like that

막 남산 이런 데 올라가가지고

Just going up places like Namsan.

왜 구독자가 안 느냐

Why aren't the subscribers increasing?

구독 좀 해라

Please subscribe.

뭐 이런 영상이 있어요

What kind of video is this?


아무튼 저도 엄청 기원을 많이 했는데

Anyway, I also made a lot of wishes.

지금 100만 유튜버잖아요

You’re a YouTuber with 1 million subscribers now.



근데 실제로 본 적이 한 번도 없는 거예요

But I've never actually seen it before.

근데 이번에 문상훈 씨가 LG 트윈스 팬이어가지고

But this time, Moon Sang-hoon is an LG Twins fan.

야구장에 방문을 하셨거든요

You visited the baseball stadium.


그래가지고 제가 보러 갔는데

So I went to see it.


문상훈 씨가 가다가 넘어지시는 거예요

Mr. Moon Sang-hoon is falling down while walking.

마운드로 열심히 뛰어가시다가 넘어지시는 거예요

You're running hard to the mound and then you fall.

제가 캠코더로 찍어놔서 영상도 있습니다

I recorded it with my camcorder, so I have a video as well.


You fell down.

한 번 구경해 주십시오

Please take a look at it once.

저는 와 이 역시 코미디언 다르다

I am wow, this is also a different comedian.

이 퍼포먼스를 준비하셨구나

You prepared this performance, huh?

이렇게 생각해가지고 저는

Thinking like this, I...

막 그 카메라에 담겨있을 거예요

It will be captured right in that camera.

막 문상훈 귀여워

Mak Moon-sang is cute!

막 이런 걸 외쳤던 그런 기억이 있는데

I have memories of shouting things like this.

알고 보니까

As it turns out

연출이 아니었던가요?

Wasn't it a production?

달려가다가 아킬레스건이 끊어졌어요

I tore my Achilles tendon while running.

웃으시면 안 돼요

You shouldn't smile.

슬픈 이야기예요

It's a sad story.

아 죄송합니다

Oh, I'm sorry.

웃으시면 안 돼요

You shouldn't smile.

아 문상훈 씨 죄송합니다

Ah, Mr. Moon Sang-hoon, I'm sorry.

인스타에 그런 이야기가 있어요

There are stories like that on Instagram.

자기가 그렇게 올렸어요

They posted it like that.

인류 최초 아킬레스건 끊어진 상태에서 시구한 남자

The man who threw the first pitch in history with a ruptured Achilles tendon.

뭐 이런 이야기

What kind of story is this?

아 이거 웃으면 안 되는 거죠

Ah, this is something we shouldn't laugh about, right?

웃기긴 하죠

It's funny, isn't it?

그래서 막 응급실을 실려가는 사진도 올려놓고 그러셨더라고요

So they even posted a photo of themselves being taken to the emergency room.

너무 재밌었을 것 같아요

It must have been so much fun.

그래서 엄청 재밌었고

So it was really fun.

뼛속까지 개그맨이다

He is a comedian to the core.

심지어 경기도 졌어요

Even Gyeonggi-do lost.

LG가 졌어요

LG lost.

역전패 당했습니다

We suffered a comeback defeat.

그래서 승리 요정도 하지 못하셔서요

So you couldn't even achieve victory, huh?

진짜 너무 좋았다

It was really so good.

근데 그 모든 것들이 그냥 너무 재밌는 에피소드인 것 같아서

But it seems like all those things are just really funny episodes.

저도 문상훈 씨 덕분에 즐거운 경험했어요

Thanks to Moon Sang-hoon, I also had a great experience.

추억을 하나 또 만들어 주네요

You're creating another memory for me.


That's right.

그래서 어제 너무 즐거웠고요

So I had a great time yesterday.


So cute.

보여주나 보여주나

Do you show it or not?

뭔데 뭔데

What is it, what is it?




What is it?


I don't know.


Wind up


Moon Sang-hoon


So cute.

그래서 집가는 길에 아쉬워가지고

So on the way home, I felt regretful.

피시방가서 또 피파를 좀 했네요

I went to the PC room and played some FIFA again.




You can't do it, right?

아 죄송합니다

Oh, I'm sorry.

아 여기서 좀 순화해서 표현해야 되죠

Oh, I need to express this a bit more gently here.

전 못하긴 하는데 가끔 이기잖아요

I can't do it, but sometimes I win.

이런식으로 하시면 저 풉니다

If you do it this way, I will laugh.

영상 많은데

There are a lot of videos.


Let's restrain ourselves.

서로 좋을게 없잖아요

There's nothing good for either of us.

싸우려고 나온 자리 아닙니까

Isn't this place meant for fighting?

화합하고 소통하려고 나온 자리입니까

Is this a place to come together and communicate?

피파도 했구요

I also played FIFA.

제가 최근에 또 롤 드디어 실버를 갔습니다

I finally reached Silver in League of Legends recently.

제가 계속 브론즈에 있다가

I have been stuck in bronze.

언제 갔습니까

When did you go?


The day before yesterday?

저번주에 갔어요

I went last week.

근데 유지하고 있습니까

But are you maintaining it?

잔뜩 신나가지고 어제 3판을 돌렸는데 3판 내리다 졌어요

I was really excited and played 3 rounds yesterday, but I lost all 3 rounds.

그래서 다시 떨어지셨습니까

So, did you fall again?

아니요 마지막 한판 남았습니다 한발

No, there is one game left. One shot.

무서워서 다시 끄고 나왔습니다 집에

I got scared, so I turned it off and came out of the house.

집에 돌아왔습니다

I have returned home.

아 롤이라는 게임은 참 신기한거 같아요

I think the game called League of Legends is really fascinating.

저는 하지 않는 사람 입장으로서

As someone who does not do it,

많은 남자들 매혹시켰잖아요

You captivated many men.

이 게임이

This game is

궁금합니다 어떤 느낌인지

I'm curious about what it feels like.


Don't do it.

그 고등학교 때

During those high school years.

친구들이 이제 롤을 한번 해보자

Let's play LoL (League of Legends) now, friends.

이렇게 말했는데

I said it like this.

안한게 정말 다행이라고 생각이 들거든요

I really think it's a relief that I didn't do it.

아 저도 최선의 선택이다

Ah, that's also the best choice for me.

그런 칭찬을 많이 들었어요

I have heard a lot of such compliments.


I didn't do it.


I agree.

저는 궁금해요 이제는 어느정도길래

I'm curious about how long it is now.

지금 와서 이야기하는게 너무 좀 웃길수도 있는데

It might sound really funny to talk about it now, but...

오래된 게임이니까

Because it's an old game.

근데 저는

But I...

멀리서 지켜보는 사람 입장으로서

From the perspective of someone watching from a distance.

궁금하긴 합니다

I am curious.

맨날 댓글로도 열심히 싸우시잖아요

You always fight hard in the comments, don't you?

댓글로 안싸우고요 채팅으로 많이 싸우죠

We don't fight in the comments, we argue a lot in the chat.

저는 잘 안싸웁니다

I don't fight much.

안싸우고 그분한테 권유드리죠

Let's suggest it to that person without fighting.

다른 게임을 하시는게 어떤가

How about playing a different game?

제 팀인데 너무 못하시면

It's my team, but if you do it too poorly...

저는 그분한테도 안좋고

I feel bad about that person too.

같이 만난 팀원한테도 안좋잖아요

It's not good for the team members we met together either.



최대한 상냥하게 권유드리는 편이에요

I tend to suggest as kindly as possible.


In what way?

많이 말합니까

Do you talk a lot?

게임이라는게 다양한 종류가 있지 않습니까

Isn't it true that there are various types of games?

RPG게임 이런거

RPG games like this.


I recommend you.

RPG게임은 컨트롤 그다지 필요하지 않잖아요

RPG games don't require much control, do they?

어떤 게임을 사랑하는

Loving a certain game.

그런 어떤 마음

That kind of feeling.

자신의 캐릭터를 아끼는 마음만 있으면

As long as you have a fondness for your character.

충분한 게임들이 많아요

There are plenty of good games.

아 이거 샷건치기에도 애매한

Ah, this is awkward even for shotgunning.


It's a chat.

기분은 나쁜데

I'm in a bad mood.

첫번째 방법은

The first method is

롤을 그만 두시는 걸 권해드려요

I recommend that you stop playing League of Legends.

롤 하고 있는데요

I'm playing League of Legends.

롤을 마지막 파일을 생각하시라고

Think of the last file in the role.

그런 느낌으로

With that kind of feeling.

현생에 더 집중하시면

If you focus more on the present life

더 올바른 방향으로 갈 수 있는 거죠

We can go in a more correct direction.

선도하는 거죠

It's leading.

제가 뒷처리는 하겠다

I'll take care of the cleanup.

남은 롤에서의 일은

What remains to be done in the role?

저희한테 맡기고

Leave it to us.

여기를 떠나셔도 좋다

You can leave here if you'd like.

이런식으로 권유를 많이 드립니다

I often make suggestions this way.


I see.



저는 욕은 안합니다

I don't swear.


That's very gentlemanly.

근데 어떤 분들은 화가 나셔가지고

But some people are getting angry.

저한테 막

To me, just like that.

부모님 맞냐고 물어보고

Asking if they are my parents.

그런 분들도 계시잖아요

There are people like that too.

대부분 제가 생각했던 이미지는

Most of the images I had in mind were

노래에서의 싸움은

The fight in the song is

부모님 안부도 여쭙고

Please give my regards to your parents.

되게 거친 욕을 사용하면서

Using very harsh language

싸우는 걸로 생각했는데

I thought it was a fight.

이런 사람도 있군요

There are such people too.

그래서 욕을 진짜 안하고

So I really don't curse.

시작하기 전에

Before we start

롤에서 제일 기분 좋을 때가

The best feeling in League of Legends is when


When is it?

시작하고 1분 사이거든요

It's between the start and one minute.

아무일도 안 벌어졌을 때

When nothing happened.

그때는 모두가 착해요

At that time, everyone is kind.

제가 막 이상한 소리해도 다 받아주거든요

I accept even if I say something strange.

그럼 제가

Then I will.

여러분 오늘 하루도 즐거운 하루였나요?

Did everyone have a pleasant day today?

뭐 이런거 여쭙고

Why are you asking about something like this?

오늘도 여러분들이

Today, you all...

행복한 나날이었길 바래요

I hope it was a happy day.

그러면 갈등이 시작되는 지점이

Then the point where the conflict begins is

보통 어느정도

Usually to some extent.

지점이 어느정도냐면

How far is the point?

정글에 개입

Intervention in the jungle

정글에 개입해서

Intervening in the jungle


Our team is

뭐 예를 들어서

For example,

제가 이기고 있었어요 만약에 바텀 라인전이에요

I was winning, but it's a bottom lane match.

바텀이라는게 이제

What is now called "bottom"

원딜하고 서포터 이렇게 있잖아요

There are the ADC and the support, you know.

근데 원딜 서포터 간의 대결에서는

But in the duel between AD carry and support,

우리팀이 이기고 있는데

Our team is winning.

상대 정글이 갑자기 와버려서 내가 죽었네?

The enemy jungler suddenly came and I died, huh?

그때부터 시작이죠 그런거죠

That's when it all begins, right?

어? 우리 정글은 어디있었을까?

Huh? Where could our jungle be?



우리 아니면 뭐 상대

If it's not us, then who else?

미드 라이너가

Mid laner

미드에서 내려왔어요

I came down from the mid.

근데 보통 이제 핑을 확인해야되는데

But usually, you need to check the ping.

이제 낮은 티어에 있는 분들은

Now those who are in the lower tiers are

핑을 잘 확인 못합니다

I can't check the ping well.

자기 할일이 바쁘니까요

I'm busy with my own tasks.

그러면 이제

Then now

죽고나서 핑 체크를 해요

I check the ping after I die.

이분이 과연 핑을 줬을까? 안줬네?

Did this person really give a ping? They didn't, did they?

어? 우리 미드 사실이 아닐까?

Huh? Could it be that our mid is not real?

그런 의문들이 들기 시작하면

When such questions begin to arise,

서로 싸우기 시작하죠

They start to fight each other.


That's right.

무서운데요 근데?

It's scary, isn't it?

안하시는걸 추천드려요

I recommend you not to do it.


FIFA is.

건전한 편이네요 되게

It's quite healthy.

제가 그리고 옛날에 피파에서도

I used to play FIFA back in the day as well.

제가 한때 조금 엄청

I was once a little amazing.

뭐랄까 비관적이었던 때가 있었거든요

There was a time when I was somewhat pessimistic.

인생을 좀 비관적으로

A somewhat pessimistic view of life.

바라볼 때가 있었어요

There were times when I looked at you.


It was when I was preparing to retake the exam.

그때 피파를 하고있으면

If I were playing FIFA at that time

막 골 먹히면

If you suddenly get scored on.

막 약간 노홍철식으로

Just a bit in the style of Noh Hong-chul.


I wrapped up the meeting.

와 난 쓰레기야

Wow, I'm a mess.

난 공부도 못하고 피파도 못하네?

I can't study, and I can't play FIFA either?

나가 죽어야돼

I have to go die.

그런 이야기를 그냥 거기다 찼어요

I just kicked that story right there.

근데 그분이 저한테 갑자기 이런 말을 하는거에요

But that person suddenly said this to me.

그런 말씀 하시는거 아니라고

That's not something you should say.

진짜 진지하게 그분이

Really seriously, that person...

상려편 분이 저한테

The person from Sangnyeo-ri told me.

조금 훈기를 해주셨어요

You gave me a little encouragement.

부모님이 이런 이야기 들으면

If my parents hear stories like this

얼마나 속상해 하실 것 같냐

How upset do you think he/she will be?

앞으로는 그런 이야기 하지 마세요

Please don't say things like that in the future.

그때 깨달았습니다

I realized it then.

아 이런거는 게임에서라도 하면 안되는구나

Ah, I shouldn't do things like this even in a game.

그때 이후로 저는

Since then, I have

진짜 최대한 욕도 안하고 비관적이야기 안하고

I'm really trying my best not to curse or talk negatively.



너무 빠지면 좋지 않은 것 같습니다

I don't think it's good to get too immersed.

어 그런식으로

Oh, like that.

본인이 지금 엄청 많이 빠져요

I am currently very much into it.

본인 옛날에 학교 화장시절때

When I was in school a long time ago during my makeup days.

피파 제일 오래한 기록 뭐에요?

What is the oldest record in FIFA?

몇시간까지 해봤어요?

How many hours have you tried?

저녁먹고 7시부터 피씨방에 갔죠

I went to the PC room after dinner at 7 o'clock.

잠시만요 그때 여자친구 있었던 때인가요?

Hold on, was that when you had a girlfriend?


There was.

중요한가요 그게?

Is that important?

그냥 궁금해서요

I'm just curious.

중요한 요소가 될 수 있죠

It can be an important factor.

하지만 연락은 계속 했죠 게임할 동안

But we kept in touch while playing the game.

그래서 새벽 5시정도까지 많이 했었죠

So we did a lot until about 5 a.m.



그 피파3에

In that FIFA 3

지금 피파4에 초기 때

Right now, it's like the early days of FIFA 4.

사람들이 많이 안할때

When not many people do it.

그때 많이 팠었죠

At that time, we dug a lot.

제일 높게 올라갈때가 뭐죠?

When is the highest point reached?

챔피언스까지 갔었죠

We made it to the Champions.

챔피언스가 최고레벨인가요?

Is a champion the highest level?

그럼 상위 몇퍼센트 안에 드신거죠?

Then you must be in the top few percent, right?

정확히는 모르는데

I'm not exactly sure.

1등부터 1000등까지 이렇게가

This is how it goes from 1st place to 1000th place.



1000등 안에 들었답니다

I ranked within the top 1000.

좀 치시네요

You're hitting a bit.

네 지금 부끄럽습니다 왜 그렇게 많이 했었는지

Yes, I am embarrassed right now about why I did so much.

10시간은 좀 빡세긴 해요

Ten hours is a bit tough.

근데 안 질려요?

But don't you get tired of it?

저는 게임할 때

When I play games

저만의 세계를 만들면서 게임을 해요

I create my own world while playing games.

제가 감독이잖아요

I am the director.

그 안에 있는 선수들과의 개개인의 관계를 맺고 있어요

I am building individual relationships with the players inside.

저만 이렇게 하나요?

Am I the only one doing this?

그래서 저는 혼자 피씨방 가는게

So I prefer going to the PC room alone.

엄청 좋거든요

It's really good.

아 그럼 만약에

Ah, then what if...

팀에 마샬 선수가 잘 못한다

Marshall is not doing well in the team.

그러면 마샬한테 말하나요?

So should I tell Marshall?

제 머릿속에서 이야기를 만듭니다

I create stories in my head.

마샬과 개인 면담을 하고

Having a private meeting with Marshall.

피파인데 FM 하시는거네요?

So you're playing FM even though you're into FIFA?

그렇죠 저는 그런식으로 게임을 해서

That's right, I play the game that way.

혼자 하는걸 되게 좋아해요

I really like doing things alone.

제가 손흥민을 피파에서 쓰고 있는데

I am using Son Heung-min in FIFA.

그 손흥민과의 관계

The relationship with Son Heung-min.

감독이 바뀌면서

As the director changed,

그 감독이 인정해주고

The director acknowledges it.

손흥민이 그 감독한테 마음을 열어서

Son Heung-min has opened his heart to that coach.

뭐 앞으로 이제

What about the future now?

득점왕도 하고

And become the top scorer.

폼이 올라왔다 이런식으로

The form has come up like this.

제가 많이 이야기를 만들어서 게임을 하기 때문에

I create a lot of stories to play games.

질리지가 않죠

It's not boring.

아 그러겠네요

Ah, I guess so.

망상이 좀 있습니다

I have some delusions.


FIFA limited edition

피파한정 N인것도 있어요?

Is there a limited edition N from FIFA?


That's amazing!

MPTI가 S인데 피파일때만 N이네요

MPTI is S, but it's N only during the P-file.

그렇게 되더라구요 게임은요

It turns out that way in the game.

배그도 이야기를 만들고

Even PUBG creates stories.

배그도 하세요?

Do you play PUBG too?

배그도 가끔 했었죠 예전에

I used to play PUBG sometimes back in the day.

그래서 저는 친구들이랑 많이 가기보다는

So I go out less often with my friends.


Go alone.

망상하면서 게임하는걸 좋아합니다

I enjoy playing games while daydreaming.

그러면 중간중간 여자친구가

Then, in between, my girlfriend...

연락오는게 그 어떤 흐름을

The contact is a flow of some sort.

끊는걸수도 있겠네요?

It could be something to cut off?

그럴때도 있어요

There are times like that too.

말이 곱게 안나갈때도 있는데

There are times when words don't come out beautifully.

그럴때 되게 미안해요 여자친구한테

I'm really sorry to my girlfriend at times like that.

살짝 좀 짜증난 투로 말할때가 있다

There are times when I talk in a slightly annoyed tone.

그게 되게

That’s really

그 당시에는 너무 화가나서

I was so angry back then.

게임에 대해서 곱게 안나갈수도 있잖아요

You might not be able to go gently about the game.

근데 이제 그게 언제 생각나냐면

But now, when do I think of that?

컴퓨터를 껐을때 생각이 나요

I think about it when I turn off the computer.

그것도 게임 끝났을때도 아니고

Not even when the game is over.

컴퓨터를 끄고 집에 갈때

When turning off the computer and going home.

되게 미안하더라구요

I felt really sorry.

그럼 바로 사과하나요?

So, are you apologizing right away?

아 또 그 당시

Ah, back then.

자고있어가지고 여자친구가

My girlfriend is sleeping.

그때까지 게임을 하는거에요 그러니까

I'm going to keep playing games until then, so...

되게 그럴때

At a time like that.

이 자리를 빌어서 사과 한번 해주세요

Please take this opportunity to apologize.

그렇게 미안하진 않은게

I'm not that sorry about it.

또 이게 해보면 이해가 될거에요

If you try it, you will understand.

여자친구도 이해해줄거라 믿습니다

I believe my girlfriend will understand too.

그 상황이 되면은

When that situation arises

조금 이어서 이야기를 해보자면

To continue the conversation a bit...

또 맨유팬이시잖아요

You're a Manchester United fan too, right?


That's right.

요즘 맨유가 좀 못하잖아요

These days, Manchester United isn't performing very well.

아 근데 저 궁금한게 있는데 그전에

Oh, but I have something I'm curious about before that.

FM 해보셨어요?

Have you tried FM?

옆에서 하는거만 보지 제가 직접 한적은 없습니다

I've only watched it being done next to me; I've never done it myself.

아 근데 하면 좀 겁나서 안하시는거에요?

Oh, but are you not doing it because you feel a bit scared?

아니요 그 좀 어려워보여가지고

No, it seems a bit difficult.

게임 자체가

The game itself.

아이패드로 할 수 있는데

You can do it with an iPad.


Is that so?

제가 선물해드릴까요? 다음 생일선물로?

Shall I gift you something? For your next birthday gift?

아 괜찮습니다 거기 또 너무 빠질까봐 두렵네요

Ah, it's okay. I'm just scared of getting too immersed in it again.

그럴거 같긴해요 업무를 제쳐두고

I think that might be the case, putting work aside.

본업을 제쳐두고

Setting aside my main job

2,3교시 자습이다 선생님은

It's self-study during the 2nd and 3rd periods, teacher.

잠깐 손흥민과 면담해야되서

I need to have a brief meeting with Son Heung-min.

아 그정도는 아닙니다

Oh, it's not that much.

그렇게 빠지진 않습니다

It doesn't fall that easily.

아 죄송해요 제가 조금 호도했네요

Ah, I'm sorry, I got a little carried away.


I'm sorry.

돌아가서 맨유가

Going back to Manchester United.

요즘 좀 못하잖아요

I've been a bit off lately.

기분이 어떠세요?

How do you feel?

아 그럼 맨유를

Ah, then Manchester United.

얼마나 좋아하셨죠? 몇년간?

How much did you like it? For how many years?

어 두개의 대답을 동시에 하면 될것같은게

It seems like I could answer both questions at the same time.

그 예를들어서

For example,

그런 마음이죠

That's the feeling.

부모가 자식이 잠깐 잘못했을때

When a parent reacts to a child who has made a mistake for a moment.

버리지 않는것처럼

As if not to throw it away.

저도 맨유를 오랫동안 사랑해왔기 때문에

I have loved Manchester United for a long time as well.

지금 잠깐 못한다고 해서

Just because I can't do it right now.

맨유가 싫다거나

I don't like Man U.

증오한다거나 그러지 않습니다

I don't hate or anything like that.

그럼 제가 맹구라고 했을때 기분이 어떠세요?

How do you feel when I call you "Manggu"?

좀 선 넘나요?

Am I overstepping a bit?

맹구라는걸 제일 싫어합니다

I hate being called a fool.



9등 했을때가 있었거든요

There was a time when I placed 9th.



무리뉴 시절에

During the Mourinho era


It was tough.


It's a dark period.

진짜 맹구였네요

You were really a fool.

그때 맹구가 그 맹구인가요?

Is that the Mang-goo from back then?


That's right.

그정도로 못했을때

When I couldn't do it that well.

물론 허당 계속 쳐서 맹구라고

Of course, he keeps getting hit and called a fool.

든것도 있지만 정말 9등을 찍더라구요

There are things, but they really scored 9th place.


At that time.

무리뉴 감독 되게 좋아하거든요

I really like Coach Mourinho.

그런데 뭔가

By the way, something...

맹유 역대 감독중에

Among the historical managers of the Myeongyu.

그 당시가 경기가 제일 재미없지 않았나

Wasn't that period the least interesting in the game?

이 생각은 들어요

I'm thinking about this.

테나 경기는 재밌잖아요

Tennis matches are fun, right?

테나거나 솔샤르나

Ten Hag or Solskjær

재밌었어요 공격축구니까

It was fun since it was attacking football.

솔샤르 한때 좀 잘했는데

Solskjær did pretty well at one point.

FM을 열심히해서

I am working hard on FM.

FM스타일로 감독했잖아요

I directed it in an FM style.

그래서 맹유는 얼마나 좋아하셨죠?

So how much did you like Mangyu?



중학교 1학년때부터 좋아했으니까요

I've liked you since the first year of middle school.


11년 정도

About 11 years.


That's impressive.

그러면 중간에 팀을 바꾸거나

Then, change teams in the middle or

이런적은 없나요?

Haven't you ever experienced this?

전혀 없죠

Not at all.

다만 지금은 손흥민이

However, right now, Son Heung-min is...

토트넘에서 뛰고 있기 때문에

Because I am playing for Tottenham.

토트넘을 응원하지만

I support Tottenham, but...

그래도 1순위는 맹유입니다

Still, the first priority is Mangyu.

맹유랑 토트넘이 붙으면 맹유 응원하세요?

Will you support Manchester United if they face Tottenham?

이것도 항상 어려운데

This is always difficult too.

사실 맹유가 이겼으면 좋겠는데

Actually, I hope Mangyu wins.


Son Heung-min

헤트릭 정도는 했으면 좋겠다

I hope to score at least a hat trick.

4대3으로 맹유가 이겼으면 좋겠다?

I hope Mangyu wins 4 to 3.

손흥민이 빛나는 포지션이고

Son Heung-min shines in his position.

결과는 맹유가 가져가고

The result will be taken by Maengyu.

손흥민이 주장인데 괜찮으시겠어요?

Is it okay that Son Heung-min is the captain?

주장이 되니까

Because it becomes an assertion.

토트넘에 대한 애정이 조금 더 생기긴 하더라고요

I have developed a little more affection for Tottenham.

그리고 잘하잖아요 주장도

And you argue well too.

그렇죠 잘하죠

That's right, you're doing well.

감당 가능하신가요?

Can you handle it?

그렇지만 그래도 저는

But still, I...

맹유는 저의 삶의 원동력이에요

Mangyu is the driving force of my life.

맹유로부터 많이 열정을 얻어요

I get a lot of passion from Mangyu.


The concept of "one team."

처음으로 느낀게 맹유라는 팀이고

The first thing I felt was that it was a team called Mangyu.

그걸로부터 제가

From that, I...

예를 들어 맹유가 이겨서

For example, if Myeongyu wins,

열정적인 모습을 보인다

Shows a passionate appearance.

그러면 그게 다음날 제 인생에도 영향을 미치더라고요

Then that seemed to affect my life the next day as well.

아 진짜요?

Oh really?

기분이 달라져 버리니까

Because my mood has changed.

요즘 계속 우울하신가요?

Are you feeling depressed these days?

차분해졌죠 많이

I've become much calmer.

맹유가 차분하게

Mang Yu calmly

만들어지고 있습니다

It is being made.

왜냐면 풀영상을 잘 못보겠어요

Because I can't watch the full video well.

그럼 요즘은 풀영상

Then these days, it's full video.

원래 취미가

Originally a hobby is

새벽에 경기 못보면

If you can't watch the game early in the morning.

경기 결과를 모른채로

Without knowing the game results.

풀영상 보는게 취미였잖아요

I used to have a hobby of watching full videos, right?

그런데 이제는 기대를 안하니까

But now I'm not expecting anything.

하이라이트 정도 보고 있는데

I'm just watching the highlights.

하이라이트도 좀 마음이 아프잖아요

The highlights can also be a bit painful, you know.


That's right.

계속 이번 미넨전도 보니까 계속 두드려 맞던데요

I keep seeing that they keep getting beaten in this match against Munich.

그 언급은 안해주셨으면 좋겠습니다

I would prefer if you didn't mention that.

어느 팀 좋아하시죠?

Which team do you like?


What is it?


In the EPL?

아스날 좋아합니다

I like Arsenal.

3년전까지는 리버풀 아니었나요?

Wasn't it Liverpool until three years ago?

왜 갈아타셨죠?

Why did you switch?

제가 리버풀을 탈덕하게 된 계기가 있는데

There is a reason why I became disillusioned with Liverpool.

예전에 리버풀이 한번

Once, Liverpool.

그런적이 있습니다

That has happened.

일본의 우길기를

Japan's Rising Sun Flag

인스타에 올렸는데

I posted it on Instagram.

아 맞아요 그런적이 있었죠

Ah, that's right, that did happen.

그때 이후로 왠지 떨어져 버렸어요

Since that time, it feels like we've somehow drifted apart.


I acknowledge it.

근데 그 전에는

But before that,

원래는 리버풀을 그렇게 안좋아했는데

I originally didn't like Liverpool that much.

리버풀을 좋아하게 된 계기는 클로비였습니다

The reason I became a fan of Liverpool was because of Klopp.

제가 클로비라는 사람을 엄청 멋있다고 생각하고

I think a person named Clove is really cool.

뭔가 좀 뭐랄까

It's kind of... how should I put it?

인간적인 태도나 열정 이런것들이 너무 멋있어서

The human attitude and passion are just so awesome.

클로비를 좋아하다 보니까

Because I like Clovi.

리버풀로 따라오게 됐고

I ended up following to Liverpool.

그래서 리버풀이라는 데에 조금 애정을 가지고 있다가

So I have a bit of affection for a place called Liverpool.

이제 그 사건 이후로

Since that incident.

그냥 좋아하는 팀이 없다시피 했는데

I almost have no favorite team.

제가 이제 군대 동기 중에 한명이

One of my military colleagues is now...

아스날에 한 비슷한 느낌이에요

It feels somewhat like Arsenal.

한 10년정도 팬이에요

I've been a fan for about 10 years.

아스날 그 암흑기를 다 견뎠습니다

Arsenal has endured that dark period.

그 사스날

That Sasnal.


You are amazing.

벵거 마지막

The last of Wenger.

그 다음에 에메리

Then Emery.

아마 장기연애 하실 것 같아요

You will probably have a long-term relationship.


Is that correct?

연애는 또 장기연애까지 안되더라구요

Dating doesn't usually lead to long-term relationships.

뚝심 있으신 분이라

Someone with determination.

암튼 그래서

Anyway, so

그분을 계속 보다가

While I kept seeing that person

나도 아스날 한번 좋아해봐야 되겠다

I should try liking Arsenal for once.



그래서 작년 시즌부터 좋아하게 된거죠

So I've come to like it since last season.

그게 아니라

Not that.

1등 팀 좋아하는거 아닌가요?

Don't you like the first-place team?

작년에 1등이었잖아요

You were first place last year, right?

근데 제가 1경기 때부터 좋아했어요

But I liked you since the first game.

그렇기 때문에 그렇게 표현할 수는 없죠

That's why it can't be expressed that way.

그 마음이 근데

But that heart...

100% 였습니까?

Was it 100%?

1경기 때부터

From the first match

좋아하기로 마음먹었으니까

Since I've made up my mind to like you.

아스날 역사는 잘 모르시겠네요

It seems you don't know much about Arsenal's history.

조금 알아요 그래도

I know a little, still.

아스날 구스인가?

Is it Arsenal Goose?


That kind.

정확한 이름은 모르겠는데

I don't know the exact name, but...

모르시네 잠깐만요

You don't know? Just a moment.

네이버 팬카페가 있습니다

There is a Naver fan cafe.



정회원입니다 저

I am a full member.

정회원 하려면 아스날 좋아하게 된 계기부터

To become a full member, you need to start with the reason you came to like Arsenal.

가장 좋아하는 선수 이런거 다 적어야 되거든요

You have to write down things like your favorite player.

가장 좋아하는 선수 누구 적었습니까?

Who did you write as your favorite player?

기억이 안나요

I don't remember.

앙리 적으신거 아니죠?

You didn't write about Henri, did you?

벵거 그냥 좋아한다고 적었어요

I just wrote that I like Wenger.

벵거 인정입니다

It's a recognition of Wenger.

벵거 다큐 보셨어요?

Have you seen the Wenger documentary?

아니요 안 봤습니다

No, I haven't seen it.

제가 전에 아스날에서 역사를 되돌아보는 그런걸 찍었는데

I filmed something looking back at the history of Arsenal before.

벵거가 후회하더라구요

Wenger regrets it.

아스날에 계속 남아있던걸 후회했어요

I regret staying at Arsenal.

오 그래요?

Oh really?

근데 저는 이해가 되요

But I understand.

왜냐면 그 화려했던 순간은 초반이잖아요

Because that splendid moment is at the beginning.


That's right.

그 뒤로는

Since then

근데 딱 그 이후 시점부터는

But right after that point...

새로운 구장을 짓기 시작하면서

As we started building a new stadium.

재정적인 서포트를 못받았잖아요

I haven't received financial support.

자기가 원하는 축구를 사실상 못했어요

He really couldn't play the football he wanted.

근데 욕은 먹고

But I get criticized.

그걸 계속 다 받아 냈잖아요

You kept accepting all of that, didn't you?

그러니까 그

So that means the...

순간에 대한 기억 추억으로

Memories of the moment.

그걸 다 견딘거잖아요

You endured all of that, right?

얼마나 힘들었겠어요

It must have been really difficult.

그래서 이해가 되더라구요

So I understood.

그래서 그때 당시에 막 엄청

So at that time, it was just really...

좋은 팀들한테 엄청

A lot to great teams.

수많은 오퍼가 왔대요

They say many offers have come in.

막 독일 국대 뭐 이런데도 오고

Even the German national team comes to places like this.

그랬던걸로 저는 들었는데

I heard it was like that.

그런걸 했으면

If you had done that

지금의 벵거는 없었겠지만

There wouldn't have been a Wenger like now.

벵거 개인의 인생은 더 좋았겠다

Benger's personal life would have been better.

이런 생각이 들죠

You might have this thought.

암튼 그런 벵거가 있기 때문에

Anyway, it's because of that Wenger.

지금의 아스날 아르테타가 있는게 아닌가

Isn't Arteta the current Arsenal?

싶기도 하고 그렇습니다

I want to, but at the same time, I don't.

아르테타 감동도 대단한거 같아요

I think Arteta's emotion is quite impressive.

저 꽤 그걸 좀 알죠

I know quite a bit about that.

얕긴 한데요 그래도 최근에

It's shallow, but recently...

공부하신 느낌은 있는데

It feels like you've been studying.

열심히 하셨네요 공부

You worked hard studying.

저도 했습니다

I did it too.

요즘 기분이 좋습니다

I'm feeling good these days.

경기력이 그냥 출중합니다

The performance is just outstanding.


You did well.

저 개인적으로 그 아스날

Personally, that Arsenal.

두명이 핵심이라고 생각합니다

I believe two people are key.


Who is it?



너무 잘하죠

You're doing so well!

솔직히 부럽습니다

Honestly, I'm jealous.

영입을 너무 잘했어요

You did a great job with the recruitment.

카세미르랑 좀 비교되긴 해요

It does get compared to Casimir a bit.


With rice.

카세미르 연구를 갑자기 왜 하시죠?

Why are you suddenly doing research on Casimir?

카세미르 요즘 폼이 떨어졌으니까

Kasemir has been off form lately.

같은 약간 숨이 아닌가요?

Isn't it just the same breath?

같은 포지션이니까

Because it's the same position.

저는 카세미르를 진짜 위대한 선수를 생각하는데

I truly think Casemiro is a great player.

제 생각에는 폼은 일시적이지만

In my opinion, form is temporary, but

클래스는 영원하기 때문에

Class is eternal.

중요한 경기에서 한골씩 해줄거에요

I will score a goal each in important matches.

미넨 경기에서도 두골 카세미르가 넣은거 아닌가요?

Did Casemiro score two goals in the Munich match as well?



그래도 팀의 정신적 지지역을 계속 하고 있다

Still, I continue to maintain the team's mental support.

없으면 안되는 선수이긴 하죠

He is definitely an indispensable player.



한마디만 조금 첨언해도 될까요?

May I add just a word?


It's scary, isn't it?

세월을 이길 순 없다

Time cannot be defeated.

어쩔 수 없죠 그건

It can't be helped.


It's so cruel.

저는 멋있다고 생각합니다

I think it's cool.

하지만 맨유가 영입정책을 바꿀 필요는 있어요

However, Manchester United needs to change its recruitment policy.

그러니까 항상

So always


Because it's urgent.

지금 여러 선수들이

Several players are currently...

선수한테 여러 경기에서

In several matches against the opponent.

인정받은 선수를 영입하잖아요

You acquire a recognized player.

이미 검증된 선수를 영입하잖아요

You are acquiring players who have already been verified.

근데 너무 조급한거 같아요 제가 봤을때

But I think you seem too impatient.


Look far ahead.

이번 라이스 영입한것처럼 아스날에서

Just like the Rice signing, Arsenal...

좀 젊고

A little younger.

앞으로 미래가 밝은

A bright future ahead.

그런 젊은 선수들을

Such young players

영입하는것도 좋지 않을까

Wouldn't it be good to recruit?

생각이 듭니다

I have a thought.

이번에 김민재 놓친것도 굉장히 아쉬워요

I feel very sorry about missing out on Kim Min-jae this time.

근데 그거는 약간 문제도 있지 않나요?

But doesn't that have some problems as well?

맨유라는 구단이 지금 인수되는 과정에서

The club called Manchester United is currently in the process of being acquired.

재정적인 약간

A little financial.

지연을 덜 받는

Less delayed.

여러 문제가 복합적이긴 한데

There are 여러 problems that are complex, but...

근데 이런 시기가 다 있는거에요 구단이

But every club goes through times like this.

맨유랑 미넨경기 보면서

Watching the Manchester United vs. Bayern Munich game.

김민재 생각이 안날수가 없다

I can't help but think of Kim Min-jae.

근데 김민재 입장에서는

But from Kim Min-jae's perspective,

조금 식겁했을수도 있을거 같아요

I think it might have been a bit shocking.

내가 반대경구였다면 더 힘들었겠네

If I were the opposite party, it would have been even harder.


That's right.


이렇게 생각할수도 있죠

You could think this way.

김민재는 정말 수비에선 진짜

Kim Min-jae is truly amazing in defense.

난 선수라서

I'm an athlete.

진짜 잘하더만요 멋있습니다

You're really great at it. That's impressive!

지능적이고 빠르잖아요

You're smart and fast, aren't you?


That's right.

그냥 축잘알인거 같아요 축잘알

I think you're just a football expert, a football expert.

손흥민도 요즘 축구도사 느낌이 좀 있어요

Son Heung-min also feels like a soccer master these days.

그렇죠 뭔가 주장되고나서 플레이스타일이 바뀐거 같기도 하고

That's right, it feels like the playstyle has changed after something was claimed.

책임감이 좀 있는거 같아요

I think I have a sense of responsibility.


It's cool.

저희도 이제 3년 뒤에 월지 나갈건데

We will be going to Wolji in three years too.



갑자기 코프볼로 돌아왔네요

It suddenly came back as coppers.

이렇게 코프볼로 돌아오는거군요

So this is how it comes back to korfball.

그냥 쑥 그냥 들어오면

Just come in quietly.

빌드업 잘하신대요

They say you build up well.

그땐 제가 이제 라이스 느낌으로 해야 되겠습니다

At that time, I will have to do it with a rice feeling.

중심이잖아요 팀에

You're the center of the team.

국밥 이름도 밥이에요 어떻게

The name of the soup is also rice, how is that possible?




I feel assured.

한 끼 뚝딱

A meal in no time.

코프볼 대회가 언제있죠?

When is the korfball tournament?

코프볼 이제 제일

Korfball is now the best.

제일 이제 이른 대회는

The earliest tournament is now

내년 한 하반기쯤에 있을

It will be held around the second half of next year.

내년 하반기요?

Next year's second half?

몇명을 또 모아야되는게 있어요?

Do we need to gather a few more people?

그렇죠 지금 제 생각엔

That's right, I think so now.

12명정도 모아야될거 같아요

I think we need to gather about 12 people.

남자 6여자 6

6 men and 6 women

근데 그 바로 1년 뒤에

But exactly one year later

AOK씨가 있는데

There is Mr./Ms. AOK.

그때는 남자선수들이 몇명 군대를 가요

At that time, several male players go to the military.

동현씨 현민씨

Dong-hyun and Hyun-min.

이런 친구들이 지훈씨까지 해서

Friends like these, including Ji-hoon.

핵심 멤버가 다 떠나니까

Since all the core members have left.

그래서 그 멤버들을

So those members


A little.

보강할 수 있는 남자 멤버를 구하는게

Finding a male member who can reinforce.

급선무구요 여러가지 어려움이 있습니다

It's urgent and there are various difficulties.

일단 재학생들이 많이 들어와야겠는데

First of all, a lot of current students need to come in.

지금 재학생 몇명 들어오셨어요 그래가지고

How many current students have entered so far?

기분이 좋습니다 요즘

I’ve been feeling good lately.

훈련나가면 뉴페이스들이 좀 있어서

When I go to training, there are some new faces around.

요즘 훈련은 잘 진행되나요?

How is the training going these days?

잘 되고 있는거 같아요 시스템도 갖춰가고 있는거 같아요

It seems to be going well, and it looks like the system is being established.


With Senior Insu.


With Yoon-jin.

다들 열심히 해줘서

Thank you all for your hard work.

아주 감사합니다

Thank you very much.

그래도 유지가 되네요 계속

It still continues to be maintained.



그렇죠 이게 안죽어요

That's right, this won't die.

잡초같은 느낌입니다 잡초

It feels like a weed, a weed.


That's true.

순간 식겁했네요

I was momentarily startled.


You are absolutely right.


That's right.

행복하세요 철훈씨

Be happy, Cheol-hoon!

오늘 뭔가 되게 평화롭지 않습니까

Isn't it really peaceful today?


뭐 하고싶은 말 있나요

Is there something you want to say?

하고싶은 말이요 누구한테요

What do you want to say and to whom?

그냥 여기서 하고싶은 말

I just want to say something here.

하고싶은 말이요

I have something I want to say.

저는 약간 이럴때 살아있음을 좀 느껴요

I feel a bit alive in moments like this.

사람마다 살아있음을

Each person has their own way of being alive.



경우가 다르더라구요

It depends on the case.

어떤 사람은 음악 빵빵한데

Some people have music that is really good.

술집인데 음악 빵빵했을때 있잖아요

You know those times when the bar was really loud with music?

그런건 젊음의

That's the youth of such things.

현장에 있을때 내가 살아있음을

When I am on-site, I feel alive.

느낀다 이렇게 말하는 사람들인데

These are the people who say they feel like this.

저는 어떨때 좀 살아있음을 느끼냐면

There are times when I feel truly alive.


나무를 바라보고 있을때

When I am looking at the tree.

그 나무가 살랑살랑 움직이잖아요

That tree is swaying gently.

잠시만요 이미지 메이킹하는거 아니에요

Just a moment, I'm not making an image.

아닙니다 아닙니다

No, no.

그 나무가 살랑살랑 흔들리잖아요

That tree is swaying gently.

근데 그냥 살랑살랑 흔들리는게 아니라

But it's not just swaying gently.

그 나무 뒤에 햇빛이 비치잖아요

The sunlight is shining behind that tree.

그 햇빛이 그 나뭇잎을 통과하는것을

The sunlight passing through the leaves.

느낄 때 저는 좀 살아있음을 느껴요

When I feel it, I feel a bit alive.



거짓말인거 같은데요

I think it's a lie.

오래전부터 제가 주장해왔던것입니다

I have been insisting on this for a long time.

아 그래요 나중에 팩트체크 좀 들어가야 될거 같아요

Oh, really? I think I need to do some fact-checking later.

그럼요 그럼요

Of course, of course.

한강에 오면은 누워있잖아요

When you come to the Han River, you can just lie down.

그러면 이제 나무를 보고 있을때

Then, now that I am looking at the tree.

저는 그럴때 좀 제가 살아있음을

In those moments, I feel a sense of being alive.

그래서 아까전에 주구장창 나무사진 찍으셨군요

So that's why you were taking pictures of trees earlier.

제가 나무사진 좀 잘찍어요

I'm good at taking pictures of trees.

인물사진 잘 못찍어서 여자친구한테 욕을 좀 먹는데

I took bad portraits, so my girlfriend is giving me a hard time.



시청자들이 판단해줄거라고 믿습니다

I believe the viewers will make their own judgment.

판단 안하세요 이분들은

Aren't you judging them?

댓글로 남겨주세요

Please leave a comment.

댓글 아무도 안쓰고요 본인도 안쓰잖아요

No one writes comments, and you don't write them either.

아 좀 쓰겠습니다 저도

Oh, let me use it too.

그래 좀 쓰세요 저는

Sure, go ahead and write.

아 이런거 가끔 궁금해요 그래도

Oh, I’m sometimes curious about things like this.

몇몇 분들이 계속 구독해주시고

Some people continue to subscribe.

좋아요도 눌러주시고 이래서

Please like it and because of this.

너무 감사하네요 진짜 감사한일이고

I'm really grateful, it's truly something to be thankful for.

저희가 뭐라고 그죠

What should we say, right?


This is Lee Seung-bin.

철훈씨 아니세요

Aren't you Cheol-hoon?

그렇죠 아주 평범한 사람들이죠

That's right, they are very ordinary people.

네 그렇죠

Yes, that's right.

그래도 오랜만에 가을을 좀 느끼는거 같아요 저는

Still, I feel like I'm finally experiencing autumn after a long time.

그렇죠 이런데 안나오신지 오래되셨잖아요

That's right, it has been a long time since you've been here.




그럼 이런 말 할 수 있는거잖아요

Then you can say something like this.

진짜 안나온지 오래되가지고

It's been a long time since it came out.

그렇죠 사실

That's right, actually.

바빴잖아요 가을이 왔는지도 몰랐습니다

I was so busy that I didn't even notice autumn had come.

이문세씨의 가을이 오면

When Autumn Comes by Lee Moon-sae

노래 아시나요 한곡 불러주시죠

Do you know a song? Please sing one for us.

가을이 오면

When autumn comes

버스킹 한번 하고싶네요

I want to try busking once.

아 저는 별로

Oh, I'm not really into that.

이렇게 선을 그으시네요

You draw the line like this.

이 가을 분위기에 어울리는

suitable for this fall atmosphere

노래가 있을까요

Is there a song?

제가 요즘에 너무 똑같은 노래만 듣고있어서 추천이 필요합니다

I've been listening to the same songs lately, so I need some recommendations.

아니 추천을 하는거라고요

No, I'm making a recommendation.

하나씩 하는거라고요

I'm doing it one at a time.

아 저는 노래를 잘 안듣는데

Oh, I don't really listen to music.

아이돌 노래도 괜찮아요 그러면

Idol songs are okay then.

저는 홍박사님을 아세요

I know Dr. Hong.

아이돌이 아니잖아요

You're not an idol, right?

어쨌든 저는 노래를 잘 몰라요 추천하나 해주세요

Anyway, I don’t really know songs well. Can you recommend one?

제가 그러면

Then I'll do that.

근데 제가 듣는 노래가

But the song I'm listening to is

우울함이 베이스인 노래가 좀 있어요

There are some songs that are based on sadness.

괜찮아요 잔잔한

It's okay, calm.

신나는 리듬이지만

It's an exciting rhythm, but...

가사나 이런 분위기가

The lyrics or this kind of atmosphere.

묘하게 우울한 것들이 많거든요

There are many strangely melancholic things.

제가 가사를 안봐요

I don't look at the lyrics.

이런거 좋습니다

I like this kind of thing.

죄책감이란 노래가 있는데

There is a song called "Guilt."

이 앨범 자체가 다 좋아요

I like the entire album itself.

이런 가사는 또 처음 보네요

I've never seen lyrics like these before.

맞죠 좀 신선하죠

That's right, it's a bit fresh, isn't it?

어떤 처음 보는 가사 같아요

It feels like some lyrics I've never seen before.

저는 그래서 인디밴드들 좋아하는게

That's why I like indie bands.

이런 가사들을

These lyrics

느낄 수 있어서

Because I can feel it.

뭔가 다양한

Something diverse.

사람들의 생각을 좀

People's thoughts a bit.

접할 수 있는


되게 차가운 노래네요

It's a really cool song.


It's guilt.

너 나한테 안미안한데 그냥 죄책감 돌려

You don't feel sorry for me, so just return the guilt.

슬퍼요 근데

I'm sad, but...

그런 감정이 느껴졌다는게

That you felt such emotions.

그리고 너의 그 착한 눈동자

And your kind eyes.

와 다르게

Wow, differently.

너 사실 그렇게 착하지도 않잖아

You're not really that nice, are you?

이런 많은 상처를 받은 사람이

A person who has been hurt so much.

할 수 있는 말을 하잖아요

You say what you can say.

그래서 죄책감이란 노래는

So the song "Guilt" is

직접 경험하신 거겠죠

You must have experienced it yourself.

그렇지 않을까요

Don't you think so?

아니면 주변 친구들의 어떤 이야기를 듣고

Otherwise, by listening to some stories from around friends.

만드셨을 수도 있고

You might have made it.


That's impressive.

담백하게 하고 싶은 말 하잖아요

I want to say it straightforwardly.

그리고 저는 기교 없이

And I am without technique.

담백하게 부르는 걸 좋아해요

I like to sing in a simple and straightforward way.

듣기 편하잖아요

It's easy to listen to, right?

그런 노래를 찾게 되는 거 같아요

I feel like I end up finding songs like that.

그래서 버스커버스커도

So Busker Busker too

오래도 그럴 수 있고

It could be like that for a long time.

아까 전에 들려드렸던 토모토모는

The tomotomo I mentioned earlier is

가사가 어떤 내용이냐면

The lyrics are about what kind of content.

난 너에게 많은 걸 바라지 않았어

I didn't expect much from you.

그냥 내가 너 옆에서

I just want to be next to you.

같이 걸어주면

If you walk with me.

어느 순간에 너가 울음을 그치고

At some point, you will stop crying.

이제 괜찮다 말할 거 같았어

I thought you would say it's okay now.

이정도 가사에요

These are the lyrics.

저는 이런

I am like this.

이거를 보면

If you see this



이제 아들 둘한테 바라는 게

What I hope for my two sons now is

이런 게 아닐까

Isn't it something like this?

그러게요 대상이

That's right, the target.

누가 될 수도 있겠네요

It could be someone.

이 노래를 들으면 저는 엄마 생각이 많이 나요

When I listen to this song, I think about my mom a lot.

연인간의 이야기 아닐 수도 있겠네요

It might not be a story between lovers.

그래서 열심히 살아야 되겠다

So I need to live diligently.

이런 생각이 드는 가사입니다

These are lyrics that evoke such thoughts.

그런 가사를 잘 썼다고 저는 생각해요

I think you wrote those lyrics really well.

여러 관계에 대입할 수 있는 가사에요

It's lyrics that can be applied to various relationships.


That's right.

그 대상이 누가 돼도 이상하지 않은 가사

Lyrics that wouldn't be strange no matter who the subject is.

카톡이 왔네요

I received a KakaoTalk message.

코프볼 김인수 선배네요

It's Korfball senior Kim In-soo.



제 노래 추천은 이거고요

My song recommendation is this one.

저도 하나 해야 되나요?

Do I have to do one too?

네 하나 생각해보세요

Yes, think about it.

한번 찾아보겠습니다

I will look for it once.

저는 다비치 노래 하나 추천하겠습니다

I will recommend a song by Davichi.

기억해줘요라고 혹시 아시나요?

Do you happen to know "Remember me"?


Do you remember?


Remember me.

발라드 슬픈 노래입니다

It's a sad ballad song.

제가 이 노래를

I'm going to sing this song.

어떻게 알게 됐냐면

How did you find out?

한 해운대에 가시면

If you go to Haeundae



요트 투어가 있잖아요

There is a yacht tour.

거기에서 이제 저희 가족끼리 요트를 빌려서

We rented a yacht there with our family.


투어를 했는데

I went on a tour.

그 노래가 흘러나오는데

That song is playing.

돌아갈 때 이 노래가 나오더라고요

This song played when I was coming back.

다시 육지로 돌아갈 때

When returning to land again

근데 이제 저는 가사를 안 봐요

But now I don't look at the lyrics.

멜로디만 보기 때문에

Because I only look at the melody.

멜로디가 좋아서 추천해주고 싶은 노래입니다

It's a song with a nice melody that I want to recommend.

멜로디가 어떤가요?

How is the melody?

아련한 멜로디인데

It's a distant melody.

정말 그 멜로디 하나 보고 좋아하게 된

I really ended up liking it just because of that melody.


It's a song.

근데 가사도 좋더라고요

But the lyrics are good too.

저도 나중에 꿈이 있습니다

I also have a dream for the future.

이 노래를 만드는 건

Making this song

되게 의미있는 일이라고 생각을 해요

I think it's a really meaningful thing.





저는 어떤 노래를 만들고 싶냐면

I want to create a certain song.

신나는 노래 이런 것보다는

Rather than an exciting song,

어떤 사람이 힘들 때

When a person is having a hard time.

위로를 소소한 위로를 줄 수 있는

A small comfort that can provide solace.

노래를 만들고 싶어요

I want to make a song.

이걸로 녹음할 수 있어요

You can record with this.

그래요? 악기 연결하면 녹음 다 돼요

Really? If you connect the instrument, you can record everything.

제가 일단 작곡한 노래는

The song I composed for now is

그게 지금 전부잖아요

That's all there is right now.

코빼기 처음 시작할 때

When I first started to lose weight.

처음 시작할 때

When you first start

코빼기 시작하고 끝날 때

When it starts and when it ends.

노래를 철훈씨께서 만들어주셨습니다

The song was created by Cheol-hoon.

제가 만든 노래입니다

This is a song I made.

정말 별거 없지만 아주 잘 써주셔서

It's really nothing special, but thank you for writing it so well.

너무 잘 쓰고 있습니다 사람들이 다 좋아해주고요

I am using it very well, and everyone really likes it.

다음에는 더 좋은 노래로

Next time, with a better song.

노래 만들었다고 하면 또 놀라더라고요

They are surprised when I say I made a song.


Is that so?

정말 대충 만든 노래인데 이렇게 잘 쓸 줄은 몰랐어요

It's a song I made really casually, but I didn't know it would turn out this well.

쓸 게 이거밖에 없긴 해요

This is the only thing I can write.

그렇죠 일단 하나죠 일단

That's right, first of all, one thing.

몇 개 보내드리겠습니다

I will send you a few.

좀 더 주세요 알겠습니다

Please give me a little more. Understood.

그렇게라도 일을 해야죠 지금

I have to work like that now.

저 손 놓지 않았습니다

I haven't let go of that hand.

그래서 저희 주제가 좀 만들어 주셨으면 좋겠어요

So I hope you can create a topic for us.

어떤 느낌으로 원하시나요?

What kind of feeling do you want?

좀 희망찬 느낌 원피스

A somewhat hopeful feeling dress.

원피스 그 노래 있잖아요

There's that song from One Piece, you know?

노래는 누가 하시나요?

Who is singing the song?

직접 하시나요? 랩이 있어도 괜찮나요?

Are you doing it yourself? Is it okay if there's a rap?

네 저도 랩도 좀 합니다

Yes, I also do a bit of rap.

랩 가사는 직접 써주시길 바랍니다

Please write the rap lyrics yourself.

디스 쪽으로 가야 될까요?

Should we go this way?

아니면 희망찬 노래

Or a hopeful song.

랩 정도는 같이 피처링으로 할 만하지 않을까요?

Wouldn't it be possible to feature together for a rap?

역대 회장들 다 피처링하는 걸로 해서

Let's have all the past presidents featuring.

들을 수 없겠는데요 그러면

I won't be able to hear that then.

어디 가셨죠?

Where did you go?

네 그 분 지금

Yes, that person is now.

멀리 가셨죠?

Did you go far?

복무 나라를 위해서 성민 씨 말씀하시는 건가요?

Are you saying that Seong-min is serving the country?


진짜 멀리 가셨습니다

You really went far.

고성 이런 데 있을 겁니다

There should be a fortress like this around here.

녹음은 해서 보내주실 수 있죠?

Can you record it and send it to me?

음질이 좀 달라질 수 있겠네요

The sound quality might be a bit different.

음질이 중간에 확 바뀌겠네요

The sound quality will suddenly change in the middle.


암튼 그렇구요

Anyway, that's how it is.

이쯤에서 이제 마무리 해야 될 것 같아요

I think it's about time to wrap things up now.

네 이제 오래 했네요

Yes, it's been a long time now.

저 얼마나 한 거죠? 그건 모르겠어요

How much did I do? I don't know that.


How was it?

직접 옆에서 보니까 훨씬 재밌네요

It's much more fun to see it up close.

들었을 때보다 더 재밌어요

It's more fun than I expected.

본인도 이야기하니까

Since you mentioned it yourself,

생각보다 이야기를 잘 하시는데요

You speak quite well, more than I expected.

자주 불러주셨으면 좋겠습니다

I hope you call me often.

저도 열심히 하겠습니다

I will also do my best.

그러면 이제 나오는 빈도를 높일 때마다

Then, every time we increase the frequency of appearances,

그 수익률을

That yield.

그 수익 분배를

the distribution of those profits

조정해 주셨으면 좋겠습니다

I hope you can adjust it.

일단 그 이야기는 마이크 끄고 계속

For now, let's continue that conversation after turning off the microphone.

얘 나가보도록 하겠구요

I will go out now.

네 들어주셔서 감사합니다

Yes, thank you for listening.

그러면 이쯤에서 이제

Well then, at this point...

마무리 해보겠습니다

I will wrap it up.

첫 등장이신데

It's your first appearance.

생각보다 너무 잘하셔서 놀랐어요

I was surprised that you did so well unexpectedly.

쓸 부분이 많이 있나요?

Is there a lot to write?

그리고 생각보다 처음엔 좀 긴장하신 것 같았는데

And it seemed like you were a bit nervous at first, more than I expected.

뒤로 갈수록 긴장이 풀리셔가지고

As we went further back, you seemed to relax more.

슬슬 잘 이야기하시네요

You're starting to speak well.

여러분 이렇게 말하는 게 쉬운 게 아니더라고요

It's not easy to say this, everyone.


I'm nervous.

사실 저를 더듬는 사람이 많은데

In fact, there are many people who touch me.

엄청 잘하셨어요

You did really well.


I'm glad.

아무튼 계속 종종 나와주시길 바라겠습니다

Anyway, I hope you continue to come out often.

네 감사합니다

Yes, thank you.

그러면 여기서 마무리 하도록 하겠습니다

Then I will conclude here.

마무리 멘트가 있거든요

There is a closing remark.

조금 숨죽여 주세요

Please hold your breath a little.

코프볼을 아시나요?

Do you know about korfball?


You don't know?


It's okay.

검색창에 코프볼을 쳐보세요

Try typing "코프볼" in the search bar.

여기까지 코빼기 외전

This is the end of the Kobbagi side story.

철원씨와 함께했습니다

I was with Mr. Cheorwon.



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