딩가피그 첫 워크샵 (부산행)


딩가피그 dinggapig

딩가피그 첫 워크샵 (부산행)

딩가피그 dinggapig

오늘도 딩가딩가 여러분의 친구 딩가피그입니다. 안녕하세요. 저는 윤. 저는 본입니다.

Today too, it's your friend Dinga Pig. Hello. I am Yoon. I am Bon.


It's been a while.

그러게요. 근데 뭔가 저는 오랜만 아닌 것 같아요.

I see. But it doesn't feel like it's been a long time for me.

왜 그렇죠?

Why is that?

제가 최근 에피소드들을 제가 작업하기도 했고

I have also been working on the recent episodes.

그리고 윤씨도 오랜만에 보는 게 아니어서

And it's not like it's been a long time since I've seen Mr. Yoon either.

저는 되게 오랜만이 아닌 것 같아요.

I don't think it's been that long.

지금 아직 휴식을 못한 것 같은 느낌?

I feel like I still haven't had a break yet.

어. 저는 되게 긴 휴식을 가져가지고

Oh. I took a really long break.

어. 맞아요.

Oh. That's right.

편집도 지금 제가 한 지는 좀 오래돼서

It's been a while since I've done any editing.

거의 한 달 됐죠.

It's been almost a month.

그래서 약간 좀 까먹을 때쯤 왔거든요.

So it’s come to the point where I’m starting to forget a little bit.

그래서 저는 되게 반가워요. 지금

So I'm really glad. Right now.

저는 약간 격주로 하기로 했는데

I decided to do it every other week.

생각보다 왜 안 쉰 것 같지?

Why do I feel like I haven't rested as much as I thought?

매주 업로드하는 느낌인데

It feels like it's uploaded every week.

저는 편집한 후에는 다시 잘 안 듣거든요. 저희 방송을

After I edit, I usually don't listen to our broadcast again.

근데 어제 너무 그리운 거예요.

But I missed you so much yesterday.

다시 들었잖아요.

I heard it again.

제가 무슨 말 했는지 기억이 안 나가지고

I can't remember what I said.

다시 들으니까 또 반갑던데?

Hearing it again feels so familiar, doesn't it?

어. 전 최근까지 했어가지고

Oh. I just did it recently.

이번 주가 또 업로드 주였죠?

Is this week another upload week?

어. 네네네네.

Oh. Yes, yes, yes, yes.


So, that's why.

그래서 아직 충분한 휴식이 좀 안 취해졌구나.

So you haven't had enough rest yet.

그러니까 이번 주에도 일을 했으니까

So I worked this week too.


I see.

일이라고 하니까 좀 웃기긴 한데

It's a bit funny to call it a job.

이렇게 타이밍이 다르네요.

The timing is so different like this.


That's true.



저희가 1주년 에피소드를 올리고 실제로 저희가 1주년 기념으로

We are posting our 1st anniversary episode and actually, as a celebration of our 1st anniversary...

가려고 했던 건 아니지만 1주년 워크샵 다녀왔어요.

I wasn't planning to go, but I attended the 1st anniversary workshop.




I have returned.

저희 부산으로 다녀왔습니다.

We went to Busan.

1박 2일 워크샵으로.

A one-night, two-day workshop.

근데 진짜 명목은 워크샵은 아니었지만 아니 명목이 워크샵이었나?

But it wasn't really titled a workshop, or was it?

원래는 목표는 해수욕이죠.

The original goal is to go swimming at the beach.

목표는 해수욕으로 갔지만 이게 어느 정도 워크샵이 되었나요?

The goal was to go to the beach, but how much has this turned into a workshop?

된 것 같아요.

I think it worked.

그렇지 않아요?

Isn't that so?

그런 것 같아요.

It seems so.

뭔가 방향성도 좀 더 생각을 해봤던 계기인 것 같기도 하고.

It feels like it was also an opportunity to think a bit more about direction.

저만 그렇게 느꼈다.

I was the only one who felt that way.

저 다 잊어버렸나 봐요.

I think I've forgotten all of that.

저희 갔다 온 지 얼마 안 됐는데 지난주에 갔다 왔잖아요.

We just went not long ago; we went last week.

제가 잘 잊어요.

I tend to forget easily.

그래서 저희가 원래는 다음 주에 녹음을 하려고 했었는데 뭔가 다

So we were originally supposed to record next week, but something came up.

그 기분이랑 뭔가 그때.

That feeling and something at that time.

느꼈던 그 감정들이 쉽게 잊혀질 것 같은 거예요.

It feels like the emotions I felt will be easily forgotten.

그래서 저는 좀 빨리 녹음을 했으면 좋겠다 하는 마음에 이번 주로

So I hope to record a bit earlier, which is why I’m aiming for this week.

제가 하자고 했었거든요.

I was the one who suggested it.



좋은 것 같아요.

I think it's good.

만약에 다음 주에 했으면 언제 갔었지?

If we had done it next week, when would we have gone?

했을 것 같은데.

I think I would have done it.


That's right.

저희 해수욕 목적으로 갔었는데 본 씨 누구보다 해수욕을 즐기고 오셨잖아요.

We went for the purpose of going to the beach, but you enjoyed it more than anyone else.



정말 실은 이번 워크샵이라 해야 되나?

Is it really supposed to be called a workshop this time?

이번 여행에서.

On this trip.

제가 개인적으로.

Personally, I...

제일 좋았던 순간은 그 바닷속에 있었던 그 순간이에요.

The best moment was the moment I was in the sea.

제가 광안리.

I am at Gwangalli.

저희 광안리에서 욕장 갔거든요.

We went to the bathhouse in Gwangalli.

근데 광안리 항상 바라만 봤지 들어가 본 적이 없단 말이에요.

But I've always just looked at Gwangalli and never actually gone in.

너무 좋았어요.

It was so good.


That's right.

안 나오더라고요.

It didn't come out.

전 진짜 마지막 순간까지 놀고 싶었어요.

I really wanted to have fun until the very last moment.

최선을 다해서.

Do your best.

저는 그 본 씨가 놀 때 이제 나와가지고.

I go out with that person when they play.

파라솔 밑에서 이어폰 꽂고 음악 듣는데 그게 정말 저는 그때가 최애 모먼트였거든요.

Listening to music with my earphones plugged in under the parasol was truly my favorite moment at that time.

어쨌든 바닷가에서 서로 좋은 순간들을 보냈네요.

Anyway, we had some great moments together at the beach.



저희 해수욕 하기 전에 딱 부산역 도착해가지고 바로 점심을 먹으러 타코집에 갔는데

We arrived at Busan Station just in time before going to the beach, and we went straight to a taco place for lunch.

그 타코도 진짜 맛있었잖아요.

That taco was really delicious, wasn't it?


That's right.

그 또띠아를 본인들이 직접 만든 완전.

They made that tortilla themselves completely.

찐 바이브의 그 타코집이라가지고 진짜 맛있었어요.

The taco place with the real vibe was really delicious.


That's right.

저는 약간 느낀 게 무슨 맛 하나 튀는 게 없고 진짜 조화롭다고 느꼈어요.

I felt that there was no distinct flavor standing out, and it really felt harmonious.

그 고수의 양도 진짜 적절했고.

The amount of that seasoning was really just right.


That's right.

정말 모든 게 딱 적절했다.

Everything was just perfect.

그 타코 말고도 저희 되게 부산에서 맛있는 음식들 많이 먹었는데 저희 다 맛있게 먹었는데 저는 1위는 타코예요.

Aside from that taco, we had a lot of delicious food in Busan, and we all enjoyed it, but my number one is the taco.

제가 뽑는.

I choose.

뽑는 1위는 타코.

The number one choice is taco.


That's right.

타코 진짜 맛있었어요.

The taco was really delicious.

그 타코집이 아마 서울에 있었으면 아마 웨이팅을 좀 많이 했을 것 같은 느낌?

I have a feeling that if that taco place were in Seoul, there would have probably been a long wait.

한 기본 30분 이상.

At least a basic 30 minutes.

또 가격도 플러스 1,500원에서 2,000원 더 받았을 것 같아요.

I think they also charged an additional 1,500 to 2,000 won for the price.

아니 제가 봤을 때 한 5,000원 이상 더 받았을 것 같아요.

No, I think they probably received more than 5,000 won.

한남동 이런 데 있었으면.

I wish there were places like this in Hannam-dong.




That's right.


I appreciate it.

부산에 있기를.

I hope you are in Busan.

근데 진짜 너무 맛있었어요.

But it was really so delicious.

제가 고수를 그렇게 막 즐기는 사람.

I'm not someone who enjoys cilantro that much.



즐기는 사람이 아닌데도 딱 향긋하게 좋았어요.

Even though I'm not someone who enjoys it, it was quite pleasantly fragrant.

그 맛이.

That taste.

또 소스도 엄청 많이 뿌려주셨는데 이게 막 엄청 막 거북, 그러니까 느끼하거나 막 이러지도 않고 딱 좋았어요.

Also, they poured a lot of sauce on it, but it wasn't too overwhelming or greasy at all; it was just right.

양도 딱 좋고.

The sheep is just right.

살짝 부족쓰.

A little lacking.



하나 더 먹을 수 있겠다.

I can have another one.


That's right.

그런 느낌으로.

With that kind of feeling.

그러니까 분위기도 좀 남미 찐 바이브?

So, the vibe is more like a true South American feel?




That's right.

동네에 있을 것만 같아.

I feel like it will be in the neighborhood.


In South America.


That's right.

막 인테리어를 각 잡고 하지 않고.

Just doing the interior without being too formal about it.



그냥 동네 주민이 타코집 하나 해보자 해가지고 한 것 같은.

It seems like a local resident just decided to open a taco place.

진짜 멋 안 부린.

Really didn't try to look cool.



그래서 더 좋았어요.

So it was even better.

음식에만 진심인.

Only serious about food.




It was good.



그리고 저희 타코 먹고 이제 해수욕하러 가기 전에 저희 에그타르트를 또 하나 먹으러 갔었는데.

And after eating our tacos, we went to have another egg tart before heading to the beach.




That's right.



그 에그타르트도 맛있었어요.

The egg tart was also delicious.





제가 그 포르투갈에서 에그타르트를 먹어봤었거든요.

I have tried egg tarts in Portugal.

약간 그 맛이랑 비슷했어요.

It was somewhat similar to that taste.



그러니까 한국식 계량한 그런 에그타르트.

So it's a Korean-style measured egg tart.



에그타르트 느낌이 좀 아니고 뭔가 그 포르투갈식 에그타르트?

It's not quite the feeling of an egg tart; it's more like that Portuguese-style egg tart?

그런 느낌을 저는 받았었어요.

I felt that way.





근데 저는 그 에그타르트 먹고 실은 제가 에그타르트 다른 데서도 좀 많이 먹어봤거든요.

But I actually ate that egg tart, and to be honest, I've tried egg tarts from other places quite a bit too.

근데 요즘 에그타르트 잘하는 집 많아요.

But these days, there are many places that make good egg tarts.


Is that so?





거기는 약간 부산 여행의 필수 코스다 이렇게 넣긴 좀 애매한 느낌?

It's somewhat of a must-visit course in Busan, but it feels a bit awkward to include it like this?

맛있긴 맛있었어요.

It was delicious.



근데 워낙에 다들 베이킹 너무 잘하시는 분들 많았거든요.

But there were so many people who were really good at baking.




That's right.





너무 맛있는 곳이 많아요.

There are so many delicious places.


These days.


That's right.

어떻게 그렇게 능력이 특출하신지.

How are you so exceptionally skilled?

그냥 손재주는 넘을 수가 없어서.

I just can't get over the dexterity.



근데 진짜 맛있긴 했어요.

But it really was delicious.



커피도 기대 이상으로 너무 맛있었고.

The coffee was much better than I expected.


That's right.

그 라 마르조코 머신을 써가지고 나름 좀 좋은 머신을 써서.

I used that La Marzocco machine, so it's a pretty good machine.


I see.



커피의 진심이다.

It is the true essence of coffee.



한번 어필해주신.

You appealed once.



맛있게 먹고 왔습니다.

I enjoyed the meal.




That's right.

근데 저 해수욕.

But I want to go to the beach.

해수욕 했을 때 그래도 꼼꼼하게 선크림 바르고 했었는데 갔다

When I went to the beach, I still applied sunscreen carefully.

보니까 뭔가 탄 것 같다는 소리를 좀 들었어요.

I heard something that sounded like it was burning.




Is that so?

좀 까매졌다.

It got a little darker.



조금 탄 것 같은데 생각보다 많이 안 탄 것 같아요.

It seems a little burnt, but I don’t think it’s burnt as much as I expected.


I am.


That's true.




I see.



근데 제가 이번에 해수욕 하면서 느낀 게 왜 사람들이 여름에 바다

But what I felt this time while swimming is why people go to the sea in the summer.

가는지 알 것 같아요.

I think I know where it's going.

물에 가는지.

Is it going into the water?



그렇게 좀 귀찮지만.

It's a bit annoying like that.


And then.


That's right.

그럼에도 불구하고 물을 찾아가는 건 이유가 있었구나.

Nevertheless, there was a reason for seeking water.

그리고 정말 올 여름 되게 더웠잖아요.

And it was really hot this summer, wasn't it?

지금 그나마 습기는 좀 없어져서 살만해졌는데 정말 습하고 정말 더웠잖아요.

Right now, the humidity has decreased a bit, so it's manageable, but it was really humid and really hot.

이제 우리도 바캉스를 해야 된다.

Now we also need to go on a vacation.

8월이든 7월이든 둘 다든.

Whether it's August or July, both are fine.

최소 5주의 바캉스를 해줬으면 좋겠어.

I hope to have at least a 5-week vacation.

그래서 다들 그냥 바다 옆 동네에서 놀면 좋겠다.

So I just wish everyone could have fun in a town by the sea.


That's right.

진짜 바다 속에 들어가 있는 동안 이 순간이 끝나지 않기를 계속 바랬던

I kept wishing that this moment wouldn't end while I was actually in the ocean.

것 같아요.

I think so.

너무 좋아가지고.

I like it so much.



이러고만 살면 얼마나 천국일까.

How heavenly would it be to live like this?


That's right.

파도에 몸을 맡기고.

Entrust your body to the waves.

저도 막 바다에 머리 끝까지 한번 담궈보고 싶었거든요.

I wanted to dip my head all the way into the sea just once, too.

근데 제가 그때 컨디션이 그렇게 막 100% 상태를 안 잃어가지고 그게

But at that time, my condition wasn’t exactly at 100%, so that’s it.

너무 아쉬운 거예요.

It's such a pity.

그래서 오늘 오기 전에 수영장을 가려고 했어요.

So, I was planning to go to the swimming pool before coming today.

물 속에 머리 끝까지 담궈보고.

Try dipping your head all the way into the water.

입구고 싶어가지고.

I want to enter.

근데 귀찮아서 안 갔어요.

But I didn't go because I was too lazy.

가려고 했었는데.

I was going to go.

저는 실은 갔다 와서 너무 좋아가지고 수영을 등록을 했어요.

Actually, I loved it so much after going that I signed up for swimming.


From September.

오 잘했다.

Oh, well done.

이제 배우겠다.

I will learn now.

이 근처에 있는데.

It's nearby.

그 수영 등록하기 되게 어렵지 않아요?

Isn't it really hard to register for that swimming?

어려웠는데 어떻게 됐어요.

It was difficult, but what happened?

운이 따랐네.

I was lucky.

수영을 배울 운명이었네.

I was destined to learn how to swim.

그런가 봐요.

I guess so.

수영을 아예 처음 배우는.

Learning swimming from the very beginning.




Beginner class.




That sounds fun.

10탄 들고 이제 발차기 연습하고.

Hold the 10-ton and now practice kicking.

어 맞아요.

Oh, that's right.


That sounds fun.

오 재밌겠다.

Oh, that sounds fun!

여러모로 아주 즐거웠습니다.

It was very enjoyable in many ways.

그래서 저희 갔다 와가지고 맛있게 먹고 좋은 인상을 가졌던 장소들도 좀 있어가지고

So we went there, had a delicious meal, and had some good impressions of the places.

저희 인스타 북 계정으로 피그로드를 하나 만들까도 고민을 했었잖아요.

We had also considered creating a pig road on our Instagram book account, right?

아 맞아요.

Oh right.

일단은 고민만 한 상태입니다.

For now, I am just in a state of contemplation.


That's right.

그래서 약간 이런 거 생각하고 또 어떤 에피소드를 녹음하면

So if I think about something like this and then record an episode...

좋을까라고 좀 고민을 해봤어가지고 그래서 저는 약간 워크샵같이 느껴졌었거든요.

I thought about whether it would be good, so it felt a bit like a workshop to me.

아 맞아요.

Oh, right.

뭔가 딱 뭔가 1주년 기념으로 그리고 또 좀 의미가 있었던 게 제가 개인적으로 올해 딩가피그 구독자 수로 세웠던 그 수치를 달성을 딱 했어요.

It feels just right that, as a 1st anniversary celebration, I personally achieved the subscriber count for DinggaPig that I had set for this year.

그 워크샵 날.

That workshop day.

맞아 맞아.

That's right, that's right.

윤씨의 기준에는 한참 못 미치지만 제 기준에는 딱 채워진.

It falls far short of Mr. Yoon's standards, but it meets mine perfectly.


That's right.

딱 어떻게 시기가 딱 맞물려가지고.

The timing just happened to align perfectly.

뭔가 아 신기했어요.

It was somehow fascinating.

저는 실은 그 수치가 올해 안에 안 채워지면 접을 생각이었거든요.

To be honest, I was thinking of folding if that number isn't reached by the end of this year.

근데 어떻게 이렇게 1주년 만에.

But how did this happen in just one year?

살렸어 딩가피그를.

I saved Dingga Pig.

그러면 제가 바랬던 목표를 달성하면은 또 어디 갑시다.

Then, if I achieve the goal I hoped for, let's go somewhere else.



2주년 이전에 달성하기를 바라면서.

I hope to achieve it before the 2nd anniversary.

아 또.

Oh, again.

또 부산 여행이 또 의미가 있었던 게 저희가 20살에 둘이 부산 여행을 갔었어요.

Another meaningful aspect of our trip to Busan was that we traveled there together when we were 20 years old.


That's right.

10년 만이에요.

It's been 10 years.

그러니까 또 의미가 있었다.

So there was meaning in it again.

그냥 나이만 먹은 것 같다.

I just feel like I've only gotten older.

근데 느낌은 그렇지 않아요?

But doesn't it feel that way?


That's right.

그때나 지금이나 뭔가.

Something is the same then and now.

딱히 변한 건 없는 것 같아요.

I don't think anything has changed particularly.

근데 10년 만에 다시 갔다.

But I went again after 10 years.

그때는 이제 숙소비를 아끼려고 저희 할머니 집에서 머물렀다면 이번에는 본씨가 추천한 좋은 숙소에서.

At that time, we stayed at my grandmother's house to save on accommodation costs, but this time we'll be at a nice place recommended by Bon.


That's right.

좋은 숙소에서.

In a good accommodation.

되게 편안하게 머물러 왔습니다.

I've been staying very comfortably.

그래서 바다 수영 끝나고 숙소 가서 씻고 나와서 저희가 저녁을 먹으려고 원래는 미슐랭 거길 갔는데 웨이팅이 끝난 거예요.

So after finishing swimming in the sea, we went back to our accommodation, washed up, and were originally planning to have dinner at that Michelin place, but the waiting time had ended.


It's evening.

그래서 이재모 피자를 갔는데 거기도 이제 홀 내에서 식사는 끝난 거죠.

So I went to Lee Jaemo Pizza, but there, dining in the hall has also ended.

포장밖에 안 된다 그래가지고 포장을 해와서 먹었는데 좀 저희가 중간에 좀 착오가 있어가지고 심지어 포장해서.

They said we could only take it to go, so we got it to go and ate it, but there was a bit of a misunderstanding on our part, even though we had it packed.

그래서 바로 먹지도 못하고 좀 왔다 갔다 하다가 먹었거든요.

So I couldn't eat right away and just wandered around a bit before eating.

저는 근데도 진짜 맛있었어요.

It was really delicious, though.

그러니까 이게 다른 피자집에 비해서 뭐 훨씬 더 특별한 맛이 있다 이런 건 아닌데 뭔가 피자가 피자에 치즈를 아끼지 않은 느낌?

So, it's not that this pizza place has a much more special taste compared to others, but it feels like the pizza really doesn't skimp on the cheese?

진짜 맛있었어요.

It was really delicious.

소스도 아끼지 않아가지고 거의 그 토마토 소스 시판하는 걸 양으로 치면 한 통 다 부은 느낌이었어요.

I didn't hold back on the sauce at all, it felt like I poured almost a whole bottle of that store-bought tomato sauce in terms of quantity.

진짜 아끼지 않게.

Don't hold back.

그리고 토마토 소스도 진짜.

And the tomato sauce is real too.

피자 맛있어서 이게 약간의 매콤함이 있고 이래서 진짜 파스타로 먹어도 맛있겠다 이런 생각 많이 했거든요.

The pizza tastes so good, and it has a bit of spiciness, so I often thought it would actually be delicious to eat it as pasta.

피자 솔직히 많이 먹으면 물리는데 이거는 괜찮았어요.

Honestly, if I eat a lot of pizza, it gets overwhelming, but this one was alright.

쑥쑥 넘어가가지고.

It just goes right over.

너무 맛있었어요.

It was so delicious.

저희가 픽업한 시간 기준으로 최소 30분 이후에 먹었을 건데 근데 맛있었어요.

We ate at least 30 minutes after the time we were picked up, but it was delicious.

매장에서 먹었으면 더 맛있었을 것 같아요.

I think it would have tasted better if I had eaten it in the store.

맞아요. 저는 그 맛들도 엄청 다양하더라고요.

That's right. I found those flavors to be really diverse.

저희는 기본으로 먹었었는데 다음에는 한번 좀 다른 맛으로도 한번 더 먹어보고 싶다.

We had the basic flavor, but next time I want to try a different taste.

그리고 저희가 사이드로 샐러드도 같이 시켰는데 거기에 그 오렌지를 거의 착즙해서 내주는 그 소스를 같이 끼얹어 줬는데 그것도 진짜 맛있었잖아요.

And we also ordered a salad on the side, which came drizzled with a sauce made almost entirely from fresh-squeezed orange juice, and that was really delicious too.



약간 음식 먹으러 한 번 더 부산에 가야 되는.

I need to go to Busan one more time to eat something.

진짜 이번에 잘 성공을 했어요.

I really succeeded well this time.



근데 그냥 교통이 편리해서 부산으로 여행을 많이 갔던 건데 근데 진짜 이번에는 너무 맛있었어요.

But I used to travel to Busan a lot just because the transportation was convenient, and this time it was really delicious.

맞아요. 저희 그 다음날 이제 점심을 먹으러 또 막 돌아다녔는데 또 가려고 했던 레스토랑이 웨이팅이 장난이 아니라가지고.

That's right. The next day we were wandering around to have lunch, but the restaurant we were planning to go to had a waiting time that was no joke.

근데 그거 기다릴만 했어요. 어떻게 보면 주변에 돌아다니면서 근데 그 웨이팅 시스템이 너무 이상했어요.

But it was worth the wait. In a way, while walking around, the waiting system was really strange.

맞아요. 약간 기분 나쁘게 하는 시스템이라가지고.

That's right. It's a system that can be a bit unpleasant.

그래서 먹어도 만족이 크지 않겠다는 좀 느낌을 받아서.

So I get the feeling that even if I eat it, I won't be very satisfied.


That's right.

그 더운 날 정말 더웠거든요. 땡볕에 저희가 헤매다가 거의 포기하다시피 갔던 식당이 짱맛.

It was really hot that day. The restaurant we almost gave up on while wandering in the blazing sun is amazing.



너무 맛있었어요.

It was so delicious.

그 가게 이름 얘기해도 괜찮겠죠?

Is it okay to mention the name of that store?



밀양식당이라는 이름의 식당인데 아니 저희가 갔을 때 딱 점심시간이었는데 아무도 손님이 안 계셨던 거예요.

The restaurant is called "Miryang Restaurant," but when we went, it was exactly lunchtime and there were no customers at all.

뭐 사장님이랑 이제 하시는 분들도 다 TV보고 계시고 그래서 의심이 가득한 채로 들어갔죠.

Well, the people working with the boss are all watching TV, so I went in filled with suspicion.

근데 뭐야 반찬이 왜 이래. 때깔이 왜 이렇게 좋아.

But what’s up with the side dishes? Why do they look so good?

진짜 반찬이 다 오늘 만든 것 같은.

It feels like all the side dishes were made today.

응. 반찬이 뭔가 딱 김치 색깔 보면은 이 집이 맛집인지 아닌지 좀 대강 알잖아요.

Yeah. When you see the color of the side dish, especially the kimchi, you can kinda tell if this place is a good restaurant or not.

근데 이 집은 좀 괜찮겠다.

But this house seems pretty nice.

그런 생각이 그 반찬을 서빙해주시고 느꼈었어요.

I felt that thought while you were serving the side dish.


On top of that.

저희가 둘 다 이제 비빔밥을 먹었는데 사이드로 그 미역국을 같이 주셨잖아요.

We both had bibimbap now, and you also gave us that seaweed soup on the side.

그것도 진짜 맛있었잖아요.

That was really delicious too.

정말 너무 맛있었다. 저는 물론 타코도 맛있었지만 저는 개인적으로 이 비빔밥이 또 먹고 싶어요.

It was really delicious. Of course the taco was good, but personally, I want to eat this bibimbap again.

아 진짜요?

Oh, really?



아 그리고 다음번에 가면 그 옆 테이블에서 막 된장 같은 거 시켰을 때 그 냄새가 너무 좋았거든요.

Oh, and next time I go, the smell from the table next to us when they ordered something like soybean paste was really nice.


That's right.

된장을 반드시 먹어보고 싶다.

I definitely want to try doenjang.

아 진짜 된장 냄새가 장난 아니었어요. 거기.

Oh, the smell of fermented soybean paste was no joke. There.

그 반찬으로 주셨던 저는 그 도라지 오이무침도 진짜 맛있게 먹었거든요.

I really enjoyed the bellflower and cucumber salad you served as a side dish.

아니 저는 그 양념으로 고추장을 안 좋아하거든요.

No, I don't like gochujang with that seasoning.

근데 그거는 되게 맛있었어요.

But that was really delicious.

아 그냥 반찬이 그냥 다 엄청 맛있고 그냥 되게 진짜 엄마가 차려준 것 같았어요.

Oh, all the side dishes were just so delicious and it really felt like my mom had prepared them.

저희 마지막에 계산하고 갈 때도 양이 안 적었냐고 되게 어머니같이 물어보셔가지고.

When we went to settle the bill at the end, she asked if the portion wasn't small, almost like a mother would.

저 심지어 그때 배 별로 안 고팠다. 안 고팠거든요.

I wasn't even that hungry at that time. I wasn't hungry at all.

근데 다 먹었어요.

But I ate it all.

그러니까요. 남길 줄 알았는데 반찬까지 저희 싹쓸이잖아요.

That's right. I thought there would be leftovers, but we cleared everything, including the side dishes.

아 너무 맛있었어요.

Ah, it was so delicious.

맞아요. 진짜. 진짜 쭉쭉 들어가는.

That's right. Really. It really goes straight in.

아 그리고 가격이.

Oh, and the price.

아 맞아.

Oh right.

그 정도인데 9,000원이었나?

Was it 9,000 won for that?

어. 아니 요즘 커피가 6,500원, 6,000원 하는데.

Oh. No, these days coffee costs 6,500 won or 6,000 won.


I see.

6,500원만 더 내면 그 한 상 차림을 먹을 수 있는.

For just an additional 6,500 won, you can enjoy that full meal set.

심지어 저희가 거기 가기 전에 아침에 카페를 갔었는데.

We even went to a café in the morning before we went there.

거기서 커피가 6,500원 막 이랬거든요.

The coffee there was about 6,500 won.

아이스를 500원을 더 받더라고요.

They charged an extra 500 won for the ice.


That's right.

6,500원짜리 커피 마시고 이제 9,000원짜리 밥을 먹었는데.

I just had a 6,500 won coffee and now I've eaten a 9,000 won meal.



그 임팩트가 솔직히 커피는 그렇게 없어요. 지금.

Honestly, that impact is not really there for coffee. Not right now.

근데 그 밀양식당은 좀 커요.

But that Milyang restaurant is a bit large.

너무 맛있었어요.

It was very delicious.

전 한식 진짜 너무 좋아하거든요.

I really love Korean food.

그럼 문 씨는 그 양식, 일식 막 이런 것 중에 다 한식이.

So, Mr. Moon, among those cuisines like Western food, Japanese food, and so on, it's all Korean food.

한식이 1등인가요?

Is Korean food the number one?



완전 너무 좋았어요.

It was really, really good.

맞아. 맛있었어.

That's right. It was delicious.

근데 그 된장찌개 진짜 한번 먹으러 가야 돼.

But we really need to go eat that soybean paste stew sometime.

이번에 잘 먹었네요.

I really enjoyed the meal this time.

맞아. 진짜 잘 먹고 왔어요.

That's right. I really had a great meal.



그게 마지막 끼니였죠.

That was the last meal.

저희가 점심을 먹기 전에 갔던 카페가 베르크로스터스인가?

Is the café we went to before having lunch called Verkoster's?

거기였는데 거기서 제가 거기 물어봤는데 베이비 원두가 가장 유명하대요.

It was there, and I asked about it, and they said Baby Wondu is the most famous.

그걸로 라떼를 먹었는데 전 솔직히 진짜 맛있었거든요.

I had a latte with that, and to be honest, I thought it was really delicious.



네. 근데 가격이 너무 세니까 6,500원이었어요. 라떼 한 잔에.

Yes. But the price was too high; it was 6,500 won for a cup of latte.

그럼 저는 아메리카노를 마셨죠.

Then I had an Americano.

근데 원두도 다른 거였잖아요. 윤 씨는.

But the coffee beans were different too, right? Mr. Yoon.

저는 5,500원이었나요?

Was it 5,500 won?


I don't know.

저는 근데 맛있긴 했어요. 근데 막 특춘하게 맛있다. 이거는 좀 못 느꼈어요.

It was tasty, though. But it wasn't particularly delicious. I didn't really feel that with this.

저는 진짜 맛있게 먹었고 그리고 점심 먹고 나서는 저희가 모모스 커피를 갔잖아요.

I really enjoyed my meal, and after lunch, we went to Momos Coffee.

거기서 드립커피 마셨는데 그 드립커피는 되게 맛있었거든요.

I had drip coffee there, and it was really delicious.

근데 제가 거기서 원두를 사 왔는데 그 원두는 제가 어떻게 내려도 맛이 없는 거예요.

But I bought coffee beans from there, and no matter how I brew them, they just don't taste good.

근데 보니까 거기 약간 시그니처 같은 원두더라고요. 가장 많이 팔리는.

But it seems like they have a signature bean there. The one that sells the most.

근데 제가 어떻게 내려도 맛이 없어가지고 방향제로 쓰고 있어요.

But no matter how I brew it, it tastes bad, so I'm using it as an air freshener.



네. 저랑 안 맞는 거 같아요.

Yes. I don’t think we match.

그런가보다. 뭐 라떼라도 만들어서 드셔보시지.

I guess so. Why don't you try making a latte or something?

근데 이게 뭔가 너무 많이 탄 향이 좀 강해서 그래서 제가 아 나는 강배전 원두랑은 안 맞구나 이걸 좀 느꼈어요.

But this has a bit of a strong burnt aroma, so I realized that strong roasted beans don’t suit me.

평소에 취향은 뭔데요?

What are your usual preferences?

저는 고소하고 달고 막 이런 맛을 더 좋아하거든요. 근데 분명히 강배전일수록 고소한 맛이 나는 게 맞는데 탄 맛이 너무 많이 나가지고.

I prefer flavors that are savory and sweet. However, it's true that the more intensely roasted it is, the more savory flavor it should have, but the burnt taste is too overpowering.



약간 그 스타벅스처럼 맛을 균일하게 하려고 태운 거 아니에요. 좀 더.

It's not like they roasted it to make the flavor consistent like Starbucks. A bit more.

제가 잘못 내리나? 근데 제가 어떤 원두를 내리든 제가 내리는 거니까 똑같을 거 아니에요. 방식은.

Am I brewing it wrong? But no matter which beans I brew, it's still me doing the brewing, so it should be the same, right? The method.

근데 오늘 아침에 제가 블루 마운틴 원두를 내려 마셨는데 너무 맛있게 먹고 왔거든요.

But this morning I brewed some Blue Mountain coffee and it was so delicious.



근데 그 원두는 진짜 어떻게 내려도 맛이 없다. 제가 뜸 들이는 시간 계속 바꿔보고 추출량도 바꿔보고 물 온도도 바꿔보고 했는데 도저히 못 찾겠어요.

But no matter how I brew that coffee, it just doesn't taste good. I've tried changing the steeping time, adjusting the extraction amount, and altering the water temperature, but I just can't figure it out.



분씨랑 안 맞나 봐요.

It seems I don't get along with Buns.




That's a pity.

그러게요. 하나의 아쉬움.

I see. One regret.

음. 하나의 아쉬움. 부산 여행에 저는 큰 아쉬움은 안 남은 거 같아요. 이번에.

Hmm. One regret. I don’t think I have any major regrets about my trip to Busan this time.



저는 이게 부산이 고향이다 보니까 그래도 익숙한 장소이긴 한데 근데 또 이제 같이 가는 사람이 또 다르니까 저는 또 색다른 여행이었던 거 같아요. 저는.

Since Busan is my hometown, it is a familiar place for me, but since I'm going with different people, I feel like it was a unique trip for me.

아 그리고 저희 또 그것도 했네요. 전시도 봤잖아요.

Oh, and we did that too. We saw the exhibition, didn’t we?

아 맞다 맞다 맞다 맞다.

Oh right, right, right, right.

저희가 원래는 이제 너무 그러니까 0도를 가려고 했었죠.

We originally wanted to go to 0 degrees.



근데 너무 더워가지고.

But it's so hot.

어. 그날 진짜 습했어요.

Yeah. It was really humid that day.



저 집에 왔는데 땀띠 나 있었어요.

I went to that house and had a heat rash.









땀 많이 흘렸나 보다.

It looks like you sweated a lot.



근데 진짜 내리쬐는 햇빛이랑 습함이랑 더해져가지고 실외에는 못 있겠다 해서 저희가 전시를 봤었죠.

But the intense sunlight and humidity combined made it impossible to stay outside, so we went to see the exhibition.

그 전시도 어제 좋았는데.

The exhibition yesterday was also good.

약간 빈티지 필름 수집해가지고 사진전을 봤는데.

I collected some vintage films and went to see a photo exhibition.



그거 되게 예뻤어요.

That was really pretty.



육 오 육십 년대 미국이랑 영국 풍경이 좀 많이 담긴 사람들이랑 좋았어요.

I liked the scenery of the 1960s in the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as the people depicted in it.

저는 그거 작가가 직접 찍은 사진인 줄 알았는데 아니더라고요.

I thought that was a photo taken by the author themselves, but it wasn't.



이게 서울에서도 했었잖아요.

This was also done in Seoul.



근데 그때는 별로 아 사람 되게 많겠지 이러고 안 갔었는데 되게 좋더라고요.

But at that time, I thought, "Oh, there will probably be a lot of people," so I didn't go, but it turned out to be really great.



저희가 또 타이밍을 딱 잘 맞춰가가지고.

We also timed it perfectly.



그냥 볼 그니까 널널하게 볼 정도로 사람들이 있었는데.

There were people around who were just casually watching, you know.

그리고 이제 다 보고 잠시 기다리고 엘리베이터 이제 내려가려고 하는데 우르르르 사람들이 있어가지고.

And now that I've seen everything, I'm waiting for a moment because there are a lot of people trying to go down the elevator.

타이밍이 진짜 좋았다.

The timing was really good.



기가 막혔다 타이밍이.

The timing was incredible.

어딜 가도 기다린 게 없다.

There’s nothing to wait for, no matter where you go.



웨이팅하려고 했던 거기 빼고.

Except for that place where I was planning to wait.


Yeah, yeah.

맞아 맞아 맞아.

That's right, that's right, that's right.


That's right.

타이밍이 다 좋았어요.

The timing was all perfect.

스무스한 여행이었어요.

It was a smooth journey.



이번 여행.

This trip.

아 아니다.

Oh no.

본 씨 첫날 안스무스 했잖아요.

On the first day, it was so smooth, right?

아 맞네.

Oh, right.

하 진짜 그런 일이 있었네요.

Wow, I can't believe that really happened.



아니 저 이제 ktx 타러 가려고 하는데 지하철역까지 가는데 갑자기 비가

No, I'm trying to take the KTX now, but it suddenly started to rain while I'm on my way to the subway station.

폭우가 그냥 갑자기 막 엄청 쏟아지는 거 있잖아요.

You know, sometimes it just starts pouring rain all of a sudden.


Like a school.



그렇게 와서 그냥 쫄딱 다 젖었어요.

I just came and got completely soaked.



그냥 신발이랑 양말이랑 그냥 신발 안에 막 물 차고.

My shoes and socks are just filled with water.



막 이럴 정도로 완전 다 젖었는데 어떻게 또 지하철 딱 돋았어요.

I got completely soaked like this, but how did I just manage to catch the subway?



근데 또 지하철 딱 도착하니까 그게 그냥 다 그친 거예요.

But as soon as the subway arrived, it all just stopped.



그 상태로 부산에 갔죠.

I went to Busan in that condition.



그래서 제가 본 지하철을 타고 본 씨가 저한테 전화를 했나.

So, did the person I saw on the subway call me?

하여튼 전화를 했는데 본 씨가 뭐라 해야 하지.

Anyway, I called, but what should I say to Bon?

큰일 났다 했나.

I said it was a big deal.



큰일 났다고.

It's a big problem.



큰일 났다 해가지고 저는 아 얘가 지금 일어났구나.

Oh no, I thought to myself, oh, he's just woken up.

저는 머릿속으로 어떡하지.

What should I do in my head?

그런 회로를 돌렸었는데 다 젖었다고.

I ran that circuit, but it got all wet.

비가 많이 와가지고.

It has been raining a lot.



다 젖어졌어요.

It's all soaked.



그리고 제가 쪼리가 있어가지고 그래도 쪼리를 비어서 이제 신고

And I have a little bit of a gap, so I'm going to fill that gap and report it.

다녔는데 아마 발이 많이 아팠을 것 같아요.

I attended, but my feet probably hurt a lot.

아니 근데 진짜 햇빛이 최고인 게 저희 광안리에서 해수욕하는 동안

No, but seriously, the best thing about sunlight is that while we're at Gwangalli Beach swimming...

그 신발을 햇빛에 놨거든요.

I left those shoes in the sunlight.



근데 진짜 바짝 마르고.

But really, it's so skinny.



보통 물에 저어졌으면 냄새나잖아요.

Usually, it smells if it's stirred in the water.

냄새도 안 나게 바짝 잘 말랐어요.

It dried completely without any smell.




That's right.

빨래는 햇빛에 말려야 돼요.

Laundry should be dried in the sunlight.



우와 진짜 너무 좋았어요 기분.

Wow, it felt really great.



너무 좋았다.

It was very good.


That's right.

그렇게 분시가 처음에 액땜을 해가지고 이번 여행은 좀 순조로웠다

So, with the initial fortune-blessing, this trip went rather smoothly.

고 생각합니다.

I think so.



아 좋았네요.

Ah, that was nice.



1박 2일이었는데 거의 한 2박 3일 느낌이에요.

It was a 1-night, 2-day trip, but it feels more like a 2-night, 3-day trip.


The sensation is.


That's right.

근데 은근히 빡세게 잘 돌아다녔어요.

But I actually went around quite intensively.



그래서 제가 갔다 와가지고 뭐 했는지 막 정리를 했었거든요.

So, after I came back, I整理ed what I did.

되게 알찼더라고요 저희.

It was really substantial for us.

뭔가 되게 시간을 컷데이 쓰지 않았어요.

I really didn't waste any time on this.


That's right.

좀 부지런히 돌아다녔고 잘 했어요 모든.

I walked around a bit diligently and did well in everything.

아 그 모모스 커피에서 진짜 저 완전 신기한 거 봤잖아요.

Oh, I really saw something incredible at that Momo's Coffee.



거기 어떤 그 어르신이 정말 제가 드라마에서만 보던 그런 명대사를

There was an elder there who really said a famous line that I had only seen in dramas.

날리는 거예요.

It's flying.

그 직원한테.

To that employee.



여기 사장 누구야.

Who is the boss here?

여기 사장 나오라 그래.

Tell the boss to come out here.

이거를 부산 사투리로.

Translate this into Busan dialect.



어떻게 했는지 흉내도 못 내겠는데.

I can't even imitate how it was done.

우와 저 진짜 그거 현실에서 처음 들어봐요.

Wow, that's the first time I've heard that in real life.




That's right.



그분이 왜 그렇게 하셨냐면은 그 모모스 커피가 에 사람들이 너무 많아

The reason he did that is that there are too many people at Momos Coffee.

가지고 앉을 자리가 없었던 거예요.

There was nowhere to sit.

그래서 그러면은 이제 베란다는 그래도 이제 사람 너무 더우니까 사람들이

So, then, the balcony is still a bit hot for people.

안 앉아 있어서 자리가 있어서 이제 그 어르신이 베란다에라도 앉으

Since there is a seat available and they are not sitting, that elder can at least sit on the balcony.

시려고 가셨는데 문을 좀 활짝 열어두시고 가셔서 그걸 제외하고

You went to eat, but since you left the door wide open, excluding that...

그걸 직원분이 제재를 했죠 조금.

The staff member imposed a slight sanction on that.

왜냐하면 에어컨 바람이 다 새 나가니까 그렇게 마찰이 일어나 가지고

Because the air conditioning air leaks out, so friction occurs like that.

그 명대사를 날리셨죠.

You delivered that famous line.

우와 진짜 대박.

Wow, that's really amazing.


I saw it.

그런 거를.

That kind of thing.





눈 앞에서.

In front of my eyes.

아니 심지어 그렇게 화 엄청 내시고 얼마 안 있다가 그냥 바로 가셨어요.

No, you got really angry like that, and shortly after, you just left.


That's right.

그 같이 오신 그 따님 분이신 거 같은데 하여튼 그분이 그냥 가자고

It seems like the lady who came with you is saying to just go.

했던 거 같아요.

I think I did it.

그 어르신은 조금 더 있다 가자 막 이렇게 하셨는데.

That elderly person said, "Let's wait a bit longer."



정말 심지어 그것도 다 챙겨 가셨잖아요.

You even took care of all that, didn’t you?



와 요즘 정말 세상에 다양한 사람이 있다는 생각이 들어요.

Wow, these days I really feel like there are so many different kinds of people in the world.

저는 그 진짜 듣기만 했지 그걸 목격한 건 처음이라.

I only heard about it for real, but it's my first time witnessing it.





서스름 없이 그냥 가방 안에 챙기시던데.

They just pack it into the bag without hesitation.



이거 절도 아니에요.

This isn't theft.


It's theft.

절 신고해야 되는 거 아니에요.

Aren't you supposed to report it?


I'm a witness.





어 너무 신기했어.

Oh, it was so amazing.



아니 그날 진짜 덥긴 했어요.

No, it really was hot that day.


That's right.

그러니까 불쾌지수가 높기도 했는데 근데 그래도.

So, the discomfort index was high, but still...


That's right.



그런 에피소드도 있었습니다.

There was also such an episode.


That's right.



저 그래서 앞으로 여름마다 해수욕 가려고요.

So I'm planning to go to the beach every summer from now on.



본신은 꼭 가야 될 거 같아요.

I feel like I definitely have to go.

진짜 나오고 싶지 않았어요.

I really didn't want to come out.



너무 재밌게 놀아가지고.

I had so much fun playing.


That's right.

아 근데 진짜 수영 재밌겠다.

Ah, but swimming would really be fun.



일주일에 몇 번 가는 거예요.

How many times do you go in a week?

두 번으로.


딱 좋다.

Just right.

아 좋았네요.

Ah, it was nice.



또 1주년이 지났고 이제 저희가 2주년을 시작하는 시점에 서 있잖아요.

Another year has passed, and now we are at the point of starting our second anniversary.



근데 또 힘을 내봐야죠.

But I should try to stay strong.


That's right.

지치셨나요 벌써.

Are you tired already?



그래도 조금 조금씩 구독자가 좀 늘어가지고.

Still, little by little, the number of subscribers is increasing.



오 좀 감사해요.

Oh, thank you.

저 기대 안 하고 있는데 요즘 왜 이렇게 갑자기 어디 누가 소개를

I'm not expecting anything, but lately, why is it suddenly that someone introduces me somewhere?

해 주셨나요.

Have you done it?

무슨 소개를.

What introduction?

입이 아플 때까지 해야죠

We have to do it until our mouths hurt.

저희 2주년 기념으로는

For our 2nd anniversary,

어디를 갈까요?

Where shall we go?

그때도 그럼 여름이겠네요

Then it will be summer, right?

그렇죠 저희가 여름에 해가지고

That's right, we did it in the summer.

또 바다를 가야 되겠네

I guess I have to go to the sea again.

그땐 좀 안 가본 곳을 가보고 싶어요

I want to visit some places I haven't been to before.





와 진짜 꿈같은 얘기다

Wow, that really sounds like a dream.

저는 약간 예전에

I was a bit earlier.

해변에서 한번 녹음하는 날이 왔으면 좋겠다라고

I hope the day comes when we can record at the beach.

얘기를 했었던 적이 있는데

We talked about it before.

언젠가 그날이 올 것 같아요

I think that day will come someday.

그러게요 조만간

I know, soon.

저희가 솔직히

To be honest, we...

마이크만 들고 가면 되는 거잖아요

All I need to do is bring the microphone.

노트북도 챙기고

Don't forget to pack the laptop.

언젠가 가능한 일일 수도 있을 것 같아요

It might be something possible someday.

그날을 기대해봅니다

I look forward to that day.


I know, right?

그럼 우리 이번 에피소드는

Then this episode of ours is

여기서 마무리를 하겠습니다

I will conclude here.


That's good.


Thank you.

그럼 우리 다음에도 사이좋게 지내요

Then let's get along well next time too.



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